Apparently Irma was a disappointment. Damaging, yes, but not exactly devastating. My mother’s main complaint now is that, without power, the ice in the freezer melted. “The kitchen floor is all wet now.”
Women, minorities, and manatees hardest hit.
And really, have the doomsayers ever been right?
If this is the worst thing you have to deal with, you got it pretty good.
Did I mention that the Ravens kicked ass?
And here’s Music To Behead Your Girlfriend By:
Because Morning Links is nearly dead:
If there is an obsession with post-apocalyptic video games, someone must have forgotten to tell the people who actually buy video games.
Post-apocalyptic video games on the rise!
I corpsed a comment on the bonecrushingly stupid article in the AM Links, anyway.
To be fair there is an obsession with survival games on PC, it’s just that a bunch of them aren’t officially out yet (spent years in “Early Access” on Steam, where they’ll sell you an alpha or beta copy), and Totalbiscuit described their playerbase as a migratory herd, moving from game to game in the search of that elusive survival experience that will hold them.
Basically few years ago, Minecraft fad collided with zombie resurgence, and this shit was born.
Honorable Mention: This War of Mine, which to my (admittedly not very experienced) eye handled the topic with subtlety and grace.
I think we need to start a kick starter campaign for my African slave trader RPG idea.
Europa Universalis already exists though.
So does the Puerto Rico board game.
Pretty sure someone did an educational game about the American slave trade. It was subsequently rioted against and removed.
Dudgeon and Dragoons?
I dunno, that list looks like it supports his point:
5-Super Mario Bros. – two plumbers fighting monsters, sounds post-apocalyptic to me
4-Grand Theft Auto V – early apocalyptic, what with rampant crime and the massive police force necessary to deal with it (basically Mad Max)
3-Wii Sports – nothing represents an apocalypse like being forced to play the Wii
2-Minecraft – skeletons, creepers, and spiders dominate a sparsely populated landscape, clearly post-apocalyptic
1-Tetris – there’s no world there, just an endless stream of “blocks” falling from the sky, which symbolically represent the ashes of humanity drifting towards a lifeless abyss
Don’t forget, all of the Pokemon universe is probably post apoclyptic as well
It’s apocalypses all the way down!
If you need me, I’ll be in my bunker.
Brett’s family came through unscathed, but his beloved pet escaped.
Got out of his pool, huh? The same pool he was offering to his neighbors as a source of clean water?
Fun fact: His tent actually blew into his pool, where it remains today.
Tent is now in the trash pile
And where is the trash pile?
In the tent.
Brett is Sonny Crockett?
He just dresses like that… Easy mistake to make.
I called that before Irma.
Beating Ginger Trent Dilfer isn’t exactly something to brag about.
Public humiliation of gingers should always be celebrated.
I’ll admit I didn’t read all of the Mourning Lynx, but how could this not be in the PM edition:
Hackers could order sex robots to KILL their owners, cyber security expert warns
Something Warty would do, I guess….
That’s covered by an existing rule:
“Never stick it in crazy”
Not bloody likely, why would you create a sexbot with enough physical strength to cause that kind of damage. A sexbot capable of lifting a 50lb package is probably stronger than it needs to be and even if it was told to grab a knife there is no reason you would give it a grip strength sufficient to effectively stab someone with it.
We are not talking industrial robots here, there are only a couple of muscles on a sexbot that really need to be strong.
Unless maybe you mean a male sexbot, I can see a need for more physical strength there, especially in the core “muscles”
A sexbot capable of lifting a 50lb package
Hey now, I got a healthy dose Ky beer belly, but it ain’t ‘too beaucoup’!
A sex robot needs dexterity to make sammiches.
My mother’s main complaint now is that, without power, the ice in the freezer melted. “The kitchen floor is all wet now.”
Dammit, man, we’re on pins and needles here. DID SHE GET HER ROAST CHICKEN, OR NOT?
And she just has ice cubes lying around in the freezer instead of in a tray? Or does she have an ancient freezer you have to defrost manually?
I’m guessing ice cube dispenser. I have one, and if all of the ice melted, water would come down the chute, overflow the drip tray, and pool on the floor.
I never had a desire for an ice cube dispenser.
Look at Mr Amish over here.
Very plain.
Yeah! What are you, UCS?
He gets it from the ice shed with his hook.
You like letting all of the cold air out of the freezer while retrieving few ice cubes?
Cold air ain’t free, son.
The freezer is plugged in 24/7 anyway.
Can’t argue with that logic. Check mate.
Ted S. – Latent Appliance Fetishist.
I hope Ted S. speaks German.
Should he come out of the closet?
No! he should go into the closet.
You don’t need ice with milk.
You guys are making me spill my cup of coffee. 😐
She’s like 85, lucky she still remembers the recipe.
Publix is still closed. She is Not Amused.
I think regular updates on mom and her Florida adventures would be an excellent feature.
Even if I have to make them up.
My trips to see her are always an adventure. The condos where Jerry’s parents lived on Seinfeld were frighteningly accurate.
“Even if I have to make them up.”
+1 mowing down gators with a machine gun?
My SIL lives in Boca. It’s like another planet. Full of cranky old people in velour sweatsuits driving luxury cars like they are barges going up and down the Mississippi.
I larfed. Victoria, BC is the same. Munchkins driving big-assed boats up and down the thoroughfare. All you can see of them is the top half of their wispy white haired head and two withered claws holding the steering wheel in a death grip while they zoom along at thirty klicks. I lived down there for a time and it was nerve wracking.
All you can see of them is the top half of their wispy white haired head
My friends in France refer to them as Q-Tips.
Supreme Court overturns 9th Circuit restrictions imposed on travel ban. They just keep losing
Remember when all right thinking people assured us that gay marriage would not lead to churches being forced to do gay marriages? Neither do I.
What is so egregious about this is that the Speaker in the House of Commons is suppose to be non-political. He has behaved disgracefully during his tenure, which explains why the Tories tried to impeach him
He used to be in the Monday Club (a hard right Tory faction – Bercow wanted immigrants to be repatriated) and has been compensating ever since. Also, Wikipedia says: “In his youth, Bercow had been ranked Britain’s No.1 junior tennis player, but he was too short to pursue a professional career.” Ha ha.
Refusing to officiate at a gay wedding is literally violence. Everyone knows that.
Fortunately our successful rebellion of a few hundred years back means we can ignore England’s Parliament Speaker…
Yes we can. But whatever the Progs are trying in England they will be trying here. It is just a matter of time.
That is more horrifying than anything HM ever posted. I guess the pupil has become the master?
Is there a sloth term in the gay community?
Strikes as more of an asexual thing.
If you get a chance, watch a documentary called Planet Earth 2.
Male sloths will swim to another fucking island (very slowly) to get sex (also very slowly).
You honor me, Pan, but I stole this from the BF, and have sadly been the frequent recipient of it.
I guess we’ll burn that bridge after we cross it.
Just don’t kid yourself. It is coming. The goal of gay marriage was always about destroying religious freedom. Progressives hated marriage and spent 100 years trying to destroy. Then suddenly they decided gay marriage was the most important thing ever because they cared so much about gays and marriage? Really?
Remember kids, it’s easier to run the zipper over your dick the second, third, nth times than it is the first.
Please remember that England has an established church and the US has an explicit ban on the established church. The place where US churches will end up having problems is when government grants that they clamored for under a Republican administrations dry up under Dem ones, only to flower again when the next socon government takes hold and thinks it’s fun to funnel tax dollars to “faith based institutions”
That’s not exactly true. In fact, religious groups that provide social welfare have been discriminated against in government contracting, as of recently (even though they provide 80% of support during natural disasters, for instance:
And it has gotten a lot harder to forbid government contracts to religious groups, because the Supreme Court has found that you cannot discriminate against a charity because of its religious mission. Religious tolerance has to work two ways. The government of the US is not suppose to be atheistic in terms of faith (like in France), but rather agnostic.
And I’m not sure what government contracts have to do with what John is talking about, even if he is exaggerating and being rather gruff in his criticism here
The point there is that in England the government and The Church are entwined in ways that are different than here. If the USG wants to control churches it needs to fiscally strong arm them which becomes easier when there’s a threat to dry up alternate income sources.
I spent a chunk of the Bush years telling my religious conservative parents that churches taking government grants would be bad for their long term viability and then when Obama started adding different strings to some of those programs they finally got what I meant.
Unlike all those government sponsored bakeries, pizza parlors, and florists in the US, right?
Wrongly decided, but also based on “this is how one does business” in the states where those cases came down. Those laws are a lot easier to dick around in the margins with than “ministers will have to perform this religious ceremony” laws. Every time one of those laws get floated socons get twitterpated about their coming martyrdom at the hands of the antichrist and then it turns out the law is being floated in a nation with an established church which is usually not even nominally independent from the state.
If/When you see it happening in US news, I can guarantee that it’ll be a minister for hire that’s forced to do it and not someone who performs weddings for his or her parishioners. And the ministers who really care will either start doing weddings for tithes to the church, or barter or something else, or they’ll fight it in court and if they win fantastic and if they lose they’ll get a ton of Kickstarter money from Christians who are happy to have their worst fears confirmed.
I thought the goal of gay marriage was that gay people could…get married? And enjoy all of the benefits that hetero married folks get–tax breaks, visitation rights, inheritance related shit after one spouse dies…
I see it as less “destroying religious freedom” and more as “equal rights under the law.”
… But I guess that’s me. YMMV.
Well, if this evolves into forcing churches to recognize marital unions that they oppose that is more about religious bigotry than anything close to resembling equal rights under the law (polygamists and those closely related need not apply, of course)
I don’t disagree that IF the government forces churches this way, it will be a problem.
I just don’t see it happening here. And, since I’m all about Firefly today, I guess, I’ll go ahead and say I’m not so afraid of these consequences that I think it’s not worth trying to make gays equal, marriage-wise.
Well, civil rights commissions in various states have tried to force churches to ascribe the correct pronoun to the transgender ( (as the State of California has already imposed) and Democratic Senators continue to probe the religious beliefs of judicial appointments (a clear violation of the ban against religious tests in the constitution), just as an example of recent events.
It’s really not that big of an ‘IF’, so much as it is a ‘WHEN’. And, frankly freedom of conscience (religious liberty) is far far more important to a free society than who can get married (especially since that remains a very limited group that still excludes polygamists and those who wish to marry close relatives).
I’m not so sure. It’s a big jump from mandated bathroom signage and questioning a judge’s faith to forced marriage ceremonies, but I see your point.
I’m inclined to think economic liberty (property rights) trumps religious liberty–though that’s not to say they both aren’t essential to a free society. You really do need both.
And regarding what’s more important to a free society, well, that’s just subjective all over. I’m inclined to think equal protection and treatment under the law is pretty damn important, regardless of who is still excluded.
I think we can all agree that the government shouldn’t even have a place in marriage. Period.
ah, isnt that cute.
Which is precisely why half of the Penn Law School endorsed the proposition that bourgeois marriage “stem[s] from the very same malignant logic of hetero-patriarchal, class-based, white supremacy that plagues our country today”.
Commies have expressed their objective of destroying the bourgeois (middle-class) Christian institution of marriage since the 1848 publication of the Communist Manifesto.
So all gays are commies? Or are they all progressives? It’s so hard to keep straight all these groups who are supposedly ideologically in lockstep.
