With hurricane Harvey descending upon the Gulf Coast, Sloopy took off a day earlier than planned to take his daughter to college, leaving me to be the substitute teacher morning links provider.
- Hurricane Harvey set to wreak devastation on the Gulf Coast with Biblical flooding in Houston. Sloopy and I will be stuck in a house with toddlers possibly through the middle of next week. Pray for us.
- The ACLU apologized yesterday for implying that white people will exist in the future. Congrats, you just gave more members to the growing group of white supremacists in our country claiming there’s a white genocide taking place.
- Man suspended from Twitter for sexually harassing Tony the Tiger. Which, as it turns out, is a common occurrence.
- In Mass Hysteria News.
- Confused old woman inexplicably still working.
Stay safe, hug your loved ones, stock up on booze. This hurricane is going to be a bitch.
Do you have a generator? If not, get one.
“Put all them kids on the bikes!!” jk
Already said a prayer for Texas and Banjos and Sloopy and brood and F. Stupidity, too.
Or come visit us in Florida. We can find places for everyone.
Ok, what’s your address?
Solar or wind? There should be some wind I guess sun not so much
I want one but always find some shiny object I want more.
I know this is super late but if it gets katrina bad I have a place you can stay for a short time here in Phoenix.
Super, super late but anyone needing a place to stay, feel free to crash at my place. Warm and dry with a spare bedroom. Only downfall is it’s in bum fuck Ohio.
56) I’ve noticed differences in my own school experiences and my children’s and niece’s. But I often have trouble figuring out if times have just changed, or if it’s because I went to school in North Carolina, while my children go to school in northern Virginia, which is essentially the Northeast.
Many of classmates hunted, wore camouflage, knew about firearms—clearly a Southern thing
My children are under much more intense pressure in schools than I was to do well academically, be in clubs and service organizations, have things to put on your college applications someday—clearly a product of living in northern Virginia
My son’s middle school doesn’t appear to offer shop class—not sure if regional difference or times change
Bullying was something we were expected to deal with on our own, not the teachers’ business so long as fights didn’t break out—times change, I think
Kids got their license the day they turned 16, and were far more likely to have part-time jobs—times change
At my niece’s high school, there’s very little drinking-oriented social life—but there’s reportedly some kids who use heroin, which was unheard of at my high school—combination regional difference and times change?
We used to play fun, highly physical games called Suicide and Smear the Queer, games which seem to not exist for my children—not sure if Southern or change in the times
Meh I doubt Smear the Queer is some great loss.
I do not have the same experience as you people, but I did notice the parents tend to be much more careful. Fewer children under 14 play alone – well in groups not alone – on the streets as they use to do, and I see more parents dropping off kids at school at ages that back in the day kids took the buss or walked. Also for 9 10 year old parents seem to take them by the hand to the school door instead of letting them walk 50 feet. Which combined with parents dropping off kids in cars creates parking problems and traffic jams close to school. It would be easier if the car stopped, the kid got off, the car continued. But now the driving parent gets out of the car goes to the school door etc.
In general people tend to think Bucharest is much more dangerous, and it is not. I think it is less dangerous than 20 years ago. But to be fare there is 10 times the traffic. Most congested city in the EU according to some standards.
Meh I doubt Smear the Queer is some great loss.
Throws ball to PieInTheSKy
Get em!
Smear the Queer was just an offensive name. Didn’t actually have anything to do with homosexuality, as it could also be called Kill the Man With the Ball. It was basically just a bunch of kids and a football. One guy grabs the Ball and everyone else tries to bring him down. He could give up by dropping the ball and then someone else would pick it up and do the same thing. It was, in retrospect, pretty dumb but we played it all the time.
I had never heard of it before today. I can’t think of a game with a similar ruleset that was played where I went to school.
Smear the Queer is basically rugby except whoever has the ball has no teammates and no goal other than survival.
A combo of rugby and that Afghan game played on horseback.
It is actually a good way for a QB to learn how to scramble.
Kind of a 9 on 1 drill.
I remember playing it in the schoolyard with a cast on my arm.
It was “Kill the Man with the Ball” where I grew up.
I think “Smear the Queer” was the yankee name for it.
Smear the Queer in ’70s MN. Great fun!
Yep. Tundra has the ball.
*dives for his legs*
*easily eludes bacon – runs backwards, taunting*
*levels Tundra from behind*
Hah! Exactly how it went!
Eh, 1980s Richmond was pretty Southern still, and while the names were used interchangeably it was more often Smear the Queer here.
I also remember having massive tackle football games on the school field, which was enormous. It would be like 20-25 kids to a side.
“No man stands with the ball” – Valdosta GA, late ’70s
So will you be attending the smear the queer glib meetup game? I fully expect to be crowned champion.
“Kill the Carrier” it was when teachers were around, even in the mid 90s.
Wallball was another fun one, whether the variation that you eliminate someone by throwing to the wall before they can tag it or the one where you peg the guy before he can tag the wall. The little league I played at as a kid had these structures behind them that were like concrete bunkers (where supplies were stored and the scoreboard operator sat), and we’d hang around all day long and play wallball on those.
Wallball for us (like 4th grade or so) was basically 1-way dodgeball along a brick wall, but using tennis balls (!). Teacher-organized.
This brings back memories! We played with a tennis ball against school wall. You would throw the ball against the wall. if the person trying to catch it dropped it, they had to run to wall and touch it before someone else grabbed the ball and hit the wall. If you were late, you stood against the wall and the person had a free shot at you from 10 feet away.
Possibly the best playground game ever invented. We always played it “spread eagle” and it was serious business.
We called it ‘Elimination’ or ‘Murderball’.
Basic difference to MB was if someone else hit the wall before you could tag, then everyone got free shots at you until you did tag.
I played “Kill the Guy with the Ball” every day in recess in 6th grade. We would go back to class bloody but happy and able to pay attention for a little while.
Smear the Queer is still played by football teams, its just now called “potato-ball.” it has its utility for the sport, much like “Indian Rundown” does for baseball.
We played something called Speedball, which was basically a way to potentially cull the herd of young men before graduation. It was school-sanctioned gym event which was basically soccer but using only hands and a volleyball. The object was to throw the ball as hard as possible at the goal.
You obviously didn’t want to be the keeper.
I grew up in eastern Washington state, which is fairly conservative, mostly white, and pretty redneck.
Hunting and firearms were pretty common. Nobody cared. The schools would have gone apeshit if anybody showed up to school with guns or hunting equipment though.
Academic performance and extracurriculars were important for the geek types who actually planned to attend college (probably 15-20% of any given graduating class). Same as anywhere. Pretty sure that’s one of the “changing times” things.
All of the middle and high schools had shop classes. But then vocational training is important when you have a 33% high school dropout rate…
Bullying was met mostly with indifference at all the schools I was familiar with. But in those days “bullying” wasn’t a code word for gay-bashing. I still don’t think anybody gives a fuck when the fat kids and the dumb kids and the short kids get made fun of.
Everyone I know got their permit at 15 and license at 16. The only kids who didn’t were the ones who couldn’t afford cars.
Underage drinking was common. Pot was at least as common, maybe more. There was a subculture for psychedelics, but it wasn’t mainstream.
We played Smear the Queer, usually only when we were out of view and earshot of a teacher. If we’d been caught they’d have made us stop but nobody would have been in any real trouble.
I graduated high school in 2005.
Class of ’94 here. A lot of guys would go duck hunting before school and come straight in afterwards, still muddy with their shotgun in their vehicle.
I graduated on 2005 as well. Rural Arkansas. It was pretty much the same. It was very very common for hunting rifles to be in vehicles in plain sight. We could carry a pocket knife as long as the blade was no longer than the width of your palm. (that rule makes little sense, but whatever)
Our shop class, (it was called agri) was pretty good. Basic vehicle maintenance, welding, small engines, woodworking etc. Most males took it.
Fighting was not uncommon and usually resulted in a suspension. There wasn’t a cop permanently stationed at the school until a few years after I left. As far as i know, the school I went to still does corporal punishment. I know they did when I was there. I generally has the option of getting paddled or cleaning the cafeteria for a week. I took the paddling everytime.
The whole width of palm or 3.5″ I think is all about the stabbing potential of the knife. Less lethal under 3.5″.
At my niece’s high school, there’s very little drinking-oriented social life
You haven’t bought any bridges from your niece have you?
No, just some heroin.
I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but I don’t think it’s nearly as much of an almost school-wide culture, as it was at my high school.
I think its a change in the times as a result of advancing technology and helicopter parents who wont let their kids go down the street to play in the park because they are fearful of random child molesters or more likely fearful of their nosy ass neighbors calling child protective services on them for letting their kids play out in the open unsupervised. Either way, kids today are growing up much differently than I or my parents did, but that’s what happens with every new generation of children.
We used to play a game where one team stayed in line in a weird crouching position and a second team jumped on their backs trying to knock them down. It was called Lapte gros, translated in a meaningless English phrase thick milk
Buck Buck?
Hmm looks the same did not know of buck buck.
Buck Buck!
Played Buck Buck in in Boy Scouts and thought that Cosby bit was the funniest thing ever.
In Brooklyn we called that game Johnny on the pony.
I never played it, only heard about it from Cosby. No matter how many women he may have raped, his old stand-up routines are still hilarious to me.
That looks like the dumbest game I have ever seen.
I am honestly proud to be a member of the gender that invented it.
My contribution to the committee for an Iron Rule: Boys Are Stupid; Girls are Crazy.
Played Buck Buck all the time when I was in grade school back in the 60s in Ontario, Canada (Mississauga, to be more precise). Seems to have died out by the early 70s. No-one I’ve talked to under the age of 50 or so recognizes the game at all.
