It’s Saturday morning, I’m coffeed up, and I’m thanking Amazon for their delivery of high quality toilet paper, of the sort that Venezualans can only dream of. But enough of that, there’s Links afoot!
Never let a likely-contrived “incident” go to waste. If you’re a showboater, this sort of thing is GOLD. The good general is assured of a steady supply of cocktail parties, and that when inevitably this turns out to be fake, he will be spared embarrassment by WaPo burying that little detail.
If this is true, I can forgive Trump for all the other really terrible stuff he’s done and his remarkably awful appointments (I’m looking at YOU, Jeff Sessions). TW: Salon, but the moaning and gnashing of teeth is worth it.
This conservative push hasn’t just been in accordance with economic orthodoxy, it’s a political power move. As Newt Gingrich once put it, if you dismantle unions, you destroy the Democratic Party’s “army on the ground.”
I call “feature,” not “bug.” And the writer inadvertently makes the case against compelling union dues by acknowledging that these are actually political contributions.
The dog’s breakfast is being prepared, and there will be extra Milk Bones. I’ll lay odds that there’s never, ever going to be actual reform of the horrifically awful tax system so beloved of rent-seekers, regulatory captors, and redistributionists. Nor will the ratchet ever work in the other direction.
This is actually good. Of course the best thing would be to eliminate that department entirely. Not that this will ever happen- we still have the Department of Education, HUD, DHS…
Why did Mogadishu get the works? It nobody business but de Turks.
Finally, Old Man music, a delightful song played by the guy who may be the best guitarist currently walking the planet.
the writer inadvertently makes the case against compelling union dues by acknowledging that these are actually political contributions.
Inadvertent? That’s exactly why they must be saved.
First? And not a mis-thread? Where is P Brooks? And what have you done with the body? Or is that redundant? Do you think I’d make a good judge?
What was the deal on Price? His travel arrangements weren’t costing the government enough?
The Price was not right.
*slow clap*
He missed an opportunity for a classic.
That is one fat cat.
Oh, I see how it is with you….ANTIURSINIST!
Mr. Price may not be the only senior official to face anger over travel bills. In recent days, a slew of reports about the fast-lane habits of the cabinet have resulted in a mounting public relations headache for the Trump administration, which is stocked by billionaires accustomed to using private jets.
I’m all in favor of subjecting those assholes to the indignities of the TSA and all the other bullshit their subjects are forced to endure. Make the bastards fly coach.
At least Melania didn’t have people in the White House Travel Office fired.
“Hillary Clinton gradually came under scrutiny for allegedly having played a central role in the firings and making false statements about her involvement therein. In 2000, Independent Counsel Robert Ray issued his final report on Travelgate. He sought no charges against her, saying that while some of Clinton’s statements were factually false, there was insufficient evidence that these statements were either knowingly false or that she understood that her statements led to the firings.”
“He sought no charges against her, saying that while some of Clinton’s statements were factually false, there was insufficient evidence that these statements were either knowingly false or that she understood that her statements led to the firings”
It’s official: HRC’s defense for all her crimes was “I’m to stupid to know that I’m lying”
Yup. Shockingly similar to Comey’s reasoning for why she didn’t really do anything wrong. Rules for me and rules for thee.
Very well put. I should temper the good feelz that article gave me, since Salom writers are often wrong.
Speaking of delicious tears, the moaning on Massachusetts NPR I heard Wednesday about the state level taxes no longer being deductions under The Hat’s proposal was almost too filling for me. Cut spending in Taxachusetts, asshole’s. Last time I had my fill of budget whiner tears was during an industrial.advisory board meeting during the Great Recession, when I got to listen to professors at my alma mater moan about how the legislature had cut university publuc funding by 25%. Shit never gets old.
Boy, phone typing translates thoughts into Mike M. speak. Whoda thunk it?
I got to listen to professors at my alma mater moan about how the legislature had cut university publuc funding by 25%.
Then fire all those diversity coordinators.
Racist! But yeah, pretty much.
I heard a GOP representative from New York whining about retaining the SALT exemption. It basically boiled down to three arguments.
1. It’s been done this way since forever. (Not a good reason for it not to change.)
2. It’s a form of double-taxation to have to pay income tax on money you pay as a tax. (By this logic, if I pay income tax to the government on money I earn, and then sales tax to a state on the money I spend, I’m also being double-taxed. It’s true, but in both cases the taxes are going to different governments, ostensibly.)
3. If rich people see how much we’re taking from them in New York, they might move somewhere else! (Bingo.)
They’re taking a hell of a lot from poor people too.
You’re not doing your taxes right then. My dad works taxes during the season, lots of people getting paid because they make enough to get EIC and claim two of their 5 kids (grandma claims the others for max tax benefits).
Hands off muh deductions!!!!
Keep your government hands off my deductions! /blast from the past
Keeping the deduction means people pay less taxes. Which is good.
This is where I’m at. If the deduction guess away, it just means people are poorer. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I don’t like the idea of inflicting pain on people just so we can stuck it to those thieving liberals.
Lots of spelling errors. Stupid phone.
Standard deduction will double – if you are poor, you are not going to be paying Federal income tax – so taking any deduction for state or local taxes away won’t have any impact on poor people.
Some people will be poorer. Of course the poorest don’t pay taxes, but this will hit other people. There is no freedom gained by this. The only change is that people in states with high taxes get taxed more. While I understand why it might be nice for some people to actually see how much the states are taxing them, I don’t see how that is a libertarian position. It is literately a tax increase.
I guess it depends on what is done with the rates. I suspect I will be taking it in the shorts, as I fall in the great tax-cattle range of 100K-300K per annum.
I would like the corporate rate to be vastly lowered, and no deductions.
There’s a libertarian case for “the worse, the better”. It’s one of the big reasons for a balanced budget amendment: make the voters pay for the spending they claim to want, rather than letting them put it on future generations.
Like, the state deductions kind of piss me off, because federal taxes are supposed to be for the big national needs. Defense, vital infrastructure, NOAA, etc. State level taxes are for state projects. If the voters of CA have this lavish state government that swaddles them in love and support from cradle to grave, that’s great, but you can’t deduct those taxes from maintaining the nuclear deterrent or keeping Social Security somewhat solvent.