I think it is just as shortsighted to ignore ideological groups riding the coattails of one issue to bring about different ends as it would be for an opponent to ignore the “equality under the law” issue it is ostensibly addressing.
Today’s editorial in the leading Austrian daily Der Standard was gloating with Schadenfreude because Trump had to shut down Mar-a-Lago because of the storm. They were so gleeful that the gods of Environmentalism punished Trump and America right after the withdrawal from the Paris accord.
Obviously, it goes below.
A hurricane hit Florida and Houston flooded. The weather is not normal!! Not Normal and the Gods are only getting angrier and are going to make it worse!! Repent!!
I recall the same stories about 12 years ago during Katrina. Then Obama’s tenure, and ZILCH.
Well, he did do all that healing and slowing the rise of the oceans and shit. Can’t Obama do us all a favor and walk out into the Gulf of Mexico and stop all of this?
Maybe try walking as far as the Yucatan?
Yea it isn’t normal since the past 12 years have been pretty lite on hurricanes despite the theory saying more storms bigger and stronger
These people are nuts
They apparently don’t understand hurricanes exist and there is variation
These are the same people who say shit like “have of America’s school districts are below average” and think it means anything. They absolutely are nuts but make up for it by being stupid.
I think you mean median for half here. But yes they do complain of it being below average
It’s probably nearly a normal distribution when talking generalities of ranking, so median = average.
I love all of the navel gazing about overdevelopment and zoning laws when these things happen in red states.
I don’t recall any such thing after Sandy.
Let’s see what they have to say the next time the San Andreas, Hayward, or Cascadia faults rupture.
Houston is a democrat city and southern Texas is the dem area
Assuming there is still such thing as Twitter when LA finally gets the big one, what is the over under on how long it takes for a journalist to blame it on global warming? I am thinking no more than a half hour.
Lol it will be sold as intersectional
Man warms planet, earthquakes part of planet, therefore man made earthquake
Fracking, Already been done.
There are no more parodies…
Been there, done that…
Find me an American city that can take 40 inches of rain over three days, and not flood. I doubt it exists.
If only we’d elected Hillary, the rain would have stopped at 15″.
Because Paris Accords!
I wish all the rain had been spread out over 3 days. I swear, my house got 3 feet in less than a day!
I missed the news over the weekend that Jerry Pournelle passed away. All around cool guy. Might still be able to get the free download of There Will be War Volume I. I still have a copy of the anthology he edited Survival of Freedom in my range bag. Seemed appropriate reading while my son was in the youth shooting class.
Loved me some Jerry Pournelle.
I have several of the There Will Be War books, used to have all of them but they got lost in various moves over the years. I think I might also have the entire “Imperial Stars” series of Anthologies which he was putting together at the same time as There Will Be War but the focus was not on warfare but government
I also somehow have 2 copies of his 1970’s anthology “A Step Further Out” that has as many science articles as Sci Fi stories in it.
If I remember right he also did some writing for the Thieve’s World series.
Sonny Bunch with the Washington Free Beacon says that even Sbarros is better than NY style pizza. Makes sense, since scientifically, Chicago style pizza is universally recognized as superior to cardboard with cheese
Just googled Sbarro and we have them here. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone mention them and we have pizza conversations around here all of the time.
Sbarro is just a pizza chain. I’m just saying that even they are superior to NY style pizza
Sbarro’s tend to inhabit malls, airports and highway service areas.
And I’ve had Sbarro’s in all three of those locations.
Indeed. I’ve only ever seen them in airports. I’ve eaten at one, once. It was meh.
It beats McD’s.
It’s OK if you get it fresh out of the oven.
However, because they’re primarily in locations of convenience, most of the time you’re going to get a reheat that’s been sitting out for hours.
At least pizza is a food where even the bad versions are okay.
Except for Little Caesar’s. That’s the angriest I’ve ever been at a piece of food.
Nothing wrong with Little Ceasars. No one is going to confuse it with great pizza but if you gotta feed a big family on the cheap and don’t live near a CiCi’s (AYCE pizza buffet chain) it is one of the better options
Dominos carryout is my go to.
(no ridiculously good deals on delivery)
My daughter used to work at Little Ceasers.i could get free pizza any night I wanted. I never wanted it even free. That stuff is terrible.
Except Papa Johns – I’ve never thrown out a pizza before Papa Johns – that sauce is just nasty!
Gatti’s, a Texas chain. Our dog, who would run past a steak to get to a slice of pizza, refused to eat it. True story.
Deplorable, I agree. WHY is it SWEET?
Sbarro’s is not comparable to New York style as it is a poorly done version of the style itself. They also have the square cut “Sicilian” pizza which is soggy focaccia.
How does one pronounce “sbarro” anyhow? I don’t know many words that start with “sb” except for the French “le sbians”.
suh-BA-roh, as in, “Fuck, I’m out of quarters; I’m gonna take a shit at the Sbarro’s and then head home.”
I’m gonna go get me a NY slice!
“Makes sense, since scientifically, Chicago style pizza is universally recognized as superior to cardboard with cheese”
Are these the same scientists generating climate projections?
This hurricane was a big bust. The global warming people were going to milk the hell out of this. And the weather reporters were hoping that their hurricane boners would last at least another week. And the weather channel was already putting together a documentary for the first anniversary,
I want my money back. /sarc
Seriously, happy everyone seems to be safe and sound.
I’m sure a few people here would like to go out this way.
Wait a minute! I saw this movie, only it was two obnoxious women who crashed…
Yeah, that was the first thing that popped into my head.
the Challenger became airborne over a ravine
It was a Charger and it was orange… They died because of the hate that was stenciled across the roof of the car.
Staightenin’ the curves
Flattenin’ the hills
Someday the mountain might get ’em
But the law never will
How do you crash a car on an airport runway? I don’t want to go out remembered as an idiot.
Realistically, how much longer did they have, anyway? I’d rather go out in a ball of flame than rotting in a dementia ward.
My guess is that it was just like a pilot landing long – they ran out of runway and couldn’t get get the beast stopped in time.
How do you crash a car on an airport runway?
Well, there was this one time in Iraq…a couple guys I worked with thought the tower gave them clearance to cross the runway.
Later that morning, we found out Tower, Base Ops, the Group Commander, our Squadron Commander, Chief, First Sgt and a P-3 Orion
pilotAviator were ALL not amused.Thelmon & Louis?
So it is pretty clear that Paterno knew for decades that Sandusky was a pervert who was using the PSU football program to lure boys so he could sodomize them. And Paterno did nothing. Was Paterno a pervert himself or are all of those rumors about Sandusky running a child sex ring for rich alumni in return for donations to the school true?
The story I’d read about Paterno was that one big reason he was loathe to blow the whistle on Sandusky, was that he was using Sandusky’s charity to backstop real estate development loans he was borrowing. Bad thing when your backer’s charity gets rung up for child rape. Then there’s the rumor you cite, that Sandusky was pimping kids to rich pedophiles in exchange for donations. I think whatever evidence that could have proved that, died along with Ray Gricar.
They should have burned down the football program there and salted the Earth. SMU’s penalty for starters. Then again, which of the other schools would be willing to take the financial hit in the B1G from Penn State being excommunicated? Although, would it really have been that hard to find a mid-major school looking to jump into the big time?
Kill Penn State and just let Pitt into the Big 10. Pitt won a national title as recently as 40 years ago. It was once a big time program. No reason it could not have stepped in where PSU once was.
Yes, whatever the truth, it is pretty clear that the university allowed the football program to be used as a honey trap for a child rapist. That is a lot worse than buying Eric Dickerson a Corvette. Based on the reaction of the PSU alums I know, it wasn’t really a football program. It was a cult. And more than just in your usual ways that college football teams are a cult. If any other coach, no matter how beloved, had done what Paterno did, the fans would have turned on him for the damage he did to the program if nothing else. But not PSU fans. They refused to believe anything bad about Paterno no matter the evidence.
If any statues should be destroyed Paterno’s would be a good start
What a scumbag. “Hey coach, I saw Jerry ass raping a little boy in the showers last night”. Who hears something like that and goes “damn, I keep hearing that about Jerry, but what are you going to do”? That is basically what Paterno did in 2001. And God knows how many kids Sandusky raped after that thanks to Paterno covering for him.
PSU should be the poster child for NOT allowing colleges to adjudicate rape accusations.
Q: Why is the Paterno statue backwards?
A: So he can look the other way!
*high fives all around*
*tap tap*
Is this thing on?
From the “mansplaining” article:
I’m trying to think of an appropriate neologism for the sentiment expressed here. Slumbellishment?
“Yeah, my web startup has been pretty successful. I just decided to live in an apartment with five roommates because I like to be around people.”
F-16 Pilot was ready to give her life on Sept 11th.
The Pilot of unarmed F-16 was ordered to bring down one of the hijacked jets by ramming it.
Serious question for all of you military guys and engineers: Was this the only way, or is there an alternative that doesn’t necessarily turn it into a suicide mission?
For whatever reason, they didn’t have any missiles or live ammunition available. So, yes, that was the only alternative.
What the fuck was that about? We pay a shit-ton of money for defense – shouldn’t the poor pilots be able to, y’know, defend?
+1 Ft. Hood
Couple of reasons. One, with the Soviet threat diminished the need for lots of armed planes ready in a short amount of time wasn’t thought to be needed. Two, all the planes that were armed were in locations where they could intercept attackers from outside our country.
For the record flight 93 probably would have been shot down before it reached its target if the passengers hadn’t acted first.
Yes. The order was given and was in the process of being carried out.
Not likely, if they were already up in the air on a routine training mission they would not have been carrying live ammunition. Too much risk of accident (not on any individual flight but when you have tens of thousands of sorties a year using live ammo on each one just in case turns the 1 in 1 million accident with live ammo killing someone into a once in a decade event and that is simply not worth the tiny benefit of them being armed for the once in a lifetime event.
Interesting, back in the 80s the hot planes were always armed. I guess that changed after the Soviet Union fell.
Amazing we allowed ourselves to get that slack. Pathetic.
Key West, San Diego, Hawaii, and Alaska always were/are. No idea about the Eastern Seaboard.
Two “hot sites” at the time, Otis Air National Guard base in Massachusetts and Langley air force base. The armed Otis planes were circling Long Island and then patrolling Manhatten after both planes hit the towers. I don’t see anything about if the Langley planes were launched or not.
Otis, eh?
Good. I’ve never trusted Greenland anyway.
It doesn’t sound like they were hot planes at all that day.
That’s what I got from the article. It would take too long to arm planes, so they went with what they had. Nobody was going to send up suicide missions if they had an alternative.
They didn’t have the guns loaded…you could try to maneuver them into a crash, but…they were suicide attackers.
How about stalling the engines with jet wash? (Thanks for the idea, Top Gun!)
Or, how about disabling GPS, RNAV, VORTAC/DME, ILS, and other navigation aids so they couldn’t find the intended target? It wouldn’t be easy to find the target with only VFR/dead reckoning (or at least it would take longer)….
“How about stalling the engines with jet wash? (Thanks for the idea, Top Gun!)”
+ 1 Flat spin! RIP Goose.
