Sorry, these will be rudimentary, but at least I filled in the blanks, unlike certain other Glibs whose names I will not mention but are spelled B-r-e-t-t-L.
The world we live in is one in while the biggest news item is the pissing contest between a congresschimp in a cowboy hat and a baboon. And the chimp wears cowboy hats of many colors.
This latest bit of Panic Science is certainly not borne out by our experience with mosquitos making our back yard unusable in the summer.
Europe is so much more racially progressive than the US, amirite?
Fucking Yankees. Maybe there will be a plane crash.
OK, not great, but something, anyway.
Did you just call a person of color a chimp?! RACIST!!!!1!!11!
98% chimp.
At least I didn’t use this image.
Whiplash is awesome.
Wait..was awesome? Didn’t he/she die not too long ago?
I’ll ask my sister. She actually traveled from town to town to follow the Cowboy Monkey Rodeo. I accused her of being a groupie, which she did not appreciate.
The Cowboy Monkey Rodeo is the greatest live performance I’ve ever seen. They did a performance after the fifth inning of a AAA ballgame we went to with some friends in southern Maryland and it was the greatest damn thing I’ve ever seen. Son, it’s monkeys in cowboy costumes riding shelties!
I can only assume you haven’t seen Hamilton.
This is a fair assumption.
That was simply wrong and I’m ashamed of how hard I laughed. Old Marc Faber with Candy if you had.
They are trying to find a new Cindy Sheehan. What ever happened to her, by the way?
She criticized Obama/Clinton and so she was unpersoned.
Funny you should ask:
Cindy Sheehan: ‘Not shocked’ by Trump’s words to soldier’s widow, since Bush was ‘pretty rude’ after my son’s death
Sooooo…CNN’s take on who made it political makes sense if you’re a full blown retard. The media is trying it’s best to remain irrelevant for decades to come.
It’s too quiet today…
First, bitches
Who’s the bitch?
Correction: “Who’s the chimp?”
Dance for us, monkey!
The chimp and baboon fight seems engineered to draw attention away from the news confirming H-Dawg’s acceptance of Russian bribes for uranium.
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow:
Sounds like another phony scandal. Yep, nothing to see here move along.
There’s no chance anything will happen to Hillary. But if it did, I think lots of people just wouldn’t believe it was true. They would think Trump is rounding up rivals. The Kool aid has been drank. Were there Nixon apologists this crazy?
Nixon was run out of office by the Republicans. There isnt a better example of the contrast between the character of the two types of people that generally populate the two parties than Nixon vs Any Democrat. They rally behind their criminals.
Birds of a feather, flock together?
“There’s no chance anything will happen to Hillary.”
That’s sad but true. This country has an incarceration rate that rivals any country on earth. We lock up people for all manner of things that shouldn’t even be illegal. Unfortunantly, we do a horrible job of locking up criminal politicians who cause more harm than a whole host of junkies.
“Political System Set Up To Benefit Politicians, Study Finds; Nation Faints”
And now I have Alan Arkin in my head, saying, in a hokey Russian accent, “Emerrrgency, emerrrgency. Everyone to please kipp off de streets.”
80) There’s an article in the Washington Post today on how it’s empowering for women to be funny, but society just doesn’t let them, because of patriarchy, I guess.
I don’t know about all that. I’ve known lots of funny women. My wife is pretty funny. There are funny women on TV. I suppose some families don’t encourage their girls to be funny, but I don’t see it as some society-wide problem or notice any particular lack of funny women.
What I do notice, and where I think the reputation that women aren’t as funny as men comes from, is that there seems to be a sort of pressure for women to acknowledge other women as funny, even when they aren’t. I suppose they do this in the spirit of women’s solidarity or something.
Whenever I hear somebody say, especially a woman about another woman, “Oh, she is so funny,” I know instantly it’s not the case. I know that what we actually have is a woman who is definitely NOT funny but no one has ever told her. There are women comics whose entire careers are based on this—Margaret Cho, to name one of many.
Instead of “empowering” girls to be funny, instead of making it a social issue or a cause, I think we’d have a much more hilarious world if we simply let the funny women be funny, and didn’t feel the need to support the unfunny ones in continuing to make jokes.
I can’t empower you to be smart, funny, or successfull. You gotta pull that all off yourself. And it usually means a lot of hard work.
Life’s a bitch, ladies.
Women are smart and funny. Get over it.
Every time Amy Schumer talks about her vagina, I lose my fucking mind.
Same. Then I wake up amid a bottle of empty bottles with a splitting headache. Still worth it.
+1 Lindy West (aka Sugarfree’s Muse)
aka Sugarfree’s
MuseSpank-Bank.FTFY, Shitlord.
Margaret Cho used to be funny. But there are way more male stand-up comedians than female.
Kaitlin Olsen (Dee Reynolds) is hilarious but she has good writers.
She made her bones in improv…
I know she make my bone improve
Seconded. I think she’s got a good kind of Carol Burnett thing going on.
Oooooh, you bitch, you dirty bitch!
Carol Burnett, Madelaine Khan, Joan Rivers right off the top of my head were really funny.
And my daughter.
+1 Teutonic Titwillow
And Young Frankenstein.
Fanny Brice, Gracie Allen, Marian (Molly) Jordan, Mary Livingstone, Phyllis Diller… and that doesn’t include the funniest woman ever, Dorothy Parker.
Seriously, does no-one know comedy history?
History started the day [insert author’s name] was born
and Paula Poundstone?
OMWC doesn’t appreciate the competition
I can’t believe none of you schlubs mentioned Carol Burnett.
Ummm, did you read Rufus’s comment above?
I can’t believe I missed Rufus mentioning Carol Burnett.
**slouches away in embarrassment**
Betty White is one of the funniest humans on the planet
Dude, no. THAT’S WHY THEY WRITE WHAT THEY WRITE. It’s all mental masturbation – and they get a platform to perform it.
Well, they’re all well and good. But, you see, none of them spent nearly enough time talking about how their vaginas and that all men are pieces of shit. So, while they might have been “funny”, their comedy wasn’t really empowering to women and they were, therefore, tools of the patriarchy.
Myrna Loy was great in the Thin Man movies.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is very funny.
Ellen Degenerous used to be genuinely hilarious, back when she was an observational comic. Tina Fey still is for the most part.
Tina Fey is probably the best comedy writer in the business right now, male or female. (Maybe a tie with Dan Harmon)
Self deprecation plays a big role in humor. Running around “empowering” chicks is not the way to deflate the ego.
“Empowering” women as funny never works. It’s the Meredith Baxter Birney Syndrome (The show Family Ties was originally supposed to be a vehicle for her. Michael J. Fox ended up running away with the show. It happened because her character was basically too “perfect”. There was never anything off or weird or goofy about her. And that makes for lousy comedy).
The original premise was “leftist parents stuck with horrible right-wing offspring.” And of course leftists are “perfect”. Seems like it went out of its way to be the blandest show ever made, yet somehow they made a mistake in casting and accidentally hired one kid actor with a smidgen of charisma.
It also seemed like every 80’s sitcom with kids in it was required to do a child molestation episode.
Ah, the anti-Reagan era. Sadly not anywhere near the entertainment value of TDS. Guess they just didn’t derange hard enough.
I think Christopher Hitchens had a pretty good explanation for women’s lack of funniness (on average): They don’t have to be funny because men will fuck them anyway.
That is a good explanation but not the one Hutchins makes in the article. He says women have power in childbearing and power is the antithesis of humor.
That strikes as one of the stupider arguments I’ve heard.
That’s true.
Hitchens hits on some good points now and then, but he also puts out some pretty potent derp.
The problem is, too many female comedians either go with the easy “men do this thing (which is stupid) but a woman would just do this (which is smart)” jokes which are completely played out by now, and/or do the Silverman/Schumer “I swear and talk about sex even though I’m a girl, isn’t that shocking?” route, which is also completely played out.
I know we have had disagreements in the past here about self-driving cars.
Can we at least agree that Self-driving fridges are totes awesome? No more having to even get up for a beer anymore!
I’ll bet a minifridge positioned by the couch would hold more beer and cost a hell of a lot less.
Yes…but the cool factor is thru the roof!
Until it gets stuck on that stupid half step between the kitchen and living room thats too low for the sensors to pick up. *thunk* *thunk* *thunk*
“Until it gets stuck on that stupid half step between the kitchen and living room thats too low for the sensors to pick up. *thunk* *thunk* *thunk*”
You have an elevated/sunken living room? Who are you? Rhoda?
It’s a 104 year old house. There was some settling of the foundation. When the floors were redone it was easier to level them at different heights and have a step between.
That’s kinda cool.
Mine kind of has these weird “hills” in some spots. I wanted to get hardwood flooring, but I’d have to get the floors re-leveled and have this awkward 2-inch step (which would be to small to notice but big enough to trip you). Not sure if that would be worth it.
What if I pass out somewhere between the bathroom and the couch? What fucking good will my mini-fridge be then?
If you’re passed out, your self-driving fridge won’t do anything to help you either.
You public sector folk have no imagination. It will drive over and dispense more beer into me via a beer bong whether I am conscious or not.
Future News Flash: Pope Drowns in Automated Keg-a-rator Incident!
We can all have a summer of George!
+1 eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery
-2 functional legs
So Tuesday in Wisconsin…
*Sets styrofoam cooler on top of Roomba*
$599 please.
Don’t roombas randomly drive around? What would you call it when there was only one beer left in your Coolba and it was randomly driving around you and your buddies? Irish Roulette?
Suppose you’re right. How about $12?
Nope. I’m thinking of that irritating squeak those styrofoam coolers make as they bounce around in the back of your car. I’ll pay $599 for a Coolba, but I want a nice Yeti cooler as part of the deal.
Don’t roombas randomly drive around?
Not when you reprogram them and strap a lidar to them.
Regarding the cowgirl congresschimp; turns out she’s not quite the staunch defender of military members that she is claiming to be.
Redundancy, OMWC. Every good system has it.
And by redundancy you mean Alzheimer’s?
It’s as if some people comment without reading the links.
In my defense I skipped it because I thought it was going to be a montage of her in her stupid sequined cow
boygirlxir hatsWide Partisan Gaps in U.S. Over How Far the Country Has Come on Gender Equality
Democrats sharply divided along educational lines on whether life is easier for men than for women
So basically college educated lefty women believe more in the great inequality. I wonder why… must be woke . Also that is a very long article
So basically the cohort of women who are most privileged think there is some sort of huge equality Gap. Perhaps, but they aren’t on the side they think they are on.
As someone who been various kinds of homeless for the last 8 years, they can go fuck themselves. To bad therr aren’t enough make work HR jobs to go around. And a whole government agencies because when make stupid reproductive choices.
Way to earn that misogyny.