My own anecdote from 25 years ago: attended middle school in Douglas County, Colorado. Middle school had wood shop, within the school. There was metal shop available for high school freshmen, which I was signed up for until…..I moved to New Hampshire. No standard access to that within the traditional school building. My understanding is that I would have had to specifically search out a local vo-tech if I wanted to do metal shop. Didn’t touch a single damn metalworking tool until I was 22 years old at my employer, under the mentorship of some of the less salty machinists and a kindly mechanical engineer from central Pennsylvania.
I got my driver’s license on my sixteenth birthday and when my kids turned sixteen I had them at the DMV ready to go before the place even opened. They played hooky from school on their birthdays and we made a day of it. Suddenly getting a license isn’t a big deal. I know several people who’ve told me that their kids “aren’t interested” in getting their licenses yet. What the Hell?
I went to the DMV with my dad on my 16th birthday. Went out for the driving test with the instructor and came back in two minutes later. “You forgot to engage the clutch when you turned the key, right?”. “I don’t want to talk about it, dad.”
I failed the first time because I bumped the curb while parallel parking. I still think that’s a stupid reason for an automatic fail.
Parallel parking still strikes me as a stupid thing, period.
I only leanred how to do it moderately well ten years after I got my license because there was no off-street parking at my house. I still don’t regard it as a valuable skill, let alone one that should count as a road test failure for getting wrong.
Mandatory skill in an urban environment.
My friend’s older sister hit a parked car during her driver’s test. She didn’t try again until she was twenty years old.
I didn’t get a license until I was in college. The primary reasons were: We only had one car, and it would be with one of the parents or the other 90% of the time. We couldn’t afford increased insurance. I had nowhere to go.
I didn’t buy a car until I got sick of a three mile walk in the road back from work because there were no sidewalks and the snowbanks filled the shoulder. (Oh, and they canned the bus route I’d been using).
Yeah, not in my house. My kids are too busy for me to be a fucking chauffeur until they are 20. Besides, driving means freedom, and freedom means happiness. Why on earth would you want to deny your kids that??
Where are these people going all the time?
They’re teenagers. They’re going ‘out’.
I don’t know why or how it happened but it is true.
My 17 year old is 4 months from his 18th birthday and just got his permit and the only reason he even did that was he wanted us to fly him back up to Boston to visit his friends up there and we told him he had to have have a photo id to get on the plane (especially since TSA would never buy that he was under 18, he looks closer to 25). He didn’t really care about driving at all, he just wanted to get on the plane to go to Boston.
Some states have crazy restrictions for 16/17yo drivers. In California if you’re under 18 you can’t have any passengers under 20 unless there’s someone over 25 in the car as well. So yeah, since you can’t drive around with your friends and can only drive around alone or with old people, I can kinda see why it’s not something they’re going to go out of their way to do.
Capture the Flag FTW!
JATNAS – I went to school in northern VA and graduated 10 years ago. We all played smear the queer growing up, so that’s a changing times thing, not a regional difference.
Also, growing up in the late 90s, early 2000’s, we all played outside without supervision when we were 8 or 9 years old and older. So this is also a changing times thing.
On drinking – we all figured out ways to drink and party and smoke. So this might still be going on under the parents noses, but if it’s not, it’s definitely a changing times thing.
Certain high schools in nova have had a heroin problem since I was in school. When I was in high school in 07, around 10 kids were arrested from our rival school for selling and distributing heroin into the area.
the loss of shop class could just be an cost of insurance issue.
I graduated in ’96…it’s a times thing, not a regional thing. Probably also a rural/urban thing. I was in a Boy Scout troop in Bowie for a minute and we played Red Rover and British Bulldog all the time, and I mean we were all out to do serious damage to each other. Anything less than full, brutal contact would’ve been letting your side down, so it was just expected that you’d try to blast your friends. As long as you didn’t do anything dirty–knees to the groin, eye gouging–it was all good.
Our high school started at like 6:45 AM or thereabouts, so nobody did shit before that. I guess the closest equivalent to kids going hunting all the time would be that just about everyone had access to a boat of some kind. Most people fished and/or crabbed, and a lot of kids knew how to sail. That’s definitely a local thing, sailing’s huge here. There’s also an urban/rural thing, though, because if you drive twenty minutes over the Bay Bridge everybody goes duck hunting, too. People around here hunt–my dad was an avid hunter and angler–but it’s not ubiquitous by any stretch.
But then again, when I was in high school about half of the people in Annapolis considered themselves Southerners. Maryland was actually in the Southern Governors’ Association until that fucker O’Malley pulled us out. Central and Southern Maryland has drifted northeast, culturally speaking, as an influx of northerners have moved down.
I’ll stop before this turns into a ramble, but I guess my points are that a.) NoVa is the DMV, and the DMV is not the South, b.) cultural shifts over time have changed stuff, and c.) urban/rural is a bigger divide than north/south.
Harvey is a gay ass name for a hurricane.
You go tell it to the storm, face-to-face…
First name Rupaul. And now for the rest of the story…
“You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize.”
Hey, I found your theme song.
That’s awesome! The potato even has a top hat.
Tell me about it
“The ACLU apologized yesterday for implying that white people will exist in the future. ”
““When your Twitter followers keep you in check and remind you that white supremacy is everywhere,” the left-wing organization responded.”
It’s a good thing those Twitter followers are keeping them in check. I would hate to think somebody might be able to go one second without thinking white supremacy is everywhere.
I see it in my Frosted Flakes.
Bet you used white milk, didn’t you, shitlord!
In in the 2%!
*Furiously applauds*
Pure white gold.
Celtic Frosted Flakes?
White supremacy is Jesus?
Damn. Beat me to it.
It’s like they want me to root for the Nazis.
Stock up on the essentials while you can: bottled water, toilet paper, and bourbon. Oh and above all else, stay safe.
It’s a hurricane, not Venezuela.
Batteries for your radio. Power could be out for quite some time, and you’ll want to keep up with local news reports.
“Confused old woman inexplicably still working.”
She’s howl at the moon nuts
“Pelosi: You Can’t Yell ‘Wolf’ In A Crowded Theater”
Yeah, well, who’s letting those shepherd boys in the crowded theaters in the first place?
John Podesta?
“Hurricane Harvey set to wreck devastation on the Gulf Coast and Biblical flooding in Houston. ”
So was it climate change or the gays that done it?
Homo warming
“Confused old woman inexplicably still working”
Gosh I hate the left. I hate how quickly they abandoned the little ties to principles of freedom they had. I hate that they think speech is dangerous.
Man suspended from Twitter for sexually harassing Tony the Tiger
Hey, he heard that Tony was grrrrrrrrreat.
Cap’n Crunch raped the roof of my mouth.
Cracklin’ Oat Bran raped my bunghole.
What happens when you eat Grape Nuts?
Dental bills
Fifteen teens and children ‘treated for rabies after gang raping an infected donkey’
That’s one hell of piñata
Word gets out on a loose piece of ass and what’d you expect?
*narrows gaze*
I made an incorrect guess as to the country. I am not very good at “Where in the World is Donkey Rape”.
I guessed Guatemala, but there a virgin ass is more valuable. Chickens and cousins, on the other hand…
My guess of Africa was correct, but I was thinking more Congo, less north Africa.
I doubt there are many donkeys in Congo. My guess is they would have already been eaten. They don’t need donkeys for carrying stuff, that is what the womenz are for.
already been eaten
I don’t think it’s necessary for foreplay when gang-raping a donkey, but YMMV.
OK, that’s weird… even for this site.
Nominated for Freaky Friday post winner.
“Hey, this donkey’s foaming at the mouth!”
“Boy, does that give me an idea…”
Acting like a true ranchero, dancing round a big sombrero
It sounds like the whole town has a problem with bestiality. I can’t even fathom how a culture like that could develop.
It’s a bigger problem for the poor donkey
Vice had a brief documentary on a town in Venezuela that all fuck donkeys.
Donkeys can get rabies?
UN committee issues rare “early warning” to the U.S. over racist violence
Little lengthy, but I couldn’t cut any of it out…
Is this another one of those UN committees staffed by the countries that are the worst offenders in what it is supposed to be against?
Pakistan and China are on it, if that tells you anything
Well they are the experts
Russia and Brazil are racism free I am sure
Looks like the UN needs a hefty budget cut
Hey, yeah, why is this racist country giving money to all these differently-hued foreigners? Stop the payments and kick them out.
I forgot who said it, but “we pay for the UN, we shouldn’t have to listen to it too” seems apropos.
I don’t know what movie they were watching but I specifically saw trump condemn it
It’s like a pumpkin patch, a condemnation needs to be Sincere or the Great Pumpkin won’t pay a visit.
“The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is composed of 18 independent experts who are persons of high moral standing and acknowledged impartiality. Consideration must also be given to equitable geographical distribution and to the representation of the different forms of civilization as well as of the principal legal systems….”
The independent members are from Algeria, the Russian Federation, Belgium, Guatemala, Ireland, Burkina Faso, Togo, Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, the United States, Mauritania, Columbia, Jamaica, China and Mauritius (not to be confused with Mauritania).
The Russian serves as Rapporteur. The Russian’s qualifications include this: “Participated in the preparation of the analytical materials for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in drafting the following laws: “On Political Parties”, “On Charities and on Non-profit Organizations” within the Working groups of the Supreme Soviet; “On Public Organizations”, “On Voluntary Activities”, “On Legal Guarantees of Opposition Activities”, “On Noncommercial Funds” and “On Juvenile Courts in the Russian Federation” within the working groups of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.”
The committee has a rotating Chair serving as a sort of chief executive officer of the week, and they have a 2/3 majority requirement for resolutions raising concern, a majority requirement for purely internal matters…wait, never mind this paragraph.
Cut funding to the U.N.
I would, if I was the Man with the Orange Hair. The wails and cries would be fantastic.
