The real sport of the day yesterday was played by the media. It was an endurance contest, a triathlon of sorts. The first component was to shit in one’s pants. They measured the weight of the shit by milligrams (since standard is a racist, sexist system in some obscure way I’m not about to look up). The second phase was running around with one’s hair on fire, with total distance (in a direct line using decimeters) reached to the left of one’s starting point measured, with bonus points given for each minute one cried in fear yesterday. The third metric was to count how many retweets and likes the journalist received from their most virtue-signaling tweet of the day. The total of the three were added together to get the final score
And the winner, ladies and gentlemen, was Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper wins! Congratulations, Jake. You’ve done your side proud.
I’d also like to thank The Hill and WaPo for doing so well in the rear race division. You guys did a hell of a lot more yesterday to reinforce the level of credibility you have in America than you’ll ever realize. Kudos.
In other sports action, here’s what went down: The Yankees won, the Nationals won, the Red Sox won, The BIG RED MACHINE beat the Cubs, The Indians beat the Twins, The Dodgers won, The Mariners beat the Orioles, The Rockies lost, and the Astros won (and actually put some runs on the board!) Liverpool won the away leg of their UCL play-in tie. And Zeke Elliott officially appealed his inexplicable six-game suspension. They’re playing tennis, but the real action starts in a couple weeks. Dog days indeed, my friends.
Well that’s about all for the fun and games. Now let’s get down to business with…the links!
Man tells it like it is. Virtue signaling spirals out of control. I swear, the inability or refusal by the media and establishment politicians to acknowledge that there was violence from two groups is alarming. As is the refusal by either to touch on the myriad acts of violence, intimidation and destruction of property by antifa groups over the past several years.
Its not just Palin anymore. Walter Block’s lawsuit against the New York Times for defamation may continue. Good!
Hey man, nice shot.
The Texas bathroom bill died once again as the legislative session abruptly ended.
A hotel in Switzerland has got some ‘splainin to do.
But how does he…where would…what kind of…who the hell could even…aw fuck it. Just read the story.
If only people took this advice more often, they’d be a lot happier.
That’s the end of the links. Go out there and seize the day!
53) The Washington Post is in a tizzy today because Donald Trump insists on the common-sensical observation that both sides played some role in fomenting the violence in Charlottesville.
Seriously, this article appeared on the front page with the headline in huge type, maybe not quite as large as “Japs bomb Pearl Harbor” but not far off.
What I don’t get, and without making any judgment call on whether removing the statues is a good thing or not, but why is THIS EXACT MOMENT the time to start removing Confederate-related statues, slave-owner-related stained glass windows, etc., that have been there for 100 years?
It reminds me of dealing with my kids. “Yes, he hit you and that wasn’t right, but was the anything YOU could have done to make things turn out differently?”
Why is this the exact moment to remove those statues? Shut up racist and bask in the warm glowing glow of Obama’s healing tweet.
“Obama has used Twitter only sporadically since January, tweeting a handful of times every month to weigh in on national conversations. It’s unclear if Obama himself or a social media team is handling his Twitter handle.”
Again, you may not like Trump, but at least you’re getting the real, unfiltered man, rather than some sort of focus group-tested simulacrum of a human being.
He is genuine that is for sure
Hillary’s twitter is the most transparent I would say that it is all focus group
I read “Hillary’s tw…” and blacked out.
Obama is fake. And his fans are superficially minded morons.
More over rated a guy they don’t come.
But he is black Jeebus!
At least Bush had the fucking decency to disappear for the first year of Obama’s term and didn’t feel the need to “weigh in on national conversations”. (Am I remembering that correctly?)
What a narcissistic asshole.
Bush made the occasional comment. The one I remember is ‘do you miss me yet’, or the media just made that up, I don’t know. But for the majority of those 8 years, he was pretty much invisible. I just hope that Obama finds that invisibility thing, and soon. But I doubt it, he’s waiting for the brown shirts to take over the country and anoint him as dear leader for life.
Bush spends a lot of his time hanging out in Dallas, painting and having fun with disabled vets. I’ve bumped into him a couple times over the past few years, and he seems more interested in hobbies than politics. His self depreciating humor is quite funny. I don’t know I’d be able to embrace it if I were painted the village idiot, but he has.
focus group-tested simulacrum of a human being
Like most of the characters in one of his three autobiographies?
Obama so woke.
What a fucking piece of shit. 8 years of him is what got us here.
“quoting former South African president Nelson Mandela in tweets.”
So it’s not even his words. This is like handing out an +A for copying the kid next to you.
Wow! Without that brilliant bit of insight, I never would have known that racism is a bad thing. Thank you, oh, thank you, Mr. Obama, for removing the scales from my eyes.
No matter how much you dislike the nazis, if antifa initiated part of the violence it is kinda of obvious they played a role in the thing.
Exactly. The white supremacists had a permit and first amendment right to protest
Antifa shows up and invites violence
Not part of the narrative they have been trying to sell since that buffoon Trump beat the criminal they hoped to help over the finish line because she honored that fat Kim guy by wearing jumpsuits like him but sits down to pee.
The nazi idiots were holding a torchlight vigil and chanting “Blood and soil!”. I haven’t seen them explicitly advocating violence. Antifa is a different story. They showed up for the specific purpose of engaging in violence. They started it, plain and simple.
National socialists vs International socialists. Same ol’ shit. Cant we just fence them in together, toss a bunch of guns into the fenced area and let them have it out?
Honestly they looked so pathetic that mockery would have been the most effective weapon. But the left is either stupid or not interested in reducing problems which leads to less grievance mongering. Or i dunno both.
You see, this handful of white-supremacist demonstrators represents the tip of the spear of the capitalist class’s counterrevolutionary campaign to suppress the people blah blah blah.
In other words, attack white supremacists, claim it’s a blow against Republicans, Trump and capitalism.
Mockery is the only rational response to these fucking racist idiots.
I remember seeing some idiot clan member on Jerry Springer back in the 00’s on one of those “I grew up racist and now I’m having a black baby. What will my Klan father think?” shows. It was fucking hilarious.
Zardoz would approve.
Apparently, some of the torch bearers were poking and prodding at the counter protesters on Friday night with their Tiki torches (although the source for that is the WaPo, so it may be bullshit). I find it plausible that they were being assholes and somewhat violent, but again, if you put Charlottesville into context of the larger Antifa attacks against White Supremacists (especially Sacramento, where the 26, which btw, is the official count, supremacists were attacked by a much larger group of Antifa), it’s not a surprise that they came ready to do violence to counter protesters.
Yeah, the “counter-protesters” were already in place surrounding the statue when the Alt-Right assholes got there. Of course, pissing matches ensued, both sides sprayed pepper spray, and some people supposedly threw their torches.
My question to the people who want to only blame the “NAZIs”, what was the purpose of this counter-protest? Do these people really think they’re holding the line against fascism by not letting some idiots surround a statue or, the next day, blocking their access to the rally? They knew what was going to happen. If you go somewhere to provoke violence, you can’t be surprised when it happens. But these are the people who think they have a right to a heckler’s veto. There is really no better term for them than civil rights era LARPers.
Don’t you understand? That guy was carrying a bucket of gasoline! How dare you insinuate that the Playing With Matches Club meeting had anything to do with that fire!
“People inside the White House are aware the press conference did not go well,” said one Republican operative who is in frequent contact with senior West Wing officials. “Trump had a bad day here.”
Well, that guy is obviously an expert and credible source.
Funny how many of the insiders, you know the establishment types, seem to feel Trump somehow was wrong pointing out that national socialists fought with international socialists, after being directed at each other by the police, and that things escalated, and someone lost their life….
For some reason however the establishment types all seem to feel that the only side that is problematic is the national socialists. The international socialists, with a long rap sheet of destruction and agitprop seem to be just A-OK.
That chain link fence was wearing a short skirt!
He was just trying to disprove Robert Frost.
“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”
Ha ha…ewww
If those fences didn’t want us to have sex with them they’d stop being so damn sexy.
Wouldn’t a fine simply suffice for some sort of indecent exposure? Why are we so gung-ho about prosecuting the shit out of people?
He didn’t ask the fence for consent.
I bet you wouldn’t be so cavalier about this Mexican assaulting a white picket fence.
Now I’m board.
*awaits Swiss’ narrowed gaze*
You have to admit it, galvanized is the most erotic of corrosion-preventative coating.
If you look at the mugshot, even Fence Fucker looks a tad perplexed.
Wouldn’t (either the pervert or the fence).
When officers arrived, they reportedly found Estala walking out of his duplex in a drunken stupor.
Now this shocks me.
I’ve been really, really drunk, but I’ve never even thought about propositioning a fence. And I used to drop acid like it was going out of style.
“Walter Block’s lawsuit against the New York Times for defamation may continue. Good!”
The Jacket hardest hit.
Heh on a Tom Woods podcast When that debate came up Block couldn’t even remember Gillespie’snname
I know Walter Block is associated with the Mises Institute which is literally Hitler and located in Auburn, home of the second-best football team in Alabama, but why does the NYT want us to hate Walter Block again? Dogwhistles? Failure to demonstrate goodthink? The unforgivable crime of being from the deep south?
I don’t know, Steve Miller has some okay songs. I’ve been kind of down on him since I saw him in concert in the 1990s and it was one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen.
Miles Davis on Steve Miller:
Had Miles Davis come out afterwards, it definitely would have made the evening worthwhile.
Steve Miller to Miles Davis. Wow. Kinda reminds me of going to parties when I was young. You’d stand there drinking Beast Light for a couple hours. Then your buddy the hero shows up with the three 4-packs of Guinness cans you gave him money for.
Milwaukee’s Best? The shittiest beer I managed to force down my gullet on a regular basis was Busch. The Beast just didn’t quite cut it.
Lucky Lager made the Beast taste like some trendy microbrew in comparison.
Lucky was much better than the Beast.
And every cap had a sobriety test.
And then you drink one real fast and go outside and blow chunks in the bushes for half an hour.
But that might just have been me.
No, it wasn’t just you.
Oh, man, kegs of Beast Ice always tasted best in the yard of someone you didn’t know. Between that and Red Dog I’m surprised I didn’t go blind in my 20s.
Red Dog *shudders*
He sucks. With very few exceptions.
He’s a joker.
I always wondered why Free didn’t sue him for stealing the opening from All Right Now. I mean, he didn’t even file off the serial number.
My steve miller story:
when the Dead played their “9 shows in a row @ Giants stadium” in ’89, a bunch of my friends got backstage passes to one show because someone’s dad knows someone* and…. long story short this group of like six 14 yr old boys were all big-pimping in the ‘hang out and smoke pot and eat hors d’oeuvres’ room which apparently the greatful dead has backstage.
in said room is an overweight grey haired dude who is distinctly ‘not jerry’. teen kids mostly ignore him and try to score weed and swag (stickers, t-shirts, guitar picks). grey haired fat guy is like, “hey guys i’m steve miller”, which earns the attention of teen kids: they’ve heard of this guy (he opened that day).
He’s like “you want to hear one of my new songs”. It doesn’t seem like there’s going to be any choice. So steve miller launches into tune on the acoustic guitar and runs through the number. He finishes and the teens politely clap, nod, express vague approval. Then, one red-haired kid, Lars, says…. “meh….. Your older shit was a lot better”.
6 kids quickly find themselves kicked out of backstage, with nothing except a good story. To this day, Lars says, “It was true! it kinda sucked”.
