How’s about I leave baseball scores alone for a day and regroup…much like the Astros need to do before they get into a routine where .500 ball is acceptable. No? Fine. Nats lost, Yankees lost, Red Sox won, Rockies lost, D-backs beat the Dodgers, Orioles lost and the Twins won. That should cover most, if not all, of the globs interest. An ump got suspended for answering a question, an answer that contained little more than a joke about a little banter, and not much else happened. Well, other than ESPN making a rather exclusionary list. I can only imagine the outrage if they changed one particular word in the lede. But its their business. They can continue to torpedo it the way they want. But don’t worry. The piece is so riddled with bloat wear that I doubt anybody tries to navigate it for more than a few minutes anyway.
McGregor-Mayweather in three days! The PGA Championship starts tomorrow! And football inches closer every day. Let’s thank God for our many blessings.
OK, on with…the links!
![Also feel free to use this as an excuse to talk about GoT.](
Trump vows “fire and fury” if the Norks keep it up. The left acts like he’s the first president too ever say such a thing. Maybe he should have drawn a red line instead. Around Guam, perhaps.
The President is also accused of communicating with the special prosecutor. I wonder if he’s talking about Loretta Lynch committing perjury or conspiring with Bill Clinton to keep the contents of their incredibly unethical meeting private by secreting all the communications she didn’t disclose off to the Obama library? Who knows.
A professor found a creative way to make the end of each semester pretty damn easy on himself. I don’t get the uproar. He’s teaching business classes. Its not as if they’re hard sciences. (Disclosure: My degree is in Business Admin)
Should all be forgiven once somebody serves their sentence? Its an interesting question. I’m not sure there is an easy answer. I abhor the sex registry and don’t think it should exist, but I’m not sure they should be allowed the privilege of playing football.
What a dumb shit. (Bring it on, Swissy!)
Keystone XL: not a done deal
I thought the Keystone XL pipeline was a lock. But that may not necessarily be the case.
When a state stops funding an abortion mill, teen birthrates spike. OK, and? Does that mean I should be forced to subsidize something I find morally and fiscally reprehensible? Obviously fans of PP think so.
Continuing my dedication theme for the week.
Good luck out there, friends. No matter what happens, smile!
51) Global warming strikes again! Rising seas are flooding Bangladeshi farms with salt water
A potentially informative article by Slate turned unintentionally hilarious by shoehorning global warming into every paragraph. Apparently Bangladesh has a couple hundred artificial islands built in the 1960s that are gradually being reclaimed by the sea—worsened by rising global sea levels from global warming!
Well, actually, due to increased demand for shrimp from North America, shrimp farmers are intentionally flooding the islands—plus the rising global sea levels from global warming!
Don’t forget, India has built a massive dam upstream on the Ganges River, cutting the flow of replenishing sediment—and don’t forget the rising global sea levels from global warming!
Or, it could be the poorly designed embankment walls of the dikes surrounding the islands actually constrain overspilling water from spreading out, thus inadvertently exacerbating the problem—and rising global sea levels from global warming!
Kind of reminds me of Duff Beer—the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.
Bangladesh is an awful swamp full of a massive number of shockingly poor people who are some of the most frequently drowned in the world. I am never surprised to hear that some part of that country is underwater… again.
P.J. O’Rourke wrote in one of his books that you can make up any number for a Bangladeshi disaster and people will just shake their heads and say what a shame it is.
Newscast: “Did you hear, 260 million people died in a typhoon in Bangladesh?”
Any person listening: “Oh, that’s too bad.” Butters toast, takes sips of coffee.
How much did sea level rise in that area? I assume under 10cm
From the article: “Data from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level show that sea level in southwestern Bangladesh increased by roughly 7 millimeters per year from 1980 to 2003,”
6 inches? Ya, I am not believing that one. I might believe 7 mm total rise, and the rest made up by land loss.
I have doubts about the ability to measure 7mm on a sea that is never flat and waveless and constantly effected by tides. Land masses also move. Hard for me to believe that anything under a cm for a worldwide average is not within the margin of error.
You just stick this in every so often and see how far in it goes.
Here’s the correct link:
Standard MO for the warmista scammers: Take some natural phenomena not well understood by the public and pin it on global warming. Or, as this article does go over all of the causes and then just mention global warming.
“Oh no! Look at all of the seals that are crowded on this island because global warming. They dont have any ice!” – “Uh, no. The seals congregate on that island every year to mate and raise young. As a matter of fact that island was made a seal sanctuary a hundred years ago just because of that.”
“Oh my God! A chunk of the Antarctic ice shelf the size Jamaica has broken off because of global warming! We are doomed if you dont pay up!” – “Uh, no. You might say it is from global cooling. When it is especially cold the ice shelf gets unusually large and then, predictably, larger pieces break off. We have dozens of recorded incidences like this in history. This one isnt even close to the biggest one.”
“Rising seas from global warming are inundating the Louisiana coast! We warned you this would happen!” – “Uh, no. The loss of sediment from the Mississippi being dammed and levied means that the coast is eroding faster than it is being replaced. Plus, the continental plate south of the Red River is sinking. We have known about this problem for at least 60 years. We build wave breaks to slow it down. Besides, why would the sea level rise in Louisiana but not Mississippi?”
It really is a transparent scam. Statistically there is no climate change. It is warming up because the ice age is ending. Every weather event, all the melting ice, all of the sea level rise is statistically normal for such an event but somehow crushing taxes must be levied to ‘save the earth’. It’s such bullshit.
They recently had Keith from Deadliest Catch tell Al Gore he sees with his own two eyes the Arctic changing.
Science baby!
…the continental plate south of the Red River is sinking.
Huh. I need someone to blame for this.
Local Subsidence will kill us all!
Given that the line is the Red River, I’m gonna blame Okies.
Didn’t he last glacial period end about 11k+ years though? Currently we are in an an interglacial period (holocene) which means it’s going to get colder as we go into the next glacial period.
“Fifty Greatest Black Athletes”
“I can only imagine the outrage if they changed one particular word in the lede.”
Jewish? It’s gotta be Jewish, right?
If you changed it to Jewish, you’d probably have to cut it down to top 10 athletes. Not sure there’s more than 10 notable jewish athletes.
*paging OMWC, OMWC please pick up the red courtesy phone*
I did a column about this a couple months back.
Remember, the NBA was once Jew-dominated.
Wasn’t there a Jewish version of the Harlem of Globetrotters – without the whistling I reckon – back in the day! Well, apparently they were dominant anyway.
“I thought the Generals were due!” Krusty.
Bearded House of David?
+ Abe Saperstein
Sure back when Dolph Shayes was considered an athlete.
Does Moses Malone count as Jewish?
Blue-and-white courtesy phone, actually.
The last 7 would be guys we never heard of.
And that’d be different from the first three how?
Sandy Koufax, Rod Carew, …?
Harold Abrahams? Oh, never mind, their list was from the US.
Elaine: Would you like something to read?
Old Lady: Do you have anything light?
Elaine: Uhh…how about this leaflet, Famous Jewish Sports Legends?
We already did that here.
I had to rub my eyes and read it again. First reading was “Fifty Gayest Black Atheletes”
#1: Carl Lewis.
He is awfully pretty. And the one time I saw him in person (some Scotch publicity tasting), it was in the company of a bunch of neatly attired and groomed men.
Is that Fire ‘n’ Fury pic from Dragon’s Lair?
At nine years old, I found that game highly confusing, and since it cost like three tokens I could only afford to play it once per arcade visit.
All of those style of cartoon games were confusing as hell when I was a kid. I’m coming from Qbert, here, and all of a sudden I’m looking at a cartoon. Am I playing it now? Is this the intro? When do I do stuff???
“Accused burglar doesn’t flush toilet, leaves DNA for police”
I’d hate to be the poor cop assigned to collect evidence for this case.
Piss off the sergeant, get a shit assignment.
I read “poop cop”
The poop-poop as they are know colloquially
I’m stunned they bothered showing up for a simple burglary, never mind actually doing a DNA panel. (And what’s the backlog on rape kits in that jurisdiction? Even in Harris County, it’s something like a month or two.)
Just how connected was the guy who got robbed?
They’re not actually doing anything with the DNA, just hoping that he’ll turn himself in when he reads about how CSI is on the case.
Seriously. Anybody who has ever been burgled and experienced the police response knows that this person has to be seriously inner-party.
Since when to cops collect ANY evidence after a burglary? In my experience, they’re not even interested in taking fingerprints off objects only the burglars have touched.
Now on this one, I have personal experience where the cops actually did fingerprint objects they thought the burglar may have touched. Shocked the shit out of me. Houston Police may be a bunch of traffic-running sots most of the time, but this guy at my burglary actually busted his ass to collect evidence.
But wasn’t this Shitburglar in CA, where they’ve de facto decriminalized burglary and petty theft?
As it happens, the guy was arrested in the next town over from me. I swear I don’t know the guy! I’m still shocked that the cops did a damn thing. When my wife’s car was broken into a few weeks ago and her credit card was used at exactly 5:02 am at the Circle K down the street, the police made zero effort to ask Circle K for the surveillance video.
Normally I don’t go for posting social gossip articles but this is worth clicking on just for the Hillary pic
The (((Jewish))) Billionaire Wedding That Brought Hillary Clinton, Tiffany Trump, and Football Together
She does not look well.
As my Mum would say, Hillary has taste for shit when it comes to clothes. She wears stuff that makes her look washed out and even more bloated than she already is. A person, for the most part, can’t do much about the looks they were born with but Hillary takes what God gave her and manages to make it look downright dumpy.
I choose to see this as an allegory for her political career, economic policies, etc…
If only she were a billionaire with access to dozens of fashion consultants. She needs to fire whomever agreed that the Kim Il Jong smock is a good look.
I did a few Internet searches on the signs of land for traditional mariners, and found some information. But what I’m lacking is any information on how long between, say, spotting seabirds one might expect to see vegetation in the water, or finally spot the island.
Birds usually don’t like to spend the night on the water. So you’re talking half a day flight, but birds are faster than sailing vessels. Probably not more than 24 hours.
Okay, I stumbled onto a few numbers.
Two types of tern have daily foraging ranges of 65 and 200 km respectively.
On the final approach to the New World, Columbus’ log recorded a speed of tweleve knots on the final nights. To reduce the number of unit conversions, we’ll be using French revolutionary measures, so that puts the Santa Maria at 22.224 km/hr. If he were pointed directly at the island, he’d have crossed that distance in 3-10 hours.
The log also indicates several days of approach after the first signs, with anxiety getting pretty darn high.
If it’s a swallow, it depends on if it’s African or european.
But the setting is Caribbean, so neither.
Jump up the next time that joke comes around. Maybe you’ll catch it the second time around.
Blue was the answer to the favourate color question. Keep up.
Answer to the wrong question…
No question was asked. References were being made.
*laughs in autism*
And if it’s carrying a coconut.
African. Europeans don’t swallow.
Pretty certain that’s the other way around.
These are good links. Here’s another:
Disney is going to start their own streaming service to compete with Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. It looks like they’ll have a Disney service and separate ESPN service in 2019.
The enjoyability of Disney aside, I think this is going to be the signal that hastens the end of mandatory bundling and opening of a la cart as other channels quickly follow suit. It also highlights why Netflix has had such emphasis lately on developing their own original programming. Maybe in 10 years Netflix will be thought of as just another “channel” though with better programming.
