If yesterday was “meh”, today is ….uninspired. The very brief sports note – There apparently was some sort of gang warfare in Ohio…it was disguised as an NFL game between the Bengals and the Stillers (PA spelling). We are still awaiting the final body count. Oh, and every team I like still sucks and is mired in losing.
So, on to the links;
- Remember, only the benevolent hand of government can take care of you! Otherwise we would all be living in some Dickensian work house asking for more gruel.
- OK, there is brash…and there is BRASH. Anyone check the usual bat-sh#t crazy feminist sites for coverage of this?
- Theresa May continues to race Angela Merkel for title of Most Blundering European Leader.
- Wow, thanks AP – I would have never guessed any of this!
- Ah, the sound of silence.
OK, since I don’t do music links – could you, dear commenters, post something musical to wish sloopy good luck for today? How about that, Swiss Servator asking for OT links! Wait, or since I asked for them, it isn’t OT… whatever, just wish him luck.
You’ve been waiting for it… it’s Titty Tuesday!
Lots of good choices again today.
I would be happy for 1, 2, 5, 8, 42 or 55 to come and provide training on how to properly sexually harass women in the workplace.
good morning Q. Tits before coffee thus morning I see. well played.
Breakfast boobies.
1 11 and 39 47 and maybe a couple more in the 40s …
Swiss was holding on that for when you are first.
1, 5, 11, 44.
And why does Swiss keep using that same gif? it’s a male character!
How did the animated gif survive the destriction of it’s natural habitat on Geocities?
Gender is fluid, shitlord.
38 wins hands down. Real. Sultry. Playful. I don’t know what are up with dem head-wings, but we can fly, cuz I know that’s the way you like it, baby.
40 places with the ‘Oh, The Places I’ll Go’ Award.
47 shows with a strong outing, a couple of lengths behind. She needs to eat more. Just eat more, darling. I’m a good cook. You’ll like it.
10 is the pick four of the day. She seems kinda cooky and fun.
15. Huh. Those things are…spherical!
31 looks like my sister-in-law. Huge plus.
36 is likely hiding a body behind the flag.
39–Take the tag off, honey.
48 in real life. Awwww, come here, bug. *Cuddle monster mode activated*
59 looks like mid-80s Michael Jackson with longer hair and a stunningly impressive and fake rack. I’m conflicted. Call me Bubbles.
Thank you. Can’t believe the others passed on 15. Bahooooga.
1 is pretty. It’s also to nice to see a non-selfie.
27 looks like Chloe Nicole. “She says she lost her virginity aged 11 with her 15-year-old boyfriend. In first grade, an accident had damaged her clitoris, describing it as “always hard but I don’t feel anything”. However, she is still able to orgasm through stimulation of her g-spot, which often involves inserting large, wide objects into her vagina, and she has stated “the deeper the better”. She appeared in a controversial double-fisting scene with fellow porn actress Alisha Klass in Seymore Butts’ video Tampa Tushy Fest 1.”
*paging Florida Glibs, all Florida Glibs…*
If you haven’t seen it, you should; it is a very hot scene. It involves bong smoking, choking/asphyxiation, and copious use of fists.
Chloe Nicole?? Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time.
Is she half the worst?
She is into shoveling sidewalks, iykwim.
Swiss: [clicking on links at a website, while looking at the pics on the screen behind Q] The dark haired one on the balcony.
Q: That’s Italian. She can go pump or auto.
Q: [hands Swiss the link]
Swiss: The brunette with long legs, with laser sighting.
Q: [hands Swiss a link from the glass case in front of the laptop ] These are brand new; we just got them in. That’s a good pic. Just click the mouse, the pic comes on and you put the arrow where you want the screen to scroll. You can’t miss. Anything else?
Swiss: Playboy Bunny in the 40-watt range.
Q: [annoyed] Hey, just what you see, pal!
Swiss: [looks around] The blonde on the sofa.
Q: You know your women, buddy. Any one of these is ideal for home fun. So uh, which will it be?
Swiss: [pointing the mouse towards the link] All.
Q: I may close early today. There’s a 15-day wait on the gingers but the blondes you can take right now.
[sees Swiss loads more links]
Q: You can’t do that.
Swiss: [narrows gaze at Q] Wrong!
I thought that conversation was confidential!
No one picked the flute player? C’mon.
Super late today, so I choose 9.
Oh, and 5, off the paint, honey.
Music to wake you up.
One I always like.
for sloopy
Thanks for the link. That takes me back…haven’t heard that song in years.
So, Cuba has also run out of toilet paper.
Seems to happen more often with communist regimes, probably because life there is extra-shitty.
I am surprised they had until now. The quality of toilet paper in commie Romania was very bad though. And there was a bad joke about wiping your ass with a bus ticket
I wiped my ass with East German toilet paper in 1988. It was a red
letteranus day.I was at the Taqi-Sarrafon marketplace in Bukhara in 2004 when I was hit with a wicked case of gastroenteritis. I asked where the toilet was. I was led to an empty stall with a hole in the ground and handed a stack of graph paper.
… the bizarre thing is that the papers contained stochastics printouts and point-and-figure charts for goat lip futures …
Did you plot your plops?
At least you could chart your wipe efficiency with it.
The rough equivalent of DDR toilet paper.
I also sampled East German soda (disgusting) and East German hospitality (pretty much nonexistent).
I visited East Germany when I was 13 but I remember little of it beyond the pervasive gloom, the Trabants, and pork at every meal.
The regular TP in Uzbekistan was similar to that, but the texture was more like the streamers you hang from the ceiling for parties.
That is still like that across Central Asia.
It was like that in Bavarian Autobahn restrooms in the late 70’s. Corrugated crepe paper.
Extra micro-scooping efficiency.
Well, when they run out of food that will solve the TP problem. These commies are thinking ahead…
“Anyone check the usual bat-sh#t crazy feminist sites for coverage of this?”
Conyers is a civil rights icon, longest serving member of Congress, founder of the CBC, unquestionable personal integrity, legend in his own time, super human cyborg….errrd….muuuhh…..gluuuuurrrrp…..
Those are significant negative traits.
Ironically, as I’m reading the Conyers church groping link, I was listening to: Down by the Riverside
Conyers to retire, turn seat over to great-great nephew.
So much for Patents of Nobility being Unconstitutional….
Doesn’t count if the people vote for it and it’s not an “official” patent. But it amuses me that this is a case of literal nepotism, since the word “nepotism” means nephew favoritism.
He also said his goal is to keep the seat “in the family”. This isn’t a motherfucking monarchy! Betting the people of MI will be stupid enough to elect this fool, thinking heredity is a good thing.
Reminds me of how Dan Lipinski effectively deeded his congressional seat to his son Dan Lipinski Jr.
It’s Detroit.
I was told not more than a few weeks ago that sexual assault is uniquely a white male problem, because you never hear about black men assaulting women.
Remember, only the benevolent hand of government can take care of you! – debtors prison is too good for the likes of her
Some wake up music.
Speaking of music, anyone here on Spotify? How about a collaborative Glib playlist? You know, so we can motivate the orphans as they enter the coal mines.
Motivate? The ones with a broken spirit work the best. The orphans get no music.
Music for Orphan Miners
It’s collaborative, so have at it.
Thanks. I’ll play.
Did you see this?
Not bad, indeed.
My own OT link!
Since SP has made this site squirrel free, they had to go somewhere.
Lynx have topics?
You learn something new every day.
Follow along: yesterday’s topic was “meh”; today’s topic is “uninspired”. Most day’s topic seems to be “sportsball” or “Michigan sucks”.
I’m not going to link to CNN, so I’ll link to Breitbart. Apparently the NorKs can’t keep their rockets from burning on reentry, and still lack the kind of accuracy needed to take out Los Angeles.
Would that matter if it were an EMP?
An EMP won’t rid me of Los Angeles.
But it would, for a time, rid you of Hollywood. Silver lining.
If there is no electricity in Los Angeles they would effectively rid themselves. See: Carlin, George.
Sorry Playa.
“Rep. Conyers slid his hand up my skirt and rubbed my thighs while I was sitting next to him in the front row of a church,” Grubbs said. “I was startled and sprang to my feet and exclaimed, ‘He just ran his hand up my thigh!’
She’s a snake handler.
She yelled that out,in a church service? That must’ve been an embarrassing situation for Conyers. I feel bad for him
I imagine he simply made a Keillor-style mistake: intending to give his fellow parishioner a friendy pat on the knee, his hand accidentally slipped a few inches too far.
Just trying to make a deposit in the collection plate.
“Theresa May continues to race Angela Merkel for title of Most Blundering European Leader.” – I heard some conservatives often criticize them for not having children and as such not caring about the future. Does anyone think such criticism has any value? Asking the tough questions here
I don’t think it’s the case – Barry O had kids and hated the future, so unless it’s a claim of underdeveloped maternal instincts, I think it’s unrelated to their ineptitude.
Trudeau threesome. Trudeau in the middle.
Merkel pegging him?
Oh Lord…I just made myself sick.
You don’t care about the future, either.
They seem more Macron’s type.
Not caring about the future is an overboard fallacy, but I think it’s obvious that having children alters most people’s perception of future planning.
We’re creating a generational homestead for our descendants. I’m strongly considering clearing out part of an overgrown field to lay a plantation of oaks and black walnuts. I’ll never see these, they’ll be a little use to my children, but would an incredible resource for my grown grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Most of our close friends are childless and their future planning is 180 from ours. Nothing at all wrong with that, but it’s completely different with no thought past their futures (as it should be for them).
Does that spill over to politics? I don’t know, but imagine it would to some extent. I don’t think that kind of true selfless altruism that would enable a person to care about the future of others without regard to their own exists in the vast majority of politicians.
It’s probably just the cynic in me, but I often wonder how often the reaction is something like “*eyeroll* Thanks Great-Grampa Spartan, now I gotta do something to get rid of all these trees.”
Heh, they’ll be able to fill up their bank account while doing so.
One of my neighbors told me when he first moved in, there were several black walnut trees blocking an area he wanted to use. Not realizing their value, he cut them down and burned them. Another neighbor saw what he was doing and ran out yelling but it was too late. The guy might as well have piled up 10’s of thousands in cash, doused it gasoline, and lit the money on fire.
In America, around half of the politicians are former *something somewhat productive/private sector*. Sure you have the Schumers of the world and their ilk is large and getting larger, but there are still a decent chunk of politicians who, once upon a time, had to make payroll or actually paid taxes.
That’s not true for Europe. European politicians are career bureaucrats or work for a vast array of quangos. European political leaders joined the fucking Youth Wing of their TEAM when they were children. Those people are fundamentally maladjusted if you ask me, childlessness is a symptom of that, not a cause.
I think this is probably a larger contributor.
In fairness, it can hardly be expected for Europe to have abolished their aristocracy. The revolutions cleared out the old to bring in the new, but the fundamental structure remains. They seem to like it that way.
Major, Blair and Brown all had kids, and they made the recklessly short termist decisions that put us in this mess. So no.
When I think of who will look out for my children’s future, the first thing that comes to mind is “a barren spinster”.
I posted a link to this last night but it bears repetition. Witness the complete and total meltdown of the watermelons.
If Trump didn’t have such enemies, he would have to buy them. The man is going to save hundreds of millions in advertising just by letting these people flap their gums.
horde of Barbarians – racist and islamophobe give the statue smashin analogy. Barbarians are people to. It is their culture to smash things. Who are you to judge their culture?
the first 30 years of my life there, as an environmentally concerned citizen – one of them woke 2 year olds
raiding social programs for poor and middle class people – yeah raiding is what they are doing. Also if you are middle class you should not need social programs.
Trump is bombing Jellystone. Yogi hardest hit.
Same theme, but different joke. Open the hatches on them.
Trump should troll them on twitter with stock video footage of a napalm drop and says it’s in a national park.
Anything is possible I suppose.
Because Trump is going to build cities in the national parks, then carpet bomb them.
It’s hard to believe just how idiotic these people are.
That’s a policy Krugabe might support.
“Environmentally Concerned Citizens” have a greater tendency to tear down civilization than do real estate developers.
Is it me or do both of those handles have a variation of “RHEEEEEEE” in them…
Trump will spend the zillions he’s stealing from the American people to build cities full of people on top of the ashes of Yellowstone and Yosemite, just so he can nuke them while masturbating to all the death. Republicans get aroused by poisoning the water, polluting the air, stealing money from wimminz and POC and love to gloat about it from their mansions high on top of the hill built from human skulls.
