‘…it is not always important that individuals reason well, it is sufficient that they reason; from their individual thought, freedom is born.’’ Montesquieu

Once again, the irrational jackals looking for their pound of blood and flesh have pounced and pummelled into oblivion any remaining shred of rational thought they possessed.

This time they’re outraged! Really, really, outraged! 25%, no, 33.33% more outrage. So salty they are with Trump – ooo, that son of a bitch – Campbell’s is jealous with all the salt they use.

I’m not going to rehash what we already know and what led to this. The transcripts of what he said are available on the Internet.

Suffice to say, for me, there are no winners here as all sides have some culpability (white supremacists, Antifa, the media and the town); though, unpopular as it is it say, I do think the police stand down order, Antifa’s provocation and the media’s deliberate distortion of the facts on the ground hold the bigger slice of blame here. I worry less about a bunch of idiots congregating to spew venomous rhetoric (hey, sounds like SJW) and more about the principles of freedom of speech and expression and the right to assemble.

This is a cornerstone of our Western values that can’t be compromised and must be protected. 

And like these events sometimes show, the issue becomes what possible negative outcomes are there for free speech, expression and assembly.

Here, there’s no question it is the progressive left who are a bigger threat and danger.

There have been logical fallacies a plenty. From it’s ‘okay to punch a Nazi’ to ‘if you defend their right to free speech that makes you a Nazi’ to ‘Antifa is justified in provoking’ and so on. It’s been said, I am told, Antifa are the new liberators.

If so, we’re doomed.

I think noted pillar of reading comprehension Kevin Durant spoke on behalf of all illiterates everywhere when he said, ‘…I don’t agree with what he (Trump) agrees with.’

You’re not helping.

Do we really know what Trump ‘agrees with’? Based on the full transcript of what I read I’m still not sure.

Though one must wonder if people like Durant get flustered at the abnormal amount of times prominent Democrats and progressives call for the assassination of Trump. It kinda unnerves me because murder, you know? I mean, we all know the left embrace violence, but come on, dudes! I musta missed all those times Republicans suggested Obama be killed. Alas, until Trump invites the KKK to the White House in the same manner Obama invited BLM soon after the murder of five officers, I’m gonna keep this one on ice for now.

Nonetheless, no need to keep perspective.

Let the virtue signalling commence!


Off the charts!

It’s like watching teenagers with lobotomies interpret Thomas Paine’s argument with Edmund Burke.

I just read the CFL in Canada began a ‘Diversity is strength’ campaign in response to Trump’s alleged hate for diversity. What is it with these vapid slogans? Are they some sort of Linus security blanket for people? All that was missing was Justin Trudeau as a spokesperson (heaven forbid you call Justin a spokesman) dressed in drag for an exclamation point.

Yes, because the left love diversity of ideas. And I think the word he was gunning for was pluralism.

‘Diversity by other means’ is the very definition of discrimination. Google? What they do in the name of diversity? Discrimination. The Liberal party of Canada and their degenerate style of identity governance? Discrimination.

If one group is negatively impacted through punitive measures (however subtle), in order to prop another you have…discrimination.

Even a muppet understands this. Play Safe, CFL! You’re libel to lose an eye if you keep this up.

/TSN personality nods agreeing then realizes it’s not part of the script and the nods become contorted grimaces of disagreement.

We must diverse like we never diversed before!

To cite Orwell’s 1984, the overall point was this: A world depicted in his novel is possible if man is unaware of his assaults on personal freedoms; that if he loses his right to his own thoughts we’re doomed as a free people.

This is the lesson from Charlottesville.

Well, that and the message that it’s okay to go provoke people who are allowed to congregate regardless of what you think of them.

Lemme ask, does it look like we’re winning?

Just when ‘business leaders’ weren’t already an insufferable breed of twats, they decide to resign from some useless council because of Trump’s reaction. I hope those bum taps and smug winks were worth making them look like clowns to the rest of us.

‘I swear I meant to diverse more.’

It’s interesting limousine liberal, bourgeois CEO’s blindly play into Antifa’s hands given how much the left hates corporations, no? Once ensnared, no amount of faux-right think posturing would save them from the left’s reign of terror. It’s like they don’t know the story of Murat. For those of you not in the loop, he was done in by a Girodin who were a branch of…the Jacobins.

I hope they have bigger bath tubs.


Which brings me to my first digression. Years ago I went to a notary. In the back ground, as I prepared pay the $1500 fee, I noticed pictures of Cuba and Che. I wondered if he found it odd to have pictures of left-wing sociopaths who purged and killed peasants and intellectuals who would probably shoot him too for being a ‘capitalist pig’. I wondered further if it would bother him if, say, Che Tremblay (it’s Quebec) came to power and capped what he could charge customers?

This made me think of an (depressing but revealing) end note in Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago:

31. One of our school friends was nearly arrested because of me at this time. It was an enormous relief to me to learn later that he was still free! But then, twenty-two years later, he wrote to me: “On the basis of your published works I conclude that you take a one-sided view of life…Objectively speaking, you have become the standard-bearer of Fascist reactionaries in the West, in West Germany and the United States, for example….Lenin, whom, I’m convinced, you love and honour just as much as you uses to, yes, and old Marx and Engels, too, would have condemned you in the severest fashion. Think about that!” Indeed, I do think about that: How sorry I am that you didn’t get arrested then! How much you lost!