I’d rather pay for just the content I want to see and reduce the extent to which I’m subsidizing the rest. The more granular the options become, the less spillover there will be. And the better the market signals on what content is actually in demand.
Why is it so hard to find classic Disney cartoons? If you go to Amazon, there are a number of nice collections they put out 15 years ago, that are all out of print and only available for more than $100. Shouldn’t this be a cash cow for Disney?
Oh, no. You’re only supposed to buy the new hotness and not pay attention to any of the old stuff. You’re especially not supposed to want to see Song of the South.
I saw Song of the South with my parents at a drive-in movie theatre when I was a little kid. This would have been somewhere around 1979-81. I assume that was the last time the movie was released.
And now Disney blocked the Full Song of the South on YouTube. They won’t even release it on DVD for historical purposes. Fucking SJW assholes.
I remember seeing it on the Disney Channel once or maybe twice when I was really little… I think around 3, so it was roughly 1988. Then of course, it went down the memory hole and everyone my age wondered where I learned these strange songs from, and everyone older was amazed I’d learned them at all (and possibly horrified, depending on the person).
I saw it on YouTube before they pulled the U.S. copyright (presumably the poster is not from the U.S., so they just blocked it from the U.S. side). It is somewhat racist, but not nearly as bad as I had been lead to believe. It also depicts the way that southern whites used sharecropping farmers and their wives as ultra cheap labor after the Civil War (and is interesting historically because of that, plus it was the first time animation was used alongside live action as a movie making technique).
Black & white children playing together. In 1946. Yes, it’s horribly racist by modern standards.
Yep, that’s what I thought. Where’s all the fuss. I understand the stereotyping of the happy black sharecropper as racist, but that’s what Hollywood thought of black people in the south and in general at the time. I think it’s indicative of how much progress has been made.
Literally every Disney cartoon released before 2005 or so is a microaggression nowadays.
John is too busy scrolling down to the next article.
“Reinforce”, because rape culture is actually a thing in modern Western society.
There’s been some interesting articles in the WSJ recently indicating that Disney leadership is determined to show Disney as a progressive, woke company regardless of what that does to the bottom line. They just shrugged off the loss of 5 million ESPN subscribers and progged even harder.
Iger is a fire-breathing prog. It will be interesting to see what happens when he supposedly steps down in 2019. Probably nothing different since I believe he is hand-picking his successor.
Oh dear me. Are they gonna come up with a transgender character or turn Mickey into….something more woke?
Who fuckin cares. Disney sucks. Hanna Barbera and Warner Bros were 100x better anyway.
I always thought Mickey was gender confused with his high voice. Not as much as Bugs Bunny though.
Idiots. They think they can’t lose their market.
Disney leadership is determined to show Disney as a progressive, woke company regardless of what that does to the bottom line.
And if that isn’t a sign that the government has intervened in the market for corporate control on behalf of entrenched management, I don’t know what is.
Disney rotates releases of it’s tent-pole animations, so say Lion King gets released on DVD, they won’t do another run until maybe a decade later. Then a few years later they’ll release Snow white again, which won’t be rereleased for another decade. And so on. It’s a way to control the supply, ensuring large demand for each release.
So does this mean the Marvel/Netflix series they’ve been doing the past few years will be switching over to the Disney service, or will those stay with Netflix? Or will all the current ones stay with Netflix and any future ones they make will be Disney streaming exclusives?
It probably depends on the terms of the contract, and who holds the rights and in what fashion.
Things will be on the Disney service but other services can pay to carry things, you will need to back up a truck full of money to make it exclusive to your service. It’s the Hulu business model. LIike Hulu it will be 50% for subscriber revenue, 50% raising the costs Netflix etc pay. Hulu is owned by 3 of the broadcast networks can’t remember which.
Fox, NBC, and ABC
As an aside: Remember how much people complain about how you can’t get a la carte cable, e.g. just the channels you want? A decade or so ago, there were probably some people calling this a “market failure” and calling for government regulation. Now, the market is actually way ahead of us: these streaming services will soon obviate TV channels altogether, or at least provide a widely available alternative. Now you can just watch the individual shows that you want.
A la carte was always available in the days of big dish satellite.
A few years ago I read an article about a cable company in I believe Virginia, who wanted to go a la carte, and it was the regulators who were getting in the way.
The greenies saw a near victory in North Dakota with their DAPL protests. Things are only going to get worse. Prediction: If everything is approved by the various gov agencies and the project moves forward, the ensuing Keystone protests will make DAPL look like high-schoolers picketing for a longer lunch period.
If they want to seige the worksite, lay seige to the camp – wall them in with barricades and prevent additional supplies from reaching them.
The problem is they have most of the national media in their pckets. The local repoting was honest, but some of the crap repeated on the national outlets was as close to pure propaganda as it could get.
One that sticks in my mind. Some CNN (IIRC) reporter did a segment on how the after the tribe’s buffalo hunts, they float the buffalo down the river from the hunting grounds to the town. There is a video taken by an activist that was hanging out with these reporters; the activist is recording this guy doing takes of this story. The Indian tells the guy that that is bullshit, but go with it anyway. They ran the story at least twice on air.
Nah. These dumbasses have the attention span of gnats. Herr Trumphitler will have done something else by then to spur on their outrage. Like call a woman pretty or something equally uncalled-for.
Trump should announce that he is going to build a pipeline through the Evergreen campus. Move an old bulldozer and a crane near by and every crazy prog would flock to the area to protest. Maybe paint an X on a bunch of trees and announce that you plan on chopping them down. That would get half the protesters living in the trees.
Meanwhile you could build the keystone pipeline in peace.
When all the DAPL protests were going on, I heard some scuttlebutt from my old home stomping grounds that the outrage was mostly because the local tribe tried to extort some more money from the oil company. The company balked at paying and the tribe started the stink.
Wondering if you had heard anything about that Mike since you are close to that nonsense.
I took those rumors with a grain of salt because my home town is near the res and the locals don’t have much love for the natives, so any rumor like that would be instantly believed.
I heard it, but not sure of the veracity of it. One fact in evidence though, is that another nearby tribe did get money for it going across their land.
But that brings up a big thing that was often dishonestly, or at least disingenuously, reported on; the DAPL did not go across Standing Rock land. Therefore, no offer of payment from DAPL.
Wanna see a Native racket? Check out our Indian band Chiefs up here.
What a dumb shit. (Bring it on, Swissy!)
Very well…
*narrows gaze*
You shouldn’t dump on him like that.
After killing the pun subthread the other day, I deserve whatever crap you give me.
Effort #2 was better, sloop.
You could say that’s Swiss’s duty.
*fiercely narrows gaze*
What Navigating Public Space Is Like As A Trans Person
“For a trans-perosn, surprisingly, it’s just like anyone else. However, for a flaming attention whore, it’s a contant struggle to get noticed”
“someone threw, in broad daylight, a chicken burger at their head” … ” looking over your shoulder for the next potential danger”
Not exactly Matthew Shepard, is it?
Even Matthew Shepard wasn’t exactly Matthew Shepard when you factor out the meth.
Who the fuck eats chicken burgers? I would throw it too.
I donno, it might have been a misidentification of a chicken sandwich on a hamburger bun.
It identifies as a burger.
*slow clap*
She/he/it demands only vegan sandwiches be thrown at he/she/it/shit.
“someone threw, in broad daylight, a chicken burger at their head”
I’ll take ‘Shit that never happened” for $600, Alex.
Who just has a chicken burger handy?
“transfemme gender non-conforming artist”
Try doing that as “conforming” and you’ll really be “non-conforming”.
“To be trans, black, and femme is to be a constant obstacle course
Apparently it’s not to be an individual but rather a caricature.
Well done. You managed to dehumanize yourself.
Sounds like they were trying to fill out their “Victimhood Bingo” card.
I wonder how these people would react if everyone just stopped paying attention to them entirely.
They’d come up with the new gender “trans-unicorn”. In that case, they’d have their cock surgically moved to their forehead. Then they could complain about people staring at their new “horn”.
I’m in the waiting room at the car service place waiting for my oil change and checkup. Several people are wondering why I can’t stop laughing. Fuck them. Good one, Jimbo.
Yeah, you’ve been reading too many Sugarfree stories.
One is too many.
The first one I read met that definition.
Driving to work this morning there was a lot of people and cars in my way too.
Back in the day, I was a competitive runner. I trained in an area that was urban to the east and suburban to the west, so I ran many miles through both types of areas. I had leftover food and soda thrown out car windows at me on several occasions. It’s stupid teenage edgelords trying to be funny. In the urban areas, it was black kids. In the suburban areas, it was white kids (mostly from the public school down the road). Teenage edgelords come in all races.
teenagers trying to be funny isn’t all that funny. Had several teenagers bust buttermilk all over an aisle when I worked at a retailer (baseball bat, buttermilk, $2K in damaged merchandise each time). Company had to no trespass them, and then their parents threatened to sue the company. The custodial staff wanted to beat them bloody to teach them a lesson.
Kids, parents or both?
I vote “both”.
“The custodial staff wanted to beat them bloody to teach them a lesson.”
Blue collar folks doing the real work again.
It takes a village.
Speaking of trans-harrassment….
Minnesoda Charter School Extorted by Family of 5-year old Trans student
There are so many things wrong with this story. Of course comments are turned off.
From the story, it looks like the school bent over backwards to try to accomodate the precious snow flake and its parents. But it still wasn’t good enough because they didn’t move fast enough.
And a fucking 5-year old doesn’t know shit, so why are you fucking him up for life by insisting that he be a girl?
You see what happens when you take government funding? Do you see what happens?
Were I in Mr./Ms. Alabanza’s shoes (heels), I might consider:
1) not applying lipstick whilst crossing a street or heavy foot-traffic area (I might even go so far as to recommend holding off on all makeup application(s) until in a stable, seated position)
2) donning a pair of comfortable walking/running shoes prior to embarking on my daily commute. Possible benefits include (but are not limited to):
a) partial or full mitigation of heel/sidewalk crack issue
b) an enhanced ability to avoid incoming projectile food items (depending on my reflexes, I guess)
c) less foot fatigue?
3) waiting until I & my fellow culture warriors “finish the deal” such that my lifestyle choice(s) are universally accepted, and/or, those opposed to them realize that their own moral choices/objections are no longer welcome in this “free” society of ours
Godspeed, Travis. Godspeed.
What a waste of a chicken burger.
I don’t get the uproar. He’s teaching business classes. Its not as if they’re hard sciences. (Disclosure: My degree is in Business Admin)
I took a degree in business admin/management, and while I won’t pretend it was necessarily the most rigorous course of study, I’m glad none of my professors pulled that shit.
Double major in Econ and Business admin here. Let’s face it, business admin is easy. But we still made fun of the market majors.
Meh, “easy” is relative. There’s plenty of ivy educated physicians and lawyers who couldn’t get an adequate GMAT score to get accepted at a state school.
That said, in hindsight I wish I had either challenged myself with something more difficult or chosen something less pragmatic and closer to my passions.
Business school was invented to give engineering dropouts somewhere to go.
Just as Education school was invented to give business school dropouts somewhere to go.
And education school dropouts go for women/LGBTQXYZ studies degrees.
