We have some meaty articles on tap for the week, but it’s Sunday, we’re hung over, and for the moment, all I’m giving you is Links.

The Neanderthal in you is making you weak, sick, and ugly. Of course, 10cc was ahead of the curve.

Terrorist or just shitfaced? We report, you decide. OK, we don’t report, we just leech on the reporting of others, but still. FTA: “I saw the gray truck flying down Carrollton Avenue,” a female witness told WDSU while clutching her strands of Mardi Gras beads. No titty pix; sorry, guys.

You’re doing it wrong. Personally, I always follow the advice of the great Sam Kinison.

And sometimes there’s good news when people say “Fuck the government” and take matters into their own hands when life and death is involved. But how many people died because of bureaucratic dithering and the need for monetary grease in the system?

And a recipe variant on a suggestion by Swift. Chef John is teh awesome.