Somehow, Dallas Keuchal, who doesn’t throw strikeouts, and didn’t throw nearly enough strikes in the first two innings, is living by the K right now. Astros are continuing to treat the first inning like BP, with Correa going yard early. Springer gets one, too. If the kids keep hitting, the curse is lifted. Throwing away bases loaded though. Damn.
Killin’ it!
One last reminder to our Gulf Coast Glibs. If Nate is going to be a problem for you, reach out in the comments or via email to and let’s help each other.
Evil WMAs are already posting militant videos showing how to get around the coming bump stock ban because they hate America and are terrorists who don’t vote for the Right People.
I agree with this. Don’t short Tesla. “The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” Someone will make a killing shorting Tesla. Many will just lose good money.
Half of all new cancer drugs approved by the Europeans had no net benefit. Me: So? Importantly, in a fair number of cases there were some real wins, just not enough to be statistically meaningful. If I’ve got stage IV cancer, give me that thing that saves some people, but fewer than 5%.
The Jerusalem Post names daughter and son-in-law of the biggest Nazi since Hitler as the World’s #1 Jewish Power Couple.
I’m going to bow down to Sloopy in the white boy Funk-off. I had to end the week with this one because damn was the cocaine good in the 70s.
I’m confused and angered by the timing of this post.
It is showing up before the typical post time…
I’m so angry and horny. You?
Perhaps your clock is wrong!
Did I sleep in?
No, wait, I was at work…
No, wait, I was at work…
Working and being at work are two completely different things
You’ve met by co-workers have you?
I’m ‘working’ form home today, and as such I’m already four beers in, Imma gonna work all night too, IFL working from home days.
I “worked from home” today and I ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKED! Didn’t get off the phone until 4-goddam-30. GOD DAMMIT!!
It’s only 2:30.
You both are very triggering. It’s 3:30
4:38, fix your darn clocks.
The fact that I worked on a Friday makes clear that I’m not in any of the slacker-ass fake time zones.
2048 UTC, the only time zone that matters.
Hey I have a window opened to my modeling program and every so often I spin the model around and think about whether I should put a shed or gable roof on the porch, I then drink a beer and read the comments on here and work a crossword puzzle, rinse and repeat. It is very exhausting!
Sheds for rural homes and gables for the city folk.
He’ll have you kissing his ring next!
Is it brite?
Still can’t believe Sloopy called me a louisville fan. Rick C-137 and I will discuss this at our
coup planningbeer summit in a couple of hoursIt could be worse. You could be an Ohio State fan.
I have a brain and humility. That takes me out of the running to be a Bucknut
#13 will praying mantis your sorry ass.
6 and 18.
That was the whitest ass honky list of thicc I’ve ever seen. Smdreads
Leaves more for the rest of us!
There is an optimal ratio – too many of these fall outside of that range and look freakish rather than attractive.
First you have to get yourself a good dose of HM level thicc, then you’ll be ok when you see that. Most of those were are well proportioned.
#12’s waistline seems… improbable.
Nice, good job on that one.
23 and 24. At the same time, preferably.
Hmm… I’m suspicious about use of photoshop.
THICC is just not my thing I guess. I’ll give it to 10 for the cute undies.
17 and 18, yummy!
I love Soul Train synched up to newer music.
The Scene out of Detroit laughs at Soul Train.
AIM is no more. To you Millennials, this was the original chatroom/Chaturbate/Tinder/To Catch a Predator hangout.
Wait, it was still operational?
My thoughts, exactly.
It’s still up. 12/15/17 is end of life.
Aw, hell. Back to IRC, I guess.
I remember using that. I had that one app that puts them all together. Back then I was using the Microsoft one and the Yahoo one. Then Microsoft destroyed their chat thingy with fucking Skpe. Some chick I met online on a tech forum asked me if I had AIM. I didn’t, so I got it to chat with her. Now, everyone I know uses Whatsapp.
Wait, tumblr is still a thing?
Can you spot the discrepancy in this Vox tweet?
One of the responses nails it: Vox is like a company of toddler archeologists reinventing history from internet searches.
LOL, what a bunch of pathetic failures.
I also love the photo reply.
“Nice picture! When cocoa is outlawed only outlaws will have cocoa! ” LOL
An Post (Irish Postal Service) issue a stamp honoring the 50th anniversary of the death of Che Guevara
And what a ringing endorsement this press release is!
It should have said “Good Riddance, Asshole”
I’ll celebrate his death, but likely for a far different reason.
Posters on /r/ireland are very happy about this for some reason.
Literally every regional subreddit I’ve ever seen leans hard left regardless of the actual population of the locale, anywhere on the globe. The only exceptions to this are the specifically created alternates to get away from the tolerant, enlightened Pol Pot fans.
It should read:
Humanity; Che-free for 50 years
If only. You can’t go anywhere without Che shit.
About the shirt: Remember this video on “Killer Chic”? In it, a Cuban refugee says about the shirt and other Che gear, “His success was in the area of human activity he hated most, marketing!”
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the awesome power of capitalism to chew up and subvert Che, but the unironic plastering of self and space with it is banal at best.
Years ago when I’d moved back in with my propaganda poster after having lived abroad, I bought a Russian labor union propaganda poster and my mother lost her absolute shit over it. “I knew you were a communist!” (this is well after I’d slipped from college republican to libertarian). “No mom, I love that capitalism won the cold war so hard that I can order a high-quality, mass-produced propaganda poster from our greatest existential enemy and have it next-day delivered with a next day delivered.” She ‘hadn’t thought of it that way’.
Years ago I bought this poster. I found it subtly anti-Soviet. The newspaper headline says “Implement the Food Program!”.
I like the visual simplicity of it.
Yes, I liked that, too. Also, the Food Program is the only Soviet political campaign before Perestroika that I have any recollection of. It’s possible we had a poster like this in elementary school.
Not sure if anyone else has seen anything on this. But Las Vegas crazy bump stock guy has traveled to the middle east several times. Does that mean anything? I don’t know, but I’m still holding to the opinion that Islam is tied to this somehow. The guy likely did not act alone, he has apparently planned other attacks and had bomb making materials. Doesn’t sound like a crazy guy with gambling problems to me, sounds like he was radicalized. Also, sounds like the ‘experts’, for whatever it’s worth, are saying that when ISIS claims responsibility for something, it’s typically related to some extent even when there’s not a direct tie to ISIS. The rumor going around that they just randomly claim responsibility for everything doesn’t seem to be that accurate.
Tough call, but I do know you’re an Islamophobe.
What’s interesting is that they tripled down on this guy, but not others who explicitly declared their fidelity to Islam and intention to kill in its name. Of course, that may simply be a product of this being the deadliest mass shooting in our history, and ISIS rapidly losing credibility.
If there was an ISIS connection, don’t you think the Trump administration would have mentioned it by now?
Not sure about that. Maybe they’re not releasing too much before they’re on the trail of someone involved and don’t want that person to know?
Could be why Trump made the cryptic public comments he has, about feeling betrayed by this shooting. Consider that Trump, a few months ago, was treated like a Caesar by all the Gulf states, and they had a working agreement to band together and stamp out radical Islamic terrorists. Now, if ISIS is indeed involved more than just claiming credit, what if their paymasters (who are in the Gulf, and the Saudi and others’ 12,000 plus strong royal families) were helping to fund this nut? What does Trump do? Sanction KSA or the UAE? Expose the funding links? And woe betide any other US politicians who may have been dipping from a similar funding well?
The lack of evidence relating to motive is fostering a dark environment where theories sprout like mushrooms on bullshit.
The storm he was talking about it being calm before?
I thought he had some other comments about being let down or the like. I haven’t been following his public comments.
I thought the calm before the storm was more directed at the Norks. W/e, let the Chinese sanctions work already and bring back SDI.
I’m sure there’s plenty of evidence, we just don’t know about it yet because apparently, the guy didn’t have any online profile.
That and the general untrustworthiness of the news media. I have absolutely no confidence that an investigative reporter would tell the truth if it contradicted The Narrative™.
On several news outlets I have heard that the Mandalay videos show him in the company of an unidentified female in the days leading up to the shooting.
Now that info has gone silent.
If that info about the unidentified female is true it may explain the woman who told people at the concert that “they were surrounded and they were all going to die.
I don’t believe this was a lone wolf event. How can it be when those two things happened and were reported but now seem to have disappeared.
