I really should have done more than refactor a bunch of code today. But it will make my life easier, soo… yeah.
Kevin D. Williams continues to be more libertarian than half the so-called libertarian organizations.
This sounds like a fun way to die
Is there anything less impressive than an acrostic from a grown-ass person? Congratulations, but nobody actually read the letter.
This right here is why I don’t want Trump impeached.
Sloopy and Banjos, seriously, head for higher ground. I went through this twice. Tomorrow’s song today.
And today’s song
I signed up for these guys’ Patreon. I see some work productivity issues in my future.
wtf did I just watch?
Kristen has a thing about planes. I think they’re kind of phallic for her or something.
Aeromorphs, pffft.
I love all big loud machines!
You and Nancy Allen…
My word, that is oddly appealing. Thank you K.
Didja want that photo in the main post…kind of…biggish.
It’s a perfectly cromulent image.
I forgot to uncheck a box. Fuck it.
Changed my mind
Aaaand it’s gone
I can just imagine the smell of that plastic burning… ugh.
Will the toxins from burning windmills be counted against the environmental purity of wind power?
Not only a ton of toxic sludge during the production but toxic fumes all into the atmosphere as it burns!
I was gonna post the acrostic story. Damn.
Oh well, at least he’s a shoe in for the virtue signalling olympics.
Science envoy for the State Department
That job title cries out for a good firing.
Story in a nutshell – some minor functionary no one knows of nor cares about snags himself 30 seconds of fame with the stunt of a teenager.
minor functionary no one knows of nor cares about snags himself 30 seconds of fame with the stunt of a teenager.
You forgot “starts Hulkaburger franchise”.
The Special Olympics?
Don’t lump the congenitally disabled in with this dude
What a whiney little bitch. He should be embarrassed.
Sunk costs fallacy at work. I went and paid for the cover art for two Stanley books without having either written. I keep trying to write an opener for even one so I can get the series off the ground and get a good feel for how these adventure yarns flow.
So I’m going to ask for opinions on the latest draft – though I’ll likely just get abuse and mockery.
‘ere goes – How well, or poorly does this scene work as a novel opener?
Wow, that was longer than I thought it would be.
TL,DR: Is there any porn?
No. This is a “Family Friendly” book.
Sex produces families….
I see no references to ‘digitigrade walking’. -10. See me after class.
The title character has no feet!
I’d buy it.
I got through it, and I’m not a big fan of literary sci-fi (I prefer it chewed up for me and put on camera). Small sample size though.
You might want to do a spell check on it, though.
Proofing errors are expected for the “first off the keyboard” draft like this.
The words do get scrutinized several times through the process. (Including by an outside person who gets paid to do just that).
It’s pretty well paced so far. If you can keep that up (and the rest of the plot and characters are good), I’d say you could have a decent book.
Hmmm… Space Aliens who annoy you?
/sarc off
Seems like a good start. There are some spelling errors. Would continue to read.
Spelling and punctuation errors are common in my first drafts.
The setting here is a society following the collapse of a near post-scarsity society that got so bored they played god and engineered chimeric organisms – and to some extent their societies. Then that society collapsed, and a new one built on the ruins.
There have been no confirmed aliens in-setting.
I heard the first two paragraphs in the voice of the DM from Harmonquest, don’t know if that is good or bad.
Honestly, try ditching the first paragraph. It sets a bit of scene, but opening with serpent coils choking furniture gets my attention much faster. I tried skipping the opening paragraph and I don’t think anything is lost (although maybe because I retained some info from reading it the first time?)
I was going for “Set a very normal scene, then zoom in on the discongruity”
Stanley needs to lay off the hooch and hit the heat rock.
Fun fact – in this setting Naga are Mesothermic, exhibiting ectothermic qualities in warm temperatures, but having endothermic capacity when the temperature drops. If he did curl up on a heated surface his metabolic calorie consumption might actually decrease a bit.
And on the alcohol side – he has a body mas of 500 pounds, largely lean muscle, and a liver the size of a moose*. It actually takes a lot of alcohol to get him drunk, and once there it doesn’t last as long.
*just not This moose
Funner fact – your story is not bland.
Why thank you, bacon
I enjoyed reading that but I find ribbing you irresistible
” it was a dark and stormy night…”
Now, I will buy when you publish.
I guess I have to get writing.
Stanley: Sorry pal, but you look kind of straight-edge to me.
Jarvis: Appearances can be deceiving. I’ve recently come out as a Twin-Spirit with aspirations of one day being a full on Genderfuck. Come back to my lab and I will dispel any remaining notions you may have about my being a cis-gendered shitlord.
Stanley: I’m…intrigued by your offer.
Now that, my friends, is Nebula/Hugo Award Material.
The way they stand now, their approval would fill me with shame.
I’d definitely give it a shot. Like what I read so far.
I dig it. The normal to weird was a nice touch. But I’ve always tried to avoid the opening on weather trope as it’s seen as a bit cliche. That being said I enjoyed what I read, I’m intrigued and would definitely read more.
What does the place smell like?
What does Stanley smell like?
Is there a recurring message over the loudspeaker about red zones and white zones?
You might consider focusing,on Jarvis’ perspective; introduce him walking into the terminal and looking around, spotting Stanley, being startled by lightning, or maybe a kid running into him and he checks for his wallet…something like that.
Sloopy and Banjos aren’t trapped in Texas with that storm. The storm is trapped there with Sloopy and Banjos.
Be safe Banjos & Sloppy & The Gang!
OMFG…John-level typo right there
It’s ok. I get called worse all the time.
Sometimes I deserve it, sometimes I don’t. But it happens.
Dat hat ain’t sloppy.
First day of school for the older boys.
*puts up feet*
3rd day of day care. I had to do the dropoff this morning because yesterday was too much for my wife.
Did she bring him home?
Both of them! Yes. She’s the hero
Don’t lie, it was rough on you too. Damn kids make me have emotions and stuff
Emotions like white-hot rage?
And for OMWC that emotion is lust.
First day of 5K for RBSV. I think my wife was upset that he went straight to his seat and started playing with the play-doh the teachers had set out for the kids this morning instead of being more dramatic.
Now Julie Borowski is being called ‘alt-right’ by worthless individual, Cathy Reiszonowitz. Culture Kampf
Never heard of either of them.
Token libertarian girl and TSTSNBN’s former webmaster/onetime libertarianish libertine now full on CA Bay Area prog.
Huh, she actually self-describes as “neoliberal”. That is not a good sign.
Figures. You don’t even know what pizza is
Says the member of the ignorant cult that doesn’t know what sheet pans are for.
I’m going to cut you!
Best response in that thread
Do you support replacing the bourgeoisie family unit with polyamorous trans families? If not thats the problem.
That sums up Reiszonwitz to a tee. She is one of those people who thinks Libertarian means Libertine and it is okay to embrace government if doing so is necessary to enable Libertine ways.
That being said, she is pretty cute and incredibly cute for someone who claims to be “sex positive”. Usually “sex positive” is code for “I am too fat and or homely to get laid otherwise” but Reiszonwitz is the exception to that. I dare say she is cuter than Borowski.
You know who else wants to destroy the family unit?
Maxwell Taylor?
Probably ENB?
Not the family, just their fetuses.
Jim Jones?
Meh. Short hair and psycho politics.
I dig short hair. And every woman is nuts. They just vary in how they are nuts.
Well, there is degree of nuts…
Like Kennedy is dingy, all the way over to Lorena Bobbitt likes to make key-chains.
I wonder if Kennedy will have Ron Paul on her show anymore, since he’s an ‘alt right’ figure according to noted piece of shit Nick Gillespie? She probably will, Kennedy is a better man than noted piece of shit Nick Gillespie
Really? Kennedy is alt-right? I can’t keep track of the people of Gillespie’s bad list.
Is the Jacket reducing blood flow through the carotids?
I don’t think it’s the jacket, I think it’s just the autoerotic aspyxiation.
Not that I’m judgin’, just sayin’.
There are degrees of nuts. But they are all crazy and there is the universal truism that there is no sexy like crazy sexy. It is true and you know it.
Sure, right up to that moment when the bunny gets boiled.
Life is about taking chances and hoping you get away with it.
I dare say she is cuter than Borowski.
Sorry, not buying it. Reiszonwitz has that look of someone who’s deeply embittered and it’s starting to show on her face. She’s not aging well. Borowski looks like a girl who likes to be happy. Personally, I find that much more attractive.
It’s difficult for me to dislike Milo when he goes out of his way to include libertarians whenever he talks about free speech and censorship. You don’t have to agree with everything someone says, but the way they treat him like he’s fucking Hitler Incarnate when his persona is just “Sassy Gay Conservative/Button Pusher” is a little revolting.