I’m always boggled when I hear that first-world women are oppressed.
Men are disproportionately represented in homelessness, incarcerations, suicides, homicides, and workplace deaths. And how exactly are women oppressed?
What, some mean old Republicans want to make them pay for their own birth control and abortions? Oh, the horror! It’s just like the Handmaid’s Tale!!
Speaking of Glib urination matches, will these shoes start a hi-top or low flame war?
Adidas? No thanks, I’m not a Russian.
RUN DMC hardest hit
Black Russian?
Rick Pitino is Russian?
That explains…EVERYTHING.
It was a joke based upon the strange obsession Russians seem to have with the Adidas brand.
If you have to explain/defend your joke…
So, it wasn’t funny. Oh well. I’m not going to go “Laugh you stupid cretins” like some sort of feminist “comedian”. Not all jokes are going to work. Tis the nature of the beast.
I got it UnCivil. It was funny. All you creeps lay off him, he’s my bitch!
*pulls out shiv and waves in air*
No crabcake shoes? Christ, you people in flyover country think it’s hard to get noticed…
“A new scientific study has found “dramatic” and “alarming” declines in insect populations in areas in Germany, which researchers say could have far-reaching consequences for the world’s crop production and natural ecosystems. ”
This is really odd, since it coincides with the unification of Germany and the wholesale shutting down of some of the world’s most polluting factories in the former DDR.
Maybe air and soil pollution encourage insects?
I thought global warming was causing annincrease in insect populations as their habitats extended to formerly colder climes
You know who else caused a dramatic decline in the German vermin population?
Round Up?
The Pied Piper?
Curtis Lemay?
Hap Arnold or “Bomber” Harris would be preferred answers.
The Visigoths?
Maximus Decimus Meridius?
Georgy Zhukov
Rentokil Initial GmbH?
The correct answer is Degussa and IG Farben.
Goerge Patton?
Joachim Folte & Sohn?
The sausage makers?
I can’t even figure out who’s who in that goddam CNN story, much less what happened. And autoplay video is going to cause me to have an apoplectic fit, one of these days.
*urge to kill rising*
Nevermind that this is from Germany.
Look, scruffy, Decimated is an old word. Yes, the original meaning was ten percent. But since the Roman times it has come to mean massive losses of indeterminate quotient. No need to kill, it just happens to words sometimes.
We offered the world order!
Can I just kill 10% of the people misusing it?
They’re not Misusing it, that’s the news I’m trying to break to you. The meaning drifted.
At least it hasn’t done anything “literal”
There was a good econtalk (that you refuse to listen to) about this. And especially about words meaning both their original meaning and the exact opposite. People don’t freak out over “fast” meaning “not moving at all” but are over new versions such as “literally” meaning “figuratively”. But its the exact same thing happening yet again.
Fast meaning sturdy, solid and hard was the original meaning. Holdfast, steadfast, etc derive from that. to run fast, meaning hard running slowly gave it the connotation of speed. It also happened a while back.
No, I wanted you to RAISE the house!
The book was even better. Highly recommended. Especially the audiobook, read by the author.
I think most of us simultaneously accept the concept of linguistic drift and think that people who use certain words are retarded.
It’s a very simple calculation that pretty much everyone uses. Meanings that drifted before we learned a particular word are totally normal and correct. Any drift that occurred after we learned a word’s definition is horrible and proof of the speaker’s churlish nature.
It bugs me that “jealous” now means the same as “envy.”
If I recall the proper use, you’re jealous of whatever it is you envy someone else for.
Much better
The proper military term for atritting an enemy down to 75% is ‘fucked up’
After the US detonated test atomic bombs we found that the only creatures surviving were bugs and lizards. Cockroaches were found within a hundred yards of the site of the blast.
I am calling bullshit on this story.
Did they give an update of the bat population in these same nature reserves?
No Deathclaws?
I am disappointed.
Come back in several generations. Deathclaws are the grandchildren of irradiated lizards.
At least there aren’t any cazadors. Hate those bugs. Won’t sit still for me to shoot them.
Cazadors are the absolute worst. I’ve never found a better argument for packing a giant shotgun through the Mojave than the mere existence of Cazadors.
For everything else, Big Medicine or the Survivalist’s Rifle work fine.
I love A Light In The Darkness and Graham’s armor combo for the crit hit boost. Take the Sniper Perk and Concentrated Fire and you are a God of Death without a lot of encumbrance.
I think they are leaving because they don’t feel safe around the recent migrants. Women, children and goat beetle hardest hit.
From CNN:
“In denying Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson’s account of a condolence telephone call, the President created a fresh political controversy over his response to the Niger attack and his willingness to inject politics into an issue that is typically regarded as sacred by past commanders in chief”
Hmm. I’m not smart, but in face value it seems like the Congress person who instigated the politiking of the solders death. And since when have politicians not used soldier deaths got politics?
Obama famously agreed to no publicity at an event for fallen soldiers (caskets coming home) and showed up with a photographer and staged a photo op.
Congresscritter makes accusation public. Trump denies it. Trump is the one who created the controversy.
CNN is a joke.
My theory is that the media thinks that if they make Trump talk about Niger enough, he will eventually misspeak or add an exra ‘g’ in some tweet and then they can go absolutely ape shit.
absolutely ape shit.
I can’t even.
In response to the recent deaths of American soldiers in niger, President Trump said, “why are American troops in this nigger country in the first place.”
*best I can hope for.
“In denying Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson’s account of a condolence telephone call, the President created a fresh political controversy over his response to the Niger attack and his willingness to inject politics into an issue that is typically regarded as sacred by past commanders in chief”
Ok, we need to talk about this idea that government action is somehow non-political.
“Politics” means the activities of a government. All of them. Getting the government involved IS making something political. Some might argue that some government activities should be free of partisan politics, but a politician’s partisan affiliation affects the decisions he will make about that activity, including whether or not the government should undertake it at all.
When I hear people complain about something becoming politicized, what they usually mean is, “my political party is being challenged on this issue“.
Hey-Ho, off to the hospital we go.
MRI appointment for my son today. I expect a big ol’ nuthin’ but we won’t find out today anyways. So a lot of hanging around watching him sleep.
I predict
But good luck
It’ll go like this
That scene is why I’ve never tried Frog.
has he had any other incidences since the initial one? Hope this goes well.
I want to say no but he was sick yesterday, sent home from school – apparently complaining of headaches. My wife sez he was really lethargic in the morning and showed some signs of confusion. There _could_ have been an AM seizure but there’s not enough information. Given his limited communication skills you end up guessing a lot.
My wife sez he was really lethargic in the morning and showed some signs of confusion.
Describes me perfectly.
My son had one for his shoulder earlier this year. Not a big deal except it took twice as long as I expected and was trying to run a conference call from the waiting room.
Jeez. Taskmasters. “My son’s in an MRI machine right now, could we postpone this for an hour? Or maybe just send me the Cliffsnotes.”
This is where good parents are made. Good on you. That scene from Million Dollar Baby where her family finally comes to visit her in the hospital, but not before going to Disneyland first, always evokes rage in me. Best wishes, Dude.
Wishing the best for you. Hopefully you can get an answer soon
My (limited) understanding of childhood seizures is that you really don’t want an answer. Getting an answer means there is something wrong.
Ah yes. There is that.
EDIT- hoping they just stop and never return
I hope things go well.
Best of luck.
Chapter II
There was no return address. Inside the brown package was a single videotape with a small note that read, “No plant was harmed in production”. Jared, the TMZ intern, was used to viewing bogus submissions from “leakers” and that evening he had already watched a fake Tom Cruise slaughtering a vegan on a Scientology altar, listened to an obviously edited recording of Lindsay Graham offering a female prostitute $200 for a rim job and seen a clutch of photos of Oprah shaving her lower Afro into a swastika. Now Jared was at the bottom of the stack and when this was done he could finally go back to his shit hole apartment in North Hollywood. The empty office at night made Jared nervous. OK. Last one. He popped in the tape.
The video showed only snowy static for an obnoxiously long time. Jared peeled off the foil from the remaining half of his burrito from lunch. Taking a particularly large bite, the screen flickered and Jared could make out a hallway in what looked like a Holiday Inn. Surely this was security camera footage. There was a pair of elevators to the right and some Native American art hanging on the wall. Jared shifted in his chair and took another bite of his burrito. Security camera footage was excellent. It was the over-produced videos that were bullshit.
After a minute or so, Jared spotted a head pop out from a door at the far end of the hallway. “What the hell is he looking for?” Jared whispered aloud as he scooped a large dollop of sour cream into his mouth. Leaning in close to his monitor, Jared’s jaw went slack and sour cream splattered onto his burrito. “Holy shit. Is that…?” The intern was unable to complete the sentence thanks to a bullet ripping into the back of his skull and coating the remains of his late night snack with gray matter.
. . . .
She tapped on his door lightly with her pinky knuckle. The security guard had been slid a hundred bucks to shut down the cameras for ten minutes, but she wore a scarf over her head and bug eyed sunglasses just in case. She tapped again more insistently. Goddammit. She pressed her ear to the door and heard what sounded like a hairless cat being stuffed into a surgical glove. She couldn’t suppress the image in her mind; he was rolling around naked on the leather couch, pleasuring himself. Is this really worth three million dollars? “Fuck you, Harvey”, she yelled at the door, “I’m done. Don’t call me anymore.” She slid the tape through the mail slot in the door and heard the thud as it hit the floor. From the other side of the door came, “You *pant, pant* wanna come *pant, pant* in? Please. I’m sorry. Just *pant, pant* come in.”
Lisa turned and hustled up the hallway, down the stairs and into the parking garage where her driver had the car idling. She hopped in the passenger seat and slammed the door with all her might. “It’s done. Let’s get the fuck out of here. I don’t know how you do this.” The Lexus squealed out of the parking garage and into the Arizona night. Lisa started sobbing into her hands as they cruised down the empty highway. The driver reached over and started stroking her hair, “You’ll be fine, honey. Mommy is here.” A small wad of sour cream pooled in the corner of Mommy’s mouth.
seen a clutch of photos of Oprah shaving her lower Afro into a swastika
*chokes on coffee, flails arms*
I have been acculturated to expect anthropomorphic articles of clothing as the anti-heroes. Too many real humans for my corrupted tastes.
I’m keeping “The Fern and the Robe” as chapter 1 title. Should’ve gone with the Pinocchio idea?
Hmm… lower afro…
Tastes just like shredded coconut
As promised,Artwork.
Sled dogs test positive for banned drug for first time in Iditarod history
Several canines test positive for opioid pain reliever Tramadol but Alaska race officials refuse to name musher involved
I assume that’s because someone will find the musher, chain him to the back of a pick up truck, and drag him down the highway.
I’m all for 100% permissiveness when it comes to humans that want to enhance their bodies and minds for sports, but that assumes informed consent. Doges can’t do that.