Whose ideology has a higher body count again?
Oh, and fuck REI, I’m done with those rentseeking assholes.ssholes.
Is that rent seeking? Unless I’m missing something, I’m not sure they would really derive direct benefit from reversing the policy. I think it’s just advocacy for something they believe in.
Granted, it’s not a direct benefit. I’m just tired of granolas lobbying for public benefits that come at the expense of everyone else.
Yes, individual hikers are writing letters to force the rest of us to pay for preserving their playground in perpetuity.
Oddly enough, I just heard a great Glenn Beck piece on this (yeah, I know). Apparently national monuments are closed to commercial stuff and recreational use too (so it doesn’t even benefit hikers, sorry STEVE SMITH) and Obama and Clinton added more monuments than Congress did in the 100+ years since the law was passed. Trump is just rolling back some of the King’s taking of land.
Bears Ears NM was largely public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management before it was designated a NM. By removing that designation the land will continue to be managed by the BLM as multiple use public land. Trump didn’t remove public land from the public domain. He even kept the land being managed within the Dept of Interior. Instead of the NPS with the mission to “preserve and protect” it will be BLM with multiple use management.
Beck is full of shit. There are many national monument’s that I’ve visited and hiked in. They get fewer resources than National Parks and are under a different permitting system, but the notion that they are inaccessible to the public is flat out incorrect.
For example, Mt. St. Helens is a National Monument. It is open to the public for hiking, climbing and in very limited capacity – camping. I have done all three on multiple occasions.
“raiding social programs for poor and middle class people in order to provide themselves tax cuts, ”
Huh, cuz you see from my point of view, that would be better analogized as a group of people fighting to keep themselves plundered by a horde of barbarians who don’t see them as humans.
The part I find hilarious is that it’s not Trump supporters who are smashing statues. What a terrible analogy.
“The American people are going to have to fight hard, because if Trump continues in office and the Republicans maintain a majority of the Congress…”
The same American people who voted in all those nasty Republicans?
GQ Unveils Annual Worst-Dressed Men List And Kit Harrington Is #1
Oh no not Kit!!!!!!!!!
Who? Oh, and who is ‘Kit’? Also what kind of name is that for a list of ‘guys’?
Kit is a talking car. Having David Hasselhoff as its “driver accessory” earned it the “#1 worst dressed” ranking.
Ack, they misspelled it then. KITT did have some style (just not in choice of passengers)
William Daniels was awesome! Wait, was or is? *checks Wikipedia* He’s still alive – he IS awesome!
“Why was the show called Knight Rider? The car’s name was KITT, no one was riding Michael Knight.”
Knight Industries Two Thousand was KITT’s full name.
Yay Wikipedia – useless for many things but packed with pop culture trivia.
He knows nothing, including about how to dress.
+1 Keep up the good work.
Hmmm… Hot smelly ginger… FTW.
My guess is that’s a slap because he likes race cars.
Probably more of a pathetic attempt to gain attention by dissing a popular young actor.
GQ is like Highlights for mentally challenged adults.
Only without the best part of Highlights, the hidden pictures.
I BEG YOUR PARDON?! That would be “Goofus and Gallant”, thank you very much!
Goofus was the Nick Gillespie of cartoon kids.
I will reserve judgment until Gilmore weighs in.
They have photos of their worst dressed man, Kit, and their best dressed, Matt Smith (no relation… or IS he?) literally wearing the same suit.
Dr Who is much moar woke than Jon
SnowTargaeryn.So today are oral arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop, aka the “bake that cake” case. Going to try to do an article analyzing the case after the transcripts of the arguments are out.
Something tells me this is going to be a 5-4 decision for the state, but I’ll wait til after the arguments to make a real prediction.
I know it’s a pipe dream, but it would be nice if they resurrected freedom of association and killed the public accomodation law on those grounds.
My guess is some variance between: He doesn’t have to actually decorate it, but will have to make it AND Not only to does he have to make the cake, he has to ice it with his mouth after going down on them first. *Drinking tonight. Bite me, slavers.
The court will of course find a constitutional “right” in the hidden umbras and penumbras to force others to serve you against their will.
Because “fairness”.
I’m just wondering if they’ll carve out even a sliver of religious freedom for the dude.
Magic 8-Ball says “outlook not so good”.
Is that a Conyer’s quote? But seriously, I’m thinking that they might take into account the availability of cake shops in the area and find some compromise. Or it’s going to be a bullshit claim conflating this with blacks not getting served at Woolworths in 1963 Mississippi.
Completely ignoring the fact that blacks not getting served at Woolworths in 1963 Mississippi had no options because of Jim Crow laws enforced by the government. Because without the laws various businesses would have been happy to take their money.
Don’t you know….
Some Gay person may live in a small remote town in the middle of nowhere 500 bazillion miles from the next town and that gay person might somehow meet another gay person and somehow those two gay people may be just perfect for each other and decide to get married but the problem is there is only 1 baker in this remote town and he is anti gay marriage and well it would just be the biggest injustice in the history of the world if those two gay guys had to get married without a cake at their wedding so we kinda have no choice but to force every baker in the country to be compelled to bake any cake for anyone just to protect this critical right for these two mythical gay dudes
You mean they live in a baked-goods desert?
No such thing as a marriage cake and there is no government involvement in weddings.
I don’t understand how any lawyer couldn’t win that argument.
Marriage =/= wedding.
Dude, its only good manners to let us know which amicus brief you’re quoting from.
It would be cool if someone at least ACKNOWLEDGED NAACP v Alabama during the discussions.
Going to try to do an article analyzing the case after the transcripts of the arguments are out.
Yes please! If I have time, I’ll do the same with Oil States.
If you consider the velvety and sultry tones of my voice to be akin to music, then by all means – check out this podcast featuring yours truly.
If not, here is 3 minutes of power and rage that should get your day rolling.
More hot takes from my favorite retard philosopher comrade existentialist comics
Genocide is necessary to protect property rights eh? That’s a new one.
Something something helicopters something something.
Kidding aside, it was more than one time that people starved under Communism. It’s every time. Literally every time the Communists get power, starvation happens. It’s happening in Venezuela right now.
Aren’t you a downer. Here they are, just trying to steal people’s stuff and control their lives and you have to ruin it by pointing out that this hurts people.
No amount of evidence for socialism’s failure will ever be enough. If the USSR and the Cultural Revolution didn’t do it, nothing will. The only way to deal with these people is marginalize them as far to the fringe as possible so they have no influence. It’s not going well.
4960 likes and 1772 retweets. Damn.
Stupid is popular.
Best response:
Also, does anyone know what’s up with the clapping hands? Makes no sense to me.
Well, the people writing those things ARE functionally retarded, so it’s best not to worry too much about it.
Alright children gather ’round, it’s learnin’ time. Since we’ve already exhaustively discussed sperm and male ejaculation, let’s move on to the mysterious female variety. Let us don our rain slickers and delve into that mythological creature, the female orgasm and the various emissions thereof. Sources for this tome on request.
At some point in your life, if you’re lucky, you may have encountered a special lady (or you could be that special lady, but who am I kidding, TANFL) who expels large amounts (a cup or more) of clear fluid from her naughty bits at the moment of climax. Colloquially this is called gushing, squirting or female ejaculation among other dysphemisms. However, since IFLS I decided to do a bit more digging into this particular phenomenon and hell, if my tax dollars are going to be used for research, it might as well be used to study women getting off.
While this phenomenon has been documented going all the way back to the ancient Egyptians, scientists have been flummoxed by its nature. We all know it’s a real mess down there, but where is a gland that can produce that much fluid? And why does it only appear to happen to some women (some of whom actually avoid relationships because they’re so embarrassed by it)? Well, thanks to our intrepid, perverted, scientific spelunkers, we now know the answer!
There are actually *two* varieties of “female ejaculation”, meaning two varieties of emission during orgasm. NB: I refer to fluids separate from natural lubrication which is a transudate produced by vasocongestion of the vaginal mucous membrane. The first, which is the only one that could be properly called “female ejaculation” is a small amount (1 tsp or less, sometimes it appears transient amongst all the hubbub of things going into other things) of milky white substance produced by the Skene’s gland. You can think of this truly as a physiologic analog to male ejaculation. All women do this upon orgasm, and just like men, sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less and most of the time (you selfish bastards) it’s not at all because you don’t know what she likes and you leave her frustrated.
The second fluid is the “gushing” or “squirting” variety most associated with the concept of female ejaculation in popular culture and pornography. Researchers selected several women who had a history of this to get freaky in the lab. They first emptied their bladder and had it confirmed by ultrasound. They then went to work and moments before Old Faithful called in the intrepid team to re-ultrasound. It was found that the bladder had refilled. They then continued their work, hosed down the lab and had one more ultrasound confirming that their bladder was, once again, empty. An analysis of the fluid found it to be extremely diluted urine with small amounts of PSA mixed in. The PSA likely came from the Skene’s glands during simultaneous actual ejaculation during the gushing. In a way, this makes sense, since the only logical origin of such a massive amount of fluid would be the bladder. No gland in the human body can produce that much, that quickly. Don’t get me wrong, knowing that it’s diluted pee doesn’t actually ruin it for me; I still think it’s sooper awesome. There are those that claim any woman can learn to do it, but I remain skeptical. Just make sure you put down some towels.
TL;DR: It’s piss.
Your tax dollars at work! Don’t drink it. Unless you’re into that.
I could tell you a story about this Russian chick that I dated. She didn’t warn me the first time and, let’s just say I looked like a Venezuelan protester in front of a water cannon.
Politicians remain the least trusted profession in Britain
Just for you Swissy. I don’t believe this band has even been mentioned here before.
Nice! HorrorBeach is in my Halloween music rotation.
And cause its been a while since I linked realpeerreview
Fat craft could be used to resist capitalism apparently.
also “Fat studies” scholars find that children in obesity treatment should adopt feminist poststructural theories to identity themselves as healthy.
Helicopter rides and university bonfires look more appealing by the hour.
Damn, they just cured cancer! All cancer patients have to do is identify themselves as healthy!!
I identify as sexually desirable.
I identify as Superman. Now I will leap off this building and fly to the rescue!
I identify as Margot Robbie’s boyfriend.
At some point someone accused of sexual misconduct will say this and the left will back then up. They already have done it with pedophiles.
Am I reading that right? Sounds like they’re saying that the 21st century Che will be an obese queer doing macrame and chilling on the couch.
Aaaaand once again the same people who assured me that “Cultural Marxism” was just a term made up by Alt-right neo-nazis feel the need to discuss their desire to destroy capitalism.
Massachusetts church adds list of mass shootings to nativity scene
Of the 14 shootings listed, 3 were by jihadis, but I suppose I’m an Islamophobe for noticing that.
All the others were from losers and nuts.
Can they add all the shootings that happened in Chicago this year? Oh silly me, there’s no way they’d have room for a list that long!
That list would be handy for Santa, no?
*motions to elves*
“We need 4,762 blood transfusions!”
I don’t think “jihadi” excludes the possibility of “also a nutty loser”, but I get your point.
Who’s up for a road trip? 70 of the best breweries in the world in about 200 hours of driving. If I win the lottery, I think I know my plans for the next couple of months.
Is this scamming your way to a designated driver?
Are you volunteering?
Is a plane ticket from Bucharest to the States included?
Note the “win the lottery” clause up there.
Map skips Montana – so just SOME of the best breweries…
Ice age caves discovered underneath city of Montreal
Amateur explorers have discovered a network of 15,000-year-old caves underneath a Canadian city.
The passageway, which is at least 200 metres long (660ft), was formed during the last ice age underneath what is now the city of Montreal.
The “once in a lifetime” October find by Luc Le Blanc and Daniel Caron was the result of years of trial and error.
Connected to the Saint-Léonard Cavern, the cave network is six metres deep and parts must be traversed by boat.
“And they were never heard from again.”
East Europeans are integrating into life in the UK. This entails learning to get along with their new neighbours, but it also involves not getting along with certain neighbours. Integration is not confined to benevolent forms of everyday cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism and conviviality; it can also include more pathological forms, like racism. Whilst integration is generally seen as desirable, the learning that it entails necessarily includes less desirable practices and norms. The aim of this article is to show how East Europeans in the UK have been acquiring specifically British competencies of racism. This doesn’t mean all East Europeans are racist or they always use racism; it does mean, however, that racism is a part of the integration equation. We focus on the racist and racializing practices of Poles, Hungarians and Romanians in Bristol in the UK.
