I’ll admit that after reading Swiss’s story yesterday, anything I could say would be weak tea indeed. It did make me glad that I did everything I could to stay out of Vietnam, which seemed like the Forever War then, but pales compared to the Bush/Obama adventures (which, to be fair, can now be called Bush/Obama/Trump). Following that, Links seem… superfluous. But potentially entertaining, somewhat. And I guess that’s all we’ve got left, since we’re all complicit in the brainless death machine that we call the US Government.
Imprecision in language pisses me off- when it becomes deliberate in an attempt to mislead, it pisses me off even more. CNN is a reliable culprit. “Meddling in an election” is not the same as “meddling in a campaign.” Zero evidence of the former, the latter is almost assuredly true, and our government does it routinely. But hey, CNN has taken a mission upon itself.
Never read internet comments. Never read internet comments. Never read internet comments.
I don’t know about you, but I’d want someone with thinner fingers. Ouch.
This is the worst goddamn way to be killed in action.
I’m shocked SHOCKED that Prince Charles is a loathsome bigot, not just a dummy with zero knowledge of history and demography.
And against popular demand, more Old Guy Music. This is one of my favorite songs, and man, having Leo Kottke covering it is delightful. Almost makes me smile.
I don’t care if I am first, you’re not fingering my ass.
They’ll fist it instead.
It’s take a little too long for the dancing 1. Worried about what they’re digging up.
Wait a second…Aren’t we internet comments?
sockpuppets have assholes.
Yay forever war!
Also a great book. I need to read it again.
(hey, it worked for 8 years for Obama, Trump should be able to get at least another 6months out of it)
“since we’re all complicit in the brainless death machine that we call the US Government.”
I disagree with that. I have never cast a vote for a candidate in a race at any level who has won an election. I disapprove of mkst of what the givernment is doing and the only funding I provide the government is extorted.
ungrateful deplorable.
You and I are complicit nonetheless. We pay for the machine and don’t do anything significant to throw a wrench into the gears and stop it. I’m ashamed to admit that the last real action I took was to try to shut down the Federal government in the May Day protests in 1971. For my efforts, I was rounded up and made to sit in a cage near RFK stadium because they ran out of jail space. it was futile, but it was part of the snowball that eventually ended the war. There’s nothing analogous to that now, we just don’t care since we’re not being drafted.
If you’re not taking action, you’re complicit. And so am I.
Yep, you’re old
Bullshit, it’s not either/or,
Fuck off Slaver
::Hands Yusef a copy of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for Teens::
Vibe off this one by checking under the “c” heading.
Under duress by virtue of the goverment’s threat of deadly force against us if we don’t.
I have spent more money contesting petty charges levied against me than the what the fines would have been had I plead guilty and paid my fines. I have been successful several times in keeping my money out of the state coffers.
Contesting your income tax is liable to get you locked in a cage like Irwin Schiff or even killed. We’re all complicit, because there are guns pointed at us. Blame the gutless scrum in Congress for your complicity.
If I am robbed at gunpoint and the robber uses the money money he stile from me to hire another guy to commit a murder, Am I complicit in the robbery and the murder?
*pulls out copy of social contract with Lachowsky’s signature on it*
I’m sorry, but when you pay your “voluntary” income tax or have it withheld by Treasury for an interest-free loan and continue to work, it fits the dictionary definition of complicit. Doesn’t mean that you agree or support it. The consequences of resisting that shit are on a whole different level of stacked odds.
What is voluntary about the income tax. I have never heard anyone refer to it as voluntary, because it’s not.
In practice, it is not really voluntary.
Let me introduce you to Harry Reid.
Even still, maybe we would get somewhere if we all pledged to throw some wrenches in it when each of us is old and otherwise useless. I mean, live out your last couple years in a nursing home or in a jail, there ain’t much difference
A good start would have been a majority, or even a plurality for fuck’s sake, of ostensibly anti-war voters not holding their noses for scumbag, lying repeat offender warmongers such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and on and on. Where were the screaming hordes of town hall protestors coming out in droves like they did for legislators threatening to repeal Obamacare, during Obama’s reelection campaign.
People are phoney pieces of shit, and they have the right to vote.
I’m here to improve OMWC’s mood with a gold plated false dichotomy and some equivocation.
A white person dies at the hands of an undocumented immigrant — and it may even have been an accident — and the Right springs into action, passing laws demanding justice. White people gunned down by another white guy at a church in Texas or in Las Vegas or every day in America … nothing. White people die in fires and floods caused by climate change … crickets. White people die in the opioid epidemic … silence. White people die from lack of adequate health care … busy.
I don’t remember people freaking out cause someone died in an accident.
He’s referring to the San Fransisco shooting, and yes, Culture Justice Warriors lost their shit over it.
That’s it, I’m voting for trump
It took you this long to arrive at this decision?
What can I say, I think shit through
I wish there was silence when people die in the opioid epidemic, but people just won’t shut the fuck up about the stupid choices that their loser family members made.
Just because they OD doesn’t mean they’re losers. People want different things out of life. Like maybe you want a shiny new golf cart while someone else just wants to walk that fine line between death and the greatest euphoric feeling known to man.
The fact that the wonderful bounty that springs from the humble poppy is not available branded, in measured doses, OTC from retailers worldwide shames us all.
Damn straight
Hear hear.
I forgot which comedian said this, but it went along the lines of:
I’ve never tried it, but I know cocaine is a lot of fun. You know how I know? Cocaine is so much fun that people choose it over keeping their house. Straight men perform on other men (NTTAWWT) to keep having fun with coke. Now I’m really enjoy sleeping in my bed, sleeping with my wife, and indoor plumbing so cocaine must be one hell of a blast.
I do believe that was Mr Dangerfield.
On an unrelated. “My sister was an atheist, she died recently and I had to go to her funeral. I felt bad for her, she was all dressed up with no place to go”
I don’t know whether Rodney said that, but I do know he did try (a lot of) cocaine.
Yeah I suppose it’s about definitions, isn’t it?
See, you only think the fat fingers would be painful because of their size. What you fail to take into account, is the accumulated grease of continually holding handfuls of chicken nuggets in those fingers would provide natural lubrication.
So I’m sitting in a deer stand and I just saw what was either Steve Smith or a very hairy redneck that is getting real close to trespassing. I need to shoot first and ask questions later, right?
Just remember to skin it and tan the leather whatever it is.
/Buffalo Bill
“it was a great big fat person”
::standing ovation::
No bag limit, there’s millions of them everywhere.
You’re just going to make the rape last longer if you do that. Best to just lie down and play dead. And continue to play dead even as STEVE SMITH does what STEVE SMITH does.
“Yeah, my deer stand has wifi and a keurig, so what?”
Hunting in the 21st century is a little different than hunting in the 20th century.
*looks up from salting strip roast*
No shit.
“SHIT, that deer just started recording us, he’s probably direct-streaming it to the web (why did I tell them the wifi pass), let’s get the fuck outta here.”
Just wait till they organize. White Tail lives matter
Huh. People I have never heard of and couldn’t give a fuck less about come forward to tell stories about their complete lack of self-respect and submissive desperation for the approval of others, and I’m supposed to feign outrage.
“Some guy asked me to stick my finger in his ass.” Seriously? And you didn’t stick your finger in his eye, instead? Sucks to be you.
webdominatrix (our beloved daughter and an atypical millennial) is just bemused by the whole thing. “What the fuck is wrong with these snowflakes? You CAN punch someone, you know.”
She did laugh her ass off about Takai.
White people gunned down by another white guy at a church in Texas or in Las Vegas or every day in America … nothing.
White people don’t care about white people.
White people are the white people of white people.
You white people sure are a contentious people.
Yew one o’ them my-norities there, boah? *spits*
She did laugh her ass off about Takai.
I only read the first few sentences. That’s as much as I could stomach.
Cut Prince Howdy Doody some slack. His alternative to blaming the Jews is blaming his own country for fucking the Middle Eat six ways to Sunday. Couldn’t have that.
Turks did it first, just to be fair.
…and the Arabs before that (just to be fair) ….and the Romans before THAT….and the Greeks before THAT…and…and…and.
“When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing,” Trump wrote at 7:18 a.m. local time in Hanoi.
That would be the perfect city to tweet that from.
Nice. I’ve got to give that one to him.
More Leo from 1977.
I was expecting cops with facial hair.
Yesterday, i was in a store, and there was a display of AR15 barbecue lighters (with scopes!) at the register.
But did the flame come out of the chainsaw thingy at the end of it?
Taylor Swift guilty of creating music while white. I’ve seen a couple reviews like this. https://www.theringer.com/music/2017/11/9/16625006/taylor-swift-reputation-chart-singles
I just find her “music” unpalatable. But I’m not a thirteen year old girl.
That’s not what you told Carlos.
Shhhhhhh…. that phase of my life is over.
