Alicia Silverstone posed for a risque ad for PETA. Something about not wanting to wear wool? …Honestly, I wasn’t really listening. If she doesn’t want to wear anything, that’s fine with me.
Absolutely fascinating piece on taxation and productivity from the liberty-loving folks over at FEE.
Interested in making your own Cronenberg-style horrors creations? Now you can! Feel free to post your lovelies in the comments. (H/T SugarFree, because of course)
It’s apparently “International Day of the Girl Child.” So… celebrate your girl children appropriately.
I misread the subtitle as “PETA Taxes”… I am disappointed.
Google shrek the sheep to find out what happens if they don’t get haircuts.
Also find out what happens to sheep that are no longer raised for wool or mutton…
/Spoiler: The go extinct.
Also this from Lucy. Only saw it after the links were published. D’oh!
Completely unsurprising once they confirmed fucking Sessions.
For fuck’s sake! Why? Why of all things?!
Oh, right, Kipling
(the fourth thing is in the next verse)
+1 Incarnation in every age and race
The next verse is describing the results of a UBI.
Upper Bowel Infection?
God fucking dammit! Can Congress be arsed to deschedule so that cunt Sessions can not ? Hahaha, oh silly me. Can we please get more public outcry than migrants from 7 countries with no right to abode got post-immigration EO?
so that cunt Sessions can not be in an enforcement conflict?
That sounds neither Stupid, nor Evil. How the hell are they supposed to do such a thing?
Maybe it’ll force a resceduling crisis at the Federal level? Of all the “ills” to be sinking enforcement resources into, that fucking fossil had to focus on the net washave demon weed ? Should be interesting to see what the “action” ends up being.
*net wash
I don’t think we can. We’re party to UN treaties that obligate us to keep MJ as a top tier drug in spite of it being obviously stupid.
Step 1) Pass stupid law.
Step 2) Use international influence to convince others to “normalize” stupid law by treaty.
Step 3) Decide stupid law was stupid.
Step 4) Profit!
I’ve heard that, but I’m not sure what it really means. Could be grist for an article.
And, if we actually do violate a treaty by legalizing, so what? What would the consequences be?
I had the same thought re: consequences, but I have a preference for us role-modeling rule of law whenever possible.
I suppose Congress could pass a law saying “we’re rescheduling MJ, get with the program or we’ll withdraw funding from international drug enforcement efforts, bitches” which would cover all of my basic concerns and still give the current government wood at dicking around with the UN a bit.
If the treaty depends on powers not delegated to the Federal Government, then fuck the treaty.
That sounds like a good reason to reschedule it to me. Fuck the UN.
My dog is cuter.
Lol! At least you got his/her good side
Actually, she’s cuter here.
And here. I would have posted the links together, but that would have gotten the comment moderated.
Modeling rule of law to the international community is a fool’s errand.
Something actually worth getting pissed off at the Trump administration over. Watch for it to get no attention in 3…2…1…
Seriously, I don’t get it. Made up bullshit gets screamed at from the mountaintops. Meanwhile, things that could actually create cross-party opposition to the “EEEEEVILLL DONALD TRUMP” get ignored.
I’m hoping he’ll listen to his Lackey Rand Paul on this one.
Wait, Rand is a Lackey? I thought he had gotten his Running Dog status.
That’s because Democrats aren’t interested in the 10th Amendment and lots of Republicans are old people who still believe marijuana is going to destroy families. Congress is filled with older people who are, on average, hostile to it, and especially afraid of losing elections based upon being perceived as “soft on crime.”
I guess there’s no real downside to being soft on federalism.
If at first you don’t succeed at least you’re not going back to GITMO
Gitmo is a nicer prison than San Q.
rest in pieces
ALTERNATE JOKE: It’s raining men
OK, I like that one
No, that’s when the airborne forces have secondhand parachutes.
Bird-shit and fools.
/Q: What 2 things fall from the sky?
Religion of Piece
It’s hard to disintegrate back into society.
What kind of a bizarro mutant dog is that, anyway? It looks like an escapee from the island of Dr Moreau.
That Corgi will lick your shins off if you let it, I’m sure.
Hah! Half corgi, half blue heeler, all furry terrorist.
I’ve never heard of blue heelers before.
Guess that’s why I missed that half.
Maybe you’ve heard them by their real name
No, I found that when I looked them up.
I’m not well versed on dogs.
So, like this, but the left side looks more like the right side?
These dogs can do more than herd.
When I was but a wee young lad our bull and the neighbor’s bull tore up a hundred yards of barbed wire fence while fighting over some cows in heat. They were ripped and torn and bloody from the barbed wire and each other ( their horns were cut at the ends) but they ignored their injuries and kept fighting. They were inseparable in their rage. They fought for a full day nonstop just occasionally both stopping to catch their breath, and there was nothing the men could do to separate them. Both were pure bred and relatively expensive invesments for the day. My father and the neighbor called someone they knew with some well trained cattle dogs like this.
After a few minutes of their owner getting his message across to the dogs they each grabbed a bull by the nose and digging their heels in managed to back up and drag these huge ( to a 10 year old) enraged, bellowing, frothing at the mouth, combatants apart and back into their respective pastures. The dog’s owner had a trailer that the dogs could drag them into and there was an escape hatch for the dog in front. We put ours into an oil field pipe fenced stall and I guess the neighbor did something similar. I remember seeing our bulls nose all ripped and bloody from the dog. In a week or so we let him out and everything was back to normal.
That was fifty years ago and I still have the mental pics in my mind.
Very smart, and a breed that needs to work or it’ll get bored and destructive.
I use to have one. Apparently, too mean for sheep, but work great for cattle.
The wife is jonesing for a Corgi, but the breeders ain’t givin’ them away, and you don’t see a lot Corgis cycling through the local shelter.
Grummun, check out some of the outfits that do corgi rescue. Google it and see if there’s an outfit close to you.
This is a great idea. Also consider a corigi mix. I couldn’t decide between a corgi or a blue heeler, and while searching for a reputable breeder, I stumbled on a gal who bred corgis who had an “oops.” Picked up this pup for a two hour drive, a cup of coffee, and a song.
Corgi/Shepherd mix?
So close! Those are popular out here, though. They’re basically built to herd.
Of all my clothing, my girlfriend likes the wool and alpaca stuff the most.
Your girlfriend is also, incidentally, a cat.
Meow, she doesn’t hunt for mice.
We had rats in the garage for a while, so I took my roommate’s indoor/outdoor cat out, set her by where they were scurrying and waited patiently.
Rat scurries by, the cat looks up half-interested and goes back to cleaning herself. Domesticating these things was a fucking long con.
Incidentally how’d the eggs turn out?
I just made a new post on that.
My cats at home were always indoor/outdoor. They were all hunters of some sort. lots of frog and bird gifts over the years.
I think she just likes the sweaters and flannels.
If you’re cat loved you, it’d leave the corpse on your welcome mat.
If cats loved they wouldn’t be cats.
What are you, some kind of dog person?
*narrows gaze*
No, definitely a cat person. Just an emotional cactus. Too much affection and I drown.