You probably won’t want to attend a horse race.
My dog has been prescribed Tramadol. While it may be an “Opioid” (I don’t know) it’s a pretty mild pain reliever barely above Motrin. I’ve had it and didn’t find it to been in the same class as narcitics like codeine or Valium.
You took your dog’s medication?
They give it to humans as well. I got it after dental surgery once. It’s pretty crap at relieving pain, in my experience.
Worked pretty good for back pain in my opinion.
I’ve been prescribed it and so has my wife and dog. The Doc said it’s the pain reliever they give when they don’t want to give narcotics.
Yeah, if I wanted to cheat on an endurance race, I’d drug my dogs with a soporific .
“He knew the job was dangerous when he took it.”
This the most insensitive shit I’ve ever heard. Shame on you P Brooks.
Are we comparing him to Fred?
The Cooterplugs:
Tessa Thompson pitches all-female superhero team to Marvel Studios head
Question – what’s the story going to be?
If your concept goes no further than “All-female team” that is not enough.
Of course, this is Hollywood, and the producers are probably eager to start ‘casting’.
Face off against Hot Flash and The Patriarch
Is the Anal Intruder the hero or the villain? Both?
Villian turned hero?
After he fell into an industrial vat of lubricant.
Back Door Man to the rescue!
He eat more chicken any man ever seen.
Dude, Back Door Boy is the sidekick.
There was also an all-female version of the Defenders a few years ago, the “Fearless Defenders.” That was pretty good, actually.
You know, maybe I’m on the leading edge, but I haven’t watched the last few avengers movies. I watched Dr Strange, but that was the last Marvel movie I watched. They just aren’t interesting to me any more.
Same here. I can’t shake the feeling of getting preached at. Totally ruins any immersion.
You think Marvel comic book movies are preaching at you? Oh you poor summer child, you haven’t read the actual comics.
I didn’t even finish episode one of The Defenders. I doubt I’ll watch any more of the Netflix comics. I want to watch GoG2, but my interest is waning for the Marvel movies.
I saw Wonder Woman last week. It was the first DC movie I’d seen beaides the Nolan Batmans, and boy was WW crap. The dialogue was awful. The fish out of water gag with Diana trying to understand life in the 20th century was not funny
I’m trying to think of a fish out of water story that was not a cringefest.
I’m failing.
That was going to be my example too.
It probably holds up terribly. I haven’t seen it in awhile.
You could use any Marx Brothers movie I suppose.
Starman (although it was never really that good.)
After Hours
Being There
Beverly Hills Cop
Back to the Future
It Happened One Night
Private Benjamin
The Jerk
My Cousin Vinny
Hot Fuzz
Mr. Mom
Coming to America
Uncle Buck
Edward Scissorhands
Encino Man
Trading Places
Back to School
It isn’t the worst superhero movie. Same ballpark as Daredevil or Suicide Squad. Not great a bunt, but because of the leads gender and the recent quality of DC movies and some Marvel backlash it gets a push in the narrative. The special effects look terrible though.
GoG2 was good, but not as good as the original. Mostly the music is fantastic, and the story is so so.
Really? I thought the first Guardians of the Galaxy was just so-so, while number two was way better.
The Defenders was good. Jessica Jones was better.
I haven’t seen The Defenders, but Jessica Jones is better than Defenders? God, Defenders must be really bad, because I had a hard time getting through Jessica Jones. It took half the season to finally start getting somewhat interesting, and even then it wasn’t that interesting for the rest of the season. Huge letdown after watching two interesting and addictive seasons of Daredevil.
The Defenders has what Jessica Jones, Cage, Iron Fist, and the 2nd season of Daredevil sorely lacked… 5 fewer episodes.
At this point superhero movies are strictly in the “wait until they hit cable or free streaming” category. Star Wars and Star Trek movies are there too.
Eh. I gave up film more than a decade ago. Haven’t seen any of them, haven’t missed any of them either.
The new Blade Runner is refreshing. I haven’t seen a movie like that in a looong time.
GOG2 should be streamable in November. Based on the timing of other Disney movies
It’s streamable now if you have the right andriod app. /touches nose.
I think I’m in the queue for the library Blu-Ray of that one.
Please tell me that the supervillain would be Red Tide.
Brain dead actress suggests that Marvel Studios copy the decisions that tanked Marvel Comics. Heads at Marvel/Disney probably take it into consideration.
Still won’t be able to defeat the true symbols of female empowerment: Betty and Veronica.
American woman becomes a princess after marrying Ethiopian prince she met in nightclub
this could be a good plot for a movie
It could work…
Newly crowned Queen: Er, who are all these women?
King: It’s my harem. You’re part of it now.
Queen: What?! You didn’t tell me about this!
King: I did!
Queen: When?
King: At the club! Perhaps you were drunk but I said ‘you’d make the perfect final piece for my harem!’
Queen: I thought you were joking!
King: By the way. I’m broke.
Queen: Of course. I should have known when I had to pay for your drinks.
King: Off to watch the marathon. Love you!
Harem swarm around Queen.
Queen: This ain’t Baltimore that’s for sure.
So she got a couple of goats and a few chickens fora wedding gift?
FTA, she married a prince from the Ethiopian royal family, which is basically the jackpot as far as African royal families go. The prince’s grandfather even has a religion centering on him – Rastafarianism.
Apparently there’s a thing where Ethiopian women in the US don’t date black American men because there’s a cultural stigma attached to being descended from slaves. There are a bunch of different socio/ethno/cultural dynamics going on there that as a wypipo I’ll never be able to fathom.
American Black Men are the white people of minorities.
Sounds like Ethiopians are the white people of black people.
Yeah, actually, that’s pretty accurate I think.
There’s a big Ethiopian population in the DC area. Which is awesome, because Ethiopian food is pretty good and Ethiopian chicks are absolute smokeshows.
Horn of Africa in general, I think. Iman is Somali, and guys I knew who deployed to Djibouti said there were some very pretty girls there too.
Liberal men think they know feminism. They really don’t
It’s one thing to perform respect out in public. It’s another to fully understand women are humans with their own valid needs and desires
Here’s a hint: Men will say and do anything to get laid. So even in your ‘beta’ world, they will find away.
Also: get over it.
“It’s another to fully understand women are humans with their own valid needs and desires”
But liberals are trained to see the world in groups, so don’t really get that.
So the Guardian is turning on White Knights.
Gregory Hines and Mikhail Baryshnikov hit hardest:
That was Mikhail? I always thought it was Yakov.
Like all Useful Idiots, in the end, male feminists get the bullet too.
I found that after my early awkward teen years that if I stopped pretending to be something I wasn’t and just was myself I could get laid at will. And I did. A lot.
These pretenders are just 14 yo boys in men’s bodies and the women who fall for that shit are fools.
Women like men who are confident and strong. Imasculated lefty men pretending to be feminists are neither.
So I’ve been wearing this stupid fucking pussy hat and “I’m with her” T-shirt for nothing?
Now don’t discount the invaluable comedic service you’ve provided. We call that, “taking one for the team.”
Also: get over it.
Or try getting to know those icky guys who don’t automatically agree with your every pronouncement. They’re probably the ones interested enough in you as a person to listen to what you have to say and evaluate it – yes, even if they reject it.
What am I saying? Of course you’re not going to do that. They’re icky. They’re reactionary cis-shitlords! Yeah, much better to spread your legs for your “allies” who go along with the program so they get between your legs.
Go on, call me anything, but don’t call me beautiful
‘Beautiful’ has become a taboo trigger-word in the beauty industry, writes Celia Walden
Spare me. And men don’t want to be called rich and handsome.
Leftist are crabs in a bucket. Only happy to pull each other down.
Paul Drake hardest hit.
Xtina hardest hit.
The cosmetics industry is now sidelining the idea that their beauty products will make their customers beautiful? The top tier of our country has gone completely insane.
There’s an easy, libertarian, resolution to this. Fix the laws that distort the market for corporate governance in favor of entrenched managements. The stockholders own the company. Management pissing away their resources so that the managers can virtue signal and gain approval is tantamount, in my opinion, to theft. They should personally get sued in to the poorhouse for it.
I was at Walgreens the other day and while waiting in line for the asshole in front of me to decide how much of her $150 purchase she could actually pay for with the six $20 bills she had, I glanced at the cosmetics area to see if there was anything worth ogling. Nobody was there so it was easy to see the photos/marketing displays for cosmetics. EVERY. SINGLE. PICTURE. was basically clown makeup – as if Amy Winehouse was the standard of attractiveness. Never felt so glad to be so old – and I thought the 80’s was the apex of overdone makeup.
I don’t see how complimenting one positive aspect is “belittling” any other positive aspects. If people tell me I’m in really good shape, I don’t fly off the handle and accuse them of objectifying me and disrespecting my intellect.
I saw this on the first link page. I guess the idea isnt bad as it really makes no difference but the rationale is moronic and the marketing is really bad. Go Moonbeam!
“Burning Grandma in fire seems to be violent,” Phil Olson, a philosophy professor at Virginia Tech, told the Atlantic, “In contrast, green cremation is ‘putting Grandma in a warm bath.”
A warm bath? I dont think I would refer to a 1m NaOH solution as a ‘warm bath’. I spit coffee when I ran across that gem.
I don’t think flushing that solution is going to be good for the Delta Smelt either…
Yeah, I thought about that. it is amazing how much magical thinking is required to be a watermelon.
How many tons of greenhouse gases emitted in the production of all of that NaOH? Probably more than in a cremation. this is the electric car of the funeral industry.
How the hell do you handle the chemical waste from that? I mean, chemical and industrial waste can be handled, but in California specifically, it’s very difficult to comply with the regulations anyways.
Just pour some HCl in it and you end up with salt. Now what to do with all that salt…
Morton’s Saltlent green with 100% more grandma!
Come down to Sal’s house of hip joints! We have the best, certified, pre-owned hip joints in town! And our prices can’t be beat!
Titanium can at least be cleaned with sufficiently harsh chemicals. They’ve harvested organic corpse parts for use in living people (mostly long bones).
Hey my long bone stays with me!
Bones, tendons, fascia, and a few other odds and ends. Tissue donation is a pretty big industry.
I picked up a titanium hip joint from an “antique” store in Austin. It was cheap, and I though “hey, I could probably make a knife handle out of this.”
We also have previously owned gold fillings. Come on down to Honest Lachowsky’s looted bodies for the best deals.
I haven’t scoured the text of the law, but given the ridiculous rules regarding used medical devices, I’m skeptical that this would ever be allowed to happen.
Sous Vide cremations? I like it. But you still have to at least sear the dear departed, so there is still a bit of a carbon footprint.
300 degrees is a bit more than “warm.”
