This is a difficult morning. Much beer last night while being given lessons from Swiss Servator on the proper technique for drilling holes in blocks of cheese. “NEIN, NEIN, DAS IST NOT KORRECT! MORE ANGLE!!!!” in his best Sgt. Hartman screaming voice. I admit that I was surprised at some of the subtleties involved, like frequent changing of drill bits so that the holes varied in size properly.
In any event, this will be a beer-themed day on the Glibs as you will see. But first, let’s look at the news.
Apparently there’s a feeling in St. Louis that a trial verdict was not properly arrived at. Indeed, it does seem a bit… suspicious. Interestingly, rather than the mob attacking the judge who felt that a cop saying he was going to kill someone, the cop shooting the guy five times with a, ahem, nonstandard weapon, and then planting a gun, was not sufficient evidence to sustain a “guilty” verdict, the mob decided to attack the mayor’s home. The logic of crowds will never be something I understand, I’m afraid. This passage in the news story is telling:
Since Ferguson, police shootings or other uses of force — and decisions not to charge the officers in most of the cases involved — have set off heated protests in New York, Baltimore, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Charlotte and other cities across the country.
What do all these cities have in common? I’ll let the commenters answer that.
London cops have arrested someone who should be charged with incompetent bomb-making. As of this writing, the suspect has not yet been named, but they did say he was an 18 year old male. At 18, my friends and I were extremely skilled at ordnance, and we would have turned ourselves in out of a sense of embarrassment for fucking up an easy task. If we’re betting, I’ll take the “under” on the kid being Amish.
We can always count on California politicians to beclown themselves, this time with efforts to prevent Trump from being on the presidential ballot in 2020. Because democracy, right?
“It’s time for Californians to have a louder voice about who is going to lead our country,” state Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), said during a legislative hearing on his bill to move the state’s 2020 presidential primary from June 2 to March 3.
Because having more electoral votes than any other state is clearly insufficient for Dickie. No reason to let those hicks in the other 49 states to have a say, they might make the wrong choice. Kalifornia Uber Alles.
If I were tortured by the memories she must have, I might kill myself as well.
I admit it, I like this guy. It’s always fun when the mask slips and the Progs on TV are discovered to be closeted Mrs. Grundys.
Finally, the obligatory music. SP and I have been spending a great deal of time in Wisconsin and have grown to love the culture, the accents, and that way of life they have. Oh, and the beer and cheese. If we could escape Chicago and move north, we would. This is absolutely charming.
“Because having more electoral votes than any other state is clearly insufficient for Dickie. No reason to let those hicks in the other 49 states to have a say, they might make the wrong choice. Kalifornia Uber Alles”
That was my thought as well. As for the case of president having to release his tax returns. I don’t care, but I could see it not passing a court test. Anyway the only way to make California relevant (like my dear state if Utah) is to not be a shoe in for one party. Donald already knows he’s going to lose California, so why bother?
My first first
You should frame it.
You never forget your first time. Awkward, embarrassing and disappointing.
Speak for yourself
Awkward, embarrassing and disappointing.
Plus, you’re alone.
And your ass hurts for a while
In fact, removing him from the ballot would take the “we won the popular vote” brag from the table.
Republicans aren’t really on the ballot in California anyway – not in the sense that they expend any real resources trying to win votes in the state. So blocking Trump from the ballot would only validate the argument that the reason the dems are winning popular votes is that the Republicans are ceding New York and California without a fight.
It’ll pass a court test because it’s constitutional under the FYTW clause.
I always forget that clause. That district judge from yesterday’s links believed in it. About the only clause he used
::looks at constitutional requirements for being president::
Yeah, there’s no fucking way in the world this passes any legal challenge.
Also, it’s ironic this will only apply to presidential candidates and not a single other office. Jerry Brown, after all, refused to release his tax records in 2010 and 2014.
“What do all these cities have in common? I’ll let the commenters answer that.”
They are all in the south. (Except New York, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and Chicago) Therefore racist Republicans.
We did our share of polka and schottische this summer in Wisconsin. The last of the first generation Americans from my in-law’s family passed away this summer. They grew up going to barn dances in the nineteen teens and twenties, so they always danced up a storm at family reunions. The stories were great, and they danced the younger generations into the ground. It won’t be the same without that anchor to the pre-electric culture.
When my wife’s grandmother was 89 we were at a family reunion dance and sometime around 2:00 am she was standing all alone next to the band tapping her foot… so I asked her to dance. 5 minutes later I was breathing hard trying to keep up as she spun her way across the floor to a brisk schottische. They really loved their dance. She told me some great stories about chasing boys in the 1910’s. I learned that what seems quaint to us when presented on a PBS period drama was anything but quaint at the time. They partied hard, just like any other group of teens.
But what is different today is the generational separation. The polka culture saw the entire town coming out for dances together. All generations at the party together.
Wonderful story and sociological observations!
The best part of the story is what she told me the first time we danced. On my first “meet the family” trip, my then girlfriend taught me how to polka – best I could manage – and sent me over to ask her grandmother to dance. After whirling around the floor for a couple of dances we went to grab a beer…. and she said, “You dance wonderfully….. what dance is that you were doing?”
When I told her it was the Polka she patted my hand and replied, “Oh, it was a lot of fun, but that isn’t the polka.”
Laughed my ass off and then had her teach me. I still can’t polka worth a damn.
Her story of how she caught her husband of 70 something years ended with the tag line: “I wasn’t the pretty one, but I was the fun one!” I liked the cut of her jib.
I dated a few Latina women and the culture has a lot of similarities. Multiple generations getting together to eat and dance the salsa. That way of doing things has a lot to be said for it.
I spoke to some young college students* when I was in England this summer and they asked about a few American things. They were on their way out to a nightclub later so we made a few relevant comparisons, drinking age, etc. They said they and their friends all started going to pubs at a very young age, around 14. Their parents found out… and decided to go along and chaperone their drinking. These were normal suburban types. I don’t think anyone here would let kids that young drink, let alone in public, nor would the kids want to hang around with parents there. The generational separation you mentioned reminded me of them. It seems like a much healthier way of doing things.
*I had a short time abroad and am very friendly with strangers, so I figured I’d choose conversations with those who happened to also be young, female, and cute.
In Wisconsin it is legal for underage children to drink, as long as they are with a parent. Doesn’t happen so much at bars, where it is still legal, but at home it happens all the time.
In Wisconsin, people stop on the way home from the grocery store to have a beer and a bump (which is whisky, not cocaine). And many a rural bar can be found to have kids running around while their parents have a drink.
The little pub is very important in rural winterland. It is very removed, culturally, from places like Atlanta or Washington DC.
The first building built in each town was the church, the second was the bar. Wisconsin has a lot of bars.
This is why we love Wisconsin.
The town I live outside of has 500 or so people. 3 churches and 5 bars. Another bar like a mile out of town, and three more bars within 5 miles of town (not even counting the Indian casino has several bars).
Interesting. Very different where I grew up (north FL). Bars are a bad place where people go to sin. I think I’d like it in Wisconsin.
And as I posted not too long ago, they drive their snowmobiles drunk.
In Wisconsin and Minnesota, a good rule of thumb in small towns is to count the churches and add one to get the number of bars.
Yep. From my experience I’d say that goes for the entire upper-midwest.
Now I want Kroll’s. Have you ever been Mike?
I love, love, love Krolls. Awesome knoephla soup!
Sit down und eat!
When I moved to NoVa, one of the movers here was a former Bison football player. We bonded over our love for Kroll’s.
Unfortunately the closest one to me is in Fargo, so I don’t get there near as often as I’d like
I dated a few Latina women and the culture has a lot of similarities. Multiple generations getting together to eat and dance the salsa. That way of doing things has a lot to be said for it.
There’s actually a larger cultural affinity there that’s got a delightful and weird history. And it also makes Oktoberfests in LA (and I assume the SW and Texas) a riotous mix of straight German and Norteño music.
I briefly lived in San Antonio. The first time I heard tejano music my reaction was “da fuck is that? A polka?!”
I’m going to be out that way for a work conference next month. Any recommendations?
It was 20 years ago.
Ah, maybe not then.
By the way, I filed away the French bread recipe, but haven’t had a chance to bake anything other than quick muffins to keep my sourdough starter fresh for the past ~2 months. If the weather stays garbage today I’m going to give that a shot.
But Playa keeps assuring me there’s never garbage weather in your neck of the woods.
“garbage” being relative here. It’s 73 (23 for our surly Canuckistani neighbors) and partly cloudy. It’s been running on the warm side and I’m glad we’re slipping into fall weather.
I usually joke that the weather in our area is never actually bad, but it’s rarely great. It’s a constant state of “ok”.
It does always bring a little smile to the face to be somewhere where polka music is being played, an old couple slowly and cautiously waddle out to the dance floor with tiny old people steps. Then, bam, the music starts and they’re hopping around like teenagers.
California primaries being earlier will likely hurt Democrats more than Republicans by pushing them further left.
But California needs to assert itself into politics!
i’m sure someone has probably given a reasonable answer to this question before, but I’ll ask it anyway. Why aren’t all the primaries done on the same date? Seems ridiculous to me that the first several states can result in candidates dropping out of the race that might very well have performed quite well in other states.
I think it’s good they are all not on the same day. But they shouldn’t be in the same order every year. Why is New Hampshire always first?
Because the primaries ate technically state elections, not federal, do each individual state determines their own rules for them separately. The feds have placed some restrictions and guidelines, but mostly left the process alone.
“[W]hen I first heard ‘boobs’ from a grown man on national television (in 2017!!!) my initial thought bubble was: ‘Did I hear that correctly?? There’s no WAY he just came on my show and said what I think he said. … DID HE?’” Baldwin wrote in the piece published by CNN.