(This mentioned here because it seems like they’re ganging up on her for not denouncing Milo as Satan)
When Milo was forced out from speaking at UCLA, Julie defended his right to speak. To cosmotarians (they are not libertarians) this is a cardinal sin. Speech needs nothing to them. That event was an opportunity to virtue signal and nothing else.
Yeah, this whole purge seems to center around denouncing people who aren’t libertarian.
why does interviewing someone mean you condone every thing they have done or will do?
Milo Isn’t a libertarian, but he doesn’t want to do anything to me.
Well, you can’t slack off on the Narrative and remain credible.
Ratchets only work in one direction, unless you have one of those little levers on the wrench that reverses the action, but a mechanism like that is too complicated for regressive retards.
I consider someone’s opinion about Milo to be a test of how much they really care about what Progs think of them. Milo is exactly what you say he is. But since he is gay and is unafraid of making Progs look like fools, Progs hate his guts and slander him by saying he’s a white nationalist and racist and so forth. He is also an easy target with few friends who will stand up to him. Basically, pretending Milo is Hitler incarnate is a very easy way of trying to get Progs to pretend you are one of the good people. So any time I hear someone on the right repeat the prog line about him, it is a big tell that they are a phony and care more about what Prog’s think of them and not being called a racist than they care about telling the truth.
I think he’s a loathesome person – even when I agree with some of the things he says.
Elsewhere I once said “When I find myself on the same side of an argument with people I can’t stand I re-evaluate my position. With Milo, I couldn’t stand the man, but I looked at the other side and saw portable generators on fire.”
I really can’t comment on his character other than to say he seems like your typical hedonistic gay guy. But, his positions are for the most part pretty reasonable. And he has bigger balls than the entire staff of reason and CATO put together. I can’t help but respect someone with the kind of courage that he exhibits.
He is a nihilist provocateur. He doesn’t believe in anything other than being a celebrity, whether warranted or not. Regardless, though, he still has a right to speak and that is what Julie said in his defense. That is how low ‘libertarianism’ has sunk. If you defend the principle that everyone should be allowed to speak you’re basically a Nazi.
Cosmotarians are disgraceful
They really are. They are just posing for their Prog friends. And I don’t know that Milo is a nihilist. He does seem to have an ethos and it seems to be pretty classically liberal minus sexual morality when you get past all the bluster.
Watch some of Milo’s extended interviews. He’s surprisingly well-versed in Classical Liberalism.
I think he’s a loathesome person – even when I agree with some of the things he says.
Curious – what makes him loathsome to you?
Milo’s hit nobody with a bike lock.
Milo’s set fire to nobody’s campus.
Milo’s had nobody de-platformed.
Milo’s doxxed nobody (that I know of)
Milo’s made no threats against anyone’s life.
Milo’s done nothing that I know of that violates anyone else’s rights.
It’s hard to see why anyone with a libertarian/libertarian-ish oultook could accuse him of being any worse than a mildly offensive media troll, despite him not being a libertarian.
Is his behavior ‘icky’? Some of his decisions are not decisions I would make. But they’re his decisions to make. And ‘we’ could (and do have) far less reliable allies, including nominal card-carrying libertarians,
“including nominal card-carrying libertarians”
At this point, these people are our greatest threat. The cosmotarian won’t think twice about labeling anyone as being a ‘Nazi’ or ‘alt-right’ within their ranks. So long as they are ‘respectable’. They threw Ron Paul under the bus and he is probably the most successful libertarian politician ever (in terms of the movement)
A concern troll is more dangerous than an outright enemy. The concern troll allows the other side to say to everyone “see, even people on your side think you are crazy”. And that is all the Cosmotarians are; concern trolls forever telling the world how respectable they are and how wrong everyone else on the right is.
But that’s a team-think viewpoint. Next stop is demanding you disavow him/them so your baseball team can remain pure and unsullied. Get suckered into that shit and you lose, because Alinsky was right. You can never live up to your principles if you’re going to be tarred by other people’s failures.
Milo’s views are Milo’s. You wanna know what I think? Ask me what I think, not what Milo thinks. Evaluate my politics based on what I say I think. And I’ll evaluate yours based on what you think.
He did mock and identify a transgendered person in one of his University tour speeches.
Said person threatened to sue the University if xe was not allowed into a women’s locker room, flopping penis and all, refused to cover the said penis, refused a compromise of private changing room, gave an interview with name and photo to the university paper two weeks before Milo came on campus, and was planning to leave the university at the end of the year.
But he’s still the greatest living monster.
Standard Disclaimer: while rest of media class was screeching “Sexism” and glorifying Sarkeesian, Milo exposed the GamesJournoList and coordinated campaign against ordinary people in favor of SJWs. He’ll have to go kill someone for me to not have a soft spot for him.
Hense the second part of the later statement “I looked at the other side and saw portable generators on fire.”
Comparisons about the sort of person espousing an idea are related to the question of “is this the sort of person I want to be associated with”. In that case I was left to ponder the moral degenerate or the unprincipled fascists rioting at dissent.
Upon contemplation of my principles and the strength of my adherence, I stuck to “Let the degenerate speak, stop the rioters from burning shit down”.
I’ve asked a question on TSTSNBN. And I have yet to get a satisfactory answer. What exactly has Milo Yiannopoulos ever said or done that I’m supposed to hate him?
One might speculate that *if* you valued attending cocktail parties with lots of bright young journalistic things, and were thinking of building a dazzling career in DC, you might be able to answer your own question.
Libertarianism is SJW-lite. So says Nick Sarwark, and NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHOOSING.
Property rights, gun rights, contract rights, religious freedom, and free speech are just luxuries to be traded off for the important rights such as abortion, transgender recognition, and polygamy.
Nick Sarwark.
Property rights, gun rights, contract rights, religious freedom, and free speech are just luxuries to be traded off for the important rights such as Mexicans, Pot, and Ass-Sex.
Nick Gillespie
Do you know who else was an animal lover?
That woman under Obamacare working in …was it HUD?
Did she ever get prosecuted?
Catherine the Great?
The “Blacks for Trump” sign guy has been popping up in various articles for some reason or another today. Apparently he is a genuine stark raving mad batshit crazy person.
I read some of the excerpted quotes from the dude’s site and was immediately reminded of HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVVYNOMNOM that some of you might remember from the site of yesteryear. Is it possible they could be one and the same?
(Sincere apologies if I may have inadvertently lit some kind of lunatic Batsignal there.)
It’s not “for some reason.” It’s because “here’s a typical Trump supporter for you to laugh at.”
No worries. It’s not like you said Mary Stack three times.
Damn, I loved it when HERCULE would post.
He left for a while, but came back occasionally. One time I asked him to keep coming around, because his stuff was gold, whether he meant it or not.
He seemed very happy though.
Anyway, the URL on his sign, gods2.co, redirects to here:
That’s freaky that you mentioned HERC; I was just thinking about him last evening. I wondered if he showed up if Glibs would ban him.
I would have recommended this song.
I saw earlier that Gillespie at TOS is ripping on Ron Paul. That’s what happens when you lose the strong moral compass of a good commentariat. Is TOS Certified Family Friendly? I doubt it.
Acrostic asshole mentions Linda Jew-Hatin’ Muslim Nazi Sarsour as an authortitative voice.
Therefore I dismiss the entire statement.
I was recently enjoying the run of Uber and the author has a little talky piece at the end of every issue where he discusses various topics.
I lost a great deal of respect for him when he cited Ta-Nehisi Coates’ work as a solid, objective analysis of race relations in America. You know, the guy who thinks Harlem is a black ethnostate and wants to kick all the white people out.
Citing virulent racists may be a bad idea.
Black people can’t be racist, JT. Do you need to go back to the
re-education campscultural sensitivity training?THERE…ARE…FOUR…LIGHTS!
*golf clap*
Except Bill Clinton, I assume?
Something something black bodies something something
“Acrostic asshole mentions Linda Jew-Hatin’ Muslim Nazi Sarsour”
God, I despise that …sub-human Islamist, and her scum feminist allies. They deserve Sharia. We don’t.
I’d love to see a man debate Sarsour and ask her if she wants Sharia law. When she says yes, start screaming at her “WHY ARE YOU SPEAKING TO A MAN WHO IS NOT YOUR HUSBAND? ARE YOU A PROSTITUTE? GET OFF THIS STAGE AND HAVE YOUR HUSBAND OR FATHER DISCIPLINE YOU PROPERLY!”
What a hypocritical piece of shit. Takes advantage of Western protections and freedoms while demanding they be destroyed. Absolute vermin.
So I have a question. If GOPe hate trump so much why not say they will vote to impeach him?
Also why haven’t the progs tried a general strike?
They have – no one with a job ever joins them.
If all the working progs went on strike, nobody outside your local university campus would notice.
They would basically need every business to go on strike.
Because they know it would be political suicide.
If GOPe hate trump so much why not say they will vote to impeach him?
Fear of retaliation from their voting base.