Those planes have triple INS (Inertial Navigation Systems) boxes. They were designed for overwater flights of the pre GPS era, so they could find DC without any ground navaids, and the last leg would have been visual. I’m pretty sure that flight 77 was flown direct to DCA and then visual for the last segment. I remember the flight conditions and it was an extreme clear VFR day.
People have survived ramming attacks. IT the cockpit doesn’t get crushed, and you are conscious enough to bail out, and you don’t get killed by the tumbling aircraft on the way out, then you’ll live.
I’d give the odds of survival to be 5%, max.
Hmmm… Maybe eject as you clip the vertical stabilizer and rudder?
Or just arm the goddamn planes…
^^^Promote this man^^^
It’s not as simple as that.
Missiles get damaged and become unreliable if they are loaded onto aircraft – left in the elements and subjected to take-off landing cycles. Ammunition is also a massive fire/explosion hazard. Not to mention the expense of having aircraft and pilots on ready alert.
You don’t arm aircraft unless there is a need for it. At the time the U.S. had 4 fighters on ready alert to cover the whole eastern seaboard. And IIRC they were dispatched the NYC and were unavailable to do the intercept.
This is the way of the world.
Thanks. What would you do if they handed you the keys?
Immediately start a research group to figure out ways to radically toughen missiles, for one.
I like to think I would have done the math, and then done my duty.
Duty is heavier than a mountain. Death is lighter than a feather.
In the moment? Who knows.
Sorry. I meant the keys to the office.
What would you do (if anything) to address the challeges Tarran listed?
Set up a training protocol at nearby airbases involving arming and disarming planes, so there are always a couple ready to roll. Practice arming 4 planes, say, and disarming the 4 planes you armed yesterday, every day.
Issue letters of marque and hire Jude Law as Sky Captain to secure the airspace.
I know the Germans did in WWII. They even designed some aircraft designed to do so. Not sure about the Japanese.
What’s the range of the SAMs on the roof of the White House?
It doesn’t matter; they’re not going to deflect a heavy jet going 500 mph off its course.
A Stinger won’t stop a suicide Boeing.
There is whatever was used to induce that Cessna to crumple into the White House lawn, and not the south facade. But you’re not altering the path of a 767 with anything short of a Buk/PAC 1-3. Not sure whether even one of those would do it, depending on where in the flight impact occurred.
Whatever they have up there is probably classified, but we’re assuming that it’s similar in power and range to something man-portable?
The official story is that dipshit ran it into the lawn. Which, O.k., is possible: it was night, and sane people can have a hard time getting disoriented at night, close to the ground, never mind someone crazy enough to ram the White House. The plane looks like it hit a wall in the air, then came straight down. Your guess is as good as mine.
Nowadays, there’s something that looks a lot like mobile Hawk SAM sites, moving around D.C. Probably not as large as the 200 lb-ish warheads on a Buk or Patriot, but bigger than a Stinger. (Which probably won’t bring down a modern airliner, as giant and rugged as modern GE/Rolls turbofans are.) Pilots’ll have a bad day, but the a/c might be salvageable, which isn’t happening if a Patriot smacks it.
Tarran has posted at length before at TOS on the difficulties of loading interceptors with live ammo, pre 9/11. I’m sure Francisco could chime in too. That said, I thought they always flew with a full hopper of 20mm, just for weight/balance issues, but I’m probably wrong.
Re, suicide mission, would it be possible to trim the jet to ram, and punch out just before? Or would ejection upset the aircraft enough that it would likely miss?
What if you missed?
You go from a hero to a national shame.
God, I remember that day; arguing with that condescending twat DaveW.
+1 you’re gullible because you served in the military and the military seeks to recruit gullible people.
Ask him how he likes his student loan interest.
Article says that was her CO’s plan, but she thought the risk of being off target and not able to correct once you eject, was too high. The plan was going to ram the cockpit and she was going to ram the tail section. but if they both missed or struck glancing blows and ejected, that was it.
Not sure if it would work at the speeds involved, but supposedly one of the ways to beat V1 rocket (did not work on V2) was to match speeds, get the wing under one of its stabilizers and flip it. You could try the same with the jet, it’d probably not have time to right itself.
Problem with that was the V1 was the same size or even a bit smaller than the aircraft chasing it. In this case the jet liner is several times the size of the fighter jet and it’s wings generate a lot more force than the F-16’s could “lift”
The V1 had gyroscopic guidance that would go bad if you flipped it beyond a certain point.
And for the record V1 was jet powered, not rocket powered.
I know V2 and V1 are technically not the same class of weapon, should have probably said “V2 bomb”?
V1 was a subsonic cruise missile powered by a pulse jet, V2 was a supersonic ballistic missile powered by a rocket.
Nothing could intercept the V2.
There was an episode of JAG* where they did that.
*Leave me alone, Katherine Bell was really hot back then.
There is a small chance they could have timed a last second ejection but realistically the only way to be sure to take the aircraft out would have been a suicide mission.
That said their plan from the article was not very well thought out as it should have required only 1 of them to make the sacrifice. The correct target to bring down the jetliner was not the cockpit and tail but either wing. An F-16 crashing into either wing at even a 50 knot relative velocity would have sheared the wing off and airliners missing a wing go pretty much straight down. Crashing into either the cockpit or tail would not actually be guaranteed to take the plane down
Trump the authoritarian rescinds executive over reach in daca and says congress should do it…only to have progs shit their pants and now are suing the admin for rescinding it
The cognitive dissonance they go thru is staggering
So their legal position is that one President cannot undo the executive actions of a previous President? Yeah, that makes sense.
Yea they aren’t too bright. They also think obama should be allowed to set 100k refugees in years after term but trump can’t do say 50k or 0
Try to square this argumentation for me. 2016:”The executive has grown too big and we now have an elected king” 2017: “Oh my God, Trump is literally Hitler for rescinding an executive order that the courts have already found is legally dubious and demanding that Congress reassert its authority”
Saw a lot of ‘libertarians’ making both of these arguments without even acknowledging the irony of their statements
It reminds me of my big argument with Bo Cara on the subject of international law.
As an open borders fanatic, I don’t want the ‘Dreamers’ deported. HOWEVA…. the entire program of amnesty was blatantly illegal. This isn’t a choice between deporting or not deporting people who (IMHO) shouldn’t be deported. It’s bigger than that; it’s about whether or not the President of the U.S. is allowed to blow off laws he doesn’t like and make up his own laws.
And, bluntly, living in a society where the strongman makes shit up as he goes along is much worse from a libertarian perspective than one where a legislature handles the lawmaking and the executive is subservient to them.
At the time Obama pulled this stunt, I got pretty pissed off, because it killed any chance of changing the law for the better. And it set these people up; once they put their names on a list – it was inevitable that should the Democrats lose power, they were going to have their lives destroyed. It’s like filling out a census form in the 1920’s identifying onseself as Jewish… how stupid can you get?!?!
Of course, this was what Obama intended – to make it imperative for those people to support Democrats going indefinitely into the future while driving the Republicans into a electorally destructive* fury. It was cynical, self serving and monstrous – which made it classic Barack Obama.
* At least what Obama (and me for that matter) *predicted* would be electorally destructive. Absent the Obama moves on immigration, I opine that Hillary Clinton would have handily defeated Jeb Bush in the general election.
I could not have written this better.
Jesus. How long was that argument?
Well, since this is Bo Cara we’re talking about, he’s probably still banging out paragraphs in response.
Bo would have immediately moved the goal posts three times and completely ignored the original argument.
It was long. And infuriating. And Bo cara was juvenile.
Bo Cara was Tulpa
He actually wasn’t, surprisingly.
Tulpa always ran socks under the same User ID because he didn’t know about it until somebody told him earlier this year. Tulpa’s. User ID in the database was in the low 100s.
Bo Cara’s Reason User ID was/is 19158.
20 threads long.
I share your sentiment. Principles should come before principals
And, bluntly, living in a society where the strongman makes shit up as he goes along is much worse from a libertarian perspective than one where a legislature handles the lawmaking and the executive is subservient to them.
But it’s easier to get one strongman to expand liberty than the majority of legislature!
“Republicans concerned about their party’s future may blanch at Trump’s pardoning of the sadistic racist Joe Arpaio or his gleeful unleashing of law enforcement. In the short term, however, they have bottomed out on their minority support and proven able to win national power regardless, by using racial wedge issues to pry away blue-collar whites. Advocates for labor or the poor have no voice whatsoever in the Republican elite. It took a massive national mobilization to narrowly dissuade the party from snatching health insurance away from millions of people too poor or sick to afford it.”
Oh and the article by Jonathan Chait is ridiculously titled: The Only Problem in American Politics Is the Republican Party.
The lack of awareness of these sorts is amazing.
Yeah it is the Republicans who win power using racial wedge issues. That is the ticket.
The Left really do live in a world where they believe that everyone thinks and believes like them. And if not it’s because they are too stupid, being tricked, or evil. What bothers me the most is whenever someone is in opposition of any program that they hash out, it’s because they want to hurt poor people. They never try to understand their opponents views and only assume the worst about them
That is because the appeal of being a leftist is the ability to feel morally superior. The only appeal leftism has is that it allows the believer to feel that they are a force for good in the world. That is it. Without that, all leftism has is hunger, slavery and bullet wounds to the head.
It was Ben Shapiro who aptly pointed out that the Left uses the language of morality to push their goals.
It’s amazing how frequently they engage in projection.
At this point, when the left starts accusing the Republicans of something – and I mean accusations that are totally out of left field – I know that it’s something they’re doing.
Without looking, I’m calling Chait.
National mobilization where the press was hysterically shrieking and lying along with name calling?
I thought the uneducated whites were
Poor who are too stupid to know what is good for them
Ignore obama commuting a sentence of a terrorist killing people…you know unsubstantiated racist views are totes worse
Those dastardly Republicans, making promises to voters and winning elections. Who do they think they are, Democrats?
by using racial wedge issues to pry away blue-collar whites. Advocates for labor or the poor have no voice whatsoever in the Republican elite.
Yeah. Those blue collar people. No idea what’s good for them. The level of contempt these people spew for the actual working classes (as opposed to the lumpen proletariat) is astounding. Here’s the thing, most of the people I know in the working class, white, black, brown, or yellow, don’t want the government to “take care of them”. They want to be able to get decent jobs let them contribute to society and stand on their own two feet with some kind of self-respect. They want to feel like citizens in a country that respects them as part of the community, rather than living as wards of their betters and told to go sit at the kids’ table. They have concerns about their kids getting on heroin or opiates and don’t want to be dismissed as just a bunch of backward jerks for being worried.
When I was in college and was a liberal, I would hear my peers wax positively about helping the poor, but when they got drunk and started discussing the issues of the day, they would let slip out their contempt for the lower classes.
Leftists love poor people. So much that they want to see as many of them as possible. How else do you have someone to look down on?
By “help” they mean “make dependent”. TOP. MEN. require people on the bottom; they’ll import them if they have to.
Most hardcore “progressives” I’ve met will – in private – express some pretty shocking revulsion towards the “common” people. I’ve heard them imply that everyone who works in a factory is there because they’re stupid, that it would have been better to let the American South secede and “not drag down the rest of the nation with them”, and so on.
And they are baffled as to why Hillary lost…
Did Vhyrus’ stuff survive the weekend? I don’t want to check through all the comments I missed over the past several days.
I don’t think he knows yet.
