Lewis Hamilton won the USGP in Austin (sort of), Texas. He’s close to locking down a World Championship. Bummer that he’s such an unlikeable bastard. A bunch of other shit happened over the weekend in hockey and other stuff. The Longhorns lost in OT when their QB inexplicably tossed the ball to a defensive back rather than throwing it away and kicking a FG. Alabama throttled Tennessee in what should in a sane world be Butch Jones’s last game. Penn State, as expected by every sane and sober adult in America, annihilated Michigan, exposing Jim Harbaugh as…mediocre? subpar? a bigmouth prick who should spend more time finding a QB and less time finding a Pontiff? You decide. The battle for the Big Ten East starts this Saturday afternoon in Columbus as the Nittany Lions come visit the Buckeyes in a redemption game. Miami won, Wisconsin won, Oklahoma (barely) won, Notre Dame pummeled USC and exposed Sam Darnold as pedestrian. A bunch of other games happened on the gridiron that I’m sure you will discuss in the comments section. Some of it played yesterday, even.

Bregman with a freaking laser beam for a crucial out.
And then we come to the American League Championship Series. I mean, I don’t even know what to say. I was shit-talking like crazy after games 1 and 2, chest all puffed out and sure the series was gonna be a romp like Boston was. Then the tide turned and by Thursday morning, the Yankees fans on here were strutting around like the cock of the walk. The Astros bats went cold and the Yankees heated up at home in the Bronx. I’ll admit, I was pretty sure the Astros had blown it. But then came Friday and a comfortable win. And then came Saturday, where all hands were expected to be on deck in the bullpen just to hang on against CC Sabathia, one of the most clutch pitchers out there and a man who had gone 10-0 following a Yankees loss this season. Well, the Astros only needed a pair of pitchers, who were lights out. Hell, Morton and McCullers each only threw 54 pitches in five and four innings respectively. Their breaking stuff was filthy and the defense behind them made plays when needed (especially the laser beam Bregman threw to get Bird out at the plate. Anyway, lots of fun was had by all in Bayou City this weekend. And now we wait until tomorrow night for the World Series to start. Hopefully they’ll beat the Dodgers. And the way our pitching staff lines up, I’d expect to head home with at least one win from the two games in Chavez Ravine. Stay Tuned.

This is how Saturday night ended.
Whew! I got excited just writing that stream-of-consciousness intro to the day’s festivities. Which can mean only one thing: time for…the links!
People on both sides of the pond are shitting their pants about the insane, right-wing nutball 31-year old elected to run Austria. The dude is a train wreck! Oh wait. You mean he actually comes across as a sober*, reasonable man who plans to shrink the government footprint, lower taxes and distance his nation from the meddlesome twats in Brussels? Oh no! Whatever will they do to stop the madness?

Let the “crazy, young Austrian leader” comparisons begin.
*Preemptively addressing the “you know who else was a sober Austrian leader” comments.
The Mueller witch hunt takes a left turn. I’m ok with the foreign agent registration process, but I still think witch hunts like these are not a good thing.
The Kate Steinle murder trial is getting ready to start up. And the judge is warning both sides to stick to the facts. I assume his request of the jurors won’t keep Twitter from exploding. I’m grabbing my popcorn.
Hey look! Some good news involving the FBI. Actually, the rest of the article is horrifying if at least the encryption piece makes me smile. These fuckers want access to anything and everything whenever they feel like it and expect to demand the Trump WH and GOP-led Congress give it to them. Let’s hope Rand Paul explains to his new friend President Trump how that is a bad thing for liberty. God knows Obama and Bush didn’t listen

Musk is nothing if not creative…at scamming.
The 21st Century’s PT Barnum has found a few more suckers to extract cash from. Of course its between Baltimore and D.C.
Kim Jong Un’s half-brother’s death eight months ago in Malaysia still a mystery. Yeah, no shit.
Bubble gum pop can be excellent.
Have a great day and a great start to another week…even Yankees fans.
You know what I hate more than anything in the world? The term “pay for tax cuts”. Like “How are we going to ‘pay’ for these tax cuts”.
You don’t “pay” for tax cuts you fucking statist assholes. It’s not your fucking money to begin with.
^This. Letting people keep more of their own money is not an “expense” that needs to be “paid for”.
It is and it does when you’re one of the leeches that don’t pay taxes in the first place and your entire economic philosophy is based on envy.
It irks me when I hear promises that some new program “won’t increase taxes”. When they’re pressed for an explanation, the politicians say they’re just going to cut spending from other things. Well if there are cuts that can be made, you should have done that immediately and lowered taxes, you fucking dirtbags!
It’s like if I were dirt poor and I came home with a new motorcycle, and when my hypothetical wife asked how we possibly afford such a thing, I said, “Oh, it’s OK, this won’t cost us any extra money – I just used the money that I saved by quitting my drinking and gambling!“
But then, of course, you’re not actually quitting drinking and gambling, you’re juat promising not to increase the amount that you drink and gamble. But since your drinking and gambling helps the careers of brewers and indigineous populations you come to thwbsober conclusion that cutting back in wither area is irresponsible, and the common sense compromise solution is to go deep into debt. But don’t worry, your children will pay for it.
Coin stash that puts new spin on China’s 100 years of humiliation
Repost from the Sunday morning links. Man’s life work results in an authoritative volume that documents the slow debasement of Qing Dynasty currency, casting doubt on the narrative that the Opium Wars were the primary cause for China’s downfall.
Lets see, an unwillingess to trade, rampant corruption, multiple layers of “armies” that had no military effectiveness, repeated large scale rebellions, including The largest military conflict of the 19th century… The Opium wars are just a blip on Qing’s problems, really.
Speaking of Chinese coins
An elderly passenger reportedly grounded a plane at a Chinese airport by tossing coins into its engine for luck – the second incident of its type this year.
More Good Luck Pro-Tips:
Punching holes in your chute prior to skydiving.
Cutting the breaklines on your car before leaving for work.
Chopping your dick off before fucking. (Ancient Chinese Secrect!!!)
That last one is a literal lifehack.
Let’s hope Rand Paul explains to his new friend President Trump how that is a bad thing for liberty.
That’s probably what it will take.
You never know. Trump is at least susceptible to being talked into sticking his thumb in the eye of the FBI.
Right. Unfortunately, that’s the sort of logic required.
Why do you want to protect drug traffickers, exploiters of children, and terrorists?
Have you looked at who hangs out here?
Sasquatch Hunters to Build Bigfoot Museum, Hotel in East Glacier Park
Developer says a “Bigfoot burial cave” is located somewhere near East Glacier Park
And I’m sure we will see this documentation any day now….
It’s queued up to be released right after the IPCC releases the CRU’s and Penn State’s raw data.
Soooooo, give it 50 years or so.
Can someone tell me the plural form of Bigfoot?
As #MeToo takes off, don’t let the right define misogyny
Unless they’re getting ready to name the perpetrator to the police, then they shouldn’t bother. They’re probably just getting ready to share their “experience” on Twitter, to have a public lynch mob destroy his life, rather than have a system that requires proof.
Its pretty hard to take your rape to the police when your rapist was a police officer. A woman in my family was drugged and raped by a cop that in her words she would have slept with anyways, but what do you do in that case?
That was the event that turned her into a libertarian, and these stories of women basically sleeping their way to the top (cause that’s what it is when your a nobody then fuck someone for fame and fortune) piss her off like no other.
Neither of us will blast our #metoo stories all over social media (I, a male, was sexually abused my a neighbor at the age of 8, but it didn’t scar me for life and I don’t even remember the guy’s name anymore) cause its a bullshit attention seeking endeavor by most doing it and we don’t want to answer awkward questions about past events we’ve both moved on from.
Oh of course there will be those situations that going to the police might not actually be an option. But those are going to be the exceptions, not the rule.
” a bullshit attention seeking endeavor ”
Pretty much the entire purpose of Twitter, and a good portion of the idea behind all other social media.
Pretty sure the left is going to do a better job of defining it. After all, it’s part of their lifestyle.
My #Metwo(y)(y) campaign isn’t getting much traction.
And goes no further than that, much any other philosophical discussion they have over coffee and cigarettes at the local cafe.
if you accept that, as a victim, you have nothing to be ashamed of; if you accept that sexual exploitation is unwanted and unnecessary;
Here’s the problem I have with this. Yes, there are no doubt cases of innocent women getting exploited by bastards. And nobody in their right mind is defending the sexual exploitation of women, or anybody else. But, some of these instances are consensual transactions. Is Harvey Weinstein a pig? Sure. You won’t get an argument about that from me. But, am I going to call the chippy who decided to sleep with him to get a part she otherwise wouldn’t get a “victim”? Some of these stories are of women who went back to directors’ hotel rooms multiple times. It’s clear to anyone what the arrangement was. You can’t be a voluntary participant in something and still be the victim.
Yeah, this is a lot different than the chick in NY who the cops are saying had consensual sex with the two cops who arrested her and then let her go afterward. That’s coercion. Harvey saying “I’ll give someone else the part if you don’t jack me off” is different. Those women weighed the options and voluntarily decided to engage or not engage in certain activities based on how they’d benefit from the exchange. Now unless he barred exit from the room, that scenario sounds like the free market to me.
Harvey saying “I’ll give someone else the part if you don’t jack me off” is different.
Well, to me, even that is borderline coercion. Or at least wrong. Turning somebody down for a job they’d be good at because they’re not giving you things certainly seems like an abuse of power, to say the least. I’m thinking of cases that were probably even more clear-cut, of the woman saying to Weinstein, “Gee, Harvey, I’d REALLY like that part. I’d do ANYTHING if you’d cast me.”, or even cases where Weinstein said “I’m thinking of casting that other actress, she’d be terrific. But, if you’d jack me off….”.
The bottom line is that some of these cases were undoubtedly quid pro quo. By now calling the women “victims”, you essentially give them an out on human agency.
It’s just prostitution for compensation other than cash.
It would be coercion if there is a threat of harm for saying no.
If the only threat for saying no is losing your part, then it’s prostitution.
100% this.
It seems to me that part of the threat (even if implied) is getting the potential actor/actress blackballed from the industry. That goes beyond a simple compensation for services rendered scenario.
Yes. That’s why I talked about a closed system as opposed to a free market.
You forget, when Harvey talks, people listen. He could easily taint your reputation as an actress in getting other projects.
Bullshit. There is no Hollywood agent that assumed Weinstein ever had that much pull beyond his own company.
Let’s say you walked into work some Friday morning. Your boss pulls you and your colleagues aside and says, “You all have been terrific people to have working for me. You’re good people and I’d hate to lose any of you. That’s why, on Monday morning, each of you is going to hand me an envelope containing ten thousand dollars, cash. If you don’t, I’ll consider that the equivalent of your letter of resignation.”. Is your boss in the wrong? Are you engaged in corruption?
In at least some of these cases it went beyond “jerk me off and you get the role” and into “If you don’t jerk me off I’ll see to it that you never work in this town again and given his position that was a reasonably credible threat
And a perfectly reasonable and moral response would be “fuck you, I’ll destroy you in public and clean this cesspool up.”
They’re not moral dilemmas because they’re easy.
And a perfectly reasonable and moral response would be “fuck you, I’ll destroy you in public and clean this cesspool up.”
I agree with this as being a moral response. But, if the behavior is okay, what is it you’d bring to the public’s attention? You’re implicitly recognizing the behavior as out of line.
Legality and morality are not the same thing.
“fuck you, I’ll destroy you in public and clean this cesspool up.”
Yeah sure. You near-nobody actress with nice tits and a thin resume from Podunk, Georgia is going to take on the indie darling studio head. Now, it’s out because Harvey’s power has waned to a significant degree.
Who is also very close personal friends with the President and is owed numerous favors by all manner of very rich, powerful, and important people.
Also because some of the actresses he did this to no longer have thin resumes and they have achieved levels of power to at least put them into the same playing field as Weinstein and more importantly because the times changed. Weinstein’s behavior would have been viewed as being simply boorish and made him an asshole a decade ago, today he is looked at as being the moral equivalent of a rapist and odds are pretty good that some criminal charges are going to result from this as well.
Sloop you are making the same mistake people who call Mark Twain a racist make. You are judging events from yesterday with the perspective of today. Sure today a nobody actress with no real resume or power could very well destroy someone like Weinstein with allegations of sexual misconduct. As little as a decade ago even if she was believed, and Weinstein wasn’t able to bury the story it barely would have registered as a blip on the public attention radar. Christ Corey Feldman has been out there screaming about this for years and everyone mostly believed him but no one gave a shit because we all already knew the casting couch was a real thing and just accepted that for some it was the price of entry into the acting field. There was less than 0 chance that anyone was going to be able to take down Weinstein over this more than 3 or 4 years ago.
Harvey saying “I’ll give someone else the part if you don’t jack me off” is different. Those women weighed the options and voluntarily decided to engage or not engage in certain activities based on how they’d benefit from the exchange. Now unless he barred exit from the room, that scenario sounds like the free market to me.
