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Death by Ponga Ponga!
We pronounce it as Snu Snu around here.
Jobuku in my neck of the woods.
Bunga Bunga in these environs. It’s refreshing to know that such a tasteless joke has spread across the planet like white hegemony!
Um, we have always been at war in west asia.
This means war
But this would be one of the greatest trolls of all time:
That would be great
She would have to be willing to take a cut in pay. But the sputtering of the SJW’s and the religious right is more than worth it.
I didn’t you you warned hikers beforehand. Thought you liked it being a surprise better.
STEVE SMITH doesn’t limit himself to just hikers. Sort of like how Jason took Manhattan. STEVE SMITH travels for rape.
So Arpaio. He was convicted for contempt of court, that’s it?
Also Kamala Harris said he shouldn’t be pardoned since he is a criminal. Thank goodness we have such great minds against TrumpHitler.
He was convicted of contempt for refusing to stop violating the 4th amendment. He’s an ass, and I wouldn’t have minded seeing his sorry ass in jail (wasn’t going to happen even without the pardon).
Fun fact: He cost Maricopa County taxpayers somewhere around $140 million in settlements during the time he was sheriff (1993-2016)
140 Megabucks? Good God, the folks of Maricopa County would probably be within their rights to have an old-fashioned necktie party for the guy.
And then I think: How much is the governor of California wasting on a high-speed rail line?, and suddenly Joe’s little peccadillo doesn’t seem so bad.
You know who else wanted to lynch people?
The Lynch Family? No wait, they donated a bunch of land to the state to build three schools which will no longer bear their name because even though their name, “Lynch” means “mariner” in anglicized gaelic, it offends stupid people.
Fuck them. They’re racist anyway. BURN THE SCHOOLS TO THE GROUND.
Fun fact: lynch does come from the name as a man with that name used extrajudicial punishment in Virginia during the Revolution.
You ain’t kidding! My wife and I are moving just north of a proposed route of the “high-speed rail” line. She was concerned about a possible impact. I assured her not to worry, as the damn thing’s never going to be built. It’s already years behind schedule and literally tens of millions over budget.
What was AL the talk about nor having a jury trial?
Started in 2014. Justice is swift.
They elected him between 1993 to 2016. I only feel bad for the voters who voted against him. And maybe those who didn’t vote at all.
But the criticism coming on Trump for this makes me laugh. Not because Trump made a decision I agree with, but because as usual, it’s over the top and misdirected. The people attacking him have no problem with the executive branch ignoring the laws they like and enforcing those they do. Or pardons/commutations.
“India’s Supreme Court on Tuesday struck down the Muslim practice that allows men to instantly divorce their wives–by saying “talaq” three times–as unconstitutional.”
The government still shouldn’t be involved in marriage.
Now they’ll just kill their wives instead
Where’s Phileas Fogg when you need him?
I kind of like this strategy from government. “If you stay, you’re fucked, and we ain’t gonna help you. But at least make it easier for us to identify your dumb ass when your body washes up somewhere”
Finished the ~65 mile ride today, although I was dragging ass at the end. I was the last of five to complete the full ride. After the ride, there was some Fathead’s Head Hunter to celebrate, and then free Yuengling. Legs are a bit sore and stiff, but should be fine tomorrow.
I read this as “free Youngling.”
You can get some hot totty after a 65-mile bike ride? Why the Hell didn’t anybody tell me this sooner?
Execute order 66?
It all depends on the ride you’re signing up for…
After the ride, there was some Fathead’s Head Hunter to celebrate
So a free wall sticker of a giant beer bottle?
Yuengling is great. I can get it in Massachusetts now and don’t have to wait until I’m back in PA.
Good to hear you got through the ride.
I’d put Yuengling in the category of a mediocre beer I can get anywhere around here for a decent price.
And thanks. It was a rough one, there were only four rest stops for the whole ride. None of them had bananas or pickles, and only one had any salty snacks. I’m glad I packed at least some snacks to carry with me.
Mediocre? We’ll should just agree to disagree.
We can, but as a frame of reference, I consider most of Great Lakes Brewing’s beer to be mediocre as well. Not exceptional, but a solid beer that sits at a 3 out of 5 rating. Bad beers I reserve for shite like Cave Creek Chili beer, Molson, and the standard BMC whipping boys.
I can’t even.
Have you had the Yuengling Black & Tan? I find it to be a great balance between cheap and good. It’s also great for cooking.
I have. Again, it’s solid, but not great. I’ll say at the price point it’s at, it’s a great value though.
Oh god, that takes me back. When I was young i bought a road bike because I was too poor to afford a decent car. Ten miles downhill to my grounds-keeping job and then ten miles uphill to home. By the second month I had “Superman legs”. Fuck how I’d push that thing in tenth with the diesel traffic whizzing by. Probably explains how I can do the jobs of two people in half the time of lesser mortals even now.
I’m waiting for the purge of those who oppressed the Indians to hit the US. That would include pretty much every Union General and abolitionist, wouldn’t it?
They’ve already targeted Grant.
My younger brother, recently moved to Chicago, says it’s starting to get cold at night up there.
He’s going to be found frozen to death somewhere on the street by the end of October.
At least here in the Cleveland area, it’s gotten down into the 50’s at night for a couple of nights. Just get ready to laugh the first time that they drop below 20 F and have a good wind blowing.
That doesn’t bother me as much as 85 degrees at night with 90% humidity. Here in NYC we get both 🙁
But this weekend is beautiful.
That is warmer and more humid than Oahu at the hottest time in the year.