Don’t know yet, although I find the assertion in the links that ‘Irma was a disappointment’ to be a bit premature, since we’re not even sure if there is a house left to go back to yet.
Dang, well I hope Irma was actually a “disappointment” (wow what a misnomer). I hope your stuff ends up okay, let us know how it all turns out.
How did Sarasota do? Specifically, the area where the storage unit is located?
Congratulations to you guys; it seems most of you did all right. Minus some roof damage that I think Negroni had. And I’m sorry that it sounds like Brett’s cat got out. Poor thing.
Ruh Roh.
That includes Cudjoe.
I know. Cudjoe was where the storm first made landfall in the US. I am not holding out much hope.
I know you’re a little down on yourself, but you sprung into action and did what you could to help your family.
You make the Glibs proud.
Absolutely. You’re a goddamn hero, Vhyrus.
Oh, do you have your article ready for Friday? 😉
Oh don’t worry fuckers, I’ll have plenty for you to read.
The one you have at the time, duh.
Incidentally, while I was able to buy gas cans from Walmart in Homestead the Wednesday before the storm, the guns were completely sold out.
Tannerite and a trip wire.
It’ll serve as a warning to the others.
I thought tannerite took concussive force to go boom.
The trip wire is tied to a Barrett .50
*edit fairies please post Jesse’s sloth pic here*
Hey guys, how’s things? We have no power and I spent the day cleaning up with the neighbors. We went right past spouse swapping and loaned each other power tools. Luckily my folks have power so we have hot showers and food. Two nice young men about 13 or 14 wandered down my street offering help. Whatever they call the generation after Millenials, they are all right with me. Lots of helping each other.
Hope you find your cat. That is terrible.
Wait he lost his cat? How? When? Fuck me.
Didn’t it say that above? Or was that a joke?
It was a gator. Not sure about the joke part, though.
Um, look at Playa’s link up thread…that ain’t no cat.
They say the next gen after Millennials will be called “iGen”. Ugh. I prefer Gen-Z.
My limited experience with them indicates that the generation coming after Millenials seem to be a bit brighter. Thank God. I don’t even want to contemplate what a dumber generation would look like.
They’re supposedly more conservative, too.
MAGA generation? Nazi generation?
Generation Two-Scoops?
Sounds like the 10-year olds would split one of the scoops between a high-yield stock equity account and lower-yield municipal bonds to save for retirement.
Well, out culture has had a “youth rebel against the establishment” thing going for decades, but now that the establishment is generally liberal that complicates things.
I don’t even want to contemplate what a dumber generation would look like.
Don’t contemplate the Baby Boomers too hard then.
Boomers are self-centered but they are not even close to being as stupid as Millenials. Millenials are generation retard.
I’m a Millennial and I concur. My generation is really shallow and steeped in social signaling culture. Weak willed generation. However, I’d also argue that a lot of this has to do with how the generations before did a fucking horrible job parenting us.
Totally TX. My generation GEN X has a lot to answer for after producing the Millenials.
Except we produced half at most of the millenials.
A huge part of the Millenials was Boomers having their second families, that is they got married back in the 70’s, had a kid or two, divorced in the 80’s then remarried in the 90’s and had another kid or two. I’m part of the oldest cohort of Gen X and none of my kids are Millenials as the oldest was born in 2000 and does not really identify with anything millenial
Boomers 1945-1963
Gen X 1964-1982
Millennials 1983-2001
Gen Z 2002-2020
Technically, based on these dates, I’m a Millennial who is the product of one Boomer and one Gen X, and I’m one of the earlier Millennials (1988). Most of the later millennials either have Gen X parents, or were born when their Boomer parents were approaching 50.
Good to know, I guess
Well I’m glad they burned postwar prosperity to the ground out left the following generations with an economic shit sandwich out of self-centeredness rather than folly.
That wasn’t them that did that. The Baby Boomers were not old enough to vote when the policies that caused that were created. And even if you think they were, that is selfish not necessarily stupid. They won’t be around to pay for it.
That would actually make them worse than millennials.
Worse maybe Gadfly but not dumber.
Much worse.
See the so called “Greatest Generation” was only barely still in power by the time the problems with the social and spending programs they championed became too obvious to ignore. The last “Greatest Gen” President was Bush Sr but even much of Congress was starting to turn over to Boomers by 1990 and they have held power ever since. Sure you have a couple of Gen X’ers in Congress trying to wrest some control away from the boomers in the last 3 years but they reigned supreme from 1992 through 2016 at the very least and through all of that time they refused to address the structural spending problems that are fucking the millenials and Gen X’ers over today.
I had a bunch of so called millennials between the ages of 19-21 work at Jimmy Johns during my short stint as one of the managers and they were some of the best workers I had. Granted some were children of immigrants but still compared to the people in their mid 20’s working there, they were awesome to work with.
paging Barfman..
You can have my wife, but leave my Festools alone.
Yeah, I have a Bosch so I never have to loan my Kapex.
Good to hear Brett.
I think the whole “kids these days” is largely bullshit. I think they are mostly groovy. Alright, even/
I’m going to suggest that the godawful Millennials are only a subset of the generation. My impression is that “deplorable” Millennials basically fit the description you give for the post-Millennial generation.
“Two nice young men about 13 or 14 wandered down my street offering help.”
Maybe they heard about the wife swapping.
I don’t think all Millennials are awful by any means. What they are is bad judges of character. Like Robby Soave, they can’t or won’t see how malign the intentions of the New Left are.
Back in my day the published tactic if your F-106 was out of ammo was to try to cut off the TU-95’s vertical stabilizer with your wing. That would disable the Bear and the 106 driver should at least be able to punch out. Don’t think this tactic was ever demonstrated.
You fly those, Mike?
Saw the car pics – great job!
Nah. I was the radar controller who told the jock where to go.
The car is looking good. Hope to finally fire it up for my birthday in a couple weeks.
From the “mansplaining” article:
…when I politely corrected him explained to me in a condescending way that I was wrong because he had read an article in PC Magazine about it and pleasantly suggested I should “See if my dad had a copy” because I “seemed interested in tech.” I had written the article….When I bought up that fact, I won the argument (and consequently every tech argument with that particular customer for all time).
So, your conversation with this guy went exactly the same way conversations between guys have gone since time immemorial and we’re supposed to think the guy is somehow offensive and sexist because he treated you the same way guys treat each other all the time. I mean, do women like this expect men to hang on to their every word because they happen to have a twat?
And basically her advice for dealing with it directly contradicts how she actually handled it. Being a rude cunt to customers by “calling them on their mansplaining” is exactly how you ensure they find another place to do business. And ser
Third feminists wants all the privileges without the responsibility. You would think they want equality because they use that term a lot but what they really want is the power to do and say what they want without the consequences.
I meant third wave feminists.
Bill Burr did a great standup on this years ago. He described feminists’ view of traditional male roles as a buffet, they’ll take all the good stuff and completely ignore/pass on the bad shit.
News you can use. Hackers could program sex robots to kill.
I’ve seen that future, and it’s not pretty. OK it’s gorgeous, but extremely unnerving.
I am waiting for them to start explaining how sex robots are really cheating.
Well, if Eddie weren’t on self-imposed exile, I’m sure he’d be happy to write a long essay ‘proving’ that very assertion.
No. They’re insisting that sex robots are rape.
Well, for most people they probably would be considered cheating.
Remember, cheating is not having sex with someone else, it is breaking the letter or spirit of your commitment with your spouse and I can easily see a lot of women considering sex with the robot to be cheating just as a lot of women consider looking at porn to be cheating.
Yes there are a lot of insane women in the world.
I thought people read the comments but not the articles.
The Pilot of unarmed F-16 was ordered to bring down one of the hijacked jets by ramming it.
Serious question for all of you military guys and engineers: Was this the only way, or is there an alternative that doesn’t necessarily turn it into a suicide mission?
Based on the stories I have heard about the A10, if she had been flying one, she probably could have knocked the tail off the airliner and flown home.
I’ll tell you, I’m not that much of a Steve Bannon fan, but if he actually tried to do this, he might just be the ally that libertarians need (though maybe not the one that we want).
TW: Daily Kos Progspeak
they need to stick “white supremacist” in there a few more times.. maybe along the margin or around the by-line. you never can be too crazy when trying to get that point across.
Flake is good people in my book, and I happen to be in his district so bannon can piss up a rope. The other three I couldn’t care less about and in some cases actually want them primaried. Hey moron, how about you go after Ryan, McCain, Murkowski, Collins?
I would normally agree with you, but Kelli Ward is ten times the libertarian Flake is. Have you seen her interview with Ron Paul? She’s a straight-up non-interventionist!
I would much rather leave Flake and put her in for McCain after he’s rotting in hell.
She’s already tried last year, but unfortunately she lacked funds and name recognition at the time. She’ll have more next year. If the establishment convinces Trump to put someone more milquetoast and less “scary” to primary him, by all means vote Flake, but if Ward’s the one to do it, I think she’s the right person.
It’s a smart move for her to go against Flake, though, as I don’t think there are any rules that would bar a theoretical zombie McCain from continuing to serve, so it could be a long wait.
A number of my immediate relatives absolutely loathe Kelli Ward. She’s probably gone from being a lunatic to a Nazi lunatic in this post-election zeitgeist.
Add Nazi or white supremacist 6 or 7 times to your talking points from last year and you will be fluent in prog.
Here it is, FYI. I think she’d be a great senator.
When we asked why he was destroying our tribute to the victims of 9/11, [the employee] informed us that he had been ordered to do so by the university’s Director of Facilities Maintenance, Shehadeh Abdelkarim,” Roberts said.
Roberts added the employee also told her the memorial was being erased because “there is no chalk allowed on campus.”
A university spokesman did not immediately return The College Fix’s requests for comment regarding the incident on Monday.
After talking with the employee sent to remove the memorial, Roberts said she went to the Dean of Students Office and attempted to meet with Dean Jim Drneck.
Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Affairs, Susan Greco, instead met with members of the Turning Point USA chapter and was “very vague” about the incident, according to Roberts
And who is Shehadeh Abdelkarim? The President of the Cleveland Islamic Center. No shit
I mean, if chalk drawings aren’t allowed then it’s not unreasonable to wash it away, but it’s an incredibly bad look, from a PR standpoint.
If I this happened when I was in college, there would have been chalk pictures of Mohammad getting fucked by a camel on the sidewalk the next morning. Kids today got no balls.
Hand to God, Poppy is doing the voice over for Alzheimer’s radio commercials
I can’t remember what she sounds like.
Lol nice job Poland
I’m glad Poland finally found their balls after getting kicked in them for so long.
Most of the Jews and non Jews who died in the Holocaust were Polish. I want to see Germany’s response.
Oh, that’s good.
A lot of the history of Poland involved them getting screwed over by the Russians and the Germans. It’s great to see them tell the German government to fuck off.
I think that’s a meme.
But has a grain of truth.
Of course, Merkel can remind Poland what happened last time they said “No” to Germany…
Once again, leftists display a stunning lack of constitutional understanding:
An advocacy group moved on Monday to challenge Donald Trump’s pardon of controversial former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, alleging that the president’s move was unconstitutional because it undermined the power of the federal judiciary.
Unconstitutional does not mean what you think it means.
I would be curious to hear what pardon in their view wouldn’t undermine the power of the judiciary? I would also like to hear how they think they even have standing to bring this suit. Where is the case or controversy?
