I got my 8 Hour Pin from AA, which I feel is a major accomplishment. I think I’ll have some Irish coffee to celebrate. While I mix that up, here’s some fun news stories for you kind folks to discuss.
First up, this wasn’t a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when and how many.” We all knew this was coming, so to speak. Too bad, this was one of the very few really good judges out there and someone I would have liked to have seen on the Supreme Court.
Speaking of the Supreme Court, this was an unsurprising decision. Shocking, I know- if a president unilaterally creates an agency or program without legislative support, then his successor can just as unilaterally terminate it. But… but… every goodthinker knows that it shouldn’t be true when it’s Lightbringer programs being ended by the Orange Menace. It’s no secret that I am not a fan of Trump, but his continual unraveling of Obama’s “legacy” is certainly a point in his favor. And I say that as someone who very much supports a much broader allowance of immigration- it’s not the outcome that I like, it’s the exposure of the inherently corrupt legislation by the executive absent congressional action. You want a program that isn’t temporary? Great, get congress to legislate it. We have a constitution, in theory.
The Day of Rage has largely turned out to be a Day of Going Through The Motions.
Rioting broke out in some 30 locations in the Palestinian territories, according to the military, which said 3,000 Palestinians participated in the West Bank. As night fell, the demonstrations had mostly dispersed.
…In Jerusalem, demonstrations were limited in scope and dissipated quickly, and some Palestinian residents expressed resignation, along with contempt, about the U.S. move.
I may have found the most hilariously stupid news story of the year. Look at it. Admire it. To quote SugarFree, “Holy fucking shit, that was like being riddled with dumb-bullets.” I’m not sure how you can sexually harass an inanimate object, but coming up next, an essay on how to get consent from your vibrator.
The Pope second-guesses Jesus. Like a presidential spokeschimp, Frankie went full-on “What Our Savior meant to say was…”
Old Guy Music time! Since we’re going to a show tonight, I was tempted to post a song from the fellow we’re seeing, but I thought, “After all this depressing news, we need something which will make people want to boogie! Even UCS!” My love of American music forms is obvious, but there’s a few I’ve neglected, and certainly Zydeco is one of them. Now, Queen Ida is more of crossover Zydeco, but still, fun fun fun. And here’s her cover of great classic song, “Jambalaya.” If this doesn’t make you want to stand up and dance, you’re dead inside.
“Day of Rage” events never seem to turn out good for the anti-Israel ragers
Turn out well.
Pre-coffee grammar corrections never seem to produce optimal outcomes for the corrector.
/blows whistle
*subpoenas start pouring out of the printer*
Everyone should hate Francis, for screwing up the rhetorical retort, “Is the Pope Catholic?”
*Edit Fairy Blesses You, With Coffee*
“Screwing” up, not “seeing up”.
I guess we can still use, “Does the Pope wear a funny hat?”
“Well, Glen, I suppose he does.”
Sometimes. Other times not so much.
Thank you, edit
That image…
Maybe NSFW, now that I think about it.
Three bishops have historically claimed the title of Pope, the Catholic bishop of Rome, the Greek bishop of Alexandria, and the Coptic bishop of Alexandria.
So the Pope is Catholic 33% of the time.
The anti-Pope’s have a sad
Well First Saturday of a long line of working Saturdays. (We’re moving, yet again, to a new datacenter)
At least my part of the work for today is mostly done until later when I have to shepherd the applications back into a running state.
Does it count as goldbricking if you know you have to sit around waiting for the other groups before you can do anything anyway?
No. You just described most of my last week at work…
Hurry up and wait.
I thought that said “were moving, yet again, to a new decanter.”
Mine makes more sense.
How’re your guts doing? You bedded up in a hospital?
He’s laying around with drugs and flirting with nurses.
Damn him!
we call sheep “applications” now?
we call peoplesoft ‘sheep’ now?
What’s the over-under of my getting a narrowed gaze for incorporating the onomatopoeaic word for bleating into my response?
I donno, but now that I have woken up more, I realize the ‘shepherd’ ‘sheep’ continuity, and am less confused.
Aw, heck. Screw it.
Mornings before coffee are baaad.
*squints suspiciously*
Which of Andy’s cronies is getting a payoff for this?
I don’t know, we’re moving across the street from CNSE to Zen.
That NYT piece on the SCOTUS SEZ NO was hilarious – everything was presented from the opposition side. Not one word from the majority opinion. They cannot even report the basis of a SCT decision? Go crawl in a corner and moulder away, Grey Lady.
Sorry Swiss, Process is only good when it works in favor of leftist causes and/or produces an outcome that Trump doesn’t like.
producesdoesn’t produceThat pic is gonna give me nightmares.
this calls for a ecumenical council.
Although it is overall irrelevant due to Easter orthodox is the one true church. The priest of the church closest to my house says so, it must be true. So all you Catholics and Protestants and especially Jews are going to he anyway, so what does it matter how you say the prayer?
The answer is “5”
The One True Gilmore?
Presumably the majority opinion was just “The Koch brothers called and told us to do whatever Trump wants.”
I’ve not been properly caffinated this morning, so I’m pretty close to dead inside…
One caffeine pill with room temperature water should do the trick.
Too much caffiene per pill, I’ll take my normal ingestion rate.
I forget how often someone has gone “how can you drink that stuff, don’t you know how much caffiene is in it?” then proceeds to down multiple cups of coffeee (which have 4-5 times as much caffiene than my chosen caffinated beverages.)
What is the stuff in question?
Diet Mountain Dew.
To each their own. Cheers.
I stopped drinking regular mountain dew because the sugar content was doing awful things to me. If I had kept up my end of high school consumption rate, I’d give good odds I’d be diabetic right now.
Instead, I am one of the few in my family that has not developed the condition. As for any discussion of taste – I’ve been drinking it so long that nothing actually registers.
I wouldn’t complain about the caffeine content, but I would complain about the clearly radioactive ingredients used in that stuff. (In all seriousness, I can’t throw stones, I drink Coke Zero most days)
That’s a fair complaint. It’s just so often I get comments about the caffiene by coffee drinkers, when coffee has a higher per-ounce caffiene content than pretty much any standard beverage.
This is one of those times I’m glad I’m a freak who doesn’t like carbonated beverages.
I’ve tried coffee, but I get jittery and sweaty when I drink it. I’ve switched to loose leaf tea as my primary caffeine source. One Coke Zero in the morning, and tea the rest of the day.
I would say the same for Buckwheat Zydeco’s “Buck’s Step Up” and “Zydeco La Lousianne”
Here you go Swiss, this is for you.
I love the paintings of the scoundrelly British burning houses and oppressing Frogs.
Thanks for that!
The snow has started… we’re supposedly getting 4+” today.
We got 3” and more coming today. It came out of nowhere, and I’m pissed. I unexpectedly ran out of hay and planned on picking up my winter supply today. There’s no way a trailer loaded with 100+ bales can make it through in this. I’m going to have to fill my Pilot with enough to get by for the week before trying again.
The snow is falling east and south of me, but the skys are clear here.
Hasn’t started yet, but we’re supposed to get an inch or so.
That’s what she said.
Or, I sat around waiting all day and that’s all I get?
Yah, coming down heavy here.
People’s Deomcratic Republic of Connecticut, Fairfield Soviet is reporting accumulation to 1″, comrades.