I can’t believe it’s 2017 and a journalist is writing an oped that looks like a diary entry. Three exclamation marks? I mean if we are going to talk about professionalism let’s hear it on both sides
In a serious note, while I believe that this is unprofessional, I thought 2017!!! Meant we could do lots of unprofessional things like baselessly accuse people of being Nazis and racists.
I can’t wrap my brain around the idea of boobs as a pejorative.
She’s never watched 70s Match Game?
+2 bazooms
Yes, because as time marches forward, men will become less interested in breasts.
Lord I fucking hate the prog “It’s !” argument; mainly because it’s not an argument at all. It’s a reiteration of their dimwitted “right side of history” and “inevitable evolution of society” Marxist horseshit.
Somehow the (year) from my quotation disappeared. Oh well.
Well, what do you expect? It’s 2017 afterall.
“Where are my sex robots? It’s 2017!”
Here you go.
“you can make love to today”
Because it’s in the shape of a human, it’s “making love”. Interesting. I wouldn’t think that a woman would “make love” to her dildo.
Also, LOL at the one that ejaculates. I wonder if the volume is an adjustable setting?
After a bit of amazon researching, that particular product linked to this:
Egads, who knew such a product existed? Outside of porn, what is the use? Just put in a little effort and get the real thing.
Well, it sounds nicer than saying “a human looking doll you can fuck today!”
It’s a textbook case of bumper sticker logic. It always reminds me of when Trudeau was asked why he wants to create a “gender-balanced” cabinet, and he said, “because it’s 2015!” What the fuck is that? It’s not a rational argument at all; it’s just an unproven premise that every desirable career field should be at least 50 percent female.
This seems to be actually true.
Is there anything Millennials can’t fuck up?
Also: “breast-related searches on Pornhub amount to 1.5% of inquires the site receives”. That can’t possibly be right.
Could just be that searches for big tits/breasts/boobs/juggs/etc turns up too many fake breasts, like Q’s FLBP posts are filled with. People got sick of it and decided to stop doing searches based on boobs. Also, big butts are as big a turn on as big breasts.
I’ll take a skinny girl with a small ass and A cups over a fat chick every time.
my theory is every time attractive fleshy women (or more likely the guys who oggle them) come up with a new term it’s rapidly co-opted by the saggy bags of cellulite. You can’t search for big natural breasts without a deluge of flabby cauliflower.
One thing that amazes me is that is not the first time the guy has said this. In fact it is a fairly common thing for him to say. In the segment that probably got him the spot on CNN, he said the exact same thing.
So either CNN is incompetent in preparing their guests\hosts, or this is completely made up controversy.
The answer is yes.
I’m guessing both.
This being early on Saturday, I wanted to give CNN the benefit of the doubt.
“I can’t believe it’s 2017 and a journalist is writing an oped that looks like a diary entry.”
Welcome to 2017. This is how people who spend a majority of their time on social media write.
Our Founding Fathers agreed with Travis, btw.
*thunderous ovation*
Consider that stolen.
“I’d show her my John Hancock. Right in the middle!”
To paraphrase Terry Pratchett, anybody using three or more exclamation points is certifiably insane.
I’m pretty sure he cut it off at “more than one”, and I’m in full agreement.
*LH is having a garage sale today – everyone is invited! Will take guzzoline instead of cash or gold.
*More like LH’s wife is having a garage sale and I’m moving stuff out of the house.
Anything I’d be interested in? Like, you know, things made of glass and metal?
No glass – though my last garage sale, before the move to this house, I did ditch some tubes. I was a little pissed when my wife let a whole box full of stuff go for $10 when the tubes were supposed to be priced individually. That’s what I get for turning my back for one minute! Luckily it was only some Russkie stuff, a pair of not-so-good Tung Sol 6550s, and some of my “how can I destroy these?” testing tubes.
Luckily I pulled the pair of 1950s Dutch Phillips – how did those get in there?!!? – EL34s before that sale happened.
Metal: McIntosh 2100 going at a bargain price!
$20, and that seems overly generous for a boat anchor like that.
It ’tis at that. An Adcom 545 that I picked up for $150 handily beat it – at least to my ears. But hey, at least the Mac looks cool 😉
You need two pairs for a stereo amp, at least for a proper one. But I bet they’ll do well in my guitar amp.
I’ll give you $5 for them, which should be enough for you to retire, given cost-of-living where you are. I know, this seems awfully generous, but that’s the kind of fine person I am.
I finally got some non-drug assisted sleep last night – 8 hours! – which is a nice change of pace. My SO and I went out last night – Lebanese food and beer ‘n’ wine.
You used both “wife” and “SO”. Two different people? 🙂
Hey man, it’s the 21st century!
Your doing it wrong. Try like this:
“I can’t believe that in 2017!!! you are asking me a question like that!”
The Lebanese do some of the finest food in the Middle East. They were fortunate to be occupied by the French rather than the British or Germans, and it shows.
Mmmm, Chateau Musar…
We went through piles of that back when it was like $15. It’s… not conventional. The ’70 is maybe the finest red wine I’ve ever tasted, drank my way through two cases of it. The last bottle, sadly, was the best.
Ironic that a de facto Muslim country can make some of the best wine; there is a Lebanese cafe here that stocks various varieties and they are all delicious.
Fortunately, the Maronites are well-entrenched there.
But this is also the reason that I think Israel should never cede the Golan to Syria- it would be a tragic waste of superb terroir since a similar Christian influence does not exist in Syria. (no terror-terroir puns needed)
Question: Have you been able to find any (((wine))) that remotely compares to Lebanese? There is a Kosher section at the local liquor emporium but it all sucks.
There’s some great Kosher wines (e.g., stuff from Royal like Weinstock), but the best ones are made in very much the squeaky-clean Davis style. Which Musar very much isn’t.
The closest I can think of would be some rustic stuff from the south of France (also Cinsault-Syrah) or the Mourvedre-based wines from Bandol. But “closest” doesn’t mean “close”- Musar has some weird oxidative-bacterial qualities that are sui generis. And they seem to be immortal, with the ’64 and ’70 drinking really well, despite stunning amounts of ullage.
I’ll check it out, thanks.
I haven’t had it since the price skyrocketed.
California could have the loudest possible voice when it comes to electing a president if they’d just secede and elect their own.
^^This guy get it.
On the Baldwin/Travis controversy – I like that he isn’t backing down. It is about time that people started standing up to this nonsense. She seriously writes:
Boobs? Your jaw hit the floor because he said boobs? This was shockingly different, so different that she had to cut his microphone.
Yeah. Somehow I don’t believe that she hasn’t made a more off-color remark herself in the last week. I’m glad that it might finally be OK to start telling people where to stick it when they are completely unreasonable.
Soave had Soave article about this controversy over at Reason. He was typically Soave in his signalling. With all of you guys missing, only about 6-10 people called him out on it.
“start telling people where to stick it when they are completely unreasonable.”
I can’t believe in 2017!!! That you would make a remark (to a bunch of men) insinuating where to place their phallus. *Swoons*
Related Song
He should’ve called them fun bags
Sweater meat.
Of course you reptiles don’t have to worry about that.
He should have said, ” You are Fake Boobs”
I’m thinking they’re real.
/completely misses point
You are fake, boobs
Blouse clowns
Q: How do you make a pound of fat look amazing?
A: Put a nipple on it.
The internet tells me this is not always true.
Twin peaks.
Reason enough to continue to give most people a WIIIIDE berth.
When it comes to LEO, American jurisprudence is broken. They are a standing army with defacto and dejure licence to kill.
So was this a bench trial? If so, why shouldn’t that judge be hung?
*fires up woodchipper*
Genetics, I’m guessing.
People are hanged, I’m hung.
Ya think maybe the defense team had a little inside info when they decided to waive a jury trial?
They are all hotbeds of white racism and fascist political oppression?
I was thinking more like they’re places where the beneficent prog majority is being stymied from enacting their agenda by evil Republicans.
I think there are multiple right answers to OMWC’s question, but one of them is that they’re all politically controlled by the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, I don’t find Republicans to be much better in this regard. The last time a Republican of any consequence took serious action against the police being out of control was almost 100 years ago. The voters aren’t blameless; Republican (and Democrat) sheriffs, attorneys general, and other elected law enforcement officials almost always have the endorsement of the police union and can’t win without it.
I too think it’s unwarranted to pin out-of-control law enforcement on Democrats. Look at Arpaio FFS.
I have a FB friend who constantly posts conservative memes. I’m not sure when, but fairly recently he shifted from cop-fellating memes to ones suspicious of cops, shared from liberty-oriented group pages. I agree that Republicans are terrible on law enforcement issues, but am hopeful that things like these memes are a sign that Liberty Caucus ideas are permeating the mainstream.
I always find the frustrating thing with criminal justice reform is that Rs and Ds are so inimical to each others positions that as one starts to wake up to the issue even tangentially the other side goes on lock down about it.
Seeing literally every police department Just Follow Orders and feed “Nazis” into leftist gang beatdowns has put a cartoon lightbulb up over many conservatives’ heads. Even the ones with cop dick taste still in their mouths don’t say “When the revolution comes, they’ll be on our side!” anymore.
It’s no Libertarian Moment™, but it’s a disillusionment. Best/worst case, cops get helicopter rides too.
I’ve been hearing about these helicopter rides for a while, when are they supposed to start? Not that I advocate that. I prefer woodchippers myself, just ask a judge.
gun laws, heavy cop numbers, cop bor.
We will have to work on that cheese drilling. At least the beer was superb!
I’m still loving the idea of Moloko. It was horrorshow.
I spoke with the owner and told him that we appreciated that name…and he laughed and said “yeah, all the Millennials have to Google that one”
It’s the Russian word for “milk”. Does it have some other creepy meaning?
I think it was a drug drink in Clockwork Orange.