But a better move would be to go over the resumes of the individuals and the member nations in a national address. Ask the Russian guy about his country’s position on homosexuality, etc.
I could see Nikki Haley ripping them a new one. Do that then cut the funding.
You’ll all hate this article in the National Review. I found it interesting. From the conclusion:
I figure that if we’re beset by Left and Right, we’re probably correct.
There’s the alternative hypothesis that states – when the whole world is against you, you might be the one who’s wrong.
/Devil’s advocate
Actually – I never got that fat.
Possibly. But, I doubt it. People rarely get that impassioned over other people’s errors.
I don’t think the kooks come because libertarians have non mainstream views but because libertarians accept a wide variety of views as long as no aggression takes place.
What I always try to explain is that the personal views of a libertarian don’t matter from a political perspective because they won’t try to force them or laws enforcing them on others. That’s obviously not good enough because you can’t have wrongthink in your club. Of course, those people were never really libertarian to begin with or, if they were, they left it and their current views have no bearing on our ideology.
Conflating an abiding respect for freedom of speech with approval of all speech.
No. The LP and several paleolibertarian publications really did have people in positions of credibility, if not authority, talk and write about tearing out the old oppressive government and putting in a new oppressive government. Only, they feel oppressed under the current one and will be the oppressor in the new one. If small-l libertarians are going to hold the views of Margaret Sanger over the heads of progressives, we need a better engagement strategy than that. “We were just letting them talk — on the stage at all of our conferences and in feature articles in many of our publications” is probably not the right way to go about it.
That’s unfortunate.
Using a Matt Lewis column as a springboard is always a bad idea because Matt Lewis is a dimwitted cunt.
And, on top of that, Lewis column leans extensively on quotes from the Bleeding Heart Liberaltarian crew.
“the Bleeding Heart Liberaltarian crew.”
The ones who would rather Stab a right libertarian than say something bad about the regressive left? I mean there’s no expectation of loyalty, but if you can’t see which is worse, your probably not a libertarian.
I don’t know why they bother trying to cling to the libertarian label. Every possible libertarian precept to them carries a “…..well, but….”, and they’re pretty explicit about sharing leftist goals. Saying that you are libertarian because you believe in less coercive methods to bring about goals that stand in opposition to liberty is rather silly.
Believe or not, a lot of self-described libertarians went on to join the Bernie Bros. And why would you have to justify what someone who left your group over disagreements did later? If anything, that would say something good about libertarianism that it was holding them back from doing awful things.
Who gives a fuck? We’re all classical liberals here, anyway. We don’t have to answer for shit.
That’s worse than calling me Libertarian. I have half a mind to challenge you to a duel.
Technically, I’m not. Trust me on this, I’ll be a fellow traveler with classical liberals until the day I die considering they way things are going.
I just never thought of either of these people as libertarians, and never knew they self-identified as libertarians. Never crossed my mind.
I knew Cantwell from when he identified as an AnCap. He’s just a contrarian attention whore. Oh well, they infiltrate every group from time to time.
That video of him crying was pathetic, particularly after all of his grandstanding and tough talk.
He showed Vice (?) all his firearms as if to show how tough he was. It really is pathetic and I was disappointed Dave Smith had him on his show last week. I get he talks to everybody, but nothing he said in that interview was new or unexpected. Just gave Cantwell air space.
They’re both very strong collectivists based on their verbal and written diarrhea. If they have any actual principles, that is. Which I doubt.
That’s what I mean. It seems as if most of the loudest ‘libertarians’ aren’t.
Pamela Anderson’s love poetry to Julian Assange:
I’m not that contagious
Despite what you read
Years in an embassy
I’ve got what you need
Missing verses?
I’ve got nothing
That 80K won’t fix
Except for the herpes
Sorry bout the itch
I thought it was HVB…
LA’s response to homeless encampments ‘isn’t working,’ councilman says
Hmm. I wonder why there’s a homeless problem. I guess it’s the weather.
What the people always worrying about the “homeless problem” don’t seem to get is that some people, either through behavior or desire, want to be homeless. You can’t fix people who don’t want to be fixed.
tax measures to bring in more money = tax increases = housing cost increases = increased homelessness.
Too many people want to deal with homelessness at the Kultur Kampf level than deal with it at the economic level where the actual cause is.
The economic level is what causes people to be too mentally ill to function?
I’ll say yes. Mostly because I don’t buy into “mental illness” all that much. I’ve seen enough people of limited mental capacity hold down jobs – my autistic nephew for example. And if you wanted to hire a day laborer, hiring an illegal immigrant is actually less risky than hiring a citizen with a drug arrest record.
When government makes a concerted effort to close down flop houses, SRO’s, cheap motels with monthly rates, etc. and forces you into bizarre compliance with corrupt programs like Section 8 in order to get cheap shelter, opting out of that bullshit is probably indicative of a smidgen of rational thought rather than mental illness. We’ve got more homelessness now than during the Great Depression because all the low-cost options for short-term housing and short-term labor have been destroyed by government.
I had an alcoholic in-law that couldn’t hold down a grocery store job because he’d invariably not show up 10% of his scheduled days. That stuff happened routinely 40 years ago – and the stores didn’t mind because that was the nature of the beast. But once government forced them to pay all sorts of benefits for people like that the stores had little choice but to shut those types of workers out.
“I will be stuck in a house with toddlers possibly through the middle of next week. Pray for us.”
Whenever we have a tornado watch/warning our local meteorologist loves to remind us to put bicycle helmets on our kids. Just a friendly tip that you could use for the hurricane. Also probably a good idea to wrap them and everything in bubble wrap in your house.
Why are your kids riding bicycles in a tornado?
They’re chasing after Miz Almira Gulch.
Trying to get their little dog back?
*Trying to steal some little girl’s dog
“our local meteorologist loves to remind us to put bicycle helmets on our kids”
It’s a natural disaster! Let’s do something useless to really irritate the children!
Someone call CPS this man is not willing to do everything to keep his kids safe!!!
/Thinking about the children
I need to buy three of these.
*makes note to buy child’s drum set for Banjos/Sloopy tribe at christmas*
German supermarket clears foreign goods from shelves to make point about racism
Just wait until ze Germans see what life would be like without all that imported Syrian produce and fine meat.
Isn’t buying foreign goods cultural appropriation anyway?
This should be followed up with “German Supermarket goes out of business after driving away customers”
This is where the Greenies should have a problem. You remove one species of grasshopper from an ecosystem and you’ve destroyed it. You add a million immigrants into a system and *voila* it’s better.
Plague of locusts from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure (they get the lesson).
Those products were probably groping people
Does the diverse supermarket food, rape and assault the women that shop there to?
You’ll want to avoid the fresh meat section…
Why do supermarkets need to make points about racism?
Fuck off. Sell me goods at a reasonable market price and provide good service.
Tiki torches are half off now.
These are all signs of a post-retard civilization.
Sign replaced with “Life in E. Germany” and more products removed.
“This is what you get if the locavores get their way.”
remov kebab
The ‘Feline Five’: An exploration of personality in pet cats (Felis catus).
The idea of animals possessing personalities was once dismissed by the scientific community, but has since gained traction with evidence for potential application to improve captive animal management and welfare. Although domestic cats are popular companion animals, research has tended to overlook the value of personality assessment for management and care of pet cats. The aim of this study was to investigate personality in a large sample of pet cats with a view to understanding practical implications for pet cats in the home. Personality of 2,802 pet cats, from South Australia and New Zealand, was rated by their owners utilising a survey measuring 52 personality traits. Five reliable personality factors were found using principal axis factor analysis: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Dominance, Impulsiveness and Agreeableness. Implications for the ‘Feline Five’ are discussed in relation to their potential application to improving the management and welfare of pet cats. Highly Impulsive cats for example, may be reacting to something stressful in their environment, whereas cats with low Agreeableness scores, showing irritability may indicate underlying pain or illness. Thus, the need for a systematic and holistic approach to personality that includes both the individual pet cat and its environment is recommended, and opens the door to future interdisciplinary intervention.
Anyone who didn’t realise that cats have personalities has never met a cat.
It’s not that they don’t have personalities, it’s that there’s so little cat-to-cat variation in them
Yes and no. Cats are extremely individual – once you get to know them. At the casual acquaintance level, yeah, they run to a type. (Though no more so than certain dog breeds.)
Hurricane? Meh.
6-5gal bottles of propane, 1 grill, 1 top end Coleman, propane lanterns, batteries, flashlights, 0.1 micron water filter, activated charcoal filter, 5 cases bottled water, one month’s worth of food, 18″ Husqvarna, 3-5gal cans of gasoline, full tank in the jeep, etc.
I have ridden these things out many times. Not a big deal if you plan ahead. My only problem would be the wife complaining about no television.
“18″ Husqvarna”
Don’t forget the hockey mask.
No alcohol? Meh
First thing that came to mind.
Mr. Survival over here, measuring his propane by volume.
(Says the guy who only learned this summer to weigh his gas bottle to determine if there’s enough left to cook with…)
/Weighs out R-22 @100$ lb.
America’s Post-Charlottesville Nervous Breakdown Was Deliberately Induced
“Wars are won or lost based mostly on perceptions of events, not on what actually happens.” – yeah there were a couple of uterly annihilated armies through history who would beg to differ
“There are no American Tanks in Bagdad”
General Stillwell – “There will be no bombs dropped here…”
The second part is kind of dumb, but morale and manipulation of enemy intelligence are certainly core aspects of war. Which is what I think he was trying to say, he just made it stupid in the end.
Good stuff.
There is an open Playbook, right there for the reading. They don’t even hide it.
Mavens of social media have inundated us with trendy terms intended to mold our thought patterns. Let’s just consider two expressions: “alt-right” and “woke.” First, “alt-right.” It’s a tar-and-feather term intended to eliminate independent thought by getting the masses to associate the “right” with various boogeymen like the KKK of old. The goal is to eliminate their “hate speech.” Once the alt-right domino falls, then conservatives’ speech goes. Then the speech of everybody else, because the First Amendment must stand for everyone or it stands for absolutely no one.
