Close, but no cigar.
When you’re first and proclaim second, you are barred for life from being first.
Shortest. Ken Schultz post. Ever.
Has he posted all the reasons he likes Rand Paul?
I’ve explained this to y’all, how many times?
If I say I’m first all the way down the list, that doesn’t make it so.
If I say I’m second when I’m really first, that doesn’t make it so either.
It’s almost like what I say is irrelevant compared to what I do.
And yet people are so obsessed with what other people say.
The media is obsessed with what Trump tweets–and ignores what he actually does. It’s like they can’t tell the difference between what he says and what he does.
The female unit somehow thinks she’s unaccountable for what she does–so long as she says the right things.
The world’s gone mad, and it’s starting to impact my personal life.
People notice when you say you’re first when you’re not.
People notice when you say you’re second when you’re not.
Do they understand that we did what we did regardless of the words we used to describe it?
You’d think so.
But then they turn around and talk about what Rand Paul or Donald Trump said–as if it was something they did. And when what they do isn’t really explained by what they say? Well, the problem is that I don’t understand 3D chess.
In the meantime, no I did not say I would sit here and talk to her goddamn sister all night.
I said it was okay if she came over.
I’ll be elsewhere when she’s here.
People hear what they want to hear. They sure as hell don’t hear it when I say, “I can’t stand your goddamn sister”.
Well, at least Lou Reed is still alive. Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side. I said hey mama, take a walk on the wild side. Do do-do Do do-do Do do-do-do-do dooooo
There he is.
Hi Ken!
The feels man. The feels.
So…typical female?
“I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability.”
But… is her sister cute?
Triad https://youtu.be/qLVXon0r64Y
I do not like her in a car
I do not like her in a bar
I do not like her here or there
I do not like her anywhere
I do not like your sister, Jan
I do not like her
Ken I am
It’s like a thieve’s mind.
Con men think everyone’s trying to rip them off.
People who don’t mean what they say find it hard to understand when you do what you said you would do.
Then they start insisting you said things you never said
Yet, somehow, they can’t remember you saying you don’t like her sister.
Even though you’ve said it over and over and over and over and over and over . . .
I’ve even gone into detail. I don’t like her because a, b, c, d, e . . .
None of those variables have changed–why would the other side of the equation change?
Did you think I was kidding?
I even asked what there is to like about her sister–and she couldn’t think of anything either.
She doesn’t like her own sister. She doesn’t want to be stuck alone with her.
On the other hand, she wants to impress her sister. And she genuinely cares about her, too.
It’s entirely possible to both love someone and not be able to stand to be around them–that’s practically the definition for family in a lot of households around this great country of ours.
On the other hand, these . . . unlikable people, if they’re not your family, there’s really no reason why I should want to be around someone who is absolutely unlikable in every way. And when I’m supposed to be exhibit A in the reasons why her sister should be impressed?
I don’t do well in situations where I’m supposed to impress someone whom I hold in contempt.
There is no reason to want to impress this person apart from her being your sister and sisters being natural frenemies.
So if the Geen eggs analogy holds up, Ken’s domestic situation is about to get real complicated.
“I can’t stand your goddamn sister”.
I gotta say, I kinda skipped past most of this, but then read the last line and I had to back up, what the hell is this about the sister?
I went in to Ken’s firm. I had a simple question. Should I come to a complete stop at a stop sign? I came out with a 94 page memo and a bill for $7,343.27.
The Strange Story of How North Korea Smuggled in 87 U.S. Scout Helicopters
Back in the 1980s, McDonnell Douglas received an order for 102 helicopters from the Delta-Avia Fluggerate, an export firm registered in West Germany under businessman Kurt Behrens. Between 1983 and 1985, the U.S. company Associated Industries transferred 86 MD 500D and -E helicopters and one Hughes 300 — an even smaller two-man type — via six shipments for export by Delta Avia to Japan, Nigeria, Portugal and Spain.
However, in February 1985, the U.S. Commerce Department revealed it had discovered some hair-raising anomalies in the company’s operations — and some fraudulent claims about the shipments’ destination. For example, 15 helicopters unloaded at Rotterdam, ostensibly for special fitting, were then transported overland to the Soviet freighter Prorokov.
The Prorokov then unloaded the helicopters in North Korea.
Similarly, a freighter docked in Japan transferred two helicopters to a North Korean freighter in Hong Kong, with similar results. Furthermore, it turned out the Semler brothers running Associated Industries were secretly majority owners of Delta Avia.
Though 87 helicopters had already been delivered, the remaining 15 MD 500s were seized and the Semlers were tried in 1987 for violating a law forbidding export of nearly anything to North Korea. Fluggeratte, allegedly, was simply a front company to ship the aircraft to North Korea, and that it had been promised a profit of $10 million for completing the deal.
Later it was revealed that the CIA had been aware of the smuggling operation. It had been administered by a North Korean attaché in Berlin, and facilitated by a Soviet front trucking company in West Germany. However, the intelligence agency declined to inform civil authorities, because it didn’t want to reveal it had bugged the embassy.
And they’re probably considered the pride of their derelict fleet.
I assume you’re talking about the CIA agents who didn’t inform the civil authorities?
I never did think about it after shooting them down in Mercenaries…maybe I read something but not the full details.
One of my favorite games.
The controls are a little frustrating, but I may need to give it another shot on 360 – about the only title I actually paid for backwards compatibility for IIRC. (or I just used the disc? I can’t even remember now).
Great memories – also frustrating trying to relive the experience with a new controller – see Resident Evil 4 on 360 Xbox live. Don’t really want to hook up the gamecube again to play that and Eternal Darkness.
Fuck Miami. That is all.
What, the whole city? Gonna take a while *hitches pants* better get started.
Honestly, fuck Florida. Yes, the whole state.
Dear lord that swimsuit is heinous.
I wouldn’t call it a “bikini” either.
If you would read the article you’ll find out that she is wearing a revealing black thong bikini with a matching triangle top, the cage-thing is a ‘cover up’
Also nice bait and switch Zardoz, promise penile erection and give us ugly fashion shots, big stone Jerk.
Read the article?
You’re right. It’s high art.
Am I the only one who doesn’t think Kate Upton is all that?
Would. As long as she doesn’t talk.
No. I don’t get the obsession with celebrities. You can find hotter women walking down the streets of pretty much any city in the world on any given day.
Since we’re on the subject of the overrated hotness of famous ladies, Taylor Swift looks like a field mouse.
Yup. Don’t understand the attraction there.
What, you don’t want to be immortalized as a loser dumped boyfriend in a teeny-bopper song after you love her and leave her??
I don’t want to follow up after anything John Mayer’s been in. I suspect he’s given all those women the gift that keeps on giving. If he were a classy guy, he would pay for their lifelong Valtrex prescriptions.
I guess I’m sort of a geek, but the first time I was in Brazil. We were driving back from the airport in Recife. My SIL was driving and when we arrived in the city, my wife was playing with me and covered my eyes with her hands and told me to stop looking at all the beautiful women walking down the street. Honestly I told her I didn’t see them because I was busy checking out the exotic flora in the city. Seriously, the plants and trees there are fantastic, not really second to the incredibly beautiful women, but none the least will steal your attention if you’re a curios person.
Why Aren’t Young Men Into Breasts?
Because an attractive woman is proportional, and the all-too-common bolt-on monstrosities are unnatural, disproportionate, and ugly.
Ditto built-in butts.
Er, bolt-on, fucking auto-correct.
