Exhibit A: Make America Great Again: The Musical!
Exhibit B: War on Trump signs
Exhibit C:
Julien Thomas Schuessler, 20, was charged with a hit and run, reckless driving, failing to maintain lane control and was released.
Schuessler, posted a video at 2:24 p.m. the day of the primary election, and shows him intentionally pulling off of the road and slamming through a Trump sign. When asked why he would intentionally pull off the road to hit a Trump campaign sign in such a dangerous maneuver, the driver said:
“I did what I felt was morally right. Spread love, not hate.”
Exhibit D: Junior Thought Police
Exhibit E: Snowflake Meets Blowtorch
Exhibit F: ?
Exhibit G: Full Retard
Exhibit H: Subtle, Sophisticated Satire
Exhibit I: Sore Loser
What? Not the Pat screaming as the
coronationinauguration was announced?Don’t know why you’d want that, but OK.
Because it’s possibly the most ridiculous example of TDS.
It certainly made me smile. DeFoe’s death in Platoon looked subdued in comparison.
Great. Now I’ll forever conflate those two scenes together.
Exhibit F: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=udNHsk57f24
Exhibit A is actually more clever than typical and honestly a bit entertaining.
Wood and wood, amirite?
Exhibit I: The gall of that woman to play the victim after acting like such a piece of shit. I love how as soon as the attendant walks away she starts in on the Trump voter again, even as it’s getting her kicked off the plane. Some people just can’t help themselves.
Note she says she lives in Portland? And that’s why I don’t live in Portland.
For Exhibit D, I really wish the guy had pulled a gun and demanded the keys to their car, telling them he’d return them to their parents. Make the little cretins walk home.
Does that make me a bad person?
Exhibit G:
Cannot stop laughing!!! Wtf is her problem?! All her other prog allies are like, “even we think this bitch is crazy”
Exhibit E: Wood. Would. Would. Would. Wood. Would.
Exhibit G
This is why I don’t believe in the legalization of marijuana
Actually, Mister, if she’d taken marijuana she’d be less inclined to screech like a lunatic over a sign.
FLECCAS makes me laugh.
That sadly captures way too much of our political discourse these days.
“No, we won’t cut this.”
His entire joke is to actually listen to what they say and instantly ask the obvious questions none of the lefties ever ask each other. He comes across as entirely sympathetic, so they’re caught completely offguard having to actually answer in good-faith. Its not the answers they give that are so hilarious as their….. uhhhhh…. pauses and dumbfounded looks when asked very simple questions. As though these things simply aren’t thought about.
I have never heard of Fleecas but I’ll have to give them a try. They just let the Derp flow and illuminate itself.
“So what do you think?”
“Oh, you know…I’m just standing here.”
Here’s his most recent video:
Check out the two antifas he interviews who cite all fictional characters as justification for their actions.
“Have you ever watched Star Trek? Star Trek is totally a socialist state. Star Trek is what happens when socialism wins.” Hahahaha
The scuffle with the Rhodesians… fuck. Calling them racists? Fuck.
Later, “I’m a Libertarian Communist”: WTF?
“You can’t listen to the news anymore because it’s all fake. That’s bullcrap. It wasn’t fake before, so why is it fake now?”
“The Russia news has kind of died down on those sites now.”
“Only because we’re on the racism thing now.”
That was pretty good.
I don’t know how he can go ten seconds talking with them without facepalming and giving himself away as a hateful bigot, but I applaud his ability to do so.
Trump pardoned Arpaio.
Do you know what a derp barometer is?
It measures the derp pressure in the air. You can feel it!
Listen. You hear that? The sound of the whispering winds of derp.
You can hear it, and you will when the derp barometer rises. And you’ll feel it too. Your ears will implode from the derp pressure. You were warned! But you picked the wrong side! Beware, my friend. Derp winds are a-comin’.
I thought it was bad when they stopped arguing about school choice, police brutality, and ending the drug war–to spend a week or two on the profoundly important issue of Robert E. Lee statues.
The left is so obsessed with signaling. What you signal is far, far, far more important to them than what you actually do.
Barack Obama raided state legal, medical marijuana dispensaries hundreds of times–especially in California. Using drone strikes, Barack Obama killed more innocent children than Adam Lanza. Who cares what he actually did, though? He said all the right things in all the right speeches–and isn’t that what’s really important?
No, we’re not going to talk about immigration. We’re not going to talk about how legal immigration is good for the economy. We’re not going to talk about how getting people to support more legal immigration may depend on convincing them that we CAN keep dangerous people out by securing the border. We’re not going to talk about any of that.
We’re going to talk about Arpaio for a week or more–because whether Arpaio is convicted, pardoned, or paints his dingus green is far more important than public policy on immigration. It’s almost as important as a statue of Robert E. Lee.
At least they stopped talking about Russia.