Snowing here. Prediction 1-4 inches. I am baking bread and thinking about making soup. Snuggled on the couch with dog and cat and contemplating a glass of wine. It’s after noon.
What is thing “snow” of which you speak?
Nice. I’m going to make a bunch of beef kreplach today and toss them in a big pot of broth with mirepoix and herbs.
More New Orleans music. The song title accurately describes Glibs, I think.
The soul queen of New Orleans. Underrated but so wonderful.
Does anyone else see where this is going? Our less then tasteful comments + some woman’s perception = sexual harassment. Luckily I do not have to worry about this as I am afraid to speak to women. Thanks ex wives!!
once made a comment about her hair – horror
looked her body up and down “in a less-than-professional way.” – i would like to see ehm hard evidence of this
*narrows gaze*
Did you really just look his body up and down in an unprofessional manner?
I try to be very careful around my female colleagues these days. Unfortunately, I can’t 100% eliminate any 1-on-1 contact, but I eliminate it whenever optional.
, I can’t 100% eliminate any 1-on-1 contact
Yes you can
I no longer care about allegations. It’s played out and I’m now completely desensitized to it. Fuck them all and especially the “journolists” who keep pushing this agenda.
Sadly, this is exactly how they take something serious (a la Weinstein) and turn it into total triviality.
The left tried to take him out of play with that stupid “SERVER OF PORN!!!!” thing a few years back. Kozinski on SCOTUS would be a game changer, they’re trying to remove him from that particular board with this.
They’re evil, they’re not stupid.
I would bet money that women do vastly more “sexual harassment” than men, but men either don’t care, or they put an end to it right then and there by saying, “don’t say stuff like that to me”.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a scottish guy in a kilt asked “Is anything worn under there?” expecting a cocky and predictable answer.
Hats off to the guys who say “Don’t treat me like a sex object, bitch!” (uhh, not one of them)
how would you like to lick my balls mr SIri
Do it, Swiss!
*narrows gaze*
The people who are worried about rouge AI and the threat it poses to humanity are going to be the very ones who bring that about with their petitions to and demands of tech companies that they reprogram their AI assistants to be “assertive” towards their owners in response to such queries.
They want these computer programs to be training people on what constitutes proper behavior. They want these devices to use negative conditioning upon the user, currently via shaming but sure to expand to other methods, in response to the user behaving in a way these people consider unacceptable.
Yes, lets put robotic bugs in our homes that not only listen to everything we say and monitor everything we do, but now attempt to mold our behavior by imposing value judgments. How long until they start urging people not to smoke or drink as much? Or contact the police when you bring home that attractive acquaintance for fun time and your friendly AI ‘assistant’ doesn’t hear enough enthusiastic consent before getting intimate?
Since these people try to take a mile for every inch they’re granted it seems inevitable that if they get their nose under the tent on this we’ll eventually see calls for these devices to lock people in their homes or deactivate their all-electric self-driving cars (which by then will be the only street legal vehicles for “safety reasons”) when their algorithms determine they’re unsafe to let outside, or even physical coercion like mild electric shocks (the occasional death being deemed worthwhile for the cause the same way the occasional rape in Sweden is deemed worthwhile for the cause)
Not trying to be a paranoid Luddite or anything, but controlling the behavior of others is the primary concern for these people and its easy to see how their current efforts to enlist technology for that purpose would only grow in scope should they get the ball rolling on that.
“rouge AI”
What difference does the color make?
It’s secretly a commie plot.
He’s talking about putting makeup on Alexa. He’s clearly a patriarchal shitlord who is has been conditioned to treat all females and female-like entities like sex objects.
Too late.
I may have found the most hilariously stupid news story of the year. Look at it. Admire it. To quote SugarFree, “Holy fucking shit, that was like being riddled with dumb-bullets.” I’m not sure how you can sexually harass an inanimate object, but coming up next, an essay on how to get consent from your vibrator.
What if I change my Siri voice to male? Can I still sexually harass him?
That would depend on whether you identify as a “Hollywood Mogul”
Awesome, awesome, awesome.
My screen can now teleport to either the top *or* bottom of the page.
I think there was an announcement about it.
Doesn’t negatively impact my user experience, so I’m not going to complain (I didn’t use the go to top feature before, so…)
Who reads the articles? 😉
Well, I pieced it together from what all the comments were saying.
You were going to complain?
I like complaining.
Lemme dig out my “Astonished Face” emoji.
I remember hearing this story on TOS a couple years ago. Sounds like plus one for the good guys. It only took three years and who knows what expense to get that win. So far the score is 11 for the little people – bazillion for the State.
God damn, what a Kafkaesque nightmare.
Cards Against Humanity continue to alienate half of their potential customers:
In order for Cards Against Humanity to truly save America, we realized we would have to tackle the biggest issue in the world: wealth inequality…
When they signed up, subscribers filled out a survey with a mix of demographic questions and red herrings. We ranked everyone based on their survey responses and geographical census data to figure out who most needed money.
Most of our subscribers (about 140,000 people) got nothing today—they could have it worse.
The next 10,000 subscribers received a full $15 refund of their Cards Against Humanity Saves America purchase.
Finally, the poorest 100 people received a check for $1,000, paid for by everyone else.
To rank all 150,000 Cards Against Humanity Saves America recipients by wealth, we asked them some questions about their background. We also asked them about their food allergies and favorite pizza toppings so they might think we were sending them pizza. (Sorry. There’s no pizza.)
5%: Smoking
We gave extra weight to people who said they smoke or used to smoke. Smoking is highly correlated with poverty.
Lifestyle choices, how do they work?
They gave to people who blow their money on games and smokes ?
*opera applause*
Read Kimberly from New York’s thank you. She is having trouble making student loan payments because she quit her job that she didn’t like, without having a new job lined up. Really emotional stuff.
Subsudizing stupid decisions does not stike me as the fair thing to do.
Here’s the scary thing: subsidizing stupid decisions (at the expense of people who made wiser decisions) is exactly the definition of “fair” to many people these days.
Gee, it’s almost like extremely expensive habits are going to put a strain on your finances or something…
Not to mention that smoking is only extremely expensive because the State makes it so. For your own good, of course.
I am now officially glad I decided not to buy their product, even though that decision was made before the batshit began seeping out.
From the FAQs
Our bad. We had to guess how much money you had with limited data. The US government actually knows how much money you have and has trillions of dollars to redistribute. Why don’t you get mad at the US government?”
Fuck these people.
So basically the creators of CAH are feeling guilty over the wealth they’ve accumulated, and believe that those wealthier than them have even more reason to feel guilty and be shakendown by the government.
Yea fuck these guys.
It comes from a feeling of undeserved success. They got rich on a stupid card game. They can’t see that they earned it because they have a low opinion of themselves. Thus they loathe their own success and by extension, the success of others, who couldn’t possibly have earned it either,
Those is where I get frustrated. People aren’t voluntary giving the government their money Steve. Also, what makes you think the government could do anything in a better fashion then you. To even compare the two (CASH giving their own money away vs Government redistribution) is dishonest, because they never charged more to their other subscribers.
See, that was their mistake – they gave away their own money instead of other peoples; there is no limit to how much of other peoples’ money you can redistribute.
biggest issue in the world: wealth inequality… wait i though climate change was …
Meh, private company gives away their money and social signals, I’m having a hard time giving a shit either way here.
I’m still free to call him a fucking idiot.
