Here we are. Together again for another day. Let’s see how our teams did yesterday first, ok? (With apologies once again for the less sporting of you.) The Celtics made a mega-trade with the Cavs for Kyrie Irving. I don’t quite know what to think about this one. If Isiah stays healthy, it won’t be a great move. But that’s not exactly a given.
Everybody knows the Dodgers are gonna win. It seems like a foregone conclusion. Until September anyway. The Red Sox prevailed over the Indians. The Orioles fell. The Yankees rolled the Tigers. The Cubbies topped the BIG RED MACHINE. Team Canada shit the bed again. The Mariners (yes, I’m still giving you guys love in the updates) got blanked by the Braves. The Rockies fell. The Twins beat the White Sox. The Cards got throttled. And the Astros fell to the Nationals in what I would like to see as a World Series preview.
Looks like the teams everyone expected to win prevailed in the UEFA Champions League play in round. Hopefully the second half of those games today will go as scripted too. YNWA and all that shit.
Like any of you guys care a whit about soccer. ::sigh:: Fine. Here you go with…the links!
Oh my fucking God. Could ESPN possibly ram their head any farther up their own collective ass?
Just in case you needed a laugh, watch the video here. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.
Are we really to the point that we are fining people for spreading their legs now? I guess so.
More than 100 arrested in gang crackdown. Not sure why they had to make note of their ethnicity in the story. I guess that’s just the age we live in.
I hate stories where there are no winners. This is one such story.
Everybody out there that thinks public schools aren’t so bad needs to read this. I mean, come on. I took my son to school the other day and there were guys at school with hair this long…in the same metro area. This is arbitrary bullshit.
More music related to that little orb in the sky.
Go the extra mile for someone today. Even if its yourself.
55) Serious question about LGBTQ. Here is part of a letter yesterday to Dear Prudie:
“I am a bi woman happily married to a cis man… Am I making this “all about me” unnecessarily when I try to come out to my friends and work colleagues to ensure they know an LGBTI person?”
Aside from the fact that, yes, this person is making it all about her, is bisexuality really useful as a category? I mean, my understanding is that sexual attraction is a spectrum. If 0 is totally homosexual, and 6 is totally heterosexual, then 3 would be perfectly balanced. But hardly anybody would be a 0 or a 6. For instance, I consider myself pretty firmly hetero, but I admit I’d probably be a 4.5 or 5 on the scale rather than a perfect 6.
In that sense, nearly everybody is bi to an extent. And I think women are far more likely to be sexually fluid than men—i.e. towards the middle of the spectrum. If that’s the case, bisexuality for nearly everybody is more a choice of behavior than an orientation. Is it really giving more information to say, “I prefer men, but I could be into women to under some circumstances?”
At that point, especially if you’re married, you’re not so much outing yourself as bi as making it clear you’re open to an affair. Or am I missing something?
You sound like totally gay dude
*golf clap*
There’s that fag talk again.
Wait, is this more of that crazy “If you have not tried it so you know for sure you don’t like it” talk that some people use to make fun of homophones? I did this once to some dude, with a buddies help, and the guy actually went and did it. Said he wanted everyone to know he was not gay for sure..
Also relevant: the above is a show that could never ever exist in today’s PC America.
Coming out is so 2000. Minus the few ultra conservative Christians no one gives a shit, just be gay or bi and live your life.
Minus the few ultra conservative Christians no one gives a shit.
I’ll be sure to let the Islamists who are chucking gay men off of grain silos know they really don’t give a shit. Or the thousands of moderates standing there watching with indifference. Or the millions of other moderates around the world who watch the videos without so much as a shrug.
My bad forgot the Muslims
Should rephrase ultra religious.
Also, we should probably elaborate on who definitely doesn’t give a shit about LGBT if somebody higher on the progressive stack starts stacking up their bodies… the tolerant, progressive left.
I’m still amazed at the Pulse nightclub shooting turning from the immediate “stop white terrorism” shrieking online as all the bien-pensants assumed it just had to be a right-wing Christofascist, to the very active suppression of the news on places like Reddit when it turned out it was the religion of peace again. Even a post where people were trying to coordinate to donate blood to the injured was repeatedly nuked, as if any more examples are needed that the “compassion” of these monsters is anything but endless social signaling.
For instance, I consider myself pretty firmly hetero, but I admit I’d probably be a 4.5 or 5 on the scale rather than a perfect 6.
If you’re not ever planning on having sex or making out with a dude, wouldn’t you just say you’re a solid 6?
FWIW, I’m a solid 6.
Must make allowances to the fact that maybe you just didn’t meet the right dude
That’s taking every man in the world into account.
I’d be willing to bet there is a strong majority that fall into the 0 or 6 column. And yes, I can recognize a man as being attractive to women or other men. That doesn’t pull me out of the 6 column though. It just makes me observant.
Double Agreed.
Yeah, I think Sloopy has this right. If there is zero chance you’d have any non coerced sexual contact with someone of the same sex, then you are solidly hetero. Being able to say someone of the same sex is an attractive looking person isn’t gay. Back rubs don’t count.
Psssst. Back rubs totally count.
It moved.
Elaine: You know, just admitting that a man is attractive doesn’t make you a homosexual.
George: It doesn’t help.
I don’t know, if Robert Redford showed up with a suitcase full of cash, I might feel non-coerced enough to accept.
How are you going to feel when he leaves afterwards, and takes the cash with him?
Shame on you! After the feminists have explained to us that money transacting for sex means you were coerced.
Oh, the shame will be real. I’ll be drying my tears in the shower with wads of cash.
And when the ink on the paper starts to run, revealing what little you did manage to take is fake?
Let me have my fantasy.
About the cash, of course.
A suitcase full of cash isn’t coercion, it’s INCENTIVE.
I will admit that the best-looking man I’ve ever seen in real life was in Dublin, Ireland working at an Umbro shop. If he would’ve put forth what time he was done with work and if I wanted to grab a pint, I probably would’ve said yes.
But actual sex? Yeah, I don’t think I would.
And don’t forget traps. Although I still say that doesn’t count if you never see dong. And if you do, the “when in Rome” response really should only take half a point away.
Dennis: Before you go sticking anything through that hole, you might want to consider that on the other side of this wall, more often than not, there’s a dude.
Frank: But you can’t see through the wall, so how do you know it’s not a girl? I mean, I could just picture a girl, and then it’s good.
Dennis: Right, well, some might find that method effective, but it’s a dangerous game you’re playing, Frank.
Frank: Supposing the other guy is picturing a girl, also.
Dee: How’s he going to do that with a dick in his mouth?
Frank: I don’t know. That’s his problem.
I’m leaving the door open for back rubs.
“Would you ever give a man a foot massage?”
Vincent Vega
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
Yeah, the back door.
You’ve never crossed swords?
I watched Ghostbusters, the original, not the recent bullshit one, and I know you never do that, DUH!
I believe being an Astros fan deducts 2 points from you score.
I’m not even gonna dignify myself by responding to that.
What if….someone….made some interesting decisions in a foreign country after talking to what (s)he THOUGHT was a dude?
My friend Bill – incorrigible adventurer – came back from Thailand… and was showing some pictures from his trip, which included any number of prostitutes.
Him: “So you like the boobs on that girl. Pretty hot, eh?”
I reply: “I guess so” as I’m looking at what appears to be a mannish looking woman with obvious fake boobs – located in some dive bar.
Him: “It’s a ladyboy!” *bursts out laughing*
First there are kisses, then there are sighs…
Well, it depends. Did…someone…plow on because of or despite discovering the car was a manual?
I believe….you know…according to my friend who lives three towns over, (s)he said it was a very firm* ‘despite.’
*Admires handiwork.
Sorry. I’m an idiot. THOUGHT was a chick. Chick.
Hey! put some *spoilers* up! The Crying Game only came out twenty five years ago.
Before going around saying that, you might want to notice JATNAS has the Kinsey scale backwards.
Soooooo which dude is that you occasionally think about fucking?
Morten Harket? /asking for a friend
Hugh Jackman. Come on, we’re all thinking it.
It’s all relative. Hugh? Or, Hillary. I’ll take Hugh. So 5.9 Hetero?
Or JATNAS theory…
This isn’t some game were playing at a sleep over.
Neither is an acceptable answer.
Will you braid my hair?
From which part on your body?
Your choice.
Suzanne Hanrahan: Well, I’ve been sleeping with women. Are you shocked?
Reggie Dunlop: No.
Suzanne Hanrahan: Did you ever wanna sleep with a man?
Reggie Dunlop: No.
Suzanne Hanrahan: Never?
Reggie Dunlop: No. I don’t blame you though Suzanne, I mean, well see, women’s bodies are beautiful. But men’s bodies, see I see ’em everywhere you know, in the locker rooms, their cocks all over the place and everything…
Hey Hanrahan! She’s a dyke!
Damn, I love that movie!
I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body!
Nobody at my workplaces has ever just come up and said “I’m gay” or “I’m bi”. That would be fuckin weird. Unless they’re trying to tell me teh gay prevents them from doing their job correctly?
Or seeing if you’re open for a date?
In my experience most people who are gay, jewish, vegan, a crossfitter, and/or an ivy league grad have an extremely difficult time having any conversations where their identity is not mentioned frequently. Like any stereotype there are likely plenty of people I’ve met that fall in one of those groups and I don’t realize it, but it holds true for nearly everyone I do know in those categories.
Crossfitters are the worst.
Is that cult still around? I thought they all moved on to “orange theory”.
Orange theory is more for soccer moms than hipsters. Crossfit somehow becomes a worldview. Orange theory is just today’s faddish group workout.
