STEVE SMITH, if hiker begin singing national anthem before rape, you stop?
… asking for a friend.
Di women di nex see chop-chop.
Cannot believe they handed Merkel such a commanding victory. She’s worse than Hillary.
Merkel is many things, but worse than Hillary is a bit of a stretch. Nowhere near as corrupt or sociopathic.
She’s more of just sad and pathetic. She’s like a cross between Jimmy Carter and Hillary.
Also, the Germans are all drunk.
Also, they don’t vote for Merkel. They vote for (1) their local MP and (2) a party.
I am aware. But as I considered anyone in the UK shameful for voting Labour because it would have made Jeremy Corbyn PM, I feel the same about her party.
Poor Limeys. All that and Theresa May is now PM. It’s like they couldn’t win.
Better her than him. But yeah.
Same in Germany. I dunno who’s leading the SPD but he’s bound to be worse than Merkel in every way,
He must be Satan’s boss who were haven’t even heard of yet. He has to be Hillary, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, and Hitler combined. Did you miss the part where I said Theresa May?
Martin Schulz. I know because there was an attempt on Reddit to create the_schulz as some sort of the_donald counterpart, but I get the feeling it was heavily astroturfed like 95% of Reddit is nowadays.
Not commanding at all. Her party fell from 41% to 33%.
Worst Chancellor Ever!
There is competition for that title.
Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann-Hollweg?
Huh, “black-white” coalition now possible. I guess the Nazis don’t want to play with?
Dammit. “Black-yellow”.
If by “black-yellow” you mean Union/FDP, that’s not a majority.
Union/AfD (not that anybody is even thinking it) would be a bit short. The coalition everybody is talking about is the “Jamaica” coalition, because the colors of the Union (black), FDP (yellow) and Greens (green) are the same as the colors on the Jamaican flag.
In the past there was also in some state legislatures the “Ampelkoalition” from the word for “stoplight” which had SPD (red), FPD (yellow) and Greens (green).
I thought I saw it on one of the news sites but after checking again I think I misread it. Too bad.
I did read that all parties refuse to work with the Nazis. Thus, Greens. Ugh.
Hilarious they call the one potential coalition “Jamaica.”
Jamaicans are the white people of Germany.
It was either that or “defunct Repulic of Benin“.
Ed Wuncler’s Unscientific and Totally Inaccurate Crystal Ball:
While Merkel’s party won a somewhat majority in the German Parliament, sooner or later Germans are going to get tired of being put in the position of being harassed and having to pay for refugees from the Middle East. And what makes it worse is that if you dare to criticize the Islamic refugees about their refusal to integrate into German society, you’re called a racist and could even face some sort of sanction from the government.
You think that they had enough but with German guilt for their actions during World War II, they are less hesitant to deal with this issue due to the fear of being branded as Nazis and bigots. What’s going to end up happening that some threshold will be reached and a party that makes the AfD look like a bunch of amateurs will step in and offer solutions, terrible solutions, but nevertheless solutions unlike the mainstream parties. That’s when shit will get interesting.
Merkel would do well to look at her diminished majority in Parliament and start dealing with this issue head on, if she doesn’t want Germany to be in the grasp of a bunch of xenophobic assholes in the near future.
This thought came about because my wife’s au pair is from Germany and while still a Merkel supporter, during a dinner we had with her a couple of months ago, expressed her fear that the refugee population are becoming much more bolder and dangerous while refusing to integrate into German society.
Germany’s ultra generous benefits system will face increasing strain under the weight of millions more uneducated immigrants who have no skills and do not speak the language, making it very difficult to get jobs. And Merkel has already committed to bringing all that want to come. Eventually, this is going to turn the Germans against Merkel and her merry gang of lefty loons. The Germans have it very good right now, no way that can last. They’re going to soon face increasing taxes, losses of their generous benefits, and increasing violence by 3rd worlders withing nothing else to do. Going to get very ugly.
And the Merkels of the world will never learn.
No, they don’t learn because they have no ability to self reflect and accept they’re wrong in the first place. It’s either because they didn’t prog hard enough, or it was the fault of the far right extremists, somehow.
Also because the negative stuff never affects them. Put refugee camps in the Hamptons and on Martha’s Vineyard and watch what happens.
This. If the left wants less Trumps (and I’m not even suggesting that Trump is on par with the extremists you’re arguing will emerge) they need to actually address problems that their electorate believes or feels are actual problems, rather than just screaming at them that they’re evil or stupid.