And do they re-use that lye bath for multiple bodies? You’d be putting Gramma in a many-body soup. And of course the similarities to nazi soap-making are just waiting for an outrage spark.
Are you kidding?! I want to be sent out to see on a burning longship. I want the disposal of my body to reflect who I was in life: an eye-catching pain in the ass that’s difficult to get rid of.
*or possibly to sea…
*Shudders at the possibility of an old hairy Viking edit faerie appearing *
Children’s nanny spooked by ‘TWO ghosts’ while taking selfie in ‘HAUNTED’ manor house
hey ghosts get lonely too.
Reflections show up in cell phone camera shot!
My favorite is the firefighter picture. That’s smoke, not a ghost…
Do you have to have special glasses or a special screen to see the ghosts in the picture?
Twitter Becomes Obsessed with Weird ‘Fake Melania’ Conspiracy Theory
I know my mind is blown
There is a Melania body double? Awesome.
So…are there…more than of them around?
*tugs collar*
“The U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) issued a detainer request on the Sonoma County Jail for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, who was arrested Sunday on suspicion of arson in Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents.
Breitbart News reported earlier this week that Sonoma County Sheriffs had arrested Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, 29, at Maxwell Regional Park in Sonoma County after a series of reports of ongoing fires in the region. Mr. Gonzalez was observed around 3:00 p.m. PDT wearing a jacket and walking “out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
Mr. Gonzalez, who is homeless and reportedly known by law enforcement to have been living under a nearby bridge, claimed he was cold and had lit the fire to stay warm. But it was a balmy 78 degrees when he and the plume of smoke were first observed.
Mr. Gonzalez was booked into the Sonoma County Jail for suspicion of felony arson. His bail was set at a steep $110,000, according to the Sonoma County Sheriff Public Information Officer.
Sargent Spencer Crum told Breitbart that Mr. Gonzalez is also on a U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) detainer request, despite Sonoma County declaring itself as a “sanctuary county” in May 2014. The county only cooperates with “ICE holds” if the prisoner has been convicted of a felony or any misdemeanor offence that falls within the Trust Act within the last five years. Mr. Gonzalez’s immigration status has not yet been announced.”
TW: Breitbart
“Thank God White people populated America and not the blacks. Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe
I don’t care if you are Swiss, that theory has some big holes in it.
*Thinks that there were some blacks who helped populate America who wish they hadn’t been made to*
Ugandan war lord: Why Zimbabwe? Why not Uganda! Racism!
Also it was linked yesterday
If the Blacks had sailboats and empires before the whites then they would have colonized the americas. Since they didn’t the whites did it.
If the Black African civilizations had been ahead of the white European in the 15th century, then we would now be living in a Black majority country with a white minority that is pissed off about being slaves a few generations ago.
This didn’t happen though. It also doesn’t matter.
Actually, when Columbus met the Arawaks he noticed that some of them had iron spear heads. He asked them where they got them.
“Oh, these? Some black dudes show up in canoes every once in a while and trade with them.”
Turns out that the name the Arawaks had for the iron spearheads was the same as the name of some tribe in west Africa.
In the historical account I read it never did say what they were trading for. One day it hit me: The only reason anyone would cross the Atlantic in a canoe (yikes!) to trade would be to trade for…cocaine. Then I remembered reading that some of the Egyptian mummies had cocaine in their system.
Drug smugglers are determined bastards?
needz moar drug laws.
“Gun Rights Are Women’s Rights”
I hope Katie Pavlich doesn’t receive death threats like Dana Loesch did.
TW: autoplay
She should’ve called their bluff! How were they going to kill her?
Being cowards and worthless shits, they threatened her kids.
Gun grabber sure do tend to have violent tendencies. Good reason to keep my guns.
Yeah, seriously. “If you keep advocating for the right to own guns, we’ll kill your children!” Now, I’m not a PR guy, but this just doesn’t seem like a winning message.
Acquaintance moves to VT to experience the hippie crunchy Vermonty lifestyle, posts on Facederp about how excited she is that VT is getting its first Target store.
Isn’t that the chain I keep forgetting exists?
It’s always been the chain for snobs in my mind.
Meh. In my neck of the woods Target is just a cleaner, brighter, Walmart with comparable prices.
The non-emotional me agrees with you. But the stereotypes I made growing up still stick.
We’ve got far too many more expensive chains for groceries and clothing for Target to be the snobby one. Whole Foods and Nordstrom easily top Target.
Oh for sure. Those are for rich snobs. It’s all stereotypes. Target was always clean but in a sterilised way. You knew it was just the same stuff as at Walmart sans the dirty people.
For me it’s that place I always dreaded going because mom took for-flipping-ever to get whatever it was she wanted there.
That describes any store you go to with a woman.
Target is the store where the struggling middle class who wants to think they are above shopping at Wal Mart can shop on a mostly Wal Mart budget
It’s for people who want to go to Walmart but not feel bad about it.
It’s the chain for people who want to get close to Walmart prices, but not spend half an hour in the damn checkout line. Seriously, I can be in and out of Target in 10-15 minutes. If I go to Walmart, I’ll end up spending at least that much just in the checkout line.
I think back to the last time someone dragged me to Target.
The red hurt my eyes. There was too much of too bright a red, I was actually on the verge of being in pain from it, and if we hadn’t left when we did, might have reached that point.
I suppose I’m saying it was a literal eyesore.
And you wonder where the meme “Unciv likes bland” comes from…
Because one store chose the most painful hue of their chosen color and platered it on everything?
If Target red is hard on your eyes….you might consider seeing a doc.
*orders UnCiv some taupe-tinted sunglasses as a Glibsmas present*
Swiss has target red in his avatar pic. Quick Swiss, spam post all over we need to see if this works.
The self checkout around me are pretty good, but I know what you mean. I think Walmart has cut costs by just limiting the# of cashier’s. Cause I haven’t seen more than three registers open at once in a long time.
I hate self-checkouts. I went to Kroger at six in the morning because I knew it wouldn’t be busy. I was pissed when there were no registers open.
Why the hate for self-checkouts? I love them. I can quickly scan what I want, and get out. I don’t need to deal with meaningless small talk, I can bag the items in a way that makes it easier for me to put away when I get home, and I never see anyone trying to pay by check at one.
I love self-checkout too – only takes me 1-2 minutes to buy what I want instead of small talk or waiting for the oldest/slowest cashier in the world.
They’re slower, more finicky, and the confused people take even longer than someone paying with a check. In fact, checks take less time at a regular register than these stupid chip cards do to process. And if you do anything even slightly different from the method proscribed by the godawful voice, it gets pissy at you and commands you to undo everything until it gets back to a happy state.
I’d rather pay for the minimum wage register monkey to swipe it past the barcode scanner and deal with the bagging proclivities as they come.
I do not get the affinity for the damnable self-service machines.
You have a bad self-checkout. The ones I use when I go to Target are quick and easy to use. So much better than having to deal with a person.
UCS is such a grumpy old man, I love it.
I love self-checkout, but idiots fuck it up, as they do everything. I find that the kind of people who drive Priuses and roll through stop signs are also the kind of people who will stand there for ten minutes trying to scan an apple or some shit, not giving a tinker’s damn about the fact that they’re inconveniencing everyone around them. But most of the time it means that I can go to the grocery store unwashed and hung over and not inflict myself on the poor, unsuspecting schmucks trying to earn a living. Also, it bugs me when people bag inefficiently, so I can jam those suckers full to bursting if I do it myself.
If I’m getting two or three things, I’ll use the self-checkout. The ones at my Kroger work fine.
But I will go to the human cashier if I have fresh produce; it is kind of a pain to look up the item and enter the code.
My biggest gripe with self-check is that you don’t have the same kind of speed options that someone working a register has. I get that the tech is really bad at figuring out what you’ve put on the weighted bagging area but the forced wait between scans as it makes sure the thing you scanned is the thing in the bag and occasionally failing slows up the process too much. It’s especially irritating when you have several of the same item and know that the register would scan once and enter a multiplier instead of manually scanning each.
At walmart my wife would always accidently choose the line with the geriatric couple that would inevitably right a check. Gaahhh
Then we moved and the walmart by us opened self checkout.
You ever get stuck behind someone whose EBT card isn’t working, then they argue with the cashier about whether or not it should work?
I’ve been to a dozen different Walmart’s, and I don’t ever remember waiting long at checkout.
I can say the exact same thing – but it was because I wasn’t shopping and I was instead waiting by the door for the person who dragged me there to get what they needed.
Unless you do your shopping in the morning, I almost never get through checkout in anything bellow 10 minutes. But, maybe it’s just my local Walmart, I mean, they don’t even have any self-checkouts.
This is why I avoid Walmart if at all possible. It seems that, no matter what time of day, everyone who shops there is taking a stroll through a park on a sunny day. Like, it’s their Big Family Outing for the week. Drives me nucking futs.
People of Walmart is a thing for a reason. I will say that Walmarts in Maryland are especially rough if you’re in the DC ‘burbs. When you get out to the mountains or down south they’re better. It’s funny, because when we go out to Texas to hang with the in-laws, going to Walmart is definitely an event. It’s about a half hour away and it’s the closest urban area, so it’s like the modern version of taking the family for a day’s trip into town for provisions. Just that provisions in this case usually means cheap makeup, mixers, and Shiner.
I try to check out at the car repair desk or the sporting goods counter. The lines are usually shorter there.
I do my grocery shopping at Target. Cheapest around anyways, and use their charge card to get 5% off on top of it. Worth it.
I don’t know what you people are talking about with this comparable pricing between Target vs. Wal-Mart. Everytime I go to a Target I wind up spending $100 on five random items. I spend the same money at Wal-Mart I have a week’s worth of food, gardening supplies, dog food….
…and this is before I get around to buying bullets. Maybe I have just grown used to being around rednecks.
The Midwestern Big Box Store Pricing Tier
$$$ – Target
$$ – Meijer
$ – Wal Mart
Exactly. I’ve never seen the gun department at a Target. Must be why lefties love it.
NHS provokes fury with indefinite surgery ban for smokers and obese
Evil torries bla bla but it is ridiculious to believe that government controls helthcare and will not try to control behaviour. Lefties mock people who claim government healthcare is a loss of liberty, but how can it not be? You have to join and then you have to live how they decide.
Once they ban the drinkers the service will really improve.
Only skinny mormons allowed?
And “refugees”.
Everyone gets healthcare! Except the people who need it that have transgressed. This is why People should pay for it themselves. Then they bear the costs of their decisions and they aren’t blocked arbitrarily. How anyone could see this as anything but a human rights abuse is beyond me.
*Edit Fairy make corrections!*
But what about the poor person who doesn’t have the money for treatment, you capitalist shitlord!!? You just want those who don’t have money to be dying in the streets!
