Well the Yankees played Game 3 of the ALCS last night. The Astros were nowhere to be found. Also, the ball is juiced when a one-handed slap at a knee-high pitch becomes a 400 foot home run. No complaints, as they all play with the same balls. But come on, MLB. Just admit you’re juicing the ball after all of the pitcher dominance so far in the two championship series. We’ll all feel a little less dirty knowing the truth. Game 4 is this afternoon while the NLCS resumes in the Windy City in the nightcap at 8 pm.
Champions League resumes today and there are a handful of incredible matches. Real plays Tottenham. Man Shitty takes on Naples. Liverpool faces Maribor. And Monaco heads to Besiktas. Some important stuff there in the grand scheme of their groups. Those of you who are fortunate enough to get it on TV, enjoy.
The Wings fell to the Lightning last night in the only game on the NHL slate. And that’s it for sports.
Which bring us to…drumroll please…the links!
Kaiser Soze Jesus Campos seems to have just disappeared. The security guard shot during, six minutes before the Las Vegas mass shooting that killed over 500 people was about to meet with several news outlets to tell his story. He was a no-show and told his union rep he was going to a walk-in clinic because he didn’t feel well. That was a few days ago and now he’s….simply gone. Meanwhile, the alleged shooter’s home was broken into during the investigation. But the cops assure us there’s nothing missing. And all the footage of the shooter in and around Vegas has not been released but we’re being assured he acted alone.
Yeah, all that adds up and there’s no reason at all to question any of it. It’s just the perfectly normal mass-shooter narrative you read about a retired multimillionaire private pilot son of a man on the FBI’s Most Wanted list with no known political background, no known history of mental illness, a casual life of relaxation and comped rooms at big time Vegas casinos and a relatively successful gambler. Coupled with the only real witness disappearing completely, nobody reacting to the hail of 200+ bullets being fired down the hotel hallway, nobody noticing security cameras setup outside a room, nobody reacting on the floor whatsoever and the police taking more than an hour to even approach the room after the shooting ended. NOTHING. TO. SEE. HERE.

Brave? Who knows anymore.
College cheerleaders take knee in protest. Now they say they’re the target of threats. Hey, dumbasses, that’s what can happen when you protest conventional practices and enshrined systems.
Comments on posts linking to an article about the Saluki cheerleeders’ protest in the SIUC student newspaper, The Daily Egyptian, included death and rape threats, they said.
Benjamin Newman, director of the SIU Department Public Safety and chief of police, said in a statement that the department began an investigation of the reported threats as soon as it learned of them.
“Investigators met individually with students reporting the threats and reviewed a number of social media accounts. The investigation found that none of the members of the squad were the subject of direct threats, and no other credible threats have been identified,” Newman said.
Well so much for that narrative.

Florida’s alien-in-chief.
Florida Governor Skeletor Rick Scott gives unwarranted attention to asshole: guarantees shitshow will ensue.
Oh, for the love of God. Is this how weak and pussified we’ve become as a society, or is it just California? Hopefully its just California but I doubt it.
In other NOTHING. TO SEE.HERE. MOVE ALONG. news. Yeah, this is totally legit. And totally surprising. I’m sure it was a coincidence and had to do with the city’s image and basic sanitation. No way is there anything remotely nefarious going on.
Can some of our Windy City Glibs give us a little insight into this one please?!?!?!

Bergdahl after his Dodgers tryout.
Captured battlefield hero dishonorable asshole pleads guilty for deserting his post and putting his brothers in peril. Boy, Obama managed to skate on the criticism associated with that deal. What did it cost us again? 8 Taliban fighters who have returned to the battlefield? All so he could get a photo-op with the guy he hailed but who commanders had been warning him was a traitorous piece of shit? Stay consistent, media watchdogs.
And last but not least, I guess these guys are such fans of slavery, they want to bring it back. Well they can’t fucking have my kids, I can tell you that.
Far out, man. Yeah, this is a lot deeper than normal. I hope you enjoy it (some of you for the first time).
When the world gives you lemons, build a slingshot and chuck them back. Unless you like lemons. Or have sugar. You know what? Do whatever the fuck you want with them. Who am I to tell you what to do anyway.
You know who else was a fan of slavery…
Every white person ever, by association?
Even the Irish?
Those potato-eaters? Absolutely. They can’t escape the collective guilt. It’s part of the Honkey Social Contract that they have to sign in blood when they’re born. Same as the rest of us white devils.
sign in ̶B̶l̶o̶o̶d̶ whisky
For the Irish. I think not. Whiskey.
I thought that was a Scottish thinG
Whisky is the Scottish thing. Americans and Canadians do what we want with the e.
Ah, yeah I remember now.
“Honkey Social Contract”: Band name? Album name? Artisinal IPA?
Fuck that, you guys didn’t claim we were white until recently. Hell, we’re know as the black people of Europe.
–The Commitments
So it’s Col. Jimmy Rabbitte now, is it?
No, you were white, you were just the worst kind of white. You were the white people of white people.
Every libertarian?
Almost everyone, including the slaves.
The Golden Horde?
Just walk away, straffinrun….just walk away.
The Tyrell Corporation?
Abraham Lincoln.
The Eternals?
Gold Coast?
So in unsurprising news, you’re racist, all of you! Get woke…
Tried it once. Didn’t like it
“But despite my morning meditation, usually, at some point during the day, I invariably run across something that white people did that forces me to wonder what the hell white people were thinking.”
This is no way to go through life. Also, it could just as easily have been phrased “at some point during the day, I invariably run across something that people did that forces me to wonder what the hell people were thinking” and been just as effective, but without the racism.
“Something that white people did”
White people all over the world are monolithic and act as one entity in all things. This is known.
Just like blacks
Consult with your doctor about new medication.
oh, MEDITATION. in that case, I think you’re doing it wrong.
Does he ever see something that white people did and think, “I’m glad we have that.”?
Wypipo can only steal, never create. It is known.
Yeah, they stole all the black man’s inventions and knowledge through Tricknology.
If I knew a guy who could select my best, wealth-creating ideas, I would keep him in my inner circle.
Michael Harriot looks like he likes pizza and strikes me as one of those ‘put extra moooozarella on it!’ If so, cultural appropriation.
In any event, dreadlocks precede blacks appropriating it for themselves.
Hey man Mike, you want to play the game, two will dance.
Now fuck off.
I need a ruling. I have a buddy who is black, but he was adopted and raised by a white farm family in rural Minnesoda.
Does my association with him get me into the second round of the revolution before I’m put up against the wall?
You are extra racist because you brag to people about your black friend.
I’m white, I’m old, I’m male, I’m a libertarian, I own guns. Fuck, you would need a powerful racism meter just to rate how fucking racist I am. Normal every day meters would just peg the needle so hard it would be bent.
That’s not how it works. You have to use an occluder and just measure the racism corona.
these euphemisms.
They didn’t “adopt” him. They bought him from a slave trader.
Nope, Uncle Tom. Recent African immigrants also get the wall because they aren’t sufficiently whiny about white people.
I’m a bit confused here – do only black people have cookouts? If so, what exactly are those charcoal-fueled outings I’ve been going to all my life?
Cross burnings obviously, and I presume with some negro nailed to the cross.
The Shitwinds have settled for good, and The Shitstorms will be no more.
Mr. Lahey has passed on to the next Shit Life.
I’m gonna drink an entire bottle of booze and grill some cheeseburgers today.
I haz a Canadian sad
He said he did everything from building sets to voiceovers, but always believed in the potential of the film industry in Nova Scotia.
Talk about rolling the boulder uphill…
Kinda goes with the character, too. Supervising a Trailer Park? Near Dartmouth? An endless Shit Mountain if there ever was one.
Good point – maybe he brought that experience to the character!
I’ll drink to that.
He taught acting too and did a bunch of Shakespeare. he’s stated that his lahey character got people to stop drinking.
Speculation – Trailer Park Boys film new episode, send off Lahey in character. Randy rumored to even put a shirt on for The Wake.
posted what should be a deleted comment on that last night. I can’t remember the name of someone I went as for halloween once.
Inside the weird world of the ‘furry’ fetish
There’s gotta be a joke in there, something about a wolf in sheeps clothing, but damn it my coffee isn’t working.
Take this instead…
Furries are played out. The next frontier is dolphin sex.
David Brin did that back in what, the 80s?
How about this:
Kaiser Soze Jesus Campos seems to have just disappeared.
He’ll show up in three days or so.
::keels over::
You have to go to Galilee (TX) to see him, though.
Is that a Usual Suspects reference, cause I’ve never caught the whole movie.
“Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures”
bloody hell, not getting the reference WAS THE JOKE.
Florida Governor Skeletor Rick Scott gives unwarranted attention to asshole: guarantees shitshow will ensue.
Skeletor needed to look up the “Streisand Effect”.
Yeah, if nothing else this will boost that dickwads influence. Stop giving these people attention and they will vanish, break out the fainting couches and bike locks every time they show up and you amplify the message
Wanna know why they’re giving him attention?
Scott also activated his authority as governor to spend surplus money as he deems necessary.
Ha! That’s actually coldly brilliant, maybe this guy has more in common with Mr. Burns than just his looks.