The issue, to me, is that the two individuals are not equal parties in the exchange. To pretend otherwise is to let Harvey off the hook.
Also, one can argue that Hollywood is a relatively closed system with very large barriers to entry and thus does not act like a true free market.
It still looks like a voluntary exchange. “If you want this, then give me that in return”. The party in question can either accept or decline. Just because the one thing is something really, really valuable that the other party really, really wants does not make it coercive. I am reminded of the Winston Churchill “what do you think I am?” joke. They’re really just haggling over the price.
Thy are equal parties. The actress is free to open a competing studio where people can work free from this kind of shit. And I bet she’d get all kinds of moral people, as much as they exist in the entertainment industry, to come and work for her instead of a sleazy piece of shit that demands you let them bust a nut on you to be able to work.
The actress is free to open a competing studio where people can work free from this kind of shit.
Your naivety about the industry is illuminating.
I’m not naive. I know it would have a serious set of challenges. But we can’t legislate against what is still a voluntary exchange because a market is hard to break into.
WeinsteIn is a sleazy piece of shit. And he does have a great deal of PROFESSIONAL control over the m people he’s interacting with. But nobody guaranteed them a job in this profession and I don’t think it’s a good thing to consider regulating voluntary relationships or quid pro quos merely because a field is difficult to break into and there are few gatekeepers. That’s for people breaking into the industry to figure out a way around.
I don’t think it’s a good thing to consider regulating voluntary relationships or quid pro quos merely because a field is difficult to break into and there are few gatekeepers. That’s for people breaking into the industry to figure out a way around.
We agree on regulation — that’s a nonstarter for me. I just don’t buy the equal parties thing because of how the industry itself works. (Or worked … it’s been a long time since I was in LA and party to some of the industry goings-on.) So, the solution is to prosecute someone where the laws are applicable.
I’ll agree in this scenario that the casting couch is a voluntary transaction. My question is, when does similar format cross the line into coercion? The condition of getting promoted? You’ll be fired if you don’t? How about if part of your contract is that you don’t work for a competitor for at least one year after being fired, and the boss demands jerk him off or you’re fired?
I realize that in our legal system all of these are super big no nos, I’m just wondering what the libertopia line would be for employers taking sexuap advantage of employeesil is.
I’d think this would be a no-no from a libertarian perspective if actual force were used or if the ultimatum is a breach of the employment contract.
I would say the key would be whether or not the “Personal Services” were written into the initial contract.
Is this a positive or negative contingent? Must the contract say “Personal Services will not be factors in promotion and firing,” or is the absence of mentioning Personal Services imply that they will not be factors?
If the contract does not say that the employee will be required to render personal services, there should be no penalty for not rendering them.
My employer’s handbook explicitly forbids quid-pro-quo sex for any type of benefits/compensation or condition of employment. But I agree with UCS; that’s not necessary.
Me too. A childish phrase for a bunch of intellectually challenged adult children. Me too, me too! /derp
Even the hats are your overpriced. I get to pay $20 to promote your boring company
If your company name is big and bold on clothing, it should be free.
But Chips, if people are willing to pay to be walking billboards, what company could refuse?
In true libertarian fashion, if some company can get someone to pay for the privilege of advertising for said company, fine no skin off my nose. Not asking for a government intervention here.
Eh, I have had my mom give me a Tide Loads of Hope Tee twice, once in 2005, with Katrina, and this year, with all the others. Since it’s for charity, I don’t have a problem with wearing it.
5000th hat buyer get’s a free hat with their hat!
A velcro hat??? What the hell
Blacks and (some) Jews hardest hit.
It took me a shameful amount of time to get that joke 🙁
hardest hit….by lil velcro-covered balls?
Scruffy’s Shopping List: Bathroom Decorating Edition
The beer one is pretty cool
Hey, I need a new shower curtain. thanks interwebs.
The Bernoulli principle means that I’ll have Goldblum pressed up against my nekkid body. Could be worse.
Supposedly all the shower curtains in Riven’s compound are of Goldblum
The French version of #metoo makes this explicit: #balancetonporc – grass up your pig. Their feminism has always been more philosophically absolute, more ready to follow itself to its logical conclusions, than the Anglo-Saxon variant.
To the guillotine with them.
A tiny guillotine I would imagine. Just big enough
Creatonotos gangis: don’t tell anyone but that frightening looking creature is apparently just a moth
Okay, it’s bizarre, but does it have anything going besides its looks?
It’s an easy date?
of course, Australia.
Of course you can find it in Australia. The word Australia is Australian for “scary shit of nature.”
I thought “Australia” was derived from the aboriginal phrase for “everything here wants to kill you”.
I have to admit, Musk really knows his audience. The half-assed intellectualism, the smug, the hats – all perfect. This quote FTA really sums it up:
Steve Jobs wasn’t an Engineer – he was a salesperson.
Wozniak was the Engineer.
Jobs was excellent at engineering sales. Musk, on the other hand, is just a fucking rent seeker, hawking products that wouldn’t be viable without government largess. A brilliant one but that’s what he is.
Spicy Chica Millenial…..how perfect.
20 Things Men Can Do RTFN to Support Women, Beyond Just Literally Ceasing to Sexually Harass Us
Give you a hint, #20 is “Befriend Children”.
No, I did not make that up
I’ll keep that in mind when I’m reaching for the lotion.
Trying to jerk-off to things that go against your inherent sexual predilections is a good way to end up chaffed, angry and probably even more hostile towards the things you find unsexy than just, you know, fapping to what you fancy.
That is no time to be engaged in a ‘struggle session’.
That’s funny. I thought “struggle session” was a euphemism for masturbation.
I thought it was the term for trying to get a landwhale off the couch.
Well, for some of us with amazing stamina it is.
So now they’re demanding fair-trade, affirmative action, cage-free, organic, gluten-free porn. They really do seem eager to take the “moral scold” reputation away from the socons.
What, do they want people to check the credits of porn before jerking off? And why does it matter if that lesbian bdsm rape orgy was directed by a man or a women, aside from different sexual tastes?
*Sigh.* Looks like I’ll be watching lots of Japanese stuff then. Fortunately for OMWC, by their definition loli hentai is totes fine. Make it lesbian loli and it might even be woke.
I never make it to the credits.
Why is it incumbent upon men to support women? Do women also have a reciprocal obligation to support men? I think we need a list of 20 things women can do to support men:
1) Make me sammich.
2) Fetch me a beer.
3) etc.
Hook’s got ya covered
Why is it incumbent upon men to support women? Do women also have a reciprocal obligation to support men?
These are exceedingly good questions. And they’re questions you’ll never see a modern feminist ask. If they did, their whole ideology is in jeopardy.
Because wamen have been giving you their emotional labor free of charge since the dawn of time, shitlord.
Collectivist guilt knows no boundaries of time, geography, or actual, you know, guilt.
Because wamen have been giving you their emotional labor free of charge since the dawn of time
But why the hell should men consider nagging valuable?
On a recent Tom Woods Show podcast, his guest summed it up pretty well: “First-wave feminism was about giving women more rights without more responsibilities; second-wave feminism was about removing responsibilities from women, and third-wave feminism is about giving extra responsibilities to men.”
This is perfect. Also why I can’t stand it when some people act like Feminism used to be a good thing, but only became bad/insane in the 3rd or 2nd wave. It was always bad.
I presume that you are putting the beginning of “feminism” after they gained suffrage?
So gaining the ability to vote for war without having to shoulder the burden of dying in war was not more rights without responsibilities?
What UCS said. There was nothing right about their suffrage fight.
This is confusing me a little bit. I don’t remember voting yea or nay on any of the wars in my lifetime. Also, are you saying that women’s suffrage is wrong?
My problem is I too frequently have five minute conversations with the average voter – and the people who govern them.
The way it was done? Yup. They were demanding the same “rights” men had, without any of the responsibilities that men had to deal with. Feminism is and always was from the very beginning cancer.
Universal suffrage is wrong – universally. It is an empirical truth that there are certain individuals which cannot be trusted to wield a monopoly on force consistent with the principals of maximizing liberty.
Also completely true. Just as not every woman should have the vote, so too not every man should have the vote.
Oops, wrong comment to reply to.
Why is it incumbent upon men to support women?
Because women are the weaker sex and utterly dependent on men? /Unfortunate implication of their assertions.
“Girl Power” and “we need the support of men/government” are two exclusive thoughts many feminists seem to hold simultaneously. A great illustration of Orwell’s “double-think”.
A trait I’ve noticed with the third-wave feminists and the “grrrrl power” types is that they’re comically incapable of assuming personal responsibility. It’s like they want to be thought of as strong, capable, etc., and they want the results they think ought to come from doing big, risky things, but they don’t want to bear the responsibility of actually doing things or suffer the consequences. It’s like how little kids will pitch a fit because they want to roast their own marshmallow, then they’ll get bored or distracted ten seconds in and walk off, then come back and be surprised and upset that their marshmallow is on fire and blame you for not handling it for them.
I would say in my experience that comes about because it’s actually two different narratives – the grrrl power part is held-over from second-wave and earlier. “give me the freedom to fuck it up on my own” – sex positive, I’m not going to melt if I have sex, while a woman can’t do everything a man can do physically, they can do a lot that for a long time they didn’t have the choice to do. That sort of thing.
But third-wave (and intersectionality) is all about victim-hood, so then we get the ‘oh this horrible man touched my boob accidentally on the train, I’m going to need to rant about it on twitter and maybe my fainting couch”.
But feminism can’t really abandon the girl power narrative, because that’s the only thing left that connects them backward (Otherwise it’s just another brand of progressive stacking and I get the feeling more than a few feminists realize if they’re no longer seen as “empowering” the gravy train collapses). Which it already has started, and as lefties eat each other, it’ll be more obvious.
Are we talking women in general, or specific women? Because I’m married, and despite her having the typical PhD’s ironic lack of common sense and basic survival skills we’re pretty much a 50-50 operation. As for women as a demographic? No offense, but I’ve got a 2-year-old I’m already supporting, so, you know, I gave at the office.
We’re talking about the feminist notion that mem as a collective have an obligation to support women as a collective by virtue of them having a vagina, which we do by bending over backwards for them, meekly submitting to sexual assault and rape accusations, stepping aside from jobs to make room for women of color, and generally admitting guilt as men and seeking penance. The problem with your wife and child is that you dare treat them as individuals, not as members of the oppressed class. If you were a true ally of women, you would have voted for Hillary and faithfully donated to righteous causes like Everyday Feminism.
Individual guilt is a bourgeois concept. The Soviet Union figured it out a century ago and we still don’t get it.
This was covered days ago, I even gave funny comments, though my fine work was insufficiently appreciated at the time.
Figured someone had. It’s just too wonderful.
I first read that as “befriend chickens.” Works for me.
+1 Gonzo the Great!
The next video.
Making pumpkin pie with a bazooka.
SIV likes this post.
At which point they get accused of being sexual predators.
‘Life Longs to be Understood’: Letters Reveal Young Obama’s Hopes
‘OK, what does that look like in practice?’”
Funny how the answer is always Socialism.
I’ll love how they try and frame it as though he’s unique for *thinking* about such things. Fucken dumb. A pseudo-intellectual for silly people easily swayed.
“He’s intellectually egalitarian, but he also was trying to figure out, ‘OK, what does that look like in practice?’”
Er…it’s called communism.
Why don’t we give it another fair shake? Sure, some people are gonna starve, but the historical results aren’t conclusive!
Communism would work beautifully; the problem is that it turns into state capitalism every time!
“He’s intellectually egalitarian, but he also was trying to figure out, ‘OK, what does that look like in practice?’””
Gulags, millions dead of starvation, and suppression of basic freedom.
Bubble gum pop can be excellent.
It can, indeed. That song, however, always conjures this.
Son of bitch. Shit.
You’re our big toe Sloop, or is it our thumb? Haven’t watched it in a while.
“That’s the fact, Jack!”
The big toe.
Now, any of you suckholes wanna come up here and knock me off?
Oh shit…incoming!!!!!!
I thought it was going to be this:
So Glibs, is this true? Were there lots if empty seats?
The NFL exists and profits by channeling (White, with expendable income) people’s natural tribal instincts toward loyalty to corporate “tribes” of vaguely geographically related mercenaries playing at fake war.
People seem to have to have thier proxy battles. The big money is in multi-year tv contracts. Fans show up just to play thier role in this version reality TV. So I dont think the empty seats matter and, like I said, it seems even very smart people have to have thier mercenary wars by proxy. The NFL is going to do just fine.
Some of those pictures may just be taken at a time when the stadium seats weren’t very full, could be some deception going on there. Would be good if you could get the attendance totals, inflated as those may be.
The gate instead if the paid attendance though. I want to see how many ticket holders aren’t going to games. That would be telling.
A buddy of mine cancelled his NFL GameDay over this shit. He said that it seemed like they had been getting a lot of calls over the issue.
They also always uses Jacksonville and Miami (two teams with traditionally horrid attendance) as examples. Methinks they cherry picked that data.
To be fair I get why the Titans-Browns game was empty.
Fwiw, I think baseball is different. See Carlin’s baseball vs football routine.
