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Gold. Although I was looking forward to the Russian version of Drunken Asshole. (But I repeat myself)
*Nelson laugh*
Svetlana could flex my muscle any time.
My wife’s sister’s name is Svetlana.
Threesome: Svetlana and Becky.
I would be ok with a nork missile launch if the end result was me getting to watch a video of trump kicking Kim Jong un in the nuts. That would be the funniest thing that has ever happened.
I imagine it would just be the cripple fight scene from South Park. I mean have you ever seen a couple of out of shape dudes fight? Entertaining in the same way that Plan 9 from Outer Space wa entertaining.
Hans Brixx you braking my barzz Hans, you braking my barzz…
Oh, Svetlana.
Don’t you cry for me?
The Libertarian Party says that North Korea is more free than the United States. Needs more virtue signalling
I’m so glad that I don’t give money to those loons. They besmirch our philosophy and then wonder why they poll at 5%. I swear I would duel those fools if I could.
what did they say? I can’t do twitter at work.
archive link
Next year’s Freedom Fest should be held in Pyongyang, more or less.
Original: “It’s sad that we can look to #NorthKorea for an example of more freedom than the United States. o.O” attached to a headline “North Korea has been branded as a ‘weed smoker’s paradise’ — but the truth is more c…”
Follow-up: “An apology is owed for the North Korea tweet. In no universe are they a beacon of freedom. This should be obvious.”
The linked tweet contrasts the two, saying “When you smoke weed vs when the weed wears off”
Much to my relief, they did not hire mtrueman to write their Twitter feed. My guess is more like, they sacked the guy who write the original Tweet and had some non-moron write the follow-up.
“The linked tweet contrasts the two, saying “When you smoke weed vs when the weed wears off””
What does a Libertarian say when he runs out of marijuana?
“I nominated *who*?”
Well, North Korea is more free than the United States as long as you and your entire family don’t wind up in a camp for some perceived slight of Dear Leader. Although you may be a lot hungrier at times and need to chew roots to endure your sacrifice for the great revolution.
It seems they decided to actually behave like the libertarian straw man in anti-libertarian editorials. “They’re the sort of people who would say things are freer in North Korea because of pot, giggle giggle.”
And I would have rolled my eyes and said, “I may not agree with the libertarians on everything, but this is such a distorted version of their views that I’m appalled…wait, they said *what*? For real?”
Richman had a “Kim Il Sung did nothing wrong, America is a villain of Korean War” article up over the weekend, so why not?
*wanders over to TSTNBN, reads article*
yup, that’s Richman alright.
The man possesses an uncanny ability to take a particular idea that holds some water and stretch it into some overarching moralistic preen that offends logic.
*Atomic facepalm*
+1 MacArthur
At this point that’s not even surprising. You could make an Friedman-esque Op-Ed generator for Richman stupidity. “Everything wrong in the world is America’s fault, every foreign nation with anti-American interests is entirely trustworthy and you should accept all their propaganda at face value, nationalism is evil unless it’s anti-American nationalism”. Rinse and repeat.
That’s why we’re glibertarians.
Can we cat-butt the LP?
Better not, they’d probably try to get high by smoking or licking it.
submitted without comment
I see Matt and Trey grew up on the same cartoons I did.
Heavy Metal is a classic.
Hey, LP:
That’s a cat who *knows* he’s showing you his ass – and is really enjoying the experience.
Remind me to rip their sticker off my car later.
This can’t be real. What the everloving fuck!?!?
Hey BP, I incorporated SNP into my avatar a few weeks ago and I can’t remember if I ever got your permission to do so(I drink). If not, sorry.
Remember- as SugarFree has pointed out, that I’m not always that great at getting public domain images. If you’re using the image of Trump with the swastiza eyes, I don’t care. Actually, I don’t care if you use any of my images. If you use them in a non-commercial context, you’re probably okay. I won’t sue you in any event. But remember that I’m not the creator of the images.
And yet, I was reprimanded for using Mwaahahaha, with a B!
Wait dude, I just gave you crap, I didn’t go after you…
Sorry, that came off as much more dickish than I meant. I have no problem with any of you guys (and girls) taking and re-purposing my stuff.
No offense on my end. And thank you.
Enjoy, Trigger Hippie!
I think Svetlana needs some cultural appropriatin.
This is Glibertarians. There are people here who aren’t dickish?
Dammit, one last one – I don’t give a crap if you use my “Nazi Eyes” Trump in a commercial video or ad. Don’t see why you would, but hey!
It’s going to take me a very long time to not immediately and reflexively read SNP as Scottish Nationalist Party. That’s why we need more SNP comics.
For anyone who wants to see this on their phone, I have it here. I don’t use the site for commentary or discussion, so come back here.
Thanks! I was trying to read the Twitter handles, but my old eyes couldn’t do it.
Brilliant, by the way!
I can only assume Disco has just made it to Pyongyang.
Saturday Night Fever has been retooled as communist propaganda concerning the importance of vaccination.
Gosh BP, if you do a Charlottesville episode, you won’t even need to take artistic liberties with the language. You can just c&p media outlet commentators verbatim for script snippets.
The SNP take on Charlottesville is the only take I’m interested in.
Excellent. Also kudos for when Svetlana calls Becky ‘Pecky’.
I used to date a Russian woman. For the sake of the wimmens commenters here, I won’t say what I think about her, because my ideas is not nice.
Had a friend in college who dated a Russian girl. It was an interesting experience for all of us, least of all me, as a detached introvert observer, both during and when it finally blew up
I like her furry fuzzy hat, it’s cute and fluffy!
“For the sake of the wimmens commenters here”
Yesterday the number of female commenters dropped like 50%.
wait, what?