Huh, I thought Orange Theory was just a chain of gyms and not actually tied to some sort of specific workout.
And I thought it detailed Trump’s plan to take over the world and pass it on to his Jewish daughter and her husband.
I thought it had something to do with Trump.
I’ve done quite a few orange theory workouts (my wife is a trainer at one, so I get them free)
They’re Treadmill + rower + weights stations interval training while you’re hooked up to a HR monitor. The first time I did one, I about puked.
It’s a good workout, but the price is steep.
A vegan, an atheist and a crossfitter walked into a bar. I only know because they told everybody in the first 2 minutes.
*golf clap*
This joke has gotten really old, and really tired.
*points and hisses*
Crossfit Overexplainer was one of the least popular Halloween costumes last year.
*Someone starts having a heart attack*
person: Is anyone here a doctor?
vegan: I’m a vegan
If you are an atheist vegan who got your dog from a rescue which one do you force into the conversation first?
Your support for Hillary
This is hilariously true.
Well, what you don’t know is how many vegans, etc. don’t tell you what their hobby is. Its a tautology: “Every vegan etc who obsessively announces what they are obsessively announces what they are”.
*sips kale smoothie, checks Crossfit workout of the week*
So you all are saying, as you’re sitting there in your cubicle, you’ve actually had colleagues come up and say “hey, BTW, I’m totally gay”? Y’all work in some weird-ass places. The only way I’ve ever found out a colleague is gay is a) I’ve met their dates/partners at company functions or b) another colleague told me.
I didn’t know it was common to just announce you’re gay to your colleagues.
I haven’t had anyone say “I am gay” but I have several gay coworkers that mention their husband in the same way I mention my wife. No one has ever made a show of it.
The show does not start until 5:30.
I’m pretty sure my reaction to such an announcement would be “Nobody cares who you’re fucking, now get back to work.”
YMMV. I’ve spent almost my entire adult life working in a University. I’ll readily admit that my acquaintances and coworkers are likely a bit different than the average American worker.
So you all are saying, as you’re sitting there in your cubicle, you’ve actually had colleagues come up and say “hey, BTW, I’m totally gay”?
Yes, but in fairness to them, we all knew it anyway.
What gave it away?
…they were totally gay.
So you all are saying, as you’re sitting there in your cubicle, you’ve actually had colleagues come up and say “hey, BTW, I’m totally gay”? Y’all work in some weird-ass places.
I can beat that method of self-outing by a mile. When I was 15, I worked in a grocery store as a bag boy. One days one of the cashiers (30-something, male, definitely giving off a gay vibe) comes up behind me, drapes his arm around me, and starts rubbing my chest. When I turned around, he had a smirk on his face and said “im not a weirdo, I’m just a touchy person”
Obviously, he had a lot more going on than being gay, but my first thought was “well, that confirms it… He’s gay”
Anyway, he got fired for sexual harassment the next day.
I see she omitted Q. What a shitlord.
No exploding pens for her.
I resent that.
At least this got the left wing media to admit there is a culture of violence in the left.
ESPN, Citing Safety, Says Robert Lee Won’t Broadcast Virginia Football Game
Nuh uh!
Why the American left gave up on political violence
By the way, the answer is apparently because it didn’t work very well.
Or maybe they just were really bad at it.
To steal from IowaHawk: “I sure hope there was a Confederate General named Dick Vitale”.
Or Phil Simms (yes I know he doesn’t broadcast for E!SPN)
Phil Simms and Lawrence Taylor were my idols when I was a kid. LT turned out to be a crackhead and Simms turned out to be the worst football announcer on the planet. Talk about taking a chainsaw to your childhood.
I never though Phil Simms was that bad.
Simms is a media savant compared to Chris Collinsworth.
I actually like Collinsworth. My favorite color guy was Bill Walsh. Watching games that he called was like going to football school every Sunday. IIRC he wasn’t liked as a broadcaster because he wasn’t entertaining. I guess he needed to yell BOOM and POW more.
Chris Collinsworth is the biggest asshole this side of goatse.
He’s the Johnny Miller of football announcers.* And in case you aren’t aware, that’s not a compliment.
*Except he was never close to being the best and doesn’t have the equivalent of two major championships.
Now Troy Aikman…yeesh. To borrow from Sloopy, he was a better QB than announcer, and that’s not a compliment.
collinsworth’s problem is he never shuts up. Every. Single. Play. is a paragraph of blathering
Holy crap, so do I.
IowaHawk just delivers. Day in, day out.
Another Burge gem
Cool story, bro.
If only that had been mentioned…. a few inches above this comment, say.
Holy cow! I just noticed–there are links above the line where the comments start! Have those always been there?
Not if Brett is posting…
*narrows gaze*
My oh my, how quickly this moved from removing statues to removing people.
Buckle up, this fun ride is only just beginning
That’s why I shake my head at anybody who says “let’s just take down the confederate monuments and put this behind us”. They’re living in a fucking fantasy world if they think this won’t literally end with imprisonment of wrongthinkers and severe censorship.
From the article: White nationalists and neo-Nazis flooded into Charlottesville, marching through the University of Virginia campus with torches, to protest the city’s plan to remove a statue of the Confederacy’s top general, Robert E. Lee.
“Flooded”? All 200 of them? And only “White nationalists and neo-Nazis”? Nobody else you can think of that maybe also skipped peacefully into town?
Meh I don’t think Isaiah is worth the money he will ask for next year. Too short, will always be an issue in playoff games. That being said I feel Celtics gave a bit much.
Agree. Crowder is by NBA standards a bargain and if that Net’s pick turns into Bagley, Porter of Ayton…
“Porter OR Ayton”. *gets more coffee*
DÁngello Russle will go wild next year and as such Brooklin will be a playoff team so the pick may not be that good.
I doubt the Nets win 30 games. Beyond Russell, Crabbe, Carroll and Joe Harris (WaHooWa!!) there ain’t much on the roster. Probably better than the Bulls and Hawks and maybe the Magic, but I think that’s it.
Love DeAngelo Russell, but there’s no way the Nets win more than 40 games (if they get lucky and hit enough teams on their off night, with Russell going off every time that happens).
I like the metaphor about Ainge that I read on one of the Twitter streams discussing the trade:
“Ainge is that guy you’re playing poker with, who hasn’t made a bet all night, but now goes all in with one pair.”
Cleveland made out like bandits. They had a publicly disgruntled guy, and got an equal or better player back, PLUS a good role player, some other dude, and only a probably Top-3 draft pick?! That’s not 80 cents on the dollar; that’s something like a buck twenty-five for a dollar.
The Celtics got an equally talented*, younger star back for Thomas; which means they don’t have to let him walk in free agency or pay him Lebron James money.
Also, they may be equally talented scorers, but Kyrie is a better defender. Yes, Kyrie still sucks, but Thomas is the worst defender in the league. When your best player is 5’8″, the ceiling is low … *awaits Swiss*
In a playoff game situation Irving can be a decent defender for periods of time if he focuses, unlike Thomas. His size will always be a liability. Then again Clevland lost a bit on d with Bradley and Crowder.
*narrows gaze*
Honestly I don’t think Thomas is equal or better than Irving. Irving is the better player IMO. But Crowder plus a top pic is a lot of difference, especially since the trade does not make Celtics automatic contenders. Kyrie’s BR page. 23.0 PER, 8.9 WS Thomas’s BR page. 26.5 PER, 12.5 WS
Now, do I think it’s that cut and dried that Thomas is better? No, in fact I think Thomas’s season might be an aberration. But they’re at least comparable. Maybe in injury risk too: does either guy strike you as especially durable? Irving being under contract for this year and two more at 18.8 to 21.3 is pretty nice though.
FWIW, the only one link at a time rule is kind of a pain. Anyway, go look at Kyrie’s and Isaiah’s basketball reference pages. Last year, at least, offensively I think you’d have to give the nod to Thomas. And then there’s the question of just how much of Irving’s statistical performance we can attribute to riding LeBron’s coat-tails.
Adding the draft pick to the players was just ridiculous on Ainge’s part.
The closest I ever came to hitting a woman was when my ex-wife compared me to Danny Ainge (tbh, I was obnoxiously competitive on the court in those days).
John Stockton was obnoxiously competitive. Danny Ainge was a dirty playing whiner.
They are trying to find a way to have less people use their service. Less people yet with the same government subsidy = no problem.
They’ll make up for fewer people on volume?
It is Los Angeles. A statement like that wouldn’t surprise me.
I don’t understand America’s obsession with forbidding eating and drinking on public transportation.
Because there are only two categories of people who might, in reasonable world, be expected to clean up the spills. One set is unionized government employees, who won’t. The other is the asshole who decided to eat on public transport.
We just don’t want to clean your shit up.
On public transportation your words may be literal there.
I do. It’s the same thing with public housing.
If you own something you’ll take better care of it. Section 8 housing looks like shit compared to the same homes a block away that the people own. Public transportation gets trashed with garbage relative to the cars people own and commute in.
Which is sad, considering what my car looks like.
I understand what y’all mean.
It’s just frustrating to have a law forbidding eating. Slobs are everywhere. I am not a slob. I found European public transport to be fine despite allowing food and drink.
Hmm, an Edinburgh bus driver told me I couldn’t board because I was carrying a cup of coffee.
Now if it had been a pint…
he would have confiscated it and consumed it to prevent alcohol abuse from happening when it got chucked into the garbage?
