Happy Friday everyone, I am still getting dug out as my work did not do itself while I was onsite with a client this week. Have a safe weekend. Especially if you are in a fire zone or (perhaps as dangerously) experiencing snow and sleet where it does not normally freeze roads.
Megan McCardle posts a qualified defense of “whataboutism”. Which I hate because there is a difference between tu quoque logical fallacies and pointing out that the person you are arguing with is perfectly fine with an entirely analogous situation with different principal actors than the one they are attacking. But much of the, uh, formation of the Glibertarians.com site was based on a perception that TOS had taken to more “principals not principles” reporting.
In a story full of whataboutist attacks and defenses — Roy Moore’s original accuser admits that she added the date and location to the signature in her yearbook, but claims the comment and signature are his. Clarifying my position, I think that Moore almost certainly tried to date women under the age of 18 in his 30s. I think that his blatant disregard for both law and Constitution as a state judge should be disqualifying of anyone voting for him. I think doctored evidence weakens the case that what he did in pursuit of young women (who actually appear to be of legal age to consent at the time, as far as I know) were in any way illegal. I am glad that the attempts to destroy Moore’s candidacy with these allegations have brought to light a culture of harassment in politics and media, and hope that the culture changes.
I am unclear as to why it would be a scandal for Wikileaks to offer information to the Trump campaign. (TW: CNN) I suppose if the campaign believed that the emails were credible AND contained information that should have been confidential to approved government employees, they are probably obliged to report that those are in the wild to appropriate federal authorities. This also seems like whataboutism as both Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin seem to have lied about disclosing the same confidential information
From the not-giving-is-stealing files: Apple to reap $47B windfall in new tax plan. Yet, when you look at the article, that only happens if Apple repatriates money held overseas. In which case the Federal government gets $31.4B in taxes they are not currently able to collect. So the real headline is: Tax Plan nets $31B from Apple.
Lie about being abused decades ago for political gain…..never happens #metoo
When I’m missing something, I should try looking where it’s supposed to be first… oddly that seemed to work of late.
Which one was voted most likely to suck seed?
All of them from 21 on and 4 could definitely iron out some specific wrinkles IYKWIM.
I don’t know which I find more amusing, the article itself or the fact that there are people paid to do studies on this.
^^^Wikipedi article points out that men tend to like it when women are loud in bed, like its some kind of revelation. lol
Tax-payer funded research, no date.
That is, Wikipedia links to various actual research articles that follow said argument.
12, 14, 26, 32
Some lost out because of Ink. Why do people ruin perfectly good skin like that?
4 looks like a girl I used to date,
22 looks fun.
#9 is best.
Or maybe I should say:
#9 über alles!
#9 is Eva: You know who else wore lederhosen?
And don’t any of you say “Clark Griswold.”
Inga from Sweden?
Hmm. I would guess that bunnies the world over are cowering in fear of this entire lineup.
That being said: 12 and 26 :-).
” . . . bunnies the world over are cowering in fear of this entire lineup.”
So much this.
3, 9, 14, 21, 26, and 45
CNN has already “corrected” the story on WikiLeaks. Seems they can’t read a simple date on emails.
First beer of the weekend is a Sideswipe Brewing Defaced Imperial Red. Eyeing a Troegs Mad Elf Belgian Dark next.
I wish I could still afford to drink 5 good beers in a night. They ain’t lyin’ when they say having kids makes you poor.
The Mad Elf is excellent. 11%. I’m switching to Miller light after this. I can only do 2 or 3 crafts in a session.
Same here. Enjoy a few excellent ones, then move on to something lite (or bourbon).
Most American made belgians aren’t very good, IMO. Except the one in my avatar, of course.
The Bruery
Lost Abbey
Russian River
jeer at you!
I’m American and I’m pretty good at belching from beer.
Nope. When I think back to the life we led before children, it seems like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous compared to now, and I make almost 20 grand more now than I did then.
I mad e half as much as I do now before I got married and had a son. I had all the disposable income in the world back then. Now, not so much.
Yep. Children and long-term mortgages are the two greatest obstacles to long-term wealth-building. Want kids, a mortgage, and a retirement where you and your spouse aren’t eating cat food every day?
Better get a really good income, d00d.
Short’s Cup O Joe cream stout for me.
The Mad Elf is great, but it’s a dangerous beer. The 11% can sneak up on you.
Having one 8oz then on to Miller Lite.
I’m 3 Sculpins in on a lazy Friday. Walking back to my place. The fog is rolling in on over the marina/beach. Hanging on the internet with you weirdos. Going to take the guitar into get tuned up later. Good day. Nice gentle beer buzz.
Ballast Point makes some great beers. Have a Victory at Sea ready to go for tonight as well. Once it starts snowing, I go for stout and winter warmers. I also need something to number my jaw after taking a stick in a game last night. C’mon 5pm eastern!
A traditional drink when I was in the UK was Stingo (Youngs’ Brewery, High alcohol barley ale, nearest replacement, “Youngs Old Nick”) mixed with Ram Rod (Nearest replacement is probably “Young’s Winter Warmer”). Probably came in at about 8.5 ABV,
Potent enough that you needed the stomach of a concrete elephant. Low enough in hops that even the IPA-haters here wouldn’t mind it.
I switched back to a mask a few years ago. I’m not interested in spitting teeth anymore.
I wear a full mask, but I take all the ‘stuff’ off it including chin cup and just screw it onto my helmet. You can kinda see it in my avatar. I’m not sure how the guy’s stick got up under it, but he nicked me and I’m swollen. Nothing loose so it’s good. I’ve got some good xrays from the last time I played without a cage – broken nose, orbital, sinus, skull. Fun times…
Excellent. I am on my first Founder’s Breakfast Stout, hanging on the net with you goofs, in all my Blackhawks wear, getting ready fr game time.
Office holiday party tonight. Compelled participation. I’d really rather not.
Compulsory participation?
Shit, that ruins everyone’s fun. The people who don’t want to be there are miserable, and that sours things for those who would.
Merry Christmas, bitches!
Wear a sign around your neck that says you’re only there because participation is compelled.
JB at the party.
get a shirt printed up, “touching me or talking to me will be reported as sexual harassment”
Ze partying vill continue until morale improves, mein fuhrer!
Why I’m glad I’m no longer in the real world reasons 47374757564596.
Iowahawk takes a page from the Franken playbook.
Burge has been kinda stupid lately with the Moore thing. Someone who has reached the age of consent is not jailbait. I’m fine with ripping the shit out of office seekers, but perpetuating a falsehood isn’t the way to do it especially when there is so much reality he can be harangued for.
^^ This
I disagree about the jailbait comment. In college we used to refer to high school girls (including those over AOC) as jailbait, since the implication was that if you dared break up with them the consent would get revoked ex-post facto and you’d be the one doing jail time. Who are they gonna believe, the innocent high school junior or the 19 year old college guy sleazy enough to be trolling for high school chicks?
I have game night tonight with I would assume adult friends. Lagavulin 16 and copious amounts of beer should get me through it.
Make a big production of switching from beer to hard alcohol when someone is taking too much time.
98% of the time “whataboutism” is calling out naked hypocrisy. The media (and twitter warriors’) clumsy attempts to turn it into some kind of tu quoque thing is retarded. But when it comes to logic, reason and debate, they are retarded so whaddya expect?
I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere that there are some of us who think both sides are equally terrible.
McCardle makes the point that yes, it is hypocrisy. Yes, you should have to answer for why you have changed your mind beyond “its okay for us to do it”. I see it as a philosphy of “I have principals, I hold you to principles”. But things like the tax bill versus Obamacare? Once you change the rules, you don’t get to decide when they change back if you lose power.
It’s the same shit the left did repeatedly with the filibuster. When used against Republicans, it was a glorious old tradition that protected the very integrity of the Republic. When used against Democrats, it was a horrible, undemocratic anachronism that impeded the glorious progress the Democratic Party was trying to provide for us.
Now that I think about it, that explains the communist helicopter memes. It’s about holding your opponent to their own principles. If your philosophy is premised on the extermination of the perceived oppressor class, then what leg do you have to stand on when somebody declares you the oppressor?
I think about it as clarifying the rules of the game. If it’s okay for the Lion of the Senate to let a woman drown in his car and a decade later to be considered a serious Presidential candidate who had the gall to challenge the incumbent President from the his own party in the primaries. Then it’s okay for other politicians to be less than perfect in their relations with women. If it is okay for the same Senator to ask the Soviet leadership in Moscow to unseat another incumbent President, then it shouldn’t be a problem for other politicians to meet with this or that Russian official or lobbyist.
Don’t forget Teddy and Chris Dodd playing “waitress sandwich”
Ah, where would we be without those playful little elves of the legislature.
Matt Welch was out in the lead with the “whataboutism” crap. It’s just another tool to shut up opposition.
Technically, tu quoque is a “logical fallacy” because it does not address the merits of the opponent’s argument. Its really a form of ad hominem where you attack the speaker (for hypocrisy) rather than the content of their claims.