There are supposedly several Repub Senators who have said more-or-less privately that as soon as the House impeaches, they will vote to remove. Although none of them have gone on the record as far as I know, I find this credible.
Similarly, once the House passes a bill that R senators can support, it will pass.
I think a good number of them want to go back into the minority. The only thing that keeps them in line is the fear of it being them who is actually kicked out of office. They are just absolute complete assholes.
According to Cato in the good old days those guys would have kept Trump from the nomination…
“If GOPe hate trump so much why not say they will vote to impeach him?”
If impeachment was via a secret ballot, Trump would have been impeached as soon as ZOMG RUSSIA became a thing. If the cocksuckers (no offense to our gheyz and wimminz) like McCain, Graham, and the rest of the GOPE were able to remove him without being held accountable by the voters, they would have already done it.
Why, you say that as though you’re one of those people that think actions have consequences!
If GOPe hate trump so much why not say they will vote to impeach him?
Because many of them face re-election before the Donald.
From the Williamson piece
I laughed.
Was that actually in there? LOL
New Zealand hardest hit.
I liked the “at least its an ethos”
I presumed worse.
Williamson is an epic asshole. He can, however occasionally be funny. But that still doesn’t make up for being such an asshole.
Still pretty much the only one worth reading over there. And the goat line was outstanding.
Charles W. Cooke is the only one I can stand anymore. And Jim Gehrety is okay sometimes. Williamson never has anything beyond the occasional asshole funny remark.
I enjoyed this one, too.
His take down of HRC was epic. Anyway, NR has a number of good writers. Whether you agree them or not is a different matter.
Williamson does not worship Trump. His name must be stricken from the rolls of history.
No. Williamson is an asshole who called anyone who objected in any way to free trade a welfare queen and said rural American communities deserved to die because of a bunch of fact free rants on his part and which also repeated every nasty slur ever used by the drug warriors to justify prohibition. Funny how he is such a Libertarian but happily claims anyone who uses drugs is a degenerate who deserves anything they get when it is convenient.
But if you want to think his sin is not liking Trump, whatever gets you through the night sweetheart.
He sure doesn’t. Though I personally cannot forget comparing Trump’s sons to Uday and Qusay.
If you don’t like Trump, that is fine, but what the exactly did his daughter do? What has Ivanka Trump ever done that justifies saying she is a bad person much less deserve to be compared to notorious murderers? That is the perfect example of why Williamson is an asshole and isn’t worthy of reading.
Remember, the people at NRO think Milo is beyond the pale and a troll. But they employ a guy who says Ivanka Trump is as bad as mass murderers because of her sin of being Donald Trump’s daughter. That is real top flight writing and thinking there.
He doesn’t. And neither do most of the writers at NR. Trump is a populist and pragmatist, not a principled and religious conservative like William F. Buckley Jr.
They are not too observant for being so religious. They have happily compromised on lots of things in the past.
They don’t eat goats around there, they f — Okay, now I get it.
I see the goat rape and raise you donkey rape, rabid donkey at that. Those Moroccans sure know how to party.
Apparently you can transmit rabies via sex. The more you know!
Vhyrus is going to need to make a lot of phone calls once the foaming stops.
Not very nice of them to give that donkey rabies!
Clearly, Mr. Wizzleteats has never been Tijuana.
I thought those shows were a myth.
They are.
Of course they were. Who expected different?
These days it seems a cosmotarian is really a conservative progressive.
Nah. Cosmos were always progressives. They just used to put a little more effort into keeping the mask on.
I mean the Bernie bots and antifas will love them..
“This right here is why I don’t want Trump impeached.”
Has anyone figured out what Turtlehead is good for anyway? After Rand backed him and supported him, did Turtlehead endorse Rand for the GOP nomination? I can’t remember that happening.
Good old salami strategy:
Sound familiar?
You know who else had a Salami strategy? (Everyone here should have the same answer for this)
Richard Pryor?
Ken Howard?
Elena Bobbit?
Bill Clinton?
Jared Fogle?
I responded to you. My joke was meant to be bi-polar Rufus.
It failed.
That’s why I’m here cracking jokes and not the comedy cellar in NYC.
Keep that level of humor up and you’ll be in Warty’s Cellar.
/Warty sitting on chair alone in dungeon. Rufus stand up routine begins.
‘Hey, it’s pretty damp down here…’
/wipes sweat from forehead.
‘I had scalpels like those on the walls once. I used to cut apples with them!’
‘Tough crowd tonight. So the other day I was at the super market and out came this Jew out of nowhere with his curly hair crashing into the Chef-Boyardee aisle. He was being chased by a big black dude! And then a Mexican came in and mugged and raped them both while Trump filmed it.’
/Warty pulls out sword.
“And, erm, yeah sooooo….How about those transgenders, eh? When I go pee I sit down does that make me like them?’
/Rufus’s head rolls.
Acrostic of note
(In Montreal, no less.)
Wow, that’s cold. (No pun intended).
As long as you found it funny, then it worked. I think i got what you were saying anyway.
That’s the thing.
I never find anything I say funny.
Every night I cry myself to sleep hating the jokes I tell.
I think you are funny Rufus.
Take the pill first then comment.
I also like your rubber duckie.
These euphemisms…
A caustic acrostic?
“Daniel M Kammen @dan_kammen
Mr. President, I am resigning as Science Envoy. Your response to Charlottesville enables racism, sexism, & harms our country and planet.”
/sad trombone.
“Mister Kammen, we appreciate your devotion to saving taxpayer dollars. Your position will not be filled in your absense, and will be eliminated in the near future.”
I wonder if the mission brief for that spot is to go around, saying to all your cow orkers how much you enjoy fucking science?
cow orkers?
Is that like what the Afghanis are doing to the goats?
And I am going to assume the ‘fucking’ in your last sentence is a verb and not an adjective.
Such a brave statement. I’m sure it’ll put the future of his career on the line.
re: IT GON RAIN in Houston, of course you see shit like this in the comments, because of course you do.
Chief JGH
4:15 PM EDT
Now if I were an evangelical preacher, I might see this as a sign of God’s wrath, though it is probably because Texas sent Trump to the White House with a set of equally repulsive Congressional pols such as Cruz.
No, this guy sent Trump to the White House.
Will Houstonians be able to tell the difference between rain and the normal humidity?
The accumulation.
Alternatively, God still really hates people from New Orleans.
Maybe he just found the ones he was trying to punish who escaped Katrina.
14-year-old took the family car from a house in Hamburg. Soon he was carjacked.
Life comes at ya fast
I larfed.
So occupy might be reviving except as an anti-Trump movement.
So how do you keep the wackos on message?
And to really cause trouble you will have to riot and occupy government buildings…in blue enclaves.
Of course Occupy is coming back. I’m surprised it took this long.
And I, for one, am happy they are going to start pissing off normies and providing amusement for me.
The only thing that can save the Repubs from a massacre next year as their disgusted base stays home, IMO, is the Dems and their cut-outs/allies. I’m a little torn on a Repub massacre next year – it couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of shitheads, but, OTOH, it would mean Dems gaining power and being validated in their new street violence tactics, but, on the gripping hand, it might get the most epically entertaining episode in American political history underway – the impeachment of President Trump.
All in all, I find little reason to be anything but apathetic about the Congressional elections next year. Whether we trade tightly puckered assholes for bleached assholes really doesn’t matter much to me.
Libertarian moment! /Gillespie welch and sarwack
Look, there are more windows that need smashed and more parks that need shit in. Forward, comrades!
What needs to happen is for some third party to pick up seats; failing that, the GOP incumbents need to all be replaced during the primaries.
For anyone thinks that this is oh, so clever, please allow me to show you the quarter hidden behind your ear.
Also…got your nose!
*claps hands and giggles*
He’s not even the first this week with an oh so clever acrostic. So stupid, but I’m sure he’ll dine off it for weeks.
I am looking forward to all these dumb ceremonial welfare postings being abolished, that’s for sure.
Have they deployed The Cantore yet?
When Jim Cantore walks into your town… that’s when you know you’re fucked.
That guy really is the bringer of doom. I hope they send Jenn Carfagno out. She is the undisputed champion of the cute perky, MILF division.
She is cute and not as much of a dingbat as some of the others. I really like Alex Wilson – she’s kind of a feminine tomboy.
Good news, everyone.
WHO: AIDS no longer leading cause of death in Africa
Fewer people are dying of HIV/AIDS in Africa, with the World Health Organization (WHO) now listing respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia as the leading cause of death. HIV/AIDS was responsible for an estimated 760,000 deaths in Africa in 2015, which is a decrease from the 1 million deaths recorded in 2010, Business Insider reported.
Malaria, which was a longtime cause of deaths on the continent, dropped off the top five list, and was replaced by heart disease, Business Insider reported, adding that the majority of deaths in 2015 were largely caused by preventable diseases.
