She was a wee child, they said she was born of Pit, but no.
My pictures tell me so,
I fed her and got her shots,
And she eats food, lots,
and everything She can Find,
She it a chewer of the worst kind,
The Wife ordered new furniture Thank God,
Because all of our old stuff was eaten by the Dog,
We have a fence, She will not cross,…… Oh Fuck it She’s attacking me again, I’ll get back to You guys, AGGGHGH!
Puppy: Code name Bella
Task: to destroy all Furniture
Optional: eat everything else
My Pup was born on 1/21/17 and was advertised as a “pure” Pit Bull, which we were in fact looking for; brindle, female, we were happy. Not a Pit, though; she is a kind of weird shape and the clinic called her a Belgian Hunting Dog but you tell me. I call her a Teufful Hund, and my granddaughter (7 years old) calls her a Chupacabra Dog. She is currently eating a piece of poster-board.
At 7 months, she is mellowing out a bit, but what a handful. Sometimes her name is No!Bella!.
She should finish out at 80 pounds or so, but until then, The Great Adventures of Bella! the Eater!
here’s the entire collection if anyone is interested
Beautiful brindle
Puppies are like that.
(Nitpick: it’s Teufelhund.)
I know now, I’m glad I got published at all, Thanks Riven!
Being a mutt is good enough, Yusuf.
Did you crate train her?
My House is Her crate, My Wife and I are Suckers, so Bella is like another Child to Us, ITYKWIM
It’s not a furniture-centric palate, she’s just bored!
Some dogs just need to be kept busy. I did a lot of obedience work with my GSD, because the last thing you want is a bored, super- smart dog. Obviously, I had no livestock for her to herd, so the obedience stuff became her “work”. It was a ton of fun. A buddy of mine has an Aussie who is a Frisbee fiend. Every day, year round.
Whatever keeps them challenged and tired!
Ah yes exercise. Every morning and afternoon We play Rope, and She play’s Hard! If i don’t keep her Tired from play She goes nut’s.
Evening walks and throw/ catch. She sleeps like a teenager though, 10 hours? easy
If you have a local dog park then use it. We got our lab when he was 1. Very high energy. A morning run and an evening at the dog park made a world of dirt.
And by dirt I mean difference. Thanks autocorrect.
Thanks to different schedules between me & my wife, our mini-Aussie has had constant interaction just about every day since we got her. It’s about the only way she gets tired out. Sleeping next to me right now.
Bella is sleeping right next to me as well
When my son brought home my avatar, we had some similar problems with Bear.
At the time, the Army had just issued the black berets to everyone. I went through three of them in three weeks. I first had to go through an intensive process to shape and form each every one of them, but as soon as I actually started wearing them, the little (at the time) bastard would find some way to get a hold of it and immediately eat the leather brim off it, and then blast it into black wool fibers throughout the house. Because of the mass issue at the time, getting a replacement was ‘problematic’.
Smartest dog I’ve ever known, but that big bastard (~165 lbs) was always checking me to see if maybe I wasn’t the Alpha anymore.
Big and Beautiful, what’s not to like 🙂
Oh man, I feel your pain. There was one guy who arrived after the initial beret issue and all that supply had left were ones just a little too big. Tore up several headband trying to tighten it up without ripping out the leather bands.
Fortunately, my dogs are extremely dumb.
My pit was the cutest puppy the world had ever seen. Now shes a 110 pound farting barking whining monster.
She was free though.
They say dogs come to resemble their owners…
Imagines the Obama’s dog.
I wish I was 110… okay maybe not.
The only benefit would be you could say whatever you want.
Pssh… I have a client who had to take the knobs off their stove to keep their puppy from eating them. *That* was a dog with a chewing problem.
Pretty Pup you got there.
I thought a Puppy Post might work here, We all have Dogs, it appears, and We Love em 🙂
Thanks. That was from a few years ago – he’s all dog now (minus his dangly bits), as can be seen in the updated photo.
Another use of the term “Devil Dog”
My Father USMC SSg, ’57-70, 4 tours in Vietnam, I know
Razorfist effectively proves that Youtube’s new algorithm is a blacklist based on wrongthink.
This is my surprised face.
I just saw that, and another “guest” rant popped up in the sidebar, never seen that before with RF
Yeah, I switched to Firefox. Unfortunately, I need to update Flash.
Death to Flash!
how Merciless.