(*we did not know at the time that the ‘dad who knows someone’ was actually Steve Miller’s former manager; we only knew he had vague rock+roll industry contacts. but the reason the steve miller story remained alive so long is because we heard echoes of it from said dad, who was like, “Jesus, he was furious. Fucking punk kids tell him he’s washed up to his face.”)
That’s a great story.
Damn, what did I do with my childhood…
Steve Miller’s godfather is Les Paul.
Which probably gave him some kind of leg up in the business.
You know who else had a leg up in the business?
Every groupie ever?
Sounds like he was…riding the fence
I think he was just board.
He thought he had found the smorgasbord of glory holes when he saw the chain link.
Round peg in square hole?
You know what’s coming….
…and you know you deserve it.
::narrows gaze::
I thought the American dream was having 2.5 kids with a white picket fence but there is no accounting for taste.
That’s good glib dot com right there.
*slow clap* (turns raucous)
The fence was not unresponsive.
He was simply pining for some affection, you guys
Don’t fence me in
ALTERNATE JOKE: This story is of-fence-ive.
Meet the man who says men shouldn’t date British women because they’re overweight and masculine
Damn, now he’ll never get a British girl.
TBF, they were falling over and swearing for a reason in Rotherham.
So he doesn’t like fat, drunk, belligerent, hens. I can appreciate that.
Meh, Eddie Murphy warned us about women in the west back in 1982 and pointed out he was going to goo find himself some chick named Unfufu because western women were spoiled and entitled…
Paging Groovus, assuming he made it over here… I thought that was the stereotype about Russian/Ukrainian women: that they were girlier than girly, definitely want you to be the man in the relationship, and watch out if they get pissed?
Oh, and sloopy, did you mean “median” in the first sentence?
My wife is Russian. She definitely believes in traditional gender roles within our household. She’ll very often say “You’re the man. That’s your job. That’s a man’s job”. I honestly don’t mind because she holds up her end of the bargain. Especially as a mother. She’s incredible with our kids.
In my limited experience, teaching high school in Slovakia. Many of the girls were traditional. Many weren’t very career motivated. They just wanted to have a family. I was visiting an American in another Slovak city, and we had dinner with a Slovak friend of his. His wife did all the serving prepping the plates, making sure our glasses were full of alcohol.
They also hated PE. They hated running (not unusual), and tried to use their period as an excuse to get out of PE class.
Well, judging by the Ukrainian ex-wife of a friend….yes, very traditional in most ways. Very motherhood oriented, not really interested in a career. The downside: gold digger, left him because she realized she could get a richer man.
English girls they’re so prissy
I can’t stand them on the telephone
Sometimes I take the receiver off the hook
I don’t want them to ever call at all
How could anybody write a story about English women and the phrase “big naturals” not be in it? Has this guy ever even been to Limetree Island?
Meh as an Easter European, I find local specimens of the female sex to be generally more physically attractive than English equivalents. Although taste may be influenced with what one is used to. Also apropos of nothing I remember being very surprised when John on the old site held Vienna as a place for hot women,
I’ve been to Vienna and it struck me as a good place for chicks if you’re looking to marry an 80-year-old aristocrat with a lot of money.
I can push a wheelchair.
And you are close to Bratislava where you get you mistresses
…if you’re looking to marry an 80-year-old aristocrat with a lot of money.
80’s the new 60, so yes
Prague. If you put the incredibly ugly imported whores aside, pound for pound the most beautiful women on Earth.
Have you ever been to Mizil? I think not
Sadly no, only Sibiu.
I highly recommend it
*SP starts checking OMWC’s upcoming plane tickets*
Meh as an Easter European, I find local specimens of the female sex to be generally more physically attractive than English equivalents.
Well, the phrase “an English 10” exists for a reason.
What do you call an attractive woman in Vienna?
A tourist.
Who’s that guy?
Anyway, are British women really trailer trash as a rule? I mean, I’ve known tomboys who were absolute 10s who weren’t loud, sloppy drunks. I’m not sure that preferring people with some class to boorish idiots who can’t keep their shit together and look a mess is something limited to straight men.
You don’t get it, men are evil for being attracted to traits that many Western women no longer provide.
Well, if not finding Lena Dunham is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
God damn, I’m batting a thousand today. *not finding Lena Dunham attractive
Although, it actually works as-is, too.
I don’t generally think of myself as “conservative” in the sense of worshiping civic institutions like the Church or the Military or Police or reverence for politicians or history, etc.
but i think when you get to things like, “the nuclear family” and “gender norms” and basic things like, “norms of public behavior” ….
(e.g. ‘see: ‘professionalism’ rant in yesterday’s links by prog who couldn’t grasp the idea that ‘professional’ behavior is not *oppressive*; its functional, and serves a purpose other than catering to your swollen ego)
… i find myself being instinctively ‘conservative’ in a certain sense. in that i believe there are implicit structures that have evolved through time that simply *work*, and that the progressive desire to dissolve them is literally sawing a circle around yourself through the floor. “undermining the basic stuff that makes society work”
Its not the sort of cultural conservative nonsense like “Gay parents can’t raise healthy kids!”; quite the opposite: They very much *can*. Because forming ‘families’ and raising kids in a multi-parent household is exactly the sort of permanent social structure which i’m talking about as necessary. The stuff that grinds my gears are the opposite ideas, which is the lena dunham sort of gibberish like, “You don’t really need a dad“; basically celebrating the breakdown of families and pretending the explosion of single-parent households is *desirable* rather than a bad sign.
basically, i think many people, regardless of how socially-liberal when pushed far enough, find a point at which they go, “wait: no” and discover that they actually retain some ‘common-sense conservatism’ about certain aspects of social-life. It may be in different places w/ different people, based on personal experiences and background, but i think its probably true for everyone.
In fact, i think it WILL be true for many of these childless, 30-something millenial SJW women as well… as they get older and start to realize that they’re no longer the source of interesting, new, hip, bullshit-woke, hectoring feminist-journalism. That as the younger kids take over, they’ll be wondering what the hell the point of it all is, and suddenly start to have epiphanies about how life actually works.
Or maybe not. maybe they’ll start collecting cats.
i do realize i wrote a screed last night that could probably be described as something close to that. i think the difference between a more typically ‘conservative’ view and my own concerns about the value of ‘remembrance’ is that i’m not concerned about protecting some mythic memory; i actually think preservation of history eventually forces people to confront the past and question popular historical narratives. The worst possible thing is to strip competing evidence of history away, and lock it all away in carefully curated museums which present only one version of reality.
it was great and you totally missed out.
I’m kidding. It was great. I was just making a Ken Shultz joke.
It really does grind my gears how certain media figures/influential people have been trying to glorify or make single parenthood sound so awesome. I grew up in a broken house, my sister’s to be a single mom soon, and boy, it sure as hell ain’t easy or empowering having to mostly take care of 1-3 little kids by yourself and the resulting family situation isn’t exactly a beautiful prim-rose path. My mom never thought she was empowered or special in any way for being a single mom. She never once wanted us to grow up without our dad and encouraged us to spend time with him too and seeing these people glorifying the opposite makes me sick.
“Conservatism is the democracy of the dead.”
If you want feminine and not constantly drilling into your ear with angst and modern gender misery, get yerself an Asian woman. Best decision I ever made was getting the Chinese model.
They do love you long time.. Doesn’t matter when. In the middle of an argument I said I wanted some cause her being angry made me so horney, and got it… Can’t beat that…
Never did that, but there is no shortage of mind blowing sexy times. And scorn for weak and bitchy Western women.
A hotel in Switzerland has got some ‘splainin to do.
Don’t look at me!
*narrows gaze*
Isn’t Switzerland close to France? Sounds like they have misidentified the most hygiene-challenged people.
You know who else wanted people to take showers?
R. Kelly?
That’s gold, Jerry, gold!
Lesbian gym teachers, if the internet is to be believed.
She just came over to use
the shower.
So apparently the hotel had a large contingent of Orthodox guests who had been using the facility specifically because it was accommodating to their needs. They just had a tendency to push that accommodation a little too far on occasion.
You got your apology on what appears to be just a stupid mistake of manners. Go extract your pound of flesh from some real anti-Semites.
But Trump’s all the way over in America.
Still, the Wiesenthal Center did not accept the excuse, demanding that the Swiss government ‘‘close hotel of hate and penalize its management.’
WTF? Hey Wiesenthal Center did you read this part:
Wiesenthal Center feels left out of the virtue-signaling frenzy lately and they’re too scared to criticize the Muslims in Europe so they find some hotel run by Swiss locals and beat on them.
Hey, I’m fine with the apology. Sounds like they actually cater to Orthodox Jews but made a bad decision without malice.
The real story is the reaction.
I was speaking rhetorically to the Wiesenthal Center, not you.
Oh I know. I just felt the need to say so in case somebody did a screenshot years later and asked me to explain myself.
Shit, in that case, I want to make it clear that I disavow all forms of racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia, fatty-shaming, genderqueer shaming, interspecies erotica shaming, fence-fucker shaming, midget shaming and all uses of the word “cum” that aren’t sexual in nature.
No specific condemnation of Nazis, Herr Sloopy.
Aw, fuck! I specifically condemn Nazis, neo-Nazis, historical reenactors that portray Nazis, the offspring of Nazis, the guys that served the Nazis food when they were in Charlottesville, the people who lodged the bigots, their children, and anybody that would even consider baking a cake for them.
Also, I hope you got my “best friend” joke yesterday. If not, you might think I’m a dick.
I was making reference to Barf since you modified a quote of his.
By failing to condemn “Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS”, sloopy has outed himself as a Nazi apologist. KILL HIIMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
Too little, too late. You are obviously a Nazi sympathizer, and have given them encouragement by your equivocation.
/ Media Shills
given them encouragement by your equivocation.
Because the last thing that applies to human interaction is nuance.
Eh, close enough.
You mean like Magna Cum Loudly?
This of course will count as right-wing terrorism.
Closing the hotel is extreme. Same deal with the fence-fucker. But it is 2017 when we go balls-to-the-wall overboard about everything.
::golf clap::
I’ve come to expect crying-wolf overreaction to this sort of stuff from the likes of the Wiesenthal Center or the ADL, but the Israeli foreign ministry sticking its nose in, as if they don’t have any more pressing matters to deal with, really grinds my gears.
like you’d pass up a chance to use “hotel of hate”, no matter how flimsy the pretext.
“Hotel of Hate” would have been a fantastic b-grade 80s horror flick.
so much toplessness. 7/10 would watch again
Still, the Wiesenthal Center did not accept the excuse, demanding that the Swiss government ‘‘close hotel of hate and penalize its management.’
Does Switzerland have ridiculous hate crime laws like the rest of Europe where they can completely fuck your life up if you say something that hurts someones feelz?
Thanks Daily News! Now I can simply handwave the decision away as fascism!!!!11!1!
Sultan Knish says what I’ve been saying but much more coherently.
But racism is a two-way street. So is violence. Extremists feed into each other… The street violence of antifa won’t go answered, there will inevitably be an opposite escalation of violence from right-wing groups. After years of gnashing their teeth over imaginary racism and violence, the leftist decided to go out in the streets and actually create the boogey-man that formerly only existed in their empty heads.
Dammit – If I don’t refresh, I end of replying to the last comment.
“…the leftist decided to go out in the streets and actually create the boogey-man that formerly only existed in their empty heads.”
Specifically, they are out looking for trouble, and probably disappointed if they don’t find it.
Antifa has been trying, without success, I add, until this past weekend, to provide the dnc operatives with bylines this exact opportunity for something close to a year or more now.