The NFL is going to survive, but this fiasco will cost them hundreds of $ millions. People might watch the game they care about, but with the NFL tainted image, far fewer people will sit down and watch a second of third game with teams they don’t care about just for entertainment.
I have much better things to do than lay what? $500 to take the family to a game. So this will quickly diminish the value of season tickets as they will be worth less on the resale market. That hit will arrive next year.
Wait, 500 bucks? Really?
My local NFL team charges $60 just to park. Add a few tickets, inflated concessions, merchandise…yeah. Sounds about right.
For me to go to the Meadowlands with the family? Sure. Last time I was there, I paid $30 for the privilege of parking.
Tix for my team are going for $250, so that’s $1k and not for the good seats, either.
There’s An Elephant In Harvey Weinstein’s Hotel Room
Buried beneath the sickening story of Harvey Weinstein’s abuse is another story — the problem of casting women by their fuckability — and who that leaves out.
The elephant in the room in discussions about the alleged crimes and misdemeanors of Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein looks eerily similar to an elephant of the past. It is the Race elephant. And among the allegations, the question of race is one that we are not really looking to engage with, because it is knotty and gnarly. But it bears talking about, because there are black women in Hollywood, and not talking about it does us all a disservice.
In Hollywood, where both racism and sexism are rampant, what can look like a sort of mitigated blessing ends up highlighting another insidious problem in (the societal microcosm that is) Hollywood: Black women do not often come up for the kind of prestigious high-profile and award-winning roles that a producer with Weinstein’s power could offer.
Shit this was not meant to be a reply. Goddamnit
Spare me. Nobody wants to fuck Halle Berry?
And something tells me that Kathy Bates didn’t get Weinstein’s help achieving her status.
Yeah. Kathy Bates had to be a good actress.
What about Whoopi? How does she fit into this?
Unless it’s Ted Danson, I think Whoopi has to rape-rape people to get laid.
I think they’re complaining that Tyler Perry gets all the good roles for black women.
Black women are the black women in terms of fuckability.
You can send Kerry Washington, Angela Bassett, Paula Patton, or Gabrielle Union my way anyday.
Gabrielle Union…yum
Meagan Good, FTW!!!
Is she saying black women aren’t attractive or they don’t put out for producers?
Harvey is so racist he didn’t even rape black women
Yup. It’s a frankly bizarre complaint.
This food is terrible…and such small portions!
Didn’t he proposition Lupita Nyong o?
she just wrote a piece for the NUT and this moron claims harvey didn’t do exactly the same to black women?
ooookay, apparently I managed to post in the middle of writing it somehow. Thanks mobile.
She just wrote a piece for (I think) NYT about Harvey, so yeah, I think the whole “he’s racist against black women” is not just stupid, but obviously wrong.
Mmm…I think this is bullshit. Something tells me that a certain group of people hear a train leaving the station and they’re all trying to get on board. Soon there’s going to be an LGBTQWTFBBQ angle to this.
The casting couch is problematic because it excludes gay actors* and is a burden for lesbian actors. Clearly the solution is more LGBTQRSTUV producers who can hold more diverse casting couches.
*Or in Hollywood, excludes post-pubescent boys
I didn’t keep track of the source because I foolishly didn’t think it would be the Brigadoon of reporting on this, but I recall reading a blip in one article about the casting couch referring to men who had themselves been propositioned and in some cases pressured into sexual contact of one form or another with gay male producers who would go unnamed. Of course, that would fuck the narrative right up, so that’s not going to show up in much reporting I would hazard.
Speaking of Harvey, any overlords around to give an update on getting the stories posted?
Survey reveals the biggest turn-offs you can commit during sex
Come home unannounced?
/Standing ovation
having a vagina that’s ‘too loose’. – or you know a penis
So where is farting?
Not a deal breaker, apparently ?
Good. Because i am sure if the EPA got wind of my ass, Id be responsible for as a contributor to global warming.
I’m not gonna lie – I think my fish curry farts constitute a violation of the non-aggression principle.
Did you miss the noise complaints in both categories? I think that covers it. Unless you’re silent but deadly.
Treating her to the Dutch Oven?
Turnoff: Bringing a roast beef sandwich to bed.
-everyone but Jerramy Stevens
I find pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats.
You Costanza’d this subthread back to decency. I appreciate that.
Don’t listen to him bacon. We know the truth.
You know, I’m almost glad nobody got my joke. It gives me a flicker of hope for humanity.
What’s a “weird” noise? Heard a rumor that a friend liked to talk like a robot during sex. I’d consider that weird.
What, like “Danger, Will Robinson!”?
Yeah, that’s weird.
No, more like R2D2.
She didn’t get that specific, just “robot voice.”
c3po -no
r2d2 – yes
Ex-girlfriend’s name.
Cue Bernie Mac:
“If you don’t bust a nut when I bust a nut… then you fresh outta fuckin’ luck wit’ me!”
Almost none of those are things that people “do”.
Right. And a couple of them on the men’s complaint side can be estimated prior to entering a bedroom.
“Lewis Hamilton won the USGP in Austin (sort of), Texas. He’s close to locking down a World Championship. Bummer that he’s such an unlikeable bastard. ” – hey easy with the overt racism
Bummer that he’s such an unlikeable bastard.
Hey, I’m a fan of unlikeable bastards.
That’s why I come around here.
“Lewis Hamilton won the USGP in Austin (sort of), Texas. He’s close to locking down a World Championship. Bummer that he’s such an unlikeable bastard. ”
Aren’t most F1 drivers maniacal assholes?
Hey wait a minute!
-Eddie Irvine
I’m with Eddie! WTF!
-Ricardo Patrese
Purest evil has a face
The descendants of Mortimer and Raymond Sackler, a pair of psychiatrist brothers from Brooklyn, are members of a billionaire clan with homes scattered across Connecticut, London, Utah, Gstaad, the Hamptons, and, especially, New York City. It was not until 2015 that they were noticed by Forbes, which added them to the list of America’s richest families. The magazine pegged their wealth, shared among twenty heirs, at a conservative $14 billion. (Descendants of Arthur Sackler, Mortimer and Raymond’s older brother, split off decades ago and are mere multi-millionaires.) To a remarkable degree, those who share in the billions appear to have abided by an oath of omertà: Never comment publicly on the source of the family’s wealth.
That may be because the greatest part of that $14 billion fortune tallied by Forbes came from OxyContin, the narcotic painkiller regarded by many public-health experts as among the most dangerous products ever sold on a mass scale. Since 1996, when the drug was brought to market by Purdue Pharma, the American branch of the Sacklers’ pharmaceutical empire, more than two hundred thousand people in the United States have died from overdoses of OxyContin and other prescription painkillers. Thousands more have died after starting on a prescription opioid and then switching to a drug with a cheaper street price, such as heroin. Not all of these deaths are related to OxyContin—dozens of other painkillers, including generics, have flooded the market in the past thirty years. Nevertheless, Purdue Pharma was the first to achieve a dominant share of the market for long-acting opioids, accounting for more than half of prescriptions by 2001.
Worse than Stalin, Hitler and Robert E Lee.
I wonder if they get to the part where the government mandates putting poison into the formula. I haven’t slogged all the way through it, yet. I can only take this sort of hysterical screeching in small bites.
And yet, MJ is still Schedule I.
Fucking puritans.
Never comment publicly on the source of the family’s wealth.- a legal product legally sold?
Considering all the people in intractable pain they helped, they oughtta get a fucking monument.
Bbbb.. B. B.. Bbb but someone, some where might be enjoying themselves getting high. Better we let people suffer
Well that’s what Mother Teresa would have wanted, according to some sources.
Mother Theresa was a fraud.
Yeah, well Mother Teresa sold poison milk to school children.
OxyContin is so popular precisely because it doesn’t have acetaminophen. It’s just time release oxycodone.
“To a remarkable degree, those who share in the billions appear to have abided by an oath of omertà: Never comment publicly on the source of the family’s wealth.”
Or maybe they just figured it was none of your business how much money they had or where they got it, since it was obtained legally.
“That may be because the greatest part of that $14 billion fortune tallied by Forbes came from OxyContin, the narcotic painkiller regarded by many public-health experts as among the most dangerous products ever sold on a mass scale.”
Bullshit. I’d like to meet these “public-health experts” (since when is that term hyphenated?). The automobile is a far more dangerous product than Oxycontin ever has been. Frankly, Oxycontin is a tiny percentage of all narcotic prescriptions written annually in the United States. In any event, most prescription narcotic overdose deaths are secondary to a combination of drugs. Someone will take some painkillers, and some muscle relaxers, and some of their benzodiazepines to chill out, and their antidepressant, and have a few glasses of booze on top of it. The respiratory depression of the combination is much greater than those of the single drugs and often the person isn’t aware of how powerful the effect can be.
I prescribe narcotics fairly rarely and am able to control patient pain in the emergency department very often without their use, but it’s aggravating how now they’ve become another in a long string of bogeymen and hobgoblins with which to menace the populace. The reasons for the epidemic of prescription narcotic deaths are many but it’s not because the evil Oxy bat swoops down and bites people.
There is no epidemic of prescription narcotic deaths. An epidemic has to be communicable.
Wait, I thought an assault rifle (black with the thingy that goes up) was the most dangerous product ever sold?
Get back to me when you finalize your list of scarey boogeymen.
Or the part where the government throws these people into prison and destroys their lives.
Musk might just be up there as the greatest engineers of all time along with steve jobs.
“This ain’t no railroad, and I don’t need no fuckin’ engineer.”
– A J Foyt
Steve Jobs was a fucking saleman. Every time I used I-tunes, I wanted to kick Steve Jobs’ nuts.
That’s because Apple isn’t a tech company, it’s a fashion company.
I have to admit, I love my MB Air, fashionable as it is.
If I can’t open it up and change out the components, it had better be dirt cheap.
Haha! It’s just an appliance. Why the hell do I need to open it up? No gaming, no heavy processing, no big storage needs.
I need light and reasonably reliable. Good battery helps, too.
So, you don’t use it?
So, you don’t use it?
Honestly, with the exception of writing and my order/financial stuff, I could probably get by with a tablet.
I spent $150 for a bottom of the line laptop from Lenovo (ARM processor, less CPU and memory than your average smartphone, but keyboard and screen fold-up format). When I want to do writing on the road, and don’t need the computational power of my main rig, it does just fine. The flash drives I carry my work on have more storage than it does.
I couldn’t think of a use case that would justfy the price tag for a macbook.
I couldn’t think of a use case that would justfy the price tag for a macbook.
Business expense.
Please tell me it had a beige case.
By picking the price, I didn’t get to pick the color.
So, it’s actually a candy apple red.
Does it hurt your eyes?
No, it’s not target red, and when you open it up the keyboard and screen frame are black, so I don’t have to see the shell color when working on it.
“I can’t open my car up and do anything with the components (without a computer from the OEM and a lot of learning). I better start walking or riding a bike.”
That’s fucking retarded.
I love my iPhone. My iPad. My MacBook Air. And my Mac mini. I especially like how I can pull up everything I stored on one of them from any of the others…at any time from any place. And I also love how I can do software updates on them with regularity and they maintain utility for years and years, which most PCs can’t do. And I especially love how few times I have to worry about viruses that slow them down, since they’re much less frequently targeted.
Apple haters make me laugh. Their products are superior in so many ways for so many people. Not everyone, but casual tech users that want a seamless and slick interface with virtually zero need for meddling, like me prefer them for just that reason.
Nice strawman. Especially love the addition of conditions. Top notch logical fallacy there.
Same thing applies though. At least to a lot of people.
Most of us want something that works efficiently and not something we can monkey with to make more efficient or for a specific task (like gaming). That’s why Apple is so successful.
It’s fine.
I laid out my standards for my purchases. Yet somehow it seems to have struck a nerve – as if you felt I was judging you for abiding by your standards.
I personally also don’t like the user interface on most apple products. (Especially the damn work iPhone) but there are people who seem to be happy with it. If you want your computing appliance, I’m not going to say you’re wrong. I’m just probably never going to buy a Mac.
It struck a nerve because you assume people who own them “don’t use it”. As if a computer’s utility for anyone is based on a certain set of parameters that apply to you.
My screed wasn’t personally directed at you but at people in general who decry Apple products utility because they have a singular view of what utility is.
I’m sure there are some apple snobs out there that mock pc users because they have a narrow view of what utilization is, but it’s much more common when coming from the direction of PC-only people.
You took my joke with Tundra a bit seriously.
Maybe your joke delivery is off. Add salt.
In the time frame, it worked.
The truth of the matter is, I’m a Sysadmin. I work with Unix boxes, I work with Linux Boxes, I work with Windows boxes, I’ve even had to work with Apple boxes, and some super-proprietary crap.
At home a monkey about with the innards because I know I can. So I’m running windows and Linux. I’m really very agnostic about what other people choose, and am accustomed to good natured ribbing between platforms.
From the sounds of it, Sloopy has run into some really toxic diatribes and hate-storms between platform fanatics.
Platform fanaticism is stupid. The main principle is picking the right tool for the right job.