And in Lincoln news…controversial Lincoln statue shows a figure of the “common man” standing next to Lincoln…and the Common Man is white (per Lincoln’s own philosophy, but let’s not get into that, shall we?)
“Chicago native Neill Porteous pointed out a more frustrating problem: that Johnson’s sculpture seems to champion a very, very narrow definition of the average man.
““I would say it’s a common rich, white man with tweed pants and a sweater.” Porteous said. “It fits the area. There’s a lot of upper-middle class, white businessmen around here. I wouldn’t say it’s terribly representative of man as a whole. Why not have a woman? Or two people? Or anyone other than someone wearing white sneakers and corduroy pants and a sweater. I mean, come on.” Add to that identity, “married” — the man wears a gold band on his left ring finger.”
So he understands all about slavery, hey-oh! /sexist pig
Who else would have been permitted near him?
Thurston Howell the Third?
Yes, although the answer I was looking for was John Wilkes Booth.
/Randy Marsh
I saw an ad yesterday for ‘thirsty towels’ and immediately thought of ‘thirsty towel the third’.
Yes, because Dockers and cardigans cost thousands of dollars, and only the wealthy upper crust people can afford them.
I think with that outfit and haircut we can add evangelical Christian to the list of no-nos.
I liked the Perry Como guess, because that’s also who I thought of.
In deep-dish pizza news…
“The secret to Dough Box’s deep dish supremacy is, ironically, that it shows some restraint. Sure, Hollywood Pies (where one of Dough Box’s co-founders, Alexandra Gonzalez previously cooked) or Masa might offer traditional, Chicago-style deep dish, with crusts so tall you need a yardstick to measure them, filled to the brim with tomatoes and cheese, and they’re delicious ― but so heavy that a single piece might leave you feeling laden. Dough Box manages to capture all that deliciousness, but applies some kind of kitchen magic to lighten and freshen the classic up, and keep you coming back for an extra slice.”
Sons of Union Veterans updates the grave of a slave-turned-Union-soldier
“Auxiliary member Linda Marker, of the Rockwood area, spent countless hours, with help from camp member Martin Hurl of Meyersdale, researching Carter to verify his service as a Union soldier. The pair eventually located Carter’s grave with the assistance of Cynthia Mason, at that time the archivist and genealogical researcher at Meyersdale Public Library, and Marker saw to it a simple cross was set in the ground to mark the site.
“Yet those belonging to the local camp and auxiliary felt this Union veteran and Grand Army of the Republic, M.C. Lowery Post 214 member deserved more than that wooden cross.
“Over the past few years they’ve managed to save up enough money in parade winnings and fundraiser profits to purchase a stone for both Carter and his wife, Anna Jane (Gales) Carter.
“Because Carter’s enlistment papers could not be obtained, the group was unable to secure a stone for his grave through the government, which is normally the case when a veteran is laid to rest.”
Circumcision news roundup
With touchy issues like circumcision, sometimes you have to slice around the emotion to get to the facts. I’m glad people are out there pulling back the layers of this issue. I don’t have any skin in the game, but it’s only a matter of time before these tensions come to a head.
Check out these women getting felt up – doesn’t it just make you want to reach out and grope them?
Dryer Lint? Spray Glue?
very 21st Century
Progressives planning for democrat win in 2018
Besides the obvious fever dreaming going on in WaPo, look at the header image they went with. If bullets don’t fly in the next 8 years I will be shocked.
*Trigger Warning: Weigel
Hah! Billionaire Tom Steyer prattles on about those awful corporations. Go on, pull the other one motherfucker.
I wouldn’t be, but then again I have some faith left in civil society. If it happens I doubt it’s the right that pulls the trigger. After this car attack I can see antifa going to the next level
At best you’re going to get something similar to the left-wing terrorism of the 1970s, not pleasant but manageable. The worst is a far more grim picture.
The only way this is going to be nipped in the bud is if the police and the feds do certain things they seem unwilling to do.
I see your point. A few ROTC bombings are awful but within the realm of history. Beyond that, if antifa and like minded orgs want to push harder then any semblance of the Republic will vanish. I really would like nothing better than for these cunts to fuck off back to basements they crawled out of
The Democrat’s problem is that they just need to progsplain harder.
Based on the pic, I guess they’ll be explaining with their fists now.
Awww, Bella is adorable. I have a retired racing greyhound.