I’ve got a toddler who still believes the most efficient way to get rid of something you no longer want–be it a book, a half-eaten container of applesauce, her diaper–is to hurl it as far away on a straight trajectory as possible. Whether it gets cleaned up or not, it stops being her immediate problem. It’s basically the same principle.
I worked in an office populated by 5-year-olds who can’t get sugar into a cup of coffee without decorating the entire kitchen counter.
It’s the same as speed limits and no pets clauses for rental properties: Most people can be reasonable, but you get just a few who don’t and you have an asshole with a full-grown tiger driving 100 miles-an-hour on a residential street.
Geez, I already apologized for that.
Look, you ruined it for everybody. Just accept your part an move on.
*hangs head in shame *
In Washington they forbid eating and drinking in your private transportation. For the children.
That point was reached a couple of years ago.
Next step: Rubber bullets to manspreaders groins
Are we really to the point that we are fining people for spreading their legs now?
Anti-prostitution laws have a long history in this country.
We’re talking about people, not women!
That protester in Phoenix…
Was expecting this
Also good!
My wife doesn’t understand why I laugh myself to tears every time I see a groin shot. I don’t understand it either. I would hate to be on the receiving end. But dang it if a beanbag to the beanbag doesn’t get me laughing hysterically every time.
Just glad it’s not me. Maybe that’s why it’s funny.
You have to experience pain to truly laugh. All the great comedians know this.
MMA fighter arrested for allegedly killing weightlifter in street fight
So I guess that’s settled now.
I’ve lifted weights since 2002. (Not continuously….) I think it’s done a lot for me. But I would never be so stupid as to think it would help me win a fight against a trained pugilist.
Grocery bags do not count as weights
How about 20 oz beers?
I am using the Uncle Warty DEADLIFT, YOU FOOL! program. I feel pretty good for a beat up 51 year old ex-rugby player.
Coincidentally I mostly do Romanian deadlifts
Picking up a Magyar and throwing him out?
Hoisting invading Musselmen onto spikes.
20 oz curl
16 oz curl
12 oz curl
8 oz curl
4 oz curl.
Repeat 3 times.
You left out the 10oz curl!
Math is hard?
I was assuming you weren’t a nancy boy and were taking 4 oz drinks.
Really? I thought you were drinking the whole contents as you went down in weight. Start with a 20z bottle of this, a 16 oz bottle of that, a 12 oz can of this other thing, all the way down to a 4 oz glass of the hard stuff.
Yeah, my taproom has 20 oz, 16 oz, 10 oz and 4 oz flights. You can 16 oz and 12 oz cans.
Did they test to see which one had more steroids in their system at the time?
Khabarovsk, huh. Not the end of the world, but you can see it from there.
Even if you win your fight, you’re still stuck at the ass end of Far East Russia. I’m thinking the fight looked something like that eye-gouging fest from Deadwood.
he’s just resting
‘Es pinin’ for the fjords!
I saw the ESPN headline earlier this morning. I thought “please let him be Asian, please let him be Asian”. They didn’t disappoint.
I…I am afraid we are approaching the Derp Event Horizon.
At least we’ll no longer need roadzz.
This just shows how far we are from Peak Derp … the innovative ways to plumb new depths has no bounds
Did the alt-right just get 1 billion new screaming Chinese members?
You mean 600 million.
::tosses cup of liquor on campfire::
You think you’re tough cause you’re living on beans? There are thousands of walking skeletons in Denver who’d kill for one mouthful of what you’ve got!
+1 RPG
This is apparently a hoax. According to the comments, no such release is on the ESPN press release site, Lee tweeted that it isn’t true, and apparently there is some website that tracks who the announcing team is slated to be for all the games (really??) which had Lee scheduled for Pitt before the Charlottesville kerfuffle.
Over/under on it becoming true?
Fuck, the only reason ESPN didn’t can him yet is because they hadn’t thought of it. Now that it has been pointed out to them, I don’t think it is outrageous to expect them to let him go.
No walkback or retraction on NY Times or anywhere else I can see, as of 12:50pm.
ESPN confirmed it. Its not a hoax.
That guy needs to buy a confederate uniform, grow out his side burns, amd go to the game anyway. If it was me, I would.
He is a nazarite.
End mandatory education. A lot of problems solve themselves.
Everybody out there that thinks public schools aren’t so bad needs to read this.
Is there anybody on this site that would fall into that category? We plan on going the homeschool route ourselves, which the popularity of has apparently been skyrocketing of late.
I think online learning is what will finally break the public school cartel. It’s already ripping through universities and moving down now to K-12.
We homeschool.
I recommend “Life of Fred” for the math curriculum. You’d need to supplement it with flash cards and the like.
Nice, I’ve heard of Life of Fred.
Better than Life of Julia.
The Julia Set is a little complex for elementary school math.
We’re planning on doing a university model school. It’s pretty much 1/2 homeschooling and 1/2 traditional schooling. Oh and it’s dirt cheap compared to other private options (~$3k until high school, and ~$5k for high school)
That sounds like a good plan. We’re going to try to incorporate classes at the local community college as much as possible in high school so, if they go to college, they can start with a good amount of credits. Our state passed a law that the local high school has to foot the bill for these for homeschool students just as they do for regular public school students.
Homeschooling here to.
It’s plenty of work but it’s worth it. What your kids need work on, you work on. What your kids enjoy, you can do it.
Short example. Writing lesson did not go well for the older boy and there were tears on both sides trying to get it done. Rather than sweep it under the rug we went back and tried it again the next day. Still was not fantastic but it did go much better the second time around. I believe in a full classroom he would have struggled, turned something in and it would have been fine enough for the teacher not to make a fuss about.
NIce and definitely agree. Playing to your kids strengths and interests is such a game changer in education. I’m glad you found what’s best for your son.
I lucked out because my school didn’t go totally down the shitter until a few years after I left. When I was there, I was mostly in the smart kid classes, and it was largely a positive experience. Not perfect, certainly, but the difference between my typical classes and some of the “average” classes I had to take because there wasn’t an upper-level version was night and day. The kids acted like shit and the teachers were pretty much just trying to keep a lid on things. In the upper-level and AP classes most of the kids either were actively interested in the subject matter or at least considerate enough to not disrupt the class too much, and the teachers seemed like they actually enjoyed what they were doing, for the most part.
We both work, so homeschool isn’t an option, and the only private schools we can possibly afford around here are Catholic (no offense, Eddie) and Lutheran, neither of which I’m wild about. I figure I’ve got about three years to double my income or move to somewhere with better public schools.
Right, it’s tough when the local public schools are shitty. I actually have a (((friend))) who’s parents enrolled him Catholic high school because the local public school systems were not an option and they couldn’t afford to home school or do private school.
I get that. I work from home so could homeschool but am realizing that it’s going to be more difficult juggling the two than I anticipated. I’m back in school myself now trying to boost my income so my wife can stay at home or work part-time and run homeschooling.
I thought you just enrolled them in gymnastics and wrestling classes until they were old enough to hold a shield properly.
That’s not too far off from life right now. If by classes, you mean daily free for alls between the 4 year old, 2.5 year old, and a pack of oversized GSDs.
then you’ll be shitlording the proper way!
I never thought I’d see the day she’d be looking forward to staying at home but it’s funny what a decade of long commutes on top of 10 hour work days can do.
My older brother is as atheist as one can be, almost to the point of being irritating. He joined a Catholic Church in Little Rock and regularly attends church so that he can get a discount as a member of the parish on the tuition for the school his girls attend. The little rock public schools are horrible. The Catholic schools push a religious ideology my brother absolutely opposes, but he sends his girls there anyway because they actually do a good job educating the kids.
If he’s truly atheist, then he should allow the girls to choose what to believe anyways.
My wife would probably strangle my oldest if we had the option to homeschool. Or possibly the other way around.
We’ve got her enrolled in one of the elementary’s but they just got accredited as an IB school and she’ll be in the dual language program, so hopefully it’ll be better than most public schools.
We are lucky to live in a really really good district with good schools and so far good teachers (all but one.)
My daughter was struggling mightily in 3rd grade –the bad teacher wanted to see if she had ADHD so we took her to our pediatrician (who laughed that off) and she correctly diagnosed her with learning disabilities. Fast forward a year after having some really wonderfully dedicated intervention specialists and an amazing 4th-grade teacher (a man, which I knew would work well with my daughter’s no-nonsense personality.) and she’s testing as advanced in some subjects.
My boy just started kindergarten last week. I don’t think he is going to have any problems, but if he does and the school wants to push the ADHD he needs medicine bullshit, I am going to be furious.
I’m not sure when we decided it was a good idea to give kids who are not interested in school amphetamines to keep them placated, but it needs to stop. It’s a terrible idea. They were doing that when I was in school in the 90s. The kids that were taking Ritalin and adderal in elementary school that I know are now mostly deadbeat addicts or prisoners. I don’t know what the solution is for kids not paying attention in class, but drugs is not the answer.
I don’t know what the solution is for kids not paying attention in class, but drugs is not the answer.
My son is on Vyvance, but a low dose. He actually needs it so I’m not headed to the school every 4th day to get something from his locker he forgot. He’s a freshman now, and hopefully will be growing out of the ADHD stuff.
We took him off due to dulling originally, but his grades suffered. We put him on this drug (which has been great, honestly) and he had straight As the next session.
He actually needs it so I’m not headed to the school every 4th day to get something from his locker he forgot.
That’s fixable by medication?
I forgot to bring home my 9th grade English book literally every single time homework was assigned. The fact I got a C in that class despite scribbling the answers down as the teacher was collecting homework is a miracle.
Damn, I reverted to using the old tags. First paragraph is supposed to be italicised
That’s a cool story about that Florida man that I posted months ago.
