Well, we have the first week of the NFL in the books. And the Vikings are tied for first in their division! That means it’ll be at least another 6 days before out Minnesodan contingent need to be talked down from a ledge. The Broncos also won in the nightcap of Monday’s doubleheader. Which, by the way, is an awesome thing the NFL should do a lot more frequently than opening weekend. As a person who once lived on the west coast, I can assure you that 6 pm start times for all the “prime time” games sucked. But that’s just like, my opinion, man.
In baseball, the Dodgers are officially shitting the bed after losing to the Giants to extend their winless streak to 11. Team Canada took the Orioles down a peg as the Baltimore team has now all but faded from the wild card race. The Yankees won. The Brewers lost. The Mariners lost, which helps the Twinks. The Rockies beat the D-backs. And, oh yeah, the Indians throttled the Tigers to capture their 19th in a row and move within two games of the all-time win streak (I will not accept the 26 game streak with a tie in there, sorry).
Lastly,UEFA Champions League soccer im back in de continent. Dem games gon start today!
Anyway, on to…the links!

Florida Governor and possible alien, Rick Scott.
Nearly half of the state of Florida is without power in the aftermath of Irma. Thank God she seems to have scooted through without the destruction that might have been, but there’s still quite a bit of a mess left behind. Hang in there, Florida Glibs. And please, check in with us when you can (Carol, I’m looking at you! Put down the crunchy peanut butter and let the gang know you’re ok.). We know y’all are busy but we’re worried about you.
What kind of crazy, mixed up world do we live in when a presidential candidate who is expected to win easily can’t even look in a mirror and reflect soberly on her mistakes? Hahaha, just kidding. It wasn’t her fault. It was the Russians. And Comey. And Facebook. And…an old friend came in from out of town. And someone stole her car. There was an earthquake. A flood! Locusts! It wasn’t her fault!!!
Looks like the assholes are at it again. You know, instead of building a new HQ, Amazon ought to invest in a Thunderdome thats large enough to accommodate all of these antifa and right-wing nutballs. Then we can lock them in and not open the doors until they’ve beaten each other to death.
Well here is some weird-ass shit. And no, it didn’t happen in the south. If it had, it would have been the leading non-weather story across the country. I’m curious if the “answers” the family are looking for are in the head of their child who decided to do something stupid. Because a few parts of the story just don’t add up.

California Congresswoman and possible undead, Nancy Pelosi.
My question is: when did she start smelling the burning toast? Seriously, she needs a doctor, because she’s either senile or she just had a stroke.
Mexico rescinds offer to help Texas in Harvey’s aftermath. No word from Michael Moore condemning the move yet.
There’s lots of shit going on in the world. But it’s alright.
Have a great day, friends!
62) So I guess there’s a new Republican plan to turn Obamacare into state block grants, which would then be gradually phased out.
“The bill would take all of the money Washington currently spends on Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion and premium subsidies, then distribute it to states in the form of block grants…”
Sounds great! I had to laugh at this part:
“by 2026… nine states—California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia—would see their federal health-care funding cut in half under the block grant system… Keeping the ACA in place would require spending vastly more of their own state revenue, which would be prohibitively expensive.”
So Obamacare is totally affordable when funded at the national level, but if you kick the funding down to the state level, a group of most of the richest and biggest states can’t afford to fund it? Where does the national money come from in the first place? Does Obamacare gets its funding beamed straight from aliens?
“Gradual phaseout” is to a government program as heat death is to the universe.
“Gradual phaseout” was the name of Jack Kerouac’s alcohol cessation program.
“Does Obamacare gets its funding beamed straight from aliens?”
Are you suggesting aliens are fake?
/makes coo-coo gesture.
*paging Krugabe to the green courtesy phone*
*sounds of whirring printers in the background*
Federal. Multiplier.
Krugabe flips a Trillion Dollar Coin in the air and catches it in his meaty fist. “We’re going to need to make a lot more of these.” Pockets it.
I am little confused first it says block grants which would mean new bill
Then it says keeping ACA in place which suggests no change to now would mean states pay more which is expensive. Do they mean new bill here?
Also as you folks have pointed out the sentence about federal being affordable while states isn’t doesn’t make sense since that money for both comes from citizens
The whole purpose of ACA was to bail out the blue states that fucked with their insurance markets. One of the few things Illinois didn’t fuck up.
Seems like an ok idea.
Will never happen.
Why did the pidgin link move above the line from news to sports?
Ah, never mind, I’m an idiot, it was a sports link…. I’m not used to actually reading the links, you know…
We see it – you usually ignore what we post and blast your own copypasta-spam in…
14) What is it with people that don’t bother to read links? We put time into the links. We love the links. But some people don’t read the links.
14b) …Bitch
Kind of your own fault. You’ve got Nancy Pelosi in a sleeveless dress, somehow looking more pathetic than Jeb!
I prefer the term “thoughts not sermons” to “copypasta-spam”, thank you.
“premeditated spam”
Spam Spam Spam Spam…
Spam Spam Spam Spam…
Spam Spam Spam Spam…
Spamity Spam!
I enjoy reading the premeditated spam.
I picture it like a game show – $100,000 pyramid style.
How many Whammys can one woman endure?
Poor Hillary didn do nuffin!
Good Lord this is tiresome. I don’t recall previous losing presidential candidates’ poor, injured psyches still being in the news cycle nearly a year afterwards. I don’t think the media’s doing her any favors by indulging this shit either–leave the woman to lick her wounds (ew) in peace, and get over this. Or not. Aren’t there half a dozen white supremacists somewhere you could be covering instead, journalists?
Fuck that. Just when the schadenfreude is winding down, this stupid cunts says something else. I want her around next summer and fall whining.
You’d think that some one close to he would kind of nudge her and tell her to cool it. Man they must be synchophants turned up to 11.
Oh and can we get a warning before the next Sugarfree pos? So I can put my grandkids in bunkers to protect them. Maybe there is a vaccine or something.
I thought she preferred it when Huma licked her wounds?
What’s funny about her blanking Comey is that it amounts to her saying “I was investigated for breaking the law that’s why I’m not president.” Join your friend Pelosi and go have a tea party with the mad hatter you senile [insert explitive of your choosing]
…mendacious cunt.
Remember when she attacked Trump for saying he wouldn’t automatically accept the results?
Anyway, I don’t remember all this after anyone else lost an election.
Because the left has decided that votes only count if their candidate wins. Otherwise they will try anything they can think of to negate the results of any free and fair election that they don’t like. A very dangerous road to go down, but it’s not like these evil idiots think ahead to the possible consequences, they want power and they want it now.
Again, I don’t remember anything like this after Gore or Kerry lost.
That’s because the derangement has been progressing. Once Obama was elected the left assumed that their supposed electoral college advantage would guarantee Dems the Presidency forever, which is why they were perfectly happy with Obama weaponizing the Presidency by usurping congressional powers and blatantly violating the constitution and not enforcing actual laws. Now that that power has been handed to someone they don’t like, the hysteria has set in. The greater the power that is vested in the government, the greater the need to control that power. So the ratchet keeps going, all in the same direction, and things get progressively worse from one election cycle to the next. They will keep pushing and escalating until something happens to stop them. So far, they have been successful in preventing Trump from getting any legislation passed, as the Dem Op media gives cover to the Republican establishment in opposing him.
That being said, there was plenty of Bush derangement, just not at the same level as the Trump derangement.
Ahh… there was quite a bit of sniveling and wailing and cloth rending after Gore.
But Gore himself was a little more decorous about by now in the post-election cycle.
Nobody thought that Gore or Kerry had a 98% chance of winning, and their names weren’t Clinton.
Progressives really do live in a bubble. They really, really believed that Hillary had a 98% chance of winning and that she was destined to be the first woman president. Hillary believed that most of all.
I’ve said it before, 9/11 put the brakes on lots of this stuff in Bush’s first year. Maybe without that tragedy it would have gotten this bad. Who knows. It’s pretty sick if that is the explanation, but this seems to be a pretty sick world.
Definitely. I remember, for example, that the “reparations” nonsense was beginning to reach a fever pitch just before 9/11. If 9/11 never happened, I believe the current level of SJW madness would have been reached 12 or more years ago.
Meant to begin with “9/11 put the breaks on a lot of stuff”.
An interesting alternate history scenario. Probably one where racial politics matter a lot more and ‘Islamophobia’ is far more rarely used, if ever.
I think the comments above about 9/11 interfering are correct. I remember a whole lot of “The Supreme Court appointed him president,” but it toned way down after the attacks.
I was a progressive in 2000. I promise you we spent a lot of time rending our flesh and wailing to the heavens. It came up constantly during the 8 years of Bush.
Who the fuck is she talking to? And who is giving her a platform?
No one cares. Now that she has lost her supporters have all walked away after admitting that they never really liked her in the first place. She is finished. The Clintons are finished. She couldn’t win dogcatcher in Roosterpoot with a billion dollar campaign. It warms my heart to know that she invested everything in a quest for power and lost. He child is an idiot that has to have handlers follow her around to keep her from eating paint chips. Her husband is a creepy philanderer. Huma is…Huma. Her adoring supporters all turned their backs because they cant get anything out of her. I am wondering how many of the people that payed multi-million dollar buyoffs now want their money back.
How many guns are you going to grab now Hillary? How many rights are you going to reasonably regulate? How many news organizations are you going to crush? The only thing crushed are your Chavista/Soviet dreams.
Twenty bucks says she’s deluded enough to run again in 2020 barring health issues. She’ll have plenty of deadenders stupid enough to support her.
I mean they would get foolish not to run her. She’s the most qualified candidate ever.
“I promise to give a concession speech this time.”
She’ll give that speech as soon as she concedes.
Deluded and power-hungry. I think she’s out there in the public eye deliberately, because she is planning on running.
Also because without the potential of her holding office, the political “contributions” and other graft dries up.
I hope she runs. I just want to see the Pritzker’s throw their money away.
I think she burned most of her bridges in the DNC during this run. Most of the base is also sure as hell not going to be willing to put up with her (as if that matters to the Democrat elites though). Even if she does run she’s not getting far, she’s the twice failed candidate, even Democrats are smart enough to notice a pattern.
My high school classmates on facebook are still supporting her. They think she’s intelligent, succesful and not a dangerous warmonger like Trump.
Did I mention I attended an exclusive prep school whose graduates are part of the new American nomenklatura of civil servants/pundits/NGO officers?
Not a dangerous warmonger like Trump? They should dig up Qadaffi and ask his opinion on that one.
Her husband is more like a rapist. I read a story where she bought a second house somewhere because she was certain she was going to win. What an evil can’t. God please make her retarded kid a candidate. Say against Kid Rock. That would be epic.
The Broncos also won in the nightcap of Monday’s doubleheader
I hate the Donks.
ESPN’s sideline guy is the new “Boom there goes the Dynamite”
Sergio Dippshit
It was delightful that he praised the Denver coach for his “diversity.”
It says a lot that he was only the third worst thing in that telecast. ESPN has gone from horrible to Peak Suck.
Now that’s what I call woke!
“??tcal_03 ?? @tcal_03
Sergio Dipp on the sidelines talking as if he is being held hostage and being made to make a video announcement.”
Also the Mowins and Ryan tandem was awkward.
It’s a shame ESPN’s diversity plans are running amok because it’s not fair to people at all. Not to the ones who were jobbed by such nonsense but the ones who were put in a position to fail; people who have no business being in such spot lights.
Also the Mowins and Ryan tandem was awkward.
If by “awkward” you mean “unbearable,” then yes.
God gave us the mute button for a reason…
I actually like don’t hate Beth Mowins, but she’s much better on college games for some reason.
As I said on the other thread, it’s not her play by play that’s the problem, it’s her voice.
It’s hard to put down a crunchy peanut butter sandwich, Sloopy. It’s just so good. People that only have creamy peanut butter wouldn’t understand.
As divisive as I am in the Pizza Wars, I am a uniter and healer in the Peanut Butter Conflict. They are both good, and serve their purposes. One would not make Scotcheroos with chunky, but a sammich is just fine – crunch away!
*prepares for abuse from both sides*
Actually, both sides are wrong. Almond butter is superior in every way!
Burn the mutant!
I’ve never had almond butter, but it sounds progressive. Get out of here hippy!!!
Spoiler: Almond Butter is a euphemism.
And euphemisms are always better than peanut butter.
No Marzipan?
*squints suspiciously*
You looking for an instigator penalty?
Sunflower butter or GTFO
Damnit. They have crunchy almond butter.
almond butter is 3Xs the cost of peanut butter.
Cashew butter or GTFO
All of those are quite good. I got to try quite a variety when my mom worked for P&G’s foods division (regulatory and labeling) before they sold JIF. I still like Peanut butter best (crunchy mostly), but almond, cashew, and sunflower butter are interesting substitutes. Variety in PB&J is the spice of life, after all.
Goose butter
Tried the almond butter…not impressed. During the depression my grandma said they would eat biscuits with bacon grease. That’s living right there.
I will extend the olive branch to my crunchy-eating friends and call for a truce.
::Ramps up secret creamy research center::
Now that’s a euphemism!
If you’ve ever made peanut noodles, you’d know that crunchy is the only way to go. For gado gado, creamy is the One And True Path.
As a crunchy peanut butter enthusiast, you are dead to me Swiss. You were on your last leg when I found out you were a lawyer. But this… /wags finger… This is the straw that breaks the camels back.
Straw that breaks the peanut butter jar?
Crunchy peanut butter will break your teeth.
Now see what you have done? I have to go fix a toasted English Muffin with crunchy peanut butter and a big glass of milk.
peanut butter without milk is like nonalcoholic beer, completely pointless.
Now that you mention it….that is true.
About the only time I drink milk. *hoping Ted S won’t see this*
What about Cat Butt-her
“Well here is some weird-ass shit. And no, it didn’t happen in the south. If it had, it would have been the leading non-weather story across the country.”
Wow, those are some serious burns on his neck. And, I’m not saying there’s no racism in the south or anything, but I don’t remember anything like this ever happening growing up in NC.
What is with these nonsense “security questions” sites want to set up for self service password recovery? They’re always inane and asinine things that I do not remember. “Name of supervisor at first job”? I don’t remember that. And they’re all crap like that. And they always require between three and five when at most I can find one that I might be able to give a real answer to. Otherwise it becomes “come up with another password you’re going to forget” when I make something up.
Location of First Fisting:
Age first spent in Turkish Prison:
Hey, he’s back!
Your cholesterol level in 1997:
cholesterol was not invented until 2001
First captive taken in the Wasteland?
Amount of Guzzoline seized in 1st year of post-Apocalypse Era?
In the butt.