Mythical is taking some time away from the web due to general human shittiness (unrelated to us) and will be back at some point soon
Was it because of brain slugs?
What brain slugs?
I have been having this persistent headache…I don’t know what you’re talking about. MLW is fine. There are no brain slugs. Please remove your hats and continue about your business.ah. Yeah, that’s a good idea for everyone. everyone needs a break a few times.
Glad it wasn’t us, MLW!
Mythical Libertarian Woman said she’d be taking a break from the Internet for a few weeks. It wasn’t us. I don’t think.
It wasn’t you guys. I actually am not taking a break from you guys. I’m taking a break from everyone else on the internet. I realize in retrospect I wasn’t clear enough on that, haha.
Oops, glad I was wrong.
Glibertarian approval rating is down to .00038% among women.
But, but…what about Generic Russian Beefcake?
(He *was* put in there for the ladies, wasn’t he?)
I assume so. He’s not an Otter.
And teh gayz
Which one left?
Not left, just on hiatus. Mythical.
So in a few weeks the site can put up a banner saying “now with twice as many female libertarians!”
Put it next to the family-friendly banner.
I like this idea. If there’s going to be a propaganda war, we need to step up!
I approve.
You’ll need some kind of snappy logo. Pink porcupine with a bow and an assault rifle?
the bow seems extraneous. in case he runs out of ammo for the rifle?
I love it.
Did you like how much makeup she wore?
I don’t give a crap if you use my “Nazi Eyes” Trump in a commercial video or ad. Don’t see why you would, but hey!
When I use that image in my ads, my Hillary Clinton prayer candles will fly off the shelves.
supplicantssuckers!I posted this late last night but I don’t think this can be understated.
Godaddy forces ‘The Daily Stormer’ to change domain name hosts after negative story about Charlottesville victim.
From the article:
So apparently your domain name provider can force you to move for content posted on someone else’s server.
This is how it begins.
and we can’t even convince people that cakes shouldn’t be forced.
Look, I’m sure that any antifa sites were also forced to move.
But they’re *anti* fascist!
That’s what I keep hearing.
Anyone who says they’re “anti [bad thing]” must by definition be good!
That’s why progressives love everyone who proclaims themself anti-abortion. After all, no-one is *for* abortion, right?
I’m 100% pro progressives aborting themselves into extinction.
I can’t say I agree 100% with your political analysis there – although I disagree with the progressive worldview, I just want to outvote them.
Eben when they act exactly like the bad things they are anto to?
Hair of the dog? Fight fire with fire?
List of domains registered by godaddy or a subsidiary thereof:
This is a very brief list from a few minutes research. I’m sure it’s just an oversight on GD’s part.
This is the problem. Trump called it right by blaming both sides. Yet, a bunch of fool so called Republicans (Sessions and Rubio to name two of the clueless assholes) are rushing to push Trump into blaming only the white supremacist fools. There is real danger in this for our country and anyone should be able to see this. What Sessions, Rubio, and others are doing is playing right into the left’s hands. The goal here is to vilify one group of violent idiots while letting another group of violent idiots run wild unopposed, knowing that they will never get called out by the media no matter how violent they get. They’ve likely already been told ‘go ahead and kill some people next time, we’ve already made sure the right will be blamed’. The leftist media should all be arrested for treason. It’s one thing when you just lie every fucking day, it’s quite another when you are plotting for violence against Americans for political goals.
This is the problem. Trump called it right by blaming both sides. Yet, a bunch of fool so called Republicans (Sessions and Rubio to name two of the clueless assholes) are rushing to push Trump into blaming only the white supremacist fools. There is real danger in this for our country and anyone should be able to see this. What Sessions, Rubio, and others are doing is playing right into the left’s hands.
It’s not just “so-called Republicans” falling into this trap, but all of the mainstream conservatives, even the principled, constitutionalist ones. Conservative Twitter in general was a sickening wave of otherwise smart people like Shapiro or Erickson moaning and complaining about how Trump, my not calling people out by name, was “winking and nodding” to alt-righters and the silence was deafening. Even Amash was virtue-signaling on Twitter about this yesterday and putting pressure on Trump to disavow the white supremacists by name. I feel that this reaction is partially borne out of the fear that the mainstream press will smear the party like they always do. IOW, we need to play by decorum and royal etiquette, not with Alinsky tactics.
Trump did indeed “name names” today, and I wish he’d have added Antifa and BLM to the list.
I saw that. I understand why he was pressured into doing so by the GOPe, but I think the message was still sent very well on Saturday. At the very least, everyone in the nu-right understood what he meant by “many sides”.
Another win for antifa.
But, now that Trump has taken their side, I’m sure they will tone it down.
And we can almost know for sure that these Daily Stormer guys are total losers or they wouldn’t be hosting anything on GoDaddy. Do they use America Online to intertoob?
probably? or some yahoo derivative
To be fair, my understanding is that many of them were raised in a household without a male parental figure, so GoDaddy does have a sort of natural appeal.
*opera applause*
Doesn’t sound like they are hosting anything on GD. They are just using them as a domain provider.
This shit is terrifying. Yes, you maybe can go get a domain provider in Russia or Thailand who gives zero fucks. Next step is American-based ISPs deciding to break the way internet works and blacklisting your domain address.
I’ve been talking about this for quite awhile but no one seems to agree. I’m glad at least one person on her understands.
one person on her
*Looks at the two ladies in the article*
God, I wish.
Aaaand…the number of libertarian women on the site goes down infinity percent.
I agree entirely with the concerns behind your argument, I just think you’re proposed solution (net neutrality) does nothing to address those concerns and specifically in this case isn’t even relevant (unless you’re talking about something else).