Glibertarians hardest hit.

Moving along.


Of course, to those of us not robbed of our senses and rational bearings, Charlottesville is just another example of the collective intellectual and moral shallowness that grips hyper-partisans stalking Americans; and the West in general including my home country of Canada.

I think, as a starting point and ultimately a moot one, everyone can agree the KKK are douchebags. And that white supremacy, whatever the source of its recent little spike, is not exactly an endearing quality in a free and pluralist society.

But therein lies what’s so infuriating to the left: In a free and pluralist civilization there will be people and ideas you disagree with. I disagree with just about everything the progressive left argues. Heck, I think they’re essentially blue capped anti-humanists but this is the cross we must bear in a free world, eh?

Soon, they’ll be branding wrong think with tattoo serial numbers. What’s another tattoo for millennials? But for some of us old farts who can’t bear to ruin our skin, this is a frightening thought. I just made the jump from Irish Spring (soap for Leprechauns) to Old Spice, considering it ‘edgy’ because of the commercials.

Behind the smellful humour is a dreadful message. Modern progressive activists project their mean-spirited know-nothing drool-babblings revealing a a hideous intellectual and moral decadence very much in line with communism, socialism and fascism. There’s a rather large trail of unbecoming evidence pointing to their dark souls.

Until they admit they’re Marxist and therefore illiberal, we can never have an ‘honest conversation’ with progressives.

From holding college deans hostage to smashing people’s skulls with bike locks (so hipster-douchey, no?), to bullying random strangers in the streets, to a Berniebro shooting Republicans at a baseball game to a BLM sympathizer killing five cops (Time and again, when given the chance to truly tower above the racial divide, Obama chose to swim in with the swine), I think we can discern a pattern of behaviour here as a matter of established fact.

As if that’s not enough, they have the nerve to compare themselves to World War II veterans who fought the Axis powers and gave their lives to it in the most destructive war in world history. The horror of humanity they saw, Antifa can’t imagine from their safe spaces.

Antifa are nothing like war heroes. They’re thugs; not liberators. They just haven’t gotten around to choosing their color is all.

We’re told to fear white supremacists, but we should worry about the left more.

No one is talking about taking Mr. Jefferson’s deluxe apartment in the sky away, but progressive reprobates are trying to remove your right to free speech and expression.

Back to Charlottesville.

I think it’s pretty obvious what happened. A group got a permit to exercise their right to assemble. Another group not liking the message went to protest them. Both came prepared to fight. And found it with a tragic result. There are no winners and there is plenty of blame to go around. But we’re led to believe there’s only one party to blame?

I don’t think so.

Now the spill over of doxxing people begins and has already claimed an innocent victim.

The last part is probably the most disturbing trend. They search out people’s backgrounds and without a shred of evidence or context will publicly shame them with the aim of destroying their lives. It’s reminiscent of The Ox-Bow Incident about how a mob driven by revenge kill innocent people without evidence.

It’s Salem 2.0 is what it is.

And they’re supposed to be the good guys? What happens when they mistakenly dox another person and this time a life is lost? What then?

Progressive calculus.

Let’s take a look at this from another angle. Had white supremacists crashed the ‘March for Women’ and violence ensued, how would people react and the media respond?

I can’t believe we have to keep repeating this: People and groups are allowed freedom to associate and assembly regardless of message or of what others think of their beliefs.

I thought the ‘March for science’ was the usual vacuous showcase in numbskullery. The speeches I heard there and at the ‘March for Women’ were offensive and useful only to the loose lint on your couch where actual advancement of philosophical discourse is concerned.

But I would never ever demand their voices be silenced. They had every right to march and be heard, however idiotic. What possible purpose could be served in shutting down speech even if I think it’s dangerous to science? I can but offer a counter argument and keep them engaged.

When speech is seen as violence by the government, we may as well abandon The Constitution (and The Charter here in Canada – however, feeble in its commitment to liberty) and wipe the crumbs from our mouths with it.

Even if you feel morally upset by such persons or groups it doesn’t accord you the right to violently suppress their rights.

Repeat after me and Grover: You don’t have the right to violently suppress people’s right to free speech, expression and assembly on any grounds because you feel offended.

That goes for anyone and any group. There is no middle ground where our right to express ourselves is concerned.

If you do not accept this, then you’re exactly what you claim to be fighting and are driven by a tribal, emotional, misguided and distorted righteousness thus making you as dangerous to liberty as the persons or groups you abhor. You’ve conceded you won’t (or can’t) sell or promote your ideas in the realm of civil discourse.

In other words, you’re mob rule. What you advocate, lazily, is to legitimize government force against your opponents.

I’m horrified by how easily people are prepared to allow the jack boot of the government on the necks of people who happen to hold a different opinion.