Also, I think the founder has a distorted view of how most people earn wealth. He stumbled onto it via selling one big idea and probably feels insanly lucky, and projects this feeling of “I didn’t do a whole lot to earn this” on people who had more of a slog than his personal experience.
Same shit that happens in Hollywood. Any given A-list actor who worked in the industry for any appreciable length of time knows that there are thousands of equally, or even substantially more, talented people in their industry who could play the same roles and that the only reason they aren’t is because of some element of luck. They then presume that the same thing happens in other circles of elite performers where there actually are objective differences that account for most of the difference in outcome.
Cards against Humanity, while fun on occasion, always had a Jon Stewart-esque stench of smug condescension to me. Not surprisingly, in the #resist era, they’re whipping their tiny dicks out and pissing into the wind. It seems to be the way of the left these days.
I don’t know what that is but I’m glad I don’t give them any money.
Someone got me that as a gift several years ago, so the money is already spent, but I might chuck it in the trash just out of spite. It’s not really a whole lot of fun anyway once you’re familiar with all the cards.
Talk about a murderers row. Yanks trade for Giancarlo.
Talk about inequality. Mets fans hardest hit.
Know what would be cool: every year, teams choose up sides in March!
Yesssss yess, feed on your own.
Who knows what the merit of the allegations are, but that’s not going to stop me from enjoying this particuar smarmy, sanctimonious douchenozzle from swallowing this bitter medicine.
I actually like his show, gives me a rage boner almost every listen.
That is one NPR program I can say I have never listened to. It is not carried around here. I have heard, on right wing radio, that there are eight or nine NPR folk caught up in the #metoo isms. I find that hilarious.
Most of the leadership of their news arm seems to have been disappeared.
I now listen to NPR on my drive to work because it is the one news station I get prior to the right wing AM station turning their wattage booster on. (at least that is what I assume is happening as it seems to be gone at certain times) I yell at the radio numerous times during my Morning Edition drive every day. They are a bunch of anti semitic asshats pushing such one sided #realnews it is infuriating. Defund that shit asap. They won’t go away and I am fine with that, but fuck me if the tax payer should give one red cent to fund that network.
“Defund that shit asap.”
It amazes me that the Rep controlled House and Senate along with the Rep President hasn’t done just that. Not only is the right thing to do, their base would love it and it’s one of those small moves that would pay big political dividends.
I think one of the greatest things that can be taken from the first year of the Trump presidency is that it has actually shown the R’s in congress for what we have always assumed them to be. Fucking worthless when it comes to conservative issues they campaign on but lack any sort of integrity to follow through when in office. Loooo-zeeeers. I have grown to enjoy Trump just for the comedic value and I hope he destroys all of DC by the time the crazy fucker is done and or taken down in this slow motion coup.
Reminds me of a letter in today’s paper from a prog crying about trickle down economics and how evil the Republican tax cuts have been since Reagan’s time. I’m thinking “Weren’t there numerous opportunities since Reagan for the Democrat controlled Congress and White House to reverse these ‘evil’ policies? Maybe even as late as 2009-2010? But they didn’t did they?” Seems that the Dems are about as useless as the GOP in translating their campaign promises (e.g. Close Gitmo) into action.
Of course, it’s a myth. I wrote a little piece here about 8 or 9 moths ago running the numbers. Taxes, spending, and “social” spending all went up in the Reagan era, and not even a diminution in the rate of increase. Ronnie was just as much of a statist shitheel as every other president in the 20th century, Coolidge excepted.
“Alexa, will you have my baby?”
WS -“Siri, you dirty slut, where is the closest gas station?”
SIRI- That is not appropriate language in which to speak to me WS
WS-Fuck you cunt bitch phone, where is the closest gas station?
SIRI-*takes control of the car via networked connection through the internal blue tooth and drives WS into a a bridge abutment*
::polite applause::
You really shouldn’t ask a woman for directions
Maybe they could have more practice if men would ever bother ASKING.
The last time I tried the direction giver mixed up left and right.
I’d rather put up with the bullshit from my GPS.
I learned very quickly to stop asking my wife for directions.
*Me driving through an intersection*
Glad my wife doesn’t read Glibs :p
SP will not allow any “smart” voice-activated appliance into the house. We completely disconnect power from our Amazon Fire when we’re not using it. When it comes time to get a new TV, since they all seem to have mikes built-in, I’ll be exercising my electronics skills to disconnect and destroy it. I think our paranoia isn’t excessive.
BTW, among her other talents, SP is a human GPS. Seriously.
Trump just grabbed my cock. I feel ashamed and devalued.
You should sue. Could be worse, at least he didn’t grab you by the pussy.
If the lawsuit is successful, Straf can get himself a pussy for Trump to grab with not but a short surgery.
Imagine if, instead of handshakes we grabbed each other’s cock as a sign of “how do you do”.
Probably more sanitary.
I’ve made no secret of my enthusiasm for the part of the tax reform package that gets rid of the deduction for state taxes. There are a number of reasons for this, but the big one is that there’s a huge moral hazard associated with protecting taxpayers from Sacramento’s (and other high tax states’) misbehavior. Despite not wanting to pay more taxes in the short run, there probably isn’t any long term solution to Sacramento’s overspending and overtaxing problem that doesn’t include getting rid of that moral hazard. In short, the voters are less likely to hold Sacramento responsible for their misbehavior when the voters are insulated from that misbehavior by being able to deduct Sacramento’s misbehavior from their federal taxes.
Rather than argue about this from a theoretical perspective or cite past examples, known relationships, etc., it’s probably more instructive to watch the reaction to the state tax deduction unravel in real time–and the reactions to the elimination of the state tax deduction are already rolling in.
For instance, California Gov. Jerry Brown announced the day before yesterday that the state’s public pensions aren’t “ironclad”. Overspending on the state’s pensions is a huge part of California’s overspending problem, but cutting them will go over with the state’s public employees about as well as they did when Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker went after collective bargaining in Wisconsin. Jerry Brown’s “epiphany” on the state’s pension plan (as the WSJ put it) isn’t unrelated to the elimination of the state income tax deduction in the tax reform package.
It’s happening!
To see the kind of logic that the progressives who run California are using (in real time), I give you their take courtesy of the Sacramento Bee. Take their protests with a grain of salt, but here are some choice excerpts:
—-The Sacramento Bee
The article goes on to suggest that employers writing off payroll taxes has the same effect as individuals writing off their state income taxes. I call bullshit. Heaping $100 billion a year in payroll taxes on employers for employing people might have different negative consequences than taxing individuals for their income, but they’re negative consequences–and new. Furthermore, trying to cut California’s income taxes on the wealthy is likely to meet with stiff political resistance from progressives within the California Democratic party’s own ranks.
Some of California’s biggest problems stem from Sacramento being ruled like a one-party state. To whatever extent the political controversy in California is over taxes and spending, rather than immigration, gay rights, the environment, etc., it will eat away at that one-party state.
Certainly, Sacramento won’t stop their spending and taxing ways until the voters start holding them responsible for their misbehavior, and if the federal government is no longer providing them cover, then that day is closer. The Sacramento Bee may pretend not to know that, but I know it, the aid in the California legislature knows it, Jerry Brown knows it, and you should know it, too.
But isn’t the left talking point that blue states already pay more federal tax then they get and red states are mooching?
It’s a meaningless statistic. States don’t pay taxes to the federal government. Individuals do.
Some states have more resources, a higher population, etc.