I may have missed this one yesterday
Australian Council Bans Building Of Synagogue Because It Could Be Targeted By Islamic Terrorists
So Aussies should start burning down mosques?
textbook heckler’s veto
That ESPN list is retarded. Jackie Robinson was a trailblazer, but him being ahead of Jesse Owens is an absolute travesty. Hell, Owens belongs ahead of Jordan. The man humiliated Adolf Hitler and his whole master race for crying out loud. And he absolutely dominated sprints and the long jump. He set three world records at that meet under that kind of pressure.
Plus he was a Buckeye.
That’s almost grounds for exclusion from the list.
I would put kobe bryan over tim duncan
And curry is waay to high
Kobe over Timmy? Whadderya, nuts? Tim has more regular season MVPs, more Finals MVPs, and the same number of rings. Tim was unquestionably the best player on three of his championship teams, probably four of them. He was about equally valuable to Kawhi Leonard in 2014. Meanwhile, Kobe’s teams floundered like dead fish whenever Kobe wasn’t playing with Shaq or Pau Gasol. OTOH, there were hardly any seasons when Timmy’s teams weren’t in title contention.
The worst record a Tim Duncan team ever had, in 19 seasons, was 50-32. They didn’t miss the playoffs once. Kobe missed the playoffs four times.
Come on, man!
Bill Russell being outside the top 4 (and thirty fucking sixth at that) shows how fucking stupid people are.
Also, no Tiger Woods. The greatest golfer of the last 50ish years. The only blacker golfer of note, who just happens to be, at worst, the second best at that sport of all time and he doesn’t make the list.
Steph Curry ahead of Lebron. Lebron at 29 at all. Jim Brown at 30!!!! Jim fucking Brown
Gabby Douglas and Simone Biles on the list at all, but especially at 9 and 10?? WTF. That’s not a metric in the world outside of “Olympic medals in women’s gymnastics” where those two should be ahead of Jim Brown, Lebron James and Bill Russell
The gymnasts in the top 10 are the most egregious error. But how do you leave Woods off?
Half-asian privilege?
Re have a rinnah.
Then you’d have to leave off Jeter.
Curry at 28 is stupid. Never mind he’s still PLAYING. As I noted down thread, where they have Brown and Pele (it’s an international list?) is retarded. And I agree about Robinson. He was a solid baseball player but not the best black player.
Woods is not on because maybe he hurt ESPN’s feelings in some way?
With Gabby and Simone up there only solidifies it’s a PC list. It’s basically worthless.
And no Jack Johnson? That list is so bad it should be wiped from the fucking internet
ESPN has already won with you continuing to put mental energy and talking about.
I mean, I guess. But I didn’t even click on their original story or listen to anyone on their platform discussing it. So, I’ve embraced debate just not in a way that does anything for their metrics. *shoulder shrug*
I, too, am of the “no clicks for you!” group when it comes to the Eastern Sports Prog Network.
OK, for one thing, they don’t get to count Roberto Clemente as black when sports media constantly ignores black Latinos in those “too few black players in MLB” stories that pop up periodically.
For another….no Lawrence Taylor. At all. In a list with a bunch of football players. Fuck. You. LT was the greatest defensive player to set foot on an NFL field and arguably the most dominant at any position.
You mean Dominicans?
Or Panamanians, or Venezuelans, or Cubans.
They don’t count black players from Curacao either like Kenley Jansen or Didi Gregorius, either.
Shit. I missed that! Hey, they had to make room for the womyn!
Dumb stupid list.
Very stupid.
In that LT documentary on Showtime, the last bit is the interviewer asking him how he’d answer if his grandkids ask him who LT was someday. It’s a setup for a gauzy, soul searching, introspective type answer…..and LT just smiles at the camera and says “He was a bad motherfucker!”
Piling on…
Larry Fitzgerald there, but not Randy Moss? David Robinson, but not Hakeem Olajuwon? (Were the NBA MVP voters making the list…[snicker]) No Barry Bonds?! Only the guy with one of the top 3 WARs all time. No Deion Sanders? The guy was a stud in the NFL and pretty damned good in MLB.
The list is progressive, woke shit. Maybe one of the gymnasts counts—hasn’t Biles pretty much won everything in gymnastics for the last eight years or so?—but not two in the top 10.
God, I cannot wait until a la carte cable pricing breaks ESPN off at the knees with their broadcasting contracts.
Deion Sanders might be the greatest pure athlete since Jim Thorpe.
Not even top 10.
You’re kidding, right?
He was very fast. He was shy of physical contact, so that plays against him.
I’d rather have Bo Jackson.
Bo Jackson, LeBron James, Karl Malone, Jesse Owens, Jim Brown, any winner of the Decathalon, Gene Conley (2 pro sports), etc, etc, etc. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of athletes better.
It’s funny you mentioned decathletes, because most elite decathletes have a body type more similar to Deion than they do to any of the other guys you mentioned (5’11” – 6’1″, 185 – 198 lbs). In fact, I think of the all-time top 10, there’s only one guy that was above 6’3″.
I’ll say as a guy who trained for a year for the decath after switching from mid-distance, I think Lebron could muscle his way through enough events to maybe beat Deion in a decath. But Deion would almost certainly prove to be a better baseball player than Lebron.
My all-time top 3 are Thorpe, Deion, and Lebron. Honorable mention goes to all the elite decath guys like Obrien, Clay, and Eaton. Just don’t know how their skills would translate to other sports (I’m sure some would be incredible, while others would appear stiff and robotic when performing any function outside of their perfectly programmed track and field movements).
My criteria for greatest athlete are: 1) strength, 2) speed/quickness, 3) stamina, and 4) longevity. Deion fails badly in 1) and was not great in 3). If you throw in courage – facing athletic adversity – he is a mediocrity who ran out of bounds and avoided tackling anyone. He may have been someone you liked, but he was not universally seen as a superstar – except in his own mind.
I don’t see what body type has to do with it, except perhaps for increasing strength.
And LeBron would certainly have been a better football player than Deion, had he chosen that path.
ESPN is Disney, so their losses on their current TV contracts are nothing more than a nice tax writeoff.
Major Taylor didn’t even make the cut.
What a stud that guy was.
Wait, is that racist?
Not racist. He certainly was a pretty hot dude. A stud though? I thought he fathered only one child from what I’ve read.
straight up stud on the bike, to clarify. Puts Curt Schilling and bloody sock to shame with his race against Mac Farland.
Now I’m talking sports! I’ll shut up.
Deion Sanders not being on the list is even worse than those mistakes.
My favorite Deion story: When he was at FSU, he once played in the first game of a baseball doubleheader, left, went and ran a 4×100 relay as part of the track team, and then went back and played the second game of the doubleheader.
And there are internationals on there. So how come no Jonah Lomu. I mean, he was arguably the greatest rugby player in a half century or more (even though he never, ever, not once scored a try against the Springboks). And he was so black he was an All Black!
Maori don’t get counted. 🙁
That 1935 Big Ten meet’s been called the greatest feat in athletics since 1850. No idea what happened then. Back to Jesse, he set three world records and tied another one in 45 minutes at that meet. The long jump record stood for something like 25 years afterwards. Still is tOSU’s long jump record, if Wiki is to be believed.
Just a phenomenal talent.
Walked on the track team at OSU about a decade ago. Back then, Jesse still had the 100m record (converted from 110 yards, IIRC). I believe the record still stands today.
Bill Russell, Jackie Robinson, Jim Brown, Jesse Owens are 1-4 in whatever order you like. Woods, Jordan, Serena in the top 10. Jack Johnson, too.
No Curt Flood – the MOST influential of all time, although only a good player?? WRF!!
And you want to know something that is genuinely crazy? ‘Arkansas’ Jarrion Lawson’ is the only person to have won the 100m, 200m, and long jump at the NCAA championships other than Jesse Owens. And that was in 2016.
*scans list*
*wait, no Hakeem Olajuwon?!?!?*
*dons Guy Fawkes mask*
Dear America,
The glaring omission of Hakeem “The Dream” Olajuwon from the “50 Greatest Black Athletes of All Time” has not gone unnoticed by us (me). Add him (& remove David Robinson or one of the gymnastics chicks). Or else. *quick suspense-themed burst of music* You’ve been warned.
I am DTX.
I don’t forgive.
I don’t forget.
Expect me.
I’m really hungry (lunch recommendation?)
Jill Soloway Trashes Popular SNL Character ‘Pat’ As ‘Hateful’ ‘Anti-Trans Propaganda’
Jill, I don’t think you get what ‘Trans’ means. It doesn’t mean lingering at a morphic midpoint, it means moving to the other binary state.
The joke was on androgyny – something that does lend itself to misunderstandings that some people do find funny.
Sorry Mis…ter?
Remember back in the 1970s, when comedies were funny? Is their any 1970s comedy that could be made today? Not Blazing Saddles, not the Bad News Bears, not Airplane.
Maybe Young Frankenstein.
They wouldn’t let you make the knockers joke.
Also, the Madeleine Kahn gets raped by the monster, and likes it.
Sweeeeeeeet mystery of life……
Jerry Seinfeld stopped touring colleges because of the campus snowflakes.
Jerry. Fucking. Seinfeld.
I’ve seen his act twice and every episode of the show probably several dozen times. If Jerry Seinfeld is too much for modern sensibilities then comedy is dead.
“What’s the deal with airline peanuts?”
Smokey and the Bandit would probably make it. But you are right that many, many couldn’t be made. Or if made would be condemned and protested by an assortment of busybodies.
Best joke in SatB:
“Excuse me, sheriff; you sounded taller on the radio.”
*takes son aside*
“What the hell is this world comin’ to?”
“The first thing I’m gonna do when I get home is punch your mama right in the mouth.”
Great minds, etc.
I remember watching SATB so much with Dad. Holy shit, probably 10-15 times. Jackie Gleason is, was, and will always be my favorite part of the movie.*
* Aside from the Trans Am. My uncle had one similar to that in the ’80s so I thought I was hot shit by association
Then you should enjoy this.
I remember being at my aunt and uncles one weekend way back when. They had HBO, and Smokey and the Bandit was all over it that weekend. I must have seen it 4-5 times. It was glorious.
Ha I forgot about that one.
Probably my favorite line from the movie.
(And, now that I think of it, could not be included in the movie if made today)
That Amy Schumer-Goldie Hawn movie that came out a couple months ago was super non-PC from what I hear. Along the lines of The Three Amigos.
I-gor was hunchback…so probably no given it *could* in theory offend.
What hump?
‘Pat’ was pretty damned funny because it dealt with the discomfort people feel when they are around androgynous people, and most everyone knows a ‘Pat’. That is what comedy does – it turns somethings scary or disquieting into something you can laugh at. In addition to being funny I dont remember ‘Pat’ ever dealing with the character in a disparaging way.
Creepy fucking progs poison everything. I wonder how long before they look back and marvel at their own folly. Never mind, dont answer that. We all know the answer.
I agree. Every skit was about people trying to be nice to Pat and address him/her correctly. They were worried about making a mistake and hurting Pat’s feelings.
Oh, the horror!
So now their anger is retroactive?
“We didn’t understand that at the time,”
So woke. So, so woke.
Holy shit, stay away from that first decade of the Simpsons. Lots of gay jokes.
Great, now I’ve “Everybody Dance Now” stuck in my head.
Poll: Voters support Trump-backed immigration bill
It’s mostly just common sense, it shouldn’t really be controversial at all.
