After hiking through the Bong Recreational Area yesterday, for some reason I became rather peckish. Pity that because I ended up eating all the Halloween candy we had put aside for the neighborhood kids. I’m paying this morning for that indulgence, and now I’m not sure what I’m going to do to bribe the comelier children to venture into the house with the hopes of extra goodies. And for a chance to play with my special dollie, though generally this is not offered until they’re inside.
Well, no matter, here’s some links to keep everyone entertained and discussing the important issues of the day.
Back and to the left! I wonder if Keith Hernandez is somehow involved…?
Candidate for Worst President Ever volunteers to go to North Korea. I’m in favor of this, especially with the possibility that he could find out what it’s like to be held hostage.
“For $32 million, you can come in my face.”
SP and I love Amazon Prime, and given our book-purchasing habits, have about a one month ROI for the yearly fee. Now Amazon tries a new service, Amazon Primo, proving once again that it knows what consumers want and is always ready to provide it.
And today’s Old Folks Music is something actually made after most of you were born.
You mean “remade” pretty sure most of us are younger than ‘boogie chillen’
Second! And I still can’t read WaPo links. (Does that count as commenting on a link?)
This is why I was forced to comment on the music, 2 Wapos, 1 turn off your add block, and a pot story, and there is nothing funny about marijuana.
Use anonymous or incognito browser. It blows past the paywall.
Their web site, their content, they want me to pay for it. I’m not going to steal it just cause it’s easy to do.
You wouldn’t download a car!
I have no such scruples. Free rider problem, but not my problem.
So you’re the trick-or-treater who takes the whole bowl when some lazy neighbor uses the ‘take one’ honor system.
Poor analogy. When I read something from The Bezos Daily, it’s still there for others to read.
I get that, It’s the old IP problem/question, in this case it’s more of the honor system thing to me.
How do you know the sign didn’t mean “take one” bowl, huh??
Fair enough, hadn’t thought of that.
I’m not going to steal it just cause it’s easy to do
Easy there, cowboy. You can get to it through incognito mode for the same reason you can find it in Google search results. They want to eat their cake and have it, too. Well, so do I.
Not sure exactly what your getting at, but If Wapo lets you see so many articles in a month as a way to entice you to subscribe and going incognito simply tricks them into thinking you haven’t reach that limit I’d call that fraud. If a brick and mortar store held a one to a customer give away I doubt many people would think going back repeatedly in disguise to be just a clever work around.
It is my understanding, although the situation may have changed, that the reason you can see the full content of their articles by some means is to comply with Google’s policy requiring that, in order for a page to be searchable, the content cannot be hidden when the user goes to access it.
Legally speaking, does their TOS require cookies to be enabled? Such terms might violate EU law, and even in the U.S. I would expect the courts to ask the question “if you don’t want people with cookies disabled to use your site, then why do you allow them to do so?” before enforcing the terms. Although, the answer probably has to do with Google search issue.
Perhaps a more succinct summation might be as follows:
The current web content model basically involves everybody (search engines, content providers, content aggregators, advertisers, users) committing low-level fraud of each other, but it all falls apart if any one of them tries to go after the others too hard.
I assume you refuse to use Adblock for the same reason?
If asked I either turn adblock off or move along I don’t try a find an end around to gain adblocked access.
My ad-blocker blocks ad-blocker blockers now. Haven’t been nagged about it in awhile.
(picture of mind being blown)
I don’t even… what are you using?
I’ve been using Opera for the last few months. it has some native-adblocker, but its also chrome-based so can use any plugins from Chrome store.
uBlock Origin. I switched a couple weeks ago. Though somewhat later I also switched from Chrome to Safari. That may account for the change. But I’m liking uBlock better than AdBlock anyway and I think it fixed the problem at work too where I’m still on Windows/Chrome.
Yup! New Private Window in Firefox did the trick. Thanks!
Hey, that actually worked, now I can actually WaPo. I don’t know whether to be thankful or pissed off.
Just to show I’m not all derp, some good news.
Just slap Socialist after Democratic and they’d probably get a lot of cash flow. People seem to like radical. Might as well go all out.
The DNC is trying to co-opt all the protest-activism of the radical left, without any of their actual policies.
Because while krazy kollege kids might dominate the internet media, and be good for a few headlines every now and then,
1) they don’t really vote in state-local elections, and
2) they are absolutely meaningless from a fundraising POV. SEIU, ActBlue, AFT, tom steyr/soros et al. pay the piper.
I’m thoroughly enjoying watching the schism/contortions on the left as the ‘party’ part tries to contend with its activist youth. as long as the kid’s ire is kept pointed @ Trump, they’re quasi useful. they’re terrified, however, that they will turn on their own party-insiders and demand actual power. or that they turn Tea Party and actually start voting party-insiders out of power.
So Politico is sticking with the story that it was a Russian hack of the DNC that produced the Wikileaks documents and that the hack was what hurt the Democrats? I thought there were some pretty serious holes in that theory, starting with the fact that Julian Assange, who really doesn’t seem to have much reason to lie as to the source of the documents, says they didn’t get them from the Russians. Furthermore, nobody has ever made the claim that the documents weren’t 100% true. The reason the Democrat base isn’t giving money is that they’re pissed off that the party played them for fools.
The one party state opposition leadership doesn’t get it, but they will….
I still can’t read WaPo links.
Count your blessings.
It blows
past the paywall.What’s Carter gonna do in North Korea? Help them build barracks for their gulags?
Habitat for the ̶H̶o̶m̶e̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ Red Guard
I would totally trust a man that uses velcro to tighten his shoes to finally bring calm to NK and Trump
Maybe it could be like his ’94 trip when he said the Norks had given up their nuclear program. He will announce all is well and then the kim will launch an ICBM. That is how Carter negotiates.