I got malaria in Tanzania. It was horrible.
We can now return to our regularly scheduled programming of malaria, starvation, machete-attacks, and infant malnutrition
Based on absolute poverty rates I would say Africa as a whole has turned a corner. Just have to see if they keep it up and not fall into liberal/socialist economics again.
Umm, pretty sure Africa has perfected the art of going straight from subsistence economy to corruptocrat quasi-socialism. I don’t think they can “not fall into liberal/socialist economics again” because as far as I can tell, they never stopped falling into it.
London School of Economics Strikes Again!
I was mostly kidding.
I’ve not paid much attention to Africa in the last 10 years or so (and my prior attention was mostly via my UN-gf who worked on african issues). It may be wrong to joke about the perennial fucked-up-ness of the continent, but the news-media still manages to help reinforce that perception
Well, despite the problems, they got this one very important thing right:
Today, about 2/3 of the world’s population lives in Asia, a figure dominated by India and China. Looking at the regional breakdown of the forecasts, we see that by 2100, Africa and Asia will be home to 4.4 and 4.9 billion individuals respectively, and will together account for 83% of the world’s population. To look at it from a different perspective, the proportion of the world’s population that’s not African or Asian looks small and relatively constant:
It’s a powerful argument for helping to move these ncontinents into solidly 1st-world and post-first world economies.
Of course, there’s a fuckton of socialists at home and abroad to deal with first.
That’s nature’s way of telling you to drink more G&Ts. Don’t you even raj, Derpy?
Believe me, I drank plenty while I was there.
In the Peace Corps, everyone who goes to Asia comes back a philosopher, everyone who goes to South America comes back a revolutionary, and everyone who goes to Africa comes back a drunk.
Saudi Arabia teen dancing to ‘Macarena’ is arrested after video goes viral
The state-linked Sabq news website quoted Col. Aati bin Attiyah al-Qurashi as saying police arrested the young man in Jeddah for disrupting traffic and “improper public behavior.”
The boy, who wasn’t immediately identified, was later released without charge, after he and his legal guardian were summoned for questioning, Sky News reported.
“They signed a written pledge that the teen will not engage in behavior that could endanger his life and the life of others again,” the Saudi Interior Ministry said Wednesday. “The notification was solely intended to warn the boy about potential consequences for his own safety, as well as to safeguard the overall safety of motorists and pedestrians.”
Western music and dancing is taboo in Saudi Arabia, but such incidents in the past have not led to lengthy imprisonment or serious punishment. Traditional dance is permitted.
I find that a very easy way to tell identify a shitty country is to see if there are any kinds of music which are banned.
I thought their traditional dancing took place on the end of a rope.
written pledge that the teen will not engage in behavior that could endanger his life
And by that, they mean from the Mutaween, right?
Nice life you got there. Be a shame if sumptin’ were to happen to it.
I dunno but i think i support jailing anyone doing that gawd awful 90s fad dance. I thought it was lame from day 1.
To be fair, dancing the Macarena should be punished severely.
The hilarity of Canadian hypocrisy on immigration being exposed continues. From our Beloved State Broadcaster today (yes, it’s an opinion piece, but you can see “more from” and the author is an ordinary Toronto Hivemind member, not some conservative firebrand).
Trudeau must dispel the myth there’s ‘always a place’ for refugees in Canada
Not offered in the article: taking in as many immigrants as can get here, to show Canada Isn’t Trump’s America.
Don’t you get it Pan? The Liberals are Top Men so they ignore everything they claim to stand for and do things that if Harper had done would have driven you to apolexy.
In the meantime, it’s up to the Commies to show the obvious stupidity of PM Zoolander’s latest statement
She’s absolutely correct – crossing legally gets you sent back, crossing illegally means government must run you through asylum process.
Hmmm, so Zoolander has a choice between:
1. Doing something that is largely beneficial for the country in the long run.
2. Continuing to virtue signal and stroke his own ego.
I wonder what he will pick.
Goddamn 2019 can’t come soon enough.
Hey, ego-stroking and doing nothing I’m fine with.
There’ll be a crowd of people coming in. They’ll get put into a system. Then 60%+ of them will be rejected. Word will spread and they’ll stop coming. Canada will be mildly embarrassed for a bit and maybe some people will learn about perils of virtue signalling (not PM Zoolander of course).
If we could just convince Zoolander to spend the next two years travelling around the world taking photos with various Important People and giving lame speeches to idiot progs the country will be in decent shape. Best use of tax dollars in my opinion.
C’mon man! This has to be close to peak derp.
BBC: ESPN reassigns commentator Robert Lee over ‘name coincidence’
WTF link?
Sorry, JD. Old news.
After today’s Overwatch short, I repudiate anything I’ve ever said about Mei, who is now best waifu.
First, that was heartbreaking.
Second, Mercy remains the best waifu.
Third, obviously the experience wrecked Mei’s sanity, creating a psychopath poison troll we all know.
Four, Mei is thicc.
And finally, fuck, Blizzard knows how to hire a composer.
She still looks too white to be Chinese.
But thicc as ever.
Dat ass.
One of the tubes says ‘MacReady’.
Overwatch/The Thing crossover when?
The British were eager to help the CIA in Afghanistan in the weeks following 9/11, but their ideas were terrible. CTC urged Grenier to put into action a U.K. plan to send a British-trained Pakistani narcotics-enforcement team into Afghanistan as the vanguard of an anti-Taliban invasion. Grenier squashed the scheme, noting that “the one occasion that the unit in question had crossed the border to attack drug-processing labs, it had been surrounded by a drug militia, captured and its members sent back across the border minus their weapons and most of their clothing.”
Grenier pleaded with the Air Force to keep Pashtun anti-Taliban fighters—Karzai, in particular—supplied with weapons and ammo. But the Air Force C-130 transport crews wouldn’t fly low owing to the possibility of Taliban ground fire, and the flying branch’s parachute riggers had lost the specialized skills for dropping bundles from high altitude. The Air Force refused to let CIA riggers re-teach the methods. “We risked losing an irreplaceable tribal ally due to our inability to make secure airdrops, and all because of bloody-minded interagency politics,” Grenier laments.
Here’s your feel-good story of the day:
Piglets saved from barn fire are served as sausages to firefighters who rescued them
they did have to reach proper size before being cooked.
*checks Lit’l Smokies off the UCS list of acceptable edibles*
Mmmmmmm, bacon
That part of Wiltshire is (somewhat justifiably) famous for making excellent pork pies, the bane of cardiologists everywhere.
I haz an envy.
I’m going to predict that 90% of the comments in the article confuse a farm with a wildlife sanctuary.
We can slaughter chickens all day long here without blinking. The pigs and cows are going to give me a little pause though once we move into those (all my current cows are dairy). I hear the trick is to name the piglets porkchop, bacon, etc to never get too attached. The cows are probably going to have to go a slaughterhouse just due to logistics.
Wildlife sanctuary? Pshaw. More like petting zoo.
Our cows when I was growing up were named T-Bone, Hamburger, Daisy, etc.
My BiL named the turkeys he was raising one year Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and Spare.
Good thing, too. Spare got eaten by one of the pigs he was raising.
So that’s the turkey bacon everyone’s been talking about.
There was actually an anime about this (apparently they have actual legit looks like America farms in Japan). A city boy gets pissed at his dad and rebels by entering an agricultural high school. Part of the curriculum is raising a piglet to maturity and then having it slaughtered. He names his ‘gyudon’ (which literally means pork bowl) and treats it like a dog, so that when it comes time to kill the damn thing he gets all wispy about it.
Gyudon is beef bowl, though.
How are pigs as livestock? I’ve been interested in chickens and goats, and if I ended up on an honest to goodness farm, cattle. However, pigs seem like a shit-ton of work and mess.
Well they do eat almost anything.
They’re pretty useful like that.
Couple that spent decades in jail for child sex abuse crimes of which they were innocent gets 3.6 million from the state in compensation for their ruined lives. The DA in that case and the evil bitch who refused to let them out of jail long after it was clear they were innocent was none other than Rosemary Lehmberg, she of the famous DUI arrest video. Talk about an evil, worthless bitch. God what an awful woman.
– 1 Mike Warnke, Satan Seller
The Moon-Walking, Alien-Hunting, Psychic Astronaut Who Got Sued by NASA
The lawsuit
Mitchell’s imagination was expansive, but he never imagined that he would be named in lawsuit by the U.S. government. In 2011, the government filed suit to stop the sale of a camera that Mitchell had used on Apollo 14 and that had been given to him afterwards as a souvenir.
For decades, it was customary at NASA for astronauts and their teams to take home mementos. Many of these objects have shown up at auctions. In 2014, another controversial camera that reportedly went to the moon — and said to be “the only one” that returned — fetched $760,000.