Also note that these douchebags reported the events the same way the media reports on the Israeli-Palestinian nonsense or when some guy yelling “Allah Akbar” blows themselves up or kills people with guns or a vehicle: passive tense to hide the acts of one side that the left sympathizes with, while using the most egregious language possible to paint the other side as a villain. You know, blaring headlines stating Israeli soldiers or police killed a some innocents simply because some rocks, Molotov cocktails, knives, or guns had suddenly animated themselves and gone after some evil Jews. or how we should hold back our judgement about why that guy blew himself up or killed some people, cause it all cold be road rage or some other motive than the one they would prefer you didn’t realize was the real thing.
From Darwin to Damore – the ancient art of using ‘science’ to mask prejudice
Damore’s controversial screed set off discussions about the age old debate: do biological differences justify discrimination?
This person writes like they once heard somebody talk about science.
The problem lies in the definition of prejudice.
There’s an “Align Your Chakras” ad that keeps popping up so didn’t read. Couldn’t be more fitting though.
Do people own themselves or not? How about you just keep your fucking hands to yourself .
I thought they fucking loved science.
Only when it supports the narrative they want to push…
I love how anyone who is criticizing Damore’s memo as being anti-women and minority, and anti-science, clearly has not read it. He simply looks at the best available research, comes up with a few suggestions to help more women work in the coding side of Google (and how that can align with the company’s profit motives), and suggests treating people as individuals. HOW DARE HE!!!!!!!!!
Once I see the word “screed” in an opinion piece, I know the writer is going to pump out the propaganda.
Yeah it’s odd. That word was almost never used anywhere before a couple weeks ago. Then somehow all the Damore critics found the word to describe the memo even though it doesn’t resemble the definition.
When I see those trends I just see people who don’t think, they are tools for purveying someone else’s thoughts. Like dolls that talk when the string is pulled.
Because the real goals are to virtue signal and silence the dissenters?
I used screed to refer to my weekly column often, although I usually use it ironically.
Oh you millennials. *rolls eyes*
I am a Gen Xer, the last of my kind, and don’t you EVER forget it!
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Used clothing on sale at the Salv Al off the shoulder of Orion. I watched Ally Sheedy in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost, in time, like Brandon Lee’s tears in rain. Time to die.
We are Gen X. Hear our battlecry: Meh
I don’t understand how in the age of the internet and the memo being public can people keep saying this guy said something different than what he actually did? And how can you ahve a debate with these people? Water is wet. No it’s not…
Well, we don’t read the links, so…
Saying (and proving) that gravity exists
Dumb shit doesn’t know anything
“Opponents of “diversity” would have you believe that scientific research validates racism and sexism.”
I don’t know anyone who says that.
Regardless, if men and women are the same then replacing one for the other in a group can’t diversify anything.
Didn’t he explicitly state at the beginning of the memo that he’s all for diversity?
Not only that, but he spends a page providing examples of the sorts of changes that would make Google a more attractive place for women to work in.
Only the kind he approves of. People with ideas he doesn’t like however shouldn’t apply.
Good morning to everyone! I finally found a job I like. What a difference that makes!
It’s important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That’s why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.
Sir, you know you can’t get pregnant, especially from animals, right?
::smashes two eggs into glass display case::
This job would be great if it weren’t for the fuckin’ customers.
Good on ya, Glitter!
Thank you!
Good for you Glitter. It is important to be of use to others. It helps your self esteem and makes the world a better place.
May I ask what job?
No problem. I’m a field tech for a copier and network company
Happy Employment to you. May your withholdings be small and your bonuses large,
Right on! Congrats!
I got this semi-obscure soul album yesterday: Lee Moses – Time & Place.
bonus: Jimi Hendrix when he was just a studio musician
I just looked that up on Amazon. Looks pretty nice. First I discovered Solomon Burke and thought I was pretty hot shit. Then I came across James Carr. But this guy looks like a real deep dive. Amazing how much how quality 60s soul there is that hardly anyone’s ever heard.
Also recommend OV Wright, Geater Davis, Don Covay, Tyrone Davis
I went on a big soul kick a few years ago and started digging up small regional labels from the 60s/70s. As you said, there is a lot of great stuff outside the normal Motown sound.
If you love old soul I would highly recommend taking a trip on the intertubes onto somafm and checking out their Soul 45 station. It is nonstop classic soul and will expose you to tons of great rare tracks.
Will do, thanks!
AHHHH! I might try to sell them on some web design.
Hell yeah! I was just listening to it on my way in to work this morning!
Sadly though, “Bad Girl” concisely sums up a few of my past relationships.
“I’m so horny the crack of dawn ain’t safe.”
Nice. Stolen.
Facebook’s Hate Speech Policies Censor Marginalized Users
Who could have expected such a thing?
Trumka is butt hurt trump wants to renegotiate nafta so he left mfg council
His excuse was trump supports domestic terrorism and bigotry. Based on what I am not sure
“I base this conclusion on the fact that I am a a moron.”
Isn’t Trumka the fucking union boss?
Once scorned as blasphemy, today “science” is approached by many non-practitioners with a cult-like reverence.
Paging Al Gore, et al.
John Fund @johnfund 3m
CNNs Jake Tapper in Rolling Stone: “Obama said things that weren’t true and got away with it one (reason) is media was much more supportive”
Holy crap jake rapper said that?
some more twitter:
Mitt RomneyVerified account @MittRomney
No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.
Mark KrikorianVerified account @MarkSKrikorian 7h7 hours ago
The old “Commies are better than Nazis” crap. I can’t believe I knocked on doors for this guy.
But if they both engage in violence one is ok and the other not? Because of their views?
Yikes mitt.
Always knew this guy was just another establishment dude and would probably end make GWB look like he was not a bad president.
The hair dye has damaged his brain. If the communists initiated the violence THEY are worse, at least in that instance. Goddamn, the world has gone insane.
Been going in that direction for a long time now. People just didn’t notice or care. That’s why we are where we are today…
And what better way to show it, Mitt, than to attack people, destroy property and riot?
I read that earlier today. I’m embarrassed I supported him.
Communists are worse than Nazis, as determined by dead body count alone.
We didn’t give the nazis enough time, IIRC
I think the only way you can get the Nazis ahead in raw body count is if you lay all 50 million plus WWII deaths on their scorecard.
Which is why when discussing Nazis and Commies, I always specify murdering of their own people.
Even then Mao drives the commie count up above it.
That dude knew how to mulch people. Of course if you go by percentages and not just numbers, Pol Pot killed 2 million people in a country of 6 million. That’s some impressive collectivist realignment,
No, no, you don’t understand. That wasn’t real Nazism. True Nazism has never been tried.
/do I even need to?
Is he actually claiming the commies oppose racism and bigotry? What a fucking idiot.
One group would deprive others of their rights based on their looks. The other group would deprive others of their rights based on their thoughts. I fail to see the difference.
well said. I’m stealing that.
Seconded that, I’m stealing erm…culturally appropriating this comment.
The commies have no issue with looks either. You’re either oppressing others or getting oppressed in their view.
Stolen. Well said
Who is actually defending the Nazis, other than to acknowledge that even Nazis have civil liberties? Antifa being the enemy of Nazis doesn’t make them my friend. Two sides of the same shitty coin.
Way to defend the Nazis.
Damn this is easy.
“… defend the Nazis.”
– pan fried wylie
Nazi Sympathizer!!!1111!!!
“WTF … Nazi Sympathizer!”
Damn, we should all be journalists!
“Damn, we should a.. … …nal!”
I knew there was a reason I didn’t bother to vote that year.
even more:
Rep. Pramila JayapalVerified account @RepJayapal
BREAKING: I’ve introduced a resolution with 31 co-sponsors demanding Trump fire any staff who’ve endorsed or supported white supremacists.
I’m surprised it doesn’t call the immediate dismissal of anyone who’s been endorsed by white supremacists.
I almost wish that would happen. Followed by David Duke’s enthusiastic endorsement of Keith Ellison and Chuck Schumer.
I bet he has in his hands a list of 57. 57! Trump staffers that endorsed or supported white supremacists
Is there a pumpkin involved here?
The definition of “white supremacists” should be interesting.
I need to check the constitution for the source of that congressional power over the executive branch.
Of course, they’d have to give some specifics about a federal employee’s alleged white supremacism and how it’s a high crime or misdemeanor.
Yeah, well, these idiots think they can impeach Trump just because they don’t like him and wish someone else had won.
They impeach Trump very much at their own peril.
– Obi-Wan Kenobi
In a recent DerpBook exchange, a leftist supporting Antifa’s behavior in Charlottesville, asked me and the thread’s host how we will be remembered in light of events.
I think I have a pretty good take on that. I’ll be remembered as someone who continued to support individual liberty, rule of law, limited government and the rights of the individual in an era when large swaths of the American public went batshit insane and were willing to applaud communist thugs beating people up in the streets for the crime of wrongthink. I’ll be remembered as someone who stood by principle, rather than let pantshitting over a handful (200 in a nation of 300 million) of racists and communists getting into a street brawl undermine my fealty for what America is supposed to stand for. I’ll be remembered as someone who held on to his dignity as an individual while imbeciles on the left and then the right let their existence become subsumed into an identity politics of hatred for everyone in the opposing tribe.
In a few years, if we can keep a republic, this fever will pass. I’m comfortable that I’ll be able to stay that I stood by who I am. I suspect a lot of the social justice cadres and alt-righters will regret their behavior more than so many of us regret our love of grunge music in the 90s or narrow ties in the 80s.
Antifa will be on the retarded side of history
I don’t know, they might just be in charge.
Nonsense. Over your dead body !
You take that snark about narrow ties back.
+1 keytar arpeggio
Well-said, I’m stealing that.
May I Subscribe?
This is great. I’ve been pointing out to people how wonderful it is that in a well publicized rally, in the South, surely attended by all of nazis within driving distance, only like fifty people showed up. It shows how weak and unimportant they are. Literally a number that rounds to zero relative to the population.
Nicely said
Wait a minute, only Jews have to be clean when getting in the pool? I dont think I want to get in that pool.
Every public pool I have ever been to required everyone to shower before getting in the pool.
Maybe…read the link? *ducks*
You know who else wanted to send Jews to the showers?
The Young Men’s Hebrew Association?
Young Hebrew Washing Hegmony
*is immediately struck dead*
I got better.
Al Roker?
The coach of this team?
“Every public pool I have ever been to required everyone to shower before getting in the pool.”
You know how many people actually showered before getting in that pool?
Related: Another fact check from Zee Gray Lady: What About the Alt-Left?
Dude, seriously, get of that dead lady’s body with the moral equivalency talk. How many violent assaults and what dollar sum of property damage equals one dead idiot run down by a retarded racist, Professor Levin? Fucking tedious. But it doesn’t end there! Let’s move on to the part of the article about death stats, where “The far left was far more active and violent in the 1970s, while the far right and, specifically, militia movements resurged in the 1980s. A decade later, environmental terrorists became active. And jihadist attacks dominated after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” And by the way, why bundle “militia movements” in with neo-Nazis and KKK bullshit? Because they’re prima facie the same, with identical motivations, isn’t it?
And what’s the majick involved with 25 years of terrorism stats? Why not 20 years, Mr. Nowrasteh? Why not 50? 25 years tidily is able to capture the sweet fatalities from the OKC bombing. If 20 years is a cutoff, the comparison of body counts looks utterly retarded.