The Left is good at ignoring and handwaving the issues especially if they politically benefit from those issues. The problem is their shortsightedness and refusal to see things outside the lens of social justice and fucking over their perceived enemies.
If you firmly believe that you’re on the right side of history and that you’re the heirs of the great reformers of the past, then you don’t need to bother with what the majority thinks unless it happens to align with your own views. You are simply ahead of your time in your beliefs, however removed they are from abolishing slavery, or introducing universal suffrage, or whatever achievements you are trying to appropriate as those of your team. Logically the only way you can be criticised is by someone offering a more extreme version of what you’re selling.
You can see this in the refugee crisis – helping refugees in the way progressives want is simply the right thing and there’s no need to compromise with anyone icky enough to disagree with you. Hungary and Poland are being un-progressive – there’s therefore no issue with how they are being treated.
In the UK, politicians from all parties routinely denied us a referendum on massively and permanently changing our country in part because it was so obviously the future that the electorate would just need to catch up. Many of them still don’t get that the gulf between what the situation they’ve put us in and what the people actually wanted is the problem.
Someone mentioned earlier that Merkel is a bit of an outlier in her party. They are the “center-right”, after all, and should have been expected to take a more “nationalist” position of at the very least not opening the flood gates. And she has been making some noises in that direction, too. I think she sees the writing on the wall.
Voting SPD is certainly not an option for anyone who didn’t like her actions. They’ll just make it worse. Thus, the AfD’s results.
I’ve heard that she’s not even the most popular with SPD – so…why haven’t other folks in her party tried tossing her out the way we occasionally see in the UK or Japan, etc?
The SPD are to the left our of Democrats. Of course she is not popular with them. She might have fucked up on immigration but her other “centrist” policies are toxic to them.
If she’s toxic to SPD, why don’t they replace her – like the Corbyn revolution? Party member vote, etc?
I think you’re confusing CDU and SPD. She is the leader of CDU.
But good question. I don’t know the ins-and-outs enough to say whether anyone else in her party has tried to take over.
Plurality, not majority.
Let me rephrase it: Angela Merkel has won the popular vote.
She can thank The Russians for that.
Could they have not said the same thing for any imported item over the past 50 years? Why pick solar as the one to snivel about? I don’t get this.
This must be why Solyndra failed.
The left believe they can just social engineer stuff. Even humans. No amount of failure and unintended consequences dissuades them from this.
I have no doubt it was part of why Solyndra failed if they ever did intend for that to be a real company. Funny how it was no big deal then.
Because solar panels are the cute puppies of industrial manufacturing.
I wonder how many puppies you would have to harvest/harness/render to equal one solar panel.
See, the Europeans need to take a lesson from the Saudis and keep the single men away from dem dat be di single woman.
There’s some interesting factoids in this article on the German elections.
German Elections
“The radical right party profited from the fact immigration was the number one election issue. But can its breakthrough last?”
You know, when I hear the media use terms like ‘radical’, I just always somehow feel that doesn’t mean what you think it means. So what are the AfD, like somewhere just left of Republicans? I’m just guessing. I can completely understand why there strongest support is in the east. Those people, the older ones, actually know what left fucking means.
‘their’, fuck. I just have to start typing out my comments in Word and running grammar check.
The Greens – basically, the “Antifa” party – are calling them “Nazis”. All of this is sounding a bit familiar.
Anti-immigrant, somewhat anti-EU, vaguely populist nationalists basically.
Also they seem to want to bring back conscription for some reason.
I was going to say they already have conscription but I see they got rid of it in 2011. Why am I always the last to know of these things.
They live in a country of pacifist pussies. If you want a more aggressively sovereign Germany, you need to instill some sense of nationalism. Military is the go-to there.
Good. I’ll take pussified Germany over murderous asshole Germany any day of the week.
I’ve lived in pussified Germany. It was very nice.
I read that 2/3 of men subject to “conscription” took the non-military option anyway.
I don’t consider conscription to be that much of an issue, more the idea that an ‘aggressively sovereign’ Germany is not a good thing.
Without the Germans or commies, we’re like the Globetrotters without their Washington Generals. We’re lost. North Korea and Venezuela don’t cut it as far as commies go. We need an angrier Germany to make America great again. Or China, but they’re just smarter than us and coil up like a snake patiently waiting to strike.
