May I have your attention, please.
I’d like to direct your eyes to the right left hand side of your screen where you will see that in addition to the “back to top” arrow, we now have a “go to bottom” arrow. It should work on your mobile devices, as well as on the desktop version of the site.
Those of you using the excellent site enhancements of Monocle, brought to you by trshmnstr and greasonable, already have some great features.
However, for those of us using unsupported desktop browsers or mobile devices, this will make it easier to pretend we’re not reading the site during meetings, as we won’t have to scroll forever after hitting refresh. I had hoped that perhaps all you glibs would just stop being so darn long-winded and the pages would get shorter, but that doesn’t seem to be happening. 😉
Some other improvements have been made behind-the-scenes, but this is the only one that matters to you folks!
I like it, thanks!
You’re welcome.
The goggles…They do nothing!
Kewl. This will make it even easier for me to bypass the article and comments, so as to post redundant/duplicate links after others have. Thanks SP, have a slice of artisanal deep dish Hawaiian pizza on me – it has truffle oil garnish too! ???
/SP looks for the Delete Account button for Pomp
Huh ?
Thanks SP. I mostly post from work on mobile. On the long threads its can take awhile to get to the bottom.
You’re welcome.
I noticed this new feature last night but did not comment on the new awesome feature as I assumed it had been there awhile since I am not able to Glib like the regular loafers here. Nice work, thanks. Next can we please get a mini button to scroll the TLDR comment and move down the page so we can add “Wutcha say? I Schultzed that long winded nonsense and still like Rand Paul” to the lexicon? #TLDRSchultzedIt
The little green share thing that was on the bottom left seems to be gone.
Glad to hear it. I guess the ointment worked, then?
Thanks, SP.
You’re welcome.
Love it!
But what the hell is ‘Varnish’?
Yes. What is varnish?
Cache software, very useful for sites with lots of static content.
On Glibs pages with 600-odd postings, where the bulk of the data doesn’t change between browser refreshes, it’s usually very beneficial.
What he said.
Thanks, SP. It’s a big help.
You’re welcome.
Not sure I like it yet. It blocks a chunk of right sided comments on a mobile phone. Will give it a week to see how it goes.
You’re not missing much.
You may or may not be welcome in a week then. 😉
I tested it on several different devices, and it wasn’t perfect on them all, but used strategically it was better than the forever swiping scroll.
Love it – thanks for the surprise!
You’re welcome!
Thanks, SP! I just used it to scroll down and post this comment 😀 MAGIC
You’re welcome!
I’m using it to rapidly go to the top then the bottom back and forth, over and over again. Finally, a video game where I don’t get killed right away!