Glenn Campbell, R.I.P.
I pass through his “hometown” while driving my route.
Couple caught having sex at state fair in ‘appalling’ video
To the sex offender registry with them.
You can only eat so many cheese curds before you run out of things to do at the WI state fair.
“We’re here for a horse show or a dog show — not to make babies,” visitor Morgan Hakenson told WITI.
Well this could be taken out of context.
…and not a pig show!
not to make babies
So anal at the fair is cool, then.
I’m assuming the appalling part was naked Wisconsinites. Not the public fucking.
So her only problem was the position the couple was doing it in?
That and the lack of a donkey.
+1 interspecies erotica
I want to get off of Mr. Bones Wild Ride
Was it appalling because the sex was bad?
Appalling? I’m sure the sex wasn’t that bad.
I need to pay attention.
No one worshiping Satan at the library: Forest Grove police log
That’s exactly what you would except members of the coven to say.
Alternative subtitle: SugarFree’s spoken word taken out of context
Were they playing D&D? That sometimes gets mistaken for Satan worship.
I have first hand experience with that. Trying to get a room to play at school, an administrator double checked we would not be killing animals, he remembered something about that from the Bible.
When did Satanism become illegal, is what I want to know.
28th Amendment: separation of satan and state.
Right, why does this warrant calling the police in the first place?
Because Forest Grove, Oregon?
During the sex abuse panic of the 1980s, when politicians like Martha Coakley had children brainwashed into believing they had been molested.
Out of context?
They have a Police Log? is there a Police Log Lady?
I don’t much debate global warming on the interwebs, but found this article interesting
One of the main problems I see is that it is impossible to get reliable data overall. And due to the massive political implications and bias, you can’t really trust what most people – on either side – say unless you somehow reproduce the data yourself and who has time. If I am ever a billionaire I will pay people to do this for me.
If I am ever a billionaire I will pay people to do this for me
I’m more of a satellite laser beam kind of supervillain.
Kinetic long rod penetrators are a lot more cost effective, and won’t be affected by weather.
“Kinetic Long Rod Penetrators” – Band name, or album? I’m thinking band.
Well, I’m not a fan of the cold, but we can certainly discuss my rates…
Mayweather – McGregor is in 17 days *ducks*
Was one of them swinging at you?!?!?!?!
I could probably actually duck a punch from Conor. OOOO SNAP. But seriously, he’s going to get picked apart very badly
Yup, Mayweather’s sparring partners could take McGregor apart in a boxing match.
What the fuck? I swear I read on espn that it was this week.
The only reason I know is because it’s on my wedding day. Might buy it for the reception.
It’ll be late enough I might even get to enjoy it at home, alone
*widens gaze*
Hey man, I like drinking and shooting the shit as much as the next guy. By the time the fight starts, I’ll be 5 hours deep. That’s plenty for me
By alone, I’m assuming my fiancee will be long asleep. She’s usually out by 8. She *might* make it through our reception without napping
Aren’t you supposed to be consummating your marriage that night?
Too late?????
Also, I’m sure we will, but also sure she’ll be tired as fuck so probably do that earlier in the day… a few times if it’s up to me
So, they did find circumstantial evidence?
Thread fail.
No, I’m just trying my hand at the Brooks method of commenting. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Forget about landing the next Toyota plant if Texas adopts a bathroom bill
Texans: “Oh no! Toyota gets to pay higher tax rates, higher wages, and we get to keep our subsidies? What’ll we dooooooo!”
Japanese care about trans rights? Or figure that people will remember this outrage more than the five seconds it’ll take before CNN et al find something else to get bothered over?
The Japanese couldn’t care less. The US division’s marketing team definitely cares.
There was a translation issue where they thought it was a law regarding transmissions.
Everyone wants to be a continuously variable tranny these days.
Well thats sad.
Disappointed in Toyota.
TW: FiveThirtyEight
The Congressional Map Has A Record-Setting Bias Against Democrats
Well isn’t that the whole point of the Senate in your country?
Exactly. The left and the ones doing the complaining about all this forget that North America agreed to FEDERALISM. But in mid-air they want to reverse it without understanding what they’re fucken talking about.
Take our friend Dave who later on in the comments chimed in with ‘the basic tenets of democracy’. Apparently, and he’s probably unaware, ‘tyranny of the majority’ and ignoring state rights are ‘tenets of democracy’.
Federalism, how does it work?
Well as far as I can see, as a non american, not that well. US seems to be quite centralized.
This is the answer.
Or, counter-possibility: Imagine how bad America would be without a senate.
It worked better prior to the 17th amendment. Now it’s closer to being another House of Representatives with fewer members.
Remember the far away days of 2005 or so when Republicans said that Democratic gerrymandering had completely undermined democracy and the Democrats said that there was no such thing as gerrymandering, and Jack Murtha’s district was as kosher as a Hebrew National?
No, No I do NOT! That went down the memory hole, comrade!
The entire argument is bullshit. Key to the whole thing – > “Democratic voters clustering in urban districts”
Their complaint is that there aren’t enough lefty bubbles. If the D’s are all clustered in urban areas how can the R’s be gerrymandered? Draw the lines anywhere you want outside of the cities and you get an R elected.
538 is whining democrats aren’t in power. Water is wet
Gerrymandering? The biggest issue is urban centers. Gerrymandering is excuse making
Also gerrymandering doesn’t count if for a minority democrat
“Dave Goldberg · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brett Bellmore But why shouldn’t Californians have an outsized voice? They represent fully an eighth of the country! Instead they get as much representation in the Senate as Wyoming, a state with 1/67th the population. Your argument (and again, the founding fathers apparently agreed with you — but I do not) essentially boils down to the idea that land gets a vote. Otherwise, you’d be hard-pressed to make a cogent argument as to why a rancher in Montana should have more say over my life than I have over his.”
You know, if you reduced the power of the federal government and put the power back into the hands of the state’s dave, then a Montana rancher wouldn’t have as much if a say over your life.
They don’t want less say. They just want to hold the reins and slash their crop at others.
Thinking isnt required. Simple reading is all that is needed. The cogent argument for the structure and function of the Senate is well documented yet Dave pretends that it is not.
I am not even sure these idiots would come out ahead in a democracy. The denizens of the liberal bubbles think they would because they only know like-minded and think that their anecdotal experience means they have a majority. I dont believe they do.
Not long ago I induced sputtering confusion in a prog by pointing out that the average person has serious real life concerns; jobs, children, taxes, a mortgage, etc, and so dont give a flying shit about tranny bathrooms for less than one percent of the population. He seemed to think it was the most important issue the country is facing.
I am not even sure these idiots would come out ahead in a democracy.
It depends on what kind of democracy. First off, if it was done with proportional representation, they’d never get a majority and the right would likely have a better chance at forming a coalition government. If it was done by districting, we already know the results from our House of Representatives.*
*Unless they want to abolish state lines. But doing so means abolishing state governments, which is completely impossible in a country this size and geographically diverse.
Remember James Carville after the 2008 election? He was going around and shouting to anyone who would listen that the GOP was done and that the Democrats would be in power for 40 years.
Remember Karl Rove’s permanent Republican majority?
Well, it’s already been concluded that the Democrats are taking back the house in 2018, so nothing to see here.
I don’t want to get in the whole google memo thing again, but I have to admit that I did follow some twitters recently (I am not on tweeter but looked at some feeds anyway) and I have to admit I lost some respect for ENB. When lurking at reason some people were quite excessively critical of her without good reason, but she kinda lost me on a few things the last few days.
For example she re-twitted this crap
Which mentioned Godel to seem smart and ends down the road we must stop free speech to help free speech.
“The Google manifesto is a prime example. It frames itself in free speech and diversity while actively undercutting both.” and “It is by and large a case for treating the speech of women as fundamentally less valuable than the speech of men.” huh? How can I respect someone who retweets this uncritically, unless she is trolling and I have no way of knowing. Not that anyone gives a shit if I respect ENB or not, and I still think she does valuable work and promotes libertarianism somewhat, but really?
ENB: I’m fairly agnostic on the subject but I got tired of all the abortion abortion abortion articles she slapped up on the page.
For example she re-twitted this crap
No way, the woman who defended street riots by saying Resistance Isn’t Always Rational”?
That twitter thread was so stupid and up its own ass.
I wonder if that person could de-stupefy himself for two minutes to realize the logic of his argument; which was basically “if people are anti System X, then we shouldn’t care about depriving them of System X.”
Does this person therefore believe socialists, communists, and other authoritarian dickheads should be excluded from the Constitutional Republic we enjoy in the US? I mean, their goal is to “burn down the system”, ergo they shouldn’t even be allowed in it.
Now that would require actual critical thinking and not just misrepresenting mathematical theorems to seem intelligent, so, unlikely
Look, the goals of social justice are noble.
I won’t even stipulate to that. Their goals sound atrocious on their face, and just get worse when analyzed.
It’s an ENB quote, and the genesis of my distaste for her.
Also, I don’t like the constant accuses of cuckery or assuming because someone isn’t a strapping manly man man, that they are somehow inferior pussies or what have you for many reasons.
*Extreme Larry David* Having said that ENB’s fiance looks like the biggest sad sack in the world. My goodness. And, not to go all Eddie, but marrying a woman who’s written multiple times about how she used to pimp herself out* and describe how much she loved being dominated by a guy with a huge cock just seems … not great.
* I think she said she never actually fucked the guys on the sugar daddy website, so the details on that murky.
I will always treasure the evisceration Heroic Mulatto laid down on him in the old place’s comments, and his subsequent hasty getaway. Priceless stuff.
I’ve seen it, but do you happen to have a link? I need to save it for times when I need a pick me up
I do not, but I’m sure someone else does.
It’s been linked here before. Naturally I can’t find it. It wasn’t that many posts either by either HM or her beau.
Nope, it was pretty much a one-punch knockout by HM. Mr. ENB showed up, HM raked him over the coals, Mr. ENB made one brief, weak response and vanished.
Ah, that was glorious, especially how he scampered away like a whipped cur.
She copped to a BJ for one old dude in one of her articles.
We must not forget the fact the majority of people attacking her on twitter, antifeminists, altright, even certain strains of libertarian, whatever, are morons.
I mean most of her critics most of the time were just full of shit. This is why I was somewhat disappointed lets say (though I don’t care enough to be actually disappointed) by the last few days
Eh….she deserves what she gets, IMO. I think she’s made it abundantly clear that whatever beliefs she has in liberty are coincidental. Check out her past works from before Reason hired her. Straight prog, up and down the line. She has gushed about the nobility of social justice, lavished praise on Jill Filipovic, dates a guy who wrote for fucking Mother Jones. If she somehow scores one of those plum jobs with the Atlantic or Slate, I have no doubt of what her output will be when she is no longer saddled with the need to at least appear to be libertarian.
I began shitting on her about her Bustle articles and defense of birth control mandates on her blog about 10 minutes after she started at Reason. At the time the general consensus of the Reason commentariat was along the lines of PieInTheSky, wanting to extend every possible benefit of the doubt. I feel somewhat vindicated now that she’s completely let the mask slip here more recently.
Good lord. I’m for big tent libertarianism, but even a big tent has boundaries. Smfh
Which any actual libertarian should be in favor of.
Why would I want to not forget that? Or even give a shit.
