This is Lindsay Capuano:
And her booty is thicc:
And as the news turns its attention to the ailing John McCain, let us not forget the thiccest member of the McCain clan, Meghan:
Pictured: Meghan and website contributor Los Doyers at the last meet-up
Apparently everyone retired to their bunks.
*returns to room*
….um, yeah.
I’m still here. I’ll retire to my bunk after finishing up some work.
Good choices HM. Yes, I’ll confess to gazing pervertedly on Meghan McCain.
fake af, but I still likey. Thumbs up.
Meghan could get it, too
Isn’t Meghan absolutely nuts? That might be a downside.
On the other hand, that’s why gags exist.
its actually like sprinkles on a sundae.
Yeah, I wouldn’t want to have to hear her talk. She is definitely attractive though.
I actually helped her with a tech support issue about 15 years back. She seemed pleasant enough.
I count three lips.
I would climb up the ladder of Her love
I thought the first pic was a RealDoll.
Video from the last Glibertarians meetup.
Dude sounds mentally retarded
I thought a glibs party might be more like this
More video from Glibertarians meetup
Polka dancing to techno music. Cool trick. Glad to see random drunken asshole was able to make it.
Was that the (White) club Eddie Murphy went to?
You know who else…
If they would give me a reprieve from paying taxes for the next 20 years, I would buy into that. We could Al Gore it and say it was to save the planet.
Are those two sheep humping on Los Doyers sweater? (I’m not wearing my glasses)
Yes please, to both.
I didn’t know edible ghosts lusted after human women.
Well, when the theme is eating….
/Sorry, Eddie–couldn’t resist
Ms. Capuano >> Ms. McCain
Instagram model is surprisingly not fake to me. Maybe it’s just because she knows how not to overdo the make-up. Would and would to McCain’s daughter.
The third photo down looks photoshopped in the waist area unless she has some ribs removed. Still would though.
That is photoshopped. I can’t imagine the angle one would use to even make it look that way. Most of her pictures look natural. The ass still looks real.
Meghan McCain? You people are out of your minds. Plain, fat white chick that plasters on makeup. Go to cosmetics at Walmart and knock yourself out.
She is on the large side and she looks too much like her pops in the face. She does seem a bit less tattooed than the average Walmart gal though.
Never been to Walmart. That’ll teach me not to believe stereotypes.
What do you have against the Walmart cosmetics section, straffinrun? Many a love connection have been made there and it’s the most libertarian of the big retailers. You too good for Walmart, straffinrun? Well, fuck you. That’s what I say.
Again, I’ve never been there. FB has taught me that Walmart is where the proletariat swaps body fluid and trans people molest children in the bathroom. It has to be true. I’ve seen the memes.
Who the fuck hasn’t been to a Walmart? I’ve met Mormons from Idaho who have no where else to go on a Saturday night besides Walmart. It’s not even possible in modern America to have never been to a Walmart even if you loathe the place.
I’ve spent less than a month total in the US over the last two decades. Cut me some slack. Going there on vacation and I’m not spending my time at Walmart. Now Hooters, sure. But we have it here now.
There are enough Japanese women with decent sized breasts to staff a Hooters? Most Asian women are too skinny to have the curves to work a Hooters.
About what you’d expect.
They found a way to clone Hitomi Tanaka (NSFW)
@Straffinrun I can imagine a lot of 1930s era Japanese killing themselves just after looking at that website.
Japanese tits, Western technology.
Walmarts are fun to visit on vacation, if for no other reason than to pick up a sundry or two.
They own Seiyu Group. The pictures look pretty similar to regular Walmarts. Might have to go visit one next time.
*raises hand*
Only because my city would rather have folks on the dole than work for a non-union KKKorporashun.
Straffinrun confirmed for David Mitchell.
All the cool Trans people molest children in Target bathrooms.
I’ve been to a Target. About the same as Walmart customers? Seemed fine to me.
Slightly more upscale in my view. People who want to say they don’t shop at Walmart while getting most of the benefits of it. Or people who don’t want to deal with quite as many shoppers at once. I’d fuck about 1/10th of the customer base at a Target compared to 1/8th of a Walmart’s. For what it’s worth.
Unlike WalMart, my city does have Targets and I have shopped there. Probably not again, not because of the people but because it’s like a tornado went off in every aisle and the service is absolute shit.
That’s the product of shitty employees. Which any region in retail can suffer from.
Weirdly, I’ve shopped in Kmarts here and it’s not nearly as bad as Target.
There’s a J Mart here. Big box like K Mart. Wonder what the do in Korea.
SK Mart?
Koreans can be quite petty about these things. There was a push in Korea a few years back to change the spelling to “Corea” because “C” comes before “J” in the dictionary.