Ah ha! Nice catch, straff.
Charlottesville did the same thing. At some point someone is going to challenge this. The state shouldn’t be able to declare a state of emergency just because someone is coming and then use that to shut them down.
I agree. People are just handing out states of emergency like they’re not a big deal.
During the Great Recession, my governor declared a state of emergency to get around a spending impasse in the legislature.
This Vegas thing, I dunno, I keep want to attribute the whole thing to a massive clusterfuck of incompetence, but damn it, this shit is getting sketchy.
Getting? Getting?!?!?!
The whole thing stinks from the guy’s backstory to the break-in of his house to the changing timeline. And now the only witness of the alleged shooter decides to go walkabout?
Pull the other one.
I’m willing to give human stupidity a very very wide berth, especially when it come to something like this, so yeah, it’s getting weird.
My faith in human stupidity though is starting to wear thin.
I’m with you. But the way information has gotten out on this has been criminally mishandled.
78) I know I shouldn’t read Slate, but you know, I go over there for Dear Prudie, and I just get sucked in by the clickbait. Anyway, there’s this: This week, it was particularly tough to be a woman
Even aside from the fact that some movie mogul bedding young actresses doesn’t actually have anything to do with the vast majority of women, there was this line:
“But how should we process each other’s pain?”
Um, not at all? Are these other women your friends? I mean, you can feel sympathy for somebody going through a bad situation, even if you don’t know them, but why would you process their pain? Is this a single woman who just happens to be overly sensitive, or another attempt to collectivize human activity, so that a crime against one member of the woman’s victim club is a crime against all of them?
They had this #MeToo thing to highlight harassment, which maybe would have meant something if the notion of harassment hadn’t been diluted to the point of meaninglessness
But this was amusing
Given everything Lewinsky went through in the past, surely, *surely*, she should understand that maintaining a Twitter account is …. asking for it.
I will state the proviso that I was only 14 when this stuff with Lewinsky went down. I remember she was called many things, but smart was never one of them.
‘Feminism is a cancer’: Meet the young women stripping off in a sexy calendar for men’s rights
Trigger Warning
Make more sense than when they strip for women’s rights.
she and two friends, Reading Wren and Becky Quinton, have created a sexy 2018 calendar,
No. They haven’t.
They look like sjws trolling. Which means they might be learning how to troll
Nah, they might get the rote aspects of trolling down, but this is just as likely a lucky break. The left will never truly learn to meme.
I think women should be naked more but what I wish they would do is just admit they are doing it for attention because humans like to see naked women. Stop pretending you are doing it to support something. Being naked doesnt further any cause other than being naked. When people see it they dont start thinking about a cause, they are like drunken asshole from SNP…they just think mmmm tittes.
Yes, I am in a grouchy mood today.
“they are like drunken asshole from SNP”
I’m sure the the Scottish nationalist party has one not drunk asshole.
*one non-asshole drunk
At the risk of being cat-butted, stories like this are why we need John here. He has domain expertise in areas like this that the rest of us don’t.
That was… disappointing.
Was his coffee mug made by Paddock Inc.?
Took me a minute. Clever.
More coverage of #metoo, including the origins, of which I was unaware.
/pilsbury dough boy
Dare To Take The Sasquatch Challenge
You gotta rape money to make money.
I keep hearing ‘they have a right to free speech’ argument regarding the attention whores taking a knee at sports events. Of course that is true but what they dont have is a right to use their employer, whom they ostensibly represent, as a forum for doing so.
You want to take a knee? Go home and take one, assholes.
I wonder if the folks who say that would also support a co-worker’s right to parade around the workplace in a “Homos are Sinners” t-shirt?
For sure you can’t contribute to David Duke’s campaign and get any free speech support.
It isn’t about whether your co-workers support your free speech rights, it is about whether or not your opinions will piss off the paying customers. If I hired you, you better tow the lion when it comes to treating customers right.
I fully support the whole campaign of cheerleaders on their knees. I think I’ve seen videos documenting this before…
Sure they, do unless and until the employer complains, which prior to last week they essentially have not. Further unless there is something in the CBA allowing a player to be punished for not standing for the pledge it is likely that the owners can’t prevent a player from engaging in this form of political speech
Can some of our Windy City Glibs give us a little insight into this one please?!?!?!
I got nothin’ to say to the press.
*slips out of room*
“The team, however, decided that — in the wake of local wildfires that have left at least 41 people dead — such a display wouldn’t be appropriate”
When I read something like this, I wonder if maybe the Warriors didn’t just want to reduce their fireworks budget, and this seemed like a handy excuse.
There was some intro song? Rap? Poetry on the ESPN this morning about the Warriors. It was muted and I was following the captions, but apparently, rap music now rivals Shakespeare. Somehow.
“rap music now rivals Shakespeare.”
These lyrics always bring a tear to my eye:
Last birthday she got you a new sweater
Put it on, give her a kiss, and tell her “do better”
She said “how ’bout I get you jewelry from the West End?”
How ’bout she hit the Westin and get her best friend?
…a rose, by another name, would smell as sweet, Bitch.
The Warriors didn’t want to come out and play?
+3 coke bottles
I mean, that was the whole point of the taunt, wasn’t it? Given the option, the Warriors probably would have preferred to get home without incident. Did I misunderstand the movie?
I, on the other hand, do…
The Alt Right Doesn’t Know What to Do With White Women
F. Roger Devlin is the leading voice of far-right gender politics. But he’s facing pushback from a new group of white nationalist women.
Never heard of him and I spend a lot of time on the internet. The so called manosphere would be insignificant if not a constant boogieman in lefty press. That being saying, women generally avoid marrying down. I saw articles in the Guardian complaining that due to more women then men getting college degrees, women have difficulty finding suitable partners as if college degrees mean that much …
That being said,
womenFucking Snobsgenerally avoid marrying down.Credentialism in the world of mating disregards many other aspects of psychology, desire, and the overall human experience.
/barely finished high school, married to woman with Master’s Degree
/exception, proving the rule. I’ve worked with lots of well paid, educated, professional women in finance, and it’s a rare breed that is married to an uncredentialled man, and most married men that made as much or more money than they do. Now and then, one of them stoops down and marries a teacher. It’s virtually unheard of for them to marry a security guard, file clerk, IT-800# help desk guy, roofer, or even a decently paid tradesman like a plumber.
“The Alt Right Doesn’t Know What to Do With White Women”
Sounds like they’re going to die out like the Shakers then.
Has Mens Rights Activism actually been a thing for decades?
Pretty sure the first rumblings I heard about it were in the mid 90’s and they were very specifically related to mens parental rights in child custody cases.
The modern MRA movement can’t be more than 10 years old.
Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist
Daphne Caruana Galizia, a blogger whose investigations focused on corruption, was described as a ‘one-woman WikiLeaks’
Was is Trump? was it Clinton? did they join forces to do it?
GRPD detectives pursue pushers after fatal ODs
Over the weekend one of the punk rock scene regulars here in town died of an overdose. I was never friends with the guy but I saw him at just about every show.
Overdoses are on the user. If the drugs are laced with poison, then they aren’t overdoses, they’re murders.
Gotta love the statist incompetence of journalists.
Oddly enough, the bus station seems to be the place to do your drug exchanges. A client of mine was found passed out there, dirty needle and all.
Shit like this makes me want to dress up in the worst costumes possible. I went as Baron Samedi couple of years ago. Might break that out again, add some other offensive aspects to it.
Well seeing that your face is racist, that is easy
I bought a Coneheads costume. But Banjos bought me a ghost costume. Neither can be returned so I’m gonna wear them both to get my money’s worth.
I’m sure it’ll work out fine.
My wife bought a low cut skeleton top, along with bone sleeves and whatnot. I’m also going to dress up as a skeleton, but add in some face paint. Something like this
Jared Leto?
Honest Question – Have you ever done Hallowe’en in character?
I usually don’t dress up for Halloween but this year we’re throwing a neighborhood party.
Go for a top hat. Something like the lead singer from the band in Hocus Pocus.
I usually dress in my regular clothes and tell everyone I’m a serial killer. Because they look just like everyone else.
Or I put on cat ears and go as Grumpy Cat.
We watched Addams family Sunday. It’s still a fun movie. I’m going as post fame broke down Randy Travis this year. I can get drunk as I want and still be in character.
You would.
This year I think I’m doing astronaut Rick, a la rick and morty.
They really just suck the fun right out of everything, don’t they?
The Baron Samedi thing is awesome. And then you have to have one of your friends go as Bond, shoot you, then you get right back up from the tombstone.
Nice. I like that. I actually had to do very little for the costume besides makeup, as I have pretty much all the accoutrements at hand already.
The Las Vegas shooting event is challenging Occam’s Razor.
Yeah, I’m not drunk/unhinged enough to start connecting dots, but damn it, this thing is weird
Yes, I just told me wife my personal theory and she told me to keep my mouth shut until we have more info. Right now it’s just all speculation.
I am not saying that the shooting was the message or that it was all done by the left to force gun control…but it was done by the left to force gun control.
*mousses hair straight up*
In line with Mark Steyn’s theory of the case.