I may have mentioned this discussion before, but I talked with a brit and a canadian about health care. The Brit made more or less the same argument when I said that my xrays only cost $66 and were same day treatment/analysis. “What about those who don’t have $66?” Mind you, earlier in the conversation he’d been talking about how he’d learned to stitch his own lacerations because the service from the NHS was impossibly slow at treating even bleeding injuries.
So are they still going to tax them to pay for the NHS?
Know the scary thing? They learn to ACCEPT it. They resign (more deceive) themselves into thinking this is the price for civilization because the alternative (as told by their political masters) is waaayyy worse.
+1 death panel
It’s why Charlie Gard couldn’t come to America. Because it would show the lie that NHS is worth anything.
This looks familiar…
Once you create a monopoly on healthcare with a centralized bureaucracy the goal becomes feeding and preserving that entity, not healthcare. The single-payer advocates claim to be caring and compassionate; they want everyone to have healthcare. This is undeniable proof that it is anything but caring and compassionate. It is a tool for control, that is all.
Single payer is a lot of things (and it may even cost ‘less’ to the extent you work the numbers) but compassionate it ain’t. In fact, humanism, ironically, is completely weeded out of the equation. It’s a cost-centric system; not patient-centric. If you observe debates in Canada it’s usually about the cost (labour demands, equipment etc.); rarely about how to improve the service.
We know the cost of everything but value of nothing – in this case, how humans want to be treated and the importance of CHOICE.
This is the progressive left’s contribution to humanism.
That’s what I always tell people who are all for single-payer. I mean, if you ask any American to give a stereotypical example of incompetent, unpleasant bureaucracy, 9 out of 10 will say it’s their local DMV (or MVA). The odd man out might say the post office. Now imagine that you’ve got to deal with an agency like that any time you need medical care. Does this really seem like a good idea?
I’m not sure I would have described the traditional NHS as a single-payer model. Wikipedia tells me I’m wrong, but my understanding of the term is that government picks up the bill for work done by various private contractors. The idiocy of the NHS is that the Welsh cretin Bevan, ignoring the advice of the experts lefties pretend to love so much, set up the system so that the central government owned and ran everything. It was fun pointing out to doctors during the recent bickering over pay that the only reason the EVUL TORIES could do what they were doing was because of dear old Nye, who insisted that doctors should have one contract in each of England, Wales and Scotland, rather than being employed by individual hospitals.
Most of the reforms – like the CCG that actually made this decision – have been attempts to correct Bevan’s stupidity. Of course, stupid people in the UK think that trying to introduce any measure of private involvement is ‘nationalisation’. The point being that comparing the NHS to a system like Canada’s understates just how enragingly stupid it – and our attitude to it – is.
I’m not sure I would have described the traditional NHS as a single-payer model.
It’s not, it’s single provider. There are basically three models of “universal healthcare”*: single payer (Canada, …), single provider (U.K., …), and subsidized insurance (U.S., France, Singapore, …).
But, people have decided to drop all nuance and just call everything “single payer” even when it’s not accurate.
* = Meaning, the government has undertaken some kind of interference in the market in the name of “expanded access to care”; the actual universality of it is limited by scarcity, the fantasies of its proponents notwithstanding
At any given point in time, fat people and smokers cost more to care for than healthy folks. But over the course of their lifetime, they’re cheaper to care for because they die quicker and don’t get the really expensive end-of-life diseases.
While white identitarianism, anger over immigration and economic dislocation are often cited as causes of the emergence of right-wing populism, another argument is that there is a growing segment of the electorate that is alienated from cultural norms they see as imposed on them by a ruling elite — a repressive elite; politically correct and socially remote.
In a research paper published in the current issue of the Journal of Democracy, “Eroding Norms and Democratic Deconsolidation,” Paul Howe, a political scientist at the University of New Brunswick, Canada, describes the increasing size of the nihilistic segment of the American electorate.
This constituency of the disengaged and profoundly alienated provides a base of support in the United States and Europe for populist leaders who, in Howe’s view, fit the Trump mold:
“They compete in the democratic process, yet with words and actions that convey disregard for core democratic principles such as the rule of law, minority rights, and checks and balances on executive power. At the same time, a number of these individuals are prone to brazen, dubious, and sometimes aggressive behaviors that suggest outsized egos, scant respect for others, and a degree of contempt for social norms.”
“They’re nihilists, Donny.”
No joke is complete without a punchline.
Writing in 2012, well before the advent of Trump, three economists, Luigi Guiso, Helios Herrera and Massimo Morelli, argued that the populist political tradition itself is based first on “promises of redistribution to the masses” and second on “concealment of government budget constraints from the voters.” Promising redistribution to the masses and concealing government budget constraints was the essence of Trump’s campaign strategy, as he promised to build a multibillion dollar wall “which Mexico will pay for”; to repeal Obamacare and replace it with “health care which will expand choice, increase access, lower costs & provide better care”; to preserve Medicare; and to enact a gigantic tax cut for the middle class. So far, Trump has failed to fulfill any of these promises, boxed in by the reality of “government budget constraints.”
Fucking Trump, trying to pretend government programs can be expanded infinitely, with no adverse consequences.. That has never happened before.
The whole thing is a mess of handwringing and pearlcluthching of epic proportions.
tl;dr- America is circling the drain and it’s all Trump’s fault.
Never forget, everything the pinkos say is projection.
“there is a growing segment of the electorate that is alienated from cultural norms they see as imposed on them by a ruling elite — a repressive elite; politically correct and socially remote.”
While the rest of the article is unadulterated horseshit, I’d say this nugget is fairly accurate. IOW, people are sick of the fucking Swamp.
2016 – The Hunger Games Election.
These are the same assholes who call for limits on free speech because ‘white privilege’ and danger to civilization.
To the heart of the matter: They’re Progressive Marxists and they can go fuck themselves.
Rule of law – That went out the window a while ago for our betters, why should the plebes care?
Minority Rights – Methinks we differ on what that means.
Checks and Balances on Executive Power – BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAaaaaaaaa…. ha
3 is just my cup of tea.
33 and then 6.
24 would probably win, but I can’t properly vote for her considering this entry’s distinct lack of faces. Can’t vote for someone without a headshot.
Bacon-magic gets it.
Sweet Georgia Brown…
Dulcet tones for your Thursday morn.
A German court on Monday sentenced an 88-year-old “Nazi grandma” to six months in jail, the fifth in a string of similar convictions for the repeat Holocaust denier.
Ursula Haverbeck has often denied the mass murder of millions of Jews by the Nazis, which constitutes incitement of racial hatred under German law.
And although she has been convicted on several occasions, she has not served any jail time, as the cases are all still under appeal.
During a public event at the end of January, Haverbeck repeated her claims, saying it was “not true” that there were gas chambers at the Auschwitz death camp.
She also disputed the fact that 1.1 million people were killed at the concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.
The Germans are just pathetic at this point. Who gives a damn if some half senile old lady spouts off and who does it hurt really?
People that old say all kinds of crazy shit. Look at own Congress for examples.
Does Germany have laws against commie atrocities denial? Can you go to jail in Germany for claiming that Honecker didn’t really order border guards to shoot anyone trying to jump the Berlin wall?
The chattering class is really going bananas over the last several days in reaction to Trump’s tweets on the “bipartisan” healthcare funding initiative under discussion in the Senate. They’re outraged first when Trump pulls the federal subsidies, they are confused/excited that he hinted (via twitter message) at support for Senate taking up the banner, then they’re losing their minds today about some additional tweet that he apparently made which seems to contradict their expectation. On Tuesday, Chucky Moobs gave a full presser about how Trump “can’t” govern this way or whatever.
Boy these fucks are pathetic. They’re so wrapped in the shroud of the cult of the presidency that they aren’t willing to own whatever dogshit they’re tasked with producing? Fuck them. The legislature is supposed to wield the most power and responsibility, but they are just completely pathetic.
Ben Shapiro was pointing this out in a podcast a few weeks ago. He was saying that though it is technically true that the legislature is supposed to be the most powerful branch in government, an overwhelming portion of them buy into the idea of the imperial presidency, that it is the president that is supposed to drive the agenda. Well, I think it’s a great thing that Trump is mostly laissez-faire on policy, because it shows just how distorted our political systems have become from our Founding Fathers’ vision as more and more power became concentrated in the executive.
I think it comes from Trump’s business background as a developer. He simply is used to setting a goal, and having the “experts” achieve the goal for him. The “experts” in this case, being Congress.
Otherwise known as “leadership”. The nitwits of the world prefer dictatorship.
Oh wow – Congress Probes Whether Obama DOJ Used The ‘Trump Dossier’ Before Surveillance Court.
It shouldn’t be hard to determine if they used that fabricated partisan hit-job as an excuse to spy on their political enemies.
If this is true, I want to know what judge thought it was sufficient evidence.
Evidence of what? Trump hired a hooker in a foreign land?
Evidence enough to Grant a warrant to spy on him. I mean the dossier is crap so only see idiot it hack would have seen it as credible for granting s warrant.
Sloopy had an emergency and asked me to fill in.
I hope things are OK.
Manure spitter jacknifed?
Hope all is well.
Apparently he had an erection lasting more than four hours. Banjos told him to visit the neighbors’, she was worn out.
A setback to the breeding program.
Europe is so much more racially progressive than the US, amirite?
Don’t think I didn’t notice this was a Swiss guy…
*narrows gaze*
Facebook had built analysis tools and offered consulting services to both candidates but apparently only Trump’s newbie team used the analytics Facebook supplied. Hillary’s team decided it did not need help, while Donald’s team took full advantage of it.
They were versed in the occult art of meme magik
Well, they also didn’t need Bill’s advice to reach out to the working class…
One of the better Nolan chart memes
It was her turn. She didn’t need anything else.
There is an old saying ‘Pride comes before….’ something, I cant remember.
Pride cometh before the individual? (Lion)
fucking pinko lions. I knew it.
F*ing Yankees!
Right on! *gives rebel yell*
Oh, wait…you were talking about the ball club, weren’t you?
Re: the Swiss racist
It isn’t a racial issue so much as which values have been adopted. Were Zimbabweans to adopt the infamous “bourgeois values” that Americans once adhered to, then Zimbabwe would quickly become healthy, wealthy, and wise.
The problem is that, when it came time for third world nations to be independent, they adopted the wrong “Western Values” of socialism/communism.
Considering that most of those societies were still tribal in nature it makes sense. A tribe really is just a commune.
But many rival tribes in the same country is not. And i think tribes are made of many clans families etc
Families make up a tribe, tribes make up a clan.
Ehm I don’t think so
The Biblical ‘tribes’ of Israel were composed of many clans.[6] Arab clans are sub-tribal groups within Arab society. Ojibwa bands are smaller parts of the Ojibwa tribe
If you are going to reference a footnote, then you have to provide the footnote.