Net neutrality = more government control = politicized control = we lose.
No thanks.
It’s all part of the left’s plans to outlaw speech they don’t agree with.
I don’t pretend to understand technobabble, but if i get what your saying, that means that ISPs can basically quash any wrongthink site?
Yes, because Net Neutrality is bad.
They have that ability already, but (at least to my knowledge) they’ve never actually used it.
I get a lot of flak on here for being a net neutrality supporter. I hope people on here understand why I am now. Without net neutrality your ISP is legally allowed to turn off any website it wants. Yes there are downsides to net neutrality, just like there are downsides to any law that isn’t very carefully written. But there is a clear and present danger to information freedom without it.
We understand why you think net neutrality is good, we just think you’re wrong. Neither side is arguing in bad faith.
ISPs always had that power at a fairly basic level.
You say “give me ‘glibertarians.com'” to your router, router passes it back over to the ISP, ISP says “nope, no such site, sir”.
You can get around it at a simple level by telling the router “no, don’t ask the ISP where sites are, ask the nice people over on third-party DNS” but ultimately, data you want from an address you specify has to come through your ISP chokepoint.
Then you get into VPNs and shit, but I’ve never had to look into it – I’m too honest/lazy to do simple ‘pretend to be in US so Netflix will give you more shit’ trick.
At the extreme you can force the site to go only via TOR. ISP’s in authoritarian countries haven’t been able to stamp out TOR, VPN, Torrents, etc. People dedicated to your information will still be able to get it, but casual access can be cut off.
This is why the Google/FB/twitters are shadow banning. If they hard ban, then everyone knows it right away and can put in countermeasures. If you are shadow banned you don’t know that you need to use those countermeasures.
It continues
Google cancels Neo-Nazi site registration soon after it was dumped by GoDaddy
Not much meat in the article.
I resent that a demographic other than mine is being pandered to with this comic.
Nonetheless, still the glibertarians feature that I most look forward to, hands-down. Fine work BP.
You would prefer a Secret Nabi President perhaps, Mr Hilter?
Pining for the good old days at the NYT.
What happened to the glorious, consumer-friendly future of TV? We were told that the internet would usher in a golden era of streaming video, and that incredible shows and movies would be a click away through low-cost, easy-to-use services. The $100-a-month Time Warner cable packages that required navigating a byzantine menu of third-rate channels would be a distant nightmare.
Instead, we’ve rushed headlong into a hyper-fragmented mess, with a jumble of on-demand services that, added up, cost more and often offer less than the old cable bundle. There are lots of great shows and movies being made, but finding them has become harder than ever.
This reminds me of the loser (Yglesias?) who puked up a column detailing his pathetic inability to return a dvd to netflix.
I definitely want to go back to paying DISH a hundred bucks a month so I can watch my preferred dozen channels. So convenient.
More than 100 bucks a month? I am subscribed to like 6 different services and don’t pay that much monthly.
Maybe because you don’t live in an area where Comcast has a state enforced monopoly?
Oh don’t get me wrong I still pay $80 a month just for internet, but I’m talking about the streaming services. I have netflix, hulu, crunchyroll, amazon (w/HBO), and maybe 1 more I can’t think of, and I still pay less than $100 a month for all of those put together.
Playstation vue. Thats the big one.
How is playstation vue?
Other than the fact that they change the stations and prices damn near monthly, I’m pretty happy with it.
I don’t have cable. And yet, between Netflix, Hulu, and Playstation network, I’m finding every show I want for under $30 a month. What’s his problem?
He has to pay extra for someone to show him the “on” button?
Lack of a malleable monopoly?
Sportsballs cost extra? Prime exclusives? HBO To Go? Shows dropping off Netflix (theoretically true of cable, but with hundreds of channels, most of the shit is in syndication somewhere)?
And now Disney is sticking it to Netflix by announcing their own service. That’s the big concern – content providers will bypass distributors, and set up individual streaming services, while keeping the expensive cable bundles going to feed sister companies. It’s part of the reason Netflix is expanding into content creation so aggressively.
It’s part of the reason Netflix is expanding into content creation so aggressively.
Speaking of which… Shonda Rhimes is leaving ABC for Netflix
I love that SNP tweets out his evil laugh.
“[insert vol 23 title here]”
Title contest?
How about “Nobody with a cute name like Kim could be bad!”
Lil Kim a bad bitch!
I think that title is just fine the way it is.
We have informed the Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service.
“To be sure, this may seem unduly harsh, but no private business enterprise should be forced to provide a platform for speech or behavior which the owners find offensive or immoral.”
Too extreme – “Subject to certain obvious exceptions involving diversity and dignity, no private business enterprise etc.”
That’s the mad thing – they don’t provide a platform. They literally only provide a sign that says “Platform is that way, 250 yards”.
GoDaddy has every right to tell Daily Stormer to fuck off.
And glibertarians have every right to point out that GoDaddy are moral midgets for doing this while supporting anti-fascists that are inciting violence through domain names registered by GoDaddy.
I thought the entire left had disavowed GoDaddy a couple of years ago. Guess this puts them back in progressive good graces?
Anyways, of course they can tell Daily Stormer to go fuck off. I’m happy they did. But they are hypocrites.
Only if the neo-nazis actually broke terms of service. Otherwise, GD is unilaterally breaking the contract.
Now, granted, ToS are probably written as “we can unilaterally break this contract at any time without reason” because shit that would never legally fly in a written contract gets put into EULAs and ToSes all the time.
Maybe the ACLU will sue GoDaddy on behalf of the nazis.