Was it shitty Mexican schwag weed or some nice american recreational grade Durba Poison?
So. Lesson learned?
Not if you read the comments
Even I don’t go there…
Shinzo Abe secures strong mandate in Japan’s general election
I wonder how the picture was chosen, random or is there some agenda behind
Good for the Japanese, they’ll provide an excellent counterweight to China if they beef up their military a bit.
Gah! That level of derp even burned me a little
Tread with caution…
Didn’t make it past the first paragraph. If you dremaed if being married three times as a kid I don’t want to hear how racism almost ruined whatever number you’re currently on.
A “practice marriage”? /rolls eyes
I suppose had this bitch downloaded a kid, she would have been satisfied with practice child support. Say from a discarded Monopoly game.
This really makes me want to take a small foray into family law. Her soon-to-be ex is gonna make a killing off of that article.
I wouldn’t count on it. She has a vagina and black skin. He’s a white male. Not likely to go well for him, no matter what the truth of the situation is.
No. Avoid family law at all costs.
This, 100%. Family law is absolute cancer to men.
Then I met Kevin*. We met in the geekiest way possible: He saw a picture of me in a cosplay outfit, wanted to know more, found my blog, and then found my profile on a dating site and asked to meet at DragonCon. Everything about that impressed me.
Run. Run fast. Do not stop.
Yeah, that kinda screams stalker, to me anyway. Dedicated fans have a history of going a little postal.
doing a little leg work sounds so much more romantic than stalking though
I don’t think any of you are fairly reading the article. She had to go to dinner with white men who carry tools with them. How racist is that? The oppression is truly real.
You know, I get being angry about the world around you. I get having weird positions that nobody else agrees with. I get feeling passionate about beliefs. Hell, we’re all here on a site dedicated to drunken, loud mouthed, foul minded cranky types. What I don’t get are people who can’t separate their beliefs with their personal life. The woman I live with is a lawyer, a feminist and as blue state as you can get. Not too much we agree on, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a relationship together. We’re not defined by what group we belong to, but as individuals.
I read this article and felt terrible for her husband. He agreed to change everything about himself, and she agreed to…well, didn’t look like she was willing to make any concessions.
Politics don’t belong in the bedroom. The only things that belongs in a bedroom is a bed, sex toys, a goat, two blenders, plenty of electrical tape and a rapey Sasquatch.
What about the midgets? what are you some kinda hung-up puritan.
What I don’t get are people who can’t separate their beliefs with their personal life.
I’d say it’s dependent on how strong your beliefs are. I strongly believe in self ownership and follow this principle in my personal life. I live in the country where there is as minimal gov interference as possible. I’m able to raise part of my own food (both plant and animal). I don’t plan on handing off my kids to the local gov to educate. I believe that I am ultimately responsible for my children’s protection and don’t hand that off to the local gov either. My libertarian political leanings stem from my principles and the way I want to live my personal life, not the other way around.
My wife feels just as strongly on all of these points as I do. It would be nearly impossible to do any of these things if she wasn’t on the same life page as me. If your spouse (not you personally gbob) is a card carrying member of the Brady group, how can you teach your children about firearm use and safety at a young age? If you want to homeschool, how can you if your spouse believes public school teachers are angels sent from heaven? I understand not everyone feels this way, and more power to you however you want to live, but I want my actions in life to follow my beliefs.
This. Political beliefs don’t matter until they do. When do they start mattering? When the stakes get higher. IMO, it’s really easy to get along with somebody despite their political beliefs when the relationship consists of sex and going on dates together. When the relationship involves planning and structuring the rest of your life, having and raising children, and deciding where to settle down, dissonant worldviews cause friction.
I’d agree with this. I don’t see how someone could marry another person whose values are complete 180s from your own. If one takes their religious and political views seriously, I could only see unnecessary dysfunction arising in the future by marrying someone who doesn’t share those views. Especially if they have kids.
I don’t feel particularly bad for him. He made very poor choices. Maybe he’ll learn from them.
I remember this article being discussed before. Personally I commend her for setting her obvious racism aside to even date a white guy, much less marry one. The dude? Who knows. Love makes people do stupid shit. Shit like marry a batshit crazy racist feminist.
Love? More like lust. The guy probably has a preference for black women and met this one who was willing to date him. So, he was willing to humiliate himself for her to keep the relationship going, and humiliate himself in ways that he probably wouldn’t have tolerated had she been white. But, even with all that, he didn’t realize how much he had to alter himself to please this wacko to stop her from dumping him.
Those are his choices. I don’t care, that is on him. People make stupid choices everyday. Many involve getting laid. This dude stalked out a future wife from a cosplay photo and that says all I need to know about him.
Ok. But has anyone seen this cosplay photo?
If it’s the one from twitter then I say damn
Actually, that is a fair point. I might be way too judgemental here. I could see myself doing the same thing, but then again, I am a creepy fucker too.
Dear God, it’s sad how this girl has had racism against whites so deeply ingrained into her. “OMG, “Kevin” hangs out with lots of white people, and carries a pocket knife, and thinks Zimmerman killing a thug in self-defense is okay!” This woman needs massive psychological help, ASAP.
“I’d met my share of white men looking for a “Nubian goddess””
what’s a Nubian?
Black. But, it sounds more exotic to call them Nubians.
Actually I was thinking of a movie scene
About 259£ at the right market
The best research for the buck on that term can be gained by using Porn Hub’s search function.
“From the moment Trayvon’s murder became visible, I dismissed the idea that his murderer’s actions were justifiable in any way. Imagine my surprise when Kevin said that the evidence supported the murderer’s account.”