When I lived in NYC people were a;ways complaining about how the subways smelled in summer and I could not understand it. Then I had surgery to clear my sinuses and oh my god it was as horrible as they described it. The only cityscape more horrible smelling than that was Sadr City in August.
Is there a surgery to block my sinuses…?
No idea where you were on Oahu (granted Kailua gets a bit more of a breeze). Down Pearl Harbor way, things suck all the time – especially in the shipyard. Way over 90 and sticky all the time. Gotta head NE to get more of a breeze – the clouds were nearly always rained out by the time they made it as far as the base.
I in Kailua because of the Trade Winds. When I was moving here I stayed at the BOQ on the sub base and you are absolutely correct on hot sticky Pearl is. But even Pearl or the Leeward side of the island is nothing like a NYC summer.
Yesterday, it cooled off to 92. Heat index was still approaching 100 though…
Same thing’s happening here in the Vancouver area. Thank God. People are actually sleeping well at night once again, which means they aren’t nearly so crabby the next day.
I remember in high school we had an exchange student from the Philippines. So it’s about late October and everyone’s starting to wear coats regularly, and he’s walking around in the thinnest jacket I’ve ever seen.
It was his only one.
December hit him like a ton of bricks.
When I lived in Miami, parkas would come out if it went below 60.
Some years back, I went to visit my mother in Florida for spring break. Delta lost my luggage (the fuckers), so our first stop was the mall. I wanted shorts & t-shirts, but every store was stuffed with down jackets and jeans.
I, like most South Carolinians, will complain about the heat but holy shit, I hate being cold.
For me, cold is easy to beat with extra layers.
Extreme heat and humidity cannot be beat except by staying indoors with the AC cranked. I am absolutely miserable, drained, and cranky during the worst of the summer. I also turn red after ten minutes in the fucking sun, so there’s that.
As I have told people many times. I much prefer the cold to the heat. If it gets colder, I can put on more clothes. If it gets too hot, there’s a limit, by the laws of gods and men, as to how much I can take off.
On the turning red side, I’m currently nursing a sunburn I got today through sunscreen and a fine crushed limestone dusting.
If I wasn’t a smoker, I probably wouldn’t have what passes for a “tan” on my face and arms due to having to stand outside multiple times a day, because I would avoid that wretched orb at all costs.
I live alone, so that isn’t a problem thank God.
You just need some practice. I grew up in the tropics, and my first few years in Chicago were pretty rough. But now I can stay outdoors all day in single digits with no trouble – hell, I actually *enjoy* the lower teens. And then a few months later I’m out all day in the mid-80s, and that’s just fine too.
I can hack both, but I much prefer heat. That’s ironic, because I sweat as soon as it hits about 72 or like five minutes after I eat something and I can physically tolerate cold pretty well, being a husky lad with my grandfather’s white gorilla build ( long, stocky torso ). I like seasons and all, it’s just there’s that moment in the winter where I start to get a little crazy because I haven’t stopped being cold for months and if I have to wake up and be cold again I’m going to lose my shit. I never get the summer equivalent.
Maybe it’s because as long as you don’t mind sweating your body can handle the heat. You just find some shade, stay hydrated, and don’t run around a whole bunch. Sweat and seasonally-appropriate clothing will take care of the rest. But with the cold, it doesn’t take too much before you’re hitting temperatures where you can suffer physical harm from exposure.
Therein lies the problem. I cannot fucking stand sweating. I carry paper towels on the way to work to mop it up and a hand-fan-thing to cool off. Sometimes a T-shirt to soak it up before I change into my real shirt.
That’s interesting, because I feel it’s the other way round. Heat’s more dangerous because people often don’t realise they’ve pushed too hard until they’re already fucked, whereas in the cold the discomfort tends to make them more cautious.
Of course, I have an unusually high tolerance for extreme temps (both directions), so I’m probably the last person to ask about these things.
it’s just there’s that moment in the winter where I start to get a little crazy because I haven’t stopped being cold for months and if I have to wake up and be cold again I’m going to lose my shit.
I’m kind of the reverse. The first one or two times it’s somewhat cold, it bothers the hell out of me. After that, it can go down to sub-zero, and I just go about my day.
A poster on another board is a Wisconsin transplant living in Jacksonville, and we always tease him when it gets below 50 in Jacksonville.
It works both ways. I had a roomie from Minnesota once – she loved the cold, of course, but by 60 she was miserable.
It’s been cold in NJ the past few nights. In the high 40’s last night out in the hills where I live. Weird, feels like October.
Jo have the next two days off work. My buddy talked me- into shingling a roof with him. Should be a bit warm up there, on the 6/12 pitch 25′ in the air.
(Shudders, thinks ” why did I agree to that?” Takes big swig of alcohol)
Roofing is evil. All roofs should be flat and made of concrete.
Roofing is the devil’s handmaiden and paving is her bigger, uglier sister.
Flat with 6 foot high parapet walls
Can I get an Amen?
Amen, Brother Festus, amen.
Not the hight that gets me, it’s seeing the drop.
Hell, if there are 6′ parapet walls, you can make the pitch as steep as you want
No wait that won’t work. If it’s a six /12 pitch, I’ll be able to see over the parapet in just a couple feet up the slope.
My nephew recently got a job and moved down to the DFW area after living in Ann Arbor. He bitches that it’s hot as fuck, and I have to point out that it has actually been unseasonably cool around here this summer.
Who gives a shit about the hurricane?
The important thing is what Donald Trump tweets about the hurricane.