From what I understand, anyone claiming to be a 13 year old girl on the internet is actually an FBI agent. OMWC hardest hit.
Isn’t 13 too old already? She most likely through puberty at that point.
That’s always the fun and mystery- will there be pubes or not?
Just like a kinder egg. Never know what the toys gonna be like until you crack it open.
Taylor Swift isn’t particularly pretty – she’s very plain looking, and my goodness is her more recent music ever terrible. But god damn do I ever respect how she is able to make it rain money and run a hype machine. I respect her in the same way that I respect Usher’s mentoring and promotion of Justin Bieber as a business venture.
I find her attractive in a girl next door kind of way, but she does know how to use makeup so that adds a lot to it. She also seems to be kind and patient with her fans, which is more than can be said about a lot of famous people. And she knows how to make money.
I don’t think many people here give a fuck about her music, but the criticism leveled at her in that article are just fucking stupid. This writer is so damn certain she’s done because she refuses to take cues from her black peers? When he himself admits she hit a career high as long ago as 2014? As if artists don’t have fluctuations in their careers? What this is about is a group of elitist shit bags who always hated Swift’s pop music crowing because she’s finally got something of a dud on her hands. Now, you see, they are vindicated! Sort of like how socialists and commies come out of the woodwork when there’s a recession to talk about how awful capitalism is.
They want her to be more black. They want her to be more political. But they’ll pretend it’s just about her music being vapid…unlike the shitty rap they’re willing to extol.
…so they can scream MUH CULTRL APPROPIASHN at her.
…so they can scream PROBLMATK if even 1% of her views fail to align with theirs.
That’s exactly what they did with Miley Cyrus.
It should also be noted that The Ringer is basically Vox’s dumber and pudgier little sister. I can’t help be reminded of their attempt at election coverage on the night Trump won. A trio or so of emasculated betas who make, I don’t know, Ezra Klein look charismatic in a dull little room trying to choke back tears.
This. Somehow Simmons became head of the SJWs.
I tried to slog through that article and all I came away with is “thank god I haven’t paid attention to ‘popular music’ in a couple decades”.
SJW: “White people don’t have culture; they’re soooo lame!”
Wypipo: “Ok, I’ll just go listen to some Baroque classical, opera, folk music, or maybe read some poetry, or-”
SJW: “LOL, that’s all a bunch of boring white people stuff!!”
Wypipo: “Well, I also enjoy hip-hop and-”
SJW: “Cultural appropriation!!! How dare you!!!!”
White people culture
Fade in: Dimly lit hotel bar
Michelle Pfeiffer, (Baker Boys’ edition) to P Brooks: I’m bored and stressed out. I think I’ll go up to my suite and masturbate for a while. Would you like to come watch?
P Brooks: Why, yes. Yes, I would. I’d even be happy to assist you in any way possible.
Same hotel bar, different night:
Jeneane Garofalo (tatooed carnival freak version) to P Brooks: I’m bored and stressed out. I think I’ll go up to my suite and masturbate for a while. Would you like to come watch?
P Brooks: My car was making a funny noise, earlier. I’m going to go out in the parking lot and roll around in the slush and mud and see if I can look underneath and tell what’s wrong with it. But thanks anyway. Don’t forget to pay my bar tab.
So I’m sitting in a deer stand and I just saw what was either Steve Smith or a very hairy redneck that is getting real close to trespassing. I need to shoot first and ask questions later, right?
This reminds me of an old joke about bears (modified, somewhat)-
Throw something at it to get its attention. If it climbs the tree and attacks you, it’s a black bear. If it it knocks the tree over and eats you, it’s a grizzly.
Cute. I am glad I live in a part of the world that I don’t have to worry about getting eaten by large creatures or bitten by small poisonous creatures. In the woods my biggest fear is “is that squirrel about to try and attack me, surely not, he just keeps getting closer and closer, why is he staring at me like that, oh shit he just jumped on my tree Above me”
I don’t fear being mauled by animals here in LA. Until I go trail running in the mountains. And then as you jog by a big scat pile, you realize it isn’t dog poop. Or coyote poop. It’s bigger than that. So maybe mountain lion. Possibly bear? No, too small a pile for a bear. So probably definitely mountain lion. It’s probably hiding in the chaparral, watching me. Please god don’t leap out and start mauling me. Better run faster.
There’s a certain woodland ape that ranges far wider than some expect. Many a hiker has learned his name.
I’ve got a groundhog that has been terrorizing my property. On the bright side, he might end winter early, so I got that goin for me.
(shit, or I’m going to end up stuck in the same links thread for the rest of eternity unless I learn a life lesson about appreciating other people, or something something Andy MacDowell.)
Off the USA Today link above: USA Today is interested in fiscal conservative matters when relatively petty sums of money are threatened to not be gobbled up by Leviathan.
So in other words, it’s really on the scale of National Endowment of the Arts funding, which should also be completely gutted. Please eat a bag of dicks, USA Today, and wash it down with some Jim Jones kool-aid.
P.S. Kevin Brady (R-TX) looks like one of those zombies from Omega Man or the underground people from Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
“But saving donors a little extra money would cost the U.S. treasury about $2.1 billion over 10 years”
Those damn thieves!!
You know what would save the government a little money? Stop having incompetent, corrupt, scumbags in government who just loose billions of dollars. And you know what the most effective way to do that is? Get rid if their departments.
And ban any kind of public sector labor union.
Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council
I find the idea of Anthony Perkins doing family research amusing.
Why? He was a big fan of mothers.
I find the idea of Anthony Perkins doing family research amusing.
It’s a close-knit family.
Speaking of “veterans’ week”- are people really dumb enough to be placated by the NFL’s egregiously transparent “We’re all about sucking up to our noble defenders” campaign?
This is what is known as a “rhetorical question” btw.
TW: Multi-link
Men love tits. SCIENCE!
15, 27, 33, 36
Is that really appropriate for a Sunday morning Q? Some of us may be trying to Glib from church.
Hey it’s not my fault you’re going to the Lord’s house on the wrong (((day))).
Remember, sex on Shabbat is a triple mitzvah!
What better time to appreciate God’s great works?
You’re in the wrong church if this inappropriate.
27 is a shoop of Elisha Cuthbert?
(23 was made in a lab)
It would be difficult to tell the difference between 23 and a realdoll from 50 feet away.
Truly a man of the people Q
I try.
The primary investigator for that article is one “BJ Dixson”.
I refuse to believe that this is real.
#40 is excluded from the orgy.
“Never read internet comments. Never read internet comments. Never read internet comments.”
I tried to to read them, but couldn’t get it to work.
“Hector Trevino
Disgusting animals that belong in a zoo for being poor excuse of human beings.”
“Stephen Tumlin
The scary part is they’re breeding out of control and we’re paying for them.”
“John Glennon
Once you read the headline you just knew it would be the Amish.
Such a small % of the population, such a large % of crime like this.”
“Larry Lawrence
Society keeps putting lipstick on these pigs! Sorry, I forgot, pigs are intellegent animals! Black people wonder why “others” look at them with such distane!”
There you go.
Are you a wizard?
Me neither. I think my ad blocker is doing me a solid here.
J TF C. I guess trannies with the wrong views are Nazis now too?
From what I gather she was attacked by a male TERF.
Violence breaks out at Trump rally ~ CNN
It’s times like these that I feel like an anthropologist on Mars.
“the most important thing to her clients was ‘feeling of being needed and wanted. Wanted badly by a horny woman.'”
So crazy it might just work!
Flat out contradicts the Patriarchal Rape Culture pushed by feminists too.
Speaking of crazy…
“When confronted with evidence, Wallen kept changing her story before finally admitting she shot the man twice in the back of the head, “because he was performing (a sex act) wrong,” according to her statement.”
She shot him to rob him.
Lisa Ling did a doc on the Bunny Ranch in Reno. Their most popular package was Date Night where they would actually go out to dinner. Their highest paid girl was the oldest one who was probably in her 50’s. She basically said her success was understanding that most of the men that went there wanted companionship. Was not what I expected.
I remain amazed that WaPo hasn’t cancelled its Volokh Conspiracy feature citing “hate speech”.
Pretty ballsy for waPo
“But that’s waaaaarrr! It’s diiiiiferent!”
They did?
Speaking of WaPo, they’ve managed to outrage all political groups in NZ:
The linked article is a good take down of the WaPo piece but it does include the following:
“There has been widespread astonishment that any newspaper, let alone the fabled Washington Post, would publish such a bizarre and inaccurate article.”
a quote from a former Reserve Bank of NZ economist, “ow one of the world’s major media outlets, and serious newspapers, fell for this nonsense is a rather bigger puzzle. It might be the age of ‘fake news’, but generally serious newspapers are supposed to be guardians against it, not the purveyors of nonsense to the world.”
They’re just late to the party realizing that WaPo is not a new outlet.
::goes to make popcorn::
This was my favourite part:
Slowly they’re all gonna realize WaPo and NYT are the masters of fake news.