They have to be holding back information. But would that mean there were other people involved, and they’re following the trail?
It could be that. They may be on a trail on not want to tip off anyone that they’re close. That makes sense.
Or it could be that the information/theory they have doesn’t support a Narrative.
Crazy guy got guns and killed people – Narrative.
American radicalized and carries out massive terror attack – not Narrative.
Now, crazy comes in all flavors, to be sure. So its possible his brand of crazy led to meticulous planning over months with no hints really given what he was up to, but that’s an unusual brand of crazy, I’m thinking.
I’m still officially agnostic, but getting more suspicious every day this wasn’t just a crazy guy who snapped, or whatever.
Agreed. In its entirety
That works when the powers that be and the media are working off the same narrative, now that Trumps in their is reason for either side to push any proof they find. I lean towards them actually not knowing at this point.
I’m leaning this way, too, but wondering why there’s no misdirection.
I took it to be something related to the Saud-Russia agreement.
Very Agile Cyborgesque.
Whatever happened to him?
I haven’t checked TOS. Is he still there?
I never liked his schtick, TBH.
I don’t think so. The guy is weird. I invited him to friend me on Steam and he said he can’t because he does drugs. WTF? A lot of people do drugs. He’s a little strange.
He’s a little strange
…and that was how Hyperion won the understatement of the year award.
It wasn’t schtick, it was genuine drug induced, random stream of consciousness poetry.
Granted, they weren’t all winners but on occasion he would drop some of the most beautiful, bewildering prose I’ve ever laid my eyes upon.*
*Caveat. I was feeling a touch lonely around Christmas a year or two ago and AC blessed me with a poem wishing me cosmic adventures filled with space coke and green skinned, large breasted alien hookers, so I’m obviously biased.*
“Tough call, but I do know you’re an Islamophobe.”
Is that you, Shikha?
I don’t see 100+ responses so no.
Say what you will, she still brings the boys to the yard (although she was flagging for a while there)!
What I find interesting is how the description of the shooter has radically changed since the beginning, but the narrative has not. At first, the understanding was that this was Jim Bob BumFuck, a typical white guy American, probably loves church and baseball, who just went nuts for no apparent reason. His girlfriend’s name was even Marylou. Doesn’t get more typical Middle America than that.
Now it turns out that Marylou is from overseas and Jim Bob has been wiring at least a hundred thousand overseas. He started purchasing most of his stockpile last year and scouted multiple locations. Looks like he had plenty of cash, no reason to do this over gambling debts. However, the narrative remains that this is just due to a white middle america guy snapping, allegedly from valium* of all the ridiculous things, and also some undisclosed influence from the NRA.
Yea, I get valium makes some people angry. Are we really going to extrapolate that it also makes them scout multiple locations for mass shooting with weeks to months of preparation?
“the narrative remains that this is just due to a white middle america guy snapping”
The narrative is bullshit, as we’ll see soon enough.
JimBob’s life is weird as fuck. IFR-rated pilot, multiple trips overseas, to the PI and the MidEast. Something like 23 separate addresses in his life, a bunch of income and toys like a Cirrus SR-20 with no explanation other than “accountant who was good at real estate”. Oh, and “accountant who used to work for a major defense contractor, who had to travel overseas a bunch of business trips.” Doesn’t know much about guns—has anyone shown that he attended a range frequently, never mind was a member of a gun club—yet at the same time buys 20-30 of them in the last six months. Has practically no online or social media presence whatsoever. His LBFM is about as old as he is, oh and is married to another dude, and used to be in politics in the PI. Allegedly.
Is simultaneously a big time gambler, who gets comped things like multi-room suites at the Mandalay Bay for days on end, and has them comply with weird requests like cleaning the floors with water only, yet isn’t totally in hock to the casinos.
The guy’s life screams ‘shady.’ Not saying he was a spook, but would you be surprised if he was in a three letter agency case officer’s Rolodex?
The other really weird thing is that his gf says she knows nothing. How the fuck can you live with someone and know nothing? I think she’s lying and probably his weird brother too.
*fixed by the muslim fairy*
nothing, not something. I need a drink and an edit fairy.
Something from nothing leaves negative something?
+1 Billy Preston
Looks like I got both.
What I find amusing is that this guy was (a) a pilot (b) with a plane (c) in Florida during the ’80s/’90s, who (d) has large piles of cash.
Gosh. Its a puzzler.
Note: whether he had a plane, when/if he lived in Florida, have not been independently verified.
I expect Tom Cruise will star in the film adaption.
That’s a lot to investigate. No wonder they’re being quiet about it.
Nothing at all to see here. He’s a deplorable, hayseed, white male with sexual inadequacy issues and too much access to guns. Therefore, mass murderer.
How about a Mob, or Cartel connection?
Mobs and Cartels typically don’t shoot up random crowds. Being that he was a high stakes gambler, it’s not far fetched that he could have met up with some shady characters. Like some Arab playboys from UAE or Saudi Arabia, who also had interest in recruiting some infidels to the higher cause.
that’s kinda where I was heading, troubles maybe?
Without details, the ME travel means nothing, especially since the shooter had an Indonesian girlfriend. Lots of people travel to UAE en route to Asia and Africa because the fares are competitive. I did it earlier this year. My son has done it twice.
Keepin’ an eye you, pal…
That’s exactly what a terrorist would say!
Has anyone posted this nut-punch yet?
Georgia sheriff, deputies indicted after body searches of 900 high school students
Those underage girls’ vaginae weren’t going to search themselves!
Well, in that he’s actually maybe being punished for it, it’s as anti-nut punch as you get.
The nut punch will come when the DA throws the trial and he’s acquitted.
I was thinking the nut-punchy part (other than the gross abuse of power) was the only charges are for ass-grabbing. Nothing about searching 900 juveniles without a search warrant or anyone’s consent.
Or, a la Officer Liang in NY, or Officer Rogers in Noble, OK, the judge knocks the sentence down to probation (Liang) or allows the conviction to be expunged (Rogers).
Cause that would totally happen for you and me.
In a proper counter panic reply the next headline should be “40 uniformed officers arrested for groping minors”.
I guess their mascot was not Wolverines.
I’m thinking I heard this story before, back right after it happened.
“The sheriff’s position is that he’s not guilty,” Hobby’s attorney, Norman Crowe Jr., told the news outlet. The sheriff was at the school for the raid, but personally did not touch students, the lawyer maintained. “He’s committed no crime.”
Piece of shit.
“I didn’t do no grab-ass! I was just there to supervise!”
With one hand in the popcorn bowl and the other in my pants!
That’s why we have conspiracy charges.
Is this the reverse Nuremberg? “I was only giving orders”?
I think I remember when the search was first reported. I assumed a civil lawsuit would be filed. I’m amazed and delighted the sheriff is being criminally prosecuted.
I posted a link this morning.
So you did.
Well, I wanted to give everyone a non-triggering option of not going to WaPo to read it.
87 year old dies after 150 giant hornet stings.
Strangely enough, not in Australia.
Japanese Giant Hornets are as scary as anything you’ll find in Australia.
You’re not kidding.
And of course there’s the war between giant hornets and bees. Either way humanity loses because it’s fucking scary.
I’ve seen footage on one of the nature channels. They’re killing machines.
Check it out
Love the Japanese honeybee sneak counter-attack.
So much nope.
The “related videos” section is pretty much going to eat up the rest of my workday.
I sincerely hope the guy operating that camera is wearing one of those EOD suits.
Their stingers are up to 6mm long. A quarter inch spike, repeatedly jabbed in you, and that’s before considering the venom.
Kill it with fire, indeed.
When I used to work construction, we did some remodeling jobs and would occasionally find a huge nest of wasp or hornets. Our solution was you wait until it’s almost dark because they’re all in their nest and sort of in an inactive mode. Then you douse the fuckers will gasoline. Kills them almost instantly.
Non-chlorinated brake cleaner is supposed to work really well too. Wasp killer does not work as fast as you would like, IME.
Attacking a huge nest with a can or hornet spray is a no go. It’s almost like spraying a grizzly with bear spray, a very dangerous thing.
I dunno. I hit Florida hornets with the wasp/hornet stuff and they fall out of the air immediately
Yeah, but those are already breathing Florida Air.