I love greyhounds. Surprisingly lazy, though.
Two minutes of insanity, then nap time! She sleeps more than the cat.
This is a good thing
Something I want to touch briefly on Re: Charlottesville is the conspicuous absence of gunfire at these rallies. Even when this latest attack happened, the killer chose to use a car. Why is that? The guy obviously wanted to kill people, and I have a hard time believing he could not have gotten hold of a gun, so there must be something else going on. I have a theory. In the gun community we have a bit of a running theme about how it doesn’t matter how you’re killed. Dead is dead whether you’re shot, stabbed, or run over by a car. Except in this case I think it does matter. Shooting a gun is seen as a declaration of war in many people’s subconscious. I believe that people have specifically elected to not use guns because they don’t want to literally fire the first shot.
Could be.
I am so very much dying to see antifa and the Nazis herded into a giant aircraft hanger, the doors then welded shut, and they aren’t opened again until all the scum has killed each other.
As I said on discord, nuking Charlottesville over the weekend probably would have been a net positive.
Charlottesville is nice, also Monticello.
I loved living in Cville, and I make the hour drive up there several times a year. It’s getting harder to do that now, given how far left the area has gotten in the time since I moved away from there. I enjoy visiting, but don’t particularly want to spend my money there anymore.
Too close to UV. Universities are particularly vulnerable to the progtard virus, it’s like a plague.
UVA didn’t used to be like that, though. It was a pretty apolitical campus when I went there 20 years ago. Times have changed, unfortunately.
Couldn’t we just leave the hanger sealed shut?
Get one of those cargo scanners, no need to open it to monitor progress.
Put cameras inside, broadcast it as pay-per-view.
do they make surveillance cameras with lens-wipers? can people demand a refund when the cameras get so blood-spattered you can’t see the action anymore? is pay-per-view even still a thing?
if it’s on the roof of the hanger, I somehow doubt the blood will fly that high. In regards to pay-per-view it’s still better than anything you can get on TV, so yeah we probably could monetize it.
I think you may be on to something there. After all we started as a country with the shot heard round the world. It’s really hard to unring that bell
Yes, it is, and nothing good will come from armed conflict. It will only curtail liberty that much more drastically, and we will all suffer for it. Anyone who truly desires and agitates for some kind of open warfare is either deluded, evil, or both.
But the media will continue to agitate for it. What I think is going to happen is that the hysterical left finally their way and these white supremacist groups get labeled as terrorists and basically banned from public. The next step is to also use that to ban any gathering of any groups that are considered right wing. So basically they will have succeeded in lumping all white wing activism together as hate speech and possible terrorism.
At the same time, left wing groups like antifa will be left to run wild. Any violence they commit will be excused as them being afraid because of right wing terrorism. What this will effectively do is further marginalize and disenfranchise anyone with right wing viewpoints.
This is the goal of the left along with their media collaborators. This could bring about civil war.
Maybe we somehow avoid this, but not if the left get their way, they want their revolution. You cannot get a free and prosperous people to willingly go along with a totalitarian leftist regime. That can only be achieved through violence and bloodshed.
There is a certain (and not as small as I’d like) segment of the left that does have this sort of agenda. But I don’t think there are enough of them for them to entirely get their way. Trump’s election (something I was not otherwise very pleased about) seems like evidence of this to me.
Now, I do think the left intends to continue to dominate important institutions and exclude anyone not 100% on their side from them. And I expect there to be a backlash against that, and probably a not very reasonable one. Things could get pretty ugly, I imagine. But I don’t think either side has the numbers to win convincingly enough to completely dominate public affairs. I mean, among other things, look at how many Republican governors and state legislators there are…
But what worries me is that it seems like the sides are getting polarized enough that, since no real compromise is possible, neither will moderate the worst excesses of the other. So we’ll get two sets of nut-jobs fighting it out (hopefully without much in the way of actual bloodshed.) That’s better than a single set of nut-jobs running everything, but it’s not a really attractive prospect.
That dog is cute is hell.
Sort of OT: I have a couple of friends on Derpbook claiming that white supremists should have their rights taken away from them and should be declared as terrorists. And what’s even worst, someone of Twitter were able to identify some of the white supremists and put their names next to their pictures.
I have no love for anyone who is racist but holy shit, do you really think outing them in public and trying to get them fired from their job will do anything positive?