Very compelling. Also, thanks for reminding me how much I like Mark Steyn.
It wouldn’t be unprecedented. I’m convinced that the fast and furious anti gun running/gun running operation was run so that the Obama administration could point to American origin weapons being used by the cartels to commit murder as a justification to enact domestic restrictions.
But what I don’t get is propagation of violence to end violence. Even if your goal is an unarmed population to control, you’re going to have to go through a bloody civil war to get there and you might not win. I can’t see a sustained cabal trying to disarm America staying secret. It’s just too much to swallow.
Not to jump down this rabbit hole too much, but…
A secretive cabal of anti-gunners might exist in just enough isolation to believe that they would win handily and that any civil unrest would be easily contained. Juntas and High Commands have made worse miscalculations on the eve of battle.
I don’t know. Most people can’t keep even the most mundane things secret. If you are part of some shadow organization, you’re going to run your mouth to the mistress or someone. I just can’t buy big conspiracies.
This is classic “ends justify the means” theory. If you can create a gun-free utopia, it doesn’t matter how many people you have to kill to get there.
It’s not that I doubt there are people that evil, it’s I doubt there are people that competent to pull it off.
One thing government is totes competent at, Killing people.
They are not staying secret. Watch the news. Read the papers. There are calls for gun control all the time. The government has been getting pressure for a long time from the right to loosen restrictions. There are equal calls from the left to tighten them. The right has been winning lately on the federal level and in right leaning states. In places where the left rules, the ratchet ever tightens.
I highly doubt that … but this is seriously weird, and I’ve run out of explanations. IMO more likely to be terrorist connections that they’re covering up for whatever reason. FBI-created terrorist that got away from them and did something on his own?
This i could buy. Government fuck up and now they are fucking up the coverup.
One I heard was that he was working for the cia supplying bogus weapons to islamoterrorists in the states. It got out of hand and the terrorists holed him up in the room and did their shooting spree and then shot him and left.
Nobody on the floor ever opening a door to look down the hall and the cops showing up an hour after the shooting stopped don’t exactly cast shade on it.
Neither does the (reported as) fact that the video from the hotel has been erased and his house broken into.
The thing I find most odd is that they can’t find anything he wrote on the internet. He never used social media, posted on any gun or gambling forums, dating websites, texts, email, nothing?
There are also all these weird things with his airplane registrations, Air B’n’B, hotel records and receipts, etc. It’s almost as if all of this, from the changing timeline to the missing security guard is being done deliberately to arouse suspicion and fan conspiracy theories.
If it’s going to be anti-gun nuts, they have to at least demonstrate that the police are competent. Since the police look like fools, I’m not seeing how this helps the anti-gun cause.
If I were writing a thriller that unfolded along these lines:
1) The actual shooter escaped.
2) Pollock wasn’t the shooter; he was the fall guy.
3) The actual shooter was trying to earn the love of Jodi Foster.
That’s so unrealistic! Nobody wants the love of Jodie Foster anymore.
Actual shooter would have to be a woman in this scenario, no?
Just add in Tommy Lee Jones, LBJ, and some Cubans and you got yourself a movie.
Gov. Rick Scott on Monday declared a state of emergency in Alachua County three days ahead of a scheduled speech at the University of Florida campus in Gainesville by the white nationalist Richard Spencer.
Congratulations to MSM for making an obscure racist famous. Nobody had ever heard of this guy, but you guys had to find to find an actual racist and make him famous to justify all your screeching about racist yokels propelling trump into the white house.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re ‘making an obscure racist famous’ deliberately. After all, in order to get a bunch of scared sheep to give away their freedoms for ‘protection’, you have to scare them.
I wouldn’t call a couple dozen morons with tiki torches ‘scary’ though (much less so that five hundred hard-left Ivy League professors who would like to ban ‘hate speech’ (while demanding only they can define hate speech)).
My guess on this is everyone was brought up worshiping civil rights heroes and they want to emulate that, but all the dragons have been slayed, so they’re tilting at windmills.
“Out of respect to those affected by the Wine Country wildfires, the Warriors won’t use any pyrotechnics at Tuesday night’s season opener against Houston at Oracle Arena”
Fireworks are triggering.
I used to go to Celtics’ games in the old Boston Garden. That place would have burnt down if somebody had lit a match. They just played the anthem on an old organ, then Bird and team administered a beat-down.
It was so much better without the stupid pre-game pomp and circumstance. They didn’t even do the lineup introductions dramatically.
Nope – Except the SIxers’ announcer when he said Julius ERRRrrrrving!
Aussie Woman Casually Picks Up And Moves Shark Out Of Her Swimming Spot
If it’s just a lemon shark or something it’s probably not really dangerous. I can see this, if you’re used to seeing sharks around.
Nurse shark? Hard to tell. Still not a good idea. Startle any critter and you run the risk of it acting defensively and injuring you.
And fish bodies concentrate all their muscle into that thrashing motion, A 10lb house cat has pretty scrawny arms, but a 10lb fish puts most of it’s body into it.
…and onto the barbie?
digg… now that’s a website I haven’t seen in a long time. A long time.
This guy needs to be beaten with a sock filled with nickels.
Worse, we might be asking the question that Skin in the Game poses: “What if we had a war and nobody came?”
Horrifying, to be sure.
Hannity and Assange are hinting about a big wikileaks dump coming soon.
They are Russian agents ignore everything they say like a good patriotic American
“The 80s called, they want their foreign policy back!”
“someone identifying herself as a cop called a top city garbage official for a special pickup “as soon as possible” to get rid of the bloody mattress where Markham’s body was found”
What is a special pick up from the city garbage service and how deep do your political connections have to run to be able to obtain one? I’m guessing your average Chicago citizen wouldn’t be afforded the favor by the city trash service.
Also, tampering with a crime scene is a felony I’m pretty sure.
Also, tampering with a crime scene is a felony I’m pretty sure.
The Cook County State’s Attorney will get right on that!
This is the scenario we have the law against tampering with a crime scene, destroying evidence, whatever you want to call it. People involved made it impossible to determine what happened and any possible conviction of murder was thrown into the dump (literally).
We have some crime that we can charge and convict on, but that won’t happen cause the blue line.
No comment on Kaepernick suing the NFL? With every move, he just proves why no one is touching him.
INT. DAY. Owner’s office. Kap pleading for a job and promising he changed.
INT. SAME DAY. Team locker room.
Coach: Ok, these are the plays and schemes. Study them. Know them.
Kap (kneeling): I ain’t studying no WHITE plays.
Coach: Excuse me?
Kap (passing Afro pic comb through hair): The plays. They’re designed by white men. I want to design and call my own plays for social justice.
Coach (pen drops from lips): O….k….moving on.
Kap (raises fist): Yo, I said I’m here to….
Other players drag Kap out and lock the door.
Does the field in this story have a 55 yard line? If so, I can’t take it seriously as a sports story.
I thought it goes without saying.
What kind of reprobate league doesn’t have a 55 yard line or punts on 3rd down?
Reworked (because I’m working):
Coach: Ok, these are the plays and schemes. Study them. Know them.
Kap (kneeling): I ain’t studying no WHITE plays.
Coach: Excuse me?
Kap (passing Afro pic comb through hair): The plays. They’re designed by white men. I want to design and call my own plays for social justice.
Coach (pen drops from lips): O….k….You do know you’re in Saskatchewan, eh?
Kap (raises fist): Yo, I said I’m here to….Saskatcha-what?!? I thought this was Seattle! My agent tricked me!
(laughter ensues).
Kap (thinking to himself scratching his chin with the Afro pic): Come to think of it, I did find it strange he told me to put a pillow case over my head.
Coach: You in RIDER NATION now, boy!
Maniacal Canadian laughter ensues.
Kap (settles in Saskatchewan. To team mate): Do you social justice here?
Teammate: If by social justice you mean John Deere block parties. Then HELL YEAH!
Teammate: Yer no Warren Moon, eh!
Dispatches from the 5th column:
Matt Welch said “banning bump stocks is the first time I’ve ever agreed with the NRA”.
I think it just slipped out, and was more of a social signalling thing than a real desire to ban guns, but Kmele should fire him and replace him with Doherty or some intern.
My shocked face is around here somewhere.
We can Weld it on for ya.
He should ask one of the Glibs to participate. We’d do a lot better from a principled position than the squishy cosmotards that are still attempting to bridge that chasm between the mainstream left of today and libertarianism.
I can do it. We’re for UBI, reasonable gun restrictions and tranny bathrooms, right?
I thought it was weed, Mexicans and butt sex.
What’s the libertarian version of a cuck?
A Ricotarian?
More than one at TOS let it slip now and then that they aren’t solidly behind the 2A.
Libertarians, my ass.
And to think I used to donate to those fuckers.
Same here. Ticks me off.
I’m looking forward to this year’s pledge drive. It will be interesting to see if they put 2 and 2 together to figure out why their totals as so much lower.
They don’t care, they still have those sweet Kochbucks coming in.
Also not really solidly behind free markets nor free minds.
I wonder if Welch can actually articulate what a bump stock does.