Meth laced Mountain Dew makes Go-go Honey, but the bees are grumpy
I’ve seen a few of them here in the US. They’re huge.
when i was like 13, I mistook a beehive for an old nerf football and grabbed it.
i got stung somewhere between 100-200 times. the emergency room dox gave me a benydryl (or some other anti-hist) injection which put me to sleep for nearly 48 hours.
the feeling when mass-stung was strange. it was close to paralysis; muscles were locking up and it got hard to breathe. it didn’t hurt after the first 20 or so.
*i would add: stings 10-20 were mind-bendingly painful
brief, only-barely-factual translation of what i remember from 30-year-ago interesting doctor explanation:
– when a bee stings you, it injects venom, but only ‘activates’ a small portion of the potential effect of said venom. e.g. 1 sting = 10% (random #) of actual potential of that amount.
– when you are stung multiple times, the effect basically stacks and expands the impact; where the second sting activates itself, plus an unactivated portion of the previous sting. and the third raises that proportion, and so on and so on.
iow, by sting #20, the single impact of that sting is significantly higher than the first, because its also activating a portion of the accumulated venom already in your blood. that’s when you go from having “local” effects, like swelling of your arm or the immediate surrounding area, to where your lungs and other internal organs start to be affected.
even after 100+ stings you’ve got so much bee venom in your bloodstream that it still is mostly ‘unactivated’. i remember the doctor saying that if i were stung a single time in the next few days, i’d basically have a reaction very similar to being stung 50 times. So stay indoors, dumbass.
Much of the above could be wildly misunderstood. again, most of this was told to teenage me, and i was all fucked up on drugs at the time. But i thought it was interesting.
“i was all fucked up on drugs at the time.”
That explains how you mistook a beehive for a football.
that was actually because of something different. we were throwing an already-filthy nerf (basically, dirt-colored) around next to the Bronx river, and it went in. we followed the thing downstream a few blocks, then someone pointed and said, “There it is” at some lump that was jammed up against the far shore. we drew straws *(rock-paper scissors) to see who had to go across and get it; i lost. I couldn’t see the thing when i grabbed it, it was below the lip of the edge of the bank. It turned out it was not actually the nerf football.
i was only high on painkillers and benedryl later. *it was a pretty good buzz. get it, buzz. hiyo.
Not being #1 might hurt their itty bitty feewings.
Weird, Wake was my school district growing up. Not a particularly liberal place. The whole county is growing like crazy, but the eastern part is still pretty redneck, the western is strongly Asian, and the central Raleigh part if pretty well to do liberal. But the Board and bureaucrats don’t care about the people they’ll just keep instating their emotion protecting rules like you can’t get a zero.
When I was in high school, the valedictorian was this super geeky guy who was basically like Encyclopedia Brown. No one even attempted to compete with him because everyone knew it would be futile.
The salutatorian position, though, was ridiculous. I was friends with a girl who had moved from SoCal before our senior year and came in with such a high GPA that she was poised to knock the girl was “supposed” to be salutatorian out of the running. Around December my friend told me that friends of that girl had started harassing her basically the second school started. “You didn’t ‘earn’ that, you didn’t go here before so you don’t deserve it” (even though she would have been valedictorian at her old school if her family hadn’t moved, so this was actually a demotion). She wound up deliberately letting her grades slip because she couldn’t take the harassment anymore, and the queen ascended her throne.
It was too bad, because the girl who got it was a cunt. I would have liked to see my friend get it, especially since Encyclopedia Brown was part of our friend group.
This isn’t to say I think schools should cut the titles, btw. It just brought back a memory. Yeah, people are competitive assholes about it, but that’s life training. The more we coddle people, the more snowflakes we wind up with.
Wow. I wound up #2 and I didn’t give a shit. I was only glad not to be #1 so I didn’t have to give some stupid speech. (I also lost a year from being an exchange student and was really ready for HS to be over already.)
I’m surprised they still give grades.
I’m working on a fifth of whiskey
I missed the morning lynx because of work.
My work week is over now. I’m thinking about dinner.
Apparently a lot of people don’t work on Friday. Flu pretty much wiped out my work week.
AP headline
AP-NORC Poll: Just 24 percent say US heading right direction
Clearly this is a drastic change from the past, right? surely the media would include comparisons so that we know what the “normal” response to that question is. but they only seem to want to look back to its most recent (june) high point. Significant?
A quick google: The Daily Beast provides an “explainer” for why polls show 70-80% of Americans think America is heading in the ‘wrong direction’ under Obama
this sort of dovetails with a comment i made @ TOS re: Robby’s claim that “the truth is elusive” re: ‘hoax hate crimes’ – everyone has a habit of far-overweighting the significance of any data that they think reinforces some preferred narrative; when the same numbers turn around the other way, suddenly “Reality is Complex”, and single-data-points are insufficient ways of understanding a nuanced world.
but journos are absolutely criminal at flip-flopping this way.
for those curious about the statistic – the YoY comparison might be useful
July 2016: 79% felt nation headed in wrong direction
i believe it was just after Hillary won the nomination, fwiw
Kind of like how every single weather event is trotted out as proof-positive of the CAGW theory, but when the weather is normal, we’re told that “weather is not the same as climate”?
I prefer a 3:1 hooker ratio, but there’s free booze to make up for it.
No pictures of the prostitutes, so it might be…
Their promo video is…interesting
Columbia didn’t bring enough for the whole class, maybe?
Something about this tells me you’re going to wake up without kidneys.
or other internal organs. They’ll just harvest anything salable.
Fuck as close as Columbia is to Venezuela, your whole body will end up being BBQ.
Maybe it’s just marketing for an updated version of Pinocchio.
I don’t get the analysis that the prostitutes must be sex trafficking victims because it’s legal. Am I kidnapped every time my wife drives the car?
Monocle Update 1.19
I’ve updated Monocle to include 2 requested functions.
1) New “Bottom of Comments” button to get to the last comment on the page.
2) New “Comment Links” option to include a small hyperlink to each comment in the comment header.
Next thing I’m working on is an anti-GILMOREing indicator so you know what you’re replying to.
I need a way to ship several beers your way. Thank you, trshmnstr!
Agreed. Monocle is pretty damn sweet.
Thanks guys! I’ll use this opportunity for a recruiting pitch. kbolino and greasonable contributed portions of the code for Monocle, and frankly, their code is better than mine. I’m just a lawyer who used to be a VoIP engineer. My experience with JS and HTML is limited to the ~1000 lines of code that comprise Monocle.
That being said, anybody who is good with JS is welcome to contribute. It’s hosted on gitlab. There are a ton of half-finished and unfinished projects that are hanging around waiting for me or somebody else to finish. There are fun projects like WYSIWYG commenting, dynamic comment loading (that actually works, instead of the bloated crap that can be enabled in the options), and various other fixes and display alternatives.
and thus i am made immortal
btw, that problem i had with new comments not updating on refresh? It fixed itself. It was specific to that one thread, for some reason. I think it was because i’d installed Monocle while it was open, or something.
I love how i GILMOREd the post about an anti-GILMOREing technology.
It’s GILMOREs all the way down!
Is there a way to skip to your own posts and replies. I mean, sure I love all the intriguing discussions about sports and nerd things and food and drink, but at other times I am very busy and only want to see how many people enjoyed my various witty comments.
Yeah that’s what I do but with Hyperion posting I have to type like six or seven characters, I want a one click option that requires no typing, is that really to much to ask for? I mean for Christ sake it’s 2017 or something. Somebody give me exactly what I want at no cost to me!!!
Ctrl+F bole
Ctrl+F perb
Well, fuck, I wasn’t going to tell you that you have to change your posting name, but…
It’s just more of that statist reasoning that ascribes no agency or will whatsoever to the alleged victims. In this view of reality, women have no volition at all; they’re just inanimate dolls being manipulated by the grubby hands of a filthy male.
Why is that disgusting?
Don’t short Tesla. “The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” Someone will make a killing shorting Tesla.
No kidding. It’s a good thing I didn’t have the wherewithal to follow through on my absolute certainty (in 2011 or so) interest rates *couldn’t* stay that low for very much longer.
Scruffy, I think, had a comment the other day about Tesla’s market cap compared to Ford or Honda. Go look; they’re roughly comparable.
Absolutely insane.
Musk spends three days a week at SpaceX and two at Tesla. This when they are trying to ramp production and badly missed Q3 guidance.
TSLA shareholders are Peoples Temple believers.