I know, its hard to keep all the Florida Man kills roommate stories straight.
What the fuck are those clowns at doing posting that yesterday?
Couldn’t they dredge up a think piece on how Trump looking at the sun is a violation of the 25th Amendment?
I assume trying to distract everyone from how many people showed up for the racism rally?
Was there a racism rally? All I know is some dumbass got a beanbag round in the nuts and I can’t stop laughing.
Ah ha so I wasn’t having deja vu
Transgender reveal in kindergarten class leaves parents feeling “betrayed”
I guess I don’t understand why the fuck what someone else’s kid wants to dress like or be called in kindergarten has any effect on my life. The people losing their shit over it baffle me.
I use to dress as a girl and try to fool my parents in 80’s sitcom style and I turned out fine.
When my cousin was little he had a baby doll and would cry hysterically if he was separated from it. He currently owns and teaches at his own MMA school.
Sounds like a fag to me.
Dude, your shit’s all retarded and you talk like a fag!
Yeah, until after puberty, I don’t think gender/sexual identity is fully formed.
From what I’ve read, male sexual orientation seems to be fixed at around age 11, while women tend to remain a little more malleable.
+1 Drunken college makeout
+1 LUG
I never wanted dolls or wore dresses or grew my hair long or thought I was a princess.
Look at how I turned out.
Even your pancreas hates you.
“I turned out fine.”
Citation needed.
Do you want me to respond or my female alter ego?
I would be disappointed if you aren’t sitting there now in a dirty wifebeater with an open beer, one black eye, a trans-am on blocks in the front yard and a python in a large aquarium in the spare bedroom.
Close, I’m currently shirtless.
Is that so the new tattoo can get some air?
My nephew wants to be a fire truck when he grows up. “Transitioning” a child is child abuse.
Nice. I wanted to be a robot or a garbage man. Now i’m just an expensive babysitter.
I wanted to be an astronaut or a duck, either one. The astronaut thing hasn’t panned out, but I do like swimming and toast…
Astronaut was on my list. Fighter pilot, Commander Riker, cowboy, sleuth, Lego person, ditch digger, farmer, and a zillion more. I wanted to be anything and everything as a kid.
Hate to break it to ya, but feeding your stale bread to ducks is off the list.
Nothing is safe
Western civilization is doomed. We are way past the tipping point.
Originally read book title as “I am Jizz” and really raised my eyebrows about the reading list at this school.
It’d take balls to write that.
What has the world cum to??
I bet the guys finish the first.
It’s a short read. At the end, the audience is left wondering “is that all?”.
Everyone is nuts.
Why so teste?
What deferens, at this point, does it make?
I guess he’s skeptical that taking a glans at that book will lead to a urethra moment.
I tried man, you guys took the good body part names already.
We come from a long line of semen.
It’s a tad reductionist, but sure, I’ll buy it. We’re all jizz, when you get right down to it.
It sounds like a book centered on REALLY REALLY young children…
My wife told me she brought our son to story time at a community center. Apparently it was national transgender day or something like that. The story leader asked everyone to say their name, name of the kid, and the gender the kid identifies as. My wife said she and the other mom friends even the prog ones were like WTF. Our kids can barely walk and talk let alone identify their gender.
In good news, no one said their kid was xer or said the kid identified as a gender the baby clearly wasn’t.
There seems to be a modern progressive push to ruin childhood. They’ve identified that to keep the movement humming along they need to indoctrinate people younger and younger, but how that plays out in practice is that instead of getting to play and be silly and read fun stories, kids are subjected to politics at every turn. This seems to be new for our country. Even when you see new reports about crazy ultra-religious cults the kids always just seem to be running around laughing and playing with balls and shit.
“mud” hahahaha
“They don’t know who threw the mud and urine.”
In spite of the fact that only one side brought urine and feces to throw.
Katie Couric, fountain of reliably true information
I hate to ever disagree with you Sloopy, but I don’t think it is an arbitrary ruling. If you send your kid to a school in “Barber’s Hill” school district, I have to believe that hair cuts will be mandatory.
Any dirty hippies will be expelled.
**bows to the master**
Now, now. No need to call me master. I am just a simple owner of a bait store.
What you did there, it has been seen.
I was at a family reunion in July and one of my cousin’s kids has this glorious mane of blande hair. They say he has to cut it to go to Christian private school when school starts. I said I’d send him somewhere else and everyone looked at me like I’m the jerk.
Blonde. Sorry
It’s hair that Uncivil likes
*looks at you like you’re the jerk*
I’m use to it.
How did that idiom develop?
“I’m use/used to it”.
I recognize the meaning of the phrase (“I am accommodated to this situation”), but the words that make up the sentence “I am use to it”; how did they acquire that meaning?
It is not an idiom, the word used has as one of it’s definitions “having become accustomed” probably through derivation as a thing that is used for a purpose will tend to become fit for that purpose.
I knew that. I was just testing to see if you did, as well.
*whistles ‘Dixie’*
Was it this glorious?
Because I’m skeptical.
Better. He’s like 5 years old with wavy golden hair down to his shoulders. I don’t even like kids and I could admit he was adorable.
I decided this year that my resolution would be “no haircuts”. I have always kept my hair cut pretty short because it gets pretty nappy when it gets long, so I wanted to see how much it would grow.
The results aren’t what I had hoped for. It seems like my hair will fall out at at a certain length, so I have a big unmanageble Fro. The good news is that it annoys a lot of people in my life. My wife, mother and sister have all told me how appalled they are. My kids are embarrassed to be seen with me.
That’s awesome! After years of the #2 clipper, I too have let mine grow. Still not to that sweet flow stage, but getting there.
The fucking grey is annoying, though…
I can’t abide the feeling of hair on my neck.
The fucking grey is why I take the #1 clipper to my head.
That is why I only grow a mustache now. Due to AGW my beard is pretty much grey now.*
*my wife has an alternate theory on why it is grey, but it is so silly that I will spare her the embarrassment of sharing it with you guys.
You’re doing it right
I have tried to grow mine several times. Mine just starts to break and fall out after it gets about 7 inches long or so. I broke down a few weeks ago and cut it all off.
Pics or not real.
Frankly, you look like shit. Get it cut.
I’d send him to weightlifting school. Fabio is getting on in years and he could make a killing gracing the covers of Middle Aged Women’s Porn Stories.
I’d relocate to the Stylist’s Hill School District. Smash the Patriarchy!
When times get dark, we must shine brighter
Nothing shines brighter than a fission bomb, just sayin’.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Unless it’s a fusion bomb, Pat.
Oh, it looks like they’re getting up to solid-fueled rockets now.
Someone really needs to get slapped for helping the Norks along this fast.
an extreme edge of land before a steep or vertical slope.
That is not where we were in relation to North Korea.
You lacist bastard!
*opera applause*
Caving to a bully/extortionist is how you make situations worse. So this is how they are going to spin it.
Blissfully unaware that the latter are mostly contrary to the former.
Only the good civil rights, not the only ones like guns and Nazis having free speech rights.
Don’t pass judgement on trigger warnings without all the facts
Trigger Warning – Anyone who issues a trigger warning after this point automatically fails the class.
You should be receiving a few shekels any day now. I bought your other three books. Really enjoyed “Shadowboy”.
Thank you. And I’m glad you enjoyed the story.
There’s a reason why the TV and movie content rating systems max out at 17. By then you’re expected to understand that life might sometimes be uncomfortable or offensive and have the maturity to deal with it accordingly.
I think Pink Flamingos should have been rated NC-30. I wasn’t ready for that shit.
Yeah, no kidding. Talk about things you can’t unsee.
Don’t trigger warnings themselves admit they don’t know all the facts?
Wait, hold on a second! Are feminists now finally admiting that men can be rape victims too? I thought only teh womenz could be raped? Progress!
“problematic” triggers me.
Yeah, its pretty much a signal that the person using it has been marinating in neo-Marxist claptrap, and their musings can be discounted, if not entirely ignored.
“Nuance” also became a word that I see almost exclusively used in intellectually dishonest handwaving nowadays.
TW: Life is full of surprises. Some of them are unpleasant. Deal with it, or don’t, your choice.
not to mention a stupid belligerence that brought us to the brink of nuclear war!
From the slideshow:
“High school senior Kaitlyn Juvik was sent to the office and told that a male teacher complained of being uncomfortable because she wasn’t wearing a bra. She was told to wear one even though she had been braless for some time.”
I’m not even going to begin trying to diagnose this teacher’s apparent multitude of crippling psychological problems. Where the hell were these girls when I was in high school???
Maybe it prevented him from standing in front of the class.
I had this one hot teacher who wore thin bras in high school. During winter, we’d open up all of the windows in the room before class started. She had no problem keeping our attention.
My English Teacher, Junior year, was straight out of Ed school, and she must have had 1″ nipples. She talked to multiple girls in the class about how padded her bras were, and apparently they were the most padded she could get, and the headlights were still on. Had no problems paying attention to her at 7 AM, she just wasn’t that good a teacher, and got canned after that year.
she just wasn’t that good a teacher, and got canned after that year.
So, private school I assume?
Ran into her at a strip club a few years later still trying to pay off her student loans?
Nope, contract year for the other teachers. Apparently she wasn’t in enough solidarity, and didn’t run away from events where she was drinking (a very little) and students were attending (she literally was out with her boyfriend at a Reds game, had two beers, and some students ran across them and said hi, from the way the dick principal acted, you’d think she seduced them). Ended up working out for her, as a teaching position opened up at her high school, and her mentor and inspiration for becoming a teacher hired her (as soon as I got Facebook, she friended me, since I helped her with historical context for a lot of the American Lit, which she apparently really did not understand very well).