Yup. Breasts are good, as long as they’re real. Same with butts.
They’re all fags
I never have, but… she is looking kind of good in this shoot, IMHO.
She’s pretty and has a great, natural-seeming rack but her torso is kinda weirdly proportioned. Gift horse in the mouth, yada, yada, yada.
I’m with you.
Sorry, Zardoz, but penic erection is what makes Animal’s life worthwhile. And what is the power of Zardoz when measured against that of Animal Magnetism? Naught, i say.
And penic erection of Animal will continue. Be warned.
Found Animal.
<— Can neither confirm nor deny.
I hereby ceremoniously proclaim by the the authority of Zardoz, hayeksplosives to be first and Ken to be last. Sorry, Ken, no legal heroin for you today.
Isn’t Mustang “first”?
No, Derp…
*Checks rulebook*
First comment on the links is “first”.
If y’all keep on with this BS, i’m going to put a comment randomizer into Monocle so that nobody can tell who was first. It’ll be the hack of Babel, and many clothes will be torn, teeth will be gnashed, and sackcloth will be adorned.
YES. Do it. It would be glorious.
Do eet!
What’s the definition of first?
I’ll ask humpty dumpty-
“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory,’ ” Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t—till I tell you. I meant ‘there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!’ ”
“But ‘glory’ doesn’t mean ‘a nice knock-down argument’,” Alice objected.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. “They’ve a temper, some of them—particularly verbs, they’re the proudest—adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs—however, I can manage the whole lot! Impenetrability! That’s what I say!”
Well that doesn’t make sense. Derpetologist posted six minutes before hayeksplosives responded.
Arizona restaurant closes following backlash from its pro-Trump Facebook post
An Arizona restaurant was forced to close its doors indefinitely this week after a politically charged Facebook post the eatery’s owners wrote prompted mass criticism from social media users.
The restaurant received “so many angry phone calls” that several employees chose to quit, reports say.
“People threatened to burn down the restaurant with the owners in it. It’s a crazy world we’re in,” Ron Sanchez, whose daughter worked at the eatery, told ABC15.
Ericka Ayup, a regular customer of the restaurant, told ABC 15 the post was not “smart” but respected their opinion.
“I respected their decision to speak up and be patriotic whether people agree or not,” Ayup told ABC 15. “It wasn’t smart for them to do what they did from a business aspect especially being down here in the University — which is more liberal and young.”
The restaurant apologized for the post but social media users flooded the eatery’s Yelp page with negative reviews.
They’re going to learn the hard way. I’m all in on this.
I don’t get taking political sides when there’s no need as a business- however the article makes it sound less like “the market spoke” and more like lefty idiots threatened violence which is not exactly NAP or anything close.
Yeah, it’s a stupid move regardless.
Meh, If my business was in trouble I’d take a flyer on grabbing the backlash to the backlash market, With the right exposure in a red area of the state it could end up helping, see Chic-fil-A.
Stupid or not, it is their right. And it really doesn’t sound to me much like this was a customer backlash, so much as an internet rent-a-mob. Plenty of businesses feel free to share their left-of-center views. They don’t get death threats for their trouble.
Does anyone else wonder if we will see a rash of suicide bombings in the future done by certain individuals who were for ISIS fighters who surrendered?
Depends on where they end up.
If ‘in a dark cell at a blacksite’, the answer is nooooooooooope.
Bricktop has an even better solution.
Anyone who comes to America leaves behind all their, culture, politics, and beliefs and integrates with society.
World Obesity Day?
Well, I guess that settles it then.
Fatphobia is violence. Fat folks don’t die from being fat.
Technically correct, instead you die from all the health problems associated with being fat.
Can we go back to people complaining about the obesity epidemic now? I actually preferred that to whiny fat bitches.
“They say we’re in the middle of an obesity epidemic.
An epidemic like it is polio. Like we’ll be telling our grand kids about it one day.
The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004.
“How’d you get through it grandpa?”
“Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere.””
Underwear Goes Inside the Pants
People die. If they prefer being fat to dying a little later, why should I care. It’s the same damn thing with everything else that is bad for you like smoking, drinking, drugs, etc.
If they prefer being fat to dying a little later, why should I care.
The part where they declare that pointing out being fat is unhealthy is ‘violence’ is the problem. I.e. they demand that the world conform to their shitty denial of reality rather than accept the fact that they’re a fat slob.
Also, man I wish I had rolled with this when I was a smoker.
*Lights up in the middle of public space*
“Hey man, you can’t smoke here, and I don’t want to deal with your second-hand.”
30-something years ago when the anti-smoking extremism was getting going, I remember some people saying, next thing you know they’ll be telling us what we can and can’t eat. The government health nannies pooh-poohed the idea.
Who turned out to be prescient?
Donald J. Trump
It’s in part an over-reaction to being treated like shit, I suspect. Fatties are one of the last acceptable targets of derision. The ‘violence’ thing is just SJW nonsense and like all of that it’s a small loud minority peddling it.
You’re far more generous then me. I think the larger part is that it would actually be hard and require work to get not-fat and they’re so profoundly lazy they’d rather just rationalize their current state.
Of course it’s hard. So is quitting smoking. Neither of them is any of my concern enough that I need to signal my disapproval.
Neither of them is any of my concern enough that I need to signal my disapproval.
How about a smoker who thought it was okay to scream at you in public for nicotine-shaming them? How about a smoker who declared that the fact that you don’t want to date smokers means you’re a terrible person?
The smokers, the drinkers, and the drug users haven’t been running around insisting you affirm their choice, only leave them free to do what they do.
I’m tellin’ you, it’s worse to be fat and ugly (I guess ‘fat’ is just a subset of ugly, in a sense, even if some people ‘wear’ fat acceptably) than it is to be any of those demographic traits that ‘intersectionalism’ is concerned about.
I’m not biased. I say this as a thin, unbelievably good-looking person.
“The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.”
…G.K. Chesterton
In and of itself, I have no objection. If if they went their own chubby way, I’d have no problem with them. What I find laughable is their insistence I’ve got to find them attractive.
In the future you will be required to fuck fat gay men to prove you don’t commit the violence of having preferences.
no, you’ll have to fuck fat disabled genderfluid wolfkin.
I believe the kids are into snakes nowadays.
My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hon.
Jesse will have to fuck anorectic women.
Well, damn. I just learned a new word.
What word, “fuck”?
There is a sit in scheduled
She contains multitudes.
Old news, but it made me larf:
That reads like an Onion headline.
There are some people you just don’t fuck with.
I suspect that more Chicago residents will actually be outraged by the Bottled-Water story below it.
–Or maybe they’ll be 100X more outraged by this.
“The FBI’s New U.S. Terrorist Threat: ‘Black Identity Extremists’
Law enforcement calls it a violent movement. Critics call it racist.”
I just hope they have cool outfits.
Another Obama legacy.
This is new? This is just retro. Everything “new” is retro now.
Well… it’s back. Thanks in no small part to deliberate stoking of tensions from the Left.
“It’s back, in Pog form!”
If follow links from Everyday Feminism, you end up at places like this:
Superbutch: A Young Girl’s Thrilling Quest for Lesbian Smut
Nooooope, not happening. Will. Not. Click.
that was so disappointing.
Maybe SugarFree could give this premise some life…
Make your own smut. It’ll be more physically pleasurable, and being forced to use your imagination is a good thing.
Man, the 30s were tough.