Facts are the white people of statements.
How dare he actually take evidence into account and not merely issue a judgment his black wife likes because a not-white guy killed a black guy?
“When I was in my teens, I figured I’d be married at least three times. The first would be the young, practice marriage. My second marriage would be the passionate one through which I would become a better version of myself, and my third would be the one that stuck. As you can see, I never really had a lot of respect for the institution.
By the time I was 30, after years of never sleeping with anyone for more than two months, much less actually dating them, I’d revised my prediction from three to zero. I’m not religious, I didn’t want kids, and I sure as hell didn’t want someone in my home that felt like they had any control over my decisions. Why get married at all? That shit looked ridiculous to me.”
This person is messed up spiritually and in other ways.
I believe this is her:
Indeed. “Yeah, I’m going to have a practice marriage, a marriage to better myself, and then the real marriage.” This girl is totally messed up in the head.
Ugh. He stalked that? She’s like 5th percentile of cosplay girls.
Not even with Warty’s dick.
The compelling argument will be that to release the documents will further lower the American publics opinion of the government. Especially when they show that LBJ had Kennedy killed and other jack boots went along with it.
Were you aware that, in the morgue, LBJ buggered the neck wound in Kennedy’s corpse? I’m guessing that this is the information that had been withheld.
No, I was not aware of that. I should have put in a disclaimer that I indulge in conspiracy theories solely for entertainment purposes. With that said, the neck hole buggering will fit right into the theory. There will be a memo released where LBJ says, “be sure to shoot him in the neck”.
“This emergent, dysfunctional wing of the party that used to kind of be on the fringes is now becoming more mainstream as the party shrinks,” said Madrid, a political consultant who specializes in Latino politics in California. “The base loves this guy. Well, you know what? That doesn’t make it right. It means there’s something wrong with our base. And leadership requires leading us out of this dysfunction … Nobody believes that this is a recipe to grow the party. That’s absurd.”
There you have it, boys and girls.
Yeah, but Cali GOPe, so basically a hard blue anywhere else.
Specializes in Latino politics? How’s that different from regular politics? Anyway, no there’s nothing wrong with the base. What’s wrong are the spineless cowards like you, Madrid. Go ahead and continue to make the GOP in Cali completely irrelevant. Have fun continuing to lose elections.
It differs in that Latinos occupy the top rung on the prog stack for them.
This is amusing because obviously what the Cali GOP has been doing for the last 20 years is working so well…
The Republican Party in California was this close to not being totally irrelevant and then Trump had to come along and fuck it all up. The nerve of that guy, and those voters!
Close tags? Bah. Stupid fingers.
“This emergent, dysfunctional wing of the party that used to kind of be on the fringes is now becoming more mainstream as the party shrinks,” said Madrid, a political consultant who specializes in Latino politics in California. “The base loves this guy. Well, you know what? That doesn’t make it right. It means there’s something wrong with our base. And leadership requires leading us out of this dysfunction … Nobody believes that this is a recipe to grow the party. That’s absurd.”
I would love to see all Republicans get primaried next year. Even Jeff Flake.
Please Hillary, dont leave the national scene.
She’s a lich queen who will never truly pass. Be careful what you wish for.
To Bill OReilly
Ha-Ha! \Nelson
I don’t think This guy would fit in around here.
Does this guy not understand how Twitter works? Everything you tweet is public, it’s not a personal message.
Manifesto for a circle jerk
During the first weeks of classes here at the University of Michigan, where I am a professor, unknown perpetrators spray-painted an iconic boulder on campus with graphic slurs against Latinos, along with the pro-Trump acronym MAGA (Make America Great Again); others defaced the name tags on the dorm-room doors of three African-American students with pejorative comments, including that most visceral of anti-black insults; and still others posted fliers proclaiming “Free Dylann Roof!” championing the man convicted of the murder of nine black church congregants in Charleston, S.C. When students circulated photos of the defaced name tags via social media and The Michigan Daily newspaper, faculty members and students voiced an urgent need for statements denouncing the hate speech.
I joined with colleagues on our department’s “racial climate task force” to produce a proclamation overnight. As we were editing our statement that evening, another colleague shared the document cranked out by her own program in response to the incident. The next day, the equity and inclusion committee of one of the largest departments in the college issued its statement. Meanwhile, student protesters pressed the university president for an official statement beyond his initial tweet.
Soon after, faculty members across the university proposed a new action group whose mission would include issuing collective statements. All told, university personnel spent hours and days drawing up sentences to proclaim principles that should be obvious. We abhor racism. We believe in the dignity of all human beings. Students of color belong on this campus.
*nods head, mutters “Uh-huh” repeatedly*
Also features extensive use of “bodies” meme. Bodies do this, bodies do that, bodies rise up, bodies sit down, bodies skip class to play act rebellion in the streets…
I’ll give 100:1 odds of any one of those being anything but a hoax.
Just check back here in a bit…
Just check here in a bit
Just check here in a bit…
Worth checking out.
Check out fake hate crimes in about a week
Bodies fake hate crimes to gin up outrage…
If I knew I would get this kind of reaction from faculty when I went to school I’d be replacing all the flags on campus with Nazi flags every weekend.
“that most visceral of anti-black insults” – thot?
“you run like jesse owens” ?
Tyler Perry?
It’s funny because it’s true
We met in the geekiest way possible: He saw a picture of me in a cosplay outfit, wanted to know more, found my blog, and then found my profile on a dating site and asked to meet at DragonCon. Everything about that impressed me.
This screams, “Body Discovered in Crawlspace” to me.
Am I wrong?
She did have a profile on a dating site.
Hell, we’re all here on a site dedicated to drunken, loud mouthed, foul minded cranky types.