Good article. Full of inconvenient truths, though. It’s fun to watch the slavers in the comments tie themselves in knots trying to spin it.
Miss Wilson is just so brave for naming the man who said those mean words to her.
Also, would not.
Also, 37? For some reason I put her 5-10 yrs younger.
Fat is like botox
NYT editorial board unearths moldy old piece of paper
“Presidents usually regard the oath as a set of legally binding principles that they abide by,” Mr. Brettschneider said. “Trump tends to think of things in terms of real estate law — ways to get around legal requirements rather than enforcing and promoting them. That’s scary, because we rely on a president to espouse the norms of the Constitution.”
Sometimes Mr. Trump’s constitutional illiteracy is amusing, like the time he told a group of Republican senators that he wanted to protect “Article XII,” which doesn’t exist. More often it’s alarming. He has showed disdain for the separation of powers by repeatedly attacking the federal judiciary and individual judges who have ruled against him. He has made a mockery of the emoluments clause by refusing to divest his tangled business empire and profiting openly off his presidency. He has abused the pardon power by granting his first, and so far only, pardon to a former sheriff who was found in contempt of a federal court for defying an order. And he has failed to take care that the laws are faithfully executed, whether by trying to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, leaving hundreds of critical executive branch positions vacant or threatening to prosecute his former political opponent.
Strict constructionists, they are. Big fans of the Bill of Rights, too.
“because we rely on a president to espouse the norms of the Constitution.”
That’s fucking rich coming from the NYT.
Also, the constitution doesn’t have any “norms” It’s a legal document. It has laws.
We need a constitutional lawyer president
I think the main focus of a constitutional lawyer is to figure out ways to subvert the constitution.
Obama studied the Constitution like an epidemiologist studies germs.
News you can use.
Made me think of this:
“Another shocking Hollywood revelation.”
There was some discussion, a while back, on the therapeutic medicinal properties of yohimbe, a while back.
Imagine, if you will, the voice of Elmer Fudd, and the words, “Gweatwy gwatfifying.”
I believe I started that discussion and yes it certainly is. There was one moment on yohimbine that I thought I was going to ejaculate out my very soul.
If you really wanna take it to the next level (and you’re comfortable with the slight jittery effect) take one pill, then break open a second one and take it sublingually. Bonus points if you can convince your lady friend to do the same.
I ain’t got time to proofread.
Scream “allahu akbar!” then furiously masturbate onto the turkey?
What the fuck did I just read? Shorter article that doesn’t read like a lunatic’s scribblings: come to an agreement with Trump supporter to not talk politics during the holiday.
But how would they get their social signalling in?
I guess it’s that time of the year again, where the woke are called to thanksgivingsplain to their uncles and cousins why everything is problematic.
Yep, Trump did it. It certainly wasn’t the pro-Trump people being obnoxious or the anti-Trump people REEEEEE-ing, it was Trump manipulating the whole thing.
That’s why I always have Thanksgiving dinner at my house. The hours spent cooking is worth it for the peace-of-mind that comes from knowing you can tell a Prog idiot who refuses to shut up; ‘Get the hell out of my house!’.
I host as well but even my most hardcore proggie relatives leave that shit at home. It’s nice.
SP and I are doing it the wisest way: just us.
“When you start labeling people as an ideology, you’re not really seeing them as a person. Let’s face it, not every conservative voice is what they’ve been charged within the media, which is homophobic, racists, Islamophobic. That’s just not the case. There are narratives out there that are being missed, so you need to have an open mind.”
That’s not bad.
Not only do my relatives bring up politics at every single get-together, but at Thanksgiving, someone inevitably goes on a rant how horrible it is to celebrate this holiday in light of what happened to Native Americans. This year, I’m just going to blurt out “Nobody is forcing you to be here. If you think it’s so immoral to have a family dinner on a certain day in November, just go home.”
It’s just another instance of “progressives” complaining that “we as a society” do something when in fact they can stop doing that thing anytime they want.
Just go dressed as an Indian.
God calls upon you to stamp out guns
I won’t pretend to know the mind of God, so all I can offer is a simple guess at what he would say: Stop the killing. Of course killing will never end, completely; we are imperfect creatures of free will, prone to sin — the absence of good — as well as beauty. But that is categorically different from allowing the proliferation of machines solely designed to kill large numbers of people quickly, machines that bear no more semblance to a rifle than a nuclear weapon does to a firework. And the sin of omission — doing nothing — is nearly as bad as the murder itself.
Yeah whatever, dude. Take your meds.
Randy Newman got it right (God’s Song): “Y’all must be crazy, to put your faith in me.”
A little something for the writer of that. https://www.thoughtco.com/the-bible-on-the-right-to-bear-arms-701963
I was going to say. A “Christian” argument on gun control that doesn’t even try to address the passage from Luke, which comes from Jesus himself. That whole article that claims to appeal to Christians on gun control never references scripture once, instead relying on a weak interpretation of Christian ethics? From someone with a “complicated” relationship with his faith? I am suspicious.
I heard it the other day, but what conceivable purpose is served by knocking that church in Texas down? People are nuts.
I don’t know what their motivations were, but I don’t imagine it would be very comfortable to sit in a building where you once survived a mass shooting.
“Oh look, there’s where I hid under the pew… Oh look, there’s where Jim died… Oh look, there’s where they spackled over the bullet holes…”
“Coming Out As Fat”
“This paper examines the surprising case of women who “come out as fat” to test and refine theories about social change, social mobilization, stigma, and stigma resistance. First, supporting theories about “social movement spillover,” we find that overlapping memberships in queer and fat activist groups, as well as networks between these groups, have facilitated the migration of this cultural narrative. Second, we find that the different, embodied context of body size and sexual orientation leads to changes in meaning as this narrative travels. Specifically, the hypervisibility of fat changes what it means to come out as a fat person, compared to what it means to come out as gay or lesbian. Third, this case leads us to question the importance of the distinction made in the literatures on stigma and on social movements between assimilationist strategies that stress sameness, on the one hand, and radical political strategies that emphasize difference, on the other. Finally, this case suggests that the extent to which a stigmatized trait is associated with membership in a social group—with its own practices, values, and norms—shapes what it means to “come out” as one who possesses that trait.”
Word salad.
I can’t believe someone pays for research this dumb.
Joke’s on you! It was probably paid for with our tax dollars, sucka!
Unfortunately yes. *kills self*
Who’s going to post links to The Chive now?
Word salad.
More like Word Casserole — something with a ton more calories than a salad.
Then along came you,
Now I know it’s true:
Fatty girls need love too
Chuck Todd never fails to deliver. “Why does it matter that this allegation (about Roy Moore) is forty years old?”
Now all that’s missing is for Madonna to jump on the #metoo train.
Wouldn’t that be awesome?
“Vietnam . . . seemed like the Forever War then, but pales compared to the Bush/Obama adventures”
The difference is conscription, right?
If there had been a draft, these wars might be over already.
. . . not that there should be one. I just suspect that there’s an inverse relationship between people’s support for a war and the chances that they or their kids will be drafted.
I suppose it’s sort of like support for gay marriage or anything else. The more people think gay marriage won’t impact their lives in any way, the more likely they are to support it. Tell them that they have to bake cakes for someone against their will, and that support diminishes.
A war where the only people impacted directly are people who originally volunteered for the military could go on forever like that. I guess people on both sides of the Vietnam war were wrong in the same way about the impact of conscription. Some of the pro-Vietnam war people and anti-Vietnam war people both thought that if it weren’t for conscription, not enough people would volunteer to field an effective military. Instead, we have wider engagements that last longer than we did when there was a draft–maybe because there is no draft.
Regardless, even the anti-war people should be grateful for those who volunteer. If it weren’t for volunteers, if history is any guide, there would have been a war. There just would have been a draft.
P.S. I think one of the reasons Generation Y and Millennials, afterward, seem or are coddled is because they’re the first generations to be raised without any expectation that they’d someday be drafted for war.
As a Generation X guy, even when I was in grade school and junior high, the vice principal would take us out behind the bleachers if we got into a fight and let us fight it out until somebody won and somebody lost. He’d make us shake hands and agree that it was over, afterwards. For doing other things that were wrong, we got paddled in school. Subconsciously or otherwise, I think that was about the expectation that we’d someday be drafted for a war like every generation had before us. Girls were, of course, treated differently. Part of being a man was growing up with discipline and a desire to fight–so you would make a good soldier. When the expectation that the next generation would need to be drafted for war faded, so did the subconscious understanding that we’re supposed to be raising good soldiers.
I was 18 when they Reinstated SS, So I could have been drafted, this was in 1981FWIW
Reagan made us all register for the draft when we turned 18.
I thought my chances of being drafted or dying in a nuclear strike were pretty good.
If we had been at war with the Soviets at the time, I might have volunteered.
When I came of age, there was nothing going on, and then the wall came down.
