I got my 8 Hour Pin from AA, which I feel is a major accomplishment. I think I’ll have some Irish coffee to celebrate. While I mix that up, here’s some fun news stories for you kind folks to discuss.

First up, this wasn’t a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when and how many.” We all knew this was coming, so to speak. Too bad, this was one of the very few really good judges out there and someone I would have liked to have seen on the Supreme Court.

Speaking of the Supreme Court, this was an unsurprising decision. Shocking, I know- if a president unilaterally creates an agency or program without legislative support, then his successor can just as unilaterally terminate it. But… but… every goodthinker knows that it shouldn’t be true when it’s Lightbringer programs being ended by the Orange Menace. It’s no secret that I am not a fan of Trump, but his continual unraveling of Obama’s “legacy” is certainly a point in his favor. And I say that as someone who very much supports a much broader allowance of immigration- it’s not the outcome that I like, it’s the exposure of the inherently corrupt legislation by the executive absent congressional action. You want a program that isn’t temporary? Great, get congress to legislate it. We have a constitution, in theory.

The Day of Rage has largely turned out to be a Day of Going Through The Motions.

Rioting broke out in some 30 locations in the Palestinian territories, according to the military, which said 3,000 Palestinians participated in the West Bank. As night fell, the demonstrations had mostly dispersed.

…In Jerusalem, demonstrations were limited in scope and dissipated quickly, and some Palestinian residents expressed resignation, along with contempt, about the U.S. move.

I may have found the most hilariously stupid news story of the year. Look at it. Admire it. To quote SugarFree, “Holy fucking shit, that was like being riddled with dumb-bullets.” I’m not sure how you can sexually harass an inanimate object, but coming up next, an essay on how to get consent from your vibrator.

The Pope second-guesses Jesus. Like a presidential spokeschimp, Frankie went full-on “What Our Savior meant to say was…”

Old Guy Music time! Since we’re going to a show tonight, I was tempted to post a song from the fellow we’re seeing, but I thought, “After all this depressing news, we need something which will make people want to boogie! Even UCS!” My love of American music forms is obvious, but there’s a few I’ve neglected, and certainly Zydeco is one of them. Now, Queen Ida is more of crossover Zydeco, but still, fun fun fun. And here’s her cover of great classic song, “Jambalaya.” If this doesn’t make you want to stand up and dance, you’re dead inside.