I actually have a funny related story…
… well, not really. it involves very vigorous drunken sex, and then me going into the bathroom, clicking on the light, and screaming at the sight of this man in the mirror.
Holy moly. A flow like that might make a girl faint in the middle of the day. I hope you washed your face and wiped it all on the hand towel by the sink.
Were you asking him to change his way?
“A 17-year-old girl was sexually assaulted on three separate occasions by up to five men in the space of an hour on her walk home, Metropolitan Police have said.
The Met believes the victim was attacked three times between around 23:55 hrs on Friday, September 29th, up to around 00:55 hrs on Saturday, September 30th, after she became separated from her friends after visiting a nightclub in Tower Hamlets, East London.”
TW: Breitbart
Gilmored, and forgot link:
Speaking of things Gilmore, looks like someone stole his avatar:
That was a hat trick. Gilmored post under a Gilmore post, followed by a link about Gilmore.
fuck that guy.
Gilmore is Tulpa
I was at a house party as a teen and actually saw a friend walk out of one of the bedrooms unaware that he had just earned his red wings. It was hilarious, he never lived it down and moved away shortly thereafter. Poor guy, comes out expecting appreciative high fives and instead gets derision and scorn. He looked like he’d been punched in the nose.
“The home-sharing service Airbnb has “ghosted” or deleted the account of Las Vegas spree-shooter Steven Paddock, who rented entire houses from around the desert city in the days before the Oct. 1 shooting, according to a source inside the company.
“Airbnb Insider: Vegas spree-shooter’s account was DELETED post-massacre, Killer Rented Houses In Vegas
The insider verified their access by sharing with Big League Politics personal and usage information from the site about other individuals that were not available in the public domain.
Inside the company’s ghost report menu, there is no option for spree-shooting massacre, so whoever ghosted the account chose: “Physical Assault” as the reason for closing the account.
Before the account was ghosted, the insider said they read correspondence from Airbnb partners, who wrote to the company that Paddock not only insisted on having an entire house to himself, but also appeared to never have stepped foot on any of the properties.
One host reported to the company: “It’s like he never even stayed here.”
Steven Paddock never existed
This is turning into an X-Files episode.
Steven Paddock is the Adam Lanza of old people.
The Onion- Man In Center Of Political Spectrum Under Impression He Less Obnoxious
MT. VERNON, OH—Loudly explaining to anyone within earshot that both the left and right were ruining the level of discourse in this country, Jesse Levin, a man firmly in the center of the political spectrum, is under the impression that he is less obnoxious than those with more partisan viewpoints, sources reported Friday. “We’re never going to get anywhere in this country if you lunatics keep foaming at the mouth about some one-sided fantasyland,” said Levin, 32, who despite characterizing those who do not stand precisely equidistant between two ideological extremes as “raving fanatics” and repeatedly interrupting people before they can fully explain their “nutjob” beliefs, reportedly seems to think he is, in fact, much more civil. “If you idiots stopped throwing temper tantrums every time some little thing doesn’t pass your precious purity test and came back down to the real, complicated world with the rest of us, we’d all be a lot better off.” At press time, Levin was butting in on a lively social media debate to tell two total strangers that they were “everything that’s wrong with this country.”
I know that guy.
Me too. He called me an idiot and a nutjob for expressing contempt for WaPo and the NYT.
Sadly, you all know him. I swear on my honour that I will never drink tequila again.
I’ve found that people who most loudly proclaim their moderation are rarely actually moderate.
Well, my homebrew has stopped fermenting, and is holding steady at a SG of 1.020. I’ve had a sip or two, and it seems good, except for being a little weak. Bottling commences tomorrow followed by starting another batch.
What style are you thinking of doing? My homebrew mentor has graciously allowed me to decide what out next batch will be, I’m thinking a Hefe .
I have this laying around and the appropriate yeast is sitting in the refrigerator.
Would you consider a Hihn themed name for your brew?
The List
You only make it once?
AGGRESSION brown ale
I’ve already copyrighted SnickerBrau™. I’m thinking it’s going to taste like combination of shame and the inside of a nursing home.
Might need some work.
So in other words, exactly like Laphoraig. I’d try it.
Working list of moar names:
Hihnstigation Black Lager
Hihnsanity Imperial Stout
Hopping Madman IPA
One True Scotsman Scotch ale
Hihnglish Porter
Just Hihn Time
Hihn Doctor
The Whale’s Hihn
Comes with breath mints.
Bully Beer.
I am pretty sure Santa is going to set me up with some home brewing gear this Christmas. Maybe even before Thanksgiving.
Recently, I saw 5 Tom Friedman books side by side on a book shelf. I felt like Bruce Banner about to turn into Hulk. His latest deep thoughts:
If only Stephen Paddock had been a Muslim … If only he had shouted “Allahu akbar” before he opened fire on all those concertgoers in Las Vegas … If only he had been a member of ISIS … If only we had a picture of him posing with a Quran in one hand and his semiautomatic rifle in another …
If all of that had happened, no one would be telling us not to dishonor the victims and “politicize” Paddock’s mass murder by talking about preventive remedies.
No, no, no. Then we know what we’d be doing. We’d be scheduling immediate hearings in Congress about the worst domestic terrorism event since 9/11. Then Donald Trump would be tweeting every hour “I told you so,” as he does minutes after every terror attack in Europe, precisely to immediately politicize them. Then there would be immediate calls for a commission of inquiry to see what new laws we need to put in place to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Then we’d be “weighing all options” against the country of origin.
But what happens when the country of origin is us?
What happens when the killer was only a disturbed American armed to the teeth with military-style weapons that he bought legally or acquired easily because of us and our crazy lax gun laws?
Then we know what happens: The president and the Republican Party go into overdrive to ensure that nothing happens. Then they insist — unlike with every ISIS-related terror attack — that the event must not be “politicized” by asking anyone, particularly themselves, to look in the mirror and rethink their opposition to common-sense gun laws.
So let’s review: We will turn the world upside down to track down the last Islamic State fighter in Syria — deploying B-52s, cruise missiles, F-15s, F-22s, F-35s and U-2s. We will ask our best young men and women to make the ultimate sacrifice to kill or capture every last terrorist. And how many Americans has the Islamic State killed in the Middle East? I forget. Is it 15 or 20? And our president never stops telling us that when it comes to ISIS, defeat is not an option, mercy is not on the menu, and he is so tough he even has a defense secretary nicknamed “Mad Dog.”
But when fighting the N.R.A. — the National Rifle Association, which more than any other group has prevented the imposition of common-sense gun-control laws — victory is not an option, moderation is not on the menu and the president and the G.O.P. have no mad dogs, only pussycats.
And they will not ask themselves to make even the smallest sacrifice — one that might risk their seats in Congress — to stand up for legislation that might make it just a little harder for an American to stockpile an arsenal like Paddock did, including 42 guns, some of them assault rifles — 23 in his hotel room and 19 at his home — as well as thousands of rounds of ammunition and some “electronic devices.” Just another deer hunter, I guess.
On crushing ISIS, our president and his party are all in. On asking the N.R.A. for even the tiniest moderation, they are AWOL. No matter how many innocents are fatally shot — no matter even that one of their own congressional leaders was critically wounded playing baseball — it’s never time to discuss any serious policy measures to mitigate gun violence.