It’s not just equipment that gets put up for sale. At a space-history auction in 2015, Alan Bean offered up a freeze-dried spaghetti dinner that he took to the moon and back, still in its original packaging.
The 16-millimeter Data Acquisition Camera at the heart of the government’s lawsuit. Smithsonian Institution photo
But in recent years, NASA has sought to stop the sale of some of these artifacts. In “The United States of America vs. Edgar Mitchell,” the Justice Department claimed that Mitchell was not assigned clear title for the camera and that it was the “exclusive property of the United States.”
Mitchell pointed out that it has long been NASA custom to let astronauts take home souvenirs, that claims by NASA about stolen property were too old to be valid, and that because the government had initially ordered the camera be left on the moon, it had forfeited its right to the camera. Mitchell grabbed it at the last moment, effectively rescuing it.
“All of this stuff would have been thrown away and crashed on the moon if we didn’t do it that way.” The quest to reclaim these objects was the result, he said, of “a bunch of rebels at NASA that are totally messed up about things.”
But a judge threw out Mitchell’s motion to dismiss the case, and in 2012, he came to a settlement with NASA in which he agreed to cede the camera to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.
“This…belongs…in a museum!”
In news from two years ago, MMA fighter Jon Jones fails a drug test, potentially stripping him of the UFC light heavyweight title. I realize that some of these fighters aren’t Rhodes scholars, but how stupid can you be?
He didn’t know!!!!
Jones is a fucking moron.
Was a fan of his at one point because both of his brothers (Chandler and Arthur) played football at Syracuse, but man.
The company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, which drew international attention for potentially endangering the water supply of Native American tribes in the Dakotas, accused Greenpeace and other environmental activists who helped organize protests of eco-terrorism, racketeering and other crimes.
By filing a lawsuit against the activists in U.S. District Court in North Dakota on Tuesday, the Dallas-based oil and gas company Energy Transfer Partners became the second firm to accuse Greenpeace of breaking a federal organized crime law used to try members of the mafia, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO Act.
Disclaimer- I am a shareholder.
I love the endless qualifiers so as to avoid outright slander. The company “drew international attention for potentially endangering the water supply of Native American Tribes.” The qualifiers are mind boggling. The Post won’t say they were accused of it, just that they drew attention, whatever that means. And it wasn’t for polluting the water supply, it was endangering it. And it wasn’t even for endangering it, it was for potentially endangering it. How the heck do you “potentially endanger” something?
I’m potentially endangering my coworker right now.
/me calls HR on the red phone ….
You’ll be in the queue for a few hours.
*calls on the Diversity and Inclusion line and gets right through*
Is Eddie reading but not commenting?
Come on Eddie!
Also where in the hell is Carmen San Diego? And Groovus?
Come back Eddie! Don’t be stubborn.
I had an email to Groovus back in late February that didn’t catch a reply. Not a peep since.
Razorfist on the scene of The Battle of Phoenix!
Speaking of which – Razor’s said he’ll make a video on how he’s looking forward to Arpaio’s pardon. Like his other video about why we need the wall I’m very interested to see how his viewpoint as a local colors his opinions on an otherwise authoritarian shitlord. See also his comments on the Arizona Republic and the lack of coverage for GOP opponents to McCain.
Update on Secret Cuban Anti-Diplomat Sonic
DeathMild-Trauma WeaponThis isn’t secret or new. The soviets did this to our embassies in the freaking 60s.
Might this be the cause? (Visually SFW)
The cause of my happiness!
I love Hawkwind!
An old neighbor used to always rant about Monster Magnet stealing from Hawkwind.
Maybe – maybe – up to Superjudge. Dopes to Infinity? I really don’t think so. Powertrip and beyond? No fucking way.
True fact. Roadied for them for a number of gigs back in Croydon, England.
Genuinely funny guys, weird as fuck. Michael Moorcock used to hang around them a lot at that venue. Moorcock was wierder than double-fuck.
Excellent. Please tell me Lemmy was even cooler than I imagine.
Hate to break it to you, but I never actually ‘hung’ with Lemmy. I was just a l’il punkass kid who lived in the area and wanted to hang out with the band because even at 15, I knew chick dug bands and their support. That was about ’76 – after Lemmy had been kicked out and had started working for Emerson over at The Nice.
I did *meet* him a few times couple years later when I would swing by a Hawkwind gig at the same time as he did, and all the really ‘well known’ things about him were true at the time. The guy was tanked up on beer and doing speed and weed, and had a number of chicks hanging ’round his neck – that had to be about 78, because he’d been fired from the band long enough that B rock was talking to him again, and Calvert was back in the band, but Motorhead still hadn’t peaked in popularity. I suspect that Brock sensed that Lemmy was ‘going places’ and thought it might be a good idea to make peace.
Lemmy was totally Rock’n’Roll. He lived the lifestyle IN style and seems to have avoided all the really self-destructive shit that hits so many musicians in the biz. He was also a sarcastic dick, and cut me no slack whatsoever. What he did do for me was introduce me to some really fast women, and helped get me shitfaced a couple of times, what I can remember of it, but it was a bit more like me being lit in his reflected glow, more than really getting to know him.
I re-read that – it makes no sense – Lemmy didn’t avoid the self-destructive shit, he took it on – and won, although medical advice started to be followed after about 2003.
Washington (CNN)The US has decided to deny Egypt almost $100 million in aid and hold back another $195 million until it sees improvements in Cairo’s track record on human rights and democracy.
The Trump administration is looking to strike a balance between acknowledging Egypt’s importance as a strategic partner and frustration with passage of a new NGO law it sees as curbing democracy and freedoms.
The Benz ‘hypercar’ sounds cool and all, but were I to drop a wad on a Mercedes it would be a 1955 300SL.
Forget all these new, high-horsepower cars. It’s more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow. I’ll keep my RX7, thank you very much.
That is what they say. But everyone who says it sells their slow car the moment they can afford a fast one. Just saying.
I can afford them. I choose to race a 27-year-old car because it’s just stupid fun.
There is nothing wrong with that. Did you keep it stock? If not, why did you try to make it faster if driving a slow car is all that is fun?
I think you misunderstand the point. A “fast car” driven on the street, or even a shorter track, can’t ever be taken anywhere near its limits. But even a schlub like me can drive a “slow” RX7 to the point that the chassis flexes and the front camber is insufficient and the brakes overheat. Gradually you learn the car’s shortcomings and make corrections, but there’s only so much you can do before you hit the limit of the design’s performance. I’ll never be able to drive a McLaren to its limit. Even though the McLaren would be faster, the old Mazda is more fun.
I understand the point. I have heard it a million times because I am one of those people who drives a very fast car at the track. I find it to be plenty of fun and enjoy the challenge of getting closer and closer to its limit. Some day I will get there. Will I have become a better driver quicker if I had a slow car? People who know a lot more than I say yes. So, I won’t argue with them. But, I will never get to drive for a living. So that doesn’t bother me. I still think I will get there. And am having plenty of fun doing it. So to each their own.
Yeah, if you have the coin to be able to race your fast car, I agree. Otherwise, I’m with the Lord of the Rotary.
I can’t afford to go to SCCA school to get a license. So, I can’t afford to race anything. Just the odd track day. The thing about racing from what I understand is that the car isn’t really the expense. It is the tires and the maintenance that kill you. There are some classes that limit the tires to make it more reasonable. But a lot of classes don’t and in those classes, you can go through $3000 in tires in a single weekend. Tires and brakes and all the consumable stuff is from what I understand kills you if you try to race.
Even track days are fun. You almost owe it to yourself after all the work you did to the Porsche.
You are right on racing. My neighbor runs drag cars and it is shocking how much he spends.
Alternatively, another dude I know races Autocross. It’s pretty cheap. Also, Mad turned me on to ChumpCar. It looks like a blast!
I go to the track every chance I get. And I so want to do chump car. I just can’t find anyone to do it with. I need to find someone who is a decent shade tree mechanic and has a good garage. I can write a bigger check and they can contribute the garage and the mechanical ability.
There are all kinds of teams out there looking for exactly that, John. They have a team of one or two guys and a car, but need another teammate or two. Anyone who is a decent shoe and can write a check will be welcome to teams like that. Take them beer and you’re in like Flynn.
I need to look into it, right after I am prepared for my wife to divorce me. But it will be worth it.
Having fun will be the best revenge after a divorce!
There are cheaper alternatives. Look up ChumpCar or Lucky Dog or WRL or even 24 Hours of Lemons. Tires are limited to 180 treadwear or greater. 4 tires last me about 24 hours of racing if no one flat-spots them.
Yeah me too. I would also take any of the SL or SLRs made in the 50s, even the ones with the small engines. They were all way cool. I also would take a 600 Grosse. How would you like to have a driver and cruise around in this monster
Feel like an African dictator in that thing.
Yeah, I could enjoy that car.
I am angered by any articles about cars that do not feature sexy-car-porn-photos of said vehicle.