Likewise, the goal of being pro-free-speech isn’t to make a really liberal-sounding law code. It’s to create a society where it’s actually possible to hold dissenting opinions, where ideas really do get judged by merit rather than by who’s powerful enough to shut down whom. Having free speech laws on the books is a necessary precondition, but it’s useless in the absence of social norms that support it. If you win a million First Amendment victories in the Supreme Court, but actively work to undermine the social norms that let people say what they think in real life, you’re anti-free-speech.
I just Godaddy’s TOS. Relevant part is section 9:
Now, here’s the thing: I actually worked for Godaddy for 2 years about 10 years ago. It was policy that we would host anything, no matter how vile, as long as they did not break any laws. Godaddy used to host (and may still) ebaumsworld, and there was another site where a guy literally said he was going to butcher and eat a pet rabbit unless people paid him a certain amount of money. They had no problems hosting this stuff and seemed to be proud of some of it at the time. What a difference a decade makes.
Conquest’s Second Law?
I just thought of something.
Communism is undemocratic. Thus, progressives must oppose communism.
Therefore, progressives must approve anyone who calls themselves “anticommunist” (or “anticom”).
So the only thing the right-wing fanatics need to do is call themselves “anticommunist activists” (or “anticoms”) and they will get progressive support.
You are applying logic and equal standards to progressives. That is a fatal flaw.
You misunderstand comrade. All citizens of the glorious communist endeavour vote for the best choices as determined by the enlightened Soviets.
What are you talking about? Communists countries always have plenty of elections. The communist candidates always win with 100% of the vote, but that’s because people recognize their awesomeness.
In many ways, I think that the conservative Twitter reaction to Trump’s statements on Saturday reflects a major cultural divide in the movement, where on one side are mainstream conservatives and constitutionalists, personified by sites like National Review, The Resurgent, The Blaze, & some mainstream Republicans, and on the other side are the nu-righters, personified by Breitbart, Milo, ZeroHedge, Conservative YouTube, the Freedom Caucus, the InfoWars/Cernovich wing, and occasionally Trump himself. One side is far more willing to fight identity politics using leftist tactics, and it scares off the mainstream conservatives, who fear being smeared as immoral and still think that manners and polished rhetoric are relevant.
So they are, but all Trump did was say he blames both sides for the violence, just like the Virginia ACLU does. How is that unpolished rhetoric?
They want him to say “it’s all the fault of the Nazi scum! Die, Nazi scum!” What would be so mannered and polished about that?
It’s polished rhetoric to mainstreamers because they think it shows that you are grounded in morals and can call out evil when you see it. Sort of like why it’s good that Trump calls out radical Islamic terrorism by name.
But when he does that you can hear the screeching from orbit.
Trump acts presidential and impartial, left shit themselves. So maybe it’s news when Trump acts presidential, but it is sure not news when leftist behave like leftists.
Reminds me of the joker explaining people to Harvey Dent
“OK, he denounced the violent extremists, but he didn’t use the word ‘nazi’ because he’s catering to nazi voters!”
“OK, he denounced nazis, but he didn’t give them 100% of the blame!
“OK, he banned the Nazi Party and sent the Nazis to Guantanamo, but he’s let the Republican leaders remain at large!”
Trump should aware that short of resigning the Presidency and handing the White House over to Hillary, there’s nothing he can do to get in the Left’s good graces.
Trump should aware that short of resigning the Presidency and handing the White House over to Hillary, there’s nothing he can do to get in the
Left’sgood graces of the left, the media, the Democrat Party, or the establishment Republicans.Disappointed to see him knuckle under and give his enemies a win.
I suppose it’s tit for tat for insisting on the phrase “violent Islamic extremism” – “but what about the Nazis?!?!?”
It would probably take more nuance than these guys have to realize the difference between
(a) a handful of white-power weirdos and
(b) a worldwide movement dedicated to killing Americans in the name of jihad
That was Ben Shapiro’s logic, actually. If you can so easily call out radical Islamic terrorism, you should also call out the alt-right and the neo-Nazis by name, otherwise it sounds like a dog whistle to people, unintentional or not. I don’t agree with him, but there is some logic behind it.
If you can so easily call out radical Islamic terrorism, you should also call out the alt-right and the neo-Nazis by name, otherwise it sounds like a dog whistle to people, unintentional or not.
So I guess if you can so easily call out the alt-right, you should also call out the antifa scum by name, otherwise it sounds like a dog whistle to people unintentional or no, right?
Of course not. Because principals, not principles.
To be fair, Ben also said that you needed to call out Antifa and BLM, and was retweeting a bunch of posts that did do so. Of course that would anger the left, too, since that would be “moral equivalence” and the intentions of BLM/Antifa are good.
If we were dealing with people who had standards and evaluated Trump and others based on how they measure up to these standards, the criticism might have a *teeny* bit of validity.
But instead, we’re dealing with people whose MO is
(a) Trump says/doesn’t say something
(b) therefore he was wrong
If he’d denounced nazis by name, then he would be scapegoating a handful of extremists for the actions of the real threat: the widespread white supremacist movement which endangers America.
If he’d denounced nazis and antifa by name it would have been moral equivalence.
To be fair, Ben also said that you needed to call out Antifa and BLM, and was retweeting a bunch of posts that did do so
Good to know.
I’m so disconnected now from the chattering classes (and loving it, BTW) that I assumed he was a typical member of the DemOp herd.
What Trump does the first time is what he actually thinks. Most in his base understand that, I think. The problem is that if folks in the establishment GOP have a freakout about whatever Trump does, the apparatus automatically moves to pressure and “correct” him.