There’s a lot to be said for making people pay for the consequences of their stated policies. If Obamacare is so great, how come Congress exempted themselves from it? If the TSA is so great, how come the high apparatchiks fly charter? If public schools are so wonderful, how come our leaders send their kids to private school? If guns don’t keep you safe, how come Nancy Pelosi has a CCW permit? If high state taxes are such a wonderful price to pay for good government, how come you get to deduct them from your federal taxes?
Keeping the deduction means people pay less taxes. Which is good.
Its about the complete package (which I haven’t really read up on). You can’t say this proposal, by getting rid of the deduction, will lower total collections without context.
I’d probably say we need a drastically simplified revenue neutral tax bill at this point. Revenue neutral because I don’t want to see taxes go up, but I don’t want to see debt go up either. Drastically simplified because duh. We can then argue about how the tax burden is distributed.
Didn’t Trump as much as say it will be revenue-neutral? It seems like sticking it to blue states to me. Not that it doesn’t need to be done, but that’s what it is.
It seems like sticking it to blue states to me.
Only some of them.
The average rate reduction under Trump’s plan for most people is on the order of 8 percentage points. Only a handful of states (NY, VT, IA, MN, OR, NJ, and HI) have top marginal income tax rates higher than 8%. They’re all blue, but there’s a lot of blue states (MD, MA, CT, RI, NH, WA, CO) with top marginal rates below 8%. The rate cuts would thus completely offset most people’s state income taxes anyway.
You weren’t going to recommend this Breathe?
Critics were unmollified by Mr. Price’s departure. “While his resignation ends his time in the government, it does not end the private jet scandal that others in the Trump administration, including Mnuchin, Pruitt and Zinke, find themselves in,” Noah Bookbinder, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a progressive watchdog group, said in a statement.
“This administration,” he added, “seems to believe that the government and the taxpayers serve them rather than the other way around.”
It’s okay to put the taxpayers on the hook for trillions of dollars’ worth of unsustainable, unaffordable government programs designed to win the loyalty of specific demographic subgroups of voters, though. That’s just good business.
“seems to believe that the government and the taxpayers serve them rather than the other way around.”
Is there any slice of reality to this scandal? Because how is not using the government’s money for official government business not helpful to the taxpayer?
He didn’t take the prof approved airplane. in reality price was done any way because healthcare didn’t pass.
I missed the Tampa bay meetup last night. Got tied up doing invasion consulting for a group of bandit space squids.
Yeah, they were talking about you.
Sorry we missed you. More will occur.
Bad Lizard.
It was a good time with much beer. Oh and I met people from the internet and didn’t get murdered so that was a plus.
Sorry to disappoint. I will be prowling Bad Monkey, and Dirty Shame in ybor tonight if anyone wants to test the Internet random murder risk
Please stay in character.
Huh, you didn’t say that to me when I was playing with your kids.
Don’t feel too bad I missed it to.
Coffeed up? On Yom Kippur?
You’re out of the tribe. Hand in your bag of gold immediately.
He has extra money because he didn’t have to pay for services.
This how I gauge that we’re marginal- I haven’t gotten any rabbinical nastygrams.
I just checked my email. Services were free for all here, followed by a free kosher buffet (not dairy, sorry).
Got some bad news this morning – the hits keep on coming! – one of my friends from the days of punk rock yore, died last night. Bill was an adventurer, having gone over to Iraq to be a tow truck driver. During that time he traveled through the world, and always had a great story to tell about his visits to the dens of sin in Cambodia, Thailand, The Philippines, and even Africa. He loved fast Italian motorcycles, booze, hookers, and music… but was ready to swing his fists if he was defending his friends, or a woman he thought was being wronged. RIP, Bill.
Sorry, dude.
Any updates on your son?
Son is doing well – taking some anti-seizure meds for safety’s sake. So far no more seizures and last night we let him spend a night over at the grandparents. So things on that front seem back to normal. Thank goodness.
/gives thumbs up
Glad to hear
For context, a picture of Bill – at a gun range in Cambodia
That is AWESOME. Sorry, man.
Great photo.
There’s a vacation package that would improve just about any resort.
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear that. Hope you and your friend’s family will be okay.
That sucks. Sorry to hear.
Sorry for your loss.
The League of International Truckers has lost a brother.
Sorry for your loss, mate. And good luck with your boy.
Damn that sucks. Sorry for all the hits. Hope your son doesn’t have any more of those.
Was that pic of your friend taken at a range outside of Phnom Penh? There was a range there that would let you shoot a bazooka for a hundred dollah. They would throw in a cow for an extra hundred , but I heard they would mess with the sights so you would create hamburger rain.
Brett Stephens has come home.
Should it be any wonder, either, that in the intramural fights the Donald Trumps and Roy Moores of the party are winning? As in economics, so too in G.O.P. politics: Gresham’s law applies. Bad money drives out good. Bad Republicans drive out good ones. When nastiness sells, the worst rise. Political gerrymandering doesn’t help, but that’s a separate column.
The political paradox of 2017 is that a Republican Party that cannot seem to lose also cannot seem to govern. Anger is an excellent emotion for pushing ratings and winning elections and a terrible one for agreeing to compromises and crafting legislation. This won’t end as long as Trump is in the White House. Whether it won’t also be the end of the Republican Party as a functional institution is another question.
Those crazy, emotional irrational Rethuglitards. They’re not like us. We’re smart, and reasonable, and fact-based. Oh, how they amuse us.
Awww. I was hoping for a Poison reunion, but that’s Bret something else
I almost went to see brett michaels show last night at the local performing arts center. Yeah, i was that bored. Wierd you bring him up today
Please tell me that it’s in a town of less than 10,000 people.
Bout 50,000 folks. Nearly brand new, tax funded performing arts center. I think “the john denver experience ” is tonight. Kansas is about the best theyve gotten.
Waiting for the Alanta hawks to get on their plane. This is special.
Get a collins sig for me. Hawks fan since 89
We’re not allowed into the airport area where they are since we’re plebs.
Offer to buy coach Bud a drink. He WONT turn you down. He’d probably hold the plane for a bender.
Keep your eyes peeled for Dominique. The color man cant be far behind
Obviously i mean color comentator you racists.