I got the joke. Happily, my days of fuck-giving about my technology are largely gone. Like Sloop, my needs are simplicity and reliability and I am willing and able to pay for that. I don’t care who makes it.
I just won’t use Windows any more. Ever.
Electronic fuel injection was a mistake.
From personal experience, Apple products are the worst. Every one I’ve ever owned stopped working within months. People always tell me how great they are, then offer to demonstrate, and spend 15-20 minutes trying to get their shit to work while I sit there laughing cause I said that would happen before they tried to demonstrate it and they didn’t believe me.
Apples coding standard (only code a feature if 80% of users will use it) regularly messes with me as features I except to be in their products rarely are. My wife switched from android to iPhone and can’t wait to go back after under a year cause it just can’t do things she’s used to, and what it can do its always trying to run through some shitty Apple version of a solution like Apple Maps.
Apple lovers always tell me I’m wrong or an outlier, but can never actually show how their products are superior. I had a job once that gave me a Windows laptop and an MacBook when I started in an attempt to convert me. The MacBook was always freezing up, crashing, and losing data. No problems with the PC.
I’ve had tons of Apple products and its always the same story that they completely die or barely function after just a few months. Why people love that cult I’ll never know.
The quality of hardware from Apple is generally higher than your average PC manufacturer. Additionally, Apple has better audio drivers with lower latency than your typical PC (unless modified to use ASIO).
That said, I hate Apple. Printer drivers suck, error messages are completely useless, troubleshooting is damn near impossible, they’re expensive. I’m putting together a Hauptwerk Organ computer for my son and it will be fully PC simply because I can make it work without spending $10K.
You don’t own a cell phone?
It was dirt cheap.
Fair enough
I get bitter because I have to deal with Safari (non)compliance with web standards, and then with Apple owners who talk about how superior the Apple is and then need extra help to get it to do stuff like authenticate on a network or use a shared printer. Plenty of people like Apple stuff, and that’s fine, I just think they’re coasting on a rep that’s now largely about marketing to people who are already invested in their design philosophy.
There’s nothing especially profound about Apple stuff from a UX perspective, certainly not any more. It’s just that it has the reputation of being easier to use and it limits a lot of what you can do in other operating systems in order to be more approachable to users to aren’t interested. But it’s not better designed; I’d argue that it’s more difficult to use OSX than Windows 7 (I think 10’s a push) because there are more assumptions made about user choices.
From a hardware perspective, their cases are certainly solid and the displays are beautiful, but having to click the trackpad is a recipe for carpal tunnel and the chiclet keyboard missing a numpad is not well-suited for number entry, something you notice pretty quickly working in spreadsheets or anything like that. And they’re heavy. I appreciate that from a tactical perspective, but I’m not going to hit someone with a $3000 laptop.
Like I say, I’m biased, though. I game on PC a lot, and I have a home PC set up for development. I dual-boot Mint and Windows 10, and am gradually migrating everything over to eventually just run Linux. I both want and need to be able to add and upgrade hardware, and I want a computer that is going to do everything I need it to do quickly and well, and I can’t get that from Apple without spending a billion dollars and getting an un-upgradeable piece of modern art.
But again, I’m not everybody, and if you are happy living in the Apple ecosystem their stuff works very well together, which is a big plus.
Italian Eyob Faniel won the Venice marathon on Sunday after a bizarre incident in which the leading six runners took a wrong turn.
Favorites Abdulahl Dawud, Gilbert Kipleting Chumba, Kipkemei Mutai and David Kiprono Metto were among the leading group 25km (16 miles) into the race when the motorcycle guiding the runners took a wrong turn. The six leaders covered several hundred metres before being made aware of the error and turning back. They lost about two minutes.
The 25-year-old Faniel went on to become the first Italian to win the race in 22 years.
I’m suspecting it wasn’t a “wrong” turn.
Ya gotta love the Italians.
When asked about why he made a wrong turn, the motorcycle driver, Eyob Faniel Sr., had no comment.
I laughed heartily. For real.
Thank you.
Where did Wile E. Coyote finish?
They’re still peeling him off a painted “tunnel” on a rock wall
Thanks for the post improvement, Edit Fairy!
Did anyone happen to see ‘The Legend of Homer’ last night about Homer getting inducted into the BHOF?
It was a fun watch but man oh man was it overt with its liberalism.
Ezra Klein talking about statistics is like Lenny & Squiggy talk about physics.
Then they took that grautitous at Thatcher for ‘dismantling society’. It was a non-sequitur that literally had no place in the show. It was just the producers wanting to get their fucken lousy digs in via a left-wing twit like Russell Brand.
They can’t help themselves.
No wonder I barely watch any TV anymore. I can’t stand them insulting me to my face like that.
Just remember, everyone on TV (male and female) had to suck a producer’s cock Team America style. It helps put their preachiness in perspective.
Team America made a casting couch joke? Unpossible! The casting couch was a closely guarded, completely unknown secret in Hollywood, and it’s abusive existence only came to light after the Harvey Weinstein scandal, at which point the righteous celebrities pushed back against this atrocity lurking in their midst. Why, to suggest otherwise would be to say it’s an open secret before and this is just more petty virtue signalling. Which is of course ridiculous.
I didn’t see it but I would have been interested in doing so….until you told me Ezra fucking Klein’s idiotic ass was in it. Statistics? The motherfucker is no statistician.
Even Bill DeBlasio made an appearance. But I think that was more of a ‘right place, right time’ thing. Still….
Even Neil Degrasse-Tyson was in it talking about stuff – surprise – he’s no expert in.
In other words, they took all the popular fads-people.
George Will is the token conservative; thanks to Ken Burns I guess.
Better than that twit David Brooks….I guess. Sigh.
Brings to mind The George F. Will Sports Machine
Backyard chicken trend causes spike in infections, 1 fatal
Since January, more than 1,100 people have contracted salmonella poisoning from chickens and ducks in 48 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Almost 250 were hospitalized and one person died. The toll was four times higher than in 2015.
Not saying illness and death are not bad things, but relative to US population it does not seem like a major issue to be honest. I mean many a activity one engages in probably causes one dead and 250 hospitalized in a population of 300+ million
My aunt’s neighbor raises chickens. She’s had her children (teenagers now) tending them and harvesting eggs since they were 5. She also spanked them if they did food unsafe thing with the eggs or the chickens, or if they didn’t was their hands correctly after working with the birds. They have never had a salmonella issue.
I grew up on a farm with cattle, horses, chickens, hogs and sheep. We raised our own meat, ate eggs from our chickens and drank unpasteurized milk from our cows. I never got any sort of food borne illness until I moved to The Big City and ate in a restaurant there.
I wonder how many pathogenic transmissions have been prevented by backyard chickens, especially Lyme disease? When our chickens free-range around the house, we have almost no bugs. When the chickens are not allowed to free-range for an extended period, we get an influx of spiders, slugs, etc. in and around the house.
Ticks are the worst, and they still find a way no matter how well maintained we keep the yard. No ticks though with the chickens and guinea hens.
You can have my chickens when you pry them from my cold dead hands.
And spartan has a point. My yard stays tick free because of my chickens. Ticks are nasty critters that can carry disease and a a bad tick Bute can cause secondary infection if the tick is improperly removed.
That was my name for Trump. Now you ruined it. *has sad*
You could still be Bailey-Magic.
Were there lots if empty seats?
There certainly were in the games I saw.
Campus Reform asks students if they like a tax plan by Bernie Sanders…but trickery!
I have to say, to their credit they owned it. To me, this showed it’s a question of just staying informed and not repeating what’s told. In this example anyway.
I’m always weary of these types of videos. They are very easy to manipulate to show your point. How many times did they get called out?
^^This^^ I’m willing to believe that a lot of college kids are stupid but not all of them, If they showed the times someone busted them, I’d give these videos more credence.
In my experience I have found most college students tend to not be dumb, just horribly informed after 12 years of indoctrination.
True but it does kinda fit in line with how progs/students think. Like they know anything about paying taxes and its impact.
Transgender fish is captured changing sex in unprecedented detail for BBC’s Blue Planet II
Can they use the bathroom of their choice?
IIRC, “transgender fish” change gender when the previous alpha male is no longer present, and a new one is needed.
IOW, they are literally changing gender to perpetuate the piscine patriarchy.
At the women’s prison, about 1/3 of the inmates were “studs” – the ones with buzzed hair, no make-up, etc. They took the dominant role in relationships. The feminine inmates actually used male pronouns and referred to them as “boys”. Naturally, every time inmates got caught having sex, the “boy” would be the one wearing the improvised strap-on.
It’s interesting how that male-female dynamic still presents itself even in an environment of all women.
McCain slams Americans who dodged Vietnam draft
Hey McCain, please explain how the draft doesn’r run afoul of the 13th amendment.
“doesn’t”. shit!
FYTW in the invisible ink.
Clearly spelled out in the penumbra.
Easy. 13th Amendment had a slavery exception:
“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted”
Just make is illegal not to sign up for the draft. Then those people who don’t are criminals who can be legally forced into involuntary servitude.
By that “logic” you could simply make it illegal not to sign up for slavery, then those people who don’t are criminals who can be legally forced into slavery. That’s like saying you can circumvent the 1st amendment by simply making it illegal to not sign up for censorship. Sorry, the constitution doesn’t work that way.
Oh, I’ll agree it’s ridiculous, but if the Supremes say it works that way then legally it does. It wouldn’t be the first time they perverted the plain text of the Constitution.
Fuck off John McCain.
Most people, when they get a terminal diagnosis, try to make amends and set life straight. McCain seems intent on gunning for hell.
McCain just views it as running out of time to get even with anyone who slighted his ego.
He’s always been a piece of shit.
Go on, rip the mask off further!
How about when we ask those Americans serving to not aid and abet the enemy? Should we then punish those who did so in order to get preferential treatment?
Why do I have the feeling that if McCain hadn’t gone into the family business, he would have dodged the draft too?
If his dad (and grandpa) hadn’t been admirals in the Navy and instead been ad executives, he would have had a bone spur too.
Why do I have the feeling that if McCain hadn’t gone into the family business, he would have dodged the draft too?
You’re not alone on that one.
Howdy y’all!
I’m posting this on behalf of Holger, for all Pennsylvania Glibs:
Please respond with all deliberate speed
From the annals of if thi9s a parody?
The watershed body: Transgressing frontiers in riverine sciences, planning stochastic multispecies worlds
Cleo Assan Woelfle-Erskine
In conversation with Eva Hayward’s writing on transgender embodiment, this paper explores how beaver modify landscapes differently than human engineers, and how human engineering might be transformed through riverine collaborations with beavers. Considering the body variously as a body of water — a river, which draws together all of the above and underground water in a watershed — as like our own trans bodies, and as a slippery double for the psyche of an Anthropocene engineer, July Cole and I argued that thinking with beaver as stochastic transgressors against Manifest Destiny engineering projects could transfigure engineers approaches to their work and river restoration more broadly.
he hehe beaver.
I got a degree in electrical engineering. Based on that experience, I don’t think this has a chance in hell.
Engineers have no idea how to deal with beavers. Most of them haven’t ever even seen a beaver in their life. Maybe in a lab or some other controlled environment you might get engineers to interface with a beaver. But it wouldn’t be any sort of real world beaver.
Imagine an engineer encountering a beaver in the wild. Back in the lab he had touched a tame beaver (after paying the lab fee). But here? The beaver just left the stream and now the engineer has to cope with a dripping wet beaver? No way.
“Nice beaver.”
“Thank you. I just had it stuffed.”
That has to be a parody. Please for the love of god tell me it is a parody
From that Esquire article about Oxycontin:
The company rebranded pain relief as a sacred right: a universal narcotic entitlement available not only to the terminally ill but to every American.
I hope the asshole who wrote that gets sent home from a doctor’s office in excruciating pain with two generic aspirin and an admonition to “Buck up. It can’t be that bad.”
The Puritans insist on suffering of the flesh in order to purify the soul.
Seconded on unrelenting pain curse
As my ol’ C.O. would have said, “That right there is a sumbitch needs punchin’.”
That’s his future tweet.
Free contraceptives? Human right.
Free health care? Human right.
Free college? Human right.
When everything is a human right, nothing is.
Aspirin, hell. Send him home with a good, hard stick and a copy of Aurelius’s Meditations.
First class euphemism there – well done!
The overlords have blessed us with a collection of busty beauties; use such a gift wisely.
Good thing I’m working from home today
2 and 9. Would like to mount Mount 15 as well..
Very nice, although way too much ink and body mutilation.
I’ll help #49 keep from getting sun burnt.
This microaggression must cease some of us cannot partake in the misogyny because we are at work
Oh my.
“*Preemptively addressing the “you know who else was a sober Austrian leader” comments.”
Doust giveth, then taketh away.
While Hitler was an Austrian, he was never an Austrian leader. So there’s that.
Though he did end up in control of Austria.
*Edit Fairy Clean Up on Aisle 7*

We were edit faerie free until that.
I have never asked for my mistakes to be corrected. Besides, the link works.