Use a password manager. You’ll never forget your password again, and you can set up your security question answers as just a random text string so that nobody can mine your past for the answers to the questions.
The one that prompted the complaint is a work site. It’s for recovering the password to get into the desktop.
What’s pheonimally stupid is that with the new rollout I can’t change the desktop password (even though it’s expiring) without setting up security questions.
You could possibly still use a password manager on another device (like your phone) to store your password and security question answers. That way you have access to it and don’t have to worry about remembering some obscure crap. Or just do what everybody else does and write it on a Post-It under the keyboard.
You think UCS has that kind of phone?
I do, and I don’t trust it to know my passwords.
Fun fact, the employer-issued iPhone has a more stingent passcode policy than the desktops’ password policy. And it rotates.
If you use a manager like KeePassDroid you can keep the database local in your encrypted home folder. Then the only way it can be compromised is if you lose your phone and the new owner not only guesses your phone passcode, but also cracks the database password.
I hate that work expects you to change your password every couple of months. All my work password lets me do is browse the internet during break/lunch, why must I change it? I don’t change my passwords that actually matter this often!
My workplace has password rotation rules on the fuckin VOICEMAIL passcodes. FFS.
I don’t remember mine, so I haven’t answered my voicemail in months.
If people would just e-mail me, they’d get an answer quicker.
Hey we have the same VM policy!
My policy is exactly the same except one difference:
If people would just e-mail me, they’d get an answer
quicker.One of my old bosses that everyone was literally afraid of because he was such a monster was really big on the phone calls. You didn’t dare email him.
I use the same word, but just increment the number at the end. I’m up to fuckyouboss37 or somesuch.
The algorithm then goes “Too similar to previous password” and tells you to go fuck yourself.
Suggestions for password manager? I could use one.
I use 1password but don’t use their cloud service. Instead I just sync the pwdb to Dropbox so I can get it on my phone. Works pretty well
Sure, just send me your soc. number (of whatever they track you with in Canada), DL#, and DoB. I’ll get right back to you.
/pulls out check book.
I’ll just sign it and trust you with the rest.
My choice as well. My needs are local only though. If you want a cloud based solution use LastPass or Dashlane
I’ve been using LastPass for a few years and like it. Haven’t extensively researched it so I’m sure there are others that are good.
Been using LastPass for years, but have recently been testing Blur from abine.com. They have credit card, email and phone number masking, as well as password management and tracker blocking. More a privacy suite. So far I am using it on all my devices and computers with great happiness.
SP if you see this (I assume AM links are about dead) I would be very interested in your comments on the credit card masking, if you use that feature.
My old Citibank card had instant virtual card number generation which was a feature I really loved. Sadly it doesn’t seem to have caught on in the industry because 10 years later, they still seem to be the only ones who offer it (if they even still offer it, I closed that account so I’m not sure). I would love to have a solution other than paypal for making purchases without giving out my real CC#.
I’ve used it once, so far. It seemed to work well. It automatically filled in the Abine billing address etc. Went through with no trouble at all.
The less-than-perfect bit was needing to know generally how much I was going to spend on that site. It was for a charity auction, so I overloaded the blind card. But Abine has a mechanism for getting any loaded overage returned. Haven’t done it yet, though.
Thanks very much.
The random card# generator thing has gone in and out of fashion. Not enough customers were using the feature to be worth the $$$ in developer time & database tracking. In the end for credit cards the risk is on the bank, just monitor your statements and reverse any charges that are fraudulent.
Paypal is a intermediate system that takes the risk from the paypal merchants and insulates the banks.
The chip system was supposed to expand into individual transaction id’s.. and the physical readers do that (so does the Apple pay system). They just haven’t expanded the individual chip based ID’s to the web based transactions. The entire thrust of the chip systems is to move the risk from the bank’s to the merchants. If the merchant now decides not to use a chip based transaction id then any fraud is on them. Only if the merchant has switched to chip will card fraud be covered by the bank.
Thanks very much for the information.
The problem I have with “just reverse fraudulent charges” is that the card is compromised at that point. Nothing keeps the bad actor from continuing to charge the card again and, last time I went through such an experience, the bank told me that the only way to prevent more charges was to cancel the card and get a new number.
They make us use Last Pass at work and I gotta say…
It Fucking Sucks Donkey Balls
It absolutely does miss password updates causing the password to get out of synch, it ONLY works with the web browser so any password updates or changes through a different application gets them out of synch, and god help you if you have ever told your browser to remember a password because Last Pass and the Browser will spend the rest of eternity battling over which one has the right password and you will never know which one populated the field last.
Oh yeah and given the main thing we use it for is to remember the plethora of test accounts we use in our QA and dev environments it is constantly getting confused there as well because the domain is almost identical and the account names are often the same.
The entire experience has turned me off of the idea of ever using a Password manager anywhere else.
Usually there are at least a few that you could be reasonably expected to have real answers for. Name of first pet. Mother’s maiden name. Street of your childhood home. But yeah, there are a lot of ones that are damn stupid.
What if all those answers are fluid?
You can use the answer ‘fluid’ for all your password questions… probably honestly.
The problem with the ones with a real answer is that someone else can also figure those out. IIRC, that is how part of the fappening happened, some celebs accounts got taken over that way.
All the “first” one are really annoying. I am 51. I don’t remember anything… Except to avoid anything written by Sugarfree. At this point, I can’t even remember to put my underwear on the right way.
Yeah Mothers maiden name can be looked up, not hard to figure out where someone went to school, None of those concrete answer questions are even minimally secure. The other ones like the model of your first car or name of your first pet believe it or not are harder to remember than you’d think. Not necessarily because they are hard to remember but usually because there is more than one answer depending on the way you concieve the question.
I’ll give an example.
When I was little, like 3 or 4 I had a dog named Boo (yes, named after the song I think) I have no living memory of this dog. I remember him (I think it was a him) because there are home movies of me playing with the dog and my parents told me stories about him. If you were to ask me about my first pet 90% of the time this would not be the pet I was thinking about unless you specifically questioned me to drill down to those old pseudo memories.
When I was a teen we had another dog who was a Shepherd Doberman mix named Blazer (I was a huge Star Blazers nerd). we had other dogs for brief periods of time in between Boo and Blazer but they only lived with us briefly for various reasons and I honestly don’t even remember their names, Blazer we had for over a year and he made quite an impression on me in that time.
When I was a young adult I had the first pet who was truely mine and not the family’s pet, a cat named Schroedinger (once again, nerd). Of all the pets I have ever had I had the closest connection to this cat. He was intelligent, knew his name and out of character to most cats genuinely seemed to like my company (he came running over to greet me every time he saw me) .
For the last decade My family has had a dog named Pooka, she was a Great Pyr and died last year of old age. My kids grew up with her and she was part of the family for almost as long as my family has existed.
On any given day if someone asks me out of the blue the name of my first pet it is going to be one of these animals but depending on my frame of mind a different one is likely to come out each time.
I have had 2 Great Pyrs. Our current Pyr is turning 6 in a couple weeks. I lost my first when he was around age 8 (he was a rescue of unknown background) from bone cancer.
We got Pooka from the pound somewhere in the middle of Kentucky when she was like 5 weeks old, Someone just dumped a whole litter of Pyr Puppies at the dump. Best $10 I ever spent
Pyr puppies=cuteness overdose. Don’t know how you managed to just rescue one!
One strategy would be to just use “fuckyou” as the answer to every question. At least you’ll remember it.
Each has to be different.
“fuckyou” “fuckyou2” “nofuckyou”
“Fuck you”
“Cut spending”
^^ This guy gets it.
I’m also sick of bullshit password requirements especially on sites that don’t rate them. No nvidia, I don’t need a 15-character password with at least one capital letter, one number, one punctuation mark, and one umlaut in order to protect my fucking game optimization settings you fucking retards.
The one that gets me is when the algorithm arbitrarily decides the new password is “too similar” to a previous one without this being mentioned on the requirements, nor telling you why it thinks that.
Oh yeah, that’s a bitch.
Related: when you’ve got 10 different systems with different rules for password complexity, and you get to figure out the most minimal password that meets all of them. Related because once you find that golden password, of course you want to recycle it.
We actually have some that are mutually exclusive (one must be at least 15 characters and reset every 45 days, and another can be no longer than 13).
Don’t know if it it’s true or not, but my IT guy says it’s for liability reasons since those requirements are now considered best practice.
Slap your IT guy upside the head.
I agree with slapping your IT guy upside the head.
And when those requirements prove useless because they are too cumbersome and everyone starts working around them, what’s next?
This shit is out of control.
Actually they aren’t any longer…
–“No composition rules. What this means is, no more rules that force you to use particular characters or combinations, like those daunting conditions on some password reset pages that say, “Your password must contain one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, four symbols but not &%#@_, and the surname of at least one astronaut.”
Let people choose freely, and encourage longer phrases instead of hard-to-remember passwords or illusory complexity such as pA55w+rd.”–
That changed late last year when the NIST updated their password guidelines to reflect the reality that all of the stupid password policies in effect were encouraging people to make choices which made their passwords less secure not more secure.
a password of
is more secure than
Because it is both easier to remember and massively harder to crack
Ha ha ha ha. This site requires a 12 CHARACTER PASSWORD. Hypocrites! All of us!
No it doesn’t.
I need an account and password to attend a fucking kid’s birthday party.
I hate accounts and passwords.
Pretty sure that means you don’t have to go. “Technical difficulties.”
“I reviewed the password requirements of your child’s birthday invite and I determined that they were not sufficiently secure. Please accept my best wishes for a happy birthday.”
You can’t pick the questions from a list? No maiden name questions? Or first car questions?
If you had a smartphone you could plug the answers in there in a note.
They are in a list form, my griping was that of the dozen or so there, I could come up with a real answer to less than the number required to be set up.
I throw a random string of letters and numbers that I don’t even know in as my password. It’s the only way to be safe. Sure I can’t access my stuff, but neither can anyone else.
The bigger problem is that if someone is determined, they can figure out some of those and get into your account. The key is to answer them with nonsense that you will remember.
It’s worse than that.
I have never needed to get my desktop password reset because I use it on a daily basis, so I remember it.
As such, I will never use the security question answers and will forget those. But as they never expire, it gives the malicious actor a vector to come at the account, especially as they will invariably be simpler than the password. The fact that I was required to create this security vulnerability just to be permitted to reach the place to change my expiring password is galling.
Just write them on a post and stick it under your desk.
Columbia Falls woman tracks Bigfoot for 24 years
“You could see the daylight between his arms, his hair lifting in the breeze.””
This is really funny to me, for some reason.
Wait, Fabio is Bigfoot?
It’s all starting to make sense now…
Welcome back Lord H. straffin was asking about you in yesterday’s morning links.
Yeah – the past two weeks have been super shitty, stress-wise. Insomnia – so keyed up that sleep is difficult – so I’ve been trying to cut back on a lot of things, only concentrating on my fun hobbies. Funny thing it seemed to have made things worse without a place to vent.
Sorry to hear that.
Perfect excuse to come visit and hear some music, hint, hint.
Bottle it up for decades and then snap. I can give interviews to local news about how, “He seemed perfectly fine to me.”
“… but to be fair, almost everybody I know is a seething homicidal maniac, so…”
“Did you see the hairy man cross the road?”
She wasn’t asking why he crossed. Just if you saw him do so.
Sounds like the beginning of a SugarFree STEVE SMITH tale.
*waits in gleeful anticipation*
I thought Bigfoot was being replaced by white supremacists? I am confused. Who is hiding under my bed now?
I don’t know if STEVE SMITH claimed to be ‘hiding’ under your bed. Just waiting for you to sleep.
What about Glibs and cantakerous laybouts on the internet?
Well, “friends” covers the first part. The layabouts are on their own.
“Fascists, far right racists and bigots are organizing across this country,”
So Benito, Adolph and Archie walk into a bar…
Before Vibrators Were Mainstream
In the 1970’s there were so many reputable, upscale places for men to buy sex dolls. I can’t believe women were relegated to to the seedy establishments for their kink purchases.
Well those are way more dangerous
Hackers could program sex robots to kill
I’ve seen this movie before.
“Before feminist sex-toy stores started opening up”
Maybe I don’t go to the right neighborhoods, but I’ve never seen this in any city….
You haven’t seen all those feminist sex stores? They’re hard to miss, what with all the pink haired landwhales hanging out around it.
You’ve never seen an “Erotic Lingerie” shop or something similarly-named?
It has to be on purpose but our local adam & Eve is on Eden way. It makes me chuckle everytime I go to Starbucks.
Feminist bookstores were a thing. And they generally sold sex toys. But like regular book stores, adult “book” stores, etc. they took a big hit from the internet.
Produce section at the grocery store
This is why you wash the squash and cucumber before eating it.
Yes, I am acquainted with a hippie chick who does this. Although I think she said the veggie is too bruised afterward to eat.
She was doing more than just washing it.
Just to clarify, she was inserting the cucumbers into her vagina. Sometimes on long road trips, reportedly. When I was around she used a piece of my anatomy instead, so I never saw it happen firsthand.
I once read about a woman who masturbated with a frozen deer tongue which got stuck when it thawed a bit, necessitating a trip to Emergency
I thought deerlick was illegal.
*opera applause*
Don’t forget the carrots and eggplant too.
Impossible. Only a two-year consultation period, followed by a Five Year Fuck Plan, administered by a new Office of Fun, could have brought this about.
Bullshit. There was a Spencer’s in every mall in America.
Wait… there are still Malls?
Sure, you can find Sbarro’s there.
Despite the thin crust/Chicago casserole schism here, I think we can all agree that Sbarro is truly the best pizza around.
Around the mall?
Because NO.
Yes. Old people around here need an air conditioned environment to take their morning walks.
Another important thing about the mall is : there is no incline/elevation for old people to worry whether it would make them fall.
Oh yeah, I forgot about them.
That was my favorite store by far, at least when I didn’t have quarters for the arcade. I would just hang out there while my mom did real shopping elsewhere.
In the 70’s, your mom had to throw a sneaker in the washing machine on spin cycle.
I forget who came up with or who polished this- “If you have to tell people that you are smart, funny or in charge then you are not.” In a similar vein if you have to tell people when to approve of something, they dont. Take a hint Nancy: people dont like you. You are repugnant.
All of you virtue signalers out there could take the hint also. If you have to signal your virtue it’s because you dont have any.
Ding. This is called “over-arguing your case,” and it makes the proponent of the argument seem lacking in confidence.
How about they just take crime seriously, regardless of perceived motivations?
I accidentally hung someone some time. It was totes an accident. The cops absolutely believed that bullshit too.
Here are 10 destructive and deluded women who help spread propaganda for the alt-right movement
More details in the da link. I never heard of any of these women.