That is a great paragraph. And it makes the behavior or writers at places like TOS and National Review, who are going to be one of the next victims of this all the more appalling.
I think most of the NR guys aren’t self-deluded enough to think that they were ever one of the cool kids, they just love the right kind of authority. Watching Reason get the shiv will be fucking delicious precisely not one of the stupid motherfuckers will ever see it coming.
No they won’t. They really think they are accepted by Progs and are not just useful idiots.
I don’t recall NR wavering on free speech.
They rolled over immediately on the confederate monument issue saying that if the radical right was going to rally around them, “they had to go”. They also have been all over Trump for saying there was violence on both sides and not going after the white nationalists only.
Funny, I read articles there saying the exact opposite.
Also this:
And this:
I am referring to Rich Lowery’s editorial for the magazine on Saturday after the murder. They walked back on it later. But their first instinct was to roll over.
I guess you’re right, John. Nation Review has always been a bastion of left-wing radicals. Just look what that long-haired hippy, David French, wrote two years ago:
One could argue they already got the shiv and their response was the lefty-virtue-singaling fetish that they have never let up on.
Yep. This has been on my mind a lot recently.
Citizen journalists using YouTube and social media as well as Joe Schmoes sharing memes have acted as a check on propaganda. But now YouTube and social media have willingly joined the purging of those who engage in wrong think. We are legitimately close to a point where propaganda is going to go unchecked. It really is terrifying.
The period between now and 100 years ago was mostly unchecked propaganda. There was no counterbalance to the mainstream media, not even an imperfect one.
I’ve watched a bit of CNN and MSNBC lately. Calling it “unchecked propaganda” isn’t an exaggeration.
MSNBC doesn’t claim to be anything other than a mouthpiece. Now CNN, they’re just a giant lie from the get go.
I remember when CNN was reasonably balanced straight news. They were no where near the way they are now back when Bush was in office.
They aren’t the only ones. Wife had NBC on yesterday morning. It was vomit inducing. If they weren’t bashing Trump they had actors on doing what amounted to Teen Magazine. It was the most vapid, pointless crapola I have ever seen on television.
No scary clowns? No TrumPutin? Now it’s racists hiding under every bed.
It is amazing how many people panic over Bigfoot. Stoopid herd animals.
D&D, now with more gay. I am not sure how it can top this
Being sexually attracted to your own kind and being sexually unattractive to everyone are not the same thing.
You just want to shoot your magic all over someone’s ass. NTTAWWT
Can’t players just choose? I thought D&D was fairly open-world in those respects.
I don’t know what they might have done to it since 4th ed made it a tabletop mmo.
You would think so. But people making a choice is never good enough for the SJW. The choice must be shoved down everyone’s throat or it isn’t good enough.
DM: Alright everyone, time to roll on the sexuality table.
Player 1: Do I have to? I’m not going to flirt with you regardless of what I roll and what NPC you’re playing.
DM: Yes. It’s in the rules.
Player 2: *sigh* Fine. I rolled a 20.
DM: Wow! You’re a trans-unicorn.
Player 1: What? We can get bonuses? Shit. I rolled a 1.
DM: Sorry, you’re cishetshitlord. Your charisma takes a 10 point penalty.
I can ignore it as long as it stays away from the combat mechanics.
“My character is transitioning”
“Great. But we still have to take out that Shambling Mound to get to the key.”
Dungeons & Dragons finally figured out what’s been holding the game back: Not queer enough, it turns out.
My 8th grade bullies disagree.
Wife Of First White NFLer To Kneel During Anthem: ‘Don’t Make Him A White Savior’
“we should not see Seth’s participation as legitimizing this movement.”
WTH did he do it then?
I think she means that just because a white guy started taking part, nothing has changed from the day before. I’m being charitable here.
Just make him an ally and not the face of the movement. They really do think they are marching with MLK to Birmingham.
So is he Seth of the Valve, or Seth The Valve?
Seth Devolve?
So, your wife gets around then?
Squire: Well, I, uh….
Man: Is, your uh, is your wife a sport, ay?
Squire: Um, she likes sport, yes!
Man: I bet she does, I bet she does!
Squire: As a matter of fact she’s very fond of cricket.
Man: ‘Oo isn’t? Likes games, eh? Knew she would. Likes games, eh? She’s been around a bit, been around?
Squire: She has traveled, yes. She’s from Scarsdale. (pause)
Political statements are like horseradish sauce. Put it on anything except roast beef and you’re going to fuck up the dish. Kneeling during the anthem at an NFL game is like taking a big ol’ heaping spoon of horseradish and mixing it with your lite beer.
Or something. I dunno. I didn’t sleep well last night.
a can of Horsey Lite might actually hit the spot.
Seth DeValve kneeled to support his teammates and to support himself. I bet Mr. DeValve thought that since he made this public spectacle of support and got a lot of attention for it, that now he may not be cut because if he is, it could be seen as the Browns punishing a player for not standing during the national anthem, rather than the fact that he’s a mediocre tight end at best.
I mean, he does play for the Browns.
Wu Tang fans hold grudges worse than jugalos.
To be fair, Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nuttin to fuck with
And Wu Tang Financial always reminds you to diversify your portfolio, yo
I have no idea who the Wu Tang Clan is. And I dont care.
I got sent a questionnaire for jury duty once. Basically a pre-summons screener. I worked in something about nullification. Never heard back.
I don’t know if I could be impartial, given that the defendant is a negro.
Some helpful jury duty avoidance tips
Can’t a juror just say “I refuse to answer questions without my attorney present?”
False sighting of STEVE SMITH in North Carolina. Man has had several encounters with him before and thinks he’s a supernatural creature.
The article links through to this blog which explains the suit in greater detail
Sometimes it’s sad to celebrate 800 words, but progress is progress.
Sadly, being at work hampers my ability to work.
Turd Reich: San Francisco dog owners lay minefield of poo for rightwing rally
How media orgs are reporting on some of this is getting real close to negligence. I had never heard of Patriot Prayer so I went and looked up their FB page. There is a hispanic guy talking about love, freedom and respect for others. He is pro gay marriage and has some anti-drug war leanings. Fucking Nazi.
They are dishonest and really horrible people
The Boston rally didn’t involve white supremacists
if you’re pro free speech, you’re a Nazi. I’d thought you’d figured that out by now, Nazi.
I’m sure the local constabulary will dispatch their top men to hand out tickets and send them on their way, ensuring public order and the access rights to a permitted event.
At least they weren’t flinging it like usual.
Apparently only one of the slated speakers at this “white-supremecist” rally is actually white. Someone needs to tell them they’re doing it wrong.
As long as the left/commies have something to fight against, truth doesn’t matter, I guess.
The left is really trying to capitalize on the smearing anyone who is right if themselves and white supremacist. Honestly I don’t know how well it takes, cause i don’t talk about politics with anyone.
I’ve been to San Francisco. How could they tell there was more shit on the street?
Tuffy Tuffington?
Poopy McPoopface
official replacement for the term “internet tuffgai” starting now.
Canadian town refuses to remove swastikas from park as mayor defends local history
I guess we aren’t getting another season of Man in the High Castle.
I had a dear friend on derpbook say it was hard to watch because it reminded him so much of America in 2017.
People have no fucking clue of history, do they?
I like that John came over. Has those progs nailed.
Thank you
Antifa retards skip out on court date for turning minor charge into the serious charge of bail jumping.
I’m sure Boston’s finest are taking the situation very seriously.
Especially since 2 of them are outside their jurisdiction anyway.
Bench warrants follow you.
True, but a lot of the time the cops don’t want to go to the hassle of remanding you for something trivial. The one guy is out of state. if he never goes back to MA he’s probably in the clear.
These were the same police that decided to not bother finding a guy with the excuse “He’s bound to screw up again and we’ll catch him then.”
And to their credit they finally DID catch him after he set off a bomb at the marathon.
The greater the charge, the greater the martyrdom.
Even when discussing people who failed to show up for an arraignment, the media will still call them counterprotestors without scare quotes who attended a free speech rally in scare quotes.
“Anti-nazi protesters charged with minor offences”
“Charges against anti-nazi protesters ratcheted up to felony by racist cops and prosecutors”
“Anti-nazi protesters locked in jail without trial, under unreasonable bail!”
They beat themselves raw to these kinds of headlines.
Amazon and Whole Foods will cut prices of avocados and kale to mark close of deal
The headline is stupid and irrelevant, but the article shows the beginning of Amazon’s strategy with the acquisition of whole foods. Amazon Prime members will be immediately eligible for discounted prices at Whole Foods. You’ll also be able to sign up for a membership inside the stores. Whole Foods will also start stocking Amazon Basics products, drop food prices across the board, and have Amazon lockers for package pick-up. Looks like a pretty tight integration.
I still think the endgame is going to be where you can have groceries delivered, prepped ingredients delivered (think better Blue Apron), or fully prepared meals delivered from the deli. Amazon needed a base to deliver the groceries or meals from.
But… It’s still Whole Foods. You’re not going to shake that stigma.
I’ve actually never even been in a Whole Foods, probably due to the stigma. It’s interesting though to watch what Amazon may be doing doing to the grocery industry. Other grocery chains’ stocks are getting clobbered right now.
Maybe a year ago, I read a really interesting article about the founder of Food Lion. Before Food Lion, the norm was for a customer to hand a list of items to the clerk and then wait while the clerk retrieved everything. It led to long wait times as there were only so many clerks for the customers. Food Lion pioneered the open grocery store concept where people could shop for themselves.
Now it looks like we might be “advancing back” towards the list and store-pulled items concept, though the internet has made it exponentially more convenient and feasible.