And in the wake of last month’s unprecedented hurricanes in the Atlantic — that wrought over $200 billion of damage on Houston and Puerto Rico, not to mention smaller cities — Scott Pruitt, Trump’s head of the Environmental Protection Agency, also told us that it was not the time to discuss “the cause and effect” of these superstorms and how to mitigate their damage. We need to focus on helping the victims, he said. But for Pruitt, we know, it’s never time to take climate change seriously.
To take ISIS seriously abroad, but then to do nothing to mitigate these other real threats to our backyards, concert venues and coastal cities, is utter madness.
It’s also corrupt. Because it’s driven by money and greed — by gunmakers and gun sellers and oil and coal companies, and all the legislators and regulators they’ve bought and paid to keep silent. They know full well most Americans don’t want to take away people’s rights to hunt or defend themselves. All we want to take away is the right of someone to amass a military arsenal at home and in a hotel room and use it on innocent Americans when some crazy rage wells up inside him. But the N.R.A. has these cowardly legislators in a choke hold.
What to do?
Forget about persuading these legislators. They are not confused or underinformed. They are either bought or intimidated. Because no honest and decent American lawmaker would look at Las Vegas and Puerto Rico today and say, “I think the smartest and most prudent thing to do for our kids is to just do nothing.”
So there is only one remedy: Get power. If you are as fed up as I am, then register someone to vote or run for office yourself or donate money to someone running to replace these cowardly legislators with a majority for common-sense gun laws. This is about raw power, not persuasion. And the first chance we have to change the balance of power is the 2018 midterm elections. Forget about trying to get anything done before then. Don’t waste your breath.
Just get power. Start now.
So there is only one remedy: Get power. If you are as fed up as I am, then register someone to vote or run for office yourself or donate money to someone running to replace these cowardly legislators with a majority for common-sense gun laws. This is about raw power, not persuasion. And the first chance we have to change the balance of power is the 2018 midterm elections. Forget about trying to get anything done before then. Don’t waste your breath.
Just get power. Start now.
The power you’re trying to accumulate is merely political power. The real power is held in the hands of the people who own the 600M+ guns in this country, and they’re getting really sick of being pushed around by effeminates like you.
Dude, step away from the derp.
It is my passion and profession.
Teacher. Mother. Secret Lover.
The Derp shall be my bride as I walk my cursed path.
What are these common sense gun laws I keep hearing about that are not on the books?
Mandatory background check for anyone who wants to purchase any gun-shaped object, including Pop Tarts.
Mental health check for thinking about buying a gun (hint: you will not be considered healthy enough to own one.)
Banning any magazine capable of holding more than zero bullets. One in the chamber is plenty.
Banning assault weapons, to include anything Diane Feinstein thinks is too scary for the proles to have, but fine for cops, the military, and her personal bodyguards.
Strange how people think the desire to kill is more dangerous than the means. It’s like they realize everyone has the means, so avoiding people who desire is a better use of time and effort.
Reading history is good way to learn the benefits of an armed population. Tyrants have been in charge for the majority of history and they usually lost power to another tyrant. For most of history, power only changed hands after the natural death of a ruler, revolt, conquest, or assassination.
Of course, the first thing most tyrants did after taking power was disarming all but their most trusted supporters.
Also disheading their opponents or potential opponents too.
Look, dumbass Tom Friedman: “deer hunting” is not why the Framers included the 2 Amendment; it’s the very real danger of a zombie apocalypse.
Sending Bono over there is probably a war crime.
Jeebus H. Christ he pisses me off. He really seems to believe he knows everything about everything.
Dear Zardoz,
I have a shipment of plasma rifles that fell off the back of an intra-system transport. Would you be interested in purchasing a few to arm your mammals….ahem I mean brutals?
The dumbest shit i’ve heard today.
of course, she writes for The Guardian
Finding dumb shit by a Guardian writer is likely finding truffles in the truffle aisle at the Truffle & Stuff Mega-Mart. Challenge yourself, man!
you’re right. but i didn’t know she was a guardian writer until after i’d been like “How are you this stupid?” and googled her name.
Is she a Guardian writer or a ‘Comment is Free’ writer? Because CiF is the real motherlode of derp… set Derpy loose in there, and we’d never see him again.
My poor brain is really starting to hate me. “An NHS for food?” What the fuck?
Commies gonna commie.
20:1 tells me Mom and Dad gross at least 70k. These types inevitably do come from that background.
That’s a good one.
Oh, that’s pretty dumb. When’s Abi going to fund my rocket ship to another planet, cause I want one, but I’m stopped by the ‘state resource distribution’ of liberty.
Also the author of this stunning insight
That can’t be real. It just can’t be.
She must have been in* a ‘Tweet the stupidest thing you can think of’ contest, notice how Gilmore removed all context, it’s the only explanation, no one is actually that stupid.
*and apparently winning.
I wasn’t going to read it until I read your comment… now I really regret changing my mind. Excuse me while I go find my brain – I think it leaped out of my earhole in an attempt at suicide.
That’s solid-gold retarded.
She does realize that the Soviet Union was pretty much white supremacist while also killing lots and lots and lots of people, right?
Pretty common.
“This concept is illogical/contradictory etc.”
“What do you think that concept means”
Followed by something wrong.
*Raises hand*
What the hell is negative liberty?
Right to be left alone, basically.
Positive rights are things like right to education, right to healthcare, etc.
Good stuff in here:
In the Lockean tradition of negative liberty—or the right to it—human beings are taken to have the capacity and responsibility to advance in their lives once a condition of negative freedom has been secured for them. In other words, (negatively) free persons can and should strive to flourish in their lives, and, to this end, they may only make use of provisions from others that are given or voluntarily exchanged. Social cooperation—in such areas as education, industry, science, philanthropy, and the like—is deemed quite likely (although not guaranteed) as a function of the self-responsible conduct in which everyone is expected to engage.
That sounds like liberty to me. Where does the “negative” come in? I am even still sober(ish) and that makes no sense.
might help you out though I didn’t read it.
Basically the positive point of view means you can posit whatever you want. Positive liberty to healthcare provision, positive liberty to take your neighbour’s shit.
Ya, I have always thought of negative rights to be natural rights. Positive rights to be state granted “rights”. I just never heard “liberty” substituted for rights. I am showing my ignorance and lack of well rounded reading here. I should have spent my afternoon reading instead of surfing porn, then watching a movie and taking a nap. Priority’s. We all have them. All my activities today involved a natural right to engage in laziness.
There’s a distinction between the concept of natural rights and negative rights. I’d trade the vague understanding of the two distinguished in exchange for regular mid day naps.
negative rights, basically. Limitation on what the state can do to fuck with you.
she was responding to this article
which basically says, “kids don’t think talking about capitalism is sexy…. so conservatives should instead frame their arguments as “liberty”… which is defined as “preventing you from being fucked with by the state” (aka ‘negative liberty’)
she (the retard) disliked this, and considered it ‘illogical’, because liberty REALLY means, “free stuff”, you see.
because liberty REALLY means, “free stuff”, you see.
Ya, I gathered that from her following tweetage. The state controls the distribution of resources she complained. She is a Commie who wants other peoples money.
Negative rights are rights that exist in the sense that the government can’t interfere with them, so speech, religion, etc. combine to equal ‘negative liberty’. ‘Positive rights’ are basically privileges granted by a state entity, so you have the ‘right’ to healthcare or whatever.
Ok, got it. Thanks to all above for explaining.
And the difference being positive rights are contradictory. If I have a right to healthcare (or anything that requires labor or monetary value) then that means some other person must provide it. They must have to serve me as a condition of existence. The very nature of positive rights means there are those that must be served, must serve others, and people who decide which is which.