If progressives want to get rid of the federal income tax because California pays a disproportionate share of federal income taxes, then we should help them accomplish that.
BLUF: It is racket to design the determination to fit the agenda. There is no set methodology to determine how to calculate how money out and in flows. So one example is that some studies use military payroll and military retirement as Fed money flowing in, others don’t. Both those sources of flow in also through taxes flow out- but you just calculate the flow in.
I’m sure that’s true.
Even so, it wouldn’t surprise me if California sends more tax revenue per capita to DC than Kansas, what with California’s Silicon Valley, the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, the Biotech industry and defense contractors in San Diego, and the tourism industry–when Kansas is more about growing relatively low-margin commodities.
Still, it isn’t about states. They’re trying to say that redneck voters who want less government are stupid because if they actually got less government, they’d be the ones who suffered most from lower taxes and the absence of government largess. I’d counter, first, that if other people are disproportionately benefiting from the money taxpayers in blue states send to Washington D.C., then they’re the ones who are stupid for supporting that system at the ballot box. And why are they complaining–do the progressives believe in the redistribution of wealth to the poor or don’t they?
Second, I’d point out that looking at federal taxes by state is a meaningless statistic–unless we seriously want to talk about secession. Individuals pay federal taxes. If blue states pay more than they get back, so what?
What are they trying to say with that statistic, that individual red state voters shouldn’t want to pay less in federal taxes? I want to pay less in federal taxes regardless of whether blue states or red states benefit the most from government largess. I want to cut spending, too, and I don’t give a shit whether Kansas gets more money per capita from the federal government than California. It’s a statistic that has no bearing on my position either way–and I don’t understand why it should matter to an individual taxpayer who wants to pay less in federal taxes. I want the congress to redistribute as little wealth as possible–regardless of whether blue states or red states get more.
In its most basic form, I want to pay less in federal taxes.
What the state should want is beside the point.
I want to pay less in taxes. I care more about myself than I do about the beneficiaries of government largess in my state, and if I were in Kansas, I’d feel the same way.
Imagine I’m a resident of Kansas and wake up in the hospital after being mugged. There’s a policeman there, and he says, “I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news. The bad news is that the muggers got away with all your money. The good news is that he’s a resident of Kansas–and not California!
I care so much more about my money than I do about the state residency of the people who stole it. Their state residency is a completely irrelevant consideration for me. I want to keep my own money! Why do the progressives imagine which state my money is spent in makes any difference? Are they fucking nuts?
Remind me, how much longer does Moonbeam have in office? He made an announcement of the blindingly obvious (save to the true blue) so eventually, when he writes his book he can tout how brave he was in office. hock-ptui
That was my guess too. I can’t wait to see Mr. “Tale of Two Cities” explain to NYC voters why their rent just doubled.
They’re gonna have to cut spending because of this.
What this has done is made taxes and spending the relevant issue in high tax states, with New York, New Jersey, and California, leading the way.
All three of those states once voted for Ronald Reagan.
We can point to various reasons as to why they did that, but the biggest issue back then was the economy, taxes, inflation, etc. When people are focused on those issues instead of immigration, LGBTQI+, environmentalism, etc., it’s a different ballgame, and they won’t be able to avoid that issue.
And there is no way they can avoid the issue now. If the state tax deduction disappears, the politics of California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Oregon, etc. will be driven by tax and spending issues.
I was surprised to see the numbers, too. $100 billion per year in California alone?! Sheesh.
Yeah, the bullet train is probably dead. No way the state pension guys are going to take a cut until they cut everything else they can.
And, yeah, in NYC, how are they going to explain why rent is going even higher–not to mention why they’re going to slash income taxes on the wealthy in New York, too.
Why should the average New York voter support cutting taxes on the wealthy, who, necessarily, benefit the most from an across the board cut in income taxes? The whole progressive premise is about taxing the fuck out of the rich. Now, all of a sudden, that strategy is untenable–and you’re going to sell that to the Democrat grass roots?
All those swing voting Democrats in those states will vote for Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders in the middle of this tax and spending cut shit storm? We’re gonna see Trump Democrats emerge in blue states against their elitist overlords in that situation.
I know the GOP has been full of shit in the past. That doesn’t mean they aren’t doing smart things now–and they really are doing smart things. I’m impressed.
Dems in CA cut spending? Not until they’ve bled the populace dry. Anyone living west of I-5 on under a $100K/yr is already stretched to the breaking point. When the state’s income distribution has in essence no one between 50K and 200K – then they will think about cutting spending, but as long as they can bleed the middle class (CA edition) and top incomes don’t tank (like in every recession)? Not a fucking chance.
SO I have no idea how I came across this article (i blame the interwebz goblins)
Fairbanks woman charged with attempted murder of Ester woman
But I have a qwuestion. What the fuck is an Ester woman?
that does not help
You mean you’ve never heard of Polly Ester?
You can tell for sure if she can’t sing this.
Ester is probably a section of Fairbanks.
An Ester woman is a woman from Ester.
ok that makes sense
Fairbanks’ climate is classified as subarctic (Köppen Dfc),[20] with long, very cold winters, and short, warm summers, in which much of the annual precipitation falls; July and August are the wettest months on average.[21] Despite its usually frigid winters and often cool summers, Fairbanks is not far below being a semi-arid influenced humid continental climate, with only the cool May nights hindering this classification.
In Fairbanks, winter lasts from mid-October until mid to late April.[22] October through January are the snowiest months, and snow is limited from February to May. On average, the season’s first snow falls on September 21, the first inch of snow accumulates by October 8 and the last inch of snow falls on April 27.
Sounds dismal
Fairbanks is wonderful (seriously). If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d live there. The problem is finding a job.
I visited there some years back and had a blast. It was February, temps were teasing -80, and the girl I was staying with took me dogsledding and to Chena hot springs for a natural hot-tub experience.
It’s a nice area, but too far from a major airport for me. Mrs. Animal and I are looking at the Mat-Su valleys.
And yes, Ester is a suburb in west Fairbanks.
I’m assuming such a suburb has more moose than people as neighbors.
If this doesn’t make you want to stand up and dance, you’re dead inside.
It made me wonder what she looks like without such drapy atire. She look maybe Thicc.
Dude, she’s like 90.
Is she Thicc?
And I now have Jambalaya in my head which is awesome.
Speaking of dank corners of the web there is a video platform called pewtube and I looked at the most popular videos and damn it looks stupid.
Lauren Southern sleeping with a tranny.
first video
“Lauren Southern sleeping with a tranny”
next video
“Dancing nigger”
next video
“Ovens of Auschwitz”
well it seems as though its supposed to attract a very specific sort of person
Antisemitism, racism, and porn-a heady combination.
i don’t even think its ‘porn’ in the general sense, but some weird mixture of asian fetish porn and ….other things racists might fap to.
there is a Kate Bush music video in the midst of all that. I’m not sure what its supposed to mean.
No one understands Kate.
It means 4chan has found the place. Kate Bush is a meme on /mu/
Dank is right. It said it was “checking my browser” before directing me to the site. WTF. Never seen that before. Was I just hacked by you Russians?
All I wanted to know was what kind of Tranny Lauren Southern was sleeping with.
A Dictoffeme, or an Addadictomey, or a three speed?
That shit is Exhibit 1 of why Adobe Flash is being dropped from browsers. It’s *probably* benign, but it’s hard to be sure.