I’m still trying to find these White Supremacists everyone is talking about, it’s really code for the “Other”
who must be stopped at all costs, but You go First O.K. ?
The hallmark of a progressive is using others to do their dirty work. Why do you think they love or at best ambivalent about Antifa?
Cannon Fodder for the Left
I have a couple of friends on Derpbook claiming that white supremists should have their rights taken away from them and should be declared as terrorists.
Of course I’m sure they said the same thing about antifa, who has far more evidence stacked against it when it comes to plotting and carry out violent acts.
Judging by reddit, no.
My prog friends have posting the same thing.
I posted about how, among other reasons why that’s not the best idea, there are going to be multiple mis-identifications, and they’re going to ruin innocent peoples’ lives in their lust for blood.
Predictable response: “So, we shouldn’t care who’s a Nazi or not?”
Feeling troll-ish, I decided to post that I’d agree if we also agreed to do the same to all the anti-fa idiots.
Haven’t gotten a response yet, but both you and I know exactly what the response to that is gonna be.
I am guessing, they will unfriend you.
If they don’t, I’m going to. I don’t know why I do this to myself in the first place.
True, life is to short to deal with that.
There’s no good that can come from Facebook. It is a cesspool of stupidity.
It’s not anywhere near as bad as Twitter, and that’s very very pathetic.
That’s not how you do it. the way you do it is, you say, “YES! We should make them wear yellow-armbands indicating they’re Nazis”
I didn’t get unfriended, but I got exactly the response I was expecting.
I probably got a little pissy after that. Responded that Trump is going to win 40 states in 2020 and this is why. Then I unfriended everyone in the conversation.
This is why I don’t engage on FB anymore. I never see this people in meatspace, but I like to keep them around to keep my pulse on prog logic. I don’t argue or debate because it’s not possible.
Facebook has maybe done more to dumb down the American public than anyting outside of public school and the mainstream media. Nah, the people who inhabit FB were already dumb.
The tragedy of FB for me is that a lot of people who I viewed as reasonable and rational slowly revealed themselves as authoritarian and elitist especially after the 2016 election.
Ed, my wife lost nearly all of her FB ‘friends’ for supporting Trump in 2016. Because tolerance, you know.
I like Facebook, but I’m slowly learning that it’s pointless to engage in a political discussion, especially with friends who are afflicted with TDS.
People who post stuff about Trump or any Leftist derp gets unfollowed. Life is too short to argue with asshole on Facebook about politics. it changes no ones mind and it creates more hostility than needed.
Reposted from a late entry on the last, dead thread:
All this enticed me to look at my Facebook feed for the first time in forever. Sure enough, there were tons of posts of photos of neo-nazis saying “this is Trump’s America” and “free speech doesn’t apply to hate speech”. All posts were insistent that everything that happened yesterday was because of this ‘violent hate group’ and no mention of Antifa or anything else. There was also an interesting thread where some guy said he didn’t like the alt-right saying ‘white lives matter’ as they marched yesterday — as he feels that “all lives matter!” That brought a cascade of people saying he was racist, and didn’t he know that black men are getting gunned down by police every single day — that you are risking your life if you go outside as a black man in the USA?
What scares me more than anything is to realize how many people get their opinions and ‘facts’ from Facebook and perhaps 30 minutes of NBC Nightly News during dinner. How do you even have an intelligent debate with people like that? I recently tried to point out something about the Paris Accords to a colleague after Trump pulled out — just how unequally China and US fare in the ‘treaty’ — and he responded “sounds like someone’s been watching Faux News!” Doesn’t matter if I was right or not, it was against the Facebook narrative, and therefore needed to be immediately dismissed.
If bad things go down, it will be because a huge swath of the populace likes being told what to think, and even feel superior because of it. If you stray from the path, they will point at you and scream, just like in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.
It’s also a good idea to avoid reddit for the same reasons. I rarely bother with the RVA reddit anymore, but against my better judgment I took a look at it today, and it was pretty much what I expected. Several threads are stating as absolute fact the baseless speculation that Nazis will be descending on Richmond next over the Monument Avenue statues. The “evidence” they cited is a announcement of a rally for the Virginia Flaggers, a group consisting mainly of SCV types who have been holding small vigils almost continuously in Richmond over removing Confederate flags from VA public facilities. Whatever anyone’s opinion of them may be, they’re harmless and peaceful. They’ve been doing this for years with zero incidents of any kinds.