I get that. I see the way some of my friends treat their cats like people and it kind of makes me cringe. I’m definitely the unsentimental one in my crowd.
Our cat barfed pair of frog’s (I think) eyes on our pillow
That’s what love looks like. You’re supposed to eat it, don’t be rude.
Given how many animals they kill and usually don’t eat (including tons of non-“vermin”) I’d say that owning an indoor/outdoor cat is kinda anti-social/bad stewardship of the commons…
Biggest killer of birds in the country, including endangered species.
DOOMs cats lay eggs?
Sugarfree, you’re needed here
Shh… we’ve never had the heart to tell him they are spiny anteaters. He thinks they are just super-ugly cats.
They had a guy at my work convinced squirrels laid eggs, he even called an exterminator to get them out of his attic.
Duck-billed Catypuss?
wait, what’s this?
Pretty sure this is the answer.
dammit, borked the link. Let’s try again.
I figured he was talking about the eggs from Mrs. Doom’s ovaries.
No Mrs. Doom yet.
Huffo and Havard educated blogger caught cheating in half marathon.
Private Chipperbot caught SFing a link
Damn it.
I don’t care.
Still would smash.
I seem to be in your wheelhouse today. Check out the youtube link a little ways down the page.
Her name is really Jane Search Engine Optimization?
Hate-fucks are always a good time.
“I got swept away in the moment”…
….”and then tried to cover my tracks by creating a GPS record by riding the course w/ my bike”….
….”and then i got caught. Whereupon i was again swept up in the moment, and lied about it. But then they piled on more evidence i was lying, at which point i realized i had made a terrible choice.”
Swept up in the moment? It’s a half-marathon in Fort Lauderdale! It’s not the fucking Olympics.
Those CAPS sure make me believe her.
And cycling to cover your tracks? What, were you just coasting the whole way, or trying to convince people you were able to sprint a full half marathon?
Nice FEE article.
I’m jealous of your dog.
Yeah that was a great article. Also my dog has bad breath.
If you stopped feeding it peanut-butter “like that”, that problem would clear up.
Danke. She’s a sweet pup. I’m sometimes jealous of her. Then I think of my agency…
I can get food from the fridge anytime I want. No trash can for me!
I’ve always had border collies. Hearding waves and my brothers on walks. Hiking with one is fun.
Someone actually charged with a crime for lying about a campus sexual assault.
God damn, these are so rare.
Thicc Thursdays, eh?
She thicc.
Now it feels like Thursday. Thanks. Trinidad has an interesting hair-do.
in hopes of gaining sympathy from another man
I don’t know if they make red flags big enough for this woman.
They might have been carried on top of a crowd in a chinese parade.
“When you look at the world through rose-colored lenses, all the red flags just look like flags.”
Or something.
The feels…the feels
“You were raped by a couple of football players? Now I’m really turned on!”
If crazy people came up with good plans, they wouldn’t be crazy.
I was going to comment about that. Maybe I’m a scumbag, but if a woman used that as a come on, I think I would maybe not be interested.
“Only the power of your penis can make me love again!”
How is that not the best come-on line ever?
The players admitted to the sex. So she fucked two strangers at a party to get this guy interested.
The guy that didn’t want to date her is a wise, wise man. He should start an ashram.
I don’t care.
Still would smash.
When you get that crazy on your dick, it never comes off. Then you got a crazy dick. It’s out in the street, drinking and playing with itself in public. It starts donating money to Kickstarters for lightsabers and atomic toaster ovens. And eventually you have to give your dick Thorazine and all it does it hang around the house in a dirty bathrobe and try to play Monopoly with jigsaw puzzle pieces.
SF may have a point but I’d still smash.
And this is different than the status quo how exactly?
Sounds like the voice of experience talking here, people!
Better listen up!
I went on a date with a girl and later that night she said a gang rape had happened in her past. If that is true, its super fucked up and I sympathize, but man it was awkward. I barely knew her and it was getting too deep too quickly for me – which made me think that maybe it was to get sympathy from me. Definitely a red flag. I didn’t call for a 2nd date.
“Uhhh… Do you want me to phone a friend?”
Ask the audience instead.
Oh my god…that’s so awkward. I wonder what she was going for when she told you that… ? “This will bring us closer together even though it’s our first date!” or maybe “This shows that I can be vulnerable.” or… “This date isn’t going well. Time to scare him away.”
I have more questions than answers.
I’m going with crazy. If she just wanted to end the date, she could tell him she’s got a massive migraine coming on and just wants to go home.
He may still have her number if you really wanna know…
For any of the legal eagles here, can he sue? It would seem like defamation in addition to criminality. And the damages are clearly there.
A Federal Court of Appeals Goes to War against the Second Amendment
What happens when you mix contempt for individual rights with a healthy dose of willful ignorance and fear? You get the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the court that’s teaching the legal Left the recipe for attacking the Second Amendment.
Twice in less than a month, the court has radically restricted the constitutional rights of gun owners. In January, it held that even lawful gun owners are inherently “dangerous” and can face limitations on their constitutional rights, including the right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure, simply because they possess a gun. In the words of a concurring judge:
In sum, individuals who carry firearms — lawfully or unlawfully — pose a risk of danger to themselves, law enforcement officers, and the public at large. Accordingly, law enforcement officers may frisk lawfully stopped individuals whom the officers reasonably suspect are carrying a firearm because a detainee’s possession of a firearm poses a categorical “danger” to the officers.
There should be a law barring mental defectives from judicial posts, since the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals seems in urgent need of a purge.
I hope it gets slapped down.
If there were still justice in this country they would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Judges on the courts of appeal should get strikes. If the SC reverses you say…5 times, your out. I have a suspicion that a lot of these rulings are signaling while the judges rest assured the SC will fix it for them.
Jesse, I too caught your comment late.
I was successful in my scotch egg, but this was probably one of the harder things I’ve made.
Soft boiled eggs are harder to peel than I thought. I also didn’t trust my ability to get the sausage around the egg, and went a little heavy on it.
2 egg/flour and breadcrumbs baths later, and fried for 6 minutes at 350.
Shock boiled eggs in ice water for around 5 minutes after taking them off the heat. Makes for an easier peel at any peelable doneness.
A little vinegar in the water helps, too
I did use the ice trick, it was just a moment of ‘I can’t fuck this up!’
Ah, like the first time you go down on a girl. It became a “defuse the bomb” situation.
Like that time, I was a little drunk and high.
No, that’s good. You want to be loose and not tense up, like when you are in a car crash.
Wouldn’t you risk smashing your head into the dashboard?
WTF is this shit? I didn’t even feel the slightest urge to vomit.
Also, the threading seems somewhat broken. That was in response to SF. Clicked the right button and everything.
Did you try any of the egg peeling tricks like using older eggs or alternating shocking them in hot/ice water before peeling? Sometimes the membranes are really fucking stubborn regardless.
get the sausage around the egg
Have you tried an ovipositor splorch for that?
you know, I haven’t…
I’m not clicking that.
Well that’s no fun. If I have to know stuff like this exists, everyone else should too.
Maybe from the safety of my home.
WTF did I just see?