Wait until some indian guy calls you saying he has detected a problem with a virus on your computer, and follow his instructions unquestioningly.
I had to open Chrome to stream something the other day because my normal browser doesn’t even have Flash installed – and I like it that way. Flash is an abomination.
Opera uses no flash as well. and you hardly ever notice its absence.
Same way for me. Although I have a modified Chromium setup that completely ignores Flash. Only time I have a sad is when I visit the Daily Fail and I can’t watch Bella Thorne doing her own labial piercing with a BBQ skewer.
Lemme see if I can dig it out. I’m not ignoring you, I just remember it took a bit of time to find.
It’s a bit geeky, and dependent on what build of Chromium you use but here’s a good start
The definitive answer would be to inspect the appropriate command-line-reference for the version you have. That’ll stop the content as far as possible. Then, I set up the settings to ask before downloading ANYTHING, even embedded in-page.
Fer fucks sake. I meant link to the labia piercing.
Well, rule #34 means that at some point, she’ll do it. It’s just you gotta be patient.
LOL. My father got hit with that one. Fortunately he was aware enough to not give Hamid his debit number when asked for it as payment to clean his computer. The Pakistani-accented cursing and torrents of porn popping up on dad’s screen immediately thereafter was entertaining.
Often, they aren’t even ‘in’ your PC.
I usually ask them what IP they detected the problem with because I have multiple PCs.
Yeah, I know. But dad was panicked. When he finally called me I just told him to pull the plug (after laughing for a couple of minutes)
My mother that call, but did get suspicious. Then, of course she was worried they had all her information. I’d like to violate the NAP for them upsetting her.
It’s checking to prevent DDOS attacks.
Theryn Meyer is a MTF.
Cloudflare is legit, it’s DDoS protection. Edgelord sites use it to keep from getting botnetted. Just about every gaming service website uses it as well.
** basks in the glow of being called an edgelord **
I still spend the odd idle hour on 9gag or /b/ like the perpetual adolescent that I am, so I know whereof I speak.
OK, this is the first time I’ve actually cleared my browser history after clicking on a Glib link…
Ctrl+shift+p. Always.
Also battle angel alita trailer looks creepy. I remember reading a little of the manga once
More staged racist vandalism, this time in the military.
My default position on any claim like this has become it’s BS until proven true.
It’s a wonderful time we live in where racist acts have to be faked.
That’s actually a good way to look at it.
and there it is.
If this guy wasn’t a target for the ire of his shipmates before, he sure as shit will be now.
+1 bar of soap in a sock.
I was going to guess that they pretended it actually happened anyway so they could impose further indoctrination and I wasn’t disappointed.
I have nothing to gain
I’ve seen this come up repeatedly in false allegations and staged events. Just because nobody cut you a check for $10,000 doesn’t mean you didn’t do it.
Do you like hammond organ? of course you do. this is good and there should be more of it.
Nice. That is the morning soundtrack right there.
My morning soundtrack. https://youtu.be/HaOTtf3Lk4w
That girl just graduated from hogh school.
Pretty impressive drumming for some guy they obviously snagged out of corporate.
its a rough life being a funky white guy with good taste in clothes.
You know it’s funny you should say that.
I just got an ad for https://www.fivefourclub.com/ and the first person I thought of was you.
Millenials use the word “curated” for the dumbest shit.
I always thought “curated” was a pretentious word anyway. “I’m so awesome that I can decide what appeals to you better than you can.” Fits the millenials perfectly.
That was fucking sweet!
I like those KEXP sessions.
Seriously, how are these guys not bigger? Zero tour dates scheduled?
They need to come to Minneapolis and play here.
Love the Hammond organ. Jack McDuff is my goto when I want a fix.
This is funny. (H/T Instapundit)
According to SCIENCE! the ideal breast size in the US is a C cup. I mark this down to lack of education and I’m only too happy to provide said education as a public service.
6, 9, 12, 14, 41.
Ideal breast size is absurd, as they are all fantastic.
8 wins today. Nice smile, no duck face, no German Shepherd head tilt, no messy bedroom or bathroom.
Just good, solid hotness.
6 and 15
Holy bananas! Pie and I agreed on one! Mark this day down on your calendar.
15. Lotta strong contenders there and each one of them is exquisite, but I’d bounce a basketball through a minefield for a hot redhead in glasses.
I do like the way 2 serves coffee.
As Randall said in Clerks: 37!
#39 redhead looks great, maybe hasn’t been around the block as many times as the others. Carpet match drapes or not? Speaking of carpets, some of the younger guys in the locker room were remarking how their girlfriends don’t have carpets these days. Older guys have gf and wives with either nice bikini trims or wild bush. Generational thing or what?
Semi-generational, but largely down to pornification and the young-uns not realizing that real sex != porn sex.
Everyone wants to be Lexi Belle or James Deen.
High probability that #39 is legit.
some of the younger guys in the locker room were remarking how their girlfriends don’t have carpets these days
This millennial has never encountered an unshaved woman. Heck, many guys are getting in on the act these days.
And not just downtown. Like when I’m watching soccer and the players have a hard time keeping their shirts on and every one of them is clean as a baby. The better to show off their tatts I guess.
Paging Riven for her ‘hot take’ on the issue.
Well, I don’t know anyone–male, female, or…whatever–who wants to go down on Grizzly Adams, so…
Nobody expects you to take a Walk in the Black Forest. I’m talking about your ‘lived experience’.
Well, the bulk of the people I’ve known Biblically usually have done some kind of landscaping. Men folk trim, lady folk trim or shave entirely. To me, that’s just a kindness and a thoughtful way to show your partner(s) you care 😉
Personally, not a fan of the entirely shaved look, though
Landing strip or GTFO.
Q gets it!
Animal responds with a Gingermageddon!
If this doesn’t make you want to stand up and dance, you’re dead inside.
Watching the Swedes try to clap along made it even better.
I saw Dizzy Gillespie play a hall in Salt Lake City. When they started an infectious fast blues, the audience insisted on clapping on 1 and 3. Confused the shit out of the band. I larfed.
It’s not at all unreasonable that there could be a translation issue. Jesus didn’t speak English after all.
I don’t buy it. Progs constantly tell me that Jesus was a commie so he and commie pope should get along great.
Progs are ignorant fools. Especially when it comes to the history of religion.
They’re irrationally hostile to it.
It’s the fact that the statement comes from Antipope Frank that makes me doubt.
That’s what I was thinking, and exactly how many layers of hearsay was the first documented account away from the actual quote?
If there weren’t tens of thousands of pages written in English (or Spanish, or whatever other languages say the exact same things) about that verse, I’d be more sympathetic.
Augustine’s Commentary from the 300s shows that the implication of God leading into temptation existed in the original Greek and the Latin Vulgate. Of course, Augustine’s writings have been translated from Latin into English, so maybe the Pope thinks that we’re somehow misinterpreting Augustine, too?
Let me pick at a Catholic scab for a second. Those fuckers (said in the nicest way, my Catholic friends) have had an Augustine problem for 800 years. The Reformation was a return to an Augustinian understanding of the faith from the Catholic desertion of his writings. Pope Commie the First seems to have no understanding of Augustine.
Yeah to be fair they have had a few centuries to get any translation issues right.
If you ever want an entertaining theological debate, find a Jesuit and get him started on the Thomist-Augustinian divide.