In quieter moments, I sometimes think that Trump is really good at doing a magician’s act, getting everyone to focus on the sexy assistant and not noticing what he’s doing in the meantime. And then when everyone is just trying to figure out the last trick, something new quickly distracts them.
The question is really is he actually playing us all this way, or is he just lucky like a fox?
I tend towards thinking much of what happens is unintentional, but it does make you wonder….
I will say, he was just a real estate guy who managed to be in the front of the national consciousness for some 30 years now. Name another real estate person who everyone in the country knows. He has always had a knack for playing the media. His marriage with Ivana was The Kardashians years before the Kardashian girls were born.
The Kennedys were the Kardashians years before the Kardashians were born.
No argument there. But the Kennedys were a very prominent political family with iconic Jack at the top, our own version of the British royal family. Of course they were going to get a lot of attention.
But Trump? He was a guy who built hotels and office buildings. Quick, tell me any other developer who’s been as well-known as a movie star. I’ll wait.
Tim “the Toolman” Taylor?
Joel McCrea made a fortune in real estate.
He grew up as a derp spark from the old derp flame, then he turned into a derp bon-fire. Then driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance he turned into a raging derpfire storm. If i get to be married to Barb I’ll have total control of Sunnyvale, and then I can unleash a derpnammi tidal wave that will engulf Ricky and extinguish his derpflames forever. And with any luck he will drown in the under derp of that wave…… derp waves..
/apologies to Ken S.
You’ve doxxed yourself, Mr. Lahey!
I don’t care what everyone else says about you ken, I’m glad you’re around to share your perspective. Always look forward to your WoT.
I thought we agreed no more Derp talk until we’re back in power, Randy.
its notable that everything they seem to think “a different president” is going to change is something ‘cultural’. No mention of anything economic.
In fairness, the implicit message of that MAGA phrase is certainly suggesting that American culture has gone adrift… but the fact is, a single president has nearly nothing to do with any of the cultural changes they’re talking about (civil rights, abortion, gay marriage, etc). Obama wasn’t pro-gay-marriage when he got elected, but it happened despite him because that’s the direction the public was headed in. Its an absurd attribution of cultural significance to a guy who holds a 4yr job in a single branch of govt.
Obama wasn’t pro-gay-marriage when he got elected
Considering how much gay support he had, I’m fairly certain this was wink-and-nudge from the get-go. He said it to get elected, and then reversed it when it was no longer electorally advantageous/necessary.
What a hero.
I don’t think this makes sense.
Because in 2008, there was no immediate prospect of any federal legislation which was going to “legalize” gay marriage. and there was nothing he could actively do himself to change the status quo. So i don’t think any wink-nudging would have amounted to anything. He could say in private that he secretly supported the idea, but what did he actually DO about it in his first few years in office? little/nothing. His public stance, whether pro or con, would have been entirely symbolic regardless.
my point was simply this progressive idea that “culture” is something we change via the ballot-box, which is a combination of stupid/insane/wildly-ignorant. Its at least consistent with their absurd beliefs that we need top-down-controls for everything in life, or else [see video: Racist environmental dystopia!]
its like their current freakout about national parks. Obama in December 2016 enlarged the ‘technical’ size of some monuments, adding thousands of acres of land that was *just as pristine and wild without federal controls as it is with them*; now trump wants to rescind those expansions, and they are all pulling their hair out that he wants to turn the wilderness into a industrial nightmare/open-strip-mine…. because unless the federal govt controls them… bad things!
Regardless, he’ll still be considered a cultural hero by many for supporting it eventually. I think you are right that politics generally does not drive culture, but there is interplay between the two. Obama got elected with gay votes despite opposing gay marriage because it was expected that he would support gay marriage in the end. The culture-politics divide is fuzzier than how you paint it.
I wasn’t really painting anything in any broad-brush sense, but responding to the Proggy-vision expressed in the first video, which suggests that if we every elect the “Wrong” person, we’ll be back to whipping slaves for backtalk while our sister has an abortion with a coathanger.
the alt-righties have a fondness for quoting “politics is downstream from culture” (i think brietbart?). I think there’s truth in that – that (as said below) politics is just a lagging-indicator. The idea that i object to is the notion that anything ever goes ‘backward’ because Bad Person is President.
The idea that i object to is the notion that anything ever goes ‘backward’ because Bad Person is President.
I agree with this statement on its face. But I do think there’s a mechanism whereby “Bad Person is President” leads to things moving “backwards”, and we’re witnessing it right now. The whole “Trump = Hitler” bullshit, the “white nationalism” canard, the general media-academia-civil service-youth freakout, all of these things can contribute to a sort of cultural revanchism in opposition to them. We likely won’t get anywhere near the level of Pinochet and helicopter rides, but we may see a political “reversal”, at least for a little while.