Perhaps he is trying to get that colony on Mars up and running before Tesla goes under. That way nobody can sue him if he’s on Mars.
What’s the management turnover ratio at Tesla? When ‘irrational exuberance’ pushes a stock, best to watch from the sidelines. People who invested early or shrewd traders will make money. Everyone else will cry and cry again.
Love how its proponents believe Tesla is changing the automobile market forever.
The only way Tesla could change the automobile industry is if they sour people against shelling out subsidies for rolling toxic waste dumps.
Short sellers + day traders frequently use the short-term vs. long-term ratio of insider buys/insider sales as a barometer
its a very handy metric for timing trades, particularly when you’re holding something and concerned about future event (like a merger falling through, or whether a restructuring is going well, etc)
Every now and then I think about shorting Tesla. I still haven’t done it. Looking at the one year chart, I would have lost a lot of money had I done it last time I thought about it.
Tesla seems like the ultimate CalPers stock. Those California public sector pensions seem also too big to be legal.
It’s weird. No matter how much Elon clouds facts, Tesla misses earnings or deliveries, or other bad news, the stock keeps ticking. People are sticking to the IDEA of Tesla.
He went to Steve Jobs’ grave, dug it up, and acquired Jobs’ (heavily-used) reality distortion field.
Some might say, “gigantic asshole”
I think more than just a ‘gigantic asshole.’
king of microaggression
When you’re saying that about your dead brother…
Your “mass murdering”-dead brother. Methinks he graduated to macroaggression
I see your macro and raise you a Mega-aggression.
Fake news. What 60 year old outside of a college uses the word “mircroaggression”.
WTF. I’m so confused. I thought the brother hadn’t been in touch with him and barely knew anything about him.
Sounds like a typical casino patron.
Sounds like Bender with his Zuban cigar.
Make sure to show this to children as proof there is no Santa Claus
Fake news. Everyone knows Turkey is Thanksgiving.
Unlike their European relatives, the Japanese honey bee has a defense against the hornets. When a hornet approaches the hive to release pheromones, the bee workers will retreat back to the hive, leaving an opening to allow the hornet scout to enter. The bees then emerge from their hiding places in an angry cloud formation containing some 500 individuals. They form a tight ball around the attacking hornet that acts like a convection oven with the bees vibrating their wings to generate heat via muscular exertion and then directing the air warmed around them inward to the center of the ball. This causes the interior temperature of the ball to rise to 47 °C (117 °F). Additionally, the bees’ activity also increases carbon dioxide concentration inside the ball. The hornet’s ability to withstand heat decreases as carbon dioxide concentrations increase, ultimately causing the increased temperature to become lethal.
Nature: threat, or menace?
Local suburban mayoral candidate speaks the truth about light rail.
so many other really really great reasons to hate light rail. those special tax districts (BIDs?) might be my #1.
The video clip also shows him using “coloreds” and “ethnics” a lot. I think the only reason more hasn’t been made is because he is a known nut who got less votes last time he ran than write-in votes.
For you hockey-viewing Glibs.
SI picked the Caps to hoist the cup this year. best part is they have Caps/Wild final.
They’re high.
After crushing the Penguins like that? Fuck no. It’s a day of celebration. God’s in his heaven, all is right with the world.
Amen brother.
“He was the king of microaggression,” said his brother, Eric.
He, err, graduated from that phase, I’d say.
Non-chlorinated brake cleaner is supposed to work really well too. Wasp killer does not work as fast as you would like, IME.
Real Brakleen (before California wrecked it) was the best. It would knock the shine off a wasp in mid flight. They’d be dead before they hit the ground.
Look like Melania Trump for $69.95?
The model is pretty tasty.
fake Melania: would
I guess you still put “sexy” in the name of the costume even if the original thing is (OK, arguably) sexy?
“sexy lingerie model costume”
“sexy stripper costume”
“Sexy proctologist”
I just realized after reading your link, that the Snow Queen’s outfit in Oglaf is a nod to Melania’s Inauguration outfit.
Link, like the rest of Oglaf, is totally NSFW. But funny.
Previous cartoon, LOL.
Lately, the quote from them that made me just about fall out of my chair laughing, was “Fuck man, the realm of Death is not your dating agency.”
For when you need to explain Dunning-Kruger, but also want to see naked comics.
Well, looks like I’ll be down this rabbit hole for a while.
Finally, a journalist with the balls to speak truth to power!
I hate IPAs and never pretended otherwise. But my home brew buddies like them; they really, really like them. Which is why they keep brewing them.
As for the lemmings that turn every trend into a stampede, they deserve what ever they get.
Like stouts, IPA is easier to mask the mistakes home brewers have a tendency to make.
I’ve liked IPA ever since I first brewed it from a Boots kit back in 1977. There’s nothing inherently wrong about hoppy beer. Some people like it; others don’t. It’s like the oakiness of Chardonnay.
I can never take the opinion of someone with those ear-lobe-stretching-things seriously. Even when they’re right, they should be ignored.
So the fedora is fine with you?
no, the fedora is terrible, but by itself it wouldn’t be a deal breaker
once you’re over the “goofy-lobe” line, further problems are basically just vomit-icing on the shit-cake
Buddha doesn’t care if you take him seriously.
He better not. Can you imagine if they let Keanu Reeves play Jesus, or Mohammed? No self respecting divinity would put up with that sort of shit.
He’s my hero!
Seems like the explanation of IPA popularity, most of ’em taste like shit. Maybe it’s to cover up the fact that malting is difficult, I don’t know I’m not a brewer. Every IPA snob I know has eventually stopped drinking them.
Yeah, no shit. Let me see just one craft brewery make a decent lager that doesn’t taste like IPA light. I’m still waiting.
Why this would be surprising at all is what’s surprising.
That guy is still alive? He looks like Yoda.
Male-Feminist Author for Vice’s “Broadly” (their version of Jezebel/Bustle)… Accused of Rape, Serial Abuse, etc.
I don’t normally read Gateway Pundit; it was something someone re-tweeted
Hugo Schwyzer to the white courtesy telephone…
Same with these feminists:
When Musk came out and said Tesla was going to sell 500.000 cars in 2019 (or whatever the fuck preposterous hogwash it was), it was like he was daring the shorts to come after him.
“Here, tiger, tiger, tiger. There’s a fat juicy goat right here in the middle of these strangely arrayed sticks and leaves.”
Everyone on YouTube is a Nazi.
the author graduated from college only 2 years ago, which is the time-frame in which a person knows the most about “how the world really works”
I like reading the blatant lies and misrepresentations across all the bios…
Oh, and I forgot Tony Podesta was involved in PFAW.
I like how this article pins white supremacy on guys like Sargon and PJW by proxy. I have only seen a few of Sargon’s videos, but I’ve seen enough of PJW to know there’s no way he could be considered a white supremacist, and even this article writer seems to grasp that, so the issue becomes ~he promoted white supremacy~ by interviewing a guy on his show who mentioned a website that has white supremacists on it. Seriously? Even talking to someone, whether you agree with them or not, now makes you a Nazi by default?
I don’t even have to tell you what you are if you don’t agree with that, right?
So question for you so called geniuses.
We got the long form census questionaire. I ignored it, but over the last month they have started sending lots of mail telling us that we HAVE to do it. Today an actual person showed up and nagged us about it.
My wife is freaking out. I told her to continue ignoring them, but she is convinced that we will be doing time in the slammer soon. Looking up shit on the internet, it seems like they will nag you, but no one has actually been prosecuted since 1970.
Anyone else here ever get nagged about the long form?
I have not, but I respect you telling them to fuck off.
i kept telling the people i’d lost it, and they would give me a new one. eventually, it became too late to respond.
That is a good one. I’m pretty sure my wife is going to fill it out when I am in Chicago on business.
then tell her to lie about everything and give inconsistent answers so their machines disqualify it as bad-data.
Actually reading up on this, it appears that lying is a $500 fine. Not doing it at all is $100.
How do they know you’re lying? It could very well be that you’re half black, half Martian making $1,000,000,000,000/year as a traveling dildo salesman with 47 children. How are they to know the difference?
I had to fill out some forms online recently and the gender options were:
Custom is a lot like undisclosed, only a lot more expensive.
Sounds like the order form for a sexbot.
Oh well. if you send in a mostly blank one, you’re not lying.