Reporters at the Washington bureau of . . . every news outlet have been stocking up with bottled water and generators for days–bracing themselves against the torrential force of Donald Trump’s next tweet.
They’re the real heroes.
True to form, a bit ago CNN breathlessly reported on a fairly innocuous Trump tweet, where he congratulated the relief and emergency agencies on a good job amid record-setting rainfall. The CNN reporter couldn’t wait to exclaim, “We checked with the weather department and no rainfall records have been set.” Another Trump lie! Impeach!
The omnipresent “fact checkers” are also the unpopular nerd that the nerd clique in high school hated and shunned.
This current purge is pretty Jacobinical. Not just the Year One stuff but the whole purge all backwards regional sentiment in favor of rule by centralized TOP MEN. Very nationalist for people who hate nationalism.
I can’t say I’ve never used “Manichean” in a sentence, but “Jacobinical” is word too far!
It’s not worth losing your head over.
Until the trundles start rolling down the cobble-stones we will not reach peak Jacobinical.
I read it as “Jabronical”, as in Jabroni
I read your post as “Macroni”, as in Macaroni and Cheese
I read that post as Macron as in the douchebag in Paris.
But, but, body positivity activists assured me this was true!
If it wasn’t for socialized medicine, why should anyone give a fuck? Instead, we have an excuse to shame anyone for every little thing that isn’t perfectly healthy.
Damn straight. I couldn’t give two shits under any other circumstances if someone smokes three packs a day… but if my tax money is paying for his chemo… I hate that it turns me into some kind of nanny-stater by proxy.
Somewhere I saw that there was some study showing that smokers cost less overall as they tended to die earlier and It more than balanced out the other costs.
Yep. I was going to make the point that the end-of-life stage is expensive af no matter when it occurs. These nanny-staters can eat a dick. It’s all virtue signaling, nothing more.
That and I think I funded the employment of several useless state employees alone with the taxes I paid when I smoked.
The only bright side when my job was exported from Wall Street to NJ was the “lower” price of cigarettes. Which will evaporate the moment Christie is replaced by another Corzine clone.
You mean this study? I quit about eight years ago when they did a tax hike here. That was back when a pack was still running under $3.
Gods damn SF’ing a link. This study:
It’s still under $3 a pack if you order them from Moldova or Russia.
I would love to if I knew the State wasn’t going to “take” them before they reached my mailbox.
Well, someone I know used to order them all the time when they smoked. This person ordered them from random “cheap cigarette” websites over the course of several years and never got in any kind of trouble for it. The package that this person received was just a plain cardboard box.
Of course, this person lived in Ohio – as I do – and the laws and procedures may be different than where you live (which is NYC if I remember correctly).
I haven’t tried it in the 10+ years since they started stealing my property but AFAIK the less-sketchy outfits won’t even sell to New Yorkers any more. Oh, and they get the CC companies to do their bidding too.
No, fat is as fat does. Fatty-headed thinking doesn’t negate nature’s laws. If you’re fat then either lose some poundage or accept that you are physically compromised.
Three word divorce: Fuck this shit
“You got fat.”
“No more blowjobs”
Pack your shit.
“Three words : I am gay.” /Homer Simpson
“I can explain!”
I was drunk!
Not my fault!
If you click the ugly house link, within that article there is a link to a twitter feed with further pics and commentary. Well worth looking at (in a train wreck sort of way).
I kept trying to think of ways to improve it easily (like de-texturing the ceilings), but with that much stonework everywhere, I don’t think any amount of remodeling would be worth it.
No accounting for taste.
It’s hilarious since there are parts that are okay and then somebody threw something against it that turns it into a mess. Plus, as the twitter dude points out, the realtor’s staging makes it even worse. Which is quite an achievement, really.
I looks like the Flintstones moved to Branson.
*Audience aghast* You just hit another dinger, Staff!
It almost seems like someone was using it as a business once (office chairs, the conference table w/ water cooler in the corner, completely impractical placement of furniture). And then the realtor did a half-assed job of staging it, leaving some office-y stuff and adding some Craigslist furniture.
Better to have left it empty. Heaven knows it’s already busy enough!
My favourite is that one wall with the stone faces under small bookshelves or whatever those are; the tasteless asymmetry is eye-melting.
Yeah, that’s what the twitter guy said too. Boggles the mind.
(They are lion heads.)
Once you put so much gaudy detail into floors, walls, ceiling, molding, doors, how the heck do you find furniture that can go with it??
Turning it into a B&B or AirBnB seems like the only way to go. Nobody wants to live in that crap full-time, but it would be fun for a lark.
But that’s the thing: i could get rid of all that Trumpian gilding and put up drywall work some kind of custom stomped texture- and that fixes over half the problem. The next problem is the weird melding of different buildings at strange angles. I would have to be there in person, but nothing is hopeless, just hopelessly expensive.
I believe those faces are lion heads, and my price to fix this place just went up a little more.
Not to mention all the weird windows. You can’t save that POS.
You see, a pimp’s architecture is very different from that of a square.
I read “square” as “squire” but it still fits.
It’s not that bad. I have seen worse. Never something that huge, but, I have looked at houses in Utah before. Lots of gold fixtures and purple walls.
And that’s just the Mormon Tabernacles!
I think that was the main decorating influence for some of the homes. I regret not buying a few of the houses. Prices where right and all interior insanity was a pretty easy fix. Regrets regrets.
I could fix it. I can fix anything. I really can. It might be cheaper too flatten it and start over, but I could fix that house into something that was pleasant, if still a little funky.