Lol. Isn’t the power of a pardon in the constitution?
Yes. It says right there in the Constitution. As the song says.
Only after you’ve had a sex change.
I would be curious to hear what pardon in their view wouldn’t undermine the power of the judiciary?
A pardon for Mumia Abu Jamal? A pardon for Bob Menendez? A pardon of any leftist?
Obama pardoned the PR terrorist. That didn’t seem to bother them too much.
Clinton also granted clemency to sixteen PR FALM terrorist murderers. Congress condemned this action by President Clinton, with votes of 95–2 in the Senate and 311–41 in the House. It was speculated that it would help Hillary’s campaign.
The only reason Oscar Loper Riviera was still in jail after the Clinton pardons was because he refused to renounce violence. Obama still pardoned. Fuck them both with rusty chainsaws and I hope Lopez Riveria rots in hell soon.
Funny how the hundreds of drug dealers and murders Obama pardoned was God’s work.
Got a cite for the murderers Barry pardoned?
Does manslaughter count? Dead is dead so I think it counts.
Not exactly hundreds of murderers then. Just one battered woman whom went vigilante, and only received three years initially anyway.
If we are Glibertarians, if we believe the liberal media distorts/frame/crafts the news narrative with half truths/leading statements/lies, then it is incumbent upon us to speak precisely and avoid hyperbole.
The point I’m trying to make is that Obama pardoned exponentially more people for considerably more serious crimes. Actual, tangible crimes like embezzlement, theft, manslaughter, fraud, etc. The idea that those were not just okay but laudable, but Trump pardoning one guy for misdemeanor contempt of court is literally hitler, is bullshit.
You could just said that then.
[the pardon] undermined the power of the federal judiciary
That’s the whole fucking point. U.S. Civics 101, Checks and Balances.
Some people don’t seem to realize that the Judiciary, despite being the main arbiter of constitutional disputes, is not in fact the supreme branch of government. From the constitutional text alone, the judiciary actually seems designed as the weakest branch, not the strongest (the legislature).
Happy ending
after Hurricane Irmasuckswater away from bay, strandingmanateesIrma is a Florida Woman.
Irma: Giving America a good blowjob for the first time since 2005.
“Giving America’s Wang a good blow job . . .”
Which other body parts qualify for “blowjobs”?
Yeah, yeah, cut line from Blazing Saddles, I know…
Not that good – last I checked, it’s still pointed south and about the same size.
Cooked UCS’ fish stew yesterday. Very nice and most of all, the wife loved it. Couple of notes:
– bacon didn’t add much to the stew and could have been omitted
– made about 3/4 quantity and it was more than enough for 2 people x 2 meals. Might have enough left over for lunch tomorrow
– no need to hold back broth, easy enough to mix corn starch and enough cold or room temp water to dissolve it
– raw shrimp, if available, are easy enough to peel and devein. Youtube videos make it easy these days! Don’t really need to cook them very long either. I waited until the corn starch was mostly cooked and thickened, then added the shrimp for the last minute or so.
Fuck you man. I bring the party to your taste buds.
pictures bacon-magic teabagging stew, *throws up*
– needs salt, unless your canned stewed tomatoes are oversalted
Tesla can just upgrade your range on a purhased car you have?
By the way, what happens to the electricity during a storm??
And, of course, one of the world’s foremost economists chimes in:
Funny that, considering that I’d be surprised if Muskeepoo has turned a profit at all in any of his “business” ventures. Without government subsides he’d be out on the street with a sign reading “Why lie? I need a beer!”
He’s burning money like crazy. His SolarCity fiasco was on life support before it “merged” with Tesla. Musk is the luckiest motherfucker alive in that he perfectly timed the green handouts and the rise of the Inconvenient Truth cult.
BK is coming.
I predict that Elon Musk is going to end his days sharing a cell block with Bernie Maddoff
If you’re evacuating a massive disaster in a Tesla, you deserve everything that happens to you. Unless you stole the tesla because you had no other choice.
Yeah I read a story about that. Apparently Tesla sold some cars with upgraded batteries but the buyers wanted a deal so they artificially limited the battery capacity via software. Once the hurricane came into play they (temporarily?) removed that limit via a hotpatch. It does beg the question, however: If they already sold them the car with the hardware in it, why artificially limit it? You already spent the money and gave it to them, so doing that is just being an asshole at that point.
If they already sold them the car with the hardware in it, why artificially limit it?
… to make more money?
This is a major software business model. Microsoft sells “client access licenses” for Windows Server that do jack shit but increment a counter allowing another user to start a session.
Their software lets you run out of battery in the middle of nowhere, even though you still have a charge left?
I’d hate to be their PR firm right now.
I wish it would matter. The cultists will twist themselves into knots to justify any decision the company makes. I follow TSLA out of morbid curiosity and to read the excuses every time a 10-Q is published.
Seriously, Musk barely has to do anything – his sycophants do all the heavy lifting.
when I put those giant D cells in my maglight, I like to know they won’t quit 20% early thanks to software.
It’s the software lesson learned from Volkswagen: the software should retard the car rather than improve it.
Their software lets you run out of battery in the middle of nowhere, even though you still have a charge left?
Probably the opposite end… shows 100% when it’s only 85% charged.
Regular car companies do this so some extent. The Polestar package on Volvos for instance is just the dealer flashing the computer to give it a bit more output.
That’s a bit different. Cars are tuned to the conservative side in order to hit fuel economy mandates or to ensure reliability. It’s not like they took a 2.0 liter engine and blocked off part of the cylinder to make it 1.8 liters.
It’s emissions BS from top to bottom. For example, the recent VW diesel scandal was about software that allowed the car to make more power and get better mileage when it wasn’t being tested for emissions. The EPA-approved software fix decreases power and mileage.
Every fucking car has these test parameters. The idea the VW was somehow egregious is stupid.
The engineers at the car companies are so much smarter than the government dipshits. If you keep pushing the ‘standards’ into the absurd, you shouldn’t be surprised that the car companies game the system so they continue to give their customers what they want. Which is, of course, the whole point of business…
I thought the point of business was to kill all your customers?
No wonder I keep going bankrupt. 🙁
people saying software holds back bmws too.
new ones may be different, but the 325i and the 325e have different heads. that’s a pretty big change to hp and torque.
Thank the EPA
–” the term refers to when someone (most often a man, thus mansplain) explains something to someone (typically a female) in a condescending or patronizing way”–
Ok so here is the thing.
To the extent that “Mansplaining” exists (which is actually exceedingly rare, especially in the workplace) it is a form of social warfare. Basically a social power play to establish dominance and pack hierarchy. Problem is that is not a particularly male trait. Sure men do engage in such practices but as a general rule social warfare of that sort is a FEMALE trait. Men tend to be much more direct and aggressive in power politics and establishing dominance and hierarchy, women more passive and even passive aggressive (note by saying passive I do not mean passively submitting to being dominated but rather use less direct and aggressive tactics exactly of the sort Mansplaining falls under) .
What this means is that in 90% of cases of alleged mansplaining, for example the exact example used in the article, there is no condescension or patronizing present in the motivations of the “Mansplainer” but rather it is their attempting to establish their own intelligence and competency, in some places combined with errors or the Dunning-Kreuger effect (again like in the example from the article) . Women however choose to intrepret the man’s actions through the lens of their own thought processes asking themselves in effect…
“If I did this what would my motivation be”
And the answer is that it would be a passive aggressive power play to establish dominance over the victim and so that is what they assume it to be when a man does it
Rather than make any effort to understand where the “Mansplainer” is coming from and come to a new understanding modern feminism and it’s cult of victimhood teaches women to always assume the worst, he is not trying to boost himself up, he is trying to put me down.
So about the example in the article.
First, being an obvious Social Justice Warrior and member of the Feminist Cult of Victimhood we must grant the very large possibility that the event never occurred AT ALL, or if it did the story bears very very little resemblance to the actual conversation. That said, let us be charitable and assume that the conversation did occur and went down reasonably close to the way it is described in the article.
You have a man, probably around middle age who likely who is nominally attached to the tech world but not a hard core coder or anything like that talking to a young female, likely attractive who is working as a barista. This gives him a reasonable expectation that she is not a tech expert and she probably lives at home (barista not being a high paying job). So what was he almost certainly doing? He was (likely subconsciously, possibly consciously) attempting to display his “alphaness” and fitness as a male. He had read an article and probably felt nominally proficient in tech and that made him fall prey to Dunning Kreuger and think he actually knew what he was talking about. So as he is explaining this new app to the pretty girl barista she corrects him, he has in his mind a reasonable expectation that his knowledge base is greater than hers and his being wrong would damage his status play so he corrects her. Why would he suggest her dad might have a copy? well the Feminist explanation (and the authors interpretation) is that he was being condescending, and it is certainly possible he was. She did challenge his status play and so he could have responded in a snarky manner over that, or an equally likely explanation was that he was legitimately soft flirting with her and made assumptions about who and what she was based on her role as a barista and his suggestion to see if her dad had a copy was actually just trying to be helpful (albeit failing miserably).
In the end, the tactic being described as “mansplaining” is something both genders are pretty much equally likely to do but it is fairly rare and the overwhelming majority of perceived cases of it are nothing more than victimhood groupies misintrepreting a situation and jumping to being offended where no offense was intended.
Here’s the thing though, he tried to “show off” his knowledge to her and she demonstrated she knew the topic better. Now, by her own admission, he defers to her. She proved her knowledge and established her status in the relationship. It went like billions of interactions throughout history, including between men on a daily basis. Instead of just celebrating the win, she’s out bitching that she even needed to establish her status in the first place.
Instead of just celebrating the win, she’s out bitching that she even needed to establish her status in the first place.
It must suck for her having to have experienced once what I have gone through every time I’ve changed jobs.
Hmm, in context that could come off as “I’m smarter than everybody else wherever I work” rather than “I’ve had to prove that I’m not a total idiot every time I start a job”, which is what I meant.
I’m gonna agree here. While the male-female dynamic cannot be completely dismissed, I don’t think it was the primary operating factor here. This kind of thing happens all the time (as stated, between men and between women) without people getting all butthurt about it.
It’s bullshit that “mansplaining” has to be a gendered term. Hypothetically speaking, what if someone wanted to coin a term for the action of driving around a residential area with the windows rolled down and the stereo on full blast? Suppose they went with “negroblasting”. How quickly would they be branded as a vile racist? And it would be well deserved because using that term would be an unfounded and bigoted implication that only one race of people do that when that’s obviously not the case.
It just goes to show that modern feminism is little more than organized misandry.
And really, how fucking severe is “mansplaining”? People – both men and women – have done that to me a million times. I don’t presume to know why exactly they would do that (“OMG it was because of my gender/race!!!!”) and it’s pretty goddamn easy to rectify the situation and ensure that it doesn’t happen again: just say “Oh yes, I know that. I’ve worked in the _______ industry for five years“.