*Edit Faerie Not Ask Consent, Just Do It!*

Me neither. Got married anyways.
Ah, but at that point Austria ceased to exist as anything more than a large province of Grossdeutchland.
Kids? Just say no
You don’t have to dislike children to see the harms done by having them. There is a moral case against procreation
n 2006, I published a book called Better Never to Have Been. I argued that coming into existence is always a serious harm. People should never, under any circumstance, procreate – a position called ‘anti-natalism’.
Anti-natalism will only ever be a minority view because it runs counter to a deep biological drive to have children. However, it is precisely because it is up against such odds that thoughtful people should pause and reflect rather than hastily dismiss it as mad or wicked. It is neither. Of course, distortions of anti-natalism, and especially attempts to impose it forcefully, might well be dangerous – but the same is true of many other views.
Nikki’s favorite philosopher.
It is almost an ironclad law that the author of something this ludicrous is a bioethicist. They are uniformly the most ridiculous academia has to offer.
Not ridiculous, evil.
The first premise of bioethics (unstated) is the denial of human agency.
When there are no more people to consider the moral implications of having children, it becomes a moot point. It’s a stupid philosophy.
The Sophists never went away, they just took over the Academy and have held it ever since.
If the author killed himself, he’d definitely be making the world a better place.The sooner the better.
But he had to carry the good word. That’s why he’s sticking around. I mean sure he says he’s about less suffering, but once your born, might as well stay and suffer.
::plays carnival music::
One of my favorite authors, Thomas Ligotti, wrote a book called “The Conspiracy Against the Human Race” that argued something along the lines that consciousness is sort of a cruel accident. Not even like a sick joke played by the cosmos on humanity, like it’s a horrible accident that we unconsciously perpetuate through reproduction. I’ve never been able to tell if it’s just part of his horror schtick (he’s a famously weird guy) or if his horror stuff is based on this as a genuine belief.
Albert Schweitzer would lime to have a word with this dumbass.
Anti-natalism is a hollow philosophy.
I haven’t read Schweitzer but I’m vaguely familiar with him. I probably should get a copy of Reverence for Life
Episiarch’s true identity?
Hillary Clinton uses obscenity on TV describing reaction to Trump’s inaugural speech
It sounds like losing the election to Trump is really haunting her. Excellent.
Also, another example of the media licking her ass.
Haunting her into a 2020 run, I goddamn guarantee it.
Let’s go to the record book and see how a loser (from a major party) who runs again fares:
Thomas Jefferson – won the rematch (same opponent)
Charles Pinckney – lost again (different opponent)
Andrew Jackson – won the rematch
William H. Harrison – won the rematch
Henry Clay – lost again
William Jennings Bryan – lost again (and again a third time!)
Thomas Dewey – lost again
Adlai Stevenson – lost the rematch
Richard Nixon – won the second try
Overall, running a loser again is a losing proposition (surprise!), but rematches actually improve the odds. But it’s been a long time since a party ran a loser, so we’ll see.
None of those losers were the most qualified candidate of all time.
How dare you question whether Hillary is more qualified than the people who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution!
I hope so.
We have to destroy democracy in order to save it
The removal of Trump using the Twenty-fifth Amendment is the aim of a newly launched social movement composed of mental-health professionals. The group, called Duty to Warn, claims that Donald Trump “suffers from an incurable malignant narcissism that makes him incapable of carrying out his presidential duties and poses a danger to the nation.” On Saturday, the organization held coördinated kickoff events in fourteen cities, where mental-health experts spoke out about Trump’s dangerousness and, in several, took to the streets in organized funereal marches, complete with drum corps.
Whatever the motivations and fears behind the [Goldwater] rule, a taboo has been broken. Numerous Duty to Warn participants contributed essays to a new book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President,” which just landed on Sunday’s Times best-seller list—a sign of the public’s eagerness to know just how afraid it should be of Trump. Duty to Warn has also announced the formation of the “Twenty-fifth Amendment PAC,” which will raise money for political candidates to run on the very issue of removing Trump via the Twenty-fifth Amendment. “We want to be to the Twenty-fifth Amendment what the N.R.A. is to the Second Amendment,” Gartner said. He believes that fear drives people to the polls, and “what people are most afraid of right now is Donald Trump.”
The formation of the new PAC extends beyond simply advocating that psychiatrists and psychologists should be free to offer opinions on public figures. It pivots explicitly into the territory of political advocacy, organization, and activism—which is certain to remind many in the profession of the very sin that led psychiatrists to adopt the Goldwater Rule in the first place. Gartner said that Trump presents “the greatest psychiatric emergency in the history of the United States, maybe in the history of the world.” “The only psychiatric solution here is a political solution,” he said.
Obviously, the American people have gone insane, and elected a lunatic to the Presidency. We must invalidate this election, in order to install our preferred candidate, because losing that election has made us crazy with fear and outrage.
Have these people no respect for their profession? They seem kinda crazy to me. I don’t think mental-health professionals should be crazy. Maybe their licensees should be revoked.
The APA ethics code expressly forbids this and they should be kicked out of that professional association, which is essentially career ending. Diagnosing someone you haven’t dealt with in person is supposed to be a cardinal sin of the profession.
You say that like there were any ethics involved in this process.
Totally agree any mental health professional that is willing to put their name to a “diagnosis” done without spending some serious time with that person should have their license reviewed by the board. What am I saying half those people are probably on the board!
It’s a sacred code and profession but Trump. It seems they’re intent on destroying whatever somewhat tenuous credibility they have because the wrong guy won the election.
You know in highschool, when I learned about the 25th amendment, my teacher said that one day it would be used for a coup. I just imagined it wouldn’t be so blatant and in the open.
It’s not a coup because she won the popular vote, shitlord!!!
…she won the popular vote…
Whenever this is brought up (other than in jest by persons like yourself), I always think it’s kind of a funny point, considering it’s hardly a “win” to secure less than half of a vote. She couldn’t win over half the people or over half the states: she’s a loser.
My favorite story for the election was when Jill Stein sued for a recount in WI and they found more Trump votes. Still tickles me.
Yes, and the Yankees really won the ALCS because they scored more runs.
“incurable malignant narcissism”: I need to check out Amazon for the book these people put out about Obama.
“which just landed on Sunday’s Times best-seller list”: a sign of the massive need for support anti-Trump voters who read the NYT need.
Goddamn these people are idiots. I’ve looked into Goldwater’s campaign, and there’s very little objectionable in it. He did state a few times that the Civil Rights acts should have had sunset provisions (which I agree with), but that’s about it.
On a cold and gloomy day in rural Hunan Province, Cathy Silber and Yi Nianhua huddled over a tiny table in a cramped kitchen, like revolutionaries planning a secret ambush. Silber’s flashlight shone over frayed pages as a smoky fire blazed in the corner. Yi, a withering widow, was one of the last few people still fluent in Nüshu (女书), an ancient Chinese script known only to women and hidden from men’s prying eyes. Together, in 1988, they poured through Yi’s writings to the world, letter by letter and line by line — and did so quickly, before the language vanished into thin air.
Ever had the sneaking suspicion that women speak in different tongues? If you were a Hunanese peasant woman in 20-century China, there was a kernel of truth to the old joke. Inside a hilly, remote village of Jiangyong County, unschooled women and girls developed a mysterious system of writing called Nüshu to express their innermost thoughts and passed around favorite songs, prayers, traditional tales, birthday letters and wedding congratulations to each other in coded script.
That guy gives a great interview. Deftly parries the journalist’s pointed questions while simultaneously being clear and firm about his (conservative) positions. That’s a combination that is sorely lacking among politicians. I’d bet he’ll be leader of Austria for a long time.
You know who else thought he would lead Austria forever?…
Paul Hogan?
Franz Josef?
Rudolph I?
Love Zoo: Will sex cure panda’s habit of walking backwards?
She’s just trying to back up into a penis?
Maybe they just got an ass-backwards panda?
*narrows gaze*
If they won’t fuck to save their own species, they’re not going to do it because Meng Meng walks funny.
They should all be shot.
This is not the UK. (also, how did I not hear of this before???)
This is the kind of thing that causes progs to eat themselves.
And I’m reminded of Phil Hartman.
We need a some more General Sir Charles James Napier.
Anything that reminds one of Phil Hartman can’t be all bad.
So since he’s Congolese, he gets to rape and machete amputate his wife without fear of charges due to cultural incompetence?
How far does that go?
Wait, what?? “Culturally incompetent”? The hell does that mean? He can break the law with impunity?
Yep. I’ve dubbed it the Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer Defense.
We have to excuse his behavior, because he doesn’t know any better. So yeah.
It’s insane.
I suppose I’m culturally incompetent in the ways of the regulatory state. Do I get a free pass now?
There you go popping off again with that white privilege of yours.
I initially read that as “culturally impotent”.
“Culturally incompetent”. It’s infuriating that this can be used as a defense, especially in the US where there is supposed to be equal treatment under the law. However, it is sort of darkly amusing, since it implicitly argues that some cultures are so inferior that they make their practitioners the equivalent of mental incompetents and I seriously doubt that’s what its innovators meant.
That is the most disgusting thing I have heard in a while.
When does that get sent up the flagpole in rape defense?
Way late, dude.
Australia and Euro places like the UK, I can understand because they’ve already gone full retard on the refugee/Islam/etc. thing.
This was in New Fucking Hampshire. Home of the Free State Project.
I wonder who the shrink was that “diagnosed” this guy? Should have license revoked. Sounds like some of the lawyers involved have been booted, except for this Andrea Muller.
This is why i am no longer an open borders libertarian. Let this savage stay in the Congo.
The judge is correct here. The city took too long to figure out that they had idiots letting shit like “culturally incompetent” fly. Aside from the assistant city solicitor being an idiot though, the judge who originally accepted that line of bullshit and the shrink who issued it should be named and shamed.
I had to read the article 3x before I figured out who all the players were, but I agree. The judge is saying “you can’t dick around like this”.
The original gubmint attorney and the shrink need to be in the stocks.
Off topic, but I had to share with someone.
I’m the head distiller at a small start up. I make some great hooch, but due to lack of capital, I’ve been without work for the past six months or so. On Friday, I gave up on staying loyal and put my resume out there.
Got a call this morning from an owner of a bigger distiller looking to headhunt me. Didn’t blink when I mentioned that I would need relocation money, vesting and a more generous salary. They didn’t blink on it, and offered to pay for my travel out to their distillery. Asked me how many employees I would need under me to make the operation work. When I said I would be happy to at east check them out, could we work it out next week, they begged, literally begged, for me to come out tomorrow instead.
Shit, I haven’t been this heavily recruited since I worked in the video game industry, decades ago.
I’m not used to good news on a Monday. There’s *never* good news on a Monday.
Alright, can’t tell anyone else just yet, so I had to share with strangers. Or, at least, strange people. Strange, somewhat rapey, drunk people.
Funny, Bad news clusters on Fridays for me. Mondays tend to be empty as far as news goes.
Good luck!! Sounds like the hipsters and their “discovery” of hard booze are actually doing some good in the world!
Good for you man. That’s a nice way to start the week!
P.S. What kind of hooch do you make?
I see we think alike…
Oh yeah, what kind of Distilled Spirits do you make?
Congrats send some of that luck my way. I’ve been looking for months and have yet to be called. Fortunately I’m still employed but I have a feeling my days are numbered.
How about this week, we make a good effort to get new jobs? I’m kind of in the same boat (my days aren’t numbered) in wanting a new career move. Review your resume and make sure it is consistent across all platforms. How about submitting your resume unsolicited to 2 companie you’d like to work for? Do some research and e-mail the person directly. It’s easy to be lazy when you “still have a job”. Let’s not be lazy.
… does an interview with the same employer at a different location and pay grade count?
Yes. Assuming you will get a raise.
I would.
And since I’m not a Public Officer, I don’t have to reside on the New York side of the border if I get the job. (PA Residency for Gun Laws is one of the reasons I’m taking it seriously)
I’m working on it. Got my resume in front of some folks last week. I need to have a gig that offers at leas part-time telework.
Just texted my friend that brought the job to my attention and pushed a little on how interested I am. Gimmie interview!!
I’d cross my fingers, but that would make it hard to type. Sadly, both my day job and my sideline require typing.
Ok. Just cleaned up my Linkedin so it is the same as my Indeed and my current resume. Lesson learned: the jobs I applied to last week with my LinkedIn are goners. Will not get an interview. Should have started this last week.
…I gave up on staying loyal…
Hm. As an old guy with plenty of start-up experience I can assure you that your primary loyalty should be to yourself and your family.
Good luck and get paid.
I can back him up on this. He is an old guy.
Get off my lawn!
You forgot crotchedy too.
Well, I prefer ‘deeply cyinical’, but it’s a fair cop.
Yes. Also, if already self-employed, install a “cut off line,” the point from which you no longer take work with only the promise of payment, as opposed to cash up front. I did that earlier (just last month), and I feel a whole heckuva lot better. Some people are good for their promises, but most of them aren’t, and you’ve done the work, and are out the money.