Lotte Mart
Alls I know about this conversation is that I’d fuck a decent proportion of the customers at the Targets I’ve been at compared to Walmart. And I have a mathematical mind. A lot of milfs shop there. Almost always in yoga pants. I have nothing witty to add here. Fuck you all.
She doesn’t have the greatest face, sure, but I wouldn’t say plain. She’s got a sorta cute face. Also not a fan of the bleached blonde hair. But that body. Yes overweight, but it goes to all the right spots. I mean, did you look at those tits?
Yeah, Meghan McCain is what the fat activists think they look like.
If it goes to the right places, she’s not overweight. Just sayin’.
Meghan McCain was born in 1984. Coincidence?
You know who else was born in 84?
My sister
re-run from yesterday
some music to set the mood:
Choose wisely. If you fail, you must choose the form of The Destructor.
Spot the Not: David Brooks
1. Love is the strongest kind of army because it generates no resistance.
2. The less you agree with the policies of your superiors, the more energy you must direct to their accomplishment.
3. The brain is not the mind. It is probably impossible to look at a map of brain activity and predict or even understand the emotions, reactions, hopes and desires of the mind.
4. Emotion is the foundation of reason.
5. If we are going to stop wars on this earth, we are going to have to make war on hunger our number one priority.
6. One of the things this world is finding is that emotion is the basis of reason. We really have to trust our emotions, which are much smarter than our reason in some ways.
7. I am not a Jew for Jesus but I am definitely a Jew for Christmas. Christmas is one of the best things you Christians have given us, along with mac and cheese, Bono, croquet and politeness.
8. Freedom without structure is its own slavery.
9. If it feels all right for you, it’s probably OK.
10. Sometimes we have to go with what feels right, even if the so-called facts say otherwise.
11. The legitimacy of a war is not established by how it is organized but by what it achieves.
12. People who give money in large amount in politics are basically not altruistic.
13. The Republican Party has become an ethnic nationalist party.
14. There are no free and democratic and wealthy countries in the world that have US rate of gun violence. We have to worry about loners and alienated people. We have to do better on mental health.
15. If I had to fault President Obama, I would say that sometimes he governs like a visitor from a morally superior civilization.
Bonus real quotes:
People used to complain that selling a president was like selling a bar of soap. But when you buy soap, at least you get the soap. In this campaign you just get two guys telling you they really value cleanliness.
It’s a completely irrational decision to drop out of school.
I’m a pundit. I’m, like, paid to be a narcissistic blowhard and be in front of the camera.
Donald Trump’s ego is like a comet the size of Jupiter just traveling through the solar system, and we all have to be affected by its gravitational pull.
Bragging about what a good deal you got is one of the many great art forms that my people, the Jews, have introduced to American culture.
I didn’t make it past #1. David Brooks writing about love makes me gag, and I’ve never gagged on at anything you or anyone else on Glibs/Reason has ever written (even Sugarfree). So I refuse to believe its real. REFUSE.
Bragging about what a good deal you got is one of the many great art forms that my people, the Jews, have introduced to American culture.
The Dutch were here a good two centuries before you Brooksy, I think they’ve got claim to that.
They’re all so retarded, it’s hard to pick, so I’m going to with 9, because he’s a nanny statist.
I’m going to say 2, because it looks too well put together.
During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!”
the man is a poet
Choose the form of the Destructor:×3.jpg
random thought
It’s interesting how China in the early 20th century was similar to Afghanistan and Somalia today: warlords, chaos, poverty. It ended when a ruthless leader crushed all resistance. Then things got really bad for a while. Then the ruthless guy died and more moderate guys took over.
Afghanistan and Somalia are still in the warlord stage. I have a pretty good guess over what kind of movement a ruthless leader in such a place might create.
The comparison doesn’t work on any level for me. China had a history of urbanization. A high pop density and agriculture. What you are looking at is a temporary breakdown in order based on the sheer size of the area in question. The Chinese aren’t completely wrong when they point to their historical borders and shared/dominant culture as proof of their historical tradition. Afghanistan and Somalia are far different beasts.
Progress in places like that isn’t impossible. But they aren’t China. Not even close in my view.
Random question. I saw the new Spider-Man yesterday. I thought it was mostly decent, but there were some things in there that just bugged the hell out of me. Been thinking about maybe writing a review/rant for the site, but I’m not sure how many of you would be interested. I recall seeing more than a few people here being less than enthusiastic about all the superhero/comic book movies out there. So, just want to get a feel for how many people would be interested in such an article, or should I just write a Ken length post about it in a links thread this weekend?
