That title sounded better in my head. Big thanks to all the Glibs who picked up the slack and ran with them so our resident Rainmen didn’t start keening at work/family gatherings last week. I have been walking around not reading much news and the world seems like a pretty good place, other than the free fake Christmas tree I had in the garage not working. Now I have to get a real one (I love you, honey!). Also, my kids and I do NOT need to be around each other all day for five days at a time.
A great local, “other than that, Mrs. Lincoln…” restaurant review.
Sorry, Jesse, looks like Harry is now off the market for a while. You’ll have to find a new ginger-crush.
I’m just going to be honest — I feel a little sour grapes about Bitcoin. My problem with not putting my 401(k) in Bitcoins at $2500 or $5000 or $9000 (or $250 back in the day) is that I have no sense of what a Bitcoin should be worth in dollars.
US home new sales have hit a 10 year high. Given my impeccable timing of the housing market, since I bought a house last year, we are almost certainly at a peak and headed for a crash.
Oh, and I’m off work today, which is awesome. But I also have a dentist appointment, which, if I could do it over again, I would cancel. I hope each and everyone of you is having a day as great as Katrina and The Waves.
Exceptionally good group.
1, 5, 10, 12, 31, 35 stand out.
Seriously? On this board you don’t mention 25 and her haberdashery?
Gotta leave some breadcrumbs for audience participation.
Totally unnecessary when Meghan Markle is already in the links.
32 and 40
Ooooooo 32…. yaaaaaaas……
29, yussss
Ohh, #10, how’d you like to be a delegate to the next LP convention and share a room with me???
Hard to go wrong with 39!
8 for me, you can have the rest.
Though 31 and 32 are excellent.
Fabulous show, shame it only made it through 2 seasons!
But muh narrative…
Nurse removed from hospital after saying white boys ‘should be sacrificed to the wolves’
The comments are some high grade stuff, take in moderation.
Satire or not – YOU make the call!
That kid is going to need a therapist and I suspect that his dad carries a purse. Just a hunch
It’s a satchel. Indiana Jones carried one.
-Yeah, so does Joy Behar.
I thought it was a European carry-all.
“My purse, OK. I carry a purse”
Hey Silvio, look at Jerry prancing around with his fur coat and his purse – he’s a dandy, a real fancy boy!
I don’t wanna be a
pirategay!It’ll be too late to rethink that when her son is wearing a suit made out of her skin.
I reiterate, suicide cult.
/drops cigarette from lips.
Remember when that batshit feminist blogger caught her son looking at porn, then wished that she had aborted him?
(it’s on a WordPress run by “Anonymous”, but I distinctly remember that article being on an actual website)
OT: What’s your policy on your kids looking at porn? I don’t have kids, but I never really understood the big freakout that mothers have about boys looking at porn. I can’t imagine my rule being anything other than “don’t let your mother find it (because it upsets her), don’t let me find it (because that’s just weird) and if there’s any type of porn that is illegal, you’re banned from the computer (along with any other punishments I might see fit).“
As long a it isn’t illegal stuff, they seem an appropriate age, and the stupid little shits don’t infect the computer by going to dodgy sites, meh. Puberty sucks, let the little bastards get their rocks off without knocking some one up.
Do you want sticky keys? Because that’s how you get sticky keys.
Well, that or hitting shift five times.
Take the kids to a farm and have them watch some animal husbandry.
At least you didn’t suggest they participate..
That’s silly, participation is an American tradition.
Wow. Just, wow.
The full story is incredibly ridiculous. I decided not to go digging for it on my work computer…
The animals were punished too? Man, those Puritans were assholes.
“Buy em books, send em to school, get em a horse, what do they do?”
“Skip school, stand on the books, and fuck the horse.”
Wait until he shacks up with a sexbot and sends mum a ‘fuck off cunt, I never want to see you again’ Christmas card.
knows the jokes and is a feminist
Pretty sure it can’t be both.
Nobody said the jokes were funny.
Literally nobody.
Rape accusation in 3…2…1
This is what I was talking about in the last article about how people obsessed with race, gender, etc, to this extent, will lose their ability to actually function in society and become deranged. That is weapons grade stupidity right there, this person should absolutely not be allowed to ‘care’ for other human beings, she shouldn’t even be allowed to care for the wolves she mentioned.
I replied (admittedly late) to your comment there. Here’s the thing I’ll point out – I don’t think these people are nearly as representative of our society as they like to think. A small segment of our society, the people who comment on WaPo, think that way. But, that’s an incredibly small portion of society. I’m willing to bet that, even in their little bubble, at least half of the neighborhood men roll their eyes at the husband and make jokes where he’s the punchline (either that or he’s having sex with the housewife down the block while elfspear is at work). I’m willing to bet that, when junior hits school, his feminism is going to go over like a lead balloon.
They have a big megaphone. The purveyors of popular culture like to pretend that this is the ideal. The truth is it’s only the ideal for their little circle jerk.
I had a great conversation with a friend of mine this weekend about what’s happening on university campuses. He’s a professor of architecture and he explained that it really is a vocal and loud minority. He has no idea what will happen to these students but the vast majority of the silent majority are definitely tired of the shtick and was told the same by his colleagues across the continent. He also told the story, as an example, of when there were eight of them at the table discussing a topic for work and the loud lefty was so over bearing they all went along with his plan they knew would fail. It’s how it is. It’s almost psychological where the real smart people in the room are too stunned nor do have the energy to put up a fight because they know the other side will double down and make it messier.
He also told me there are movements on campuses in Canada where the majority want to separate from parts of campuses where the left has taken over and acting like squatters – which is an interesting phenomena.
I think part of it is that the left and the right differ on their views of college and protests. Conservatives don’t see college as a way of advancing a particular cause, they mostly see it as a way to either increase their earning potential after graduation, or to engage in scholarly pursuits for the more intellectually minded. So for them, the most important thing is to keep their heads, down, study, and get their diplomas. While there are some Campus conservative groups and students for Jesus type groups, most of the members probably see the organizations as primarily social groups, with maybe a small minority looking to go into politics after graduation and using them as a networking tool.
I think it is similar to why the Tea Party has been fairly successful, yet you rarely see Tea Party marches with the same regularity as marches for various leftwing causes. It isn’t that the Tea Party supporters gave up, it is because most of the supporters realized that while it might have given them a temporary rush, marching around with signs did very little to advance their agenda, so they started organizing more on lobbying and knocking on doors. So now there is an army of people out there with a hell of a lot more political clout then all the pink pussy hat brigade.
It’s an important point. The unhinged, race-obsessed psychos on the left are as few, and as unrepresentative, as the race-obsessed psychos on the right. The ones on the left, however, are able to push their agendas on public policies, while the ones on the right have been effectively neutered over the past sixty years.
Sure, here’s the deal. Most of the people going along with this are only signalers. Signaling is easy, there is no commitment, zero effort required. But the large majority of the signalers are just not that into it. What they really care about is what everyone else cares about, their self, their families, and their closest friends. But while that’s true, the left are paying a very large share of attention to that small minority and Democrats are making it a very large portion of their platform. This can lead to that small screeching minority getting very over inflated portion of power, over the media and academia, which they already have, and of government. The amount of damage they could do to society is huge, just think of what great tragedy a small band of true blue socialist bleevers in the Bolshevik revolution and the National Socialist party in Germany inflicted upon the world. Do not underestimate these people, they are truly insane.