I think they prefer commenter of color.
Somalia: Turkey go open first Africa military base
I am sure that will work out well.
I’m sure AMISOM will appreciate some support. “support” – take that for what you will. China opened that base in Djibouti – it would be very interesting to see if Al Shabaab takes any shots at them.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out that Chinese base. They must have greased the right palms.
It’s all about their pearl necklace. They want to project power to protect African investments, Persian Gulf oil exports, etc – and Djibouti is the most stable location for the best geo-pol location (2 blocks from our base :rolleyes:) – I wonder why?
I know why China wants it, I cannot figure out why Djibouti wanted it…other than $$$. The Chinese are not good neighbors.
Because they handed them pallets of string unattached lucre.
Hey it’s one more than the new leader of the Free world has in Africa…
Oh, we are in plenty of places in Africa…
He means Germany, there was an article the other day about her being the leader of the free world.
“Her” being Merkel.
Ah. Got it.
“Secret Nasa report ‘recommended all-female Mars missions’ after studying astronauts’ sexual dynamics
Women-only crews would cooperate better than male ones, rumoured paper thought to suggest”
Someone else posted this a day or two back. The authors clearly never met a group of women. Though, I thought there were some benefits to being a woman when it comes to radiation resistance.
“Women-only crews would cooperate better than male ones, rumoured paper thought to suggest”
Written by engineers who have never talked to women, or an ardent femenist?
Women do seem to be less physically harmed by prolonged exposure to zero g. They are also smaller and eat less thus requiring less propellant for the same mission.
That is so sexist to insinuate that women are physically different from men!!!
Wasn’t there some science fiction thing where the pilots were little people for that reason?
Like Tom Cruise in Top Gun?
Also isolation experiments have shown that women have a tendency to go less nuts on extended space flights than men.
Less sexual frustration. Seriously.
“rumoured paper thought to suggest”
Here’s an example of what the Liberal party is up to :
“Example 3 – Incorporated Professional ($400K)
Jean is an incorporated professional. He earned $400,000 in business income this year. He and his spouse have two adult children attending university. Neither Jean’s kids, nor his spouse work for the business or earn income elsewhere.
If Jean had not incorporated his business, assuming he maximizes his RRSP, his personal income tax owing would be around $161,900.
3A – income sprinkling
Since Jean is incorporated, and is eligible for the small business deduction, he does the following with his $400,000 in business income:
• Jean pays himself $300,000 in salary to support himself and his family (still making the maximum
RRSP contribution) and pays about $110,800 in personal taxes.
• After paying 15% in corporate income tax on his remaining $100,000 business income, he
“sprinkles” the remaining $85,000 to his family – i.e., $25,000 to his spouse and $30,000 to each of his adult children. Because they earn no other income, his spouse and children will pay almost no tax ($900 combined).
Jean’s total taxes paid this year is therefore $126,700 –a savings of $35,200. This is due to income sprinkling with adult family members.
3B – passive investment within corporation
Since Jean is incorporated, and is eligible for the small business deduction, he does the following with his $400,000 in business income:
• Jean pays himself $300,000 in salary to support himself and his family and pays about $122,900 in personal income taxes.
• To prepare for retirement, instead of contributing to an RRSP, Jean retains $85,000 for passive investment in his corporation after paying $15,000 in corporate income tax on net business income of $100,000.”
Sounds like Morneau is in a conflict of interest pickle. By removing this option for SMEs this fucks them out of a pension plan they built – and forces them into…Morneau-Sheppel.
Did another video to promote one of my buddies self-publishing comic efforts. Looking into options to get this book back on indyplanet, but really believe it deserves broader distribution.
How are Canadians reacting? VERY ANGRY.
Fuck him. Slaver
Billionaire slaver with…shell corporations. The PM is a trust fund millionaire.
Fresh John Stossel interview on the Rubin Report, about an hour long:
Is there a place to direct download the mp3 file for the rubin report? I half-assed looked awhile back with no success
There’s a podcast tab over at Not sure whether it lets you download and save the audio file or it just plays it.
Just plays it. Unless they changed in very recently
If you just need a download you can listen to without an internet connection it’s available on on the Apple podcast app, probably Google’s equivalent too.
Thanks. Never messed with either of those but ill give google a try
Don’t want to have to download an app, and want something I can use on my PC.
just go to the plug-in/extensions tab in your browser, type ‘youtube’ in the ‘find new extensions’ box, and add some Youtube Downloader plug. almost all have audio-only download options in multiple formats.
Dispatch from the purity wars
Critics of men who sport “The Future is Female” T-shirts also maintain that some are using the word “feminist” inappropriately. The preferred term, they argue, is “feminist allies.” The rationale is that white people who fight against racism wouldn’t call themselves “black,” just as straight people who rally for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights wouldn’t call themselves “transgender.”
BuzzFeed recently published “17 Types of Male ‘Feminists’ That Need to Be Stopped,” an illustrated list that included a new father who suddenly becomes a feminist after he has a daughter, and a male manager who congratulates himself for hiring a female employee.
Confess your sins. Your guilt is inescapable.
They want supplicants, not allies. It’s a shitty word but “cuck” is a good descriptor for any man who buys into that mindset.
Ugly people deserve ugly words.
“…a new father who suddenly becomes a feminist…”
These are the cucks who screamed but what will I tell my daughter (s) about Trump!
As i always like to say to these people: you probably wouldn’t have to tell your daughters much of anything about Trump if you hadn’t spent the past year or so telling them that he is literally the most evil person on the planet and the world will end if he gets elected.
‘just as straight people who rally for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights wouldn’t call themselves “transgender.”’
Have they talked to lesbians, gays or be bisexuals? Cause those people aren’t calling themselves transgender either.
Yet they’re totally Real News on other topics.
The preferred term, they argue, is “feminist allies.” The rationale is that white people who fight against racism wouldn’t call themselves “black,” just as straight people who rally for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights wouldn’t call themselves “transgender.”
Feminist != Woman
I can’t tell if they’re just really stupid or really far up their own asses. Maybe both.
Not only that, but these guys can always “identify as” feminists, right?
For MikeS and his strange penchant for pineapple pizza.
The science behind that headline.