Answer the questions you think should be answered. Then plead the 5th on the rest of them. If they keep asking start talking about the mark of the beast and how you are operating under an admirality flag not a US flag.
Throw it away before you leave.
I don’t get it. Don’t you care about how many buses need to be allocated to communities? Why do you hate buses, schools and children?
Also roads. Without the census we can’t know how much track to lay down.
I mean. Come on.
Someone needs more Kimmel in his life.
We got the long form and a handful of follow-up, face-to-face meetings. Saying no is not a option.
We provide extremely brief responses to all questions.
‘Not sure’.
‘To the best of my knowledge’.
‘2-5 but sometimes 3-6. Depends on the mood.’
‘It’s all so fluid. So, yes?’
‘Oh, absolutely. Sorta.’
‘Likely not but possible.’
“What is your sex?”
“Do you exist on the same corporeal plane as the other humanoids of this political subdivision?”
“I would like to have sex with your wife.”
“How many grams of marijuana do you smoke nightly?”
“Do you masturbate to grainy photos of 19th century settlers?”
“Would you like to see my butthole?”
“Would like to accompany me to the bottom of the Challenger Deep?”
Now that was funny!
“I make $250/hr, but I’ve already worked 40 hours this week. Overtime, please.”
Saying no is indeed an option. I did it. They pester the shit out of you, but they do eventually give up.
After receiving a few phone calls and trying to decide what to do, I found a website with folks talking about it. The prevailing theory was:
Yes, it’s against the law to not fill it out. However, the Census Bureau has no law enforcement arm. They would have to get the FBI -or some law enforcement agency- involved to punish you. The problem with that is that the same law that says you have to comply, bars the Census Bureau from sharing any data about you with any other agency. Wait the fuckers out, they’ll get bored soon enough.
That is what I sort of got from googling on this. See the link I posted above to Politifact.
It is infuriating to think of how that became a law in the first place. You KNOW that there is a sub-clause to that law that exempts Congress or other pols from having to do so. Fuck, it should be required that they have to do it.
Fuck the Census.
We got some long form from the Census. Never filled it out.
No landline, no phone calls. I guess they could have used our cells but never did.
I have two different perimeters of fencing topped with barbed wire that encircle my home with a pack of GSDs in the inner perimeter. Cameras and warning signs about the dogs and trespassing are posted at the first gate. They left one note on the gate and never bothered me again.
These fences are ostensibly for keeping the livestock on my property; however, they also serve very well for keeping the riff-raff out.
Yes. My wife got pissed at me for them continuing to call/mail letters and told me to end it.
Fuck you census bureau. Count of people every ten years. Demographic information is not within your authority. Poor poor whoevers that want subsidized data collection can go piss up a rope. Fuck em all.
Use this for inspiration if they come back
Can you write I AM A HUMAN BEING on it in large letters and send it in?
So I ordered the kid a Halloween costume from Spirit Halloween, which is apparently owned by Spencer’s (that weird store in the mall that’s like a low budget version of Hot Topic).
Anyways, in the package came her costume (Pikachu dress!) … along with a paper with “Instructions on how to use your new sex toy”
I’m debating whether to try to take this viral/use it to try and get something free from them (“MY PRECIOUS CHILD SAW THIS AND IS ASKING DEVASTATING QUESTIONS!”)
I demand screenshots of this “paper”
Here you go.
hm. Was the Pikachu costume supposed to come with a complementary vibrating dildo? You should call and ask.
Also, call that “intimate support team help line”, and record the conversation. (there are apps for that, btw). please share the results here.
Sounds like something a millennial would say.
I read this as Juvenile going as Pikachu.
Turn it into something like this. Also remember that buying Roxy clothes or eating Good Humor/Heartbrand ice cream probably makes you a pedo.
“Here’s what the heart means. When a pedophile sees children with the heart symbol, it’s a code. It means this child is ready to be traded for sex.”
Why bother grooming small children to be sex slaves when just handing them a toy with the heart symbol on it does all the work for you?
The same reason that some of us like to hunt for our food instead of just buying a steak from the supermarket.
Most of the fun is chasing your quarry down, killing them and chopping them up.
Why would the guy from the toy company even respond to that insanity?
The only correct response is to ask the reporter to wait while you go get your friends to listen in. Then when she starts asking questions, the entire group breaks into laugher and hooting.
Won’t somebody think of the children?!?!?!?!
I predict that this ends up with you getting a visit from Child Protective Services.
“Pikachu, I lube you!”
That’s disgusting!
*orders Pikachu costume for wife*
Or, they insinuated that your child IS the sex toy in that particular costume.
Well, that’s disturbing.
Now I’m definitely suing. And reporting a sex crime.
We got the long form census questionaire. I ignored it, but over the last month they have started sending lots of mail telling us that we HAVE to do it. Today an actual person showed up and nagged us about it.
Wait, what? Isn’t the census taken every ten years, in the ends-with-zero year?
*considers wiki, brushes that idea off*
Are you trying to say us Minnesodans live so far out in flyover land that the hard working census people can’t get to us until 2017? Is that a shot you are taking at our wonderful state?
Well fuck you, Mr. Montana! You are even further out in the boonies than we are. Fuck with Riven out of town, your state’s population density plummeted by like 20%.
Calm down you fucking stump humper.
You just wait until the guy with lanolin all over his hands makes fun of your state Mike. Then we’ll see who needs to calm down.
Wait, who was fingerbanging the sheep from Garfield?
Riven’s hubby before she moved to Montana?
There’s a sheep in Garfield?
Did you get tired of fucking Odie?
I have the ACS. Last night a woman showed up after 9 to nag me about it. I said fine, I’ll just make something up. That made her angry. I just said, well, if you can prove I’m lying, then I don’t need to fill it out.
Poor Stephen Paddock, He was so close to being a goddamn American hero instead.
He probably passed on that idea because of Boston Strong. After witnessing their previous behavior in the face of terrorism, he realized no one ran away and hid as quickly as Bostonians.
Two trigger pulls and he’s looking at an empty landscape.
Someone should tell them that he’s dead and is no longer a threat.
Yeah, that’s up there with “I was just in Vegas two months ago!!!!!”
I was, but I didn do nuffin
Maybe there’s a copycat planner out there somewhere.
Its almost like he wants to get primaried.
16 Republican Senators open to considering ban on bump stocks
I’m actually surprised by Toomey’s response.
Fucking Flake. I remember an argument I had like a decade and a half ago with my girlfriend-at-the-time’s family about their support for him.
Also, every single time I see “democracy dies in darkness” I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.
There’s a guy in the computer lab telling everyone he knows, which appears to be literally everyone but me, in tones that fall just short of shouting, about his unbelievably successful interview and how credible his resume is. I want to tear his head off.
Tell him “congrats! not everyone is so eminently qualified to put fries in the fryer and flip the patty at the same time!”
*talks LOUDLY about his AWESOME INTERVIEW, subsequently complains LOUDLY about his latent IMPOSTOR SYNDROME that makes him feel out of place even when giving an AWESOME INTERVIEW*
Finally leaving… while carrying on a conversation with some other jackass on the other side of the lab about how he’s finally leaving.
You sound like you need a drink
Soon… very soon.
The Sox are losing, but really… The MLB Gameday feed is right now showing that Houston is leading Boston 2 games to 0, in the middle of Game 2. Granted, Houston is up 8-1 in the bottom of the 7th, but c’mon.
Just an update for the Gulf Coast glibs…
A Hurricane Warning is in effect for…
* Grand Isle Louisiana to the Alabama/Florida border
* Metropolitan New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain
Stay safe, y’all.
Stay safe, y’all.
Or dont. JB isn’t the boss of you, just do you (or don’t as you prefer!).
Well, it’s a wish, not an order. If they want to go out during a hurricane like this Florida man did, it’s their business, not mine.
Smoke meth, ride out hurricane in the Mustang up on blocks in the front yard?
And for some of you inland, watch out as well
Mexican Sharpshooter is cruising that area soon, iirc.
We’ve already learned that so-called hurricane warnings are fake news that can be safely ignored.
What kind of hurricane name is “Nate”? Proper names motherfuckers, not diminutives.
Relax, Gus.
You don’t need to discuss much
Drop off the key, Lee
Interesting read
I have spent the past six months poring over the literature of European and American white nationalism, in the process interviewing noxious identitarians like the alt-right founder Richard Spencer. The most shocking aspect of Mr. Coates’s wording here is the extent to which it mirrors ideas of race — specifically the specialness of whiteness — that white supremacist thinkers cherish.