It could be easily done. It would take a big check book to do it though.
Yeah, right? Drywall and mud and labour.
What is it the engineers say?
“You can have it inexpensive, reliable, or soon: pick two.”
Related to the “veterans should be barred from attending 4-year colleges”…
Racist is obviously a bit much, but service primarily in Islamic countries definitely sours troops to their way of life. People don’t like dysfunctional shitholes, and are worried that people from there might replicate the results, who knew.
Sours, opens eyes, whatever.
There are some areas of the US where the effect is visible. Agree that ‘racist’ is overkill but that’s the word that will be used nevertheless.
I have never met a vet of Iraq or Afghanistan who turned into a racist over there experiences there, but I have also met zero vets of the same experience who think what Europe is doing will turn out well or think the US should adopt Europe’s policy.
Vets I know have set up organizations and even NGO’s try to help people over there or to ensure the US government honors their commitments to our former translators. I applaud them for their efforts.
That Huff article, or at least as far as I made it, makes my blood boil. The authors obviously never served in the military much less in Iraq or Afghanistan and they speak of their fellow citizens in such a mendacious manner. Screw them.
I don’t doubt there are some racist vets, in any large population it is inevitable. But if somebody supports the 1A from the first word to the last it doesn’t make them a racist- it contributes to them being a patriot.
I saw that film this morning with the wife, it’s called ‘In Time’. Not bad.
Tommy Tutone?
Timer is interesting too.
The Wikipedia description makes it sound like a ridiculously transparent criticism of “income inequality”.
Pretty much, but Amanda Seyfried is nice to look at, so it’s not a bad trade-off.
About to go to buddy’s house to watch fight. Does anyone think MacGregor has a shot to last 12 rounds (and lose by decision)?
The man really is a real life version of the Notre Dame mascot. He is entertaining as all hell.
I find him repellant. There’s no accounting for taste 🙂
I hate them both.
My only hope is that none of my clients get sued for pirating the fight.
Mayweather is undefeated and one history’s best boxers. What do people find compelling about this? MacGregors knows boxing? At Mayweathers level? Gtfo
People do not like Mayweather and I think a lot of them want to see Macgregor say fuck it and beat him MMA style.
I believe the contract specifies that a DQ for using MMA techniques voids his payout. And since this is a blatant money-grab, that’s not happening.
Damn, I haven’t had a Peanut Buster Parfait in ages.
The last time I was in a DQ I went because I’d been craving a butterscotch malt forever. But they said Dairy Queen doesn’t carry butterscotch syrup anymore!!? What, one of the all-time classics for ice cream?
No, they don’t have room for simple butterscotch, because all the milkshake flavors besides choc/van/straw are now commercial tie-ins like Snickers and Dr. Pepper (milkshake? yuk). Jerks (and not in a positive soda-jerker way).
Butterscotch makes me vomit. Good riddance.
Really? Have you ever had a real hot buttered Scotch whiskey (or hot buttered rum)? Butterscotch and Butter Rum flavorings are made to taste like these alcoholic drinks. Yum.
No way Jose. It might be racist, but vanilla malt or GTFO. With extra malt. I was craving one of those the other day and I haven’t had one in at least 20 years.
The took away mint also, so no more of my favorite chocolate and mint malts.
My prediction is they go at least 5 so people feel they got a fight for their money, but after that its going to end quick.
Only if it’s in the contact. Otherwise I can’t imagine them giving a shit.
PPV Companies: “Who could have foreseen this very-heavy volume on the night of this super-heavily-promoted fight that everyone has been pumping up for months?”
i call that a half-gilmore.
You Gilmored it – oh.
There is a path for MacGregor to win. A very narrow path but a path.
But more than likely Mayweather will win.
I almost took the over for 10 1/2 rounds because the odds were attractive. If bookmakers are a good barometer here the consensus seems to be that MacGregor will lose by TKO around the 5th or so. I don’t know if I buy that…as much as I’d like to root for an American I’m not a Mayweather fan, and I think MacGregor has a reasonable chance.
BTW, I’m pretty sure that Steve Smith delivered my booze this afternoon. I’m still not sure if he actually spoke English or not or if that was an English/Yeti creole. I didn’t understand a word of it. I should probably check to see if any of my neighbors were raped today.
It might be quicker to see if any weren’t raped.
Or for Hyperion to just admit the truth. We’re here for you man, we’ll just mock you a little about the rape.
The truth Hyp isn’t being up front about is he invited STEVE in and they drank beer while Hyp combed and then braided STEVE’s hair. Then he was raped.
You know, you fucking people have warped my mind (even more than what it was before).
I was at a social gathering and I overheard someone say, “Hey Jim, have you heard from Steve Smith lately? What’s he been up to?”
Then I was at work, and some people in the cubicle next to me said, “we’ll forward that invoice to Steve Smith”.
On both occasions, I had to suppress my giggling.
There is a guy at my current work-place named Steve Smith but he’s a scrawny little fuck. Makes it doubly hilarious.
Fuck that. PIN numbers. The SAR people need PIN numbers.
“For the first time Californians would pay a tax on drinking water, 95 cents per month, under legislation to fix hundreds of public water systems with unsafe tap water — a problem that’s most pervasive in rural areas with agricultural runoff.
Senate Bill 623, backed by a strange-bedfellows coalition of the agricultural lobby and environmental groups but opposed by water districts, would generate $2 billion over the next 15 years to clean up contaminated groundwater and improve faulty water systems and wells.