Almost as entertaining as dropping a Georgist in here …
Actually I talked to the guy just yesterday and he does speak english. A bit of an accent but still
What language does Flying Spaghetti Monster speak? I’d imagine some Southern Italian dialect but not sure.
I’d imagine a Fr. Guido Sarducci voice.
Jesus didn’t speak English after all
Shut your whore mouth heathen. Sweet lavender smelling baby Jesus came out of the pure womb dripping of holy shmegma and speaking every language on the planet.
(wow. I just offended myself with that comment. That is a first)
I’ll see your Queen Ida and raise you a Neville Brothers & Dixie Cups medley . (TW: Minimal Aaron Neville, but at his least annoying.)
Remove this Pope. Now.
Pretty depressing story, but also ironic in that the kid is still grasping for fame by exploiting his own exploitation.
I’ve been wondering when Singer would be mentioned related to the sexual misconduct stuff. I seem to rememeber him being accused of sexual assault or something along those lines when the first tevamped Xmen came out a few years ago, but that dropped out of the news as the Xmen PR campaign dropped off following its release
The horror.
On the DACA SCOTUS decision:
On the one hand, I don’t like this sort of decision. The idea that the executive branch gets to have policymaking authority over the American people but is not required to be transparent about it is fundamentally disturbing.
On the other hand, most times an American citizen sues a regulatory agency for imposing a burden upon them, they get told to pound sand. This is what consistency looks like, even though it produces results some people don’t like.
On the gripping hand, DACA should never have been allowed by the courts in the first place. Such action must come from Congress.
[nervously ponders kb’s handcount, wondering if there are more to be accounted for]
He’s a Motie, so nope – he’s done.
*pulls up Glibertarians on phone during post-coffee morning dump*
*begins scrolling in earnest*
Wait. Hold on. Is- is that-
But… but… every goodthinker knows that it shouldn’t be true when it’s Lightbringer programs being ended by the Orange Menace.
For some inexplicable reason, I watched a couple of Morning Joke clips. The highlight was watching the Joke himself nattering about Trumpian “personality cultists”. These people are so devoid of self-awareness it truly amazes me. How do they manage to survive the challenges of life, like opening doors, or crossing streets, or navigating stairs?
“How do they manage to survive the challenges of life, like opening doors, or crossing streets, or navigating stairs?”
They have lackeys to do those things for them.
Oh for-
It’s a crowded field for the 2017 Stupidest Article of the Year Award.
“You know what, Siri? Fuck you.”
** disables feature with a mallet **
** pays marginally more for an imported, unlocked android device programmed by Romanians and Poles, who become incredibly rich by selling product people want **
** resolves to buy even less Apple crap **
No word on which of the universe’s orifices this is.
when a conductor runs out of fucks to give
I always got that ‘0 fucks’ vibe from Karajan when I have seen him perform.
But that is the end of New Year’s Concert in Vienna. It is always like that.
It’s a good thing. Just to sound snobby, Orchestral conductors are the ultimate counterargument to the commies’ Labor Theory of Value.
You can take a hundred or so expensive, well-trained musicians and put them together in a large hall, with all their respective pieces of sheet music, and let them play. No matter what their salaries, you’re gonna get a mediocre, if not memorable (in the wrong way) experience.
Add one man, and you transform that raw material into something unique. I think good conductors should be larger than life.
I smiled – awesome
Campus coffee shop evicts College Republicans from ‘safe space’
Members of the Fordham University College Republicans were asked to leave an on-campus coffee shop because their MAGA hats apparently violated the shop’s “safe space policy.”
The self-identified president of the student club that runs the shop told the CR members that she was “protecting my customers,” explaining that “you are wearing hats that completely violate safe space policy.”
Hello lawsuit…
Trolling them has got to be like shooting fish in a barrel. You almost feel bad it’s so easy.
I can’t imagine wanting to hang out in a “safe space” with a bunch of dour leftists except for trolling as you suggest.
Somebody needs to complain to that coffee shop the next time somebody wears a Che T-shirt there.
Bella Hadid ditches limo to join protesters for Palestine
Bella’s limo was held up behind the protesters, who had gathered outside the US Embassy near to Hyde Park.
So instead of hanging around, Bella got out of the car and joined the march for a few minutes before getting back into her car, and heading off into the night.
Got out of the limo and protested for apparently all of 3 minutes. SO very woke. Much virtue to signal.
Still would not mind a three-way with her and her sister
You’re presuming that all of her virtue is expended in signalling?
Do you not understand just how much she charges an hour?
How much? I need a target for my gofundme
That will pay endless dividends at entertainment industry cocktail parties. Smart move.
they’re calling for digital assistants like Siri to shut down harassers with statements like “That’s not an okay thing to say to me.”
“Blow me, Siri.”
How long until somebody sets up an Alexa v Siri social shaming spiral?
The self-identified president of the student club that runs the shop told the CR members that she was “protecting my customers,” explaining that “you are wearing hats that completely violate safe space policy.”
It’s a good thing those people weren’t niggers. That kid might have gotten into trouble for refusing them service.
Wonder if Fordham have a chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans who can go and get thrown out.
My office sent me a Mac, and I occasionally fat-finger the incredibly annoying button that turns on Siri. I have told her to fuck off and die more times than I can count.
Report to Casa de Weinstein immediately!
You’re Welcome
And remove it from the dock.
Tried it, but the damn thing is still there on the annoying touch bar. 🙁
Try this
Hey, that worked! Bitch is gone! I decree two beers for trshmnstr!
Isn’t it sad that a device dedicated to communication is so hard to control?
In all honesty, I hadn’t even attempted to get rid of it yet.
Not singling you out on this at all. it’s just ridiculous. Makes me want to recharge my RAZR 5 and throw this Galaxy away.
I just got a OnePlus5T and I love it! Pretty clean android install and great controls.
Highly recommended.
I’ve been looking at one of those – this J3 is pissing me off – the volume up control is broken – and I’m fed up with Verizon’s coverage.
Add to that my overall dislike that I can’t really harden the security on this phone as I’d like. For a while, I was thinking of getting a Silent Circle Blackphone, but I’m not convinced it’s actually any more secure than any other phone, rooted, with a secure VPN.
My wife has issues with Siri waking up on her phone (because she hit the wrong button) quite often. I hear a lot of “Go to sleep, Siri!”
Here you go
I have been an all apple guy since about 2008 ish (?). I have never once spoke a word to Siri. The prompts to turn the bitch on get a big NO from me.
Westernsloper can’t turn a bitch on!
Same here. I find the entire concept ridiculous.
When shit goes bad.
You never want to be aware that you have an asshole.
“Wait, what the hell is that? A giant hole in my ass? . . . Oh shit!”
The best asshole is the asshole that doesn’t make it’s presence known.
But the silent ones are sometimes the most deadly.
Zappa agrees.
How did you miss this one from farther down:
That is a very sad story.
“Miss Howard had developed ‘Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia’ after being prescribed Amitriptyline for regular migraines”
And I’m asssuming it didn’t go away after she stopped taking it? That’s some side-effect.
There’s a lot of diseases that would make me consider checking out. Everybody’s got a limit.
This is why you detox in a hospital if you’re a severe alcoholic.
Same thing if you’ve been popping benzos like candy for years.
I knew a guy that did that, worse yet, his parent kinda pushed him to quit and had him stay with them so he wouldn’t be around his usual drinking triggers. I can’t imagine how they must have felt.