Yeah, you’d think they would at least release some drawings that confirm it will look quite like the other hypercars.
Someone should probably Casually drop this over at TOS.
Hey, I already told them they’re going up against the wall, and unlike That Guy T I’m also smart enough not to think anarcho-fascism is a thing.
Wait, what?
AntiFashion? Hence Gilmore’s puzzlement below.
Anarcho-fascism. Yes, it’s a thing.
You mean it’s only about your OWN blood and soil?
The TL;DR version is “murder everyone who tries to control you”.
Ah, just another Wednesday on noted deplorables site, Glibertarians.com,
So, sovereign citizens?
Is it any more ridiculous than anarchocommunism?
Here’s what’s really bizarre: every time I’ve mentioned the phrase “anarcho-capitalist” to a non-libertarian, the person has cocked their head sideways and said, “how is that even possible??”
Well, just ask all the anarchocapitalist societies how they manage it.
I don’t see how.
Then you are a smarter man than anarcho-fascists.
I don’t even understand what that means
It was just a silly thing I found on twitter but it alludes to the fact that trying to appease the radicals isn’t going to keep them out of the killing fields should it come to that.
Funny how he calls out commies separately as if the whole antifa wasn’t some neocommie year 0 cultural revolution.
I think it has downsides short of actual killing-fields.
trying to appease SJW types isn’t going to make them more amenable to actual libertarian ideas like Freedom of association or Self Ownership.
You can scream along with them how much you also hate racists, but they’ll still lump you in with “White Supremacists” if you refuse to support the massive state economic intervention which they pretend is in the name of ‘rectifying racial inequities’ or whatever.
How’s this for an article title?
New Confederate monuments are going up and these are the people behind them
Oh CNN you doxxings sons of bitches!
I’d like to drop off a boulder next to the new statute and dedicate it to the memory of George Thomas and the 19th Infantry.
They just HAD to throw that in there, didn’t they? Are the JournoLists at CNN capable of writing about any topic without tossing in a snide comment about Trump?
“The Myth of Drug Expiration Dates
Hospitals and pharmacies are required to toss expired drugs, no matter how expensive or vital. Meanwhile the FDA has long known that many remain safe and potent for years longer.
ProPublica has been researching why the U.S. health care system is the most expensive in the world. One answer, broadly, is waste — some of it buried in practices that the medical establishment and the rest of us take for granted. We’ve documented how hospitals often discard pricey new supplies, how nursing homes trash valuable medications after patients pass away or move out, and how drug companies create expensive combinations of cheap drugs. Experts estimate such squandering eats up about $765 billion a year — as much as a quarter of all the country’s health care spending.”
Something something liability something something public outrage if consumers use ineffective products something something class action lawsuits something something something something do this but don’t do this.
I once woke up in a Panamanian hotel room in the middle of the night with a screaming headache (I’m prone to dehydration headaches, which makes air travel extra irritating these days.) Rooting around in my luggage, I found a bottle of “expired” painkillers left there from a previous trip. Figuring “what the fuck, can’t make it worse”, I took a couple… and felt much better. I’ve kinda ignored pill expiration dates since.
I think it’s the difference between pills and caplets/liquids (esp. injectables – some of which obviously have to stay refrigerated).
Yeah, these were solids – advil or motrin or whatever.
The question of why healthcare costs more “on average” in the US always seemed odd. I bet cars cost more “on average” in the US. And cell phones, and meals and many other things. Many things cost more on average in wealthy countries because people can afford higher quality things and they buy them.
Yes, I think the higher quality of services could be a piece of the puzzle. Also, you can spend whatever you want on healthcare in the US. I’d suspect that the average is driven up by cases where a wealthy 90-year old needs increasingly expensive healthcare services to stay alive and they spend millions of dollars to put off a death that is imminent anyway. In countries where private healthcare doesn’t exist, they would just move that person to hospice care (or tell them “sure, you can have that procedure… It will be a two-year wait” and let them die).
I just started a new job that involves accounts and billing for pharmaceuticals at nursing homes and assisted living facilities. I’m hoping to spot some behind-the-scenes bullshit that makes medication expensive and maybe write some articles about it.
anyone seen this yet?
No, and I doubt that I will, frankly.
That’s from last summer.
His most recent one is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AhGYo9TExU , which is okay.
His best one (link in next reply) was the incredible “Ain’t No Rest For the Triggered”
nice. that is good.
yes. it was slightly less cringey than the guy who sings disney numbers about being Alt-Right
True alt-right cringe is Murdoch Murdoch’s channel.
Oh man that was incredible. I can picture the guy craning his neck and trying to keep the right distance away from his laptop’s built-in microphone, and moving his head away for breaths à la Tay Zonday
Oh man that was incredible. I can picture the guy recording this, craning his neck and trying to keep the right distance away from his laptop’s built-in microphone, and moving his head away for breaths à la Tay Zonday
Ugh man. All I can picture is a guy doing this away from his laptop’s internal mic when taking his breaths
That “friends on the alt-right” video–which I first saw somebody link at Reason, heh–was actually kind of funny, though. The libertarian in it that goes: “but Mises said…” made me laugh because I’m that guy.
Thanks for the annoying popup autoplay with the creepy Trivago uncle, Brett.
A guitar is a terrible weapon for killing fascists. You beat one to death and the guitar’s fucked, you’ll never get it working right again.
Now you want a good fascist killing weapon…
Best gun ever in COD.
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article from LA Weekly that exposed Woody Guthrie as a big old racist. So apparently, that machine killed more than just fascists.
To communists, the free market is fascist.
Its a shame; W. Guthrie is a good resource for American western/folk music. I think it’s hilarious that Arlo is a Republican.
Love the Russian automatics as I do, sometimes you still need to go for quantity.
Woodie Guthrie was a communist and a pussy.
Apparently he was also pretty racist.
Man, what an all around opportunistic piece of shit.
“Size four teenager, 18, who wanted a curvy body reveals how lifting WEIGHTS gave her the perfect Kim Kardashian bottom (and she now weighs less but wears clothes TWICE as big)”
Increasing muscle mass makes my body look better? Hold on while I find my shocked face.
If you are not fat it will. Since muscle is denser than fat, for most people adding muscle mass makes them look thinner.
I find it hard to believe she weighs less. Muscle is heavy.
The before picture looked better.
You go, girl. That’s a good lookin’ Sheila, right there. Would.
Good on her.
I get frustrated having to explain a thousand times that lifting weights will not cause females to turn into those she-hulks in the female bodybuilding competitions. Hell, most men who lift weights are TRYING to get the equivalent look, and even with the biological advantage of being male, they still can’t do it.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in my bunk.
“Britney Spears superfans petition her home state of Louisiana to replace Confederate statues with icons of the ‘inspirational’ pop star”
There is a petition at change.org
If done right, I would not object.
Head shaved bald and 50lbs overweight. Got it.
“If done right”
The horse is riding her?
Has anyone thought to have a change.org petition to get rid of change.org?
It’s like this.
Huh. Can’t seem to post hyperlinks. This comment made me think of the snake eating its own tail.
You know, that was almost clever, Mr. Sciency-Science guy.
Uh, Mex… you may not want to look at the top of the page.
You mean read the links?
I don’t know what that mebe means. But here’s some chick I can’t confirm is Russian shooting a G3.
Appears to be Slovenian.
I want this Mercedes. I’d take the light bar off.
The Late P Bernd Maylander?
WSJ Editor tells reporters to stick to the facts and leave opinions to the editorial page. Reporters immediately stab him in the back and forward his emails to the NYTimes.
That’s an easy one. Fire the little bitches.
He’ll have get a counter-intel scheme going to smoke out the traitors.
Not surprised. I’ve had to check lately to make sure I’ve been reading the WSJ and not the NYT. There’s been very blatant editorializing about Trump in the regular articles.
That monster
ACLU posts a picture, woke twitter responds, ACLU is sorry for non-woke selves.
That guy michael is apparently the white knight of the woke.
Oh, and by the way, even their apology was too racist for some people.
My word, she’s…..she’s….just delightful!
I was listening to some old codger on Belt Onion radio the other day. He was talking about growing up in Oklahoma in the 1920s.
After Pearl Harbor, he joined the army despite his high blood pressure and was an ammo carrier with a machine gun crew. He got hit by shrapnel from a mortar and spent a year with both arms in casts. When he got back to the US, the only job he could get was digging ditches, which was tough because his arms were toast. He eventually got a job teaching typing at a high school. In his 90s now, kids and grandkids, seems happy with his life.
He was at the Battle of the Bulge. He said he went through a town where dead GIs were stacked up like firewood. Some of them had their fingers cut off because people were stealing rings. The ground was frozen, so there was no way to bury them.
Watching dudes get hit in the nuts is hilarious.
Watching what funny people do with the clip is hilarious-er.