Driving naked with stolen chickens and a swan. Travis Owen (31) caught during a routine police check
The driver, Walter Jones (26), initially was unable to recall his name, or how the animals got in the car. After a moment he stated that they are probably hitchhiking
Holds up cardboard sign on shoulder of the highway *Other side*.
*narrows gaze*
Lol. Good one.
I haven’t seen SIV in awhile…
This is some high grade trolling.
Work is hard, okay.
If she put this much thought into her actual work, there would probably be fewer micro-aggressions flying her way.
She’s just put a “race” wrapper around the blame-shifting that all shitty employees do. If you could see yourself through the eyes of your coworkers and management, you’d know why the other lady got the promotion and you didn’t. It probably wasn’t close.
I don’t believe that is true.
Mystery indented paragraph.
Shorter Alisha Acquaye: “I have become much more bigoted.”
So? This shit happens to so many people, it has nothing to do with race. You just see it through the lens of race because you see EVERYTHING through the lens of race.
I had something similar happen to me when I was at my last job. The guy across the office was being very well taken care of and groomed while I was somewhat ignored and I felt like my professional development was being stifled. When the co-worker that was being groomed decided to quit, I felt like I had worked hard to get his position (a promotion for me), but instead my boss hired from outside (some lady that had spent the last 5 years dog-walking for work).
I wasn’t being discriminated against, I was just being under-utilized. So I quit and got a new job.
Fuck off.
Yes, eat each other and leave everyone else alone.
From the you can’t make this up files: Did you know that college diversity programs perpetuate racism because young people focus on merit instead of systemic disadvantages?
Time we dig up MLK and hang the bastard.
LOL. I tried telling my wife that the whole, “judging someone by the color of their skin” is ridiculous. Obviously racial differences are more than just skin color. She says, “What do you mean?”. Uh, I’m about a foot taller than everyone you see.
And then you whipped out your monster American dong?
‘Merican penis so large, Japanese penis a tiny tiny!
“Time we dig up MLK and hang the bastard.”
Nah, just tear down that statue that depicts him as a grumpy Chinaman.
My analyses suggest that some students, particularly white students, were gravitating toward a more individualistic conception of their identity disconnected from racial or ethnic identities.
The horror, the horror!
So, not connecting someone’s identity to their race is perpetuating racism? Seeing people as unique individuals is racist? I dont get it. What I do get is that identity politics is just another name for open racism.
This might be because when they look at all the diversity courses there is no “white studies” course.
Ahem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiteness_studies
There are courses at a number of schools including Wisconsin, American, & UT – Arlington.
I thought that they didn’t want white people identifying with their racial or ethnic identities? I thought it was only okay when black people did that.
I took my son in a college visit yesterday (to Rice). The lady from admissions (when we were still in a large group) spent about 15 seconds on diversity in her speech. She spent about 45 minutes on academic rigor, advantages of location and school connections, etc.
It was the exact opposite of the visit I took my daughter on (to aTm) a couple years ago where it was all about diversity and all the stupid sjw crapola.
I think it’s due to the difference in the schools, Rice being a tougher school to get into and diversity naturally happening there instead of forcing it. But I hope it’s because schools are getting away from that garbage a little.
In 4 college visits I saw zero diversity shit. Engineering schools, but still.
On our visits to elementary schools…. yes, that’s actually a thing… we ran into diversity talk. No lie.
One school touted their International baccalaureate program and their focus on diversity. It seemed like a really good school, we were very impressed by the teachers and the students.
But they just kept on and on about how much focus they put on teaching diversity.
– let’s pause a moment to set the scene: This school is located in a predominantly gay neighborhood in south Florida, also populated by large immigrant groups, particularly Brazilians, Cubans, Haitians and Dominicans. There is also an over-representation of African-Americans.
So they are going to “teach” diversity in the class. To these kids? They live about the most diverse lives you could possibly imagine. But some social worker with a teaching certificate is going to coach them up on being diverse?
Hard pass. Sorry. If that’s what you think is important to emphasize with that particular group of kids, you have a screw loose somewhere.
“Kids, this is called a farm, it’s where your food comes from” would be more up their alley.
Tard Tuesday: Existential Ennui Edition
*places revolver, single bullet, and bottle of vodka on table…arches eyebrow and leaves room*
Only one bullet? Like this person could successfully shoot a gun, let alone do the deed with only one bullet in the revolver.
Stupid joke found on the internet
Profet: *writing bible* lord, the end is signaled by trumpets?
God: I said Trump Pence
you get the Profet you pay for. God shoulda shelled out for a brand name Prophet®
“recreated to boldly favor the ultrawealthy right wing nutcases.”
I have news for you sweetie,
Most of the ultra wealthy are lefty nutcase.
Pst. Here’s a secret I’ll let you in on: You always had nothing.
I used to think the claim ‘leftism is a symptom of mental illness’ was over the top.
This is what happens when you obsess over politics.
Mercenaries are motivated by profit not patriotism—despite their CEOs’ protestations to the contrary—and place America on the slippery slope towards compromising the right of sovereign nations to the monopoly of violence for state purposes.
Yeah, okay. Whatever you do, don’t look behind that curtain.
So, sovereign nations having a monopoly on violence is a good thing? What planet is this muppet from?
He’s a knockoff, real Muppets have their own mercenary armies
At which point do you stop blaming the therapists?
The rapists are usually to blame though
+400, Alex.
She needs an analyst/therapist. An analrapist, so to speak.
clearly you meant philanthropist.
How about a philanderthropist?
“I don’t want to be helped with my mental issues. Goddamn therapists!”
I don’t believe her reports of what the therapists said.
“The last 16 years have also generated, as wars tend to do, hundreds of thousands of veterans. The costs of taking care of these men and women are astronomical today and will only rise over the next decades, which is one reason our veterans are already being inadequately cared for. Without the political will to shift funds, there simply is not enough money to provide the necessary care. And given the awesome debt America now shoulders—approaching 20 trillion dollars and certain to increase—it is difficult to see this situation changing for the better.”
The article about the AVF does a good job pointing out the problems with our military today. It’s short on coming up with solutions. The articles seems to argue for conscription, which I think is a terrible idea. The real solution is to not need so many soldiers. Getting out of the middle east would do wonders to fix the staffing problems of our military. The author seems to not see this.
The costs of taking care of these men and women are astronomical today and will only rise over the next decades, which is one reason our veterans are already being inadequately cared for.
Um…got something to back that up? It is an easy assertion to make, but how about some facts and figures.
I would say that as long as we are perpetually at war, the costs are going to continue to rise.
Maybe he’s arguing that not enough soldiers are coming home in caskets.
“Getting out of the middle east would do wonders to fix”
This is what I think everytime I hear that the national guard needs to deploy more often to give the active duty a break.
For those who missed it last night…
We need to make this thing happen, people.
I feel bad for the plant.
But, yeah. We need the next chapter.
It wasn’t a REAL PLANT. But, if you want more…
I’m not doing art for that.
Aw, come on! Plz?
although, maybe just something suggestive...
just a quick rough draft idea.
That’s amazing, Did this have you’re blessing, SF? It’s beautiful
My blessing and more. I want you all to join me in disgusting the world.
I want Deviant Visions to be the Huckleberry Finn of the 21st century.
Yes, this needs to be finished.
Then it needs to be taken out back, shot and buried along with the remains of my soul.
Tales of the Robe and Fern?
‘Magic Mushrooms’ Might Ease Depression Symptoms
Why are we so ass backwards in this country that we can’t at the bare minimum allow researchers to study psilocybin?
The overwhelming paranoia that someone somewhere might be enjoying themselves.
That is the salient point. They actually ban stuff based on the potential for getting high. Not the safety, addictive nature, none of that. But if it gets you high, we have to screw around with it, making it much more dangerous.
I.E. hydrocodone, hydrocodeine, etc. that they force drug manufacturers to mix with ibuprofen, which can cause liver damage if the dosage is too high.
They mix it with Acetaminophen, which is highly dangerous to your liver. People have taken a couple of Tylenol for a hangover headache and gone into fatal liver damage because of it.
I’m lucky I’ve never developed headaches, because I get bad reactions if I take more than 20mg of Acetaminophen based drugs in one day. I know it’s not an allergy (been tested for it), just my stomach doesn’t like it.
It started as a way to harass target populations and morphed into a core American value. Sad!
Same with MDMA for depression/anxiety/PTSD, all of which it’s proven to work for.
For many people it’s a morel dilemma
Spore attempt at punning, there.
You sound like a real fungi.
That’s enough shiitake out of you, young man.
I didn’t mean to cause any truffle.
That’s the last straw.
We need to button up this subthread and move on to something else.
Amanita minute, then
Cremini! You guys are pathetic.
A new bridge was built between Stillwater, MN and Houlton, WI. The new bridge has bypassed most of the two towns (which is good for commuters), but local rag feels sad for the WI town because it is going to die without those commuters driving through each day.
Best quotes are from the local liquor store owner:
Ya knoow, why doncha bring that bridge over hear real quick once.
Pure coincidence that his sales are down right as Jim Lahey became ill and then died.
Houlton was dead to me once they closed the Hilltop Drive-In.
Inspired musical choice today, Sloop. Last month was the 40th anniversary of his death (fucking women drivers).