Moloko Vellocet, Moloko Synthemesc, Moloko Drencrom. What, they don’t show A Clockwork Orange on Turner Classics? Kubrik, man!
the proper technique for drilling holes in blocks of cheese.
It’s 2017!!! All the cool kids 3D print their cheese. Get with the program, old man.
It is artisnal!
wtf does this mean?
Was Roman Polanski involved? Or OMWC?
I was thinking more like with fava beans and a fine Chianti.
Who has joint custody of 4 year old Dakota.
No one? Got to be at least six years old. Ram discontinued the Dakota in 2011.
Oh brother…
*rolls eyes*
This is what occurred to me earlier:
Several people have linked to a thing about Hillary’s finely nuanced analysis of the real lesson of 1984 (the book).
What has she to say about other classics? I think we should ask her to hand in a book report on A Clockwork Orange. I’m betting she thinks Doctor Ludovico is the hero.
Hillary cheers for the villains in movies – and in real life.
She thinks Ellsworth Toohey is a role model.
She always hopes Elmer Fudd finally kills Bugs Bunny.
Funny line from Big Bang Theory: “in the animated Frosty the Snowman, she roots for the Sun.”
To be fair, I do too.
She roots for that blonde bully in The Karate Kid. It was his turn to win the karate championship.
We all rooted for Johnny!
wtf does this mean?
Perhaps a fine chianti was involved.
Okay- Nick Lowe it is.
Now you got me into a Nick Lowe kind of mood.
I Love The Sound Of Breaking Glass
File under: Things That Should Not Exist
I present to you, Goat Yoga.
Shira Lazar is pretty cute though…
That’s a thing at our house. OMWC and webdominatrix are simply smitten with all things baby goats. I think it’s because they’ve never had to deal with one for a sustained period of time. Goats are generally smelly and messy and not nice.
Goats are generally smelly and messy and not nice.
Meh, you say the same thing about me.
If you know a better way to tenderize a whole goat at once feel free to share.
What is Buzkashi, Alex?
If this link works, read the narrative bit about fermenting a goat under the heading “kimchi”
@LT somehow that name screams “carcass sport”, totally expected where the link lead to, heh
I’d still submit the yoga results in a cleaner, less gamey product, ready for roasting.
tenderizing is tenderizing….
‘It is 2017, and this grown man is on my show talking with me — a female host — about boobs. Is this seriously happening?’”
If he started talking to Angelina Jolie about boobs, that might be in questionable taste. Is there something Ms CNN isn’t telling us?
They totally did it after the show was over. I have inside info*.
*Might be fake news.
She had to be cruel to be kind.
Get this man a fainting couch!
In the evening hours of February 3, 2013, 27-year-old Keith Lawrence and his fiance, 28-year-old Monica Quan, were sitting in their car outside of their condominium complex in Irvine, California. Minutes later, they were both shot and killed, the victims of a sickening gang-style hit at the hands of a disgruntled former police officer, Christopher Dorner. In just a matter of minutes, Dorner managed to unleash fourteen shots. Not a single person heard the shooting.
Initially, police were baffled as to why nobody heard the 14 gunshots. It was later discovered that Dorner used a firearm silencer, a specialized piece of hardware that helps to distort the sound of gunfire and mask the muzzle flash of a gun. In the hands of an assassin, like Dorner, silencers pose an enormous threat to public safety, and if the gun lobby gets their way, 1.3 million silencers could soon flood into our nation’s communities without a background check.
The streets will be flooded with deranged assassins if this bill passes. Why would Congress legalize assassins?
“without a background check”
That is an out and out lie. The bill would move silencers off NFA, but if would be treated as a regular firearm, thus requiring a NICS check. That is 100% fake news if I’ve ever read it.
I’ve been told flat out by people that we need to get “the flood of machine guns off the streets”. Facts are not the strong suit of gun grabbers.
Where can I get one of these them there *machine guns?
*to me a machine gun is something like a M1919 or a Lewis, not an assault rifle.
I think they mean sub-machine guns, not mounted machine guns, full-auto that fire pistol rounds, such as a Thompson, Uzi, MP5, etc. Or maybe they are just idiots and mean semi-auto rifles.
BAR for the kill
a disgruntled former police officer
You know, this seems like the most important detail in the story, but instead let’s pivot to the red herring issue of silencers in non-LEO hands.
He was the Cop who decided to kill other Cops, much pants shitting ensued on the part of LE
yeah, they shot up that pickup with asians delivering newspapers over it.
Everyone knows that large black men can split themselves into two small asian women in order to evade the police.
The cops also shot at every pickup truck they could find assuming Dorner’s could color-change like in Cannonball Run 2.
Dude, spoiler alert!
Often, I will take the weekend off, but because of the CNN fucktardery, this one’s for you Brookie.
I’m actually don’t think I can pick out a favorite from this crew; though I am having visions of 2-5 all lined up in a particular position with 19 behind the camera waiting her turn.
9, 20, 21 (if I wanted to be murdered in my sleep), and 46.
20, 22, 35, 40
Q, you are truly doing God’s work. I hope to buy you a rooind some day.
Pleased to be of service.
1, 5 ,39
5 and 11. They look like you could have a pleasant time with them with clothes on as well.
But, that really isn’t the point of this, is it?
OK, I’m really late to this party, but is this supposed to be a spot-the-not? Because #14 does not fit the genre.
Saying boobs on air is the least of CNN’s concerns given the crap narratives and fake news they spread.
For example, Wolf Blitzer wondering ON TV if the Barcelona jihad terror attacks was a Charlottesville copycat. Truly astounding stuff from that dickhead.
The other thing that raises my hackles about this is the extreme hypocrisy. Does anyone think that she’s be reacting this way if some prog activist said during an interview “I only love two things, universal healthcare and boobs.”? Of course not. He’d be hailed as “clever” and “funny” and probably “brave”. CNN is a fucking joke and should be treated as such. They are a sideshow; a dancing monkey next to an organ grinder. They have purpose beyond being an object of ridicule.
*NO* purpose beyond being an object etc. etc. Moar coffee.
The comments in the article don’t agree!
No, obviously she wouldn’t and didn’t. Someone on twitter (Miller, maybe?) found some old tweet of hers where she was talking ‘boobs’ without clutching her pearls. So it’s bullshit.
It’s not just major law enforcement officials who are opposed to deregulating silencers. The vast majority of gun owners — 73 percent, according to a Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC poll — oppose deregulating silencers. That’s because responsible gun owners know that gun industry profits are simply not worth putting our police and our families at risk. When it comes down to it, the only people who benefit from this dangerous policy are the gun lobby and those who wish our communities harm.
Congress, don’t allow gun lobby to force deregulation of gun silencers
© Getty
In the evening hours of February 3, 2013, 27-year-old Keith Lawrence and his fiance, 28-year-old Monica Quan, were sitting in their car outside of their condominium complex in Irvine, California. Minutes later, they were both shot and killed, the victims of a sickening gang-style hit at the hands of a disgruntled former police officer, Christopher Dorner. In just a matter of minutes, Dorner managed to unleash fourteen shots. Not a single person heard the shooting.
Initially, police were baffled as to why nobody heard the 14 gunshots. It was later discovered that Dorner used a firearm silencer, a specialized piece of hardware that helps to distort the sound of gunfire and mask the muzzle flash of a gun. In the hands of an assassin, like Dorner, silencers pose an enormous threat to public safety, and if the gun lobby gets their way, 1.3 million silencers could soon flood into our nation’s communities without a background check.
This week, the House held a hearing on the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act, a dangerous new bill that purports to help sportsmen and gun owners, like myself, but instead assaults the interests of our nation’s law enforcement officials and threatens our public safety and security.
The legislation would remove silencers from the National Firearms Act, a law that has successfully regulated the sale of silencers for over 80 years.
The Washington gun lobby, and the politicians they support, argue that because silencers are rarely used in crime, they no longer need heightened regulation.
Law enforcement officers across the country know that this argument is a fallacy; the regulatory system has been effective in keeping silencers out of the hands of dangerous individuals who do not want them traced back to themselves. Should silencers be removed from the National Firearms Act, individuals unable to pass a background check would be able to obtain these dangerous weapons through unregulated private sales on the internet and at gun shows.
If passed, this law would have a disastrous impact on public safety. Silencers can degrade the effectiveness of gunshot detection technology and the ability of bystanders to identify gunshots, both of which law enforcement officials depend on to quickly locate and apprehend a shooter. While responding officers try to keep the public safe during an active shooting, it would be much more difficult to locate the shooter and neutralize threats.
It’s not just major law enforcement officials who are opposed to deregulating silencers. The vast majority of gun owners — 73 percent, according to a Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC poll — oppose deregulating silencers. That’s because responsible gun owners know that gun industry profits are simply not worth putting our police and our families at risk. When it comes down to it, the only people who benefit from this dangerous policy are the gun lobby and those who wish our communities harm.
Existing loopholes already threaten the safety of law enforcement in our gun laws. Firearms- related incidents were the number one cause of death for law enforcement in 2016, when 64 officers were killed from gunfire. The deregulation of silencers would only add to the carnage.
Holy shit. How barefacedly dishonest can this guy be?
Maybe he’s afraid the only thing stopping more cops from eating a bullet is the noise.
I like how it starts with an example of the law not working.
I’d like to take a moment to fucking rage out at the word loophole, which seems to be defined as “something that is not illegal but I believe should be”. If the law permits you to do something and you do that, you’re not doing some dastardly, underhanded thing – you’re following the law as it’s written. Don’t like it? Change the fucking law.
Gun grabbers: “Ok!”
The vast majority of gun owners — 73 percent, according to a Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC poll — oppose deregulating silencers
Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, the selection bias.
According to a poll by, 99% of meat eaters actually hate meat and want it banned.
Proofreading is for chumps.
1) copy
2) paste
3) post comment
Threading for chumps too?