You take that back!
I’m not a loudmouth.
Members of the stupid party continue to show why they are the stupid party. “I don’t get why a Cali Republican would invite and highlight members of an extremely popular administration that’s actually getting things done that our party base wants to see done. I don’t get why they’d attack that clown former president Bush, who didn’t do things our base particularly likes.” Hopefully these fools will be swept away and replaced by people with real principles.
A comment on the “Let’s talk (and talk, and talk) about racism” articfle:
JBC Indianapolis 21 minutes ago
One of the ways white allies can effectively use words is in decision-making meetings where we can consistently and persistently ask questions about how the choices being contemplating might perpetuate systems or structures of inequity or injustice. Doing so can help create conversation cultures where considering this possibility becomes the shared responsibility of everyone in a group.
Are you supposed to beat on a drum as you chant this mumbo jumbo? It could make it more effective.
conversation cultures
People like this must be getting laughed out of interviews before I ever see them at work. Thank god.
It was discussed last night. It involves toilet stall walls.
It means, “A culture of endless self-criticism and free-floating guilt, that is completely incapable of actually getting anything done.”
Call me old fashioned, but in deciding making meetings, any discussion like that is long past. In my opinion, deciding making beyond are for presenting thought out courses of action to deciding makers and then, you know deciding on them. My last job drove me insane because every decision took weeks of not months to make because the CEO wanted everyone’s opinion.
Just check here in a bit…
To many letter. Buy you did your Best
I thought it just needed to end in “est.” Also, Edit Fairy to aisle 9!
You’re all wrong; it’s breast. Totes obvi.
@ Juvenile Bluster related to Comment 17
“SP and I love Amazon Prime,” – product placement. Why I never! This site has sold out. Sad
Any one else having trouble replying to comments ?
Isn’t that like asking someone if they are asleep?
Sometimes something slips though, like STEVE SMITH slipping through the trees towards a campers tent.
Maybe your internet is broken. Do you know the score of the USC game?
It isn’t and I don’t.
If only we had a better class of Republican the Deep State might not hate us so much.
As the world now knows, these feelings of powerlessness, resentment and grievance are widespread, and as a candidate Mr. Trump tapped into them perfectly. Many Republican voters have, at least for now, jettisoned traditional conservatism in favor of the Trump-Bannon brand of ethnonationalism. They have turned inward instead out outward, they have embraced white identity politics as a matter of course and they have developed a disdain for the hard, intricate work of governing.
But the reasons for the rise of Mr. Trump lie still deeper than that. There is a nihilistic strain coursing through the veins of a significant number of people on the American right. They delight in Mr. Trump’s effort to annihilate truth and peddle conspiracy theories, and they draw energy and purpose from the unsettling effect he has on the nation as a whole. For them, Mr. Trump is a “fighter,” and politics needs to be weaponized in order to be enjoyed. They see politics as World Wrestling Entertainment, and Mr. Trump as the best wrestler in the ring.
Fucking nihilists. They’re everywhere. They’re swinging from the chandeliers at Peter Wehner’s house. They pelt him with dinner rolls and blobs of cold mashed potatoes when he sits down to dinner with his moderate friends who just want to go back to the glory days of responsible bipartisan consensus.
“in favor of the Trump-Bannon brand of ethnonationalism”
Sometimes I think the left enjoys throwing these lies in with unrelated arguments. It doesn’t make them true, and they are fallacies, but from a rhetorical view, they work. People just get overwhelmed with the bullshit, that they have to pick what parts to go after. And what you don’t go after, implicitly means you don’t disagree with.
Until they finally encounter someone that knows their shit, but politely asks a series of “show your work” questions.
People can bothered to debunk only so much bullshit but from what I’ve seen, instead of being a rhetorical flourish people come to agree with, it becomes a position they simply don’t care about or even embrace. Bannon isn’t an ethnonationalist while Richard Spencer is and people who have seen enough of this nonsense are much more likely to give Spencer an open-minded listen. That kind of rhetoric is radicalizing to all sides and it’s corrosive.
+1 Gish Gallup
The Gish Gallop is a rhetorical technique that has found wide application beyond its original use.
Truly. It’s one of the debate tactics I despised when I was doing debate in college. Either make a point or stfu
A long time ago i drew attention to people’s habit of asking “Shotgun questions” where they throw like 6 or so rhetorical questions/statements out at once, effectively trying to dump a lot of half-baked ideas out there and give the impression something significant was said… but to which you can’t give any single, short reply which actually addresses anything specific.
I’ve always wondered if there was a specific name for it, and that’s the closest thing i’ve ever seen.
Any one else having trouble replying to comments ?
You always have trouble replying to comments.
It wouldn’t let me post a link ina reply but I can respond without one… Are the Admins tryin’ to derp proof my comments?
what’s a Nubian?
I immediately saw, in my head, Chalkie White from Boardwalk Empire, saying, “I’m from TEXAS.”
More of Wehner’s whining:
Beyond that, though, there’s really no choice about challenging the blood-and-soil nationalists. If they were to triumph — if the tribalistic, angry, anti-government wing of the party turns out to be the vanguard rather than an ugly and unfortunate parenthesis — then the Republican Party would collapse intellectually and morally, and a lot of lifelong Republicans would head for the exits.
The Vandals are sacking Washington! Save me!
This is especially fun to read after the article that said the DNC only has $7 million to it’s name.
Yeah, reading that the donors are fleeing like rats on a sinking ship warms my cockles. The DNC may be done for the next couple of cycles at least. Then again it could be fake panic trying to gin up donors to open their pocket books even wider,
My god what a pompous twit.
He must live in fucking Fantasyland.