However, in the real world, tu quoque poses a valid question: Why should I accept your argument at all, when you apparently do not? If your revealed preferences are at odds with the stated preferences in your argument, then your argument apparently does not convince even you, so why should I waste time on it?
Its the Silver Rule* in action: Once someone has done unto you, then you are entitled to do the same unto them according to the Golden Rule. You beat me up for doing X, I’m not giving you a pass for doing X.
*Most people don’t realize that “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “An eye for an eye” are perfectly consistent. An eye for an eye is what happens when someone does unto you first, thus proving that they don’t object to you doing unto them in return.
Agreed on all counts. I just think it’s exceptionally disingenuous (not to mention lazy) for progs to constantly shout “WHUDABOUDISM!” whenever someone addresses their hypocrisy.
My problem is that charges of “whataboutism” are often use to obfuscate the underlying principles of a debate. If someone is saying they believe X, and you are wrong because of X, but there are 15 examples that clearly show they don’t believe X, then it’s only right and proper to bring up those 15 examples. But, the “whataboutism” charge presumes you’re supposed to ignore those 15 examples and accept their premise of X. That may make sense when a debate is a one-off performance. But, life is not a debate performance. People and arguments have histories that it doesn’t make sense to ignore when considering a claim.
My wife brought home that What Happened book written by
a ghostwriterHRC. Everything feels feels very tense and cold around the house, like we’re being haunted. Luckily it’s a library book so it’s temporary.Unluckily it’s not a very sought after library book so the due date is like February or something absurd. Fuck.
It’s a fantasy comedy book, don’t let it get to you.
I don’t hear her laughing, so it must be subtle.
She’s also a progressive feminist, so maybe she doesn’t get the jokes?
I’m so sorry.
Ugh. I hope she’s good in the sack.
If she’s good in the sack, why is he called “The Sleeper”? Or does that just mean afterwards?
Time to go buy Margaret Thatcher’s Autobiography
She’s also a progressive feminist, so maybe she doesn’t get the jokes?
Let me guess: THAT’S NOT FUNNY!!
Instead of charging you late fees, they pay you to keep it.
Every time your wife bring this up something from the book, you can point out what the truth of the incident cited was. That ought to lead to lots of laughs and improve your relationship!
Maybe the wife thought it was a bodice-ripper.
You didn’t read the second part of the title. “What Happened…When He Freed His Throbbing Manhood From Its Denim Prison”.
There you go again … it’s always Trump, Trump, Trump …
Buy a MAGA hat.
I wonder if “Make America Glib Again” hats would Sell if we added them to the website.
Coincidentally, I’m in Chappaqua at the moment.
There’s this eerie chanting and unclean glow on the horizon. As I look out across the parking lot, I see figures, moving, not entirely human. Not … wholesome .. with a terrible, eldrich glow. They’ll be here before the doors close!
They are coming! THEY ARE COMING!
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Ftang!
Just don’t sit in any corners…
I’d make some notes in the margins when she isn’t looking. Maybe websites pointing out the corruption or lack of a need to spend time in the Midwest.
Burn it. Blame it on the dog.
The CNN story was torpedoed by WaPo, which noted that the email to Trump Jr. came 12 hours after WikiLeaks made the info public. CNN just loves stepping on rakes.
In other news….you may remember the op-ed urging Clarence Thomas to resign that WaPo published by self-labeled conservative “Jay Kaganoff”, purportedly a freelancer living in Brooklyn who had written for NRO and Commentary. Someone here, as others around the Internet, noted that nothing by anyone named “Jay Kaganoff” has ever been published in NRO or Commentary – or anywhere else, for that matter. Which was…odd. So, apparently, “Jay Kaganoff” is actually one Jay W. Cobb, who did indeed published a couple of pieces at Commentary and NRO and used to have a blog on Medium called the Buckley Club….which he completely deleted the day before the “Jay Kaganoff” piece was published. I have no idea what all that means, but it’s weird. Why the name change and the secrecy? Why did WaPo participate in the subterfuge which has no apparent purpose?
I know nothing about this but just wanted to mention that his pseudonym is ridiculous. It sounds like a joke forum handle or something.
Yes, why not Jack Inoff instead?
The esteemed Heywood Jablowme.
And don’t forget “Hugh G. Rection.”
Mike Hawk
Seymour Butts.
Mike Hunt
Amanda Hugginkis
Hugh Jorgen
Buster Hyman
My three favorite books-
“how to get rich quickly” by I.P. Nichols
“The yellow river” by I.P. Freely
“under the bleachers” by Seymour Tales
Jay W. Cobb, or the far more plausible …. Jayne Cobb?
Who is Jayne Cobb?
Among other fabulous things, the originator of “I’ll be in my bunk”
The Hero of Canton!
I thought Thurman Munson was the Hero of Canton?
Cover version.
A man who robs filthy capitalists and redistributes their wealth by literally dropping money from the sky.
Namer of firearms!
This pretty much sums up Cobb.
“So, apparently, “Jay Kaganoff” is actually one Jay W. Cobb,”
I noted that Jay Kaganoff sounded like a joke name. The self-important smugness of beltway reporters always works against them and they never learn.
Andrew Sullivan just reminded me why I didn’t ‘Feel the Johnson’.
Honestly, Gary’s position on this and the ostensibly ‘libertarian’ people who defended him is quite disgraceful
Seriously, when Andrew fucking Sullivan displays sharper libertarian instincts than you, and you’re the LP presidential candidate……yeah, that’s not good.
I remember my friend tell me during the election how the Libertarian Party was going to replace the Republican Party after Trump’s nomination. I told him it was possible if there were such a thing as a libertarian party
Always bear in mind that Gary Johnson’s primary purpose in that election was to collect a lot of money and lose spectacularly so that he could pay off a debt to the FEC for matching funds he had improperly claimed during an old campaign with the donations from the current campaign.
It’s essentially the same plot as the Producers. Just stupider.
Huh….hadn’t heard that before. Doesn’t surprise me. Also explains Weld’s repugnant presence on the ticket – now I understand why GayJay was so enamored with Weld’s fundraising abilities.
Judd Weiss blew the whistle on Tom Woods’ podcast a few months ago.
I’m sure Reason Magazine will cover the story with the same intensity they covered the LP convention. They just have to finish up their investigation on the Rotterham rape ring since that’s being done by the same guy assigned to cover the LP.
What, you’re not satisfied with Shackford’s hard-hitting coverage?
What’s that about?
Never mind.
I just have to point out the stupidity of fining people for theft. How the fuck do you think someone with a history of theft is going to come up with the fine money – honest work?
The very next article on that same page is a doozy.
It was fascinating watching him evolve from “fucking hell, idiots, Israel is the only sane country in the region” to “(((they))) control American foreign policy!!!” Not as hilarious as him moving from “Seriously, let me tell you how awful NHS is” to “Obamacare rules!”
The idea that Saudis are being forced to oppose Iran on Israel’s behalf is very…well not original, more I’d expect it on a MEMRI video.
Seriously? He used the antisemitic canard “Greater Israel” non-ironically?
Christ, what an asshole!
Sometimes, Occam’s razor really helps. There is no need to wonder why this has happened. It has happened because this is now U.S. policy
That’s not how this works! That’s not how any of this works!
Maybe he thinks Occam’s Razor is used to shave an answer to your liking.
Pretty interesting move given that Trump and his supporters are known Nazis. 4D chess at its finest.
I’ll be heading down to Tremont tonight for the Walkabout to get some good food and drinks. If there’s any other Glibs that will be in the area, I’ll be wearing my fancy Glibertarian shirt.
Fuck I want to go to Soklowski’s so bad.
Just introduced the girlfriend to there last month.
“I am unclear as to why it would be a scandal for Wikileaks to offer information to the Trump campaign.”
Glibs is pushing fake news!
The Palestinians launched missiles at Israel. Israel is now bombing them back. Kind of feels like they are all going through the motions.
Its always pictures of wounded babies.
And a solitary, empty size 4 sneaker.
Preceeded by oddly timed, frantic rescue operations underway in which a single corpse is carried around by a dozen or so different people.
Preceeded by oddly timed, frantic “rescue“ operations underway in which a single “corpse“ is carried around by a dozen or so different people.
The Palis have been caught more than once staging incidents or casualties. When needed, they will even provide the casualties themselves.
I, for one, appreciate their dispassionate viewpoint on geopolitics.
It’s not a medevac, it’s a PROCESSION.
You’re so culturally insensitive!
Little Marco lost a shoe while jogging in Gaza?
“wounded” “babies”
Wow, those comments are more of a cesspool than H&R.
Forget it man, it’s zerohedge.
I’ll say it again; just steamroll over the disputed territories and push the Palestinians into Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. Build a new wall and say any other attacks/incursions will result in even more land being taken. I’ve had enough of this shit and it won’t stop until the Palestinians are crushed.
Q’s (((politics)))
That’s what Jordan did in 1948 to the Jews, and as you well know, result was decades of international isolation, condemnation and a pariah-state status. Certainly not millions of dollars of US and UK military tech and a reputation as a moderate, modern regime.
Ah, the ole rip the bandaid off once approach.