“My message is short and direct: We are not Flint, Michigan,” co-author Sen. Robert Hertzberg, D-Van Nuys, said at a Wednesday rally outside the Capitol, where demonstrators held signs reading “Clean water is not a luxury” and “Water is a human right.””
Is there anything in California that isn’t taxed? In a few years, everyone will have an oxygen meter installed in their neck.
Er if it is a right and not a luxury than why are you taxing it then?
And what does Niskanen say?
I don’t get that. A large portion of my water bill goes to water system/infrastructure maintenance. It is not a tax, it is a fee. Same same I guess. I am sure that is the case everywhere. If they don’t maintain it some people need to be losing some jobs.
Because the tax will actually wind up funding teacher pensions or some such. I bet it has nothing to do with “water”.
So that dude is full of shit, and they are like Flint Michigan.
Well, he is a politician.
More on silly California shit:
Included among those folks is San Francisco supervisor Jane Kim, who Wednesday launched a campaign called the Jobs of the Future Fund to study a statewide “payroll” tax on job-stealing machines. Proceeds from the tax would bankroll things like job retraining, free community college, or perhaps a universal basic income―countermeasures Kim thinks might make a robotic future more bearable for humans.
A bigger question is why a San Francisco Supervisor (aka City Councilperson) would have any jurisdiction to call for a statewide tax. The rest of California no doubt will have something to say about this.
San Francisco Supervisors should stick to their usual craziness, such as finding new ways to punish locals for renting apartments (and expecting to be paid rent, the bastards) or passing laws saying that restaurants need to serve totally naked patrons (this really happened).
passing laws saying that restaurants need to serve totally naked patrons
“Yes miss, I am ready to order. I would like a hot dog and one extra bun. *Naked man stands and spanks table with his wiener* because I brought one of my own but it needs a bun baby!!!”
Don’t forget that SF desperately needs another resolution against Israel. We haven’t had one in a few years.
Live Update!(no bullshit)
STEVE SMITH sighted on the red carpet of the Mayweather vs McGregor fight! Internet picks coming soon!
Charlottesville’s Monuments Are Unconstitutional
TW: Slate
An implication is that the city of Charlottesville has constitutional grounds for challenging any Virginia law that prevents it from removing a statue that communicates a message of white supremacy.
Given that everything is a product of white supremacists anymore, that would provide for some fairly broad legal powers.
I am not really seeing how that applies to some statues, but at least they are pointing out the obvious truth in the new and improved 14th amendment in that equal protection only applies to some groups because equal doesn’t mean what it used to mean.
Exactly…going back to what we were talking about last weekend. There is no physical way a statue can harm you – unless it falls on you because you were trying to pull it down like a jackass. It can’t hurt you by being there. Any offense caused by an inanimate object is purely in your mind.
I don’t think they fully understand the implications of their argument.
Judge Morty: State of Georgia Vs. Rick Allen
It’s from a real court transcript:
If I ever had the opportunity this man, Ryan Allen, had, I’d be able to die a happy man.
That’s astounding.
Crap, it looks like Greg Gutfeld isn’t going to be on because of the storm. It wasn’t on last week because of a terrorist attack. But weather?
Now where will you get Kat Timpf-directed double-entendres this weekend?
Now I know how Adebisi felt.
“He touched Kenny’s penis.”
The Specialists got preempted due to Harvey on Friday too.
At least some cops still love doggies:
Poor dog tied to a pole and abandoned as flood waters rise
Spoiler: The photographer rescued him.
Shit like that makes me burn with homicidal rage even though I am a gentle, caring sort.
people who do that are contemptible
I believe a suspension for merely sharing a sexual fantasy in a public forum is a bit much.
“suspension” is clearly a disgusting allegory for lynching.
They said you was hung!
And they was right!
Baby, that’s my arm!
It’s twue! It’s twue!
I support the suspension. Any proper professor should understand that he should be hanged, not hung. This may seem petty, but he’s a theology professor,so technically correct is the best type of correct.
A political rally was scheduled and permitted, but cancelled at the last minute
Well it ain’t no Party til the Anti-Party, Dig?
Needs to be paired with some kazoo music.
Some rhythmic gymnastics and mimes would put the curlicue on that soft-serve cone.
But enough about Antifa.
I was listening to NPR earlier, and the host chic, in a story about how to talk to kids in the now convening school term, said something like, ‘with all of the alt right racist rallies that have been going on…..’ Outside of the handful of Tiki marchers has there been a rash of white supremacists mobilizing I am unaware of?
I don’t know. I know some people here dismiss this stuff, but I find it disturbing that it is perfectly ok for major news outlets to call people alt right racists with no proof whatsoever. That Patriot Prayer group is kind of out there on a fringe I am not into and I don’t see their point in holding rallies, but racists they are not. Is protesting in front of churches because they are obviously full of racists next?
Newsish isn’t just the product of BakedPenguin’s wild imagination.
As far as the tiki torch march: total sausage fest and way uptight. Would not recommend similar gatherings in the future.
I don’t. I find it terrifying. But black humor is the only way I can deal with it right now.
I agree with you, Rhywun. I’m starting to get really frightened by this total brainwashing that’s going on by the Left via their conduits in media and academia, and parroted by the easily-led social-signaling types on Facebook and Twitter. It used to just lead to eye-rolling, but it’s got such momentum right now it’s very disturbing. I’m nearly starting to envision some latter-day Stalinist system here, where you can get in serious trouble for just voicing the ‘wrong’ opinion. Worst of all, there doesn’t seem to be any way to fight it, as any discussion against this immediately labels you as a neo-nazi. Yikes.