You can make the argument that President Trump is part of that reversal. The “everything is racist” and college campus meltdowns where around during Obama. 10 years ago, the notion of teenagers with penises using the girls’ locker room was a fringe position. Voting for Trump was a repudiation by many of Americans against those positions. And media-academia-civil service-youth freakout is because those people can’t come to grips that otherwise reasonable people can have different positions on an issue that isn’t driven by malice, hence the sudden imaginary explosion in KKK membership.
In this regard, the “alt-righties” have much debt to Ayn Rand, who recognized this in the 50’s-60’s. This was why she pushed hard for an Objectivist presence in the universities, where culture is, most often, spawned and nurtured.
Unfortunately, it is a slow and frustrating process. It took ~100 years to go from Horatio Alger to the simpering adult babies that are today’s Millennials. Don’t expect quick results. About the best we (as ~libertarians) can hope for is that we hold the line until the culture catches back up.
People knew Obama was pro-gay because he married a tranny.
If both Joan Rivers and Alex Jones agree on something, it has to be true. That’s just basic physics.
*Raucous Studio Laughter*
There’s that Winkie Michelle!
I agree the president does not sway culture but is rather swayed by it. I never took the MAGA schtick to be about social issues other than maybe jabs at political correctness. As I listened to the campaign when MAGA was rolled out it was more economic protectionism. R jerbs are going overseas…….etc. The left, as expressed in that video, had to paint it as homophobic/racist/white nationalist because if they didn’t they could not argue against it because most of the left is protectionist too. Trump has been in the public eye for his entire life and was never grouped with the white nationalists and homophobes until he ran for president and it became politically necessary to do so. The MAGA immigration angle is not out of the mainstream either, but now if you are not for open borders but rather prefer legal immigration you are a racist. It has been an effective media strategy.
It has been an effective media strategy
at building a media narrative, anyway. Only time will tell if it has been effective at convincing the majority of voters.
I think elections are trailing indicators anyway. I think Trump’s election was just the biggest and most significant sign that a lot of the country, especially between the coasts and away from urban centers, was increasingly uncomfortable with the direction the country was being taken by the Progressives, culturally-speaking. I think the more you had the left complaining about “god and guns” and the more you had Obama lecturing people that they didn’t build that and the more you had people talking about “white privilege” being treated seriously by the political establishment and the media, the more you started to see the rise of “redneck chic”: a popularization of a kind of idealized rural, working-class lifestyle that was the exact opposite of what the Progressives espoused.
It doesn’t seem like the Dems have picked up on that yet, at least not at the leadership level. They seem to be doubling down on shaming people for being blue-collar, or white, or culturally conservative, or anything but the dreaded term “cosmopolitan”. At this rate, I would bet my house on Trump getting re-elected.
This. Politics is downstream from culture. Elections are more indicators of current cultural trends than the incubators of them.
Obama’s election was basically a great deal of the country saying “we’re not into the whole neocon foreign policy thing, and we’re cool with black people”. Trump’s election is more “I don’t like the direction the people in power are leading us, and the candidate they’re saying is destined for the role is an insult.”
I actually tend to think that Hillary was a uniquely horrible choice of nominee specifically because she hearkened back to the 90s. I think the Dems thought, “Hey, people loved Bill Clinton and the 90s were awesome! Northern Exposure was the best TV show ever! She’s a shoe-in!” For a lot of people, the 90s were the beginning of an erosion of traditional values and a low-point for conservatism, and nominating the wife of the president who reigned over that period was a strong signal that the Progs wanted to continue the assault apace. That’s why people who would never elect Trump for the position of Assistant Dog Catcher pulled the lever for him on Election Day.
If they had actually run Bill Clinton (not that he could run), then I think they would’ve won. Hillary represented all the “bad parts” of the 1990s and the Clinton presidency, not to mention that all of her worst qualities have been amplified since then. Bill is not so stupid as to tell people he’s going to eliminate their livelihoods, even if that’s what he’d end up doing.
You’re probably right. That dude is a master. He knew how to tell people what they wanted to hear, and he knew better than to scold the electorate for not living up to his standards, unlike his wife and Obama.
Bill is a highly efficient and charismatic sociopath, he knows how to tell people what they want to hear and plays up his ‘Arkansas hick’ persona to manipulate people. He’s actually very good at being a politician, whereas Hillary exemplifies everything that makes a poor one, namely, she doesn’t seem to understand how humans act and constantly comes off as a fake based around polling data (those references to Pokemon Go, for example, were pathetic. Only Herman Cain can pull that shit off).
Herman Cain was over 9000 times more black than Obama.
The thing was even though Bill was shady as hell, his supporters could wave that away because he had some accomplishments and things were mostly good under the Clinton admin. Hillary just had all the blatant unapologetic corruption with nothing to recommend her as president beyond it was her turn.
Herman Cain was over 9000 times more black than Obama.
Even though I hated the “Bill Clinton is our first Black President” bit, Bill Clinton had more in common culturally with blacks than Obama.
This. Americans have been “cool with black people” in the executive branch since GWB appointed blacks to the highest offices since the Supreme Court.