Socialism becomes authoritarian not by bad luck but by necessity by embracing positive rights.
Negative rights have no monetary value, and require no labor. It creates no slaves or masters. A right to arms doesn’t require that someone buy you a gun, but that they don’t attack you for getting one. Everyone can hold negative rights at the same time.
They derive from an axiom that you own yourself (you’re not a slave). If you own yourself you own your labor and can sell it. If you own your labor you own it’s products including money and property, speech, etc. Any attack on property is therefore a limit on your ability to own yourself and a claim that you are actually owned by someone else. Someone who has a greater claim over what you do with your labor than you do yourself.
I think Abi Wilkinson is denying me my right to a sammich. She should stop writing her ridiculous drivel and go in the kitchen and make me some sammiches.
Rights are viewed in two ways. One is legitimate, and the other is not. These two concepts of rights are known as “negative rights” and “positive rights.”
Negative rights are those things that another may not do to you.
Positive rights are those things that another must do for you.
Positive “rights” are the moral equivalent of slavery as you are asserting that you have a claim on the effort of others, forcefully and without compensation or any kind of value exchange. Positive “rights” include “free” anything. Free healthcare, housing, sustenance, education, etc. These are not rights. If you receive these things for free, then someone else is paying for them. Someone else is supporting you. You are not an independent person. You are (ideally) answerable to those who support you. This amounts to charity when done privately and voluntarily. When accomplished through the state, this is theft under coercion and the threat of violence. It understandably upsets those who pay because they are working for far less than their labor is worth because they’re supporting you. Meanwhile, they are able to provIide less support to the people they are truly and morally responsible for. Positive rights also include any action you expect others to take on your behalf, even — and especially — if it’s against their will.
Only negative rights are legitimate. The only ethical fight is a defensive one. You have a right to defend your life. You have a right to refuse coercion. You have a right to reject and respond to aggression initiated against you. You have a right to protect your property and the fruits of your labor as the means by which you provide survival and comfort to yourself and your family, and as an extension of the very energy you expended to create value. You have a right to think, feel, and believe as you will. You are a sovereign being. THESE are rights.
Perspective example: you have a RIGHT to speak. You do NOT have a right to be provided a platform to be heard.
If there is one thing the Caribbean needs, it’s more leftist politicians in stupid green military outfits.
Hey, it was fun in Tropico.
That game had some great tunes:
True, but my favorite track of the series comes from Tropico 3.
It’s too bad Tropico 5 was worse than the ones before, because I made the closest thing you can to libertarian paradise island in Tropico with it.
Most liberal constitution, right to bear arms, everyone has to pay for food and healthcare, legalized drugs and gambling, etc. Only problems I had were trying to keep getting elected when there was a large socialist movement.
(Also of course my dictator’s last name was d’Anconia)
Tropico 5 was almost as big a disappointment as the last SimCity. I’m cautiously optimistic about Tropico 6, however, as what I have seen so far seems like a return to roots.
The simplification in order to do the different political eras is what really hurt it. There’s a few good ideas poking out here and there (I really hope they do something like expand the constitution system, because it was a great idea that was just oversimplified like everything else) but overall they need to make a deep well rather than a shallow lake.
Also, bring back Presidential speeches.
FEMA San Juan Trump Don Lemon.
Ray Charles Rake Lawn .
Eminem Hillary Russia Ego
I enjoyed that Cooke-vs-retards debate @ Kenyon. Although it got a bit tiring after the mid-point. It seemed like the pro-censorship people had shot their intellectual wads, and were just repeating the same claims that Cooke had systematically dismantled, and acting shocked that it wasn’t any more convincing the second time around. “did you not hear me!?”
there was a very common leftist argument re-used repeatedly: i guess its a sort of “Fallacy of the perfect”, where they claim because there’s *no such thing as perfect neutrality* in the way speech is treated on campuses….
(because there are limited time + resources that a completely universally-inclusively diversity of opinion would be impossible to appropriately represent)
…that there is ALWAYS some degree of official speech-discrimination. ‘we can’t teach classes on every subject! we’re constantly shaping viewpoints and biasing ‘better’ ideas over worse ones”
Therefore, if there is ANY speech-discrimination, or privatization, therefore (obviously) ANY form of speech-discrimination is OK! DUH.
where, ‘anything less than 100% laboratory-grade capitalism’ is proof that socialism and redistribution of resources is ALWAYS ok.
Its a very dull form of argument, but for some reason it gets repeatedly trotted out like they think its a super-weapon. I think even the Guardian-retard above uses it in that thread about negative rights being ‘flawed’.
“” privatization,”” This was supposed to be ‘prioritizing’.. @(*%&! spellcheck
I took her argument to be that a right to property requires the state when it obviously does not. I’d be perfectly willing to defend my property myself but even if I decided to outsource the security it doesn’t contradict negative rights.
the crux of her argument (my ability to care dropped exponentially the more I read) seem to hinge on a retarded definition of “Liberty” , which actually means, “unlimited amounts of Other Peoples Money”
because the state fails to provide people with resources needed to do whatever the fuck they want, the state is ‘limiting’ liberty.
That’s even stupider than I thought.
I always find the arrogance entertaining. “This well no concept put forth by some of the greatest political thinkers that underlies the most successful governments actually has a fatal contradiction discovered by me!”
Yeah nobody ever noticed that, the world just needed gender studies to move forward to utopia.
It seems like a variation of the No True Scotsman.
Maybe, No True Perfect Scotsman?
Yes, I have seen lefties pull this quite a bit. Especially with libertarians because they find it harder to get away with tu quoque.
This logic also works when some conservative questions why the local public library has ten copies of “Xeather Has Three Non-Binary Caregivers” and no Dr. Suess books, right? Or does that still get you a spot on the Banned Book Week list?
Zardoz is his brother.
My favorite Ted Kennedy joke:
Ted Kennedy is the only politician with a confirmed kill in the War on Women.
Nice. I laughed my ass off when this classic was published in 1973.
I had no idea he was married to this woman, whom I have seen on one of those Project Runway shows.
Anyway, it’s about to ruin her life. Yay?
She had NO idea he was like that. Shocked, she was.
But dropping her like the plague is not the result I would have expected. What happened to “I’m with her”?
Shame the party and that’s what you get.
Annnd, the Rangers lose again. Shaping up to be a wonderful season.
And if last year’s home performances are any indication, they’ve got five more in a row to lose.
You say that as though it’s a bad thing.
I might be a horrible person but I find it all hilarious.
*Evil Deadite Voice* ” Join Us!”
the other prophets
During the apostasy movement which emerged following the death of Muhammad, Sajah declared she was a prophetess after learning that Musaylimah and Tulayha had declared prophethood.[2] Before claiming to be a prophetess, Sajah had a reputation as a soothsayer. Thereafter, 4,000 people gathered around her to march on Medina. Others joined her against Medina. However, her planned attack on Medina was called off after she learned that the army of Khalid ibn al-Walid had defeated Tulayha al-Asadi (another self-proclaimed prophet). Thereafter, she sought cooperation with Musaylimah to oppose the threat of Khalid. A mutual understanding was initially reached with Musaylimah. However, Sajah later married Musaylimah and accepted his self-declared prophethood. Khalid then crushed the remaining rebellious elements around Sajah, and then moved on to crush Musaylimah. After the Battle of Yamama where Musaylimah was killed, Sajah converted to Islam.