The amount of damage they could do to society is huge…Do not underestimate these people, they are truly insane.
I do agree with you. But, their whole agenda falls apart if the social signalers abandon them. That’s why they go to such lengths to enforce their ideological conformity. Using your examples of the Nazis and the Bolsheviks, what would have happened if the Germans in 1932 or the Russians in 1916 had come to see either as the pathetic losers they were? They need to maintain the illusion of dominance. If they lose that illusion,, then they’re revealed, not as some network of monsters who can destroy everything in their path, but as Trigglypoof, stomping her feet because Daddy didn’t love her enough.
And the way you do that is through ridicule. Let the world see the Trigglypoof that lies at the heart of the destroyer. Make the social signalers more afraid of being laughed at as pathetic than cursed at as “regressive”. Show that the black campus radicals aren’t the righteous voice of the oppressed, but cosplaying suburban kids. Laugh that this lady’s “enlightened stay-at-home husband” is probably fucking the housewife down the block that he knows from his Pilates class. That’s one thing that Donald Trump and the 4channers got that I’ll admit I missed.
I have learned to ignore anyone who uses the term “folks” as anything but a reference to their parents.
I told you it was strong stuff.
The White Guilt is strong with this one. And pathetic.
whole swaths of hate groups working to kill us offa small handful of racist, collectivist dumbasses who rarely do anything other than post their stupid shit on 4chan/pol/ or Stormfrontthose of us of European descent don’t have whole swaths of hate groups working to kill us off.
Islamonutters everywhere have a sad. I mean, what do they have to do to get noticed, anyway?
You know who else talked about the “Folks?”
These guys?
Bill O’Reilly?
Obama. Barack Obama.
cubby michael is quite the babbling fool.
*eyes responses*
I think I will avoid this particular rabbit hole.
Brett…remember thou art mortal!
“All glory is fleeting”
Elon Musk is the most prolific rent seeker……entrepreneur of all time!
“Entrepreneurs and startups are essential to economic growth. No one would argue that. But if those entrepreneurs are going to solve the world’s biggest problems, there’s a good chance that they will do so by partnering with the public sector — whether they know it or not.”
Gee, I wonder why. Maybe because they set it up so as to we have no choice?
And if this guy even bothered to consider who unproductive, inefficient and time consuming it is to deal with bureaucrats that cost us time and money he’d reconsider this twiddle-twaddle nonsense rubbish.
They bog us down. That’s all they’re good for. You should see what I’m going through for a simple expansion. Total, unnecessary red tape bull shit. I would have been finished by now but nooooo, the government this guy has a hard on for is going to end up costing me money.
Submitted without comment:
Jesus Christ man are you trying to start a war in here?
Not deep dish, so it must be garbage, like that cardboard they serve in New York
It’s ok because the pineapple is just being used as a plate.
I wish I could unclick. Rage building…
It gets worse if you scroll down.
I just ordered pizza. Pepp, sausage, onion, black olive, plus banana peppers on my half. Also, a super monster sub which is double meat with giant slab of sausage on it. Minellis which is a West Side tradition.
That is literally genocide.
Luckily for you all, I saw that the other day elsewhere, so I don’t now have my hand on the “blow up the site” button in response.
This was one of the replies.
“Opinion: If you let boys be boys, they will murder their fathers and sleep with their mothers”
“Opinion: I wouldn’t use the New York Times to start an actual dumpster fire.”
Using the NYT to start a dumpster fire would be a “carrying coals to Newcastle” type of deal.
I love that idiots like this fail to realize that by characterizing men like this, it legitimizes the “she was asking for it” defense. Now I don’t expect this people to be functional or consistent, but seriously, if men are ravenous animals with no control, then wearing a mini-skirt and see-through tank top seems like unnecessary provocation.
No one would say taunting a wolf with a piece of meat is a good or safe idea. But again, these people are too stupid to realize the stupidity of their arguments.
These are the same people that in the same breath say a) The police are a corrupt, racist institution that blindly guns down minorities, and b) The police are the only people that should own guns. Logical consistency is not their forte.
They’ll eventually come full circle and end up agreeing with Middle Eastern clerics on the subject of rape: “If you leave meat outside and the cats eat it, is it your fault or the cat’s fault?”
The First Church of Gaia. It’s always the irreligious that make metaphysical arguments to justify their violent actions.
But you know they really are for the environment. That’s why they left that protest site in such pristine condition.
It’s always the irreligious that make metaphysical arguments to justify their violent actions.
Well, sure. Things like Judaism and Christianity teach that there are principles to be upheld that are more important than your particular cause.
Comcast hints at plan for paid fast lanes after net neutrality repeal
“While the company still says it won’t block or throttle Internet content, it has dropped its promise about not instituting paid prioritization.
Instead, Comcast now vaguely says that it won’t “discriminate against lawful content” or impose “anti-competitive paid prioritization.” The change in wording suggests that Comcast may offer paid fast lanes to websites or other online services, such as video streaming providers, after Pai’s FCC eliminates the net neutrality rules next month.”
What a click bait fear mongering piece of shit article. How dare Comcast offer options to customers! The comments section is full of derp.
Um… if I could get a gamer/streamer package that offers 500 mbps on certain ports and 10mbps on html for the same or less than I am paying now I would jump on it. I know this sounds hypocritical coming from me but lets see what they offer before completely freaking out.
Wait, so Comcast says it might allocate more bandwidth to companies that pay for it?
A “progressive” I know has assured me that this whole situation is Comcast’s fault because “they’re too cheap to build out their network to accommodate more bandwidth, so we’re stuck with slow Internet, unlike other countries”.
Where is the fucking money to build out capability coming from? Investors won’t invest unless they can make a profit. maybe that is why the morons insist government should do this and own the Internets, because they think that way rich assholes will be robbed at gunpoint to pay for crappy service. When said service not only sucks but allows government o filter content, oh, like say the Chinese do, they will be living in paradise, because only woke news/content will magically happen.
The Pro-NN crowd is comprised of:
1. Rent-seekers
2. Liberal billionaires (significant overlap with group 1)
3. Useful idiots that regurgitate MSNBC talking points like trained seals
People that think they deserve free shit some other idiot will pay for, especially if that idiot is a person they perceive is better off than they are…
I would like to see some metrics on the overlap between frothing at the mouth NN proponents and broadband subscribers that use the crappy ten-year-old modem and router that their ISP charges them rent for.
4. People who think the Internet hasn’t, or shouldn’t have, evolved since 1995
5. Vhyrus
I’m thinking Kate Morgan and Tariq Nasheed should have a baby.
Tariq Nasheed has a uterus?
I was hoping for Katie… not Kate.
If Kate Morgan really believes what she’s saying, in principle, the only moral thing for her to do is to warm the car up with the garage door closed.
NYT is on the gentrification beat
Tay Anderson, a 19-year-old who had recently run for a seat on the Denver school board, organized a rally and a boycott of the cafe. On Saturday, the sidewalk outside the shop was crowded with protesters, clustering in the autumn sun, some with small children perched on their shoulders. Men and women carried posters: “Gentrification = Urban Colonialism” “Black Lives Matter. White Coffee Doesn’t.” “Eat the Rich.”