That’s what the Russians are for, jeez. They have all the benefits of sounding as evil as the Germans, but without the brutal efficiency.
Reagan’s idea was more…’unique’.
Most of the country just doesn’t seem to buy it at all the same time. It just doesn’t work.
Hey, it took the Germans actually declaring war on the U.S. to get you involved in our little war, so really they weren’t the best enemies either. What you really need is bands of autonomous Indians trying to destroy your settlements, that seems to be the proper American enemy.
I’d guess the AfD are probably closest to the Buchananites if you’re trying to make a comparison to US politics.
BTW, Slammer already posted about it in the last thread, but looks like Villanueva’s pretty popular.
But yeah, I’d love to see DoD take a stance on this as far as pulling advertising. I’m sure SecDef would love to save some money – divert some unnecessary advertising funds to maintenance, etc.
I am only familiar with Villenueva through tv commercials for his charity work. He seems a solid sort. I think it should be illegal for any government agency to spend taxpayer dollars for advertising especially public service announcement bullshit like how to handle raw chicken.
This isn’t really accurate, though. The entire team was just behind him in the tunnel. The Steelers aren’t the smartest bunch. They aren’t the best at explaining themselves, even if Tomlin has an extremely well developed line of bullshit. It’s not at all clear if Villy was out there intentionally or doing his own thing right now.
His story, at least from the wiki, sounds pretty amazing. Jus Soli American citizen, goes to West Point, does a stint in Afghanistan with the 10th Mtn, then tries out for the NFL. Doesn’t get drafted, so back to Afghanistan. Eventually gets into Ranger Regiment, and picks up a BSV.
Pretty good.
Holy hell, sports reporters, etc., really are a pathetic bunch. If I have to hear one more time about how players took a knee or linked arms or whatever, I usually change the channel when they bring it up, in response to a Trump tweet, I swear I’ll never watch another NFL game. No one who watches cares about what the players or the analysts or whomever thinks about politics. So much fucking signalling. I may give it up anyway if they win this Elliott suspension for being falsely accused. There’s just no safe space for rational people from lefty nonsense.
Well, there is, but it involves telling them to fuck off and ridiculing them. Or just ignore them and let them wallow in their misery all by themselves.
The part that really annoys me is the folks who are right for the wrong reasons. Post Trump getting involved it is a mix of flaming racists, social signalling progressives and mindless partisans.
Meanwhile, we actually have a legitimate issue in need of serious attention that is going to remain neglected until the race-baiters figure they’ve gotten all the mileage they can from this one and move on.
Re: the thread from the Morning Links on appalling web design, I give you DiscoGeocities is not dead!
Hmmm, strangely the strikethrough tag I put around ‘Disco’ was stripped. Use your imaginations.
I was hoping for DiscoGeocities myself.
Yikes. I was just taken back to 1990.
I heard a modem dial up tone when I clicked.
Needs moar blink tag.
Wow, I haven’t seen the word “webring” in about 15 years.
So where were you in the “Truth Laid Bear” ecosystem? 😉
I have never heard of that but I don’t like bears so there’s that. ??♂️
This is awesome:
For a real blast from the past, Heaven’s Gate is still a thing, and it has a website!
Rand Paul lays out his demands earlier today for backing the Senate health bill.
Money quote:
I may have forgot to close a tag.
I’m just sayin.
That helps sometimes. Look at the quote.
It is all a quote.
You know what might help with that?
An edit feature.
Collinsworth starting Raiders/Redskins by asking Trump to “consider” apologizing for the SOB line made my day, frankly.
I went from rabid fan as a kid, to casual fan as a young adult, to meh in my 30’s, to disgust in my early 40’s, to outright hatred today. Same trajectory as my view towards the democrats.
I was never more than a casual fan of the Democrats – was in fact largely apolitical until well after college – and I arrived at outright hatred by my early 30s already.
Proudly hated Democrats since I first formed thoughts on politics. I blame my mother who was a rabid Bill-Hillary supporter and my disgusting sixth grade teacher who kicked me out of class for arguing with her about banning tobacco ads. I can still remember her disgusting ass smothering peanut butter all over rice wafers while claiming to be on a diet.
Don’t judge me too harshly. I actually believed they were fighting racism because they, uh, said they were. Never wanted to punch a Nazi, however, and that made all the difference btw me and the actively immoral kids today.