Another trippy song about Mars.
‘Beautiful Girls’ Scribe Scott Rosenberg On A Complicated Legacy With Harvey Weinstein
This guy wrote a movie about his home town and then wrote a tv show about how people in his home town were pissed of by how he portrayed them in the movie. That amused me
I have no privileged insight into this, as I am just a lowly citizen here, but this should be your first clue (from an article linked in the one you posted):
…police removed the body of the 51-year-old narcotics cop from the home…
There was another incident about ten years ago where an established narc and his special lady friend – both very, very white – were found shot to death at a very strange hour in his car on the west side in a very, very not-white neighborhood. As can be expected, the case went nowhere. I’ll see if I can dig it up.
The narcotics cop was shot because he found a drug ring being run by other cops. He was going to rat.
Hero alert!!!
At least it was actually marijuana and not a tomato plant or something
>>RELATED: Maine drug agents seize $450k worth of heroin
There’s your problem. Lumping in 81 year old ladies with glaucoma with drug gangs.
ARCOMs all around!
I hope the MAARNG feels shame.
Saw you talking about Mindhunters in last nights thread, started it Saturday and could not stop until I finished. It was fantastic.
Great show – I’m upset at myself for not spacing it out. Now it’ll probably be a whole year before the next one
Yes, I gobbled it right down as well. Very well done.
Whales and dolphins lead ‘human-like lives’ thanks to big brains, says study
*readies bastinado*
I don’t think you can use the bastinado on dolphins… no feet
Actually, dolphins are more like ocean-going wolves than humans. Approximately the same brain power, social structures, and curiosity about humans.
ocean-going rapists
Yeah, that too.
Huh, who would have thought that playing fast and loose with the court system could have consequences…
It doesnt occur to these fuckwits that the only thing courts really have going for them is credibility? Credibility is damned hard to come by and damned easy to piss away.
They also run the risk of having this tactic used against them. This is the dumbest thing they could do. They just cant come to terms with losing the election.
From the Boston crime lab that brought you “Falsified Drug tests”, we now have a new story, falsified alcohol testing!
I read it as “Bacon crime lab” and thought you meant turkey bacon.
Turkey bacon isn’t even a misdemeanor compared to this crime against humanity.
*weeps for humanity*
Turkey bacon is alright. It’s no real bacon, but it’s no crime.
Calling it bacon is the crime. At least shepherds had the decency to call their sheep-based product ‘macon’.
So i propose renaming turkey bacon to ‘tacon’, they can get Liam Neeson to do an add campaign, all gravely voiced about how his special set of skills goes into every package of Tacon.
“We conclude that OAT leadership made serious errors of judgment in its responses to court-ordered discovery, errors which were enabled by a longstanding and insular institutional culture that was reflexively guarded . . . and which was inattentive to the legal obligations borne by those whose work facilitates criminal prosecutions,” the report found.
Legalese for Thin Blue Line?
Beat that tin drum, wind-up monkey! Beat it!
So the question about this plan isn’t whether it favors the wealthy — it does, to an outrageous extent. The questions we should be asking instead are why Republicans are pushing this so hard, and how they can hope to get away with it.
Bear in mind that there is essentially no popular constituency demanding tax cuts for the rich. By a large margin, the general public wants to see taxes on corporations and the wealthy go up, not down; even Republicans are divided, with only a modest margin in favor of cuts.
Let America be ruled by the envious mob. That will assuredly fix things.
But given the wealthy pay most federal tax it would be hard for a plan not to benefit the wealthy …
Yeah, the top 10% pay something like 70% of the taxes. So of course they benefit the most from a tax cut, because they are being hurt the most by the current tax structure.
And that was the result of the Republicans caving to Clinton on the “tax cuts for the rich” mantra back in the 90s. Every time taxes have gotten discussed since, any cuts or hikes have to increase progressivity. And that skews the politics of tax policy by making higher or lower rates directly relevant to an increasingly small portion of the electorate (indirectly is another matter). It’s part of the reason I believe we need to have a flat tax. People should have some stake in the game when they’re talking about how much the government should be taking.
Yeah, I could get on board with a flat 15% for everyone, no exceptions or deductions.
To me that’s fair. It means you can only pass laws you yourself are willing to abide by. That’s the difference between governance and rule.
They have been singing that same fucking song for over 100 years. Every single bit of it has been discredited a thousand times but they just cant help themselves.
“By a large margin, the general public wants to see taxes on corporations and the wealthy go up, not down;”
Unfortunately this is probably true. I blame public schools. People don’t understand that corporations don’t pay for tax increases, consumers do in the form of higher prices. It’s a really simple concept that flies right over the head of your average american.
No one in this world, so far as I know – and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me – has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.
-H. L. Mencken
“Corporations don’t pay taxes, they collect taxes”
Yeah, no shit it does. Might have something to do with the fact that it’s the wealthy that pay almost all the taxes, you disingenuous hacks! Kinda hard to give a tax cut to the poor, when the poor don’t pay taxes.
Actually the poor do pay taxes and lots of them.
Not federal income taxes.
“Progressives” are more concerned with giving a smackdown to the rich and “corporations” than helping the poor.
It’s kind of like when Obama said that he would still raise the capital gains tax even if it resulted in less revenue. In their view, people getting richer is an evil in and of itself that must be stamped out by any means necessary.
They of course carve out an exception for themselves.
Because the idea of great wealth as evil is Calvinist, as well as the idea that the “Elect” are the good thinkers, and have been preordained by their good think, good intentions, and good acts to go to Heaven. Progressivism is a religious belief.
And, once again, I ask- What is the total remaining tax obligation for these rich plutocrats whose taxes are being “slashed”?
tree fiddy
Pie is the Loch Ness Monster!
Or more accurately the Tarnitsky Monster
How Legos helped build a classroom lesson on white privilege
Are the yellow Minifigures in the Lego universe white people? A Grade 8 social-studies class at Allan A. Martin Sr. Public School in Mississauga mulled this existential question on a recent afternoon while their teacher delivered a lesson on one of the most politically charged topics addressed in Canadian classrooms.
Mandi Hardy stood in front of a whiteboard and asked students to list what they believed to be the most important jobs in the world, then asked them to list people – real or fictional – who hold those positions. Almost all the doctors were from TV, among them Derek Shepherd from Grey’s Anatomy and Dr. Phil. The same was true for the scientists and emergency-service workers that the students listed. Then, without explanation, Ms. Hardy began putting stars beside nearly all of the names – pausing when she reached a Lego character – and students quickly caught on to what she was doing.
“They’re all white!” one called out.
The lesson of the day was white privilege, the idea that white people enjoy unearned advantages due to their race. Her exercise was meant to show that white people receive greater public profile for many of the occupations society deems to be the most important. This isn’t a required subject, but one Ms. Hardy has elected to teach for the past four years.
So, will Ms. Hardy do the same thing for Simpsons characters next year?
Huh. Alrighty.
Something something, yellow peril, something.
Teachers really shouldn’t be pushing this shit on impressionable young minds.
We really need to destroy teacher’s unions (and all government unions).
Is she actually trying to claim that the admission standards are easier for white people to get into medical school? Or is she saying that hard work and high grades and test scores are somehow “unearned privilege”? Because either way she’s an idiot.
I honestly don’t get this role model representation on TV stuff. Teach kids that skin color is not important and they can have a role model irrespective. And with good education they don’t even fucking need a TV role model.
8th graders know Grey’s Anatomy characters?
And if they did, wouldn’t they notice the show has 3 characters that are black doctors?
Their parents can’t afford a color TV, you shitlord.
Complaints that all of the people in professions which require hard work and good grades should be followed by complaints against black kids trying to get ahead as ‘acting white’.
We need to pull our heads out of our asses and figure out a way to make stupidity, unselfawareness, and hypocrisy into energy.
Well you see, there’s the White Privilege, if you can only get ahead by acting white! You should also be able to get ahead by not acting white!
How about being able to not-get-ahead by acting white. I’ve met plenty that would not be favorable to emulate.
We did. But Lincoln fucked it up.
Allow your base, animalistic urges to run free with displays meant to awaken your carnal savagery!
I like everything about 12.
5 has some potential but not enough visible
There’s a problem, because one of my requirements is a face in the pic, and this seems to be based on the opposite of that.
32 probably wins but no face, no podium. I have a big thing for collar bones. Yum.
4 for that retro charm. Then 2 and 12 .
Like Costanza, I’d give up red meat to see all of 6.
“I have a big thing for collar bones”
Proving once again that an individual is always *someone’s* fetish.
Is that you Anthony Barr?
42 because it is animated.
Surely the mainstream media will pick up on this and call for investigations: http://archive.is/K8XvP
It’s almost as if the Hillary camp picked her biggest weakness (her ties to Russian oligarchs) and projected them onto Trump.
Well that was all part of King O!’s benevolent, saintly intentions. Nothing to see here. Nothing at all. MOVE ALONG.
Question: At what point do even some Lefties begin to get sick of the 24/7 hate on Trumpapalooza. I flip to google news, or turn on the TV, or glance at pretty much any mainstream news source and invariably there’s always, ALWAYS, at least one story like “Anger grows at Trump over (insert outrage)”, “Trump stirs controversy with (insert outrage)” etc. etc. I’d think eventually even some true bleevers would start to get annoyed by how tedious it’s become.