I believe they also handled the restless Palestinians in their country the same way.
FYI- if any Glibs do attend the Dave Smith comedy show today in Chicago, remember I will be the guy telling the bartender that Bombay gin is the Nick Gillespie of gin
Being a G&T man myself…..I can’t discern much of a difference between different gins. Let the cheap stuff flow!
For shame, Chipwooder. I expected better of you
Right? Hendricks or get out.
Let me clarify: martini = Hendricks; gin and tonic = tanqueray ten or rangpur.
Fuck that shit. Hendricks in 2002 in a tight red dress.
Oh, we’re off the firefly subthread.
I’ll take that Hendricks, too, while we’re at it.
Looking at who she married is proof that Cthulhu wants to drive us all mad.
He must have a huge one…
I am disappoint.
She’s my go-to example when I tell pretty young women to go and find a cute, studly husband. The clock is ticking in more ways than one. Nothing lasts forever.
G&T = Gin Mare + FeverTree Tonic Water.
That Is All.
Seconded on the FeverTree.
I’ve tried FeverTree and don’t notice any difference other than my wallet feels considerably lighter.
Unrelated, looking forward to trying genever in March.
Jenever ROCKS. Buy as much as you can conceivably bring home.
Monkey 47 begs to differ.
As much lime as I like in mine, you can’t tell the difference anyway.
Stay away from the Old St. Pete Distillery stuff. This person is not lying about the coriander, but it has no juniper flavor that I could discern. Also, the anise/fennel is not a flash, it’s basically the whole taste/aftertaste. Apparently, this is hip in the gin world, but I want the juniper taste and keep your licorice.
Jesse turned me onto this: http://www.stgeorgespirits.com/spirits/gins/st-george-terroir-gin/
It is a very piquant gin that does in fact taste like California chaparral. If you can, give it a try.
Testify brother! ?
Tanqueray or bust!
Here is a quick guide:
Beefeater – grapefruit
Gordons – orange
Tanqueray – lemon
I’m sorry we will miss this – just closed on the condo today, so hopefully can connect with you some time in the future.
The real question is which Gin is best for Gin and Milk?
This is for NOT a Naked Intruder in the Thursday afternoon thread:
The neighborhood is called South Boulevard and Park Row. Basically you take MLK Jr. South to Malcolm X, turn right, and then you can turn left on either Park Row or South Boulevard.
Here it is on google maps.
“One of the world’s biggest pop stars doesn’t want to talk about politics. Is that OK?”
They really are taking cues from the Chinese Cultural Revolution aren’t they?
That article is dripping with lots of instances of her publicly (though mildly) supporting prog issues but because she’s not fanatic about it or explicitly partisan there is a problem?
You’re either with us or against us…
And if you’re not with us enough, you’re against us enough.
White Silence = Violence
I couldn’t give a shit about Taylor Swift otherwise, but I hope her next album goes triple platinum.
Smart enough to have a good publicity and PR team, and smart enough to take their advice.
Not to worry. Lindsey Vonn is here to pick up the social signaling slack. “I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president.”
Because when someone participates in the Olympics, it’s assumed that participation is a show of support for the president. Jesus.
To be fair, Trump seems to think the job involves being the NFL Czar as well as Commander-in-Chief.
Ask for government money, get government strings attached.
Then I want his first ukase to be the forcible disbanding of the Green Bay Packers, their players banished to Siberia, their stadium seized and handed over to the Orthodox Church to keep sheep in.
Goats, not sheep.
But, yeah, I am 100% down with this idea.
Anthony Barr’s dirty hit wasn’t enough for you?
They’ve already been banished to Wisconsin. Siberia would be a steppe up.
Since this is a reply to Swiss, can I be the one to narrow gaze on this one?
I’ll join you brother…
*narrows gaze*
It’s that time of year again. Here’s 45 minutes of Nick Offerman sipping scotch in front of a fireplace.
The link asked me to sign in to Youtube, because the content may be inappropriate for some users. Nope.
There’s nothing offensive in the video. Perhaps the title Nick Offerman’s ‘Yule Log’ may have earned it a flag?
Expected result here though – clicking takes me straight to the video with no content warning.
KK is never going to come out of her bunk now.
“Office Christmas parties: No hugging, kissing, flirting or dancing allowed”
Are they trying to summon Mr Bacon? Because that’s how you get Kevin Bacon
Religion of peace:
The winner:
Nothing scares a man more than being in a wooden box. It’s so scary, he never does it again!
In Islam, Cub Scouts hold a Pine Box Derby.
Oh snap
Speaking of holiday parties: Tech firms hiring hot models…
I actually saw pictures from one of these on FB. One of my old HS classmates has done well for himself.
Is he one of the models?
“Citing California modeling agencies, Bloomberg reports companies as large as Facebook and Google and some smaller firms are paying up to $200 per hour to seed their parties with “ambiance and atmosphere” models.”
I am not sure what “ambience and atmosphere” models are but if it is high spirited smart ass drunken grin wearing often prone to political rants stumbling drunk middle aged dude I am in!!!
That’s a good way to outsource your harassment problem
At least fine, upstanding people like Henry Waxman want the state’s pensions invested in companies with impeccable morals like FB and GOOG instead of evil companies like ExxonMobil or BP.
Needs moar Geisha.
Damn it HM. How is someone supposed to work when that’s floating around the office?
Quit your job.
Open a chaturbate account and have people pay you to masturbate.
Use the money to buy weed and play video games when not masturbating.
Thank you!
I just got promoted!
That Was Funny
You’re really coming up in the world!
Sorry, Q.
She wins.
Yahweh and Buddha bless you
Arigato, Mulatto-san!
Here’s my wallet. Go ahead and take however much yen she requires.
*prepares to sign over house, to outbid Gustave*
My major corporation doesn’t seem to do parties but we got eight (!) extra (((holidays))) in next year’s calendar so I think I’m OK with that.
“Here’s the gender gap that matters
The gender gap we talk about incessantly – the one focused on the relatively small number of professions where men still outnumber women – is not the one that matters. The one that matters is the absence of so many men in higher education. Today, women dominate at all levels of education, including the graduate levels. In most postgraduate fields, as well as in law and medicine, women now outperform and outnumber men by growing margins.
Here’s the picture, according to economist Mark Perry writing for the American Enterprise Institute. For every 100 men enrolled in U.S. graduate schools, there are now more than 135 women. In 2016, women earned 57.4 per cent of the masters’ degrees and 52.1 per cent of the doctoral degrees. Women earned more doctoral degrees in seven of the 11 graduate fields tracked by the Council of Graduate Schools, including education, arts and humanities, public administration and biology. Men earned most of the doctoral degrees in only four fields: business, engineering, math and computer science, and physical and earth sciences.”
Given how useless higher education has become, is this really a problem?
I’m not complaining about being surrounded by women.
That second paragraph explains the wage gap.
Actually, the very last sentence explains it. The rest of it is mere foreplay.
Well, OK, then.
I’m not seeing the confusion here. It’s like posting “water is wet” or “fire is hot”. It’s just a statement of simple truth.
Hey, this is for Scruffy from this morning. It has some excellent insights in how to fight them and what to look out for. I read this article with clenched fists. TW: New Yorker.
Who gives a shit?
Gas the Boomers.
Generation war now!
It’s a little late to make a move against them, but I’m more mad at the greatest generation. Giving us FDR and the eternal boondoggle of social security I’d argue has done more harm than the shut the boomers did.
Greatest generation were just kids when FDR was elected. They were possibly the first ones to benefit for most of their adult lives but their parent voted him in and were the first to suck at SS’ teats.
“By the usual standards of social change, popular acceptance of same-sex marriage has evolved with stunning speed. Two decades ago, only 27 percent of Americans thought it should be allowed; today, 64 percent do. It was legal in no state until 2004, but 11 years later, the Supreme Court made it the law of the land. The opponents have been routed in the federal courts and the court of public opinion.
So what’s left in serious dispute? A case before the Supreme Court on Tuesday identified a small patch of contested turf. It’s occupied by Jack Phillips, a Colorado baker who declined to produce a custom wedding cake at the request of a gay couple, citing his religious beliefs. The men sued, claiming he had discriminated against them on the basis of sexual orientation, in violation of the state’s civil rights law. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission and a Colorado court agreed.
But that conclusion is hard to square with Phillips’ willingness to sell Charlie Craig and David Mullins a pre-made cake or any other baked goods. He welcomes business from gays. He only refuses to enlist his creative talents in advancing a project — the custom cake — that would contravene his conscience. (He also declines to make cakes for Halloween, on religious grounds.)
But while a religious objection suffuses this case, so does Phillips’ objection to compelled speech — that is, being forced to express something with which he profoundly disagrees. That argument is, well, compelling.
Designing a wedding cake, his attorneys contend, is an expressive activity — and freedom of expression includes the right not to be compelled to express views one doesn’t share. In 1978, a New Hampshire motorist didn’t want to display the state’s “Live Free or Die” slogan on his license plate — and established the right to refuse. Said the Supreme Court, “The right of freedom of thought protected by the First Amendment against state action includes both the right to speak freely and to refrain from speaking at all.”