Sounds about right timewise, the 80’s
I thought it was Carter who reinstated draft registration (a VERY different thing than an actual draft)?
/checks wiki
Yup, Carter. One more thing to thank him for.
Do you thank him for the Department of Education?
I thank him for the home brewing/craft beer renaissance.
“A group of Canadian gourmets is hoping to smash misconceptions about HIV transmission one plate at the time by opening a pop-up restaurant run entirely by staff infected with the virus.”
I can see that business plan not working at all.
It’s probably totally safe, but I don’t see people lining up to eat at the AIDS cafe.
Off the cuff prediction: it will do really well for a few months while sympathetic people go there. Then it will crater.
Activist restaurants don’t interest me.
They definitely interest me. They are lolleriffic to watch take a nosedive.
Ah. Entertainment. I agree!
‘Wha happened?’
It’s a clever marketing ploy.
I grew up vegetarian. Without going into it too much, it wasn’t about animal rights or anything like that. I grew up in kind of a subculture where there were a lot of vegetarians–and it had little or nothing to do with animal welfare. We’d have vegetarian potlucks, and the dessert table was always as big or twice as big as the table with all the entrees.
When I got out into the real world, I’d go eat with vegetarians, and it would be, “Um, hey, where’s the dessert? No dessert, are you fucking kidding me?!”
My folks would order the vegetarian plate on airplanes, and they’d give you a damn apple for dessert. An apple is not a vegetarian dessert. You know what’s a vegetarian dessert? Chocolate cake. Apple pie! Give me a whole apple at the age of 11 and tell me it’s my dessert and I might throw it at you.
For a lot of people for whom being vegetarian is about animal rights, etc., suffering for a cause is a big part of the draw. You don’t want to eat things that taste good–certainly not in public. It’s basically a form of self-flagellation for them. See, I care so much about things that I’m willing to suffer for my cause–and you’re just a heathen! You won’t sacrifice anything!!!
Yeah, of course they want to eat somewhere and show that they’re sooooooooo fucking tolerant. And what’s the point of being so fucking tolerant if you can’t look down your noses at people in Alabama. Why in Alabama, they’re all homophobes! But we’re not. And we can prove it–because we eat shitty food prepared by people who are HIV positive. In a way, isn’t that kind of denigrating to HIV positive people? Isn’t that using some victim’s suffering to make others feel sufficiently smug?
Would a restaurant like that work with other historically marginalized groups? All the servers at our restaurant are black as night–black, black, black, black, black, black, black! It reads like a Monty Python sketch. I doubt civil rights groups would like to see African-Americans used that way.
Next week, let’s go to a restaurant where the chefs all have Hepatitis!
For a lot of people for whom being vegetarian is about animal rights, etc., suffering for a cause is a big part of the draw. You don’t want to eat things that taste good–certainly not in public. It’s basically a form of self-flagellation for them. See, I care so much about things that I’m willing to suffer for my cause–and you’re just a heathen! You won’t sacrifice anything!!!
I’m a nearly lifelong vegetarian, based on ethics regarding animals. That said, I’ve had quite a few Glibs over here for food and I can safely say that none of them felt like they were shortchanged taste-wise.
I KNOW that’s true.
Like I said, I ate great growing up–everywhere I went.
. . . which is why I was so disappointed when I went out and met other vegetarians (Southern California variety) for whom being vegetarian seemed like a more holy than thou form of self-congratulatory, self-flagellation.
I know not all vegetarians are like that. I grew up with vegetarians who eat well.
But there’s this other bunch who want to turn it into some sort of . . . endurance contest. And I thought of it as an example of people punishing themselves for fun and to differentiate themselves–unnecessarily!
I should say, we were vegetarian–except for Thanksgiving. All my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins were vegetarians, too.
I did not mean to suggest that all vegetarians are like what I was describing.
Ever notice that whenever you see advertisements for a charity on TV, they always give you a gift? They’ll give you a bumper sticker, a coffee mug, a t-shirt, a hat, something so you can show people that you care about [insert issue]–even if they don’t.
They’re marketing to that same urge. For a donation of $9.95 a month, you, too, can wear a t-shirt that makes you feel morally superior to all the people around you! What I was trying to say is that being able to show that you suffered in public for a cause is part of the draw–for certain people.
They’re marketing a morally superior attitude–and it’s a clever marketing strategy. It accomplishes nothing, but it is a good marketing strategy. They probably won’t stay in one location, and they’ll turn it into a traveling thing. I’ve seen this done with blind people before, where they serve you in a restaurant in total darkness–and all the serving people are blind. You get to experience what it’s like to be blind! My understanding is that it often devolved into eating with your hands and then turned into a food fight.
They traveled from town to town doing this–like the latest production of Phantom of the Opera.
Why did they do this?
It was controversial and edgy and they made it sound like charity and somebody made a bunch of money from it–and they got free publicity from the media–just like these HIV people are doing. I think they’re marketing smugness to the smug, and they’re probably exploiting HIV victims to do it. Nothing wrong with that, usually, unless they’re marketing to the same kinds of people who are reacting to this because of its signaling potential. People who are signalling their smug, moral superiority on the issue of LGBTQI+ rights by way of exploiting HIV victims–just seems ripe for Monty Pythonesque spoofing.
How does one reconcile the NAP with, say, eating meat? Shouldn’t we all be Jains?
Racism is bad. That’s why I’m a racist.
As against our gauzy national hopes, I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible. When they ask, I will teach my sons that their beautiful hue is a fault line. Spare me platitudes of how we are all the same on the inside. I first have to keep my boys safe, and so I will teach them before the world shows them this particular brand of rending, violent, often fatal betrayal.
Let me assure you that my heartbreak dwarfs my anger. I grew up in a classic Midwestern college town. With all its American faults, it was a diverse and happy-childhood kind of place, slightly dull in the way that parents wish for their children. If race showed in class lines, school cliques and being pulled over more often, our little Americana lacked the deep racial tension and mistrust that seem so hard to escape now.
What’s surprising is that I am heartbroken at all. It is only for African-Americans who grew up in such a place that watching Mr. Trump is so disorienting. For many weary minorities, the ridiculous thing was thinking friendship was possible in the first place. It hurts only if you believed friendship could bridge the racial gorge.
We’re all racists, now. Welcome to Trump’s America.
Not sure they’d disagree with that one either. A lot of progressives have a problem with (((them))) as well.
The joke is that the author of this article is a prof. at Yeshiva University.
Err, not sure why it’s saying that link might be impersonating the Daily Mail, since I copied that from the Daily Mail! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5071619/Labour-faces-new-anti-Semitism-storm.html
This is why if it came down to it, and you put a gun to my head and said suicide was not an option, I’d rather have Hillary leading the country than Corbyn.
“I first have to keep my boys safe, and so I will teach them before the world shows them this particular brand of rending, violent, often fatal betrayal.”
White people are the #1 cause of death for teenage black males. This is known.
+1 Emmett Till
Being a psychiatrist in 10-20 years is going to be very lucrative.
Being a psychiatrist
in 10-20 yearsisgoing to bevery lucrative.Also, I can’t fathom the mental gymnastics they have to pretzel themselves into to be convinced that Trump is a Grand Wizard Cyclops Racist Boogeyman. Based on his previous opinions and business dealings, I’d venture to say he is one of, if not the most, tolerant president we’ve ever had. Criticize him over his policies, sure; but this “DRUMPF CAN HAS RAYSIZM” horseshit is so demonstrably false that you have to be deranged to believe it.
I can’t fathom the mental gymnastics they have to pretzel themselves into to be convinced that Trump is a Grand Wizard Cyclops Racist Boogeyman
Sadly, I can. I have some relatives that are convinced Trump and all his supporters are bigots, sexists, corrupt, evil, blahblahblah.
Watching copious amounts of Rachel Maddow, The Young Turks, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert are involved.
That comments section is interesting.
White guilt is a helluva drug.
Luckily, some wisdom can be found.
Now that there’s an industry for white people to literally pay reparations, he may be onto something.
“One of Sweden’s largest radio stations played 30 minutes of Islamic State propaganda Friday after the airwaves were hijacked.
ISIS recruitment song “For the sake of Allah” suddenly started playing in the southern part of the country during a popular morning show on radio station Mix Megapol. The song is about three minutes long and played on repeat without interruption.
The lyrics of the track urges western sympathizers to join the terror group by promising maidens for them in paradise.”
“…Hundreds of Swedish citizens have joined the terror group in recent years. Almost all of them received some sort of welfare to support themselves while fighting for ISIS, according to a report released in March.”
And they say people don’t respond to incentives.
::golf clap::
The metal version of For the Sake of Allah is epic:
The original version has been scrubbed from the internet. That’s a shame because it had a lot of cool battle footage.
“Glamour’s unworthy ‘Women of the Year’
Today, it’s clear the march and movement were never really about women. The real purpose is to advance the left’s political agenda: The whole “women” thing is just a convenient political banner.