His teachings were almost lost but a neutral review of them does exist in Dabestan-e Mazaheb.[4] He prohibited pigs and wine, taught three daily prayers to the God, facing whatever side, Ramadan fasting at night, and no circumcision.
Musaylimah, who is reported as having been a skilled magician,[5] dazzled the crowd with miracles. He could put an egg in a bottle; he could cut off the feathers of a bird and then stick them on so the bird would fly again; and he used this skill to persuade the people that he was divinely gifted.
Musaylimah shared verses purporting them to have been revelations from God and told the crowd that Muhammad had shared power with him.[3] Musaylimah even referred to himself as Rahman,[1] which suggests that he may have attributed some divinity to himself. Thereafter, some of the people accepted him as a prophet alongside Muhammad. Gradually the influence and authority of Musaylimah increased with the people of his tribe. He also took to addressing gatherings as a messenger of Allah just like Muhammad, and would compose verses and offer them, as Qur’anic revelations. Most of his verses extolled the superiority of his tribe, the Bani Hanifa, over the Quraysh.
Moscow plague riot of 1771
Only in Russia. Throw in a meteorite and you have a Triple Russian Disaster Score.
since gun control has been a hot topic lately, I place here one of my favorite quotes.
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
Damn, that’s a good quote. Saving that.
Save it and share it with your friends. I read that when I was a teenager. It has helped me shape my worldview ever since.
Will do. Sadly, most of them would need an explanation on the Gulag system first and foremost. I tend to be their source of info on Russia when it comes to just about everything.
I learned about nazis and the Holocaust in public school. There wasn’t any mention of the Holomador or the gulags.
Harvey Weinstein — who more than anyone defined and shaped the sharp-elbowed art of Oscar campaigning — has been expelled from the group that presents the Academy Awards.
In the latest and perhaps most symbolic blow to the Hollywood mogul since a host of sexual harassment and assault allegations went public nine days ago, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences board voted on Saturday to strip Weinstein’s membership.
In a statement, the academy said the action, which is effective immediately, was intended “not simply to separate ourselves from someone who does not merit the respect of his colleagues but also to send a message that the era of willful ignorance and shameful complicity in sexually predatory behavior and workplace harassment in our industry is over.”
Weinstein has already had his membership suspended in BAFTA, the British version of the Oscars, and faces separate action from the Producers Guild of America. That vote has been delayed until Monday, according to Variety.
The academy’s decision — voted on by its 54 board members in a special meeting — continues what amounts to an industry-wide attempt to purge Weinstein from the place he has occupied in the film business.
Given the outsized role Weinstein has played in the Oscars for decades, being censured by an organization he so assiduously courted comes as a particularly sharp rebuke.
Although academy members have been disciplined for violating its rules, there is virtually no precedent for ousting someone in the face of a scandal. As reports have noted, director Roman Polanski — who fled the U.S. in 1978 to avoid the legal consequences of a rape involving a 13-year-old girl — and Mel Gibson, who temporarily became an industry pariah after making anti-Semitic remarks, remained members.
Under the academy’s bylaws, two thirds of the board had to agree to take such an action. Some of the higher-profile members include Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks.
Since the New York Times first reported on sexual-harassment accusations against Weinstein last Thursday, dozens of women have come forward recounting their own experiences. The New Yorker published its own account, which included charges of rape by three women.
Weinstein-backed films, through Miramax and then the Weinstein Co., have won dozens of Oscars, including best picture wins for “The King’s Speech” and “The Artist.” Weinstein was also an individual recipient in 1999 as the producer of “Shakespeare in Love.”
Through his representative, Weinstein has categorically denied that any non-consensual sex took place. He did express some contrition in a statement after the New York Times piece in which he apologized for past behavior that has “caused a lot of pain” and said he would take a leave of absence to “conquer my demons.”
The vote regarding Weinstein could have implications for the academy in the future, since it will almost surely be used as a benchmark when other situations involving members arise. Speaking on condition of anonymity, one source has called it a “watershed moment.”
The academy’s initial statement announcing the meeting said that it found Weinstein’s actions as described “repugnant, abhorrent and antithetical to the high standards of the Academy and the creative community it represents.” On Saturday, it said it’s working to advance ethical standards that “all Academy members will be expected to exemplify.”
Weinstein’s brother Bob, CEO of the Weinstein Co., said that Harvey “definitely should be kicked out” of the academy in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter.
He is officially more odious than Polanski. That’s impressive.
Tarantino’s next movie will be interesting…
Hell, he’s more odious than Paddock to some people.
I’ve never seen an un-personing take place so quickly and comprehensively.
Weinstein has made a lot of enemies who are now pouncing. Also he isn’t the only sleazeball in Hollywood.
And I’m popping the popcorn.
Wondering if there is truth to gay pedophile ring.
So let me get his straight: the one thing Republicans might accomplish legislatively is gun control? Worse than useless.
Acting EPA science adviser retiring
Washington (CNN)The Environmental Protection Agency’s acting science adviser is retiring, he told CNN Saturday.
Robert Kavlock, who also serves as acting assistant administrator for the Office of Research and Development, will be leaving his position effective November 3, he said. He initially declined to explain the reasons behind his retirement, but in a follow-up email to CNN, he said he had worked at the agency for four decades “so it was not an early retirement.” He added that “the time was right to go for a variety of reasons.”
Drain the swamp.
Matt Welch claimed to be a LINO? Interesting for a guy who wrote a book about the libertarian moment.
How long until Welch and Gillespie “come out” as progs?
6 months ago by my estimation.
What specifically makes you day that?
I don’t mean just being overly anti-Trump.
Kurt Eichenwald makes another goof on Twitter:
Kurt EichenwaldVerified account @kurteichenwald 5h5 hours ago
When Weinstein slammed an accuser sayng she was “a liar, extremely unattractive, a lot of problems cause of her looks” he provd he was a pig
Kurt EichenwaldVerified account @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @kurteichenwald
OH!!!! MY GOD!!! I’m sorry. I maybe a HUGE typo.
That wasn’t Weinstein.
It was FRIGGIN TRUMP you GOP lying hypocrites!
At least Kurt’s safe because anime girls don’t have to give consent.
I get confused when I hear about this guy because “Kurt Eichenwald” sounds like someone who got whacked by Mossad in a Buenos Aires hotel back in ’61.
By the way are they still spouting about the Libertarian Moment? Will the Dems turn libertarian in 2020?
I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too.
I wouldn’t be a politically engaged human being, let alone an activist, writer and TV personality, if I weren’t gay.
If my daughter is gay, I don’t worry about her having a hard life. But I do worry about people expecting her to have a hard life — helping to perpetuate discrimination that might otherwise fade more quickly. I want my daughter to know that being gay is equally desirable to being straight. The problem is not the idea that homosexuality could be a choice but the idea that heterosexuality should be compulsory. In my house it’s plainly, evidently not. We’ve bought every picture book featuring gay families, even the not-very-good ones, and we have most of the nontraditional-gender-role books as well — about the princess who likes to fight dragons and the boy who likes to wear dresses.
When my daughter plays house with her stuffed koala bears as the mom and dad, we gently remind her that they could be a dad and dad. Sometimes she changes her narrative. Sometimes she doesn’t. It’s her choice.
All I ultimately care about is that she has the choice and that whatever choice she makes is enthusiastically embraced and celebrated.
“I’m a walking cliché.”
The last line contradicts the title.