There are a lot of people (celebrities, politicians among others) who are starting to complain about the Puerto Rico relief effort. I think it is fairly clear they don’t know how hard this is. They need just about everything. And there are a lot of people and they aren’t all in one spot. This stuff isn’t easy.
I lhad a prog telling me yesterday that the existence of the gulf should have no effect on relief efforts. Blinding stupidity.
We invaded Normandy on a total whim, we should be able to support millions of people with little functional infrastructure with a week’s notice.
Making a major motion picture is easy too. Takes no time at all.
They’re only complaining because Trump.
Yep. It really is that simple.
Fucking Canadian vigilantes.
Rufus, when will your countrymen learn they can’t take the law into their own hands?
He didn’t say “please” but he did say “thank you”.
Oh Canada. I tried that tactic when someone stole a kitchen gadget I had brought to work. It didn’t work.
There is no freedom gained by this. The only change is that people in states with high taxes get taxed more. While I understand why it might be nice for some people to actually see how much the states are taxing them, I don’t see how that is a libertarian position. It is literately a tax increase.
My position (libertarian or not) is that it reduces, or at the very least, exposes a distortionary effect. Always better, in my view. Also, those people should be happy to pay for all the extra government services provided by the enlightened nobility in charge of their states and local municipalities.
Pay up, sucker. Pay, and be glad!
It is literately a tax increase.
Getting rid of the tax subsidies for electric vehicles would also mean some people get taxed more. I still don’t think we should keep it.
So I was finally looking around to replace my stolen Leatherman New Wave, and Amazon helpfully informs me that the price has nearly doubled since my initial purchase in 2005. Sigh.
Maybe I’ll buy it in black this time and be all tactical and shit. Or not.
$100. Youcould buy 20 Pakistan multi-tools for that. And nobody steals a $5 knike
I’ve had pretty good luck with the SOG Powerlock. I concede that I might be the only person here that likes these.
I still have my leatherman super tool from 1995 sitting on my desk in front of me.
i’ve lost/broken/replaced like almost everything else i’ve ever owned. this, i think i oiled it once. in the mid 2000s. needs sharpening.
No disrespect to wesley snipes, but i think that’s basically asking to lose the thing
I have the same though for people who buy phone cases, wallets, or any piece of small equipment in camo.
seriously. i’ve dropped my phone underneath the car seat like a half dozen times. it effectively becomes invisible in the shade. Its fucking irritating. still, i’d probably not get a dayglo orange phone case (maybe shiny silver). but i’d happily have it on my leatherman handle so my eye would pick it out whenever i needed it.
“African-American woman says fried chicken thrown at her while in traffic
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – The Manchester Police Department is investigating an incident of possible racial animus after an African-American woman claims a piece of fried chicken was thrown through her car window.
Alexis Newsome believes she was targeted because she of her race and shared the story on Facebook so others might understand what the experience felt like.”
“Newsome decided to share this on Facebook, saying “I am asking for people just to listen, just to understand, just to hear me out. I just want you to know what this is like. This is why some people are marching. This is why some people are kneeling. I don’t care if you don’t agree.” Of course, “kneeling” is Newsome’s referral to the protests of the national anthem currently going on in the NFL, which many people still don’t understand.”
Either hoax or she is one shitty driver.
I’d believe it if it were fried chicken and watermelon. Everyone knows the stereotype includes both.
I wish somebody’d throw some fried chicken at me, I’m starving.
If people threw fried chicken at me while driving, I would quit my job and drive for Uber all day.
I was driving on the 110 back in 2001 and a nickle bag of weed was thrown into my car. It looked good. Smelled good. Tasty little nugs. I smoked it. Got high as fuck.
Never mind that fried chicken receipt on the floor of her car.
I’m a cheapskate. I wouldn’t throw perfectly good food at anybody.
The chicken was trying to cross the road
That’s pretty good. You have won an internet.
When will we pass some common sense sex lube laws?
Florida Geriatric Man cannot be trusted to contain his base urges.
“No one needs 55 gallons of lube.”
jesse not hit hardest.
Trump: World’s greatest troll:
Love it.
The Green Acres theme is the shit.
“Indiana State University Requires Bias Training After Black Student Finds “Black Lives Don’t Matter” Sign On Dorm
On Monday, Indiana State University freshman, McKinsey Glover, found the words “black lives don’t matter” written on her dry-erase board outside her dorm room.
When Glover contacted Indiana State Public Safety and her resident assistant, nearly little to no action was implemented.
“What they told me was, ‘Well, we’ll get back with you, and this is going to be a process,'” she said. “Me being a communication major, I said, ‘I know what to do to make this seen.’ I didn’t want the university to look bad. And I didn’t think it would go as viral as it did.”
But it did and the university then took notice by releasing a statement diluting the incidents down to “an interpersonal dispute between floormates.””
WHITEboard. smdh
Actually, I just noticed the called it a dry-erase board. I wonder if that’s intentional?
The university had a sane response… so naturally you had to escalate it.
I didn’t want the university to look bad
“Among those examples are Kendrick Lamar and his stage performers dressed in ninja outfits, Taylor Swift’s visual plagiarism of Beyonce’s Lemonade, and a flippant suggestion that Bey could be considered an appropriator of Persian culture “by naming her new daughter Rumi after the 13th-century Sufi poet.”
Beyond the ceremony, Weiss notes Martin Luther King’s use of “latinate language to evoke the trials of the Israelites while quoting the writings of a slave-owning founding father,” a Russian Jew having written “White Christmas” and “God Bless America,” a black southerner who sang opera, and a Turkish born Kurd who runs a Greek yogurt company—all in support of his argument that cultural appropriation has made America what it is today: a faintly progressive nation which sanitizes Martin Luther King’s legacy in between fits of Christmas joy and scoops of Chobani.
But, of course, to suggest that King appropriated the English language, that a black southerner stole opera, and that Russian Jews and Turkish Kurds are culture vultures for writing Christmas songs and liking Greek yogurt is absurd.
Cultural appropriation, as we know it and interact with it today, is often saddled with and should therefore be recognized as the erasure of the originating culture’s identity under the facade of the appropriators presumed ownership.