“historical context for a lot of the American Lit,”
You and your euphemisms.
She’s a no bra activist.
“It was about gender equality and teaching people not to sexualize women’s bodies”
I think I need some private tutoring
Of course if men didn’t sexualize women’s bodies, and vice versa, the human species would cease to exist.
Which would mean we wouldn’t be here to pollute and destroy the planet! So stop sexualizing women, you disgusting cis, white, straight male!
That’s the kind of activism I can approve of.
Yeah, she’s really teaching those shitlords a lesson, letting her perky young boobs run free in front of them!
As if there isn’t enough crap to deal with, we’re rerunning the 1970s bra protests. What next, lime green bell bottomed double knit polyester jump suits?
Shoot me now.
I’m not familiar with Kaitlyn’s breasts, but I’d just say that there’s a very practical reason why women, particularly those with some serious artillery, wear bras. It becomes readily apparent some time around their late 30s.
Sasquatch: The Opera review at Summerhall, Edinburgh – ‘oddly hypnotic’
Inter-species erotica!!
Kinky Kelly is that you?
No, I’m the Sexy Beast!
For a second there I was worried you might be Lester Fiend the pussy troll..
Judging by how he screws everyone, I thought he was a lawyer.
He is a lawyer. A forest lawyer.
A rape by any other name would smell as STEVE SMITH does.
“The kind of man who demands that government enforce his ideas is always the kind whose ideas are idiotic.” – HL Mencken
I was unfamiliar with this quote.
I like it.
Government shouldn’t be in the ideal business at all. They should only enforce Principles such as free speech.
I probably linked this last week.
Donald Trump may have early-onset dementia, says CNN commentator
I wonder why they never saw this in Obama when he clearly had much of the same problem.
he wasn’t troop surging?
well, they don’t think so.
Someone should shame her for using mental illness as a political slur.
Republicans who endorse Hillary Clinton aren’t really republicans
A republican strategist that only complains about republicans lol. This allows CNN to claim they are ideologically across board while appealing to lefties
^So much this.
Don’t forget the important apolitical people too.
Fucking James Clapper is a contributor? The guy who straight up perjured himself to Congress? They guy who should be a convicted felon now?
The best part about James Clapper? He acted exactly like James Cutter from Clear and Present Danger throughout his tenure as NSA. If he had any sense of honor, he would’ve gone out the same way.
Yeah, James “I gave the least dishonest answer I could” Clapper.
What a fucking joke.
Puppet of Putin
How do I take these folks seriously?
I might say he’s incompetent, but yeah I get your point.
His biggest positive to me is the federal agencies and being in charge of them (EPA the biggest). Obama was a celebrity and lazy…however the federal agencies went way too far
You forgot Mussolini. He was that for a while too.
Don’t. They are throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks that gets their fantasy of overturning the election to happen.
Boy, they’re really hyping this shit out of this Ana Navarro person. Prior to last week, I had never heard that name in my life.
The Celtics – Cavs trade was about as even as a trade can be.
Cavs get to remain basically the same for the upcoming year + a high draft pick; that’s especially important since they basically had no draft picks for the next two years
Celtics get a similar scoring threat to what they gave up, who’s younger, a better defender (they both suck, but still), and don’t have to make the decision of whether or not to pay Thomas waaaaay more than he’s worth or let him go for nothing.
Kyrie isn’t a better defender.
I think the Celtics are going to win the East at this point, but that defense is going to be a liability. Not just at PG, but losing Bradley (and to a lesser extent Crowder) is going to hurt more than people think right now.
Look at Thomas’s defensive stats. Last season he was, by far, the worst defensive starter in the league.
Agree on Crowder, but I really like Taytum, even if he did play at Dook.
Overall stats are not that meaningful, regular season can be ignored. Kyrie can at least count in a playoff game when everything is on the line and he is focused. Thomas can’t.
Only one of these teams has Lebron James.
Hollywood asshole and wife donating big bucks to hate group in order to combat hate.
A fool and his money…
That was my first thought.
Y’know, I never thought of SPLC as a hate group before you said that, but I guess they kind of are. They’re the pioneers in “anyone that doesn’t agree with us is a Nazi” thought.
Which wouldn’t be so bad except that corporate America pays them millions of dollars to bring their companies into goodthink compliance and the US gov uses their lists of “hate groups” for law enforcement targeting and profiling. Their pants shitting in the ’90s over the sovereign citizen and militia movements caused dozens of deaths, even if you don’t include Waco.
Some Christian law firm that defends anti-gay cake bakers is currently in court with them over their designation as a “hate group”.
Surely with that desperately needed donation they’ll finally be able to sue the last 1,000 white supremacists in north bumfuck out of existence and then close up shop and go home, right?
Well, since it’s actually just a slush fund for Morris Dees and his cronies, that will never happen.
George and Anal Clooney?
Other Robert “Lee” (Ley) thinks ESPN sucks, too.
The SEC Network should offer Robert Lee a contract.
Except that it’s owned by ESPN.
Navy relieves 7th Fleet commander.
I bet they all got their mandatory sexual harassment, tranny awareness, polite behavior classes. The might need a bit of that time back to learn how to actually steer a boat.
You know what boat stands for – bring on another tranny.
You laugh.
Time to return to sodomy, rum, and the lash.
+1 Turtleback
It’s “trusty shellback” you wog.
“RETURN to sodomy?” uhmmmm…. it’s the NAVY. Just because they got rid of the cracker jack outfits doesn’t mean they got rid of the butt sex.
404 page
That journalist that “disppeared” in that dude’s homemade submarine? They found her body, sans head. Now comes the real shenanigans.
damn your nimble fingers.
First rule at sea, don’t lose your head.
Because if you do, you won’t have anywhere to piss until you get back to port?
*narrows gaze*
+1 Natalie Wood
So a serial killer with a sub? Aren’t those guys supposed to be smart? You would think, hey everyone saw her get on the submarine with me. Probably not the best place to kill a person…
He’s celebrating his Viking heritage, shitlord
My apologies, how many hail Hillary’s do I owe? … Wait a second… Vikings were white, you can’t celebrate white heritage.
Worked for Robert Wagner
Continuation of the Scandanavian sub drama.
buried at sea, headless
Armless and legless too, apparently.
Torso fetish.
At least one person understands him.
SJWednesday: Get Yer Color Charts Out
When you realized the snake isn’t eating its own tail, just sucking its own dick.
Black people simply cannot be racists.
They can, however, hate those light ass high yellow white passing race traitors as freely as they like. That’s Identity Politics 101
BIPOC? Black Irish People of Colo(u)r?
Bisexual People of Colo(u)or.
Bisexual? How homo-hetero-normative of you. What about all the other genders I’m sexually attracted to.
Well, I’m not up-to-date on all the various mental illnesses out there. So, I don’t know what number to put for someone attracted to every single one.
I would offer up trisexual.
Or you could go with the classic: slut.
You say slut, I say flexible.
Hmmm… a flexible slut. Even better.
Fuck, the Privilege Store must have lost my Privilege in the mail!
Is that right next to the Jerk Store?
I tried calling to find out, but they just said they were all out of me and hung up.
Student Who Posed With Confederate Flag in Charlottesville Kicked Out of Christian College
Hah, I really hope I see lefty types lauding PCC for this, not knowing that it’s a hardcore fundie school where men and women aren’t even allowed to ride on the same elevators. I’m not joking about that – they have one male elevator and one female elevator.
And the women aren’t allowed to go down.
I don’t know whether to clap or groan.
Who chaperones the two elevators though? If they hookup is that where escalators come from?
Casual sex is the escalator to hell, Negroni.
and the female elevator only moves 74% as fast as the male one.
It doesn’t go to the top, either.
Definitely not past the glass ceiling.
But Sloopy will never go down on the male elevator. JATNAS hasn’t gone down on one yet, but might if the circumstances were right.
That elevator was wearing a short skirt!
I met a guy once whose son went to PCC. The father was telling me about the separate elevators and gender-divided floors in the form and how the students could only attend the church on campus. He was rhapsodizing about how cool this was. I was smiling & nodding and in my head screaming “Cult! Cult! Cult!”
Probably the same kind of guy, Raven, who’d hyperventilate at you about sharia taking over Dearborn.
I can see the benefits of same sex education. Separate elevators (why not water fountains too?) though is pretty damned creepy.
They weren’t really allowed to date either – if they got approval they could sit together in public and talk.
The elevator is bizarre: the dorm only had two floors I think so I’m not sure what you could do in that time.
If TV is any indicator, you just hit the stop button. And those elevators in buildings that shouldnt even have an elevator are usually really slow in operation, which should buy most guys the 90secs they’ll need.
I can remember a woman I worked with telling me about their summer camps for younger kids. Her daughter wanted to go because some of her friends were going. A few days in, the daughter starts asking her how decisions are made in their family. This woman asks her daughter why she’s asking about that, and the daughter says “Because you aren’t supposed to make decisions. Daddy makes decisions and then you do what he says”
Needless to say, she pulled her daughter out of the camp. I also remember seeing groups of PCC students walking to the Mall, in same-sex groups, of course. It would be like 103 degrees and humid out and these kids were walking around wearing either shirt and tie or long skirts.
Cantwell is one of the most pathetic motherfuckers to ever gain the national limelight.