So the author dreams homosexuality will be looked at no differently than heterosexuality along with parenting (no flaw there)
There seems to be an underlying hate of biology with these sorts of lunatics. I think that’s why progs love homosexuality so much. Progs see the existing world as some top down social creation that’s responsible for all evils and believe a new one can simply be socially created. The world is a social construct not moored to biology.
If heterosexuality and homosexuality are merely two equivalent options in the world with only one dominating due to being perpetuated as a social construct than basics of reality can be transformed through social movements.
There’s never going to be a world where a guy can say “you should have seen the size of the dick on this guy” like he can say “should have seen the size of this girl’s tits” in a group of men. Homosexuality will be fringe forever.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that was said quite often in the gymnasia of 5th century Thebes.
Wow, books where the princess fights the dragon? How unusual. Maybe those will get popular someday and girls who kick everyone’s ass will become a pop culture “thing”.
So, my wife moved the huge schlumbergera cactus (Christmas cactus) from the shelf behind the sofa in the living room so that I can now see the TV in there from my desk. Holy mother of gawd, these soap operas she watches, there is some very serious thicc going on there. How is a man supposed to focus? I mean on stuff besides tits and ass?
Whelp, it’s official! My hangover has finally ebbed away and I’ve been able to prepare dinner for my family. I remain clad in fleece and am still wearing the bedroom slippers that I donned in what seems an eternity ago.
I changed out of my jammies right before the Drizly guy showed up with my daily sins. I think I’m still wearing the same things except I’ve got a bathrobe on because I think it’s cold because all the doors and windows are open. I don’t really know if it’s cold, I think no because my wife didn’t close the windows.
We’ve had one of those gray days wherein you can’t tell the time by the light. If it weren’t for my presence on this site it would be as if I had never been born.
So I see a bunch of people saying that Weinstein proves Hollywood needs more women in power. I’m aren’t you assuming that women won’t try to harass male (or female) employees?
Like Lena Dunham, amiright?
Lena/Harvey gene splice = The Crawling Chaos. Strike that, The Dunstein Horror!
Dear god, now I won’t be able to sleep tonight.
Weinstein had the protective veneer of Progtology and now that it’s been ripped away he is revealed as the pathetic, leering, grasping toad that he has always been. I hope the whole damn thing collapses into the Pacific.
My kid is a hafu and she doesn’t give a shit. But there are quivering lip hafu out there that want in on the identity politics game.
Poor me.
How’d trying to play identity politics in Japan work out for the Ainu?
When they try to drag her into that will she tell them she doesn’t give haf a shit and to fuck off?
Most hafu I’ve met, and that’d be 100s, don’t care. It’s the weak and insecure ones that kick up the fuss. Sounds familiar, right?
We have three half breed kids and none of them ever came home and complained about being teased/bullied. It is one of the things that makes me think that the SJW’s are preaching a bunch of horse shit when they talk about race. The only time race comes up is when they are either a) telling their mother that she can’t complain about their driving because they got her asian genes or b) telling me that I’m being an unfair white oppressor.
In other words they are mostly riffing on the stupid ridiculous shit.
My hafu nieces in Kobe have a harder time of it. They have gotten much more grief about not being “real” nihonjin because they have a Korean mom.
I could see that. Koreans are marginalized in some parts of society. That’s disappearing quickly IMO.
It has gotten much better. Starting with Japan going ga-ga over K-Pop and Korean food about 10 or so years ago. Those Korean boy bands melted the hard Japanese hearts.
Maybe in 500 years or so, those hard headed Koreans in Korea will soften their hearts towards Japan.
When we’d have parties in school (mid ’90s), my wife and I had to be sure to either invite only Koreans or Japanese over. Otherwise some Korean (it was always the Koreans) would get liquored up and start a fight with some Japanese dude over the colonization in 1917.
That Yon Sama trend was never ending. I had absolutely no idea what made him so hot. The glasses?
That’s hilarious.
Sounds similar to Kip Fulbeck’s “Hapa Project”. A couple years ago, we went to the exhibit at the Japanese-American National Museum since my son’s ‘hapa’ (we tend to use that word, since my husband grew up in Hawaii). The Hapa Project started out, IIRC, as White/Asian, since the artist is, but included mixed races more generally.
There are many in my husband’s family, too, including one in the generation before, and quite a few in my son’s class. Plus some notable ones pop culturally — I mention it to my son whenever it comes up. “oh hey, look, Mike Shinoda, he’s hapa” or Chloe Bennet from Agents of SHIELD, is half-Chinese., etc. Anyway, it all makes me hopeful that these kids will take a wrecking ball to identity politics as their numbers grow. Because they’re living proof that it’s all a bunch of b.s. and I hope they all realize it.
Good luck on the half Nork one, whinerbaby.
Say Derpetologist, is there any chance we could get a Spot the Not tonight? Feel like testing my mettle.
I’ll post one before the hour is up.
Much obliged.
Spot the not:
1. DenverJ is drunk
2. DenverJ is stoned
3. DenverJ had a badass bacon cheeseburger for dinner
4. Molly Ringwald aged like a fine port.
5. All of the above?
It’s #1; I’m only a little buzzed, and Molly is a fine looking woman.
She unleashed the pups in an otherwise forgettable movie about a baseball player and his stalker. I’ll admit that she really didn’t do much for me in her heyday but damn, that is a fine red-head’s rack. Now she writes books about being woke or some shit.
So what are Roy Moore’s chances of losing? I would be worried it weren’t for the shittiness of the current GOP.
Is it time for a sex HUAC for Hollywood?
HUAC is definitely a post-Weinstein sound.
*polite applause*
Now I’m gonna HUAC.
Nickelodeon’s New Princess Is Biracial, And A Knight
Get ready for “Nella the Princess Knight.”
For those parents tired of “princess culture” with its celebration of all things gender-normative, “Nella The Princess Knight” could be a welcome addition to the canon.
In case the title of the new cartoon program premiering on Nickelodeon Monday didn’t tip you off, Nella is not just a princess, she’s a princess knight. That means she rides a pink-maned unicorn but brandishes a sword and armor.
“There are a lot of princesses out there and we had to think about what would make a Nickelodeon princess unique. What became crystal clear to us in the development process is that Nella didn’t have to be a princess or a knight ― she could be both,” Nina Hahn, Senior Vice President of International Production and Development at Nickelodeon, told The Huffington Post.
The character is also biracial, with a white mother and a black father, which Hahn says is “representative of what the world looks like to kids today.”
Seems kinda…forced.
I get the feeling it’s more for the parents than the kids.
The definition of “It’s for the children!” has sure been turned on it’s head in the last 20 years.
That has to be the most destructive phrase of the last 1000 years.
Not “This is for your own good?”
“from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”?
“Hold my beer and watch this.”
So brave af.
They’re gonna win the Michelle/Rodham Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence. It’s a surefire hit!
I used to pretend I was an Indian princess (cultural appropriation!) and ran around with a Nerf bow and arrow. I saved the day!
I, for one, support more Heroic Mulattoes on TV.
You WOULD say that, being a dusky heathen and all…
Spike Lee hardest hit.
I don’t eve know what this is called. It’s not thread hijacking. I’s not cross posting. Maybe it’s something new. But whatever it is, in this case it’s worth doing. From an earlier article today, this is epic.
Yeah, that was a goodun.
Thanks hyp. I try my damndest.
Fun fact: when the movie industry first came out to LA many of the locals hated them and wanted nothing to do with them.