I started turning against the Democrats when this obnoxious liberal I knew in college told me that as a black man, I am obligated to vote for Democrats. It got me to start thinking about how the Left truly view minorities.
Does that make you the mythical libertarian black man?
We already have HM, and he is as black as Obama. Although he his a bit like Zwarte Piet, in that he hands out gifts as links that you never want to open.
When I first became political – in high school, at the beginning of the “War on Terror” – I firmly believed the Democrats on almost everything. After high school, I got into guns, joined the NRA, and learned that the Democrats are the biggest supporters of gun control. In the course of reading about gun politics, I came across Ron Paul, whose ideas were of course very resonant with me. I soon realized that the Democrats are not really the “compassionate” and “sensible” party, but just control freaks who are better at marketing (it also helps when the media runs interference for you).
I decided to stop watching the NFL after Siemian’s 2nd pick today. Fuck me.
A shot in the meme wars.
The boats pointing the wrong way, or the soldiers are going the wrong way. Nice shot none the less.
Fuck these sports players that are doing this. I’m fine if they want to Tweet, speak out against, do whatever for their various pet causes (it would be nice if they’d actually spend their millions helping), but those flags are usually carried by vets of as many generations and colors as they can find to participate. I enjoyed it when I did it for the Patriots.
I’m not about hero worship. I’ve met as many dirtbag vets as anything else and I hate the sense of entitlement sometimes, but these guys are representing actual progress, they are truly diverse, and have actually overcome great odds. Yet here are these dipshit progs who can’t get past their own preening narcissism to give a little respect to a vet who in all likelihood is not a rich man or woman and who may never get another opportunity to be in the field. It’s like spitting in their faces (again).
They don’t even have to play the anthem and that would be fine, but it’s damn near a personal insult to probably three quarters of the population that’s watching these games.
It just makes me mad on an irrational level, but they’re hanging themselves doing it so I won’t be stopping them either.
Edit: not playing the anthem isn’t personally insulting, kneeling when people paid a shitload of money to watch you play a fucking game is.
They’re doing it precisely because people will react on an irrational level. They want to punish people not win any sort of argument. Poking someone in the eye is what assholes do.
Like most things I think the industry is too entrenched to probably change for the better at this point, so I’m not as optimistic as some people that falling ratings will correct it.
Yeah, symbols mean something. A lot of us make the “they shouldn’t even play the anthem” argument but that’s not gonna happen. They think they’re making some powerful statement of #resist but they’re really just disrespecting most of the audience.
I’d have a hell of a lot of respect for any of these goons if they went out and spent their millions on an advocacy program for just about anything. Hell, during interviews they could talk about their Foundation For Whatever the Fuck and I’d be okay with it, but have some propriety everywhere else.
They claim they’re kneeling because of oppression of blacks in America. What are the laws that say white people can do thing that black people can’t.
There’s systemic rules for blacks to get degrees, and jobs and college money and many other things that are anti-white. But I’m not aware of any rules that are anti-black.
The only way to come up with systemic oppression is to claim that white people are racists violating all sorts of laws and rules on a massive level.
That’s what this all comes down to. They hate whitey, and his traditions, and his country. The whole charade is just a bunch of racist narcissists.
I think the other thing that bugs me is that I’ve suggested that and I get people jumping down my throat. But be against the anthem because Trump, and suddenly it’s oh-so virtuous. It’s like that story somebody posted a few days back bitching about how libertarians are evil for opposing the war on drugs for reasons other than race.
Those who hate the hops can stop reading now…
Today is a good day, for the cost of driving my car down to BrewDog, I now have a case of Elvis Juice and a case of Punk IPA. Then some other beers that I picked up down there that I hadn’t had yet. Sometimes is good to own some shares in a brewery.
I read that initially as those “who hate the cops” and was about to stop reading.
I feel like an idiot for watching the video of the so-called “booing”, because i didn’t hear a thing.
i hate this whole bullshit charade. no one involved is good. everyone’s just pandering to different bullshit constituencies and pretending they’re the more-moral ones for either cheering or hating the other person’s pandering.
One side thinks America is a racist country and any demographics showing blacks negatively is proof of racism.
The other side suspects that’s bullshit and wants to watch football.
That’s not really true, though. There are a shit ton of people on the right who want to wrap themselves in the flag. Trump had no real business making the comments he did that triggered this massive showing. He did it to engage in pure Kulturkampf. This recent moment was set-off by Trump.