Allen Armentrout did not attend the white supremacist rally at which a counter-demonstrator was killed after a car ploughed into her, but donned a Confederate uniform and traveled to Charlottesville days after the violence to pose with the controversial statue of Confederate General Robert E Lee. He was met with protest from local residents, who chanted “terrorist go home” at him, the Associated Press reported A photograph of a woman swearing at Armentrout went viral at one point.
Civil War reenactments will soon be Union-Army-Uniform-Only affairs.
Shoot, in Boy Scouts, our council let a group of about 200 reenactors guide all of the council’s troops through a Civil War battle (I want to say Chattanooga, since the scout camp we were using most resembled that battlefield). It was awesome, and even though my troop got to be on the Union side, and lay an ambush of a flanking maneuver by the Confederates, we wouldn’t have been able to have all that fun without some troops playing Confederates. The best part is that they managed to get enough rifles and cannon going to make it feel more realistic (had one reenactor firing blanks with each troop). The only problem is that I and a kid from school (in another troop, and therefore Confederate) hit each other on the hands with our fake guns when trying to “bayonet” one another. I wonder if my parents still have that fake gun (literally plywood we painted, cut out into a shape of a gun).
Foam and duct tape wouldn’t have been historically accurate. Plywood is pushing it….
If I think these people are idiots, does that make me an insane violent right wing extremist?
Ms. Donovan and others who study how the internet shapes extremism said that even though Islamists and white nationalists have different views and motivations, there are broad similarities in how the two operate online — including how they spread their message, recruit and organize offline actions. The similarities suggest a kind of blueprint for a response — efforts that may work for limiting the reach of jihadists may also work for white supremacists, and vice versa.
In fact, that’s the battle plan. Several research groups in the United States and Europe now see the white supremacist and jihadi threats as two faces of the same coin. They’re working on methods to fight both, together — and slowly, they have come up with ideas for limiting how these groups recruit new members to their cause.
Their ideas are grounded in a few truths about how extremist groups operate online, and how potential recruits respond. After speaking to many researchers, I compiled this rough guide for combating online radicalization.
Moonshot CVE, which worked with Jigsaw on the Redirect project, put together several similar efforts to engage with both jihadists and white supremacist groups. It has embedded undercover social workers in extremist forums who discreetly message potential recruits to dissuade them. And lately it’s been using targeted ads to offer mental health counseling to those who might be radicalized.
Judging by their success with Islamic terrorism, white supremacists ought to be controlling major metropolitan areas in a half dozen civil war-ravaged third world countries in a couple of years.
I approve this comment.
“It has embedded undercover social workers in extremist forums who discreetly message potential recruits to dissuade them.”
Is that where Sugarfree came from?
Discretion is not a word in Sugarfree’s vocabulary.
Nor am I here to help.
Hey, at the least the NYT finally admits Islamic extremists are a problem.
SJWednesday: Why Communism?
Apologia comment of the week included:
The thing I hate more than communism is communist apologia.
There has never been true communism enacted because the right people were not in charge!!!…
I think Ukrainians might disagree with that.
And the Cambodians.
And the Venezuelans
It’s always someone or something else’s fault, because I want the promises made by my dogmatic and idiotic faith in something that has butchered 120 million people and made billions live under the miserable yoke of tyrannical entities for over a century, and always playing out the same way when they run out of other people’s money, to become reality. Fuck you if you want me to stop believing in fairy tales!
Well, at least they’re consistent
It’s funny because it’s so true.
“The defining difference being that famines under these communist governments were largely due to negligence, where as famines under capitalist governments have largely been malicious or at the very least insensitive/uncaring.”
You see when the government decided that you don’t get food anymore, that’s negligence. When mother nature says to good harvest, that’s just right down uncaring.
The real truth is that the only famines to occur since the industrial revolution have occurred in communist countries.
Well…there was that one in the Raj, during WWII, when the Brits prioritized war material on the trains instead of food…but, your point is largely correct.
Much as I agree with your meta point (free markets economies prevent famine) I have to question this claim. The Great famine in Ireland is a contra example.
I don’t know Irish history woth a damn, but I can guarantee you that a central planning committee would have made the Irish famine worse. Also, American capitalism gave many starving Irish a place to go to escape the famine, thereby mitigating the effects of the famine.
See below. The Irish famine is in large part due to central planning
I see. No surprise here. Government causes famine.
Stupid people in government that think they are the only ones smart enough to know what’s best for the plebes is what causes problems, including famine, reeducation and concentration camps, and the Hillary Clinton campaign…
So food was being shipped to them but the crown turned it around because some people thought it was useless and natural for the famine to occur “to keep the population down”. See Thomas Malthus.
That wasn’t really a free market though, was it? It was brutal decisions enforced by the British government and their troops.
I agree. I was just challenging the claim:
“The real truth is that the only famines to occur since the industrial revolution have occurred in communist countries.”
Basically my point was that while communism is a sufficient cause for an unfree market it is not a necessary cause. (all communist economy markets are unfree, not all unfree markets are communist)
a more accurate claim might have been “the only famines to occur since the industrial revolution have occurred due to gov’t interference”, which addresses both sides of the dichotomy the claim was responding to.
Of course, “nobody is starving due to failure of production” doesn’t defend communism the way “well, capitalism would starve you worse” does.
Mercantilism and a general disdain for non-English.
Mismanagement and blunders occur under any type of administration.
It’ll be better next time when the right Top Men are in charge.
They don’t get that in a free market, there isn’t one person/committee managing food production
Good point. The famines in British India were mostly because of decisions by Top Men that keeping prices down in Britain was more important than feeding Indians.
-~2 million Bengalis.
So how can you then guarantee equitable distribution and justice, you shitlord!
“The defining difference being that famines under these communist governments were largely due to negligence”
If Holodomor was negligence I’d hate to think what deliberate looks like.
Most tankies don’t even think that the Holodomor was negligence. Plenty of “Stalin didn’t control the weather!” takes on that.
The weather had fuck all to do with the holomador. Soviet commisars stealing the entire food output of the peasantry is what killed the ukranians. Ukrainian peasants had dealt with weather cycles for their entire history and managed to make do.
Indeed. Famines were nothing unusual. Tens of millions of deaths were. Funny, but when what crops you do manage to produce get confiscated at gunpoint, people tend to starve to death.
Trouble in paradise
The push comes as higher-salary countries like France, Austria and the Netherlands face political pressure to curb “social dumping,” a widespread practice in which companies hire subcontractors in lower-wage European Union member-states and post them in a more costly one. The practice increases profit margins, but often exploits the workers by keeping their wages and social protections low.
Anxiety over the rising number of foreign workers, especially from Eastern Europe, who are posted to jobs in agriculture, construction and other labor-intensive sectors was a pivotal factor in Britain’s vote last year to leave the European Union.
That point is not lost on politicians, including Mr. Macron, whose public-approval rating has dropped precipitously in his first months in office. In an interview with several European newspapers in June, the French leader urged Eastern Europe not to treat the bloc as a “supermarket,” and warned that governments would face consequences if they flouted regional values.
“Do you think I can explain to the French that businesses are closing in France to move to Poland while construction firms in France are recruiting Polish workers because they are cheaper?” he said during the interview. “This system does not work right.”
“Hmmm. “French laborer” seems like a contradiction in terms.
Trouble in link, too.
How do you say “They Took Er Jerbs” in French?
Émeute dans la rue
“Hmmm. “French laborer” seems like a contradiction in terms.
C’est la vie.
They changed my desk while I was away.
Lumbergh has your Swingline.
mmmmm…. yeah…… *smacks lips* about that….
You could set the building on fire…
Did they take your red stapler? Next step is that they move you to the basement and give you a flash light and a can of roach spray to help you perform the duties of your new job description…
iowahawk is a national treasure. It’s almost enough to make me start actually using Twitter. Almost.
They changed my desk while I was away.
Did they cut the legs down to make you think you’re getting taller?
They misspelled “circlejerking”.
The Smog State: Vehicle Emissions Still Rising in California, Despite Regulations
“along with a separate mandate that requires automakers to sell more zero-emissions vehicles within the state.”
Automakers can’t sell things people don’t want.
Also, there is no such thing as a zero emissions vehicle. Where do these people think electricity comes from?
Where do these people think electricity comes from?
Helios One, duh. Or Hoover Dam.
Certainly not anything like Diablo Canyon.
As to the tailpipe emission problem, how can they get such a precise handle on air quality to the tenth of a percent? Broad air sampling over the entire LA Basin?
My sneaking suspicion is that many of the same California cultural group treats getting their car smogged for registration the same way they treat things like immigration laws, mandatory auto insurance, and hell, littering.
New Regulation – State emissions standards only apply to automobiles manufactured within that state which do not get sold, nor source parts across state lines. Any automobile engaged in interstate commerce is also exempt from individual state regulations.
/100% commerce clause compliant.
This is the kind of thing the commerce clause was actually intended to address, to ensure the free flow of interstate commerce without the states making up their own sets of rules regarding commerce across state lines.
No. The founding fathers, after much careful thought and debate, penned a constitution based on principles of individual liberty amd limited governmemt. They made sure to list the limited powers of the federal government and to explicitly forbid expansion of those powers. After doing this, they slipped in the commerce clause so that the rest of the constitution they just carefully crafted could be invalidated at will.
Ah, I see you have the magic glasses the SCOTUS uses to find all the invisible ink. This of course illustrates that anyone who claims the current interpretation of the commerce clause is valid is either invincibly ignorant or shockingly dishonest.
Picked up the sequel to Catch-22, and I can’t remember whether the original was this annoying or if Heller lost his knack in between.
The prequel, Throw-22, was meh.
I remember thinking the sequel sucked compared to Catch-22. But then most books do.