And so it goes
My friend’s mom does some kind of grant writing, and she both writes and proofreads when she’s drunk as hell. I have no idea how she does it.
So *she’s* the one who came up with that study for the shrimp on a treadmill!
“Threading for chumps too?”
20 Ways to Break Up Europe
I think the history of Europe, going back to the early-medieval period, would provide a very similar set of maps.
Europe has always been in a perpetual process of breaking and reforming. they’re never satisfied.
“God was here before there were Gnomes of Zurich. That means you can give your soul to Jesus, but your cheese belongs to Zurich!”
Because milk is white?
FFS. Have people lost their sense of humour? And this racism card shtick is OLD now. It’s over. If you pull that out, you lost.
Reminds of me when I someone told me, ‘what am I gonna tell my daughters about Trump!’
Fucken retards.
At some point all this is going to reach a tipping point.
“At some point all this is going to reach a tipping point.”
We may already be there.
Why would a parent in Canada have to tell their kids anything about an American president?
My friend is American.
And for some reason some do. A reporter on a local Montreal station (CTV news) said the same thing.
And don’t ever under estimate the influence of America.
You have friends?
You probably wouldn’t have to tell them much of anything if you hadn’t spent the entire campaign season making them believe that he is literally Hitler and he is going to put all the LGBTs, non-whites, and women in extermination camps.
It really pisses me off how people fuck with their kids’ emotions by getting them into politics. They are goddamn kids. Let them play with Legos and ride bikes like they’re supposed to.
THIS. JFC, almost every weekend this prog chick I know has her kids helping her make protest signs or otherwise indoctrinating them into her fucked up worldview. I have known her husband for years and unless he has had a dramatic change of heart since they got married he has turned into a giant pussy (probably both).
I told him to man up and not involved his kids into his faux self-righteous bull shit.
I’m pretty sure he’s had it with me.
Ummmm… ok. If that were the case, he’d only be helping get CNN’s numbers up right? Furthermore, ever heard of the Streisand Effect jackass? If you want to hurt his numbers, why do you keep talking about him?
Because being a victim is helping her numbers?
Words mean things.
In English, though, that can be easy to forget.
Our language is fluid for a number of reasons, among them, our grammar and vocabulary evolved from separate sources. For instance, because English did away with the endings (for the most part) on nouns, we can absorb words from other languages easily. That’s why (it’s my understanding) English has more root words than any other language. Still, I’ve read that 75% of all English root words are Latin in origin–either from Latin directly, when the Romans were running everything south of Hadrian’s wall, or from Latin indirectly by way of French (thank the Normans). English might be described as Latin vocabulary hanging on a Germanic grammar tree.
One good example of the confusion this can cause about the meaning of words might be the English word “alternative”. I hear it misused all the time. People will say, “Well, you have five alternatives”, but that isn’t so. You can’t have five alternatives. The root word of “alternative” is the Latin root “alter”, which literally means “the other”. You can only have two alternatives, one alternative and the other alternative. In this way, “mutually exclusive alternative” is almost redundant. You can have an infinite number of “options”, but you can only have two “alternatives”.
This kind of imprecision in our language (don’t even get me started on the difference between “you”, second person singular, and “you”, second person plural) leads to all sorts of misunderstandings.
For instance, Rand Paul, at one point, seemed to think the alternative to replacing ObamaCare was repeal. What a terrible misunderstanding! The alternative to replacing ObamaCare was not repeal. The alternative to replacing ObamaCare was ObamaCare! Repeal was an option but it was not the alternative.
It’s the same thing today. The last ditch effort for the Republicans to replace ObamaCare will soon be up for a vote in the Senate. It doesn’t repeal the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion, as the one Rand Paul voted against would have done, but it does repeal the individual mandate, repeals the employer mandate, and it puts a cap on Medicaid spending. The important thing I’d like Rand Paul (and his misguided supporters on healthcare) to understand is that the alternative to this imperfect Senate bill is not repealing ObamaCare. The alternative to this imperfect Senate bill is ObamaCare.
Feel it. Know it. Live it.
P.S. All claims on grammar are subject to review and correction by our resident linguist.
I hear you Ken and I know this is your particular hobby horse. I’m with you about the whole not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. What pisses me off about the whole situation, however, is that *repeatedly* the GOP has promised a complete repeal of O-care. If they want to replace it with free market reforms afterward, no argument from me but it should have been full repeal right off the bat, no questions asked.
I’m with you that I’d love to see some movement toward a less government-managed system (eg: no more individual or employer mandate, Medicaid expansion etc.). HOWEVER, these assholes straight up lied about what they were going to do and are, for that reason, a bunch of reprehensible pond scum. I respect Rand because he was essentially the only one with enough character and principles to try and keep his word.
After their first effort failed, I resigned myself to single-payer. Obamacare is going to fail, because that’s what it was designed to do; it will not be replaced with free-market, it will be replaced with Medicare For All™. Life’s a bitch, then you die.
“HOWEVER, these assholes straight up lied about what they were going to do and are, for that reason, a bunch of reprehensible pond scum.
I have two responses to this.
1) The solution to shitty government isn’t to put the right people in charge of the government. The solution is to take power away from the government.
Elected politicians have been acting the same way for the same reasons since the days of the Roman senate. A libertarian emperor would soon start acting like any other emperor, and libertarian senator would soon start acting like any other senator. In fact, I can point to excellent evidence that both Pauls have done so at various points in their careers. It’s part and parcel of being a politician. I would argue that Rand Paul refusing to vote for a measure that killed the individual mandate, killed the employer mandate, and moved people from Medicaid to private insurance like school vouchers move people from public schools to private schools was a total betrayal of both my faith in Paul and his betrayal of capitalist principles–probably aimed at the fact that so many of his supporters in Kentucky depend on Medicaid.
It might be argued that a libertarian is defined as someone who doesn’t believe that politicians are the solution to our problems, and if the Republicans failed to solve our problems on healthcare, that only reinforces the point–that politicians are not the solution to our problems.
2) Precisely which part of ObamaCare did the Senate bill that Paul voted against fail to repeal?
The ObamaCare Medicaid expansion was gone. The tax on medical devices was gone. The individual mandate was gone. The employer mandate was gone.
Looks like repeal to me. Whatever reason there was to oppose the replacement, it wasn’t because it failed to repeal ObamaCare.
Point 1: no argument from me. The problem comes from expecting people in elected office voting to reduce their own power; they might do so in the (very) short term but fuggedabouddit long term. It’s endemic to the nature of government and leads this discussion down a rabbit hole of political philosophy that is outside the scope of O-care.
Point 2: the big one was the pre-existing condition coverage. Keeping that in, while getting rid of the mandates, was only going to drive costs up even faster and bankrupt the insurance companies. Get rid of that along with the other stuff and you would have had something.
Also Point #2, by failing to just flat out repeal Obamacare, the Republicans would now own it the same way they do with Medicare & Social Security. Mechanics for the welfare state.
The “ratchet effect” from John Derbyshire:
The only thing I’d add is: “until you become Venezuela.”
Good point.
The preexisting condition coverage is wildly popular–even if it shouldn’t be.
I say take what you can get and keep fighting for more.
In the meantime, the alternative to keeping the preexisting condition coverage wasn’t repeal.
The alternative was keeping the preexisting condition coverage, too. Refusing to replace ObamaCare over that issue did not lead to getting rid of the preexisting condition coverage. It led to keeping that and everything else that’s awful about ObamaCare, too.
And not only was that outcome foreseeable, it was also foreseen.
The issue is Ken, and I don’t know if you agree that this is an issue, or think that the GOP could actually handle this line of attack, but to me the problem is that the Democrats are very very good at passing a shitty law, the Republicans then try to reform it, and then the Democrats line of attack forevermore is that the Republicans broke their perfect law.
Rand was smart because he wasn’t gonna fall for that trick. He wanted straight repeal, because he wanted to take away the weapon that they will use if there is any kind of ACA “reform”, and that is the weapon of “Obama’s beautiful law would have worked fine if the evil Republicans hadn’t ruined it with their meddling.”
The Republicans have done this for fucking decades. They are the social program mechanics, the tax collectors for the welfare state. Rand did the right thing, because he is saying “This is a bad law, it’s always been a bad law. Every thing about it is bad, and it needs to go away. Not be reformed, not be tinkered with. It needs to be gone.”
As soon as the Republicans “reform” it, they become the owners of it because the Dems and the media will beat that drum for decades. “REPUBLICANS RUINED OBAMACARE” will be their rallying cry for single player.
Great, let’s give Ken what he wants. Rand votes for the shit bill Ken gushes over and it passes. Mandates gone, vouchers in,blah blah blah, but forced pre-existing coverage remains. Healthcare system accelerates into oblivion, Republicans rightly to blame. Democrats scream “MARKET FAILURE!”, get reelected, pass single payer by a landslide.
Thanks ever so much, Ken, you got what you wanted.
Preexisting conditions are a small fraction of the problem.
Most of the problem is from Medicaid and Medicare.
Our problems cannot be fixed without cutting Medicaid and/or Medicare.
Ans killing the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion is a necessary step in that process.
Besides–because the bill doesn’t fix all of to problem was no reason not to fix a large part of it. And Rand Paul voted against fixing the large part of it–and not because e opposed coverage for preexisting conditions. Rand Paul never said anything about that.
Rand Paul didn’t oppose cutting millions of people off of Medicaid because of preexisting conditions. Rand Paul opposed cutting millions of people off of Medicaid–presumably because Kentucky is heavily dependent on the program.
If the result was a faster demise of the health insurance market, then that in itself is a reason to oppose it. Going from bad to worse but passing some portion of an ideological test is no way to advance the overall goals of said ideology.
It was often said on the Before Place that easily predicted consequences cannot be called unintended, so by the same token, supporting a bill with easily predictable disastrous results cannot said to be done without intending for those results to happen. So clearly you want the health insurance market to be destroyed more quickly than it was, and for the GOP to get the blame so that the Democrats get swept back into power and enact single payer. You can stop pretending otherwise now.
