This is an open thread to discuss your favorite podcasts. Below I’ve listed some of my recent favorites. As you can see I stay away from the political and instead enjoy history and true crime.
History on Fire – Daniele Bolelli is an author, history professor, and martial artist who was influenced heavily by Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. If you want your history fix, and can get by Bolelli’s noticeable Italian accent, then History on Fire is a good place to go. Based on the podcasts I’ve listened to he doesn’t veer off from historical sources but still doesn’t come off as unbearably dry. Instead he explores the bloodier chapters of the past without fear of offending modern sensibilities.
A History of the World in 100 Objects – this is aural popcorn, short 14 minute episodes about the meaning of objects along with the hows and whys they were constructed. Neil MacGregor, the presenter, has a stuffy (as in head cold) British accent that hustles through the material, along with a few short interviews. The material spans the very ancient to the modern day.
Casefile True Crime – if you like Australian accents, then Casefiles is for you. This anonymous podcaster touches on cases all over the English speaking world, going through evidence including available recordings that are presented to the listener. Some of the material is chilling, especially the 911 calls. The cases range from old historical pieces, to well-known serial killers, and even child abductions. Not for the faint of heart.
True Crime Garage – Nic and the Captain explore cases both old and new, all while consuming a reviewed beer. Some very rare anti-gun proselytizing does occur, but the musings on the suspects and motives is always interesting. The focus is mostly on American crimes, and sometimes the episodes veer into odd tangents of humor, but it’s never a boring ride. I rate this a little lower than Casefile but still worth a listen, especially for the deep dives into modern cases that have only just faded from the headlines.
Breakdown – Over the course of a season, Breakdown will concentrate on one case. The listener will hear the evidence, including the police interviews, and opinions of lawyers not directly associated with the case. Given the title name the podcast mostly concentrates on wrongful convictions with improper police procedures and evidence tampering. Since it is produced by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, journalistic standards (remember those?) are high.
Man, I got dozens of them but I’ll start with one that’s similar to “A History of the World in 100 Objects” – “50 Things that Made the Modern Economy” also from BBC. Despite the title, it actually goes as far back as cuneiform writing.
The one I really wanted to check out gives me a 404. Breakdown.
“Part of the Problem” with Dave Smith
Also, “The Tom Woods Show” on occassion
Libertarian Stuff:
Cato Daily Podcast – Daily updates on the news from Cato’s perspective. Recomended
Federalist Society SCOTUScast- Commentary on supreme court arguments and cases from an actual practitioner from the FedScoc perspective
Econtalk – You should know what this is.
5th Column – Though I’ve been skipping many episodes lately. Welch and MM telling me how awful libertarians like me are doesn’t make me want to tune in. Kemele interviewing McWorter was much more interesting.
Free Thoughts – Cato’s podcast on free thinking. I skip anything having to do with philosophy, as I find most uninteresting, especially libertarian philosophy. Most episodes are about philosphy…
So To Speak – A free speech podcast by FIRE. Usually a good listen, lots of interesting guests. Run by an old school liberal that is incapable of reconciling the antiliberal left with his place in the blue tribe.
Federalist Society Event Audio – Exactly what it sounds like
Other Stuff:
Common Sense with Dan Carlin – bad politics from an entertaining man
Hardcore History – bad history from an entertaining man
Revolutions Podcast – Better history, less entertaining.
Short Circuit – IJ’s summary of recent cases. Could have been under the Libertarian tag
The Way I Heard It – Mike Rowe tells a little store in the Paul Harvey model. I wish he was less interested in Hollywood personalities, but otherwise fun.
Skeptoid – The “rationalist community” is a sewer, but this podcast is very good. Rationalist commentary on popculture stuff.
RadioLab’s More Perfect – Not recomended
Lexicon Valley
Good Allah, you keep super educated on there libertarian shit.
Yeah, the problem with RadioLab’s More Perfect is although it can be interesting, holy shit is it ever biased.
I listen to Radiolab specifically because it has a perspective different than mine. Most of what I listen to is pretty bias. I’m sure a proggie would say the same thing about Short Circuit or Scotuscast.
Except most proggies don’t look for views outside their comfort level…us libertarians have no such luxury.