As an Easter European I can say that a lot of us are plenty racist before getting to Bristol. We could teach the natives a thing or two. Although they may hide it more at first, I doubt they become significantly more racist.
Update on the National Reciprocity Bill, courtesy of the VCDL:
Sounds like a setup. I’ve read Trump on national reciprocity and it wasn’t good.
HR 4434 – as it stands is something I’m really not happy with, and my objections aren’t trivial, especially in the current social environment.
It’s been talked about elsewhere, but one of the key changes would be that accusations of domestic abuse would be considered when a NICS check is undertaken, and not just prosecutions of same.
So, shout at a girlfriend and make her feel uncomfortable? Better hope she doesn’t complain to the cops.
Get divorced? Yay! Anyone want to offer an estimate of how often a “domestic abuse” forms part of the petition?
That’s aside from the possibility that you shout at a neighbor and someone calls the cops. Or you get in a fender bender with some dick and you raise your voice.
Or you attend a peaceful demonstration in a city where the cops decline to keep the violent counter-protesters from being bussed in to ‘bash the fash’.
Although such a blatant denial of a constitutional right without due process should have a good chance of being overturned by the SCOTUS.
Their recent track record on that with regards to the 2nd is shittier than a Cuban Outhouse.
Yup. I said when Heller was decided and everybody was all high-fivin’ that yeah, it was better a win than a loss, but SCOTUS built in so many loopholes and exceptions that it wouldn’t support rolling back or even limiting gun control much. That it would take further cases to get something approaching a real RKBA.
Since then, SCOTUS has fucked just about every RKBA opportunity that came down the pike in the ass.
It should only count convictions. And only for felonies.
That gets a bit too messy. Who is going over the laws of fifty states and deciding which felonies are violent or not?
The amendment they refer to may be to fix that… I hope. VCDL is hard-core about gun rights, probably only second to the JPFO. I don’t think they’d let that go without pushing on the VA reps to try to fix it.
Why it’s so important to talk to our mothers about our #MeToos — and theirs
What kind of social circles and neighborhoods do these people travel in? Because this shit is pretty damn rare among my social group and the places I’ve lived.
When you think of all the times you encounter another human being, eventually you will come across a cretin. My wife has had a couple of these kinds of experiences. A guy exposed himself on the bus, but she just pointed and laughed. In another case her boss at the cafe she worked at wanted her to be his “girlfriend” if she wanted to continue working there. She left and found another job. I’ve even had cases that could be classified as sexual assault by today’s standard, but I just laugh them off. So these things do happen over the course of decades and thousands of human interactions, but it is rare and in most cases not a reason to be traumatized.
I’ll take things that never happened for $200…
almost raped after poker one night in college; = Someone made a drunken pass that she rejected
strangers had exposed their penises to her = she had various hook-ups when she was younger
she’d been scared away from her community pool because of a child molester who wouldn’t leave the girls alone = the teenage lifeguard was hitting on the teenage girls
What exactly is “almost raped”? I hear this a lot. The guy was holding you down and ripping your clothes off but you managed to get away? A dood was coming on too strong and you had to forcefully say “NO” before he stopped? Someone wouldn’t leave you alone at a bar and kept buying you drinks and saying he wanted to fuck you?
I don’t know, the third one could be OMWC.
Am I the only person to have noticed that the people pushing this never really seem too interested in addressing the problems when they happen and punishing the people who they actually claim caused the problem? It’s consistently the case that somebody did something years ago that they never addressed and therefore all of the men who didn’t do it are supposed to somehow or another feel guilty?
My impression is that it really seems to irk them when people refuse to accept unearned guilt.
Self-Proclaimed Virgin Almost Hits Crowdfunding Target For Sex Island
Da Plane! Da Plane!
Someone found STEVE SMITH island? And has the audacity to sell tickets to it?
I would not trust the talent I would find on such an island. He needs to raise more money and pay one of those hot chicks that auction off their virginity online. Although he needs a couple hundred thousand bucks for that.
Since sex is a basic human need, doesn’t the government have an obligation to see to it that all are provided with the sex they need, without discrimination?
Well as I remember there were plans in both England and Netherlands to get government funding to hire sex workers for disabled people so you are not far off. If shy counts as disabled…
Government “Services” in that area will not be provided by Q’s List level people…
Never though of that… government issue prostitutes based on seniority I guess.
Double duty for the Post Office. Send your parcels from one line and get laid in the other. Same employees working both line though.
What about “married”?
Somebody should add that to the list of gender identities.
Not just plans, I know there were at least a couple of instances where they were provided.
Government-provided sex, similar to government-provided education, would be worse than not getting any.
They already do it. The government fucks us all the time.
I did not see the game but the media coverage surrounding it is hilarious. Especially the butt hurt over Roethlisberger’s explanation to Lisa Salters.
Sounds like Alabama has untapped charter school demand.
“Nationally, black children are more segregated today than they were a half century ago, in part because mostly-white well-off communities are separating themselves from diverse and poorer school systems.”
This is a long story about an Alabama community’s attempt to setup their own school system outside of a larger system. About 6 decades of history is covered. I have yet to find stats in the piece on performance or student:teacher ratios. Or cost. Still looking/reading.
So, the same thing that is happening in prisons.
“Haikala was appointed by Obama three years earlier and had already made an impression on civil rights lawyers and activists. (Haikala declined to be interviewed.) She inherited her predecessor’s desegregation cases and issued, two years earlier, a scathing ruling against another school system under a desegregation order, criticizing it for failing to turn in the required progress reports and for the marked disparities between schools serving mostly white children and those serving mostly black ones. She also reproached the Justice Department for failing to be “proactive” in the case.”
nightmare activist judges. thanks, Obama!
“Clemon rephrased his question: “Let me put it another way. Do you know of any reason which would justify your not being chosen other than your race?”
One of Gardendale’s lawyers objected. But instead of ruling on the objection, Judge Haikala restated the question directly to the witness.
“Do I feel race was part of the consideration?” Miller asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” the judge responded.
“Yes,” Miller said. “I do.”
Clemon sat back down. “That’s all.””
What the fuck do feelings have to do with a process that is supposed to be decided on demonstrable facts?
her lawyer objected. if i had limitless hours to kill, then i’d possibly try to follow the court transcript to see if this is a pattern with Madeline Hughes Haikala.
Transphobia is the latest weapon in a raging culture war
he vicious media campaign against trans people is part bigotry, part strategy
I am not fond of the meaning shift of the suffix -phobia. It really makes conditions like Acrophobia sound strange.
I try to have nothing but understanding and sympathy, when appropriate, for trans folks, but if I were being completely honest, I have been gripped by an extremely uncomfortable feeling in their presence on a few occasions, though certainly not every time.
The ones who truly, deeply try to become the other sex – think Deirdre McCloskey, for example – I barely even notice. Many of them do well enough to not be obvious at all.
The alphabet soup “fluid” freakshows, on the other hand, give me the creeps.
Teddy Quinlivan was a fashion model for years. And no one knew.
The bathroom legislation thing was largely a solution looking for problem. It’s not as though there is an army of bathroom-attending geneticists checking to see if anyone is transsexual.
The root of the problem is the absurd claim that anyone is whatever gender they say they are. Even if one accepts that gender is a social construct, no serious post-modernist would defend arbitrary self-identity as valid. Social constructs are just that — constructed by society.
Actually, we think you are mentally ill, and resent the government trying to force people to go along with your delusion.
Gender dysphoria technically is a mental disorder, but it’s not a delusion. Delusions aren’t supported by physical evidence.
Transgenderism is also not supported by physical evidence. In fact it is literally believing that you are something other than what you actually physically and genetically are.
There is a massive amount of medical studies to the contrary.
No one is saying here isn’t an extremely strong correlation and numerous possible causations between sex and gender. There are. The vast majority of people are cis-gender. Sex and gender are not the same. Even saying that genetics determine sex is an over-simplification (intersex conditions exist). Gender is not genetic. There is no gene that says that pink is for girls, and blue is for boys.
But people with those actual conditions are extremely rare, while significantly greater number of people are just whackos who are unhappy with their own conditions and searching for something to blame it on.
The current push is to endorse those crazies and feed their self-destruction.
Honestly I have nothing against trans people, but the consequence of using gender theory and post-modernism as a weapon is that serious issues will be discounted.
I do think there may be some confusion on the non-trans side between transgender, and all the gender-non-binary crap. However the accusations against the ‘I’m a non gendered alien’ crowd are true, they want to destroy truth and logic. If the trans community doesn’t like being associated with that they should tell those people to stop claiming that they speak for them.
That’s not the way it works, Leon; the prog ratchet only moves one way. Gays get shamed if they aren’t on board with the trans agenda, trans people get shamed if they aren’t on board with the nonbinary etc crowd. The logic is always: these people helped achieve acceptance for gays and are owed something for that even though their numbers are small and their actual contributions pretty insignificant particularly after you factor in the ick factor (as seen by regular people) which offset their other contributions.
Also note the intellectual dishonesty about the bathrooms. The concern has never been about actual transgender folks but about men dishonestly and conveniently labelling themselves as trans for the specific purpose of accessing those spaces. They never acknowledge those concerns and always restate the concerns as concerns about actual transgender folks.
Thre are more bonefide sex offenders than there are transpeople. Whatever the overlap, being concerned about a larger population of known problem people because of the overzealous hyperaccommodation of the other is not unreasonable. Also, before the protected status trendiness, the goal of transfolk was to pass as their chosen sex, not to revel in some state of being the “other”, which these agitators tend to do.
Yea, I’m not comfortable with a grown man being in the same bathroom as my little girl. Cis/trans/xe/xoo/up/down is irrelevant. If they aren’t comfortable using the men’s room, all I can really say is tough shit and plan your outings accordingly. When I’m out with my little girl, I plan on not being able to use the bathroom, because I’m not taking her into the men’s room and I’m sure as hell not going into the ladies. Somehow I make it through my day sans bathroom without being a triggered victim.
Way to go, flaunting your vesicular privilege.
I am sorry but this is just stupid.
Are you comfortable with your little girl having any male teachers? How about a male Sunday school teacher? Male family members?
See she is literally several thousands times more likely to be molested, groomed, or assaulted by one of those three than she is by a random stranger in a public bathroom
As Uncivil pointed out, the proportion of sexual offenders are way higher than that of legit trans. So what are the chances of a man using the women’s room being normal or being a predator? Do you use the women’s room and whip your dick out in front of little girls? I don’t and no one I know does.
So, the question isn’t the odds of one man in the women’s room being a predator compared to the odds of the general population. That is moving the goalpost so far that it can’t even be seen. The actual question is, what is the chance that a man who thinks it’s a good idea to whip their dick out in front of little girls in their bathroom is also a sexual predator? I’m guessing the odds of that is very high.
None of my male family members, friends, or acquaintances use the women’s room, but I guess your mileage may vary.
I guess I didn’t answer your question. If I ever found out that a male teacher or family member went into the bathroom with my little girl, the paramedics would have to bring a spatula to scrape off what was left of them. I can’t imagine most fathers would feel differently.
And how many transsexuals think it’s a good idea to whip their dick out in front of little girls? Is there a single example of this ever happening?
Transsexuals are a tiny minority. Pedophiles are a tiny minority. Pedophiles so brazen they would assault a child in a public bathroom are a vanishingly small. So what are the odds that someone is both a transsexual and a pedophile, and decide to whip their dick out in front of little girls in a public bathroom?
They need not be Trans to exploit the law to create opportunity. That is what we’ve been saying.
That’s a problem with the law, and the idiotic idea that a masculine-presenting person can identify as feminine.
If someone passes as female, no one is going to notice that the bathroom sign doesn’t match her chromosomes.
You’re making our point for us.
An actual transperson goes through the effort to pass, thus does not need some special law saying “don’t bar people from the bathroom they don’t fit in”. Your most common predators are not going to go to that extreme, but will glom onto an opportunity that presents itself.
So what is your point?
I’m not arguing in favor of a law that either mandates or prohibits anyone from using a certain bathroom.
Just wash your hands.