Wu-Tang Quest?
I wasn’t referring to the details of tribal societies beyond the mentality that that creates. They are naturally drawn to communism because of the general nature of their primitive culture. Communism is a primitive philosophy.
Yeah but it can’t work in a state with multiple rival tribes cause each will favor their own. Well it can’t work period, communism is stupid, but you know what I mean
No, no, no! They didn’t adopt Western socialism/communism. They adopted African socialism/communism! That is what made all the difference and why Zimbabwe is a shining light for the rest of the world to emulate…
Even better if they adopt real actual communism
“It’s Confirmed: Women are Higher Beings
A new study shows how men’s brains are geared towards selfishness, and women’s brains towards kindness.
You know how women are generous goddesses who would do anything for their friends, family members, or strangers on the street?”
Kindness will get you killed real fast, in the wild.
No. I know how women will be “generous” in donating their husband’s time to go help a friend or family member. “What’s that, your roof caved in? Oh, I’ll have Bill come over tomorrow and fix that up for you.”
I know that *individuals* can be selfish or kind or evil or petty or generous or caring or any number of other things. I know nothing of this collectivist BS.
So women should be barred from military service then?
except camp followers?
Joy division.
I’m sorry son I don’t listen to hip hop
You have pleased me with your humor.
No, no I don’t. When is this scheduled to happen? Later today?
In other words, they are more nurturing which is why they are more likely to do most of the child rearing. I guess we can’t phrase it that way anymore.
Ah, yes. Today is the anniversary of “Black Monday”.
The stock market indices are currently down, in honor of the occasion.
I remember seeing a pc game in the early 1990’s called “Black Monday”. It was at Target, as I recall. I never bought it, however.
I always regretted not purchasing the Blue Chip Software investment games, when I had the chance.
“Black Monday”?
The link to the NHS story above reminds me of a conversation I had once with a single payer advocate.
I used the falling prices of electronics as an illustration of how rich people do subsidize the poor in a free market economy. By buying expensive things they facilitate more production and competition and the prices fall until poor people can afford to buy those products. He finally agreed that that was true but still objected to the free market system because…it was voluntary. I finally got him to admit that his objection was that people had choice; that his real hate was for liberty. When I put it like that to him the sputtering and stammering was epic. I dont think he realized what a shitheel he is until that moment.
That is the nature of the socialist laid bare. They hate freedom. All of their arguments about fairness and equality are bullshit. What they really want is you in chains.
They crave power and control. If they truly gave a shit about the wellbeing of humanity they’d abandon socialism because of the pile of bodies its created.
I swear to God I dont understand people like that. I dont want to know other people’s business and I dont want them knowing mine. The shit that other people get into, I dont want that getting on me. I dont want the responsibility, it’s a giant pain in the ass. I want to spend my time the way I want, not have it dictated to me by other people’s needs, wants and fuck-ups.
“Fuck off, slaver” is based in reality.
if our “elites” made all decisions for poor people, then we’d all be equally poor.. except for the “elites”.
Holy shit- Bullshit, from beginning to end
With recent powerful hurricanes having battered Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands and the West still coping with widely destructive wildfires, the need for action on climate change has never been more obvious. It’s going to take a strenuous, persistent effort at all levels, including international cooperation; federal, state and local action, and private-sector commitments and follow-through.
Leaders in the auto industry get this, if their public comments are any indication. This month, Mary Barra, the chief executive, of General Motors, announced her company’s plans to move toward a zero-emissions future with new electric vehicle options.
According to an analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists, since the standards went into effect in 2010, they have saved drivers more than $47 billion on fuel. If we stay the course, the benefits are enormous: By 2030, we’ll cut our oil use by 2.4 million barrels every day, and drivers will save $6,000 over the life of their vehicles. These standards will also reduce global warming emissions by 280 million metric tons and are projected to create 650,000 jobs.
Zero emissions electric vehicles. Projected savings from theoretical benefits. Talk about your mumbo jumbo.
The UCS is on par with the SPLC for unbiased accuracy.
..oh, wait.
“a zero-emissions future with new electric vehicle options.”
And I thought the taunts of them believing in unicorn farts was just a joke. Holeeeey shit.
There is no such thing as a zero emissions vehicle.
It’s just marketing and there are plenty of people who are stupid enough to swallow it hook, line, and sinker.
fucking phone. I apologize.
I’ve been eagerly awaiting GM to finally implode beyond the point where even the “too big to fail” crowd concedes. This move might finally be the lighting of the fuse. That it’s a STRONG WOMYN holding the book of matches is just a delightful added bonus.
Yeah, GM should concentrate more of its efforts on making non-shitty cars that aren’t complete eyesores.
Biology study suggests father’s nutrition before sex could contribute to health of baby
Biologists find the diet of male fruit flies influences the survivorship of their embryos.
I always think hmm interesting and then I see fruit flies
I particularly enjoyed your article yesterday Pie. Kinda beat me to the punch there. I have been dabbling with one on the same subject for a while now. Different approach, same conclusions. That was a great article.
Wife is leaving town for a week tomorrow. I will have some time without distraction so I will finish up mine, tweak it a bit so it isnt a rehash of yours and maybe pound out a couple more.
“finish up mine, tweak it a bit” – euphemisms etc.
Anyway looking forward to another perspective, its not as if the subject is exhausted
I enjoyed it too Pie. I didn’t get a chance to read it until late last night. Thanks for your contribution to this website/community/hotbed of depravity/whatever you want to call it.
“Slough of Despond”
That works.
So the opioid epidemic isn’t really all that new after all.
When I see fruit flies, I always wonder who HASN’T RUN THE FUCKING GARBAGE DISPOSAL.
I just make sure all of my blow off tubes are below sanitizer, and all of my airlocks have liquid in them. Damned fruit flies carrying around acetobacter around with them. No, I do not want 5 gallons of vinegar.
Re Funny Women,
Even now I’m woke, The Golden Girls is still funny. I love Bea Arthur. “oh a bullshit artist”
How this isn’t a straight majority shows how gullible a lot of people still are.
This was at Sussex University, not a kindergarten:
And it’s not even real fucking Legos. It’s the kiddie “starter” Legos.
Real Legos would be too triggering.
+ every barefoot parent anywhere
You have to admit the replies are pretty good.
So many of the comments are gold, such as that one. I’ve been sitting here laughing my head off for the past ten minutes reading those. So sad that this is what “higher education” has turned into.
It’s about making people too helpless to resist being ruled. Infantilize nominal adults to the point where they are unable to cope with everyday life.
And people wonder why I pray for the SMOD.
Treat people like children, they’ll throw temper tantrums.
Chairman Trump thanks you for your service.
Even at the ripe old age of 2.5, my daughter would look at that, say, “Ewww!”, and kick it over. Then hit the builder with a stick. I didn’t teach her any of that, btw, that’s all her, which just goes to show that some personality traits are indeed genetic.
The wife had our kids (actual kids) use legos to depict a scene based on what they learned about the Incas and then Aztec. There were quite nice, the girl made a garden to show the people growing food and the boy made a mine. They scenes looked accurate to the things they were representing instead of whatever was going on in those pictures.
Though we did cover the insane amount of human sacrifice the Aztecs performed that was not of the models, we don’t have enough lego figurines.
what the fuck does “they were [100][fist][party horn][heart]” mean?
This Is What A 21st-Century Police State Really Looks Like
Far from the booming metropolis of Beijing, China is building a sprawling system that combines dystopian technology and human policing. “It’s a kind of frontline laboratory for surveillance.”
Wow, cyberpunk as hell and depressing. Great find Pie.
Wow that literally sounds like the beginning of half life 2. Take notes, this is what the progs want for us.
“Clinton: ‘I’m not going to run again'”
I believe everthing Hillary says.
She truly is a saint.
More fodder for Hat and Hair (and Tha Hat) episodes.
Not on that broken toe and with those repiratory problems.
She might seek elective office again, however.
*opera applause*
*joins applause*
*falls from balcony*
*farts, just for good measure*
Methinks the creature doeth protest too much.
“I give up my quest for power”
Yeah? And I am a flying reindeer.
Get back to me when she promises not to breathe again.
Of course Cali refugees are wrecking my own state, but the Midwest numbers are pretty amazing. So are the numbers for NV and my home state NM.
What will be interesting next month is VA. By all accounts, the Dems should be running away with this, but they may have several turnout problems outside of the Twilight Zones in NoVA. First, it seems like tying MS-13 to the Dems’ support of illegal immigration has some support with some legal immigrant communities and wealthy suburbanites. The other problem is the whole pipeline crap, which seemed to spill into the racial/identity politics problems yesterday.
Also, I’m surprised about NM, as it is one of those border states where the Dems really think that they can use in their identity/ethnic coalition.
The “Hispanic” population in NM is pretty evenly split between descendants of original Spanish settlers and new arrivals from (usually Southern) Mexico. The former group, while distinct in its own way, is much more likely to identify as white and they are virulently racist against the new arrivals. They may have voted D pretty reliably in the past, but I’d guess that they are the group driving the shift to R; they have absolutely no love for illegals and would like to see the Wall.
The Blues are just one insult to the voters and a few more lies from CNN away from turning that around!
I’m sure this will turn out well.
I know I said I was done with the subject…but I might do an update.
I’m sure that will shut down the independence movement and move all the fence sitters into Madrid’s camp.
There will be a Spanish Civil War, except it will be “fought” by a special El Classico. If Barça wins, Catalonia is independent.
Down almost 20% from two years ago is not alarmism, it’s Titanic hitting iceberg.
Calling a nation racist and refusing to respect it’s flag or anthem is spitting on the country and disrespecting the flag no matter how many times they say it isnt.
“We arent disrespecting the flag we are just protesting a country that is despicable.”
Goodell is doing a fine job of deflating interest in the league he runs.
The NFL is the NYT of sports.
TW: Derp
If I were into tattoos I think I would get a trigger warning symbol.
Right above your genitals?
So our next rocket launch was supposed to be around Thanksgiving. People were a little cranky about that, so they moved the launch to…December 22nd. FML.
I admit, I laughed.
I’m a horrible person.
HHmmm…just got an email from a friend/former colleague who has a gubmint contract position for a web content manager at ~100k. 2x/week telework, 3x/week at the Reagan Building in DC.
There is no amount of money that could make me move to DC.
I’m already here – might as well take advantage!
You poor thang.
Leave. I was making 50 grand a year when I was 19 in rural arkansas with naught but a high school education. I bet my standard of living was better than someone in DC making 100 grand a year at the time.
I’m working on it, but I make great scratch here. Always have. Ultimately, I’m looking at Colorado, but I need a couple more things on my resume first.
This is my rural bias speaking, so take it with a grain of salt. Everything I say is true though.