How else to explain why one of the march’s leaders, Linda Sarsour, who was featured by Glamour, defends sharia law and Saudi Arabia’s legal system — which, as CNN explains, denies women basic rights, such as the freedom to “marry, divorce, travel, get a job or have elective surgery without permission from their male guardians”?”
Via Robby Soave’s incredible hair: These people are fucking pathological</a.
I'm not going to quote it because it's Sunday morning and most of you haven't had a drink yet. But tl;dr "I'm going to teach my child that black children and white children can never be friends because Trump". Bonus for waving away MLK's vision of black and white children holding hands.
Not only did I fuck up the link, this was posted above.
I blame the tramadol.
Wipe this all away, my precious edit faerie!

Um… which one of you is searching for loli hentai? Because I’m a little disturbed now.
“Searching?” OMWC has already uploaded his entire family album to our media archives.
That image has HM’s tentacle prints all over it.
Yet, it’s entitled “Riven Cooks”…
The edit fairy is like a box of chocolates.
. . . you never know what you’re gonna get.
I predict that “Operation: Get People to Stop visting Glibertarians from Work” is going to soon be a rousing success.
It’s already blocked at my office. Imagine that.
Another victim of our opioid crisis. Sad!
This is why we don’t do drugs.
I’m not a doctor, but you shouldn’t be taking tramadol if you are using clonazepam. While tramadol is a terrible drug in general in that it effects so many different receptor sites. It’s specifically counter-indicated if some has a history of affective disorders (eg. anxiety, depression).
I’m off the klonopin for the duration of the time I’ll be taking the tramodol. I figured that, even though the pharmacist didn’t say anything.
The problem is that tramadol can cause persistent symptoms of anxiety long after someone stops taking it, or make an anxiety disorder much worse. Any reason you can’t take a regular opiate instead?
^Agreed. Instead of the War on Opiates in general, we should be having a War on Tramadol. I’ve been prescribed it twice and each time I spent the rest of the day vomiting with a headache after one pill.
“Hey Doc, I’m still in a lot of pain but these are making me sick. Can I have something else?”
“Drug seeking pill-popper! Take a Tylenol.”
“If you thought Tylenol would be sufficient, why prescribe anything in the first place?”
*Click on Doc’s end*
I’ve been through something similar.
I glanced over the article to get the gist of it. Where I used to get angry at such things, now I just get a chuckle out of it.
But what on earth is wrong with the commenters at the NYT? I’m trying to get a feel for them. I get the picture they’re either eating nuts as they type their bird brained comments or wearing an ascot in their underwear.
It’s so vacuous it’s hilarious.
+2 anthropologist on Mars
I want to play this so bad
Ted Cruz the Zodiac killer? Will there be documents on his father killing JFK as well?
Young Millennials/Gen Z, please explain your ’80s fetish. Cuz’ the Eighties kinda sucked, to be honest.
Someone didn’t watch ‘Pretty in Pink’.
I led a carefree life with no responsibilities during the eighties. It was great.
Funny, because it always seemed to me to be de rigueur to shit on the 80s. Reagan/Thatcher and all that.
Sure, but the 80s aesthetic is huge right now.
Vice City sets a hell of a standard.
GTA San Andreas was Rockstar’s best game, followed very closely by Red Dead Redemption.
Ouch. San Andreas was the one I couldn’t get into at all. Never played more than couple missions before I sold it. I enjoyed GTA 3 a lot and 4 had solid gameplay – but the “friend” mission stuff was such a PITA.
Overall though – the Saints Row series was so much more fun.
(I have LA Noir and Red Dead, but haven’t really tried getting into either of them yet either – sitting on my shelf since I got them for a discount a few years ago).
I could never get into San Andreas like I did with Vice City. I definitely tried to.
That game is like early 90s.
Also, you shutcho’ mouth!
Late 80s C64/Early 90s console.
I played a ton of the early Infocom adventures. The primitive attempts at graphics later on kind of ruined the experience. Well, until Leisure Suit Larry came along.
Discovering Zork, and at about the same time Ultima, were formative experiences for me.
Me and my pal tried coding our own in BASIC.
I tried writing up some games in BASIC back in the old days. Infocom style text adventures. They came out poorly.
Ultima IV and the Worlds of Ultima series are free on gog.com
One of my favorites was bureaucracy.
That’s not a text adventure. That’s a Sierra interactive adventure game.
I still would play it.
I guess they got confused because it had a text parser like the earlier Sierra games?
Could be.
I never really cared for the point and click interface Sierra moved to.
To clarify, I liked some of the later games, I just never cared for the interface.
Great- now Chuck is breathlessly listing the newly elected transgender public officials. No mention of their qualifications. I wonder if any of them have transgressed against conventional sexual behavior.
Do they not realize how little most voters care about this outside the deepest blue enclaves? Rhetorical question.
“Three more women have come forward to say Hollywood manager and “Atomic Blonde” producer David Guillod raped them, including an assistant at his former management company who said he took her from her bed at a 2014 company retreat and raped her.
The other two women said he drugged and raped them at his home in 2015 — and that they woke up covered in blood.
Guillod denies all of the accusations. The new accusers, who do not wish to be identified, join “Ted” actress Jessica Barth, whose public accusation that Guillod drugged and sexually assaulted her in 2012 sparked his recent resignation from Primary Wave Entertainment, his management company.
TheWrap spoke to the two women who made the 2015 accusation, but the former assistant from 2014 did not respond to numerous requests for comment. She received a $60,000 settlement and signed a nondisclosure agreement to leave the company soon after the retreat, according to multiple individuals familiar with the situation.”
Tucker Carlson vs Feminist Professor on toxic masculinity
That woman ain’t too bright.
I’d drop a load of toxic masculinity on her face. Would.
Nigga, you crazy.
She looks like one of those XCOM snake aliens.
Yeah, and a ton of people want to fuck the sneks too, I thought you’d know this.
Mammals became more active during the day after the dinosaurs disappeared
Scientists believe the earliest mammals adapted to the night to avoid predation from dinosaurs. Mammals didn’t begin exploring the daytime until the dinosaurs were wiped out some 66 million years ago.
Nov. 6 (UPI) — Mammals became more active during the daytime after dinosaurs disappeared some 66 million years ago, according to a new study.
Today, 20 percent of all mammals are diurnal, or more active during the day. But previous research suggests the earliest mammals were exclusively nocturnal. Now, scientists have a better understanding of when and how some mammals made the transition from night to day.
Neato. So my hatred of getting up early is a byproduct of evolution.
“Salon Blames Articles Defending Pedophilia on ‘Old Management’”
TW: breitbart
“An alarming number of gay men say they’re totally turned off by feminine guys
A new “Masc Survey” conducted by Attitude reveals gay men have quite a bit of work to do when it comes to breaking down gender stereotypes within their own community.
More than 5,000 people participated in the survey, which was conducted in October 2017. Here’s what Attitude found…
71% of gay men said they are actively turned off by a prospective partner who demonstrates signs of femininity.”
71% of gay men said they are actively turned off by a prospective partner who demonstrates signs of femininity.”
Isn’t not being attracted to females the biggest part of being a gay man?
“You have to like the type of man we tell you to like!”
Men who like men like men and that is Not OK.
Wow. That’s right, leftists, keep it up.
“Twitter is libertarian to the core.”
Christ, what an asshole!
Twitter, the Somalia of the Internet.
TL;DR, couldn’t make it any farther
open = you can challenge the status quo, as long as you push it leftward
liberal = you can question the elite, as long as you come at them from the left
It makes more sense when you substitute in these alternate definitions.
There are plenty of reasons to hate Roy Moore, and to not want him in the Senate, but I find this frenzy about allegations of forty year old improprieties bizarre. If they can produce a fourteen year old girl who was “molested” by him last week, they can clap him in irons and schedule a trial, and I’ll cheer them on.
What ever happened to the concept of a statute of limitations?
That only applies to legal reasoning. There isn’t, nor should their be, a statute of limitations for ethical/moral appraisals. Whether or not one is particularly bothered by his Lolita-philia is a separate issue.
I’m not sure how one goes about any proper ‘ethical/moral’ appraisal w/o ever being to establish the actual facts of what happened.
in moore’s case, i suppose the very idea that he was dating a 14yr old is enough. but in others, its just “he said/she said”. e.g. I don’t know if Louis CK’s “masturbating in front of women” had any ethical issues involved. Hell, in at least 2 cases, women said he actually ‘asked their permission’ before doing so. I don’t even know what to make of that, but i’m not sure it even involves any moral component. its basically “he has weird kinks”, and i’m not sure public-approval or disapproval should matter at all.
Of course.