Why do you think the stereos are called “ghetto blasters”?
just say “Oh yes, I know that. I’ve worked in the _______ industry for five years
Not only is that the appropriate answer, it’s often the politest answer to deal with people who have no reason to know what your knowledge base is. Here’s the thing that all this talk of “mansplaining” ignores. When I meet you for the first time, I have no reason whatsoever to know or guess what you know about a given topic. I’m someone who gets accused of just the opposite – of talking over people’s heads – on a regular basis. I’ve learned I have to explain a lot of topics that I talk about to people (men and women) because I talk about some fairly esoteric topics. If I’m explaining something to you, there’s a good chance I’m doing it because I’m trying to make sure you’re following the conversation and I’m trying to include you. If you let me know you actually do understand the topic, I promise you, all I feel is relief that I don’t have to dumb down what I’m saying.
Mexico: Indian Givers
Cultural appropriation?
Proof that IPAs are bullshit.
Well, that’s depressing.
Hmmm. That sounds OK.
*Orders homebrew kit.*
From personal experience, I can tell you that’s 100% not true.
Sample size n=1
Some of you guys have Hop Derangement Syndrome.
They really need to update the DSM with all these modern ailments.
Is jonathon chait a miserable human being? Seems so bitter and full of hate
He is. As are most hard leftists. Their philosophy’s foundation is envy, hate and mistrust so of course they’re miserable.
Glib medico-overlords:
I just found out I have to travel to India in two months and there is Zika there. What should I do?
Definitely shit into all of your pants and feint.
He’d have to feint pretty hard to fool a virus.
Stay inside.
Get Zika now so that you build up immunity.
Best advice I can pass along.
DEET. DEET. And more DEET.
You can also treat your clothing with Permethrin before you go.
Skip the pre-treated clothing … you can buy Sawyer brand spray and apply it to your own clothing before you go.
Always read and follow label instructions.
Amen. Deet is your friend. Army navy stores used to sell 99% stuff, as well as most camping stores.
Bathe in Deet on an hourly basis
What should I do?
Get your tubes tied so you can’t have a baby?
I wouldn’t even be worried about zika, compared to the super AIDS, ultra-TB and MRSA they got over there.
You only get those if you swim in the river.
Had the mf’ing page mf’ing refresh on me mid-draft. Can’t be bothered to reprise all the tags on my phone again. Anyway, there’s a new movie due out by the creator of The Thick of It/Veep that promises a similar black comedy about the power struggle following Stalin’s death. Had Buscemi as Khrushchev along with Jeremy Tambor and Michael Palin as other party insiders, and a bunch of other mostly continental actors I don’t know. Looks great!
Wow. that does look good.
Damn, IMDB says it premiered Sep 8 at Toronto Film Festival.
Hopefully this gets distributed in North America, it sounds like a great idea.
This is funny, though, from IMDB trivia section:
Comic book movie fatigue!
*throws totally adult tantrum*
Didn’t realize it’s based on anything,tbh
It’;s one of the only movies I want to see. C’mon distributors!
I hope they have a scene where Levrentiy Beria denounces Stalin at his bedside when he dies, and then Stalin gurgles and comes back to life briefly, during which Beria starts kissing his ass again. Also, from the Hollywood Reporter article linked below:
“But it’s weird, because people I’ve shown the trailer to say that it’s actually like that now, because it’s all about autocrats and old history and new history. There are scenes in it where they talk about false narratives, fake narratives and new narratives. You know, “We don’t think that anymore, we think this now.” So it’s strangely contemporary. Strangely, it seems to be commenting on what’s going on at the moment.”
People coordinating their bullshit narratives like Stalinists? That happens today?
‘In the Loop’ is brilliant – I do plan on reviewing it sooner or later. Maybe a full review of the entire Thick of It series at some point in the future. Ianucci might be a lefty, but he’s got a pretty solid sense of humor for both sides of issues. (at least the Euro version of “both sides”)
Red band trailer – hell yeah I’m watching this!
The comments are gold too – regular commie apologists vs everyone else. This’ll be gold!
“and this website, which she designed and set up, is proof of that.”
But apparently lacks the skill to put in an edit button.
There is an edit button, but you don’t have one.
In order to prove it, what would you like me to change your comment to?
I suggest something less dickish.
“It’s not that I’m
lazynot skilled, it’s that I just don’t care. “Homage to deep dish Hawaiian. With cilantro.
Bah. Edit buttons are for the weak.
Christ, I don’t know what’s going on with ESPN televising virtual cut onions, but this story about the guy’s wife with Huntington’s is straining my eyes a bit.
Huntington’s is one of those things that is just about as purely evil as can exist in the world. ALS and Alzheimer’s are in that set, IMHO.
Wait, is that Jose?
Apparently. Of course, this is the GFS model 8 days out, but I don’t think we’re done with weather
Don’t worry, it’ll hit my parent’s house too.
sorry man
Vamoose, Jose’s on his way!
Curse you lack of zoning laws!!!!!
Future archeologists will find incomplete records of our news and conclude that we thought we could pass zoning laws to prevent hurricanes
More of this pablum:
(I love how ‘capitalism’ was thrown into the slug to make sure their audience KNOWS what this article is about)
So I assume after we spend all our resources on trying to shift a global metric a few points to the “good zone*” we can feel good as we’re completely annihilated by a storm. Or do we think hurricanes didn’t exist before anthropogenic climate change?
Strap in folks – the more storms we have, the more people will abandon reason for panic and start supporting wealth destruction in the name of preventing hurricanes
*to be defined after we get there
Can’t we just do some human sacrifices.
We are. Vikings/Saints is just about to start.
Jesus Christ.
B-52 flyover at an indoor stadium.
Rock Lobster!
…is it?
It is. Don’t be difficult.
I better take another Vicodin before watching my Vikes.
Take three.
Is Lululemon sponsoring the Saints, now?
Is that some sort of voodoo god?
AP is an asshole. I’m glad he’s gone.
Yeah, we weren’t getting any production from him anyways.
Remind me, how did you become a Vikes fan?
I picked them when I was a kid back in the 60’s. Probably the fact they were Vikings and I was a kid:) they had the purple people eaters Scramblin’ Fran:) My dad cussed at the browns every weekend so I wasnt going to go with them. Plus what the hell is a brown. Sounds like a turd.
Strap in folks – the more storms we have, the more people will abandon reason for panic and start supporting wealth destruction in the name of preventing hurricanes
Seems the only rebuttal to this idiocy during a conversation is to list every storm that has happened over the past 200 years. To be honest, I am not even sure when they started writing them down.
Or you can pull this up in a few seconds
I am surprised that hasn’t been memory holed yet.
Thanks. Bookmarked the link in that.
I couldn’t get an accurate 2 hour prediction on Irma so maybe we shouldn’t panic just yet.
Not true. I watched the coverage half of yesterday and part of Sat and I heard them congratulate themselves on a super accurate prediction numerous times. I am am sure I will be hearing about the 15 foot storm surge flood that engulfed Naples anytime now. And the retroactive forecast predictions of where it actually did flood in Jacksonville.
I was enthralled by this storm. It touched all my old stomping grounds from a prior life.
I’ve pretty muched booked everything for Copper Mountain first week of Feb. Which one of you assholes wants to engage in some apres ski of the drinkable and/or smokable variety?
I am on the other/good side of the mtns but if I find myself in that area in Feb I will let you know. I didn’t strap on the boards once last year and I can’t do another winter that way. It’s not right not skiing when one actually lives a few hours drive from skiing and boarding galore.
I haven’t seen tonight’s episode, but last week’s was even more controversial in its own way than the week before.
The week before last, in addition to revealing Jesus Christ, the Messiah, as an inbred retard who pisses on people, that episode was also supposed to make you feel sorry for Hitler.
No, not the other Hitler. There’s only one Hitler, and that’s the one you’re supposed to feel sorry for.
If there’s anything more controversial these days than making Jesus into an inbred, chronically masturbating, retard, it could only be broadcasting something that’s supposed to make you feel sorry for Hitler, right?
Last week’s episode went even further on the Hitler front. Not only were you supposed to feel sorry for Hitler, the show more or less traced Hitler’s hatred of communists, Jews, homosexuals, etc. on their mistreatment of him personally–back before he became evil. In that episode, each of these groups treat Hitler like a doormat in front of his girlfriend, and his girlfriend basically dumps him for letting himself be treated like a doormat by them. The rest, as they say, is history.
If you tried to think of something more controversial to broadcast on TV than a show that essentially blames the holocaust on the behavior of Jews and homosexuals, what would it be?
I don’t understand why the left isn’t up in arms over this show. Is that because they make fun of Jesus as Humperdoo, they can get away with anything? I haven’t heard a peep of protest over this show. I was amazed that they got away with making The Handmaid’s Tale about Islam rather than Christianity, but they did that insidiously. People see what they expect to see, and when the left tunes into that show, they still see something feminist. (Although anybody else who knows the book should be able to tell that this TV version was about Islam taking over rather than the Christian right).
Preacher is another animal altogether. People should be livid. If Christians made a big noise about its awful depiction of Jesus, maybe the left would come to defend it, but I don’t understand the non-reaction. This is the most offensive show that’s ever been broadcast on television. Broadcasting Faces of Death might be less offensive.
Here’s my working theory. The war on censorship has effectively been fought and won. Probably because they can’t block you from seeing anything you want on the internet, and there’s not much of a distinction between broadcast tv, cable, and internet now–they’ll pretty much let you broadcast whatever you want, short of genitalia.
Censorship these days is about hushing up individuals. They don’t care what Hollywood puts in the theaters or broadcasts on TV anymore. They care what we say to each other on college campuses and on social media. They don’t want individuals like us uploading bad things on YouTube, but that isn’t about censoring Google. That’s about censoring individuals. That’s my working theory anyway. The problem with censorship is that eventually they run out of other people (like broadcasters) to censor. They don’t care about Hollywood anymore. They’re coming for us.
When you start lunging after being transgressive and offensive, your art is likely to be pure crap. Sounds like what they’ve done with this show.
They don’t care about Hollywood anymore. They’re coming for us.
That’s because the “they”, the censors, aren’t SoCon fundamentalists. They are SJW loonies. They own Hollywood; why would they go after that? They also have found a nice workaround to the 1A, by using private corporations with dominating control over communications infrastructure to do their “censoring”. Since the only people they want to silence are us, that’s who is eing silenced. Its a real dilemma for libertarians.
I don’t mean to demean the show. It’s a fun, interesting show with great performances.
In the first season, Jackie Earle Haley as the guy that runs the slaughterhouse is fantastic. I’ve known people like that. I’ve known people from Texas who talk exactly like that.
The first season brought up really interesting questions.
The second season has gone off it’s fucking rocker. It’s some of the craziest shit I’ve ever seen–on tv or film, and I’ve seen some crazy shit.
The episode where the angel keeps killing himself and turns it into a spectacle, Las Vegas style show, where people start coming from miles around and wearing rain coats for all his blood to splatter–like they’re watching Gallagher smash watermelons or sitting in the front row at Sea World to get splashed by Shamu. The broadcast his splattering guts flying into the crowd on basic cable!
And it’s an interesting show. It’s probably the best thing on TV right now. It’s just that there’s probably never been anything more offensive on TV ever.
There’s a bar where rednecks will pay you to get shot in the chest (wearing a flack jacket). No screaming in the media about how kids might see this and imitate it.
The lack of screaming for censorship is remarkable.
Wait, are you saying that the right should be up in arms about a show on a minor cable network, based on almost 20-year-old source material, that is barely pulling in a million viewers (and often not even hitting that mark)?