To be forced to create a cake for a same-sex wedding is a similar burden. Imagine a Jewish baker being required to put a swastika on a cake. In other contexts, the state of Colorado is more understanding: It sided with bakers who refused to provide cakes with messages disparaging same-sex marriage. So while Colorado is content to exempt some bakers from compelled speech, it wants Phillips compelled to create an opposite message.”
All you mammals just want cake…
Speaking of TRUE DOMINEERING SPECIES PREFER COOKIE CAKES (with a celebratory message thinly drawn in icing)
I might just have to wander down the road and buy a cake from this guy to see if his stuff is any good. I did like the part in the oral arguments where Justice Gorsuch said, “In fact, I have yet to have a wedding cake that I would say tastes great…”
I posted on here about the fireworks we had at my mom and dad’s on Thanksgiving. Mom and Dad are full-on kool-aid drinking Democrats, and my brother and brother-in-law are Trump supporters. My brother just texted me a photo of the Trump chia head he’s giving to my mom and dad for Christmas. He’s also getting them a MAGA hat. Should be an interesting holiday season.
Lol, that’s exactly what I would do. I love spiteful people.
People do need to be reminded that the State is a false God.
Whatever floats your boat lady.
… just infatuation. A flash in the pan.
Peak autism will never be reached.
Chubby narcissist narcissisticates. Pictures at 10
I know it’s obvious, but it had to be said.
Dos Gringos really showcase the professionalism, decorum, dignity, and good taste that the American fighter pilot community is known for.
Specifically pilots who can’t stand the official name of the Lawn Dart and instead call it the “Viper”
The drink mixes extremely well and is a unique experience straight.
I thought “Viper” referred to a specific variant of the F-16. Kinda like the Hornet v. the Super Hornet v. the Growler
I’ve heard it applied to all versions but I guess there is a ‘new’ F-16V. The nickname is a bit older though.
“i’m only lying about the stuff you caught me lying about. The rest is all true. i waited 40 years to report these heinous acts because…. My lawyer, Gloria Allred would like to answer that”
“Homosexuals Blow Straights”
Gay privilege.
Glibertarians – STEVE SMITH?
Not sure how old Julian feels about the gift of the gun
The responses from lefty types are amusing. I guess they don’t remember when Assange was the darling of their side when it was Bush he was hurting.
I wonder if this is real.
Santa vs. Jesus
I have to say, I’d play that game.
Is this close enough?
I knew i was gonna regret that click
I’ve known several guys who did this. They all ended up regretting it.
I don’t think it has ever come up in a conversation before for me.
However, generally I am against drilling holes in my genitalia, in case anybody want to know if there’s some metal in my “lil’ fuzzy green”
If you want to see some really fun piercings, check under big bird’s feathers!
So, I’ve been reading the DOJ report on the John Doe I – III investigations conducted by democrats in the state ethics watchdog board in an effort to unseat Scott Walker. It’s both funny and infuriating.
The investigation was overbroad. It was partisan. They stored the massive quantitites of info they hoovered up, including password lists, personal emails about sensitive subjects (like medical conditions) in insecure locations that anybody could literally walk off the street and access with no one the wiser. Oh, and naturally a great bit of evidence was placed in an unncrypted external hard-drive that has now disappeared.
The Wisconsin DOJ lawyer drafting this clearly had a dry sense of humor:
I liked this juxtaposition:
A couple of pages later in the same narrative section:
Nothing says keeping an investigation secret like floodlights illuminating the targets’ homes and tipping off the press to bring TV cameras.
That noise to the north is the sound of nothing else happening
I saw that popup earlier this week. Much like Menendez I expect to hear little to nothing about it.
Jesus Christ, at some point people need to actually go to prison. This shit is beyond the pale.
Forget prisons, those people need to go to the boats. I imagine the honey will not be much of an attractant on Lake Michigan at this time of year, but I’m willing to try it.
For any would-be cocksucking sacks of shit like Preet, the above is hyperbole and is in no way an actual threat. Fuck you Preet.
I’m kinda assuming that wood chippers are pretty common in Wisconsin.
Somebody left their headlights on
From the sidebar
This was in my sidebar:
Just got home and my Glibertarian schwag had arrived. Fuck yeah!?? https://twitter.com/egould310/status/939277089089380352
Yay! I’d order some for myself but I’ve taken a strict “No Logos” policy in the last few years. It’s not that I hate corporations as such but that I don’t like interacting with people. Much. Anymore. I’m trying to blend in with the surroundings and don’t need some ding-hole asking questions about “Glibs” in the check-out line at Walmart. They wouldn’t like the answer.
Did you find the complementary dick pic I placed inside the stein?
He’d have to drink the entire thing ergo being a Californian, no.
This guy is our new mascot.
Not an “outdoorsy-type”.
The guy prefers Half Fast to Cheba Hut. Cosmo’s is cheap trash that makes up for it in volume.
I almost bit but then remembered that the Gliberatti are mostly more clever than me and put my snark stick back into its special snark stick case and triple checked the door of the locker. Made sure of the doors and windows, just to be sure.
This has always been our mascot.
THAT right there is what you might call a *narrowed gaze*!
Nice. Driving around open carry.
Unless that’s his phone over his right pocket.
I love the idea that there is some Chinese Triad enforcer driving around the highways of HK enforcing driving courtesy. Even after scaring a normal shitless for tailgating, he remembers to use his signal when merging into traffic.
This man is everything I aspire to be.
Except for the gloves. That’s weak.
Yes. You’d think a guy like that could afford some Autodromos.
Much better.
Would have been almost as awesome if he popped a beer, swigged it down and threw the empty at the windshield. Almost.
With his pinky outstretched. Because culture.
Slap Shot on Starz.
I have a game at 9:45. A little instructional never hurts.
Slap Shot is a lie! There was only one Gordie Howe and Paul Newman ain’t fit to lick his garters! Fun movie.
“I’m gonna wiggle it at ’em, you cheap bastard. Be prepared, because when I yank it out, everybody in that audience except my wife is gonna be runnin’ for the exits.”
Eddie Shore?
I love Pot delivery, 45 minutes, good deals and good Weed,
/21st Century!!!!!
I can see that, now that I’m old and feeblish but half the fun of the Weed when we were younger was “connections” and who you knew. The original #Resist ! Not really, we just wanted to get high.
It’s got some allure, but it’s just nice to walk in a store and put money on the counter.
or in Yusef’s case, just sit at home and wait.
Also Traffic Sucks right now, so I’ll enjoy a Beer. Now with a few Bong rips 🙂
Understood. It was the randomness of the supply that made it a little more sexy. Blow your socks off one week, dry the next, rag for a month that you cooked down to oil and then a King’s Ransom of high grade for another while. Yeah, bored young people have boring pastimes. I don’t partake anymore but I miss the comraderie, if not the skulking about.
Yeah, there is something about waiting for your guy to finally have some again, but that week without is terrible while you try to save what’s left.
As the Furry Freak Brothers used to say,
“Drugs will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no drugs.”
Heh. It used to be a community. Old Hippies and young sharks. Trust games.
Well I usually go to a storefront, But they have been getting harassed by the City of Upland, and I guess Jesse, the owner just said, Fuck it.
I like checking out my Ganj before buying, but nowadays, ALL Weed is good, so Delivery works
I have a couple of friends who learned the hard way that modern legal MJ is a lot more potent than the Oklahoma ditch weed of their youth.
I can’t partake because the Coast Guard tests for drugs when I renew my captain’s license.
My roommate’s dad came out to visit us in CO and had a similar experience.
FWIW, Sativa is the anxiety, Indica is the couchlock, I only do Indo and CBD, i don’t need more anxiety
That’s why I gave it up. Random levels in the same bag. Panic attacks, even if you know why you are panicking are no fun.
Try a store if you can, the people are knowledgeable and there are a lot of choices
I’ve found I really like sativa’s. We usually had an indica around for our nightcap.
Festus, that’s another reason legal is so helpful. Same store every time, you know what your strain is, and at least in CO, it is all labeled and tested. You knew exactly how strong each was (within a margin I’m sure) and edibles really got better in that regard.
This right here!
I’m certainly not arguing against and I think that some measure of “consumer protection” is wonderful it’s just that my particular brain chemistry has lost the ability to differentiate between good stoned and swing from the rafters stoned. Smokem if you got’em, sez I. Stinks up the house something awful, too.
I’m researching edibles. I feel like they may enhance my running and my guitar playing. Gotta get groovy.
Egould, I prefer chocolate to the hard candy. stronger isn’t the right word. predictable?
They melt though, so you can’t take them out with you unless your willing to start guessing how much you’re eating. I’ve heard that the candy got better over time, with the way they were making them changing or something. Never really tried enough hard candy later on to say if this is true.
10mg is the regular single smallest dose you can get, of course you could cut a small piece of chocolate in half to get 5.