The stupidest aspect of this article is the death count from “extremism” from “right” and “left” individuals/groups during this time period is down in the fatalities noise, an order of magnitude below 10 years of drowning deaths nationally.
Using analogies as Levin did is poor for an argument
I don’t think he’s ever seen a C-130.
I get to watch em take off, with those Big Beautiful Variable Pitch Propellers 😉
They are not fun to ride in. Give me a C-17 any day.
Never flown in a C-17 but did web seats from Kuwait back to Ft Carson. One of the best plane rides I ever took.
Best flight(s) I ever took were on a C-17 from Uzbekistan to Qatar to Thailand. Just nine Marines and all out ATC gear (radars and combat command shelter, ACs and generators). We could just flop down on the floor with a pillow and a blanket and sleep.
Not sure the far right has been responsible for more deaths in 25 years than Islamists
WTC is attributed to Islamists in Nowrasteh’s rehashing of data gathered by other entities. Unless one decides to lump “Islamists” in with other fundies like “abortion clinic bombers,” in which case Islamist extremist killings are a subset of “right wing.”
It’s quite disheartening. Simply Googling a bit shows that while the NeoNazis/KKK/Southern Pride people were walking through the streets toward the park they were surrounded by hooting, yelling, cursing leftists. These leftists threw bottles, cans, other debris, and several times used bats or clubs to assault people walking.
Hell, the media reported one story, with video of a black guy being beaten in a parking deck entrance by four or five of the white supremacists. Except you can see in the full video that the guy being beaten on attacked a white supremacist with a base ball bat, and that’s why four or five of them were giving him an ass kicking. That’s not journalism, that’s propaganda. Reminds me of the picture of the SV policeman executing a VietCong terrorist during Tet.
I feel like we’re very much in a “First they came for the Nazis, and I didn’t speak up because I’m not a Nazi.” moment. The actual video and a study of the map shows that not only was the angry left much much more numerous then the racists, the angry left was allowed to use clubs, mace, and thrown objects throughout the morning. Then, at 11:30 the police shut down the rally, and formed a shield wall and pushed the racists into a much larger, angrier crowd of people who were armed and hate their guts. They could have allowed the racists to leave through the police controlled north end of the park, but instead they pushed them south, into the mob.
The whole thing fucking stinks, and I’m sure there are assaults on our civil rights already underway in the name of combatting this menace to the Republic that is 500 toothless peckerwoods.
500 toothless peckerwoods.
You’re forgetting the additional million hiding under your bed at night.
You know, Public Policy Polling did a poll back in 2013. In that poll, 6% of Democrats said that Barack Obama was the antichrist.
66 million people voted for Barack Obama in 2012. I think we can safely conclude that at least 30 million of those people would describe themselves as Democrats. 6% of 30 million is 1.8 million.
The KKK, if you accept the so called Southern Poverty Law Centers’ numbers, has less than 10,000 members. The NeoNazi/Aryan Nations/White Power/etc groups, all lumped together, have less members than the KKK. But let’s overestimate. Let’s say between the KKK and all the NeoNazis, they have 20,000 adherents. This is more then any group, from law enforcement to “anti-racist” groups will give them. But let’s say there’s 20,000.
That means that for every single NeoNazi/KKK member/white supremacist in this country there are 90 people who believe Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ and who voted for him anyway.
Wouldn’t you assume most devil-worshipers to lean Democrat though? If their are 2M devil worshipers and they went 90% for Obama (seems likely) then that explains your 1.8M right there.
I would wager that the SPLC’s numbers are probably too high by an order of magnitude.
I’ve been in and jumped from a lot of C-130s and I’m pretty sure they were all propeller planes. Brian Levin is an idiot.
The only C-130s with turbofans instead of turboprops were peddled by Lockheed but never went anywhere because the turboprop model had much better lift characteristics hands down. No customer, international or otherwise, picked up the turbofan version. So yeah, other than a few prototypes, all C-130s are propeller planes.
The people fighting fascism appear to behave like fascists
Ironic facial hair – check
Hate free speech – check
Love of big powerful government – check
Use violence to silence opposition – check
Historical revisions – check
Control of the media – check
Fashionable dressers – miss
Time to take the eldest spawn to college….see all you reprobates tomorrow.
Do like my dad did and make observations about all the potential sexual partners and how they weren’t that good looking in a loud voice so the whole dorm can hear.
In today’s environment, it’s probably better to tell him not to go anywhere near any woman at the college, no matter how good looking they are.
Unless they tape the encounter to make sure there are no regret accusations of rape..
Change the locks when you get home.
Do more than that – move.
Shouldn’t take that long to drop them off at the Greyhound station.
Your mom goes to college.
Glad I’m not the only one making this trip.
Odd mix of depression & elation on this side.
Depression because of the bills, elation cause you now have a spare room to turn into a man cave?
Hope you have a safe trip and good luck to you and the spawn!
Cnn has lost it lol. Check out screen shot of front page
Also anna Navarro is she one of those cnn contributers they can claim they have views across board while appeasing libs at same time?
This is going to backfire.
Go ahead and pull their press badges Trump, I’ll understand.
This is going to backfire.
Why do these fucks make me want to defend an assclown like Trump? FFS!
Because he’s at least a genuinely authentic assclown and not too corrupt. That’s a giant improvement over any of the GOP establishment.
Yeah, I think Navarro claims to be a Republican. I’ve never actually heard her offer anything that could be considered a conservative viewpoint.
The “house Republican” has been a hallmark of the lefty media for decades.
+1 David Brooks
She was a Jeb! fan. He pointed at her crotch when he said, “Clap, please.”
That’s because republicans are not conservative.
This is just more proof that the left do not care about facts or the truth. All of them running around saying that Trump did not condemn the white supremacists because he also condemned violent antifa thugs. They just straight out lie without even a trace of dignity.
Woah! Daniel Craig is coming back as Bond!
Must need some more cash.
Is there any solid support for the allegations against the kid driving the car?
1) Is there a paper trail of racist white supremacist thought or deed?
2) Is there any substantiation for the rampant assumption that ramming the crowd was premeditated?
I have seen nothing, but I haven’t looked.
1. Yes
2. Yes
Looks like a guilty piece of shit to me … But then again the internet
I think he didn’t realize the other cars were there in the crowd.
The video definitely makes it appear as though ramming (or at least “charging”) the crowd was deliberate. So he’s already cranked-up to 10 and being deliberately hostile. Then the bat thing, which (very quickly) takes him up to panic level, so now he’s not charging/scaring or even ramming the crowd, he’s panicking to 100. Then a split second later he hits a car that (in this theory) he didn’t know was there, so his panic went from 100 to 1000. He slams it in reverse and floors it.
He rammed the crowd, straight up he committed a crime. That’s not being contested.
What is being contested is collectively trying the rest of the protesters in the media for the individual’s actions while simultaneously ignoring the conduct of the antifa types over the last couple of years.
Sure it will be contested. Video definitely shows his car getting hit with a bat before the collision. I have no idea what his intentions or state of mind were, but there is plenty of room for a good defense attorney to raise lots of reasonable doubts. It will be an interesting trial and if he gets off the hook, the media is sure to do their best to spark race riots.
Unless the crowd had him completely surrounded, he had a means of escape. You don’t get to run down a crowd because they’re beating on your car unless you truly feel you’re going to die or if you happen to be a cop.
His attorney will argue that he was startled and panicked when his car was struck. At that point he really was surrounded and had every reason to fear for his life – so he backed up and got the hell out of there.
The prosecutor will overcharge him with murder 1 and not give the jury the option to convict him on something like voluntary manslaughter, he’ll get acquitted, and we’ll all get to trayvon again.
Yep. Prosecutor’s going to overcharge, not give the option for vehicular manslaughter (which is involuntary manslaughter in VA), he’ll get acquitted, and everyone will freak.
Then the antifa can burn down some neighborhoods and not be prosecuted for it. Win-win!
Sounds about right to me. Prosecutor grandstands, a guy who deserves prison time walks, and all right-thinking people will wail about how the system protects Nazis.
More complete video showed him accelerating towards the crowd before he was surrounded or hit. He clearly wanted to at elast force them to jump aside and disperse. Not clear that he wanted to actually kill someone. He may not have intended death, unless he was certifiable, because there was no way to get away with it, but claiming intention after accelerating towards a crowd is a bit much.
This. He took the action against the crowd. He only backed up after he rammed them. He’s a piece of shit that deserves jailtime.
Like I said, it will be interesting – particularly if Warty is right and they over-charge him.
In the same situation – and being young, aggressive, and stupid(er) – I could see myself trying to scare the protesters by fake charging them with my car, thinking they will get out of the way. And then once my car got a few knocks with a bat, being pissed enough to back into the crowd as retaliation. Stupid? Yes. Immature? Hell yes. But shit like that can easily spiral out of control.
Story time: when I was 17, I went to the local grocery story with my girlfriend. After shopping we walked out toward the car. There were three teenagers hanging out near my truck.
One of them sarcastically said: “Nice jacket” (I was punk rock).
I ignored that. But then another said: “And your girlfriend is ugly.”
I didn’t say anything in return. I got in my truck, started it up and began driving away. As I drove away I felt this white hot rage. So I wheeled that little Nissan truck around and drove straight toward the three guys. They scattered and ran for it before I got too close.
Long story short – they ended up chasing us for a mile or two before I lost ’em doing a really hard right that they couldn’t replicate in their FWD car.
Did I ever tell you how beautiful your wife is LH? Just sayin’.
He was texting at the,time, and didn’t see the crowd.
Ehm well he needs a story i s’pose
So why the fuck is everyone losing their goddamn minds lately? My suspicion falls on Facebook and the availability heuristic, but I’m open to other explanations. Maybe the Jews did this?
The Jews didn’t shower before getting in the pool. That’s why.
(((We))) are just stoking the fires until everyone accepts our eventual takeover through the United Nations and the NWO.
Jews, Chemtrails, GMO foods, Twitter, and Trump. If I missed a few it’s just because of the RAGE.
I don’t think its a new phenomenon, but like everything in the past you just didn’t see it. Like tropical storms in the middle of the ocean before radar/satellites. Who knew
Not enough squats.
Squats were retconned away in 3rd edition. I’m still cross about it and still have a rather sizable Guild Expeditionary Force full of multi-melta trikes and exo-armored hearthguard. Don’t even get me started about the excising of abhuman Imperial Guard.
They’re still there.
I’ve been thinking about using the ‘Overlords’ bitz from Age of Failure of storytelling to make Squats, but the price point keeps putting me off.
That’s awesome; thanks for sharing the pic. I just pine for the days of my assault squad of Ogryns led by a Commissar or, better yet, Rogue Trader rules when my assassin got to wear Terminator armor with Lightning Claws and take combat drugs, giving her a 24” charge and 36 attacks in melee.
Herd animals. A common tactic for Injuns hunting buffalo was to panic the herd into running over a cliff.
I’m pretty sure avocados play a role, but what role I’m not sure.
Wade Wilson: Do you like what you see?
Weasel: No. You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado.
Wade Wilson: Yeah.
Weasel: Not gently. Like it was hate-fucking. There was something wrong with the relationship and that was the only catharsis that they could find without violence.
TW: Article is written by a progressive using progressive jargon.
In Defense of the Bad Working Class
Proggie maybe, but he’s not wrong. All the people losing their damn minds are “[t]hose for whom injury has a use-value.” People respond to incentives. Losing your damn mind (on the left) gets rewarded, so we should expect to see more of it.
engaging in street brawls and property damage, while reprehensible, is “not domestic terrorism,”
Not according to *his* definition of domestic terrorism.