That’s an interesting theory I haven’t seen anywhere else. I think being ruled by the French for so long is the root cause of our big vocabulary. The gradual loss of noun and adjective endings came about maybe (?) because of French influence but it was only largely complete by around Shakespeare’s time.
I don’t think that theory holds much water. The Romans took extensively from the Greeks and just adapted the spellings and grammar to match their own, the Japanese took extensively from the Chinese and did the same…
The Angles were from an area just south of Denmark. When Danish invaders came later, they found that . . .
The endings tend to be dominated by vowels and soft consonants. That makes since because you want the root to sound the same, more or less, you just want the endings to vary in they way they’re voiced (hence vowel sounds dominate).
Adding to that, it’s the way that vowels are pronounced that tends to change over time. Some consonants change in sound over great periods of time, but it’s the voiced part of the word that changes in voice most readily and most often. (See The Great Vowel Shift for instance).
Point is, when Danish invaders and other Germanic influenced people came to England in the decades and centuries after the Anglo-Saxons, they found that they could understand each other quite well if they just dropped the endings to their words. They started relying on prepositions and such to differentiate between various tenses in conjugating verbs and in using prepositional concepts with nouns.
In other languages that use endings to differentiate between these things (I think most all other Indo-European languages do), when you bring in a loan word, you have to figure out whether it’s going to be masculine or feminine or neuter, which conjugation’s rules it will follow as a verb, which declension as a noun, etc. And, more importantly, everyone else that wants to use that word needs to buy into the same rules for it to gain common usage.
In English, we don’t have those barriers. We can take roots from everywhere and we don’t need to figure out how to handle the endings. I suspect it’s also one of the reasons why English does so well in the scientific world. We absorb new words quickly and readily–new words are easier to coin.
So, anyway, my understanding is that when Danish invaders and the Angles ended up in the same space, the Angles were from what we’d call southern Denmark, today, and their language was so close–except for the endings–that it was easy to communicate so long as they dropped the endings.
Incidentally, I once ended up in the middle of a dispute (or what I thought was one) between my Latin professor and my German professor. The Latin professor told us that English has more roots than any other language because we don’t have so many different endings on our words, it makes it easy for us to adopt roots from other languages. My German professor told us that German had a larger vocabulary than any other language. It seemed to me that these statements were in conflict.
Turned out, they were both rights–as far as I could tell. English has more roots than any other language, but German has a larger vocabulary–but not more roots. The reason German has the largest vocabulary is because of the way they aggressively compound words. They have so many distinct compound words, it gives them a larger vocabulary than English–despite English having more root words.
I think your Latin professor was on the wrong track. German, after all, has never had any difficulty adapting foreign words to its morphological system (which is admittedly greatly reduced but still present here and there). It’s simply no barrier at all.
The question isn’t whether other languages take in new words. They all do.
The question is how readily they do so.
I think England’s “melting pot” history explains their willingness to readily adapt foreign words more than anything else.
I’m not disputing that.
I’m saying that subsequent invasions after the Anglo-Saxons of the Norse and, especially, Danish rule turned helped English drop its endings so that those people could understand each other.
And I’d love to say I’m the Nobel Prize winning linguist who made this discovery, but I’ve read about this so often and from so many sources.
Are you familiar with pidgen and creole languages. I didn’t invent these terms. This is what happens when two groups who don’t speak exactly the same language cohabit the same area.
The conditions, history, explanation, causes, and consequences all seem to line up to support the standard explanation. All knowledge is revised given new information that we didn’t know about before, but I see no reason not to give the standard explanation the benefit of the doubt here.
Think of it this way:
Why wouldn’t the lack of endings make it easier to incorporate new words?
Or maybe think of it this way:
Do you want to argue that the fact that English dropped its endings after disparate groups whose vocabularies were similar except for the endings is in no way related to why those groups dropped the endings?
You understand that they both had different endings before, and they both dropped them after cohabitation, right?
Endings weren’t “dropped” in any conscious process. They very slowly disappeared over many centuries, during which time England was happily incorporating foreign words all along.
Oh, no, the endings were dropped by decree. Sextus Grammaticus III decreed it in 978.
They had chieftains that made these linguistic proclamations back then–all named “Grammaticus”. Sextus Grammaticus III was the third of them.
It was Sextus Grammaticus the XIV that gave us the word “platypus”.
I’m kidding. Yes, or course, we’re talking about the language changing over the course of time.
Yeah, there were a lot of immigrants learning English, and the endings didn’t really care that much about endings or genders, since hey, ‘You know what I mean, so close enough,’ was the rule.
Technically, it’s a question of usage, not grammar. The word has been used to refer two situations with more than 2 mutually exclusive choices and is defined as such in dictionaries.
And bid alternate passions fall and rise. -Alexander Pope
A person can have more than two passions, right?
I think the reason it is associated with binary situations is because most of the choices we make are between two options. “I fee sick- should I go to work or not?”
The meanings of words often expand to include things that are merely related to the word. Piano just means soft in Italian, but its meaning was expanded to include a musical instrument. The original name was piano e forte (soft and loud) because a piano can make those sounds plus the ones in between.
All natural languages are full of things like this. It’s best not to dwell on them.
“Why do they call them apartments when they’re all stuck together?”
“Why do they call them apartments when they’re all stuck together?”
Because we are referring to the fact the the rooms have separate owners and users, not to the architectural qualities. Apartments are structurally together, but the people living in them live apart from each other.
I know, it was a rhetorical question, but I actually knew the answer.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
OK then, wiseguy – why do they call them buildings when they’re already finished? Why do they call it a TV “set” when you only get one?
Why do they call it Ovaltine? They should call it Roundtine.
More Roundtine, please!
+ 1 Gold!
Why do they call it practicing law?
/My FIL every time I see him.
For the same reason sexual acts are always “performed” and PhDs are always “minted”.
You build a building, paint a painting, carve a carving, etc. It’s a verbal noun, that’s all. English is weird.
T.V.’s were referred to as sets because they combine several different components into one working unit; radio’s were also referred to a radio sets originally fit the same reason.
Can I be done with the humorous pedant bit now? It’s officially afternoon on a Saturday, so it’s time to drink.
“And bid alternate passions fall and rise. -Alexander Pope
He’s only talking about two passions. One falls while the other rises.
I should add, the word “alternate” may have a shared root with “alternative”, but it is not the same word.
Does alternative refer five things happening in succession?
Or is talking about black then white then black then white then black then white?
P.S. Show me a respected English dictionary that shows “alternatives” as being more than two options, and I’ll show you a dictionary that’s either been recently updated and/or is wrong.
There’s at least 4 of us. I see Derp and Rhywun have already plunged in.
I haven’t seen Detroit Linguist on here in a while.
“When my bf chokes me out during sex, I like to pretend it’s the invisible hand of the market”
Oh shit, LOL.
Isn’t that what ENB thinks being a Libertarian is?
I imagine there were 2 deaf people floating on a raft, and one
saidsigned, “Well, yeah, but at least the part about the ‘zombie bears’ was bullshit”I imagine 2 deaf people floating on a raft, and one signs to the other, “Well, yeah…. but at least the part about the ‘zombie bears’ was bullshit”
(shoots self in face)
I got a kick out of those Wisconsin accents when we went this summer. Its not often i can laugh at someones accent with my southern accent.
“And then, as the book ends, we can see Winston has finally learned to love Big Brother. And they all lived happily ever after.”
No one has picked up on this story from Sweden which the BBC reports on in a completely uncritical fashion?
Pictures of the victim inside the story. You won’t be disappointed.
Maybe it did happen, maybe it didn’t happen the way he describes, maybe it didn’t even happen at all, but…
If it turns out that the motive is his political allegiance then it is obviously a hate crime
When did politics get slipped into the definition of hate crime?
Second line was meant to be italicized
Is there a pidgin version of this story?
Different pidgin, but here we go:
I like this one better:
“A swedish politician has riddly-revealed on facebook that he was diddly by a knife-wielding attackeroo because of his political leanings!”
My new email signature at work.
So, I was gone for a little while, and caught in the comments that both John and Eddie have been banned. I caught up on what happened with John, but am clueless as to the Eddie drama outside that he flew off the handle. As someone who was on the receiving end of his abrupt and rather extreme mood swings on a few occasions, it’s not hard for me to envision, but usually someone out there has the links or can point you to the specific threads it all went down.
So, you want someone to enact your labour for you?
Hmm, maybe a month ago?
But Eddie wasn’t banned. Short version (may have some details wrong): he started making some offensive posts, they were pulled into moderation. Attempts were made to reconcile with little success. Eddie then demanded that a post he had written that was about to be published be withdrawn, yada yada yada, he left.
I missed the Eddie debacle too, but I think he and JT got into a holy war and he stormed off. He wasn’t banned, he just left.
I believe all of the comments got reverted to moderation so while not deleted, they’re not visible any longer. Eddie and John Titor got into a back & forth, the slap landed mostly on Eddie including a pause on one of his articles so he blew up even further and decided to walk away. And then come back and say he was walking away still.
Also, Free Society descended into total dick mode and repeatedly did the I don’t have to watch where I shit thing to the people running (owning) this site. And Tulpa and a couple of other trolls have wandered by. That’s about it for the bans.
Eddie had his commenting frozen after repeatedly going on about the situation. I believe that escalated into a ban behind the scenes afterwards.
I’m guessing Free Society’s thing was more about the constant quasi-racist and sexist comments.
FS wasn’t banned. Although he certainly started working himself in that direction before he self-defenestrated
Right, he was encouraged to tone it down or leave.