None of Weiss’ examples describe instances of cultural appropriation because no one—not even the accused appropriators themselves—would mistake Kendrick for an owner of Asian culture via his ninjas, or Beyonce for an owner of Persian culture via her daughter’s name. These acts were clearly displays of homage, not theft, in that ownership remained clear throughout.”
Ah, right, it’s not a True
ScotsmanCultural Appropriator!five iterations of progressive indoctrination later
“Of course those are all examples of cultural appropriation!”
What in the flaming hell is this supposed to mean?
No fucking idea. It seems to imply that culture is a finite physical commodity that must only be used by its true “owners” to prevent the supply from being exhausted.
e.g. if some white guy in Arkansas opens a sushi restaurant, that is somehow an impediment to sushi chefs in Japan practicing their trade.
Yeah, that could be a game-changer. Imagine every city and state maybe not going bankrupt.
Horse shit
What has emerged in meetings across the league this week — from locker rooms to N.F.L. headquarters — is a strategy of not pushing back at an unpredictable president. Instead, the players, with input from team officials, are seeking to shape a message that shows their desire to stand together while still addressing the original intent of the protests: raising awareness of police brutality against African Americans and racism in general.
“The players have a right to speak their minds, but on the other hand, it can make it difficult because there isn’t anyone in America who doesn’t want to honor America,” Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, said in an interview. “You talk to other owners and the commissioner, they feel the same way, they support the players.”
They’re afraid of Trump? Is he going to have them rounded up and disappeared in the dead of night? Is he going to draft them all, and send them to invade North Korea?
Those players should ask somebody how much money guys like Bart Starr and Jim Brown made, playing professional football, before they make a practice of telling the fans to go fuck themselves. Believe it or not, those beer guzzling hicks don’t owe you anything. There are plenty of ways to while away a Sunday afternoon (or Thursday evening) which have nothing to do with the NFL.
It’s all so pointless and stupid.
Trump is Deus Ex Machina.
The NFL is Agent Smith.
“Believe it or not, those beer guzzling hicks don’t owe you anything. There are plenty of ways to while away a Sunday afternoon (or Thursday evening) which have nothing to do with the NFL.”
This is what they do not understand. They need us a helluva lot more than we need them.
They don’t realize being ‘willing participants’ is not the same as being dependent on their product. Piss people off enough and they will move on.
We’re not slaves but rational economic beings.
People can and will shift their interests.
Right now the NFL has a good thing going and has their brand and ‘must see’ shtick down to an artful science. Now they’re messing with it and the players are just as disconnected as celebrities are having fooled themselves into thinking they’re enlightened and have something to impart for the masses to digest.
No you don’t.
Do your jobs and play football. The people don’t need you for anything else.
It’s fucking dumb especially because sports in general, and the NFL in particular are not consumed by a representative sample of America. You go into a sports bar on an NFL Sunday, 70% of the dudes wearing jerseys are Trump voters. The Venn Diagram of “woke hipster” and “Guy who drops thousands on season tickets/parking pass/merchandise” has a damn small intersection.
It reminds me of certain gun manufacturers in the 90s supporting the gun grabbers because the gun grabbers swore they only wanted to ban icky assault weapons, and were totally not ever gonna come after
wicked sniper riflesdeer guns.The players have a right to speak their minds,
Indeed they do. Just not while on the clock when it is against their employer’s rules. The NFL specifically requires players to stand respectfully during the anthem. If they had just enforced their own fucking rules, they would be in this mess.
I wonder how much their stupidity has cost them so far in lost ticket and merch sales, and lost advertising dollars.
My understanding is the rules do not state they are required to stand for the anthem. It just asks them.
I can’t find a link to the actual game operations manual (which is interesting in and of itself) on a brief google. This is what it is supposed to say:
The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition.
The use of “must” and “should” is an interesting question in contract law. The interpretation here is that, when the manual says “should”, not “must”, that is merely advisory and not an enforcable rule. Not crazy at all, but also not necessarily the only reading. I’ve seen plenty of uses of “should” that are pretty mandatory; in contracts its often basically shorthand for “must, to the extent practicable”. Would anybody argue that under this rule, a team that put up an American flag with the anarchist A spraypainted on it was following the manual, because it only says the flag “should” be in good condition?
This isn’t really a contract, though. Its a regulation. And in the regulatory world, “should” often means “must”. For example, when a CMS manual says that a physician “should” include a written order if he wants to get paid, that means “must”.
Note that however you read this, the teams that stayed in the locker room are clearly in violation and should be sanctioned in some way.
It’s all gonna be downstream, and it will be blamed on CTE and changing demographics. The media won’t blame any of the decline on wokeness.
Bountiful bosoms and bodacious buttocks of beautiful bikini babes!
After what I’d want to do to #1, not sure I’d have anything left for the others.
Would all. I agree 1 is super fine.
Would all.
AlmightyJB also gets it. Orgy.
9 and 15…omg
If she rides that horse for any length of time with her hips cocked like that she probably won’t need you for anything except perhaps to light her post orgasm cigarette.
I’m having a flashback to being drunk in london and going, “I think your animal idioms are silly” and then getting into a fight and then hugging and buying everyone more drinks
RE: The Salon article.
That is some delicious, sweet butthurt. I’m not holding my breath though, Kennedy will probably sink it.
Related note: notice now we’re always left trying to guess how the “conservative” judges will rule and the “liberal” judges are lockstep on everything? Almost as if they don’t really think at all…
It must be Hell inside Lefties’ heads.
I made it through the first paragraph. Again with the women have no agency. Is it because they’re too stupid? Or is it because they rely on men’s moral compasses because they have none of their own?
Little of column A, little of column B, plus rape culture brainwashing, false consciousness, evil coercion, pick your poison.
Long story short, same feminist BS as ever: women = victims, men = predators.
The new “best” movie of 2017?
I’m confused, why would she need a hot water bottle to read?
its her sex thing. meanwhile, her man rubs her feet and cries and masturbates while saying, “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry”
Well to be fair, he should be sorry.
If she weren’t famous, Dunham would be in a padded cell with a drain in the floor.
If I was 100% ignorant about the Hollywood insane asylum, I would assume that she was some kind of 4chan plant designed to sabotage feminism.
More Hef: I guess this means she married for love?
All the fine tail that man has had.