I liked 10-20 for a pleasant background, running seems like a good fit here. 20-40 for music, but that was someone who smoked regularly and probably had a bit of a tolerance. I also don’t like getting so high I can’t think, so take that all with a grain of salt.
eGould, look down
I’ve never had legal but the “stuff” I’ve had in the last few years (I have no idea of “strains” and such) was definitely way more potent than I remember from a couple decades ago.
I get that. Same with rock n roll, tattoos and beards.
I’d still be cool if I grew a neck-beard, got a Gadsen on my butt and Zeppelined? Where do I sign this contract?
Check out all these guys with their pot privlege.
If I wanted some, I’d still have to go find a drug dealer and buy some of whatever he has.
And shoot the yard dogs just to get close to the porch.
Alert! About an hour left to enter the Glib Baby Game! See the previous post.
What’s been determined so far: you people are bad at sorting out baby genders. (Disclaimer: For the purposes of this game, there are only two!)
Anyone who has already entered may change their answers based on that hint.
I picked out OMWC quite easily because he’s older than me and I had a winter Fudd hat c/w earflaps in 1967.
So, now we have an obvious FREE Space like in Bingo!
*Center gets the Square!*
I posted a fresh list at the Original post, does that count?
Do you want to go with your first answer or the new list? (Hint: when taking tests it’s always better not to change your answer.)
Always go with your first answer. This is known. I reduced a try-hard to tears in a bio class because she said that I hadn’t even been to class that much and there was no way that my score (98%) was higher than hers. Poor Pupinia!
Second answer, I messed up the first, Because I’m stupid
OK! Second answer it is. In spite of all hints and knowledge to the contrary.
I don’t Gamble or play the lottery, I never win, unless it’s Rummy/Gin, then YOU DIE!!!
Think we know which one this is.
An awesome Dad on Quenciara?
Political Pizza
So an analogy of going to Church?
Amen. You need to get rid of that original sin, brother.
So, like wipe it with a cloth?
Fuuuuck you. I’m going to raise your taxes either directly or indirectly through Abenomics in order to give you freeee childcare. We need moar human resources. Pay up, young buckaroo, because…the children. Government is the answer to your questions. Give us your children. We’ll take care of them and it won’t cost you anything other than your soul.
Enemies of humanity.
But what do you really think?
Loose translation. Wish Japan Today would hire me to do their copy writing.
Consider yourself fortunate, Straff, we have Teary-Trudy as our representative on the word stage. He’s the handsome teen-aged boy that cries a little just to get some underbra action when Angela Merkel’s pet scorpion dies from dehydration.
Point awarded.
Additional two percentage points in the consumption tax?!? Christ. FuckYo 2020.
How about real wage growth by cutting taxation and expenditure?
They delayed the increase from 8% to 10% because, in their own words, it would harm economic growth. As an aside: Taking heed of a request by Komeito, the government aims to achieve free education at private high schools for students from households with annual incomes under 5.9 million yen. Komeito is the wild card of Japanese political parties. They’re the political arm of Soka Gakkai, a kooky buddhist sect, that often advocates for a reduction in government over reach. Yet, somehow, the help Abe’s LDP form a coalition government.
So Komieto is the Grandma that lives in the garden shed. Understood.
In my narrow parochial view: Tax free for visitors only applies to a subset of spending. That 8% smarts enough as it is at the register.
The Chinese hordes won’t last the forever.
It hurt a lot more for you guys when the Yen was at 88 to the dollar a few years back. IIRC, the consumption tax was lower at the time, however.
I wasn’t visiting then, I’ve only known the 100+JPY, which has been great. On the other hand, Japanese whisky prices used to be dirt cheap reasonable.
eGould, here’s what I take every day, You don’t get High, but You also don’t want to kill anyone on the road, and it helps Focus, like Writing music focus,
Thanks, bro.
Baby Name answers (and winners) have been posted! Now, off to eat some of the hottest green chile I’ve ever made.
I’m late to the party but OMG K.
I called one and didn’t bother with the rest. Right once, don’t have to argue no more! Grandpa quote (he was awesome, built me a Tommy gun out of a broken hockey stick in his wood shop). That was back when boys weren’t supposed to play with toy guns, so forever ago…
1) Switzy was working on that gaze from the start.
2) Playa looks exactly like I’ve pictured him.
He doesn’t have a burrito bowl. I’m disappointed.
I was waiting for them to get around to Kozinski and his penchant for the perverse. I’m still wondering which one of you is actually him.
They’ve still never brought the baseball coach to justice in my little burg. Faked his own death, burned down their aerodrome and just *disappeared*. Powerful families beget even more powerful lies and allies. I never needed anyone to check my “cup chafe” or uniform fit even when I wanted nothing more than to be selected for the All Star team. So now he’s in the flesh-pots of Thailand, riches and powerful family intact. Seems fair.
Darwin lost this one, but he’ll even the score later.
Aren’t you glad this guy can join your insurance pool?
It would certainly explain my premium for 2018 if he were the only other participant in the group.
But they would’ve risen more without the ACA. *Triggers scruffy into murder spree*
The day that Scruffy changes his avatar so that the gun is pointed at us means it’s time to take shelter….
Take shelter or make peace with our God.
Both? And taking shelter means backing into the basement near the gun safes, praying, and preparing to go down fighting.
Unfortunately, the Remington shotgun w/ rifle barrel only has about 3 sabot slugs left, so time to shop! Those suckers are satisfying.
My home defense rifle has a bayonet, for when I run out of ammo.
When i was driving home from work thus morning i saw the smoke from this fire. The highway i drive hone on passes about 3 miles from where this home burned. I didn’t really think anything of it at the time.
That’s terrible.
Ugh, people. When we were kids there was a harelipped kid who was babied. Meanest fucker that you ever met. He ended up murdering his parents and burning the house down. That guy was toxic. He did it for their money.
A guy who was the same age as my older brother built a bomb and put it in his father truck. He managed to successfully detonate it and damn near killed his father.
His father had made a fortune in the drilling business. He had invented some sort of drill head that is use all over the industry and became a millionare. His son tried to kill him out of nothing but greed. The son did 10 years in prison I beleive, but is a free man today. His dad died a cripple while he was still in prison.
Everybody at school tried to be his pal. My Bro was in his band classes and saw that he was an asshole. He tried to bully a younger brother of my friend and got slammed. He became a party guy later. Raped a sleeping girl. Got into the coke and figured “Why the fuck not?” Got his buddy to shoot his Mom and Dad dead and burn the house down.
In other news, shooting a deaf guy to death for not listening is apparently an approved procedure.
This is somehow surprising to you?
Not at all. And that’s the problem. There aren’t nearly enough former police officers in prison.
i’ve read of cops tazing and even killing people having epileptic seizures, despite wearing the Med ID bracelets and/or having a companion explaining what is happening.
Kind of freaks me out because I got diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 31. Fortunately, I was able to find a medication that works great for me so I can lead a normal life, but for some people, frequent seizures are part of life, and the fact that many seizures begin and end with weird semi-conscious periods doesn’t help with witness understanding. Most people think a seizure is always just a straight-up crappie-flop convulsion, but there are many types depending on what part and how much of the brain is screwing up electrically.
I have temporal lobe epilepsy, and until I was diagnosed at 31, I didn’t know that it wasn’t normal to have a deja vu episode at least 3 times a week! Lolz. I finally got diagnosed when a “partial seizure” turned into a grand-mal at a political convention of all things. I was underslept, underfed, stressed out, and tired, so my “seizure threshold” dropped and I had a big un. Next thing I knew I was struggling with a paramedic in an ambulance (I wanted that oxygen mask OFF before I really came around and knew what was happening). Very weird.
Anyhoo, to get back on topic, yeah, the fact that people with handicaps get assumed to be “suspicious” and thus shootable is fairly alarming. Autistic, deaf, a little slow, epileptic, diabetic–all could lead to death in order to avoid endangerment to an officer.
I think that the whole thought that cops should be somehow held unaccountable for their actions because they perceive danger is awful. Cops jobs aren’t that dangerous. My damn job is more dangerous than most cops. About 10 years ago the cops in my town shot a mentally retarded man to death for not complying. In my town about 8 years ago a cop tasered an 11 year old girl for not complying with orders. Hell the local PD. tasered my little brother in the chest in my parents for running away. They charged him with a felony for obstructing governmental operations. They only dropped the charge after he FOIAed the footage from the tasered and threatened to sue the PD. About a year ago, they arrested a 20 year old who was high on meth. After getting him into a jail cell they claimed he was acting unruly in his cell. The PD went in and tasered him until he was dead. My father was the physician in the ER when they brought his corpse in 30 minutes after they killed him. My dad told me he was electrocuted to death.
All this stuff happens all the damn. That’s just stuff I can think off the top of my head that has happened recently in a town with a population of 3000 people.
How did you not twist off and murder someone when you learned this???
I mean, good for you, but it’s crazy infuriating. Just when I was going to go to bed, and now I want TO KILL.
It’s maddening that the majority of the population defend these people reflexively, without putting any thought into the matter.
In an authoritarian bureaucracy, those that aren’t able to comply in the correct way are hindrances to “progress”. Inclusive my ass.
I just think back to the boys that thought being a Cop was a great choice when we were in school.