David Griego, 40, a tow-truck driver, said he used to have his own place, but he had to give it up and move into his mother’s basement after the rent more than doubled. He held up a placard depicting a crying child with the words, “Gentrification is no joke.”
“This is not about a sign,” Lisa Calderón, co-chairwoman of the Colorado Latino Forum, told the crowd. “This is not about the ignorant owners. The sign is symbolic of what is going on with our neighborhood.”
Denver coffee shop puts up flippant sign, world spins out of orbit.
*previously noted, but- Gentrification = Urban Colonialism ? come on.
LA Times had something equally as stupid. It’s almost like they’re in cahoots. Almost.
I never thought I would see the day when people would protest in favor of continuing to live in a slum.
Blanket opposition to gentrification is nonsensical ‘feelz’. But, most gentrification is created by government policy. In Chicago, for instance, the City financially underwrites the building of ‘artist’ lofts (if your lifestyle is subsidized by government than you are not an artist- you are a propagandist) in poor communities in order to encourage white kids to move in. That seems like government choosing winners and losers.
Ignoring that high earning residents (disproportionately white people) will initially be run out of town by absurd, punitive tax structures and regulations (see: Detroit).
Welfare for rich people is even more egregious than welfare for poor people
Agreed. If only there were a way for the government to not get involved in the first place…. silly me, they can’t not get involved!
Whites are Moving Back To Inglewood. There Goes Our Neighborhood.
“It’s an enduring American truth: Whatever black people have can be taken away.”
So I can count on your support for the second amendment then?
Keep hoping they’re gonna connect those dots, but they won’t.
Cis white male = terrorist with no right to live.
Therefore, your opinion is invalid.
Can these people be shipped to a favela in Rio for a month to see how shitty life can really be?
Ummmmm….what? Are these the parts of the world where EVERYONE is “of color”?
Cripes, even my really shitty teen-angst high school poetry was better than that.
It’s in the crematorium that is now clogged up with all the “POC” that these soulless, subhuman white monsters are slaughtering.
Denver, where have you gone?
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
“A schizophrenic firecracker”
Mmm, yeah…
“David Griego, 40, a tow-truck driver, said he used to have his own place, but he had to give it up and move into his mother’s basement after the rent more than doubled.”
Well, I guess you didn’t have your own place, then.
Or, try moving to the suburbs where housing in cheaper. That would require agency, however.
But then that hip new brewery in RiNo with the awesome, dog-friendly patio is, like, 25 minutes away.
/central Denverite
“But then that hip new brewery in RiNo with the awesome, dog-friendly patio is, like, 25 minutes away.”
So much the better.
/former Denverite, current Springsian
According to Wikipedia, that’s actually Springsteen.
The more you know…
Have they considered making it easier to build new houses and bringing costs down that way?
I know, that is just crazy talk.
MLW’s last article is already out of date.
I thought they were called “robosexuals”. Or is that only for robots that look robotic?
Haven’t you ever seen the video in health class?
The one warning about tooth decay so we should all only have Sugarfree candy?
Wait, I thought it was the old man that had candy.. Sugarfree just robbed you of sanity with his writing..
I’ll happily go on record and say I’d totally slay a sexbot.
Ever since the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Jesse can always become a fan of the Red
RocketRifle?Some reason, my Rifle link did not come thru.
Maybe should have used this this one instead?
Swapping cause and effect.
“We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me). They are all bad. Winner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY!”
Im dead.
That’s going to be famous by the end of the week.
This guy is trying very hard to make me like him.
My God. This man actually exists. He isn’t just trying to parody what it would be like if Rodney Dangerfield ascended to the presidency. He thought about this and then typed it. My God
It’s an exciting time to be alive is it not?
I will not deny that the president is an endless source of humor.
President Al Czervik
Right?! Every now and then I have to pinch myself. Donald Trump is the President of the United States. There are 57+ genders, with more being added daily. Pretty much everyone who has been on camera for more than an hour or occupies some position of authority is a sexual predator. Justin Trudeau.
I’m just glad I stopped doing acid.
I sure picked the wrong week to quit drinking.
In Trumpland, Acid does YOU
That is some world-class trolling. It makes the ones we had over at the before-place look like amateurs.
I mean, he actually encourages the press to hate his guts. I find this fascinating.
The press would hate him or any Republican president anyway. But now the press is incapable of pretending to be “neutral” or “objective.” This is a good thing.
^^^This. He has forced all these lefty outlets to tear off their masks, grind them up into powder, douse them in kerosene and incinerate them.
Like GQ, Teen Vogue, et al….
He revels in making them shed their masks. It’s genius.
“Barney Frank looked disgusting–nipples protruding–in his blue shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful.”
I didn’t know he had an account in 2011 – and he was already on his game. Wow.
The change in wording suggests that Comcast may offer paid fast lanes to websites or other online services, such as video streaming providers, after Pai’s FCC eliminates the net neutrality rules next month.”
Does that mean they will offer content providers a bigger/faster tube?
It does. Which spells gloom and doom for us all, somehow.
It’s stupid bordering on deliberate auto-lobotomy that people still don’t understand a fundamental truth about market economies: we all take for granted infrastructure and technology that five years ago was accessible only to the wealthy. You want the sort of fast-lane internet that you think should be universal? Well, bucko, you’d better hope firms are willing to invest in them and customers are willing to pay for them.
I’m not Jesse, but I already have a crush on Harry’s doppelganger.
Might, but I’m gonna need to see him naked from behind with a little courtesy star to protect his b-hole first.
Somehow… the star makes it more disgusting.
Also- from that NYT article:
A thousand families a month are moving to Denver these days, and the exploding demand for housing has pushed up rents and property values. The median price of a single-family home has doubled in the last five years, to about $450,000. That price is beyond the reach of about half the city’s residents, according to researchers at Harvard University.
Just wait ’til Amazon invades.
This is just a crazy thought, but… how about building more homes?
I was there about a month ago. It looks like they were building a huge amount of new apartments and condos by the train station.
Do not want.
That’s why I was able to sell my house for such a great profit when I moved to the Springs. No complaints.
When I sold my house in the Springs it was to CA=>Denver transplants that offered above the listing price. This is normal for them.
The only thing that comes to mind when I hear about home prices outside of NYC or SF is “how affordable.”
“Hey guys, what’d I miss?”
We’re all still not woke
Mick Mulvaney is rocking a press conference on CFPB.
Your problem is trying to figure out what btc should be worth in $.
I can’t figure out what a dollar is worth in dollars.
Her boobs look bigger.
Am I the only one that never found her attractive?
It’s that lazy eye. It kind of freaks me out.
No. I have always found her revolting. (And yes, I know how to identify an attractive woman.)
I don’t find her revolting (at least physically), but she has a weird nose, no tits, and no ass. On her best day she’s a 7, and that’s before she opens her mouth.
Especially after seeing her sex tape. Talk about a dead fish.
Her existence is pointless, and I find that very unattractive.
No, but if you’re into gold digging you can certainly do much, much worse.
She looks like she had plastic surgery on her face as well. Not as cute.
Bigger than what…
a mosquito bite?
a mouthful?
A herpes sore (probably most appropriate)?