It has to be very stressful to be angry all the time. That must be why they need safe spaces so much.
June 4th 2052 about 2 pm
That will be a refreshing 65th birthday present for yours truly.
Which timezone?
GMT obviously
So it’s also a metric date, then.
What will happen is the most unhinged of them will resort to violence, as we are already seeing. They will feel the need to express the rage they’ve been bottling up. The media either can’t figure this out, or that is their intention. Reason has left the building when it comes to the DemOp media.
Trump really is draining the swamp. The swamp critters are in a panic. It isnt going to let up.
Even on a completely unrelated story, all they do is slip in a few references like “It’s something that has become all too common in Trump’s America.“
Are you kidding? They love it. This is fun for them — like how certain people here always read Everyday Feminism articles.
Hey, someone around here’s got to process and filter the raw derp for y’all
You’re asking if narcissists get tired of themselves?
Have a heapin’ helpin’ of moronic gobbledygook to go with your fair trade coffee and gluten free croissant.
The shift toward focusing on viewpoint or cognitive diversity may trace its roots back to the 1978 Supreme Court decision Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, which set the stage for schools to consider race in admissions because of the educational benefits of diversity, rather than to redress prior discrimination. It is understandable that because the public discourse around affirmative action shifted along these lines, some came to believe that any kind of diversity — including cognitive diversity — must be equally valuable. But that means that the most meaningful ways through which this is formed (cultural, religious, sexual orientation, socioeconomic, ability and especially gender and racial differences) may be forgotten.
If this happens, we could lose an important check on the tendency of people who work at tech companies to hire more people like themselves. According to the Society for Human Resources Management, employee referrals accounted for over 30 percent of all hires in 2016. Employees typically recommend people similar to them in racial identity and gender, so it requires dedicated effort to recruit and hire people who don’t already have identities that match up with those of current employees. Counting up variations of “viewpoints” — however one might do so — won’t achieve that. And, to potential applicants from underrepresented groups, statements about “cognitive diversity” will send an unwelcoming message about a company’s real priorities for inclusion.
As my former Facebook colleague Regina Dugan said recently, even if cognitive diversity is a company’s ultimate goal, “we can’t step away from the idea that diversity also looks like identity diversity.” The effort to hire people with different points of view must not come at the expense of hiring members of actual underrepresented communities who add tangible, bottom-line value — and who deserve to work in tech as much as anyone.
That part about adding tangible bottom line value? I’m not convinced it means what she thinks it means.
If we follow this enforced diversity bullshit to its inevitable conclusion, we’ll end up making all personnel decisions via a random race-based lottery.
So, same opinions, thoughts, etc., but different looks = good diversity; and differing thoughts, opinions, experiences, but not too dissimilar in looks = bad diversity.
And somehow this makes sense to this moron.
The effort to hire people with different points of view must not come at the expense of hiring members of actual underrepresented communities who add tangible, bottom-line value — and who deserve to work in tech as much as anyone.
Every bit of research I’ve ever seen says demographic diversity, in and of itself, does nothing for a company’s bottom line. Nothing. It can serve as a proxy for intellectual and viewpoint diversity, in which case it can be somewhat valuable. But, every study that includes both winds up with the latter providing all the predictive value. These people can’t even be bothered to be familiar with the literature in their own damned fields.
“who deserve to work in tech as much as anyone.”
Diversity is specifically designed to create incompetence in institutions. It is just another aspect of social marxism deliberately designed to create a dysfunctional society.
American anti-discrimination policy has basically turned employment of “protected classes” into a legal minefield. It makes discrimination the most rational course of action. Who wouldn’t be a little uneasy about hiring a woman if there’s a possibility that she’ll sic the EOCC on your ass the first time she hears a boob joke in the break room?
“Florida Governor Declares State of Emergency” over upcoming speech?
The real world has become so “absurd”, we need a better word to describe it.
“Surreal” won’t work if we’re using it to describe the real world either.
It isn’t “weird” if it’s become typical.
“Stupendous” might work, except it has a generally good connotation.
Maybe the real world is just becoming increasingly “stupid”.
It is worse then a hurricane. If they had state of emergency for the hurricane it makes sense to have one now
Yeah, I’m sorry that a well-groomed neo-Nazi is saying things that make people upset, but I find it difficult to consider that a threat by any meaningful definition of the word. Certainly not an impending emergency, unless he’s thinking of the hordes of BLM/Antifa who will use this as an excuse to behave like spoiled barbarian toddlers.
At what point do even some Lefties begin to get sick of the 24/7 hate on Trumpapalooza.
At what point does a dog get tired of having his belly rubbed? Hearing how odious Trumphitler is provides a warm fuzzy feeling of moral validation to those people, and reinforces their sense of smug superiority.
So- never.
NOOOOOOOOOOO, that’s my alma mater motherfuckers. We were known for partying dammit. Fuckwads. I hate SJWs. HATE THEM.
*jumps in skillet and flies off to rain bacon grease down upon Carbondale*
Things are not alright in Little Egypt.
I miss those Southern parties. I went to a couple back in the day.
Halloween used to be awesome. I remember every other week the bars would close and we’d loiter out in the streets til the line of cops with industrial size cans of mace would move in. Puking ensued. Good times.
Did the “All Ghouls” Halloween rugby tournament there one year. Several rugby teams, SIU Halloween party… I am surprised the town survived.
Of course these “threats” were unable to be confirmed. So we’ll just file them under “shit that never really happened”.
I hung out with some Saluki fans at the 2002 NCAA Tournament East Regional in Syracuse. Partied a bit with some of them after the Sweet 16 win (over Georgia I think?). Great group of people.
Salukis…like the dogs?
And I swear this is completely unrelated, but those were some low-rent cheerleaders, man.
Yeah, I though cheerleaders were supposed to be at least somewhat hot.
Diversity WTF. We must have diversity.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that is why.
Yeah, egyptian hunting dogs. We bite.
As a guy who went briefly to a school that also has an oddly-specific mascot (the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers) I can kind of relate.
*happy barks*
Anita Sarkeesian: ‘It’s frustrating to be known as the woman who survived #Gamergate’
Gran-mama, tell us how you survived the trenches at Verdun
“Survived” – yeah, she was in danger of immanent death the whole time. So, so brave.
Well death is inherent
There’s a certain humor in this. She had nothing to do with the story, jumped in to score political points, and now is making it about her.
You almost have to admire their gall.
If Sarkeesian came out a few years down the road and admitted she was a con artist scamming idiot progressives and feminists out of their money I’d praise her.
Anita Sarkeesian: ‘It’s frustrating to be known as the
womancon artist whosurvivedengineered #Gamergate’She didn’t engineer it, but she did profit off of it a whole lot.
I had no dog in the gamerfight really, but I am quite amazed how biased the Wikipedia page on it is. I mean just the language used. I would have expected at least pretend impartiality.
“survivor of cyber violence”
Only because one of my cats walked over my keyboard. I had her ass dead to rights. Then some punk-ass support guy dropped an ammo box in front of me. Oh, so sorry, bro, was my sniping the reason we lost the cap??? I could’ve sworn it was you sucking, but I guess I’m wrong.
Sarah Connor she is not.
She survived gamergate in spite of Trump being elected and the Second Amendment not being repealed?
How is that possible?
“I started a fight, lost and still think I won. I am the real victim here.”
She is the pigeon playing chess.
Translation: “Gamergate was my fifteen minutes of fame and now my career/scam is going downhill unless I try to reinvent myself.”
Google has devoted its search page and logo to Selena today.
Does anyone know why?
I have nothing against her per se. She’s been dead for 20 years. So have a lot of other people.
don’t know, I don’t see the google homepage ever anymore.
Well, she didn’t die around this time of year, nor was she born now, so I’m gonna guess because she’s also an Hispanic who was brutalized by America the way Trump is brutalizing Puerto Rico.
She was murdered by her manager, who if I am not mistaken was a Hispanic woman.
She was president of Selena’s fan club, and also ran merchandising boutiques for her, from which she embezzled money. Hispanic born in Texas.
Well, google honoring her today makes as much sense as blaming PR on hurricane Trump. I’ll roll with it.
in honor of Selena, I’m linking her most famous song, “Bidi Bidi Boom Boom”.
She was one of the first Tijano singers to wear a belly shirt.
The video is about her picking up a guy at the gas station.
Google is honoring her memory today for obvious reasons–and if you don’t know why, then you must be a racist.
Does it have anything to do with the state of emergency in Florida over an upcoming speech? That would make sense . . . given the world we live in.
First studio release was on October 17.
Can’t wait until October 25 when they can get their full Lenin on.
that cnn article has sexual pestering as something people are using for the #metoo thing? isn’t that, like, everyone ever? Not stalking or anything, just pestering?
that sounds like someone who you didn’t want to be asking you out asking you out.