When Glover contacted Indiana State Public Safety and her resident assistant, nearly little to no action was implemented.
My fourth grade teacher would have slapped me if I had written that sentence.
What an ass.
this is literally ‘bite marks on a carbon spoiler’, and the claimed cost is over $40,000
“Woman turns her labia into sparkling jewellery after going through designer vagina surgery”
Looks like they’d make good fishbait.
That’s not what I’d have chosen to show pictures of for that story.
Wrap it up folks, we’re done. Western civilization had a good run.
While she was doing that surgery I wonder if she also had an apussatightemy performed?
If be happy to test that out.
an owner of Asian culture
What in the flaming hell is this supposed to mean?
He has one of those conical straw hats? A set of Chinese Handcuffs? He’s eating a bowl of sticky white rice and fish heads, with chopsticks?
This pizza thing is getting out of hand.
It’s ok to punch a deep dish pizza?
That pizza is literally Genocide
Neat how he got the projectile-vomited banana slices to be artfully arranged like that.
That pizza gave me cancer.
This disgusting trash has no place on a family friendly website.
“But Victoria’s Secret model Elsa Hosk flaunted more than intended when she slipped into a plunging black Givenchy maxi dress in Paris for the French capital’s ongoing Fashion Week festivities on Friday night.”
Doesn’t the Daily Mail run one of those wardrobe malfunction stories every day?
Isn’t that story just a paid advertisement for the dress?
They give you a link so you can buy the dress from Givenchy. I’m sure they paid her to do that advertisement.
That might be fake news that’s fun to read, but I think it’s literally fake news.
Not daily wardrobe malfunction stories, but who is wearing what. That has been a perennial topic in tabloids, celebrity magazines, etc. for a long time. I wouldn’t call it “fake news” as it actually happened — she did wear that dress to that event. Regardless whether who paid who, or offered goods or services in exchange for publicity. Just like celebrities often get free couture from designers, or jewelry lent from jewelers, to wear to award shows.
I thought it was a given that the designers loan these dresses out for publicity. None of the women actually own the dresses they’re wearing to an “event”.
It’s not just that. They give a link and a price to buy the dress she’s wearing.
The Daily Mail doesn’t do that kind of thing for free. That’s advertising! Givenchy has to pay for that.
The Daily Mail isn’t giving away free advertising with a featured link on where you can buy the dress.
And, like I said, they run these stories every day–with a link to where you can buy the model’s, c-list celebrity’s, whathaveyou item.
So and so wore this revealing bikini at the beach! It was so revealing!
You can buy the bikini yourself at [insert link] for [insert price].
It’s an advertisement. They run at least one like that every day.
Here’s another:
<em"French model Thylane Blondeau, 16, dubbed the 'most beautiful girl in the world'
And if you slide down the page, you can buy the fringe pants she's wearing for $695. Just click the link!
They paid her for that.
It's basically click bait with premium photos of celebrities–but they're not just serving ads like clickbait does. They're selling you the actual merchandise.
16 – 10 = 6
This is from a week or so back, but I don’t think it’s been discussed here: I’ve been reading about Trump rewriting the rules on drone strikes. He’s apparently already given the CIA the ability to carry out drone strikes by their own authorization–and now he wants to make the rules easier.
Push the debate about the desirability of drone strikes in Syria and elsewhere aside, and I still question the constitutionality of Trump giving the CIA the authority to conduct drone strikes on its own without a presidential authorization.
Just because I hate what the AUMF Against Terrorists authorizes–doesn’t mean it doesn’t authorize it. Unfortunately, the AUMF gives the president the authority to do pretty much anything he wants in any country in the world so long as he determines (by his own methods) that the target in question was ever affiliated with, associated with, or ever gave assistance to anyone who was ever involved with Al Qaeda or the Taliban–and that authority remains in force until Jesus comes back.
The AUMF has been cited to let the president to do everything from mass surveillance of Americans by the CIA to drone strikes all over the world, but as ridiculously broad as that authorization is, it seems to at least authorize the president–rather than the CIA.
I know the president ultimately oversees the CIA, but I’m not sure the president can simply delegate the power to attack other countries to the CIA–not because of the AUMF. If Congress had wanted to give the president the power to delegate the authority to attack targets in other countries to the CIA (without his knowledge or consent), they could have done so, and if Bush or Obama had thought they could get away with simply not authorizing drone strikes personally that kill children and innocent bystanders, I suspect they would have done so.
Who wants to take responsibility for that?
If we can’t have Congress officially declare war or authorize attacks in foreign countries on a case by case basis, seems like the president, at least, should give the authorization. It’s hard enough to hold our elected representatives responsible for their decisions. If there are any good reasons to delegate the power to declare war to bureaucrats in the CIA, I think they’re outweighed by keeping civilians in control of the military–and isn’t that about being able to hold our elected representatives responsible for the choices they make.
“I didn’t authorize the attack on Iran, so don’t blame me for that act of war!”
“Procedures were followed”.
What could possibly go wrong with giving a clandestine civilian bureaucracy full of Ivy League shitheads their own unaccountable robot air force?
If Congress had wanted to give the president the power to delegate the authority to attack targets in other countries to the CIA (without his knowledge or consent), they could have done so,
I find it hard to believe that the Constitution requires the President to personally approve every shot fired by a federal employee. The problem here isn’t “at what level should CIA killings be approved”, its “what gives the CIA the authority to kill anyone”. Having the President personally push the “Launch Hellfire Missile From CIA Drone” button doesn’t change that.
That said, I tend to take the position that, in matters of governance, the authority to do something does not imply the power to delegate that authority. When the military is fighting an actual declared war, though, I don’t think the declaration of war needs to say that the President, as Commander in Chief, has the authority to delegate decisions to the men in the field. I think its pretty much understood and can be implied that’s the way it works. If the AUMF isn’t a legitimate authorization to kill people, then that’s the problem. If it is, then I’m struggling to say that, because it lacks explicit language allowing the President to delegate authority, the President must personally authorize every single time a missile is launched or a bullet fired by a CIA employee or contractor.
If we are in fact at war with (insert long list of terrorist organizations), then the military should be weapons free to conduct interdiction strikes in the area of operations. I never understood the rationale for the CIA having the armed Predators.