I think I heard of Tomi Lahren. Generic bland conservative blonde. Still would, mind you.
You…are not kidding. Wowzah.
I never liked her. But is she a white supremacist?
I thought about working this into a sex joke for about a minute but I am drawing a blank
Let’s see what the SPLC has to say…
I’m guessing it’s some retarded Orwellian argument about how Lahren liked to use the term ‘snowflake’ a lot and “OMG YOU GUYS YOU KNOW THAT SNOWFLAKE IS TOTES ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST?!?”.
Witches! Burn them!
Tomi Lauren makes the list, but not Lauren Southern? I’m disappointed. Also, like you, I’ve never heard of the rest of this list.
Alternate: here’s a list of women who dare deviate from what we have set out as proper thought. They must be destroyed. How dare they rebel against their female overlords. We alone keep them safe from the patriarchy!!
To be sure that readers understand the narrative, the writer did throw in one real Nazi woman from the 1930s and one prominent member of the women’s auxiliary of the KKK from the 1930s.
There’s a reason that the writer has to go back so far in history.
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(((DeadGuyKai))) • 3 hours ago
Please stop using the whitewashing term “alt right”. Call these things what they are – NAZIS.
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Michael Lindsay • 3 hours ago
Some are in it for the cash, some have stockholm syndrome and some are just psychopaths all of ’em demonstrate quite handily that women can also be massive shitheads.
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I have heard of exactly 1. (Lahren)
Cecilia Davenport made the movie about mens rights activists.
That poor bloody woman. She was a mainstream feminist before the movie was made, and was willing to step outside of the box and redefine herself when she realized she was wrong. Now she gets spat on.
So they skipped over Libertarian Girl (aka Marianne Copenhaver)?
Wonder if they just forgot her or if they were actually smart enough to recognize that libertarians have very little overlap with the alt right?
I find number 6 amusing, because (based on my recollection) the “Perfect Woman Nazi” wasn’t political. She was a “kinder, kirche, küche” housewife – what we would now call a stay at home mom.
Antifa spray police with a Silly String Spray and the police respond with pepper spray during a protest to oppose the right wing group “The Patriot Prayer Movement,”
So the dude upstairs finally drove the demons from the pigs and into the vermin.
They’re still calling Patriot Prayer a right-wing group? I guess they need a foil for the avowed left-wing hate group antifa. It wouldn’t make much sense to media talking heads for them to be fighting a group that told white supremacists to fuck off and who merely wants people to peacefully discuss differences.
Stop ruining the narrative
Aren’t they right-wing? They are for free speech and less government.
Actually, the SFGate article is a bit candid that antifa ATTACKED others first. So, Antifa-association must be polling terribly for Democrats.
I was going to comment in a similar vein. Everything I’ve been able to actually read about these guys is that they’re basically the Easter Bunny. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Greater Portland Junior Chamber of Commerce labeled an alt-right group if Antifa decided to attack them.
Map of electricity consumption, Europe 1507
What about 1705?!
Please answer this for UCS, it’s one of the optional password reminder prompts.
*stands to begin prolonged ovation*
There is some funny stuff there. nice
Yeah. Potential EU leaving names
France: AdiEU
This one shows the both Chicago and New York make fake pizza
Except that it merely documents the culinary delusion of a country that hasn’t been competent since the fall of western rome.
Nancy just keeps tossing the pearls before the swine, they ungrateful masses just don’t get it.
I think her dermatologist just stuck the Botox needle in a little too far.
TSA enhances searches!
I feel so much safer with them being this thorough. And the fact that we haven’t had any hijacks in so long means that it’s working!
You know who else enhanced searches?
Ed McMahon in a relapse?
Arcot Ramathorn?
Meow that’s a good reference.
I was looking for Deckard, but that works too
John Wayne, Ward Bond and Jeffrey Hunter?
Put an amen to it!
Henry Hudson?
+1 tiger repelling rock
The agents were giving a hard time getting off on it anymore, so they had to make few changes.
I’ve noticed that the searches have gotten a little more fresh lately. I just thought they liked me since I usually have a nice conversation with them while they’re grabbing my junk.
FTA: “The agent described exactly what he was going to do before he did it and seemed to be simply carrying out the government’s policy. I’m sure he’d like a job that involves less groping.”
Assumes facts not in evidence.
“I’m not a crazy ACLU-type. I’ve had no problem with body-scanners or previous TSA pat-downs. ”
‘Cause that would be teh cray-cray.
I’ve been on a Curtis Mayfield kick lately. His life (and death) makes for some sad reading (via Wiki):
As an aside, what happened to Soul music / R&B? After the disco era it just … disappeared from the mainstream. Yeah there are some vestiges of it still around, but nothing like the days of yore.
I was listening to my Stuff You Should Know podcast and they had a really good one on disco. When I was growing up disco had long been the punchline that it is today.
I love funk and motown and just never really listened to disco before, other than like the bar fight scene in Airplane! I don’t listen to it too regularly now, but some of it is really, really good. A bit too orchestral for my liking but the foundation is pretty fucking awesome. I also didn’t know that it was so heavily producer-driven and that’s why other than bands like Earth Wind and Fire or the Beegees there isn’t much name recognition.
Was a good lesson to keep open-minded.
The economy changed. It was the result of people with good manufacturing jobs being able to afford instruments and music lessons for their children (eg. Motown from Detroit, funk from Ohio, etc.) , and houses with basements and/or garages. It was also influenced by people singing and playing music in church. I don’t have any information on African-American church attendance, but there is definitely less gospel being produced now.
Yeah, there’s not as much. Ben Harper does a good modern take on soul, and Raphael Saadiq albums sound like they were teleported here from Detroit in 1966. After that, the list gets pretty thin–I like D’Angelo or Jill Scott, for example, but they don’t really have that feel of somebody like Curtis Mayfield or Al Green.
As for disco, Chic holds up pretty well, I think. I’m not sure I’d call EW&F disco.
I’m come to think that, though he is white guy from the south, Chris Stapleton sounds a lot like a soul singer.
James Hunter Six
Depending on what you consider “real” R&B, it’s one of the most popular mainstream genres right now.
yeah… it feels watered down. I suppose the same thing happened to country, and, to a lesser degree, rock.
Producer driven styles like rap, hip-hop and the post-disco dance music killed it. Most R&B shifted to boy bands and other quasi-novelty acts.
R&B was also producer driven (eg. Quincy Jones, Nile Rodgers, George Clinton, etc.) The difference is that they were working with people who learned how to sing and play instruments.
I recently read that the guy that gambled away most of Vee Jay Records’ money (costing them The Beatles) was later hired by Berry Gordy to handle Motown’s accounts and became its president in 1973.
That means it’ll be at least another 6 days before out Minnesodan contingent need to be talked down from a ledge.
Please. The Vikings couldn’t possibly hurt us any more than they already have.
Could they?
*stares off into the distance*
Us Clevelanders can help you through these difficult times. Here, have a beer.
Very kind of you.
My Giants were even worse, held to less than 200 yards and a fg by the shitty Cowboy defense. I know no Odell hurt, but c’mon.
Jerry Reese knew the O line was shit at the end of last season, and did absolutely nothing to fix it. I can’t believe the Giants made Tom Coughlin take the fall so that they could keep Reese while he continues to fuck up.
Well, if the next roof collapse is during a game….
There’s just too many examples of how shameless the left wing media is. But here’s one of them. This story is not new. It’s been popping up occasionally now for around 10 years, with little variations, this time involving evil miners.
The Lost Tribe
First of all, these people are NOT uncontacted. They have had unbroken contact with the outside world and have been constantly studied since the 1950s. And this story contains 99% pure bullshit. This shit just needs to stop.
Hmm. One thing that is well known about these “uncontacted noble peaceful innocent peoples” is that they are engaged in perpetual brutal warfare with their neighbors. Their favorite thing seems to be killing each other, which they do constantly. And the goal is to exterminate the opposing group, except for some of the women who they spare to be raped by the entire conquering band.
You mean the government who ran out of other people’s money and are dead fucking broke?
Keep in mind, this statement was made by the uncontacted unknown people who don’t speak any language that anyone even knows anything about.
It’s just a damn good thing that most MSNBC readers are uneducated enough to swallow this shameless bullshit.
Fixed link.
The Lost Tribe
“except for some of the women who they spare to be raped by the entire conquering band.”
This may be the best part.
How do we know they have no desire to make contact with the outside world, when they’ve never done so?
Now those people on the Andaman islands, you know they have no desire
But only because they finally got high speed internet.
How would the government safeguard people who want no contact with it?
Huh. That photo is at least 20 years old. I have seen it a number of times.
Yeah, that is pure horseshit. Most of those tribes ‘disappear’ because they leave the jungle for towns. The ones that stay…try going for a visit and see what happens. You are kidnapped or just plain put on a spit.
You have to take them the latest iPad and some Michael Kors or Hilfiger stuff or they get pissed and eat you.
I love this.
Helicopter comes over “uncontacted tribe.” Tribesman run away. Come back fully armed, apparently ready to do battle with a giant, shockingly-loud metal dragon. I gotta respect the balls on them, at least. Reminds me of the scene in the first Planet Earth when three dudes with bows and arrows and machetes just stroll onto a fresh lion pride kill. The lions run away and they steal one of the zebra’s legs.
I know that the animals there know to be terrified of humans, but I sure as shit don’t have the fortitude to do anything close to that. All the “weak” children died off and they’re left with only certified badasses that could handle jungle livin’.
That’s one’s from the original story back in 2007 or so.
“Reminds me of the scene in the first Planet Earth when three dudes with bows and arrows and machetes just stroll onto a fresh lion pride kill. The lions run away and they steal one of the zebra’s legs.”
Hunger is highly motivational.
“Hunger’s a helluva drug.”
The Scar of Henry V
He was a handsome prince and then he took an arrow to the face. But how it was removed is interesting
Considering the lack of anesthetics, it sounds horrifying.
At least it wasn’t an arrow to the knee.
odd that he would hide it and fear it showed his mortality. i’d think anyone with an arrow wound to their face was unkillable.
“and one who won the popular vote ”
That’s like saying: the person who won the batting average. Great , that’s not the contest.
Wasn’t it LA county that had 144% voter turnout?
I’m not so sure whe did win the popular vote among citizens voting legally.
Either way it stands, you can’t claim victory over something that wasn’t ever being contested.
The dems cheated their asses off.
Seeing that all those votes came from Commifornia, I wouldn’t doubt if more than all of them were by illegals.
Based on what I’ve seen so far, Mexican nationals had more of an effect on the vote than Russian nationals.
and one who won the popular vote
My favorite response to this is “Yeah, but Trump is taller.”. When I get asked what that has to do with anything I respond “Exactly as much as the popular vote.”.
What is it with these non-politics magazines entering the political realm?
If anything, they’ve all shown themselves to be what we suspected them to be: Liberal democrats.
That’s the only value to all this.
There’s a presumption that the female readers of vapid women’s magazines like Cosmo wish to signal their leftist political virtues while learning how to douche in the latest Parisian style.
They used to be apolitical though.
They are serious journalists damn it! They have degrees! From universities! So what they can only get bullshit jobs? They’ll show you they can politik with the best of them
It’s getting worse and worse. A few years ago you could read websites that, even if they showed they were left-leaning from time to time, mostly shut up about it. Now every write has to have an opinion on Trump, or find some way of jamming in the catechisms they learnt in their grievance studies degree.
If anything, they’ve all shown themselves to be what we suspected them to be: Liberal democrats.
That’s not entirely true. I’d say they’ve revealed themselves to be unusually ignorant Liberal democrats.
But, to answer your question more seriously, I’ve wondered the same thing myself. The best I can figure is that magazine publishing is basically a zombie industry. There’s just so much free content (and a lot of it at higher quality) and better advertising venues that the magazines just don’t give a shit about serving their markets anymore. It’s not going to make a whole lot of difference in the bottom line, which is crashing. At that point, you might as well pad your resume for the next gig.
Accomplished? Merely holding a position is an accomplishment now? Can this person name anything good she actually did while First Lady, senator, and Secretary of State?
She laundered millions in ill-gotten funds.
Anything good!
Well it was good for the foundation.
NSFW: Bills Fans Already in Midseason Form
Ashleigh @AshweeCarter
I just saw a live blowjob people. A LIVE ONE. #BillsMafia
2:29 AM – Sep 11, 2017 · Orchard Park, NY
Why is that amazing? Does she usually do it blindfolded or just roofied?
Docksiders with no socks, I can smell his feet from here.
They won’t be doing that outside in Buffalo for much longer into the season.
Three of Italy’s Top Four Political Parties Seek a New Parallel Currency
When you’ve got Rome saying your currency is too debased.
I vote gold
No, it’s Italy. Their complaint is that the currency isn’t debased enough.
How Hillary Clinton Embodies the Democrats’ Unfair but Very Real Problem
That quote appears to have been written on opposite day.
No shit. That is hilarious.
” They’re the party that supports the ideas and policies that would actually improve struggling people’s lives,”
How much did those policies improve peoples lives during the 8 years that this glorious party held power? How was Hillary “Put them out of work” going to improve people’s lives?
They have always been and still are the party of slavery.
Just like California, it’s the fault of the obstructionist Republicans and the laws that prevent them from helping you in the most efficient way possible.
Yeah, they almost passed single payer, which is the best thing ever in history that would help people, and they couldn’t because of the 2 republicans in the CA legislature.
I heard that about Detroit being in ruins, a city where no R has held any office for nearly 80 years.
Or like how Baltimore has a racist police department despite no Republican being elected there in over 50 years. Those Republicans are really dastardly.
My favorite part is the “how the right plays cultural politics”. My God do these people lack self-awareness. Yeah, the right plays cultural politics but the left doesn’t. All the left wants to do is tear down every statue of a white male and ensure men can shower with 14-year-old girls at the gym.
I always love the assertion without evidence.
So terribly terribly unfair.
Cite your sources, TDB.
Question: How many cities under multi-decade long Democratic rule have fared better for poorer people?
Oh, it’s only the GOP that plays cultural politics. None of that whatsoever from the Donks, right? There is absolutely nothing advocated by that party that would repel working class voters if not for those dastardly Republicans?
In a vacuum, steelworkers and forklift drivers would be totally on board with “xir” and “gender fluidity” and mocking Christianity and repealing the 2A and marinating in white guilt….but those damned Republicans have fiendishly indulged in cultural politics!
They’re the party that supports the ideas and policies that would actually improve struggling people’s lives
Depends what you mean by “struggling”, I guess. If by “struggling” you mean the lumpenproletariat, well, yeah. And they generally do consistently vote for Democrats. If by “struggling” you mean the working middle class that actually does have more of a tendency to vote Republican, not really. The Democrats’ policies are largely focused on treating the two groups as identical and both as in need of being taken care of by the state. But, that isn’t what the working middle class wants.