Kaepernick’s protest was entirely meaningless and ill-advised. It was a bad method of protest regardless of the cause. That’s why it would have died out if left alone. Trump fanned the flames for political reasons. He really did want to create division. I say this as someone who finds it all very entertaining. This is the perfect issue for Trump to exploit because it was a bad protest and because its something literally any moron can form a strong opinion on.
Here’s the thing, the left didn’t have to fall for this. OK, say ‘Fuck Trump’ all you want in press conferences, on social media, radio and TV interviews.
Nobody outside the most hardcore right wingers thought, “President Bush doesn’t care about black people,” was unpatriotic. It was a partisan shot, but it didn’t disrespect America at large.
So now Trump has wrapped himself in the flag, and nobody on the left can be bothered to tell the athletes to knock it off. Even back during the Red Scare lefties would at least try to have a fig leaf of patriotism. Burning the flag is covered under the 1A.
So now only Trump supporters are patriots. This doesn’t seem like a good winning strategy for the left.
Someone that I know mentioned that sport journalists, actors, and athletes shouldn’t be silenced and I agreed but I responded that people also have the right to flip the fucking channel if they start to talk politics.
I don’t care if football players decides to bend the knee during the anthem but don;t be surprised when some are offended by that.
This is just bullshit. Said person is probably absolutely fine with people in those fields being silenced if they express wrongthink and would probably gladly shout at you that “corporations aren’t people!”
Yeah, strange how many people on my Facebook who are currently screeching about the free speech rights of football players post that XKCD free speech comic everytime some conservative gets fired or shut down by a heckler’s veto.
Freedom of association is really the single biggest right I think Americans today have no concept of. It relates to most of the major civil rights issues as well as the economic ones, even though I hate to divide the two usually.
What a worthless comic. Randall got really far up his own ass after making a few funny comics about programming and got into a some topics that he has no idea about, and in a smug way. Of course the left and other clueless types love it, because they’re about principals and it’s good signalling to reference XKCD. Anyone who posts this comic as a response to anything is saying they don’t know what they are talking about and are giving up.
The thing I hate about that comic in particular is that it’s correct, but insufficient. Yes, it’s true the First amendment bars government from interfering with speech, and yes, that means in the private sphere, a private company isn’t restricted by the first amendment. (also it’s correct in the part that you don’t have to listen to speech you don’t like). But what it ignores is that the first amendment is meant to be the floor – absolutely the government has no place regulating speech PERIOD – not the ceiling — i.e. everyone else gets to regulate speech as much as they want. Because, no, free speech is a human right and shouldn’t be abridged by anyone.
But of course leftists only deploy the comic when it’s private companies, like Google, or private universities, quelling speech. But something like this? haha
If something is worth protesting, it’s never going to be without controversy and often not without consequence. Yet what’s really funny is that the entire discussion of the issue Kaepernick started this bullshit for has always been ignored to focus instead on his method of protest. Which makes it a shitty form of protest, frankly. He didn’t start any discussion or raise awareness of anything. This is also, frankly, partly a product of how vapid the modern culture is.
I was telling my wife that the reason why Kaepernick isn’t playing in the NFL this year is because he’s a mediocre QB who is causing a shit storm. Why in the fuck would any coach or owner want to put up with that especially from a player who isn’t as productive as he used to be?
Based on talent, someone would have given him a chance as a back-up. But this isn’t even Vick. Vick had several years pass before being signed. And it didn’t threaten to be an ongoing issue. Teams looked to see if Vick was changed and the Eagles decided he had, with Dungy’s support. Kaepernick has had similar type of support from important people, but has shown a willingness to continue the behavior. And it’s not confined to police violence. He’s gone full blown woke.
What he did obviously isn’t in the same league as what a lot of players did, but he’s definitely not worth it even if a guy with his ability usually would at least be on a roster.
Kaep is the left’s Tebow.
if it were really about “some specific cause”, people actually trying to draw attention to that cause don’t choose methods which make everyone stop and say, “fuck that guy”.
which makes you think that the only point of the “cause” is to be divisive and purposely disrespect things other people think require respect. It doesn’t really matter what that thing is (a flag? a song?)…. its just the fact that other people care about it which seems to motivate the opportunity to show that you do not.
e.g. the lunch-counter protests of the 1950s? they provided film footage of people being beaten simply for wanting to eat a sandwich. It created a vivid example of injustice because it showed people being persecuted for trying to enjoy the normal shit everyone else does every day.