Oh please, like you’ve never seen a simulacrum of alien egg-laying genitals as sex toy before.
And that isn’t even the most disturbing video on that channel.
This is a euphemism that makes me very uncomfortable
/teenage girl
Did it look like this?
Trump facing GOP pressure to counter Russia’s Arctic fleet
As Donald Trump becomes the latest U.S. president to attempt a ‘reset’ with Russia, a key Republican ally is pressing the White House not to lose sight of an emerging battle for influence that Moscow is currently winning – in the Arctic.
Russia has aggressively built up its fleet of ships cruising Arctic waters, while the U.S. has fallen far behind. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., is now urging Trump to counter that influence by funding additional so-called “icebreakers” for the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as drones to help the U.S. patrol.
In a Feb. 21 letter to the White House, the chairman the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation argued the U.S. needs to project power in the region, and not let Russia roam unmatched.
“Not only have we not built a new icebreaker since the late 1970s, the Coast Guard is being forced to order parts online and cannibalize older vessels to maintain a minimum level of operability – just to operate a single heavy icebreaker,” he said.
Clint Eastwood will save us.
Yes, lets spend millions of dollars to project polar power. I see no better use for that money.
I thought global warming was gonna fix this?
“Look, we need to sell the polar bears and eskimos fighter jets or they are going to let the Ruskies build missile bases!”
Well, we really do need more icebreakers for the USCG. IIRC we’re down to one 30+ year old triple-shafter (unique design!). Due to maintenance cycles, etc, we need at least a couple more for proper access and maintenance to a lot of Alaskan ports.
Of course, part of the shipbuilding issue is due to factors like the Jones Act……may need to modify one of my old term papers on the subject for posting here.
Slate, being the virtuous, full of love progressives they fancy themselves, hurried to publish a nasty piece on Alan Colmes within hours of his death being announced.
That is vile. If someone firebombed slate I wouldn’t even piss on the people that ran out.
Why is it that this hatchet-jobs are always authored by punchable-faced Millenials who were barely gametes on their mothers’ faces when the events that sparked their outrage occurred?
Oh look, a philosophy that appeals to the worst parts of human nature attracts the worst kinds of people. What a surprise.
Colmes might have been wildly wrong about a lot of things but as far as I know he was a decent guy. That makes no difference to the left. Personal character is irrelevant to them.
Dakota pipeline camp raided after protesters defy deadline, refuse to leave
CANNON BALL, N.D. – Police in riot gear began arresting the last remaining protesters at a makeshift camp in North Dakota on Thursday after they defied several orders to leave the area.
It’s unclear if any protesters remained at the camp after the police officers raided it.
The raids came after the eviction orders were unenforced for at least a day. Hundreds left peacefully on Wednesday after the 2 p.m. deadline, and 10 were arrested hours later after they taunted cops. But out of the tens of thousands that once called this prairie home, Gov. Doug Burgum said late Wednesday that 50 remained.
The smallpox blankets failed?
I wanted to do a full-length commentary on this for Glibertarians, but I guess it works better as a brief link.
This is about Jonathan Brown, the Muslim Georgetown professor (and had of an institute for improved Christian/Muslim relations) who recently gave a now-infamous speech contextualizing slavery, saying the Islamic version was better than the Western version and anyway what does slavery *really* mean and Mohammad had slaves and if Westerners object to kidnapping women to serve as concubines that simply reflects a fetishization of sexual consent.
Anyway, after many conservative sites criticized Brown, the Washington Post published an article whose original title (as one can still see from the url) was “Georgetown professor under fire by conservatives for lecture about slavery and Islam.”
The article initially was just Brown defending himself and denying he’s meant to justify slavery in any way, he’s just being attacked by the Right.
Later, the article got an “Update: adding new comments about lecture from scholars of Islam.”
Sadaf Jaffer at Princeton University emailed the Post: “I was frankly appalled….My reaction was shared by many of my (liberal) peers in Islamic studies circles.” It’s not clear to me if it was Jaffer who added the parenthetical “(liberal)” or if it was the reporter who did it. Also, it doesn’t say whether the reporter solicited the email or whether Jaffer sent it to the reporter at Jaffer’s own initiative in response to the original version of the article.
“[Ayesha S.] Chaudhry, an associate professor of Islamic studies and gender studies at the University of British Columbia, took exception to that reference to the prophet Mohammad as well as other points in Brown’s lecture.” Again, I’m not sure if the reporter solicited Chaudry’s remarks or if Chaudry contacted the reporter in response to the original article. Combining Islamic studies and gender studies is certainly an interesting mix, but the message is the same: It’s OK for progs to criticize Brown’s remarks.
So apparently the Washington Post has done a 180 – instead of this being a courageous Muslim professor attacked by right-wing Islamophobes, as the original version of the article indicated, in which case it would be every good prog’s duty to rally around the professor, now progs have permission to criticize the guy.
The new title of the article is “Georgetown professor under fire for lecture about slavery and Islam.”
“Georgetown professor accidentally tells the truth”
No, it’s up to Muslims how they interpret their religion. And non-Muslims should react based on which version they’re faced with.
If I were to go around saying “lol the jihad and slavery version of Islam is the authentic one,” then I would be insulting large numbers of non-slaving, non-jihading Muslims. I certainly don’t agree with the religion, and there’s parts of the theology which I would say are capable of fairly bad applications, but for Muslims who sincerely reject jihadism and affiliated forms of wackiness, I’d prefer to extend the hand of friendship rather than call them naive idiots who if they took their religion seriously, would want to kill or enslave me.
So, yay hypocricy?
If I thought the Koran was actually God’s revelation, I’d want to know what the True Islam was. Certainly as a Papist, I would like to see everyone brought into the Church.
But as an American, I ask only that people of other religions not wage war against the U.S. or countries with which America is at peace.
Plenty of Muslims have managed to satisfy those conditions.
Am I supposed to insult them by calling them hypocrites, etc? ISIS has that line of critique covered pretty thoroughly, I would say.
Holy shit Eddie, just marry the guy already.
Wait, nevermind, I forgot about your whole deal. Carry on.
The Georgetown affiliation is what I have a problem with.
Georgetown is supposed to be atoning for its past complicity with slavery. It’s hard for them to do that when it has a key person on their team saying it all depends on what kind of slavery, etc.
“…it’s past complicity with slavery…”
Holding people to account for the sins of others is pretty evil. The current institution and all of its associated personnel do not have complicity with slavery, at least as far as I know. I guess they could be running a side business that I am unaware of.
The SJWs are messing this thing up, but basically Georgetown has had a continuous corporate existence since before the slave sale, and the sale was criticized by other Catholics at the time, and it was a year before yet another Papal decree against the African slave trade – these decrees were about as well observed in the Western hemisphere as decrees against adultery were observed in France, but the point is that Georgetown violated standards existing at the time, not just now.
Of course, they’re going to blow the whole repentance thing, as the Jonathan Brown case illustrates. SJW reparations nonsense will probably overshadow the presence of a slavery apologist on the faculty.
The late Peter (*The Exorcist*) Blatty started a campaign to de–SJWify Georgetown, or alternatively to get it to admit it’s not Catholic. This Brown thing is an example of what Blatty was complaining about.