I struggled to get through the comic a few years ago because it just devolved into a “that really grinds my gears” about whatever the author had shoved up his ass that week. Letting it bleed out is way better because it’s inane garbage that thinks it’s edgy than trying to invoke the kulturwar. I mean, do you want to Streisand Effect this show?
Yeah, this is a show being broadcast on national television that’s both been profane against God like nothing on TV has ever been before–and also makes a sympathetic portrayal of Hitler. I don’t know where this is going, but the Hitler thing has been going on for weeks. Hitler’s the guy everybody picks on!
The point isn’t supposed to be that I think people SHOULD get pissed off about it. My point is that they’re pretty much doing everything they possibly can to offend everybody on the left and right. You couldn’t be more controversial–and hardly anyone seems to care.
This makes “The Last Temptation of Christ” look like “The Greatest Story Ever Told”. Why doesn’t it get the same treatment as “The Last Temptation of Christ” by the fundamentalists? Why doesn’t it get the Donald Trump anti-PC villain treatment from the left? I don’t think it’s because few people have seen it.
Like I said, I think the answer is that the censors don’t care about what’s broadcast anymore so much as they care about what individual people say in public. The game has changed.
The question isn’t whether the fundamentalists and the SJWs SHOULD care–so much as my question is, “Why don’t they care?”.
Nobody knew or gave a shit about Milos Stephanopolous either–until the left started going nutzo over what he was saying to a few college kids. They’re broadcasting shit on TV that’s far worse–and no one on the right or left seems to give a shit?
Why? Let’s hear your answer.
The point is that
Except it isn’t. There’s a fundamental difference between broadcast (waves coming into your home unbidden) and cable (you have to have someone come out and connect your house to it) that has traditionally been recognized by the FCC and regulatory agencies and you’re making the same lazy conflation that people who want more regulation of media. Please stop making this mistake repeatedly.
Who fucking knows, and who cares? Your question has the pretensions of depth and the depth of a shotglass. Run over to OneMillionMoms and a campaign to get advertisers to drop Preacher is at the top of their list (literally top banner). Nobody is watching the show and the people who are still watching it on it’s second season are probably not ninnies who run to the fainting couch any time someone tries to hard to be scandalous like you apparently do.
I haven’t heard anything about a million moms vs. Preacher anywhere.
I’ve heard about the left going apeshit of Milo.
And “pretentious”?!
I’ll take that as a compliment.
You’re comparing a show with middling to poor ratings and someone who was popular as a media person du jour for a hot minute because both conservative and liberal media made him so. I really can’t fathom why you need this to be a thing.
I am familiar with the difference between cable and network broadcasts. That said, up until relatively recently, most non-premium cable networks generally adhered to the same standards and practices as the broadcast networks, because both cable providers and advertisers were reticent to show anything racier than what was broadcast.
But it is interesting that a show like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia can talk about calling someone a cocksucker, and nobody really raises an eyebrow, beyond, “Hey they can’t say that on TV.” Compared to 50 years ago when Lenny Bruce had his life ruined for calling someone a cocksucker on stage at a nightclub. Now a million people watch it, then go on with their lives.
But companies like Twitter, and Facebook regularly ban users for wrongthink. So It isn’t like the censors have taken their balls and gone home, they’ve stopped trying to play in the in the major leagues, where people were complaining about the FCC response on things like Nipplegate and NYPD Blue, and moved back to playing T-Ball by screwing over people with maybe 100 friends on Facebook for saying “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t import millions of people with a tendency to yell ‘Allahu Akbar’ then blow up in the middle of a crowd.”
It’s a hell of a lot easier, and less likely to get press attention.
If you ignore something…it doesn’t get press…doesn’t get as much views….maybe it’ll get dropped. Just like we always say about handling trolls. Most normal people got more stuff to deal with than one tv show out of thousands.
Preacher isn’t getting super numbers, and I don’t think Humperdoo is really controversial. There have been many other heretical treatments of Jesus Christ (and, in this case, the idea of the Scion or the Rose Line or whatever, which isn’t even something Christians are thinking of when considering the Second Coming) and they caused their own dust-up but really didn’t go anywhere or cause further divide. On the Hitler side, the fact that the origin of his hatred for Jews and Homosexuals is ultimately because he had a bad experience with examples of those groups at Cafe Stereotype is really a way of making Hitler look pathetically petty. Hitler is Hitler because he got bullied, like Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold and Dylann Roof. Its retconned confirmation bias. Anyway, Hitler here is not Literally Hitler, its a caricature we can all laugh at. Springtime for Hitler, etc.
Consider this perspective: Preacher is up against WWE on Monday nights and barely manages to get a third of the viewing numbers. This could be just the AMC stink (personal bias warning), or the fact that its a cable network and broadcast still seems to do much better than cable on pure numbers.
I don’t think this is a case of individuals being censored; I think its a case of individuals not really giving a shit because our entertainment landscape is truly a land of plenty and, no matter our preferences for what we are spending time viewing, we all can find something that fits our desires. Remember, we’re more Brave New World than 1984.
oh no my link is broken oh god what have i done
this is what i meant:
Those are good numbers for a cable show like that. I’d expect NetFlix or whomever else to pay a pretty penny to rebroadcast.
I don’t think you get what I’m saying about individuals being censored.
Again, they want to stop individuals like Donald Trump from saying bad things. They want to stop people on Twitter from saying bad things. They want to stop people from uploading videos to YouTube that say bad things. They want to stop individuals students from saying bad things at high school and college. They want to stop them from saying bad things on Snapchat and Facebook.
Netscape went public only twenty years ago. Most people have only known about Facebook for ten. Twitter has been around for less than that.
The powers that want to censor us now aren’t as interested in what we see–because they can’t control what we see. The reason the NSA didn’t sift through all our emails and phone calls in the past was because it wasn’t technologically possible and cost prohibitive to do so. Once it became both technologically possible and cost efficient, they weren’t about to let the Fourth Amendment stand in the way. It’s the same thing with social media and censorship.
They used to be able to control what we watched. The movies were made by five studios, and the tv shows were made by three. What was produced was relatively easy to control–as was its distribution. They can’t control that so much anymore, so they’re not as worried about that anymore. What they can do is monitor what we say to each other–like they never could before–through social media. Because social media exists now.
No one used to care much about what individuals said to each other in public–because they couldn’t do anything about it.
That’s changing.
I checked the Hurricane page first, and glad all the FL Glibs are ok. Didn’t see Carol and her dog check in though. Anybody heard from her? I don’t want to make light of what you all just dealt with, but……
But Irma’s interaction with land weakened the storm from a potentially catastrophic Category 5 to a Category 3.
I am calling bullshit there. We can’t say the right front quadrant of a storm feeds it and then say it weakens when the left side of the storm is over land (Cuba). Doesn’t work that way. The video in that story is wobble any storm would show, it just happened that particular point in time as the center wobbled it was along Cuba. The storm did not weaken until it got close to the keys and the right front quadrant was over Miami and above. And then it continued to weaken the more the right side of the storm was over FL.
I watched so much bullshit reporting yesterday I could not even count how many times I yelled at the tv. No Fox reporter dude at the golf course. A water hazard raising six inches is not due to storm surge.
Perhaps canine LSD instead?
Sounds like every day for the Dean Beasts (except the low BP and heart rhythms – those I couldn’t say).
Ain’t no way the little bastards can get to the stash, either.And we don’t have any of that debbil weed in the house, anyway.My roommates cat didn’t seem to mind it back in the day.
Whoa……I just felt a glitch in the matrix.
That looks like me this past Saturday.
I’m glad your Mom came out of the storm only complaining about melted ice. I will join in and say we need FL MOM updates on Publix chicken and ice supplies. I love that.
My folks are funny as. (late 70’s) My Dad goes to the gravel yard and has the guys load his truck up with gravel just so he can shovel gravel on his driveway that needs no more gravel. I asked him this morning when I saw him moving some landscaping (watermelon size) rocks why he was doing that. He said, “well these rocks here are not that big, and I want them over there.”
Well, did it die?
Someone should have got nigga his own catnip. Incidentally smoking catnip does not get you high, it just gives you a headache.
I don’t know why, but that picture got me good. I can’t stop laughing!
This cat has no fucks to give to potheads.
Rand Paul just managed to force a debate on his amendment to rescind the AUMF for Afghanistan/Iraq tomorrow. I’m not sure that includes forcing a vote, but at least he made them do something. And he called the rest of them cowards and hypocrites, which warms the cockles of my cold little heart.
Could he do that for some of the other bills perhaps? Maybe some of the gun bills theyve been teasing us with?
Rand is killing it. I am shocked at how many of my old school Repub friends love the guy.
Old school repub folk, less the hard core socons, are more libertarian than they know.
Old school repub folk also not world police neo-cons
They are just as lost as we are.
Yeap. Need more Rand Pauls!
My raging liberal acquaintance hates Rand Paul with a motherfucking passion. His hatred began when he filibustered the National Security Agency surveillance programs authorized under the Patriot Act during the Obama Administration. He felt like he only did the filibuster to embarrass President Obama and tried to explain that Obama had to keep the program (despite campaigning against shit like the Patriot Act) because the mean ol’ Republicans would attack him. The second straw was when Paul partnered up with Cory Booker to reform the criminal justice system. He felt as though the GOP had no right to talk about that stuff because they are a bunch of racists. I kid you not.
Your acquaintance sounds like a dick.
Oh yeah. I’m good friends with the guys who he hangs out with so I have to deal with him occasionally. He’s the asshole that despite having a pretty good life and is career wise successful, sees the world in the lens of race and posts articles on FB nonstop about how white people are trying to destroy black people. He seriously thinks that the KKK is alive and strong in the United States.
Oh when Paul decided to vote for Session’s confirmation (which I fuckin’ hated) he wrote on his FB that this proves that Paul was always a racist and does not care for civil rights or civil liberties. I tried to explain that while yes, I think his vote for Session was, he did it to maintain good ties with the new Administration and not because he was racist. He had none of that and when I called him out for accepting the Democrats’ deviation from their principles, he made more excuses because he is a fookin partisan hack.
Really? On the issue of criminal justice reform, do they not care about outcomes? This is like turning down a vaccine because the company who sold it made money. Or, worse, because you don’t like the medical researchers’ politics.
It’s because they never gave a shit about reform. Reform requires the lessening of government’s power and they could never have that. I mean what’s the point of being a Leftist if you can’t use the violence of government power to fuck with those who you don’t like?
In other words, completely normal for American “progressivism”.
When positions and conclusions are based on emotion instead of principle and reason then they are immovable. The only strategy open them is to construct your arguments backward from conclusion to premises. Trying to reason with such a person is futile. We see examples of it all the time around here. Their arguments are constantly changing, every conceivable fallacy is used, mendacity, deflection, cognitive dissonance, etc. It is all designed to preserve the predetermined conclusion.
Better said around here many times: You cant use reason in an argument with someone whose position is not based on reason.
Tell raging liberal acquaintance to go sit on a sharp stick.
I no longer talk politics with him despite him always attempting to do so because like you said, what’s the point?
Do you talk to him otherwise? In person or on Facespace?
In person and Derpbook. I saw at a bar with some friends and he attempted to talk about education under the Trump Administration but stopped him and said that we ought to do some shots. Hahaha.
I don’t think he’s an evil person but he’s so wrapped up in his emotions and refuses to at the very least examine his views. I kind of feel bad for him because despite his successes in life, he seems miserable.