I would like that article. I find that the subject matter isn’t too relevant – I just enjoy reading what you guys have to say. This group, both here and at Reason in the before time, really makes me think. Even if I don’t agree, I get some really unconventional perspectives from you guys. I’ve learned a lot.
I agree with this 100%. Easily the biggest reason I joined the migration from Reason to here was the fact that I thought you lot had way more interesting thoughts and insights than any of the official Reason writers. Never really thought of my own comments to be particularly insightful most of the time though.
There’s already been video game reviews about obscure Games Workshop properties.
I think an article on the Spidermens is fine.
Marvel produces lazy, shallow crap. I’m sure there are more than a few flaws. But they are good popcorn movies. You get what you get – especially over time. They’re increasingly arrogant. I’d write the article. This place needs content for comments. No offense to said site creators who have given me a place to piss in my pants mostly without complaint.
As opposed to DC’s lazy, shallow, dark crap?
No one with half a brain likes the recent shit put out by DC. Nolan trilogy is still my standard for a comic book movie, even if the Dark Knight Rises was a mostly throw shit against the wall and see what sticks approach. That needs to be separated from everything else they’ve produced (haven’t seen Wonder Woman). Marvel has phoned in a number of their movies. Including important ones. I’m not a comic book geek. I have no god in this fight.
Meh, I was a DC kid. I’ve just seen a bizarre amount of Batman v. Superman apologia for some reason. Comic book movies seem to obviously work out better if the director has a coherent vision of what they want to do. So you get something like The Dark Knight from Nolan or Guardians of the Galaxy from James Gunn. It’s the ‘paint by numbers’ approach from stuff like the Thor movies that doesn’t work out so well.
Oh, the things that specifically bug me about the movie aren’t the standard “X doesn’t make sense because of Y earlier in the movie” type stuff. Yes, I agree that the MCU has been filled with fairly decent popcorn flicks. (Although I thought both Captain America 2 and 3 had some nice sorta libertarianish themes in them). I started a little bit of the review earlier, but I won’t get a chance to really get into writing it until late tomorrow night after work or Saturday.
*looks around*
To be fair, I haven’t enjoyed a superhero movie since Superman 2 so who am I to harsh anyone else’s buzz.
Would definitely be interested in hearing another take. Diversity & Comics has been ripping SJW Marvel for a few months now – and his take (along with previous industry experience and tips from commenters) seems pretty solid – also knows his artists and writers pretty well.
Interestingly, he also like Blade Trinity, F4stic and didn’t like the new Spider-Man movie as much (he kinda ripped on it and then gave it a B) – gets a lot of great feedback in the comments.
‘Course he’s always going on about how he needs some more of the shark cartilage.
file under: what the hell?
My daughter has decided she’s asexual. Did she get it from me?
I am a 50-year-old married woman who’s been married for 30 years to the father of my four children. We were both raised to believe women should be modest and have no sexual urges, so we’ve always had sex on a fairly fixed schedule (every third day, no physical contact during menstruation). My husband is very attentive, makes certain that I orgasm, and has never hurt me. I never thought anything was unusual until my 20-year-old daughter came home from college deeply troubled about being “asexual.” As she confided in me and we have been reading together, I realized that I am asexual also.
This story is more about the mother’s realization, but the asexuality probably does stem from her. Just not in the ways she thinks. I did not read the story, but I’ve been exposed to enough derp to where I’m arrogant enough not to.
I didn’t realize until now that asexual was one of the letters in the gender alphabet soup. I…just…cant even…
Debs turned to the Bible as often to Marx, arguing “Cain was the author of the competitive theory” and the “cross of Jesus stands as its eternal denial.” Debs’ fiery speeches, replete with words like “sin” and “redemption,” were often thinly disguised sermons. He equated the crucified Christ with the abolitionist John Brown. He insisted that Jesus came “to destroy class rule and set up the common people as the sole and rightful inheritors of the earth.” “What is Socialism?” he once asked. “Merely Christianity in action.”
Debs, if he could hear today’s proponents of the “free market,” self-help gurus, positive psychologists, talk show hosts and the political class as they exhort Americans to work harder, get an education, follow their dreams, remain positive and believe in themselves and American exceptionalism, would have scoffed in derision. He knew that corporate power is countered only through organized and collective resistance by workers forced to fight a bitter class war.
Reminds me of a collected volume of SF by none other than Jack “Call of the Wild” London I read years ago….included this little gem – “The Dream of Debs” – basically an actually effective general strike.
file under: money well spent?
$330,000 in financial aid bought me a slot in the American meritocracy. Now I see its flaws.
Such a situation is unusual for a country that has long prided itself on not having a formal aristocracy. America never had any formal barons or royal families who could pass down gargantuan landholdings to subsequent generations. It has, of course, always had elites, whether they were the wealthiest merchants of the colonial era, the largest slave plantation owners of the Old South, the “robber barons” of the Gilded Age, or the professional managerial class and hyper-wealthy financiers and CEOs of today. It is extremely likely that it will include my friends and classmates, and me.