It was an am links thread. Approximately 3 weeks ago. You would probably have an easier time finding it in the following PM thread where the topic consumed 85 percent of the the pm links
As an asshole’s asshole and someone who has pissed off several members of the ‘Founders’ a few times, I do have to admit, I’m a bit concerned. Though I’m not really the type to take any of it personally or rage quit.
There’s a difference in pissing someone off and personal attacks that serve no purpose other than to escalate a situation.
Nobody involved in the site has ever done anything about the former. But we’ve always maintained that the latter will carry consequences.
And we’re even tolerated personal attacks to a certain degree as long as people making them reeled it in/apologized when called out.
as long as you keep Winston away, i fully support the whole “just make up your own subjective rules and rationalize them after the fact”-thing
Well screw you Sloop!
As an asshole’s asshole and someone who has pissed off several members of the ‘Founders’ a few times, I do have to admit, I’m a bit concerned.
I’m less concerned about John and Eddie and FS type situations where they do anti-social things, get warned to stop doing the anti-social things, and then grow a huge persecution complex for being told to stop. We’re in SP and OMWC’s house, if they ask us to take off our shoes, we either take off our shoes or we leave.
I’m more wary of the JATNAS episode. There seems to be some sensitivity to posting certain types of off topic comments in the links, but the bounds of acceptable behavior haven’t been well defined, even going back to the GILMORE episode.
Cast your Raging Eyes on this.
He stuck his neck out and got fired.
How does an “antifa” weirdo wind up teaching economics (!) at the city’s LEO college?
Wait- John got the boot? I saw he had the bit in his teeth and was doing his raving asshole schtick the other day, just like in the bad old days at the Before Place, but I stopped paying attention.
The scroll button is your friend.
ps- I won’t pretend to be sad.
What? When did that happen?
I also totally missed what happened with John, and with FS. I sort of saw what happened with Eddie because I miraculously wandered in when the comments were still live, but I also just scrolled past without paying attention so I didn’t realize it had gotten that bad. My biggest problem is that I tend to not make it on here until late in the day when everyone’s gone, so if I have something I want to say I have to set a reminder on my phone, come in and post it, read a few replies and then get back to whatever I was doing, so I usually miss out on live discussion and just see stuff when it’s been over for hours.
Such as this thread!
Same here. I saw the Eddie and JT spate, and skipped it over. I saw John getting chippy, but he must’ve cranked it up a few levels after I stopped reading, because it was rather mild at that time.
I backtracked and found it—through the whole post he’d been posting normal comments, and then Jesse walked in and it was like, “THERE YOU ARE, IT’S THROWDOWN TIME!” I wish he’d have let it go or taken it off-site. I (usually) liked reading what he had to say.
I also found that the comment below the brawl was a link from thepasswordispassword about my nemesis, Teen Vogue, and their insidious plot to radicalize teenage girls into antifa soldiers. Not sure if I should be glad I missed that one or disappointed I missed out on an opportunity to rage.
I don’t know why I bolded thepasswordispassword and not anyone else’s handle.
Same here. At work all day, usually only get to read and post in the early morning, read a little at lunch, then wait until late at night. So, outside of the morning I miss out on everything on workdays.
(in before Rufus)
John got axed for getting into it with Jesse.
Thursday PM links, see especially SP’s post explaining what happened. It wasn’t just for the argument with Jesse, it was for continuing the argument/abuse while people were trying to resolve the conflict.
After reading SP’s explanation: I can understand it. John was/is amusing but, as I said before, he goes into personal attack mode waaay too quickly. I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did.
WTF Japan?
Well good for him. It’s a bit depressing that he’ll get more pussy than I could ever hope to but them’s the breaks.
It’s a love song.
But I ain’t planning on sticking around if it’s just to be your friend
John got axed for getting into it with Jesse.
Oh, I saw part of that. The Vast Left Wing Homo Conspiracy, redux.
It wasn’t just for the argument with Jesse, it was for continuing the argument/abuse while people were trying to resolve the conflict.
It was just a matter of time. He was surprisingly well behaved, for a while.
Yeah, well fuck all of you!
*Drives Gremlin into Chipotle front doors*
He was so unpleasant. I’m not sorry he’s gone.
In the aftermath of Irma, three local constables posted a selfie to their agency’s Derpbook page, which wound up getting a several hundred thousand comments, shares, and likes. Now one of them (who joined the agency last October) has found out the hard way that the internet is forever.
You know who else…
(shakes fist)
“The Hitler Way” – you get a German Shepard, a mistress, and get to live on a house on top of a mountain?
Don’t confuse the Shepard and the mistress… unless you’re into that.
I feel like not enough is made out of his incestuous relationship with his niece.
Hitler kind of knew how to have a good time.
From what I’ve seen, it wasn’t a relationship so much as an infatuation. (and possibly a murder)
You know who else makes jokes about Jews?
Mel Brooks?
Ari Shaffir?
the correct answer was obviously “jews” so you’re all correct.
“But two screen shots sent to The Sun show posts on Hamill’s personal Facebook page making anti-Semitic remarks.”
My screen shoots tend to run. This is the world we live in? Screen shots?
Typhoon and I’m stuck without an umbrella, train or sense of guilt. I’ll be home soon, honey.
What happened to this banging hot divorcees? I am disappoint.
Are you drunk posting again?
Yes, yes, I am. Take a screen shot. It’ll last longer.
Um actually, DyVersaCo is from Minnesota, although they play a lot in Wisconsin. *Pushes glasses back up nose*
I blame the guy who introduced me to them. Harrumph.
I blame him as well.
Your Whacka-chicka-wah music of the day – just in case you were about to get in a high speed car chase or sell some drugs.
This is what I think. I would rather see Medicaid expansion than an insurance subsidy. Not for any faux-economic-populist anti-“bailout” reasons, but because I want the thing out in the open. As I have said before, shifting federal money into insurance subsidies (price controls, matching funds, tax credits, whatever the fuck you want to call it) is just like hiding the vodka bottle behind the washing machine. You’re a fucking drunk. Stop pretending you’re not. Put that fucking bottle right out on the counter. Make it a gallon jug, while you’re at it.
Get all the market distortions created or exacerbated by Medicaid out there where everybody can see them. Put that budget line item on paper, in red, where everybody can see it. And- let those newly “insured” Medicaid clients try to get treatment. Pick some doctors randomly from the phone book, and ask them if they’re accepting new Medicaid patients. Stop letting the mendacious fucks conflate “insurance” with care. And then, maybe, when it’s no longer possible to ignore the ugly truth, some real progress can be made.
And stop pretending everybody gets cancer and dies broke.
Given that (current) Medicaid recipients are some of the biggest supporters of Medicaid, I don’t think this will have the effect you’re intending.
And stop pretending everybody gets cancer and dies broke.
One of the most annoying things about this whole “debate” has been the people complaining about “going bankrupt paying medical bills”. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do think a lot of medical care is too expensive and there are things the government can do to fix that problem (mostly, by getting out of the damn way), but I’m pretty sure most people rate “being alive and healthy” above most other concerns, including monetary ones. Doctors and nursers don’t work for free, medical equipment isn’t free, prescription drugs don’t manufacture themselves, etc. I’d rather have supply dictated by the market and some people going into bankruptcy* than have supply dictated by bureaucrats and the vast majority not even having the option of paying for better care.
* = When people say “bankruptcy” they seem to actually mean “penury”, but the two are not the same thing. Bankruptcy is a way of avoiding penury by clearing away your debts.
“Doctors and nursers don’t work for free”
We just need to repeal the 13th amendment and our healthcare problems are over!
Requesting some help from the commentariat. One of you posted a YouTube video at TOS around a year ago or so that Groovus Maximus once described as ‘the greatest thing I’ve ever seen!’.
It was from an Italian variety show from the seventies, I think, where a man who looks suspiciously like Andy Kim(Fun fact!: Rufus once said he’s related to Andy Kim by way of marriage, so he gets a permanent pass from me on everything, ever.) basically spoke gibberish in an American accent. He was accompanied by several young ladies who also spoke gibberish on occasion.
Any ideas?
Related: Where the hell is Groovus?
He never migrated over here, far as I can tell. Mebbe he’s too busy doctoring. Or banging his medical babe wife. 😉
He was here early on.
He was here and involved and then disappeared again. It’s not the first time he’s ghosted and been hard/impossible to contact. He went AWOL from H&R for years at a time.
He’s actually a Russian agent in charge of keeping people like us for voting for people who would harm the Russian interest, like Hillary Clinton. They don’t really NEED an agent to do that, but since they’re Russian, they don’t know that.
Why risk it?
Are you looking for the video? Here’s one version of it. The title says the guy’s name is Adriano Celentano.
That made my night. Nice.
Yes! Many thanks!
This it ?
he gets a permanent pass from me on everything, ever.
I don’t think this will have the effect you’re intending.
That’s certainly a real risk, but letting the people who actually foot the bill get a clear picture might help.
Maybe not. I would think that any time somebody said, “Thank the lord for Obamacare. I insure my whole family for nine dollars a month,” some working stiff who pays more than his house payment to an insurance company would strangle that person with barbed wire. But that doesn’t happen. If it does, they keep quiet about it on CNN.
And there is a real likelihood that Congress would try to “fix” the doctor shortage by disallowing the rejection of (single payer) Medicaid patients, which will accelerate the exodus of practitioners from the marketplace.
*exodus of practitioners to the black-marketplace.
Also- in medicine, the 80/20 rule seems to be particularly pernicious. That is ~ 80% of thye time money and effort is focused on 20% of the patients.
It’;s a cultural thing, but somehow or other, we need to disabuse people of the delusion of everlasting life (I’m looking at you, Ron Bailey) through medical breakthroughs. Maybe while we’re at it, we could put an end to government programs and policies which seem to incentivize people to get fat.