I wonder what the owners of those looted shops, or the guy whose limo was torched, might say.
“See, right there, I said ‘to be sure the left-wing rioters did not behave impeccably…’ how dare you suggest I’m giving them a pass!”
Bronze deer statue stolen
I blame antifa
The deer was a Confederate general.
Obviously, the buck didn’t stop there.
ha ha ha
It’s cool. The deer was a confederate.
That’s the worst one yet. Congratulations.
Lt. Gen Stag Buckhorn
The South (ern deer) will rise (and bound off) again!
The union general facing him shined a bright light in his eyes, and that’s why The South lost the war.
3:39 is three minutes after 3:30?
That’s Kansas time.
The horse head on the main page reminds me:
At my last job I had a cardboard horse head left over from some Kentucky Derby themed office fundraiser. When I was laid off, I didn’t really want it, so I just left it at my desk. I come home one day and there is a box on my porch. Someone had mailed me the stupid horse head.
Anyway, I had fun yelling “What’s in the box!” for the rest of the day.
/end cool story bro
Should’ve put it in your bed for your significant other to find.
So why the fuck is everyone losing their goddamn minds lately?
So, the Jews?
Wish I could lose mine. It’s filthy.
+1 precious bodily fluids
And I still think Trump just needs to shut the fuck up. Yes. I realize it’s refreshing that a politician actually speaks his mind instead of robotic statements. But … it ain’t helping.
Although, with the amount he’s pissing off Republicans now too, maybe everyone will be too busy screaming and throwing shit at each other than actually passing laws, so that will be a win.
Why? I love that he went on a rant against McConnell and his fellow worthless shit-stains. They’ll still pass new shitty laws. What they are refusing to do is repeal the really shitty Obamacare legislation and reform the tax code in any meaningful way.
The Republicans are giant shitstains, so is Trump, so is the entire Democrat party.
I never expected tax reform or Obamacare repeal. Government never gives up power like that. I just want to keep them from passing new shitty laws.
You at least know that Trump isn’t some scripted and contrived politician like the GOP establishment is. That’s a major positive in my book, and I don’t see him losing any real support over stuff like this.
I have no doubt that Trump would sign the repeal of Obamacare or as great a tax reform as you could wish. The blame for that lays squarely on the establishment Republicans.
Trumps has major faults but refusal to cut government power has not been one of them so far.
“Trumps has major faults but refusal to cut government power has not been one of them so far.”
Nothing else comes close to mattering if you ask me. Cut, cut, cut, cut. I dont care what else he does. He is neutering the most troublesome agencies. He could fuck a sheep on the White House lawn and I would vote for him based on his neutering the EPA.
That sheep keeps the grass trimmed, saving the WH around $150k/yr on maintenance, ON TOP OF the savings on human hookers.
For the secret service dudes? Or has that practice stopped now that Obama no longer is in the WH?
I felt the same until a short while ago. Gov. Hogan, who has managed the impressive feat of being a Republican governor of infamously-blue Maryland that may actually get re-elected because he’s so damned popular, just recently announced that he’s going to back the removal of the Roger Taney statue in front of the state house. The question came up two years ago and at the time he was against removing it, but, according to him, a petition (signed by 800 people) and the events in Charlottesville changed his mind.
Guess what? Within the hour, the Democrats issued a statement berating him for “leading from behind”, while the sentiment among his base–and even among a lot of registered Democrats–is that the statue is part of our history and should stay where it is. Reasonable compromises, such as erecting a statue of Dred Scott and including a plaque with some background on the Dred Scott case, or putting up a statue of Frederick Douglass, were turned down in favor of dropping at least $70k to remove the statue and then $5k monthly while they decide what to do with it.
So, in one fell swoop Hogan, otherwise a seemingly astute politician. managed to alienate his base, annoy the Democrats who voted for him, and gain absolutely nothing from his critics. Oh, and even more fun, while claiming to have changed his mind out of a desire to prevent a Charlottesville from happening here (about a mile from my house, btw) he’s pretty much guaranteed that we’ll have riots of our very own.
Hogan is a Republican in a blue state. There was only one winning move here, and that was not to play. The Democrats have a legislative supermajority, so they can do whatever the fuck they want. He took the bait when he should have just ignored it. There are more important issues. Hopefully this gets forgotten by 2018, but there will probably be some other bullshit “issue” between now and then.
Is there anything about progressives now that isn’t religious? We’re now at the iconoclasm phase.
My Polish heritage does me proud.
I’m going to have to take back all my Polack jokes now.
Well, that hornet’s nest sure has been kicked. After Cville, most of my local friends/acquaintances condemned both sides, much as been done on here. Now after Durham, they are talking about taking up arms to prevent further destruction of statues. These are people who strongly denounced the white supremacists at the tikki torch rally. These are not militia types but just regular Joes who are generally not very involved with politics.
I don’t know what will come but I have no doubt that antifa, the SJWs, and the media are not going to like the results if they keep pushing. Eventually they are going to come up against the actual middle class of rural america.
Antifa is absolutely going to create an opposite and equal reaction. If there were adults in charge in places like Berkeley and CVille, this wouldn’t be happening.
Great article. Said some thoughts I had much better than I’ve been able to.
“A civil society depends on a consensus.”
Here’s the thing about the Durham statue – it was a simple war memorial for the Confederate dead. It wasn’t some gigantic monument to a Confederate general or Jefferson Davis, it was an ordinary solider and the only inscription was something like “In memory of the boys who wore the gray”. That’s it. Are we to rip up Confederate cemeteries now? Maybe dig their bones up and incinerate them? Where’s the point at which it’s enough?
That point is not coming. Because to start with, antifa and the rest of the thugs behind this are not protesting slavery, they are out to destroy western culture and capitalism. With the full backing of the media and other leftist organizations.
Cultural revolutionaries.
That’s it in a nutshell Hyperion.
Sadly they have no idea what they are doing. They aren’t going to like the result.
I used to wonder why the media are all leftists. Then I realized that it makes perfect sense. Right now, the media are in a war with an American public which could very well destroy them. If they can just usher in a socialist utopia, their job is secure as the propaganda wing of the great state. All they have to do then is regurgitate the talking point of dear leader and the glorious revolution, with no one daring to oppose them. And if it hadn’t been for Secret Nazi president and his merry gang of Nazis, they would be well on their way. Time for plan B, send out the antifa thugs.
They’re all traitors to the nation, therefore any reminders of their existence that can be visible to the public (ala outside of a museum) must be eliminated (sarc). I had an argument with my friends over the General Lee statue because I was telling them that Gen. Lee was a man of honor and the achievements/good things he did that was unrelated to the Civil War (you know like, wanting to not lead insurrections, respecting the Reconstruction, and wanting to at least ease relationships etc.) and none of them would have it. He obviously was only a dishonorable cur, an avid supporter of slavery, and a traitor to the nation who must be left unknown/damned was how they saw it.
“and none of them would have it”
Forgive them, they’ve likely endured at least 12 years of public school indoctrination. They don’t have a fully cognitive brain. It’s much easier to just accept lefty talking points and social signaling. Thinking is hard work.
I do forgive them. I refuse to let my long-time and deep friendships with them get tarnished so easily by the discourse and issues of the last couple of months/year. There really is a lot of pressure to conform to those ideas, and maybe if I hadn’t made some choices, moved, and made it all on my own, I might’ve been in their same exact shoes too.
by Rolonda Nairobi Watts
She and her kind-How about the Africans that brought the inland Blacks to the coastal markets?
For that measure, try being homosexual in most parts of modern Africa.
Are you saying Dutch sailors with wooden shoes weren’t running through lion country chasing down Hutu and Tutsi warriors and dragging them back to the boats?
Dutch Clogger Vs Barefoot Kenyan, the Dutch guy drops dead after mile 2 of 26. No Contest.
woah that’s a lot of buzz words in one paragraph.
What’s worse is the special kind of brutality that faced the slaves en route to Charlottesville, because they had to exit the boat once they got to Jamestown, and hoist it onto their shoulders and carry it the remaining 130 miles inland to the Port of Charlottesville.
That was Funny, that there
Ah yes, the bustling port of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Trite, unoriginal, grasping at straws to be offended.
She needs better material if she’s going to compete in the oppression olympics.
“slave ports like Charlottesville, Virginia”
Charlottesville has a port?
It’s where we land offworlders visiting the east coast.
Charlottesville has a bottle of port. Easy mistake to make
It is on a river (the Rivanna) that runs into the James River, so I suppose you can get there by water, but it’s hardly a port.
While looking at the Cville entry in Wikipedia, I found this in the opening paragraph:
“The Bureau of Economic Analysis combines the City of Charlottesville with the County of Albemarle for statistical purposes, bringing its steadily growing population to approximately 150,000. Donald Trump is an insane racist. Charlottesville is the heart of the Charlottesville metropolitan area, which includes Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene and Nelson counties.”
Those darn Wikipedia editors.
The Rivanna is not navigable, and the James is not navigable above Richmond.
Slave ships docked at Richmond.
It’s like you guys never watched the video for Karma Chameleon
I won’t tell you we’re in the same boat. I’ll just tell you to go fuck yourself, cunt.
They pinned their hopes on Hillary Clinton? Why, did they expect her to create good jobs programs to get the superpredator blacks off the street?
Any of you figure out that *I* am Rolonda? Every so often I like to whip up a passage of intersectional barf and pretend it’s the work of those types. The phrase “in the same boat” popped into my head last night and I immediately thought of the slave ship connection. “Port of Charlottesville” just came to me this morning as I composed it; if someone told them that slave ships used to sail into Charlottesville they’d believe it without a half-second’s thought.
In that case, H—.
In fairness to the QPOC, she probably isn’t paddling the same canoe.
I think we do.
From two weeks ago. Jordan Peterson is on the war path and it’s fucking incredible. I love this guy.
A course to add to his list:
You don’t get to run down a crowd because they’re beating on your car
Obviously not. And I certainly have no problem with seeing him go to prison for what he did. I would like to know if his intent, prior to getting in the car and turning the ignition key, was to ram through the crowd blocking the street, or if he freaked out while trying to get out of there. It’s unlikely we will ever know.
Not obvious to me when the crowd is rioting. There are situations where its your best option. Reginald Denny probably wishes he had just floored it
Watch this video
I was responding to the categorical statement that it is never justifiable. Based on what I have seen, this idiot was most likely reckless/looking for trouble.
Hello fellows, Raphael here. Former Florida Man who’s been displaced in glorious Nippon for a few years. I’ve been lurking you guys since back on TOS and just kept lurking ya’ll on here. I love all the commentary and I’ve learned something new every day from here.
Speaking of the CVille issue though, I’ve been having an extremely difficult time talking about it with my generation(al)? cohorts/friends. I ain’t a fan of the alt-right or the “blood and soil” types, but I ain’t a fan of the anti-fa side that my friends never mention or speak out against/criticize. And also with Trump, they were pissed he didn’t “call out” the Neo-Nazis/bad guys quickly enough, but even after he did, they still said “too little, too late.” I’m not even a big fan of Trump, but jeebus man. What do, fellow liberty lovers?
Anyways, I hope to comment more here though the timezones leave me only for Morning Thread raiding or thread corpse-buggering. Again though, seriously, thank you guys who run this site and all you commentators. Ya’ll bring a smile to me every day at work. P.S. Thank you HM for your thicc recommendations in the past and Just Say’n, I love playing college girl vs. model all the time everytime.
I’m not in charge, but let me speak for everyone who is.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome, dude.