I’m not really interested in public approval or disapproval, as much as individual approval or disapproval. For example, I, personally, am not going to ask Louis CK to babysit my daughter, but someone else may have a different view. The fact that he was in his jerkin’ stage more than a decade ago has no bearing on my decision, because it is not a legal judgement. I can make my decision rationally or irrationally, as is my right. However, in a legal context, it is perfectly reasonable to query the women in Moore’s and CK’s cases as to the reasons for their delay in bringing these claims (i.e., laches).
“If any accusation is all that is needed to condemn someone, who could be called innocent?”
-some fucking white male
there are 100 good reasons to loathe/despise a guy like that, and likely real legal improprieties he’s committed over the course of his career.
but this, “someone accuses you of something ‘inappropriately sexual’ decades after the fact” stuff … where the allegations aren’t even clearly suggesting anything criminal happened, no charges were ever filed, no documentation of the event in any way, etc. … in my opinion, its bullshit.
But so much of the population has been programmed to react to mere-accusations as proof of guilt, and we reward ‘victims’ with instant credibility and honored-status. Its a terrible dynamic.
sure, i have no doubt some of these accusations are legit, and that the people accused did in fact behave like shits in many cases. but its also true that some of these people have made the same accusations in the past, with little/no public outrage. for some reason, everyone has gotten primed for public-stonings.
i blame trump
Gilmore touched me inappropriately in 1992. #metoo.
I can’t wait to see what fun, new laws are going to come out of this. I mean, besides “Marsy’s Law” which predates the current outrage-a-thon.
Vox: Why white supremacists love Tucker Carlson
Razorfist’s newest rant on mass shooters is excellent.
It’s a re-run, but it is excellent.
It’s a little known fact that Syria was once identified as the home of Centaurs in ancient Greek mythology.
Does this obligate the refugee to fuck Emma Sulkowicz in the mouth?
She’d think it was a carrot.
That’s living dangerously.
Some guys have freaky kinks. Testicle stomping with stilettos.
Syrian man refuses to be outdone by Florida man.
All of the aligators and pythons are looking real nervous, and STEVE SMITH might be coming off the bench too.
A lot of people talk about centaurs, but he *did* something about it.
That’s disgusting. She’s so fat.
He left a non-pony country for a country packed with ponies. Good on him.
Fuck all the Redskins jerseys in the grocery this morning!
I have a meeting with a headhunter tomorrow, then nothing on my schedule for the week (yet). Depressing.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go tear down the totally unobtrusive fencing from my balcony, because the fuckin condo sez so.
Intriguing fetish. Please tell us more!
I hope you were representing.
My Vikes sweatpants are in the laundry hamper 🙁
Well, I think going without pants still qualifies!
Looks like there’s a chance for Teddy to get in the game today if Keenum falters. Change makes me nervous.
I’d be surprised, but eventually he needs to get some real-speed reps. That knee is still scary, though.
Fox commentator just said “smells like the playoffs here in DC”. As in, the 4-4 Skins have a chance to play the Vikes in the playoffs??? Dream on.
There isn’t, nor should their be, a statute of limitations for ethical/moral appraisals.
Okay. I can appreciate that line of reasoning. But we’re not talking about a situation in which an individual, based on personal moral convictions, declines to associate with another person. This is an election. If the candidate engaged in disqualifying behavior at a time long past, and that behavior was not litigated in a timely manner, is it legal to disqualify him now? Each individual voter can and should take into consideration the allegations and their likelihood of truth.
I wasn’t aware of any calls to disqualify him. That’s baloney…that having been said, I wouldn’t classify calls for him to step down as attempting to disqualify him legally.
Absolutely correct.
Well, part of this is obviously designed to push a SoCon hot button, i.e. morality. If it turned out he gave an innocent man the death penalty, that would be really bad but there’s a chance the SoCon supporters would not let that stop them. Having said all that, political tribalism makes it likely most supporters are going to vote for him anyway.
As to actual judgment: as HM noted yesterday, it would be appropriate to decide that his behavior represents such an egregious error in judgment, that he shouldn’t be put in power. The compassionate response to that might be, “it appears to have happened once many years ago and, assuming no one else comes forward, it might be reasonable to assume he’s learned and changed.”
What exactly was so terrible about what he was accused of doing anyway? At 30 years old he wanted to date a 14 year old. So what?
today’s bathos: Ezra Klein explains why we ought to like Hillary Clinton
Has Hillary ever actually made any policy in her head a thing? That wasn’t a complete failure, like the piecemeal shit she “accomplished” as a senator?
The whole brilliant meme related to her is just empty. Klein wants to interview a bunch of Clinton hacks and take them at their word. The voters just don’t deserve her.
It drives me fucking nuts to hear people say that Hillary is “experienced” and “has a lifetime of public service” when they can’t name one fucking thing that she has actually accomplished. She rode her husband’s coattails to fame, then loafed around in do-nothing jobs for a few decades. That’s it.
Mary Bruce, ABC Congressional correspondent.
I wasn’t aware of any calls to disqualify him.
There is a lot of baying on this morning’s “news” shows that the Senate should refuse to seat Moore if he is elected.
That is bullshit, and evocative of the fever dreams of impeaching Trump.
So that’s some big money. She backed them into a corner.
Oh my.
“Now back to my usual virtue signaling about how Donald Trump is a sex offender.”
This is satire
Takei’s not very intelligent or talented. And he should have stayed out of politics. Maybe I just have a soft spot for the guy after years of listening to Stern, but the accusation against him is as dumb and empty as any. He was never powerful to begin with, especially in 1981. He groped a male model. Possibly. Now he goes on Stern and says he would grab men to try and “persuade” them into having sex. In an environment. As in, he did what men have always done when interested in sex and made the first move.
And a whole lot of this witch hunt is about that. Guys aggressively pursue sex whether gay or straight. And women even do it, too! It’s just not going to produce the same complaints as when a man does it. There’s an obvious gap between a rejected sexual advance and harassment/assault. Letting this witch hunt continue is only going to lead to the SJW’s ridiculous notions of consent becoming cemented among our ruling classes. At least publicly.
“Takei’s not very intelligent or talented.”
This makes him eminently qualified to lecture the deplorables about politics.
It’s also going to lead to the end of SJW power as they eat each other up, in case they haven’t noticed what almost all of the accused seem to have in common.
Me too – and he kept his stupid politics out of it for the most part.
He should know better about politics given his time in the Japanese internment camps during the Second World War.
The compassionate response to that might be, “it appears to have happened once many years ago and, assuming no one else comes forward, it might be reasonable to assume he’s learned and changed.”
That whole “repentance and reform” thing is so 20th century.
Undoing the Dis-Education of Millennials
Law prof lays down the law for his students.
He’s gonna get fired.
It’s real. I thought he made it up.
Well, shucks.
I hope he has tenure.
If I were a student in his class, I’m not sure if I would be excited to learn from someone who so skillfully used the rhetorical device of polysemy, or if I would walk out of his class by virtue of such a blatant fallacy of equivocation.
Heroic Mulatto demands lawyers be honest and cease all cheap rhetoric tricks immediately.
Actually, my demand is to have all cases settled by trial by combat.
But who’s counting?
Equivalence ≠ sameness
this was my favorite part:
3. If you ever begin a statement with the words “I feel,” before continuing you must cluck like a chicken or make some other suitable animal sound.
To their credit, the students received the speech well. And so far this semester, only two students have been required to cluck like chickens.
I am now sitting at DIA drinking beer and eating bacon. Boy am I stoked to travel for 24 hours into deadly levels of air pollution. I did buy some masks, but knowing my luck they’ll be defective and I’ll get lung cancer. It’s for the best.
Are they proper respirators or just fiber face coverings for feelgooding?
95% filtration of all particles >0.1 micron. Should be ok.
Boy am I stoked to travel for 24 hours into deadly levels of air pollution.
Look on the bright side it might cover up some of the stench of shit and decay.
Only the monsoons can wash that away. Then you get dengue and malaria because of the mosquitoes.
I hope you are getting paid a ton.
Enough to compel me to go, not enough for me to happy about it.
My company has a project going on in India. I have not been roped into going yet, though I feel it might come at some point. In the meantime, it’s been entertaining to watch my colleagues:
Sally: I shouldn’t be the one going.
*Points at Tom*
Politics ruins everything.
They obviously didn’t read the guide to having a quality orgy above.
Well, it looks as though a large majority of these gay men harbor misogynist attitudes, which they seem to apply toward themselves and others.
So they just hate everyone?
Statistics for Liars 101:
1. Conduct “study”
2. Identify proportion/trend/etc.
3. Connect invisible dots to problematic conclusion
4. Deride critics as deniers
5. …
6. Profit!
I’m just posting this because of the word “McResistance”
Come for the witty wordsmithing, stay for the punch-face.
Just say no to breast implants.
What do you have against transhumanism?
Implants look funny, don’t move right, and don’t feel right.
WCQ: Are we expected to believe that Switzerland can’t cough up a proper field of grass, or are they gaming it for some perceived advantage. Hm….
