Hoi zäme! I might have been working a bit too hard lately *eyebrow twitches/nervous tic* … so I am taking a few minutes off to do the Afternoon Links. Unfortunately, I cannot get things Swiss off my mind. So you all get some lovely Swiss links. Hopp Schwiiz!

  • I think they forgot to say “If you have a pile of francs.” Warning – another one of those surveys that might be a bit … cherry-pickish.
  • Could not outrun a glacier?! Note, they were found with identity papers on them…how Swiss.
  • HAHAHAHAHA! I am sure this is unrelated.
  • Hmmmm. What could be causing this?

Well, back to the fondue mines for me. I get a bit of a break, starting tomorrow – I might even do some Xtreme-nerd reporting from the WBC.