He’s married to the corpse of a Civil War soldier.
If you keep that up, I may stop posting about this story completely!
Please don’t throw me in the briar patch
What is left to say? You have covered it pretty well in the comments. It would have made a pretty decent article. I guess an advantage would be that it would be archived in the articles instead of just comments.
Oh, well.
Because we are the world’s most pathetic country, constantly aping the US while officially deriding them at every turn
Trump brand boycott gets louder with plans to protest Ivanka’s line at the Bay
Four years of this shit. Fucking hell, this is how they will win. Keep screeching until everyone else gives in just to shut them up.
Hey, the boycott calls worked to get Trump wines off Wegmans’ shelves – they all sold out.
Seems like a sound strategy for attracting converts to their cause
Are they sure, I mean, absolutely sure, that this is the banner they wanna rally around?
Dear Glibertarians, pls send help or at least booze.
Oh, JT will get to it, but awesome part about that store chain is that they used to own like half the Canadian landmass, and were basically our version of East India Company.
I’m sure they’ll resort to more… interesting… tactics once the media figures out that the public has had enough of these stories.
Between this, the Black Lives Matter protesters who seem to think they’re in the United States, and Zoolander quoting U.S. legal decisions in regards to free speech I’m questioning Canadians’ ability to successfully manage a country.
Can we be run by English oligarchies and the King again?
Fuck it, I think there’s still some Bourbon descendants running round. Make New France Great Again!
Also, their national ideas are way better than our current ones.
Holy shit, “singling lumberjacks”?! How is that not the best ability?
BTW, I asked for help here, would appreciate input.
And come hell or high water, I went past 50 years as Serbia without losing a single province. I’m teh best!
I’ll take a look and post a response here or whatever the next thread is after I think about it.
I went past 50 years as Serbia without losing a single province. I’m teh best!
Until you’ve survived as Ryukyu you don’t mean shit in the EU4 community.
There are, I believe two people who could quite reasonably (male-line descendents, etc) claim the French throne if such a thing still existed. I suspect that you could convince one of them to be your King for a cushy salary and digs. And droit du seigneur, of course.
You know that wasn’t really a thing right? And what lord who bathed once a year would want to bed aone toothless peasant who only bathed once a decade?
(Bathing would make you catch sick and die). Not to mention siring some little bastard who would fight your heir?
That’s why God invented butt-sex.
It’s extremely rare, but you can get pregnant from butt sex. Well, you can’t, but womyn can.
good to see the Post-Noon links at a reasonable time!
Also, further evidence that Montana is the last best place
I’ve often thought of moving back.
::makes a grumpy face, puts on a new bumpersticker::
hey, I said back!
Hahah! I’m just giving you shit.
Full disclosure–my dad is from California! He moved away because he couldn’t stand their politics.
same here! It was Alaska or Vermont. I moved to Montana in 09, but left two years later.
Hey fuck you it’s a free country goddammit.
*prepares to move carpetbagger-mobile from Florida to Montana*
Isn’t Montana being invaded by California leftists? I had a friend from Montana who moved away for that reason.
Must have lived on the west side of the state where all the hippies are.
He was from Kalispell
Oh god. Well, no wonder. That’s far west AND north, nestled neatly between two reservations, a super nice lake, and some of the best forest-land you could want. I’d have left, too.
Folks around my part don’t think Kalispell is in Montana. Been back now about four months and lovin’ it. Don’t ever expect to set foot in Massholestahn again.
(Helped you out a little there with the duplicate comment.)
I mean, even the worst place in Montana is better than the best place outside of it! Welcome back, neighbor
Have the skwerlz moved too?
I was raised there. Bringing my mom back when she’s ready to make the leap into the great unknown.
10/10; would def bang again
Your mom, I mean. Did you think I was talking about this great state?
I’m Slammer’s mom!
The queue starts over there
No! I am! Wait wut?
Arizona would welcome the liberty minded as an offset against all the economic refugees from California and the Snowbirds from the north.
I grew up in AZ and have given up on it until they get rid of the people from Illinois and California. In other words, forever. I lived in Montana for three years (hello Bozeman) and enjoyed the hunting, fishing, back country and hot springs. But when I can I am moving back to Wyoming. Any state with all the major mammals from 1820 and less residents now than when they were admitted as a state in 1890 is okay. Many surveys place Wyoming at the top of gun ownership as well. Over the counter elk, antelope and deer tags with outstanding trout and grayling.
Can we get mid 90s Alicia Silverstone to pose like that? Clueless and those Aerosmith videos were life-changing for me.
Don’t forget The Crush.
Oh yes. I grabbed that from Blockbuster one night, knowing nothing about it except she was in it.
Good god.
I was gonna say that she looks a lot better now than she did a few years ago…
Because John would have been a big fan. Big fan.
I’ll take this version if it’s all the same.
How is a man supposed to schedule his life if PM links arrive at unpredictable times? Yesterday it was like….6:30 or something … today, I’m just about to step out and WHAM now i need to think of something cute to say.
uh, “kittens“
You can expect the links around this time of day on the reg.
Whatever you say, Soave.
Soon we’ll be ovulating in unison
I initially read that as ululating.
Well, you’ll also be ovulating alone.
Bleeding is for breeders.
You’re like (@*&#$( Jesse Ventura
Between Noon and Midnight?
See, ^this^ guy gets it.
Close enough for government work.
You schedule your life around the lynx?
I pity you.
You *don’t*?
You confuse me.
Yeah, what kind of pitiful loser hangs out on the Internet like that…hey!
I’ll bet adopting kittens off craigslist is cheaper than going to the store for mice.
Didn’t you get the email with this week’s schedule for PM links?
Not a cute link, Gilmore. *takes off 2 points but adds 3 for pompadour*
Apparently, the ATF ran a cigarette smuggling operation to create a slush fund they could use to secretly pay for unauthorized activities.
Link pls, that sounds way awesome!
Take two
The sheep story is upthread.
That was glorious. I love the punchline at the end
IRS: Fuck you, pay us.
While interagency squabbles are not productive, or libertarian, they do illustrate how absurd the situation is and should go forward for that reason.
I love how it’s a civil and not a criminal case.
Not to worry. Some New York cops will put a stop to this by choking them out.
Yeah, saw that on instapundit earlier. Man, that’s fucked up but I can’t say I’m surprised.
ATF should be the name of a department store.
I think it’s called Wal-Mart. At least in some states.
I suspect law enforcement acts as a crime syndicate more often than we know. That is all this is, the ATF ran a criminal enterprise and no doubt used their badges to crush any competition.
For automotive enthusiasts:
I won’t plaster an entire panel of links on the subject here, given how esoteric it is, but for anyone who’s interested, you might want to know that the Dodge Viper was discontinued because redesign and retooling for compliance with our increasingly oppressive regulations for vehicular safety and emissions would have been too costly, as if that’s surprising. Specifically, it was related to some horseshit about new rules mandating airbags and sensors in doors and panels on the sides of the car, a whole bunch of emissions-specific garbage, and pedestrian safety.