As I posted in an earlier thread today, a long-time friend of my wife’s was outraged at her this week, when my wife said she thought that neo-nazis and KKK are a microscopic percentage of our population. Her friend said she was shocked my wife could be so ignorant, saying that the “white supremacists are everywhere — haven’t you seen the news?” People also now actively believe Trump endorsed the Nazi march and never condemned them, because that’s what social media and most news outlets now say is what happened. Just look at the frigging British newspaper The Guardian, a well-respected publication that today claimed along the lines that Trump encourages Nazis in America, or the New Yorker or The Economist, which both ran covers this week showing Trump with KKK hoods.
Your wife sounds like a smart cookie – keep her.
Really, the only option I can see at this point is to speak out and try to appeal to people’s better natures. Most people grew up with the right way to behave at least presented to them. I suspect that large swaths of the public know what’s going on isn’t right, even if they’re unwilling to admit as much or would prefer to social signal otherwise. Eventually, this has got to come crashing down. Maybe Antifa will kill an innocent, maybe the left will overstep with its demands, or maybe the news will be publicly proved to be fixed. Honestly, I’m not sure what the trigger will be. But, this house of cards won’t last. Not in the long run. It can’t. It’s utterly divorced from reality. And when it breaks, a lot of people are going to be obviously, deeply, in the moral wrong. Hopefully, they won’t graciously be given a moral pass for what they’re saying and doing now.
The Russians are known for their bleak sense of humor.
So old joke, Stalin was doing an inspection to see how the local farm was doing:
Stalin: So how is the potato crop doing?
Farmer: Great. In fact if you piled up all the potatatos they would reach up to God’s eye.
Stalin: But comrade, there is no God.
Farmer: But comrade, there aren’t any potatos either.
I think it loses something in translation.
Yeah… I don’t think I want to live in a world where we have to get by with bleak humor. But goddamn they’re doing their best to make it happen – and it’s working.
I dismiss it to the extent that I no longer regard major news outlets as purveyors of fact, much less truth. The bias from major news outlets is so obvious as to be frankly hilarious, but I don’t see many people taking it much to heart. The usual suspects will call people racists and the kind of audience that’s attracted to that will agree, and everybody else will just go about their days without getting into a race riot.
I don’t even know where to start with this
Animal House and Life of Brian next on the chopping block. The wagon trundles but she is inexorable, non?
Animal House I can see going — I’m not quite sure how they even got away with the student’s line about studying “Primitive Cultures” and cutting away to the black musicians, even back in 1978. Plus, it essentially celebrates wealthy white cis hetero fraternity boys, who are about the most contemptible people on earth based on the current zeitgeist. But Life of Brian? It makes fun of Christianity, so should be about the last to worry about on the PC crowd’s list.
Come on Blazing Saddles and Revenge of the Nerds are going to be the next up against the wall.
I saw an interview a few years back where Mel Brooks flat out stated there was no way that he could make Blazing Saddles today. With the rampant DTS and SJW epidemics I would extend that no Mel Brooks movies could be made.
I hope this triggers them:
I can’t believe I haven’t seen that. The swastika at the end was… perfect.
To be fair, I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthin’ no babies, as well.
I thought you knew half of ’bout birthin some babies, HM. I am disappoint!
Fortunately, I was stuck in Bangkok traffic as my daughter was being born. No man should see the horror of his wife’s happy place rent asunder by a gigantic bloody infant head.
I’m old-school. I’d just sit outside and smoke, maybe nip away for a beer. Miracle of birth my stinking, winking nether eye!
Truer words have never been spoken. I was there and witnessed the purple cone headed alien that became my son make his entrance into the world. The nurse was asking me if I was ok more than she asked the mrs. It was horrific.
Same exact thing happened when my daughter was born. Wasn’t *trying* to be in that exact place at that exact moment, but the baby came quick (less than 2 hours from her waking me up telling me she was having contractions to the baby being born) and I had to assist for some reason.
Which part is offensive? Is it when Rhett Butler says, “Scarlett, Atlanta’s burning and so is my urine”?
But now the only thing for viewing is a big, WHITE screen
*fades to black*
Among the other many, many problems with this: Hattie McDaniel won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for GWTW. It was the first Academy Award won by a black actor, and another won wouldn’t be won until Sidney Poitier in 1963 (#OscarsSoWhite). So you can at *least* look at it as being historically important in that manner.
So how long until warner Bros and TCM goes all Song of the South.
I’ve been hoping for years that Disney would re-release Song of the South. I saw it in the theater the final time it was actually shown (1986). It was a groundbreaking movie (first with animation and live action together) and they have a whole damn ride based on the characters at Disney World. I got further hope about a decade ago when Warner put out collections of their (pretty racist, in retrospect) World War II-era cartoons (with introductions by Leonard Maltin talking about the time and place where they came from). Figured Disney could do the same thing.
Heck, Whoopi Goldberg (Whoopi Goldberg!) said at some Disney event last month that it should be released.
But it’s pretty clear at this point that Song of the South is never being released from that vault.
I’d love to see them re-release that.
Don’t throw me into the briar patch but I’d like to show it to my grandkids as well.
It was a groundbreaking movie (first with animation and live action together)
Gene Kelly danced with Jerry the Mouse one year earlier in Anchors Aweigh.
When will the pulitzers and the Oscars start revoking it.
So how long will Jezebel and the General be safe?
