She was a wee child, they said she was born of Pit, but no.
My pictures tell me so,
I fed her and got her shots,
And she eats food, lots,
and everything She can Find,
She it a chewer of the worst kind,
The Wife ordered new furniture Thank God,
Because all of our old stuff was eaten by the Dog,
We have a fence, She will not cross,…… Oh Fuck it She’s attacking me again, I’ll get back to You guys, AGGGHGH!

Puppy: Code name Bella
Task: to destroy all Furniture
Optional: eat everything else

My Pup was born on 1/21/17 and was advertised as a “pure” Pit Bull, which we were in fact looking for; brindle, female, we were happy. Not a Pit, though; she is a kind of weird shape and the clinic called her a Belgian Hunting Dog but you tell me. I call her a Teufful Hund, and my granddaughter (7 years old) calls her a Chupacabra Dog. She is currently eating a piece of poster-board.

At 7 months, she is mellowing out a bit, but what a handful. Sometimes her name is No!Bella!.

She should finish out at 80 pounds or so, but until then, The Great Adventures of Bella! the Eater!