RENTON: Relinquishing junk. Stage One: preparation. For this you will need: one room which you will not leave; one mattress; tomato soup, ten tins of; mushroom soup, eight tins of, for consumption cold; ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of; Magnesia, Milk of, one bottle; paracetamol; mouth wash; vitamins; mineral water; Lucozade; pornography; one bucket for urine, one for feces, and one for vomitus; one television; and one bottle of Valium, which I have already procured, from my mother, who is, in her own domestic and socially acceptable way, also a drug addict.
Repent. The end is nigh.
As holiday music plays on the radio, temperatures in Southern California have soared into the 80s, and bone-dry winds have fanned a summer-like wildfire outbreak. Southern California is under siege.
Terrifying blazes are the new normal in the West, where a mix of climate change and Tea Party politics has put an entire region at risk
As the largest of this week’s fires skipped across California’s famed coastal highway 101 toward the beach, rare snowflakes were falling in Houston, all made possible by a truly extreme weather pattern that’s locked the jet stream into a highly amplified state. It’s difficult to find the words to adequately describe how weird this is. It’s rare that the dissonance of climate change is this visceral.
TW- Rolling Stone
Terrifying blazes are the
neweverpresent normal in the West, where a mix of desert climatechangeandTea Party politicsnaive conservation policies has put an entire region at riskFIFY
Now it’s the *Tea Party’s* fault! Oh shit, these people are so unintentionally hilarious!
180 square miles of California just burned down outside my door. I’m fairly sure the amount of carbon and particulates released dwarfs anything coming out of tailpipes, but you keep beating that drum, Rolling Stone.
JFC – you mean the PATTERN that has only repeated ad infinitum? Rainy winter, heavy spring growth, dries in late summer – early fall, Santa Ana’s arrive in late fall to early winter (and dry winters always follow wet ones).
Of course when there weren’t 50M people living in the state, the damage wasn’t nearly so catastrophic.
You have to admit… you almost have to admire the fact that lefties have been able to tap into basically-spiritual-feelings, like Evangelicals in some revival tent in the 1890s, and convince their flock that bad weather is the fault of their political enemies
to use a terrible phrase…. its *fucking 2017*, and yet you have otherwise-intelligent people saying in the pages of (lol ok not really) respectable publications… shit that is effectively Primitive Spiritualist Gibberish, blaming the wrath of the sun-gods and the wind-gods and the water-gods on the sins of the Unclean Enemy who must be consequently purged.
basically – its a neat trick, if you can get away with it.
*while* you can get away with it.
mm. i think there’s a law, if not an iron one, but its a rule still…. that whatever tools you use against your enemies, they’ll one day use against you.
I suspect that this isn’t the last example of ‘partisan-hatred hiding behind “Science”-claims that we’re going to see.
*points at the sociology department… hisses….*
I think you mean
I remember some Republican a natural disaster on the gays.
um, blaming
For years, climate scientists have warned us that California was entering a year-round fire regime. For years, climate campaigners have been wondering what it would take to get people to wake up to the urgency of cutting fossil fuel emissions. For years, we’ve been tip-toeing as a civilization towards a point of no return.
That time is now.
Teslas for everyone.
Well seeing as how half the screeching comes from that state, pardon my reptilian self contently watches them burn.
Who was it the other day talking about the exile of bureaucrats to flyover country?
It’s not a bad idea, but I’d rather the departments be eliminated than moved.
You guys wonder why I keep bringing this up, but it won’t stop being an important issue any time soon.
—-Peter Suderman
Not only did Paul Ryan introduce a bill that cut Medicaid by hundreds of billions of dollars, he got it passed through the House. Peter Suderman opposed that bill when it got to the Senate. It would have cut $772 billion from Medicaid and $1.022 trillion in spending–and Peter Suderman opposed it.
You know what’s more “jarring” than hearing Paul Ryan hype a forthcoming deficit reduction plan at the exact same time as he’s leading the charge on tax reform that increases the deficit?
I’ll tell you: It’s watching Peter Suderman, who opposed slashing entitlements by $1.022 trillion, also oppose cutting taxes–because entitlement spending isn’t being slashed–and doing it in the name of libertarianism.
Slashing Spending + Slashing Regulation + Slashing Taxes = Smaller Government.
Peter Suderman opposed slashing spending + slashing regulation by way of the ObamaCare replacement bill + Peter Suderman opposes slashing taxes = Small Government Libertarian?
I don’t think so.
Suderman’s a technocratic liberaltarian. Or more succinctly, a prog.
I thought Suderman was off the bench at TOS?
I guess if he’s prepared to write an article like that, then maybe he’s back *on* the bench. With ENB’s ascendancy in journalism, someone has to carry the torch for ‘real libertarianism’.
Suderman is fond of the “Well this is a bad policy, but anything we could possibly do to change it would make it worse so…” line of argument. So is Gillespie. It’s also how they simultaneously pound the table about how bad Millennials are getting screwed on entitlements and then oppose any actual realistic changes to entitlements, for example.
And my new toy is sitting in a Fedex facility until Monday 🙁
D_g knows when I’m going to be able to pick it up from my FFL.
What you get?
i assume he’s referencing the sig 229 stainless
Damn right. I wanted to shoot that tomorrow, and now I can’t. I even have the mags loaded.
Nice. You go 9 or 40?
40’s a dead caliber. It;s why most of the guns on gunbroker are 40’s.
Cool. Always fun, getting a new toy:) I think there are way too many police Glock 22s out there for the 40 to die anytime soon. I own a couple Glock 40s. They’re not my favorite guns to shoot but the Glock 22 is my nightstand gun.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with the 40, but with PDs, Feds and the few military outfits that took it now going to the 9mm, it’ll eventually become far less relevant.
One guy I know calls it the ’10 kurz’.
I don’t believe 40 is dead.
I’m strongly contemplating swapping my edc m&p9c out for a m&p40c.
It’s a good round, especially if you expect to shoot thru’ a windshield or that kind of thing, but it’s an issue of demand.
Lots of gun guys seem to want “whatever’s good enough for the FBI is good enough for me” (of course, that might be changing now), but the migration to 9 definitely seems to be reducing demand for 40.
on the ‘pretty’ scale, i think the stainless sigs and the stainless CZ 75s are hard to beat.
Yankee Marshall’s “Pimp Gun” (blinged-out baretta 92) is a cute experiment, but i wouldnt want to be seen in public with it.
When this one arrives, the majority of my sidearms will be stainless. I have a few more guns on my ‘want’ list – one plastic and the other two are stainless.
And then, probably, the collection’s complete.
No, really!
OK, one plastic and 3 stainless.
I have a Colt Stainless Officers Special that is my best-looking gun.
They’re nice enough that if I were to break my ‘no 45s’ rule, I’d consider breaking it for one of them.
I love Rosie Ledet. Not my favorite song by her, but lyrically wonderful: https://youtu.be/wJGMhk0KveY
Live version from JazzFest
She’s a definite “would”. Her being a fellow accordion player is also a major plus.
And they shall know no fear…
Or, what I was doing while waiting for the other groups at work to finish so I could do my next part of the project.
Yay! The other goup finished.
I’ll just leave this here.