The problem is that the assumed perpetrators of molestation are precisely the ones who would use the bathroom, in addition to the ‘legitimate’ trans-people who are the intended beneficiaries of this policy.
This would, necessarily, alter the relative probabilities you cite in comparison to ‘male teachers, Sunday school teachers, etc’. The fact that you elect to put your daughter in Sunday School with the guy who looks like Lindsey Graham is somewhat different to releasing your child into a public, yet private space with whoever is in there at the time.
I know it’s just anecdotal, but from talking to someone who has counseled many people who were victims of molestation, the most likely place for a child to be molested by a stranger is in a public bathroom. Yes, known perpetrators are more common than strangers, but the concern is not entirely misplaced.
Fortunately, society is beginning to better accommodate situations like yours – many businesses now have designated Family Bathrooms – one toilet, one sink, lockable door. Also, there is often a special handicapped bathroom you could use in a pinch.
I realize some of my comments may seem anti-trans so I just want to clarify that I have nothing against trans individuals. I pointed out that no men I know use the women’s bathroom to show that this is our societal norm, not to shame legit trans. If an adult male acquaintance went into the bathroom alone with a little girl, the automatic assumption by most people would be that molestation took place. It’s unclear to me why that bar becomes magically lowered with strangers.
In our culture, if you’re an adult man alone in the bathroom with little girl, you are either trans or a pedo. With rare exceptions, those are the two options. Which is more likely? If we lived in a culture where there was just one bathroom regularly shared by both sexes (hence my comment about everyone I know), I don’t think I would have a problem with adult men in the same bathroom as little girls. However, our current culture self-selects these men to being one of two groups. I also do not consider trans women who have undergone reconstructive surgery to be “men” (reason for my language about whipping out dicks)
If I had to guess, currently most MTF transsexuals in the U.S. are “pre-op”. While other surgeries such as breast augmentation and facial feminization often work well, SRS isn’t as successful.
Somebody is going to be uncomfortable in the bathroom. It can either be the trans who go into the bathroom of their biological sex, or (since this overwhelmingly about M – F trans) it can be the women who go into a bathroom being used by a man.
If the trans have a right to a bathroom where they are comfortable, don’t women also have a right to a bathroom where they are comfortable? Taking the claimed right at face value doesn’t even begin to get us to an answer, much less the answer that the trans activists are pushing for.
There is also the small matter of the anti-discrimination laws, which prohibit “disparate impact” on women. A law forcing access by trans to women’s bathrooms plainly has a disparate impact on women, since the vast majority of trans are M – F).
Let’s not expand sex discrimination laws to include something that isn’t sex – namely, gender. Protip: there is not a single statute that refers to gender discrimination or sets up gender as a protected class. There are metastasizing agency regs, but none of them, not one, is authorized by statute.
“Somebody is going to be uncomfortable in the bathroom.”
Not necessarily. If someone passes as female, no one is going to notice that the bathroom sign doesn’t match her chromosomes.
How long before the woke crowd decides to meet this objection with #NotAllMen? It would be rich coming from people who seem to believe that every man is a guilty-until-proven-less-guilty rapist.
Statistics on suicide and regret post-op, coupled with the fact that most children with the condition grow out of it, seem to bear out the fact that gender dysphoria is in fact a mental illness that is best treated by a psychiatrist than a surgeon. Note that there are no such striking stats among gay people. There are cases in which people post-op are happier. I’m glad for those people. However, admitting that gender dysphoria is a mental illness is not shunning and invalidating the people that suffer from it. It’s saying that treatment options should not immediately jump to hormones and reassignment surgery, let alone smashing cultural institutions and mores for the sake of making those people feel comfortable. We don’t rearrange reality to fit a schizophrenic person’s paranoia, we treat that person until they get better and can function in the world.
The statistics on suicide have been debunked. And children are a separate, albeit controversial, issue. I don’t think children should receive hormonal or surgical interventions. Almost everything science knows about gender dysphoria is based on studies of people with adult brains. At the current level of technology, psychiatry doesn’t have a way to change the gender of someone’s brain. Not that treatment options should immediately jump to hormones and surgery. They need to be carefully considered. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be a successful course of treatment.
Do you have a link on that debunking, because I’ve never seen anything that contradicts the higher per capita rate among gender dysphorics.
The question is not whether people with gender dysphoria have a higher rate of suicide (which is difficult to measure due to comorbidity), but rather does transitioning increase that rate? It’s complicated, because it seems a factor is how well a person passes after they transition, but the short answer is that it doesn’t.
Shouldn’t the question be whether the treatment decreases the suicide rate?
Do you have a link to a decent article on how well transitioning works? I see a lot of people with various dogs in this fight making contradictory claims, so something, you know, scientific would be nice.
“Long-term follow-up of transsexual persons undergoing sex reassignment surgery: cohort study in Sweden.
The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 1.8-4.3) than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide (aHR 19.1; 95% CI 5.8-62.9). Sex-reassigned persons also had an increased risk for suicide attempts (aHR 4.9; 95% CI 2.9-8.5) and psychiatric inpatient care (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 2.0-3.9). Comparisons with controls matched on reassigned sex yielded similar results. Female-to-males, but not male-to-females, had a higher risk for criminal convictions than their respective birth sex controls.
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.”
Published 2011.
The comparison I’m looking for may not be available or valid. I’m looking for MTF transexual health status and outcomes post-transition compated to MTF transexual health status and outcomes for those who don’t transition. That study seems to look at MTF health status and outcomes post-transition compared to the general population.
Understood and I don’t know if that study exists. The study above I think is instructive in that whatever psychiatric distress the individual may or may not be in prior to the surgery; clearly that distress is not totally alleviated by getting the surgery. Whatever their improvement might be pre to post still does not get them back to baseline levels of mental health.
vicious media campaign against trans people
Must not be part of my cable package, because what I’m seeing is pretty much the opposite.
“We trans people stand accused of being the narcissistic consequence of gender theory and post-modernism…”
Okay, I can see your problem.
“…of being violent sexual abusers merely by existing…”
I can see the inherent prejudice there.
“…of being ugly or of having had too much plastic surgery, ‘mad, stupid or evil’. We have too much power and influence; we are a fanatical lobby of activists…”
I am listening.
“…we are funded by big pharmaceutical companies, the sex trade and rich consumers of pornography whom we are using our IT skills to blackmail.”
*sound of needle going off edge of record*
Sharma’s bad karma, or is anyone peer reviewing nanotechnology?
I have not read this, but it seems long and complex and I am linking it here with the hope of looking intelligent.
*admires Pie’s intelligence*
*admires Pie’s honesty*
Illegal Migrants vs. Refugees
Milo Yiannopoulos tour is all about hate speech, not free speech
Giving a troll attention only encourages them – did these people not know that?
But if you don’t expose them, their ideology will fester under the cover of darkness until it explodes into the light. Like how the KKK is once again a national menace with huge rallies in big cities.
*looks around, notes lack of white hoods*
Uniform change?
They don’t even bother hiding who they are anymore! It’s nothing but khaki pants and tiki torches from here to the horizon. They’re everywhere, like the Russians, you just have to know where to look.
extreme, irrational views – meh he was a troll but never that extreme and irrational to be honest.
Citations needed. Maybe I’m just not familiar enough with him, but I haven’t seen actual quotations backing this up.
I mean I guess he did say birth control makes women unattractive
I thought the citation needed would be about the journalists who had earned respect.
That too.
He does randomly rant about how ugly fat women are way too much in that sassy gay way, I’ve never even heard him mention Amerindians though, sounds like they’re ticking off their boxes.
Also hate speech is not a thing goes without saying but I think it is superfluous round these parts
He claims to be a libertarian, but is merely a public bully and fool
I think we just got a compliment.
We got to take it where we can get it. (Story of my Life IYKWIM)
Well, that’s where I relegated the article to ‘bullshit’.
Milo has said on numerous occasions that he’s not a libertarian, but a conservative, Which, in the UK context, he pretty much seems to be when he moves outside his standard immigration/SJW/free speech/anti-feminism domain.
He has repeatedly said that HE was involved in homosexual relationships as a minor, but that he doesn’t believe he was substantially harmed by it.
Tirades? That’d depend on whether a tirade necessarily has to be unhinged and irrational. Whenever I’ve seen him lay into one of those groups, I’d say it was spirited polemic, Potato/Potatoe.
“Milo Yiannopoulos tour is all about hate speech, not free speech”
They’re the same thing!
Exactly. I always wonder whether the people pushing to ban hate speech realize that such laws would be a useful tool for oppression, as literally anything can be classified as “hate” and then censored. Maybe they do, and maybe that’s the point. Hate speech laws are just the latest incarnation of anti-blasphemy and lese majesty laws; the rationalization and the effect are the same.
I always wonder whether the people pushing to ban hate speech realize that such laws would be a useful tool for oppression,
They don’t just realize it, they are counting on it.
As long as you’re the one that gets to define what is hate.
There’s no way that could blow back on them.
“He has reportedly suggested that it is fine for adults to have sex with children”
Is this what is called ‘burying the lede’ ?
That’s some fine reporting right there. I don’t suppose there’s an actual quote they could have used.
They could do a selective edit with lots of ellipses and no context on at least two interviews he gave before last year. It would be a pretty obvious smear job, but hey, they know it works. They’ve had plenty of practice.
That would require the EFF-Word – “EFFort.”
What he said is that when he was 14 he consented to have relations with a priest and that this did not harm him. He has also said he does not condone adults having relations with children. That’s why they can’t say anything more concrete than “reportedly suggested”.
Milo Yiannopoulos, a young British journalist whose extreme, irrational views and ego-laden speaking performances excite and incite neo-Nazis and misogynists, is a ridiculous fraud.
I’m going to ask the same question I always asked Robby when the topic of Milo Yiannopoulos came up at TOS – what exactly has Milo Yiannopoulos that’s so outrageous or utterly offensive? I keep hearing people talk as if he’s Satan’s less reserved cousin or something. I keep hearing that all decent people of goodwill hate him as a matter of principle. Yet, I’ve never heard exactly what it is that I’m supposed to hate Milo Yiannopoulos for. I mean possibly there’s the comments on pederasty. But, those comments came after everyone already told me that he was the epitome of evil. And, honestly, what I saw of his comments didn’t seem really that far off of points many of Yiannopoulos’ critics have made a number of times.
Part of me is making a point. But, a part of me really doesn’t understand. For some reason this guy drives a certain type of person to distraction. I just don’t see why.
They get upset because he disagrees with them and is a snarky asshole about it. Among his unpardonable offenses was calling a raging harridan feminist “darling” to her face on TV.
Really, it is largely that petty.
If that really is it, then why the hell do ostensible libertarians go along with it? I mean, for all libertarians’ snark and bawdiness, they’re supposed to be the grown-ups in the room, the people who don’t get caught up in the Team Blue / Team Red mobs.
Don’t ask me, I’m a Conservative.
“Ostensible” is the key word there. The Cosmos hate him because he says unpleasant things from time to time about Muslims, particularly Muslim immigrants, and because he ridicules Progressivism and its adherents instead of showing them the respect you’d afford an equal who happened to hold a different opinion.
Back when I used to engage the simpletons on Facebook when they posted about politics, I asked a friend who made that claim. She linked to an article where M.Y. had written some allegedly shocking stuff about women. I read it, and he had…but the whole thing was an obviously tongue-in-cheek humor column.
That’s just it. I haven’t read all that much by the guy, but what I have read is pretty funny and sometimes fairly intelligently argued. Are there commentators out there I enjoy more? Sure. But, for some reason just the mention of the guy’s name seems to drive a lot of people to sputtering insanity.
Considering the pederasty comments were stripped of context (he was on Joe Rogan’s show, who isn’t exactly Peter Robinson), were made as the ostensible victim of the alleged statutory rape, and weren’t indicative of a platform on the subject (as far as I’ve ever heard), the outrage about them always seemed more convenient than sincere.
He’s a flamboyant homosexual who doesn’t tow the party lion. That’s all it is. He says nothing more offensive than Sarah Silverman, only she says it about the right people. He’s working for the enemy, so he must be destroyed.
He says nothing more offensive than Sarah Silverman
“You like to fuck babyheads? You like to fuck boys? He’s gonna fuck you in the ass, how do you like that?”
Tow the lion? Is this a thing?