More like most white Americans cared more about the person running than the color of his skin.
I remember this as a comment thread! It was one of my favorite comment threads. I wound up spending the whole night following the linked videos to other videos of the joy and hilarity that was election night and inauguration day. I never got to truly enjoy either, since I had pneumonia on election night and my cousin was visiting during the inauguration, which is almost as bad as having pneumonia.
Election night at Reason was basically the last hurrah, it was a lot of fun. It started with Gillespie’s tone-deaf “DURR HURR Hillary will win and this is what the GOP get for nominating meanies” article, then the election thread started out with most people basically dreading the coming Clinton Presidency. Then at 9 the mad orange bastard managed to actually pull it around and everyone starts freaking out about how he could actually win. Follow that up with a couple hours (and then later weeks) of delicious tears from both progs and Reason staff. Great thread.
That’s fantastic. I’m going to have to track down the threads to enjoy.
Hadn’t seen that last pic before. That’s mic-drop quality, right there.
RE the lady being thrown of the plane. 1) that is hilarious 2) Can’t you kind of see the ladies husband sitting there going, “see what I have to put up with?” That man has lived a miserable life. It shows in his face.
Everybody has been in a relationship with a person who for some reason is pathologically unable to mind their own business. It sucks. My wife gets that way some times, as if it’s her calling to right the various injustices of the world, especially if they’re being committed by a stranger at the bar after a few Miller Lites.
Thank Yahweh that SP is punctilious about minding her own business and dealing with derp by just an eyeroll. We largely stay out of bar fights that way.
Multiple videos.
I don’t know why embedded videos on this site have to be so huge, it’s ridiculous.
Exhibit G:
“Are you OK”
“oh, yeah i’m fine”
“because i thought it sounded like something was very wrong”
I can only hope that the children of the future look back at this in the history books/files/direct neural interfaces and go ‘Jesus Christ my ancestors were retarded’.
I kind of do that when I go back and look at the dumb anti-Reagan and anti-Thatcher propaganda thrown randomly into 80s pop culture.
It’s funny, Reagan and Thatcher’s greatest sin was making the welfare state solvent. For this, they are given nothing but utter contempt by social welfare statists. It is an irony that few can truly appreciate.
The one that always sticks out to me is that dumb Genesis video where Reagan nukes the world while the song is basically a lecture about making the world a better place.
Fast forward thirty years and the Soviet Union died comatose, Reagan upheld the Western political order and, as you mentioned, ensured the continuation of the bloated welfare state, and Genesis ain’t done shit to improve the world outside of some charity work.
Dumb? That’s a great video. Staple of late 80’s MTV, along with Grateful Dead’s Touch of Grey.
I like the song regardless. The music video is, in terms of technical stuff, pretty good, and the puppets are fun, but the underlying political theme is retarded. It’s typical masturbatory Boomer idiocy about the power of protest mixed with 80s anti-Reagan virtue signalling.
And for those unfamiliar with it: https://youtu.be/QHmH1xQ2Pf4
OMG. In exhibit B, that looks exactly like my old business partner trying to steal that life-size cardboard photo cutout of Trump. I wonder if it was him? I know he is a vehement Trump hater.
Went into Atlanta today and ended up perusing a local festival. I expected to see a few fine examples of TDS and general derpitude. I really only saw a couple; a vendor selling “Nasty Woman” shirts, and few supporters of a “woke” candidate for mayor.
Then we went to one of our favorite hipster burger joints, where for the first time (please don’t ban me) I had…POUTINE!
That’s right, poutine, and I liked it. There, I said it. Poutine, poutine, poutine. Pardon me, I feel a coma coming on.
There’s nothing wrong with poutine. I don’t think Glibs are hostile to poutine. However, poutine is Canadian, and glibs *are* hostile to Canadians.
The only hater of poutine here is Heroic Mulatto, and he’s objectively wrong.
I never had it. But the description sounds like it was invented by a pregnant Scotswoman.
It’s a Quebecois thing. The gravy was originally intended to keep the fries warmer for longer. Nowadays some people dump a bunch of other stuff in it like smoked meat or bacon.
Poutine with meat is even better than regular Poutine.
It is really good, although it is also cannibalism for you, which gets a bad rap.
It’s just fries with thin gravy and cheese curds. Salty goodness! Come on Count, open your mouth and close your eyes and Les Habitants will give you a nice surprise…
Fries are good. Cheese curds are good, especially battered and deep fried. Putting them together and dousing with gravy is just abusive.
Besides we already have chili cheese fries in the lower 48.
Yes sir. The extra fried cheese balls mixed in really made it like a meal by itself. Also, the gravy was not excessive and made from chorizo. I’m not sure what the “standard” type of gravy would be used.
As far as Canada goes, meh. Hockey is my favorite sport, so I can forgive them their foibles.
A tip ‘o the cat’s tail to your moniker, Mr. Gurgleburger (if indeed that is your REAL name)!