Phillips thinks the federal government is to blame for this problem because it will loan students money for any degree, whether low-value or high-value, without judgment and at the same interest rates. Schools, then, have no incentive to provide high-value degrees. No matter what the quality of the program, the feds will pay, and the students and taxpayers will be on the hook. Thus economically rational schools will keep tuition high and not concern themselves with whether they’re providing students with anything of value.
what prospective student looks at the interest rates in their financial aid package when deciding on a school or program? My student loans range from less than 4% interest to more than 7.5% interest, a fact which I only learned after I graduated. Was I being a responsible consumer of a financial product when enrolling in college? Obviously not.
If you want schools to lower the tuition for low-value programs, you could limit the amount of federal student aid schools can get for students attending these programs. It’s so much more direct! Then schools would have to either lower the cost of tuition or improve their programs, and students wouldn’t be at risk of falling deeper into debt. Or, if a program is so bad that everyone would be better off if it was closed, make it ineligible for federal student aid altogether.
Surprisingly reasonable. But then…
Here’s a third option: make schools pay back loans that the students can’t afford. This would incentivize schools to either provide more value or do it more cheaply. The burden would be on schools to provide something of relative worth, and not on students to read and understand differential interest rates and incorporate that understanding into the extremely difficult and intense process of choosing where to spend maybe the most formative years of their lives.
Yes, that’s what we need. A cadre of bureaucrats deciding how much each potential degree is worth. There’s just no way that will be politicized or corrupted in any way!
Or you could, you know, let private lending institutions charge variable rates based on the quality of the degree candidate and the education they are pursuing. Like we do with, say, houses, cars, and anything else of value that’s financed over a long term. But then that would be a market, and that would be all icky and capitalist-y.
They could also build a price differential based on the amount of demand for a given course, but they’d need some way of figuring out the right price.
If only there was a way to figure that ‘right price’ out …
Supply and demand is the spherical cow of economics, I guess.
My student loans range from less than 4% interest to more than 7.5% interest, a fact which I only learned after I graduated.
Waaaaaah! Bail me out for not reading the loan contract that I signed! Waaaaaaaah!!
I have student loans ranging from 4.25% to 6.75%. You know what I’m doing about it? Refinancing and paying it all off as fast as my family can muster.
Wanna fix the “student loan crisis”?
1) Make student loans bankruptable
2) Get the Fed Gov out of the subsidy, loan, and grant business
3) Allow students to recover their entire tuition if the school admission department lies or misleads the students on graduation outcomes
4) Get rid of mandatory degrees for professional licensure (or get rid of professional licensure in the first place)
I have said for some years now that I will go back to school and finish my degree when and if I hit 60. I plan on taking out massive student loans, change my degree path and get me a solid gender studies degree so I can become woke and then die prior to graduation just to stick it to the future taxpayers of america who are currently the idiots getting themselves worthless degrees. Sorry that plan may entrap some who are not assholes, but a few good eggs get stuck with the rotten ones in some crates.
The burden would be on schools to provide something of relative worth, and not on students to read and understand differential interest rates and incorporate that understanding into the extremely difficult and intense process of choosing where to spend maybe the most formative years of their lives.
A good college is apparently indistinguishable from preschool.
Especially when designated safe spaces have stuffed animals and coloring books.
[leaps to feet and applauds with appalling vigor]
Seeing how the Glib commentariat is made up of smart talented people who are in many cases computer geeks, I have an enact your labor request and or suggestion for a gif (if it has not already been done). I think a gif, of Willem Defoe’s Platoon death scene with Frankens head imposed over a sound track of his leaving the Senate in a few weeks speech would be glorious.
GIFs can’t have audio, but a webm would work.
See ^ this here is why I can’t make it. I have no idea what I am talking about. Plus, I have had about five Poured in the projects Bellinis and am drunk before noon. I win Saturday.
Well, I was thisclose to selling my bitcoin at $19,250 the other day, but held back when the price dropped again into the $18k range. Now I’m kicking myself for not doing it then (bitcoin is now at $14k). I was going to move it all into litecoin at $92, and now it’s at $150.
This is why I don’t gamble
That’s exactly how I view this. I put $50 of spending money in, $25 in bitcoin and $25 in ethereum. If I make a bit extra spending money, great! If not, it’ll be a fun ride to the bottom.
I’m assuming you saw this
Coinbase crashed for hours during the run up anyway, so you probably wouldn’t have been able to put a sell order through, if it makes you feel any better.
Maybe that was what I experienced. I had the sell order all set up, and it wouldn’t go through.
I thought it was user error, and by the time I got it queued up a second time, it was in the low $18k’s so I left it alone.
Definitely wasn’t just you. A lot of people were raging about it.
Surely, that reveals more about the bitcoin holder’s level of knowledge, rather than the limitations of Bitcoin.
Slanderous neoliberal propaganda
The want is made by man, not nature. Price caps set by the authoritarian socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro have forced growers to cut output as their products became unprofitable. The production of corn, the main ingredient in the staple patties called arepas, dropped by more than half since 2008, according to Venezuela’s Confederation of Associations of Agricultural Producers.
Of the 15 million tons of sugar cane consumed in the country last year, only about 3.2 million tons were produced nationally — down more than 60 percent from eight years prior. Sorghum, usually grown as livestock feed, has all but disappeared.
As part of his economic war against the bourgeoisie, the late president Hugo Chavez expropriated food processors, stores and millions of acres of farms and ranches. He wanted to kick-start a flagging agricultural industry — once hailed for producing the world’s best coffee and cocoa — that had fallen into disrepair during the country’s oil boom.
Any day, now, they’ll right the ship.
I am getting old. Last night i had a non-kinky night out with kinky rope friends. Normally, there isn’t much drinking with that sort of crew when you go out. There is a pretty strong sub-cultural taboo on drinking more than a beer or so when playing for safety reasons. But everyone had had a long week and simply wanted to drink and socialize at a bar. Which we did. And it was awesome. Except I’m the oldest person in the group by a number of years. I heard This Song on the radio this morning and felt it appropriate.
Last night i had a non-kinky night out with kinky rope friends.
Tight rope walkers? Trapeze artists? Guys who rappel out of helicopters?
Rope bondage. Heavily influenced by Japanese Shibari/Kinbaku. It’s a style of using rope, usually natural fiber, to tie someone up and restrain/immobilize them including suspending them. It’s one of the riskier types of play because it inherently carries dangers of nerve impingement even at the safest and improperly done suspensions can lead to some serious injuries or even be lethal. Thus the taboo on mixing drinking with play.
Sounds Glib Article-worthy
Hmm. I may just do that. Need to figure out the right approach so it isn’t too salacious.
Worried about losing us our “Family Friendly Website” Cert?
Indeed. It’d be a shame if I were the cause of that.
Yankee Marshall’s “Pimp Gun” (blinged-out baretta 92) is a cute experiment, but i wouldnt want to be seen in public with it.
Good grief. You could definitely get the drop on somebody with it; just pull it out and let ’em get a good look at it, then shoot ’em as they’re rolling around on the ground laughing.
When I was doing my research prior to my first 1911 build, I saw a lot of guns I would classify as pimp guns. One that really stuck in my mind had obviously been polished to a mirror finish, then blued, then polished some more, and then engraved. Probably hundreds of hours on the cosmetic finish.
I thought it looked ridiculous.
I’m not gonna lie – I want to have just one handgun that is polished to a high shine and blinged out with gold-colored details… Just for the heck of it.
Easiest way to do that is with a CZ 75 polished stainless and find someone who does gold plating.
Shoots good too, if you like manual safetys.
I like Zydeco. Thanks!