This, more than anything, is what is so unsettling about Mr. Coates’s recent writing and the tenor of the leftist “woke” discourse he epitomizes. Though it is not at all morally equivalent, it is nonetheless in sync with the toxic premises of white supremacism. Both sides eagerly reduce people to abstract color categories, all the while feeding off of and legitimizing each other, while those of us searching for gray areas and common ground get devoured twice. Both sides mystify racial identity, interpreting it as something fixed, determinative and almost supernatural. For Mr. Coates, whiteness is a “talisman,” an “amulet” of “eldritch energies” that explains all injustice; for the abysmal early-20th-century Italian fascist and racist icon Julius Evola, it was a “meta-biological force,” a collective mind-spirit that justifies all inequality. In either case, whites are preordained to walk that special path. It is a dangerous vision of life we should refuse no matter who is doing the conjuring.
This summer, I spent an hour on the phone with Richard Spencer. It was an exchange that left me feeling physically sickened. Toward the end of the interview, he said one thing that I still think about often. He referred to the all-encompassing sense of white power so many liberals now also attribute to whiteness as a profound opportunity. “This is the photographic negative of a white supremacist,” he told me gleefully. “This is why I’m actually very confident, because maybe those leftists will be the easiest ones to flip.”
However far-fetched that may sound, what identitarians like Mr. Spencer have grasped, and what ostensibly anti-racist thinkers like Mr. Coates have lost sight of, is the fact that so long as we fetishize race, we ensure that we will never be rid of the hierarchies it imposes. We will all be doomed to stalk our separate paths.
Distinguish between the skin and the individual within? What sort of necromancy is this?
How did that make it through the screeners?
Once they get trashed by the progtard mob for being Nazis it will disappear and they will pretend they never published it.
Seems like neither Mr. Coates nor Mr. Spencer have met very many white people.
Richard Spencer is the white people of white people.
White supremacists are the number one proof that white supremacy doesn’t exist.
Coates is just intolerable. You’d think the obscurantism is a deliberate acknowledgement that his arguments are weak and his reasoning entirely motivated, but I get the sense that he really believes that at root his free-association writing process embodies capital-Truth. He’s delusional as well as a terrible writer.
Coates is the wypipo of Black-bodied intellectual poseurs.
Now I’m definitely suing. And reporting a sex crime.
Yes, that’s it. Confess, and throw yourself on the mercy of the court. It’s your only chance.
If they take me to Room 101 I’m implicating every last one of you.
“You remember when I told you I’d implicate you last? I lied.”
Posted earlier, but too good not to post again.
You’re going to re-ruin MLW’s christmas.
For the gamers:
100 Hardest Video Game Bosses
Spoiler: #65 is literally Hitler
Oh Christ #91. I hated that game because of trying to land on that damn aircraft carrier.
The FTL Ship (#56) shouldn’t be there, because it’s pretty easy if you have the right setup and strategy (and you don’t get horribly unlucky)
Ha, I knew exactly what you were referencing. But really, without a Contra or Ikaruga game in there, this list is objectively wrong.
I’m replaying Borderlands 1 right now, and Mothrakk is a piece of cake if you just pick a place where you can hide under cover between attacks. One of the easiest bosses ever.
A lot of the Borderlands series “raid bosses” are so ridiculous that I don’t see how they can be beat even if you are playing as a group.
In conclusion, I generally hate “boss fights” as a game concept and just cheat my way past them whenever possible.
That’s a really great game. You know, I don’t even have any desire to smoke some herb, except that I want to smoke some herb and play that game before I die. Bucket list stuff.
I’ve got hundreds of hours logged on Borderlands 2 but I haven’t played BL1 since… (checks date on saved games)… 2010.
Really enjoying replaying it, and it’s amazing how well it holds up for an 8 year old game. I think the cel-shaded art style really helps it not look too dated. Easily my all-time favorite action/shooting game.
1 is better in my opinion. A lot better. The loot and shooting is just epic.
You know, I hate the fact that there are bosses in games, or levels. Can’t anyone think of something new already? I mean, there’s Stardew Valley. No bosses, just weird chicks with blue hair and delicious farm produce.
Maybe you’re ready for some SJW games about depression and feelings and shit. I bet they don’t have levels.
I’ll have to ask my doctor if those are right for me.
Fucking Goro.
92. Landing on the aircraft carrier
Fuck that thing.
They missed Mike J
Hasn’t been much talk about Justine Damond’s shooting lately, but it has caused me to learn a new word today.
The case is now in the hands of the county attorney. He will determine what charges to bring (if any).
The best part of this story is I learned a new word: kakistocracy – Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
The kakistocracy charge comes from this story where Mayor Hodges and Chief Harteau throw shit at each other.
Talk about two broads hitting rock bottom and pulling out pick axes to continue digging the hole deeper.
“Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens”
You mean like a bus driver who was “elected” Venezuelan president?
He means Government
You got something against mass transit, Playa?
I bet you don’t think Raj Pachauri, an engineer was qualified to lead the UN IPCC?
Don’t you realize how conducive to deep thought it is to transport large numbers of screaming/crying/surly people around?
Kakistocratic government.
Department of redundancy department.
One hit wonder Friday.
That was a hit?
One hit wonder Friday. I like it.
Every time I hear the term one hit wonder, I immediately think of this.
Ram Jam
Yeah, they had a 2nd album, but it sucked. Really strange because that entire first album is great. They ran out of material fast.
That song just popped up on my spotify list today. Turned it WAYYY down when I pulled into the work parking lot.
My Sharona
Huh. I liked “Portrait of the Artist As A Young Ram” better. No accounting for the taste of a 14 year-old, I suppose.
This is on my own Guardians of the Galaxy-style playlist.
Good tune
I always liked that song.
Oh god I fucking hated that song.
I guess he’s not really a one-hit wonder though:
I had this 45
I knew people that owned that record. I’m old.
Double WTF, lol.
What is this, shitty 90s music night?
I’m disappointed no one has put up this one:
Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Also ass-related & LMAO
“Death threats follow local vegan’s Facebook post about Vegas shootings
Delinda Jensen, 60, has received death threats after posting this Facebook comment: “Yes I am jaded. Fifty nine meat eaters dead. How many animals will live because of this?””
I’m going to eat 2 dozen extra chicken wings this week in her honor.
I just drowned a kitten
These euphemisms are getting pretty hot.
I just made this my wallpaper.
Are you going to make that part of your review for the Hello Kitty vibrator?
I think it needs to be the next article here.
Already been done
Approximately zero, Delinda.
What in the fuck is wrong with that person? CUNT. I can’t even capitalize cunt enough. I need some 72 point bold stuff here.
Thank G-d for facebook and twitter. They allow us to identify the shitstains of the world so much more efficiently.
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s having some use for identifying people who need to be sent to a leper colony or something.
What about the other 500+ victims eating chicken tenders, beef broth, and fish sticks in Vegas hospitals RIGHT NOW?
1. Person says awful, outrageous thing on social media.
2. Person receives “death threats”.
3. Person runs crying to MSM.
This never gets old!
I just shot a cow and left it to ROT.
I went grocery shopping at 99 Ranch at lunch. Dinner is about to get really interesting.
I have arrived at Barley’s and put in for a table. There’s a Bluejackets game and a Girl Scout convention in town. Ask for the Glibs table if you wish to meet up with us.
Girl Scout convention? I think you just got one more visitor.
OMWC will be right over.
I’ll tune into to police scanner
Did you bring the heart toys?
From the “customers also bought”
Now if that’s not the kind of innovation the govt keeps telling us we need, I don’t know what is!
There goes my freaking Amazon suggestions.
Strapless? No, I don’t even want to know how that works…
Then don’t look up Kegel exercises.
Wireless controls?
Needs moar power:
Possibly, NSFW.
What in the fuck.
“Customers also bought”…
I see a “strapless strapon” and something that looks like it gets hooked up to a car battery.
It’s brilliant!
I knew I didn’t want to know.
I’m not even going to ask how you knew about the Hello Kitty dildo, Q.
OMWC always has a lot of good suggestions.
I had one but I gave it away. It was still new in the box.
Sure it was.
The secret phrase is: “Have you ever eaten a brownie?”
Not advisable if you’re Maureen Dowd. You’ll freak out. And probably die!