I was pleasantly surprised by the film. I thought they did a nice job capturing the insanity of the book and Alan Arkin really brought Yossarian to life.
Indiana Enforcers can no longer take primitive motorized mammal carts at gun point when discovered in the presence of banned plant matter.
There are some good reasons to live in Indiana (as opposed to Illinois), but my God, as far as the law goes we are going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I bet Indiana is the very last state to permit any kind of marijuana use, medical or otherwise.
Virginia will be fighting with you for that honor. Donks, GOP, doesn’t matter – every pol in this state is a drug-war-lovin’ copsucker,
Kudos to the genetically and/or surgically gifted!
NB: Too bad you can’t see number 7’s face.
Gotta give the nod to 62.
15 or 18 for me
F**k the LP. Just saw what the chair said about Tom. Woods. Takes Woods out of context in the slimiest way possible
Careful. You’re getting awful close to suggesting that being a near-incoherent loose cannon on Twitter isn’t the path to Presidential success.
Ooooh, that’s what he’s doing? Libertarian dog whistles are way too high pitched for me.
If you listen closely you can just make out the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
The LP is always one to two election cycles from being presenting a winning public face. I think they are trying out “dimbulb firebrand” to catch up.
If you’re gonna lose anyways, annoying asshole that gets proven right is the way I’d go.
He did slap Raimondo pretty good the other day, but that’s sort of like beating up on the short bus kids.
(Justin thinks that Trump would have never betrayed his staunch anti-war principles if not for those mean old generals. He’s actually calling it a coup d’etat.)
I’m not that far into baseball to follow what Raimondo is saying. Trump’s Afghanistan speech was a disgrace. Swarack taking a 3 year old quote, when Cantrell wasn’t espousing full out bigotry, and making it look like Woods said that this week is nasty ass.
Sorry if this is may be thread fucking. I was drinking.
this made me laugh.
There’s something for everyone in this pic
She’s cute, and outreach is a fine idea, but they’re kidding themselves if they think the lefties won’t slit their throats as soon as it’s politically convenient to do so.
That sure looks like a troll.
If it’s not, there is going to be violence.
Pretty serious there, they have bandannas.
Dude on the right. Your hand goes on the hand grip.
At least his finger is not on the trigger.
That image did not live up to your hype.
She looks like a guard for a Bolivian coke lab.
More like Cha-Ka
I was hoping for this
LOL…not a single one of you would kick that chick out of bed for eating chips.
You overestimate her attractiveness.
UCS does not like chips.
Lays still ignores his yearly suggestion of unsalted Ruffles.
The chick in the middle, maybe. Now the dude on the right, That gets me a little off my 6.
“A little off my 6.”
I smell a meme.
John Stamos?
He gets me a little off my 6.
Does he get you off your 6 or do you want him to get off on your 6? Inquiring minds must know.
Not worth the crazy. Plus I’m sure she’s a commie so she would probably try to rip me off.
Tell her to seize the means of production.
The means of re-production?
I mean, she’s got too much of a baby bighead thing going on to seal the deal just on that picture. I’d need to see her sans tactical vest. I appreciate her trigger discipline, though.
She’s cute. But I like me some high yella redbone girls.
That twatter thread made me puke with all the pro-antifa bash the fash bullshit.
I saw one of these yesterday.
What? You don’t like having a completely useless hatch area?
That front end looks like a blubbering child face.
This’ll make you feel better. This is the specific model that got RR the reputation as “best car in the world”:
That’s beautiful.
I was always partial to Pierce-Arrows
Dusenberg for me.
Sexy as hell.
“Cruella DeVille…Cruella DeVille….If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will….”
Deville does have a cause of action for slander.
DAAAAMN!!!! That is nice.
That particular RR is insured for $35m.
Going for the Subaru stance?
Too be fair, the most beautiful car in the world was created in the 60s, and can’t be beaten, so Mercedes is pursuing ugliest car now.
I don’t know if this has been posted yet. This man has really given up on reelection. I’ve honestly never seen someone go so far off the reservation, I mean the guy has always been awful but he’s really gone all in since the election.
I think he was expecting Hillary to die in office, guaranteeing him the #46 spot.
Heh heh, “off the reservation”.
How about we put Halloween devils horns on all the statues until this fad blows over. Will that satisfy them?
Good news from an NFL player.
“What were you thinking when you threw yourself on the mercy of the Trump administration to solve your problems?” Nichols asked automakers leading up to the vote.
Mary Barra should spend a few hundred thousand dollars on a PR campaign telling Californians why they will no longer be able to buy General Motors products, instead of pissing away millions on pointless tiny incremental reductions of that notorious “pollutant” CO2.
Hahahahaha. Sure she will. She’ll grovel and scrape before the lordly geniuses of the California Air Resources Board, and praise their wisdom and foresight.
Bahahahahahaha! That’s almost as funny as the on scene Fox reporter choking on tear gas.
You would think the local news would show that small act of defiance against Jackbooted Thugs. Not really. We had to see if from the Daily Fail.
By the way, I’m pretty sure Hillary won Nevada. Which is irrelevant being the event took place in Arizona.
It’s east of LA and west of DC (and not Chicago) you really expect them to know what’s in that vast wasteland of deplorables and bitter clingers?
Not really. Kind of like if you give me a map of the UK I could probably locate London and Scotland. Everything else is people that talk funny.
the preferred nomenclature is “Wales”.
“I’m pretty sure Hillary won Nevada”
Yep, by almost 2.5 points.
Actually, what GM should do is offer to replace the failing dirty motors on older GM vehicles owned by the “working poor” for free. The marginal return (in terms of reduction of actual pollutants for dollar spent) would be vastly better, and it would be a huge PR win.
“Ideals” in this case defined as “promising impossible things to stupid people.”
This way of pandering to envious people wanting free shit paid for by others has been getting a lot of douchebags elected….
The most Ron Swanson thing ever. Who knew Brits had it in them at this point?
7/10 Bakin’ Bacon with Macon
You know, I have plenty of room. I’d be happy to adopt a colossal statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest on horseback. Hell, I could have my own goddam cavalry troop out there. And charge the tourists to come and gawk.
You could bring it on Antiques Roadshow!
(srsly, some dude brought in a gigantic bust o’ Lincoln that used to be part of a city park)
Black Nationalist statues must fall
Couple years ago, the local school district named a new high school for civil rights leader, Bayard Rustin. A few “racists” pointed out that he was a member of the Young Communist League during Stalin’s purges and killings of kulaks in the 1930s. The officials in charge decided his good works outweighed this youthful fervor for the worst killers of the 20th century.
George Soros approves
My high school mascot was one of the most brutal, genocidal, and cannibalistic civilizations in history. It was OK, though, because you can only judge the West and find it wanting.
Were you the Mohawks or the Iroquois?
More southwesterly, with pyramids and obsidian cutlery. There’s a lot of genocide and cannibalism to go around.
If any culture actually deserved to have the conquistadors happen to it…
Haha, indeed. Every time that comes up, Avi’s rant from Cryptonomicon on the subject crosses my mind.
You went to Corona Del Sol?
Yeah. Some of the teachers were alright but almost none of the curriculum ended up being applicable to my life at all. Bleh, government-run education.
*arms raised in a V*
I went to school in Ozark. That is our school mascot. My little brother actually has a trophy he won for outstanding academic and athletic performance his senior year. It literally says, Hillbilly of the year.
They will always excuse both the death toll and the misery inflicted upon humanity by communism, because in their idiotic minds, marxists beliefs are right-thing, and anything else is wrong-think.
I live about 10 miles west of paris. I know a lot of people from Paris. I didn’t even know the sign existed prior to this morning. The article is actually very reasonable.
The common sentiment from residents was that the name means nothing. And they wouldn’t give it credence by worrying about it.
Lending credence to my theory that if people were serious in their opposition to racists and supremacists, they’d mock or ignore them rather than validating their grievances by attempting to silence them. But people are not serious about these things. They’re just looking for an excuse to affirm their own horseshit grievances by throwing public tantrums.
Dumb fucking mooks, all of them.
Are we really to the point that we are fining people for spreading their legs now?
This sort of thing is a symptom of something that has been bothering me for awhile now. I really can’t tell what the general zeitgeist is. Is this all just a passing phase that the country (and much of the Western world) is going to wake up from a couple of years from now and ask “What the hell were we thinking?”? Or is it part of a long-term trend? For a long time, I’ve just kind of assumed the latter. I’ve worked from the assumption that something that couldn’t go on forever, wouldn’t. And none of this is sustainable. A society that damns some of its most important members (bourgeois males), that brands the overwhelming majority of its productive class “Nazis”, that rescinds the socio-political elements that define it, isn’t a society that is going to be able maintain itself. All of that is even ignoring its gross economic, political, and military over-extension. But, I don’t see any evidence of any of the trends reversing. If anything, they seem to be getting more batshit insane.
So, I wonder, what is everyone’s prognosis? Do you see our civilization eventually waking up from its fever dream and going back about its business? Do you see us inviting some utter disaster (perhaps a military defeat or breakdown of public order)? Or do you see these trends continuing? If it’s the last, how do you see it as being able to maintain itself?
I think the number of true believers is small, but damaging in where they’ve burrowed in. Certain sectors, like academia and old media, will have to be amputated in the long run, but they’ve managed to drown out dissent so much in their local bubble that they don’t realize how small a community they are. They were tolerated because most people just want to get on with their lives and don’t have time to argue this shit.
Now they’ve overplayed there hand. There will be a period of backlash, potentially violent, but it is still quite possible to recover from this infection of stupid.