I know it’s toe the line, but is tow the lion like a meme-thing?
tow the lion got dragged here from TOS.
Tow the lion is the one I always remember, but there are a few more.
I was expecting a narrowed gaze for that pun.
I repeat: i have no special love for MY. I don’t even *like* him very much.
But the way he’s attacked, and the way there is *never the slightest bit of evidence presented in those attacks* says far more about the attackers than the target.
He’s just a pinata for the left. They agreed that he’s an abomination, and he must be denounced. Denouncing him is a social-act that lefties perform in order to show solidarity.
Nothing terrifies them more than the idea that *youth* will stop being naive and left-leaning. And Milo has youth-appeal. (*insert pedo jokes)
Of course, there is not a single quote of anything MY has actually said in his piece.
and there are a few, wildly dishonest distortions.
re: Music
howabout some New Model Army
The guy in high school I would have considered our most likely candidate to be a school shooter (if we had worried about such things in the early ’90s) was an enormous New Model Army fan.
You know who else was a fan of the New Model Army?
Oliver Cromwell?
+1 itchy trigger.
Donald Rumsfeld?
It’s a crisp 12 degrees here (Fahrenheit you commies); I may actually have to break out my coat for the first time this year.
Low 50’s and raining here, expected to drop to the upper 20’s overnight. So a nice icy drive tomorrow morning.
55 this morning with a high of 75-80.
Its been weirdly overcast in Tucson for nearly a week now. Very strange.
That might mean snow up north…
At 8am it is 71 and my coworkers are griping about the cold front passing through. We will return to normal winter weather tomorrow.
Still going with the socks and sandals, though, right?
Why would I wear shoes?
the politics of envy, punitive taxation version
Importantly for federal tax policy, a tiny handful of super-successful pass-throughs account for the outsized share of profits taxed. Only 0.37 percent of S corporations, for instance, had gross receipts above $50 million in 2012, but according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, those companies accounted for 40 percent of all S-corp profits that year. The 0.27 percent of partnerships with more than $50 million in receipts accounted for 68.2 percent of all partnership income.
And the overwhelming majority of pass-through income goes to the top 1 percent — about 70 percent, per U Chicago economist Owen Zidar. That makes sense. Even if your business is small, you need to be reasonably successful and have some capital to get it going. Accountants, lawyers, doctors in private practice, and other people with partnership income typically have advanced degrees and earn well over the median, even if they consider themselves middle class. For hedge funds and truly huge closely held companies (like, say, Hobby Lobby), the incomes involved are even higher.
Hoarders! Fair share!
Sometimes I read these article that try to cite statistics and I’m completely un-phased. So they not understand how distributions and math work? 50 mil is a lot of money for what amounts to be a small business. Of course the few business that are that successful are going to represent a large share of the profits of the overall group.
And the overwhelming majority of pass-through income
goes tois earned by the top 1 percentFixed
Thank you. We can’t fix that enough. It drives new insane when people treat the economy and other people’s incomes as disbursements
I always tell people my fair share is ZERO. Usually stops them cold.
Why Women Wear High Heels: Evolution, Lumbar Curvature, and Attractiveness
I look forward to Qs links of women with impressive Lumbar Curvature,
Just for Pie.
You like your women curvy?
This. Displayed by most female mammals indicating sexual receptivity.
IIRC, not marsupials though.
Australians. Wierd.
Didelphis virginiana objects to being excluded.
I have a totally unscientific theory about this though.
Based on the contention that lordosis is a characteristic that demonstrates sexual receptivity, and the probability that it’s successful in higher primate sexualitys too, it leads me to the conclusion that the whole butt-augmentation fashion is merely an attempt to create the illusion of pronounced lordosis in women who, for various reasons, cannot develop a sufficiently lordotic(?) profile.
Hence, slim women with a relatively supple physique can fake it, or emphasize it with heels and carefully tailored clothing.
For fuller-figure/older women who lack the suppleness or are sufficiently
obesechunky that any lordosis would be lost, 10lb of silicone butt implant, or other appropriate methods to ‘put a shelf’ there seems to be entirely rational.The UK and the EU are going to Mr. Magoo their way into war.
“Sorry white people, but trying too hard not to be racist is low-key kind of racist”
When everything is racist, nothing is.
Just face it. If you’re white, you’re racist. Everything you do is racist, even trying not to be racist. BTW, check your white privilege!
“….And even though ending racism can seem like an impossible dream in a world where Nazis ”
The profound ignorance about Nazism is quite astonishing. To use it in this manner in a sentence *kinda* proves (to borrow her word in her facile and bigoted screed) she never word a single thing about its history. It’s just her using ‘history’ to make a pathetic point.
Willful ignorance is more apt.
People like this tend to want to teach, but never want to learn. They skip the student phase and assume that they have wisdom or knowledge to share from their short experiences. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the author is pretty young…. or very young. Like just out of college (maybe) 22 young.
Here’s one of those truths that makes you sad but is a truth nonetheless: racism will never end completely. The human mind uses inductive logic to draw conclusions about the world, and that method will frequently lead people to incorrect conclusions. And let’s not forget that some people just blame everyone and everything else for their problems (“Mexicans took my job!” or “I’m being held back by white people!”).
The race-baiting tactics of “progressives” have done more to perpetuate racial tensions than the KKK or American Nazi Party could dream of.
A society where authority figures use terms like “white privilege” and are rewarded for it is and will remain a racist society. If you want to end racism, stop being racist.
Well, if I am to be labeled as racist no matter what I do, then I really shouldn’t bother much about it, should I?
A lot of people have come to that realization, and that’s why all the “progressives” are screaming about some resurgence in racist views. It’s not that people have gotten more racist; people have just realized that the Left is going to call them racist as long as they disagree with their views, so they may as well not worry about it and speak their minds freely.
Economics For Simpletons.
“The so-called ‘rate parity’ approach would not actually achieve parity between pass-through businesses and C corporations,” Scott Greenberg, a senior analyst at the right-leaning Tax Foundation, writes. “Instead, it would put C corporations at a significant tax disadvantage and would move the tax code further away from neutrality between business forms.”
And more to the point, who cares if pass-throughs are taxed more than C-corps as a result of tax reform? Pass-throughs who feel mistreated have a simple fix available to them: They can become C-corps. This option is available to just about any pass-through company. The fact that pass-throughs don’t take this option is further evidence of what a great deal they’re already getting.
Pay no attention to the regulatory burden behind the curtain.
I like my C corp, but that’s cause I got screwed by my partner in the S corp.
Regulation has no effect on business that is just a right wing myth.
In fact regulation helps business by telling them what to do. Business owners have no idea how to run their business they need government help by qualified bureaucrats
How about that, Swiss Servator asking for OT links!
It’s a sign of the apocalypse! PANIC!!!!
It’s like having the cat butt look YOU in the eye.
Stare too long at the cat butt, and the cat butt can stare at you.
Steelers-Bengals was a gross exchange of headshots, and it was bad for football
I agree that seeing players get laid out and taken off of the field on boards is bad for football because of writers like this and their influence. But I can’t help but think that part of this has to do with the padding these players wear.
I recently watched a documentary about enforcers in hockey. There was a section on concussions and they mentioned that its not the fights that cause them — its the body checks. They talked about how the pads have gotten so good that the person that delivers the hit can barely feel it while the person that gets hit can feel all of it. This doesn’t seem right to me– if we want players to stop using their heads to injure other football players, then remove the padding. Make it hurt the person who delivers the hit just as much as it hurts the person who receives the hit. Incentives matter.
I once saw something about the helmets they use in football. They used to use leather ones, but when they switched to modern helmets the players started hitting with their heads.
Well, that’s the argument when it comes to rugby. Skull caps and head bands – that’s about it.
You only need to bash heads once or twice to realize that there must be a more effective and less painful way to tackle. having said that, I know a number of brain damaged rugby players, but then, they were that way before they became prop forwards.
They became props. QED.
*narrows gaze*
Props have their uses!
/Second Row
I always wondered how you guys get that funky smell outta your hair
/Loose head
I’ve written this before, but if you want to reduce injuries, you just need to get rid of any hard shell protective equipment in football.
Hockey is different because of the puck. I’d allow shin pads and something to hold a mask over my face.
As far as I know, there is no concussion epidemic in Rugby. I find that telling.
Epidemic? No.
But at the school and amateur level, there are quite bad injuries from time to time.
Not near American football levels.
Lots of minor stuff, and collar bones.
This is true for boxing as well. The gloves are there to protect the hands, not the other boxer. The big issue with those huge, poofy gloves is that they distribute force over a large area so you can unload massive punches onto someone’s hard-ass skull and not only will you not feel it, but because the impact is distributed over a large surface the other fighter won’t feel it as acutely. They’re still getting all that force, and their brain is still getting rattled around like a maraca, but the immediate, noticeable physical damage is less. Compare it to an MMA fight; people don’t typically unload heavy crosses against somebody’s dome over and over again without the guy bleeding like a stuck pig and/or dropping like a rock, ending the fight. People get wrecked in MMA, for sure, but it’s cauliflower ears and sunken knuckles, dislocations now and again, bruises, and a lot of superficial bleeding. Black eyes, stuff like that. MMA refs would stop most heavyweight boxing matches by the fourth round, just based on the blood.
The thing is, though, that it’s not the concussions that cause CTE. It’s the constant subconcussive pounding, the shots they take over and over again that don’t cause concussions.
I’d be amenable to banning the three point stance for that reason.
Still trying too hard.
She looks like about a billion other chicks on this planet. Meh.
Her name is also White White — are we sure she’s not a Nazi?
“protects her modesty”?
Someone needs to look up “modesty”, because none of those photos reveal the least bit of her having any.
“‘She never said no to anything we did together’: The Voice singer Melanie Martinez responds after being accused of ‘raping’ her best female friend with a sex toy at a sleepover”
Ah, the Daily Fail. My guilty pleasure.
So that’s what happens at those sleepovers…
‘She never said no to anything we did together’:
Ahh but did she say yes?
.. and did she re-iterate consent every 8 seconds?
Depends, was the frequency of the dildo thrusts greater than, or less than 8 Hz?
*raises finger to make pedantic point*
.125 Hz.
I am willing to go there.
You guys suck.
Dude, you don’t want to end up like this guy.
“You guys suck.”
They’re just trying to keep you from getting injured.
I’ll tell you this, though. I’d have a sleepover with Abigail Breslin despite the almost guaranteed jail time.
Little Miss Sunshine? You monster.
“Hateful day when I received life!’ I exclaimed in agony. ‘Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemlance. Satan had his companions, fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and abhorred.”
What the hell is that thing?
In the article it says she said “no” for two nights straight, yet remained in the same bed for both nights. This wasn’t some Michael Jackson thing where it was an adult and a child, these were two peers and there was no physical force involved. Just a lot of begging. I’m not buying it.
A real reporter would asked how many orgasms she had!
That’s what we need here, a real reporter!
I can’t tell when its a typo, and when its just “hey man, 2017”
Heh, same here. Ten years ago I’d have assumed that was a typo. Now, who knows?
“Los Angeles Police Department told Sun Online they had launched an “open investigation” into the convicted child rapist – who has been accused of sexually abusing a string of women and children. It comes after Sun Online revealed seven new accusers had spoken out about how Polanski, 84, had allegedly raped or sexually assaulted them – many of them as children. They included California artist Marianne Barnard who bravely spoke to Sun Online and accused Polanski of molesting her on a beach in Malibu when she was just ten years old. She said she had reported the alleged crime to LAPD’s Robbery-Homicide Division in October. Marianne Barnard, pictured aged ten, says she was sexually abused by Roman Polanski shortly before this photo was taken. Last month, Mallory Millett, 78, also accused Polanski of attempting to rape her twice in 1970. The former actress broke her silence after more than 40 years saying he is a “predator” who must pay for his crimes. And five anonymous women alleged they had been sexually abused by Polanski via Imetpolanski.com, a website set up by women’s rights organisation Real Women Real Stories where victims can share their stories. The women, currently named only as “Jane Does”, were aged between nine and 16 when the alleged assaults took place between 1969 and 1976.”
Regardless whether they are true or not, how can anyone investigate claims that are that old?
The accuser’s grandparents assiduously collected semen samples, which they preserved in a cryogenic vault, a new technology in 1970.
