I caught a lovely respiratory infection just before my trip. Home remedies of fantastic Texas BBQ (if you can ever go here, do so!) and a bigly amount of beer didn’t cure it, so I surrendered and went to the clinic right after getting home. Oh, and I hurt my trapezius right before all this, by lifting in a very non-Warty fashion. So every cough hurt like @#$%. The muscle relaxants I got are nice and all, but I cannot work (or post links) while taking them. So, a very First World bitching on my part, as I have antibiotics and stuff for the ouch.

I do have to share one joke from BBG CON – Q: What do you call a 3XL T-Shirt? A: A boardgamer’s medium!

So here are you links, with no further squeaking on my part.

  • This was his rifle. There were many like it, but this one was his.
  • I wonder if this will have more impact than a Streets and Sanitation strike? TW: Jezebel (they are still publishing?)
  • Florida Man Juvenile decides to act stupidly in an area where cops are already on hair trigger alert because of a serial killer.
  • ADRIAN!!!!!
  • I am at a bit of a loss what to say about this one.

I am going to go stick my head in a vat of cough syrup now. You all enjoy the links.