Some Robot Chicken for you, Tundra.
See? Hilarious!
That’s awesome.
The first time i watched the video, I was hoping the guy who came over to help would do nothing except tear off his gas mask.
Ouch My Balls!
The Jim Ross one just about made me wet my pants. I’ve watched it a dozen time at least.
“National security adviser H.R. McMaster showed President Trump a black-and-white photo of Afghan women in miniskirts from 1972 in an effort to convince him to keep U.S. forces in Afghanistan”
Trump talks a big game, but in the end, he’s pretty damn easily controlled by the military guys around him.
Just like every president before him.
You know which other politician has no real values and is easily lead by the bureaucrats around him?
Literally every politician except Hitler?
Remember when he tried saying we shouldn’t be at war with Russia and the media called him weak and a puppet? Pepperidge Farm remembers…
You know if he did withdraw they would say that. Fucking shameless.
When my parents used to live in Phoenix, I used to hire this private car to take me to and from the airport there. This car driver was an Afghan immigrant that came over here in the 1980s, that would tell me stories about the delicious grapes that could be grown in Afghanistan. What a mess.
Two lessons we should learn: the antiwar movement is not our friend and that Justin Raimondo is a moron.
It was going well for a while:
Mohammed Zahir Shah (Pashto: محمد ظاهرشاه, Persian: محمد ظاهر شاه; 16 October 1914 – 23 July 2007) was the last King of Afghanistan, reigning from 8 November 1933 until he was deposed on 17 July 1973. He established friendly relations with many countries and tried to modernize his country.
Zahir Shah was able to govern on his own during 1963[8] and despite the factionalism and political infighting a new constitution was introduced during 1964 which made Afghanistan a modern democratic state by introducing free elections, a parliament, civil rights, women’s rights and universal suffrage.[12]
So much for universal progress. ..
Well they have smartphones and internet so..
When I was growing up in the 70s Afghanistan was Up and coming, Iranians were 1st World, there were 2 Germanys, and we still had duck and cover, times change
The proper response is to take the photo, burn it, hand the general the ashes and tell him that you’ll support his war when he can restore the picture to the way it was.
Frankly, the general should be more concerned about the deranged barbarians trying to destroy his own civilization.
Here’s the top result for a search of “cnn robby soave”
Don’t vote for a republican or a democrat… vote for BOTH!
Yeah, I kind of wish I’d voted for the Constitution Party guy now. Meh, whatever.
Next on the Discovery Channel: Mike Rowe shows Robby Soave how to change a tire, sings an aria, tussles Robby’s hair.
Setting dvr now
Missed y’all. I was on my one vacation per year. Went back east. Saw the family. Ate a ton of seafood and pizza. Even went “down shore” to Rehoboth Beach. What’d I miss?
Autistic screeching, Nazis everywhere, evul Trump- IOW, the usual.
Did you go from there to Ocean City?
(We camped at Cape Henlopen one year.)
Ted, no OCMD this year– though it used to be my “go-to” beach when I was younger. If you like camping at the shore try Indian River Inlet in Delaware. Very friendly vibe at that campsite. Beach is steps away. Kissed my first girl there– so kinda a soft spot in my heart for it.
This was back when I was a kid, so over 30 years ago. I’d probably rather go back up to Moffitt Beach in the Adirondacks anyway.
The east coast has been overrun by Nazis. We’re now living in a slightly-abridged version of The Man in the High Castle
Pizza pizza or that stuff from Chicago?
Relax people, I keed.
Deep dish is just as much pizza as pizza bagels or pizza rolls.
So apparently 8-12% of Bernie primary voters voted for Trump in the general election.
I’m kind of surprised it’s not a little higher than that.
“anti-clinton vote”
That and smash the system voters.
I know some who voted Gayjay and Stein once Bernie got knocked out. Bernie and Donald where the two outsider candidates, so I’m not surprised Bernie bros switched to The Donald.
Anal Clooney.
*snicker, snicker* AHAHAHAH!
Sorry, was just thinking about her and her semi-literate husband throwing money away on the SPLC. As far as I can tell, in addition to being a hate group, the SPLC is just a big money laundering operation for its executives.
Well yea. Every leftist cause – which are always trumpeted as being selfless and compassionate – are actually tied to some financial benefit.
Semi-literate? Does someone read Cluney his lines to him?
Reading is easy. A 6-year old can be taught to recognize and pronounce words in sentences.
Reading comprehension on the other hand, is what Mr. Clooney likely lacks.
For no reason, 1980’s Japanese funk/disco.
that break
Something for STEVE SMITH.
Another break too! thank you.
Take my tears and that’s not nearly all,
Plastic love….
New release in the same vein from Wakita Monari.
And one from labelmate Hoshino Michiru, although sounds more like 60’s to me.
OMG. There are over eleven thousand people, in the United Sates of America, named Robert Lee.
I think that’s the wrong link.
Whatever. There are over eleven thousand people, in the United Sates of America, named Robert Lee. And half of them are Asian and scrabble nerds!
We should make statues of them.
I’m pleased to see that people continue to make more documentary-type films with naked humans cosplaying as proto-human primates. The tradition continues.
Whatever. That is how you make them tender. You shave them prior to eating the freshly tenderized goats.
The worst goat I have had was in Jamaica. I don’t think they tenderize them the way they do in the middle east/Asia.
Had boiled goat in a mansaf type dish Saudi Arabia a few times. Flavorless. And I’m lucky I didn’t contract something since everyone eats out of the same big dish with their hands.
I saw the Saudis wash their hands and feet a lot (usually in the sink with socks still on), but never saw them using soap and they sure didn’t use toilet paper.
“ceremonial” “washing”….not really related, but there were so many complaints about the Ugandan security guards who replaced our unit on the towers in Baghdad that our CO forced the contract company to buy deoderant by the case and instruct them how to use it.
Not surprised. The “toilets” in the Saudi border stations were those SE/SW Asian porcelain holes in the floor that you had to squat down on. The toilet stalls were combo shower/toilets with another faucet at hand level when you are squatting.
No soap. No paper. No towels.
Once we left a roll of TP in the bathroom and the Saudis had tried using it to dry their hands after washing up.
It looked like a highschool bathroom after some kids had a wet TP fight. It was everywhere.
but there were so many complaints about the Ugandan security guards
Good lord I remember those guys. All smelled like ass and all in line for chicken wings.
“were ‘presumed eaten'”
The lucky ones were.
“If they take the ship, they’ll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing. And, if we’re very, very lucky, they’ll do it in that order.”
I need to watch some Firefly. My wife watched some but I never saw any episodes
Now I can’t watch it without wondering who Joss Whedon was banging. Summer Glau? The thicc chick from Mad Men?
He better not have touched Kaywinnet Lee Frye. That’s all I’m sayin’.
Or Morena Baccarin?
Kaylee was always the one for me. Cute, wholesome, practical…
And even looked good with space engine grease on her face.
That was an amazingly good-looking cast – without any of them really being “Hollywood-pretty.” A triumph of casting.
and they all went on to star in other TV shows. I think the Simon Tam guy is the only one who didn’t.
I bet it’s someone who looks a lot like his wife, or the exact opposite.
So, either Christina Hendricks or Morena Baccarin.
If you google pics of his wife and pics of Felicia Day they have a similar look.
Felicia was in Buffy, Dollhouse, and Doctor Horrible’s Singalong.
Such a fabulous show. It amazes me that a prog prick like Whedon could have come up with probably the most libertarian show ever.
Truly ironic. Maybe in his mind the brown coats were the progs and the Union of Planets were the neocons?
Whedon has openly said he’s on the Alliance’s side (this was before the whole ‘they genocided a planet for a shitty social experiment’ story in the movie but I don’t think he revised his stance).
It amazes him too, supposedly. Though his co-writer/producer/whatever Tim Minear is usually credited with that aspect of the show.
Looks like Minear wrote for Angel as well. Probably why that series was better and seemed more in theme with Firefly (small group of outcasts vs the big bad hell corporation/govt)
Tim Minear wrote a lot of Firefly and he’s a self admitted libertarian, so his influence probably has something to do with it.
Oh wow, Minear was the guy who did Terriers? That was a great show that got cancelled.
I see he works on AHS too. Maybe I’ve been giving Whedon too much credit over the years. Beyond culturally appropriating the Japanime magic girls and stealing the look and feel of Firefly from Cowboy Bebop.
It onlylasted one season so they were setting up the characters by the end of it. Most of Serenity one could argue was just character dwvelopment as well.
In other words, Whedon didnt have enough time to make the show suck.
I’ve enjoyed most seasons of AHS although last season was boring. I’ll probably give this season a try but looks like it might go TDS. If it’s too preachy I’m out. Looks like the main character suffers from TDS but she’s a loon so maybe true to life.
I was some of the posts I missed during my commute, and one true athena’s comment up yonder ^^^ made me realize something.