The only hater of poutine here is Heroic Mulatto
There’s at least two more of them sitting on this couch watching football.
Well then they’re wrong and probably secret communists.
Wait, I thought everyone was a secret nazi?
MSNBC lied to me!
Poutine is Food of the Gods.
A friend of mine put up his Trump sign after he heard about Hillary Clinton supporters stealing signs. Before he heard about sign stealers, he said he really didn’t care about the election. So, he put up a sign that said “TRUMP: Because Hillary Supporters Steal Signs”. Someone stole the sign, so he made another. He secured it with fishing line and put a little grease on the edges. People tried stealing the sign, but no one was successful.
That is a troll for the ages. i hope you bought him a beer and stopped looking at his wife “that way”.
I drink his beer when I’m visiting. He is unmarried, but has multiple girlfriends that all know about each other and are friends.
If he’s throwing a party, I’ll make sure to bring over lots of booze to share.
I like the cut of both of your jibs (no homo)!
I respect your friend a lot. Not sure how he’s done it. Every time I’ve ever had more than one gf who knew each other, they wound up getting in a fight and not being friends anymore and I wound up feeling bad about it. So I just stopped trying that, but cheers to anyone who can pull it off.
It probably helps that he’s in his 60s and the women are in their 60s as well. The women are just looking for some companionship.
I said “multiple” because I’m not sure what is going on with one of the women. She’s never been too happy with the arrangement even though she considers the other women friends. She and my friend had a fight about the arrangement, and she’s on the outs right now, but has made some noise about wanting to come back. Her leaving left my friend with only two girlfriends. If she comes back into the fold, that makes three girlfriends.
So you’re telling me that in a few years, I can start banging my wife’s friends? And they say that life is over at 60 when it’s just going to start getting good! Woohooo!!!!!
Better wrap it up. http://seniorhousingnews.com/2012/02/08/booze-sex-stds-in-senior-living-facilities/
I guess the bad part is that I should probably ask her first. The thought of that is harshing me buzz.
Her willingness will probably depend on what you both look like at that age. Probably best to procrastinate on that discussion.
I had a hallmate in college who pulled that off, in spades.
I was heading down to the courts to play some basketball and stopped by his room to see if he wanted to join me. The door was open and two cute little 5’2″ pixies are folding his laundry on the couch under the loft. “Hey, is Dave around?”, I ask.
His head pops over the edge of the loft – along with a 3rd little pixie… she’s less dressed than the other two. “Hey! what’s up?”, he asks.
“Never mind….”
To this day I’ve never seen anything quite like it. My roommate Fung had 6 in his rotation, but I don’t remember them ever doing his laundry together…. especially not while he was 6 feet away with another girl.
Ladies and gentleman, environmental racism:
And that isn’t parody, her twitter is that stupid:
Warren Ellis has a bit in one of his works where he writes about a crazy guy who thinks God literally talks to him. So everything he sees or does is through a perception where ‘God’ is whispering some insane gibberish about it to him to the point where he just gets crazier and crazier.
I think about that a lot when I look at people who find racism everywhere.
My wife had dinner the other night with a business colleague she says is very intelligent. Somehow the conversation got around to white supremacists and my wife said “I really don’t think there’s very many of them in this country. Probably a microscopic percentage of the population.” And her friend replied, “Are you kidding me? They’re everywhere! Haven’t you been watching the news?”
Welcome to the modern age, ladies and gentlemen. Where the media can so compound an issue that even seemingly intelligent people can be convinced of a national crisis. Somewhat reminiscent of last year, when the widespread belief was that it was dangerous to go outside as a black man, because odds were high that a white cop would shoot you.
Seemingly intelligent. Superficially of course.
If you want to be super-super generous, there are maybe 3-5% of the population meet any objective definition of ‘racist’.
of course, its the definition that’s changing, and not the population. the definition is now something closer to, “anyone who doesn’t signal support for “Black Lives Matter” on their twitter avatar”
Yes, that’s exactly the narrative that the left are pushing. Either you agree with them on everything or you’re a racist. It seems to be all they have. My reply is ‘Fuck Off’. They’ve completely given up convincing people that communism is swell.
It’s not just racism, either.
Stupid White Chicks and the Fall of Western Civilization
My new thesis
I confronted an ignorant raging SJW a few days ago for claiming that the Incas gave children cocaine and then used them in a bloody sacrifice. Cocaine was not synthesized until around the year 1900, 300 years after the Inca Empire was destroyed by the Spanish. After a few more spurts of derp and outright lies from her and some harsh corrections, she ran away.
The SJW got the child sacrifice right. Bloody? Maybe some of their sacrifices might have been. Cocaine? Fucking stupid.
The cocaine part was the entire discussion. She failed history and chemistry at the same time.
I’ve been very leery about people who claim God talks to them, from a pretty young age. For solid reasons.