This is the ‘Mein Kampf’ of gun grabbing leftists. Seriously you need to read this.
I Had Never Touched a Gun Before the Las Vegas Massacre. Then I Bought One.
The NRA Needs to throw printed leaflets of this article from airplanes all over the US.
Proving that just buying a gun doesn’t make you any more knowledgeable about them
“The only two significant pieces of federal gun-control legislation passed in the past 50 years—the Gun Control Act in 1968 and the Brady Bill in 1993—were enacted when Democrats controlled the White House, House, and Senate”
This can’t be repeated enough
He also glossed completely over the assault weapons ban.
Gun grabbers are projecting their own homicidal/suicidal urges onto everyone. I have thought this for a long time.
Don’t forget equating guns with dicks.
Why stop there? That dumbass may as well load it.
I’m sure he believes that humans are a dire threat to Mother Gaia. He really should follow his beliefs through to their logical conclusion.
Am I to assume he never drives a car?
Those should be banned too! Guns only kill people. Cars kill Gaia!
My opinion on this has never wavered:
If you believe that you shouldn’t own a gun, you’re right.
Same goes for having children.
Footage of the writer :
Nonetheless, I thought that if my experiment was going to be fair, I should try a little harder to put myself in situations where I might have reason to feel, if not actually imperiled, then at least uneasy.
That is (among other things) what this Nelson character doesn’t seem to grasp. He seems to believe that one carries a firearm to go looking for trouble.
I was once asked by a NPS Law enforcement ranger who didn’t like my carrying a firearm in his national park “why are you carrying that, do you feel unsafe”
My answer, which seemed to puzzle him was “If I felt this place was unsafe, I wouldn’t be here”
Incidentally Mr NPS Law Enforcement Officer was grossly misinformed about the laws in Wyoming. He tried to tell me that you needed a permit to OC.
I was just listening to the local FM Sports Talk radio station on the way home from work and Santana Moss was on talking about the 10th anniversary of Sean Taylor’s murder. Santana made the point that he felt that one of the reasons Sean was killed was because the media painted a picture of Taylor as a thug and bully, so when he had a dispute with some people who stole from him, he had his gun rights taken away, and as such, was unable to defend himself when criminals invaded his home to rob him. Santana specifically stated that he carried guns to protect his property and his life. I was almost cheering in the car, because the regular host was on vacation and 2 lefty journos were sitting in his stead and I could tell they were cringing.
Get ’em ‘Tana!
“Her performance in I Love Daddy is said to have been Oscars-worthy.
But Chloe Grace Moretz is facing up to the realization that she will not get the recognition she had hoped for, after the film’s release was cancelled in the wake of the allegations against her onscreen father Louis C.K.”
Well, that doesn’t seem fair.
Poor girl had to watch Louis yank one out to get the role and this is her reward?
She shows so much camel toe I can’t blame the poor man.
Last night, multiple posters suggested I submit an article here. How exactly does the formatting for submissions work?
Normally when I write a post for my blog, I write it in more or less raw HTML for the bold, links, and whatnot, saved as a .txt file, but I have no idea what would be easiest for the Glibs editors to work with if I do submit something and they deign to use it. I’m on Linux, so if you want something other then .txt it would have to be Open Office.
That’s would work out fine, Ted. And any images would like to include should be sent as separate files with clear indications of where they go in the text.
The Editors can work with pretty much any format you want to submit. Hit the Leads/Submissions button at the top of the page and give them a summary of your proposed article. They will get back to you with details!
(Thanks to all our contributors for making the site a place of many voices.)
But enough about our mental health issues.
Why do random schmos like this guy get lengthy NYT profiles? What possible reason could there be other than to give the illusion that there’s some kind of sizeable white-power movement afoot?
If this fucking guy is who they’re putting forward as their boogeyman, I feel safe in assuming that their premise is bullshit.
The woke left is currently very angry at the NY Times for that article because they say it humanizes Nazis.
Are they now? That’s droll.
I assume they’re going to write lengthy profiles of a host of other fringe weirdos now, right?
As long as they all keep eating their own.
*rubs hands*
Every time I am informed (ie bleated at) about the “strength” of white nationalist movment in America, all I can think about is how sad and weak they are and how little clout they actually wield in American society.
Take Charlotesville for example: all of that money spent to fly in neo-nazi morons from all over the country and they can’t break 500 people at the march? Frankly it’s not scarey, it’s laughable.
500 nutjobs < 330 million US residents? Yeah, hardly living in the Weimar Republic lol
You must be a Nazi.
Yeah, I have been experiencing some serious not-buyer’s remorse too. But I figure that any bitcoins I would have bought would have wound up stolen anyway.
Keep them on a thumb drive.
Can you do that? Do they work like that?
So despite being Asian, my technology competence is ranked slightly lower than “grandma“. As such, I don’t understand Bitcoins or any of these digital currencies.
What IS the unit of currency? If you showed me a Bitcoin, what would it look like?
Who or what generates these units, and how is it determined how many of them will be produced?
How do people come into possession of these units, and what does the producing entity get in exchange?
Is it conceivable that someone could counterfeit these currencies?
How about an Article?
Some one knows about it, I’d Like to know more as well
What IS the unit of currency? If you showed me a Bitcoin, what would it look like?
The unit is a “Bitcoin”. It looks like most currency these days – it is digital, not in a tangible form.
Who or what generates these units, and how is it determined how many of them will be produced?
Not sure, but there is a cap on the number of Bitcoins that can be generated.
How do people come into possession of these units, and what does the producing entity get in exchange?
You buy them with other currencies, and the entity you buy them from gets the money. Much like any currency, the entity you buy them from is not the producer.
Is it conceivable that someone could counterfeit these currencies?
Bitcoin is (much?) harder to counterfeit than paper currency.
Bitcoin is (much?) harder to counterfeit than paper currency.
At least until somebody breaks SHA-256, which probably won’t happen in the next couple of decades, or unless some malicious actor manages to modify the code of at least 50% of Bitcoin users.
“You buy them with other currencies, and the entity you buy them from gets the money. Much like any currency, the entity you buy them from is not the producer.”
You can also mine them. From what I’ve heard, that is becoming more difficult all of the time and requires more computing power as many people have attempted to build their self a super duper mining rig and hit the jackpot.
Bitcoin is also not as stable as risk as money in the bank as large quantities have been known to just vanish and you will have virtually zero recourse to get it back if that happens to you. Banks and governments also hate it of course, so there is even more risk in that regard.
It appears Rand will vote yes.
*jump starts generator*
*attaches alligator clamps*
*lights Ken signal*
No 55 gallon drum of lube?
it was perhaps inevitable that the very first thing I did when I brought the gun home and was alone with it was to put it in my mouth.
This seems… familiar. Almost as if that article was recycled from a previous slaughterverse.
I can’t wrap my head around that, Who thinks of doing that? Are they that Stupid?
Can’t. Comprehend. Must. Obtain. Alcohol.
I’m starting to think I might not be worthy of all these gifts he’s bestowed upon us since the election.
That’s hilarious. I love that CNN decided to also re-post all his tweets mocking Warren for being a fake Indian, as if that is going to hurt Trump and help Warren.
The following sentence came from a straight news article, not an opinion piece:
“Trump has routinely given his political opponents nicknames, but the slight against Warren is one of his most culturally insensitive.”