You know – you’re pretty smart for a Red Wings fan! 😉
Aww, thanks ! *blushes*
*checks into boards*
Congrats. Make good booze. I dig the loyalty to the start up, but you gots to get paid. Any chance you can stay affiliated with the startup if you take the new gig?
You know who else was heavily recruited for his industry-specific process skills?…
Peter North?
*sustained applause*
Josef Mengele?
Clint Eastwood, as the gunman in “Fistful of Dollars?”
Joe. his name was Joe.
Ron Jeremy?
m. night shyamalan?
I am not drunk!
Awesome. Please consider writing an article about booze making. This site is almost entirely comprised of alcoholic nerds so I think anything posted by a booze industry insider will have a built in audience here.
Yes!! An article on a DIY ‘still would be awesome!
Hey don’t other us teatotlers
Even if you don’t drink the stuff, learning about the process can be interesting.
A libertarian who doesn’t drink? UNPOSSIBLE!
Next he’ll be claiming he’s female! Hahahahaha!
No, if I was female I would have gotten laid way more often when I was single
Ain’t that the truth
Awesome! Good luck!
I think we have the name of your first batch.
Eh, the marketing department probably wouldn’t let him.
Just use the initial and never tell anyone what it means. SSRDP Batch #1
Koeman sacked.
Good. That “race for the cure” shit was getting really annoying.
Who’s not wearing the ribbon?!
I will never NOT chuckle at that line.
This is not a surprise. How much money did Everton spend this offseason, and they’re THIS awful?
Also, fuck Ashley Williams.
BBC had an interesting piece yesterday arguing that the big issue was pushing Lukaku out the door and then assuming they’d be able to sign Giroud. When that didn’t happen, they had no plan B or C. Also, argued they spent way too much money on Sigurdsson: that deal could end up screwing Everton, Swansea, and Sigurdson.
Not the first team to struggle trying to sign multiple players to replace one big-money player. See Spurs after selling Bale, and see Liverpool after selling Suarez. This is worse than those though.
I said last night on the thread that he wouldnt make it until December.
I guess I was overgenerous.
Unsworth is the interim for Wednesday’s League Cup match.
It would be a gamble, but he might be the guy to hire permanently.
If nothing else, he knows the young guys and might give some of them some first team time.
And Bilic is on borrowed time at West Ham: the club said yesterday he’d be in charge for at least the next two games.
Brian Bilick is a soccer coach now??
(this is a joke, BTW. I know you’re not talking about the former Vikings coordinator)
Funny how the leftist talking point for about 10 years was about money in politics until Trump won the presidency with a fraction of Hillary’s fundraising and spending. Now it’s “Ooh, look at how much more cash we have than you!” Even that talking point has tons of holes, but still, I thought that those were the folks that were screeching endlessly about the “apocalyptic” Citizens United decision.
The money Democrats raise is pure. It comes from the people. The money Republicans raise is evil.
Yep, they get no money at all from public sector unions (who benefit financially from having as many government employees as possible).
While thinking about this the other day, I rustled my own jimmies and ordered a book on Amazon called Shadowbosses: How Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers. It should be an interesting read.
People are talking about a wave developing…
Color me skeptical. The Rs are in a weaker position than they could be, but the 2010 wave was a result of Obamacare and the Rs haven’t done anything equivalent. Since the economy seems to be on firm footing, and since the Ds haven’t picked up many (any?) of the off-year seats they touted so far, I doubt the momentum is on their side.
Part of the problem that the Dems have outside of presidential elections is that their base habitually nationalizes every single race as a referendum on the sitting president. It only ever works if there is an unpopular piece of legislation or action attached to it (in Bush’s case, it was the Iraq War, and in Obama’s case, it was Obamacare), which Trump doesn’t actually have. I’ve always said this, but I think a lot of the general distaste for Trump is soft, mainly because most of it is in the category of “stuff he’s said”.
Well Republicans are going to have to deal with once again completely and utterly failed to deliver on ANY of their platform.
The biggest threat to Republican incumbents is not the possibility they are unseated by Democrats but rather that they are primaries by their own party members or left so weak following an attempt to primary them that they can’t win.
Agreed, but I have less animosity towards the House than I do the Senate. At least the House has a relatively influential coalition of people that actually wanted to pass conservative legislation from the day that they were elected. The Senate, on the other hand, is the deep swamp.
Filed under: yeah, no shit.
I’m not really sure “hijacked” is the right word. What do the alleged “moderate” democrats want except a slightly more “moderate” version of socialism? If you subtract socialism from their agenda, what exactly is left?
Nanny-state authoritarianism?
Honesty, inadvertent or otherwise
Roughly 40 percent of air pollution in the city comes from diesel vehicles, Mr. Khan’s office said. Many of those are being driven short distances or for less-than-urgent reasons like “shopping, leisure and personal business,” it said.
“Many of these trips could be made in other ways,” it said. “Unnecessary car use is putting our health at risk.”
London imposes additional daily fee on “older” and “dirtier” diesels made before 2005.
“Get out of that car and walk. Damn your impudent individualism, sir!”
How exactly is it then that 10 years ago we were constantly harangued about how “clean” diesel was the auto fuel of the future and soon all cars would be diesel?
I say this as someone who drives (and loves) a late model diesel.
How late of a model? The DEF requirements on new trucks is ridiculous.
Fuck. Off. Slaver.
Was just sent a posting for this supposed job by a bona fide recruiter. Should I reply and ask if this is satire?
Peacebuilding Movement Creative Agency Contractor
Is it in Boulder? If yes, then not satire.
Anywhere else…. just don’t give them your SSN and bank account information.
Is that MadLibs?
Ask if you’ll be paid with rainbows and hugs or if this position actually pays a monetary salary.
These are the bullet points included with the posting:
1) We are searching for A Creative Agency Contractor who will play a key role in kickstarting a global peacebuilding movement.
2) As the world comes to terms with the limitations of adversarial approaches to conflict, Search for Common Ground feels there is a new openness to the case for peacebuilding.
3) There are now decades of practical experience, compelling examples of successful citizen-led peacebuilding, and inspiring stories with which the case for action can be made.
4) To that end, Search for Common Ground has proposed a working meeting that will include members of the peacebuilding field who are interested and available to participate in a 2-day hackathon workshop that will tap into and leverage the expertise of top marketing and campaign developers.
5)The goal of the workshop will be to identify messaging, strategy, and visuals for a campaign to spark a global peacebuilding movement.
Send resume, portfolio, and headshot c/o H. Weinstein, Chairman, Search for Common Ground
So, it’s some squishy pinko think-tank dedicated to the People’s Revolution. Sounds like hell on Earth.
Actually, I think we could have some fun there,
I have a feeling that whoever gets this “gig” will wind up submitting the story to Clients from Hell or For Exposure
Either they are so completely naieve that they don’t understand human nature – or they are so cynical that they readily fleece those that don’t understand human nature.
Where’s the money in that shit?
I passed it along to my Professional Activist friend (the one who married a rich guy, moved to Palm Springs, stopped “working”, and recently got divorced so she probably won’t have to work anytime soon)
Maybe….or you could reply as if it were a front for corporate mercenaries.
Mercs cost money, yo.
We tried reason, we tried accountability, we even tried picking sides. Now we know the common ground is both sides suck, and thus both sides of the conflict must be eliminated.
Like Blackwater? Nobody messed with them, not even in Iraq.
This 2 day hackathon better include an open bar. All my best ideas come to me while I’m drunk or on the can, sometimes both.
I’m thinking for a visual we start with a Templar knight, wearing a fashionable monocle? We can move on from there, but the monocle is non-negotiable.
Cool. Made my morning. See y’all later. ?
“This 2 day hackathon better include an open bar. All my best ideas come to me while I’m drunk or on the can, sometimes both.”
+1 blumpkin.
Democratic candidates are reporting historic early fundraising totals, alarming GOP strategists and raising the prospect that 2018 could feature the most expansive House battlefield in years.
Animated by opposition to President Donald Trump and the Republican congressional majorities, at least 162 Democratic candidates in 82 GOP-held districts have raised over $100,000 so far this year, according to a POLITICO analysis of the latest FEC data. That’s about four times as many candidates as House Democrats had at this point before the 2016 or 2014 elections, and it’s more than twice as many as Republicans had running at this point eight years ago, on the eve of capturing the House in the 2010 wave election.
That’s odd. Just a day or two ago, somebody linked to a story about how the DNC is practically broke, and nobody wants to give them money. It couldn’t be because their previous chair “person” was such an incompetent idiot she destroyed any credibility the organization might ever have had, could it?
Individual candidates have raised quite a bit of money because the coastal progs are #resisting and pouring money via outlets like ActBlue. It’s the same way that Ossoff was able to raise $30M just for the privilege to lose a special election. The bigger issue that the Dems have than fundraising IMO is that many of their candidates don’t live in the districts that they want to represent. Take, for example, the favored Coffman opponent, Jason Crow, in CO.
I don’t think this strategy is going to pay off for them in election wins. That coastal money likes coastal policies. And I don’t think intersectionality and radical challenges to bourgeois narratives are going to play that well in Middle America.
I wonder how many billions of dollars that could be used for something productive are wasted on elections each year. It has to be an obscene amount.
Think of all the businesses that could be opened, factories built, and land developed if all this money was used for something other than purchasing graft.
If you’re a leftist, that money is not a waste, but rather just another perceived step in the direction of Swedish utopia.
I posted that article and yeah the dnc is going broke but individual candidates are fundraising like hell. Still probably won’t help them
recently saw a Speilberg movie, “Bridge of Spies”.
laywer tells russian spy, “you’re being charged with failure to register as a foreign agent”. Spy says, “Do many?”
Okay, shot in the dark here: Has anyone here ever planned a conference?
Long story short: My favorite client recently kicked his marketing director to the curb and asked if I would be interested in taking over some of her projects. I, of course, said yes without knowing any details. This weekend they told me that one of the projects was a small-ish trade conference (700-1000 people), and they gave me two weeks to put together a proposal complete with a timeline, budget and my salary requirements. I agreed, and so my goal today is figuring out how to put together a conference and how much that would be worth.
Any thoughts?
Yes, sub-contract it to a pro. Manage the process and take a cut.
your version was shorter
That’s kind of what I’m leaning toward. I have a buddy who does party planning, and I imagine a lot of the skills would transfer.
send out a 1 page RFP to a bunch of suitable conference locations/companies providing conf services in that location
take their RFP, cut/paste into your own document template, showing range of options and cost/service levels you could implement
jack up all the costs by 20%, hand to boss. After he’s picked the structure he likes best, say you’ve managed to cut the costs through prudent vendor management.
“”take their proposals in response to your RFP”….duh
That just seems like sound business advice in general.
i presume you mean the “cut/paste” part. Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V is one of the most powerful tools in modern business.
And internet commenting
It bothers me when I am in a meeting and I see someone use cut/paste from the menu instead.
I was going to say it is an odd thing to get bothered by – then I recall webexes with people who have the access to do what needs to be done but not the knowledge and I end up having to walk the “Subject Matter Expert” through the process and get annoyed when they use command flags in a different order from my personal habit. it’s `ls -lrt` dammit!
ls -latr, it spells later.
Why would you not always use the -a flag?
Because I don’t always need the hidden files.
+1 Holding backspace down for long deletion
But it’s fun to try and lift your finger at just the right time.
::falls asleep at desk::
That, and spring for some decent dessert. It’s the last thing that people will eat, so it’s what they’re going to remember.
“Okay, shot in the dark here: Has anyone here ever planned a conference?”
You just need to start taking up donations now for the hookers, blow, and beer. There’s nothing else to figure out.
Hyperion gets my vote for Glibs Conference Planner
Peacebuilding Movement Creative Agency Contractor
“Experience in large scale papier mache sculpture a plus.”
Can someone translate this from academic word salad?
*clears throat*
“I have no marketable skills and I’m starting to get a little nervous.”
its so vague that it can mean almost anything: that’s why its academic word-salad.
the implicit reading the author (likely conserv. christian) is giving it is probably close to some version of, “Its teh gay agendas! theys gonna make ar kids into fags!”
Word Salad is an attempt to obfuscate ignorance.
Clarity requires intellect to craft.
Get to crafting.
*fingers crossed*
If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
Word salad beginning @ 35:14
Hey, I think I saw some of the video lessons from that course!
They didn’t use that as classroom material.
Instead it was blathering about stuff they made up and claimed was alphabet soup brigade history passed down by word of mouth.
Either they are so completely naieve that they don’t understand human nature – or they are so cynical that they readily fleece those that don’t understand human nature.
Or- they have had pallets of cash bestowed upon them by the Open Society Foundation, and they need help getting photos of their Good Works on the front page of the Washington Post.
Under the certificate program, students can study a rubric of “queering the social sciences,”
Mission accomplished.
I was told there would be no math.
Some simple calculus showing the effect on wages of a tax cut. Elegant. Purty even.
Math is a tool of the colonialist oppressors.
I think one of the greatest dangers is this steadily growing belief that propositions are true or false based on who benefits from them or what the societal effects that belief may have, just like in your sarcastic example.