So fucking tired of so much nonsense over such trivial things. Don’t care about monuments, don’t care about flags, just go the fuck away and leave us alone already.
I can’t help myself with Reddit sometimes. I have to troll them. Sometimes a comment is so stupid it calls for a trolling. Facebook I gave up on because all my Bernie Bro friends unfriended me. To be honest it kind of hurt my feelings to find out people I had been friends with for over twenty years were completely unhinged if someone criticized Obama, Bernie or the Pantsuit. They were not that way ten years ago. Obama’s 8 years really changed some people. I think it is a combination of his ability to talk total bullshit in a measured tone and the media not getting on him or focusing on anything illegal his administration was doing. People honestly do not know how corrupt they were. Then throw in Cheeto Hitler and they seriously lost their shit. It is weird. I wanted to post to FB after that dude shot up the baseball practice that those of us who had hurt feelings after being unfriended by a Bernie Bro for wrongthink should just be glad it was an unfriending and at least they did not shoot us.
So protesting against Nazis makes you an anti-fa idiot now? I guess you can start your list with me then.
So being a Republican makes you a Nazi now? Since you guys started that game to begin with.
my nearly identical Bella:
Wow, Pretty colors, and a great name 😉
Bella still cant figure out Boiled eggs, peeled
Mine refuses to eat raw eggs. Cooked, can’t eat em fast enough. Drop an egg on the floor? No interest whatsoever.
I’ve never tried, but I’m pretty sure she’d eat a boiled egg, whole. Unshelled…
She cant figure out the texture unless I open it for her, Weird dog
Personally, I still haven’t figured out the trick to consistently get my eggs to peel easy, so I end up spending 5mins per egg removing shell bits. Maybe your dog is just smart enough to be all “Yo, Fuck That Effort, you peel it for me.”
crack the shell a bit, and get under the membrane between the shell and the white and you can almost peel em in one piece, rinse and done
yeah, the good ones work that way. others, the shell just doesn’t separate, it’s like it got vacuum-sealed on there.
i boil eggs maybe twice a year, so it could just be a lack of practice, or failure to adhere to Alton Brown’s instructions.
Add the eggs to boiling water. Don’t place the eggs in water and then bring to a boil.
I do the opposite. Room temp eggs in room temp water. Bring to a boil, cover and turn off the flame. 16 minutes. Easily shelled every time.
Right after they’re boiled, put them in a big bowl of ice water. After they’re cool enough to touch, crack the shell on each one, and make sure to break through that membrane as well. Put them back in the ice water and let them cool completely.
As they cool, the whites will shrink away from the inside of the shell, and the water flowing in will make them extremely easy to peel.
Thanks, I do something similar but I’ll try your’s
cold water bath, yup. letting the bath inside the shell is new though.
More puke-worthy cocktail party pandering from David Frum & the entire conservative establishment class. I used to think that TDS was simply borne out of some sort of principle, but the more that I read stuff like this, it makes me think that there’s an element of jealousy, as well. Deep in their hearts, I think they’re afraid that Trump and the plebes that love him might be more authentic than they are.
Considering Professional wrestling is more authentic than them….
Frum’s not pandering, he’s just that kind of jackass. This is the neocon scum who lectures America on gun control.
Thanks for taking him off our hands by the way.
The neocons are just as sore ass as the left because Hillary lost.
Neocons and NeverTrumpers desperately want to catch a non-existent dog whistle almost as much as the Left does. It’s as if they think that they and their hand-picked Top Man has a shot at having people on their boat again and primarying that boor in 2020. They don’t, maybe they’ll get 10% of the vote, if that.
Between him and Bieber, you fucks have much to answer for.
I’ll trade them one Obama and throw in a bonus Clinton in exchange for Rush.
Every time you make a joke at our expense, we prep another shitty celebrity or political figure. We signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty so these are the only WMDs we got.
Be nicer to us and we’ll give you more Dan Aykroyds and Lauren Southerns.
Drake’s pipeline of bad popstars is deep, though. You might need to find more Southerns somewhere to compensate for the continuing avalanche.
Yesterday someone here referred to Maine as ‘Little Canada’.
As far as I’m concerned we’re going easy on you.
Also Captain Kirk is anti-SJW now, so you’re welcome.