Lieawatha big heap triggered.
Orange man speak em with forked tongue.
But Lizzy’s bullshit claim of being Cherokee isn’t culturally insensitive?
“Sanders then targeted Warren, saying that “the most offensive thing” was Warren claiming to be Native American.
“I think Sen. Warren was very offensive when she lied about something specifically to advance her career, and I don’t understand why no one is asking about that question and why that isn’t constantly covered,” Sanders said.”
“Conservatives have previously criticized Warren for claiming that she is part Native American, and the senator’s heritage became an issue during her Senate campaigns.”
Anyone with a Shaggy level IQ should have criticized it regardless of ideology.
“I am very proud of my heritage,” Warren told NPR in 2012. “These are my family stories. This is what my brothers and I were told by my mom and my dad, my mammaw and my pappaw. This is our lives. And I’m very proud of it.”
She’s soooo full of shith!
I don’t even like to read stories about anything involving Bitcoin. Procrastination is the only reason I don’t own a million dollar Bitcoin right now. Stupid Archie, real stupid
Even a squirrel with a brain tumor apparently can find a nut
Hey now, lets keep it to respectable levels of decorum, Senator.
“This is Hillary’s problem right now: She doesn’t have anything to do.”
GOOD. Hillary’s problem is my non-problem.
Too bad John doesn’t have than same problem.
No, no. She should be gearing up for another presidential run! Really getting herself out there, maybe trying to reinvent her image with all those inbred racist hick morons in flyover country. Hilary for presidential candidate, 2020!
I’m just going to be honest — I feel a little sour grapes about Bitcoin.
Same here. Out of curiosity, I bought some several(?) years ago for about $200 each, on average. I sold all but two when they hit $1,000. Imagine my surprise when I checked in over the weekend and the two I still have are worth nearly $20K.
Back when I bought them, I was still leery of the capital markets and had about $20K cash that didn’t really have a home. I thought briefly about just putting it into bitcoins, but like you I couldn’t quite make the case for it. Its foolish, but hard not to do the math – that $20K would be nearly $1mm today.
And that’s not even the best investment opportunity I have passed on.
Hindsight is 20/20. You also passed on investment opportunities where you would have lost your shirt.
I bought both Ford and GM on the dead cat bounce day. The 1.70 Ford shares netted about $7K for me, and the GM cost me about $300.
People continued to buy GM for months after it was destroyed, so I only lost about half of what I put in.
Wish I’d had more to gamble with at the time.
You also passed on investment opportunities where you would have lost your shirt.
Pretty sure I haven’t, actually.
Hindsight is 20/20.
I know. That’s why doing the math on things you didn’t buy or sold “too soon” is foolish. Irresistible, but foolish.
A friend of Pater Dean who knows people who know people in oil & gas gave us the chance to invest in a new well that the geologists, etc. were pretty high on. We debated whether to get in but we passed, and he went ahead and bought the unit that was offered to us (in addition to one of his own). The well hit. The oil was so clean you could put it straight into a diesel engine. It was paying at about 4x the purchase price per year, probably down to only 2.5x the purchase price per year now. Income after taxes on my share of the unit would be almost what I make before taxes at my job.
Sorry, Jesse, looks like Harry is now off the market for a while. You’ll have to find a new ginger-crush.
Are British royals known for marital fidelity or something?
He was the one that was in the Navy right? I think Jesse’s chances are improving by the minute.
Army. Flew Apaches in Afghanistan.
I thought he flew rescue choppers.. Apaches are attack birds unless the Brits f-ed that up by not having ammo…
According to this, he flew attack helos.
He once described his role as an Apache pilot fighting the Taliban as ‘the best experience ever’.
But Prince Harry has now decided never to fly a combat helicopter again.
The Prince, who spent five months in the cockpit of a gunship in Afghanistan, has opted to hang up his flying goggles, even though the Army is short of pilots.
His brother flew rescue choppers. Harry flew attack.
Wikipedia says he was Cav.
He was at first, then he became a pilot.
Way to take my joke and fuck it all up with facts, guys.
We have no sense of humor. Duh.
I don’t think we lack a sense of humor. All the services have a significant level of gay, not just the Navy. We simply didn’t notice it.
Restaurants and pricing is an interesting topic
i agree with the author that ‘lack of transparency’ leaves you with an aftertaste of ‘ripoff’, even if its possible you’re getting great value-for-money: you simply can’t tell. Which is one of the problems with pricing-on-menus and the way it affects the way you order. People, regardless of how rich or pretend-price-unconscious they are, will always be more attentive to the quality of items they order which they instinctively feel are ‘overpriced’. The psychological effect is enormous; cook someone a good steak for $15, they’ll be happy. Sell the same thing to them for $30, and they’ll feel they were robbed. Everyone has mental ‘averages’ they benchmark food items against, and it becomes impossible to separate one’s view of the food w/o mentally keeping those prices in mind.
Which is why i’ve always been a fan of the trattoria/osteria concept, and truly believe that someone in America should try some versions of these, because they offer customers a different experience, one which just *feels* better, both from a value-per-$ point of view, and liberation from the tyranny of the menu
the implementation can vary, but the rough idea is this: take options away from the customer. You sit down? you’re paying X amount. You can eat, or you can not-eat, but it still costs the same thing. You want red or white? fine. but what they bring you is their call. you’re not paying per-glass; its in the bill. You want fish or fowl? that’s fine, they have both, but it doesn’t matter, because its in the bill. they will bring you shit that you didn’t order. Because you don’t really ‘order’ at all. You sit down, and they bring you stuff. Eat it, or don’t. You don’t have to worry about what it costs because its in the bill already.
I’ve only experienced a few places like this, but i loved them all, and felt that it was worth every penny even tho there was zero itemization and no way to really tell what exactly i was paying for. Peter Lugars is not quite like this, but it is nice to simply sit down and go, “steak for [how many people are there+1 for extra hungry], and all the sides”. I like the idea that ‘asking to see the menu’ is lame.
of course there can be variations; itemize booze, but not food; itemize desserts, etc. But the core idea is to simply price-fix per customer and feed them until they’re happy.
I’m not seeing the appeal of this.
You could always try the buffet at sizzler
Golden Corral, you philistine!
I always thought those were strip clubs.
**i think there was some strip club outside nashville called ‘golden ranch’ or something like that, and every time i saw Golden Corral, i imagined very very very low-budget, overweight strippers in a fast-food restaruant.
Golden Corral patrons often show more skin than desired.
is that any good?
I like it actually, great value.
Uh huh.
Seriously, though, why would people want to be served things at random? I’m assuming there’s a reason why prix fixe is comparatively rare in the US.
not providing a “all things to all people”-menu isn’t exactly ‘random’. in fact, i even suggested that there was still plenty of opportunity for choice involved. just that your choices of what to eat, and what to skip, had no connection to how you were billed, which is more or less a fixed price per person
most trattoria style places posted a list of what they served every day. and you could choose between the meat-dish, the pasta, the fish, or have any combination. the difference is that you go there to eat what they’re making, not to have them prepare something on-demand for you.
Back when I was wasting my parents money and pretending to study architecture, there was a small restaurant that charged a flat rate (discounted for us college kids) but you got whatever she was making that day. It was packed every time I went there.