The Viper didn’t sell much, but the niche was apparently worthwhile for FCA. We’ll never know.
I hope to God that Trump’s EPA starts systematically nullifying limits on emissions soon, though it’s doubtful they will. Design standards are a whole different level of absurdity, and they’re unlikely to ever get touched.
Ever wonder why cars all look and feel like generic shit now?
2017 Dodge Viper ACR, final year:
Wow that’s something. Never been a fan of MOPAR but I like the Viper, a lot.
Chrysler was responsible for some of the sexiest cars ever made, and I’m mostly a GM guy. They’re the sort of the vehicles you’ll never, ever see again, because Gaia11111111!
Here are just two examples I’m personally fond of:
1973 Dodge Charger:
1972 Dodge Charger:
My response to this contains two links, so it’s awaiting approval by a moderator.
*1972 Dodge CHALLENGER.
’60s-’70s Mopar are my favorite cars in the world. I’d kill for an old GTX or Challenger.
Here’s one in my favorite color:×546.png
I’m more of an amc man myself but a gtx or hopped up 60s Monaco would be right up my alley.
You can see it with the head/taillights. the mandate they must rundown the side of the car really left little to design for. and that fucking shape means it’ll be harder to find replacements in the future.
My apologies, but I don’t quite see what you mean in regard to the lights. I’m probably missing something here, but be gentle — I’ve been awake for 19 hours, and my last coffee was five hours ago.
There have been some mandates that the lights must wrap down the side of the cars, instead of a dedicated side marker. this makes things like this. It hurts the ability to design a different looking car. they all have to have a very similar corner.
This is better. COMMENT
Ah, of course. Sorry.
There are prescriptions for every aspect of a vehicle, and thousands of them – everything from the height and angle of the hood, to the placement of the engine in relation to the wheels, to the minimal belt line height, to electrical models for lighting and computerization. Everything.
Imagine the sheer variety we could have if governmental interference in the automotive industry were annihilated.
It was not the best way to word that. no worries. I wish we could have a few years of nothing, just to see where it goes.
I read a few months ago of TVR’s defiant approach to progressively more rigorous European regulations. They actively disregarded their guidelines, and declined to incorporate electronic aids in their vehicles – traction control, anti-lock brakes, and a slew of other computerizations contemporarily already required.
This is why a modern BMW now looks like a 2000 Pontiac.
They were so much better when the all looked like an ’86 Volvo.
The genericization of the Mustang is amongst the gravest sins of the automotive industry in recent years.
The BMW Z4 is probably the only European car I like the look of:
Isn’t that an ancient mandate?
It’s not new, but it’s been getting worse. the distance and angles are growing.
I have some pals who work for Volkswagen’s emission testing department. They have to empty the windshield washer fluid before putting the car into the climate testing booth because the evaporating alcohol in the washer fluid will cause the car to fail an emissions test. It’s become that absurd.
I have a cobbled together half written article on the moving of emission standards.
the best part was the quote from a judge saying “I don’t believe you [car company] when you say these regulations are costing you money and you cant meet them without charging a lot for the cars at the end.”
Manufacturers have to buy special fuel for emissions testing that comes with an EPA certification sticker and costs about $50 a gallon.
Jesus, alright that’s gotta go in there. There’s also some terrible incentives to force the car manufacturers into building at least one electric. What if Dodge just wanted to build work trucks?
Then you do something like the RV builders do. Buy a truck that is already emissions certified and put your own body on it. It would be nearly impossible for any small company to get through all the emissions bullshit today. That’s why all the new guys make electric cars. Now your emissions are the electric company’s problem.
Until someone alerts the EPA about ozone production from electric motors. Hey, any excuse to get the govt.’s hand in the till.
Wasn’t there somebody last summer at TSTSNBN talking about the epa requiring offroad vehicles meet enissions standards, or something?
Yes, and that would have killed off most racing series. The EPA tried to pull the old, “We know it SAYS that but we’re never going to enforce it” gag. FEMA did a good job of getting that shot down, but have no doubt that it will come back up again.
It’s the epitome of inane regulation.
Factoid: Hundreds of individual prototypes for muscle cars from the last 20 years have been rejected for certification on technicalities pertaining to their aerodynamics, drivetrains, or safety.
Read somewhere a ’67 Chevy gives off more unburned hydrocarbons sitting in the driveway (evaporation) than a new one does driving down the road. For that matter, a newly-paved road emits more hydrocarbons than the cars driving on it.
If the regulatory organs of the federal government remain unopposed on the matter, they’ll eventually forbid internal combustion engines and private vehicular design entirely.
But do you have any pals that work for Mazda?
I wish! Employee discounts on parts would save me a small fortune.
Well, Wankels and all. I assumed you’d either be independently wealthy or have people on the inside to keep it running.
I keep them running. The engine is remarkably simple and easy to work on. Keeping the glass transmissions in good working order is what I need the discount for.
Seeing as how the millennial threads have died I’ll just leave these here:
I don’t think we really know the effect of raising the minimum wage on the prices of everything.
Let’s look at the pay of executives, for example. Fortune Magazine reported in 2016 that “Wall Street CEOs saw their pay rise an average of just under 10% last year.” That’s maybe a $2,000 or more pay raise a week when your salary is way high in the first place.
At the other end, a $2.50 increase in the minimum wage would increase a full-time worker’s salary $100 a week. We have a big debate in our society about that $100 a week increase, but at the same time we don’t say that executives shouldn’t get their salaries increased 10% because it would make everything more expensive.
Although i think minimum wage is decent for where it’s at right now, i do agree with you that more demanding jobs like those in a agricultural or manufacturing setting should have a bit higher minimum wage. Or that the average pay could be determined by the intensity or demand of the job being held. And I agree, workers positions should be more protected, they learn all those skills and trades for a career, only to lose their job to someone who is willing to work for less? That doesn’t seem fair to these workers, and is something that should be thought about a bit more.
Why is it the Federal governments job to set wages? It’s called supply and demand, and knows exactly what the wage should be for every job on the planet.
So, government determines wages and protects people from being fired. I have been to countries like that. It takes a goddamned fucking hour or more to get pancakes in a restaurant. You go in for breakfast at 7, you get your meal served to by a snarling S.O.B waiter around 8:30, no butter, no syrup, and you leave around 9:30 thoroughly pissed off.
There, I thought about it some more. NO.
These were responses in a class called American work experience that I am taking. The question was if we were given the authority to pass any new laws or regulations regarding laboratory what would we pass.
It goes without saying that my head hurts and I am probably not well liked. Also, I do not recommend having much confidence in younger generations.
What did you propose?
Eliminate all of them.
The regulations, or your classmates?
That $100 increase works out to about $8B for Mcdonalds employees.
That response was from the instructor.
I’ll miss the thicc post if there is one today.
So here’s an old Chinese guy giving a smoking hot mom a questionable massage on spark bench in New York. SFW.
spark = a park…
Thiccness is in the pipe for 5pm CST. Set your watch to CST and then set an alarm accordingly.
I don’t think cis-hetero shitlord time is a thing, Jesse.
It is now.
This dude is my hero.
Does he have an apprenticeship program?