If the AUMF is a legal declaration of war against AQ and their affiliates, then the very expensive USAF should be conducting airstrikes against AQ and their affiliates.
Part of the disconnect has to do with what a “war” really is. Traditionally, it was armed conflict between sovereigns, and terror organizations aren’t sovereigns, so its a category error to declare war on them. You can attack them anywhere they are and subject them to summary execution under the legal doctrine applicable to pirates and other outlaws (blanking on the technical legal/Latin term for this, but it made no sense to declare war on them. You can declare war on their state sponsors/protectors, or you can attack them anyway on the theory that, if a state won’t shut them down itself, then it has no jurisdiction over the area they operate from, and attacking them there isn’t an act of war against the state where they live and work. That area is, under ye olde understanding of how shit works, essentially a stateless zone (again, the legal/Latin term escapes me).
Whatever the legal setup, though, I don’t understand why the CIA is engaging in warmaking activities rather than the armed forces. Using civilians out of uniform and outside the military chain of command to engage in warfighting is an actual war crime.
I believe the term is hostilis humanis generis.
It’s good to be the king.
“I find it hard to believe that the Constitution requires the President to personally approve every shot fired by a federal employee.”
I believe we are talking about countries other than Iraq and Afghanistan.
If Congress declares war and gives the president the authority to attack targets in a foreign country, that’s one thing.
If the president is claiming the power to authorize the military to attack targets in a foreign country, that’s another thing.
If the CIA is attacking targets in a foreign country without the knowledge or authorization of neither congress nor the President, that’s a whole ‘nother ball game.
No, the president doesn’t need to authorize every shot in a declared war, but what about the first shot in Yemen?
If the CIA can attack Yemen without authorization from congress or the president, then who’s in charge and how are the constitutional questions about attacking foreign countries being answered?
I believe we are talking about countries other than Iraq and Afghanistan.
Not seeing how that makes a difference. We never declared war on them, and are in fact supporting their governments.
If the president is claiming the power to authorize the military to attack targets in a foreign country, that’s another thing.
This is supposedly what the AUMF did – give the President authority to attack targets in any foreign country, regardless of whether we are at war with them, in order to fight terrorism.
If the CIA is attacking targets in a foreign country without the knowledge or authorization of neither congress nor the President, that’s a whole ‘nother ball game.
If we take the AUMF as valid, then the CIA would have the authority from Congress to attack terrorists in a foreign country. Congress’s knowledge is a non-issue – Congress doesn’t have command authority, and there is no requirement that Congress have knowledge of any tactical action for it to be valid. What Trump is doing is basically saying that (a) he (and the CIA) have the authority to attack terrorists in foreign countries under the AUMF, (b) he has the ability to delegate decision-making under that grant of authority and (c) he is changing the way it is delegated. Giving the CIA a longer leash may or may not be good idea, but that’s more of a policy question than one having to do with the legalities of attacking terrorists.
ISIS targets or AQ in most cases are folks the local governments are happy to see dead. They won’t complain about stuff like that exept maybe sometimes for the international press.
“If we take the AUMF as valid, then the CIA would have the authority from Congress to attack terrorists in a foreign country.”
I’ll buy that the AUMF authorizes the president to attack targets in foreign countries using his own judgement.
I don’t like it, but that’s what it does. Just because something is awful doesn’t mean it’s unconstitutional.
However, Congress did not authorize the CIA to use its judgement in determining which targets to attack in which country. They suthorized the president to make that judgement for himself.
If the president wants to rely on the CIA’s advice in making his decision, then he should be free to do so. Deferring to the CIA to make the President’s decision for him on which countries to attack, however, is beyond the scope of the AUMF.
If the CIA wants to make the calls on which countries to attack per the AUMF, then they need to run for president and win. Either that or, better yet, they should run for congress. The president should defer to experts on how to attack the enemy, etc. Determining who the enemy is should be a question for elected representatives to decide.
Obviously, this isn’t just a question about what’s happening right now. I don’t like the way this sets the table for the future.
Maybe Carter shouldn’t have authorized the attempt to save the hostages in Iran. Maybe Reagan shouldn’t have bombed Gaddafi. Maybe George H.W. Bush should have asked for permission to invade Panama. Maybe Bill Clinton shouldn’t have bombed the Serbs. Even if those things were unconstitutional, however, at least the decision was made by an elected president–who could be held responsible by the voters and by way of impeachment, if necessary. The way I’m reading this deferring to the CIA, they’re taking the president out of the decision making loop.
It was bad enough when congress abdicated its constitutional responsibility to declare war and just gave the president a blank check forever–even worse if future presidents aren’t even in the decision making loop.
“Don’t ask me why they attacked Iran”, the president says, “I just work here”.
I’ll lay odds that there’s never, ever going to be actual reform of the horrifically awful tax system so beloved of rent-seekers, regulatory captors, and redistributionists. Nor will the ratchet ever work in the other direction.
Way to dash my hopes that we’ll get rid of the income tax. One can dream right?
No. Stop dreaming this instant.
Shit. At least I can drink.
Now you’re talking.
Cheers. Friends, beer, family. I don’t care the order.
I have some Maximator that has been calling out my name. I need to ignore the siren song for a little while longer while I take care of a few things.
The best hope for tax reform and Obamacare repeal is that the conservative side of the GOP (like Rand Paul/Mike Lee/Freedom Caucus) successfully obstructs any compromise that the RINOs attempt to do with Democrats. Then let 2018 primary season eat the GOPe alive and place more real conservatives in the Senate.
Swiss, IJ is taking on Certificate of Need laws. SwedishAmerican might want to contact them if they haven’t already. I know IJ usually helps out small business and an entrepreneurs, but If the government can get away with screwing over a big established business, what they can get away with against the little guys?
It seems like the only group of people who have remained our steadfast allies throughout our misadventures in Iraq have been the Kurds despite our throwing them under the bus. I’m not saying we should get involved militarily but if they want to seek Independence why should we discourage that. Turkey is obviously the main reason we’re discouraging them but fuck Turkey.
I agree Turkey is probably “main”
I think there are 2 or 3 other contenders.