I guess it’s all according to who the minorities are we’re talking about. Eskimos? Because I don’t think it’s every been very cold in Africa.
Exhibit A. Solid Sixes. Would (if tipsy!) Exhibits the rest? The internet is forever, Motherfuckers.
Totally would both of those girls be preferably at same time.
An Almighty Sammich!
If they were interested in a threesome, I’d go for it. Otherwise, too many negatives.
6+6=12 ?
No disagreement here but…I wonder if those two idiots would change their tune if they had to live anywhere but the USA.
It’d be harder to virtue signal via song and dance whilst cloaked in burkhas.
Also to sing, or dance.
Ullulating is a kinda, sorta singing. Dancing? I got nothing.
Deadspin writer completely misses the point of sports: entertainment. Virtue signaling galore.
I agree that writer is a complete fucking ninny
that said, he makes good points about the difference w/ stance and punching-volume in boxing vs mma. If he just left out the bullshit social-signaling about how awful it all is, he would probably have written a readable piece.
Deadspin has been horrible for a while and every year are fewer articles about sports and more derpdreck about sports politics. What do you expect from the “gawker family”? Even foxtrot alpha has gone to shit.
Way ahead of you. But I have zero interest in it so that’s understandable.
How about the reply tweet from this millenial:
Nah we’re looking at neo-conservativism failing both economically and socially, and looking to socialism
Um, what? The opposite of neocons is socialism? I guess then the opposite of genocide is feudalism.
Also if you’re ‘looking to socialism’ as an alternative because of the failures of another system, wouldn’t you reject it immediately after, I don’t know, looking at the history of 20th century socialism and recognizing it to be the most murderous ideology in human history?
Not just murderous but an abysmal failure every single time it has been tried. If failure is your standard for rejecting a system…
Nah. I am just gonna go ahead and call Henry a fucking liar.
They live in Bizarro world so can’t really apply logic.
Everyone knows “The Black Book of Communism” is just right-wing propaganda.
Makes even less sense when you consider that the neo-cons are ex-trotskyites. Not surprising the dude doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about.
Like this asshole?
Fuck you, and the Weekly Standard you rode in on.
Yeah, pro-war interventionilist libertarians. Ffs.
Trump is cutting an average of 6 federal regulations every day. He is emptying the halls of the fed agencies by attrition and outright firing. Who has ever done that in living memory?
How many libertarians who publicly pine for smaller government are freaking out?
Yeah, I am looking at you Reason. You aren’t fooling anyone.
Look! Over there! Some assholes are defending historical monuments! “To the Ragemobile, Robin!”
“Who has ever done that in living memory?”
No one.
This is CNN.
Britt and Lauren have started their own podcast. It is fap-tastic! They are both so straight-edge and wholesome that you know they are also probably vixens when the lights go down. Criminey! When will the Left decide to fight fire with fire and start adopting some spokes-models that don’t remind you of Rachel Maddow or Lorena Bobbitt?
Straight-edge from British Columbia?
It happens. I grew up in Bum-Fuck, B.C. far from the coast. My classmates were 50% second generation German ex-pats. If you wanted to hear racist talk just sit in the breakfast nook with one of their Moms or go wood chopping with one of the Dads. They endured everything that could be thrown at them while they were children, survived and made their way to Bum-Fuck. They were comfortable, wealthy but really fucking wary. Lauren is a clone of one of my best friends from High School.
I mean wary of authority and Governments in general. Strangers were generally unwelcome. “Ve hate ze people from that Village! Ze’re stoopit!”
Don’t you mean woke-models?
Is that “Cosby-sleeping” models or conventionally sleeping models?
Game of Thrones S07E06 Analysis:
Gendry describes being raped by witch, everyone tells him to stop complaining. Analyst says, “They’d never have said that to Sansa”
I lol
It’s like the author forgot to put the seat down on the toilet or looked askance at some chick at the mall and now he’s writing his post in penance, girlfriend with crossed arms and tapping foot looking over his shoulder.
Yeah, I think there’s a difference between forcible penetration and whatever it was Gendry complained about. Maybe not a moral or legal distinction, but we’re talking about a world in which such distinctions were told to take a long walk off a short pier in the first season. As for the actual difference between Sansa being raped by Ramsay and a man being used to fuel a temptress’s dark spells, well, crikey, sorry if I don’t have to wring out my handkerchief from the tears I’m not spilling over it.
Especially when said temptress is played by Carise Van Houten. It’s like the fifteen year-old that blurts to his mom about the hot librarian abusing him after he wrecked the family car on a joy ride. Deflection for the win!
I’ve watched the first two seasons and all of seven, so I don’t know the subplot with Gendry. I don’t think any of it took place in the books.
George gets so much into sigils and banners, trite misspells of common names and general wonk that it’s hard to keep the glaze from your eyes. The books are entertaining but he has backed himself into a corner plot-wise. If I were him I’d just chuck the manuscript for the eagerly awaited next chapter into the sea and sail off to my private island. “I’m onna boat, Mothafukkas!”