My first boyfriend got in trouble at age 18-19 because a nutty cop claimed he (BF) had driven aggressively close to cop when cop was jogging. BF was bewildered and seeking advice and redress with the PD, and they pretty much acknowledged that, yeah, that cop is a paranoid A-hole looking for a fight. Let the BF off, but kept nutcase cop on.
I have wondered in these past 25 years whether he ever twisted off and shot a dog or a person. Some people are attracted to that kind of power.
I would that that the odds are high that the asshole cop has probably killed many pets and maybe a person or two since then. Assholes on a power trip backed by the might of the state tend to cause a lot of damage throughout their careers.
This is pretty infuriating. I don’t know how a jury could watch thus and still vote to acquit this guy. People must love their cops.
Listen, libtard, it’s quite simple. If you don’t want to be shot while crawling on your belly on the floor like a thug, don’t pull up your underwear in front of a peace officer like a thug.
There are entirely too many people with that attitude. Where I live, it’s a pretty conservative place and a lot of the people I know have a pretty strong skepticism about government and share many of my beliefs. Too damn many of them will hand wave away shit like this as unfortunate, but hey cops have tough jobs.
Enh, I live in Lib central and it’s the same shit.
It’s the Just World Hypothesis in action.
The guy was actually crying. That cop was playing a video game with that poor fucker’s life. He should be warming in a big chair, as we speak.
He went home and fucked
jerked offfucked his supermodel wife afterwards, I’ll bet.Wow. Just watched it. I can totally see being in Daniel’s position. The instructions were very confusing. Hands straight up! (Complies immediately). Your hands go down or to the small of your back and you’re dead (wait, at first, it sounded like a command, just like the first one–but now it’s a condition. How about talking like a human being?). Next, crawl. Most of us think crawling means all fours, so the guy crawls on all fours. How is that consistent with HANDS STRAIGHT UP! Your hands go down AND YOU’RE DEAD! CRAWL! I would be crying too. I would probably have asked in all seriousness if they wanted me to shuffle forward on my knees only with hands up or truly crawl, because my freaking life is at stake. But they gave terrible instructions, guy tried to comply, and they shot him.
I guess I won’t be sleeping tonight.
It’s pretty bad. How does one comply multiple conflicting orders? Especially in a high stress situation. It’s impossible. And in this case, the state actually did the right thing and brought charges against the officer. That happens rarely. But then jury voted to acquit the guy. I don’t get it.
Jury selection FTW
My thoughts on the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.:
שלום, קוראים לי יערה. אני בת 18, יש לי עור בהיר ושיער חום בהיר. יש לי טוסיק מוצק וחטוב ושדיים ביינוניים ויפים. חבר שלי,ליאם , בעל גוף חטוב ושרירי עם שיער חום ואיבר בינוני ועבה. הכל התחיל לפני קצת פחות משנה, זה היה חודש אחרי שסיימתי את התיכון וליאם החליט לפנק אותי ולקחת אותי לצימר בגליל. הצימר היה מרשים מאוד, בעל בריכה יפה וחוות סוסים נקייה ומסודרת. התמזל מזלנו והיינו היחדים שהיו בצימר, לכן לא התביישנו לקיים יחסי מין בכל מקום אפשרי. ביום האחרון שלנו בצימר החלטנו לבקר בחוות הסוסים הייתי חרמנית מאוד באותו יום. מזג האוויר היה נעים וחמים נכנסנו לאורווה שהייתה נקייה מאוד יחיסת לאורוות סוסים וישר התחלנו להתמזמז בחושניות. התנשקנו נשיקות רטובות ולוהטות, ליאם הוריד ממני לאט את החולצה ופתח במיומנות רבה את הסוגר של החזיה שלי, הוא עיסה לי את הציצי ולש אותו. הורדתי ממנו את החלוצה ונפלנו על הקש הקוצני. הגענו למצב שהיינו ערומים לגמרי. כנראה שזה ישמע מוזר אבל הקש הקוצני שדקר אותנו במקומות אינטימיים וקולות הסוסים מסביב רק הוסיפו. לקחתי את האיבר שלו ותחלתי לשפשף אותו, רעדתי מרוב חרמנות. בזמן שאני משפשפת את איברו ביד אחת לשתי את הביצים שלו ביד השניה שלי, הוא התענג על הרגע. הוא החליט לתפוס פיקוד והכניס את האיבר שלו לפה שלי באגרסיביות, והדחף את הראש שלי קדימה ואחורה, ממש הכניס לי את האיבר עמוק בגרון עד שכמעט נחנקתי, אבל לא הייתה לי בעיה עם זה. התחלתי למצוץ ולינוק את הנוזלים של הזין העבה והמרשים שלו, שאבתי אותו, ליקקתי את הכיפה, ירקתי עליה ושיפשפתי במהירות. כעבור 5 דקות שאוננתי לו לקחתי את הזין שלו והחדרתי אותו לתוך הכוס הצר שלי, התחושה הייתה אלוהית. רכבשתי עליו וכעבור כמה דקות הוא סימן לי שהוא רוצה להחליף תנוחה. הוא תפס פיקוד והשכיב אותי בכוח על הקש. הוא זיין בחוזקה ואני גנחתי כל כך חזק!! ” אל תפסיק שלא תעז להפסיק !! אני רוצה שתקרע אותי!!” צעקתי, זה הדליק אותו והוא הגביר את הקצב ” אני עומד לגמוורר ” הוא אמר בקול העמוק שלו. כעבור כמה שניות הרגשתי את הכוס שלי מתמלא בנוזל חם. נשארנו ככה, שוכבים באורווה כשהוא בתוכי כמה דקות עד ששמתי לב שהוא נרדם. יצאתי ממנו בעדינות אבל גל החרמנות עדיין לא עבר, לא הייתי מסופקת, רציתי עוד סקס עוד סקס, ועוד סקס. לא שלטתי בעצמי הדבר הראשון שראיתי מולי היה סוס חום ויפה. התקרבתי לעברו והוא נראה לי לגמרי רגוע אז התחלתי לעבוד, התיישבתי על שרפרף נמוך לידו ולקחתי את הזין הענק שלו שהיה בערך בגודל של 40 ס”מ והחדרתי אותו אליי. הרגשתי אותו קורע אותי, אבל לא וויתרתי. לא זזתי דקה עד שהתרגלתי לדבר העצום הזה שהיה בכוס הצר שלי . הסוס כאילו הבין מה הולך פה והתחיל להזיז את האיבר האלוהי שלו למעלה ולמטה. צרחתי כל כך חזק שלא שמתי לב שליאם עמד בצד פעור עיניים וקפוא. בשביל להרגיע אותו חייכתי אליו ונתתי מבט על הזין שלו. הוא התחיל לאונן וגמר פעמיים ב10 דקות שהסוס קרע אותי מבפנים. סימנתי לליאם להתקרב אלי , הרמתי את עצמי מעט והוא התיישב מתחתי וחדר אל החור בתחת שלי בפתאומיות, התחושה הייתה כל כך מענגת וכל כך כואבת באותו זמן שלא ידעתי מה לעשות. צרחתי, גם מכאב וגם מעונג, הסוס שלא הפסיק לשניה במלאכה נהם וליאם גנח בחוזקה. סוף סוף גמרתי, לא האמנתי שלא גמרתי עוד לפני זה! פתאום הרגשתי תחושה מוזרה מאוד: הרגשתי כאילו אלפי ליטרים של נוזל סמיך נשפכים בכוס שלי, עמדתי להתפוצץ!! במהירות הוצאתי את הזין האדיר של הסוס מתוכי. השפיך לא הפסיק לנזול, הייתי מכוסה בכל כך הרבה שפיך על החזה, על הפנים, ועל כל הגוף. כל הארווה הייתה מלאה בגמירה של הסוס, גם ליאם התכסה כולו בשפיך, אבל הוא היה מרוכז בלהקפיץ אותי על הזין שלו שעדיין היה בתחת שלי. האיבר של הסוס היה כל כך גדול ונפוח עכשיו שלא הייתי מצליחה להכניס אותו אליי , לא הייתי עומדת בזה. גמרתי שוב בשפריץ על הסוס, כמובן שהכמות הייתה הרבה פחות מרשימה מהנוזל של הסוס אבל בשבילי זה היה השיג אדיר. בזה לא תמה העבודה, עלינו, אני וליאם, על הסוס והוא זיין לי את השדיים עם הזין שלו. גמרתי שוב בסיפוק עצום. זה הספיק לי. ירדתי מהסוס, ומיד אחרי ירד ליאם, נשכבתי על הקש ונרדמתי מיד מחובקת עם ליאם. התעוררתי בתחושה נעימה של לשון בתוך הכוס שלי, מלקקת כל טיפת שפיך שנשארה שם, נרגעתי אחרי גמירה קטנה וצנועה שלי. התלבשנו וחזרנו לצימר שלנו. לא הוצאנו מילה נוספת באותו יום ולא דיברנו על זה מעולם יותר אבל לא עובר יום שאני לא נזכרת בזה ועולה לי חיוך על הפנים.
So, you are forgainst it?