ENB’s fiance (husband? Can’t remember if they got married yet) with a completely non-sensical comparison that’s getting all kinds of love right now.
brilliant minds
We’ve seen what happens if Suebsaeng isn’t in his pathetic little hug box being constantly reaffirmed by idiots.
I haven’t seen that. But I have seen HM drop a huge thundering dump down his throat like he was under a soft serve ice cream machine.
That’s what I’m talking about. Suebsaeng crumbles when going up against someone actually intelligent who calls him out on his bullshit.
Nah. He just never came back for a rebuttal. Too busy journalising.
BLM are not really the dangerous ones. All they do is occasionally burn down their own neighborhoods. But now, they’re getting co-opted by the really dangerous ones, antifa. And the media and the left, along with the help of clueless Republicans have just given them a pass too terrorize the country with impunity. This really is how civil wars start.
Unite the RIght marchers: Trespass on university property, brawl with counterdemonstrators, blamed for actions of right-wing killer.
BLM: Blocks highways, “nonviolently” obstructs ambulance, blamed for actions of left-wing cop-killers.
Idiots: Decent people must conclude that the first group is a million times worse than the second!
OK, they obstructed a family car with a sick child inside, and they were able to hand off the sick child to an ambulance which got to the hospital with some extra delay
GoDaddy has every right to tell Daily Stormer to fuck off.
I concur. As long as this proviso holds true for everyone, everywhere.
And- Has GoDaddy just assumed responsibility for all content on every domain name it hosts? I eagerly await the imevitable lawsuits.
No, they haven’t. No lawsuit will make it past a judge’s desk.
The problem happens when VeriSign (the actual .com operator) TLD bans a domain for political content. ICANN was until recently a quasi governmental body sanctioned by the US government, and therefore would have to have 1st amendment neutral policies. Now that control has been globalized that protection will no longer exist.
David Cheese-Eating-Surrender Monkey weighs in on UnspecificGate:
I suppose it would be too much to note the distinction where on the one hand, there is an entire group of people without a face of the band, whereas on the other Trump was identifying specific individuals? No, its just racism.
I wish David French had run under Bill Kristol’s dream team ticket. Watching him fall on his face would have been spectacular. Bonus points if his wife had been seeing another man during the campaign.
If right-wingers like David French didn’t exist, the alt-right would have been forced to invent them.
One tragedy here, and I’m saying maybe, because no one yet knows for sure what happened in Charlottesville outside of maybe a few people who were there. But this guy who was driving the car, he could be completely innocent and may have just been trying to get out of there and got scared because people were attacking his car. Just saying, if that is the case, he will never get justice, never get a fair trial. They have already railroaded this kid as a sacrifice to the lynch mobs.
He might get a fair trial or he might not. Of course, to avoid the risk, he’ll be pressured to take a plea.
But this guy who was driving the car, he could be completely innocent
I have to believe if he really was an neo-Nazi, we would have heard about it by now.
So far, though, crickets, as far as I know.
His identity was very slow to come out. After that, not much. I’ve head bits and pieces after that. His mother didn’t seem to think he’s a white supremacist or anything. She said he has a black friend. Not that it means much. His mother also admitted she doesn’t pay much attention to his politics. We know from the film that his car was being attacked, but we don’t know why. We don’t even know why he was driving down that street. I’ve never seen details leak out of a situation like this so slowly. And the media are all screeching Nazi hate crime. I’d really like some detail, but there seems to be nothing. Where is the social media posts of him talking shit, or the testimonies of his co-workers saying he’s talking shit about being a Nazi? This is really fucking weird, the entire thing has been unusual since the start. He could be guilty as fuck as far as I know, but why are there no details coming forth?
I’ve never seen details leak out of a situation like this so slowly.
Me neither. That’s usually a sign that the facts don’t fit the Narrative.
Where is the social media posts of him talking shit, or the testimonies of his co-workers saying he’s talking shit about being a Nazi?
That’s exactly what I would expect to have seen by now. Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence, except eventually it is.
Still early days, though. We’ll see.
It just totally boggles my mind to the point of wanting to strike a muppet how the left consistently get passes. I find their behaviour far more violent and detrimental to liberty nor do I think they have any honour or integrity.
They are no winners.
TSTSNBN says it’s a libertarian moment. Is that winningg?
See, one of things I don’t get about TOS is that even if they want to publish weird takes on various issues, why they publish some of the dumbest possible writers to promote them:
Instead of striving to ingratiate himself with those who hold his fate in their hands, the president seems determined to antagonize them.
With his approval rating sinking, President Trump has decided his problem is that he has too many allies. So he set out to rid of himself of an important one: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.
This was because Trump rightly called him out for being a piece of shit who pushed for the repeal of Obamacare when he knew it would get vetoed.
I don’t think Mitch McConnell holds Trump’s fate in his hands…
He does in Chapmanland. They’re publishing outright delusions at this point.
In Chapmanland, some obscure DC lawyer that no one has ever heard of has Trump’s fate in her hands.
I’m begging on my knees for Massie to primary McConnell in four years. The establishment tears will be glorious.
“With his approval rating sinking”
If the left just keep writing stuff like this over and over again, it will actually happen. If the guys approval ratings would have been sinking for as long as they’ve been saying that, he’d be in negative numbers by now instead of around 40%.
Even if his approval numbers had tanked, so what? He’s not for reelection until 2020.
By that time the left will have either hanged themselves with their own rope or started a civil war. I have this feeling when they lose more congressional seats in 2018, they’re going to go full on crazy and they’ve already gotten a free pass for antifa to burn down entire cities without being held accountable.
The Left are gonna be held accountable. Not by the government or the media, but by the people who they are permissively trying to terrorize.