Hey now, there ain’t nothing wrong with a little wholesome S&M. But yeah, her fiance looks (and acts, from the HM takedown) like the kind of woke guy who gives her stability while she fucks around.
She went insane yesterday when she accused conservatives of reacting to slights 5x as much as lefties. In a tweet reacting to lefties getting the google guy fired. From a person that doxxed a guy to ruin his future because he made a sandwich joke.
Let’s just say the reactions probably didn’t help her reinforce her point.
Here, enjoy:
I can’t wait to see tos fundraiser results
She’ll be writing “Why I used to be a Libertarian. What made me ignore the pain of marginalized others?” for the e-corpse of Salon in less than 2 years. Take it to the bank.
the e-corpse of Salon
*opera applause*
You’re too kind
Hah….I didn’t see your post and wrote pretty much the same thing above.
The thing is, compared to the right down rabid reactions from SJWs and feminists, the conservative counter reaction was relatively tame and a lot more based in reality and fact. There is no way anyone can seriously represent it otherwise.
She posted one of those idiotic “male tears” coffee mugs. Even for her, that’s pathetic.
I saw that and have read her past work. In what way does Lizzie appear to be a fan of individual liberty, cuz I never saw it. I am not asking you, just asking the room. The proggie was always there just under the surface. Half of the writers at TOS reek of it. This isnt the first time she has done something that showed she lacks a moral compass.
The truth is she is a feminist prog and I see her as an awful person. Am I being too harsh?
She’s written some pretty good articles in defense of sex workers. And you have to remember, she’s been hanging out with the cosmos, and that only leads one place and it’s not the path to more libertarian. The cosmos haven thrown all their eggs into one big millennial basket. Call them prog-lite at best.
Hell, even Robbie writes some decent stuff from time to time – I’ll give him credit for jumping on the UVA rape hoax early on, when the media consensus was that it was absolutely true.
When you look at him or ENB in full, however, it’s obvious where their heart really is. Reading them gives me the same reaction that reading Weigel used to, back before he jumped to WaPo and ditched the mask.
If I’m trying to be charitable, the least damning theory I can come up with is that they are weak-minded and easy prey to the peer pressure of the Beltway political/media world. They so desperately want to be accepted by their peers that they are embarrassed to write in defense of wrongthink, and so they couch everything in whataboutism: “to be sure” and “while we may disagree with their tactics, the goals of social justice are noble”.
I don’t know if I would go “awful person”. I usually save that for people who do legitimate harm or promote things which lead to legitimate harm.
I’m aware of the ills caused by standard prog ideas, but I’d save awful person for the Maduro apologists or Tulpa level copsuckers
The tweet (for those that don’t twitter):
Again, conservatives manage to express their dissatisfaction with liberal overreaction by being 5x as melodramatic, whiny, & “triggered”
Just fuck my tags up.
I thought he was Bo, not Cytotoxic.
Well I mean, we’re all Tulpa anyway.
Sometimes I dislike to see a lot of people in the libertarian sphere acting like lefties and righties. I believe some of them are emotionally libertarian like others are emotionally lefty or righty, not based on reason, principles etc. I see more reason in libertarians than others, but not as much as I would like. And there is a lot of misunderstanding of many a issue -markets, speech,rights- I would not expect of libertarians.
I saw that this morning. All I have to add is this:
Scratch that. I also apparently had a bunch of markup fuck-ups to add as well.
And this is why I don’t like content people touching markup.
This pseudo-intellectual stuff bothers me more than it should. It a combination of being too stupid to understand the subject, and so smug that he thinks he understands it better than anyone else.
That person doesn’t understand Godel’s incompleteness theorems.
Fuck em. Table a proposal that goes around Nebraska. Head south through WY, CO and then turn and aim for OK.
The green maggots in CO would raise a stink, but I am sure there are plenty of pipelines out in the plains.
I hate to intrude on LH’s beat, but…
Cops warn civilians not to shoot Bigfoot after sighting
Sounds like Steve Smith might need a CCL. Or is he on a list that prevents him from carrying?
“If you see Bigfoot, please do not shoot at him/her,”
SJWednesday: Taxing Our Way To Equality Edition
In other unrelated news, business has dropped by 68%.
Do they make sandwiches
It’s not the men’s room anymore, so where is this exactly?
Book clubs, lesbian bars, Mommy and me classes, breastfeeding rooms, sororities, altar guilds, movie theatres showing Julia Roberts flicks, and that’s just off the top of my head….
That’s for the ladies, I know there are those. I’m looking for the men’s spaces she is not allowed it.
Rush concert.
Libertarian National Convention?
There’s basically a few men’s only country clubs for the extremely rich, which are falling one after another due to discrimination lawsuits.
Do men actually patronize her cafe?
I bet some pajama-boy type proggies do.
Real men, no.
This pic popped up on my Facederp “memories” from 4 years ago today. You know what that means!*
*you probably don’t
Accurate assessment.
The bunk was occupied for a bit?
KK will be back later.
That was 4 years ago…such is not the case today 🙁
Dershowitz to Maxine Waters: ‘Being black does not give you a license to call me a racist’
Good luck Dershie. I don’t think the crazies are going to be dislodged from the Democrat Party at this point.
I’ve been keeping an eye on Dershowitz the last few years ever since he made some interesting legal maneuvers in the ongoing Jeffrey Epstein saga. Its been awhile since i read the legal documents, he basically stopped Epstein, lawyered up himself, threw him under the bus, threw the Clintons under the bus, and has tried to put as much distance between himself and establishment politicians for the last two years.
My dad was pretty conservative, but he always used to follow Dershowitz for his conlaw analysis even though Dershowitz was pretty solidly left of center. He’s sometimes wrong, but he’s smart and he’s not dishonest. Naturally his type had to be purged from the modern left.
If you would’ve told me 15 years ago that I would look forward to reading Alan Dershowitz and Glenn Greenwald, I would’ve thought you were insane.
“We may not make a university student out of him, but if we can teach him to read and write, maybe he can work at the post office rather than as a garbageman when he gets through with his athletic career.” — uga’s lawyer in his closing arguments during the Jan Kemp trial.
Lawsuit? Is that still a trial or is that only for criminal cases?
So Sanitationist.
SJWednesday: Remedial Bullshit Edition
Bonus excerpt, in case you thought feminists were about anything other than hating Western Civilization.
The good news is that there is no way this nonsense can last more than a generation. This generation will not have enough jobs and therefore money to send their kids to expensive schools. Problem will solve itself. Former generations of progs were at least smart enough to figure that out, but apparently that sort of logic has now been bred completely out of them. We just have to figure out what we do with an entire generation of idiots. I’m thinking put them all on giant hamster wheels to generate some renewable energy. Hopefully, most of them fall off into the shark infested mote below the wheels so that it’s not too renewable.
It started generations ago. State schools were teaching this crap back in the 80’s.
Yes, but most of the students were still getting real degrees. This gender studies BS has only happened recently. That’s my point.
Most students still are. Women’s/gender studies programs started in the 1970’s, and offhand, I don’t think they are any more popular now than they were in the 90’s.
What has been increasing is leftist feminist crap infecting other fields.
Axes of Identity sounds like a prog metal band.
Hm. About that list first. Jim Brown is too low. Bolt ahead of Pele? Not a fan of mixing in women and men. No way in hell those women are better than any of the men before them. That’s just dumb PC nonsense. I understand it may consider the dominance but it should be on another list.
And it seems a tad. erm, ambitious by not restricting to American blacks.
Okay time for the greatest WHITE athletes! What you say assholes at ESPN?
1. Babe Ruth
2. Dixie Dean
I thought those two went nicely together. Ruth hit 60 HRs in 1927. Dean scored 60 goals in 1927-28.
“Goals”? Is he at least an ice combat player?
I’m afraid from where I’m at, that link is unusable.
UCS ruining a lmgtfy joke.
Humor is one of the few things I can kill reliably.
Also no baseball players
I am finding it “fascinating” that there’s no Barry Bonds on the list.
My non-baseball friend got really shocked when I declared Bonds to be the best baseball player of all time.
Now, Babe Ruth was much more influential, as he literally single-handedly changed the game.
And @robc: Babe did play tremendous defense (pitcher, see Carlin, George) before dominating like no other offensively.
He’s in the conversation, that’s for sure. WW2 hamstrung a few of these guys, particularly Teddy Ballgame. Add 3 more years to Williams of the 10+ WAR seasons he racked up before and after his service, and he’s right there with Bonds and Mays.
I was going to mention Williams. What a fucking badass American hero.
From his wiki: “Williams was talented as a pilot, and so enjoyed it that he had to be ordered by the Navy to leave training to personally accept his American League 1942 Major League Baseball Triple Crown.[131”
(Although he apparently petitioned to get actual active duty, I’m damn sure they never let him once get into anything that even resembled trouble. Still, not his fault.)
He became a pilot in WWII and ended up as a flight instructor. He was in John Glenn’s unit; Glenn called him one of the best pilots he had seen. Then he flew 39 combat missions in Korea. Although he did try to change his enlistment status, once he was in active duty he didn’t opt for a desk job (or military baseball team, other than a few appearances).
I forgot about his service in Korea, which might be ironic. Dontcha think?
He also lost most of two years in the Korean WAR (1952-53).
I’d put Gretzky at #1. No one dominated a sport like he did. Ruth #2.
Was Gretzky a top tier goalie then shifted to a goal scorer after a few years?
Something about fishes and small ponds.
Statistically prove it.
I don’t give a shit he played a sport Americans consider ‘small.’
In 1920 Babe Ruth hit more home runs (54) than any other TEAM in either league.
Ruth held numerous pitching records for the World Series.
Need I go on?
Small frozen ponds.
Gretzky could barely benchpress
Didier Cuche
I think that name can be easily mocked using sexual slang, although that sort of thing is beneath me
Not me!
“That sounds like something you can order at a Parisian house of ill-repute!”
“But enough about Macron…”
Or a Geneva house of ill-repute, as it were.
Genf … lousy Frogs.
Eddy Merckx.
Don Bradman
Are we counting Jim Thorpe as white, or white-ish?
Roger Federer
Ted Williams
Babe Didrikson
I’m sure I’ll think of more, but these came to mind as not having been mentioned yet.
Oh, and shouldn’t Ashton Eaton be on the greatest black athletes list, considering he made the decathlon his bitch for eight years or so?
I thought the same thing. But he’s half white. So which group gets to claim him?
Basketball: Larry Bird, Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Kidd
Jason Kidd is white and black. He goes on the list with LoLo Jones, Blake Griffin, and Barack Obama. (Trust me, ESPN will put him on the list for golf and basketball)
And Ashton Eaton
If they’re claiming Jeter on the black list, Kidd should be there too, right?
I was thinking Maravich, Jerry West,
Cousy? Nope, Steve Nash.Football: A bunch of QBs, Kevin Greene, Brian Urlacher, Jason Witten, just off the top of my head
Steve Largent, Ray Nitschke, a bunch of O-linemen. Urlacher in his prime had some ridiculous athleticism.
Oh, Tony Gonzalez? HoF TE, played D1 basketball well for Cal. Supposed to be very athletic as well.
Is Tony Gonzalez white? I think I should consult /pol/
Depends, did he shot a black person?
Football? No questions, Joe Montana, Johnny Unitas, Fred Biletnikoff, and a dark horse- Tom Matte (who was a very good running back, but came within a bad call of beating the Bart Starr Packers for the championship in 1965 when he was pressed into service as a QB).