“Be attractive. Don’t be unattractive.”
the gang in college was great, but there was one girl who was really into me the whole time. I didn’t really want to date her or anything. at some point in the last year, she’d start coming onto me a little more when she’d get drunk. usually I’d end it and it’d go back to normal. sometimes we’d make out on the way home from the bar.
does that count as pestering?
You’ve earned your #metoo
We are here to support you in your time of need. So..pics?
The ugly friend of they guy you really like, asks you out and now you are a victim?
That’s just it with this shit. Even for women, it obfuscates real complaints. An acquaintance of mine had a DerpBook posting about how, when she was young, male customers of the company she was in sales for would try to stick their tongue down her throat and their hands up her skirt. It really did sound like their behavior was terrible. She acknowledged that her male boss would have decked them had he known, but she didn’t tell him. So, again, it sounds like a legitimate complaint. But, I think most guys would probably take the same stance as her boss. Most guys aren’t okay with that sort of thing. But, for every one of those situations you get a half dozen situations where two male co-workers were talking to one another about their sex lives or some guy was staring at the cleavage showing through a woman’s low-cut blouse. Or a guy on the street cat-called. Or even gave a smile and wink. When these things are all “me too”, reasonable guys start to ask if a woman was harassed or was she “harassed”. They aren’t the same thing. Hell, they aren’t even just quantitatively different. They’re fundamentally different behaviors. And the real complaints get drown out by background noise.
Basically if everything is harassment, then nothing is.
Largely. This just struck me as a particularly clear example of the principle.
And on the flip side, why are so many sales execs or recruiters pretty blondes? Who also dress in borderline clothing. They aren’t crying when cashing those commissions or taking the promotions.
It’s like Carly Fiorina whining about being a new sales exec and going to strip clubs to close deals. If she had a Y chromosome, she’d still be a middling sales director today.
Fair point. I’d suggest that it still doesn’t justify making a move on her. And, to some extent, I’d like to think I’d be able to make a significant business decision without thinking with my prick.
Oh no absolutely not. And I’d like to think the same for my own decision making. I do notice that female sales execs or the booths with a chick at trade shows totally get far more attention in a male heavy field than the rest.
“Fair point. I’d suggest that it still doesn’t justify making a move on her”
“Dat face doe.”
-Donald Trump
End all immigration controls – they’re a sign we value money more than people
Humans have always travelled, but barriers are lifted for capital while, for the global poor, borders are made ever tougher to cross – is he saying that people and capital are the same? not very lefty of him. Or very lefty of him, depending how you look at things
What the what? It would appear that the author is confused. I’m all for ending all immigration controls (but still believe in vetting and giving preference to immigrants that speak English), but shouldn’t this yahoo take the opposite side? Are workers in the US not ‘people’?
I’m all for ending all immigration controls (but still believe in vetting and giving preference to immigrants that speak English)
Which is it? Vetting is an immigration control, and there are no preferences to give anyone if there aren’t any immigration controls.
I guess I was referring more to quotas
I’ve met some people who were worth a lot less than they were getting paid.
Labor is capital. Soylent green is unproductive people.
“Can some of our Windy City Glibs give us a little insight into this one please?!?!?!”
Yes. It appears this occurred near where I live. To summarize: the mob owns the garbage trucks (this is not a joke) and the cops run the Northwest Side.
Article from about ten years back, but it discusses the intersection of the mob and politicians on Chicago’s Northwest Side (which, in my opinion, despite its faults remains the best part of the City)
How do the murder rates in mob-controlled neighborhoods compare to the vibrant ones?
Additional sports news, UEFA World Cup playoff pairings:
3 bucks on Switzerland
As long as they show up with more commitment than they did against Portugal.
But, yeah, I’d bet on Switzerland, Denmark, & Croatia. Sweden/Italy is something of a toss up.
I’m taking Sweden and I’m taking the Irish to upset Denmark. With you on the other two.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the Republic won.
More generally, UEFA needs to change its qualifying format. This bullshit of best second place but don’t count records against the bottom team in your group is dumb. They should do what CONCACAF & AFC do: seed the teams and get rid of most the weaker nations early.
And, yes, I know else wanted to get rid of weaker nations earlier.
Maybe, but pretty pointless now considering the asinine decision to go to a 48 team World Cup.
Good point. But you could still winnow down Gibraltar, Andorra, San Marino, et al.
Problem with betting on Switzerland is the odds are always even for them. Hard to make money.
*narrows gaze*
5 francs on the CH!!!!
Two rumors out there:
1. Leicester City have sacked their manager.
2. Sam Allardyce interested in USMNT job.
Big Sam has done some good things with Palace and I always think that former defenders make the best managers. I think that could be a good move.
Also: anyone wanna buy a football club: http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/41643718
Newcastle deserves a lot better than Mike Ashley, that’s for sure.
“If you’re a man unsure of what to do to support women right now in your daily life (beyond, like, not sexually harassing us), some starting points:”
TW: numbered tweets from future cat lady
So be a dumbass social justice warrior. Because all wimminz are identical mass and may not want different things.
“Why were all my locksmith coworkers male?” seems pretty stupid to ask out loud. there were like 4 of us. an honest answer might be that most people don’t go into that trade, let alone women.
“why is my high school football team all men?” seems equally stupid.
“why is curves only women?” seems like freedom of association.
I’m confused. I thought asking where women are at was racist?
When I was changing a main hoist motor on one of melt shop cranes last Thursday evening, I wiped the sweat off my brow, Blew the dust out of my nose, noted the 125 degree temperature, and wondered deeply why there wasn’t a woman up there with me as I grunted on a 8 foot pry bar I was using to maneuver the 2600 pound motor into place. As I wrestled with the 500mcm motor leads, trying to make the connections to the incoming power wires I couldn’t fathom why women who surely deserved it weren’t up here instead of me.
Well it’s obviously because you’re a sexist shitlord.
This was in the comments, though.
Never gets old.
Consider that stolen.
What makes Helen Rosner think that guys consider her or women like her worthy of support?
Honestly, nothing about the way I conduct myself in my daily life has changed because of whatever revolution this person seems to have imagined.
Because of Harvey Weinstein, nothing in my life has changed.
It’s a non-event in my life.
If she imagines that the rest of the world is different now, then she should seek the help of a psychiatrist.
Same here. I am scrupulously professional in any and all work settings – I never acknowledge anything feminine about any of my coworkers (male or female). That hasn’t changed, and won’t change.
Overcome your own transphobia. Trans women are women. – nuhu
Cultivate genuine, intimate, nonsexual friendships with women. – does being friendzoned count?
Seek out women to be your heroes and mentors. -okaay
Jerk off without porn for a while. – kinda contradicts the previous one. But I’ll go see if the office toilet stall is empty.
Deprogram your beliefs about thinness being an optimal state of feminine beauty. Deprogram your beliefs that your desire matters. – That means you HM
Befriend children. – randomly, at a park. Any tips Old Man?
Cultivate genuine, intimate, nonsexual friendships with women.
Welp. they can be intimate, or they can be nonsexual. Choose one or the other.
Deprogram your beliefs
Fuck you (in a genuine, intimate and nonsexual way, of course), you totalitarian cunt.
Yikes, that woman is a nightmare.
11. Talk less. In all spaces. At all times.
Men already talk, what half or less, than women. And isn’t silencing someone because of their sex/gender supposed to be a Very Bad Thing?
The responses are pretty good.
*golf clap*
“At what point do even some Lefties begin to get sick of the 24/7 hate on Trump”
Yeah but isn’t there some sort of diminishing return. Fewer and fewer take the MSM media seriously. Every Trump = literally Hitler has to make one more eye roll.
Bergdhal should be put up against a wall and shot. Just my opinion.
It’s a legitimate opinion.
I just don’t understand how it’s Selena related.
Or assigned to teach Land Nav.
Indigenous population outreach.
You and me both, Troy. The article I saw didn’t even mention the death penalty as an option for desertion in the face of the enemy.
Personally, I think he should get lost in the woods with STEVE SMITH, but a lifetime in Leavenworth will probably have the same result.
Re cheerleaders kneeling: What happens when a player gets injured now? Is kneeling a form of protest then?
Cheerleaders kneeling is gonna play great at the next alumni donations drive.
P.S. How much y’all wanna bet the alumni leave an even bigger lump of coal in Reason’s stocking this Christmas?
P.P.S. Originally, Selena’s father didn’t like her wearing a belly shirt on stage, but then he saw the crowd’s reaction, the money started rolling in, and so he decided he liked it.
I always enjoyed it when cheerleaders kneeled… in front of me.
And now the Europeans have jumped on board:
The German club is going to have to find a permanent solution to this.
‘”It’s like terrorism – either you’re against it or for it,” said Kalou, 32.’
Black and white thinking (raaaaaacist!!!), the hallmark of the unthinking fanatic.
Down with this sort of thing
For this kneeling stuff as with the #metoo stuff – does it not occur to any of them that they might possibly be biting off more than they can chew? Even if you sincerely believe that microaggressions are the equivalent of assault, or that all white people are in some incoherent way guilty of police violence, doesn’t it occur to them that they’re alienating people with this rubbish? They’re not going to win a war against the male libido, or disestablish the United States, and in trying they forfeit the chance of making any meaningful progress elsewhere.
So no one wants to talk about this?