They want to have jobs. They want to be respected members of their communities. They want to move up the ladder. They want to see their kids move into the middle class. They want to make sure that they’re safe from the criminals of the lumpenproletariat. What they most certainly don’t is to be lumped in with the latter. As much as Republicans don’t deliver on all the working middle class’s goals, they definitely don’t do that last part, unlike the Democrats.
I always thought that term was fucking hilarious coming from Marx… a chronically unemployed frustrated theoretician lacking sufficient proficiency in either manual or intellectual labor to earn his living, dependent on the charity of Engles while his children languished and died in poverty.
Hence his philosophy that people like him are entitled to the earnings of others.
Thus should be a bipartisan effort backed by the anti war left and the constitutional conservatives, if any of those existed.
Good luck Rand. Congresscritters hate voting on anything except meaningless virtue-signaling bills.
And Rand Paul continues to be the only decent Republican politician in office. Of course, he’ll be attacked by right-wing talking heads like Dennis Prager. “How dare he put our country’s safety at risk, especially on the 16th anniversary of 9/11!” Yup, we need American troops in every country permanently to ensure world peace.
Hey Mass Glibs, Lizzie Borden’s house is up for sale, with original windows, wallpaper, and bloodstains
It hasn’t been rennovated in how long?
And in Massataxes?
No thanks.
Looks recently renovated to me. Gorgeous interiors.
They don’t build them like that anymore.
That wallpaper could drive anyone into an axe-murdering conniption.
No bloodstains, the murder took place in another house which is now a bed and breakfast.
The murder of my joke, on the other hand , took place here
Gorgeous house, actually.
Glad to be of service.
Otherwise, life Down Under is well?
Yes indeed, although a bit busy. I trust all is well in your chicken coop.
Good to hear. Things are busy here. Some are good (non-work), some not so good (work).
Scam. She didn’t do the killing there.
The Thursday and Monday night football games were the most entertaining to watch by far this weekend. The Sunday games were an absolute snooze-fest. Also, I wish the prime time games started at 6PM here on the east coast… had to miss half of the second game on Thursday since it ended around 2PM.
Disagree. Watching Cincinnati Ginger get his ass chewed up and spit out was delightfully entertaining.
The Denver-LA game was OK once we turned the sound off.
I saw that a lot of people were turned off by the commentators. I think at this point I’ve gotten so good at selective hearing that the social signaling stuff goes right by me, I don’t even notice it. I can’t even remember hearing any of the stuff that was complained about. Then again, I did miss the second half the game since it took place between 12PM and 2AM.
Normally, I can do the same. But the chick they had doing play-by-play had one of those voices that was like pouring sulfuric acid into my earholes.
I just thought she was intentionally trying and failing to sound like a man. Seriously, she sounded like my girlfriend does when she tries to imitate what men sound like.
She’s from Syracuse. Everyone talks like that.
Watching Kansas City walk all over the Patriots’ Super Bowl party was awesome. The Patriots’ fans keep telling themselves that they always lose to KC in the regular season and this will be no different than 2014. I am not so sure. The 2014 game was at Arrowhead and the Chiefs just beat the hell out of Brady and didn’t give him any time to throw. Thursday’s game was at Foxboro and the Chiefs didn’t get any pressure on Brady until the 4th quarter when the game was no longer in doubt. The book on Brady has always been to have a team that can get pressure on him with a three man rush and then use the 8 guys in coverage to take away the middle and make him throw to the outside, which when under pressure he didn’t do well. The Chiefs’ tried that but really didn’t get any pressure on him. And Brady couldn’t hit the outside throws. The Chiefs dropped back 8 and took away the middle and made Brady throw outside. And Brady turned into a below average quarterback. Very few teams can get pressure with just a three man rush. But any team can put 8 guys in coverage and take away the middle of the field. Time will tell, but I think Tom Brady finally got old Thursday.
Tommy misses his little buddy Julian.
He seems to need a midget slot man to be able to succeed. It is odd that. They have a replacement midget in Amendola, but he is never healthy.
Yeah that was entertaining to watch. I wouldn’t write Brady off just yet though, its only been 1 game. I’d bet money that he’s going to bounce back from this.
Maybe. But he isn’t Christie Brinkley. He is not immortal. HE is going to get old at some point. And if not now, sooner rather than later. It is a young man’s game.
Norway’s rightwing coalition claims victory in general election
Prime minister Erna Solberg says voters had given her ‘a mandate for four more years’ after estimations based on 95% of votes cast show narrow win
I wonder what right wing means in Norway…
Taxing is limited to 59% of your income.
Left of Hillary, but not left of Bernie.
A Hillary/Bernie sandwich?
Varg Vikernes probably counts
Huh. So what we consider pretty far left.
In Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey, director Sam Dunn described Vikernes as “the most notorious metal musician of all time” due to his crimes as well as his political and religious views
Can someone most people never herd of be notorious?
Slammer knows him. Starter kit.
I love watching his videos. He does a lot of wink, wink, nudge, nudge stuff to stay just inside of the right side of hate speech laws. And he’s completely insane.
Varg made some of the best black metal albums ever.
Burzum- Filosofem
Typical left-wing European politics mixed with anti-immigration. Solberg has already said that she’s increasing border security and will shoot illegal immigrants trying to cross over from Sweden.
Don’t you pervs have anything better to do than look at boobs?
11 and 17 por favor.
What is better to do than look at boobs?
Defeat your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women?
Then look at their women’s boobs. It always leads back there…
Well, the point of doing all of that is to look at their women’s boobs.
“What is better to do than look at boobs?”
paging HM, HM to the courtesy phone.
35 is definitely a bunny-boiler
So is 16.
32 and 40
You gonna ask 40 to beam you up?
Beam is up, Captain!
She’s cooking Skittles
I don’t have time for an orgy today. I’ll just take #38 and #19.
#17 is a porn star whose name escapes me. I don’t know if she’s done hardcore, I’ve only seen softcore photos of her.
I like 26 today.
Another strong field.
I like 20 and 41. They seem to be real.
Question I’ve avoiding asking until now – what does FLBP stand for?
Too much duck face in this edition.
Future lower back problems.
FLBP: Future Lower Back Problems.
Otherwise known as giving strippers, adult actresses, and adult cosplayers their fifteen minutes of fame. My compliments to their surgeons.
Notice no tongue. It’s all for show.
That is one ugly dude.
When you are a woman and marry a chick who looks and acts just like a guy, you are not gay.
Odd resemblance to Nicholas Cage.
I am as straight as a guy can be. But honestly, I would fuck Nick Cage before I slept with that chick.
It is Nick, he identifies as a woman now. For tax purposes.
Am I supposed to recognize the name Mollee Gray?
A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit over who owns the copyright of selfie photographs taken by a monkey.
Under the deal, the photographer whose camera was used agreed to donate 25% of any future revenue from the images to charities dedicated to protecting crested macaques in Indonesia, lawyers for an animal rights group said.
Its lawyers and the British photographer, David Slater, asked the San Francisco-based 9th US circuit court of appeals to dismiss the case and throw out a lower court decision that said animals cannot own copyrights.
Well glad that’s settled
Fuck PETA. That was a straight-up extortion operation.
I wanted the precedent that said “Animals don’t own copyrights”.
In a world with loser-pays, this kind of suit would likely never get filed in the first place. Of course, the chances of the US going to loser-pays is about equal to the chances of me getting a blowjob from Laura Prepon.
It would seem to be a win for PETA. The case wasn’t brought to a full conclusion which would have found in Slater’s favor (I would think). Slater was instead wooed into settling so he could be done with the process. Next time PETA has this to point to when they want to bully someone.
How do they know the monkey supports charities dedicated to protecting crested macaques in Indonesia?
Anyway, the notion that animals could own copyrights is absurd on its face.
To the best of my recollection, the US courts ruled very early that the “owner of the camera” did not own the copyright for the photo. It was after this ruling that PETA sued to get the copyright awarded to the monkey. This was slapped down by the lower court.
This is why the media refers to the “owner of the camera” or “photographer whose camera was used” instead of “photographer”.
The camera owner is offering up a percentage of the world wide proceeds to stop the US courts from ruling on this again.
This is how you make a joke completely bottom out and run aground.
I think Bones owes us royalties on that joke.
So I went to enb twitter and from there to the reason story about bikini baristas fighting for their right to bikini barist. Which helpfuly linked their instagram, so it’s not a total loss
Needs more faces.
As I recall they sneered at us when we accused them of being the cocktail party crowd.
That page doesn’t exist! What did she say?
Was it about the sammich joke again?
She must have deleted the tweet.
Ah, I see. I’m sure she was getting lots of replies that she must’ve just loved. Hahaha!
Ah, thanks.
OK, thanks.
Yeah, Twitter links rarely work for me.
“Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!”
What did I miss?
RE: The antifa rioting story.
The article claims that Proud Boys is “overtly racist”. I have watched many of Gavin’s videos and I believe this is a mischaracterization; I’m perfectly willing to be wrong if anyone knows different. I’m genuinely curious.
I don’t get that at all from McInnes. He’s just not willing to kowtow to the prevailing PC script.
I don’t either.
For a second I mixed up Proud Boys and Sad Boys. I was gonna say, memerap may be cultural appropriation, but not overtly racist.
It’s bullshit. McInnes is openly womanizer. And?
McInnes’ youtube videos on The Rebel make me cringe.
McInnes has had alt-right people with legitimately racist and anti-Semitic views on his show before when he was on the Rebel, and he’s always come off as really uncomfortable in those interviews. As he said about one girl: “I think she overdosed on red pills.”
Rise in boats intercepted by Romanian coastguard fuels fears that smugglers are trying to reactivate dangerous transit passage to Europe
A dangerous new route for refugees trying to reach Europe is thought to have opened up in the Black Sea, which coastguards in Romania are warning could prove more deadly than the current Mediterranean crossings.
As neighbouring countries struggle with the refugee crisis that has seen millions flee conflicts in the Middle East, Romania has largely been bypassed. However the past few days suggest its waters are being eyed by smugglers keen to avoid crackdowns elsewhere.
Well we did feel so very unpopular, everyone bypassing us and such.
I really can’t figure out why desperately poor 3rd world people would want to sneak into Germany to get lavish benefits and complete protection for behaving however they want to.
+800000 rapefugees
When I get uncharitable, I ask when people are going to start going “fuck this noise” and start sinking migrant boats along with the migrants.
“the refugee crisis that has seen millions flee conflicts in the Middle East”
Plenty of those ‘refugees’ come from countries where there is no conflict at all. That kid who got drowned by his father’s stupidity was reasonably safe in Turkey before that. Merkel sent out a beacon by announcing that Germany would take in so many people in the first place. The result is that southern Europe is being overwhelmed by migrants from all over.
There will be (more) blood before this is over.
The only question is how much of whose.
“You know, instead of building a new HQ, Amazon ought to invest in a Thunderdome thats large enough to accommodate all of these antifa and right-wing nutballs.”
Whether or not Patriot Prayer are “nutballs” is in the realm of opinion. But they aren’t racists or fascists. They claim their cause is free speech.
I do so enjoy emails from The Nation:
So, not a swingers cruise then?
You too can hang out with the horse-faced, very definition of privilege known as Katrina vander Heuvel.
Actually, I’ll give vander Heuvel this, she has downplayed the Russia collusion bullshit compared to the rest of the leftists rags out there and has been roasted for it in the progosphere.
I’m trying to figure out who that is.
Reminds me of this.
Thanks. I was going to mention it, but didn’t have a full-text cite to it handy.
It’s one of the funnier pieces P.J.’s ever written. Especially the parts where he was getting his ass kissed by the local Soviet authorities, getting private tours of this and that, right in front of the earnest lefties on the cruise.
“Oh, he is a progressive,” said Nikolai. “You remember, Sonya, he has almost all Americans on ship ready to defect.”
Marya made a strangled noise in the back of her throat. Sonya turned very sober. “Progressives,” she sighed. “Everything must be made perfect for them.”
I miss P.J. O’Rouke.
Weimar American alert.
Convicted rapist claims he’s a woman, gets moved to a women’s prison. What could go wrong?
Surprised it took a convict this long to figure out.
The ones who get caught aren’t the smartest
The Pro trans people are just sick. What the hell is wrong with people?
“Let’s be clear: it is wrong and cruel to make female prisoners live with a rapist. Whatever their crimes, women prisoners have a right to expect the utmost safety.”
Because there is no rape in men’s prisons?
Anyway, does this convict still have a penis? People often conflate transgendered with transsexual. Although, where pre-op transsexuals should be sent to prison doesn’t have an easy answer.
There is a very easy answer. Fuck you, you are a man and you are going to a men’s prison. If you want to play dress up and pretend to be a woman, don’t be a criminal. As far a no shit had their dick’s cut off transsexuals, that is a bit harder. I think they probably belong segregated in a men’s prison. But if they don’t have a dick, they are less of a threat to women prisoners.
“If you want to play dress up and pretend to be a woman, don’t be a criminal.”
That’s retarded twice over. While I doubt I could get anywhere arguing about the first part, I know you know the laws that shouldn’t exist could fill a warehouse.
Anyway, MTF transsexuals are way more vulnerable in men’s prion, and FTM transsexuals are arguably more dangerous in woman’s prison. So there are issues there. Which doesn’t mean that anyone who merely claims to be transgendered should be sent to a different prison.
The fact that we send too many people to prison is undeniable. But that is just as bad whether those people are trans or not. So, one issue really has nothing to do with the other.
As far as them being vulnerable in men’s prisons, well too bad. I really don’t care. Efforts should be made to ensure every prisoner is safe. But, that doesn’t mean that you get to pretend you are a woman in prison. You are what your DNA and body is. What is retarded is people like you who buy into the idea that you can be a woman trapped in a man’s body. That is just irrational nonsense with absolutely no scientific evidence. And you would never believe such bullshit in any other context. You only believe it here because you think doing so is required to be “tolerant”
The answer to this issue is that trangenderism is a form of mental illness. And it should be treated like that. If you are too mentally ill to safely exist in a prison, then you need to go to a mental hospital. And that should be true whatever your mental illness is. Sorry, you don’t get to pretend you are a woman in prison any more than you get to pretend you are Napoleon or the Easter Bunny. If you genuinely and persistently do so, then you should be placed in a mental hospital where you will be safe and hopefully get some help.
Prisons should be crime based not gender based. If you have to separate the sexes do so in same prison. Violent criminals should be more segregated. Co-ed prisons could have a lot of negatives but there might be some positives too. (besides us paying less)
I don’t see how you could ever make coed prisons safe for women.