The economist did a great series of articles a number of years ago on how “cost/benefit analysis” (they might have used some other term for it) is basically weeded out of large parts of the medical care systems by intent; and its a complex subject as to why, but that there needs to be some conscious effort to re-integrate it into certain aspects, …
…particularly pharma, where bazillions are spent simply taking a known compound with only minor further potential, and then adding “new coatings to make it easier on the stomach” or “new time-release mechanisms” which change how you can manage dosage, but which allow drug companies to prevent that drug from going off-patent, and keep prices absurdly high. Most of the “upgrades” they add to that compound are things they purposely shelve as part of the drug’s lifecycle management.
there were other examples. I’ll see if i can find the articles i’m thinking of. I think it was a whole segment of the magazine…
maybe this was it
Actually, i think my comment was only tangentially related to yours.
I don’t think there’s any way around the fact that 80% of medical expenses will be devoted to end-of-life care (i think ‘early life’ is also a chunk of the very high-expense pool). Basically, “sick grannies and sick babies” eat up most of our healthcare resources, and there is no logical reason to expect care to be evenly distributed.
i agree with your point about “longevity”. We’ve pretty much maxxed out lifespans with way-too-expensive treatments, while doing little about focusing on quality of life or improving health at a very basic level. I’m aware of a number of medical-economist types who argue that if we spent 10% on basic shit like “actually treating high-school gym class more like a basic-training in health management” that we’d produce huge improvements in quality of life and reduce the obese population. stuff like that. I’m not sure how realistic it is because as you (or someone else) suggested, culture is basically the cause of the least-healthy populations. and hispanic immigrants are not helping the issue. there’s a tendency of the ‘slightly less poor than they used to be’ to fatten the shit out of their kids.
I’m not so sure anything needs to be “done” to discourage people to spend their money on ailments that they want to salve or cure — as long as it is their money. It makes sense in my mind that spending money here creates a market which creates competition which creates innovation which lowers costs. Socializing end of life costs is the moral hazard, not spending money on it. Which is why I think a full repeal of ACA is still preferable to middle options that leave market distorting effects in place (i.e. no individual mandate but still forcing pre-existing conditions, and still entrenching the insurance companies which further distorts the market by hiding the prices from individuals, who should be the ones making decisions for their own health).
Yeah, the problem is that healthcare (as mentioned above) has a lot of structural barriers to cost reduction. We’re constantly making basic treatments which have no further benefit *more* expensive by claiming we’re making already-safe things “safer” or by changing the packaging or delivery system.
from the link:
I’m not so sure anything needs to be “done” to discourage people to spend their money on ailments that they want to salve or cure — as long as it is their money.
+1 Charlie Gard
basically spoke gibberish in an American accent.
I had a friend who could speak Spanish with a German accent. Something about Argentine Nazi refugees. It was gutbustingly funny to listen to him.
that sounds hilarious.
Oddly enough, when I would speak German, Germans all thought I was French. When I’d speak French, the French all thought I was German.
Basically, my language skills suck.
It doesn’t help that all you can say is merci beaucoup.
quel âge… a le vin…oui, le vin
That’s survival French right there.
I can do a pretty good Angry Chinaman, lot’s of laughs
My dad took Russian in college and learned it pretty well. So awhile later, he was at a conference with some Russians, so of course he’s going to try it out. He only says a little, and they start laughing. He doesn’t know what he said wrong, when he thought he was okay.
“no, no, friend, your Russian is good, but you speak it with a perfect Viennese accent.” Because of course, his instructor was from there.
Yeah. I took French from a woman with a very Norwegian/ northern Midwest accent. Totally had the rhythm wrong. I went to Paris when I still knew French pretty well, but oddly they kept asking if I was Russia. It was like, ahhh are my clothes that bad? ( early 90s). They kept saying “La Rus?” I took a Russian class and I would start a sentence in Russian but end it in French. If you asked me to say that sentence in French,I wouldn’t have been able to do it, but trying to speak a different language apparently triggered that part of my brain.
college football, here we go!
DOOMCo, you haven’t announced your winners from the caption contest, have you?
no. i suck and got busy programming. I do have the list of winners, I just have to get it in the pipeline.
get it in the pipeline
uh huh uh huh uh huh
I just imagined a wavy eyebrow person try to waggle.
I imagined this.
Shin Godzilla in 6 minutes or so –
For the Clockwork Orange reference upthread – No English subtitles for this one, but do you really need them?
Sounds about right. Metaphor for Kim Jong Un, I’m guessing
GF is trying to get me excited for the new Star Trek series, but the more we talk about it the crankier I get. Put aside the fact that the Klingons are supposedly based on Trump supporters, which is getting really fucking tedious (and stuff like this is supposedly part of the reason people hated Enterprise, so let’s double down on it)—I cannot suspend belief that Spock had a sister and no one mentioned her. “Oh, there will be a reason,” says the showrunner.
Yeah, possible reasons:
• She dies at the end, which would be the clearest example of the fridge trope that everyone bitches about, and also makes no sense, because just because someone dies doesn’t mean we don’t talk about them anymore, especially when Spock has all this other baggage that gets dredged up constantly.
• Somehow everyone gets mind-melded to forget her: that would be fucking retarded but I guess they might do that if they don’t kill her.
• She dies AND everyone gets mind-melded to forget her, because FYTW.
None of these are going to make people happy, you know. You can’t get people attached to a character and then kill her at the end, How I Met Your Mother. And there’s no fucking reason for it. This is going to be the sixth Star Trek series. People will watch it, guys. They don’t need your gimmicks. But this need from Hollywood to have everything be a reboot all of a sudden—it’s not enough that it’s a new Star Trek series, that’s not enough of a reboot, we have to make it all about Spock AGAIN—really has me at the end of my rope. I feel like a curmudgeon because it seems like I don’t ever enjoy anything anymore, but that’s not true: I enjoy ORIGINAL stuff. It’s just practically impossible to find that these days.
HIMYM killed off an unimportant character than no one cared about.
It was still a dumb ending.
Tell that to the wailing fangirls I was surrounded by in the aftermath of that series finale (including my sister, which meant I got IRL wailing). I didn’t even watch the show, but I was about ready to shoot the showrunners by the end for subjecting me to that. A lot of people liked the mom and a lot of people liked Robin and Barney. Both got sacrificed to the creators having a stupid idea back in the second season and deciding to stick with it even though viewer opinion had changed by the end.
So Spock had a brother AND sister he never talked about, ever?
Everyone hates Star Trek V. You’d think they’d take that as a sign now. But of course they aren’t.
Oh shit! That’s the answer!
In the series finale, Spock’s sister transitions F to M. Brilliant!
Oh shit. They really might go that way with it. Yet another way to win prog points.
Damn. I would buy that except this girl is black? MAYBE THEY’LL GO THE TRANSRACIAL ROUTE, TOO. The proggie tears would be delicious.
Wait, so Spock is being given a (half) black sister?
Oh, I see what you mean. I thought you meant half-sister. They said that the plot point is that her parents were friends of Amanda and Sarek or something, so they adopted her when they died. I saw an article pointing out that other members of the crew had siblings that weren’t mentioned because it wasn’t important, which is true—I think it wouldn’t be so hard for me to swallow if the series didn’t spend SO MUCH time on Spock’s background. We meet his parents, there’s so much time spent on his angst over being half Vulcan, and then when he dies and comes back they spend time on him getting his memories back—all those things make it harder to swallow not just one, but multiple secret siblings.
That would be a good reason to explain why he never talked about her.
I feel like a curmudgeon because it seems like I don’t ever enjoy anything anymore, but that’s not true: I enjoy ORIGINAL stuff. It’s just practically impossible to find that these days.
I’ve said the same thing as a movie fan: I like a lot of movies actually from the 1960s, but I’ve long been sick and tired of the constant looking back at the era in current movies. The whole “Camelot” bullshit and all that.
Star Trek has been effectively tanking their series on day one since Voyager, so I’m not really surprised. Hell, even the ending of DS9 sucked. Unless you have someone on the team with a legitimate artistic vision the inevitable result is just some shitty cash-in where they attempt to pull at nostalgia strings.
That’s been my issue with both the Star Trek and Star Wars reboots. They’re both huge universes that have a lot of room for you to tell all sorts of unique and original stories, and instead we keep getting bashed over the head with the same ones over and over. If that’s how it’s going to be, let the franchise die ffs.
the inevitable result is just some shitty cash-in where they attempt to pull at nostalgia strings
I was expecting a link to the ending of Enterprise.
Instead of a shitty reboot of TWOK or a shitty reboot of Insurrection, the reboot movies could’ve had a winner by using their bullshit time/universe travel trope to set up an awesome mirror universe movie. While Future Spock was putzing around with creating a new Vulcan homeworld, Future Evil Spock was equipping the Evil Enterprise with TNG-era weapons. The plot of the movie would involve a desperate scramble to find any way to stop a superior enemy who know what you’re going to do before you do it.
I’m just gonna say it again, louder so Hollywood can hear it. NO. MORE. REBOOTS. OR. REMAKES.
Just let me watch my reruns of TNG in peace.
Isn’t TNG technically a reboot?
That was the joke, I guess it didn’t come off.
I’d be fine with Hollywood rebooting the DC movie universe. Maybe try and get it up to the same quality as the Animated Universe was back in the 90s.
Now that Snyder’s off some of their projects because his daughter committed suicide there might be some improvements.
Maybe. Even without him around, I think the universe has been too rushed to really recover at this point.
Not to mention the Klingon redesign makes them look like rejected villains from Power Rangers.