Most interesting football player ever- Frank Ryan, with a runner up being Art Donovan.
Nastiest Football Player Ever- Mike Curtis, with a runner up in Hacksaw Reynolds.
Jim Thorpe?
King Gustav “You, sir, are the greatest athlete in the world”
Thorpe “Thanks, King”
Babe Didrikson.
Charging men 18% more to raise awareness for the gender pay gap
What if I go in and tell them I identify as a woman?
JB: Hi, I, er, I identify as transgender. No tax right?
JB’s kid: Daddy? What’s transgender?
JB (squeezes hand, smiles nervously): Shhh. Choose a muffin. Kids these days so not woke! So, no tax right?
Kid’s too honest for that stuff. We went to a restaurant where it’s cheaper for kids 7 and under than it is for 8+ (she’s 8). She wouldn’t let me tell the waiter that she’s 7.
When I was 24 I bought a 16-and-under ticket for the tram at Teton Village. At the encouragement of my Pa.
When we were kids, it was in the age when hotels would charge extra for kids. It was usually one free kid per adult. So when we’d take vacation, dad would take my brother and sister in the lobby to check in and make me duck down in the car so they couldn’t see me and ding us for he extra $10 a night. He took them in because my brother was younger and my sister so he could ask for a rollaway bed (can’t have a boy and girl sleeping together, even at that age).
On more than one occasion, I walked into the lobby as he was checking in just to be an asshole. After all, why the hell did I have to be the one ducking down every time? Screw that.
Also, he used to make us order off the kids menu even after we were way too old to do so. Because he knew we’d end up wasting food if we ordered from the full menu.
My dad had Holiday Inn and other towels, silverware and such from all his out of town visits. *remembers going to Lake of the Ozarks with those towels, good times*
Speaking of kids’ menus, why they hell can’t I order off the thing? I’m a little guy. I have no need for a 3000 calorie burrito and two sides. I just want a small burger and handful of fries. A sure way to get me to order nothing, and never come to your restaurant again, is to tell me that menu is for kids only.
“What if I go in and tell them I identify as a woman?”
My thought is that there are no men who go in there, who are smart enough to even think of that.
It’s a vegan restaurant. The men are all down the street at the steak house.
Except for the cucks, they’re all eating their tofu salad like their 300 lb butch dyke life partner demands.
Also, did you scroll to the bottom to see the artwork that they display in the cafe?
Because you really, really shouldn’t.
These people have no class.
That’s an honest WTF right there.
Enough to make you too nauseous to eat your vegan cheese.
What 18% more of zero?
If you patronize a vegan restaurant, you deserve what you get.
Vegan? No thanks, lets go down the street and get cheesesteak.
In Australia the cheesesteaks eat you!
bold stance
I don’t think they’re using that phrase correctly.
Study: Philadelphia tax makes soda more expensive than beer
So it is working, they have switched to a healthier drink.
On the subject:
Overbrook bakery closes, blames city soda tax
Standby for many stories like this from Chicago…soon.
How about:
Pepsi to Pabst
Mountain Dew to Molson
Barq’s to Budweiser
Fresca to Foster’s
Hire’s to Heineken
Faygo to 40s!
(For the Juggalo set)
*slow clap*
A Woman Is Suing Costco For A Chicken Salad That Has Cost Her Millions in Health Bills
Other than that, how was the chicken?
Without knowing all the details, seems reasonable. If the chicken legitimately caused the medical bills, then Costco should be liable.
Sounds like she had a pretty rare complication that caused some severe issues, including having to have her large intestine removed and a kidney transplant. If the story as presented is accurate, they will probably get nailed to the wall if it goes to trial.
Yep – unless they can pass some along to the supplier.
Tracy Morgan had some pretty good jokes about how his settlement with Walmart was enough to make their rollback prices roll forward.
Is that the normal career path for Broadway performers? Was Bet Midler once a Disney princess? I am sorry she got sick and still suffers from it, but I am not sure claiming one was going to be a Broadway star if they hadn’t gotten sick is really going to fly.
I coulda been a headliner.
I was going to snark, then I noticed this was “Food Safety News”.
I can’t get more sarcastic than the fact that there exists a “Food Safety News”
Attorneys want to maximize damages. it sounds like the illness may very well have sidelined any chance she had at being a working performer though. If the liability is there then her career trajectory is just a gambit in the haggle over price.
Ya, she definitely got hosed on this one. Sounds like she may not have much of any career at anything.
Steve Martin started his career working at Disneyland.
Did he? Maybe she has a case. My ex has a nephew who was a Disney character after college. He is now a restaurant manager.
He did, although only a little bit as a performer – he sold tickets and was a salesman in a shop before doing a magic show.
The magic shop was my favorite thing in all of Disney the couple times we went to the park when I was a kid.
One of the jungle cruise ride guides at Disneyland when I was there put on a clinic. I fully expected to see him in movies one day. Alas, this was before the proliferation of camera phones and viral videos or he’d probably be YouTube famous.
They sure did give the reporter from Godzilla an extensive backstory…
Knott’s Berry Farm. Not Disney.
She should sue her parents for shit genes if she is the only one of her family and friends to have more than temporary discomfort.
Accused burglar doesn’t flush toilet, leaves DNA for police
Dee, you dumb bitch!
I have a feeling all the good things that feminists were saying about Wonder Woman (which was a good movie, FWIW) is about to end.
This is what happens when you politicize everything.
I like how even the The Hollywood Reporter works from the presumption that the Kochs are evil.
From the article: “I don’t think the Kochs have spent a dime of money out of altruism. It’s all toward advancing their bottom line, whether it’s in politics or the private sector. I don’t think it would be too cynical to believe that this was not calculated. It doesn’t bode well for Hollywood,” says Deal.
But if liberals pour money into politics, it’s altruism, eh?
I think the Kochs deny funding it. It WAS funded by Wanda Pictures which is owned by the Chinese company Wanda Group. So the subliminal pinko commie messages should soothe the savage SJW.
So I’ve had a thought for a long time and wanted to share it with y’all.
People always counter-argue with us that deregulation will lead to chaos, madness (CATS AND DOGS, DAMMIT!) and lawbreaking. I’m watching the doc version of one of my favorite books by one of my favorite political/economic public figures: The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson. He’s talking about the Dallas real-estate scandal in the early 80s, which he argues is directly tied to Fed deregulation in 1982 by Reagan.
So my idea is to make it easier for citizens to indeed catch lawbreakers without having so many Fed departments and agents and regs: What if we created a (large) wing of the Justice Department that made it drastically easier for regular people, who can’t afford a (good) lawyer or team to fight on their behalf when bringing up claims.
Yes I know I’m creating government to get rid of government, but at least Justice is something I think we can all agree is Constitutional. This branch would have manpower that would be able to investigate claims and would be able to bring people to court.
I’m worried that very rapidly such vast amount of investigative power would largely lead to it simply replacing the system that we have now, but at least it would get rid (in fantasy land) of many alphabet soup departments. The more I type it out the plan seems to sound worse, but thought I’d keep typing anyway.
Sorry for wall of text. It’s really hard for me to gauge exactly how much I’m typing into this box. I’ll start using OpenOffice first.
Careful someone doesn’t fisk you.
Your doorman?
*kicks pebble on the dusty, barren road. Dirt flies into my eyes. Chaplin applauds.*
Do you have any background on that Dallas scandal? I’ve never heard of it and I’m curious.
This is well before my time but it’s well-covered in his book: here’s the wiki:
Savings and Loan Scandal
The Dallas example is in the book focused on the Empire Savings and Loan. Uses the abandoned housing (now just slabs of concrete) along the I-30 as a physical example of how everything went down.
You mean like the airlines and UPS and telephone service?
Oh, of course that’s not my position.
IANAL, but at a cursory glance it looks like this instance the banks were actively being criminal in the way that they ran their businesses and took funds from depositors/investors.
The Wiki also mentions that the SEC screwed the pooch, which is of course *highly* shocking, so it is still a case of government failing to catch the lawbreakers. It just seems more prudent to me to have Justice do it in a more decentralized manner. But yes, I do realize how crazy that sounds. I just want individuals who DO get fucked to be able to fight against corporate wrong-doers rather than have to suck it up ‘cuz their poor. If that makes sense?
The FTC and SEC are essentially supposed to serve that function now. If it led to a bunch of agencies actually getting rolled up it might be worth it, but you pretty much hit it: that’s now how government actually works in the real world.
” No matter what happens, smile!”
Thank you, brother. That there is philosophy.
File under not everything on the internet is not true: I don’t have the link, but I read how to make homemade DIY fly strips yesterday. We get a lot of flys this time of year. Combine sugar, maple syrup and water. Heat until the sugar dissolves. Soak strips of heavy paper, (brown paper bag) in it, dry and you’re done, you have sticky fly paper. My ass. Now I have a house full of hyper active jacked up flys because they are all high on maple syrup and sugar. It is a brown feeding strip.
– 1 “not” in that first sentence. oops.
Given how cheap flypaper is that sounds more expensive than just buying some.
I didn’t want to drive to town.
As a Vermonter, I am deeply offended that anyone would waste maple syrup in this way! That stuff is meant to be in my belly, not on some fly’s proboscis!
and that shit ain’t cheap, either.
They also said you could use honey or corn syrup. Gold is cheaper than honey these days, and I don’t have any corn syrup. My bottle of syrup has been on the shelf for a year. I don’t make pancakes often.
Add DDT to the syrup
I add borax to mint jelly to get rid of sugar ants. Works well.
holy shit yes, we did borax and sugar water, dipped a cotton ball in it and put that around the ant hills outside. Killed all those suckers in a day.
pancakes? don’t fence yourself in on your maple syrup usage.
Mostly I use my maple syrup on bacon. Little syrup, little brown sugar, little cayenne, coat the bacon and bake until caramelized.
The flys do seem to like it.
Well, come on, do flies get stuck on maple syrup and sugar? No? Then why would they get stuck on brown paper soaked with it?
Does this mean there aren’t actually hot MILFs in my area looking to hook up?
No…it can’t be…..noooooooooooo!
Two words: Golden. Malrin.
Make sure to put it out where dogs and kids cant get at it.
You can create your own fly apocalypse.
Can I do a Glibs post on the Greatest 100 White Athletes of All-Time? I think the banter in the comments would be worthwhile.
This is a family friendly site, you privileged shitlord!
Just as long as you don’t include the irish, sicilians, or jews.
Well, they’re not really white, anyhow. And no Polacks, either.
Reminds me of one of the recurring meme threads on /pol/: Are (insert group name) white?
Are Jews white?
Are Slavs white?
Are Italians white?
Italians and Slavs are white. Jew is a religious attribute, not a racial one, so yes or no. The Jews in my hood are all white, as white as Russians.
This is the correct answer.
However, the purpose of those threads isn’t to actually debate the “whiteness” of those groups. It’s to draw in the stormfags and get them locked into a meaningless 300 reply thread so that they stop shitting up the rest of the board. And yet they still fall for it every time.
I haven’t figured out why people consider native Americans not white. They look white. I had a Native American friend mention something about being brown and I pointed out that I had darker skin than she does (I’m of Western European descent). But nobody ever questions my white cred.