If, instead, those protesters had decided to run into churches and throw poop on jesus while people were praying? I doubt they’d have attracted sympathy.
The kneeling thing is something sort of in between: it isn’t shit-throwing, but it doesn’t demonstrate anything at all about persecution. Its more of a bitchy, passive-aggressive “fuck you” because they’re on TV and they know it irritates people.
Yeah, I haven’t been paying attention to any of this, so I was wondering if the current surge in these protests (or the newsworthiness of them) had something to do with some current event(s) that I just missed. What are they protesting? And now I find out that they’re not really protesting anything, it doesn’t actually mean anything, the whole thing is argument about taking a knee during the National Anthem itself, the ‘protest’ itself. But protest of what? Utterly vapid.
Trump said in a speech the other day that team owners should fire the players that kneel. So now everybody is kneeling to protest Trump.
The “protests” were because their feelings were hurt because Trump said something bad about a football player. Clueless and inept.
If Riven is around: I saw this yesterday and thought you might enjoy. Possibly the best colorization I’ve ever seen.
Great link. Incredible amount of effort – definitely worth it.
Wow. Neat.
Would fuck the shit out of Lily. Don’t care what’s under the make-up.
She definitely was a looker
She’s a distant relative. Although I forgot exactly how.
Spellbinding work that.
3 thumbs up.
I’m not just saying this to be contrary.
It’s a good colorization job, but it was done on something that never should have been colorized.
The Munsters wasn’t made in black and white because of the limitations of technology. It was made in black and white to resemble the old Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi movies. It was filmed that way on purpose to give it that old horror movie look.
Mel Brooks did the same thing in Young Frankenstein. It’s supposed to be in black and white to make it look like the old horror movies from the 30s and 40s.
Colorization in that case defeats the intent of the artist.
Are you sure? Because the movie Munster, Go Home was made right at the same time as the series and was filmed in color. If that’s what they were going for, why not film the movie in B&W? Regardless, it was just for fun.
I think they were trying to be novel by showing you them in color for the film. You might go to the movie to see it all in color–since you hadn’t seen that before!
But that’s what they were going for–looking like the old Gothic horror movies from the 30s and 40s. My understanding is that those were still really popular for double features on weekends, when kids used to go to the movies back then. They were still showing them.
Anyway, FWIW:
It looked much better in black and white as well, IMHO
I was a kid when they were still showing some black and white things on TV and some things in color, but I noticed that the things in black and white seemed to be older.
I came away with the understanding that in the old days, the real world was in black and white.
It wasn’t just that the original Gilligan’s Island shows and war movies were in black and white; it was reinforced by family photography. My folks had photographs of their great grandparents from the turn of the century and earlier–and they were all in black and white, too.
It’s just that the world hadn’t converted to color yet.
The access to television and photography may have actually changed our dreams (TW: NY Times).
Ended up chatting with the mute woman for quite awhile via notebook.
As someone who is extremely and naturally anti-social in most situations, it’s about baby steps. And it often doesn’t happen naturally.
In this case I’m the natural mute and she’s the chatterbug rendered mute by surgery. But between the nil expectation of being party to this strange scenario and her enthusiasm in wanting to chat, we had a damned good conversation. Definitely helps overcome my social anxiety. Last week I found my time at the bar occupied by a terrific lesbian woman. I think the lack of any sexual interest makes it much easier to carry on engrossing casual conversations.
Lesbians* are great to hang with until their girlfriend starts blaming you for their significant other’s failings.
Basically, the same as hanging with anyone else in a couple.
*Obviously, not the ones on Youtube.
So now that everyone is spun up about sportsball, what is Trump doing in the background that’s being ignored? Something good I hope.
Neutral for me. The Left will go apeshit, of course.
Oh boy.
*Buys Costco-sized bag of popcorn.*
Who’s Chad?
How dare he!!?! The economy will collapse without all those North Korean tourists.
Venezuela’s going to be awkward because of the size of the Venezuelan ex-pat community here. Depends on how they define “bona fide” relationship.
The Venezuela section is only directed specifically at Venezuelan government officials. It *claims* that’s because officials have continually blocked our requirements to vet and refused to take back deportees (which is probably true), but I believe it’s also “your shithole gov’t is about to collapse and fyi, any rat trying to desert the sinking ship– don’t come crying to us for asylum until we’ve made sure you didn’t shoot fifty people and bury them in a ditch.”