They were doing rape kits then, right? Presumably if they’ve still got the test results from those they’d be able to compare that data to results from current tests from Polanski. I don’t know what the statute of limitations is on sexual assault, though. I’d assume even if it hasn’t come up you’d have a hell of a time getting enough reliable evidence together to convict Polanksi of anything, even if he did show up in court.
You can’t. But I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the dude who drugged and sodomized a teenage girl, for which he was convicted in a court of law, has other victims bouncing around out there.
There’s not a whole lot of evidence left.
The main source of their credibility is his existing conviction for sodomizing a 13 year old in the same time frame.
Not rape-rape, though, I take it?
Regardless whether they are true or not, how can anyone investigate claims that are that old?
You can’t, which is part of the reason we have statute of limitations laws. Looks like the limitations in California amount to 6 years, although this has been greatly extended for recent crimes (a troubling trend that appears to be occurring in many states).
Return of the Concorde?
“‘Let Them Fight, It Will Make It Easier to Declare An Unlawful Assembly’: C-ville Police Chief Ordered Stand Down
According to a bombshell new 220-page report, Charlottesville police chief Al Thomas ordered police to stand down at the “Unite the Right” rally in August because he said it would “make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.”
Upon witnessing the first signs of open violence, Police Chief Al Thomas said “Let them fight, it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly’,” according to his personal assistant’s account to investigators. Thomas didn’t recall making that statement but did concede he wanted to wait to see how things played out. “Regardless of what he said, Chief Thomas’ slow-footed response to violence put the safety of all at risk and created indelible images of this chaotic event,” the report states.”
And what exactly will happen to Chief Thomas? Will he be prosecuted for anything? Sued ((as everyone knows a private entity would)?? Will he even be fired?
not just his personal assistant, in case there’s any pushback on that. also another Captain heard him make that statement. from the report:
Captain Lewis and Chief Thomas’ personal assistant Emily Lantz both told us
that upon the first signs of open violence on Market Street, Chief Thomas said “let them
fight, it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.”
As I noted yesterday, antifa and the Charlottesville PD had shared methods and goals – to use violence to shut down the alt-right demonstration. Antifa wanted to just beat them into submission, and the Charlottesville PD wanted violence so they could declare an unlawful assembly. But the goal and the methods were the same.
The Charlottesville PD should be looking at a massive civil rights case right now.
I’m pissed. I typed a much more thoughtful, balanced comment and then the internet swallowed it.
CNBC – ugh. What not to say.
Concorde wasn’t doomed. It was just a huge boondoggle that cost British and French taxpayers a fuckton of money to design, build and operate. The justification was national prestige and preserving jobs. As a technology, it worked, and was pretty reliable, but the airframes were getting old, they were expensive to maintain, and the economics never worked.
Oh, yeah, and just like any other vehicle, it was prone to damage when something large and hard got into the air intake.
BOOM? Exactly the same. Whoever’s running this project is just a pale imitation of that master rent-seeker, Elon Musk.
He’d build a hyperloop on the seafloor from LA to Tokyo.
“large and hard got into the air intake”
On a Friday night last month, I moderated a debate in Manhattan about whether we should scrap capitalism. It was organized by the socialist magazine Jacobin; defending capitalism were editors from the libertarian publication Reason. Tickets for all available 450 seats sold out in a day. So Jacobin moved it to a venue that holds around twice as many. The extra tickets sold out in eight hours.
After the fall of Communism, capitalism came to seem like the modern world’s natural state, like the absence of ideology rather than an ideology itself. The Trump era is radicalizing because it makes the rotten morality behind our inequalities so manifest. It’s not just the occult magic of the market that’s enriching Ivanka Trump’s children while health insurance premiums soar and public school budgets wither. It’s the raw exercise of power by a tiny unaccountable minority that believes in its own superiority. You don’t have to want to abolish capitalism to understand why the prospect is tempting to a generation that’s being robbed.
She’s completely unbiased and professional, so I’m sure she did an excellent job in that role. We’ll never know, because there is not a single word about the “debate” in question. I can only assume it was a total victory for the forces of righteousness and firness. With any luck, reason was represented by ENB and Soave.
Yes, I’m sure if we just replaced them with a different unaccountable minority who believe in their own superiority, everything would work out just fine! It will be Different This Time™!
Wow. The projection is so blatant that the mind boggles that they don’t see it themselves.
You Know Who Else engaged in the raw exercise of power, etc.?
Nikolai Tesla?
A minority of one, who undoubtedly believed (because its true) in his own superiority?
Without Nicky T, we wouldn’t have the concept of Mark Twain marketing Death Rays.
Emperor Palpatine?
And whose fault is that? Damned liars and idiots.
Millennials like owning things, and presumably, enjoy the fruits of their labor as they graduate and begin moving up professionally. That’s the rubber and road problem for commies: millennials may have many half-baked ideas of what capitalism means based on their Marxist lecturers’ harangues, and no doubt in their minds “capitalism” is inextricably tied up in the dog’s breakfast of various identity-based grievances, but reality inevitably intrudes in the form of paychecks and bonuses and mortgages and children and insurance premiums. They won’t stay woke children forever.
That’s why I always chuckle when I hear Lefties gloat that “young people prefer socialism” as if that means they’ll be socialists forever.
And I hear some estimates that this generation is actually trending slightly more conservative, and I don’t see what could happen that would turn a conservative teenager into a “progressive” adult.
“If you’re not a liberal when you’re twenty, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re fifity, you have no brain” – Attributed to Winston Churchill.
The cheeky bastard: he articulated an aphorism that conveniently justified his own behavior.
You beat me to the punch this time but then I’m sitting in a parking lot pecking this out on a damned ipad
It’s like when my son’s 9 year old friend told me he wished he could have voted for Bernie Sanders. I looked directly at his dad and said, “Well, I can see why Bernie Sanders’ policies would appeal to a 9 year old child.”
They are doing their best to delay the inevitable. Right now they can stay in mom’s basement and have everything paid for until they’re 25.
Or if they’re in one of those European countries with
freetaxpayer-funded college, they can just stay in college forever.I think it was The Jacket & KMW.
KMW was strong, but Nick’s closing statement could have been better.
“Look guys, communism isn’t ‘cool’. And if I know anything, it’s about being ‘cool’. I wear a leather jacket for God’s sake. (Fonzi thumbs up) Ayeeee.”
Nick, quietly, to jacket: “I don’t want to the the Fonzi thing anymore. It’s just not relevant anymore.”
Jacket: *unintelligible Old God gibberish*
The Jacket really needs to make a guest appearance on Hat and Hair.
I’m afraid the Jacket would end up like a hiker in a STEVE SMITH wet-dream.
Those withering school budgets sure are something. Today we’re only spending 1/4 per student compared to when I was born! Oh no wait, it’s 4X that amount. Sorry.
Yeah I did a double take at that.
These people are openly lying, they’re not even doing their usual sneaky bait and switch misleading statistics bullshit.
….in the movie Trumbo asks his daughter: “Let’s say you go to school and you have two sandwiches, but a subversive at lunch couldn’t get any bread due to the shortages. What would you do?” His daughter answered: “Blame the subversive for the bread shortage and then antagonize the other students to kill him?” Trumbo continued: “And your two sandwiches? What would you do with them?” His daughter though before answering: “Eat one of the sandwiches and then share the other sandwich with my comrades. Then stealing all the sandwiches of the other children and distribute them to my cronies in order to guarantee their allegiance?” Trumbo choked-up before he finished: “You may be a communist. Go forth and murder. But, remember to always couch your murder and plunder in some metaphysical nonsense about a grand utopia that just needs a few more people to die in order for it to be achieved.”
They couldn’t correctly plan the venue size and take a cue from the market, but they can plan an economy.
“… and had to take a cue…”
And Reason went along with having this woman as the moderator? At a certain point you have to ask, are they even trying?
Something about a Moment™?
So, the anticapitalists changed the venue to provide increased supply of seats, in order to meet demand.
the occult magic of the market
Ah, yes. Magic. Every day I walk into the grocery store, filled aisle-to-aisle with all manner of food from across the world, and think to myself, if only we didn’t depend so much on magic!
Whereas, when Comrade Great Leader decrees that a thing be done, there is no magic involved. He is, after all, a farmer, miller, brewer, manufacturer, distributor, and all other things that an economy needs. He has single-handedly overcome the division of labor and the information problem. What greatness it is that we have done away with the inscrutable magic of the market and replaced it with the rational belief that a single man, or party of men, can direct from on high the functioning of the entire economy.
Well, if I am to be labeled as racist no matter what I do, then I really shouldn’t bother much about it, should I?
You misspelled “rapist”.
A racist rapist?
This is a “NYT pick” comment on that Michelle Goldberg excrescence:
Rick Gage Mt Dora 11 hours ago
In the movie Trumbo, the famous author and screenwriter is asked by his daughter, who is being teased at school for her fathers beliefs, if she is a Communist. He responds with the question “What would you do if you went to school with two sandwiches and you saw a classmate that didn’t have anything to eat?” The daughter responds that she would share her lunch. Dalton looks at his daughter lovingly and says “I’m afraid, my dear, that you might be a Communist.”. All “isms” need a restraining counterbalance or we would not have a civilization. We would be caught in an endless Darwinian battle for not only comforts but supremacy. Capitalism worked beautifully when CEO’s made 24 times what the average worker made and the tax policy encouraged the rich to help their fellow citizens through philanthropy and progressive taxation. One felt a part of a whole when Democracy helped curb the natural avarice of the common sociopath. The reason Millennials feel differently today then you or I did in earlier times is because Citizens United has changed the calculation so that the average citizen is no longer equal to those with great wealth. Our vote, our voice and our representation have been diminished to the point of irrelevancy. Capitalism didn’t fail us, Democracy has.
What a touching, heartwarming anecdote. A little girl, who shares her lunch with the less fortunate. Now, let’s imagine how the real commies operate. The Ministry of Plenty surveys the lunch room, and finds a little girl with two sammiches. They take one of her sammiches and split it between her and another child, who is their friend. They then take the other sammich and divide it amongst themselves. The next day, when the little girl brings only one sandwich, they beat her.
The whole premise of communism is that things are shared under threat of violence. These people equate personal charity with mob enforcement of the same.
Yep, that’s why the candidate who spends more money always wins! That’s why Trump beat Hillary; because he spent more mon- oh wait…
Exactly. The moneyed interests lost the last election, and this is somehow proof that they control society. I guess if you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one.
Not to mention the Jeb! campaign.
I know that when I think about Communism, my first thought is “a system in which starvation is effectively dealt with”.
*golf clap*
If only they were that merciful.
Fucking disgusting.
It’s horrible that that empire existed for so long… I’m sure many of the torturers had lucrative careers and retired fat and happy, never having to face justice.
Makes me sick
And school history books just gloss right over it (if they mention it at all).
Meanwhile holding the US up as the needless aggressor and antagonizer for attempting to contain the noble if occasionally misguided efforts of the Soviet Union.
I do think it’s fair to criticize the US for some of its more egregious actions. And to raise questions about military involvement in some places.
For sure, but don’t let’s pretend that the United States is unilateral in its aggression, or that no other country would step into a hegemonic role if we abdicated it. It’s one thing I hate about blanket critics of America, the supposition that we are uniquely hostile and adventurous in our foreign policy. There’s heaps of criticism that can and should be made without resort to fantasy and xenophilia.
Totally agree. When I teach World Civ., my students get a healthy diet of communist atrocities & aggressions.
Well, they take all the sandwiches into a room, close the door, and tell the children to wait. Two hours later, after eating half of the sandwiches, they tell the children to line up and distribute the remaining sandwiches equally.
Daulton Trumbo admired Stalin. Fuck him.
It’s frustrating that it’s so acceptable (and even vogue in some circles) to express a lot of sympathy towards communism, which was just as bad as Nazism if not worse. Edgy teenagers walk around with Che Guevara shirts, but what if they had Heinrich Himmler shirts? People say that communism was a good idea that could still work if implemented properly, but what if they said the same thing about Nazism?
I’d love to see the day when communists are refused service at restaurants, have trouble finding web hosting, get hauled into HR for voicing their violent beliefs at work, and get booed and jeered if they march in public with their insignia.