18 year old Lachowsky was released from prison on his 18th birthday after spending the previous 3 years in a correctional institute. 18 year old Lachowsky went back to his hometown and got a job at a fast food place.
I did that for half a year until I got hired on at a factory that manufactured electric motors. I spent a couple years working the line before I decided to go to school and learn industrial automation.
Fast forward 12 years. 30 year old Lachowsky has a paid off house with paid off land and a 100k a year job in manufacturing.
You can’t do what I did in Washington DC. Or any other large city for that matter.
Shut up Deplorable. You can’t possibly have a good quality of life in redneck, flyover, hicksville. This is false consciousness. You need to move to the coast, get woke, become gender-queer and enter into a polyamorous, otherkin multimarriage. Get a job at a think-tank that pays 30k. Then you’ll be happy. Trust me.
I’m a 45-year-old mid-career person with a paid-off home, so I’m not really just starting out. I’ve lived in the DC area for 27 years.
KK, just sell your house, take the profit (which should be significant in NoVa), buy a place outright in either Fairplay or Leadville (cheapo mountain towns with easy access to skiing) and work seasonal stuff to support your skibum lifestyle. I would be seriously tempted to do the same if my house were paid off.
I’ll be taking a payout from a developer ~April 2019, where I’ll be getting a 150% profit from when I bought it
(basically, I’ll be walking away with $200k in cash). That money is going to sit around and make interest or whatever until I’m close to retirement. I’ll be renting til I get the “feelz” about a place. I still need to make a good salary, though, because when I retire, I want to do nothing beyond serving hot cider to skiers at the mid-mountain shack at Copper.
I spend most of my weekends in Fairplay. It ain’t bad.
hhmmm…Leadville is close to the highest point in the Rockies – nice!!
Highest public airport in the US
I haven’t landed there yet, my friends are in Denver and Colorado Springs, so I use KBJC and KCOS to visit them.
Hell fuck no. I’d rather move to the Artic Circle than the DC metro area.
My worry is that the DC metro area will move here instead. Richmond’s already becoming more and more like that hellhole every year.
100k is what, about 40k in real America?
100k in DC is equivalent to 62k in BG, KY.
Yeah…I will stay here.
Price difference in Bowling Green, KY (vs DC)
Groceries 23% less
Housing 66% less
Utilities 12% less
Transportation 8% less
Health Care 15% less
Source: C2ER. December 2015
I’m stuck near DC (in the burbs of NoVA, not actual DC resident – thank god). I make approximately $100k in a good year, and it gets me a 2 bedroom apartment… granted, I would be able to afford slightly more if I wasn’t paying $500/month in student debt and $400/mo. on the car payment, but yeah.
That being said, its a safe place to live and things are very available and easy to get to. Traffic kind of sucks but its not hard to avoid if you live near work.
Nice work if you can get it. Especially if the two days you can telecommute are on Mondays and Fridays.
You never told us what you did with the devil pepper.
Just dried it – haven’t used it yet.
Did you see my comment about drying it and putting it in cooking oil?
The flavor and spiciness can be controlled that way–and you can use it in anything to spice it up to whatever extent–without having to eat the pepper itself and nuke your GI tract.
IOW, drop it in a bottle of oil.
Let it infuse the oil with its spiciness.
Use the cooking oil.
I did see that! I’ll give it a whirl
To be clear – I wasn’t suggesting any of you apply for the job.
I’m probably not qualified.
But I might be qualified for this ~$100K post near the NY/PA border. I think it would leave me with more disposable income than a DC Metro post of the same rate.
I have more than one co-worker who lives in PA and commutes to NoVA. I think they’re bat-shit, but it’s their lives.
Your bizarre disease of the day.
Hang on to your hat!
The Federal Reserve’s inner workings are a mystery to most Americans. Presidents can’t order it around, nor can Congress — that much is generally believed. Along with its reputation for independence, the Fed can seem economically omnipotent.
But in truth, research shows, Fed independence is largely a myth.
I’m flabbergasted.The things you can learn in the NYT.
When Democrats are back in charge, it was definitely be independent again.
waswillGet yerself a concealable revolver for less than 200 bucks!
Taurus Semi-autos, not bad.
Taurus revolvers, not good.
Still for that price I would be tempted to give it a try.
Other than a trigger that Mr T in his prime would have trouble pulling what’s the issue?
I had a taurus .22lr revolver once. You couldn’t make a group smaller than 12 inches at 25 feet. I figured the only way you could get a revolver with accuracy that bad was to deliberately engineer it.
Eh. I have a Taurus .38. It’s OK for what I have it for, which is keeping it next to the bed as a backup.
I know Taurus started out as an importer for cheapo firearms from South America, but they’ve morphed into a fairly reputable manufacturer over the years.
We’ve all heard Taurus horror stories, but I’ve actually heard good things about their newer guns – both revolvers and semi-auto.
^ Agreed.
I would actually flip that statement. I have had much better luck with their revolvers than their pistols.
with these rebates, NICS numbers are largely tracking average of last few years but at what cost to manufacturers. Ruger and AOB file publicly so we can see the hit to revenue. i can only assume it’s industry wide.
It’s all a plot by Big Gun Safe to boost their sales.
Big Safe conspiring with Big Framing Lag Bolts! those bastards!
I have an interview for a posting near the Pennsylvania border.
If I decide to take the post and live on the Penn side of the line for the firearms laws, how screwed am I going to be by double taxation?
PA has tax reciprocity with Maryland, maybe others.
I’m in New York…
Do you think they’d have this information easily located on their tax agency web site?
Just call up a CPA in PA, they should have that info.
Ah, okay, thank you.
That might lead to a net tax reduction, because my book sales would no longer be subject to New York taxes, and thus face the lower PA rate. (Their 3.07% is below the bottom NY bracket)
sounds like a win.
looks like Christie ended tax reciprocity back in ’16 between Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
If I decide to take the post and live on the Penn side of the line for the firearms laws
I’m surprised New York doesn’t require state employees to live in-state.
I have a co-worker who commutes from Massataxes.
He is insane though.
NY gets their cut of the income tax. If you are married and federally filing jointly, they get to tax your spouse’s income as well, even if the spouse has no nexus with the state.
My parents ran into this before their retirement. The loss from filing federally separately was more than the differential NY/NJ joint tax so you sucked it up.
Taurus revolvers, not good.
Still for that price I would be tempted to give it a try.
I linked to a very similar Rock Island .38 the other day, which was not much more than that Taurus.
I have a co-worker who commutes from Massataxes.
He is insane though.
“The Berkshires are lovely, this time of year.”
The Palestinian people just want to live in peace, while those damn
JewsIsraelis just attack them for no reason.
There was a time Hamas discussed recognizing Israel? You know how you can tell when an Arab is lying?
See, this is what I was talking about the other day. Hamas is a group that originally formed to depose the Assad regime in Syria. Assad sent the army to Hama, destroyed the city and killed every living thing they could find. As a result Hamas ‘refugees’ moved out of Syria and never breathed a word about Assad again. Instead they turned to wiping Israel off of the map, something they had never cared about before, as an excuse to keep up their violence.
Most of these ‘refugees’ are just shit stirring assholes. That’s why they are refugees. I dont want them here.
AFAIK, Hamas was actually an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, founded in ’87, not the Syrians who were wiped out in the ’82 uprising.
I got my info second hand from a journalist who was a foreign correspondent in Lebanon. I could be wrong.
OMWC is right. It was founded during the First Intifadeh in Gaza by MB members who were unhappy that the Egyptian MB, at that time at least, really didn’t concern itself with Israel very much. Their founding charter was explicitly focused on the destruction of Israel.
Thats what you get for listening to Tom Friedman.
If the Palestinians stopped fighting the Israelis, within five years they’d get their own state. If the Israelis stopped fighting the Palestinians, within five years they’d be slaughtered en masse.
Any discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian issue that doesn’t start by recognizing that is just pissing in the wind.
The NYT will be covering this any second now…
All the news that’s fit to print donchaknow.
Here’s something I was completely unaware of
Not cheap, but an interesting concept. I won’t be ordering one today.
what’s the point of swapping the barrel and shooting 22 TCM R9 if it costs the same as 9mm?
Flatter, faster shooting, less recoil.
40gr. 22 at 2000fps. It is a rimless 22 Hornet.
While I won’t have a gun anytime soon I enjoyed looking at some videos on a channel called Forgotten weapons and your comment reminded me of this
Huh. I forgot about that gun. Once upon a time I wanted one of those very badly. Now I just think who the hell would buy the ammo?
what’s the vid? everything cool is restricted for me within this firewall.
It is an American-180. It looks like a Thompson but has a top mounted drum and is chambered in 22lr. Why have such a thing? Because its rate of fire is 1500 rounds per minute. It’s a mini-mini-gun that you can carry around easily and produces almost zero recoil.
The American 180 .22LR Submachine Gun
This comment on the video is amusing
For when there’s wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many squirrels.
And the reply or one squirrel and you are a really bad shot. I honestly would hit the broad side of a squirrel really
it has the ballistics of a varmint round but how accurate hunting squirrels when fired from a handgun? strikes me as the antithesis of 9mm.
I used to squirrel hunt with a S&W K-22 with a 6 in barrel. I killed as many squirrels as anyone. With an appropriate amount of pistol practice nearly anyone can be very accurate inside of 50 yards.
Sounds similar to FN’s 5.7, which can be quite accurate out of the pistol they made for it. I wonder how fast you have to drive it before you start seeing appreciable tissue shear, a la wounding from large centerfire rifle bullets? Also, faster bullets do much better at defeating armor.
Downside is that many of these rounds require a longer barrel to build requisite velocity, and they also give a large fireball and muzzle report. Great if you have a compensator on the muzzle, not so good for the people next to you on the range.
I’d love to monkey around with something like a 9×25 (10 mm, necked down to shoot 9mm bullets. Sort of the same concept as the TCM, but less so.) out of a comp’d Glock 40, just to see how fast I could drive something like a .380 Barnes bullet from it.
Another thing the NYT will be covering right away!
I’ll be right over here holding my breath.
So that’s why you’re turning blue!
Re the insect story. I remember long ago and far away that any trip out of town would result in the car getting absolutely coated with dead insects of all sizes. It would get so bad you’d have to stop and clean them off so you could see. It’s not like that anymore. This spring we did a 6,000 mile loop of the country and I maybe cleaned the windshield once or twice. Yeah, there were some dead bugs, but not like there used to be.
Excuse me I have to chase some kids off my lawn.
Depends on the season and how much rain there has been. Bug populations are not decreasing. If you dont believe that come to Louisiana two days after a good rain.