I’ve tried to show “progressives” how the massive regulatory state actually does significant harm, and they almost always reply with “you seem to be saying that we should have no regulations at all, but that only benefits rich people!” As if that instantly invalidates all libertarian ideas.
It’s a wholesale abandonment of logic itself.
“It’s a wholesale abandonment of logic itself.”
I was just having this conversation/ranting with my wife this weekend. It seriously seems like 75% of the country has abandoned logic and is just playing in a mass delusion. The implications are terrifying. My wife said that people are sheep, that need tobe told where to go and what to do. She then started figuring how to make money off these dummies. I love her.
” 75% of the country”
Bona-fide progressives are probably about 15% of the country. At best. But they are loud as fuck.
And burrowed like ticks in some of the worst places.
Like, in a vagina?
And eventually the 60% of pretend to buy into it will figure out that everybody else is pretending too, just to signal and avoid trouble. And once that happens the whole facade falls like a house of cards.
Here’s an example of lack of regulation benefiting the poor: I was driving around New Mexico with a friend, and we were stuck behind a 90’s-vintage beat-up Japanese sedan hoopty trying to chug-chug up a big hill. She lamented that NM doesn’t have annual motor vehicle inspections. I wanted to say, but didn’t for the sake of peace “Yeah, it really sucks when poor folks have transportation”
The purpose of annual inspections in New York is not vehicular safety, but ticket revenue.
So… the same as everywhere?
Probably. I was hedging my bets due to limited firsthand knowledge.
In Virginny, we have an annual “safety” inspection and an emissions inspection when you get your tags renewed (which is at most every two years). Mine already passed emissions, since the fuckers installed a roadside sensor and apparently scanned my car. Also, the “personal property tax” based on the value of your car.
Only NoVa has emissions inspections.
Regulation suffers from diminishing returns just like anything else. The first few regulations probably had great “value” … later ones had small value, and past a certain point, they started making things worse.
It’s a wholesale abandonment of logic itself.
The strange thing I’ve noticed is that this trend is actually even more pronounced among the “educated” than the less educated.
Almost all attempts to argue/discuss have turned into ad hominem attacks at this point. People no longer even pretend to attack an argument because it’s considered perfectly valid to just attack your opponent.
I love how proud of himself W is.
did one of his girls have a baby recently? he’s doing the new-parent-please-god-make-this-newborn-fall-asleep-and-stop-screaming sway.
I love how now all the proggies in the comments there are tweeting about how much they love Bush now. A couple decades from now they’ll be saying how “Trump wasn’t as terrible as (insert current Republican President here) is.”
The left loves them some BOOOSSHHPIGS!
I googled and found a number of these meetups planned around the country, but here’s reporting on one set to take place in the Boston Commons: “‘Scream Helplessly at the Sky’ at Boston Common on Election Anniversary” Nope, not a cult.
s, apparently. Something doesn’t sit right about “The Common”.On the Common
s…You know what? Fuck it. A bunch of dipshits are going to go shame their families and discredit their no-doubt expensive educations in the name of giving voice to the emptiness they hollowed out inside themselves after gorging on identity politics for eight years, only to have the buffet taken away by a carnival barker poltroon.
“How do you know if someone
does Crossfitreally hates Trump? Just wait, they’ll tell you.”Also works for “went to Harvard” and “is a vegan”.
also “back at MIT”
I think I am contractually obligated to be derogatory towards anyone who attended MIT or RPI. I’ll have to check my alumni handbook.
Depends on the person.
Ah here it is – “Regard in a derogatory manner: MIT conditional, RPI mandatory.”
I’m guessing there is something of a feud between RPI and RIT.
There was when I was there.
And they’ll tell you every day. Your only defense is to say something like ‘Well I like him and I’m voting for him again’. That will end it.
i go the “he’s a mixed bag but it’s still early” route and compare him favorably to “the last few guys that had the job”. same result.
Can’t they just pray to the invisible sky god like normal people?
Not sure if anyone has linked this one, I haven’t had much time to post recently. Anyways, I find it hilarious that the new lefty heroes are Republicans. And not only Republicans but some of the worst.
Hey, remember when we hate Bush? Well now we love him because TRUMP!!!
Ye gads, these people are stoopeeed.
To be honest, though, Romney attempting to appease the cultural harridans of the left was pretty dumb to begin with. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Repubs need to come to terms with the fact that they will be branded by the Dem/Op/Media complex as racist, misogynistic, bigoted haters no. matter. what. Trump brushes it off and punches back twice as hard. That is why he’s being successful.
Repubs need to come to terms with the fact that they will be branded by the Dem/Op/Media complex as racist, misogynistic, bigoted haters no. matter. what.
The most pathetic thing is how easy they find it is to get Republicans who will join the chorus. Honestly, why they think I should look to a former president who abandoned any pretense of government restraint, a media stooge who betrays his own constituents, or an Antifa supporter as my examples of principled leadership is beyond me.
I was really hoping that a lot more Republicans will learn from Trump and grow a pair. If not, we’re going to be right back to same old stupid party antics soon enough. I mean we’re already there if you look at Ryan, McCains, etc, bunch of fucking pussies.
That establishment guy running for VA Governor seems to have learned, funny enough, considering that he’s made a huge portion of his campaign about illegal aliens, MS-13, and protecting Confederate statues. I think it’s because he really did look deep down after a no-name Deplorable nearly primaried him for being such a squish, and it shows considering that he’s within margin of error of a possible upset.
That time Trump enticed Romney into eating meatloaf because Mittens thought he had a chance at Secretary of State is perhaps one of my favourite things about Trump’s presidency.
Yeahhhh, that’s the good stuff
Ohh yeaah, also good stuff.
Turns out that was Chris Christie’s meal.
What did Meatloaf ever do to Chris Christie? Is letting Christie eat him the one thing Meatload wouldn’t do for love?
All references to Meatloaf must immediately be changed to this due to sheer awesomeness.
“She really wanted to get some of my Meatload”
Oh god, it works! It’s so beautiful.
Judas titty-fucking Priest, I pulled a John!
Your next task is to start attacking people that disagree with you by using ad hominems. Annndd………..act!
Fuck you, you lying prick.
His meatloaf looks a lot like scallops, which is a good thing.
Former Republican nominees call for a principled conservatism.
The only conservative “principles” these guys ever represented were losing graciously to the Democrats (although Bush, at least, reserved his losses for the policy arena, rather than the electoral arena).
Self-licking ice cream cone.
Anyone who works around or in certain industries can tell you that it’s only a matter of time, probably less than a decade at the current rate, until no real work will ever be done again. It will only be regulation compliance and documentation of regulation compliance. No one will have time to do anything else. There truly has to a massive regulatory army in DC to be cranking out regulations at the rate they are. You can’t even have your compliance with one regulation completed before you get hit with 2 or 3 more. There has to be thousands of people who do nothing all day except to sit around making this shit up.
I started a business predicated on this exact idea.
You should be plenty busy for a while.
I know where I work got excited because HUD announced that they might not update reporting requirements for next year.
I think one of the greatest dangers is this steadily growing belief that propositions are true or false based on who benefits from them or what the societal effects that belief may have
Closely related to “survey shows” as justification for plainly un-Constitutional and illegal proposals involving expropriation of wealth for purposes of redistribution.
I don’t give a fuck if 99.749% of the American people want the minimum wage raised. Or if 114% of the population wants my guns confiscated.
America was not established as a vehicle for mob rule.
b-b-b-b-b-but, democracy!
He hits me because he loves me soooo much!
It’s really sweet that asshole didn’t get a cabinet position.
Cuck Christie.
Poor guy is suffering from battered wife syndrome. He needs an escape plan and a woman’s shelter ASAP!
I hate him so much, but I don’t want him to ever go away.
It was really fun watching him waddling around on stage and kissing Trump’s ass and then Trump just completely ignored him.
There is too much realism in a picture. They photoshoped his nose right?
All I see here is a dude gearing up to run for elected office, possibly Prezznit.
His negatives might be better than Trump & Hillary’s at the time they ran…. I guess?
What a fucking douchebag.
Comey and Preet, the FYTW ticket
Fuck that guy.
That is all.
That would be hilarious.
Poor guy is suffering from battered wife syndrome. He needs an escape plan and a woman’s shelter ASAP!
Christie shoulda axed permission to eat those sammiches. Nobody said, “Make one for yourself, while you’re in there.”
Today I got another system generated email that linked to survey monkey:
Okay, I can check a few of these boxes…
Bahahahahaha! Flirting is now harassment..
What if the male veteran looks like Harvey Weinstien? Jus’ sayin’…
Looking at a woman is sexual harassment.
Not looking at her is ageism/racism/fatphobia/transphobia/what have you.
Looking at attractive women is sexual harassment.
Not looking at ugly women is everything else.
This is only an offense if the looker is not attractive to the lookee.
You laugh. But, I recall seeing college harassment policies that literally included looking in the eye. If there’s anything that, at least to me, gave away feminists’ endgame, it was that. Anyone telling you you have to keep your eyes diverted and downcast isn’t trying to avoid harassment. They’re looking to assert dominance and authority.
Other (please specify):
Occasionally the fellas and I like to corner women outside the restroom and masturbate into a potted plant. Other than that we have a pretty progressive workspace.
You never fail to deliver Mr. Wizzleteats.
So telling her she’s too ugly to be a veteran is ok?
The reverse. She is ugly enough to be a Veteran.
“Man alive are you ugly! You must be a veteran.”
Telling someone to smile is harassment now?
Yes. It is an obnoxious thing to do.
You should smile Z.
Well you must look at a women, so as to not deny their humanity, but not for too long, then it becomes a leer or an ogle.
“Telling her to smile”
This really is my pet peeve. I wanted to punch the TSA agent who said “smile honey or I’ll have to delay you”. Plenty of men have RBF and nobody tells them to smile.
And, oh, joy, I have a new not-boss, because he is more kitty corner on the org chart, but a higher up I will have to deal with frequently, who, in our very first meeting, told me I should smile more. FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!
Tell him you have Bell’s Palsy and he’s discriminating against your disability. I smell a 7-figure settlement.
Unless you are not in a vendor relations or customer facing role, there is no business justification for the requirement of smiling.
You need to evolve your resting bitch face into an ‘I’m going to pull your spine out of your ass if you annoy me” face. Pretty easy if you have expressive eyes, works well for me.
I tend to scowl when I’m concentrating. I’ve had many people, often women, walk by and suggest that I smile. It doesn’t bother me.
A stranger might annoy me more…
I find it more obnoxious when people point out that there is anything resembling an upward bend to the corner of my mouth. This is usually the result of a reflexive twitch regarding vicarious embarassment, and “I see a smile” makes me want to smash faces in.
I’m in a very small office and among friends, so that doesn’t happen. When I’m out in public, I always smile, because it is very effective at scaring people off.
It’s not the sight of a smile, it’s the explaimation by people mistaking an embarassed reaction for a smile and going to lengths to point it out.
I just smiled, you read into that too much. Don’t be so…salty. 0.o
You’re just the right amount of salty, bacon.
Looks like someone’s got a case of the Mondays!
Next time, give him a big ol’ grin and say, “Go get your supervisor, champ, I’d like to have a word.”
I actually said “I’m on my way to my father’s funeral”. This was true and he turned red and backed right off. The whole problem with telling someone to smile is you are asking them to smile FOR YOU. I don’t owe you a smile. Even worse, they are never asking, always telling.
Agreed. Granted, I can be very, very touchy, but especially as I get older my tolerance level for other people has plummeted, and some idiot who doesn’t know me well enough presuming to tell me to do any goddamn thing is enough to put me straight on tilt. Like straight to Defcon 1. Like, I don’t even know who the eff this person is and not only are they interrupting my day but they’re not even making it worth my while?
Lets see
Ok, the first two definitely fall into the annoying and probably inappropriate category but feminists make WAY too much out of it. Stares? How do you even quantify that? How do you know they are actually staring at you and not the wall behind you, how do you know they are staring at you because you are a woman and not because you have a piece of lettuce stuck in your teeth, how do you know they are not staring at you for no other reason than they are in a grey featureless government office and an object in motion is more interesting to stare at than a neutral grey wall?
How are these different from staring? Obviously the connotation of the words are more sexual in nature but can you honestly reliably say that you can recognize the differences between one kind of stare and another? That said I always have a problem with this one. Even assuming that the person is oggling or leering I am sorry you do not have a right that is being infringed. They are his eyes and he is free to use them as he sees fit and using them to look at you while thinking sexual thoughts is not violating any negative right you have. It might make him an asshole but people have the right to be assholes.
Ok assuming the person is reasonably following you it comes very very close to a violation of the NAP as it is an inherently threatening act and cornering you is absolutely a form of violence and you would be perfectly in your rights to respond to being cornered with a swift kick in the nuts to get out of that corner followed by a call to the police to arrest his ass.
See oggling and leering. Not a violation of your rights. depending on context might make him an asshole but way too much is made out of it.
So trying to cheer someone up is sexual harrassment? Sorry this is utter bullshit.