So close, but the correct phrase is “Have you ever eaten brown?”
What can Brown do for you?
Barleys! What part of CBus are you from?
There’s a monocle emoji
That’s racist.
White people of emojis.
Why are they all Asian?
I can’t tell, they all look alike to me.
Can tophat and orphans be far behind?
It’s a slippery slope.
I wanna know why they’re all angry except for the Facederp one. When you have monocles, how could you possibly be angry? Seems fishy…
The orphans have been slacking? I find that’s usually solvable by taking them out on your yacht and making a few walk the plank while the others watch.
But I think it’s about time we award Kristen the first genuine libertarian female award. Because if there ever was a genuine female libertarian, “There’s a monocle emoji” is exactly what she would say.
Only a coupla people from here have met me, so for all most of you know, I ain’t no chick!
Wait… what? Am I missing something here?
I’ve been accused of being a dude so many times, maybe I’m startin to believe it!
Well, I thought I remember you posting a picture here once with you in it and you appeared to be a chick to me. Who even knows these days.
I just watched Fox news harass people at gun show. Like somehow Vegas is their fault. Fuck Fox29 news.
Sad. I turned off Fox about 8 years ago. Neocon TV, fuck them.
Dude, local Fox stations have the most ridiculous stories. “You Will Never Guess Who Was Living In Her Attic For 13 Years” “Mopeds: Cheap Transportation or Traffic Menace?” “How This Local Strip Club Went BYOB to Evade City Regs” “Mayor, n Sign New Regulations Limiting Strip Clubs to 2.37 Block Radius Surrounded by Tattoo Parlors and Auto Parts Stores”
I found it funny today that the crocodila drug scare, you remember that? The drug that’s so scary it turns people into crocodiles? That’s just making it’s rounds in Brazilian media now. They pretty much just watch CNN and repeat everything they hear. Sometimes they fuck it up to a comical degree, as though it wasn’t already fucked up enough.
Well? Who WAS living in her attic?
Earlier today, I saw 4 fighter jets (couldn’t tell what kind – I’m not good at civil aircraft ID, much less military) fly past my office window, while traffic at DCA was paused. Weird. In the age of “Little Rocket Man”, I get anxious when I see military aircraft of the combat variety.
What floor are you on? That would be pretty weird seeing fighters fly by your window. And loud.
They were at about 5,000. I’m at about 500.
I hear on ATC it was “VIP movement”. I thought Air Force One only had 2 escorts, and I didn’t know they used them every trip. Ahhhh, 9/11. Costing taxpayers jillions for 16 years.
I love how clearly irritated pilots get when they’re delayed for “VIP”
I remember when I was a kid growing up in the Ohio. We moved a rural area and for some reason, it seemed to be a favorite for jets to fly over and do the sonic boom thing. You’re probably too young to remember that. As a kid, I thought it was awesome, but all the adults did not seem to share that enthusiasm.
In the age of “Little Rocket Man”,
I prefer Whoa, Fat.
F-16s. With out seeing them, F-16s.
Came here to post this.
That avatar, right there in this post?
I managed to get my CFO to put into his next presentation to our Board. High point of my day.
Was it in honor of this?
I’m still giggling at that. I don’t give two craps about xer political persuasion, that was just fine work right there. The little clip doesn’t show her mopping her brow with a wad of cash. Gotta go Google that up.
Was this a group effort or is the Milburn Pennybags impostor claiming to be a ‘they’?
Tattoos don’t get attention anymore, so now the hip new thing for millennials to do is become nonbinary. As you can see in Amanda’s case, it requires very little effort: you don’t even have to change your very-obviously-a-girl’s-name name. Just decree your pronouns and get instant, automatic LGBT status with none of the pesky inconveniences like surgery or having to date someone with the same bits as you.
Oh good lord, I thought you were joking until I looked they up.
What confuses me ( or at least more than the other confusing stuff ) is that when speaking about themselves they say I and me not us and we but the reporting refers to it as they?? Man, adulting is like super hard.
Nice work. When I used to write corporate fiction, our CFO and I tried to work the word ‘penetrate’ into every press release and SEC filing.
Juvenile humor is the best humor.
Especially when you’re dealing with juveniles who think they’re not.
You cannot tell me the board wasn’t already well-versed in Weinstein’s shenanigans.
Can you imagine how many company board meetings are consumed by discussions of how to sweep the president’s behavior under the rug…
How bad can the new spying legislation be? Exhibit 1: it’s called the USA Liberty Act
Yeah, I don’t think so.
The Iron Law of Hipsters is, “Those who deny it most forcefully are the biggest hipsters”
applied to towns, if they are claiming it as a point of pride? It means they are lonely and desperate.
They’ve been trying to shake the cow town image as long as I can remember.
“Epidemic of mass shootings”, I keep seeing this, hearing it, etc.
I’m thinking that when they think the problem is who’s in the White House, whatever is going wrong is an “epidemic”.
When they like the person in the White House, it’s a “war on something”.
Epidemics are something that happens internally, a sickness both within people’s bodies and within the country.
Wars mean there’s a problem somewhere else, on the outside that needs to be kept out. The problem isn’t internal.
If the problem is obesity or opioids, and Obama is in the White House, according to the media, we’re fighting a war on obesity and a war on addiction.
If Trump is in the White House, it’s an opioid epidemic. It’s an epidemic of obesity, epidemic of mass shootings, etc. According to the MSM, the problem is internal.
Thus spake Shultzathustra.
I don’t recall a “War on mass shootings” during Obama’s tenure. I think you may be straw grasping there Ken. Just a tad bit anyways.
Well, mass-shootings as construed by the left are largely immune to the presidential changeover, anyway. Because it’s only white Christian men who commit them, and they’re always fair game.
It’s a working theory, and it’s a theory about predominance–I’m not saying there aren’t any exceptions.
I just did a quick google search on “epidemic mass shootings”, and a quick glance gives me one example during the Obama administration.
Most of them are from the last few days.
They don’t seem to talk about a war on mass shootings because that just sounds awkward. It seems to be more about the “war on gun violence”. More older references for sure.
Here’s the other issue: last I heard, an epidemic is a rapid spread of a contagious disease – meaning a state of illness caused by pathogens. The plague. The Spanish flu. Ebola. These are epidemics.
I know that words are often used outside the context of their technical definition, but referring to crime and personal health decisions as an “epidemic” just normalizes government overreach (like the CDC studying gun violence).
Yeah, they’re using sensational words to sell headlines for sure.
I don’t want to hear about the typical anything. Tell me about the “crisis”!
Oh we got TROUBLE!
Right here in River City.
With a capital “T”
And that rhymes with “P”
And that stands for POOL!
The “epidemic of mass shootings” is caused by things like gang violence. Stop the war on drugs and a huge part of this “epidemic” is cured, but that doesn’t fit the narrative.
This is something where I can give the race-baiters a very small amount of credit. The plight of inner city minorities is largely whitewashed by the “epidemic of gun violence” narrative. I’d be pissed too.
I mean, if they actually cared, yeah, they ought to be mad as hell about it. Jesse and co. don’t actually give a shit, of course.
Hey, that’s a pretty good take. I think you might have something there.
CNN is pushing the Vegas shooting HARD tonight, spending mucho airtime speculating on the fact that the asshole attempted to buy tracer rounds, and the “cryptic note” he left, and now delving into his peculiar relationship with his girlfriend. Despite nothing being known about any of it.
Better an hour spent bullshitting about unknowables between ad breaks than spending even a minute talking about Hollywood’s open dirty secret, I guess.
He was hired by the Russians to shoot down that Malaysian plane.
They’re just selling toothpaste, tampons, and beard wax–or whatever it is lefties buy these days.
The best is an hour watching this over and over.
I don’t know why that’s so funny, but it’s effing hilarious!
Anthem in Orlando… is there a word for that wavering vocal tic a lot of singers put into the anthem? It drives me nuts. Pick a note!
How ’bout the verb “warble”?
1.(of a bird) sing softly and with a succession of constantly changing notes.
“larks were warbling in the trees”
That works.
It’s a moving song sung straight.
It’s awful, self-indulgent crap sung the way arena singers love.
Just sing the fucking notes as written, sunshine. It’s not about you. You’re an accessory at best, hindrance at worst.
I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard it sung straight. It’s always warbled beyond recognition.