H/T: Crowder: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/snl-mocks-democratic-party-comeback/
Actually a pretty funny video – not nearly as biting as I’d like, but not awful.
Only funny parts:
1. Larry David’s concentration camps remark as Bernie.
2. Hillary’s comeback. First time the butch black broad ever made me laugh in anyway when she said I thought she was dead. But it’s just odd coming from the group that tried to paint Hillary as a hero in the aftermath of the election.
Most of the impressions are godawful. As in, all of them. There’s just a bit of Hillary in the Hillary one.
That’s pretty stale, imo.
I watched last week’s episode with Larry David hosting, though. He made the entire thing enjoyable.
Last film fest flick this afternoon – 100 year old Chaplin flicks – should be fun. This week’s review will be a wrap-up review (Blade of the Immortal was very disappointing 🙁 ).
It would be epic if we found that Charlie Chaplin produced a film called “Blade of the Immortal”.
At the time, the biggest of the “Big Three” comedic stars (Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Harold Lloyd) was Lloyd, based on box office receipts. What is interesting is the Lloyd did not play a particularly funny character; his characters just got into highly improbable situations. Safety Last! is the film with the iconic “Man hanging off the tower clock” scene.
Chaplin did films that critiqued Society; my favorite if his films is The Kid, where he is involuntarily assigned to be the caretaker of an abandoned child (the mother abandoned her child to further her career).
Keaton was the master of,manipulating the camera, plus he did all his own stunts. His movies are probably the most accessible of any from the silent film era.
Lloyd’s movies had a sort of Horatio Alger theme running through them; the spunky novice getting ahead through wit and persistence. One of Lloyd’s films had an amusing sequence in which he drove Babe Ruth (the real, actual Babe Ruth, not an actor) through the streets of NYC (fake driving scenes, though).
Yeah, these 3 Chaplin ones were decent (Immigrant, Easy Street, The Adventurer), but I vastly prefer Keaton and Lloyd as far as presentation and “comedic value” – although I’m not certain I’ve got the ones from 1917ish in my collection (Harold Lloyd box set may, but my Buster Keaton box set does not contain all his early shorts IIRC).
To be fair, if I’m going to shell out 60K a year I don’t want to hang out with boring people either.
That’s what we call expoiting minorities
Giant turd
Prince Charles started dating Diana when he was in his 30s and she was still a teenager. I say that anyone who votes for him to be king is guilty of defending pedophilia.
anyone who votes for him to be king
That’s not how it works.
That’s not how any of this works.
*blinks eyes*
Elvis and Charlie Chaplin liked ’em young too. Wonder when they will be unpersoned.
He’s a pederast Dude
Yes, Prince Charles is gross. We all knew that.
+1 Camilla tampon
I wonder what his thoughts are on the massive influx of foreign Muslims into the UK?
I have made s lot of dumb decisions in my life but the worst one has to be becoming a Bills fan when I was a kid.
an exercise worth trying: get in the up position for a push-up. Touch your left shoulder with your right hand and return to start position. Touch your right shoulder with your left hand, and return. Touch your left hip with you right hand and return. Touch your right hip with your left hand and return. Repeat for 2 minutes or until muscle failure.
With all that touching I expected your exercise routine would finish up in a more exciting way
Sitting at LAX waiting for boarding to start. KK- you’d love it. Asiana and Korean Air A380’s side by side, among others.
For everyone else, well just about everyone else, there’s a Korean girl in a stretch dress bent over one of the chairs talking to the rest of her family/group on the other side. If my wife doesn’t kill me, it’ll be a miracle.
Sorry, not thicc. And they boarded.
Doesn’t matter.
You have failed me.
Ive also not been arrested for perving so I’ll take it. And the happy memory.
cool- China’s Rainbow Mountains
Holy shit, Suburban Sasquatch IS a STEVE SMITH movie.
I can’t imagine the real STEVE SMITH using rope. I always pictured him as more of a spur of the moment rapist rather than an organized one.
The only Trump supporter justified in being a nativist.
Nuh-uh, Clovis First theory is an Indian neocolonialist conspiracy.
Current Affairs serves up another buffet of derp:
Secessionist impulses are misguided; strong political unions between nations are the only viable path forward…
But the trouble is that while many of us want autonomy and democracy and cultural distinctiveness, we also want to stop climate change and austerity. We want to reduce inequalities within our societies and protect our workers and public services from races to the bottom and privatization. And the reality is, it’s simply not possible to pursue these other goals through the nation-state in the 21st century. We think we can have it both ways, but we can’t. I’m here to argue that unions provide overriding net benefits which we cannot otherwise obtain. Unions destroy, but what they create is greater than what they destroy. This doesn’t mean I don’t care about the things unions destroy—I do. But we’re living in a brutal century, and hard choices must be made. If we think stopping climate change and inequality aren’t humanity’s most important priorities, it’s likely because we don’t really imagine these problems will affect us. But they certainly will affect us, whether we want to admit this to ourselves or not. We can’t hide from this essential 21st century question—which is it going to be, unity with sustainable, shared prosperity, or distinctiveness with death and destitution?
“Unfair competition from poor regions” sounds like a pretty uncharitable thing to be complaining about, so let me explain what I mean. In the United States, Republican governors in poorer red states routinely attempt to poach businesses from richer blue states by offering them low wages and tax breaks. We hear about this all the time—former Texas Governor Rick Perry routinely tried to do this to California, while Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence loved trying to entice people from Illinois to Indiana:
Imagine if the United States broke up and New York and Mississippi became independent states. Without the blue states in Washington DC, there would no one politically to restrain Mississippi’s right-wing impulses. Mississippi has no state minimum wage law. Its median household income is a fraction of New York’s. The strategy for Mississippi would be very simple—turn its workers into a sweatshop army and make it impossible for states like New York to compete without ripping their own taxes, wages, and regulations to smithereens. They’d have to follow suit, and that means that even though New York would no longer have to make funding transfers to Mississippi through the federal government, it would have to lower its own living standards to compete alongside it. New York’s only alternative would be to close the borders, trapping employers and capital within its territory to prevent them from moving to Mississippi.
The author of that article is an individual of pure evil.
Ah. Well, he’ll fit right in at Current Affairs.
Holy hell, he looks like the Gestapo officer from Raiders of the Lost Ark:
Be mesmerized by the banality of derp:
which is it going to be, unity with sustainable, shared prosperity,
Translation: Authoritarianism and ruining the West while the Chinese fuck us with their particular brand of slightly less stupid authoritarianism.
Foreing Affairs seems to be an outlet akin to Teen Vogue for internationalists.
That last paragraph is great, because it’s basically openly admitting that your ideas are shit and prone to completely fall apart outside of a closed system, so therefore the only thing to do is ensure that the closed system is completely dominant. Of course, it’s never brought up that maybe if your ideas are shit you’re not the type of people who should be running a massive union.
The strategy for Mississippi would be very simple—turn its workers into a sweatshop army and make it impossible for states like New York to compete without ripping their own taxes, wages, and regulations to smithereens.
That’s the whole point of federalism. Laboratories or democracy competing to create the best conditions for citizens.
Stop austerity? When did austerity start?
Spending increases 6.5% instead of 7%?
Are Canadians complicit in the US war machine?
Canadians are the Jews of white people.
No, I don’t know what that means. I’m just drunk and angry.
As opposed to?
A happy drunk?
Jesse Watters went to check out the liberal “Scream Helplessly at the Sky” event marking the anniversary of Donald Trump’s election.
“Do you think screaming into the sky makes your side look good?” Watters asked people holding anti-Trump signs in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park.
One gentleman answered that the event “makes our side look fun.”
Speaking of Unions what about the EU? Do people support it? Libertarian pro-EU sentiment often that it just needs Better TOP MEN.
HM you said to me a few days ago that universal suffrage is good because it stops oligarchy.
Problem is that today free shit and all those bureaucrats (and money raised by their unions) mean a lot of people are dependant on the government and unwilling to support budget cuts. This is the Dems strategy and works out well. Republicans and especially libertarians are unable to deal with it. And cosmotarians sure won’t either.
This is what I meant by universal suffrage backfiring disastrously.
I wouldn’t go as far as to claim it stops oligarchy, as much as claim it retards its progress. As you point out, the Democrats’ political machine has been extremely successful. I agree with those American Founders who saw no reason that we would not follow down the same path as Rome, and thus attempted to inculcate the means of national rebirth in the political DNA through means of the rights to bear arms and of revolution. Indeed, it was not until the Populares won out over the Optimates that we got Ceasar’s empire. A republic must walk a fine line between populist mob-rule and elitist oligarchy. I would argue that a representative form of government combined with a free-market pits the interests of the populists and the elite against each other. This dynamism is the engine that drives a healthy republic. To continue the metaphor, as there is no such thing as perpetual motion, it is a given that the engine will break down.