Any of the Northern-tier Glibs know where I can purchase a used, single-person kick-sled? We have an active Siberian husky – typically we exercise via bike, but looking for a kick-sled to use in Winter.
I don’t, but have you considered skijoring? It’s very popular here.
It will definitely wear that husky out!
I hadn’t considered, but will look into this – thanks!
I would have suggested snowshoeing and letting the dog walk alongside on a leash.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t walk well – he pulls. BTW – great Chisum review, I’ve been enjoying your blog although only discovered this week.
wait, when you’re biking with him, do you peddle? if not, how do you maintain balance?
We have an apparatus like this:
ah, ok, that makes way more sense than the mental image I conjured of me holding a leash from the handlebars as the dog speeds off ahead.
I’ve worked dog rescue in various places. Used to dress up as Santa to help raise money for the local shelter in LA. PetCo would let us set up in their store, and people would bring their pets in to have a picture of Santa taken with their pets. Mostly it was cats and dogs, but I found out something about large turtles. Some turtles have a defense mechanism, where if something picks them up and puts it in their mouth, they can eject a huge chunk of their total body weight in a foul tasting fluid. No, I didn’t put the turtle in my mouth, but I found out the hard way that the same defense mechanism is triggered by flash photography. If you’ve never had a bucket of foul smelling turtle liquid burst into your lap in your Santa costume, you don’t really know the true meaning of Christmas. Anything for the dogs, though, right?
When I was in Mexico, I volunteered for the local shelter, too, but it was different there because in Mexico, they don’t have animal control. Packs of wild dogs roam the streets pretty much everywhere you go. I always suspected people there were reluctant to spay their dogs because they were so Catholic. I figured, once they start treating their dogs like part of the family, like Americans do, maybe they start treating them like they’re Catholic. The gist of it really was, however, that people just don’t spend that much money on their dogs. So, the dog shelter was there to offer people free spay and neutering through students at the local veterinary school.
The point is, I love dogs and I’ve done a lot for dogs, and I know that breeds are supposed to be a thing people who know and care about dogs are supposed to be over already. But just between you and me? I ain’t over it.
I’m what you might call a Beagle supremacist.
They’re superior to other dogs–and other species. The things other species can do better than beagles are things that probably don’t really matter. I’m convinced that beagles could pass the mirror test if they wanted to–but they don’t want to. Beagles tend to score low on intelligence tests for dogs, but those “intelligence” tests are horribly skewed to the perspective of trainers. They rank dog intelligence by species based on how easily trained they are. How is that a good measure of intelligence? Is that measure of intelligence transferable to other species? If I told you that my girlfriend always does exactly what I tell her to do without hesitation, would you think to yourself, “Wow, she must be the smartest chick in the world!!”
And if beagles aren’t smart, how do you explain this?
The “intelligence” is not that the dog is willing to be compliant, it’s that it understands how to comply.
Eh, not sure if that’s always the case. My dachshund is fairly smart but the breed is considered to be of average intelligence because they’re difficult to train. The reason for that is breeding – dachshunds were historically hunting dogs, but unlike gun dogs not bred to respond to commands. They were used to hunt down badgers and other small game by simply setting them loose in the woods. The dachshunds would then use their keen sense of smell to sniff out burrows and dens (something my doxie does all the time with the chipmunks in our backyard), and the short legs allowed them to climb in and attack. Independent action was what they were designed to do, not obedience.
I kinda meant just as the comparison applies to humans, not between dogs.
Actual photos of ken
If we are gonna go all breed snobby, I’ll submit my Polski Owczarek Nizinny. He’s 50 lbs of Polish awesome. Challenging dogs, but great pets.
I like beagles, but can they do this?
Polski Owczarek Nizinny
Looks like an Old English Sheepdog with a penchant for kielbasa. Strong contender, but not as good as a boxer.
Hard to tell which is which when they get in close, Cool stuff
This beagle is effectively using tools.
ok, when he pulled the chair up to the sink, then clearly reconsidered, I really thought he was gonna move the chair closer.
Fucking Awesome.
My Bella is barking at the YT you posted, right now
Hey Glibs! thanks to all of you for posting your Dogs, and all the random antics they do,
Seriously, This place is Great because of the People in it, And the Webmasters Of course,
My dog Lemmy turned 8 today. He needed to be walked several miles a day until he was 5 to keep his insanity under control.