Punching a Nazi may be great and all, but what happens when the Nazi punches back?
They use a car.
what happens when the Nazi punches back
They get arrested and jailed, their organization is deemed a terror group, and their domain is shut down?
If left had half a brain, Nazis get arrested and jailed, while the entire media chorus starts screaming about ZOMG VIOLENS and use it to suppress/legitimize their opposition.
The problem is that the polls that the leftists and establishment Rs love to use have him in the mid-30s for approval (the poll that I use, Rasmussen, has him at 43-45%). I call bullshit, but there’s a reason why these polls are used as weapons for a narrative.
I typically go by the RCP avg and then add +8 for Republicans. So he’s somewhere around 50% in reality. 42% by RCP avg. The poll that they are citing in a far leftist poll that over samples Ds by a a wide margin. They’re not interested in truth, they just repeat over and over how they want things to be and hope that influences enough people that it becomes reality. It’s not working. The left has been in a state of perpetual outrage since the election. It has to be distorting their judgement and I believe it’s obvious.
It’s funny, but I think that Trump’s support base is unique in politics and is not necessarily reliant on any legislative achievements, at least not at this moment. I think that the vast majority know that it’s the establishment assholes in the Senate that are gridlocking the whole thing, not Trump. I absolutely agree with you that the GOP will gain more seats next year, but not before a massive, possibly historic primary wave against the establishment Republicans.
Something I have been warning my wife about for a while, but we were watching Globo while having lunch and they were on the Venezuela / Brazil border watching the endless streams of Venezuelans pouring across the border. They were interviewing people and the comments of one young man was something like ‘Maduro lied to us, he never really cared about the poor. But in Brazil, they’ve had the good presidents like Lula and Dilma who really give to the poor’. *facepalm* Like I told the wife, they are going to Brazil to vote for what they just fled from. Because this time different country, different people, socialism work. All too predictable.
Yeah, I’m thinking its time for a new Iron Law:
People are stupid.
They’re uneducated and poor and dead set on staying that way.
Dilma was impeached and Lula has been sentenced to prison for corruption and stealing billions from Petrobras. I guess that guy had to sell the TV to buy toilet paper and food.
Like his shitty TV is worth enough to buy TP there, cmon. My TV is only a couple years old, and I probably couldn’t get more than a few rolls.
People want to believe.
Most people would be perfectly content as feudal serfs as long as their Lord kept them fed and housed. Most cops would gladly sign on with the local lord as knight / enforcer. Most executives and upper-echelon government types would love to be the local Count.
Too many people only want free shit…
That was the difference. If Maduro had simply cared, like real Socialists do, the Venezuela economy wouldn’t have collapsed. Yet again: Venezuela – not True Socialism.
Lula and Dilma? weren’t they both impeached the past couple years? must not have the current affairs internet in Venezuela.
Exactly! They were impeached because they cared about the poor.
See my 2nd comment above.
Aren’t political corruption and special privileges for the governing class in Brazil insanely ridiculous? Yeah, sure, noble protectors of the poor.
Real socialists swoon for Evo Morales, the true noble defender of the poor!
I think the true socialist heroes of 2017 are Morales and Kim Jong. It’s all about the hair, man.
I thought it was about that pants suit.. You know the one Hillary wore all the time too..
This guy gets it.
Who was doing the interview?
I’m asking, what are the chances that this one guy was picked specifically to bolster the governing party by the journalist? Maybe even primed a little?
Brazilian journalists watch CNN all day and then parrot them. There’s your answer.
Which does bring a point – BP hasn’t used a Brazilian journo yet, has he?
He might have used a journalist with a brazilian. Needs more research. I’ll be in my bunk.
Becky strikes me as buttoned-down on the outside, but underneath the blazer? Oh, yeah.
I see what you’re doing there.
Ooh, baby – I can’t wait to see Eva Mourinha do Souza Mendes Huebner Gabriela Barboza do her thing!
Mmm… Brazilian journo… mmm
The thing is, I’m still suspicious that Trump has “New York values” just like Cruz said, and that the only thing stopping him from selling out to the progressives is that the progressives don’t want anything to do with him.
So long as the progressives are unconditionally against him and the conservatives are conditionally for him, Trump will lean toward the conservatives.
But imagine if Sen. Booker and a bunch of Dems get together with Trump and said, for example, “look, we agree that Obamacare should be repealed, we acknowledge it has major problems – if we can work out a replacement…”
And Trump would say, “I want your signed pledges that you will praise me for this great bipartisan deal if it passes.”
And they would grumble and agree.
Then they’d say, “instead of Obamacare which we both agree is a failure, why not the Donald Trump Medicare for All Act?”
And Trump would say “I’m listening.”
Thank God the progressives hate him so much so they wouldn’t conceive of such a scenario. I hope.
Or they bring Dick Gephardt back from retirement or wherever he is, and agree on a “Bipartisan Buy American Act” – there are all sorts of things progs would be able to accomplish if they saw Trump as a negotiating partner, not the Beast of Revelations.
Booker and his ilk are what progressives call “Corporate Democrats”. I can imagine that they’re terrified of the progs possibly primarying him if he doesn’t tow their line. I don’t think that their #resist status quo will change anytime soon.
I read that the resist stuff is to unite the Dems and keep the Hillary and Bernie wings from devouring each other.
Nightmare scenario – a large enough group of progs breaks with the resist program and decides they’re willing to Work With the President to Get Things Done (not to mention sticking it to fellow Democrats).