If I were wealthy I’d never set foot in a grocery store ever again. Putting in an order and picking it up or having it delivered is the way to go.
I know some people like to wander through the store to find new stuff though.
Safeway delivery is actually quite a bargain. The delivery fee starts at $10 i think, then there’s a $3 discount for ordering over $150, then another $3 or $6 off for picking a 2- or 4-hour delivery window, so like $1 in the end.
Only problem is you don’t know what’s outofstock till they show up and you didn’t get ingredient 3 of 4 for your recipe, and I’m too lazy to compose extensive Notes To Your Shopper to ensure I get an appropriate replacement for everything on the list.
Instacart is convenient and will even go to the pet store
Instacart is interactive, so when something is out of stock, they can either suggest a replacement and/or chat you for guidance. plus it’s usually pretty available last minute, where safeway you gotta get your order in before 8:30am, or 3:30am if you want it there before noon. the base delivery fee (usually $7) and 10% service charge reflect the added convenience.
And yeah, the petstore, but even more important, they’ll save you from having to go into a Whole Foods for your olives, cheese and fruit.
I declined to use any of the services where someone else picks the groceries outside of pre-packaged materials like canned goods, etc because I want to examine perishables and the alternatives before I buy them.
“When you’re married, you’ll understand the importance of fresh produce.”
That reminds me of conversations I’ve had with my brother who used to work in institutional food service. The quality & specifics delivered by Sysco and the like far exceeds supermarket produce departments. The produce isn’t sitting around on a shelf for a week nor does it need to be & kitchens don’t want to wait for an avocado to ripen so it’s more in that peak freshness point. Poor quality or more wastage than usual? The kitchens don’t tolerate it. Hey Sysco, come back & pick up your produce, and btw, we’re not paying for it. You could order say Hawaiian pineapple from Sysco whereas Safeway would only have old Costa Rican pineapples.
He ever explain powdered eggs? Is it just the shelling is too labor intensive?
I’ll have to remember to ask him sometime. Bulk liquid eggs right? I think only Army chow halls use powered eggs these days. Maybe Denny’s.
The mega-grocery by my house how has a drive up lane where they hand you the items you told them to fetch for you.
Not familiar with them outside of Austin, but the “original” one on 6th and Lamar is a fantastic place.
Plus the staff is laid back. Many moons ago (2004?), I was looking for kopi luwak, but blanked on the name, so I asked someone in their coffee department if they had “that monkey shit coffee.” The guy wasn’t upset, but yelled to his manager “Hey, Mack! Do we have any of the monkey shit coffee?” The manager yelled back “It’s not a monkey, it’s a civet. And we don’t have it.”
I’m really looking forward to it, especially what they plan to do with delivery. I despise going into a WF store, with all the fucking white liberal soccer moms, asking for the leanest steak in the case. Fuck your lean steak, lady! (though it leaves the well-marbled steaks for us cool kids)
If you’re stocking up on booze, include some wine so you don’t go senile.
That doesn’t make sense. I thought the point of drinking was to clear your head of any coherent thoughts?
Only teh Joos can afford Prada anyways amiright?
I read that article, and I admit the gold star thing with “John” in the middle is really weird shit to be putting on dresses and skirts.
Oh, it is totally stupid. But I think half the shit the high end designers come up with is totally stupid ugly trash but I am uncultured.
This article is a bit old but is further proof that it is Dave Chapelle’s world. Black woman ran DNA test and found out to her horror she was significantly white. I wonder if she is going to divorce her husband because he married some cracker bitch.
It’s like telling a Nazi they’re part Jew.
CNN once had a story on just that – two Polish neo-Nazis who discovered they were technically Jewish. They are now Orthodox Jews. One presumes they like rigid lifestyles
I think the Skokie guy had some Jewish ancestry, but I’m not going to look it up.
Some people (actually a lot of people) have no middle ground or tempering influences, it’s always the extreme. Evangelical reformed drug addicts come to mind.
Its like the evangelical who grows up to be the I hate God atheist or the drug addict drunk who finds God and becomes the born again. Some people only go from one ditch to the other.
Ex-smokers are some of the worst anti-smoking nags.
That reminds me of this Ancestry DNA commercial here in the states where some guy says he grew up thinking he was German and participated in German folk groups and shit. Then when he found out he was mostly British/Scottish, he gave up the German groups and started wearing kilts and doing Scottish shit.
There is a Facebook Meme out there of a guy all dressed in green getting his DNA test back and saying “You mean I am not really Irish? I am just a drunk?”
I hate those ads.
Me me me me me.
Ancestry doesnt mean shit. What kind of person one is matters. Stop with the navel gazing.
But you could make someone rich!
If I could worm my way into the inheritance of a better family I might consider it.
It helps let you know who you’re honoring/letting down (depending on the precise behavior)
“Ooh, you got an A minus in Spanish! Well, I’m sure your ancestor who compiled an Official English-Hebrew Grammar would be so proud of you!” /sarc
Most people don’t like having free minds. Too much responsibility.
My mother has long been into genealogy. Back when home dna tests first came out, one of her groups arranged for testing. Back in the 1830s, one guy (A), the middle child, was totally disinherited from the will with no explanation. Turns out all the descendants of A have very different dna from the descendants of his siblings. Sort of explains what everybody knew back in the 1830s
The Chappelle Show really had some brilliant skits and a lot of them could not be made in today’s environment. The Wayne Brady skit was pure gold.
Wayne Brady’s gonna have to choke a bitch.
The blind black guy who was in the KKK because he thought he was white may be the funniest short comedy skit done this century. And yeah, Chappelle had to retire. The SJWs have ensured actual comedians cannot function today.
“I’m gonna have to divorce my wife because she’s been fucking a black man!”
Just like this woman is going to have to divorce her husband because she has been fucking some cracker.
I was in the National Guard when that came out. The next drill weekend we were in formation waiting for the Captain, this enlisted black soldier who was the company comedian jumps in front of the formation, shuts his eyes and starts shouting “White Power!” It was hilarious.
The Captain jumps out from behind a tree, “I’m Rick James, bitch!”, good times.
Clayton Bigsby.
I hear you. I’m convinced that late-night TV is where all loud, unfunny comedians go to die.
“Black woman ran DNA test and found out to her horror she was significantly white.”
She doesn’t want to cash in on the privilege? I mean why would you be horrified unless you are a racist?
“You look concerned, Doctor…is it cancer?”
“In a certain sense, yes…”
[From the even-now-being-developed movie script]
Functionally a bigot at the least. The funny part is that she probably thinks gender is a social construct.
Well, it could be worse:
“Sub-Saharan African: 67.2%
European: 31.5%
East Asian & Native American: 0.6%
Unassigned: 0.6%”
I think I read about this in Greek Mythology. She stays on earth for 2/3 of every year, for the the remaining third she has to hang out in smoky biker bars and call people “sugar” and wear Daisy Duke style cut-offs.
And every leap year she has to either take part in a tribal election or perform a violin concerto, depending on whether the Native American or East Asian elements are predominating at the time.
“Welcome to the club! Here, front row seats to Bruce Springsteen”
“I don’t really like Bruce Spring-”
“Here’s some caviar, and how about some champagne? and don’t forget the lobster!””
Oh for fuck’s sake. Literally everyone who gets their DNA analyzed is surprised by the results. Join the fuckin club, lady.
My Dad had his looked at, and it was exactly what was expected.
I think it’s a case of the “Man bites dog” stories getting more attention. No one goes to great lengths to say “I had my DNA test and it confirmed everything we thought about my ancestry”.
Ever met a member of the DAR?
Don’t know what that acronym even stands for.
I do! Do I win a prize?
You’ll have to prove your lineage first.
Daughters of the American Revolution
How old are they?
I’m eligible for membership. My perception is it’s a bunch of old rich ladies who spend all their waking hours doing “civic” things, like planting flowers at the library.
You’re mostly correct. They also like to compare family trees like it’s a dick measuring contest.
So, like, if you’re related to Private John Doe, you’re not quite as good as Ethan Allen’s great-great-great-great granddaughter?
I was surprised at mine. I was expecting just about 1/2 and 1/2 British & German, with perhaps a sprinkling of Jewish. I was mostly British, with the next highest being Scandinavian. It was such a high % Scandinavian that it would be at grandparent level. Since I have no Scandinavians in my tree, that means pretty much all of my ancestors have at least a small %.
Maybe I’m descended from Ragnar Lothbrok.
“Since I have no Scandinavians in my tree,”
I see.
Pay no attention to that blonde milk man.
LOL…for a while I was worried, because I was finding no matches on my dad’s side of the family. Then some started popping up. However, I still don’t have any matches on my dad’s dad’s family that I know of.
When people asked my mother where my red hair came from she always said “the butcher was bald and the milk man never took off his hat.”
Is it even possible to make that fine a distinction considering the Viking influence in Britain? As I understand it the DNA tests are best guesses based on broadly shared genetic characteristics. Nailing it down to a particular country especially under the historical circumstances seems far fetched.
It’s actually kind of interesting. My family name started appearing in Scotland just after the Norman invasion. My DNA concentration was heaviest in Western Europe and the UK.
Accurate? Probably not, but it was still fun.
Didn’t the Germanic tribes come from Scandinavia?
At the % I was at, there should have been someone, somewhere with a “son” or “dottir” on the end of their name. But yes, both Brits and Germans have a history of Scandinavian invaders. And my family is solidly northern German (no fuckin Bavarians!), so those folks probably have a lot of Berserker blood.
Mom did hers and was surprised at the 33% Scandinavian.
Someone who is definitely not racist was ashamed that their blood wasn’t purely the race they want it to be. Again, definitely not racist. Can’t stress that enough
You know who else was ashamed of having impure bloodlines?
My hybrid tomatoes?
The American Kennel Club?