Just saw that. Too early to put on my tinfoil hat
I’m up to here in the Russia story–the investigation is so full of shit, I expect someone to close it down before it becomes too embarrassing for everybody. I know Mueller will want to put someone’s scalp on the wall to show all that money wasn’t completely wasted, but it’s clear that Hillary and McCain were waist deep in this shit–and nothing bad will happen to them.
Well, not because of any investigation or any newly uncovered facts.
John McCain is war hero with a brain tumor, and Hillary Clinton brazenly accepted money from foreign governments while she was Secretary of State. Did it out n the open! Repoted the donations publicly herself!
If nothing bad happened to her because of that, why would she be held responsible for bankrolling the pissgate dossier or anything else?
Besides, I don’t see how any of this is Selena related.
That’s my take on it. Hillary is corrupt as fuck and has been forever. The powers that be know this and have known it for years. There is enough evidence to put her in prison for any number of things. Nobody is going to do anything about because everyone in a position to do anything about it has plenty of things they they are deserving of prison time for.
Funny how the guys who think that a meeting with a Russian lawyer to talk adoption policy is collusion and treason, also think that the SecState’s foundation accepting millions of dollars of Russian cash on two separate occasions while major decisions are in front of the State Department is a big yawn.
I encourage anyone and everyone to take another look at the JFK assassination. You’ll likely not have your mind changed, but I think you will find that the government was doing something wierd, even if it was just to “reassure the American people”.
Do a search for “Sean Murphy” and “Prayer Man”. Yeah, it is conspiracy theory stuff, but it is the first place I found that posted videos of the secret service’s post-assassination film of their walk-through of the assassination (they recreated the event and filmed it). It was the first time I saw the book depository as it looked at the time. You get a better feel for the depository’s layout than you do looking at maps.
Pretty soon that will be 60 years ago. Can we let it go? All of the people involved are dead and gone.
I say that but the assassination that pisses me off is Lincoln’s.
Ok sure Ted Cruz. Whatever you say.
We have an absolute commitment to free speech, as long as it’s been pre-approved.
Reminds me of the L.A. city council member saying “We were surprised to learn that the first amendment doesnt allow us to ban certain kinds of music”
that can’t be real.
is that an anti-rap council?
Oh, it’s real alright.
Her name is Fiona Ma and surprisingly she is now a member of the California Board of Equalization.
Apologies about the video. It is about 6 minutes long and I dont know where Fiona’s little nugget is in there.
holy cow
FERGUSON: As a young lawyer, you worked on the impeachment investigation …
CLINTON: I did …
FERGUSON: … of Richard Nixon.
After the investigation, Jefferey Zeifman said he fired you and refused to give you a recommendation. He said “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.” Comment?
**How the interview would go with an actual reporter.
Never underestimate a liar’s ability to wear a defeat like a badge of honor.
I thought that was funny for her to bring that up. The reporter is probably not aware of what actually happened and her Australian audience probably isn’t either. Talk about stepping on a land mine…
I am overdosing on schadenfreude. That is some good shit.
I don’t know this Patrick Tomlinson guy, but he wrote something pretty derpy and then took a victory lap about how clever he is. Except his victory lap was more like Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes.
There are good arguments for being pro-choice, like “It’s a difficult choice, but it’s not yours to make,” but Tomlinson batted aside all the simple, effective arguments about personal sovereignty or the imprecise inherence of consciousness or personhood. Instead, he got up on his intellectual tippy-toes and reached alllllll the way to the very back of the shelf and grabbed this. Then he strutted around like a peacock about it.
My answer to that is also that the frozen embryos require additional positive action to become viable fetuses; that is, they must be implanted into a uterus. It would be a different situation if we had successfully invented artificial wombs and these “embryos” were in their wombs. The falsity of his dilemma is the same as saying that jacking off kills millions of babies. No, they are potential babies, but additional action must be taken to make it become a baby.
I think even a pro-life absolutist says “fertilized embryo in a petri dish != human”.
I don’t even care much about the debate per se. I’m happy, at least personally, consigning it to the wicked problem bin wherein no solution exists, no compromise will be satisfactory to anyone, any resolution involves balancing overlapping evils anyway, and isn’t it a beautiful day out? I’m sympathetic to the pro-life side, and the abortion-at-delivery crowd makes me more than a little squeamish. But I’m more content being a fence-sitter with no skin in the game.
I’m still going to point and laugh at people like Tomlinson reaching for an absurd, convoluted metaphor to bail himself out of his position.
Lifeboat questions are idiotic. Also, pushing fat guy in front of the train questions, although that one has the right answer.
It’s so simple!
A very very tiny group that lacks sufficient numbers to wield any real political power or influence.
There actually IS plenty of ground for a compromise but it isn’t this small tiny group who is blocking it, it is the far large life begins at conception crowd that is.
IF the pro lifers would be willing to budge an inch you could quickly find ~75 – 80% of the country supporting a law which made abortion before 24 weeks illegal, between 24 and 28 weeks legal only in cases of medical necessity and strictly illegal after that.
Hell you might even get a straight majority to push the thresholds down to 20 weeks and 24 to 26 weeks.
Sure that isn’t going to prevent very many abortions because something like 90% of them happen prior to 20 weeks anyway but the majo.rity of Americans would be perfectly comfortable with that compromise but the absolutist side of the argument needs to first conceed something
If they were capable of conceding they wouldn’t be absolutists.
Just sayin’
A very very tiny group that lacks sufficient numbers to wield any real political power or influence.
The Partial Birth Abortion Act was opposed by 142 Representatives and 34 Senators in 2003. Not sure how the vote would go today, of course, but I think the absolutist pro-choicers wield a disproportionate influence to their numbers.
IF the pro lifers would be willing to budge an inch
The pro-lifers consistently propose bills that limit, but do not ban, abortion. Most recently, the no abortion after 20/22 week bills. Personally, I think that draws the line in a good place (well, viability, which is probably more like 22 – 24 weeks). These bills are opposed by, as far as I can tell, every pro-choicer. The pro-lifers have been forced to compromise by the courts, but they are compromising.
It’s bizarre to me that one might go through five (!!!) months of pregnancy and only then decide to abort.
Or that anyone else would suggest that five months is insufficient time to have made up one’s mind re: ending the life of one’s child, and she can only benefit from having a further 4 months as it nears term to decide to kill it.
A very very tiny group that lacks sufficient numbers
They’re more numerous than libertarians, so “very very tiny” seems to be a bit of an exaggeration.
Saving a grown child is better than saving 1000 embryos, and that’s how you know abortion is awesome! QED!
Good God, what an idiot.
There is no C because fertility clinics aren’t allowed to keep fire extinguishers?
There’s your 80 year old grandfather in one corner and a twenty-something Swedish model in the other. Who do you save?
His name is Sven, by the way.
Sven? You must have my grandfather mixed up with someone else’s.
Response by @BenHowe
Didn’t Bailey make this exact argument in the abortion debate at TOS? My response is the same now as it was then, I’d choose the child for reasons that have nothing to do with measuring the humanity of either the child or the embryos. I choose the child because of familiarity. Take the same scenario and make it your child, and just for fun make the embryos 4 lab workers you don’t know. Just for extra fun, let’s make them women and minorities. Most people would choose their own child. Is that proof that your child is more human than the lab workers?
There are good arguments for being pro-choice, like “It’s a difficult choice, but it’s not yours to make,”
If you consider it murder, I don’t know if that really is a good argument. I actually feel perfectly entitled to second guess and even to punish other another person’s choice to resolve a difficult situation they most likely created for themselves (not that it would matter either way) by murdering an innocent third party who was involved unwillingly.
This is why the death penalty exists.
I could have gone all day without seeing that.
That is fucked up.
eye for an eye
+1 grope
that killed over 500 people
You might want to check your math.
A little fun from last weekend.
oh my
He unknowingly created a shape charge. Back in the ’70s one of those commie revolution groups in Germany used one like that to kill some politician. It was ingenious really. They used dynamite in a satchel, hung it from the handlebars of a parked bicycle and used motion detectors to trigger it. Placed in the satchel between the dynamite and the politician’s car was a copper plate. The motion detectors were placed far enough ahead of the bike that when the guy’s passing car triggered them the blast was directly towards the rear passenger door. The plate cut through the armored car door, cut the politicians legs off and exited the far side of the car. Of course dynamite expands much faster than tannerite at 17,000 fps or so.
People are going to keep doing that shit until someone finally gives govt an excuse to ban tannerite.
This happened a few years ago not far from where I live. It was tragic, yet totally avoidable. People will do stupid stuff. Idiocy will always find a way.
I notice in that story that tannerite is labeled as an explosive. It is not. There is a difference between whoosh and bang. Ammonium nitrate is really a rapid burn just like gunpowder is a controlled rapid burn. If you watch the tannerite video and then watch nitroglycerine in a true explosion you can immediately see the difference. In one there is a rapid burn, in the other near instantaneous decay of all of the molecules at once. A true explosion is much faster and much more violent. You can usually see the air compress in a shockwave from a true explosion and unlike the structural failure you see with a rapid burn you will also find a lot of material failure.
*puts Suthen on terrorist watch list*