Sounds good to me. Those kinds of Republicans are what turned the party into the joke it’s been for the last few decades.
” if the tribalistic, angry, anti-government wing of the party ”
Seeing this a lot more lately. It used to be that if you were and anti-government, you were just crazy. Now if you’re anti-government, your an evil Nazi. (Let’s look over how retarded that idea is for now).I mean yeah it’s all those libertarians who don’t want to enslave people and take their stuff that are evil.
The whole thing is just self-serving establishment puling.
“I mean yeah it’s all those libertarians who don’t want to enslave people and take their stuff that are evil.”
Minorities receive disproportionate amounts of government largess, therefore wanting to cut off the spigot is anti-minority.
And all that high minded self-determination anti-government talk is just a cover for a darker agenda.
You know who else had a darker agenda?
Heroic Mulatto? His shit’s getting even weirder if that’s possible.
Big cocao?
My cat. I can tell he’s plotting something…
Big Tint?
The guy who was stalking the cosplay chick in Rick C-137’s link?
Bruce Wayne?
The United States Government will continue to exist in its current form, with only minor alterations around the edges, as the largest and most powerful single institution in the world, commanding the largest single share of the U.S. economy, from now until the day Trump leaves office.
It is very telling that even slight reductions in the scope and funding of government get labeled “anti-government”, even by soi-disant “small government” conservatives.
The only reason I can think of that would make the JFK papers relevant is if it turns out North Korea was funding Oswald this whole time.
Other than that, release them, because who the fuck cares anymore? We are way past any revelations about the Deep State at this point.
Chalk it up to Trump’s desire to troll.
Canadian pussy hat?
It has “eh” written on it.
“Why does nobody mention that Hillary Clinton is perfectly nice? ”
She’s one of us!
Harvey Weinstein hardest hit.
Perfectly nice…
Choose one.
Huh, was supposed to be this quote
“She is still too grand for some of Graham Norton’s antics. She wasn’t sold on the idea of sharing a sofa with another celebrity. You cannot blame her.”,
eh I see Rhywun beat me to it anyhow.
Here’s a nice money quote
Seriously, run through this one more time. How did a nation choose – over her – the guy who could only debate her with grim-faced, pantomime prowling? “Watch it with the sound off,” she counselled of the TV debates. “Don’t listen to what he was saying: much of it was untrue and just silly. But watch it with the sound down and you’d think: ‘Boy, he’s out there, really giving it to her.’ Maybe I should have turned around and said: ‘You’re not going to intimidate me like you try to intimidate women. Back off you creep!’”
Or John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy…
“We were listening to this really dark, divisive speech … a cry from the white nationalist gut.”
Trump is a nazi. Hillary says so.
“dark, divisive speech”
Like the one that probably cost Clinton the election? “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, “we’ve got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels”, “we’ve gone backwards”, “there is a lot of poverty in America … because of the terrible economic policies of the Bush administration” all sound pretty “dark” and “divisive” to me.
Apparently a “dark, divisive speech” is one that frames the same situation Democrats talk about, but in a way that’s uncharitable to Democrats.
“More than 30 women accuse Hollywood director James Toback of ‘dry-humping their legs, masturbating in front of them and ejaculating into his pants or onto their bodies'”
Googled some pictures of the guy and he does not look like the type to do such a thing
From what I saw I’d be taken aback if he wasn’t doing something like that.
It’s like the people who said about this guy:
“A pedophile rapist? No way.”
This tough is overly dramatic
‘And the horrible thing is, whichever road you choose, whether you sleep with him or walk away, you’re still broken,’ Rinaldi said. ‘You have been violated.’
Disgusted? Sure. Broken? Meh they were not actually raped as far as the reports go.
If it’s a crime to ejaculate into your pants while creepily staring at random women, then lock me up!
A C-list director who hasn’t done much of note lately? I wouldn’t be surprised if he orchestrated it to get publicity.
“Educated liberals overuse the term ‘racist'”
TW: This is CNN.
Summary: It’s one thing to call conservatives racist but how dare they call liberals racist.
McWhorter is usually pretty good for the squishy middle. Thus the disclaimer at the top – “This is NOT CNN!”
Huh, how’d that slip past the editors
Also Taken from a link in the article,
Perhaps Mr. Coates’ armor is chipping?
Dayum, that is one hell of a case of RBF.
Maybe he’ll identify as Chinese.
B^3 = Blonde Big Boobs.
Someone over there must love #39, they post her every other day.
Diversity and inclusion update.
Diversity and inclusion updates are what you post everyday, usually under the FLBP heading.
The penis discriminates, just not by race or ethnicity.
The penis wants to get to its homeland. NSFW.
The World Health Organization has revoked the appointment of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador following a widespread outcry.
“I have listened carefully to all who have expressed their concerns,” WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement.
I still don’t get all this organisations who do things that are guaranteed to cause outcry. Do they not realize?
This is the first time I have ever heard of them revoking one of their many outrageous appointments. So, usually it works for them.
Do they not realize?
Probably not. In their bubbles, what Mugabe did and is is probably no big deal and it was all just and righteous. The fact he is a corrupt murdering dictator is the price you have to pay for true progress.
Omelet, eggs, etc.
He “reappropriated” land from evil white colonists (read: people whose families had been living there for generations) and gave it “back” to the native population of Zimbabwe (read: his thug cronies who had no idea how to farm) and then Zimbabwe inexplicably went from the breadbasket of southern Africa to a net importer of food. That’s justice, right there. How can he possibly be a bad guy?
Sounds like the guy just ran into a streak of Bad Luck™. Totally unexpected and unpredictable. No reason to hate on him.