Lena Dunham’s panties?
Best wishes for safety and health for everyone affected by the hurricane, and their families, and hopefully the storm will only hit big stone statues like me, or my cousin the John Wayne Gacy statue…if he could be blown over without any collateral damage to humans I wouldn’t mind…my cousin is always bragging like an asshole at our meetings.
Amazon Prime members will be immediately eligible for discounted prices at Whole Foods. You’ll also be able to sign up for a membership inside the stores. Whole Foods will also start stocking Amazon Basics products, drop food prices across the board, and have Amazon lockers for package pick-up. Looks like a pretty tight integration.
That’s nice. Unfortunately, I’m probably 850 miles from the nearest Whole Foods store.
I have never even seen one. I was in a Trader Joes once. Phoenix I think.
Ehh, I’ve never even been in one. Looking forward to seeing if Amazon will be able to start delivering groceries more affordably though and in a wider area. If this is successful, I imagine they’ll start purchasing other chains.
I live at least 30 minutes from the closest big box store so utilize Amazon quite a bit for non-perishable purchases. It’s focused on urbanites but Amazon has been really useful for living out in the boondocks too.
I didn’t know the Guardian was so good at trolling:
Which Australians should be given a statue? Have your say
Breaker Morrant gets my vote. The inscription could read “shoot straight you bastards”.
Ned Kelly.
Oh… Wait.
More Bon Scott statues
No love for the Young brothers?
No more male statues until they do one of Waltzing Matilda.
Steve Irwin.
“Fack Florida Min. Ah wristled joiyant sawlties!”
Already got one
His children are half Oregon (wo)Man.
Naked Chris Hemsworth
Thor should prolly have a statue. No homo.
I never got the ‘no homo’ thing because I don’t give a rat’s ass who anyone is into.
James Cameron is gay
He’s a fucking hippie who makes hippie science fiction about blue skinned hippies.
I hate hippies.
Avatar might be the worst movie ever made. When you consider how much it cost to make, I think dollar for dollar it is the worst movie ever made.
Yeah, you’re probably right
I watched about twenty minutes of that travesty before I turned it off.
I love sci-fi not that shit.
I liked Avatar better when it was called Dances With Wolves.
Yep. And then they remade it again with “The Last Samurai”.
At least that one had ninjas.
I preferred Dances with Smurfs, myself.
I liked Avatar better when it was called Dune. And was actually well written.
Well most of them are commies so yeah. Avatar was basically Fern Gully. Talk about a ridicules movie.
Come on JB. A civilization just out of the stone age could totally defeat one capable of interstellar travel. And no primitive civilization would ever consider trading off its “sacred resources” for technology it can only dream of. I mean if aliens landed tomorrow wanting to mine Yellowstone for some substance the value of which we don’t yet understand and offered us a cure for cancer and the ability to desalinate sea water for free, we would tell them no and not let them violate the sacred earth.
Is that supposed to be sarcasm? Swarms of stupids would be out tearing their hair and screaming in protest. Bet on it.
The sad fact is you are right. There are a ton of idiots out there who would tell the aliens no, even if doing so meant they would just blast us and take the stuff anyway.
They just need hugs
But wait..if the aliens want the mining rights to Yellowstone so bad that they’re willing to trade anti-cancer drugs for it, maybe we’d need a Gread Negotiator to see how many more concessions the aliens are willing to make.
Until we get to the part about “conceding you your lives,” when we can go back to, “OK, what was that cancer thing again?”
For a civilization that capable of interstellar travel, the cancer drugs are likely to them what a bottle of advil is to us.
Does not follow.
Those are two entirely different fields of study. Plus, the odds that aliens would have enough understanding of human biochemistry and disease to have a cancer cure are low.
Treatment for their own diseases, maybe, but treatment for the same diseases among different species on Earth are not consistant.
However, new sources of power, such as whatever they’re using to fuel their interstellar travel, would certainly be a valuable trade from our perspective. (or other related tech)
“Plus, the odds that aliens would have enough understanding of human biochemistry and disease to have a cancer cure are low.”
Really? From what I hear, those aliens have been conducting anatomical probes on humans for years. They *better* get some anti-cancer drugs out of it, after all of that.
Colon cancer will definitely be eliminated.
Patty Jenkins has responded saying “there is no right or wrong kind of powerful woman”.
That should’ve been Hillary’s campaign slogan.
Or Elizabeth Bathory’s
Chick Dracula
“James Cameron is gay”
Who cares?
I think it was Wuncler who asked the other day if every confederate statue and every stars and bars were destroyed how would black peoples lives improve? The same is true of the gender wars. If everyone started wearing rainbow t-shirts how would our lives improve? It is all bullshit to distract us from the power mongering and looting that is going on.
Thinking about the powermongering and looting just depresses people. Don’t you want to give the people something cheerful to think about?
Putting looters in stocks cheers me up.
So I’ll just file you under “grumpy.”
Other people are more easily cheered up.
What about hoarders, wreckers and kulaks?
Heroes. we should put up statues in their honor.
“Thinking about the powermongering and looting just depresses people.”
Unless you live in Washington DC.
Yeah, but it’s awkward thinking about people’s erections. It’s bad enough they let the statue of David flaunt its junk all over the place.
That’s clearly a symbol of the patriarchy. Needs to come down.
Someone – possibly Alcibiades – mutilated some idols of Hermes, including the junk.
“if every confederate statue and every stars and bars were destroyed how would black peoples lives improve?”
That’s why black people aren’t protesting. They have actually problems. It’s the little rich white snowflake college students that need to invent problems in order to have any. I wish my biggest problem was stone dead people.
That’s a good point. Charlottesville is around 20% black. But one would never guess that by looking at who showed up at the protest.
They were too triggered by racial memories to go near the slave ports!
He’s being a dick, but he’s kind of right. Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley were better “girl-power” characters than Wonder Woman, and those characters were from 80s films. People making a big deal of Wonder Woman being a strong female character, especially those acting as if this was some new thing, are being hyperbolic and short-sighted. Wonder Woman was a good film, but it doesn’t deserve a reputation of serving as a cultural milestone.
I’m sure Wonder Woman’s popularity among the male demographic had every to do with her strong-willed independence.
Every generation thinks they invented sex – and pretty much everything else.
Wonder Woman was created in 1942.
Here’s the thing about the Browns. They suck and have sucked for 50 years. Yet, the old timers who are they only ones who remember the glory days of Jim Brown have stuck with them and have shown loyalty that a lot of franchises can’t even buy. Of course these are the same guys that get pissed off the most when they think someone is disrespecting the flag or the country. How hard a decision is it for them to dump a team that shitty who had let them down for 50 years?
Are local talk radio is full of people calling in and saying they’re done with the NFL. So it’s not just one VFW Post.
Our. Dammit
I have a lot of respect for Cleveland fans for their loyalty and pride in their rusted out city and its historically sub-par sports teams. One might say it’s loyalty to a fault (see: the Chimpout after The Decision). But it is the kind of irrational loyalty which makes sports fun. Things like the sellout streak at The Jake are things no other city outside of New York have any hope of ever matching. Cleveland fans have stuck to their teams through thick and thin. Until now…
As I scroll down my Derpbook newsfeed, I see almost all of my Cleveland fans echo the same sentiment: “That’s it. Done with the Browns”.
I was done with the NFL after the Lambs protested Ferguson at the stadium without repercussions from management. Not a single one of those brave souls made it to Ferguson to protest there.
Speaking of Jim Brown
About the left labeling anyone they disagree with as ‘Nazi’. As their irrational witch hunt grows, it will inevitably ensnare more and more innocent people (something, something history) and it’s only once the number of people who thought thinking ‘I’ve nothing to hide’ would spare them increases will this ‘intellectual pogrom’ cease. A lot of people will be hurt along the way unfortunately; Google, Facebook and Twitter – the Evil Trio against liberty, will do their bit to engage in ‘content discrimination’ while useful idiots in the celebrity and CEO ranks will continue to virtue signal right up until they’re put in handcuffs and whisked away so to speak.
You know how you have a house party in college and people start popping in around 8 or so and then my 10 it’s a massive flood of party goers. Everyone has a good time until around 1 or 1:30 and people start going home. Finally, you’re left with the biggest group of assholes that you want the fuck out of your house. That seems the way the anti racism movement progressed from the 60’s until today. It’s 5 am mother fuckers. Get the hell out of my house.
Remember when Alex DeLarge was given aversion therapy? Except, replace him with a progressive ideologue (of your choosing of course, after all we are not communists). Make them *SEE* the destruction of their ways. For example, if someone doxxes the wrong person and that person loses their jobs setting in motion unfortunate incidences of foreclosures, losing his family etc.) they should be made to see their role in that.
Of course, the only problem is progressives are rotten people so it probably wouldn’t work.
I’m just theorizing while masturbating.
Google, Facebook and Twitter – the Evil Trio against liberty,
I prefer the term “axis”.
I live at least 30 minutes from the closest big box store so utilize Amazon quite a bit for non-perishable purchases. It’s focused on urbanites but Amazon has been really useful for living out in the boondocks too.
I have been using it more and more. The new distributor for my pickup truck showed up yesterday. Brand new GM HEI for less than fiddy bucks.
I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean.
That’s treading awfully close to approval of thoughtcrime and reeducation camps.
Lets start listing the wrong.
The slave trade itself was the sale of slaves. Importation stopped in 1808, and was no replaced, leaving the only supply being native born slaves.
The cotton industry collpased thanks to pests and competition, more or less killing the economic remnants of the antebellum order.
There was a mass out-migration of people to factories further north.
Of late there has been a mass migration in to factories that escaped the toxic union environment up north.
The economy of the south is high industrialized, and nothing resembling the antebellum status quo remains.
By the way, where was your car assembled, ACLU Titter manager?