I don’t think that Native Americans would be considered white (European), I was thinking they are more likely descended from Asians. Anyway, they would have been separated from Europe/Asian for at least 10K years before the first Europeans arrived here, which is quite a significant time. I’m almost certain they have their own specific mutation on the Y chrom and mito DNA, so they would definitely not be considered Western European in race.
They are not European obviously, but they have skin as white as white people. So if color designation is what they’re doing then their color is white, or certainly not brown.
Brown? When did they stop being considered “red”?
And if they don’t have red skin any more, why worry about the Washington NFL team’s name?
I haven’t figured out why people consider native Americans not white. They look white.
What half castes and quadroons have you been hanging out with? Indians up here look pretty bloody Indian. Some Metis can pass for white though.
What half castes and quadroons have you been hanging out with?
This is probably the answer to his perception, as off-reservation native Americans tend to have a high admixture of European ancestry. Intermarriage between natives and whites has been common in the US, to the point where it was no big deal that a man who was a quarter native was elected Vice President way back in the racist days of the 1920s.
Jews are white or not white depending on what agenda the speaker has. The far right (Holocaust never happened) and the far left (no white people have ever been victims of a genocide) don’t think we’re white.
Well, everyone is white or not, depending on what designation they have been anointed with according to progtards. If you speak a Latin romance language, you have been deemed a good people of color by the high SJW shamans of the progtard tribe. Because we freakin love science, man!
SJWs do not history.
Ok, I mean they do history, just not real history unless it suits their agenda.
True story: our HR department classified a Palestinian kid who worked for me as “underrepresented minority.” I was classified as “white.” Our families come from the same town in Turkey, and both emigrated to Ottoman-ruled Palestine at about the same time.
Well, check your privilege, OMWC, you privileged shitlord.
And how do “Indians look to you? Like white skinned people with dark hair? Because that’s a pretty common trait among whites.
And no, they don’t have red skin.
My first exposure to Native Americans (in large numbers) was when I went to college in Oklahoma. Coming from the Houston area, my first thought was “Why are there all these Mexicans up here? And why do they not have any facial hair?”. So no, not white.
Not all.
The northern ones.
Depending on whether you are talking about skin color or the mutations on your Y chromosome or mitochondrial DNA.
Check their palms. If the palms are much paler than their covered regions, they ain’t white. (at least that’s how it was described to me)
Yeah, because most people who have lived in a sunny climate for generations, always go around with their palms facing up. /proglogic
Are Iranians white?
Are Syrians white?
Are Israelis white?
Are Chaldeans white?
Are Armenians white?
Are Turks white?
Are Indians (dots not feathers) white?
According to the US govt they are.
Poor Sandy Koufax.
the entire game of baseball is just a (((conspiracy))). Nothing that boring should be considered a sport.
The second most prominent Jew in baseball history is probably Arnold Rothstein.
Really makes you think.
Fuck that noise, Moe Fucking Drabowsky. And Steve Stone.
Moe Berg may not have been a very good catcher, but he’s got a movie coming out about his life, so the name will be known.
There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.
It’s so popular, people pay to not have it!
Wait, I thought that if they didn’t purchase insurance then they technically “lost” their insurance. At least that’s how the CBO puts it.
Well basically, they can buy insurance when they get sick. So it probably makes sense to just pay the penalty until they need it. Especially with the huge increases in premiums every year thanks to this pile of shit. Penaltax, this is how it works. Yet to this day, the NYT hails the ACA as the greatest thing that has ever happened to the country, translation: We think we’re getting shitty single payer.
I agree, I was trying to draw attention to the fact that every time an alternative to the ACA is floated (specifically the ones without mandates), the CBO scores people who choose not to have insurance as losing their insurance.
It’s a pet peeve of mine.
this was a big thing on the news last week.. they were all moaning about how ‘removing the mandate’ would CAUSE 20m to “lose” insurance.
and by “lose” they mean, “people would stop paying for shit they don’t want or need”.
mm? i checked last night and they said “aug 26th”.
seriously, tho, if you google “McGregor-Mayweather” you get the most hilarious and batshit array of headlines. example =
I think everyone has gone a little crazy. I do think it is a little bizarre that 2 dudes who weight like 150lbs each are going to slap at each other on a trampoline for 10 mins and get paid $100m apiece for it. I’ve watched both their past few fights, and while each has some degree of talent that makes them watchable… neither is a wildly entertaining fighter. Mayweather is hard to hit, and Mcgregor has a knack for getting “one good shot in”. But neither throws lots of punches or takes a lot of punishment, which, frankly, is what makes fight-sports ‘fighty’.
The trash talk is just to make sure the rematch brings in even more $$$.
Their contract probably specifies some mildly racist banter.
1) i know its just hype, its just such silly hype
2) i don’t think there will be any re-match, unless mcgregor wins….
which actually makes me think, ‘holy shit they’ve fixed the fight for mcG’
A really close decision would more likely lead to the rematch, with more trash talk, which would ensure another close decision, which would lead to the 3rd mega-pay day for both with even more trash talk.
One one level, i’m amused and pleased because i’m glad fight-sports are getting some better profile, and both guys are compelling characters.
on another level, it seems to me that boxing is effectively admitting defeat to MMA, and is saying, “lets just turn boxing into a circus with huge paydays”. which i guess is what its always been, but at least there were 2 boxers in the ring when they actually had their fight.
basically, i can’t make up my mind whether this is a new high-point for fight-sports in general, or the death of real boxing.
If the fight goes beyond the 2nd round it is a bigger work than any wrestling match in history
I don’t know about that. Mayweather doesn’t start throwing real punches until the 3rd-5th rounds anyway. i expect it to go at least until the 5th both because they will want to put on a show, and Mayweather will need a few rounds just to begin teeing off and breaking Mcgregor down.
Mcgregor should be looking for a quick knockout, but if he isn’t even trying it will be because they’ve agreed to have 1-2 grace rounds
Mayweather has won about 50% of his fights by KO. And McGregor is a guy who is accustomed to being kicked in the head, so not sure if Mayweather knocks him out. Mayweather probably just wins every round with McGregor chasing him around the ring and Mayweather landing punches.
that would make the most sense if its a straight fight.
i don’t think mcg has ever really taken all that much punishment tho. i don’t think tko is impossible.
Dude, did you see the Diaz fight?
yes, but i don’t think Diaz has a fraction of the power of a real boxer. they bloody each other quickly in MMA, but they don’t get pounded in the head as hard and as often as boxers.
I know both diaz bros are considered excellent boxers, but they just don’t have the same punching power or precision as a pro boxer. And the big gloves, imo, have a lot more “head snapping” impact. they cut you less , but they concuss you more.
Well supposedly boxing gloves make boxing more dangerous for the same reason that helmets and pads make football more dangerous. You can hit as hard as you want and be totally protected.
There’s more money flooding in on Conor’s side than I’d have thought. IIRC it was something like +800 for McGregor to win when it started, and now Bovada has him at +375, with others listing him at 5-1 for KO/TKO.
I just can’t see Floyd giving up his unbeaten streak, no matter how much money he could get betting against himself. And on paper, Floyd should destroy him. Like, hurt McGregor as Tyson hurt Tyrell Biggs.
Eh, that’s not really what Floyd does, though. He’ll just dance around and outpoint him to death until McGregor is completely exhausted.
Eh. Floyd has knockout power. Not elite boxer knockout power, but better than a lot of MMA fighters.
If you’ve seen Conor’s “training” videos, his head will look like a heavy bag to Floyd. If Floyd wants to, he could end it in the first round. He won’t, but it he could imo
I’m not disputing that at all. Just saying that he won’t do that because he has never done that before. He’ll knock McGregor out, but he’ll wear him out first.
I think they have the same logic i just had; the best payoff is for mcgregor to win and get a rematch because its so implausible.
iow, i think the people betting that way aren’t betting on a sport, but they’re assuming that its all fixed anyway, and the best fix is to stage a McG win
I threw 40 bucks at McG for pretty much that reason. It was at +800 and I thought I was getting pretty crappy odds, but it was only $40.
Mayweather is not a big KO puncher. I’m guessing he just wins by decision.
It’s too bad because Canelo against GGG is going to be an awesome fight and that turd before it might sour casual fans on boxing.
Golovkin is my favorite fighter by leaps and bounds. its cool to see how quick mayweather is… for about 2 rounds. then you’re like “somebody hit something”. Watching GGG’s progressive ability to cut off the ring, then throw mean combos… much better payoff, entertainment wise.
Lomachenko is a beast, too. There really are some fun fighters out there.
I’m going out on a limb as guessing that the French authorities will never be able to ascertain his motive.
Tax protester.
CNN is working overtime to figure out right now, but we’ll probably never know.
Do they have a countdown clock to the time of the announcement of who is responsible? It’s not a serious issue unless CNN has a countdown clock.
Let’s not jump to conclusions.
German collaborator?
Canadians may pay more taxes than Americans, but here’s what they get for their money
That talking point again, anyone want to take a guess on how that statistic was measured? Ah, yes…
Most of those at the top of the list are also super homogeneous, demographically-speaking.
Funny how Sweden’s happiness index has dropped like a rock post-leftist Syrian refugee policy.
Super homogeneous, and small populations, like half the population of NYC, or smaller.
Denmark doesn’t play the cultural accommodation game either, IIRC. They’ll take in immigrant and refugees, but they’re not changing Danish culture to suit them.
I’m skeptical because I’ve never seen a happy-ometer so it’s always a subjective metric. However…
The mentally handicapped are also very happy. As are plenty of morons. Someone who likes around at their life and decides it’s undesirable and wants to improve it is pretty much by definition unhappy.
So a nation of content idiots is not one I want to live in.
Government doesn’t create social trust, it feeds off of it. Large, “social democratic” governments arise as an expression of high social trust. But what happens when that trust breaks down, or turns out to have been misplaced? A spoils system government works well enough when the people believe they are all equal beneficiaries of it. When reality conspires to undermine this illusion, then what?
The reality is that the United States is never going to be like Denmark is right now. The population is too diverse, the government too disconnected, and the social institutions too disjoint and disempowered.
Most of them are the size of our smaller states, and none of them are as large as our largest states in terms of population. You can add all their populations together and they still don’t add up to the Western half of the US.
They are countries the way Monaco or Luxembourg are countries.
I think its funny that they think (a) ’causes’ (b), rather than (a) being high because they’re already a rich and well-ordered civic society.
its easier to fleece the happy. you’re basically selling them insurance ; “taxes will keep things from collapsing into anarchy!” When the reality is that you could strip all the benefits and social services away, and they’d still be “canadians” (iow, ‘nice people’ – unlikely to start rioting and burning each others homes to the ground)
$10million payouts to terrorists, cancellation of firefighting contracts just before major wildfires break out, and blasphemy laws that are almost sharia compliant.
If there’s one thing the lefties have always excelled at, it’s lies and propaganda. It does not take a genius to figure out that if you give government the money you would spend on things and let the government spend it on your behalf instead, a very significant % of that money is going to be lost to bureaucracy, waste, and corruption. And that’s just the economic cost. Add to that the loss of freedom over being able to make your own decisions.
All you have to do is look at how they determine what makes people happy. Because according to them, bigger government and less self determination are the only things that can make people happy.
Leftism is incapable of working in any other method than sheer force, therefore it relies on illusions and delusions in order to survive.