Someone may have posted this before, but it presents another perspective on Robert E. Lee. Next to go: Johnny Cash statues.
Waylon Jennings puts in his two cents worth.
Seems like that might be awkward with a bunch of people in black protesting The Man in Black,
Chris Rock tries to find a middle ground.
So they had to delay the fight due to tech problems with the PPV. Perfect.
LOL really? That’s outstanding.
Same thing happened with Pacquiao-Mayweather a couple of years ago.
It’s started now. Or so ESPN (yeah I know but I can get round-by-round quicker there) just told me.
Should be going soon.
I don’t actually care but thanks 🙂
OT: I know I’m not exactly normal in the psychiatric sense of the word, but I don’t understand the appeal of watching other people play sports. Who are these people, and why should I give a shit which one wins?
I run and lift weights, so I can understand how it might be exciting to be a competitor yourself and experience the thrill of victory… But it just doesn’t make sense to me to just sit on the couch and watch other people do it. Who are these people, and why should I give a shit which one wins?
As a fan of Philadelphia’s pro sports teams, I’m pretty sure my desire to watch games and my fandom has something to do with repressed masochism.
This is something I’ve been trying to figure out for years. I dislike golf as well, but I was told the appeal there was “drinking beer and bullshitting with friends.”
So maybe that’s where watching sports’ appeal comes too?
That’s what I’ve always heard… But they can do that without watching some meaningless competition on TV. My friends and I do it all the time – we just sit in my living room and talk, and we occasionally huddle around the computer to watch the latest episode of Can’t Stump the Trump or something.
It can be fun to watch someone do something that is hard to do well. I’m not a big sportsball fan, but I can recognize somebody being good at the sportsballs.
A lot of it is just picking sides and mild tribalism. I like some sports for that kind of mindless drama but I draw the line at things like wearing “gear” (OK, hats are acceptable – but jerseys? That’s gay).
I have a hard time even wrapping my mind around the “drama” angle. And I’m not insensitive to drama; I’m an avid fiction reader, so I can get emotionally invested in characters and their struggles.
But take football for example – it’s the same story with every single player. They’re a bunch of millionaires throwing a ball around. Why does it matter which one wins? What does it symbolize? What is at stake here?
That’s what I don’t get.
Not everything has to “matter”.
I only watch the big events like the World Series, World Cup Soccer or Rugby and Women’s Beach Volleyball.
What’s the appeal in reading books or watching movies? Your not the characters why should you care what happens.
I don’t know, that always seemed like a pointless thing to say about sports. Everyone does thinks for entertainment that have no practical purpose. Pretty much the definition of entertainment.
Supposedly first two rounds go to the Mick.
ESPN had round 1 to the woman beater, rounds 2 and 3 to the Mick.
This is how Mayweather was dressed coming to the ring:
I’ve seen it scored differently by every site I go to. Must be a tough one to call.
Is that Floyd’s fascist basher look?
Hey, Sloopy, Banjos, anyone else who lives in Houston: it might be a good idea to get out now.
I wasn’t planning on bailing, but after reading this flood forecast for the bayou near my house, I’m on the road to Dallas. I figure some of the other Houston folk might be in a similar situation.
I didn’t expect it to rise this fast. I’m not expecting my house to flood—I’m on the second floor—but I’m not sure about my car. So we’re leaving.
Double check your height and flood plains, guys. ALso consider that I don’t think the official forecast has included the turn to the East that this fucker seems to be doing. So the flooding projections might actually be conservative. Yikes.
God bless all y’all.
Best wishes to you guys.
Best of luck, man.
I’ve never seen them term something as a Flash Flood Emergency, as opposed to a Warning.
Hope y’all are safe.
Glad to hear you’re taking off for drier pastures. Hope everything turns out okay at home when you go back!
Best of luck! Wishing the best for you
Mayweather vs McGregor update:
McGregor 4 Mayweather 3. Mayweather is starting to take over the fight.
McGregor is running on fumes…
that’s it.
Just competitive enough early on for a rematch?
I’d say so. Did better than I thought he would.
The knockout without the knockdown ensures controversy and a rematch. $$$
McGregor put a better fight than I thought he would. I predicted 8 rounds of sheer dominance, then a knockout.
I didn’t think it would take even that long. He looked surprisingly good in the beginning, and I will give him credit for taking on an undefeated boxer in a sport that is a “second language” for McGregor.
They both made millions, so good for them. Now if Mayweather can remember to pay taxes this time, maybe he won’t have to unretire again…
Took some balls to go into Floyd’s even with the big pay day. Have a feeling Floyd could’ve turned it up much earlier tho.
Were the contracts written in such a way that prolonging the fight was a financial incentive for the boxers? I mean, sure it was for the broadcasts and all, but I’m cynically wondering if Mayweather just bided his time for those first 3-4 rounds to get more cash.
I’m not sure. What was surprising to me was how slow and flat footed Mayweather looked. Yes, he’s now 40 and had a long layoff but it was pronounced how far he’s regressed. Five years ago Mayweather would have ran circles around him from start to finish, not employ the tacit of letting McGregor punch himself out.
Was listening to NPRavda earlier. Some prog in Chicago was looking for Confederate monuments to tear down and not finding any, decided to protest against a Roman column donated by Mussolini.