Hyundai plant? Kia plant? Nice try, UCS – no industry replaced slavery in the 150 years since the end of the Civil War!
What the fuck is that?
Someone having a stroke while typing?
Pelosi: You Can’t Yell ‘Wolf’ In A Crowded Theater
Part of me wonders if Ms. Pelosi didn’t actually stumble upon a real gem. Isn’t yelling wolf in a crowded theater precisely what the Democrats have been doing for the last six months? They’ve certainly been crying wolf. And the consequences of their crying wolf aren’t all that different from a crowded theater.
Aren’t people going nuts about Trump confusing ‘to’ and ‘too’ on Twitter.
Too funny. When Obama was making retarded mistakes it was ignored this guy commits a pretty common error and out the hysterical POS come.
I saw some internet blurb the other day and I have no idea if it’s true. It was a clickbait site. It said Gary Oldman would get in trouble on the set for going on these “misogynistic” rants about Nancy Pelosi. Of course misogynistic only applies when your talking about the left. I was thinking, I knew there was a reason I liked that guy .
Pelosi must not be a big fan of Edward Albee.
Thoughts? Has Civil War 2.0 started?
But some day, the currency crisis will come and then all bets are off.
Why was 1861-1865 conflict called a “Civil War?” I don’t recall the Confederacy trying to overturn the Federal Government; those states were happy to secede and start a new country and let the other states continue with their form of government. I’ve always tried to refer to it as “The War for Southern Independence.”
I’m not sure, but I guess perspective? If you consider the northern states as fighting to preserve a national status quo that by definition included the southern states, then it’s a civil war. And subsequently I would think that referring to it as the “War for Southern Independence” contributes to the “Lost Cause” ideology in some people’s heads. To the extent I ever think about it, I agree with you, though.
Civil wars aren’t exclusively for control of the entirety of a nation state.
Yeah, it describes any war between citizens of the same country, for whatever reason.
Sure, but its rare that “being more specific” is worse.
When the Union started collecting documents in 1864 for an official record, it was titled “The Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.”
“Civil War” didn’t come into usage until the early 20th century.
What do you *think* the Union would have called it?
They have mascots called Rebels, but “Rebellion” is a bridge too far, i guess.
The Social War was already taken?
The thing about a civil war is that you have to have more to gain than you do to lose. That situation does not exist in the US. Even our poor people have it pretty damn good relatively speaking. The Marxist currently trying to stir up shit are doing what Marxist always do. Trying to get “the people” to follow them into some glorious revolution where they (the “intellectuals” ie college professors and journalist lol) will be the vanguard that “the people” will look to for leadership. Basically the same racist plan Charles Manson had. Fortunately for us, “the people” don’t want to give up comfort for pain. The Marxist know this which is why their toddler temper tantrums keep getting worse. The powers that be will only entertain them to a certain point, then you get Kent State.
This. There is absolutely nothing new here. These fuckwits have been around my entire lifetime, but unfortunately for them, real life has actually gotten way better.
There will be no civil war anytime soon.
Also, a civil war is typically two competing, mutually-exclusive visions of a state, including ideas of governance. When a bunch of assholes just start losing their minds because you won’t let them have their binkies it’s just a riot.
Eventually a big group of antifa get arrested or shot by authorities and things fizzle. I think they are funded by Soros types and would love to see the DOJ go after them from that end.
Oh – and before someone chimes in and starts hysterically talking about “white nationalists” – Mr. Copley isn’t referring to the KKK. He’s referring to people who put national interests ahead of global interests.
Oh, good luck getting a huge chunk of the population to make that distinction. That conflation is responsible for the whole problem.
Do you weird ass Canadians really call kickball “soccer baseball”?
Good Lord
Kickball is better than both soccer and baseball.
ENB continues her blank slateism: https://twitter.com/ENBrown/status/901082168138637313
There’s no such thing as a Y chromosome.
Twitter has an effect on my DNA. Every cell in my body hates that platform.
Race is a social construct, sex is reality.
I don’t buy that shit at all. Unless your using a classification for social construct that is so expansive as to be meaningless race is most certainly a construct that existed in nature. Humans came along afterward and noticed it.
If race didn’t exist nobody would even notice it. People wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a black person or white person without resorting to some characteristic external of physical realities.
Democrat or Republican is a social construct, it can only be differentiated by referring to other societal ideas. Race isn’t.
I think it’s dangerous for people to try to build a case for equality on science. The case for equality should be built on metaphysical properties, not physical properties. Humans are equal because they have souls, or moral agency, or whatever philosophical commonality can be agreed upon, not because they are all equally strong, or equally smart, or equally capable. I would think it would be short work to scientifically prove that individual people, and even groups of people, were unequal physically/physiologically, so any theory of human equality built upon physical properties is a house of cards that will easily crumble if the winds change.
Be afraid
President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are courting an economic catastrophe with a standoff over how to raise the debt limit.
Unless Trump and Congress pass a law raising the U.S. debt limit — a legal cap on how much the U.S. government is allowed to borrow — the Treasury Department will soon run out of money to pay its bills, triggering a first-in-modern-U.S.-history default that threatens to turn the world economy on its head. A default would crack the world’s faith in the United States’ ability to pay its bills and repay its loans, and that faith serves as the underpinning of the entire global financial system.
The sky is falling!
I said after Obama reppeal went down in flames that the only thing this GOP Congress would accomplish is raising the debt limit.
The only way the cycle is ever going to change is if it all of a sudden becomes culturally cool to cut spending and be a fiscal hawk. Ask Milo, I think he would know how to pull it off.
Puhhhhlease, last I checked people were still stupid enough to loan the Greeks money after all of their shenanigans.
Trump might actually be willing to call their bluff though. That would be a first.
Even when they bear gifts you can’t trust them, now they’re on the roadside with handlettered cardboard signs…
This is no different from the gambling addicted nephew that begs for money to pay off the loan shark.
“If you dont give it to me they are going to break my legs!”
Ok. I will buy your crutches. Now fuck off.
I assume editorial writers have that set up as a macro so they can just dump it in a column every year or so?
So what I’ve picked up on is that when the Republicans are in the minority and obstruct the budget, it is the Republicans fault.
However, when the Democrats are in the minority and obstruct the budget, it is still the Republicans fault.
I expect this from the left wing MSM, but the WSJ just ran an editorial reaming Trump for objecting to the Republican leadership completely ceding budget control to the Dems.
Trump, for all of his buffoonish tendencies, is the only party leader that’s kicking and screaming to make the GOP worthwhile and relevant. He’s even implying support for primary challengers to big-spending RINOs like Corker, which is unheard of in modern presidencies. I think that the rest of the establishment would’ve rather had Hillary so that they could continue to sit in their chairs and do nothing.
ENB continues her blank slateism
Good for her. I’ll be over here, not giving a shit.
She is fighting the good fight smashing the patriarchy that has kept her down.
Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
It’s your only way…
Nothing is easy, nothing good is free
But I can tell you where to start
Take a look inside your heart
There’s an answer in your heart
Wow, I didn’t know those guys were such cultural reactionaries
“In a world full of prejudice – illustrated most recently by the neo- nazi rally in Charlottesville”
The rally where after 6 months of organizing, they got 200 racist to show up out of a country of 350 million? Maybe you should pick a better example for your “world full of prejudice”. Kind of reminds me of how for 5 years they would use Matthew Sheppard’s death as a reminder of the constant danger gays were in from all of the homophobes that make up most of the US. If after 5 years, you still only have one example then you might reconsider your premise.
And said example, when you cut through all the media hysteria, may (or probably) had nothing to do with him being gay.
That’s true as well
I’m more worried about practical prejudice — in which someone actively negates another’s rights on the basis of their race — rather than theoretical let’s march because we’re big mean white boys kind with is of the sound and fury signifying nothing type.
Been watching some NZ All Blacks hakas. I wish the world were like NZ rugby – whites and Maoris mixing and sharing sport and tradition and no progs screaming about cultural appropriation.*
*I’m sure there are some people screaming this, but they’re not making any headway, in that they’re still doing haka before matches and most people seem to love it.
The all-blacks haka has to be one of the most intimidating things for an opposing team to see. Even if they’re used to seeing it.
YOU try telling those behemoths what they can and cannot do. I’ll take a pass on being rearranged into a pile of Play-Doh.
My favorite thing tangential related to that is that their national basketball team is call the “Tall Blacks”
I laugh my shaft off every time I hear that
Cricket team is the Black Caps; field hockey Black Sticks; soccer team goes with All Whites.
They’re not screaming cultural appropriation, but there have been whinges about the throat-slitting because terrorism
All Blacks doing war cries and the French side holds hands. That right there in a nutshell can stand for so much more.
That’s funny.
It’s also very indicative of how the game will play out.
Surprised the French just didn’t run away.
You’d think the sexual harassment of tigers would either be purely symbolic, or else a self-correcting problem.
William Blake was, at least implicitly, warning against tiger-molestation.
Tony’s just a paper tiger.
Poetry is something that has always baffled me. I like it for some reason that I don’t quite grasp. Usually, many of the lines don’t make any sense to me and yet the whole for some reason often does.
Poetry has the effect of making my eyes lose focus and scan the page for the next block of text that looks like prose.
Or the next invitation to a tractor pull?
Never been to one of those. Is there more than one contest between machines per event?
How should I know, my local NPR station doesn’t cover it.
I’ll take “Shit That Never Happened” for $400, Alex.
Didn’t his parents ever tell him not to talk to creepy strangers?
TBF, I’d hate the kid, too if he asked me that.
“because you’re nosy and annoying”
Brian, when writing fiction you have to make your characters believable. Children are not adults in tiny bodies.
That’s why I really wanted to like Super 8 – it created such believable child characters that talked and acted like kids rather than mini-adults. Too bad most everything else about the movie wasn’t very good.