It’s like the ACA, they have to force people to take it. Then they brag about how popular it is. The only mistake they made is giving an out which allows 7 million people to pay to NOT have it. Single payer is the only way.
I was doing some work for an org and they would have these ‘diversity’ conferences. They would force all their employees to attend, then send out emails bragging about how overwhelmingly popular the event was, everyone came! You cannot make this shit up. Like Maduro and his happy band of commies ‘We’re not trying to tell eveyone else what to do, we’re just demanding some dialogue!, we haven’t been able to persuade you to let us tell you what to do!’.
99% of the population voted for Maduro, so of course the Venezuelans are happy!
They get free long wait times for essential medical procedures, sometimes even to death, but at least they pay higher taxes.
Fucking pinkos are incapable of telling the truth.
The next time somebody tells me how wonderful nationalized health care is, my answer is going to be “Charlie Gard. Google his name, then we’ll talk.”
“Google says no such person ever existed”
Followed up a pondering emoji, a rainbow emoji, and hearts emoji.
Thanks, Obama.
If we just gave serial killers the love they need, they wouldn’t serial kill people!
I’d rather imagine a world without violent crime first. However, since I’m not a utopian, I’m not wasting my time on that either.
Imagine there’s no Reason, it’s easy if you try. Nothing to rant and comment for. A brotherhood of glibs.
Would that world have a gallows in every town?
My money is on cops finding a bloodied, knife weilding Manning standing over a half naked trucker’s body in a motel room within ten years time.
–“Should all be forgiven once somebody serves their sentence?”–
On an individual level, that is up to the individual. On a societal and institutional level, yes full stop.
Here is the problem, regardless of how heinous you consider the crime to have been continuing to hold it over the perps head for eternity basically removes any incentive they might have had to actually change and get better and if they do change themselves and become a better person what value is gained in punishing them in perpetuity over mistakes they made in the past
The whole point of punishment is that is “justice” for the crime, so yes.
If the sentence isn’t enough that you think there should be more punishment afterwords, then change the sentencing guidelines.
Plus, what you said.
I totally agree with you. Well put.
Thomas Friedman is actually making sense – after his usual TDS tirade, of course. LINK
But I’m guessing that a majority of that majority doesn’t really care all that much. They might give the proper answer to a poll question, but they’re not changing any behavior or voting pattern as a result.
a majority of Americans do not
work in the coal industry so don’t care what happens to it, until their energy prices “inexplicably” go up, and a bunch of people are “surprisingly” unemployed.
That’s not Friedman. Someone pulled a switch with his thumb drive.
Even the blindest of squirrels will occasionally say something that will make you think “This guy actually has more logic than I thought”, before going back to derping it up on the next paragraph.
Ah, and there he goes back to peak derp.
So…all these issues are legitimate, but Trump is totally the wrong person to raise them.
We need Democrats to deal with these challenges. Good luck with that.
The only way go get Democrats to restrict immigration is if Trump suddenly comes out for open borders.
The only way to get Democrats to discuss dysfunction in the Muslim world and the connection with immigration policy is if Trump suddenly says Muslims are cool and we should have more of them.
Sometimes I feel that my life would be easier if I was a true partisan, but I’m not fit enough for the mental gymnastics.
I think Trump’s flip-flopping on every single issue is one of the things that really pisses off the Dems.
Trump doesn’t really have a solid ideology that drives his opinions, so he has no problems changing his mind on any topic at any time. Doesn’t bother him at all.
On the other hand, the Dems run to oppose his initial opinion and then are wrong-footed when he switches to their side. That makes them have to flip flop too.
Hey, give a broken clock some (mostly-deserved) credit for that one.
My mom gave me a copy of The World Is Flat (fucking hardback, too!) for Christmas just a couple of days before I flew out here. I didn’t have the heart to leave it behind somewhere she could find it, so I took it with.
Damn thing weighing me down…I’ve since used it for rolling papers and as a good, weighty piece of wood-ish material.
The Muslim world does have a problem with pluralism
No, see, it’s because the Israelis bulldoze homes on the West Bank. Except for that Iranians wouldn’t execute gays and ISIS wouldn’t behead foreign journalists and the Saudis wouldn’t stone adulterous women.
RE so-called “teen birth rate spike in Texas” post funding cuts. A very different story if you look at the figures in the actual paper showing rate trends (these are at the end of the paper). Figure 5 shows the map of so-called control versus treatment areas.
Reminds me of the old “red states use more welfare” canard. If you look at the political affiliation of counties vs. the consumption of benefits in those counties, the trend reverses completely. A fine example of Simpson’s paradox and the folly of using excessively coarse data. Of course, it would be a folly if people were honest about it…
The left have their own special data and science. First, they select a result, and then they adjust things until their result has been confirmed.
Muslims urinated off by double standard.
Uffda, if the local mosque bombing turns out to be a false flag op, this is going to be really, really bad.
“But following Saturday’s bombing of Bloomington’s Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center, law enforcement and local media outlets have yet to use the word “terrorism” in describing the incident.”
Maybe there was no one yelling ‘Aluhawawee we hate Muslims’?
I think it would be more along the lines of “DEUS VULT!”
Well, in one case they know who did it, and in the other they don’t. Kind of hard to ascribe a motive without knowing the perpetrator.
“…Loretta Lynch committing perjury or conspiring with Bill Clinton to keep the contents of their incredibly unethical meeting private…”
I thought it was Tammy Wynette who stood by her man, not Loretta Lynch.
Hey, check it out!
Time for some Bill + Loretta pron from SugarFree?
He is an *artist* – he does not take requests like some DJ!
Loretta Lynch?? Who? ……oh, you mean Elizabeth Carlisle!
Not really perjury, just weasel words. Gowdy didn’t say “only official email”, of course she used official email, just not exclusively.
I don’t even know, man. I just… I don’t know.
Live like Donald Trump for $725 a night:
Can I hire prostitutes to piss on the mattress? Allegedly?
Getting my popcorn ready for Tea Party RINO Hunts, 2018 Edition
Like everywhere else health insurance premiums are rising in Nevada. Heller helped Clinton win Nevada, supported a gun grabbing democrat in order to keep the ‘send me the repeal and I will sign it’ candidate out of the office. We will see who the rejected candidate is.
I am guessing a fair number of these guys are going to be primaried out. Wouldn’t it be funny if Trump inadvertently caused the R party to take a sharp libertarian turn. I tell you, the man is worse than Hitler.
Exactly my thoughts. I think that conviction politics is going to be a method of success for the nu-right. Preach and act on true conservatism, and you will maintain your base even in a swing state.
Libertarian, Conservative, whatever. As long as they turn away from the Prog-Lite direction they are heading now,
It could happen. Most importantly, I think Trump has demonstrated that you can actually have a pair and get elected. If the GOP do not learn anything from that, they are just as doomed as the Dems.
The GOP establishment never learns, but I think that the activist wings have. I think 2018 will be another Tea Party year, but with better organization and more polished candidates.
Jerry’s son, I assume? Loved Tark the Shark.
Yep. I’ve voted for him before.
Towel muncher was he.
Meanwhile, over at the cultural appropriation desk , they’re ruminating on the evil of Madame Butterfly.
Gainor and other members of the Asian-American community believe the problems with “Madame Butterfly” stem from far more than ignorance.
“It’s not just the fact that it’s white singers playing Japanese characters,” Gainor said. “It’s not just the fact that Cio-Cio San represents a very tired stereotype about Asian women, or that this work is constantly reinterpreted again and again, typically by a white or European director. It’s also a larger conversation about racial equity in opera.
“Asian-American and Pacific Islander people haven’t really been at the table in the opera world. I don’t think we can really figure out where to go from here until we have more racial equity in our art form.”
Gainor’s criticism, which is shared by Abe and other panel members, is rooted in startling statistics. Despite the fact that half of Hollywood box office proceeds come from outside the U.S., and more than half the world is Asian, Asian Americans got only 5 percent of the speaking roles in film, TV and other mass media in a recent study by the University of Southern California.
And while the Asian population in the New York City area is 15 percent to 20 percent, an average of only 4 percent of actors on stage from 2006 to 2015 were Asian, jumping up to 9 percent when “The King and I” ran in 2014-2105, according to the Asian-American Performers Action Coalition.
Meanwhile, in the Pacific Northwest, while 18 percent of the Greater Seattle area population is Asian/Asian Pacific Islander, those populations get only 2 percent to 4 percent of roles, according to calculations done by Seattle playwright Roger Tang, who took part in the Seattle Opera panel, using data provided by Theatre Puget Sound.
Where’s Diana Moon Glampers when you need her?
…an average of only 4 percent of actors on stage from 2006 to 2015 were Asian…
And only 5% of the general population is Asian, so I’m not seeing any worrying discrepancies here. They try to compare with the local numbers, but everyone knows that the talent pool for premier productions is national, not local.
Couple of points:
1.) The actual dollar amount is likely far, far less. Cops love to present these busts as, “We’ve taken $561BAJILLION worth of dangerous drugs off the street!” knowing that the average person reading the news has no idea what such an amount of drugs actually looks like.
2.) The fact that they were in possession of a handgun invokes exactly zero outrage in me. They’d be stupid to not have one if they’re openly transporting as much product as the cops allege.
3.) Seven people were reported to be shot elsewhere in the city last night.
A friend of the family used to sling dope for cash on the side. He was mugged a couple of times by supposed customers. After the second time he started leaving his gun at home. He realized protecting himself would just get him jailed or shot.
I’m sure there’s a cost/benefit arc depending on the amount of drugs at stake.
For sure. It also got him busted in a certain state with fairly ridiculous gun laws. Was charged for possession, child endangerment, and own a pistol with (iirc) an illegal magazine. Everything else was dismissed except for the last charge.
Wrongthinking Sushi Lovers Rejoice
Trey Gowdy questions Loretta Lynch in November 2016 regarding the use of dummy accounts by govt officials.
its a strange exchange because gowdy mostly seems to be doing it as a setup for a rhetorical attack on clinton… but you can see in her face that she’s clearly in a bind. I think those crying “perjury!” are probably wrong and she’d be able to wiggle out of it, esp given his second question only asked if she used “offical” email – not whether she also used other accounts.
Given that its been recently disclosed that she *did* use dummy email tho…. while not perjury, its still a huge misrepresentation.
of course the NYT/WaPo haven’t so much as said a word about it. it will take dragging her back in front of congress to get them to even mention there’s a story there.
Christ almighty
Um……yeah. People are stupid.
The London Mayor one is particularly…volcanic. I really hope the majority of Brits are pointing and laughing at such retardation.
More Trump violence.
Clayton Carter, an unhinged anti-Trump fanatic, shot his neighbor twice in the head on his neighbor’s property.
Cruel and unusual punishment for the rest of us due to his ill fitting shirt.
He strangely resembles like what I imagine Steve Bannon might look like after a three day meth and Franzia bender.
Oh, also
*pistol whips sloopyinca*
America’s drinking problem is much worse this century
Are we going to see another temperance movement? This time more sneaky and underhanded in how they keep people from drinking?
Yeah, because no one would go into a liquor store and buy cases of booze to stock up.
Holy shit that was a dumb story. It is enough to go make me start drinking early.
Due to the flu I have earned a 3-day chip. Time to go cash it in.
This guy only has two rules for his gym:
1. No Crossfit cultism
2. No Fucking Cops
OK, three. Apparently everyone there “knows” no active duty military are allowed either