Racoon ragu it is!
short funny story:
i used to speak at industry conferences as a side-gig; it was $10-20K to the company to rent an analyst for 1hr, and while i almost never saw any of that $ myself, the gigs usually involved 2 all-expensed days at some ritzy resort-hotel in not unpleasant-places.
so, one time it was at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel . Nice place. I was told the brunch buffet was the bomb, so i called my friend in LA and he came down and met me for the morning. We stuffed our faces . The waiter comes by with a cart with juices on it. He mentions, “just so you know, we charge separately for the juice”. I think the buffet was like $50 or something (can’t remember), so out of curiosity i’m like, “really? how much extra could it be” $20. For juice. PER GLASS. (maybe it was different, but that’s my vague memory)…
…anyway, i’m laughing my ass off at the very idea of it, and the waiter is sort of shrugging and laughing to. He gets that its sort of absurd. We’re like, “each orange is picked by an albino virgin high in the mountains of the andes, and cradled by nuns until it secretes its juice voluntarily”
Anyway, i’m having such a good time, i’m like, “Fuck it, Jose: let’s have the juice too. But it better be the best goddamn juice i’ve ever had in my entire life”
I had the grapefruit. It was the best goddamn juice i’ve ever had in my entire life. It really, really was. I had 2. I can still taste it.
Oh! You mean Omakase! Why didn’t you just say so?
Never heard that specific term before. I knew some nicer sushi joints had an option to just “feed me what the chef decides”, which i think i did once. But yeah, its basically a similar idea, but the rural italian-trattoria is closer to my imagined business-model.
Really craving corned beef and cabbage.
Schlichter may be a goon, but he’s pretty damn funny.
So what’s the consensus on here as to where Bitcoin could go from here? Is it remote possibility that it could increase over the next 10-15 years at the rate that it has over the last 5-10?
I remember reading a story in its early days where a guy spent hundreds of Bitcoin on a pizza, I bet he feels good about that now.
JournoList – The Next Generation:
I’m sure CNN is going to get right on that.
How many of them work for Reason?
payments to three journalists
Names, pls?
James O’Keeffe/Project Veritas try a gotcha on the Washington Post, fail miserably
Does Project Veritas time their investigations to happen right after Halloween when all the pimp costumes go on sale?
Give him props, he gets busted and tries to turn it in to a fund raiser.
BahHahaha…..”see,getting caught demonstrates how much we need your help….”
Grrizz! Went to three wineries in Temecula and they all hilariously had reislings and gewürztraminer which I found shocking before remembering Chafed saying that they get heavy runs on bachelorette parties. Sweet white wine is probably REQUIRED. The first place we went had some decent Italian wines, and were sold out on their one explicitly Spanish wine (a tempranillo). The third place we went was heavy on Spanish and Portuguese wines. I had never heard of verdhelo but would be interested in trying others.
Thanks, jesse! Sounds like you enjoyed the visit. I actually don’t think of Riesling as a sweet wine: I guess I always go for “Trocken” Riesling.
It was fun. I could’ve done without the BF’s family breaking out to exceptionally funky cheeses in the limo ride over, and was on somewhat surer footing when he and I went to a bunch of breweries in the Miramar area the next day with some college friends.
“Nancy Pelosi Has Been Enabling Sexual Predators For Decades ”
the implosion continues.
Oh the optimism
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch. I’m going to open a pricey bottle of scotch to celebrate the day that harridan finally croaks.
In 2008, I bought a bottle of what my 20-year old self thought was fancy Scotch. I declared it to be for the day that Obama left office, and I did in fact keep it sealed until that day.
(it was Johnnie Walker Black, for the record)
I’m thinking something along the lines of a midrange Laphroaig.
That’s a good choice. I didn’t realize Laphoaig also distilled really high-end stuff. We saw a bottle of some Laphroaig variation for $400 the other day. Granted, CO western slope which would have added about $50 but, still, had no idea.
The term “sexual” should never be used in the same paragraph as …. that person’s name.
Did she enable them because she is evil, or did she enable them because she knew they didn’t find her attractive?
Team Blue has been so busy throwing rocks at Team Red that they didn’t notice the ‘We’re the party of feminism’ wallpaper was peeling off their glass house.
For those of you who may not grasp the significance, CNN explains it:
Pocahontas was a historical figure from the 17th Century and using her name in an intentionally disparaging way insults native peoples and degrades their cultures. The largest Native American advocacy group has said that is why it has condemned the President’s usage in this manner.
Big Chief Advocacy Group talkum for all injun.
See what happens when Chief Thickskin is kicked out of the band?
Her real name was Amonute anyway.
Who? Oh, you mean Rebecca Rolfe!
“The societal belief in the adult as the norm, the ideal – the goal – is called adultism. Put another way: adultism is the power and privileging of adulthood over youth.”
I once again maintain that Everyday Feminism is the greatest satire site of all time.
Hon, 24 is not “youth”.
I was going to say the same thing. “Youth” stops at 17. Once you’re 18 you’re an adult.
It kind of ruins their whole argument (whatever it is – I didn’t read it).
I’m actually going to cut them some slack on this one. It’s Everyday Feminism. For the average reader or writer over there, this probably does make some sense. They consistently take on the mentality and agency of a semi-retarded six year old. Why would it make sense to assign them some degree of intelligence, thoughtfulness, responsibility or authority to them and not to an actual semi-retarded six year old?
The societal belief in the adult as the norm, the ideal – the goal
Being an adult is the norm – way more than 50% of the people alive in society are adults.
Its also the goal – you do want your kids to live past the age of 18, don’t you?
The author may want their kids to live past 18, but I have to admit, I’m hoping for a late term abortion in their case.
It looks like Q and JB made a Twitter:
Thank you for bringing this into our lives.
You. I like you.
the implementation can vary, but the rough idea is this: take options away from the customer. You sit down? you’re paying X amount. You can eat, or you can not-eat, but it still costs the same thing. You want red or white? fine. but what they bring you is their call. you’re not paying per-glass; its in the bill. You want fish or fowl? that’s fine, they have both, but it doesn’t matter, because its in the bill. they will bring you shit that you didn’t order. Because you don’t really ‘order’ at all. You sit down, and they bring you stuff. Eat it, or don’t. You don’t have to worry about what it costs because its in the bill already.
There was a place in Piermont New York (I think- it was a long, long time ago) which did this. You went in, sat down, and ate what they brought to the table. I never ate there. It was prohibitively expensive, and you had to make reservations about a year in advance. Everybody said it was good.
Isn’t this “prix fixe”? I thought it was pretty common? Maybe not as much as it used to be but I hear the term fairly often.
-sort of, but the way Prix-fixe is typically implemented is usually during lunch… basically, a higher-end restaurant will offer a special deal to lunch customers + early-diners, where they get soup/salad, and a limited range of options which might be vaguely-related to things on their normal menu.
have you ever done ‘restaurant week‘ in NY? I worked in the madison square/23rd-28th st area for years, and it was sort of a big deal in that immediate zone. A bunch of fancy joints in the vicinity would basically change their menu to offer prix-fixe options for a few days, and attract lots of new-customers. Lots of companies use the occasion to bring clients out.