It’s also one of the strengths of Stranger Things.
In fairness, most of the adults he meets are children in big bodies, so his confusion is understandable.
Why do you care?
Why does Hispanic even matter to this made-up story? Oh, right. Virtue signalling. Oppression Olympics and such. Nowadays we always have to identify people’s race in anecdotes. Unless it’s a terrorist attack.
Again, media members are no different than facebook mommies:
Facebook mom of 2 year old: “Little Addysyn just saw me lift a bag of dog food and said, “Mom can I be as strong as you when I grow up? And not just in a physical sense, but emotionally as well?” My little itty bitty melts my heart!!!!
Media member: “Approached by an undocumented worker who’s purposefully overpaid on taxes for decades with 48 PhDs who did 12 tours of duty in Iraq and raised 8 children who all go to college and study in STEM fields who identifies as gender non-conforming. Xe said, “I just want to ask President Trump, aren’t we all immigrants?”
“Pablo, it’s because you’re a mewling little bitch. Nothing personal.”
Was he 8 years old by any chance?
God bless David Burge. I love that man.
So Brian wears his press credentials (whatever that is) in public?
He has so little self-esteem he needs to try to signal “Look at me, I’m Important, damn it!”
Of course! Libertarians aren’t the only group with signature hats.
Sounds like a good way to get your ass kicked.
Prolly a better approach than sliding one’s foot into the adjoining stall.
Kinky project wants tp make a statue of a shackled, imprisoned woman
They can use Warty’s basement for inspiration.
Imprisoned women. Shackled even. Like the chief editor at Reason?
What a bunch of horseshit.
What sick fantasy is this?
They could use Mattress Girl for a model.
The internet:
Bastard. Why?
I very nearly unfollowed wokieleaks after he retweeted that. *shudder*
NOAA 42 back in the air.
Crazy bastards.
This is gonna be a bad one.
I’d love to be on one of those planes. Just once.
Yeah? Just drink a fifth of vodka and hit the Tilt-O-Whirl for while.
The new Queens of the Stone Age album is out. Stop your typing and listen, dumbasses.
Lead singer is a megalomaniac but I like him.
Ok, so I have an interview at a small company on Monday, and the CEO is going to take me to a late lunch after I’m done. That seems like a good sign. That’s a good sign, right?
Maybe he just thinks you’re sexy.
That’s still a good sign, imo
“Come on CEO, let me know”
It’s a great sign. Don’t take your dick out at the table.
Have you ever worked for a small company?
The current company is tiny. I’m hoping its level of dysfunction is abnormal.
That was my point. I’ve only worked for/owned tiny companies. In the right situation and for the right person, it can be perfect. But there are amazing levels of dysfunction sometimes. I’ve experienced both.
Good luck
I think the most dysfunctional boss I had at a small company was the owner who got into an accident drunk and on pain pills, and in order to avoid a DUI, told the cops it was a suicide attempt.
This did not help his situation as much as he thought it would…
Lol. One of mine crashed his Lotus and, to avoid the inevitable DUI, reported it stolen.
Don’t be so old fashioned Tundra!
Don’t just “take your dick out” like some crude nazi from flyover country. You can “extract your John Thomas” though (make sure to extend your pinky), if you have to send an important dick pick.
Not old fashioned. Classic.
Put out. Trust me.
No Warty, don’t do it! Your future husband won’t respect you!
Remember: the lunch is part of the interview. You can still blow it.
This happened where I worked. I guy basically had the job after the interview and by the end of lunch no one wanted to work with him.
So you’re telling me to get hammered, right? I need to show that I’m easy to get along with.
Just let the ceo do most of the talking, be cordial, and don’t presume you have the job until you have an offer. Also, wear a MAGA hat so they know that you’re hip.
After you’ve done what?
Eat whatever he puts on your plate. *boss unzips*
That is a good sign.
Good luck. You’ll do great. Based on your comments here and at the other place, you seem like an interesting dude with an actual personality. Successful businesses and CEO’s like interesting people working with/for them.
I’m legitimately touched. Thank you.
OK, good luck, and I guess look at a lot of the advice below and do the opposite and your chances should improve.
Remember you’re interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. It may be a small place, but try to get a feel for the CEO’s intentions of selling the company and leaving you in a larger place you didn’t want to be in. It will happen eventually anyway, but at least see if it’s a couple years away or longer.
You all stay safe Banjos.
Mrs. Clinton did what most women do when they face harassment or intimidation: She ignored it. But now she’s stewing in the what-if:
“I chose option A. I kept my cool, aided by a lifetime of difficult men trying to throw me off. I did, however, grip the microphone extra hard. I wonder, though, whether I should have chosen option B. It certainly would have been better TV. Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a composed face to the world.”
That poor lady, suffering through a lifetime of oppression and deprivation. How does she do it?
Nobody forced her to marry that guy
Vodka and falling down?
Democratic self-criticism – “we were just so darned nice and civil, no wonder we lost to those meanies!”
As for “grip the microphone extra hard,” let’s hope SF doesn’t get ideas from that.
Everytime they lose, it’s the same thing “our commitment to reason and civility was our downfall, the nasty lying Republicans walked all over us and we were simply too nice to respond! Grrrr…next time we’re going to have to lower ourselves to their level,,,grrr…”
Clearly a euphemism, and I think we now understand the origin of Bill’s penile deformity.
By eschewing all forms of self-respect and never displaying any class.
I kept my cool because I was so arrogant I didn’t think anything Trump said mattered.
She assumed that with the media in he back pocket, she could not lose.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Prada did that on purpose just for publicity. That’s the first time if heard their name in the press for years.
Ehenver I see their name, I think of the Soviet Propaganda Rag.
No, not the New York Times, the other Soviet Propaganda Rag.
I think the NYT is more committed to Communism then Pravda was.
Pravda had to defend the reality of communism. The NYT has only to defend the idealized conception of it.
Finally, a chance to make a statue-tory rape joke
(or statue-Whig joke)
We had one in a cemetery decapitated. They actually took the head.
But Bart put it back and apologized, right? I saw that episode.
Thanks to Trump, the establishment uniparty’s mask has slowly been coming off bit by bit. Here’s more evidence of this, courtesy of Kasich & Hickenlooper:
IOW, a high-budget version of what the LP tried to pull off. Maybe they pull off a win in Colorado or milquetoast Virginia, but otherwise can’t see this go very far.
Even among a population of repulsive people, politicians, Kasich stands out as uniquely reprehensible.
He is the worst kind of statist. He worships state power as long as he is the state. His AG DeWine who will most likely replace him as Governor of Ohio sucks state dick even harder.
Mmm, yummy!
Lets see, I’m trying to remember if Kasich was “So Little appeal in his own party he failed to carry hos home state” or “Only carried his home state” in the primary. I think this fusion ticket will result in not so much cross-party attraction as cross-party repulsion.
He was the only-carried-his-home-state guy
The only states that this ticket can go anywhere are places that are either full of NeverTrumpers (like Utah), Hickenlooper’s home state of Colorado, or uniparty bureaucrats that like Hillary Clinton (Virginia). Even Ohio would be difficult to pull off since Trump now has a massive base there (won by 8 points last year, most of any presidential candidate in almost 30 years)
He’s the guy that refused to concede that he had no chance in the race and split the, “somebody not named Trump” vote with Ted Cruz.
I will be president before Kasich will.
Yeah, the dude is a legend in his own mind, but nowhere else. He’ll no doubt get help from the media but I think they’ll all come down with Hillary syndrome where they exhibit so much disdain for anyone who would not vote for him that no one with any self-respect will.
The fun part is telling which is which!
“If you can think of a better way to exchange long protein strands, I’d like to hear it!”
Tim Egan contemplates the deplorables.
“The longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em,” he [Bannon] said of Democrats. “I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”
He may be right. More than anything else, the white voters who drifted from President Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump last year — a seemingly incongruent transition — sealed the Republican victory.
It turns out that racial resentment was the strongest predictor of whether a voter would flip from supporting a thoughtful, intelligent Democrat to a boorish, mentally unstable Republican. When you say Black Lives Matter, these white voters hear Kill a Cop. When you say diversity in the workplace, they hear special privileges for minorities at the expense of whites.
Those crazy rednecks, how could they prefer Trump to Saint Hillary? It’s the racism. We just need to shame them some more.
It’s like they had some latent racism which was in remission while they voted for Obama, then they had another flareup and voted for Trump.
Useful information to know: Once you’re on the Democratic plantation you’re expected to stay there, if you leave they break out the bloodhounds.
He missed the point of that statement completely. Ban on isn’t saying people left Obamarama because race (and the polls agree), he’s saying obsessing over race AT ALL is a losing ticket. Selling the economy over race is how to win. And he’s right.
He’s so far up his own ass that even when someone spells out identity politics is losing, he thinks it means the opposite.
Hawaii Congresswoman claims to have received horrible racist hate mail. Shockingly, she appears to have written it herself.
I’m sure it’s the first time she’s ever done anything like that, too.
In other ACLU news: I guess their principle that guns are icky is more important than their principle to stand for peoples civil rights.
Apologies if this has been linked before.
the CEO is going to take me to a late lunch after I’m done. That seems like a good sign. That’s a good sign, right?
Order ribs, and eat them bones and all. He’ll be impressed.
The only reason I’m posting this is because of the name in the third-to-last paragraph.
Silke Peens? But that’s the second to last paragraph unless you count the biographical para about the reporter.
Yeah, I was counting the author info
Interesting philosophical question, but the main point is Silke Peens must have had a fun time in Junior High.
There is no cannibalism in the Royal Navy.
I still contend that the reason Hillary didn’t zealously support a recount in WI, PA, and MI was because she knew a recount would, at best, result in more votes for Trump, or at worst expose massive fraud.
Love a last-minute vacation-related logistical panic. Love. It.