You couldn’t make them safe for men either due to rape accusations. Women in prison aren’t the most honest people.
Failing getting prisoners with gender dysmorphia to be sent to state mental hospitals, at least confine them to administrative segregation. Or, in lay terms, stash them with the stool pigeons, ex-cops, worst of the worst gang kingpins, and anyone else who’d get violated and killed horribly if they were placed with the rest of the prison population.
Then, six months later, we’d have to deal with a litany of suits about how bad ad/seg is. See, e.g., Pelican Bay prison litigation.
There’s no pleasing some people…
No there is not.
Then you’ll have tons of “bitches” and prisoners low on the totem pole claiming to be trans so they can get special treatment. I’m with the NC law; you cannot be considered the new gender until you’re post-op and have had your gender changed by court order. No more “I feel like a woman today!”. Fuck that.
“Then you’ll have tons of “bitches” and prisoners low on the totem pole claiming to be trans so they can get special treatment.”
Ad seg sucks.
“What is retarded is people like you who buy into the idea that you can be a woman trapped in a man’s body. That is just irrational nonsense with absolutely no scientific evidence. And you would never believe such bullshit in any other context. You only believe it here because you think doing so is required to be “tolerant”
The answer to this issue is that trangenderism is a form of mental illness.”
Yes, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. And I don’t mean that pejoratively. While how to treat it is in the realm of opinion. Saying there is no scientific evidence is simply wrong. At the current level of technology, it’s easier to change someone’s body than their brain. Meanwhile, not one psychiatrist believes in “easter bunny dysphoria”.
Regardless the reason, even if there are people who simply choose to transition in the absence of gender dysphoria, transsexuals exist. And there aren’t easy answers here.
And no, I don’t believe anything because I think doing so is required to be “tolerant”. I’m just mildly observant of objective reality.
Then we agree. It is a mental illness and people suffering from it should be treated like anyone else with a mental illness. Changing someone’s body may be easy, but there is absolutely no evidence it helps these people. They end up just as unhappy as they ever were after a short bit of euphoria after the surgury.
Exactly, the suicide numbers post-op are actually as bad or a little worse than the pre-op numbers. If someone was convinced they were a dog trapped in a human’s body, we wouldn’t “help” them by cutting off their thumbs and grafting on a tail and floppy ears.
How to make Steve Bannon look like Smeagle. Makes you wonder how often they pull this little stunt.
Good Lord they are slimy little fucks.
That sort of stuff just pisses me off. I don’t even like Bannon.
Steve Smith says immigration is going great in Germany.
This comes as a complete surprise.
Makes me sick. Germany was one of the safest, cleanest and high quality of life places on earth. They need to turn into Germans again. Go full German on these animals.
Well, it seems like we are arming everyone else, how about we arm the women of Germany?
I like that idea. German women, like all women, are often batshit crazy. I think arming every German woman with a semi-automatic pistol would take a lot of the fun out of raping the Infidel.
Aren’t they the ones who elected Merkel and support her policies? Or is this some kind of giant shit test to see if there are any German men left with balls?
“worst Chancellor ever!”
The only balls left in Europe are in Poland.
Quite a few in Hungary as well.
Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS, agrees.
The country is run by true useful idiots. They are deliberately trying to destroy their own society.
If it wasn’t for the federal system and the 2nd Amendment, they would be doing the same thing here.
This still hurts my brain. I can see it, see what’s happening and what they’re doing, but can’t wrap my head around why.
And I can see what makes people fall in with most destructive ideologies. They’re just usually not self-destructive.
There are too many instances of one group of people deciding to wipe out another in history to count. But, I cannot think of another instance where a group wanted to destroy itself.
They are emotional children.
I’m serious. Talk to politically active progs about any issue and close your eyes, forget their actual age and try to figure out their age from the way they argue and what they argue for.
They think like ten-year-olds.
I am actually struggling with a submission that attempts to explain that. It is going painfully slow but I think it might shine some light. It is pretty straightforward though.
I’m with tarran that a partial explanation is a childish, regressive world-view based on wishful thinking rather than observation and logic. It doesn’t go much beyond “I want the toy!”. I know there are other factors and it’s more complicated than that, but I think that’s gotta be part of it. That and years of brainwashing convincing them that their own culture is inherently racist and sexist.
I think our current education system is a huge factor.
I believe it’s the ability to lie to yourself that makes it easy to do. It happens a hell of a lot with my mom’s side of the family. My parents worked very hard to earn a decent amount of money, and retired 3 years ago at age 58. My grandmother, whose political views are very much shaped by rebellion against her parents (one old school doctor with practice in house, and a very Presbyterian, stereotypically cheap Scottish housewife and secretary), whether she realizes it or not, as well as being shaped by moving from Hawaii (less racist against minorities, more racist against majorities in the 1950s and 1960s) to Virginia (more racist against minorities) and the accompanying guilt of not being able to instantly change that situation (she is not one to merely throw her hands up at much, and was always a good worker, if odd in some habits from growing up in the Depression). As such, she is highly collectivist, and tends to side with her “less well off” children from my Step Grandfather, especially the baby of the family, who was an uncle at age 8. I understand why she helps him out so much (he works for the Smithsonian, his wife works for a govt. consulting firm), so they live in NoVa, and have huge living expenses relative to the rest of us. However, their living situation is from the choices they made, and my failure to see why I should bail them out with my tax dollars is a point of contention. We largely don’t bring up politics, because my grandmother does the childish thing a lot, on a lot of topics. My parents used to protect me from it, but my great aunt (grandma’s older sister) is going senile, and has always exhibited more childish behavior than Grandma throughout her life, but they both pull the same shit. The only thing I can think of is that they thought their parents were wonderful people, but horribly misguided in their views, and have “evolved” to not value the same things any longer.
It’s signals, Jerry, signals!
They tried to destroy their society twice between 1914 and 1945. They’ll do it now; third time’s a charm.
You never go full German
Is that the front or the back?
Also, I was fairly sure that was going to be a link to Church of Fudge
The Swedes have given up even trying to prosecute rapists.
I hate to go Godwin here but is this how you get Hitler? (hyperbole for fun) Am I wrong to think that the more the German government ignores this the more likely you can get a political figure to come up and tap into the unspoken truth and grab power?
There is a great documentary made in the late 1960s about the German invasion and occupation of France called “The Sorrow and the Pity.” One of the things that make it so good is that since it was made only 25 or so years after the war, the people who lived the war were mostly still alive and could be interviewed. The film interviews both French and Germans. They always ask the French and the German fascists why they became fascists. And every single one of them says it was because they were terrified of the Communists after seeing what happened in Russia and viewed the fascists as the only alternative.
Now, some of that is probably post facto rationalization. But, I don’t think all or even most of it is. The part of the story of fascism that never gets told is how murderous and evil the communists were and how fear of that combined with the complete fecklessness and incompetence of the liberals drove people into the arms of the fascists. They are recreating the same conditions in Europe now.
von Mises had a very illuminating passage that people occasionally link to in an attempt to paint him as pro-fascist that goes into this.
The whole essay is worth reading, because he basically says that fascism is a dead-end; that it will be defeated eventually by the communists; and that adoption of fascism guarantees perpetual war and barbarism.
The bit that people like to link to is the very end. And usually it’s a very surgical quote:
They don’t like to quote the following bit, because it generally torpedoes the notion that von Mises was an apologist for authoritarianism:
This was written at the time when the fascists hadn’t genocided anybody, and the Soviets were busy slaughtering anyone who opposed their rule, or farmed efficiently, or was a clever businessman, or was related to someone who was doing well.
All he says in defense of fascism is that the people involved in it “mean well”. Pretty fucking ironic that the same people who have used that excuse for the hundreds of millions of murders committed in the name of Communism call him a fascist for that.
“They always ask the French and the German fascists why they became fascists. And every single one of them says it was because they were terrified of the Communists after seeing what happened in Russia and viewed the fascists as the only alternative.”
Coming from a place where the Spartacus Riots were a thing, and damned near de facto took over Munich, IIRC, I can see why opposing political gangs gained popularity.
Almost happened here too, depending on how much you think the Businessmen’s Plot was mere puffery, and how much was because the plotters had the bad luck to approach General Butler instead of, say, MacArthur.
Oldie, but a goodie
The problem with how men perceive rape
Wherein the author claims rape because she fucked a rando she thought was cute online (she read one of his funny tweets!) only because she was too uncomfortable to end the date early on.
So she fully consented to sex, could have ended the date hours before it even got physical, and didn’t think it was rape until much later? And they honestly wonder why no one believes their bullshit campus rape statistics
“The problem with how men perceive rape”
The problem is that men take rape seriously and don’t see it as a something that should be claimed just to get attention.
I perceive rape as forcing someone into sex against their explicitly expressed wishes, usually violently. I do not perceive it as a woman too passive to speak up so she puts out as a path of least resistance. Her date cannot read her mind.
What, men can’t read minds?!?!?!?!?! This baffles women everywhere.
OT: or not? Yesterday I checked into the cost for me to insure as an “individual,” in other words, not as a group/employer since I am self-employed. Yearly cost for self, spouse, and minor child: roughly $14,400 for the year. This is double the cost to insure from the current year, as I was told by a benefits person in my emails.
Sounds about right based on what I pay for a family of 5.
I hear from my clients on their medical insurance amount when I attempt to calculate child support, and I hear a lot of different answers. Current client with 5 to support pays a lot less than this, but she works for a large employer in the area. So I realize that insurance is a risk/ payment analysis, but I think the payment here is too much right now.
No, no, you’re doing it wrong. I was assured your insurance would go down $2500 per year.
Yeah, Elspeth! What part of Affordable is so hard for you to understand?
Direct costs like this makes single payer look like a good idea. Of course *taxes would have to go up the ying-yang to do this, but that’s a more “hidden” cost.
*like that ever stops pols from spending more
Single-payer = single-denier
It was nice to see AP last night.
Fun to root against that fucker.
Good game though, huh?
It was great! I tuned in late, and saw two Stefon Diggs 1st down catches right out of the gate. Who is that guy?
A young guy who is maybe figuring it out.
He was channeling Randy.
Diggs was supposed to be exciting last year, but Bradford has basically zero protection last year and spent the entire season running for his life so Diggs never really got to shine.
Diggs is fantastic. Unfortunately he stayed home at Maryland, so he didn’t make a huge splash in college, but he is an athletic freak who will be a top WR1 by the end of this year.
I love Kyle Rudolph’s nickname: “Rudolph the Red Zone Reindeer”
America’s secret role in the Rwandan genocide
The violence that shocked the world in 1994 did not come from nowhere. While the CIA looked on, its allies in the Ugandan government helped to spread terror and fuel ethnic hatred
On TOS years ago, someone recommended Legacy of Ashes. One of the overdrive libraries I have access to had it on audiobook, so I downloaded it. It’s a (negative, skeptical) history of the CIA. I’d like to say I’m shocked and appalled (I’m still in the 50s era), but I really have not been too surprised by the shitshow, immorality, wretchedness, and total lack of care for non-American human lives.
I may have been the one who recommended that. That book is great and should be required reading by every American. Have you gotten to the part where they tried to blackmail the American in Ambassador? The CIA had bugged the residence of a woman Ambassador to a country in South America (I forget which). They thought they had the goods on her being a lesbian. They had all of these tapes of her cooing and baby talking to someone with a female name every night in her bedroom. It turns out that they were taping the woman talking to her dog. Only someone with an Ivy League education could be that stupid.
I am not to the blackmailing yet, but, wow, I am not surprised by that story. I saw a History Channel or something like that show of the many attempts and gadgetry to assassinate Castro. I thought that showed CIA ineptitude, but this book brings ineptitude to whole new levels.
I went looking for that book and saw he wrote a book about the FBI as well. Have you read it? If so, what did you think of it?
I didn’t know that. I will have to look for that. And no I haven’t read it.
My reply to this #AmplifyWomen condescending bullshit hashtag.
Oh noes, my twitter feed contains no women.
Wait, I don’t use twitter.
What does that mean for my lack of virtue?
Well how do you expect to sell book if you are not on twitter? Rookie move man
Simply being on a platform and shouting into the void doesn’t make people see your message.
If I joined, I’d have just as many people following me as I do now – 0.
If you don’t tweet pictures of your arsehole, then what do you expect?
Just a little enjoying life note. I’m a nurse at a hospital. I came to work last night and discovered that there was a staff dinner party (these happen every so often) and the theme was sex. There was the “O” (pizza), wrap it before you tap it (pigs in a blanket), R Kelley’s Pee (lemon fanta), Pound Me Hard Cake (pound cake), Blue balls (some sort of dessert with blue icing), pencil dicks (thin pretzels) and several other clever dishes. The patients and acuity of my unit can be pretty intense and frustrating, but damn if I don’t work with some hilarious, good co-workers.
Fun! (and healthy! LOL)
Which unit do you work in?
We are in the process of becoming exclusively abdominal organ transplant only (still a couple of years away), but for now we are abd transplant and surgical overflow (mainly traumas like gunshot wounds), some GI, and some vascular. I really like the transplant patients. The new lease on life someone gets from a new organ is really beautiful.
That’s awesome! Nursing is in my top-5 most admired professions.
The traumas usually drive a lot of the stress and frustration either with their drama or the greater work they demand.
That is awesome.
HR complaint! Offensive! Wrongthink! DESTROY!
The benefits of night shift HR can’t be bothered to work anything, but M-F 9-4
9/11 jihadi to US in just-released footage: “Your blood is delicious for us and your meat cheap”
“America, where shall you escape? The sea is behind you, we are in front of you, and there is no way out. If you accept Islam, you shall be safe and Allah will give you your reward and the reward of those after you, or else just wait for us. With the permission of Allah, we are coming to sever your heads, rip apart your bellies and make you fall over yourselves. You will be looking for rescue and there will be no way out. There will be no solution for you except death and then even more death,” he continued.
“We have longed for your beautiful lands, for its streams and trees, palaces and lakes. We have resolved to tread upon your lands and embrace the maidens of paradise on your soil. Your blood is delicious for us and your meat cheap. We are thirsty and nothing shall quench this thirst except your blood, nothing shall satiate our hunger except your meat. There is no stopping what has been decreed by Allah.”
Religion. Of. Peace.
The guy had lived in Chechnya and Afganistan and the fucking INS gave him a student Visa. Whoever approved that Visa should have gone to jail for accessory to mass murder. How could you be that stupid?
Oh, it gets better:
U.S. Official Who Issued Visas to 9/11 Hijackers Still Works for State Department
Springmann, former head of the visa section at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, told PJM that Shayna Steinger approved 11 of the visas granted to the 19 9/11 hijackers. Fifteen received their visas at the Jeddah consulate.