??? Ok so this comes down to 2 things. 1) an innocent attempt to give someone a compliment and brighten up their day. 2) a legitimate attempt to flirt with someone likely with the end goal of creating a romantic connection with the person. I fail to see why 1 would ever be considered a problem for anyone and for 2 this sort of line seems like a simple innocent way to gague interest. If they respond favorably you move to the next step, if not you leave it be and act like it was a compliment to brighten her day. Again I fail to see why this should be considered in any way problematic for anyone.
Following or the perception of following? The way my office is laid out, everyone headed towards the restrooms, break room, or parking lot will be walking in the same direction.
Telling her to smile is not cheering her up. You are too smart to actually believe that. Knock it off. Telling someone to smile (and it is never just once, it is always the same guy telling women over and over to smile) really assumes that her demeanor is there for your pleasure. It is incredibly obnoxious. If you do this, stop it. You’re being a jerk.
As a kid idiot adults would tell me to smile. It’s about as annoying as people who sarcastically say, “Jeez, quit talking so much, I can’t get a word in edgewise!” Then as now my response was, “When I have something to smile about, I’ll smile. Why would I smile for no reason? That’s stupid.”
If you want to cheer someone up, you can ask them if they’re alright, or make some small talk, that kind of thing. Telling someone to smile is like telling them to cheer up. It’s going to backfire because you’re presuming a ton of things about someone you don’t know well enough to make a better choice in your interactions.
And yet people have been telling other people to cheer up/smile for at a minimum hundreds of years.
This is simple common human behavior, there is nothing new to it and most people are not annoyed by it in the least
There are several people telling you right now how annoying they find it. How do you know most people don’t find it annoying?
We smile for a reason, we want others to smile for the same reason.
Smiling isn’t annoying. Being told to smile, is. Fuck off, slaver!
(Smiles sweetly at F. Stupidity Jr. Thanks!)
If you want someone to smile at you, smile at them first. If they don’t smile back, that’s on them. I too find being told to smile is annoying. I don’t get it much, though, because I’m usually smiling. It softens them up for the kill.
Those are awfully bold claims to make with absolutely no evidence.
They’re also irrelevant. People have been doing lots of things for all sorts of lengths of time. That has nothing to do with whether or not I found a thing some people have done to me in the past annoying. I don’t stop being annoyed by something all of a sudden because I read a Gallup poll showing that 75% of respondents didn’t find it annoying in the least.
I agree. There are a myriad reason why someone wouldn’t be smiling at any particular moment. Telling someone to “smile!” is just being a jerk. I started feeling that way when I called my college apartment to get my answering machine messages and a cop answered, passed the phone to my roommate, and she said “Come. Home. Now.”. I practically ran home, but stopped at a bus stop to see if that would be faster, and some fucker said “Smile! It’s a beautiful day!”.
No. No, it’s not.
And yet the kind of pop psychology that believes it to be a valid thing to do remains very common.
It *might* be a dick thing to do, it might be counter productive, you obviously do not know why people are not smiling and they might have VERY good reasons for it none the less the reason the person is doing it is almost always because they are attempting to lighten the mood and make the day better. They might be morons for doing it but that does not change their motivations.
It can be annoying as all fuck but that does not make it harassment.
They’re attempting to lighten their own mood and/or alleviate their own tension, not the person who isn’t smiling.
As Kristen points out, it is the assumption that I owe you a smile. It is that a smile is demanded, that makes it obnoxious. In my experience, in every office, there is one guy that repeatedly tells women to smile, and it does reach the level of harassment. In your office, is it you?
“Do what I’m telling you to do” – Fuck off, slaver!
“Smile” – Aw, isn’t that nice!
It’s tactless, I don’t think it’s necessarily harassment unless there’s some sort of really specific story between the two people making it that way. But there is a big difference in meaning between asking someone if they’re ok or trying to lighten their mood somehow and telling them to do something. One shows that you sympathize, the other shows that you’re primarily interested in the outward display of their mood, not their actual mood. I agree that kind people honestly confuse the two, but for people who find it annoying, that’s why.
I can respect the people saying that the demand for a smile is out of line. Yeah, if you don’t want to, no one should insist you smile. Then there’s the other side of the coin – the person who gets bent out of shape when you flash them a smile. Sorry, but if you’re getting offended by my smiling, wait until you see the shit-eating grin I’m going to have when I figure out how to leave you triggered.
Ok so this comes down to 2 things. 1) an innocent attempt to give someone a compliment and brighten up their day. 2) a legitimate attempt to flirt with someone likely with the end goal of creating a romantic connection with the person.
Also can be 3. Running joke about how military women are either ugly or more man-ish. I’m surprised a lesbian joke didn’t get worked in there either.
Flirting is now harassment..
*Unwanted* flirting (as in, from an icky source) is harassment.
OK, just wrapped up part 2 of my leg of the story (part four in total). Still not sure if I can fit the glass wielding Brazilian model into the last part, maybe the next author can find a way.
Does it include a detailed description of the Brazilian wax job on the Brazilian model cause if not I’m not interested.
You can write that chapter if I can’t fit it in.
“Males with hyperspermia usually have higher sex drives than males that do not.”
If “cultural incompetence” is a defense, could this be one too? “I’m sorry your honor, I’m biologically predisposed to uncontrollable sexual urges. I had no choice but to rape/harass her.”
Nope, please see “TEACH MEN NOT TO RAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE”. The nature part of the nature vs. nurture debate tends to get shafted pretty hard anyway.
The Intercept has pretty much burned through the goodwill built up by Greenwald’s principled reporting over the years. Headlines:
6. John Kelly’s Lies About Frederica Wilson Are Part of a Pattern of Not Believing Black Women
7. Let’s Compare John Kelly’s Lie About Rep. Frederica Wilson With Reality
Imagine a Puerto Rico recovery paid for by Puerto Ricans.
I can imagine Haiti; that would come pretty close.
in fairness, their second “demand” is to waive the Jones Act. of course their first is to forgive about $100B in debt.
So way less money and way more corrupt? Oh, sorry, you mean a Puerto Rico recovery paid for by the U.S.
The one thing I expect the pentagon to have is contingencies for fighting a war in any given corner of the world, against any potential adversary.
This, for example.
Yeah people always freak out over “Pentagon Plans”.
Their #1 job in peace time is to have plans in place so that if the shit hits the fan they aren’t caught with their pants down so they come up with plans on how to fight every and anybody. Doesn’t mean there is any chance in hell of those plans being carried out.
In left-wing journalism, for every reasonably honest writer there’s about 40 frothing moonbats just waiting for their big break. That’s basically what The Intercept is.
I imagine it would look a lot like a Latin American shithole that got trashed by a couple hurricanes.
I imagine it would look like everyone in PR moving to NYC.
I assume this involves dance fighting with white gangs in the Upper West Side.
that recovery in PR wants the island to rely on solar power generation. no word on capacity.
They don’t have power now, so no one will notice if they continue to not have power due to relying on unreliable generation…
Just turn PR into a gigantic battery built by Tesla. Magic faerie dust will put the electricity inside the battery and then everyone will live happily ever after! People will build homes and businesses on top of the battery and everything will be peachy…until the battery catches fire.
Please let this be true! If this guy ever becomes a senator, it would potentially vaccinate countless numbers of at-risk people from leftism for generations. That’s an amazing group of people, though, trying to make Feinstein sound reasonable and moderate. De Leon, Uygur, possibly Steyer? That’s a gold team of lunatics.
I can’t wait until they hold a town hall debate where a member of the audience asks him about the Armenian genocide…
The interesting part is whether he’s screwing over his House Armenian by running. Did Kasparian come up with the idea and Uygur decided to fuck her over?
Sharia Harvey Weinstein thinks 47 is “young”.
Let them devour each other with who can out-socialist whom.
If only this would somehow get Ben Mankiewicz fired from TCM.
I don’t really know anything about YT. When they first started popping up on youtube and I clicked on one I thought it was some high school AV Club project. Then when I saw people discussing them as a news source I was bewildered.
All I know is that they frequently say mockworthy things and are amusingly wrong.
At least that’s what I’ve learned from YouTube. I’ve never watched them specifically. Though the whole “I am better than you” clip does not make me regret skipping them.
The election result video is a must watch.
oh that sweet sweet schadenfreud.
It’s less ‘amusingly wrong’ and more ‘active liars’. During the Hamburg antifa riots Uygur would go on and on about how the protests are really peaceful with a few ‘problems’.
Uygur would add a jolt of liberal energy to the field of challengers taking on Feinstein, who has represented California in the Senate since 1992. State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De León announced on Sunday that he was running against Feinstein. San Francisco philanthropist Tom Steyer and Los Angeles entrepreneur Joe Sanberg are also considering jumping in.
So, they’re going to totally overturn American politics by electing a leftist to replace…one of the most liberal members of Congress. That’s why I don’t think the GOP should be terribly bothered by these stories. They don’t really understand that, if they want to win the U.S. politically, they need to be able to win votes outside of their own echo chamber. If there were a big push among Democrats to bring back guys like Evan Bayh (whatever I think of him personally) , I’d tell the Republicans to start worrying.
I’m not sure that’s true. All they have to do is get more of their own people to show up to vote and yet encourage enough people out of their echo chamber that voting is a waste of time.
All they have to do is get more of their own people to show up to vote and yet encourage enough people out of their echo chamber that voting is a waste of time.
And picking people like Cenk Uygur or Tom Steyer doesn’t do that. It does the exact opposite of that. Sure, it gets the hardcore left excited. But, all their excitement still only gets them one vote per person. And lots of other people they need to ally with them to get their candidate elected start thinking that what they’re offering up isn’t too good a bargain. Meanwhile the GOP gets to go out and tell everyone who might be on the fence about voting that the result of not showing up and voting GOP will be disastrous.
Holy shit… Rand Paul BTFOs Lindsay Graham, calls him a “warmonger”.
Rand’s favorite past time…loves it.
McCain started it with the ‘Whacko-Bird’ shit.
A household name among many supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ind.-Vt.
Huh. I guess he’s a shoo-in.
There should be a term for the medical condition that occurs when, in response to derp, your eyes roll back in your head so hard there’s physical pain.
Saturday I was listening to FOX Sports radio for some stupid reason. Mark Willard was one of the hosts…oh, how I wish I had a transcript. Bobby Knight came up during their conversation – “I wouldn’t send my son to play for Bobby Knight” – was the sentiment, and I get it. Knight was a violent and unpredictable man. I was with him up to that point. Then, in connection with this, Nick Saban came up. Mark Willard was leery of sending his son to play for Saban, and this was why:
Willard thought that that Saban quote revealed Saban’s “arrogance”.
I don’t think Nick Saban is a good guy or anything like that. I don’t think he’s the ideal coach when a coach needs to be a people person. I’ll even agree that Saban does have some Bobby Knight in him. But not wanting to send your son to a coach who gets a little demonstrative? Who blows his stack a little bit? What the FUCK is happening to the idea of toughness anymore?
There’s only 60 minutes in a football game. Urgency is one of the occupational hazards of sports. Players sometimes get lost in their own heads in the course of a game, and sometimes a coach must resort to extraordinary measures to reach them. On the sidelines, a coach sometimes has to be Mr. Rogers – and sometimes he has to be Mr. Hyde. How does a sports talk show host not understand that? Or is this just him telling the world what a great parent he is by not exposing his son to anything that might be a bit unpleasant? And if that’s the case, why is the kid even playing football? I’d hate to tell this host what goes on at the bottom of a pile during a fumble scrum.
Lane Kiffin undoubtedly deserved every bit of it. How that guy keeps getting head coaching jobs is one of the great mysteries of our time.
I had a buddy that played for Fulmer, Kiffin, and Dooley at Tennessee. He loved Fulmer and Dooley, but he fucking hated Kiffin. So much so that we have video of him dancing in the streets screaming “Bring back Phil!” after Kiffin went to USC.
Have met many college coaches in my day. Saban is actually surprisingly personable when he steps away from the sidelines. Much more so than Urban Meyer.
Very serious subject matter and this is certainly not to take away from the experience the young woman in the article had, but this is more “women and minorities hardest hit” nonsense. It’s also a great primer in how statistics, as misunderstood by laymen, can obscure truth. These two quotes:
“An analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in August found the suicide rate among teenage girls ages 15 to 19 hit a 40-year high in 2015. Between 2007 and 2015, the rates doubled among girls and rose by more than 30 percent among teen boys.” and:
“while the number of girls who have killed themselves spiked in recent years, male teens still have higher rates of suicide.”
Only by looking at the actual figure provided by the CDC can you see that the overall suicide rate for boys is almost 3x that of girls and male suicide rate actually rose more in absolute terms over the stated time period. The fact that it’s monotonically rising for both sexes is cause for concern, but I guess NBC wouldn’t publish it at all if it didn’t have the proper grievance angle.
I may just go ahead and post this in afternoon links. Go ahead and try to stop me!
You don’t have a hair on your ass if you don’t get four or five more links ready and rapid fire’em soon as the Afternoon links are dropped.
Who am I, Fist?