Redskins are surprisingly up by 14.
I’m still not getting my hopes up.
Raiders defense is gonna get tired. Too many plays. Raiders O looks awful. Lets see what happens
I’m not sure what the hell is wrong with Carr. Did he smoke some good weed before the game? You have to be careful with the devil’s weed.
When he shits the bed he shits the bed bad.
Ken Norton Jr. needs to be fucking fired
That’s smart.
The Raiders are looking terrible tonite. Carr often really turns it up in the final minutes of the third and into the fourth. Hope he can do so tonite.
I really don’t get it. That first pass was very ill advised. Ok, sure Carr does that every once in a while. The 2nd interception was also very ill advised.
Then you have Amari Cooper dropping a pass that’s right in his hands. And Crabs doing the same earlier.
Basically what is going on here though, is that you cannot blame the defense. You cannot leave even the most elite defense on the field all of the time with 3 and outs like that. We all know that the Raiders do not have an elite defense. They have an elite offense, but they sure as hell do not look like it right now. The defense has to be exhausted right now.
Agreed. The offense is horrific. But giving up that 3rd and 19 screen pass for 74 yards is a friggin joke.
And Sean Smith being completely burned up the middle.
And Amerson being in perfect position and not jumping for the ball.
But the offense was absolute SHIT
Startin’ to get my hopes up.
I dont think the Raiders ever got up from kneeling in protest.
Apparently they forgot to play the game
69 total yards at the start of the 4th? Sad!
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but apparently “taking a knee” to protest Trump is cultural appropriation.
Kneeling is work.
I’ll give them some credit, at least they’re trying to keep it on topic.
It’s funny, aside from the inanity of the actual comment, how the people crying cultural appropriation are never a part of the culture that’s supposedly being appropriated. It’s a good thing there are such brave, woke white people who are willing to protect those poor, defenseless minorities.
LOL, HuffPo thinks they “won” this round. All I see is a lefty circle-jerk celebrating their hatred of free speech.
Yeah, great job guys! Wait to shut down free speech! You’re totally not fascists! [Sarcasm]
It’s odd that they described the video without showing it.
It’s almost like they don’t want you to make up your own mind. Almost.
What is that value or idea you value most? This?
*Takes massive dump on it*
Where’s your tolerance?
I’m not one of those people that thinks Trump is playing 3D chess, but his opponents are trying to figure out how to play Candyland.
Here’s the thing, Trump ran as a pro-American nationalist who managed to campaign that his opponents Like Obama and Clinton as globalists who put other nation’s interest ahead of American interests, and as such his opponents were unpatriotic.
So now how do people protest Trump? By kneeling during the national anthem, thereby tying patriotism with Trump, and his opposition as unpatriotic.
Even if Trump didn’t get it at first, the concept was explained to him at some point probably during his campaign. His son is increasingly starting to talk to him right down to the obvious contradictions. At this point, this was fully intentional.
So the church shooting is being investigated as a hate crime. I believe hate crime laws are there so the feds can pull athorati on the locals.
Also, I know at least 12 men that are armed during my church service. Most ex military or Leos. I don’t think an active shooter would last long in my church, but I pray I never have to find out.
Sudanese shooter. That’s going to get awkward.
Didn’t Trump just remove Sudan from the travel ban list? Yeah, awkward.
Not saying they’re connected at all, but the thought made me chuckle.
Oh yeah that too. Yikes.
Nah. It’s those fuckers in Chad you really need to worry about.
Damn the Oakland offense sucks tonight. First down on the 4 and end up with a FG? Why did they sign Beast Mode?
Hey, now, don’t sell Oakland short – their D sucks, too!
Your D will suck too if you’re on the field all fucking night. You think the Raiders offense sucks? LOL. Yeah, they look like it tonight, don’t expect that to last, they scored 71 pts in the first 2 games.
Most of the league has been bipolar thus far. Even NE isn’t completely immune. This night is going to end with one undefeated team. I can’t remember the last time that happened by week 3 of the NFL season. And KC really isn’t that good.
It’s the NFL. Every team has this type of game. But I’ve never seen the Raiders look this bad with Carr and Del Rio, it happens. But like most say, the Season doesn’t really start until game 9.
Enh, putting up 45 on the 2017 Jets doesn’t mean very much.