Man, I’ve got too many friends like that. Like you, I just avoid politics.
I’m getting better at avoiding politics because life is too short to fight over shit that you really have no control over. And also, in a world where everything is getting politicized, I don’t want to contribute to that toxic environment.
I don’t mind discussing it with people who I know it’s not going to get heated with (or going off if they bring it up,) but it’s better for me if I just avoid it altogether.
Yeah, I used to have good conversations with some lefty who frequented the same bar as I. At some point point she quit discussing and just started trying to bait me all of the time so I would just change the subject. If your only goal is to troll me on purpose than why am I going to let you.
I absolutely refuse to discuss politics with friends anymore. Sometimes I tell them that point-blank and they launch into something anyway. It’s madness. Something is really wrong with people lately. It didn’t used to be like this.
Exactly. The whole point of debate or argument is to refine your position. If a position is fixed, completely immovable, then there is no point. You just end up in a fight.
I had a somewhat friend tell me once “I cant disagree with anything you have said but I just cant accept where it leads so no matter what you say it wont change my mind.”
We are no longer acquainted.
One of the best things about about college was that since I identified as a Conservative, I always had to argue in my classes. And yeah, at times it sucked but it also forced me to refine my position and understand other’s point of views. A lot of people on the Left these days would rather sit in some echo chamber instead of actually defending their shit.
That is one of the things I like about this crowd. It may seem like a bubble at times but that is because everyone here operates on very similar premises. They still wont hesitate to call out bullshit when they run across it. I have been talking with some people here for over ten years but they will jump my ass in a second if I have a brain fart.
Yeah, you sometime get the younger ones to at least grasp the fact that the Dems are just as horrible as the Pubs. Once they reach a certain age they’re just parroting partisan hacks at that point.
Bezmenov said “Once a person is demoralized you cannot fix them. You are stuck with them forever.”
Seems like it would be the opposite to me. If someone is demoralized/disillusioned with the political system it seems like the perfect time to try to show them something else.
Unless I’m misunderstanding the quote.
I think the problem lies with the word ‘demoralized’. He was using it in the sense of people who have been brainwashed by cultural marxism.
People who see men using public restrooms with little girls as ok, people who think cake bakers should be forced into associations that violate their conscience, hate speech is free speech, etc…take your pick of lefty causes. People who see up as down.
Ah, okay. I was thinking in the context of cynical disillusionment.
Are those debates recorded for the public. I think I’d enjoy watching something like that.
CSPAN? Or if it is a good one, it will be on Rands website I assume.
Pretty interesting.
Probably more viable in theory than reality though since this would require progs to:
1. Place the well-being of the country above their ideology (yeah right)
2. Value their own well-being above their ideology (equally ridiculous)
Progs are suicide bombers. Fanatics. There is no cooperation. No compromise. Leftist thought must be destroyed; or if not destroyed, marginalized to the point of irrelevance (like religion requiring human sacrifice).
See discussion between Wuncler and myself above. The left has a fixed end. All of the storm and fury they engage in are mendacious attempts to achieve that end. There is no point in trying to reason with them. They will just morph their arguments or positions into something else to achieve the same end. You are exactly right because their desired end has nothing to do with the good of the country.
Bloomberg wouldn’t be offering an olive branch if the left were in power. And any treaty would end once the Dems were back in the White House. It’s like when Hezbollah is getting their asses kicked they offer a cease fire only because they want time to rearm.
“Place the well-being of the country above their ideology”
Yeah, was having a discussion the other day about the left who want to claim to be anti-facist while acting like fascist (who were socialist). I said the main difference between the progs and the Fascist was that the Fascist loved their country.
Good point. The current crop are international fascists as opposed to the national fascists.
Not wanting to get in trouble with the old man’s missus, so I’ll ask here: what’s up with the hurricane thread flags?
Goddamn. Even I, who get (gets?) a lot out of Facebook, am sick of it.
SJW’s are like zombies: not too dangerous on their own, but they’re relentless. They never stop, ever. You get tired, and they keep trying to hammer their way in, punching through your barricades with their bony little fists, day and night, without rest, until the entire world is covered with their hideous forms. [begins to sob uncontrollably]
I’ve found my refusal to be on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram has made me a saner and happier person.
It’s gotten me some weird looks from people my own age, but totally worth it.
I’ve never understood why the latter two even exist. OK I’ve never visited either one but I can’t imagine what they offer over the other two.
*yells at cloud*
Apparently Snapchat doesn’t archive images anywhere. If you erase them from your phone, they’re supposedly gone.
Supposedly, I’ve heard they’re automatically wiped after 24 hours, but I don’t know for certain.
Ever since hitting college, I’ve found out how ridiculously popular Snapchat is among people right at my own, both men and women. I’d almost say it’s surpassed Facebook in the amount of people I see using it.
I guess part of it is I rarely take pictures and I don’t care to look at pictures from randos. I am like the opposite of their target audience.
Anyway, I remember when Facebook was the new & impoved Myspace, plus a couple iterations before that.
The same, but it seems everyone up here uses it like a texting app, which is where I get confused.
I guess if you like conversing in short videos instead of texts, but then why not just call?
I don’t even know what this means.
AFAIK, Snapchat takes these short videos or pictures (or both) that only last for 24 hours.
Everyone I know uses it like a texting app to communicate with, which is where I get lost.
That’s sounds awfully convoluted. Reminds me of “video phone” trope in a lot of SF. Um… I don’t want to have to make myslef “presentable” just to fucking communicate with you.
I don’t even know what this means.
You can overlay text on the picture. People then direct message the text-laden picture to the person they’re having a conversation with.
The only social media I still have is Instagram (and LinkedIn, but that doesn’t really count). People still post pictures of their family and their activities on Instagram, and I like following some of the gun manufacturers and some of the aviation accounts on there.
I get annoyed if I have to do regular texting for more than two or three messages. At that point, I’d just rather call the person.
All the sjw stuff on campus and on social media is not just random stuff people. It’s highly orchestrated and financed by Marxist’s, Union’s, DNC operatives, etc. They play to millinnials sense of fairness with misleading information, creative spin, and outright lies. Everything is framed as a bully-victim narrative that many millinnials don’t have the experience or knowledge to see through. They’ve created a cult following.
479 comments late to the party… but I have to gripe about the sad demise of LifeHacker. Used to be some good content there. Now it’s all “how to be a good little SJW”.
ESPN continues their focus. From their website:
“As the Denver Broncos and Los Angeles Chargers go about their business Monday night at Sports Authority Field at Mile High, there will be a significant slice of history along for the ride.
On the respective sidelines, Denver’s Vance Joseph and Los Angeles’ Anthony Lynn will be the first two African-American coaches to make their head-coaching debut in the same game. And in the network television booth overlooking the Broncos’ sideline, ESPN’s Beth Mowins will be the first woman in 30 years to handle play-by-play duties in an NFL regular-season game.”
Now they just need a lesbian midget doing color commentary and all the boxes will be checked. Right?
Only if she’s Muslim.
We’re watching that game. SP groaned. “She’s terrible, I want her to shut up.”
I guess SP is irredeemably sexist.
“This is making me long for Joe Buck.” And she despises Joe Buck.
At least she isn’t Doris Burke. The only person on the planet who can ruin a basketball game for me besides Dookie V.
If it’s the same girl I heard, I turned the volume off because of her grating, annoying voice. That was like as soon as they switched over to the 2nd game.
That’s the one. Jesus fucking christ.
Their sideline guy is even worse. Some millennial dipshit named Dipp. He’s enthusing, using his best retard intonation, about the Denver coach’s “diversity.”
Her play by play is ok, it’s just that her voice is anoying
The only appropriate response.
My favorite saying
“…And in the network television booth overlooking the Broncos’ sideline, ESPN’s Beth Mowins will be the first woman in 30 years to handle play-by-play duties in an NFL regular-season game.”
So we’re celebrating the fact that she’s…not the first?”
SP: “I don’t like her. I want her gone. Make her go.”
The upstate NY accent doesn’t help.
Beth Mowins drives me nuts. Her forced enthusiasm is grating.
WOW, just WOW, ESPN denying the lived experience of any of the play-by-play announcers they have employed for the last 30 years that might want to come out as being women.
I literally can’t even can’t even.
Just in case anyone was looking for an excellent example of elitists sneering at average people and cheering on authoritarianism, here it is:
“China joins the growing movement to ban gasoline and diesel cars
The internal combustion engine’s days are numbered.”
Boy, those guys in the Chinese Communist Party, they really know how to get things done, don’t they?
If only we had a government like that!
When they write a story like that, I don’t think they’re trying to make me hate them.
I think they’re just oblivious.
From a purely practical standpoint, as well, they’ll never get much more support for environmentalist public policy than they have now–so long as they’re arguing for authoritarianism.
Their strategy isn’t just mindlessly, stupidly, maddeningly pro-authoritarian. It’s also self-defeating. I guess that’s how the progressive mind works, though. They think forced sacrifice for the so-called common good is “glamorous”, as Virginia would say. Most Americans, however, hear that you want the government to take their cars away, and they think it’s so stupid, you must be joking.
Yeah, if there’s a country that can make it “work”, it’s one where there is no freedom. Yay?
To be fair, the Chinese love their bicycles…
That’s what Katie Melua told me.
When I visited I didn’t see the bicyclopalyspe that I might have expected. Instead, it was every street choked with cars & extreme danger for anyone not in a car – and this was in 2001.
Have they ever said they’d be willing to sacrifice for the “greater good?”
Willing sacrifice?
They want the government to force them to make sacrifices. They’re willing to have the government force them to make sacrifices they know they’d never willingly make.
And they want the rest of us to make those sacrifices, too–unwillingly. The “forced” part of that sacrifice is really important to them. It’s almost like a religious thing. It’s like a self-flagellation thing.
That’s one of the reasons they hate people on the right so much. Those people aren’t willing to hate themselves the way they should. You have to hate yourself for being Caucasian, Christian, heterosexual, blue collar, middle class, upper class, poor, successful, educated, uneducated, etc. Hate yourself for being any one of those or a number of other things, and you’re in the club.
The targeted ad in that article had a big, modified Mustang right in the middle of the article. Perfect.
Holy crap, NBC has resuscitated “Will & Grace”? I hadn’t realised they were that desperate.
LOL, it was awful back when it thought it was “groundbreaking”. I suppose two old queens at a retirement home might hold some interest but… I dunno.
And you just know that it will be “topical.” After all…
“On September 26, 2016, the cast reunited for a 10-minute special (released online), urging Americans to vote in the 2016 presidential election. After the success of the 10-minute reunion special, NBC announced that the network was exploring the idea of putting Will & Grace back into production.”
Stop blaspheming Jesus Christ or Ken will whip himself into a retarded furor.
Meow. I’m staying out of that one.
Or maybe Sean Connery will slap you. “Thasht’s for blashphemy!”
In polite company I am actually careful not to blaspheme. But here…
“After the success of the 10-minute reunion special”
But Hillary lost, how is it a success?
False flag?
Well, ABC is bringing back Rosanne. I think it’s just they’re out of ideas, and the only people with new ideas are icky.
That was a decent show until she went political.
Kenneth E. “Busta” Nutt
4 sons, 12 grandchildren, there’s a good deal of nut bustin’ going on around here.