Some very high-end restaurants (e.g. michelin starred, etc) often have some version of a “chef’s tasting-menu”… basically, where the chef prepares small portions of ‘little bit of everything they make’. They send the waiters out like an assembly line and they’re constantly throwing plates in front of you and serving 1/4-glasses of wine to match whichever ‘5 bites’ of each dish.
they can be absurdly-expensive. i’ve only ever done it in a place my buddy owned, where i basically ate free (paid for booze).
the concept doesn’t *have* to be super-expensive and high-end. The trattoria-concept is actually normally associated with rustic, peasant-food. whats ‘on the menu’ is really just determined by the day of the week
from the wiki entry:
i went to a few places like this in italy in the 1990s. i liked the fact that i, whose italian was basically shit-to-nonexistent, never had to deal with the menu, and could just sit down, eat, and pay, and end up pleasantly surprised by the bill at the end.
*speaking of which, there is this stretch of indian-food restaurants in the east village… like between 1st and A on… 4th street? somewhere around there. one of a few “little indias” in NYC (the other being around lex and 28th)… the places are so unbelievably competitive for walk-in street business that they all have some guy who stands outside on the doorway and invites people in. They can be sort of aggressive at times, which is cute in its own way – sort of a throwback to what i suppose its like if you were actually in some underdeveloped country. The cheaper joints are also covered in christmas lights, which is nice because i usually want to these places baked off my gourd.
Anyway, one of these places – Rupali – has a special deal to attract customers: “Everything is half off”. All the time.
It makes no sense. The menu has normal prices on it. You order, you eat, and when the bill comes? its half what you expected it to be.
I would go there with 4 people and gorge ourselves. the bill was ~$20-25. it never failed to amaze people.
the places are so unbelievably competitive for walk-in street business that they all have some guy who stands outside on the doorway and invites people in.
Last time I was there, this was also true in Brighton Beach.
indian food? i haven’t been out that way since i was like 4. I assumed it was all russian-mobsters.
Here is a picture of the guys on 6th street (not 4th). Sometimes if we were drunk and walking by, we’d fake as though we were heading into one of the places, and they’d all jump into action, then we’d reverse course. It was cruel and i regret it.
No, Russian seafood restaurants. We chose one to eat at after we walked past the hawker and when he saw my daughter in her stroller and the weather had turned windy, he still ran into his place to retrieve a blanket for her.
We were seated in the back and the rest of the place was booked for what was obviously the 3rd birthday of a Mafiya boss’s daughter. It was awesome.
ah, yeah, that sounds exactly what i’d have imagined. I assume the door-guys also serve some double-duty. restaurants are like the corporate offices of criminal enterprises.
It was true in Eastern Promises, so I just assume it’s true in real life as well.
6th Street
I saw a lot of street barkers in Japan advertising for small restaurants and shops that were inconveniently located for street traffic. Totally on the level but amusing going down an alley and up a flight of stairs for a quiet little tavern.
I want to build a sauna on the property.
has anyone done this? we have an extra wood stove that we were going to put in the tree fort, but I don’t think that place would make for a good sauna.
I want to build a sauna on the property.
Well that’s a novel way to get more gay men in your area. Some kind of gentrification-seeding project, eh?
Addison County is the white people…
wait, how does this work? VT is pretty much all white.
There’s no neighborhood to gentrify, just a lot of trees and snow.
It’s just like field of dreams: put in a sauna and in a few days those trees will all be hip cafes, impossibly pretentious art galleries, and gay bars filled with nothing but quality cocaine and young men–who use depilatory products not yet legal in any developed nation–in tank tops dancing until the wee hours of the morning and then going out for brunch at a French place you cannot pronounce or afford.
So it’ll be the south-west side of Burlington?
This is the only thing I know about homosexuality in Vermont.
“make their home in Hinesburg, a rural suburb of Burlington, Vt.” so apparently yes.
I’ll just leave this here.
Life ain’t worth living without Busta Nutt!
Well, since I was too lazy to do Manly Monday today, here’s an awkward video of hockeyball player, Ryan Kesler walking around some offices in his “birthday suit” for the NHL 100th anniversary or something. There’s also some great handwringing about the state of our society as we deal with critical questions of sexual harassment because of the internet.
what was the tone deaf part?
sexualizing workplaces by jiggling your junk in front of obviously uncomfortable coworkers?
okay, that I can see.
But do you Want to?
Where ya been The whole sports industry has gone Toxic Masculine. Aerospace too. And you know who else? Broadway.
NO! I will not start GISing Broadway Bares at work!
*GISes Broadway Bares at work*
Fuck me, those song and dance fellows are fit as fuck (and rather flexible).
I was wearing my birthday suit in the mens’ locker room of the hotel last week and the (female) staff walked in, restocked the vanity amenities, refilled the towels, and put out fresh hot tea and lemon water. I have to say that’s not something I’m used to. Or female cleaning staff walking right in and cleaning the mens’ restrooms, around the men using the restroom.
Where’s my payout for feeling uncomfortable in a workplace?
No need to be uncomfortable. I’m sure it wasn’t your junk she was snickering about.
You’ve obviously been raped by the female gaze. Wait 30 years and then make a fuss of it.
Awesome. Hilton is gonna pay big time (eventually).
I feel compelled to add that Ryan Kesler is a cheap-shifting, diving sack of shit.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer network.
Ken and Tony are going at it over at TOS, Good Times
I don’t let Tony waste my time like that.
So is it about which one hates Rand Paul the most or legal heroin, ask your doctor if it’s right for you?
Theology prof writes book connecting Christianity to racism
Fordham University recently highlighted a theology professor’s new book claiming that “white Christians” are responsible “for racist policies and structural discrimination in America.”
Hill Fletcher argues that while today’s Christians may be well-intentioned, they often do not recognize their own responsibility, through religious association, for social injustices.
“I know a lot of white Christians who are upset by what’s happening at Standing Rock, and upset by our segregated communities,” she noted. ”But they don’t necessarily see how our Christian patterns over the last several hundred years have created the conditions for those things, so they don’t feel responsible for them.”
She also asserts that the belief that Jesus is the savior of all people is discriminatory to those who do not share the Christian faith.
the belief that Jesus is the savior of all people is discriminatory to those who do not share the Christian faith.
Well, that’s true. But I thought that was kind of the whole point of believing in a religion, that the other ones are mistaken.
Shut up, Bahá’í and Universal Unitarians, no one is talking to you two.
I had the idea of making a religion -themed version of Monopoly. Instead of buying properties, you’d buy dogmas with disciple tokens. The player markers would include a cross, crescent, star of David, 3HO, Buddha, and a flying saucer.
Chance and Community Chest would be replaced with Schism and Holy War.
dogmas would include: reincarnation, apocalypse, hell, etc
Same basic game- try to gain the disciples of the other players without losing your own. Shrines and temples would replace houses and hotels.
Sounds a bit like Cults and Daggers.
Yet, I’m quite sure she would never criticize Islam in the same manner and she would be mob justiced out of her job if she did.
Ducking heck. I put off eating way too long. Sitting here waiting for my order and I can barely bring the beer to my mouth I’m shaking that much.
Drink faster!
That’s why you should drink martinis. They put food in your drink.
Tesla’s new truck could require the energy of 4,000 homes to recharge
Environmentally friendly!