When they did stupid shit that hurt other people I was too busy dealing with my own crap to put and end to it, and now they are coming for me, and there is nobody left to defend me…
I see people going about their business already. Honestly, if you didn’t read or watch the news, what are the odds you would come across this shit? Pretty slim, I think. You wouldn’t know, for instance, about Charlottesville (unless you happened to live there). I think people are the same as they’ve ever been.
I agree with you. Everyone I see in my day to day life gives zero fucks about this SJW nonsense. It’s a non issue for the vast majority of the population.
It’s a non-issue for most people. Right now. But, here’s the thing that disturbs me. This time the shit has spread further and deeper than at any time in my life. So much so that corporate America is either buying in or playing along. We’re seeing colleges impose loyalty oaths and companies firing people for expressing the wrong views. Does it really see much of a stretch to think we’re not that far from having to toe the lion to hold a job?
Taking it even further, we aren’t seeing true apathy. Instead, people are, by and large, mildly sympathetic to SJWs based on their ancillary exposure to the media. Mildly sympathetic gets them nowhere right now, but it steers the future zeitgeist to the benefit of the creeping totalitarianism that has defined the last century.
The one potential saving grace is the left’s tendency to overstep themselves. Yeah, a lot of people are mildly sympathetic to the cadres. Right up until the moment someone they know or something they know about crosses their path. Tired platitudes about social justice sound terrific until you see them tearing apart the innocent that you know is innocent.
The left has already overstepped themselves multiple times, or their antics would be that in a healthy, sane society. We are beyond the tipping point, the Trump backlash was the last ineffective lashing out of a dying civilization.
It’s over Johnny, it’s over.
*insert image of Charlton Heston at the statue of liberty here*
I’m against SJWs because they treated one family in my church (Unitarian Universalist) so poorly the family left because they were more conservative than the rest of us. We had a big series of retreats for the youth of our local congregations, and the SJW derp was so very strong in the other church groups that they literally couldn’t stand me or the other family’s two kids, and became emotional when I would play devil’s advocate, or point out holes in their arguments (The two kids near my age and I kept a handle on most of the derp in our age group at my church, we wouldn’t put up with it, and would rationally argue anyone who did down). Additionally, when a friend of mine said something “un-woke” in the first retreat, the SJW crowd wouldn’t let it go, and also treated him like shit. Luckily, he was a huge stoner at the time, and was all out of fucks to give. But I saw that firsthand, and since high school I have not been back in a UU church.
It sounds like the stereotype that the UU church is where people go to worship the state isn’t too far off.
It’s pretty common knowledge that the UU is really just a proggie social club.
“that rescinds the socio-political elements that define it, isn’t a society that is going to be able maintain itself. ”
That is the point of all of it. If you look at the overarching goal of the left it is to create a dysfunctional society. That is when power can be seized.
” Do you see our civilization eventually waking up from its fever dream and going back about its business? ”
Yes, just like we always have before. The forces against us are themselves dysfunctional thus doomed to fail, just like they have in the past. Don’t let it get you down too much. We will weather the storm. After all, it really is one that has been going on since the beginning of the country. What we are seeing now is really nothing new.
That is the point of all of it. If you look at the overarching goal of the left it is to create a dysfunctional society. That is when power can be seized.
Perhaps. If so they’re working from the bizarre assumption that you can break something and still have it work. They want to break our society to seize America as Manhattan. They’ll wind up finding that they’ve only seized America as East New York or the South Bronx. Breaking America wouldn’t wind up “The sane give up and turn it over to the leftists.”. It would wind up a complete breakdown in social order with a lot of people that they rely on the people they have contempt for to protect them from roaming the country. They want to rule from Washington DC? How well is that going to play out when you have mutinies and desertions in the military and the farm belt telling DC distributors that the price of lettuce is now $15 per head and the price of beef is now $35 per pound?
You assume they are clever enough, or give a fuck, if in order to seize the place they first have to destroy it. These people, as history has proven, would rather lord if over a nation left in rubble than not be the ones in charge. The left has for a long time been quite OK with destroying America completely if they are not the ones completely in charge. Just look at what is going on right now because Trump beat the crooked, serial lying, pant suit wearing, uncharismatic twin sister of Kim Jung Il.
It is all that shocking that the sort of person that would dedicate a book to Lucifer would also believe that it’s better to reign in hell than serve in heaven? Now more than ever, society needs a simple, clear word for that attitude.
Yes, just like we always have before.
They always do, until they don’t. Who in Germany in 1924 really believed the Beer Hall Putsch guys would actually seize power in the near future? Thanks to the left’s control of academia and media, they have already indoctrinated the generations who could have seriously opposed them.
I look at the current craze as lefties just pooping in the punch bowl; post-Trump election that is. Add in social media and the constant outrage, which quickly moves from one subject to another, and it looks like a larger “movement” than it really is.
I think after “Russia” blows over, and the “Nazi” thing gets old, they’ll find some new thing. It seems the shelf life on “things to freak out and have mass delusions about” is around 6-9 months.
But, I’m not talking Trump, per se. I’m talking the entire environment that made this insanity acceptable. It’s the situation at Google. It’s last year’s college insanity (this year will be worse). It’s an environment where “manspreading” or using the wrong pronoun are actionable offenses.
Nah, I think the college meltdown has jumped the shark except in the really moonbat towns like Berkeley. Places like UMo have actually been getting real, tangible enrollment declines in part because of their constant pandering to radical leftism.
I think this other stuff you’re talking about mostly only exists on college campuses and within batshit-crazy progressive urban political administrations (e.g. san fran, nyc, … toronto?). It will ‘blow over’ when it actually starts being enforced against right-thinking people. You see this already with the Title IX craziness. it was tolerated as long as it existed on a low-boil: everpresent, but not overwhelming or draconian. when it crossed the line and started taking scalps of lefty-people like laura kipinis or bret weinstein… when they start behaving like witch hunts? they implode.
none of this is sustainable. A society that damns some of its most important members (bourgeois males), that brands the overwhelming majority of its productive class “Nazis”, that rescinds the socio-political elements that define it, isn’t a society that is going to be able maintain itself. All of that is even ignoring its gross economic, political, and military over-extension. But, I don’t see any evidence of any of the trends reversing. If anything, they seem to be getting more batshit insane.
In my gloomier moments, I look at what is happening as an inexorable slow motion cultural suicide.
That is also what I see in all this. Shit seems to be getting even crazier and worse, not better.
Mrs. Suderman speaks more sense than her husband ever has. This is completely true:
It’s a symptom of affluence and unfulfilled lives. Once again, Hoffer:
The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause.
i.e., the hordes of unemployed angry basement-dwelling commies and nationalists talking about “superiority” when they themselves represent quite the opposite
I always wondered why he never asked her to ghost-write his articles at the other joint.
Spot on. I thought the whole cultural revolution thing was supposed to liberate us from stifling social conventions, turns out it only changed the stifling social conventions you’re expected to follow.
Business as usual
And there are other issues where business interests and the wishes of the White House diverge.
Mr. Trump’s nominee to lead the Export-Import Bank, which supports American exports, is facing stiff opposition from business groups.
The nominee, Scott Garrett, a former congressman from New Jersey once said Ex-Im, as it is known, “embodies the corruption of the free enterprise system.”
That has rattled big companies such as Boeing, General Electric and Caterpillar, which rely on Ex-Im to help finance their overseas sales.
Now, as the prospect of hearings and a confirmation vote on Mr. Garrett’s appointment draw closer, big business groups have stepped up their efforts to quash his nomination. The National Association of Manufacturers is leading a campaign to drum up opposition to Mr. Garrett.
And the Business Roundtable spoke out against Mr. Garrett on Twitter, writing “BRT cannot support Scott Garrett or any #ExIm nominee who does not demonstrate strong support for the bank and commitment to get it promptly back to work, fully executing its mission.”
Neo-Nazi racism aside, we need our crony capitalist subsidies.
Is Trump trying to make me like him?
Say what you want about Trump being a bit buffoonish, but I think he has some innate understanding of DC cronyism considering his NY real estate past. Hence the regulatory pullbacks and his pro-business tendencies.
There’s a definite possibility that he was only a crony capitalist because he had to be given the environment, and that he’s been nursing a grudge against that crap ever since.
I see I made the correct decision to avoid downtown Phoenix yesterday. Being pepperballed in this weather doesn’t sound like a gay old time to me.
Being pepperballed sucks, no matter what the weather is.
Pepperballing really puts my off my six.
last night, this stream on youtube featured a man eating pizza someone ordered for them. he put a slice down and a rat stole it. he then started looking for it, but was too messed up to know what had happened.
Totally OT: Tales from the crypt (or something):: I got an emergency phone call today from a social worker, for a kid I represent for neglect/abuse. He allegedly perp’ed on another kid last night. Police were on their way to interview my client on the allegations. He has another attorney for criminal defense (not me), who the worker couldn’t contact (on vacation). But the jist of the conversation was: could I please drop whatever it was I was doing today and come to the group home to talk to the cops for the client? Who is all of 11 years old, has no father (that we can give a name to), and his mother is in prison on suicide watch. So no other adults who can advocate for him could be present. So yes, I did drop my afternoon, come to the group home, and tell the cops (who were nice, mostly, in person, though a bit officious), that No, you can’t interview my client until he’s spoken to his criminal attorney. No back to your regularly scheduled afternoon.
“Stop LYING Brendan!”
*update* client was arrested, but group home has been able to contact the client’s criminal attorney.
*now* back to your regularly scheduled afternoon.