Spain’s Foreign Minister made the following statement earlier today:
—-The Guardian
Don’t be deceived by your own lying eyes with fake pictures. They may see police deliberately using batons against people for trying to vote, but what those fake pictures really show is something completely different–“not a deliberate use of force”.
If you look at the video of when some of these photos were taken, it shows something completely different from what you see in those fake photographs. In the video, wave after wave of crazed voters charged the police head first. The voters were using their heads as battering rams like raging bulls, mercilessly bashing the defenseless police batons with their faces.
It’s a miracle that any of the poor police batons survived the onslaught.
I hope the Spaniards enjoy their additional chronic low intensity separatist conflict. It would’ve been difficult to handle it in a worse manner than they did.
Man has Spain ever fucked this up. They took a semi-fringe movement and gave it legitimacy and much greater support by trying to suppress it. If they had just let the referendum go through, I doubt it would have passed. Now there are a lot of people who probably didn’t give a shit about Catalan independence before supporting it out of malice toward Spain’s reaction.
Spanish politicians bare many burdens, but the burdens of wisdom and intelligence are not among them
The video of the cops roughing up old folks and smashing ballot boxes wasn’t pretty, that’s for sure.
That’s how the Arab Spring got started.
This how Christianity took over the Roman empire.
That’s how the independence movement kicked the British out of India.
This is how the Rodney King riot got started.
That’s how the American revolution got rolling.
Oppression breeds revolt.
If they don’t want the Catalonians to see pictures of the police bashing protesters, there’s a way to avoid that.
(Don’t bash protesters).
Incidentally, this is why the police, smartly, often stand by and do nothing against anti-fa provocation. If the anti-fa people will riot over nothing, imagine how bad it would be if the media were full of images of protesters being beaten by the police instead.
I am not sure destroying someones business, or cracking someones skull is “nothing” as far as antifa is concerned. Having a vote is not really in the same ballpark there.
I said they were willing to do those things over nothing. . . . not that it was nothing according to them.
And the problem isn’t with stopping or having a vote. The problem is with using the police to attack unarmed protestors.
All the way down . . .
That’s how the Arab Spring got started.
Some may have enjoyed watching Christians thrown to the lions; others thought that Nero, Caligula, et. al throwing innocent girls to be mauled over nothing was less than impressive and showed why the emperor was a shithead.
Gandhi used the media to publicize the British beating the shit out of his peaceful protestors.
The Rodney King riots was over the LAPD not being held accountable for beating the shit out of someone–no even when they were caught on video and everyone in the country saw it.
The fires of the American revolution were partially set by Paul Revere printing that etching I linked above.
If Spain wants to make that shit happen, beating the shit out of protestors is a great way to accomplish that.
And if you think the police beating the shit out of anti-fa on camera is the solution to that problem, then you’re ignoring what capturing images of the police beating the shit out of people does for these kinds of movements.
The whole purpose of antifa at these “protests” is to provoke the white supremacists and/or the police into attacking them on camera. That the police don’t fall for that trap is actually very smart.
I don’t think the police beating the shit out of anybody is a solution to anything unless it is in the act of doing their job which is to protect private property and innocent people. If the Antifa idiots want to march around chanting idiotic shit who cares. You are grouping peaceful protesters with violent thugs. Ghandi and Antifa do not use the same protesting handbook. If you think the police stepping in on Antifa thugs kicking the shit out of some poor shlub in a MAGA hat will increase the Antifa movement, I think you are mistaken. Apples and oranges…..
I know see I misunderstood what you said about “nothing”.
Jesus. I did start on the Trailer Park Mimosas early today so my reading comprehension and spelling is poor. Or about par to be honest.
First airlines, then spaceships. Now the Virgin boss wants to build Hyperloop One – a high-speed, pneumatic maglev railway. But engineering experts doubt that it will ever leave the station
Is Richard Branson’s high-speed train in a pneumatic tube pie in the sky?
It certainly is not and I am offended at the suggestion.
Branson’s trying to rival Elon Musk for that “pump up the stock price with ideas that will never actually come to fruition” cash.
That’s 19th century technology. Working systems were built and used way back then.
Hyperloop has a working model they’ve successfully tested outside Las Vegas.
If they do this privately, I’m all for it. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if private companies get it done faster and for less than the government doing high speed rail. If they go under existing railways, they can even buy into right of ways owned by the railroad companies. That’s what they typically used to lay carbon fiber across the country back when they were building the interwebs.
. . . but the hyperloop really would be a series of tubes!
I think the technology is especially promising because it can send large loads of cargo in addition to passengers.
Just because people use the environmental benefits of something to sell it doesn’t mean it’s bad idea or isn’t feasible. I just wish we weren’t still refining things that were invented in the 19th century.
Where’s my hyperdrive?
What do we want?
Interstellar travel!
When do we want it?
Like cars?
The telephone.
.- — .. .-. .. – . ..–..
Maybe he should build a hurricane proof house first. Since his airliners are making hurricanes worse and all.
Diversity and inclusion update.
I clicked on that expecting Japanese American cheerleaders.
I wuz disappoint.
Here you go.
Oh my, um, uh….
No. 1, at an In’n’Out – with a double… [passes out]
A most delightful fetish!
Coin stash that puts new spin on China’s 100 years of humiliation.
Fascinating read. I am probably going to post it in the P.M. lynx too.
That article “hurts the feelings of the Chinese people.”
The butthurt of the paid shills in the comment section of the parent article is pretty epic.
Thanks for posting that. I want that book. $800, though. Of course, Christmas is coming soon…
That is fascinating, thanks!
No prob Bob.