Then Trump, with the support of the work-with-Trump faction and squishy Reps, gets the Medicare for All Act, the Jobs for Americans Act, the Deficits Don’t Matter Act, etc. The resist faction and the conservative Republicans denounce these sellouts, thereby fortifying Trump’s reputation as a centrist who does things and cares about the people, not ideology, etc.
And the different Dem factions will finally get the chance to stop pretending to be friends and say what they really think of each other.
Knowing from listening to Secular Talk, that’s actually what the intellectuals on the Bernie wing want to do, because they agree with him on the big-spending parts of his campaign agenda (mainly infrastructure). They don’t have any support from the Washington establishment class, the Obama intersectionality wing, or even the vast majority of progs, so at the moment they’re like lonely, squeaking mice.
I’m just speculating randomly, but if these guys end up cutting a deal with Trump I’ll say I predicted it.
And just suppose one of the leading Dem candidates strongly identifies with the #resist movement, leading other Dem candidates to think “hmmm…how can I differentiate myself from the frontrunner? Maybe by being the Get Things Done guy…let me have my people call Trump’s people…”
And how will that turn out in the primaries? That’s my point: the winner will have to pander to the #resistors. Only places that the Get Things Done candidates will have any success may be in majority-Republican states, and in most cases voters will rather have the R unless they are truly awful.
Since my Rep has joined the “let’s bail out the insurance companies” krew, I’m thinking I will vote against her in the primary, and if she wins in the primary, in the general as well.
How many people crossing party lines it would take to flip a district varies, a lot, but I would think that not that many Repub voters switching to vote for anyone against the politician who betrayed them could flip a fair number of districts.
If the Repubs actually go from “repeal and replace ObamaCare” to “subsidize the failures of ObamaCare”, and that’s the way to bet right now, then I think there is no telling what will happen next year. The current bill being worked up is probably pretty much the one the Dems would pass if they were in the majority. With some “pragmatic” “moderate” Repubs crossing the aisle to vote with the Dems to subsidize the insurance companies, the bill will pass.
Who knows? Trump took the pages of the rulebook and turned it into an origami project, so who can predict what the political future will bring?
Anyway, by the time primary season arrives, the Get Things Done guy will bill himself as The Person who Out-Negotiated Trump.
I think I’ll stop, I’m scaring myself. I will just assume I’m wrong, that will make me feel better.
No needs 23 different kinds of political party!
the only thing stopping him from selling out to the progressives is that the progressives don’t want anything to do with him.
Its a disturbing scenario. I wonder if Trump is savvy enough to know you can’t do a deal with these people, because they never uphold their end of the deal?
He might consider that a challenge – how to arrange things so that he can screw them if they try to wiggle out.
Look, I don’t mean to scare anyone, but he’s spent most of his life as a New York City Democrat negotiating with the…shall we say…less scrupulous elements of the crony capitalist world. If anyone could negotiate with progs on a level of equality, he could.
Google is now denying the domain name transfer for the daily stormer.
So what happens if no registrar will take them? Does it become a 1A issue at that point?
He can always host himself. Any issues would arise if couldn’t get his DNS registration.
That’s what they’re denying. Godaddy is cancelling their domain name registration, and google won’t take the transfer. They were never hosted by either company.
If it was simply hosting they were cancelling I would not give two shits, but you can’t simply become your own domain name registrar.
Has DNS been weaponized like this before (politics, not law enforcement)?
If so, who would you pursue it against? Does ICANN have governing rules on this?
If a baker can be forced to bake a cake, how can a domain name registrar not be forced to register a domain name? If the answer is ‘because Nazis’ I’m going to have a real problem with that.
If a baker can be forced to bake a cake, how can a domain name registrar not be forced to register a domain name?
Because domain name registrars aren’t “public accommodations” under the Civil Rights laws.
Well then, the progressive left has won. Pack it in kiddies, we’re done here.
Calm down, this is far from over. They haven’t won anything.
That’s a different kind of action than a 1A violation. It may fall out that the TLD registrars like Network Solutions cannot exercise such censorship while the devolved registrars (I don’t know the proper terms for these things) like GoDaddy can have whatever policies they want, then it just becomes a matter of setting up a registrar with different policies.
You have to go through a middleman though. If every middleman tells you to fuck off cause you’re icky, what do you do?
Pay $185,000 (crowdfunded, probably–although that itself presents another gatekeeper problem) to ICANN and set up a new TLD?
you = rhetorical you, as in anybody faced with this situation
That is truly disturbing. If a handful of politically active companies can effectively deny you from using the internet, we may have crossed into a new frontier for “free speech”. I don’t even want to contemplate declaring ISPs and domain hosts as “public accommodations”, but if this really can be done, then my dismissal of the lefty attacks on corporations as the real threat to freedom may need a rethink.
The internet is supposed to be engineered to route around damage. Can it route around this kind of damage?
If you have the IP address of a website, you technically don’t need a domain name. The name is just a very handy and commercially friendly way to get to the site. In theory you can tell people “hey check out my site at!’ but it’s very clumsy and awkward and will not come up on any kind of web search.
because people didn’t manage phone numbers for a century before their phone’s stored them.
Can it route around this kind of damage?
Yes, but not easily. Parallel DNS has been played around with before but was never worth the hassle. If that’s the answer, then it’s going to lead to fragmentation of the Internet.
If big companies are going to play political hot potato using domain names then fragmentation is not only inevitable but necessary.
I’m not so worried, yet. Here’s what’s going to happen if it gets that far. The left do not want their intertoobz tied any more than we do. But if they get their way and get the government to start shutting down ‘hate speech’, they’re fucking next and you can count on it. There are plenty of ambitious politicians on the SoCon right who don’t want you talking about dangerous mareejauner and stuff like that. This isn’t going to go over any better in the USA than trying to ban video games and backwards satanic lyrics. If the left think they aren’t going to get slapped down themselves by giving government too much power over the internet, it won’t be long before they find out otherwise.