Looks pretty similar to what i already do for my wife. Tense places get the most attention.
The dude’s name is “Luo Dong” and he has not 1, but 2 Youtube channels full of videos of him doing shit like this to women half his age.
I’m convinced this is just the opening scenes of porn with the naughty bits cut out.
Chris Cuomo is a piece of shit, part a lot
I agree = tolerance means exposing yourself to children
Usually people get fired over shit like that. At least that’s how it’s been going lately.
He’s dumber than Chuck and Amy put together. (that’s a lot of mammaries)
God he is such a perfect confluence of Stupid and Evil. I fucking hate him.
“What do you tell a 12 year old girl who doesnt want to see a penis in the locker room?”
Thats easy.
“Honey, go wait outside the door for a few minutes. Daddy needs to have a private talk with the nice man.”
If the nice man is lucky it’s only his teeth that he carries out in a plastic baggy.
Please make the links posts contain a bulleted list. It’s currently hard to tell when one stops and the other starts.
(starts stopwatch to see how long comment takes to be turned into a cat’s anus)
Probably won’t happen unless SF goes rogue…ok so it might happen any time.
We agree that bullet points are a useful feature in this context and apologize for any difficulty differentiating between four well spaced discrete blurbs on separate topics. We will of course try to be better in the future.
That video was filmed with what had to be the finest potato money could buy.
sometimes its more effective that way
further evidence that Montana is the last best place
Yeah, right. That slimy fuck Bullock will kneel down and kiss the
ringsphincter of the “Law Enforcement Community” and veto it, just as he has the past two sessions.I really hope not. I have my CC, anyway… but it would be nice if no one else had to have theirs.
Yeah, that’s a cute dog. Not sure what its doing on the furniture, though.
My avatar is one half of our current dog population. He’s the Big Dumb One, his sister is the Little Fat One.
xD Well, he looks like a handsome pup (yes he does yes he does).
Mrs. Jonathan Brisby is all of 25-30 pounds, so she goes everywhere I can reasonably take her–including up on the furniture.
We just have a hard and fast rule “No dogs on the furniture.” Started when we had a 150 pound Newfie followed by a string of 76 – 80 pound Amstaffs. The current pair are 43ish and 50ish pound British Staffordshire Terriers, so not quite the bulk of their predecessors, but I see no reason to change a perfectly good rule.
Make that “70 – 100 pound Amstaffs”.
Hey, you don’t have to justify the rules in your house to me!
She is my first dog, so there’s a lot of spoiling going on. (Not that she’s a little bitch, though; she listens and knows basic commands like down (like lay down), off (as in get off), come (here), no, and her fancy trick is playing dead)
Totes cute pooch. Does she have the energy of a blue heeler? If so, totes respect. If not, CAF anyway.
She’s got a decent amount of energy, but the corgi in her just wants to Netflix and chill.
That said, we’re just getting over all the white stuff, so soon we’ll have regularly scheduled walks again.
Come on Jesse, grow a pair. Tell him to go post elswhere if he doesnt like your amuetur… i mean, you guys are doing great!
Well. That is in the wrong place.
Meant to say “you shouldn’t give dogs the white stuff.”
Not sure what its doing on the furniture, though.
Looks like he’s resting.
Do italics tags not work? Hmm. Guess not.
use [em] instead of [i] and [strong] instead of [b]
Ah! Thanks!
Alicia Silverstone
I bet she’d change her mind real fast if it was a question of whether her or a deer was going to survive the winter.
Eh, I’d keep her warm.
She’s not interested in your bacon.
It doesn’t have any wool on it. I bet she secretly craves it.
Rep. Ted Franks (R-Arizona) finding an, um, creative way to support Trump’s border wall:
mmmmmm nuclear weed
“It’ll kill you with radiation, but it’ll keep you high enough so you won’t suffer”.
I used to play the STALKER Misery mod a lot, and it takes the already hard game of STALKER and makes it fuck-you hard and adds a bunch of content.
There’s these psychic mutants that, in the normal game, are fairly easy to beat, but in Misery they have a psychic death aura around them and can kill by looking at you. The best way in the early game to increase your psy resistance? Weed.
The easiest way to stop radiation poisoning? Cigarettes.
My character was basically chain-smoking and high for most of the game.
They took lessons from Screamers.
Toxic Avenger 2017
Franks, there’s this thing we invented in the 1920s, it’s called a Geiger counter, it detects not-weed.
Since it has never happened, I fail to see what I’m supposed to be alarmed about.
Who the hell is “we”?
It’s apparently “International Day of the Girl Child.”
FGM it is then.
But gender is a social construct.
I particularly enjoy how the same people that insist on absolute equality between the sexes, that there is absolutely no difference between men and women, believe just as strongly that humans with male genitalia who want to be women actually ARE women because they have female brains or something.
You kind of have to pick one or the other.
I read it as international day of the golden child and got excited. I love Eddie Murphy.
Hey DOOMco,
Are you a car mechanic or just enthusiast? I got some q’s pertaining to a used car I just got.
Have you checked the blinker fluid and replaced the muffler bearing?
Now that you mention it…
just an enthusiast. I have thought about trying my hand at it. There are a good number of people who might know here though.
Ask away. If I can help, I’ll do so gladly.
Ok, so I have a 00 Honda CR-V. Battery is good, has full charge. Ok, so when you crank it it screeches for a second then gets into rhythm and purrs. However, sometimes it will cut out and all the electrical will stay on. I’ve replaced the spark plugs. OD reader shows clean. Not sure what it is. I’m leaning towards fuel filter or pump.
Belts are either old or the tensioner spring is bad.
most likely that.
Alright I didn’t think of that. Thanks guys.
Mine needs to be tightened, as it will sometimes slip if i gas it before it warms up.
Also, do yourself a favor and clean your mass air flow sensor.
Don’t drive like my bruddah.
So, Groovus is doing a medical advice column, you guys (Thymirus and DOOMco) could be our Click and Clack. Srsly.
Content drives traffic which drives…
Thicc Thursdays? Or is this one of the Hitler questions?
I’ve got a friend who’s a Tottenham fan.
One day?
Now my boner is REALLY confused.
Transgender Wrestler Allowed to Compete With Females Despite Being on Testosterone
I’m going to get kicked out of the alphabet collective yet again for this, but they are incentivizing teen athletes to declare themselves trans for a pass on using steroids. Which is not to say that this particular athlete is gaming the system, but intent is hard to divine.
I vaguely remember reading about a girls marathon where dudes were allowed to compete…hell, maybe it was soccer. Whatever the sport was the ‘boys’ won all of the awards and the girls ended up quitting out of disgust. The league dissolved.
The purpose of demoralization is to destroy the values of society. An excellent way to do that is to destroy organized sports, participation in which many of our societies best values are taught. That is all these evil fuckers are up to.
you might want to know that the Dodge Viper was discontinued because redesign and retooling for compliance with our increasingly oppressive regulations for vehicular safety and emissions would have been too costly
Huh. I thought it was because they suck.
I got some q’s pertaining to a used car I just got.
“Aaah, don’t worry. It’s s’posed ta do that.”
poor car.