“Despite her issuing visas to terrorists and giving equivocal answers to the 9/11 Commission, Steinger is still an FSO,” Springmann wrote in his book.
Springmann said he was never given an official reason why he was fired by the State Department in 1991. He requested the documentation used to support the government’s decision but says he never received anything. To this day, he believes he was fired because he denied visas to individuals in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia, who submitted applications from 1987-1989 that raised red flags.
So they fired the guy who denied visas to questionable people an kept the one who gave visas to suicide terrorists.
Top. Men.
Conquest’s third law: “The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.”
I am not surprised. The state department is a mess. Remember the underwear bomber? That guy’s father called the US embassy in the Netherlands I think and told them that his son was a dangerous nut and to not give him a Visa. They still gave him one. No kidding. Had he been a bit better bomb maker, he would have taken a wide body jet down over suburban Detroit.
And the FSB warned the US about the Tsarnaev brothers. Then again, how many other, so far harmless people have they warned about?
Of course he does.
an FSO vets Visa applications? i knew people in college who took the FSO exam (it was a really big deal to them). very intelligent nerds. i’d think this Visa job would fall to an LEO who liaises with Interpol and is a more practical hardass.
The FSO has final say about a Visa. Even the Secretary of State cannot overrule their decision. No kidding.
Every FSO starts in consular. It’s like FSO boot camp, or hazing. It’s a dues-paying exercise.
Maybe he just didn’t want to be sued by progs for “discrimination”.
Didn’t the Saudis give him a clean bill of health? Along with the other 19 pieces of shit? Who I’m sure totally didn’t have a single jihadist thought or action come to light before they moved here.
While the U.S State Department could certainly stand to have the Potomac diverted through its corridors, we might want to save some of the water for our “allies” overseas.
Come on Ghost, it is not like the Saudi embassy didn’t fund a dry run for the 911 hijackings or anything.
That is straight out of some 7th century savage’s mouth. These people are not civilized. Hillary was going to bring 1,000,000 of them here in her first term.
You are right John, if not for the 2nd A they would be doing the same here. That is why they want to get rid of it so badly.
These people must be stopped.
What’s peculiar is that even the Taliban has adopted things like cars, guns, phones, etc. They’ll use modern technology but they’re bitterly opposed to the worldview that made it possible.
Somewhere in the back of their minds, there must be a nagging thought of “if we’re so smart, why didn’t we invent these things?”
Insh’Allah explains all. It is the will of Allah that the infidel has invented these great devices (with, don’t you forget it, great contributions from the Muslim empires of the past) for us to use to kill the infidels.
Islam only makes sense as devil worship.
America, where shall you escape? The sea is behind you, we are in front of you, and there is no way out.
*hysterical Cartman laughter*
Allah = Satan
nothing shall satiate our hunger except your meat
Well, I don’t really roll that way, but . . . .
This made me smile.
Helmets using ivory from boar’s tusks were known in the Mycenaean world from the 17th century BC (Shaft Graves, Mycenae[1][2]) to the 10th century BC (Elateia, Central Greece). The helmet was made through the use of slivers of boar tusks which were attached to a leather base, padded with felt, in rows. A description of a boar’s tusk helmet appears in book ten of Homer’s Iliad, as Odysseus is armed for a night raid to be conducted against the Trojans.
Although the number of plates required to make an entire helmet varies – anything from 40 to 140 can be required[3] – it has been estimated that forty to fifty boars would have to be killed to make just one helmet.[
Diane Lane owns the over 50 class. She is still ridiculously hot at age 51.
She looks good but Elizabeth Hurley owns the over 50 class by a mile.
I don’t think so. Lane has almost as good of a body and a better face. Hurley is hot but looks a bit too British for my tastes.
Liz or my personal fave.
Is she over 50? I would take her over Lane but not Liz.
She’s 51. And awesome.
Ok nevermind, Salmita crushes Liz with one boob tied behind her back.
Hayek wins going away. Really no contest.
Between Hurley and Lane, it’s probably a matter of taste and place. Liz looks like the type of wife an 80 year old real estate tycoon has/the ultimate cougar. Lane looks like the hottest woman at the Chesterfield, Missouri PTA meeting*
*that’s not a backhanded compliment to Lane. She looks great, but she also looks much more “motherly” than Hayek or Hurley
I don’t think she looks motherly. I think she looks classy. She doesn’t seem to have had any bad work done. She looks her age but doesn’t look the least bit tough or trashy. Lane doesn’t look like anyone I have ever seen in the suburbs. She looks like the ultimate hot wife. The woman is so hot and so well put together even the other wives you know can’t hate her even though they desperately want to.
I don’t think motherly and classy are mutually exclusive. My point was that she looks like a really hot version of a mom or wife in the suburbs. Yes, she is obviously way hotter than your average hot milf, but she is in the same vein as that type of woman. Hurley and Hayek look like bombshell pinups.
Not that one is better, but that’s a pretty fair and obvious distinction imo.
I guess in a woman over 40, I prefer that look. In a young woman sexy and wild is great. But it doesn’t age quite as well.
Also, I have a soft spot for Lane who is just about the only crush of my youth who is still smoking hot. A lot of the other 80s babes haven’t aged so well.
What, no love for Elle Macpherson?
Yes, please.
I think Elle is in a different class. She is in the Christie Brinkley, there is no way a human being can age that well class.
Hurley all the way.
Monica Bellucci you tools!
Another time, McLeod!
Archeologists are intrigued by the discovery of the complete set of well-preserved bone armour which is seen as having belonged to an ‘elite’ warrior. The armour was in ‘perfect condition’ – and in its era was ‘more precious than life’, say experts.
It was buried separate from its owner and no other examples of such battle dress have been found around Omsk. Analysis is expected to determine its exact age but Siberian archeologists say it dates from 3,900 to 3,500 years ago.
Siberia in 2000 BC. Wouldn’t that make them Aryans?
The proper term these days is “Indo-Iranians”.
“The Siberian Times”?
Todays weather – cold with a 30% chance of atmospheric fireball from falling rocks.
“Currently the experts say they do not know which creature’s bones were used in making the armor.”
I bet I can guess.
Did someone say, Lizzie Borden?
Lol. Canada and liberals are not very intelligent apparently. Giving money to china to help fight climate change. China isn’t interested in actually doing anything
Justin has his own little foundation game going.
$2 billion to China meanwhile they’re looking to smack small business with their insane tax proposals.
Trudeau and the Liberals are repugnant.
That really is insane.
Not very intelligent? I see leftism as a certain sign of stupidity.
And hate and envy
Hilary Clinton’s alternate nostril breathing
Huma rejoices.
Jesus Christ. Are they going to keep this amoral, unprincipled, cunt-witch in the news until we all commit suicide?
They think if they run enough hagiographic pieces on her, she’ll become president through the miracle of feelz.
Sounds like a device is waiting to be made. Alternative nostril breathing assistant, sync to your smartphone and everything. You could buy a HRC endorsement.
Whoever wants to run with that, you are welcome.
Not until smartphones can read minds.
Count, people don’t want to practice and develop a technique, they want a device to plug a nostril and the phone to beep at them! Maybe play some rainfall music to.
That’s a good point. Most of the people who do yoga aren’t doing it for spiritual reasons. And HRC seems about as enlightened and peaceful as a stuck pig. Real Pranayama takes work. So just add social networking to that app so people can signal other people about their practice.
“So what exactly was Clinton doing when she practiced this technique?
What it looks like, according to YouTube tutorials”
They couldn’t find someone who actually understands Pranayama?
Who cares? Other than Lena Dunham, who cares about this shit?
Some day that Lena Dunham Hillary Clinton sex tape will get leaked and the internet and porn will never be the same.
Fuck you for putting that in my head.
Such a tape would be one hell of a treatment for porn and sex addictions. I can’t imagine ever wanting to see porn or have sex again after seeing something like that.
The tape’s not necessary. Just the mental image has already driven to self-castration. Thanks a lot John.
John needs cat-butted.
Twas projectile vomiting too much to find one.
So I’m walking on 44th st and what do I see? A Broadway production of 1984 is being shown!
I have to go see it.
I’m not much for meeting people on line but I know no one in real life who’d be interested in this so……? Ny glibs?
Why do I have a bad feeling that Big Brother is going to be played by a Donald Trump look alike, Oceania is going to be run by Coprorashuns!! and Winston is going to be the victim of runaway capitalism?
Now that would be perfect. You should submit that script.
I was thinking along similar lines, where Winston and Julia are teabagging white supremacists. Im going to have to do some reasearch before I pluck down my $
How does the left figure to make single payer work when California and Vermont couldn’t?
Are all the other states significantly healthier and have more money?
my friends in Vermont assure me they could have done it but the governor got scared and the big companies in vt talked him out of it.
not kidding.
So Vermonters are really itching to triple or quadruple their taxes? Sounds legit.
Well, there’s a new governor now, so maybe enough realized.
How does the left figure to make single payer work
First, define “work”.
This trip is a terrific way to support The Nation’s journalism while contributing to the conversation yourself.
You will be joining Katrina vanden Heuvel, Joan Walsh, John Nichols, Patricia Williams, Dave Zirin, Dorian T. Warren, Victor Navasky, Stephen F. Cohen, the Rev. Dr. William Barber II, Calvin Trillin, and Tom Tomorrow, with more speakers soon to be announced.
The Nation’s annual cruise offers its passengers an opportunity to meet, plot, and break bread with Nation writers and editors and other like-minded progressives from coast to coast. There has never been more critical a time for the future of the progressive movement. And the cruise has never been more critical for The Nation.
Don’t forget to pack an anvil. You’ll be glad you did, when you throw yourself overboard to get away from those nattering nabobs.
In the good old days of the USSR, the Nation would be cruising the Volga seeing the wonders of the People’s Socialism. Since Russia is now the enemy who stole the election, I guess they go to Cuba? North Korea?
Just make sure to bring your own toilet paper.
They sell 2lb anvils.
How does the left figure to make single payer work when California and Vermont couldn’t?
Some thing something impossible denomination coin.
Checking in. Right now I’m pissed. I’m one of a half dozen employees who showed up for work to get the credit union up and running. We have no power but the system and phones are down. I have no tellers although they both have power and no damage. One teller texted me that she would give us all call later because she was in the middle of breakfast with her family. I have no power, cable, phones at the house. I have no way to get in touch with my 86 year old mother (she came home yesterday morning early) and this person isn’t coming into work because she’s too busy having breakfast with her family. Did I mention that she’s a grown adult with no kids at home? My cell phone finally came up late last night. But the damage wasn’t too bad. One big tree down but it missed the house. My son came over and cut it up yesterday so my place looks a lot better than most of my neighbor’s. All and all I am grateful. Note to to my fellow Glibs: a generator does no damn good if you run out of gas six hours in. I’ll be buy more gas cans once everything settles down.
I’m still glad you survived the storm
Glad you are ok and fired up. Eat some crunchy peanut butter to calm your stress level.
Sounds like your orphans think its a holiday. Time for a crack down.
Oh, they will rue this day. The credit union decided to close at noon so all is well or will be in twenty-five minutes but their disloyalty will not be quickly forgotten. I probably would have been okay if she hadn’t a)mentioned that she never lost power and b) that she was eating breakfast. Wrong thing to say at the wrong moment. Those two will be polishing monocles until their fingers bleed. And then I’ll laugh. On a pleasant note, my CEO stopped by Friday afternoon and told me that I was getting my review today and that I would be “very, very pleased”. He came by today and asked if he could put it off until tomorrow because of everything going on. I gave him the old “don’t worry about it, I understand completely” and scored a few brownie points that will hopefully count towards next year’s review.
Nice, I hope you get a raise that beats inflation several times over. Meanwhile, I hope your orphans continue to make less than $0. May they work for the scraps off of your table!
I managed to blow my brownie points in one fell swoop. My boss put out a teller drawer just in case I “needed to use the bathroom”. Just as it was time to lock up he said he was going into a quick meeting with the CEO and that he would lick everything up afterward. I was about ten minutes from home when I got a text from the CEO that said that the vault was left open and unarmed. I’m guessing that my boss, being completely not used to having a cash drawer, left right after the meeting and forgot about everything else. Ultimately it was my responsibility so my fault. One more thing to punish the orphans for.
Glad you’re OK.
Good luck getting gas. I rent and sell generators and this is always something that I emphasize. If you can’t fuel it, don’t bother buying it.
Do they make kerosene or propane generators?
Are they cost compeditive?
I was looking at fuels that store well, and those were the liquid/gas that rated most stable and readily available.
You’ve got three options other than gasoline; diesel, propane, and natural gas. If you have natural gas service, that’s the way to go. If you have a decent sized propane tank (100 gallons or more, preferably 500), that’s the way to go. Diesel is typically for larger generators and not recommended unless you have access to a fuel service.
For some reason, I don’t turst the natgas service to be reliable in an outage. I could be wrong, but I also live in New York, where quasi-government utilities are not renown for their competence.
As far as cost competitive goes, this is a good choice. It’s portable and can run on either gasoline, propane, or natural gas. It’s not chinese crap either.
How much do I actually need, electricity wise? That depends on winter vs summer problems.
Depends on what you want to run. HVAC is notoriously demanding. Most people want fridges and freezers, TVs, some lighting, and a fan or two.
Best thing to do is figure up everything running on 120V (add the amp requirements) and then the 240V requirements. From there you can estimate what it’s going to cost and whether or not to adjust your needs.
Don’t forget that if you want to run the power thru the house wiring you have to install a switch.
I’m the sort of person who’s going to want a separate cable for the generator line so I know what’s on it and to remind myself that it’s burning fuel.
Of course, I haven’t figured out the best place to keep one that avoids A: theft and B: Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Theft is always an issue if you’re in an urban area.
I’ve seen cases where thieves took beat up lawnmowers, started them and left them next to where the generator was so you wouldn’t hear when they shut the generator down.
We’ve looked at the natgas/propane whole house generators. They live on a concrete slab. I swear, these have gotten a lot cheaper over the last several years – 20 Kw with the automatic switch for less than $5K is about half what I recalled from the last time I looked.
Dang. I’ve been considering getting a transfer switch installed so that I can connect my portable Honda gas generator to my well pump — having no water when the power goes out REALLY sucks — and it’s around 1K to have a manual transfer switch installed. If I could get a natgas generator for $4700 including that switch it’s very tempting to do that instead.
I have a gas well on my property. Part of the deal with the gas company is that I get a line to my house off the well that u don’t pay for. My natural gas fueled generator can run for as long as there is still natural gas being pumped from beneath my land.
that’s a helluva deal. when was that negotiated?