….in the movie Trumbo asks his daughter: “Let’s say you go to school and you have two sandwiches, but a subversive at lunch couldn’t get any bread due to the shortages. What would you do?” His daughter answered: “Blame the subversive for the bread shortage and then antagonize the other students to kill him?” Trumbo continued: “And your two sandwiches? What would you do with them?” His daughter thought before answering: “Eat one of the sandwiches and then share the other sandwich with my comrades. Then steal all the sandwiches of the other children and distribute them to my cronies in order to guarantee their allegiance?” Trumbo choked-up before he finished: “You may be a communist. Remember to always couch your murder and plunder in some metaphysical nonsense about a grand utopia that just needs a few more people to die in order for it to be achieved.”
One felt a part of a whole when Democracy helped curb the natural avarice of the common sociopath. The reason Millennials feel differently today then you or I did in earlier times is because Citizens United has changed the calculation so that the average citizen is no longer equal to those with great wealth.
Yup. Exactly right.
“One felt part of the whole”
No. Fuck off and leave me alone you stupid herd animal.
Just reading that makes me want to punch that motherfucker in the mouth
sounds legit
Yeah, the good old days back when the peasants felt equal to Vanderbilt and the other railroad tycoons.
I actually went deer hunting with one of the Vanderbilt’s. Pretty normal, average guy. I didn’t realize who he was until afterwards. The other guys just introduced him as ‘Jim’.
deer hunting – euphemism for …?
The richest dudes I know don’t look or act like it. Normal guys, kind of.
Yeah, the richest guys I’ve known just wanted to be one of the guys. They didn’t want to be thought of otherwise, and I think I understand why, it could get sort of lonely.
Yeah. Imagine trying to find a woman for a serious relationship if everyone knew you were loaded
Well, that’s not exactly what I meant. I’m sure being loaded would help finding romance, you just have to weed out all the gold diggers.
For an example of what I was talking about. I knew a guy, business owner, probably the richest guy I’ve even personally known. He apparently found his millionaire friends boring. His wife was a pretty cute gilf, but she was a total lush, I could imagine her passed out drunk every day by 6pm. So the guy joins a local bike club.
One day I was doing some work for the guy and my desk was right outside his office. This big guy with a long grey beard, bandana on his head, and a motorcycle club jacket, walks into his office and says, quite loudly ‘Hey, I thought you were going out drinking with us last night, you fucking pussy!?’, lol. So he says ‘Oh, I was going, I had to…’, so the biker guy says ‘We’re kicking you out of the club, you damn pussy!’. So the guy says ‘No, don’t, I’ll take everyone out tonight and I’m paying for all the drink!’. Poor guy.
Fuck off and leave me alone you stupid herd animal.
Just reading that makes me want to punch that motherfucker in the mouth
Toxic individualism!
Another gem:
t’s Just Me Meanwhile…In the USA… 14 hours ago
I am 20 years old and I would gladly move to a country like Germany, Sweden, or the United Kingdom where they actually care for the average citizen. I don’t mind paying upwards of 90% of my income to pay for government services, including healthcare and public assistance. I have been to Germany and I have noticed German citizens are happier and healthier than American citizens. Yesterday, I helped my 62 year old uncle apply for Social Security disability, a program I will most likely not receive when I am his age if I continue to live here in the U.S. Capitalism and economic short-sightedness has failed my generation. This country is increasingly a country I do not recognize and I will have to move another country where they actually care for its citizenry in the future.
And yet, you remain. Why is that?
Run along, now, we don’t want you to miss your train.
If Germany or Sweden cared for its citizens, they wouldn’t be prosecuting those who objected to the hordes of rapefugees being invited in.
If I get my pick of the litter, it’s Switzerland. Like the (other) Marx, I wouldn’t want to belong to any country that would have me.
Working with a company based in Switzerland. They don’t cotton to outsiders much, so you’d probably feel a little lonely.
I have noticed German citizens are happier and healthier than American citizens. – this is science. I am convinced
In Berlin at least, I would say that their diet is better and most people walk everywhere. Therefore Germans are not as obese as Americans. If it’s true they are really healthier, that might be why. And if they’re happier it’s because they drink all the fucking time. But it definitely has nothing to do with paying an obscene amount of taxes or anything government, period.
I’m always skeptical of “happiness” rankings to begin with. How could you possibly quantify that? Can you come up with a number for how happy you are and compare it to other periods in your life? And what if you’re happy in some ways but not others? It gets even more mind-boggling when you try to compare these arbitrary happiness quotients between different people.
And even if you put all these questions aside, how could you expect to get any consistent data when you’re asking the happiness questions to people who speak different languages and have different cultural concepts of happiness?
Social “Science”.
Well, the way that online magazines clarify it is things like the amount of government benefits and social justice. And typically the amount of whiteness, because the countries that always get high rankings are Nordic countries that are 99% white. So:
government benefits+social justice+white == happiness.
My advice for OP, STFU and don’t let the door hit you in the ass. I mean really, if someone is going to go on like that they need to just do it. My daughter-in-law moved to Germany and has been working there for several years. So if she can do it, why can’t this bigmouth buffoon? But I have heard plenty of people talk exactly like that. Funny that not a single one of them have left or even made any effort to do so.
Well that’s it, guys. He’s proven once and for all that a welfare state is superior to free markets. Case closed. Rock solid evidence right there. Might as well shut down the site and register as Democrats!
A lot of progs go on like that all of the time. Oh, Europe is sooo wonderful! Everyone is so happy! Yet I can’t find a single one of them who’s ever made any effort to move to Europe, which would probably be fairly easy for any American who would just travel there and look for a job.
I mean except for the finding a job part. They could always fly to Syrian and float over there pretending to be a refugee. That could work.
I have noticed that employed, productive people are happier and healthier than activists. I recommend activists stop agitating and get real jobs.
Yeah then they could shop at Wholefoods, buy a Prius, and be smug self-righteous douche. At least then they won’t be able to spend as much time whining.
I spent 3 days at Oktoberfest, and I have noticed German citizens are happier and healthier than American citizens.
“I,m 20 years old…”
By all means, impart your wisdom
I would gladly move to a country like Germany, Sweden, or the United Kingdom where they actually care for the average citizen
No problem. Identify as a Syrian refugee, and bingo bango, there you are, on the dole and everything.
How pathetic is it that this person’s goal in life is apparently to be a welfare recipient?
Every Socialist, Communist and the ilk has a lifelong desire to live off the fruit of other peoples’ labor or to be a dictator.
It’s essentially envy of Royalty, metastasized.
Every Socialist, Communist and the ilk has a lifelong desire to live off the fruit of other peoples’ labor or to be a dictator.
That’s a mere difference of scale, not of kind.
That was the supporting evidence for the conclusion.
The dude actually comes out and bemoans the fact that he will likely never be on disability.
Happiness index: Germany #16, USA #13
‘Average health’ is a nearly impossible measure. And no one really does it properly. We spend enormous sums of money on things others don’t even try; particularly end-of-life care. It produces wild distortions in cost-per-unit-of-health. Life expectancy data is mostly meaningless.
better is just to look at prevalence of a variety of single-point conditions: like cancer rates, heart disease rates, obesity, etc.
On many of these, Germany and the US are basically indistinguishable. We stand out in a few areas: more AIDS. We’re fatter. We have more respiratory illness. (*but strangely, they smoke 40% more than us) They have 2x as much tuberculosis(?).
Overally, its sort of a statistical wash; we have differences, but they’re easily explained by qualitative differences in populations. The main thing that’s irritating is that the US spends 2X more on health.
He’s been to Germany for two weeks, so he’s totally qualified to say that they are happier and healthier.
I went ahead and filed for unemployment. If you recall, I was hesitant to do it earlier, since I had a job offer and start date, and the same company would be hiring me as the job I was laid off from.
But fuckit. I was supposed to start yesterday, but I’m sitting here waiting for some HR person in Armonk to give the final approval. The customer is pissed, the sub that will be paying me is pissed, and I’m pissed.
when I read this I thought Armonk was a made up place use as a placeholder but apparently not.
Anyway moocher
Nope, not made up. World HQ of an Immense Bureaucratic Megalith.
from urban dictionary
a wealthy town full of jews, italians and albanians – but everyone thinks they are black. Full of dirty money, hot moms, european cars, nugget, teachers that bang students, fake tits, coke, and a lot of pills.
sounds legit
I am in the wrong line of everything.
And now I’m pissed.
in the british sense of the word? Isn’t that a bit early for you muricans?
Christ, I wish.
Riot Juice!
When I went on the dole (worst two months of my life), I didn’t receive my first check for something like three weeks while the UE administrators mailed my former boss and waited for a response.
I’m sure I won’t get paid til well after I start my new job, but at least I’ll have the cash, even if it’s later than expected. I’m still sweating it out about my ski trip, and whether I should cancel. The final balance on the condo rental is due Jan 2.
Hey, you paid into it, your employers paid into it, and you’ll both pay into it again. It’s there to be used for situations like this.
Exactly. There is nothing hypocritical about using a system that you are forced to pay into
Walter Block agrees.
Bob Murphy on the other hand…
They finally gave me a date! Dec 11. They say they will send me logistical info later today.
Who do you think you are, Ayn Rand?
when implicit bias tests did not work something new and exciting
Relating pattern deviancy aversion to stigma and prejudice
OCD people are totes racist
that implicit bias test is hilarious. the overwhelming majority of takers from northeast lefty academia are racist as shit. just more fuel for their projection i suppose.
I remember a “study” that was posted by a commenter on The Old Site that sounds very similar. It had shapes that were “deviant” in some way – gapped, misshapen, or chipped – and the study purported to show that people with “conservative” views were more likely to be intolerant of deviance.
Someone pointed out that it’s not really irrational at all to consider one of those shapes to be defective since they actually are. If you were assembling something and the blueprint called for a round piece and you put in a misshapen one, you wouldn’t be tolerant, you’d just be stupider than a box of rocks.
The authors of that “study” seemed to be comparing minorities to abstract shapes with actual defects. Isn’t THAT pretty racist?? I don’t think race is a defect, I think it’s a superficial detail. These eggheads in academia apparently don’t agree with me.
…you wouldn’t be tolerant, you’d just be stupider than a box of rocks
The progressives seem to be on a mission to redefine the former as the latter. Unless you submit in utter obsequiousness to their whim, you are intolerant.
Exactly. If I’m assembling a gun, I want very narrow tolerances because I need all the component parts to fit as expected in order for the whole thing to work correctly. If I embrace diversity, I’ll wind up with a gun that doesn’t shoot.
If I’m assembling a team of people, or a group of friends (which is a weird concept, but fuck it), then diversity is a strength because it tends to make the group more adaptable, or in the case of a social group it’s definitely more interesting. However, diversity in this case doesn’t mean different skin color, it means people who have different personality traits, different skill sets, etc. Because just grabbing people who have different skin color and expecting a cross-section of humanity is like getting a bunch of people with different colored ballcaps and expecting a rich spectrum of human behavior.
Also, you only have to tolerate things you don’t like. If you’re tolerating difference, it’s because those differences bother you. Maybe if you constantly advocate for the tolerance of diversity you’re the one who has a problem with it.
However, diversity in this case doesn’t mean different skin color, it means people who have different personality traits, different skill sets, etc.
And, its only a strength if their divergent skill sets, etc. are actually relevant to the task or goal at hand. If I am putting on a play, a drama queen may be just the ticket. If I am staffing a remote location with long tours of duty, a drama queen is exactly what I don’t want.
The progs and media are going crazy again because apparently the mule faced one is going after Trump’s bank records at Deutsche bank. Because billionaires doing business with banks is apparently illegal now. I think these guys have nothing, have never had nothing and now they’ve abandoned anything Russia and are trying to find something financial with Trump. Isn’t that sort of shady? I mean, not that I every doubted it, but it’s starting to become blatantly obvious that this is nothing more than a Democrat ran operation to fuck with Trump.
I wouldn’t use the word shady. It’s straight up banana republic bullshit
This has to come to an end
Yeah, they are way off course here, they’re trying to pin something financial on Trump that has nothing to do with Russian election interference. They’ve wasted millions of tax payer dollars and for what? Some tax evasion on Manafort and Flynn lied to the FBI? Time for the Republicans to shut this down and investigate Hillary.
Meanwhile, isn’t someone still working on that “Trump dossier” business, that the DNC paid for and the FBI tried to pay for but still used? I think that might go somewhere.
This is so far outside their commission to investigate shenanigans during the campaign that I just can’t even . . . .