After Benito Mussolini had the pillar removed from its original place in Ostia, he had it converted into a monument that he gifted to the City of Chicago. It was transported by boat to America and arrived in Chicago in 1934 during the Century of Progress World’s fair and placed in front of the Italian Pavilion. While the fair was eventually disassembled, the column was left standing in its original place just a short distance from the shores of Lake Michigan in an often overlooked area of Burnham Park.[2] This token was a tribute to the first transatlantic crossing made by the Italian air force and their general, Italo Balbo.[2] At the time of this celebration, many Italians and Americans thought that this gift was a symbol of growing positive relations between Italy and America. For others, it was seen as proof that the U.S. was condoning terrorism and murder. After WWII, The Italian ambassador to the U.S. recommended that all symbols of admiration for Fascist Italy be removed. As is evident from its current existence, Balbo’s pillar endured in spite of intermittent objections.[4] There are still mixed emotions that survive to this day. Some believe the monument to be a controversial link to Fascism while older Chicago residents hold on to fond memories of an age of progress.
I had no idea this thing existed and I bet neither do 99% of the people in Chicago.
Also went whale watching today and saw many blue whales. 2 of them got right next to the boat. In the harbor, I saw a sailboat named Blow Me, except instead instead of the word “blow”, there was a anthropomorphic cloud with puffed up cheeks. It got a sensible chuckle from me.
There is a large population of proud Italian-Americans in Chicago. The hysterical anti-fa/politicians might want to rethink this.
Mayweather wins by 10th round TKO
That is exactly what the odds makers seemed to think was going to happen based on the lines.
Mayweather: “He’s a lot better than I thought he was.”
I guess that’s a compliment. But then also:
Mayweather: “I guaranteed that this fight would not go the distance.”
Man, who could have guessed that one of the best boxers of all time was a better boxer than an amateur boxer? Besides pretty much everyone,
Aug. 26 (UPI) — A group of wild turkeys have begun to terrorize a neighborhood in New York, forcing some residents to stay inside.
The wild turkeys first appeared in Stamford three years ago and City Representative Steven Kolenberg said two males have matured and laid claim to the area after residents decided to feed them.
Gregonis said once turkeys lose their fear of humans they tend to target, children, the elderly and mail carriers due to their regular routine.
Kolenberg has turned to Stamford Animal Control for help to capture and relocate the turkeys and urged residents to stop feeding them.
“It’s a public safety issue at this point,” he said. “We need the community to come together, stop feeding the turkeys, and if they still continue to come around, we need to harass them and push them out and make it uncomfortable for these turkeys to be in our neighborhood.”
I have had it with these motherfucking turkeys in this motherfucking neighborhood!
Harass them with a couple of turkey loads and fest. Turkey’s are dumb as sheep but losing a couple will move the flock along.
It doesn’t answer the important question, how do those turkeys taste?
If they have not been eating too much with fertilizer and yard chemicals they should taste very good. I think that a properly prepared wild turkey tastes better than any commercially raised bird.
Um… Stamford is in Connecticut, geniuses.
Stamford is a town in Delaware County, New York, United States. The population was 2,267 at the 2010 census. The town is in the eastern part of the county and has a village called Stamford. Wikipedia
San Francisco shuts down ‘Patriot Prayer’ rally by walling off city park
San Francisco officials closed the park where Gibson had planned a news conference after cancelling the rally at Crissy Field. City officials surrounded Alamo Square park with a fence and sent scores of police officers — some in riot gear — to keep people out. Mayor Ed Lee defended the city’s response.
“If people want to have the stage in San Francisco, they better have a message that contributes to people’s lives rather than find ways to hurt them,” Lee said. “That’s why certain voices found it very difficult to have their voices heard today.”
Love Wins
That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.
the most British thing ever:
Churchill. Union Jacks. Redcoats. Rule Britannia. Floppy shoulder thingies.
Not So Great Britain has really gone downhill.
I have a soft spot for Britain. It’s heartbreaking to see what has happened to them in the last 80 years or so. I am so glad that it was Britain that ended up colonizing most of North America instead of Spain.
Quoting Winston Churchill’s criticism of Islam contributes to U.K. politician’s arrest
Quoting Winston Churchill’s opinions on Islam contributed to a U.K. politician’s arrest — and possible imprisonment of up to two years.
Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB, was making a speech Saturday outside the Winchester Guildhall in Hampshire, when he quoting the famous prime minister, the Independent reported.
After a member of the public complained, Mr. Weston was subsequently arrested for religious harassment when he did not comply with officers’ orders to leave the area.
The text that contributed to Mr. Weston’s arrest came from Churchill’s book “The River of War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan,” written by the former prime minister in 1899 during his time as an Army officer in Sudan.
Mr. Weston read the following passage, among others, by Mr. Churchill, the Blaze reported:
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.”
That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.
WTF, Did I reverse Gilmore myself?
I think you P Brooks’d yourself.
today I learned:
Spa is a Belgian town, located in the Province of Liège, and is the town where the word spa comes from.
Did you munch on Liege waffles while getting your rub & tug?
I read about it because I watched a clip of that Kubrick movie about the 7 Years’ War and that sent me to wikipedia where I clicked on the Spa thing.
I used to get lost in encyclopedias reading random articles. Wikipedia is like mainlining the uncut version of that.
Barry Lyndon is an unappreciated masterpiece.
And the Grand Prix course in Spa-Francorchamps is a road course.
My German relatives and I drove it in 1989, not realizing we were on the road course but wondering why the pavement had suddenly become pristine. And then we rounded a bend and there was the grandstand.
If someone were considering escaping the Google plantation, what alternative services are available ( for email, etc.)
For example, does anyone have an opinion concerning Kolab Now?
Microsoft is the obvious answer, there are others like Zoho as well