True in large part, but I’m friends with some proggies that do. Trump’s election was a wake up call for some of them. I’m in a discussion group with 3 progs/leftists. One of them is kind of a bog-standard proggie but who grew up in Trumps America. He’s come to realize just how thick his bubble has become and he’s looking to break out of it.
I absolutely blew his mind when I described a carbon tax to him. He thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. His experience in SF has convinced him that hmm, maybe zoning isn’t an unvarnished good thing.
He actually reads the headlines from the Federalist now.
But you are right, for a libertarian to be informed, we have to know the libertarian take on things and we have to know the proggie take on things too. There’s no getting away from the LAMP (language, academia, media, politics) that the proggies have taken over.
Haven’t thought of Skeptoid in years. I quit listening after Dunning went to jail, not because of that but his guest speakers just didn’t have the same charm.
Yes, he’s got a really unique personality. My theory is that Trump won because, while he’s not an ignorant redneck with in a trailer with three teeth, he doesn’t loath them. Dunning doesn’t believe in UFOs or detox, but he doesn’t loath the people that do.
And he’s taken the piss out of lefty shibboleths from time to time. His episode on recycling, for example.
As an environment-loving, outdoorsy free-market fan, those are some of my favorite. Why can’t more people justify my preconceived notions???
I have also bailed on 5th Column lately. The guy from Mother Jones was fun until he got shitty drunk towards the one hour mark.
Did they ever get an RSS feed?
That was a tough episode. On the whole I like it a lot. Not sure why some glibs think Welch or Moynihan are talking down to them. I don’t hear that at all.
Welch is vestigial to that podcast in general. Moynihan is extremely entertaining but I can tell I disagree with his viewpoints more than the other hosts.
Mother Jones though…considering the face bashing the dude from Daily Caller got when he was on the podcast, its like…I see which idiotic perspective gets more respect around there. Moynihan took no time to talk about what a garbage heap that site was in general, while never mentioning that Mother Jones is as bad, just with the MSM respect of being a lefty garbage heap instead of righty.
I get your point but it appears to me they are kind to all of us heir guests regardless of political affiliation.
Moynihan got extraordinarily combative with the Daily Caller guy, a performance not repeated when the Mother Jones guy got on.
I listen to the podcasts Mr. Riven listens to while we’re in the basement– while lifting and/or pistol related shenanigans.
Hardcore History is great, especially since I find that particular topic just, wow, so boring.
We also listen to Very Bad Wizards, Joe Rogan, and Sam Harris. Good stuff all around.
“pistol related shenanigans.”
These euphemisms
Mr. Riven is always playing with his guns.
Speaking of pistol shenanigans:
-Practical Pistol Show (Ben Stoeger)
-That Shooting Show (Steve Anderson)
-Firearms Nation Podcast (Arik Levy)
Honorable mentions:
-American Warrior Show (Mike Seeklander)
-3-Gun Podcast (Dave Hartman)
-Shannon Smith Shooting Show
Not shooting:
Partially Examined Life (psychology and philosophy)
The Art of Manliness (life skills)
EconTalk (economics)
Who is she?!
Was ist “podcast”?
Something from 2002. Judging by the life cycle of AOL, it’s got less than five years left.
“Pod Save the World”
And “Pod Save America”
Also, “The Ezra Klein Show”
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History.
Three Martini Lunch for short recaps on the politics of the day from a conservative POV.
James Delingpole’s podcast for British goings-on. Pro-Trump, pro-Brexit.
GLoP Culture with Jonah Goldberg, Rob Long, and John Podhoretz. If you can tolerate occasional Trump-bashing, they’re enjoyable for the show business anecdotes.
Econtalk, obvs.
Mad Dogs & Englishmen. Ground zero for hashtag NeverTrump, yes, but their discussions on gun control, welfare, federalism, taxes, etc are insightful.
Ricochet Podcast for round table discussions on politics. Ditto The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Friends for a more informal, alcohol-fueled dose of same.
The Fifth Estate for a Kmele.
The Remnant. Long-format discussions with guests by Jonah Goldberg, frequently supplemented by monologues.