Unless I’m missing something it doesn’t look like an srt4. So at least one of the good ones wasn’t blown the hell up.
Today is National Banana Bread Day
This isn’t like the kittens link, right? Because I used to love banana bread, don’t ruin it for me.
(Psst, bacon-magic. That’s not a pompadour. It’s banana bread!)
mmmmmmmmm *takes bite* NOPE, it’s hair, and now I have aquanet and hair in my mouth. *eats a rasher of bacon to wash out taste*
I think it shares a great deal in common with the kittens link.
Its *delicious*, to some.
That takes me back.
Better than National Banana Hammock Day.
Robert Reich manages to trump the orange shitgibbon in stupid comments about Sweden.
Trump made them riot!
Eliminate all of them.
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but if I kill all the golfers, they’re gonna lock me up and throw away the key.”
The Greatest Living Economist Has Passed Away: Notes On Kenneth Arrow Part I
Beautiful! If you have to go retard, go full retard. Maximum speed into glorious future!
I still wonder if that’s a fake account, it’s really too much like satire.
As soon as I heard about the riots I figured that would be someone’s spin.
I assume the long term plan is to go full Elder Scrolls and claim that the universe is just the dream of a schizophrenic god, while Trump is so self-centered as to have mastered CHIM and can now will reality to be as he wants it.
That explains an awful lot. But personally I’m not ready for cloud cuckooland.
Pftt. Donald Trump is just fluent in Heptapod B.
while Trump is so self-centered as to have mastered CHIM
poor car.
I ordinarily disapprove of senseless destruction, but come on. It’s a Neon.
true. assisted suicide?
I drove a Dodge Neon for a few years in the late 90s and early 00s. It’s easily the worst car I’ve ever driven. Whoever designed that car should’ve been tortured slowly and painfully.
Meta : The Gamergate mob doesn’t like Shika either..
Anime avatar, knowledge of Reason, “cosmotarian” reference…
OK, which of you is the OP?
Good find.
Someone mentions the existence of this site there, but not by name…
I had no idea Shikha was libertarian. Isn’t she part of the reason this site even exists?
A big part of it.
She is a screaming fucking racist as well.
“Not surprising. Shikha has always been the dumbest of contributors, as the commenters never fail to remind her every time she shits out another one of her dumb articles.”
Fess up, who of you is this?
Fire Shikha?
This article linked in the Reddit comments is pretty good.
I like the formulation of “mainstreamers vs iconoclasts” better than “cosmo vs yokel”
While I agree that libertarian ideas are “anti-elitist”, I disagree with labeling that “soft populism” as opposed to a support for meritocracy. And it’s kind of weird that an Objectivist doesn’t see that, as Objectivism is all about removing all barriers that would prevent those of merit from rising to the elite of society. But his/her point about Intelligensia A vs. Intelligensia B is quite perceptive.
But I like calling myself a yokel. It’s fun.
And you can’t stop me with your high-falutin book lernin jibber jabber.
There are people who do like Shikha?
“Seriously, I don’t see why so many libertarian writers/journalists are circling the wagons around the MSM narrative. Why do they identify with the same MSM that systematically distorts their beliefs?!?”
Just now noticing? There is this cool little real libertarian site that popped up for just that reason, it’s called
Hrm, I guess my comment containing an attempt at an HTML link disappeared. Here goes with inferred link syntax :
[Meta : Gamergate doesn’t like Shikha either](
Hah, guess normal HTML link style is what I need to do, not wordpress markdown.. 😀
Huh.. two of my comments which contained attempts at links disappeared.. I guess they’re awaiting moderation approval or smth?
They got tagged as spam.
All should be well now.
FWIW, as another admin note, I can’t get my uploaded image to be choosable as my avatar. I go to the image picker thingy and it just spins forever, tried on both Chrome and Firefox. Also disabled adblock and stuff, still no workie.
Have you tried gravatar?
Apparently the deal was that I had marked my avatar as rated R, which somehow prevents me from seeing it? (huh?)
Yep It’s gotta be Rated G (for Glibertarian LOL)
No, it can be PG! (Pretty Glib)
Were they properly bulleted?
when you crank it it screeches for a second then gets into rhythm and purrs.
Yeah, that sounds like a belt. On something older and less Honda*, I’d ask if there is any fluid in the power steering pump.
*It probably has electric power steering.
It’s electric.
Boogie oogie oogie?
(I am so sorry)
when you crank it it screeches for a second then gets into rhythm and purrs.
You don’t say.
when you crank it, it screeches for a second then gets into rhythm and purrs.
Maybe if you didn’t grip it so hard?
*i must now tell a terrible joke
A man suffering from a very painful toothache is suddenly beset with a bout of abnormally loud flatulence…. which others note sounds distinctly like a 4cylinder engine revving.
the man goes to a number of dentists and gastroenterologists, none of whom are able to explain this bizarre phenomenon.
finally, someone suggests he visit an asian traditional-remedy healer who is known for their great wisdom in regards to strange health conditions.
So he visits the old asian man, who first looks in his mouth, then listens carefully to the sound of his burbling ass-gas, and nods sagely.
“Ahh, yes….. we see all the time. As saying go = Abscess made the fart go Honda“
Swiss! We need a ruling!
You are just a terrible human being, Gilmore.
I like to think of myself more as a “super-charming + intelligent neanderthal”
power of positive-thinking, and all that
One month in, Obamacare is still law, the Hearing Protection Act has not been passed, and the fucking DOJ is not going after actual criminals, but is instead going to crack down on potheads.
Holy shit, The Republican Party is like a bunch of paste eating retards. They just cannot help themselves. They, as usual, completely misunderstand why people vote for them. Dumb motherfuckers.
They’ve always picked the low hanging fruit. If they don’t repeal Obamacare they can just keep going, “The bastard played us like a damn fiddle!” and pussyfoot around the issue.
They’re not picking any fucking fruit at all, that’s the infuriating thing. They do absolutely fucking nothing, they’re fucking worthless. There’s no fucking reason the Hearing Protection Act would pass both houses and be signed within 3 fucking days. The Dems running in Trump states will be fighting to cosponsor it.
The Republican Party is like a bunch of paste eating retards.
This x 1000. I am quickly realizing I have given those asshats way too much grace in the past thinking they were a barrier to progressive policies being forced on us. They are the other side of an evil coin.
yesterday on the radio I heard two R congress critters sputtering excuses as to why they cant support the repeal of Obumble care. Had I been there in person I would have kicked their asses.
Yup. Half of them got their jobs because aca sucks and they still don’t get it.
Oh, they got it. How are they gonna get re-elected if they aren’t still needed to repeal ACA in 4 years.
You guys and your euphemisms.
Trump via Sessions continuing the war on marijuana might have made an enemy of this breakfast pastry. Now I know why they protest.
Agree. And I like Trump more than I should. But that is some Bullshit if they really push on this.
The old site is aware of what is happening, they posted a video with Emily in it today. A strong effort to try and win everyone back.
Mmmmm, I might go back just to see videos of Emily.
Also, John Titor doing a heel turn into a Libertarian from a Communist is astounding. I want to know more about what led to you to both conclusions
Titor was a commie?