As far as how to deal with the idiots, just keep banging that liberty drum.
And the answer is model. Always model.
It’s just a hobby!
I am disappointed I can’t find a Youtube clip of the “coldpacking” line from SoA.
Scruffy, I am morally offended. I was expecting a “Fuck of, Tulpa!” at the very least. Harumph
All jests aside, thank you, I don’t know many libertarian(ish) types in my life, so every one of you means extra more.
I try, good Tundra, I try. Mostly it’s from my friends back in the States, so it’s not like I have to deal with it all the time. It’s just a bit tough when it’s 7-8 of them, and you seem to be the only one who dissents. I do stand my ground though when I can.
And Lord Humungus, I do not judge ye one bit if you partake in corspse-buggering, lest I be known for being a Vitalist.
I apologize to you and everyone else for lapsing in my obligations.
Fuck you, Scruffy.
*heads off to be-hat some icons in penance*
Apology…accepted. I think we’ll get along just fine. And nice work on spiffying up everyone in the top hats. It was truly a classy touch.
What’s with all these japanese residents on this board?
We are Region.
raff out roud.
How else can I live in the land of tentacle sex and giant robots without my daily dosage of freedom?
Another Japan here? I thought only Tejicano and I were here. Welcome.
We can be the Three Amigos? Or wait, that’d be the Three Tomodachis then. Anyways, thanks, it is great to know you fellow gaijins are here too.
Well, technically, unless there are actual Japanese glibs, we’re all gaijin.
I will happily accept any Botan Rice Candy or Perfect/Jumbo Grade Bandai models y’all want to send back to the USA.
You have good taste sir, I’ll have to get my orphan factory working double time for you.
Feel better?
Beautiful, now I have the full experience sans the STEVEN SMITH™ Experience. Thanks, good sir!
tips hat
Fuck off, Tulpa, you can’t trick us that easy!
snaps fingers
Shucks, I’ve been foiled again! I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you kids and Poppy!
Poppy is under mind control of Secret Nazi president. Ok, not really, I was just throwing hints out to BP for the next episode.
“It’s just a bit tough when it’s 7-8 of them, and you seem to be the only one who dissents.”
Stand your ground.
I do my best, good sir. Your comments as well as others from here have given me some inspiration and some much needed confidence and guts when I’ve needed it. I can’t thank you guys enough.
It’s tough. I’ve been trying to figure it out as well…I listened to this vid: which gave me some good tips, but mostly, I try not to get angry, but I don’t accept their premises either.
Whatever, Tulpa
That’s what I was looking for. Thank you, Pomp.
Anti-fa isn’t bad, they’re only responding to actual Nazis
I’m reminded of Dolgun’s observations on being in Lefortovo. The female guards were the most cruel and fanatical.
Is that what they were doing when they were attacking people at Trump rallies? So half of Americans are Nazis? This is what they do with the excuse ‘we’re just against hate, who’s not against hate?’.
I personally hate hate. And I will only get violent with people who believe in violence.
Well that’s just it, isn’t it? They define anyone who disagrees with them as a Nazi. I got called a Nazi yesterday (and a racist and a bigot!) because I pointed out on derpbook that it was dishonest and morally wrong to only condemn the altright while excusing and ignoring the antifa violence.
But antifa is only violent cause all those “Nazis” are already inherently violent and any public expression of their ideas/existence is already an act of violence. It’s ALWAYS BEEN SELF-DEFENSE. (sarc)
Yeah, I actually tried explaining to them that words are not violence. Which was met “But Nazi’s killed millions!!!! HURR DURR!!”
I then followed up with stats on the tens of millions killed by the commies, and noted that in spite of that idiots on the left think it’s cool to wear t-shirts with images of a Communist mass-murderer. That caused some real shrieking.
Apologies for corpse-buggering the thread, but yep that’s pretty much how that ends up going. My family has been personally oppressed, shot, and brutalized by the same Communist ideologues these people wear shirts of. Is it okay for me to punch them too? I’ll take the safe bet that we both know how that would end. And hey, all those deaths on the Commies were for the glorious revolution and human progress so it’s okay.
Them’s fighting words.
Wow. The woman’s (xer’s?) voice in the video is incredibly unsettling.
“the winner, ladies and gentlemen, was Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper wins! Congratulations, Jake.”
Which is funny, because i’m constantly being told by people in the media that Tapper is “the good one” who isn’t suffering from TDS and who represents the true beating heart of ‘real journalism’ and who singlehandedly proves that the media isn’t a complete shitshow of mendacious, self-serving hacks.
*by constantly, i mean its come up like 2 times in the Fifth Column podcast. which i haven’t heard in like a month or more.
– actually someone else said it as well. I think it was the Chapo Trap House people, only they were *mocking* the fact that Tapper is always being lauded as this “real”, sincere, down-to-earth, never-sensationalizing-journalist.
– and there was a cover story in a magazine i read on an amtrak train about it. ‘Tapper: proving the media isn’t all shit’ or something like that.
Tapper basically in 2010 raised an eyebrow at Obama’s press secretary, and mildly called him out on bullshit.
Somehow this gets him a rep as The Last Real Journalist among certain members of the so called right.
When you are a hardcore shill, stuff like this looks like edgy resistance then, I guess.
So, the media coverage since the Charlottesville incident has me pretty down on the future, and I’m normally a pretty optimistic person. I have young kids and it seems like we’re headed for a world where wrongthink really is criminalized. I was pretty optimistic when Trump was elected, I didn’t vote for him but it seemed like a positive sign that the world had had enough of hyper PC. But the media has gone all in on crushing any descent, even thoughtful descent from people who obviously hate Nazis, and it feels like they’re winning. My Facebook feed politically is about 80% progressive, 15% conservative and about 2 libertarians (just talking about people who regularly discuss politics, I have a lot of friends who never do). My conservative friends have posted nothing and even my libertarian loud mouthed buddies have cut WAY back. Feels like free thought is losing. That’s my Debbie Downer moment of the morning. I’m sure I’ll snap out of it.
Speak out some on FB, that’ll help. More people than you think will probably agree with you and are terrified of the window-smashing progressives.
So you are saying you have kids for sale?
Possibly in ten years, when I’m arrested for not clapping loud enough at the announcement of Colin Kaepernick’s transition to Colleen, and my kids are taken away by the state. Of course, they’ll probably keep them for cheap labor rather than selling.
Step one: ignore all media.
Step two: get out and around normal people.
Step three: realize that the reality is very different than the media picture.
Seriously, 99.9999 percent of the people on the planet are just trying to live their lives. And get laid.
Also, because the progs are shrill and unhinged, it’s just way easier for the majority of people to just nod their head and appease them than fight them in any real way. For most people, their livelihood has to be threatened before they speak out.
Step four: Guns. Lots and lots of guns – and ammo.
This is wisdom.
I’ve been feeling the same way too.
Though I’ve been heartened by a few responses.
Written by a FBer who is just a friend of a friend, who I think is fairly liberal:
That’s awesome, and I have an uncle by marriage who’s an old school hippy and posted something similar. Basically, “No, punching Nazi’s is not okay.” I was disheartened by the comments though. Basically anyone under 35 was mad at him and fully advocated violence. I know the world isn’t like my Facebook feed, which due to my family and my chosen hobbies is slanted way left, but it’s easy to forget sometimes. That’s why I lurk on this site, to remind myself there are sane people left in the world.
The violence thing kind of amuses me. These youngsters have most likely never been in an actual fistfight. Normal scraps have gone away in the schools and neighborhoods, so the only violence they know is the TV kind. They are just role-playing and becoming emboldened because of the lack of response.
Wait until people start hitting back.
I saw some chick giving advice on how to punch nazis the other day. It was pretty obvious that she had never thrown a punch in her life. She will find out pretty quick that ‘nazis’ aren’t abstractions that get knocked down like cardboard cutouts, they are probably not real nazis, are real people and they hit back.
*Drops gloves*
Just realized I misspelled “hippie” and threw an apostrophe in “Nazis” for no reason. I are not a good writer sometimes.
What is truly disappointing to me is that some of my friend’s parents (Boomer generation, but young enough to come in on the tail end of the hippies), that raised me as Unitarian Universalist (in the only non stupidly progressive SJW branch in my home city) and regularly interacted with that kind of sane liberal have become completely unhinged by the media and its reporting of Trump’s ascendancy and the new SJW craze. I keep pushing back, and punctuate it with “How do you think [so and so hippie from our church who is dead now] would respond to this?” I find that it reaches her more often than not, since these are people who, while I disagreed with politically a lot, had the courage of convictions and the ability to allow other thoughts and ideas to exist. By an enormous margin, these particular hippies were on the Freedom Ride buses during their college years, and would have likely laughed at the size of the Supremacist crowds in Charlottesville.
Some of us put on a uniform to defend the rights of others, yes including the vilest of scumbags, to have the right to free speech, but I wonder these days if that was not a mistake considering where we are heading now…
I just copied and re-posted that.
My wife predicted Trump’s election based on what she saw on Facebook. There was a LOT of noise from the left, but she noticed more people were being silent. She guessed (correctly) that the silent ones supported Trump but didn’t want to get into a Facebook war. So you can look at it two ways. If the silent majority keeps voting the same way, they will continue to win. But if the silent majority remains silent, does that make the left bolder and stronger?
I do think it fools them into believing that the silent majority agrees with them, despite the recent election results.
the dynamic of the proggy-left being “constantly shrieking” and dominating the media… and the silent majority mostly remaining silent, is not a good thing. Particularly when some individual becomes “not silent” anymore (like James Damore) and is instantly crucified. Its not a good thing at all, because the silent people actually get more entrenched and less likely to share their views.
i just feel we’re on a bad trend. the left, imo, is going to lose the next 2 election cycles as well (mid terms and 2020). there needs to be a ‘sobering up’, but it aint happening. people are getting more hysterical and more prone to demonizing each other.
I feel you, Apples. I mostly resorted to just going onto facebook just to see pics of my family and my sister’s kids and that’s pretty much it. I stay out of politics on there, but just know that you are not alone out there. Keep strong, and be a good role model for your kids.
Now I am seeing posts that say “If you choose not to get political on Facebook, it’s only because your white privilege allows you do so.” So if you speak your mind, you will get attacked. And if you keep your opinion to yourself, you will get attacked.
I’m still choosing to ignore the rants on Facebook though. I talk politics here, and to some of my close friends. I vote a certain way and sometimes donate or sign petitions. But I still feel that Facebook is a horrible choice of platform to discuss politics. Facebook is for being social.
I’ve been fortunate enough that I haven’t gotten any of those posts yet (I get to use the excuse that I’m thousands of miles away so therefore my opinion doesn’t matter).
Good on you though, and yeah I definitely feel a lot more comfortable talking about politics here with you all. From what I’ve seen, there can be some heated discussion, but I feel like we can always chill and have a beer together afterwards and it will be okay. And I agree with you wholeheartedly irt politics on there. I like keeping Facebook social too lol.
I’ve seen similar things, and I’ve had to hide many people from my feed, including my high school best friend because pictures of his kids aren’t worth the every-fifteen-minutes rants. My family is spread all across the country and Facebook is the easiest way to keep up with what they’re doing and keep them aware of what we’re doing. It would be a shame to give that up, but if this trajectory keeps up, I’ll have to drop off altogether for my sanity.
Makes me so glad I never was crazy enough to do facederp.