Kaleb and Kordale: meet America’s new model family
Kordale Lewis, Kaleb Anthony and their four children have taken social media by storm, creating an inspiring all American family. Aaron Hicklin visits them in Georgia
Who gives a flying fuck? Haven’t these left-wing publications figured out that not even a plurality of people in the US give a shit about this kind of stuff anymore? If they left it alone (y’know the whole live and let live thing?) maybe they’d stop losing. But they can’t. It’s an obsession. They just can’t stop kulturkampfing so they’ll keep losing. IMO most people couldn’t care less about a gay couple adopting children, what they do care about is a bunch of self-righteous, know-nothing, journolists waving it in their face 24/7 saying “LOOK AT THIS! YOU DIDN’T GO TO THE LATEST PRIDE PARADE! CASUAL ACCEPTANCE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! YOU ARE A BIGOT!”
Actually, barring the obvious, it’s quite a conservative statement. Just based on the pictures and story, it seems as if the children are being raised in a loving, stable, two-parent household, and that the parents (one’s an engineer) place high academic expectations on their kids. What they should be called out on is their interior decorating taste, which is atrocious. They’re gay, for fuck’s sake! They should know better.
You’re absolutely right, and why some of the most radical members of the gay rights movement rejected the idea of gay marriage. They saw it as accepting a cultural construct that is essentially So-Con. I’m happy that these folks up above seem like they and the kids are doing well. It shows how low of an opinion the Guardian has of the country that they’d assume people would reject all of that just because the dudes raising the kids happen to be dudes.
That may sound like good news all around. If a handful of billionaires want to spend their fortunes saving lives, why not simply applaud them? But as their ambitions grow, so too does their influence, meaning that for better or worse, a few billionaires are wielding considerable influence over everything from medical research to social policy to politics.
“This isn’t the government collecting taxes and deciding which social problems it wants to solve through a democratic process,” said Eileen Heisman, chief executive of the National Philanthropic Trust, a nonprofit that works with foundations. “This is a small group of people, who have made way more money than they need, deciding what issues they care about. That affects us all.”
The Deep State, philanthropic division: “How dare these people just start throwing their money around like that? We have systems in place. We have a hierarchy. We have priorities. We demand order.”
What a cunt.
I have morning glare on my screen and read that as “Upskirts”. Talk about disappoint.
Here you go.
Bless you, Q.
Not new, but isn’t it funny that most arguments for taking from the rich boils down to, the government can do it better, which is objectively false.
“social problems it wants to solve”
::Raises hand::
Excuse me, which social problems has government ever solved, again?
The government solved the chattel slavery problem in the USA. Not that it couldn’t have been handled differently, but it was solved.
But enough about George Soros.
We have systems in place. We have a hierarchy. We have priorities. We demand
ordera cut.Fixed.
I remember hearing a radio report 15-20 years ago about immigrants sending remittances home as a form of financial aid, and some migration organization being pissed because this keeps them from getting their cut of the development aid.
I just cooked bacon in the oven for the first time. I don’t know why I have never done it before. I have known of the method for years but just never tried it. I feel my life has been wasted until this day.
Bacon cooked in the oven and not in a frying pan is proven to give you syphilis. Just sayin’.
Jokes on you. I already have syphilis. HA!
It explains so much…
I only use the oven. I get much better results.
The oven is the way to go for bacon. You get a much more even cook. And you can cook it naked.
Everyone from Anthony Bourdain to you swears by it, due to more uniform heat distribution. Couple times I tried it, I felt the result was inferior. Maybe I does it wrong.
Parchment underneath and on top. I could have left it in a bit longer to crunch it up a bit more, but still……good stuff. It could also be I have not bought bacon in months because it got stupid expensive. I moved to cheaper sausage.
I use a baking pan with the drip insert thing I dunno what you call it.
I used a half baking sheet that fits in my toaster oven. The toaster oven is all I have. I built a cabinet to accept a real oven when I did my kitchen, but I never saw the need to buy an oven to put in the cabinet. A drip thing might be the ticket, but it was frying in the grease in the pan at the end. It was cooking like in a pan but without the curling factor.
It’s never too late to do the right thing.
Even the Gates Foundation, which is “dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals around the world,” sometimes finds itself drawn into the culture wars. Global Justice Now, an advocacy organization based in London, said in a report that the Gates Foundation is “not a neutral, charitable strategy for which the world should be thankful” but “a specific ideological strategy that promotes neo-liberal economic policies.”
Noooooo! Not neoliberal economic policies! Not a philosophy which has raised millions and millions of people out of poverty and despair! We need an endless supply of clients for our NGO parasitism to flourish.
Future serial killer?
Put your white male rage in a fleshlight, maybe that helps
Good lord. Do they even read what they publish?
Kill yourself before you kill anybody else?
Popular gaming forum NeoGaf is offline following allegations of sexual assault against site owner Tyler “Evilore” Malka. The site currently lists an error and a note that it is down for site maintenance. Many of the site’s moderators left the site in protest following the current allegations.
Gaming’s Toxicity Problem Can’t Be Solved With DMCAs or Valve Charts
“It’s hard for a developer not to feel under siege in this climate”
Glixel has reached out to Malka for comment but has not received a reply at this time.
Saturday night someone posted screen captures on NeoGaf of a Facebook post that detailed an incident in which a woman said that a man she was friends with had shocked her by getting into the shower with her completely naked. After friends asked her to name the man, she told them to “Google Evilore.”
in one breath he’s talking about his urge to commit righteous violence, in the next he’s telling us how being given a bad Yelp review is a terror beyond contemplation.
Pajama boy.