I’m sorry I don’t speak Fluent Jive
(((Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.)))
Look i don’t fugiat anyone’s pariatur without permission. furthermore, Excepting an eight legged Cat named Cupid isn’t prudent, and your Office Smells
LOL! That’s exactly what I was just going to say! Glad I scrolled down first.
I remember juuuuuuuuust barely enough Hebrew to get the basic idea of what this is. Well played, HM.
It’s an allegory.
Well, that’s in my YouTube history now.
I’m going to do a Carnac and guess this is the Navy Seal copypasta.
Warning: This is HM. Google translate at your own risk!
I knew better, but I did it anyway
So agreed/disagreed? Yahweh sezs “Don’t Say My Name!”
Yahweh likes to use that fake old-style English with “thou shalt” and shit like that.
I like tricking the true believers by saying “no way” and getting them to say “yeah way” and then telling them they’ll receive eternal punishment for saying Yahweh.
So, I admit that I could never read Ayn Rand. Ten pages max and then, fuck it, this is terrible and sludgy writing. I don’t understand the adulation. Anyways, SP and I decided for our nightly movie we’d try the Gary Cooper/ Patricia Neal “The Fountainhead.” I was somewhat worried when I saw the credits- Rand did the screenplay. But we gave it a try. 15 minutes. SP turned to me and said, “I can’t take any more of this. It’s the worst dialog in film history.” I nodded in agreement, and we went over to YouTube and watched an Iron Chef. Much better, it was Molinari vs Morimoto in the porcini battle, and Molinari totally destroyed the Jap.
Not just terrible and sludgy writing; preachy, too.
Don’t leave out “pretentious.”
The acting of the time fit the over the top dialogue
Well, that’s true.
I love that period, maybe an article would be fun, after all I’m the Parade Magazine of Glibs
I enjoyed atlas shrugged when I read it. That was about 10 years ago. I did skim through the 100 page speech in the middle. The story was pretty good.
I think she’s a much better essayist than novelist; her newsletters are good too. I’ve read everything she’s ever written, literally. “The Cashing-In: The Student ‘Rebellion'”, despite being written in the 1960s, might as well have been written yesterday.
I’ve read everything she’s ever written as well. Her shopping list of March 23rd, 1964 was excellent!
I thought “published” but my fingers put down “written”.
Have you been to an Objectivist forum lately? It’s a distinction without a difference.
Not recently. Online Objectivist communities seemed to have a large proportion of newly-read people with a loose grasp on fundamental concepts like property rights, with mostly just a “sense of life” feeling from reading Atlas Shrugged/Anthem/The Fountainhead. Also a bunch of “help me reconcile my religion with Objectivism” stuff I have no interest in.
If I wanted a loose grasp of fundamental concepts leading to bad conclusions, I would just read Reason Magazine.
I thought Her version of the Vagina Monologues was Superb!
I never could finish Atlas Shrugged and felt a failure for it. I was excited when they did the trilogy of movies. Then I was disappoint after the first.
I started Atlas Shrugged but after two nights I was paroled. True story.
Tonight at my office holiday party there was a taco bar. On the table were sombreros and fake mustaches for pictures.
Where do I go to file a complaint for cultural appropriation/racism?
Hopefully you ate all the Tacos first
Did you make the off comment that you never liked the hairy taco back in the 80’s? If not, opportunity missed to be fired for sexual harassment..
I fear to ask,Hairy Taco? who is this Guy?
You will figure it out eventually. Bearded Clam? Does that help?
Ahem, My first thought was Mexican Girls, I apoligise if my sarc isn’t clear 🙂
All tacos in the 80’s where hairy, not just the Mexican girls. Sometimes they had the biggest thigh beards though.
Today I Learned
Most people forget 50% of what they hear after 1 hour, 70% after a day, and 90% after a week.
Without constant reinforcement, we’d have few memories.
Only about 10% of learning comes from formal training. 20% is social learning and the rest is on-the-job training.
People remember about 10% of what they see, 40% of what they see and hear, and 90% of what they see, hear, and do.
And these facts I learned today, I will probably forget in a week.
And you had to read that to get it? hmmmm…..
/youth? no offence
I didn’t know the percents. I didn’t realize it was that bleak.
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
-ancient saying, attributed to Confucius
Fish in other man’s well, catch crabs
also Confucius
Sleep with itchy ass, wake up with stinky finger
Fart in church and sit in own pew.
That one works on many levels
Presentation nightmare. Got the video up on the projector, but no sound. Then got sound, but no video. Let the office lady set it up for me and trusted she’d do it right. Find out she just randomly hooked up cables. MY fault for trusting her.
Do hate that kind of thing.
They always tell us to “delegate, delegate!” but if the helpers can’t be depended on, how can you keep from being a controlling ass??
Risk my Dear, gotta cut em loose sometime
Pisses me off because I had a kick ass presentation ready to go. I focused my prep time on fine tuning my end instead of double checking her work. Lesson learned.
I thought you Japs had the best tech? All projectors I have used had one connection. Idiot proof, and hence why I could use it adequately. The presentation on the other hand…..
You Japs? You have any idea how hard it is to renounce US citizenship? Wish it were as easy advice getting divorce in Islam.
I thought you just had to pay the “exit tax” started by the Obama administration to milk you one last time.
Glen Greenwald, either fighting the good fight or having his head up his ass to a ridiculous degree. Thankfully, it’s the former here.
Was it HL Mencken that exposed that fault in media with his fake bathtub story?
Sometimes it seems there really is no in between with him. He’s either slavishly adoring Corbyn or calling out CNN for terrible journalism. I’m glad for the latter, but my god, dude, do you think the press under Corbyn or any of those socialist dirtbags is *better* than CNN?
With Greenwald you never know until you soak it in vinegar and then run it through the heavy cycle. He was the Editor of Salon, for fuck’s sake!
Late to bring a quote from the linkses, but I had it copied so….
Who is she talking to in that article? Normal people or politicians? Or is she just writing shit down in a fantasy scenario? Are the Dems and run of the mill progs now explaining how they have changed and told Franken to GTFO because they have new found morals after covering for someone who is most likely a rapist but had the right political views? Not to mention, as mentioned above, Ted Kennedy actually killing a woman? No. They have zero credibility and have no say now as far as I am concerned. Their voice should not even have one inkling of merit and they should be shouted down at every opportunity. I heard Debbie Wasserman whutsherface saying how if Moore should be elected to the Senate he should be put right into an ethics committee investigation and removed. Fuck Moore and fuck DWS. Has Greasylocksschultz been investigated by the ethics committee for rigging a primary yet? The whole lot of them are bordering on being an illegitimate government. The fuckers have a slush fund to cover sexual harassment claims? Palleeasse.
I am sure this was all covered, but I don’t get to Glib too often these days.
I have had a shitty work week and am about to have 2 consecutive shitty work travel weeks, so I just said FuckitIAmHavingAWoodfordReserveRightNow. That is what is happening.
On the plus side, I live in America, am still relatively free, can afford Woodford, Blackhawks won (barely), and I have what passes as “my health” for me. So I’m blessed. And I have you guys, so something something.
My long-time (friend and) secretary’s 48 year old brother in law was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer all over the place only 3 weeks ago. They put him on Chemo and his brain started swelling and all kinds of terrible things happened, and he died slightly less than 3 weeks after diagnosis. Left 2 kids, and a widow who is a zombie right now. He was going on the last day, and the docs said he was mentally gone, but the kids held his hand and talked to him and he wept. His eyes didn’t just leak at any other point, so I think he really heard them and knew he was leaving. It was heartbreaking.
Ok, so that was to remind me that my complaining about my job is really shitty and shallow of me. Don’t be sparing with the hugs, handshakes, and kind words. Shit changes in a real hurry.
The time to be nice to people is while they’re alive.
No act of kindness, however small, is wasted.
Absolutely true. You never know what someone is going through. Just being nice may change their lives or get them through another day.
This is true.
My coworker who has been my partner in crime for about 17 years, for better or for worse (he’s the mechanical engineer and I am the electrical engineer on our projects), is going in for kind of scary spinal surgery next week. Yesterday I got a card and put in it the “fruits” of the first attempt we made at shrinking a quarter using high voltage, high current pulses. We didn’t constrain the quarter physically well enough, so it warped and launched instead. I have kept it all these years and gave it to him in a card to take to Texas for his specialist surgery.
He burst into tears and thanked me profusely. I then taunted him that I was going to pray for his agnostic ass whether he liked it or not. It was a good time. That’s not wasted.
Geez, you *are* having a tough time. Here, have a virtual hug, and another double shot.
Shit. You are so right. Pass the bourbon, please!
Nothing like losing (or watching someone close to you lose) a loved one to make you get some perspective.
Enjoy the libation, take work trouble with a grain of salt, and enjoy the good things you have.
May God Bless you and take care
Thax, Yusef.
All danger in the world could be eliminated if just passed the right law. Then we could all die peacefully.
I’m twice the Man most millennials ever will be, wanna fight?
Whoa..I pray peace for his family. Life is way to short for some.