/Les Nessman skeptical glare.
I definitely remember mentioning it to you.
It’s not you, it’s me, commie.
Jesus, I’m going to have to dump you in the Old Canadians Nursing Home with Pan and BEAM for that memory loss.
Hey, I had my Kronstadt moment years ago, ex-communists tend to be the most fervent anti-communists, because we know how they operate.
Very, very long story, might end up an article.
The shortest version: It’s the ‘Thomas Sowell’ scenario (he was a Marxist for longer than I was). Grew up in a poor and rural area, moved to major city, saw stupid amount of wealth and waste, thought we were getting fucked somehow, read the Communist Manifesto at 17, made sense to me based on the contrast I saw, read a lot of Marx and Lenin, saw the modern state as clearly corrupt and the workers’ revolution/anarchist workers’ utopia afterwards as inevitable. Went to university, got involved in leftist causes, interacting with the modern left started to make me cynical, read this book and started to get even more cynical, read more on economics, recognized the state was still the problem but it couldn’t be fixed. Therefore make less of it.
Glad to have you aboard but stories like that make no sense to me. I was never an anything for the sake of solving problems or making the world fair. For me it was always about self ownership and everything that followed logically from that. It all just seems self evident. Self-ownership is an end in itself. I would starve in a ditch before getting on my knees in front of anyone.
End result of the Marxist dream is the worker’s paradise, an anarchist society of total freedom and collective prosperity, basically think Star Trek with less rules. Marxist theory is that you’re effectively incapable of self-ownership or identity in a capitalist or nationalist system (the individual is rendered a cog in the machine, powerless due to the power of others above you, economic and politic, all that). The communist state is supposed to level the existing power structure and then disappear, its job done (that’s the stupid part that will never work, the anarchist utopia is obviously a fantasy as well).
It’s one of the reasons why I grew disgusted with the modern left, they don’t even dream of ending the power structure or the state afterwards, they just want their own power structure and control.
Waiting on compilers is part of my job!
All I do is shit post on various forums while at work.
Why should we? My orphan slaves do everything for me while I post here and on Reddit all day.
Not Claudio Ranieri as of this evening.
Man, they’re getting beat up over that move… but that team’s in trouble. They’re two points clear of relegation and have probably been the worst team in the PL over the last couple of months. Terrible but necessary IMO.
Well, he did get the dreaded vote of confidence a week or so back.
I had project meetings all morning, past 1. It’s this or burn the fucking place to the ground.
This guy doesn’t
6-2:30, in the Real Time Zone.
Hey man. 10 minute toolpath and I didn’t feel like firing up the mill.
I am dysfunctional.
This one weird trick that progs hate – next time someone brings up how many times Scott Pruitt sued the EPA as AG of Oklahoma, ask them how many times he won. And I don’t know what that number is but if you search for “Scott Pruitt vs EPA” all you get is a series of breathless articles on how that mean old Scott Pruitt dared to challenge the virtuous EPA. What none of those breathless articles mentions is how many times he won.
I don’t have an answer, either. But I think it would be incumbent upon the Real Newz(tm) media to, you know, tell us the win/loss. Or maybe actually list those thirteen cases. Or something.
Progs don’t realize the EPA doesn’t really protect anything.
They protect their own jobs, just like every other government agency.
Based on this Mother Jones article about Pruitt, caring about whether they do is legal is apparently a bad thing.
“With Donald Trump’s EPA transition staff sitting nearby, Pruitt delivered an 11-minute speech, in which he declared, “We as an agency and we as a nation can be both pro-energy and jobs and pro-environment.” He also quoted famed conservationist John Muir: “Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to pray in and play in.” Pruitt did lament the “toxic environment” in the country, but it was a reference to the political climate—part of a call for a more civil discourse.” Ok, this guy gets it.
Because the EPA is presumed to be virtuous, and Scott Pruitt assumed to be un-virtuous. First the passions, then the reasons…
I think even their “sound science” says what they are doing will have little to no effect on global warming. And their science is far from sound. It seems to me to depend on how much they change the data.
He pissed off the longtime EPA staffers, so he gets a gold star from me. Leeches.
Something called E&E news said in December that “Pruitt lost the majority of those cases, some of which were quickly tossed by federal judges.
“Pruitt’s most significant win was the Supreme Court’s decision to put President Obama’s landmark greenhouse gas emissions program on hold. But legal experts say his primary argument — that EPA was overstepping constitutional limits and trampling states’ rights — is unlikely to prevail.”
Thanks, Eddie. Srsly. That was good research. The article is somewhat dated, December as you noted, and only mentions eight lawsuits out of the thirteen which the greenies crow about. This would seem to be yet another instance of the Real Newz(tm) media not doing their job yet again.
Their job is selling eyeballs to advertisers.
Ewwwww… /teenage girls
You could uh, research and submit an article to Glibertarians. I hear they’ll post just about anything.
I want to be a FEMA camp counselor.
OK, since I actually did click on the PETA link, this came to mind.
Now that was funny.
According to Bozeman teevee news a few minutes ago, Governor Bullock wasted no time; vetoed Constitutional carry.
Cops have to get home safely.
Then fire his ass.
Wait so Trump reversed Obama’s order on transgendered bathrooms and left it up to the states but doesn’t that reduce the executive role in people’s lives?
Don’t you understand that the President needs to *help* the marginalized, not oppress them? Obama understood:
“…the courts have been a great source of legal assurance for such gender minorities, who are not explicitly protected from discrimination in employment or housing or the public square by any federal law.
“Lawmakers have tried and failed to pass different versions of such an act in almost every session of Congress since the 1990s. Bypassing that stalemate, the Obama Administration used means other than legislation to shore up protections for the community—going so far as to sue the state of North Carolina over a law the restricts bathroom access for transgender people—and directing schools around the nation to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and other facilities that align with their sense of self. But interpretive guidance and executive orders are things the Trump Administration can roll back without the help of Congress, too.”
(autoplay in corner of screen)
You know who else cared where people went potty? ABSOLUTELY NO-FUCKING-BODY!!!!1111eleventy¡!!
Cis-gendered robot shitlord oppresses bathroom fetishists.
“A pervert is anyone who likes what you dont.” – Twain, I think.
Your kink is Not OK.
Hello, never commented at the “other” site, just lurked. I like the new place seems inviting. if I could request one thing it would be a late night links. 🙂
I’m really enjoying the comments here and the articles are improving. The comment section in the other place has become a cesspool of trolls, concern trolls and John
“The comment section in the other place has become a cesspool of trolls, concern trolls and John”
But you repeat yourself.
No, John is in a catagory all by himself. He can go from logical and informed to retarted and uninformed in the span of one post.
My favorite unit in the Hihnquisition army list is the Hihndicare assassin.
I find all this talk of Hihn to be Hihnsulting and Hihnappropriate for our classy little corner of the HihnnerToobz. Any more of this Hihnsanity, and I shalt exercise my right to Righteous Hihndignation.
(*imitates Karate Kid Crane Kick stance*)
You want some of this 96% CATO approved badassery, Sequin? (chuckles)
(walks away snickering; soils Hihnself)