The winter of 2004-05 was exceptionally wet in Arizona and the moth population exploded. Driving east on I-8, the windshield would look like a bunch of mustard packets exploded on it. It was so bad one time that an accumulation of dead moths clogged the radiator and killed the engine.
what’s the point of swapping the barrel and shooting 22 TCM R9 if it costs the same as 9mm?
Something something recoil?
I have no idea what that ammo costs- probably more than cheapo 9mm parabellum fmj.
Yes, and hard to find. You aren’t going to pick any up at Wal-Mart. Seems pointless but I bet that round is fun as hell to shoot.
Looks like 5.7 that takes up 9mm space.
Which is fun to shoot. And a lot more accurate than most people can ever be with a pistol.
“Europeans brought science to America,” he said. “They brought technical skills … I am not sure the Africans would have done that.”
The technology observation might be an interesting one, but he seems to be ignoring the fact that America was already populated by non-Europeans when America was “discovered” by Europeans. Guns, Germs, and Steel makes similar observations–while refuting claims that the advantages of Europeans were either a product of genetics or racial superiority.
The interesting question to me is what it would take for a technologically advanced society to treat a stone age society on an equal basis. I’ve see it well argued that that one of the primary points of dispute between American colonists and the crown was the crown’s resistance to letting colonial farmers settle west of the Appalachians into the Ohio river valley. The colonists wanted that land, but the crown wanted peace with the Indians. Because of that, the success of the American revolution was a tragedy for Native Americans–the floodgates just opened wide completely after that.
Imagine what it would take for a technologically advanced society to treat stone age Aboriginals in Australia, Canada, South America, or the U.S on an equal footing.
Maybe think of it in non-human terms. Why should an invasive species not press its advantages in a new ecosystem with little resistance to its advantages?
Plants don’t have morality, so dandelions (an invasive species in North America) don’t have any moral constraints–you’d expect them to press their advantages and crowd out native species to whatever extent their advantages will allow. In mammals, well, we can see that biological altruism arises within the natural world, but the advantages that such altruism bestows are typically enjoyed by one’s own species. Prairie Dogs on the periphery don’t scream out a warning of coyotes in the area to their fellows in the center (thus bringing the coyote’s attention to themselves) to benefit the coyotes. They’re putting themselves in more danger for the benefit of other foraging Prairie Dogs.
Ultimately, we should expect a more technologically advanced society to eventually win the competition for land and resources–just like in any other species. The question is why a technologically advanced society might extend altruistic thinking to include its stone age competitors. As badly as colonists, be it in Peru, North America, or the First Fleet in Australia , treated the stone age peoples who already lived there, I suspect that to the extent those people’s were well treated, it was due to the economic advantages of doing so plus the influence of Christianity. Why would technologically advanced people feel any moral constraint to do unto others as they would have done unto them?
It’s a rhetorical question. And I’d point out that if there’s an economic or other advantage to not perpetrating genocide, that doesn’t necessarily explain the mechanism by which those advantages are leveraged in a society. If Christianity has sustained itself and proliferated because of the advantages it confers to the people who believe in it, those economic or other advantages may be part of the reason why Christianity sustained itself and proliferated.
I’m just sayin’
If Africans were Europeans then we would be talking about Black Privilege.
Don’t forget the impact of geography. Europe is fairly traversable with many navigable waterways. Trade and idea exchanges flourished. Africa? Hell no. Expansive deserts, thick dangerous jungles and places that are still today very hard to get to.
Really, though, even as late as 1600, there really wasn’t much reason to think European civilization was going to do much pulling ahead. Standards of living for most people in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia weren’t all that wildly different. Then the Dutch happened on this idea, even very imperfectly practiced, of the government not preying on its citizenry. And everything changed.
Civilization didn’t start in Europe so the idea that the land or whatever wasn’t conducive to civilization outside of Europe is bunk. I don’t know why all those crackers ended up ahead technologically but the desire to grab onto these silly ideas seems stupid.
It seems that colonization in the Americas started off with “Fuck these guys, let’s take their shit and put them in chains” to “Look at these poor heathens, let’s take their shit and teach them ’bout Jesus” before settling on “Look at these dumb assholes just running around all over the place instead of farming and raising cattle and stuff, let’s take their shit and put it to better use while teaching them to be kind of like us.” Obviously those aren’t direct quotes. Point being, the common thread in colonization is the taking over of territory. Now, it can be justified in any number of ways, but the end result winds up the same. So I would expect that to the extent that any technologically advanced society felt a need to provide some sort of moral justification for taking land and resources from less advanced societies they’d certainly be able to find it.
I object to the term ‘colonization’. Europeans conquered less sophisticated societies just like other peoples all over the world did. There is nothing special about what they did outside of the technological advantage. Even that advantage was mostly pre-industrial.
It is important to remember that prior to the Industrial revolution slavery was a universally held idea. In a pre-industrial world one or a few humans cant produce enough by their own labor to thrive so the obvious solution was to enslave others. Up until the nineteenth century if you had suggested ending slavery nearly everyone on the planet would have laughed in your face and called you crazy.
Yes, the Europeans enslaved people all over the world, but given the chance all of those people would have enslaved the Europeans given the chance. That was the natural order of the pre-industrial world.
Well, I use the term “colonization” both due to convention and because the English referred to their holdings in North America as colonies. I don’t know if that was the term used by the Spanish or French, but they both had different objectives in the Americas. The Spanish didn’t seem to have too much interest in displacing the natives or using their conquered territory as an outlet for migration, and the French seemed to basically just want to keep everyone else out so they could monopolize the trade angle. It was the English primarily who were interested in taking land, kicking the locals off, and making permanent settlements where English people lived. The Spanish, encomienda notwithstanding, considered natives in Spanish-held territory to be subjects of the crown and entitled to all the legal protections that entailed, and the French could never get enough people interested in staying there to establish much in the way of permanent settlement, so they were happy to offer French citizenship to the natives just to say there were more French people there.
Anyway, the Spanish came for the gold and were plenty happy using the natives as slave labor, but the slavery aspect is incidental to the more recurrent theme of technologically-superior cultures finding whatever justification they needed to take other people’s shit; throughout history, whenever one group has conquered another they’ve rarely if ever just said, “Hey, let’s go be villains ’cause we can!” And to that end I don’t disagree at all with your point about the Europeans just having happened to get to that stage first. I don’t think there’s anything special about Europeans in that regard.
Ultimately, we should expect a more technologically advanced society to eventually win the competition for land and resources–just like in any other species. The question is why a technologically advanced society might extend altruistic thinking to include its stone age competitors.
But, societies don’t make decisions. Individuals do. And that’s ultimately why you’re right. Even the most noble, well-intentioned, advanced society is going to ultimately destroy the society of its stone age neighbors. And it’s not necessarily a tragedy. Because the death of a society is not the death of the individuals within that society. What kills the stone aged society is that its members quit their society and join the advanced society. The advanced society makes their life better. And, hopefully, the members of the society bring with them some interesting or useful traits or customs that the advanced society can “appropriate”.
anyone else catch the season finale of Vice? Ben Anderson has been embedded with the Iraqis taking back Mosul from ISIS. that is a dangerous job. there was more friendly fire casualties than dead Daesh. and all those wild shooting fuckers gave me tinnitus just watching it on tv.
Sounds like the TV show is not yet infected with Vice’s SJW-itis? If so I may check it out. I loved the old Vice.
they ended the Iraq piece with a thought on the int’l community providing mental health resources for the child soldiers brainwashed by ISIS.
It looks like the bullshit “food desert” story I posted here yesterday has since gained some traction:
Incidentally, the author has also published a follow-up story that includes some crucial details that were conspicuously absent from the last one in the series (yes, there has actually been a series) where in we go from a barren “food desert” that takes hours to traverse to this:
Ladies and germs, behold the power of journalism.
Why is it that a lot of people who live in “food insecure” neighborhoods tend to be rather portly?
It’s because
the stupid rubes don’t know to eat pricey artisanal arugula saladsthey don’t have access to government literature on nutrition, which we know to be always and forever inerrant.It’s because
the stupid rubes don’t know to eat pricey artisanal arugula saladstheydon’thave access to government literature on nutrition, which we know to be always and foreverinerrant.full of politized junk ‘science’.A friends wife no shit told me that it’s unfair that poor people can only afford things like McDonalds and not avocados. That everyone should be able to get the nutrition from them regardless of economic status.
I just went online to the site for my local supermarket. Avocados are $2 each this week.
While absolutely cheap, isn’t produce usually in the range of a few bucks per pound? Pretty expensive comparatively and that’s on sale. It was more that she couldn’t accept the concept that certain things that were good for you might be luxury items because they are expensive to produce.
In terms of getting fed, “Fast Food” was always more expensive than home cooking, including produce. It was the fast food outlets that were the luxury item in our house. It isn’t price tag but revealed preferences that has these poor families at the drive through.
We also didn’t use Avocados.
“It isn’t price tag but revealed preferences that has these poor families at the drive through.”
Typical prog counter to that is that it’s not revealed preferences but that they don’t have the time to cook and are forced to buy fast food. Of course they completely forget about that argument as soon as you talk about food stamps or food desserts. Everything is just an object level argument.
There’s a very good reason that there are both supermarkets, fast food joints and sit down restaurants all with different price points and time investments. People make choices.
Unlike many progs, I have the advantage of first-hand knowledge of having lived poor. We made time. It wasn’t always the same person cooking any given meal or day, and the kids got conscripted to do their part when they reached appropriate ages. If you don’t have enough time between work and sleep to heat up a can of soup (~$1) you have to seriously rethink your life.
This is also not a viable explanation because the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the majority of poor people are those who never get a job at all or work part time, not those who are working full-time or multiple jobs at once.
(I’d dig up the reference, but I have to leave for work in 5 minutes).
I’d bet that lady has no idea why most poor people are poor.
I think it’s a big misconception that healthy food is expensive. You can make a very nutritious meal for very little money if you learn some basic cooking skills (yes, it won’t be made in 15 minutes and delivered; you’ll actually have to get off the couch).
Dry beans and lentils, canned tuna, collard greens, and brown rice are all very cheap while being extremely healthy. Hell, you can get a whole week’s worth of meals out of a whole chicken if you know what you’re doing.
Healthy food is cheap, and you can learn all you need to know from YouTube videos. I just don’t buy it that a large number of people are deprived of healthy food by that mean old free market. It’s some combination of being lazy, being a picky eater, and not researching what kind of foods are available to you.
Learning shitty habits intergenerationally/from peers probably fits in there too.
A lot of ground could be made by teaching people effective habits during the time currently used to teach victimhood.
None of this is meant to sound condescending, though I’m sure it does.
Trump caves on ethanol subsidies, arguably the stupidest large-scale subsidies we fund.
He needs to play more golf with Rand so some of the antigubmint shit will rub off.
Posting this to the Thursday morning Links?
Jesus, talk about a threading fail. I’m going back to bed.