To repeat. You can’t keep attacking innocent people physically and verbally, shutting down streets, shouting down people debating differing points of views, changing the language of discourse to suit your narratives, accosting people through guilt by association and so on and not expect retaliation.

Either you have freedom of speech and expression or you don’t. There’s no such thing as ‘balanced’ speech. If you believe there is, then you’re half-way to censorship.

At this point, I’d like to theorize that both these groups have little to do with anything our common liberal heritage bestowed upon our wretched, undeserving souls.

As collectivist identity groups, it’s less a left versus right battle and more of a left versus left engagement I theorize. Just like we saw in the early 20th century when communists fought socialists and both fought fascists.

Each of these ideologies were under the socialist umbrella with fascism lying to the right of communism and socialism.

Euphemisms for cucks’n cults.

In other words, it was a fight among illiberals and this event in Virginia was no different. If you’re identity hinges on collectivism or notions of the ‘greater good’ via government coercion, you’re illiberal.

Or, if you prefer pop culture analogies, it’s like a SJW version of The Riddler fighting The Penguin over who is more of a victim of the patriarchy.

Other than that, they’re also a bunch of illiterates deliberately mangling the facts of history through circular logic to fit their half-assed narratives and theories rooted in false premises and unhinged logical fallacies. No, that you defend the KKK’s right to free speech doesn’t mean you ‘tacitly’ condone them. If this passes as an argument, all I can say is go buy yourself a helmet because you’re in danger of getting a concussion.

Moreover, if they want to be taken seriously they should probably stop depicting Trump as both a Nazi and a fascist. Pick one and stick to it.

No, indeed, it’s not about the principle or the morality.

Standing for principles are the ones where you accept under all circumstances the right to free speech, expression and assembly when it’s in distress and under assault while not advocating for violence yourself.

Now, at this point, some may wonder why should a Canadian care? Oh, care we must. The United States is not alone in dealing with this and their bad ideas tend to find its way up here. They’re just the biggest black head on the face of Western civilization that everyone sees. America serves as the perfect distraction for the rest of the world.

Lucky them. Or us. Whatever.

There’s an uncomfortable adherence to a left-wing ideology which is a beautiful martini on the surface, but it’s a poisonous virus deep below and transcends national borders. So where principals over principles prevail, a loss of perspective easily pulls people in.

We all lose if liberty is lost. What’s the point of existing if you have no freedom to express your opinion? Note, I am not suggesting if you’re opinion is bad there can’t be consequences but that’s best for a free society to determine and not through the coercive action of the state. If the state regulates speech, you’re not free.


One of the valuable lessons in Solzhenitsyn’s writings is to describe in detail how destructively slow this process really is. It’s almost impossible to criticize it without being told you have a ‘one-sided view of life’. The left always claim to have a nuanced view on life but when you examine and explore their views and arguments further, you realize it’s anything but. It’s just cold, naked, anti-humanism and always somehow ends up in death.

It’s communism by other means. Antifa and its ilk doesn’t care for principles of liberty. Their movement is not predicated on the philosophy of advancing liberty in the context of classical Western value. Far from it in fact. Indeed, they are hostile to it.

Antifa is where one finds notions of ‘white privilege’ and the West being a racist and murderous civilization.

Nothing more dangerous than a group of people thinking they can right the wrongs of the past and present in an effort to control the future.

Their entire outlook sits on a bedrock of illiberalism. If they were to ever achieve power they’d behave exactly like the Taliban, Jacobins or Bolsheviks slowly purging wrong think.

I’d be lined up against the wall. So would all of you here. And those useful idiots in the CEO ranks.

This is true.

Who will take to the streets in defence of freedom of speech, expression and assembly? Who will speak for it? This is the question.

I do see a boatload of petty opportunistic buffoons willing to squish and squash speech in a misguided attempt to stupidly ‘civilize’ discourse though. Nothing could be more barbaric I say!

Don’t let Trump or any other politician allow us to forget this cherished principle.

Boy, did it really take me this long to say the left are not nice people who project their rage and anger and live a miserable, empty existence void of any principles?

You wanna piece of me racist?

Moving forward, expect no ‘peak derp’ while the creepy and cowardly molluscum cult (led by intellectually deficient celebrities and fake journalists toeing a splendidly regressive narrative wallowing in their cheap, unreasonable, unhelpful, smug didactics) will continue to get their cues from a vapid Obamabot tweet.

The left are living in a post-retard bizarro world and we get to watch them burn down any shred of moral decency and intellectual currency they had left; a world where they get to be Super-Man while acting like Lex Luthor. Where they simultaneously get to co-opt bravery with veterans while denigrating Western civilization and its values.

If you ask this uncucked Canuck, it seems to me this petty band of illiberal, dilapidated delusional clowns are a direct danger to liberal values because they hold more influence over policy at the moment.

I don’t know what will come of this and if there will be a tipping point. I do know one thing though. Glibertarians will never be able to solve the deep-dish divide and we’re definitely on someone’s blackball list somewhere in Leftopia.

Update: Currently, as I began this post (forcing me to revise it a couple of times), there’s a right-wing rally along with a counter-protest in Boston. By all accounts it’s peaceful so far.