I want to know how many tons of coal that is.
pay wall, even in porn-mode
Ooh, fresh derp from Current Affairs
It’s mostly meh, but it contains this gem:
Similarly, the Southern Poverty Law Center makes sure not to tabulate the membership numbers of the organizations it puts on its “hate maps,” lest the public realize just how obscure and ineffectual many of these groups are.
and this
So why not write about the leftists who are succeeding in local politics instead of the white nationalists who aren’t? (Heck, Current Affairs has many times more paid subscribers as any of these white supremacist groups have members, but there’s no New York Times profile of the Lefty Magazine Editor Next Door.)
… how full of shit the SPLC is.
current affairs seems to think they hide those numbers out of some noble-purpose.
Egypt: Muslim TV host says jihad massacres of Christians “okay,” but not jihad massacre in mosque
Owner of Sada al-Balad Media Group Mohamed Abu al-Enein has suspended one of its TV hosts Rasha Magdi and referred her to an internal investigation over inappropriate comments she made on air regarding Friday’s terrorist attack on the al-Rawda mosque in North Sinai.
Magdi went off script during her show on the privately-owned Sada al-Balad TV channel on Friday, describing terrorist attacks against the army and police as “mutual violence,” while suggesting that attacks against Christians are more understandable than attacks against Muslims.
“We saw attacks by terrorists on the police and army, and we said this is mutual violence. These extremist groups have attacked churches and we said that they think it is a [different] religion, not Islam, and it is hostile to them, and then we said it is okay, but how [can these groups attack] Muslims?,” Magdi said.
When Magdi worked for the state television network, several legal cases were filed against her for inciting hatred against Egypt’s Copic Christians, particularly regarding the killing by the Egyptian army of more than 25 Christians during what has become known as the Maspero massacre….
Bangladesh home minister blames Mossad for young Muslims turning to jihad terrorism
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has advised the youths not to fall into ‘traps related to Islam set up by Israeli spy agency Mossad’ on the internet.
He was speaking at an anti-militancy rally of Olama and Mashayekh or Islamic scholars in Shariatpur on Sunday.
“Many young Bangladeshis were trapped by Mossad abroad,” the minister said.
“We’ve seen that these youths are highly educated and they know English well. They are doing these misdeeds after getting education abroad.
“Now they are creating confusion over our religion in different places, websites on the internet,” he said.
Many of the speakers at the rally blamed Mossad for ‘misleading’ Bangladeshi youths.
Without naming Israel directly, Kamal said, “We have information that Mossad, the intelligence agency of the country, the name of which you’ve mentioned many times, is active enough in its efforts to mislead us.”…
When in doubt, blame Israel.
Can they even find Israel on a map?
Pakistan: Muslim boy arrested for raping chicken
The perpetrator blames “sexual frustration”. The chicken did not survive.
A 14-year-old boy in Pakistan’s Punjab area has been arrested for raping one of his neighbour’s chickens. The boy has admitted the rape and explains, that he did it out of sexual frustration.
“The hen died while being sexually assaulted by Hussain. Two persons, Nasrullah and Tufail, witnessed this act,” according to the complainant.
70 percent of Pakistan’s over 200 million inhabitants are inbred.
Man, that story was f…
Nah, I’m too good for that.
Never knew SIV was from Pakistan.
The only case where “she said she wanted cock” might set you free…
Life imitates The Onion
UK police letting suspects go and “hoping for the best” as “hateful comments” arrests rise 877%
Damn, if only are cops were as woke as the guy with blue nails. I mean maybe Dunphy is that woke, but hey it’s Seattle.
Could Everyday Feminism be next?
Feminism site Medusa Magazine shuts down after founder admits it was pure satire
What appeared to be a far-left feminism magazine has shut down after its creator revealed that the entire project was a joke filled with over-the-top satire packaged as liberal talking points designed to mock legitimate feminists and their supporters.
Medusa Magazine has been cited by several major sources but, “It has always been and will always be satire,” the site’s anonymous creator posted in a blog explaining why the site would shut down.
Medusa’s unnamed creator continued: “We are shutting down our rather hilarious project because we can no longer compete with our competition. We have come to realize that our competition is not other satirical websites, but rather the people we are trying to satirize.”
The creator wrote, “I don’t blame anyone for thinking” the site was legitimate and wanted to “keep our readers in constant doubt” and even posted a Facebook message from last May to prove the entire thing was a joke. It was dubbed “the ultimate Social Experiment” and Facebook followers were told it was to see how long actual feminists would take to realize it was a joke.
A recent series of high-profile allegations of sexual harassment resulted in the site publishing a spoof article headlined, “Why we should believe women who accuse right wingers of rape more than those who accuse liberals.”
The site’s creator called the story a “total caricature intended to be as ridiculous as possible” but quickly realized mainstream news organizations, such as the Washington Post, published stories utilizing the same rationale as the mock column.
Columbia Sportswear may close Portland office over death threats, public defecation by homeless people
Columbia Sportswear may be the next business to flee downtown Portland after a series of frightening encounters with the city’s homeless population, including car break-ins, human waste dumped by the office’s front door and threats to its employees.
In an op-ed piece published earlier this month by The Oregonian, Columbia Sportswear President and CEO Tim Boyle said he is concerned he made a mistake when he opened a headquarters for the company’s Sorel footwear brand downtown, calling the situation “outrageous and unacceptable.”
“In fact, I am so concerned about the safety of our employees at the Sorel headquarters that we are taking the next 90 days to re-evaluate our location decision,” Boyle wrote.
Since moving the 50 employees downtown, workers immediately reported being harassed and threatened by homeless individuals near the new offices.
Oregon 3
Small businesses in downtown Portland say they are being forced to close as the increasing homeless population drives away customers. (FOX12)
“A few days ago, one of our employees had to run into traffic when a stranger outside our office followed her and threatened to kill her,” he wrote. “On other occasions our employees have arrived at work only to be menaced by individuals camping in the doorway.”
Besides face-to-face encounters, employees have also been the target of so many car break-ins the company has started to refer to parking downtown as its “laptop donor program,” according to Boyle.
The only solution is to raise taxes, increase real estate prices through restrictive land management policies, and be more hostile to free enterprise. They not woke enough.
You’d think an actual issue of public health (as opposed to the fake public health issues the busybodies that run places like that usually go on about) would trump the wokeness of letting the homeless shit all the place. Guess not.
Ugh thread fail. That was supposed to be in response to the Portland story above.
It’s OK. We all PBrooks from time to time.
Um, that’s ok thanks though.
Sorry, I gave at the office.
#HatchKids Discuss The F Word: Feminism Is Not a Dirty Word
“Comments are disabled for this video.”
Of course they are.
PSA: If you live near a Trader Joe’s, you need to pick up some of their bacon cheddar ranch dip. It is heavenly.
Stewed all weekend about my employment, and heard nary a peep today. Stewing continues…
I do have the airplane show live from Manchester on Wednesday to look forward to. Crazy shit happens every time the lads go to MAN. Last time, in October, was an emergency divert of a Lufthansa A380.
The dog either arthritic or dysplastic, so he has troubled getting on the sofa, even with mini stairs. If I help him up, then get up to go to the kitchen myself, he’ll jump down and follow me, then spend 10 minutes borfing at me to help him up again. Little fucker.
He looks happy there, Cute Doggie!