Church of Cannabis
For fuck’s sake, can you just get high and not try to justify it as some mystical process of self-discovery? Eat your cheetos and play Street Fighter and tell jokes but please for the love of
christCheech spare me the Carlos Castaneda nonsense.I read it as just a massive amount of piss taking, a la Pastafarians or the church of satan.
**said the guy who smoked so much weed in his younger years that he blew half his life income on records made by space-negroes.
***and still wondering if there’s a sample in here, or its just too batshit
Probably? I can’t think of any though.
yeah, i don’t mean as in “already used’, more like, “what i could chop out of that mess that would actually work”
some producers have pulled effects/gratuitous sound elements from that album, but nothing like a monster break. there’s plenty of funky moments, but most are v. busy, have too-many sounds… not ‘open’ enough to layer.
this is the earliest example i could find
I already decided not to join after I saw they have a picture of Obama on the wall.
I love weed, but i discovered – through far too much forced-exposure – that i have a deep aversion to hippies
Bumper sticker I saw a few days ago on a ranchers truck. Shut Up Hippie
There’s some gold here: “Post your favorite political compass memes below.”
There was one awhile ago I saw that was “Who’s fault is it?”
Americans / Jews
The Rich /Government
This is still the best though.
They’ve… ‘improved’ upon the one you saw.
i’ll take this one
Missed that one. Nice.
I also like the four tiles of “love and hope” in the extreme upper left-hand corner, surrounded by nothing but “far right”.
In fairness, mine is a tiny block in the libertarian-right corner, surrounded by nothing but RAT-FUCKING COMMIES.
didn’t you… or BP come up with some similar version of that?
i saved a copy of that one (i think it was penguin; can’t believe i forgot it was just like 2 days ago)
Must have been BP.
They got you covered.
1) anyone who uses apostrophes for ‘plural’ cannot be trusted
2) it doesn’t really make sense; people on the same side of the economic spectrum wouldn’t castigate each other as “commies” or “capitalists”
I liked the one that had, “Regressive Left” in the upper left corner and WHITE SUPREMACIST arcing over the rest of the graph. I think that is where we are today.
Deleted lines from the verses from Lord of the Rings
…nine for mortal men doomed to die
Turing for the computer you think is a man
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, etc.
twenty-two rings for midnight calls to your ex-lover
Kesselring for the bombs that fall from the sky
Boring…bad jokes likewise doomed to die
I think Eddie and bad jokes go together.
Kansas State prof’s new book ponders ‘Was the Cat in the Hat black?’
A Kansas State University professor wants you to take children’s books “just as seriously” as those written for adults, even when it comes to topics like racism.
English professor Phillip Nel asks the, er, important questions in his book Was the Cat in the Hat Black? which deals with the “hidden racism in children’s books.”
According to The Mercury, Nel argues in the book “that to change children’s literature we have to structurally alter the publishing industry and make commitments to hire more people of color in all phases of the industry.”
Children’s literature is “overwhelmingly white,” Nel says (which include himself, by the way) — only 20% of children’s books featured characters of color last year, despite 50% of school children being non-white.
The professor says the Cat in the Hat is a “racially complicated figure,” one influenced by (blackface) minstrelsy and artwork by people of color.
“If you want to think about the Cat in particular, he’s a black cat, he invades a white home and causes chaos,” Nel says.
“On the one hand, that’s actually good because the children are bored out of their mind until he gets there. On the other hand, he is essentially [the] other.”
IOW, teach kids that ‘finding things to feign outrage over’ will earn them the respect of their parents and peers.
Took my concealed class today. Edgar of guns for everyone was very good. I told him he might like it over here, being filled with various minarchists and whatnot.
Their podcast is pretty darn good as well. Highly recommend the class. Thanks Edgar if you are reading this!
I’ll see how the Sheriff goes next.
Fantastic, Yusef. Love that pup. For some reason, ours never was a chewer- we can’t even get her interested in rawhide chew toys. She just stares at them, stares at us, then walks away.
Of course, I’m an easy target- SP and I will confess to replaying that Geico “Running of the Bulldogs” ads over and over.
Six dogs, two catahoula curs (one is 115 lbs) and various mixes down to 25 lbs.
We have been through three couches, two sets of chairs for the porch, two ottomans, etc etc.
I never get out of bed and just walk in the dark, I always use the flashlight. They are all past the chewing stage but one of them just wont quit pissing in the house.
Such is life with dogs.