I’d expect talent to win out throughout the season. No offensive has looked like a smooth machine through three weeks. And I don’t buy that it’s good defense.
There’s really not any definitive defenses right now, like the 2000 Ravens, 2013 Seahawks, or the 2002 Bucks.
A whole bunch of teams are really, really hoping you’re right…
It would be quite a major and sudden reversal that didn’t involve some major rule shift if this was simply defensive improvement. I can’t pinpoint any single factor that accounts for the slow start of offenses that was different this year compared to the last few. Might just be younger players flushing out veterans and it taking a toll. But that still ultimately bodes well for an offensive upswing. I don’t see that much changeover myself.
There’s never been, as far as I can think of, some great schematic shift league wide that could account for what we’ve seen.
The explanation I’ve been seeing is that offensive lines are bad and getting worse – there are only a few teams in the league which are genuinely strong up front, and there are nominally top-tier teams (like Seattle) whose lines are massive liabilities. If defences can consistently get pressure with just four, it’s a whole different game. For example, Oakland gave up four sacks, six tackles-for-loss, and six QB hits tonight – tough to get much going under that kind of pressure.
Oakland, Dallas, and Pittsburgh haven’t really had much change up front. Those are 3 of the top 5 OL’s in the league from many perspectives. No, the OL play doesn’t explain it. Though all three units have grossly underperformed.
To me, it seems the offensive starters barely playing in the preseason is the reason. That, and no contact in practices, OTAs and training camp is proliferating injuries occurring more often during regular season games.
Dude, the Raiders offense is really good. Where the hell have you been for the last 2 years?
I was hoping for a pair of epic KC-Oakland games this year. If this keeps up, that won’t be happening. Still the Packers are crapping the bed on defense as well so a late playoff run is not looking good for the green and gold.
The Packers’ woes are the same as they have been. They insist Rodgers doesn’t need to play in the preseason, then he sucks for the first 4 or so games, people get worried, finally he gets the reps he skipped in pre-season and by mid-season a defense that can keep opponents from scoring more than 35 will win them the division. Then in the NFC championship the offence will shit the bed again, and everyone will blame the defense.
Sigh, much truth there. But the scary GB stat today was this Rogers first OT win. He is now 1-7 in OT.
If you can’t produce in OT, that is a huge hole in your performance.
Previously he only had six passes (or something really low like that) in OT. Meaning, the defense let the other team drive for a touchdown before he got the ball in most of them.
I think in four of those games he never got the ball in overtime.
In one (the 2009 playoff game against AZ), his facemask was obviously held but that wasn’t called.
Not a penalty, apparently.
Don’t know if this has been posted before:
Harvard rescinds full scholarship for PHD student after they realize she was in prison for murdering her own student, gets called racist.
“Harvard’s commitment to diversity was always a farce,” reads the headline of an article by Crystal Marie Fleming in Vox. Fleming writes, “As a scholar of racial oppression, an African-American Harvard alumna and a past president of the Graduate Student Council at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, I’m unsurprised that regressive forces within and outside of the university attempted to sabotage the career of a black woman scholar. Time and time again, Harvard — despite a superficial commitment to diversity — chooses to turn its back on the most vulnerable groups in our society.”
Et tu, Riggs?
Oh yeah, forgot to quote that gem. “At Reason magazine’s website, Mike Riggs compared the Michelle Jones case to Harvard’s 1850 decision to admit the first black medical students in the country and then rescind the offer because the students didn’t look like other people at Harvard. “Just as there’s no reason why a former drug dealer can’t get a cosmetology license, there’s no good argument for precluding an adult woman 20 years removed from a crime she committed from being a humanities professor.””
This is what passes for serious over there.
Dammit. “Serious thought”.
I didn’t think the TDS could get any worse there.
I was wrong.
Crap not for murdering her own student, for murdering her own child. I suppose edit fairies are all gone this time of night.
(paraphrase from tweet)
Left-wing oppression: Because you murdered your children, you may have to go to NYU grad-school instead of Harvard
Right-Wing oppression: You made a bad joke, and now your entire career is destroyed.
I accidentally found where all of the “globalist cuck” Establishment Republicans congregate on a daily basis. The extent to which they are utterly terrified by principled conservatism is absolutely hilarious. These are the folks that think a Roy Moore victory on Tuesday or having more Rand Pauls in the Senate will ruin their precious cocktail party. As you can see, I ruined their party a little bit by posting some good old constitutional originalism.