No shit. If the door is closed during business hour after you called, fuck them. Go find a different locksmith. Why would you waste your time trying to do business with someone who doesn’t want your business? If the locksmith can’t be bothered for that, what makes you think he’ll do a halfway decent job of copying a key?
witness the internal logic of the lefty-millenial:
Basically: “why can’t i harass people and destroy their reputations, while remaining completely invulnerable from having the same done to me?!? Something is totally screwed up here!”
the rationale is reduced to “BUT IM ONE OF THE GOOD PEOPLE”, ergo, these rules i apply to others should not apply to me.
The golden rule of “treat people the way you want to be treated” seems to have completely gone over their heads.
Drop everything and cut me my two dollar key right now!
I apologize about the “Load More”, tried to get rid of it using the archive but it didn’t work.
Still worth a read. I was with him until the last line about reforming journalism. No, enough people just need to ignore their product until it fails. The market is a wonderful, magical tool.
The poor baby.
I mean the Taliban didn’t home him accountable for his actions.
You really shouldn’t bitch about how “My country is worse than the Taliban” when you’re currently awaiting sentencing for desertion.
But i guess if he weren’t already an idiot, he wouldn’t be in this situation.
i do think its funny he thinks ‘summary execution’ – what the Tban offerered – was better. Because that would have been the punishment in ye olden times.
You mean rich men want sex with attractive young dancers? UNPOSSIBLE.
Oh, Liverpool.
eh I like spurs so good result really
Of the London teams I like Spurs too. But fuck. I’m starting to think Klopp might want to watch his back.
Should I use my white male privilege to be taken seriously enough by a misogynist white supremacist to have a dialogue, reach for empathy, in the hopes of humanizing the “other” to him?
*outright, prolonged laughter*
Well seeing as you can’t reach for empathy and humanize the white supremacists, something tells me your efforts will fail.
Tax the rich so much that they aren’t rich anymore — only then can the rest of us live in a decent world.
Progressive taxation curbs the power of the wealthy — and that’s exactly why the Right hates it.
TW Jacobin
Now usually I would quote and commend various bits of the article but there is so much derp I wouldn’t know where to begin
“Why do you keep voting for politicians who are so easily bought?”
Nobody seems to have a good answer to this question, which is why they deflect blame to “the rich” and talk about money instead of votes.
Its strange that everyone on the Left seems to think money buys power in America….
….and yet they spent 2X as much as the GOP in the last few election cycles and yet have lost, badly, repeatedly.
There’s is the people’s money, which just can’t compete dollar-for-dollar with the plutocrats’ money.
” which just can’t compete dollar-for-dollar with the plutocrats’ money.””
Which is funny, because the largest donor orgs to democrat party campaigns are from Bazillionaires.
Fahr LLC and NexGen Climate (Both Tom Steyr) put over $120m into the 2016 election. the next-closest plutocrat was Sheldon Adelson, who put a paltry $40million behind the GOP
*correction: adelson put ~$75m, between LV Sands and Adelson Drug donations
Did he send his drug donations via an Amazon warehouse?
Shorter Jacobin: Cling relentlessly to failed economic system that results in massive amounts of human misery.
and meanwhile Jacobite magazine writes articles like
Also stuff like
Contemporary young people on the right may be described in many ways: Transgressive. Ostracized. Principled. Unpopular. Free-thinking. Reactionary. Traditional. However accurate—and perhaps damning — one thinks these are, there is one label that greatly worries me: Joyless.
At first glance, this charge seems ridiculous. How, one might ask, could the People of Pepe, the Movement or Milo, the Cult of Kek, lack joy? The right consistently flaunts shibboleths both in person and online, pulling no punches when mocking the sacred cows of our age. Right-leaning young people are awash with ironic memes that call out the contemporary plagues on Western society with humor. If nothing else, you have to admit that today’s young right has fun.
But mockery and irony are far cries from true, abiding joy. Joy is an essential aspect of human flourishing, and a posture of mockery and irony is diametrically opposed to the experience of joy.
Jacobite mag seem a bit more pretentious then Jacobin mag. More bourgeois,. not a good prole mag
Jacobites ≠ Jacobins
Jacobite magazine seems interesting, even if “IKEA humans” is a seriously obnoxious metonym.
I know I am using the name similarity
Would you prefer “IKEA bodies”?
Because antifa is nothing if not joyful.
The old joke used to be that folk music fans had no sense of humor, and I think that extends to the progressive left.
The hippie/anarcho-left dynamic looks played out to me. I don’t see anything about Millenials that wants to be crusty or embrace the left of yesterday.
If anything, Millenial aversion to social conventions of previous generations might dovetail nicely for the extreme right. Millenials may see words like “communism” like we see the word “boogeyman”, but calling people “Nazis” may not have the same sting either.
If communism is so 1990, what’s that make Nazis?
Bill to legalize marijuana sales moving through NH House
A commission to study the legalization, regulation, and taxation of marijuana in New Hampshire held its first meeting last week with considerable fanfare, even though not much happened.
More substantive action on the marijuana front was taken just a few days earlier, when five members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted 3-2 to recommend “ought to pass” on HB 656, a full-boat legalization bill.
The left will give libertarians the credit for this any day now.
When Obama was raiding state legal medical marijuana dispensaries in California hundreds of time and campaigning on marriage being “between a man and a woman”, libertarians were way out ahead of them on both issues.
I don’t really care about getting credit per se. I’m just hoping that if they see we were right about that, maybe they’ll start wondering if we’re also right about other things.
I’m just hoping that if they see we were right about that, maybe they’ll start wondering if we’re also right about other things.
*Holds breath waiting for this to happen*
*nelson laugh*
About the same time people will see Rand Paul was right on health care.
Dayum, Ted. That’s gonna leave a mark.
I hope they don’t blame libertarians if Rand Paul saddled us with ObamaCare forever.
If Rand Paul saddled us with ObamaCare forever, it sure as hell isn’t this libertarian’s fault.