Trump’s handling of the utterly useless and purely symbolic bureaucrat titles that have pocked up the federal government in recent decades might possibly be one of the most shrewd strokes of genius ever. If he were to start very publicly slashing away at the cruft wholesale, the outrage machine would kick into high gear with screeching and convulsing that could last until the mid-terms or even beyond. Instead he somehow gets them to simply quit. I’d muster a guess that it’s much easier to quietly sweep one of these asinine positions under the rug when there is no warm body occupying it. No muss, no fuss. Here’s hoping that he actually follows through.
I have never thought of that. It would be like Michelle O’s position at the hospital (I think) board, or Hillary’s position on the Walmart board. Both of which where never replaced as far as I know.
New review this week – Finnish/Chinese Wuxia action! Holy Cultural Appropriation Batman!
Will run a test upload tonight. If my channel gets banned this time, I’m just going to try uploading everything to vid.me this weekend – I’ve read their copyright guidelines, but I’m not sure how they run blocks/etc. I’m trying something a little different with *not really* embedding the video over another picture background. This stupid trailer isn’t even on youtube – except in another fan post but my first one was kinda flagged – although my dummy account isn’t getting nastygrams like my primary one. I’m hoping that not “attempting” to monetize or allow ads will “assuage” the copyright gods…but who the hell knows with these stupid algorithms. Haven’t heard back from my first appeal yet.
I seriously have no idea whatsoever how I can find all kinds of trailers, music videos, etc on people’s personal upload accounts, but embedding a trailer in the video is somehow a copyright violation.
There’s a channel called H3H3 Productions that has suffered through some bullshit copyright/obscenity strikes on YouTube.
The standard libertarian disclaimer applies – private company, freedom of association, yada yada – but YouTube is really shooting themselves in the foot by pissing off their content creators. If they’re not careful, it will reach a tipping point and there will be a mass exodus of creators.
I’m waiting to see their response video post-lawsuit since I haven’t actually been following them – just read a few comments about them here and there.
I’m not a fan of H3H3, I just don’t find that channel entertaining, but I’m glad they won against that skeevy douche.
That is indeed an article of note. In spite of pointing out Sheila Jackson Lee was right about something. Never point out when a crazy person makes a coherent point. It is like the panhandler at the corner with the cardboard sign that says, “Traveling need gas money”. They buy a bag of weed with your money and carry on with their idiocy.
Are these the Baathists?
No, these men are cowards.
+1 chick -1 toe
What the fuck does anything have to do with Viet Nam?
Vietnam. Jesus.
This youtuber LAWerewolf is a little whacky, but he’s a libertarian and calls bullshit on both sides when he sees it.
For the 90s.
Hopefully antifa doesn’t culturally appropriate it.
That is very Kurt Cobainish.
Rufus’ rant today was awesome and definitely worth sharing. Side note though…..hashtag/twitter button is still auto-correcting to #libertarians – no ‘g’ 🙁
He’s French so…
Circle of life, baby.
However they were slaughtered must have been preferable to burning alive. Good job to all, including the little piggies.
Threading fail! Belonged to Kristen’s post below. Kind of odd in this context…
ICYMI – you cannot be more Ron Swanson
I had a threading fail, but I enjoyed your post immensely.
As did I four hours ago when it was item 31.
If you like deadpan humor then check out Norsemen on Netflix. Think Vikings meets The Office.
Sample below.
Thinking about reviewing Hellfjord eventually too. Think Twin Peaks meets Hot Fuzz with a touch of Call of Cthulhu. Good show. Thought it might have been on netflix, but not at the moment. And the first season ends on a cliffhanger too….maybe they’ll make a second one eventually.
That sounds amazing. Is it dubbed?
Turn on CC for the youtube video. It’s subbed on the Australian DVD I have.
i like.
a similar gag was used in GoT
Watched the first two episodes. Both were good. It has an Erik the Viking feel to it.
Razorfist, resident of Phoenix AZ, reports on the “protests” in his city
the short of it is that the whole thing seems to have been contrived by the media from a few video clips because they need to pump up the idea that there’s “vast divisions” and enormous grassroots dissent
instead, about 2 dozen protesters showed up, all with California license plates. and he suspects that the tear-gas that got fired was on order by the Dem mayor who felt that the newsmedia were getting restless without something to photograph that seemed “riot-y”
That was already number 37.
Lol. Sorry. Just thought it was funny.
His take seems plausible enough. As far as I know, they haven’t released any info on the protesters they arrested. Its pretty heavy handed for cops to respond to thrown rocks and water bottles with tear gas when you know the whole world is watching.
THe CNN footage I saw (I think it was one of his tweets) was hilarious;; the crawl said “thousands” of protestors, and the camera found… maybe … five? A big line of cops, but the actual protestors in the footage were a handful of dudes in the middle of the street.
I remember a few years ago the Phoenix New Times had a “vote Stanton for mayor” slobbery editorial which was remarkable in its total lack of anything but a simple call for tribalism–Phoenix is mostly Democratic, therefore it should have a Democratic mayor. Nothing about the man himself beside party affiliation, not even vague platitudes or promises of free shit.
Can these people write rather than make us try to sit through tedious videos? It’s so much quicker to skim.
Regarding the Science Envoy letter, i note that most MSM outlets don’t show the entire text except as an image, but nothing you can easily cut and paste from. That’s because of crap like this it says:
So this scientistic charlatan finds it personally unacceptable that HIS job creation benefits are crushed by pulling out of the Paris Accord. But he doesn’t make mention of the job loss and general economic crushing that the rest of us outside his circle would endure.
Go back to teaching junior college, you nitwit. Or better yet, become a Soros paid protestor and leave them kids alone.
“scientistic charlatan”
Bill Nye?
He’s the poster child.
You know what’s more fun than a fast 2.5mi run? Said run with a yellow jacket sting at the 0.3mi mark. I said some things that would have gotten my family friendly certification revoked on the spot if anyone had heard them.
If it wasn’t on your foot or your taint, suck it up buttercup.
Upper calf. Made the balance of the first mile more than usually delightful, but didn’t affect performance.
It probably sounded like me when I levitated over that snake since both feet were off the ground before I saw him. Not sure how I walked on air, but I gained altitude after I saw him without pushing off on anything.
There was profanity. Loud, uninventive profanity.
We could use some snakes up here – my goddamn neighbourhood is over-run with rats.
2025??? Fuuuuck youuuu! Seriously can anyone give me a compelling reason for staying in Afghanistan beyond sunk costs?
Psst. Duffelblog is a satire website. We’ll still be there in 2035.
But how am I supposed to know real news from satire when I get 99% of my news from Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Samantha Bee, and Buzzfeed?
I bet Trump is gonna do this shit on the down low. Like, 7pm on a Friday, no public statement.
Or save it to set off another histrionic derpscreen from the left to take the focus off of something else.
Up to 6 months, thats it?
Ya they only got him for a misdemeanor, and they refused to give him a jury trial. An ignoble treatment of a true enforcer indeed…
IIRC up to 6 months meant he could be denied a jury trial, thus ensuring he would be convicted.
Waiting to see Razorfist’s announced video on how this pardon is overdue and Arpaio is great!
He’s had some interesting “local” takes for the Phoenix/AZ area in general.
Bill Burr has some dumb politics, but he’s very aware of how retarded things are now.
Burr has some great common sense takes… like an Adam Carolla or a sober Joe Rogan. That half-kangaroo half-convict Jim Jeffries on the other hand. Fire him into the sun. Anyone who makes Piers Morgan sound like the voice of reason.
He’s one of the few guys in show biz that can get away with saying the emperor has no clothes. His secret? Just finish the rant with, “But I may be a lunatic.”
*Dances on bar counter*
That’s why I say hey man, nice shot.
I’m writing an article on how media uses experts, contributors and popular sentiment to craft a narrative. I’ve gotten through the experts part, but I’m hung up on the contributors part and how to best describe the incestuous relationship between political think tanks, university grievance study profs, and the media to create a false intellectual aura to a bunch of idiots spewing their uninformed opinions.
They reward you with praise and acceptance for getting the “right” answer.
I’m watching Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.
This some mighty fine reality TV.
“I’m angry at the judicial system,” Fran said. “How people hide evidence, how the juries don’t listen, trash science, people that aren’t experts and all this put together. I’m angry at the system. Texas did this. Their system did this. There’s too many exonerees. There’s too many people locked up in prison for something they didn’t do and it’s the system that’s doing this.”
The Kellers are entitled to $80,000 for each year they were incarcerated. In the couple’s case, they were in prison for 23 years, which means each person will receive approximately $1.84 million for their time served.
That doesn’t sound like enough. The doctor and the witness,who gave false testimony, as well as the original prosecutor, should all be headed to jail right now. If the witness was a child who was coached to give false testimony, then those who coached him should also be going to jail.