Ugh, it’s going to be so terrible, And I’m going to have to watch at least the premiere for Jason Isaacs and Michelle Yeoh. Shame Fuller doesn’t really seem like a good fit for it – I had hopes it would be more interesting/original with him involved, but either CBS/Paramount is pushing all this, or he is, but whichever, I’m disappointed. I was first disappointed when they said it was a prequel set in the TOS-verse. TOS-verse okay, I’m fine with that to clear the decks of the Abramsverse whiners, but then don’t set it in a time period you get boxed in so hard by the timeline. I think if you’re gonna reboot, just do a clean reboot with all new characters and just keep the worlds
The best thing about football is the marching band!
speaking of healthcare…
1) i go to new orleans, and my friend confesses he’s been diagnosed with hodgkin’s lymphoma
2) i get back, and my mom calls me and tells me she’s got some (mild) version of leukemia, but hey, she’s old.
3) then i get a text from my other friend that his wife was breast cancer and he’s moving from one state to another to ensure they get better care
so: everyone has cancer.
+1 WebMD
Yeah… my wife’s best friend is doing chemo for breast cancer right now.
And my best friend – or should I say my one remaining friend – may or may not have testicular cancer. He’s got some kind of lump in his boinloins but is about to see specialist #3.
How old is he? Isn’t testicular cancer generally a disease of younger men? (My father had a benign cyst on a testicle a few years back.)
I’m having fun with this site
funny how i always keep hearing people say, “more people are getting cancer” when actually incidence has declined in every category except “breast” since 1991 (more or less; that doesn’t cover everything i think, and lung incidence only started declining more recently).
Shit, sorry to hear that.
My philosophy fortunately helps me deal with these things.
My philosophy is, “As long as its not in my rectum, its probably ok”
A good point.
A lot of those extra costs come from new technology—which is odd. In most other industries, new more productive technologies drive costs down: thus the word processor replaced the typewriter, and the fax (and then e-mail) replaced the telex.
[insert Monty Python “machine that goes *ping* skit]
I admit I have not really given this a lot of thought. But I would say it has to do with the new technologies being “in addition to” rather than “a replacement for” other equipment. And, unfortunately, virtually none of it replaces the goddam doctor.
*I did see something not long ago about what essentially boils down to a multi-axis computer controlled milling machine for doing knee/hip replacements. They were test driving it on a dog, in the article I saw.
“So, how do you feel the treatment compares to your earlier condition?”
(makes mark on form)
“And on a scale of one to five, how would you rate your flexibility relative to pre-treatment”
“licks balls”
(nods sagely)
so: everyone has cancer.
I was wrong. Again.
Well the garage sale was a bust. We sold a few things but not that many customers. In the end I packed a car full of junk so it can be driven away to Goodwill.
Taking away a carload of junk still counts as a win.
I’m not so sure anything needs to be “done” to discourage people to spend their money on ailments that they want to salve or cure — as long as it is their money.
I agree with this 100%.
Has hell frozen over? Are pigs flying? Are Cali Democrats about to do something halfway decent? There must be some terrible thing in this bill that this news article is leaving out.
Broken clock
+1 blind squirrel
They’re being taken off the list…..
because they’re going to be exiled to Pedo Island.
*Cue ominous music
Alright everyone (clinks spoon for the audience) – I have an RFI.
Looks like this goddamnnastyannoyingfucking 2006 Audi A4 has another problem.
Looks like a problem with one ignition coil or possibly the ICM, I’m getting misfires (nofires?) when the engine’s under load. Slack off the gas a little, problem stops. Car has 75k miles on it. ODB alerts indicated a P0302, indicating cylinder 2. Other information is that car had a new timing chain fitted 2 weeks ago, but I took the car out and exercised it after at high speed and I had nothing at all pop up on the OBD.
1. Relative probabilities, ICM vs Ignition coil? Which is more likely?
2. Should i replace all 4 ICs, if it is ignition coil?
3. Any ideas on anything else it might be?
check wires, that could be faulty. could be the coil though.
plugs too.
Possible causes:
Faulty spark plug 2
Clogged or faulty fuel injector 2
Faulty ignition coil 2
Fuel injector 2 harness is open or shorted
Fuel injector 2 circuit poor electrical connection
Ignition coil 2 harness is open or shorted
Ignition coil 2 circuit poor electrical connection
Insufficient cylinder 2 compression
Incorrect fuel pressure
Intake air leak
Start with the easy stuff, double check the air intake for leaks, then swap the spark plug on cylinder 2, see if the problem jumps cylinders. After that if it is still happening on the same cylinder, try Brook’s suggestion and swap the coil. If it still happens on the same cylinder, you’re probably best off taking it to a mechanic.
That makes sense.
this being the not fun one.
That’s the “time for a new car” one, yeah.
time to swap an S4 engine in!!
Time to arrange a creative insurance claim, or trade this POS in for something more reliable – i.e “Something japanese”
lets hope its something simple. I like those A4’s. wagon or sedan?
The wagon. Bought it used, the history so far has been of anger, resentment and taking the dealership to the brink of a lawsuit.
It’s many years since I owned an VW or Audi, and I harbored fond memories of the experience. What a fool I have been; more deluded than believing the check’s in the mail, that she really loves you and the third one I can never remember and always lied about.
The other thing is the “Old Fart Factor” when you could reasonably diagnose a problem yourself. I haven’t done very much automotive in the last 20 years, and now I come back and find that the worst thing that can happen to a car is for the computerized management systems to fail.
I feel like an F-16 pilot who’s just found that the plane is impossible to fly without electronic assistance.
Add to that, I move to the US and I’ve never had need to accumulate an automotive tool collection, so I’m not even sure I have a spark plug socket the right size :/
My wife bought a used Audo TT Quattro a while back and I hate it with a deep passion. I have friends who work for VW and I can get parts for it for almost nothing, but the car is SUCH a pain in the ass to work on. You need special tools to remove the front shocks. Triple-square bolt heads everywhere. Stressed bolts that are one-time-use. It’s just annoying to work on, but it is fun to drive.
yeah, the fly by wire and CPU everything is not cool.
Since you recently had it apart, it’s possible there’s simply a loose electrical connection now. Take the wires off the coils and clean them with Deoxit and then blow out the connectors with some compressed air. Do the same with the cam angle sensor connector. If you want to be thorough, do the same with the grounds on the engine harness. If that doesn’t fix it, do a coil swap from one cylinder to another. If the problem moves, you know it’s the coil. They’re cheap, so replace them all. Replace the plugs too unless you just did that when you replaced the chain. The computers are fairly bulletproof, so it’s not very likely that’s the cause.
An air intake leak can be diagnosed by squirting WD-40 around the intake seals while the engine is running. If the engine speed changes, there’s a leak where you’re squirting.
If the injectors are dirty you can either clean them yourself (a bit difficult) or send them to a place like RC Engineering for about $25 each. The advantage of sending them to RC is you’ll get a report on the flow for each injector before and after cleaning.
Relative probabilities, ICM vs Ignition coil? Which is more likely?
You say you’re getting a read on a specific cylinder? I’d try switching the coils around, to see if the fault indication follows that #2 coil.
Famous Last Words: I can’t imagine the new timing chain could have caused this.
Yes, your Famous Last Words have a deep and almost cthonic resonance. Expect a posting that looks like the final paragraph of a Lovecraftian short story.
Coils are $25 each, so if it’s just a coil I’d be a happy bunny. Even if it’s an ICM (each coil has its own) they’re only $30.
How old are the plugs? Changing them is cheap.
This is a turbo car, right? When you say under load, is that WFO (wide open throttle) or maintaining cruising speed up a sustained climb?
I’m thinking increased cylinder pressure is the variable; so spark intensity seems like the place to look.
Could it be something like poor ground or dirty connection?
Sustained climb, even at <30mph, rather than throttle WFO. I know 'misfire' in a car like this covers a multitude of sins, but it's more like that cylinder just isn't firing at all, which was what sent me down the path of no spark/weak spark.
WFO = Wide Fucking Open, btw
I hate technical jargon
FWIW – gonna start pimping some self-publishing folks I follow in comics. First vid on The Underburbs. I know I still need to get around to checking out the work published by folks here as well.
How viable is the self-publishing route, in your opinion? I have a friend who has written a comic and is currently working with an artist to pull together a 9-page pitch to shop around to various publishers to get funding and distribution, etc. His backup plan is self-publishing with funding through kickstarter or something. Is this the way most self-published comics get made (crowdsourced funds and then… something… to produce and distribute)? I’m not super into comic books and I don’t know the industry and so I don’t know what advice to give my friend other than generic business advice.
Indyplanet offers options where folks can buy digital versions of the comics or get hard copies printed/mailed to them – creator gets a pretty large cut either way IIRC – but you’d probably get more info from contact some folks directly who already do it. I’m pretty certain creators can also get discounts on large orders shipped to them, that they can then sell directly or at cons. does comics and other hard copy books – but they’ve always been a little more of an issue for shipping prices – although they do have a lot of discount coupons by email.
Most of the kickstarters I’ve followed for books have been from existing publishers like
Coils are $25 each
This makes me think they sell a lot of them.
That was what made me wonder if changing them might not be a good idea, although I’m starting to resent the expense putting a gallon of gas in this thing.
You can learn a lot (sometimes) by pulling the plugs and looking at them, even if it’s just, “One looks different than the others.”
*thinks about cylinder 3 of my toyota*
Well well well. A great big cloud has been parked on top of me for three day, and it’s starting to clear off. .I just looked out the window, and the trees up above (maybe another 150 vertical feet) me have white stuff on them.
I got my very own Extreme Weather Event! I don’t feel so left out, now.
But in better news, I just snagged 5000 rounds of CCI Standard .22 for $305.
So Mars smiles upon me even as Vulcan gives me the finger and a stink-eye.
I just snagged 5000 rounds of CCI Standard .22 for $305.
Time to build a .22 Gatling gun.
I have seen ads for plans for such a thing, using barrels from Ruger 10-22s I think.
It’s easy to go thru’ a LOT of CCI standard without a gatling gun if you’re a bullseye shooter.
I’m not on the team at the moment, but if I go back I’ll be shooting about 600 rounds a week.