In the early 70s. They don’t do that anymore. when I bought the mineral right to my land, the contract came with it.
I’ve learned my lesson. I don’t know why I though three two gallon gas cans would be enough. Mom offered to let me siphon gas from her car but I was having visions of swallowing gas and decided to pass.
I think I warned about the generators back when everyone was preparing. I learned that lesson during Katrina. It is a waste of money.
Glad to hear from you!
I”m happy you made it, Carol. Do you have customers trying to get into the bank?
We’ve been really busy. I am manning the teller line since my tellers didn’t show up and it has been a real treat with no system. I have an offhost balancing sheet that shows customers balances as of 9/10 so I’m sort of winging it off of that. We’re a small credit union (60 million in deposits) so we really try to cater to the members we have. On the other hand, everyone who has come in has been super patient with me.
If you ever need a job, reach out to me. I don’t work in banking, but that type of dedication and ingenuity translates to almost any service industry.
Thank you. I’ll keep that i mind.
That’s wonderful they’re being patient with you. I hope it lasts for a bit. I imagine they’re just happy they’re able to get at their money, and thereby relieve at least one of their worries.
With you checking in, that’s about everyone of the Glibs in FL who has checked in post-storm, isn’t it?
Sorry for your lazy employee. Still, glad you’re okay!
Glad to hear from you.
I support establishments with their own bathroom policies.
The state forcing companies to allow whoever to use whatever restroom is kind of concerning. From the state perspective and pervert perspective
Of course the progs think the concern is trans people when for me it isn’t really them but wouldn’t this mean I a guy could go into women’s locker room at a gym and no one could question me as I can just identify as a women for the day or non sex such that i just use either or on a whim
I mean at the gym I go to dudes just walk around naked in locker room (I don’t) so not sure how it is in women’s
I envision the island of Sapphos.
a guy could go into women’s locker room at a gym and no one could question me as I can just identify as a women for the day or non sex such that i just use either or on a whim
Sometimes, things work better in theory.
That rule was supposed to help young transgender kids in North Carolina somewhere–and stick it to the bigots in the South. It wasn’t supposed to let men in Seattle undress in front of your daughter at the swimming pool.
Maybe the courts will understand that the people of Seattle aren’t southern rednecks. They’re tolerant. So they don’t need the government to force them to accept men undressing in front of their daughters in the locker room, right?
Isn’t that how the law works?
Just read somewhere that a convicted rapist got transferred to a women’s prison because he was now identifying as a woman, and that subsequently some kind of disciplinary action was taken against him – nobody is saying why.
a guy could go into women’s locker room at a gym and no one could question me as I can just identify as a women for the day or non sex such that i just use either or on a whim
Tell them you identify as a towel hook.
Sandusky identified as a football recruiter.
What you identify as shouldn’t make a goddamned bit of difference.
Wow read the first sentence…dear lord
I have noticed that most commie rags have stopped accepting comments. I wonder why that is?
The Guardian turns off comments on articles where the great unwashed might express WrongThink. It keeps them on for articles on subjects where the scummy proles can safely be allowed an opinion.
“What’s worse rape or racism?”
Well, considering one is a set of personal beliefs, wrong as they may be, and do not imply any sort of action on the part of the belief-holder. The other is a traumatic, violent assault. Well, wrongthink cannot be tolerated, and rape is just an expression of multi-cultural diversity so racism is worse going away.
Sargon ranted about this–for twenty minutes.
That’s brief for him.
Yeah, he does ramble on. I need a new quasi-lefty youtuber.
In so far as she states that the problem of pedophilia and rape goes beyond Pakistanis in Britain, she is correct. The Brits have a longstanding tradition of abusing youngsters of both sexes in boarding schools and creating shitheels like Gary Glitter, and Tony and Julie Wadsworth.
That does not, however, absolve the Pakistani population of being a cultural hotbed of abusers and child rapists. And it is the height of disingenuity to suggest that this is simply misogyny (and intimate somehow that this is a result of Western values) when young boys are abused as well.
As far as drawing equivalences between racism and rape, the author can rightly go fuck herself.
If Sandusky Identified as Pakistani he would be free today.
Meh, I can’t get too exercised about this, having actually read the entire article. This, on the other hand…
“What’s worse, rape or racism?”
Two thoughts come to mind: First, let’s hold you down and subject you to both, then you tell us which is worse. Second, while a writer may be insane enough to pen that quoted statement, where the fuck was the editor who thought, “Yeah, let’s lead with that in our nationally read newspaper.”
I can only imagine that Britain must be OK with this, as they continue to put up with it.
It is a complete logic fail. Why is racism bad? Because it is the root cause of bad things like rape. Racism in and of itself is not bad. It is the bad things that come from it that make it undesirable.
I may have mentioned this before but I see leftism as a marker for stupidity.
It’s part of your greatest hits collection.
No mention of how many hits, followers, visitors or whatever.
They still cant figure out why they lost.
And let’s not talk about the long relationship Russia has had with the left and the funding Putin gives to US environmental groups in hopes of hamstringing US petroleum production. Putin is former KGB. Whatever connections he has to the West are on the left.
And they would like to continue hiding that.
How is this any more of a bombshell than the millions that Soros connected groups give antifa, Women’s March, various watermelon organizations etc. etc.? Oh, that’s clean and noble money used for righteous purposes. SMH.
Haha I know. I was more making fun of the big big big comment
It isn’t
Bombshell: Obama used taxpayer money to fund Netanyahu’s opponents in an Israeli election.
“announcing an Aug. 27 rally in a rural Idaho”
Because rural Idaho is the key putting a Democrat in the White House?
How long til we find out comeys October surprise searching emails was really deleting evidence?
The bar counsel decided not to investigate this case and has that discretion when they deem cases to be frivolous, Rhode told the judge.
Harris asked her to explain how the case was frivolous, but Rhode said she could not do so without releasing confidential information. Rhode and the attorney generals office declined to comment due to ongoing litigation.
I can’t believe that attorney had the balls to say that to the judge. The attorney is charged with investigating wrong doing by members of the bar. The judge is asking her why he decided to not pursue the case. There is no “confidential information” in such an instance and everyone in that courtroom knew that. She might as well have told the judge to go fuck herself. At least that would have been honest.
What I find interesting is if comey actually planned to exonerate her BEFORE giving immunity and doing interviews?
That tells me immunity was so they could destroy evidence
The judge can’t move to hear the evidence in camera? Judges hear confidential information all of the time.
This sounds like a dog and pony show for an unsophisticated media to unthinkingly repeat. IOW, the fix is in.
That is what they wanted. But the judge ordered the investigation to proceed. So, the judge at least isn’t buying it.
The AACo circuit court is pretty conservative, by and large. Not entirely, but more so than most Maryland politicians, and individually there are some very conservative judges. They’re also unused to hearing the word, “no”, and have the legal authority to really fuck with someone’s day if they don’t turn that “no” into a “yes” toute suite.
And that was the moment shit got personal. You don’t “big time” a circuit court judge. The funny thing is my uncle-in-law is a judge in that same circuit, so I know several of the circuit court judges. I’ve actually met Silkworth (who is mentioned later in the article) and ran across Harris a few times. The big thing is that, for as much as Maryland is bluer than hell, those guys are pretty conservative, all things considered. But more than that, they are incredibly powerful people. A circuit court judge can ruin your day, man, and they’re used to their word being law. I imagine the more the other side tries to handwave this away the more these guys will dig their heels in. And God forbid they start getting a little curious about the case.
Like I said above, I am amazed that attorney had the balls to say that to the judge. I don’t care how much of a hack a judge is, no judge likes someone pissing on their desk like that.
You would think even the worst judge would think “confidential = not frivolous”.
Here to help
The commission adopted its ordinance with a 3-2 vote. The new regulations lay the groundwork for the 500 to 550 short-term rentals city staff estimate are operating in Bozeman — though they say the number of rentals vary depending on the time of year.
The new rules come with a $250 annual registration fee and a one-time $225 fire inspection fee. Some homeowners will also see a $1,508 fee for an administrative conditional use permit.
Don’t pretend you can make use of your property as you deem fit. They’re only trying to protect you from yourself. And don’t worry, those fees are totally not about revenue generation. That money will be used to administer the new rules. Seriously.
Conditional Use Permit? That means it can be turned down for any reason and it’ll require a public hearing to get it. Those homeowners will be lucky to get the permit–paying for it will be the easy part.
Are hunting licenses transferable? I bet an average hunter in Bozeman can make bank every weekend, in season, offering a license, a room to stay in, and to be a guide.
I would not expect Montana’s non-res hunting license to be transferable.
MT antelope is on my bucket list alongside several African varieties. That is one beautiful animal.
Hunting licenses are not transferable. The best you can usually do is get a “group” license that allows anyone in the pre-identified group to use the license.
Hope Hicks. Now that’s the kind of mouth piece the government needs. Yowza
No wonder the left is pissed…they hate Russia because Russia prevented the United States from becoming the Russian Soviet Union
Sloopy is absolutely right, the NFL should be having doubleheader Monday nite all the time. I was thinking this yesterday. They should eliminate the crap fest of Thursday nite football and make most Mondays a doubleheader. It was nice being able to see the end of the first game and all the second game last night. Also, they need to change the timeout rule. Icing the kicker should be allowed like it always has, when the kicker is taking the field or warming up. Having it happen after the center takes his stance is pretty lame.
Nah, because since I live on the east coast, I have to miss the second half of the second game.. which is worse than missing the first half of a game.
Do you regularly watch the abomination known as Thursday Nite Football?
I do think the second game should be largely West Coast and Midwest teams.
If the matchup is interesting or I think its going to be a high-scoring game, I’ll watch it. I don’t have a favorite team so I’m watching a lot of different ones this season. I am officially swearing off the Redskins until Snyder is no longer the owner.
Check out the Raiders this year. They have one of the most exciting offenses in the NFL right now.
I did watch a few of Raiders games last year since my buddy is a hardcore fan. I was sad to see Carr get injured after such a great season. I might check out their game next week against the Jets, but the main game I’m going to watch is Rams vs. Redskins. I am rooting for the Rams to beat the Redskins since I like Sean McVay a lot more than I like Gruden. It’ll be fun to watch the McVay destroy his former boss’ team.
Do they make kerosene or propane generators?
They make diesel generators, which *I think* could burn kerosene. They definitely make propane and natgas generators. I read something a while back about a company making emergency generators incorporating a Sterling engine, which sounds promising. I think the problems with older Sterling engines have been solved by materials technology, but I’m not an authority by any means. They would be quieter, which is a giant plus.
The massive power outage reinforces my belief that we fucked up by consolidating the power grid into such a centralized monster.
I wouldn’t recommend putting kerosene in a diesel engine. You’ll kill the fuel system.
Stirling is a novelty product. You’d be better off going with solar panels and batteries.
Once upon a time people lived without electricity. You would be better off spending your money on essentials like food, water, cooking gas, flashlight batteries and first aid supplies. A chainsaw, plenty of oil and gas for it and an extra chain is a good thing to have around too. Just tough it out until the power comes back. It usually isnt very long, no more than a month or so.
People lived without indoor plumbing for most of history too, but you can take my porcelain from my cold, dead, hands.
Well I did warn our Florida Glibs to fill their bathtubs or hot tubs or whatever reservoirs they might have so that they would have toilet flushing water in case the water system failed. I cant argue with you there.
Gas lines rarely get cut during anything short of a huge earthquake. They make generators that run off natural gas and hook right into your home gas line. That is about the most reliable thing you can get. The problem is that they cost between $15,000 and $20,000 installed. And that is a lot of money for something you might use once a year.
Gasoline engines are not difficult to convert to run off natural gas.
The problem is that they cost between $15,000 and $20,000 installed.
They are cheaper than I thought – 20Kw with the switch to run your house off of it is $6K (linky above, somewhere). I’d be amazed if it was more than $2 – 3K installed. And 20 Kw is plenty for almost any house, AC included.
Dead thread I know – but my parents house that they just bought has one. Since the live out in the sorta-country, it’s a nice thing to have – already used twice, once for a three days as we got hit by a windstorm.
Yes, you can get a trifuel generator for $500 that will run most of your house if you are smart about what’s on. They can use gasoline, propane, or natural gas. I have one that I got from Costco and store propane for it.
Home heating oil is diesel, if you have natural gas, or use propane go that way, if oil heat, use diesel & you can pump extra from that tank. I use a PTO generator off of my diesel tractor
Wait, I thought billionaires could afford the best lawyers?
–“The tycoon is at the centre of a corruption scandal, in which current president Michel Temer is also accused of planning to accept US$ 11.5 million in bribes from the meat processing company.
Under the plea bargain, Batista and his brother Wesley admitted to paying more than US$ 192 million in bribes to approximately 1,900 lawmakers, according to the LA Times.
The brothers were granted lenient treatment in return for Batista revealing all he knew about the alleged scheme.
The billionaire had reportedly made a secret recording in May of Temer admitting to paying bribes to a Brazilian politician. However, as his lawyers were sending the evidence to the prosecutor’s office, they mistakenly attached a recording that incriminated Batista, the BBC reported.
In the four-hour recording, which was leaked to the press, Batista and Saud discuss crimes they hadn’t confessed to in the plea deals and had hid from prosecutors, according to Reuters.”__
Corruption in Brazil? Now I’ve heard everything.
David frum shows why he is a maroon
If there is a dumber group of people than the “Fredocons” as that one guy calls them, I am hard pressed to name them.
As annoying as it may be, I think “cucks” actually captures it pretty well.
the next time i rewrite history, i hope it’s as gloriously unhinged as Frum’s attempt.
The nation of Canada continues to thank you for taking Frum off our hands.
I really don’t get it. But the woman in that picture makes thinking clearly a bit difficult. Wow.
Ted Cruz’s account liked a porn tweet this morning. I don’t get why its that big of a deal.
Everyone loves boobies. It is known.
She is apparently an actual porn star. When did porn stars get so hot?
Even discounting the possibility that it was an intern, hitting ‘like’ on a porn posting is not really an offense.
If it’s something I’m not going to be bothered by for an average citizen, I’m not going to have a special standard for a politician.
Unless it implies hypocracy. I don’t recall any anti-porn screeds from the senator, so my response is ‘meh’.
A funny thing is that the actress purportedly in the “liked” photo, Cory Chase, is much more known for MILF roles than for portraying the ingénue type you’d expect as an intern.
I’ve seen her work, but I’m also not someone who courts social conservatives like Senator Cruz.
She is very hot for a porn star.
Makeup is an amazing thing. https://imgur.com/gallery/ynkv8
Though some of the ones in that imgur gallery remind me of how a wag described Tinder recently: “It’s a pound. You know, a place for dogs nobody wants.”