I think #1 is “they have all of iraqs future oil”. All the major untapped oilfields are under their control. This means if they split off, they’re taking all of the future revenues with them. That is existential threat to Iraqi Shiastan (Baghdad).
A close #2 is Iran, who has a large Kurdish population of their own in the west, which tried to rebel against Tehran back in the 1980s when they were fighting saddam; they see the existence of an independent kurdistan as a severe risk to their own national integrity. They’d also (re: #1) be opposed to these newly independent kurds having shitloads of oil-money backing them up.
#3 is the US, who just doesn’t need the grief. if there is ever going to be any partition in the region, we want it to be slow, negotiated, and made to last. One party simply declaring their own statehood isn’t part of our (admittedly terrible, shitty, made up on the fly) plans.
It isn’t an *existential* threat when they still have tons of oil in the S. around Basria in Shiastan. It’s not as though this isn’t an article of their constitution – forced or otherwise, and it’s not an overnight process.
ok, ‘existential’ may be excessive (or maybe not) … but present value is still based on projections of future revenues. yes, they’ve got large proven reserves in the south. but all the future stuff is what matters.
While i don’t consider myself a racist, i don’t put a lot of stock in arab-
constitutionscontracts, especially ones formed at the point of a US gun.and they (shia vs. kurds) have already been engaged in some smaller-scale warfare over exactly this issue. you can find reports from 2015, 2016, and early this year: they’re already regularly shooting @ each other over control of the territory around the oil-rich-regions.
‘existential’ is my way of saying, “there is no way in hell anyone is ever going to let the kurds control all that oil”. The US currently keeps things at low-boil by playing referee on-high, but i don’t think that can last forever.
“One party simply declaring their own statehood isn’t part of our (admittedly terrible, shitty, made up on the fly) plans.”
True, but what does that say that we push for self-determination for everyone in the Middle East except for the only group that doesn’t hate us with every ounce of their being.
(puts realist hat on)
self-determination isn’t just about moral-support. its about the self-determining people having the power to maintain their own self-determination. Its not if you can ‘win it’, its ‘can you keep it?’
the second the kurds declare independence, everyone is going to want to destroy it/kill them. Are you/we prepared to go to war to prevent that? and do you expect that the US will be prepared to bankroll/backstop them in perpetuity, like we do Israel?
“Are you/we prepared to go to war to prevent that?”
Absolutely not. I’ve said since the beginning that I think we should gtfo and stfo of the Middle East. No doubt if the Kurds want to throw down that’s 100% on them and as you point out probably won’t end well for them. I was mearly pointing out how much better we seem to treat our enemies over there than our friends. I get it though, they were stupid to trust us in the first place.
1) from a realist perspective, you’re thinking in the wrong terms. we deal “better” (more ‘fairly’?) with parties that “matter” (wield disproportionate power) in the region. not because of any moral-hypocrisy, but because of necessity.
besides, i don’t think the US has been at all ‘unfair’ with the kurds. we protected them for many years with no-fly zones, we didn’t saddle them with any formal obligations in exchange for protecting them and helping grant them de-facto independence… in fact, we’ve suffered a great deal out of our desire for them to actually attain some degree of autonomy.
its just that we’ve done so with the proviso that they can’t/shouldn’t take it all the way to ‘nominal’ independence, out of consideration for the obvious consequences. that’s not unfair, really, its prudence
2) i don’t think they were/are stupid, and i don’t think they necessarily trusted the US to do anything other than what is has done to date.
they know where our interests lie and where they end, and the game they’re playing by declaring independence is making a calculated gamble that, for both optical reasons, and practical reasons, that the US will intervene on their behalf if anyone else goes excessively-ballistic. Even tho we openly disagree with their move.
basically, they’re playing a gambit similar to what Ukraine tried with Obama (and failed). declare independence, then call on their ‘allies’ to support them when the obvious consequences start to materialize.
There are also currently still US forces in their territory, which i’m sure factors into their thinking.
Fair points
Turkey is obviously the main reason we’re discouraging them but fuck Turkey.
But NATO allies!
Wait- fuck NATO.
Shitty way to spend a Saturday. All set to go into town and my batteries dead. Thankfully one of my buddies from work lives a mile away and was able to give me a jump. Get to Advance Auto parts, test the battery…and then it dies again. WTF. Good learning experience swapping it out with a little assistance – stupid OEM baffles, etc blocking access to the bracket bolts – but Jim-Bob knew the tricks to get around them (or through them). Living alone though…I really need to get a full jump kit at some point – 2012 car or not, just too disturbing not being able to jump yourself without assistance.
With a brand new battery, I’m assuming I’m good to go…but I know the next few days are going to keep me antsy – esp since I have to be at the airport by 5 AM on Monday.
I’ll try heading downtown tonight though – worst case scenario I leave the car in the garage overnight and uber it home and get assistance from folks from church tomorrow morning.
Did they test the alternator? Assuming the alternator is good, you should be good to go barring any abnormal electrical problems.
I didn’t go for that – maybe I should have included that. I did see Alternator mentioned in some other bits online. We’ll wait and see….hopefully a brand new battery will forestall some issues in the short term though.
check the alt, or maybe the 12v outlet? some chargers/ cars will let that draw 24/7
check voltage after you turn it off and the next morning just to double check once
This morning was the first issue since I bought the car over 2 years ago. As a pre-owned 2012, I can imagine the battery going bad, but I always unplug my ipod, etc every time I get out of the car. We’ll see.
If it was from 2012, I could see it being on it’s last legs around now.
If the new one even looks at you wrong, it’s probably the alt. could just be wire from the alt, but thats the direction to look.
I’ll add it to the list when I go in for my 5000 mile check up in a month or so. And add a home jump kit to the shopping list once I get two months of drill pay.
They really are handy.
Five years from a battery is about right. They are really well engineered to go tits-up soon after the warranty.
Concur with the others to get the rest of the system tested, but I’d bet a new battery puts you right.
was playing pickup flag football all morning. 5 on 5, then a few extra showed up.
things I learned:
I am not as out of shape as I thought. not great.
Turf hurts. I dove for a pass and burn-cut my forearm pretty good.
my deep ball isn’t strong. I was backup qb, and ended up throwing the pick 6.
Turf really can hurt. Tried to dive and I have a really great burn from my hip to mid back.