See, I listened to most of it. The guy doing the reading, Roy Dotrice, is impeccable. He did voices for every character. He made the books a treat. The real shame in Martin basically forsaking the series is Dotrice being too old to finish the audiobooks. He’s closing in on 95 now.
Martin should have spun off all his notes and journals to a younger, more ambitious writer. Should have done that five years ago. I don’t know what he thought he was holding out for.
Fuck. It’s still August and the local hardware store has snow brushes in their weekly flyer.
I’ve seen Halloween stuff appear in stores.
Some trees are changing color here in southern NH.
Global warming.
I like to call it Global Cozying. The less that I have to run a snowblower and shovel every winter is directly proportional to my happiness. Fuck off Greenies! We have a good thing going here and you’re Jan Brady-ing the buzz.
I’d like for them to explain how it damaged the human condition when the last glacial maximum ended and then got warmer again after the Younger Dryas. We’re still warming in the current interglacial period. But the warmers completely ignore this. It’s been far warmer in the past than it is now. Not sure if anyone knows how much warmer it’s going to get before or if the ice comes back. But warmer is FAR better than another glacial maximum. This is why the left loves dumb sheep, it’s easy to lie to them, and they won’t do any research, they’re too lazy.
“But the book said!”
The less that I have to run a snowblower and shovel every winter is directly proportional to my happiness.
Damn straight.
“Trump Derangement Syndrome: A Look Back”
Look back? We have at least 3.5 more years of this. And I see it getting a lot worse. I like the light hearted CNN video about the lawn sides. Thought it was funny, didn’t you CNN? Until Trump got elected and now you’ve lost your shit.
I ordered booze online for the first time. Just got delivered, took about 15-20 minutes. I don’t think the sasquatch who delivered it liked that I only gave him a $5 tip. Fuck, 5 bucks to drive a mile and carry some beer and scotch to a door. Lazy fucking hippy. Seriously that could have been Steve Smith, looked like him. People also always get pissed because I won’t give them they key to the front gate, but it’s a community policy. Like it will fucking kill them to drive around to the back gate.
In what world is $5 a bad tip for delivery? Did you order something really pricey/do you look rich?
No and no. This is a pretty upscale neighborhood, but I’m far from being a member of the upper classes here.
Something I posted on DerpBook. Any thoughts?
I just want to make an observation. I fucking love Western civilization. I love its discovery of individual rights, of capitalism, of rule of law, of limited government and of rationalist science. It’s given the world, in historical terms, one of its few brief pauses in a story that is dominated by misery, suffering, tedium, pain and death. If you can enjoy a nice whiskey, a beautiful riff from Muddy Waters, a Beethovan symphony, a polio vaccination, or a raucous internet debate, you’re indulging in just a few of the accomplishments the West has brought the world.
I’ll take it a step further. One of the glories of Western civilization is that there’s nothing inherently “white cis-hetero” about us. You can be white or brown or yellow or tan. You can be male or female. You can be straight or gay or trans. It doesn’t matter. You do bourgeois Western civilization, you get the same result – fucking awesomeness, wherever you try it! Frederick Douglass was a man of the West. As is Thomas Sowell. And Oscar Wilde. And Alan Turing. Ada Lovelace and Ayn Rand were women of the West.
Somehow, insanely, we’ve reached the point where that defines me as a “Nazi” (who explicitly rejected bourgeois Westernism) or a “white supremacist”. Well, fuck that. The West has given mankind its few hints of decency and I for one am sick of hearing it denigrated.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled program as I sip my whiskey and exalt in Beethoven’s 5th.
You sound like Hitler.
*unfriend and block*
Brave man. Prepare for the totally off-topic ad hominem attacks. And how you need to check your privilege.
But I do admire you. Nice rant.
I do have to admit that, in writing this, I felt a little bit of this running through me.
Historical Nazism: A product of gradual cultural development in Germany wherein a subset of the population blamed another part of the population for their problems with conspiracy theories and constantly dehumanized them.
Now: A product of gradual cultural development in the United State wherein a subset of the population blamed another part of the population for their problems with conspiracy theories and constantly dehumanized them.
Not just the US.
This is RE: The constant use of the term ‘Nazi’ in the American dialogue right now, which is far more substantial there than elsewhere currently.
It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling when I encounter a fellow shitlord. *Air express mails wdalasio 2 orphans*
Why waste postage? They can walk
By the gawds, you’re onto something. *sends 2 orphans walking to wdalasio’s place*
Paddle boards and hand pushers for the legless ones. THE STRONG WILL LIVE AND THE WEAK SHALL PERISH!