Nah, that’s different. I mean notes going all over the place, not just rapidly alternating between two tones.
I know what you’re talking about. I don’t know if there’s a name for making wild, gaudy embellishments that are not written in the music.
I always assume it’s a cover for not being able to actually hold the note properly. Or like pretending to be an opera singer because you’ve heard that people are impressed by them and figure it’s just a matter of wiggling all around the note you’re trying to hit.
there are lots of names for similar things…. like the subtle addition of unwritten grace notes in between melodies (“Appoggiatura”) or for playing all the notes of a chord in sequence (“arpeggio”) , which can be done in the context of a melody as a form of improvisation… and there are other terms specific to opera (“Coloratura”) which are closest to the sort of ‘spastic melodic elaboration’ which is the modern pop-habit….
but most people just call them “R+B runs”, or riffs. they’re mostly the product of gospel influence on R+B in the 1980s (see: Luther Vandross, et al). Vocalists like Mariah Carey, and all the male R+B boy bands in the 1990s, and Alicia Keys, etc. made the shit into a contest to who could stuff the most unnecessary notes possible into simple phrases. It is stylistically as played out as Autotune, which is why you see most new soul singers going back to the 1960s- and 1970s now, doing “retro soul”, because people are so fucking tired of the Prima Donna Urban R+B vocal sound.
That’s why I like Gilmore.
He classes up the place.
Jesus Christ, you slope-browed vulgarians! It’s called a musical ornament, and I believe Rhywun means either a glissando or portamento as part of a larger “bel canto” singing style.
Would it have killed you all to have taken a gen ed?
But I like bel canto.
What do you mean? I love it!
Oh, wait. I thought you said Belle Knox.
And I thought you were Belle Knox.
Is that “dumbing with faint praise”?
I’m negging you.
Here you go = they’ve decided to apply some term which used to describe micro-tonal embellishment in ancient greek and arabic music… and now use it (after the fact) as a description of modern R+B riffing
From wikipedia:
i’d bet you $10,000 that none of the above-mentioned artists have ever heard this term in their lives. and i don’t personally think the microtonal stuff that arab or classical-indian singers do is technically the same as the sort of pentatonic-scale runs of R+B singing.
Of the aforementioned, only Stevie is allowed because he used to be awesome. The rest of them can go handle snakes and wasp’s nests.
As I’ve always understood the term, I don’t think melisma is necessarily microtonal. I think the term is more about the ratio of tones per syllable. And it’s not such an obscure term, if any of the above have taken even one music theory course, they should have encountered the term. Or at least heard their producers use it.
Everybody knows what melisma is. I’m a non musician and learned what I loathe thirty years ago. Grandstanding is what it is and being unable to sustain a note.
wasn’t suggesting it was, but when i came across its use in the past, it was specifically referencing traditional + devotional ancient music, and wasn’t used to describe “Stevie Wonder’s gospel riffs” as well, which (again) seems to me a bit of Ret-conning the definition.
in my experience, even professionally trained modern R+B singers don’t have much (if any) “theory”. they have a lot of vocal training. of course there are exceptions, but in general modern R+B (since the 1980s) isn’t exactly characterized by “classically trained music-school students”
I’m not sure what you mean, but i assume its the modern “R+B showoff”-instinct many singers have, where they take an otherwise simple series of notes, and completely Boyz2FuckingMen-the-shit out of them.
there’s a line between ‘style’ and ‘gratuitousness’ which is highly dependent on context. If you’re jimi hendrix, and its woodstock, by all means, shred the Star Spangled Banner. If its a fucking ballgame, you should be professional enough to know how to deliver a fresh performance without turning it into “Look at me, i can run scales”-audition. The best performances of the SSB tend to be “some subtle modifications to the arrangement; not loaded with gratuitous technical flourishes”
Yep, that’s what I mean. And I suspected it was a gospel or R&B thing, and therefore totally racist of me to ask but whatevz.
Heh, agree about the Hendrix. That’s classic. It’s also guitar so there’s that.
And why the fuck did they include the so-called first responders in the minute of silence?
Do you buy a loaf of bread without a plastic bag? They get lumped in there like a sales tax, Ted.
I’ve noticed that trend lately.
Get those dead guys!
These guys are really pushing it.
Antifa, making Democrats more unelectable by the day.
“Columbus? Eurotrash.”
Odds on violent encounters? They’ve announced their intent, now the counter-protestors or whoever else will be lined up to defend the statues.
You know, the NRA is suggesting “regulating” bump-stocks, implying putting them on the NFA. Meanwhile, following a mass shooting, DC just became a shall-issue “state” and nobody noticed. I’m actually beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason the left is becoming so vocal and so visibly present is because they’re starting to notice that the mainstream of American culture is recoiling from their ideology.
It’s certainly an interesting process to watch. The Left is sure as shit not getting any more reasonable. I’ve tried to explain to the Lefties in my life that Trump supporters are not all terrible people. In fact, most of them are the same people who voted for Obama in previous elections. Overall, they’re just people who want a good job to support their families, and Trump made the better case than Hillary. But they don’t want to listen; they’re just dead set on believing that all Trump voters are irredeemable neo-Nazis.
“The Chronicles of Riddick”–the one with Dame Edna and the death cult, goth army–is totally underrated.
I know I’m supposed to hate it like it’s Nickelback, but I don’t.
It’s one of the best big budget action flicks of the last 20 years.
It’s better than the other Riddick movies, and I love low budget flicks.
I’m just sayin’.
It’s not my favorite movie, but then your favorite movie sucks.
Keep what you kill
I agree with you, actually.
I liked it. Definitely rates behind the other two films in the franchise, but a lot of it was great. The prison planet and escape especially.
I liked the first one. It was stylistically interesting for the first half before it fell off the cliff o’ tropes.
Different Worlds
I hate to break it to you, Scott, but the Buddha had you beat like 2,500 years prior.
I can’t decide whether that article belongs in “Deep Thoughts” or “Lowered Expectations”.
Gov’t would defer sales tax hike if economy worsens to level before late 2012: Suga
In CommieBall news, where in the hell that THIS U.S. team been for the last six months?
The defense is still all over the place but with Jozy and Pulisic… who cares??
Heh. SIL is having it out with brother because she dumped like a cup off Lowry’s into the meat she was cooking and he laughed at her. She fucked up, but he’s in trouble. Dafuq, woman.
The joys of married life.
Just add more meat.
That’s what xi said
It was lamb and she’s upset that she ruined pricey meat.
Which means it’s okay to take it out on him, I guess.
Sucks to be him. Lowry’s cans have a double top identified with a spoon a shaker symbol. She got mixed up and is now making everyone pay for her mistake. This. This is why I don’t do Holidays. Is there a cold swimming pool handy?
Ok – not sure if I missed any notes – out all day. Will still aim to hit the Roller Derby in Ruckersville tomorrow at 2 PM. I’ve got a RAV 4 with the NAP FTW plates – and I’ll probably aim to wear a Kill Devil Derby Brigade (and if I remember it – a ball cap from USS Ford – the first one FFG 54).
If that doesn’t work for a meet, no biggies. Probably better to plan for a non-bicentennial game day weekend in the future. I’ll check out some more local places for good meet-ups too.
Anyhoo the reason I was out today – took some PTO for the day – went up to my last command to attend a buddy’s retirement. 30 years – good Lord! This guy made it look easy – at least for the 2 years I’ve known him. E-nothing to Chief, Chief to O-4 (Lieutenant Commander). His first deployment was for Desert Shield. He served on 7 different ships – no two from the same class. Our last CO gave the remarks and he had some great lines (retirements are always more casual/enjoyable/emotional than other ceremonies). Out of 15 total commands across 30 years, his first 9 units/ships/etc have all been shut down or decommissioned (or in some cases sunk for target practice). In at 18, retired with 30 at 48. And he’s ready to take a short break of some terminal leave and roll into a new job. Great inspiration for all the folks in the schoolhouse, junior enlisted, senior enlisted, officers, etc.
I wish I could make it, but I have to pick up my wife and baby from Reagan tomorrow evening. I’ll catch y’all next time.
You guys are lucky. There isn’t a fellow Glib within 500 miles of Festus (and I’ve been honing my carving knives, too). The Canadians seem to be quasi-canucks from the East.
Yeah, I’m a ~4 hour drive from the nearest glib myself.
I’ll have a beer and pretend.