This isn’t the government doing it. This is private companies. Private companies are almost universally owned by the left. Don’t you see? They may have actually won this time.
Private companies are not almost universally owned by the left. You’re talking about Google and other internet companies, which is of course relevant in this case. They’re not going to just be able to discriminate against people like that, eventually the government is going to get involved because law suits aplenty are coming if they try it. Google does not own the internet, whether they think they do, or not. This is just a knee jerk reaction. Nothing will probably come of it, but if it does, the government eventually will be involved, which will be much worse for everyone involved. Google already discriminate with their search engine, but not in a direct way like this, this is not going to fly.
You can always fix this level of assholery yourself. Go into your hosts file (depends on the operating system) and add the site you want into it. Computer will use it instead of publicly available DNS. So if I wanted to go to cishetshitlords.com (apologies to jesse and Tonio and others) instead of glibertarians.com, I’d just add
Which would break because it’s a virtual host on shared machine but #dealwithit.
More importantly, I could say
and that should do the trick.
so, interesting thing. My work blocks raw IP addresses.
The route to handle this is that if they do any gatekeeping that they are not forced to do by court or ICANN agreement you revoke their immunity and let them be sued. Revenge porn, NAMBLA, whatever it takes, once they make one editorial decision, they are complicit in keeping up the others.
Also that Net Neutrality that they wanted so much?… Well Title II can easily be used to force “must carry” Can’t have key backbone providers making network content based decisions, like Blackballing.
No government action, right? I look forward to the BAKE THEIR CAKE, GOOGLE comments, however.
I already posted it up above.
Want to know the difference between a cake and a domain name? You can bake your own fucking cake, but you can’t register a domain name yourself. That is a huge, fundamental difference.
Look, you shitlords, stop defending Nazis!
I’m having a hard time finding levity in this. This is seriously concerning me, and that’s a rarity. Full scale civil war doesn’t scare me as much as the internet getting locked down in the name of feelz.
So how do we go about starting a Freedom of Speech Registrar?
Hate speech!
…. it’s apparently not quite as hard as I imagined.
Apparently you need about 100 grand and a not entirely stoned IT department. Colorado hardest hit.
Every other civilized country in the world has healthcare and locked down internet, why can’t we!?
Uh, you really don’t want to look at TOS right now then.
Me right now.
If all of the TLD’s (VeriSign) decline to take them, then ultimately TOR is the only way to go for them. you can’t stop .onion domains, and you are precluding the next step which is where the snowflakes petition their ISP to cut off raw IP service, so you have to hide your hosting. DDOS is up next, Anonymous used that often to silence others, this seems right up their alley.
It takes 6,500 retweets to get a dns hosting discontinued? You could get 6,500 people to say that a website about flowers is terrible and should be taken down.
It only takes that many when you already wanted to do it.
First they came for the Nazis…
And then they thought “Hey, this whole ‘socialism in one nation’ thing actually sounds pretty good.”
libertarian moment?
*Fruit Sushi and Elizabeth Abortion Abortion high five*
It really starts looking like they want a purge.
Tom Woods and Ron Paul put me on the road to the LP. what the fuck.
But just think how awesome the crowd at the cocktail parties will be in a few years!
If they try all they’re going to do is isolate and alienate themselves. Cosmotarianism is a loud minority in libertarian circles.
As I said with Reason, all they’ll accomplish is becoming the abused bottom rung on the progressive ladder.
I mean, look at the response he gets. Libertarians aren’t interested in cultural gatekeepers the LP think they are.
To be sure, when’s the cocktail party?
After that recent Tweet and the idiotic shitshow that was the LP run in 2016, keep throwing those rocks in your glass house.
I don’t understand at all why they are trying to kick out various types of libertarians.
Because they’re desperate to distance themselves from the ‘alt-right’ (not the actual alt-right, the boogeyman idiocy the media calls the alt-right) and they think purging every vaguely right-wing libertarian is the only way to remain relevant.
As I pointed out before, purging the libertarian movement before it has actually achieved any real political success is really stupid. Fracturing a single-digit percentage of the vote is… not a good strategy.
Strategy is not really at the forefront of these people’s minds, their own insecurities and social relations are.
and it’s not like anyone ever evolves at all in their views. We need to make fun of these kinds of libertarians! trying to convince them that they are overlooking something is dumb. more books for people who are in agreement in 99% with me is the wrong approach. I’m going to call them out on twitter, and try to ruin lives over sandwich jokes.
I’m not going to change my strategy too much. I’ll look for a libertarian leaning Republican to vote for. If I can’t find one, I’ll look for someone running as LP. The only change is that now I have to make sure the LP candidate is not a cosmo faux libertarian, which is why I stayed home for the 2016 potus election, no one to vote for. After that, I stay home because I will never under any circumstances vote D.
It’s a leftist strategy. And it’s one of sure failure. Look at what the left are doing right now. They’ve divided all of their favored groups up into smaller and smaller identity groups. Now, they’ve got BLM mixed in with antifa. How long is that going to last before those two groups turn on each other? Not long, I can assure you. They’ll be beating each other’s brains out in the streets before long.
I don’t understand at all why they are trying to kick out various types of libertarians.
Because icky. Do you even feelz, bro?
Yokels. Gotta purge them yokes, worked for Reason.
*Checks Alexa*
For certain values of “worked”, I suppose.
*Checks Alexa*
Catching up. BP, thanks for the eye candy! I appreciate you throwing all five of us appreciators-of-menz a, um, bone. ?