I suppose so. I’m wary of the libertarian bonfires of the populists yet you have the likes of Will Wilkinson, Jason Brennan and the pro-EU libertarians calling for some sort of neoliberal technocratic elite to rule us which will be more libertarian than the current elite despite how the current elite will be appointing them.
Nick Gillespie has a sad.
Oh man, this is some top notch derp.
What’s Really Going on In Venezuela
by Benjamin Studebaker
Many in the western press are oversimplifying the story about Venezuela, blaming its economic crisis more or less exclusively on the socialist policies of President Nicolas Maduro and his predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez. Government policy has contributed to the shape the crisis has taken, but there is a lot more going on than meets the eye. I want to try to tell a fuller story.
The fundamental problem in Venezuela is that 25% of Venezuelan GDP depends exclusively on oil and gas exports. In the late 00’s and early 10’s, oil prices soared from less than $30 a barrel to over $100:
This effectively tripled oil revenue in petrol states. There were three different kinds of things countries did with this money:
Invest in increasing living standards, relieving poverty and importing more consumer goods from abroad.
Invest in diversifying the economy to make it less dependent on oil.
Invest around the world so as to grow a very large fiscal reserve.
Venezuela primarily chose the first option. This may seem short-sighted in retrospect, but it produced very real benefits for poor people in the country that we don’t talk about enough:
Unemployment was cut in half, falling from 14.5% in 1999 to around 7%.
Extreme poverty fell from 23.4% in 1999 to 8.4%.
Infant mortality fell from 20 per 1,000 to 13.
The college enrolment rate increased from less than 30% in 1999 to more than 70%.
Life expectancy increased by two years, from 68 to 70.
Yeah, and what’s happening now?
Would it be fair to say that Saudi Arabian GDP depends exclusively on oil & gas exports?
I don’t know what it says about me that I’m still a little surprised there are defenders for thugs like the crew in Venezuela. Why not just ignore it instead of aligning yourself with this kind of evil?
It is important that they rehabilitate Chavez (even though he was alive until 2013 and thus well into the start of the current “crisis”), so that the next time some
tinpot dictatorsocialist strongman comes along, he’ll have the rhetorical cover to “do it right this time”.For some people, like that asshat Corbyn, they were sucking Venezuelan cock ever since Chavez took over, so they’re stuck trying to vaguely defend their statements of the past (and they do have advantage of being able to tar Maduro as the problem after Chavez died, they can basically pretend everything was going fine until he ruined it). For others it’s just standard ‘ends justify the means’ horseshit. When you’re a utopian every minor success, even temporary, is proof of the validity of your concept while every bad is either a product of external forces or a ‘terrible thing’ that will be corrected shortly (by which they mean doubling down on the conditions that created the problem in the first place and just magically expecting it to work out, because they couldn’t be wrong, could they?).
Loss aversion is a hell of a drug.
It’s just another example of the truism-
socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money.
Something, something, teach a man to fish, something, something, other people’s money.
What good is a college degree if you don’t get to earn more with it? What good is being employed if your currency is debased and your savings stolen by the government? And, of course, 23.4% “extreme poverty” is nothing compared to where Venezuela is at today.
Even if Chavez’s policies “worked” in the mid-2000s, by failing to scale them back and allowing people to capitalize on their gains once the oil money started drying up, the whole system collapsed in on itself.
“They would rather the poor be poorer, as long as the rich were less rich” and so here they are.
As you said, what are they facing now?
I seem to recall that a few years back Ecuador devalued their currency so much that they wound up just adopting the US dollar as their official currency (not sure about current status). IIRC the Dollar was essentially interchangeable with the Balboa (was that it?) in Panama (pegged 1:1) when we pulled in regularly in 2011/2012.
Ecuador still uses the US dollar. The government mints coins which are in the same denominations as US coins and have similar sizes/looks.
Alternate view on that from a sane person a few years ago.
“Sugaree” just came up on Pandora.
Sugar Free
i truly believe that band was created by a group of male-models, and a producer who looted a dumpster outside Prince’s studio for scraps of discarded music.
But he believes in climate change, so its all good. The global elites decided long ago that China is an ok guy.
That said, change in China is going to be generational at best.
If by ‘generational’ you mean ‘Taiping Rebellion 2.0’ when a combination of horrible mismanagement, economic decline and environmental collapse delegitimizes the CCP’s Mandate of Heaven, sure.
+1 God’s Chinese Son
What a hideous sequence for Jacksonville.
– Potential game-winning fumble return TD reversed on review.
– Knocked out of field goal range by a taunting penalty.
– Throw pick.
And still get ball back to hit FG to send game to OT
Good news for the long-term fight against leftism: Latino Victory Fund thinks that their truck ad labeling all Republicans as racist killers is a winning campaign strategy now, plans to double down across the US during the midterms.
I love the lack of nuance here. They clearly don’t quite understand that Virginia is the swamp itself (look at the main industries there in the 3 largest cities: NoVA – federal government, Norfolk – federal government/military/defense, Richmond – state government) and that a bunch of people were apparently going to vote straight-ticket Democrat no matter what. GOPe Gillespie actually got more votes than McDonnell did in his landslide victory back in 2009, and I bet that without that ad he would’ve lost by 15 instead of 9. So good, Latino Victory Fund, please prog even harder!
I propose a new libertarian factionalism:
1: The Everything is Awesome Brigade who thinks Iphones are proof of the libertarian moment since Rockefeller didn’t have one and people are fat and violence is down.
2: The Kids Are Starving in Africa Brigade who bemoan the wars, the war on drugs, the prison population, the NSA and cops shooting people.
#2 for me, tyvm.
Oddly enough, the types of libertarians who think of Trump as the “WORST THING EVAR!” rather than a “non-libertarian sideshow who sometimes does libertarian things” are often in the first faction. Not sure why.
He’s a representation of the slow death of post-Cold War internationalism that tends to be one of the more dominant proofs of Group 1’s ‘libertarian moment’.
Reason and Cato have a real weakness for the notion that 1990s neoliberalism was the end of history and would become only more libertarian.
Even then, they’ve got rose-tinted glasses. The neoliberalism of the 1990s also includes (yet another) ramping up of the war on drugs, as well as “tough on crime” policies throughout the country, leading to sky-high incarceration rates.
The Everything is Awesome Brigade tends to be of the Weed, Mexicans and Ass-Sex persuasion so Trump goes against that (Mexicans mostly) hence they hate him.
For the record, I’m somewhere in between the two factions. In general, I think that technology is a net positive for liberty, but the tribalistic minds who use the technology haven’t changed in centuries.
Screw all y’all who picked the team from scum sucking Washington, DC to win. I’m withdrawing all your libertarian cards!
Fuck the Washington Football Team.
I don’t call the that out of political correctness, I call them that because it pisses off their fans.
Skol, bitches!
Quarterback controversy dead ahead.
Thanks for Derek Barnett and Jay Ajayi by the way.
Any pundit that thinks of Paul Ryan as a libertarian figure or that every libertarian is in favor of open borders likely doesn’t have a clue about who are libertarians and what libertarianism actually means. Pushing the country in a more liberty-friendly direction is always a good thing, even if there is an inevitable backlash from the left in 4-8 years.
Also this:
And it can be said with some confidence that Ryan, who gobbled up Ayn Rand novels in his youth
-Supposedly Ayn Rand fanboy.
Ayn Rand and the priests both approved of sexual assault.
Forget the inanity of the author of the article; the reader/commenters indicate how doomed this planet is
I’m having a hard time translating that comment from Leftism to English, but here’s my best shot:
“Libertarians are crack lovers who became heroin addicts, therefore they don’t care about people and are Fascists. Their dream free market world can’t exist because consumer credit allows the evil corporations to take advantage of people.”
I buy all my crack and opioids with money from cash advances on my credit cards for the points and air miles.
I’ve learned from pieces like this that libertarians are a large and highly influential bloc.
We loom large.
I’ve seen it stated on Internet comments that “you libertarians have been holding the levers of power for over 30 years!”
A revolution always need a scapegoat, and an innocuous, impotent minority does nicely.
Those levers must be labeled backwards.
I larfed.
The world’s only bottle-conditioned malt liquor, Liquor de Malt is brewed with red, white and blue gourmet corns. These 40-ounce bottles come in a hand-stamped brown paper bag. Cheers!
That’s an old one, this year there’s been several malt liquor’s released. Founder’s DKML (Dick Kicker Malt Liquor), Platform partnered with New Holland to release a malt liquor, and there was an article about a couple here in Ohio who were both going to the GABF Pro-Am, with one of the beers being a malt liquor. Rogue brewing has had one they release under different names (as they do) for quite a while: X’s little helper (with X being Santa, Mommy, or Daddy depending on the time of year).
My stepping away from the norm beer for the day
I decided I needed to expand my horizons some more so an IPA today after MS’s review. I wanted to find one I had not heard of and give it a run. The second one has less hops aftertaste than the first. Granted this is on top of the four or five Michelobs I drank during a green chili cooking session earlier today.