Pal, if you’re writing for Vox, you are on track to be master of the universe.
Kids at selective and wealthy schools tend towards being “cultural omnivores,” who are almost determined to watch the same movies, listen to the same music, and laugh at the same memes as anyone else. We’re almost universally socially liberal, or sometimes socially radical. And almost all of us hate that highly visible personification of blithe, provincial closed-mindedness, Donald Trump.
Nothing close-minded at all about thinking businesses should be sued into ruin for refusing to make gay wedding cakes.
We should dismantle archaic, segregation-generating housing regulations and unnecessary occupational licensing restrictions, tax the wealthy, and move to ensure universal health coverage, a goal every other advanced democracy has already achieved.
Such policies would form at least the beginning of an attack on the false god of “meritocracy” and the beginnings of a society in which being or not being a member of elite communities would not affect your life outcomes so grotesquely.
now for the punchline
Andrew Granato
Economics major at Stanford, class of 2017.
[head desk]
oopsy- should be:
Pal, if you’re writing for Vox, you are NOT on track to be master of the universe.
I read it as pitch-perfect sarcasm.
The thiccness haunting my nights.
Now I’ve got to scroll back up to Meghan. Not that I wasn’t going to.
Also, The Witcher 3 is the best PC game to come out in years.
John McCain vs. US Navy aircraft
John McCain was training in his AD-6 Skyraider on an overcast Texas morning in 1960 when he slammed into Corpus Christi Bay and sheared the skin off his plane’s wings.
McCain recounted the accident decades later in his autobiography. “The engine quit while I was practicing landings,” he wrote. But an investigation board at the Naval Aviation Safety Center found no evidence of engine failure.
The 23-year-old junior lieutenant wasn’t paying attention and erred in using “a power setting too low to maintain level flight in a turn,” investigators concluded.
The crash was one of three early in McCain’s aviation career in which his flying skills and judgment were faulted or questioned by Navy officials.
3?! How the hell did keep his job as a pilot?
McCain followed his father and grandfather, both four-star admirals, into the United States Navy and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958.
In his most serious lapse, McCain was “clowning” around in a Skyraider over southern Spain about December 1961 and flew into electrical wires, causing a blackout, according to McCain’s own account as well as those of naval officers and enlistees aboard the carrier Intrepid. In another incident, in 1965, McCain crashed a T-2 trainer jet in Virginia.
McCain was on a training mission when he flew low and ran into electrical wires. He brought his crippled Skyraider back to the Intrepid, dragging 10 feet of wire, sailors and aviators recalled.
In his 1999 autobiography, “Faith of My Fathers,” McCain briefly recounts the incident, calling it the result of “daredevil clowning” and “flying too low.” McCain did not elaborate on what happened, and The Times could find no military records of the accident.
When he struck the wires, McCain severed an oil line in his plane, said Carl Russ, a pilot in McCain’s squadron. McCain’s flight suit and the cockpit were soaked in oil, added Russ, who nonetheless said McCain was a good pilot.
The next day, McCain went to the flight deck with his superior officers and some of the crew to inspect the damage. A gaggle of sailors surrounded the plane.
Clark Sherwood, an enlistee responsible for hanging ordnance on the squadron’s planes, recalled standing on the deck with McCain. “I said, ‘You’re lucky to be alive.’ McCain said, ‘You bet your ass I am,’ ” Sherwood said. “He almost bought the farm.” Sherwood, now a real estate agent in New Jersey, said he considered McCain a hero.
Calvin Shoemaker, a retired test pilot for the Skyraider’s manufacturer, Douglas Aircraft, said extended low-level flights are difficult in any aircraft and for that reason Skyraiders were seldom flown at altitudes below 500 feet.
After hearing a description of McCain’s record, Shoemaker said the aviator appeared to be a “flat-hatter,” an old aviation term for a showoff.
True story, I worked at a local Irish pub while his son was at the Naval Academy. He was a regular. I forget the kid’s name. Nice guy, threw money around like it was nothing, and spent more than one night crashed on the bartender’s couch because he was too shitfaced to walk out of the bar on his own steam. I’m pretty sure he got kicked out of the Academy eventually.
Kicked out for what? Acting like a drunken sailor?
I guess standards are getting tightened.
I larfed
He does like to go shoot guns from time to time. I remember him and McSuderman hitting the range a couple of years ago at some sort of The Atlantic goes to the country event.
Huh. I guess only the once and the picture above was from it.
I feel sick for remembering this after 10 years. Useless crap.