When Cecil B. DeMille came out to Hollywood for the first time the bank refused to deal with him as they hated movie people. His first studio was barn rented from a guy who later made Child Bride (starring the little sister from the Grapes of Wrath) a movie MS3TK didn’t want to do.
His star Dustin Farnum (namesake of Hoffman) seems to have agreed, at least according to DeMille’s granddaughter, to go to Hollywood so he could shack up with his 18 year-old mistress (Farnum later married her and had a child with her).
I remember when, I think I was about 5-6 years old, my grandfather ran into Dan Blocker at a gas station in LA. I hope I don’t have this wrong, but what he told me is that the guy drove a VW Bug and that he was almost too big to get into it.
Oh the MPPA was started thanks to bunch of scandals in the early 1920s that gave Hollywood a reputation of moral deviancy.
This led to the Hays Code eventually.
Still one of my favorite MPAA stories.
Spot the Not: wacky censorship
1. It is illegal to own a typewriter in Cuba without a license.
2. The Weird Al song “Don’t Download this Song” was censored by MTV because it mentioned the names of file sharing sites.
3. It is illegal in China to mention the date of the Tienanmen Square massacre.
4. It is illegal in Germany to draw a swastika with a “no” symbol on top of it.
5. An episode of Star Trek the Next Generation was censored in the UK because it called the IRA’s terror campaign a success.
6. It is illegal in India to use the phrase “new and improved” in advertising.
4. I read that they make an exception for that…
I’m going to go ahead and say 4, just because Germany does allow Swastika drawings if they’re considered “art,” and I feel like that would probably qualify.
It has to be 6 just because of how incredibly stupid it is.
This one rings a bell – he might be switching Treks around or something.
That did happen
It’s 5: Star Trek wasn’t real, it was filmed in a tv studio.
6 is the Not. However, here is a real wacky law from India:
7. East Punjab Agricultural Pests, Diseases and Noxious Weeds Act, 1949: Delhi drum beats = People on the street
You could be charged 50 bucks if you ignore the beat of the drum. This law goes back to a time when people needed to kill locusts manually, and were responsible to clear their neighbourhood of them!
It’s way better to use a drum to rally people to stomp on locusts than to use evil DDT.
Damn, should have gone for the most ridiculous sounding one.
Quite a few sleaze balls in Hollywood’s past.
If Shirley Temple is to be believed Arthur Freed was a real sleazeball.
James Kirkwood Sr. Has been accused of doing unpleasant things to Mary Miles Minter.
Read about Lilian Tasmania might have beaten up a woman for refusing her advances.
Lilyan Tashman. Fucking auto correct.
I liked Lillian Tasmania better.
Spectactular tits, she has.
Spot the Not: translated scientific names
1. potato buffalo flamingo
2. the creature from the black lagoon
3. giant deformed penis
4. little chief nipple twister
5. itty bitty thing
6. Owen’s ninja turtle
1. Doesn’t make any grammatical sense.
One of mine likes to walk up next to my laptop, fall over on top of the keyboard, and demand to be petted. She *always* manages to hit the caps lock.
“2. the creature from the black lagoon”
First time that I ever got high on weed. Some Vietnamese Black herb. Me and my oldest bro and sis watched this after they forced me to smoke the devils herb… ok, I admit they didn’t force me and I spent like a month begging and bribing them to let me share. Anyway, we were listening to some Blue Oyster Cult…
Wings Wetted Down
1 is Not. It’s a creature I made up when I was 12. Part potato, part buffalo, part flamingo
3 is the Corpse Blossom.
I worked 72 house this week at the plant. I haven’t been home much at all since last Sunday. When I got home.tonight I started playing with my little boy. He asked me if we could watch a cool movie (something he often asks dad, when dad is free)
We are watching Conan the Barbarian.
What is good in good in life?
Vanquish my enemies. See them driven before me
And hear the lamentations of their women.
I only saw the Conan the Destroyer, which I was disappointed in, is The Barbarian any better?
not really
cheesy 80’s sci/fi with a pre history setting.
The only reason to watch it is if you saw it as a kid and have nostalgia.
It’s not a good movie.
That’s what I’ve heard, I kind of want to watch it because of the cheese, but that’s also the main reason I’m shying away from it.
That movie is eminently quotable and has Sandahl Bergman in her prime. Buddies and I must have watched it forty times. It’s like extra cheese on a fondue-soaked triple-bacon cheeseburger with a side of cheese strings and grated parmesan as garnish. Squeeze-a-Snack as an aperitif. It’s one of the best really bad movies ever made. I love that flick.
Conan the Barbarian is about 100x better than Conan the Destroyer.
So Heroic Mulatto what did you think of HL Mencken? He complained about how the booboisey was letting the natural elites from rising to the top and how the current elites do in fact suck.
D.N McCloskey VS. H.L Mencken. Taking all bets, taking all bets.
Haven’t read much of McCloskey. What are the differences?
Judging from what I have read from Mencken he was an authoritan Top Man piece of shit who thought Imperial Germany was the ideal state. Since the US was not lead by Top Men like Bismarck or Ludendorff he hated the US.
Either that or he was a moron (gushing over Bismarckian welfare state yet hating the New Deal) or he was a very erudite troll.
Said Ludendorff supported Hitler during the Beer Hall putsch.
He wrote a rejected article called “After Germany’s Conquest of the United States” which is lost. I can only assume it would have been about how German occupation would be a good thing.
California becomes first state to require stores sell only rescue animals
Oct. 14 (UPI) — California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation into law this week that requires pet stores in the state to exclusively sell rescue dogs, cats and rabbits.
Assembly Bill 485, the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act, requires all dogs, cats, and rabbits offered for retail sale in California to be obtained from animal shelters or non-profit rescue organizations.
“This is a big win for our four-legged friends, of course,” the bill’s author, Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell, D-Long Beach, said in a statement Friday. “But also for California taxpayers who spend more than $250 million annually to house and euthanize animals in our shelters. I am very grateful for the strong support we received from animal-lovers across the state and from Social Compassion in Legislation, the bill’s sponsor.”
The bill’s goal is to reduce the number of animals sold from shelters and businesses with mass breeding operations known as “puppy mills” or “kitten factories.”
“We are overjoyed that Governor Brown signed this historic piece of legislation into law,” Judie Mancuso, president and founder of Social Compassion in Legislation, said in a statement.
The bill received widespread support from rescue organizations, but was opposed by groups that included the American Kennel Club and California Retailers Association.
He’s shown once again that he’s in the pocket of Big Galvanized Tub. For shame, Governor Brown!
Over the past couple years Jerry Brown has shifted his authoritarian streak into overdrive (in his electric non gmo auto).
He’ll fund a perpetual motion machine before he’s done. Hell, the guy got to wed and bed Jane Fonda when she was smokin’.
After he left the Jesuit seminary! The man is a relic, and yet still so hip to the latest idiotic shit from the left.
Mancuso translates as “pussy shit/pussy booger”. Bummer for her.
today I learned
The totokia (also pineapple club or beaked battle hammer) is a type of club or battlehammer from Fiji.[1][2]
The totokia was called the “pineapple club” because of the spiked ball behind the weapon’s beak.[3] The name is a misnomer; the shape actually is modeled after that of the fruit of the pandanus.[2][3]
African and oceanic art expert Bruno Claessens writes that the weapons carried by the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine in George Lucas’ Star Wars were inspired by the totokia.[11]
Intergalactic appropriation.
It has reached the time for the Last Bongo in Belgium.