I liked paddle boarding. I did a bit of it last week. Couldn’t get on my feet, though. I’m ungainly on land, on the ocean I’m a total oaf. Ended up in the drink time after time before I gave up. And falling into the ocean, I don’t know… it puts a fear into you. What of, I don’t know. But it’s viscerally unpleasant. Overrides everything I know about the rarity of shark attacks. All I know is I’m a helpless ape that can’t swim well, and I’m scrambling to get back onto my paddle board. And for the rest of my time out there, I’m planted on my knees or riding on my ass, fearful of tipping over again.
But yeah, good times.
I was referring to the squeaky-caster cripple boards but your example works. Since I got old and lost my equilibrium even climbing a step-ladder is a cuntish experience for me which sucks because I have to do that chore at least once a week. Gives me the trembles it does!
“Nazi” is merely an ad hominem. Most of the progs couldn’t tell you fact one about the history of Germany or the political platform of the National Socialists
I agree. Although most progs couldn’t tell you fact one about the history of the U.S. or the political platform of FDR.
An annoying thing abouy Trump’s win is the comments from complete strangers about the President.
I work in a retail bookstore in a prog neighborhood, and some customers since the Election feel compelled to pipe up.
Thats never happened to me my whole life.
Theyre a customer, and Im a cashier. STFU and buy your stupid fucking magazine. Why are you sharing this shit with me?
You should start trolling them by pretending to be like the guy who owned the bookstore in Portlandia. But yeah, I’m experiencing this too, they cannot wait to signal to everyone that they are totally the right people with the right thoughts. Very annoying.
The media and political environment around the election effectively made Trump an open social target for people to go after. You can ‘safely’ say all kinds of stupid horseshit about Trump and no one will call you on it, so people with their own issues can use it as a sort of remedial psychological crutch where you elevate yourself by tearing someone else down.
It’s the Hitchens bit about Bush jokes, they’re really saying “I’m really insecure and this is way to deflect from it’.
It’s the Hitchens bit about Bush jokes, they’re really saying “I’m really insecure and this is way to deflect from it’.
Great point.
Sounds legit.
That’s good. And she’s cute.
Yes. And what I would give her would not be described as a petty bone.
Yes to both.
That’s great:) Yeah, also would.
I had the “confederate states were just fighting for their rights, not slavery” discussion today with an employee. I listened to him then mansplained that that the only right the southern states were expressly concerned with, the actual cause for seceding, was the right to maintain slaver. He was dubious until I pulled up the declarations of secession for each state on my phone and started reading through them aloud.
By the 15th mention of slavery and the 3rd mention of the anathema of the North wanting to make negroes and whites equal “socially and legally” he started to get the picture. I think I only got through 4 of the state declarations.
You may also want to ask your friend, who wrote this:
Fuck off, Slaver! (always wanted to use that line, it is delicious)
Oh I never said the North went to war to free the slaves (though there were certainly many individuals who certainly did).
Of course there was. And I’m sure there were many in the south who wanted to also. I think the really important point is, why? How much of that was because of morality with northerners and how much of it was due to the fact that their economy did not depend as much on slavery as the economy of the south? I’m not at all an expert on this topic, so I’ll defer to someone who is. But I really have to wonder if the north was really so much more full of good freedom loving non-bigoted peoples than was the south? Or was there more to it than that?
But I really have to wonder if the north was really so much more full of good freedom loving non-bigoted peoples than was the south? Or was there more to it than that?
You want to know the answer to that question, ask yourself three questions
1. Who was buying Southern cottton?
2. How long prior to the start of the war was the last Northern slave “freed” (died off)?
3. Who sold the South their slaves?
“You know, for people who were just fighting for their rights, not slavery, the Confederate Constitution seems to have a lot of shit in it about maintaining the institution of slavery.”
Yeah that was pretty much it. But I think it was things like the first explanatory paragraph of the Mississippi declaration that really brought it home:
“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.”
We never talk politics at work.
Right? Who needs that drama.
Good policy. But I’m an old fart and don’t give a fuck any more. And I’ve been working with this kid for four years now so if I don’t teach him to question things, who will?
It takes a village.
You must not have any progs, because they cannot shut up about it no matter how much they may want to. It’s like it’s a trait of self control they don’t possess.
It’s an annoying strain of Southern mythology. And I say that as a Southerner.
Why twist the cat’s tail? Most of these assholes on both sides have chip on their collective shoulders akin to Noah’s Ark. Fuck that shit. Isn’t Libertarianism the struggle to be left the fuck alone and go about your own goddamn business as you see fit? I see it as the Golden Rule writ large and will be stapled to the forehead of the next cocksucker that crosses me socially 😀
I was also talking with another friend about the battle flag of Northern Virginia. I get why black folks like Don Lemon view the flag as the US equivalent of the swastika, but I also get why a lot of Southerners view it like the Gadsden Flag. Especially now when many many of them have no direct connection, if any, to slavery.
Wasn’t Gadsden a slave owner?
Nobody cared about this nonsense for the eight years of the Obama Presidency. They are throwing shit at the wall and this turd stuck. Simple as that.