No kidding! I see my middle aged coworkers (I also am middle aged) starting to panic that they aren’t going “up the ladder” fast enough or whatever. I think it’s worse on them than for me because they are male and expected to go to management, and I am female and an expert in my technical niche, so people are fine with me staying there. I also am fine with staying there because I don’t give a crap about job titles and I feel like I am financially compensated well for my labor.
But, man, these guys who all started as tech employees, whether mech, elec, or computer, who now want to be managers—I don’t get that at all.
Every week I complete what I committed to, even if it means late nights like last night and the next 2 weeks of business trips, but I am not going to sacrifice my mental and physical health, nor that of my husband, by engaging in a “climb to the top”. Eff that right now.
I have never been to the top but I did consistently move up in my last, now dead, career. My experience is the climbers get passed over for the ones who show they can do their job. The right management sees that.
Once they know your good, they expect it every time,
Got kinda teary there myself.
Hope all goes better soon for you!
Thanks, Goddess Athena.
I am good, but my penchant for empathy takes its toll sometimes!
That, or menopause. IDK.
Sorry, got drunk again. Best wishes to all! I’m bleeding from every orifice except my my pee-hole, should I stop drinking so heavily? Asking for a friend.
youtube comment gold: She identifies as Bobby Hill.
so my W7 machine is probably dead, I have all my backups and such, so I only lost a few pictures, but what I really lost was a DAW for one of my MIDI controllers. i want/need both controllers and my normal keyboard, So i had a full size Android with a 20″ screen and sure enough, my Software Synths linked right up to my Keystation88 and my Nektar 25, so I’m back in business, 6 synths, ready for live.
So fucking stressed out right now that I took 4mg of klonopin a half hour ago and it hasn’t done shit. And now I can’t drink, because it would probably kill me.
I’m going to die before I’m 50 if I don’t change my work situation.
I don’t need a response to this. I’m just rambling.
Ugh! Sorry.
This is not a response. I’m just randomly typing.
And I said this without reading hayeksplosives above, and now I feel more like shit.
Which is my own fault, not his.
I’ve got to be the only man in the world who looks forward to visiting his in-laws for a week and a half over Christmas. But then again they’re far nicer to me than my own parents ever have been.
Hayek is a chick. 🙂
But, yes, it’s easy to feel like someone else’s troubles are “worse” than one’s own, but of course one has to *live* with one’s situation day in and day out, so it’s one’s reality.
Venting sometimes is good! However, I have to closely monitor my thought patterns so I don’t get into dwelling on negative stuff all the time. Really easy for me to slip into.
I won the Parent Lottery, but I love my mother-in-law. She’s awesome. Unlike my most previous mother-in-law who hated me and made no attempt to hide it.
I love and cherish My MIL, even though she fucked me a time or three,
79 and ripping along, gardening and stuff,
Love what you have, while you can, God Bless us all, Glibs!
I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety disorder most of my life (I’ve had a host of therapists give me a host of other diagnoses, but those are the only two that’ve really stuck). I kept it hid when I was a teenager because my parents would punish me if I showed negative emotion, so when I went away to college I ended up attempting suicide and was in the hospital for 5 days before my father pulled me out AMA because he didn’t want to pay for it.
Fun memory: The hospital I was in had four wings: Downstairs was the depressed/suicidal adults and what we called the “crazy” adults (they were locked up more tightly than we were, obviously). Upstairs was the youth wing and the senior care wing. The senior care wing was directly above where we were. Anyways, there were a couple of people about my age in the hospital at the same time, and when we were given free time we’d hang out on the “outside” (think one of those cages you see where max security prisoners have their “free time”, but with nicer chairs) and just talk and smoke. Every afternoon at 2 PM while we would be sitting out there this guy in the senior care wing would start belting out the Banana Boat Song (Day-O, Day-y-y-y-y-O…)
I’m no longer suicidal, thankfully (this was over 20 years ago now), but I continue to have crushing anxiety about … everything. It’s rough.
I have no clue why I just shared that. I might’ve in the past. Maybe I’ll regret it. Oh well.
JB, smile, the World sucks, you live in the same shit as we do, I wish it were better but it isn’t, try to stay positive,
/Self Help
That all sounds really hard. Glad you are still with us!
The older I get, the more I realize that everybody is dealing with something. Some people can just hide it better than the rest, you know?
Was the Day-O guy at least singing in tune?
I larfed!
He was! We’d sing along.
I love that. I have a very clear picture in my mind. 🙂
I know you did not ask, but I am going to tell you my story of anxiety anyways Some years ago I went through two divorces in three years. The first one went down after the Mrs banging her coworker and then telling me to move out because she had met “someone else”. (I can’t say it enough. Do not marry the easy girl if you expect monogamy) The second was just a mistake decision made the year after the first made when we were both not right in the head. Wife 2 had recently lost her husband of one year to an illness. Anyways after being rejected by two women I loved more than myself I lost it. The synapses in my brain frizzled. I could not walk into a gas station and stand in line to pay for gas. I had to wait for the people to leave and the line to thin and then I could go in. I was a mess. I would start shaking in crowded situations and sometimes just eating lunch in a restaurant. It was terrifying. What the fuck was wrong with me? A friend of mine who had dealt with serious depression and came out of it told me he just finally told himself he was sick of being depressed and convinced himself to not be. I tried that approach and started running in the mornings. Working out in the afternoons when I got home from my construction job. I hit it with physical fitness plus the trying to change my frame of mind. Shortly after that I had the opportunity to change jobs and entered a whole new world. For me, to get rid of anxiety was a terrifying change from my norm. The last time I felt anxiety I was on Percocet (broken ribs) and about 6 beers (who needs a liver) and standing in an a crowded airport. It only took two more beers to get rid of that anxiety attack.
Working out and change is what did it for me JB. I wish anxiety attacks on nobody. They are terrifying. I trust you can work through those. I am sure you can.
I am so far past them I was able to quite working out and now I just drink.
The Black Dog has been nipping at my heels since I was a tadger. My best psych ward story concerns the crazy-haired older lady that was sure that we had stolen her baby\babies (like a litter) and the long rope that they left hanging from the broken boxing gear. My civilian buddy came to visit and we had a chuckle about it. The next day some crazy fuck tried to off himself with it.
Leave Your Job!
My parents died on the Same Day in 2004, Dad in Co, Mom in TX, and it was a mess, sister drove to TX to cremate Mom and my Brother flew out to Co. to try and save Pop’s assets. I grabbed a trailer and me and Son drove out, 15 hours non stop. Dad’s Guns were gone but his truck was still there, so Brother took it, and we stripped the house, his Girlfriend wasn’t happy.
My parents are interred at Arlington, Riverside Ca. There’s my 2 cents
Whoa. That sounds rough.
I miss my Mom every day and she’s been gone more than three years now. Dad is still hanging on, but there are no guarantees.
Hard living,Vietnam, I think they knew,and are together, sounds good huh?
/Life happens
I don’t miss my Mom. She was tiny and just kept getting meaner as she aged, like a dwarf star. I thought that she would bury us all.
The girlfriend sold his guns?
His “friends” did, Fuckers
BTW Florence, CO. i lived in Canon City
A fine neighborhood with some not nice neighborhoods. I know those areas. I trust you were not in the prison when you lived in Canon City. It is ok if you were. My Grandpa was.
Hey SP Red Letter Media did a ReView of Ed Wood. Did you get around to watching it yet?
No! I need to go add it to our watch list while I’m thinking about it. Thanks for the reminder, CPRM.
To get you stoked, here is the real trailer for Plan 9 From Outer Space. The whole movie is actually on youtube for free if you want to watch it after Ed Wood.
The only Johnny Depp/ Tim Burton movie that I’ve ever liked! It’s a keeper!
Edward Scissorhands?
Bah! Too fey~
I went looking for something to make me smile and I found this, which did make me smile.
Yah der hey.
Hold the door, please. A Gentleman is passing through!
Marklar? Maaaaarrrrrrrklarrrrr!
OT and a dead thread but my work is making me toil when I can’t. Imagine being a mechanic trying to change your oil while you blithely skip down the highway at 60 miles per hour. That’s me.
Nothing left to cut
Smoke-Free Policies in the World’s 50 Busiest Airports
1) smoking isn’t a public health issue for the overwhelming part.
2) smoking policies outside of the US ARE NONE OF THE CDC’S GODDAM CONCERN.
Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC.
Cut the first part and latter half of the second for a start. Worthless leaches and parasites.
I remember when I lived in North Carolina and would fly out of Greensboro. No restrictions on smoking in the terminal at all. And that was only 20 years ago.
And I’m sure most people here remember the smoking rooms at Atanta.
I remember them, not specifically Atlanta. I’ve got a picture of one in Tokyo last month. I doubt you’d really need your own cigarette. Just walk in, it was like a fog chamber.
I remember standing in line at the bank and every second pole would have an ashtray. Heck, I remember when the “non-smoking section” of restaurants, bars and air travel was a left-handed waft of politeness to the nons. Now we’re a cowering shadow of what we once were. Raccoons and Possums. (That one is spit out for you, Sloopy)