Just remember, the mainstream media are leftists. They’re just doing what leftists do. Most of those people you’re talking about on derpbook or wherever, are just social signaling. They’re not true leftists like the media. They just social signal to say ‘hey, I’m one of the cool kids, just like you!’, but in private they’re just ordinary people who don’t really think about politics too much. Turning off the TV and avoiding FB will help a lot. I did that 10 years ago and haven’t looked back.
I don’t think much has changed. The same people are attempting to pull the same manipulative tricks they were before, the difference is that there is growing pushback against it, which is why they’re getting increasing emotional, violent, and desperate.
In the end, when you cut past the BS, no one is sincerely upset that Trump failed to call out evil, they’re upset that he -did- call out evil (their evil), and the SoJus Pharisees believe that they’re the purest of the good, not racist hatemongers operating on the moral level of the Nazis they despise.
Kristen writes for Deadspin?
I can’t really argue with any of that.
And Oilers?
The only daring play that happened at the stadium was when a bunch of pipeline protesters hung a sign from the roof.
I loathe Deadspin.
I like the lead in picture for today’s links… Can you show me where the carrot goes?
All I want to know is: is it possible to milk a horse?
If you squeeze hard enough.
I think HM has a link…
Oh man, that hurts….
Baby steps? Minneapolis cops aren’t beating anyone is the good news. The bad news is that they appear to have outsourced the beatings to bouncers.
Michael Moore has a new show on Broadway, and it’s so bad, even the New York Times can’t stand it.
I imagine that regular folk are watching the news and wondering if this antifa thing is going to blow over, or if they are going to start an actual war.
It starts with universal attack and condemnation by the media and the political establishment of the “alt-white” protesters, even though its plain that the protesters were provoked by violent counter-protesters. It’s not an excuse, but I can see where the Death Driver is observing his fellow racists being attacked, and the sees the police doing nothing, and maybe hears that the police were given an order to stand down in the face of antifa violence. Young Men With A Cause can be wreckless (no pun intended) if they think that they have no more options.
Had the police separated the groups; had the government notified the press with a,message something along the lines of, “What these protesters say, and stand for, is not American. Their right to say it is completely American, and they will get the same protection as any other group of protesters.” Instead, it seemed to be a situation of allowing the protesters to get beaten to prove how moral society is, or something; that “we don’t allow that kind of talk (or thinking) ’round here.”
Honestly, though, the Pro-Life people, and the members of what’s left of the Tea Party, and any other group that does regular marches and protests and that means “right” politically, get that they are next. This insane, one-sided push by conventional media and politicians to blame only one side is being noticed, as is Trump’s response!!
I won’t be surprised if he accumulates a series of astonishing electoral victories, including reelection in 2020, because of how he is handling this situation.
Antifa can’t accomplish shit.
What will happen is antifa is going to be used as useful idiots in order to achieve political changes desired by the Democrats. Never let a crisis go to waste.
Indeed, the Left is using Antifa as part of their agenda to set the clock to Year Zero, complete with new months and days all after our souls & saviors Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The Dem party is Sinn Fein to antifa’s IRA?
I find that a fair characterization, considering the “establishment” Democrats has a percentage that were either active in, or mentored by the radical left in the 1970s, including actual terrorists.
Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump’s base and the Tea Party gives the GOPe a massacre in the primaries unlike anything that we’ve seen in recent history. I expect to see a ton of nu-Righters in the House and Senate next year.
jesus I fucking hope so.
I was actually asking my mother about Antifa when she came overseas to visit me the other day and she had no idea what Antifa even was. And she’s been watching the MSM news still with the exception of CNN. Surprised me a bit that I knew more about Antifa from abroad than she did lol.
My wife didn’t even know what Antifa was until after Charlottesville. She’s a dedicated Obama supporter, hates Trump, and is a self-described left-leaning liberal, and she was like, “I think the statues should stay, but it’s horrible that Nazi’s are killing BLM demonstrators and this is all Trump’s fault somehow.” Outside of people who are really aware of this stuff, I don’t think this is even on the radar of the general public. Not beyond the casual media narrative of racist white Trump voters being upset about statues and counter-protesters getting run over.
Regarding the second sign, Thomann told Blick, she was trying to ensure the comfort of hotel staff, given that the freezer in question was located in the staff room. She wanted to make sure hotel employees could eat ‘‘lunch and dinner in peace.’’
Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but what is up with Europe and basic amenities like fridges? You have one freezer, located in a staff area, for an entire hotel purporting to feature apartment-style tenancy?
Europe is poorer than America.
I blame Trump.
I thought so too, but the Swiss have more purchasing power than the US average.
Switzerland’s PPP GPD per capita
US GDP per capita by state vs. European countries and Japan, Korea, Mexico and China
I don’t think that’s properly adjusted for the cost of living in Switzerland. I really enjoyed my time there, but the cost difference between Switzerland and the US for pretty much any consumer good were huge. I’ve no doubt the Swiss are well off on average, but better off than the average American? I’m skeptical.
We need to be more like Europe!
– Proggies
Shunned website goes to tor (As predicted)
It won’t help… they will be hacked/ddos’ed immediately.
This is a very bad omen. When you no platform people they tend to get a bit violent, and if you really want to make the internet of all places controversy free it’s going to take many dead bodies in the real world.
The world is turning to shit. I want to get away. Maybe to the big rock candy mountain.
Tick Tock, Glibs,… They have a little list, and none of them be missed.
The disconnect that people who ought to know better have about antifa – their definition of “fascist” is far more expansive than Nazis and Klan types.
Also, I can understand why some people find conspiracies in everything. It really was awfully convenient that, at the same time that emails showing that the Trump campaign rejected overtures from the Russians, suddenly a couple hundred white supremacists are the most important thing ever. NOTE: I don’t believe there actually was any conspiracy here. Just can see why people dream them up.
As Sarah Huckabee Sanders might say… Y’all been real quiet about the Russia angle this week, huh?
I suspect don jr thing is going to boomerang back to the dems via fusion gps
Truck With 20 Tons Of Nutella And Chocolate Vanishes; Police Hunt For Semi’s Sweets
Worth even more in the states, where Kinder surprise eggs are illegal. You can be fined $2500 per egg.
Now that is an epic headline pun right there.
I swear, the inability or refusal by the media and establishment politicians to acknowledge that there was violence from two groups is alarming.
Let’s not sugarcoat it: there’s room for concern here.
Kasich .
No John, you aren’t going to be President in 2020. And you’re not soley responsible for whatever reforms that happened after the 1994 election.
Kasich has all of the charisma of Jeb Bush. I’m not sure how it is that these people do not get what just happened when Trump was elected. Well, I think they get it, they just think they can turn it around and get back to Republicans being the good ol boys club, where they can peacefully go about their life long career of corruptocrat, and the sheeple drive their rug rats to soccer games.
That guy seems to embody everything I hate about the GOPe in a single package.
I keep hearing ‘counter protesters’.
Call them what they are: Commie pieces of shit.
Commie pieces of shit that are far larger and have committed far more violence over the past year than the alt-right. So yeah, there is no actual equivalence there. The leftist scum have been significantly worse.
“far more numerous”
Yeah, I’m not sure that you get to keep the counter-protester designation if you show up specifically to inflict physical harm on the original protesters. The ones with the permit. Who aren’t attacking anyone.
Counter punching up they call it.
To be fair to Kasich, he has done a few good things for Ohio, but the only one I can consistently list off the top of my head is that he required all 4 year public universities in Ohio to accept transfer credits from all Community Colleges statewide.
An analogy that just occurred to me:
the leftish media in America remind me of bad, overly-accommodating parents of spoiled kids.
the progs are their screeching, demanding, petulant little spoiled brats. “I want ice cream! I want more heathcare! I want social democracy! That man is making fun of me, I hate him! Tell his boss he’s racist!! More ice cream!”
The media responds by going, “of course you should have those things! and you’re right my little mumkins. You’re *always* right” I’m not sure they even believe it, but their dynamic is just to cater to their progs every whim because… what’s the alternative? they’re the only people they’ve got. No one else needs them. So its a symbiosis of necessity. They tell them they’re beautiful and just perfect the way they are.
Most Americans are like the casual friends of the shitty parents. They either just ignore it and go, “christ, those people are unpleasant”, or they become adversarial, and insist “you should spank the little shits”.
None of which the prog-kids are ever exposed to. All they ever see is the doting parent… who they often end up spitting on for *not being doting enough*.
Ever notice that? how sometimes the most spoiled kids lashes out at their parents? “you don’t understand me!! I hate you!! you’re not even half-woke!”
Meanwhile, normal people go about their lives. But its a goddam heachache when your prime sources of “news” requires being constantly exposed to this retarded, dysfunctional, emotionally damaged “family” of the Media and their Spoiled-prog-children. After a while you just limit where/when/how you deal with them so you don’t have to hear their silly shit.
Nail. Head.
And look where it inevitably leads. College professors being held hostage by students. College administrators losing their jobs because they’ve let an unruly mob of adult children take control away from them. It’s not even a matter of time before the unruly mob of children turn on them, it’s already started.
I have no sympathy for these college types that IMO are primarily responsible for much of the left’s good think these days. they have spent the last 4 or 5 decades pushing marxist bullshit ideas, and now are reaping the rewards of their efforts. Self inflicted, IMHO.
Progs as Veruca Salt. I like it.
That’s the longest post of yours I’ve read. Well said.
Excellent. Thanks.
So, Antifa is Eric Cartman, and the MSM is his mom.
Excellent shorter version. Because the media are also crack whores.
Yes Poopykins.
Nice, consider it stolen.
Truth to Power. We speaks it.
Today, the battle for white male supremacy has expanded in scope. It is nativist, anti-feminist and anti-Semitic. It is also homophobic. As always, it is racist. And it has fully embraced the imagery of Nazism, from Adolf Hitler to swastika flags to the Nazi salute.
What we really need is an uprising of a transgender rainbow proletariat, to smash the white patriarchists and grab their stuff.
The link is dead, just like the late P Brooks.
I’d actually kind of like to see that happen, just for shits and grins. Kind of like when a Jack Russell Terrier “catches” a car. I’m not sure if they realize it, but there are a whole hell of a lot of straight, white men in this country.
And a lot of us are armed to the teeth
I have very mixed feelings about that.
There’s not a lot of good in realizing that a significant proportion of the people you commute to work with each day are so far beyond reason, that one day, you might have to draw a bead on them and tell them to back the fuck down.
And once again, rather than seeing clearly that Confederate monuments stand at the very center of the white-supremacist imagination, too many people are clouding the issue. Some of my fellow historians have naïvely suggested that we need to keep them to teach us the darker lessons of Southern history.
But at what cost? What the events of this past weekend have made clear is that for several generations, the Lee monument and others like it have assisted the cause of white supremacy and the deadly violence that has accompanied it. This is why communities across the region have a moral obligation to take up the cause of removing them. Artifacts of hate will be lost, but their history and meaning will not.
What a bunch of drooling morons.
To succeed in the people’s revolution, you have to start somewhere. So just pick something that you can make controversial and attack it. Then call anyone who opposes you a racist and Nazi. Once that has succeeded then you move on to something less controversial, like capitalism. Then you attack it and call anyone who opposes you a racist and Nazi. After all, weren’t those the same people who opposed you being able to tear down racist statues?
(stops reading)
If every white supremacist who went there to speak and assemble is a terrorist because one person who shared their views decided to commit murder, then surely every progressive is a domestic terrorist since one of them recently decided to try to shoot several Congressmen.
I don’t think we need to heed the opinions of terrorists. Maybe just start putting journalists and college professors in Guantanamo, in the same cells as the skinheads.