BTW, since there was discussion about the report on Charlottesville earlier……Charlottesville used to have a competent police chief, Tim Longo. He was widely lauded for how his department handled the Hannah Graham disappearance and murder, for example. He got sick and tired of dealing with the screaming leftists on the city council and resigned. Then this bumbling jackass Al Thomas was hired because he shares the politics of the city council. That went swimmingly, didn’t it?
“Yes.” –Charlottesville protesters
It’s a good thing that everyone spent the following week exclaiming about how much they hate Nazis, instead of placing the blame on the government for purposely orchestrating the chaos (which the ACLU alleged from the outset). We all learned a valuable lesson: most people are beyond stupid
“ACLU alleged from the outset”
i was not aware of that.
Remember that fucking kid I was talking about a few weeks ago that was blasting music–all night long–and refused to turn it down?
A bunch of crips came to his parents’ house looking for him. Either that or there’ll all into blue bandannas for some other reason. This was about a week and a half ago. They didn’t want to take “he’s not here” for an answer. Crips aren’t a typical sight in this neighborhood. The kid’s a spoiled brat wannabe. Somebody called the cops about the crips forcing their way in, and it turns out the cops were looking for him, too. They found the kid inside, with a bunch of “commerce” apparently. I’m guessing that’s probably why the crips were looking for him, too.
None of this had anything to do with me. The only time I called the cops was because the kid was blaring music at 2:30 am, on a weekday night, so loud it was rattling my windows, and when I went over and asked him to turn it down, he refused. I called the cops alright–but they never showed up.
So, anyway, over the past week and a half, someone kept breaking into their place and ransacking it. They’d smash a window, come through looking for whatever, and tear the place apart. This happened three times. After repairing the windows only to have them smashed all over again, I figured the whole family split. A moving van showed up, emptied the house, and all their cars and the kid’s motorcycles were gone. So I guess they got smart and split, right?
Night before last, I hear some yelling outside, like it’s the police. Sure enough, they found the kid inside the abandoned house. He’s somewhere between 19 and 23. Looks like he made bail somehow, committed another crime, or violated parole, and his family bailed on him. The cops just came to get him on a warrant. Talk about a shitty situation, what if the only place you had to hide was the place the crips kept breaking into to find you–even after your parents had moved away? I doubt the kid will be safe in jail, but he wasn’t safe outside either.
Excons tend to be especially considerate of other people’s space. It comes from sharing a two person cell with four people and needing to take a shit every once in a while. Inconsiderate behavior is punished severely. I can’t but think that the common strain in all the people he’s pissed off: me, the crips, his parents, et. al., have to do with the kid being unable to see things from someone else’s perspective. He’s fucking inconsiderate to the point that he can’t see things from other people’s perspective even when his life depends on it. Hope he learns something in prison.
Was seriously worried the next sentence would involve either crips or police mistakenly busting down your door. I’m not sure which would worry me more.
Of course it would be worse if it’s the cops because the crips you can shoot.
Geez Ken, you need to move to a better neighborhood
It’s not that bad.
I split time between three cities now. I’ve stayed in much worse neighborhoods.
Vegas is especially weird. It was heavily segregated before the housing crisis, but became remarkably integrated afterwards.
My brother lived in a neighborhood that was lily white. All new houses that went for $450,000 or so circa 2006. By 2008, the neighborhood was infested with Bloods. At one point, the banks and the landlords just didn’t give a shit about who they were renting to, and that happened pretty much everywhere outside of a few relatively exclusive neighborhoods.
It was like going to the grocery store in Redondo Beach after the riots. After the riots, the groceries in the black community just a few miles away either burned down or refused to open for fear of being looted. I go to the grocery and what used to look like Mayberry suddenly looked . . . remarkably diverse.
Anyway, before the housing crash in Vegas, racism probably played a big role in the willingness of people to rent houses and the willingness of people to rent to minorities. Looks like the economic cycle and market forces integrated these neighborhoods like the 14th Amendment or the CRA never could. Integration is a good thing, but all those problems they used to just have on MLK Blvd. aren’t just confined to MLK Blvd. anymore.
Sounds like Ken is one of those evil gentrifiers I’ve heard so much about.
kind of a sad story, eh? going back to his old house. i bet the nostalgia was palpable.
blood’s thick but if you piss on it enough it’ll thin.
Tase the Season.
I hope this guy has trustworthy people to guide his future. I see big $$ on a book/movie deal.
He pulled through? I heard it was a bit uncertain if he was going to make it.
So far he’s still alive
Remember that fucking kid I was talking about a few weeks ago
I’m just glad the story does not involve gunfire.
Well, gang, looks like we’re going to get fucked by the Senate Repubs on gun control. They graciously allowed the Dems to salt the reciprocity bill with an expansion of NICS disqualifiers. Apparently, the plan was to get this through the Senate, and then strip out reciprocity in conference. The pro-gun folks seem to be on them, though.
My prediction: the gutless Dem wannabes in the Senate refuse to drop the NICS expansion, and the House refuses to drop the reciprocity, and the bill dies in conference.
Disappointing, but not totally unexpected. It won’t go anywhere.
It’s a fucking joke, as usual.
At least Massie is onto them.
Massie is awesome!
Please note the final comment, which I credit as true:
of course they do. they’ll probably also support an amendment so LEOs are exempt from NICS.
I have to be a member of those shitstains just to maintain my credentials, but they’ll get the bare minimum from me.
My GOA membership was processed this morning.
Honestly, I like the idea of that reciprocity, but I’m also concerned we’d be trading a good position in for a bad one.
Think of it from an abortion perspective. If you’re against abortion, isn’t it better if you can ban it within your state? Make a federal issue of it, and it’s all or nothing.
If the people of California, New York, and a few other heavily anti-gun, blue states gain control of Congress, I don’t want them to be able to control this issue at a national level. In that case, you end up with abortion everywhere.
It’s like the recent assault weapons case that was declined. I was somewhat relieved. Not hearing the case is better than ruling in favor of assault weapons bans, and I have little faith in the Supreme Court to do the right thing.
Ken, I think that would be a valid concern for a national concealed carry bill. This is a licensing reciprocity bill and doesn’t really have anything in it that could be bootstrapped into national standards for state concealed carry licenses to be valid within a state. I don’t think you can get from “States must recognize other state’s licenses” to
“States can’t issue a license valid within their borders unless . . . ” without a whole new bill.
I’m concerned about it turning into even more of a national issue.
The gun grabbers getting a whole lot more support nationally because it isn’t just about what happened in Texas anymore. If we can’t stop the people in Texas from carrying guns in our state because of federal law, then we’ll have to send people to Washington to ban carrying them in Texas and everywhere else.
My default assumption is that the snowflake generation probably won’t be especially tolerant of gun owners as the old folks die off, and I don’t trust the Supreme Court to make rulings on federal cases that are always supportive of gun rights.
Especially if they rule like they did on the abortion issue about whether California has to abide by Nevada’s carry laws. They’ll probably side with the federal government, and I’d much rather have some states keep the dream alive than the progressives dictating gun policy from Washington like they do with abortion.
I’d rather have freedom than anything else, but I’m concerned about the unintended consequences of this piece of legislation specifically.
What ever happened to the one about suppressors?
The gun grabbers getting a whole lot more support nationally
Are they? I’d be interested to see a decent poll showing changes in attitudes toward gun control. I don’t get the feeling that formerly pro-gun rights people are moving to pro-gun control in any meaningful way, but that’s just, like, my opinion, man.
If we can’t stop the people in Texas from carrying guns in our state because of federal law, then we’ll have to send people to Washington to ban carrying them in Texas and everywhere else.
If your state is deep blue already, then your delegation is already packed with gun controllers, and I don’t see this law making any change in that.
progressives dictating gun policy from Washington
They can’t do that now, and I don’t see this law increasing their numbers or influence. I also don’t see this law giving them a platform for stealth/regulatory gun control that they don’t already have.
I’m concerned about the unintended consequences of this piece of legislation specifically.
I honestly don’t think a clean reciprocity bill would have any foreseeable consequences that would increase gun control.
The numbers seem to indicate that people are for measures that are already law, and a lot of the polling showing support for expanded control uses obfuscated wording to imply otherwise.
Given that the constitution is clearly on the side of the right to keep and bear arms, and that it’s a fundamental right, it’s worth risking a national crisis over it. If the Dems try a national firearms ban, I clearly expect at least some state Rs to bring back nullification.
They ruled that they can control what we’re allowed to consume because cannabis is commerce. They ruled that the government making us eat broccoli is okay so long as it’s with a penaltax.
I know what the Constitution says, but I also know that the Court gets it profoundly wrong sometimes, even with the best of intentions.
there’s no guarantee Trump would veto it if the nat’l reciprocity was dumped during reconciliation.
fuck this shit. not worth the risk.
What happened with the suppressor bill?
After that lone gunman with no motivation shot up a concert in Las Vegas using suppressors, nobody wanted to bring it up again.
Gutless Repubs are gutless. I think they’ve abandoned it because they are gutless.
Maybe someone who’s been following this closer than I have can help me read the tea leaves here?
“Mueller Probe Drops Support for Paul Manafort’s Bail Deal”
I see three basic interpretations:
1) Mueller wants Manafort to turn and testify against Trump, but Manafort won’t budge.
2) Mueller doesn’t give a shit about Manafort’s testimony anymore.
3) Everything is exactly as presented, and there’s nothing to read from this.
I’m leaning towards #1.
Number 2 seems unlikely, as it would mean Mueller now has so much evidence against Trump he doesn’t need a witness that he just did a deal for. Given that Mueller is running a leak factory, we’d have heard about that.
Number 3 is bullshit, because Mueller’s statement falls short. “Writing an editorial with a business colleague “assessed to have ties to a Russian intelligence service”” (whatever that means) isn’t “making public statements that might interfere with a fair trial” unless and until you present the judge with a copy of the editorial and the judge concludes that it would interfere with trial. Mueller didn’t do that, so that tells me the editorial does no such thing. In fact, the argument isn’t even that Manafort’s editorial would violate the order, just that it proves he would be willing to, which should get Mueller’s ass laughed out of court.
“I don’t think there’s a conspiracy to go attack Democratic districts. But that’s how the legislative process works — if you’re not going to participate in a game you’re going to lose,” he said. “You need the revenue, and those constituencies are not really being represented because their representatives refused to participate.”
public sector employees, grad students, and upper middle-class in high tax states going to get fucked.
A Cruz amendment added to the bill late would allow tax-advantaged contributions to 529 plans for private education and home-schooling expenses for K-12.
this is being hailed as an attack on public schools. how does that work?
Anything that discourages people from feeding the school budget is an attack on the teacher’s union.
That’s the thing, though – I believe the proposal would allow people to deduct private and home-school expenses from federal and maybe state income taxes. Neither of which fund public schools unless a legislature appropriates money for those schools from the general fund. This isn’t telling people they can deduct those expenses from their property taxes, which would be a direct hit on public school funding.
Its just more bullshit from the commies.
Not sure what state you’re in, but A lot of school funding in New York comes out of the state general fund on a per-student basis. This may have colored my impression of the scam a bit.
To elaborate – by making it less expensive to use an alternate to public schools, thie means more people might take their kids out of the system, costing those schools the per-pupil funding to the order of tens of thousands of dollars a year for each.
Good catch – the commies definitely don’t want their funding tied in any way to the number of students they are actually “educating”, and this would have a knock-on effect to the extent that it actually increased the number of students outside the public “education” system.
Of course. it would also leave more money at the state level, as state per-pupil funding of local public schools declined. Unless the state upped the per-pupil amount.
So, basically, they are just speculating that this tax change would affect their funding. There are many intervening factors.
I don’t see a downside here. If you want to pay less state and local taxes, stop voting for fucking Democrats in your state, duh!
Derpity Blerp Durr
“Dianne Feinstein: The fight against the GOP’s unfair tax plans isn’t over yet”
Umm, yes it is, you old bag. Now get lost.
My prediction: the gutless Dem wannabes in the Senate refuse to drop the NICS expansion, and the House refuses to drop the reciprocity, and the bill dies in conference.
I, for one, won’t bother to act surprised.
The prosecutors said the editorial would have violated U.S. District Judge Amy Jackson’s order in early November prohibiting either side from making public statements that might interfere with a fair trial.
Leaks from the prosecutor’s office- okay.
No one care more about needy children than Democrats