I couldn’t find her in that gallery. Most of those girls are fugly even with makeup. And a few of them were actually pretty cute and looked better without the makeup.
At least give the guy a happy ending.
I have trouble imaging TSA agents as anything other than the worst of our society. True losers in every sense of the word. It might be bad, but I really do consider them to be sub-human.
I would put prison guards below TSA agents. People with an authoritarian streak who are too stupid to even become cops.
I use a wheelchair when I travel, so I always get the pat down. I can’t imagine it getting any worse than it was this summer. Yet here we are. Fortunately for the next year I neither have the need nor the money to fly anywhere.
Once upon a time people lived without electricity.
True enough, but in my case, it would be really handy to be able to run the well pump, even if just intermittently. Running the generator non stop until you’re out of fuel is not a sensible course of action.
Ah the electric well pump. I am familiar with that problem. Yes, generator can be handy for that. Having a manual pump as a backup. My brother ran into that problem in rural Florida a decade ago. They had drinking water in bottles but to shower they had to wait until it rained and then stand outside under the valleys in the roof.
Here in rural Louisiana I have the problem of no well at the house and our parish water system runs on electric pumps. I keep a rotating supply of bottled water and 2- three stage water filters: five gallon buckets with A) sand then diatomaceous earth B) 0.1 micron filter and C) activated charcoal. I tried it out then tested the water. The bayou water comes out cleaner and better tasting than my tap water. I have two of these set ups. I figure I could supply a hundred people with drinking water for a couple of months. Fortunately I haven’t had to.
Paging Tundra and his Holiness…
Lol. I think they are just mocking us.
Wait, I thought teenagers having less sex was a good thing? Or maybe not? I can’t keep up with the desires of our betters.
Its only a problem once the population declines to unsustainable levels.
Nope, only a problem till the median age in a country exceeds the retirement age. The old people don’t need to die off before the lack of young replacements becomes a problem it is a problem when there are not enough young replacements to meet societies needs which include caring for all those geezers.
Realistically if it were not for WW2 the axis powers would all be dangerously close to that point. They have the 3 highest median ages on the planet (not counting a couple of tiny states in Monaco, the US Virgin Islands, and St Pierre/Miquelon) at 46.9, 46.8, and 45.1.
All 3 also had large portions of the generation born in the 1920’s through the 1940’s killed in the war and those people would be in their late 60’s to late 80’s today. Had they not been killed in the war then there would be a few hundred thousand to maybe in Germany’s case a million more pensioners pushing the median ages up into the 52 – 55 year old range.
When you are looking at a country with 40% of it’s people being retirees you have a problem
It’s only a problem when you have government funded pyramid schemes taking care of them. If those people were conscientious and saved their own money, there’d be no issue.
Yes there would.
The government funded pyramid scheme makes it WORSE but there is still a problem because it shifts the balance of spending in an economy away from investment/savings and towards current consumption which would have the effect of inducing price inflation. It would also cause a problem of creating a very tightly constrained labor market because there would be fewer new workers coming into the workforce than leaving it but demand for goods would remain close to the same but the labor pool supplying those goods shrank.
Which means you’d have wage inflation. The young would be raking in the dough and have enough excess to be able to afford having more children.
So, less sex, more mentally unstable?
I’m thinking there may be a connection.
Hookers for everyone! For the mental health benefits.
RE- plumbed in natgas generators: don’t the utility companies shut off the gas as a “precaution” in major disasters like floods and hurricanes? You know because fire danger?
the gas meter on your property has has a pressure switch on your side of the meter. If the pressure drops below a certain threshhold, indicating a leak, the valve to you property shuts off automatically.
Rarely. Too many institutional customers that require 100% uptime.
Ursus Horribilis, nature’s own terrorist
A grizzly bear mauled a woman at a private ranch in the Tom Miner Basin north of Gardiner on Saturday morning.
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks said in a news release that the woman and two other people were near a dead cow when the mauling happened.
The woman laid on her stomach when the bear hit her, a measure meant to protect her vital organs. The bear bit her legs and back. The other two people with her used bear spray to stop the attack.
It’s the second mauling in less than a week. Last Monday, an archery hunter was mauled by a grizzly in the southern end of the Gravelly Range.
It’s that time of year.
Nature. SMDH
The other two people with her used bear spray to stop the attack.
I wouldn’t be in grizzly country with anything less than rifle.
I went deep into bear country in Alaska maybe 16 years ago. The guide told us to always fight back if a bear attacks, never pretend to be dead. He said if a grizzly bear charges, it’s to test to see if you run or drop because humans are not typically viewed as prey. If you stand your ground then 9 times out of 10 the bear will leave you alone. If it keeps going and attacks then you are fucked anyway and might as well have a chance fighting back then get killed while cowering.
He said if a black bear charges, then it’s usually to eat you and to prepare yourself to fight for your life. Lying down will just get you eaten. I remember hearing about two black bear attacks in New Jersey. One was on a hunter who killed the bear with his Bowie knife. The other was a student from Rutgers who thought it was a good idea to harass the bear until it turned and killed him.
I have a friend who has lived up in Alaska for about 20 years and does a lot of hunting and says the same thing. He says that Grizzlies are more show than go. They will charge you and then stop just to screw with you. Black bears charge less often and are less aggressive but when they do charge they are coming to eat you. He considered black bears to be the more dangerous of the two, which surprised me.
Some times the bear is just as surprised as the person: https://youtu.be/8jRTrRxamxQ?t=33s
The look on the bear’s face when it realizes there’s someone else in the tree, and they don’t have any food, is hilarious.
From the comments:
It surprises me too.
I mentioned this in passing the other day but now I will elaborate. I live very close to one o fthe largest wilderness areas in the south and we have black bears. A couple of years ago one showed up in downtown Colfax and trapped a bunch of customers in the Dollar Store.
Less than a week ago I was walking around in my front yard talking on the phone when I heard a strange noise. The first thing that popped in my head subconsciously was ‘Bear’. Then I thought no, that cant be right. I do live adjacent to woods and a bayou but it just seems unlikely. There is a mile or two between here and the wilderness area. I figured I imagined it or it was a gator croaking. About 20 seconds later my wife came running out of the house and ran up to me with a terrified look on her face. “What the hell was that noise? Did you hear it.” She was really terrified.
“Huh. I thought I was nuts. You heard that from inside the house? Let’s go in.”
I have had the trusty .375 winchester loaded and propped up in a handy spot ever since. I also have no figs on my fig trees. I glance around a bit before letting the dogs out.
By that I meant that my figs mysteriously disappeared from one day to the next. All of them.
These euphemisms…
” I also have no figs on my fig trees. ”
The wine from one of the Turley winery’s vineyards (Black Sears Vineyard, IIRC) has a stylized bear paw print on the top of the bottle’s capsule, in honor of a black bear that made a pest of itself eating very ripe Zinfandel grapes before harvest. At ~28 Brix, (hell, given it’s Turley Zin, it was probably more) the sugar content of these grapes is, ballpark, two to three times as concentrated as Coca-Cola.
I’m told that Deer are about as bad.
My muscadine vines are inside a fenced area except for four. I only ever get muscadines off of the fenced in vines. It is a fenced in area for my dogs and so is full of dogshit. I figure the smell of the dogs keeps the critters out.
Do you still have lemons?
Uh, now that you mention it, I dont know. They aren’t ripe yet so probably yes. I will go check in a bit.
Watch out for those lemon stealing whores
“a student from Rutgers who thought it was a good idea to harass the bear”
To be fair a lot of other good ideas do come out of Rutgers.
From what I recall it was a foreign student who had absolutely no knowledge of bears.
He does now.
I remember that Rutgers attack. The guy was with a group of friends too.. thus proving the old adage: i don’t have to run faster than the dog, just faster than you.
They misspelled large-caliber gun.
“Well here is some weird-ass shit.”
Somebody buy that kid a bandanna!
This popped up in my BookBub recommendations for this week. Kindle version $1.99
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edited and Abridged)
Edited, abridged, and with a critical Foreword by Hans-Friedrich Mueller
From a well written review of this Kindle version:
I don’t know why, but the name “bookbub” rankles.
It is pretty lame. Not sure what it’s even supposed to mean. (the “bub” part, I understand the “book” part…)
It’s a long u, as in tube.
A couple years back there were a few ‘intersectional’ historians pimping the narrative that ‘economic inequality’ was responsible for the collapse of the Western empire. It didn’t gain much traction in the cynical historical field.
yer welcome
She’s already got two guns on her chest.
She’s changed the caliber though.
less felt recoil.
I’ll feel her recoil anytime.
Tragic. A crime against nature.
Wrong thinkers must be destroyed.
“Come get some.”
Earth is the center of the universe. The science is settled. Anyone teaching otherwise should rightly be jailed.
Disease is caused by an imbalance between the body’s four humors; there’s no such thing as germs. The science is settled!!
You can tell when someone has a winning argument if they have to bully people into pretending to agree with them.
Lysenko would be proud.
“the link between hurricanes and greenhouse gas emissions.”
That link would be what exactly?
The article clearly makes mention of the fact that Atlantic waters are normal temperature.
““Activists have been frustrated with record number of polar bears, no acceleration of sea level, the Pause, no trends or declining trends in extreme weather and the public’s apathy,” said Mr. Morano, whose book “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change” is slated to be released in February.
“Trump has added to all of that, and we are now seeing them blow their gaskets in frustration,” he said.”
The scam is up. This is the last tactic of the con artist – to display anger and behave in a threatening manner in an attempt to bully the mark into opening their wallet. These fuckers, I swear. Could they be anymore transparent?
One of the screeds in question
The fact that he has the gall to cite not only James Hansen, but 1988 James Hansen is astounding.
Gaia is angry because we aren’t commie enough? Imagine that.
In case any pinkos read this let me give them a hint: You aren’t going to get your glorious revolution. Hillary isnt going to be president. There will not be a commie utopia in the US. It wont work here. Americans wont accept it. We have our second amendment and we aren’t giving it up. Give it up already.
The thing that really galls me about the watermelons. If you want to reduce CO2 production and you don’t want people to be impoverished, then our energy needs to come from nuclear and natural gas. The answers these nuts provide are the same ones I’ve heard since the oil embargo of the ’70s when I was a ute. Wind, solar, hydro-power (discontinued as it kills the fishes) etc. Suthernboy is right, they need to give up the commie playbook and that’s even assuming they’re right about global warming much less if they’re wrong.
They are liars. Everything they want is to dis-empower the individual. Environmentalism is aimed at destroying the ability to create wealth. High taxes are to prevent people from accumulating or keeping wealth. The tranny/gay rights thing is to destroy the family. Gun grabbing to destroy your ability to defend yourself. Every one of their causes is designed to make you helpless.
This isnt about the environment. It is all a lie. It is about enslaving people, plain and simple. They want their boot on your neck.
I’m pissed because this crap has ruined a generation of SF.
Rosie O’Donnell found in London sewer.
Hot girl walks down the street naked to prove toxic masculinity, or something. Not sure exactly what she was trying to prove, other than LOOK AT ME!!
Marginally SFW.
What kind of a sick society do we live in where a young lady can’t walk around in pubic naked as part of a publicity stunt without getting leered at by men?
I did notice that those men dont appear to be Italians. Call me crazy but I am guessing they were born on the other side of the Mediterranean sea. I dont think we are getting the full story here. I am betting they were specifically the subject of her experiment. She was trying to prove they are just as civil as native born Europeans. Well, she got her results.
What kind of a sick society do we live in where a young lady can’t walk around in pubic naked as part of a publicity stunt without getting leered at by men?
So problematic!
Check your penis privilege.
Every morning!
Recent years have also brought abundant evidence that shifting to wind power, less meat-heavy diets, and other climate-friendly alternatives would result in lasting economic and health benefits: more jobs, less inequality, cleaner air, stronger communities.
If we ban mechanized large scale farming, we’ll create millions of jobs. Hard work, outdoors; what could be more healthy than that? And the food shortages will wipe out the obesity epidemic.
Do I have to think of everything?
I work much harder by digging holes and filling them in than the CEO of Apple, I should get paid more than him!
In their honor I am about to grill some all-American hamburgers on my gas grill while my wife sits in our air conditioned house watching her fantasy movie on our big screen TV. I give them the one finger salute.
Homesteading for everyone. Well 90% of the population. The other 10% can set themselves up as some kind of elite with titles and rituals or something like that.
I figure it’s more like homestead for 49%, 1% elite and the other 50% gets liquidated.
Soylent Green
That first statement is provably false. Hell, allegorically I can say that in the past year I’ve probably quintupled my protein intake, largely by eating meat, and I’ve both lost fat and gained muscle. Plus, I’ve got a lot more energy. I could easily throw the vegetarian two cubicles over a good five yards. I’ll take a community of meat-eating Neanderthals over a community of eco-friendly vegans in a fight every single time.
Also, inequality is no more a problem to be solved than gravity or thermodynamics. But thanks for outing yourselves as watermelons, hippies.
what’d your cholesterol numbers do over that time period?
Oh, Great Master Brooks, Can we plastic-bag anyone we deem unsuitable for our agrarian utopia?
We’ll get our horsepower one horse at a time, just as God intended. No more suburban sprawl.
$2000+ rent for everyone!
Life sucks
MSNBC’s Katy Tur describes her experience on election night in 2016 in a new book, revealing the emotions she felt when it became clear Donald Trump would win.
In an MSNBC excerpt from her new book “Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History, she begins by saying “I’m about to throw up.”
When Tur was told by a colleague that Trump was planning victory rallies, she writes, “My head is a helium balloon. Breathe. The panic mounts. More rallies? I am nearly falling over. More taunting crowds, more around-the-clock live shots, more airports, more earsplitting Pavarotti . . . I can’t. I just can’t.”
I was there to jeer and taunt, but the tables were turned. Help me, Hillary!
Obviously, Hillbot was the objective choice. That explains her totally objective reaction to the results.
Check out little miss racist pretending to empathize with the rubes.
I find it hard to believe that these people are that stricken. It sure explains a lot. I am glad they are though. I am really enjoying their misery. After 8 years of watching Chocolate Jesus fuck our country in every way he could while they snickered this is the best ‘fuck you’ possible.
Now, someone try and convince me that the TDS over at TOS is because those people were certain that GayJay was going to win and the disappointment knocked them off balance. It’s not because they were closet progs who voted Hillary, right?
schadenfreude rising..
Oh, Great Master Brooks, Can we plastic-bag anyone we deem unsuitable for our agrarian utopia?
Plastic? Are you nuts? We’ll just feed them to the
pigsprotein bank.inequality is no more a problem to be solved than gravity or thermodynamics