Good point
How about this: If the Confederate statues are on government property, hold a public referendum to see if the local population wants them to remain there.
If they vote to keep them there, keep them there, and charge people with vandalism if they try to destroy them.
If they vote to remove them, unbolt the things and sell them off to the Sons of Confederate Veterans and similar groups. Problem solved; everyone’s happy (well, except the SJW morons who just want to do civil rights LARPing and tear shit up).
I like and second this idea tbh.
Really, all you need to do is charge/convict/jail people who try to destroy public property. Even holding the referendum gives way too much credit to the fringe nutters; nobody is holding a referendum on whether airplanes should be allowed to fly over your town leaving chemtrails, because the only people who bring it up are fringe nutters.
Try this
Much better, thank you good kind sir.
That links goes to the new york times. I’m not clicking it.
Who unleashed the guy that shot five cops in Dallas?
Who unleashed the bicycle lock guy?
Who unleashed the Berkeley idiots that ravaged businesses?
The Berniebro shooter.
Yep. Imagine if it had been a lefty who drove a car into a Trump rally. It would be treated by the media as a lone wolf attack, just like the BLM sniper and the guy who shot up the baseball game. And the people now shrieking about Trump condemning violence on both sides would still be shrieking if he or anybody else tried to blame the left for the attack.
This guy:
I just finished listening to this hour-long conversation between Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux
I really encourage people to listen to it. Very thought provoking. It analyzes the current SJW/anti SJW conflict using the Damore memo on Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber as an example.
I still have to finish reading the actual memo now that you mentioned that. Thanks for the link, I can definitely give it a good listen during my lunch break tomorrow!
I was told @ TOS that the latter of those two was a “White Nationalist”.
they seemed rather certain about this, tho when i asked for examples, they said, “Ugh, you must be a white nationalist too” (more or less)
I don’t like S.M., but not because ‘he raciss’. He just comes off as… cytotoxic-ish sometimes.
Proof by assertion is a totally valid argumentative technique.
I feel the same way. I can’t recall what it was exactly, but a few years ago I listened to one of his videos and was really, really turned off by it. I had heard of him, and listened to and read the odd piece by him, but really hadn’t followed him systematically prior to that. No memory of what he said, but I decided I didn’t really care to listen to him anymore.
I was pleasantly surprised by how he held up his end of the conversation (except for the interrupting Petersen stuff – even if his interruption rate was only about .05 kennedys, it was still noticeable and annoying).
*he has a degree of intellectual arrogance that is offputting. i recognize it because i probably have a similar problem in smaller doses.
(despite what some may see here, i’m not like that all the time)
his “i have an answer to everything” attitude seems quasi-religious. I’ve never heard him say, “I don’t know”, or genuinely weigh various options and admit that there are multiple possible ways to approach a topic.
Molyneaux is a smart guy but he can come off as a smug and self-righteous prick at times and he sometimes berates his call ins in a way that can be rough to watch.
On balance, though, he’s worth listening to.
this man knows what time it is
I’ve not consumed very much of his stuff because he really turns me off. He speaks as though every single intellectual foundation that he relies upon is 100% understood, 100% accepted, and 100% settled as accurate. This may be useful for preaching to the choir, but the little I’ve seen makes it pretty clear that there are foundations he relies upon that I don’t accepts and don’t think are settled.
Doesn’t help that he comes off like the kind of cult leader that is a true believer but oh-BTW these 14 year old girls need to marry me.
That links goes to the new york times. I’m not clicking it.
Dude, they’re totally legit. Bona Fide, even.
They are rapidly becoming Salon.
A FB friend shared this and I got suckered into responding. 🙁 Totes FML AF BBQ
+1 Freeze Peach mocking ensues
I don’t know what that means. You millennials and your jargon…
OHHH, I get it.
So old dogs can learn new tricks after all.
Uncomfortable propinquity to neo-Nazis does not necessitate violence! WTF bb! Not lit. No chill.
Pretty standard pro-heckler’s veto bullshit.
Beautiful. You got me in stitches.
That’s not how Brandenburg v Ohio works at all. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.
The definition of “incitement” requires that the speech be *specific* in the acts they demands (and the targets), and the person inciting must have a reasonable belief that the things they demand will actually be carried out.
Neither of which is satisfied by “symbols”.
Well put. What did Wakey Jakey say?
Just his typical virtue signaling bullshit where he ignored the antifa goons but got apoplectic about Trump
utinhitler. He had it won after the pants shitting was tabulated.You know Snoopy, as someone up thread also remarked, suddenly, and conveniently, I add, the dnc operatives with bylines have completely forgotten about Russian election hacking and how that had to be the news cycle 24/7. And they do so right at a time where the whole narrative was not only collapsing wholesale, but when others were pointing out that the leaks were an inside job, and the democrats knew that was the case. Basically they had painted themselves into a corner and like little fat Nork Kim had no way out but to end up with a ton of egg on their face. that is, until this conveniently all happened…
Not being a conspiracist here or anything but the timing of this event, and the role of some prominent democrat pols vis a vis the actions taken by the police, all make me wonder.
So this kind of popped on my radar:
The Flat Earth, Chapter 1
I think you guys might enjoy it.
Pleasant read, and a nice reminder about Bilderberg.
Report: Hope Hicks expected to be Trump’s next White House communications director
I must say, two thumbs way up.
Just an aside on the Obama tweet I thought might generate a few laughs.
Here is the tweet:
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…”
That’s 108 characters. Which, to my recollection, leaves enough room to type:
-Nelson Mandela
Mandela was right. To learn how to hate whites, you have to attend school first.
Obama had the utmost respect for Mandela. How else to explain his selfies at the man’s funeral?
The Obama presidency in a nutshell:
Nah, it was just the parallel evolution of deep thoughts in a pair of fertile minds.
Sort of like how two different people developed calculus independently, right?
There is certainly enough manure between those ears to make that soil fertile.
Did he steal that quote?
Well, he had plenty of room to attribute it. Doubtful he tried to claim it as his own, but according to the shrieking baboons in the media freaking out about plagiarism last year, you’d think he would have taken the time to add those extra 15 characters so people knew who said it.
He added the attribution to the third tweet.
As he told Agence France-Presse, ‘‘the reference to ‘showers’ can be construed as a patently vicious reference to the fake shower in the gas chambers.’’
Or, perhaps, they are under the impression that their Jewish guests are dirtier than other groups? Anti-semitism of 5 instead of 9?
LOOK AT ME! I’m just like Anne Frank.
Denying hate groups attention might work if everyone agreed to do so. But as long as television cameras — or even just regular people streaming on Facebook Live and posting to YouTube — were going to witness the events, and as long as others were committed to confronting the white supremacists, there would be oxygen.
Plus, as we had learned from previous such assaults on our community, the hate groups were not just after attention. They wanted conflict. They came to hear the sound of flesh being struck, bones being broken. So the idea of denying them attention seemed less significant as the event drew closer. Still, there were compelling reasons to avoid confrontation.
“They will have guns,” I said to my wife. “That’s the defining issue for me.” She agreed. The fact that we have a child who is committed to social justice and curious about politics tipped the balance. For her sake, we could not risk putting ourselves in danger, especially when we had an opportunity to enrich her experience with peaceful community engagement.
“Maybe I chickened out, this time, but I’ll definitely be there next time.”
I wonder if he found any lint while he was gazing at his navel.
“They wanted conflict. They came to hear the sound of flesh being struck, bones being broken.”
Wait, which group of socialists are you talking about, the National Socialists or the Marxist-Leninist socialists?
Oh, come on, Eddie, you’re just making up that stuff about Marxism-Leninism!
“90 years after death, Lenin’s contributions appreciated
“By John Catalinotto posted on January 31, 2014…
“…the bankers, billionaires and their paid propagandists made the Soviet Union a pariah state and hated Lenin more than any other single individual in history. To this day, he remains the number one historical enemy of the rich.
“At the same time, Lenin remains a beacon for those who want to struggle. This is especially true for revolutionaries living in the industrialized and urbanized countries that are part of the imperialist world and where the masses most often live in cities. They want to construct a framework to facilitate a revolution that overthrows capitalism and starts to build a new world where exploitation and inequality are eliminated.”
build a new world where exploitation and inequality are eliminated .
Well that leaves out communism. What else you got?
“Eliminated” is a funny way to spell “intensified.”
What does it say about the legacy media that you have to turn to Ann Coulter for the real news?
There’s a major immigration reform bill here. Here’s a chance to discuss substantive issues…
But it’s much more fun to see how many times you can work “Trump” and “nazi” into the same sentence.
To be fair, even InfoWars has more credibility than the mainstream media today: at least their conspiracies make people skeptical of the government rather than worship them. Fake polls and the “resist Trump at all costs” agenda are actually dangerous to liberty.
These people are insane. Comparing antifa to those who stormed Normandy lol
Holy hell
“In the aftermath of President Trump’s press conference on Tuesday, in which he condemned neo-Nazism and white supremacism, but refused to condemn the alt-right by name and suggested that there were some “very fine people” at Friday night’s white supremacist rally, the Left has done what it does best: overstepped dramatically.
Instead of condemning Trump for the moral degradation of separating the alt-right from white supremacism, instead of pushing Trump on exactly whom he was seeking to defend at the rallies on Friday night…”
This is abjectly not true. I think that the sheer number of alt-right gas chamber memes have clouded Ben’s mind, but Trump actually stated that there were “very fine people” on both sides of the aisle. That was no glorification of alt-righters.
Now, to the main point, holy hell are the Leftists losing their minds, and it’s the mainstream ones, too.
I thought Trump was talking about the protests on Saturday, not the Friday night rally.
There were people at the protests who had nothing to do with the alt-right. I’ve seen at least one armed militia group in videos who came just to protect the statues and stated they had nothing against race or anything else, they were just there to show support for the statues and history. I thought Trump might have been referring to people like this.
The narrative I read, from left leaning groups accompanying the video, is that antifa and the police had a conversation and let this militia group peacefully leave once things got violent. I imagine the group being heavily armed had something to do with the hands off approach.
On a different tangent, that also suggests that antifa had some level of coordination with the police.
Peak derp??
Peak derp isn’t a thing.
Maybe they’re all wrapped up in Dunkirk-fever.
The commies are calling the antifa vandalists, freedom fighters, lol.
My grandfather was in the 82 Airborne. He fought in North Africa and Sicily. Because he’d dropped out of college while pursuing a degree in accounting in order to enlist, he was at one point pulled off to do logistical support, so that when everyone he knew in the war died at the Battle of Nijmegen during Operation Market Garden.
Fuck the Antifa, and fuck the people who defend them.
*…so that when…
Ugh, just read that bit without the “when”. This is why I shouldn’t comment while I’m working.
that’s an Edit Too Far
/catbutt eminent
Dead commie’s mom on teevee right now using her daughter’s body as a platform for making political speeches.
Disgusting. Jesus lady, she aint even cold yet.
The good news is that they can use the hammer and sickle flag, the USSR no longer needs it.
The great thing about states no longer observing Confederate Day is that they can now observe May Day instead. Win-win!
She died for the Revolution, Comrade Suthenboy.
So… saying there were fine people on both sides was… inartful, to be very generous? I mean, it’s legitimate to say that about the political issue of the statues. But unless we’re stretching the definition of fine to mean “not running people over”, the people involved in a Nazi-Commie street brawl are not “fine”.
I’m just using this old article to test out some html tags, which I’ve been having trouble with on this site.