Unregistered with Thaddeus Russell. Not always my speed, but worth a mention.
“Ricochet Podcast”
“Conservatarians”, which is a Ricochet Podcast is pretty good
I read that as the “Pinochet Podcast”.
What is your opinion on Helicopter rides for communists?
All I know is that jokes are literally Hitler!
Also Cato’s various output, Louder with Crowder, Andrew Klaven/Ben Shapiro, The Federalist, The Conservatarians, Political Economy with James Pathokoukis, Harvard Lunch Club The Editors, The 5th Estate, Jordan Peterson’s podcast, The Weekly Substandard, for more politics. Reuter’s War College puts out some interesting content from a domain I know absolutely nothing about.
“The Weekly Substandard”
The Weekly Standard? Do you even libertarian, brah?
That’s why I listen to Reason!
Yeah, boo Nick. But this way I keep tabs on TOS without having to not read the articles.
Nick is such a uniquely bad podcaster that I’ve dropped that feed. If I want a rambling, 12 minute, close ended question that tells me more about Nick than it does about the the guest, I’ll subscribe again.
Too bad, Heaton is pretty great. If he was by himself I’d love it.
This is what I imagine the Weekly Standard podcast to be like:
Kristol: I was watching the news the other day and they showed some people protesting in support of the Assad regime? Does anyone see the problem here?
Hayes: I can’t believe we’re allowed any Syrians to live. What a travesty
Kristol: Exactly. This administration is not bombing enough
Hayes: Yes
Kristol: If they aren’t afraid to leave their house then something is wrong. How do we rectify this Stephen?
Hayes: More death, of course
Kristol: Do you think that the administration is too isolationist?
Hayes: Of course. I mean, you saw it- there are still some people that are alive in Syria. This is a real travesty
You are exactly right. And Kristol will say it all with a smile.
Oooh, I really like Jordan Peterson’s podcast, too. That’s some fine listening, right there.
His digging into the Bible is engrossing.
“Discovered” Delingpole recently and he’s great.
The 5th Column
The Steve Austin Show (Unleashed)
King Falls AM
Would be a better podcast if there was less Moynihan and more Kmele
5th Column
The Dollop – You have to put up with a lot of their stupid anti-americanism, but for the most part they are real funny
Hardcore History by Dan Carlin
Pirate History Podcast
Penn’s Sunday School
History on Fire Interesting stuff about native american history
In the Dark – Covers Jacob Wetterling’s abduction (a big deal in Minnesoda)
None. Podcasts are for pod people!
*points and screeches*
I used to listen to Tim Ferriss and James Altucher, but I’ve strayed from those. The ones I keep up with:
Revistionist History – Malcolm Gladwell is probably a lefty, but he doesn’t let it get in the way of telling a great story and giving you something to think about.
The Way I Heard It by Mike Rowe – This one is pure gold. About 8 minutes per episode, he tells a story and only reveals the payoff at the very end. It’s a lot like the old Osgood Files show on the radio. Never fails to entertain or amaze.
Big Picture Science
Classicist with Victor Davis Hanson (some of them)
Exposing Pseudoastronomy
New Books in History
Also a number of sports podcast.
If, like me, you enjoy listening to conspiracy theory even if you don’t believe any of it: Inception Radio Network; Truth Frequency; Future Theater.
My wife listens to Casefile True Crime. I find it insufferable.
Okay, Peter… 😀
“Skank Town?”
If only.
Sadly, it’s Shit-town. Follows this weirdly eccentric guy living in rural Alabama. Czech it out if you get the chance.
I was really hoping Daniele Bolelli was a hot Italian chick.
GIS was disappointing.
Never got into podcasts. Now I feel like an unwashed, ignorant heathen compared to you guys.
Oddly, I get the opposite impression.
Must be the ingrown smug infection.
I’m right there with you Scruffy. For me I think it’s based on my strong dislike of audiobooks.
I never did either. More often than not it was people prattling on for an hour about something they could’ve and should’ve covered in about 10 minutes. Granted, I’ve never searched very hard. I also have a bias based on the people I know who listen to podcasts. They tend to overlap heavily with the people who fucking love science and took the Daily Show seriously.
They tend to overlap heavily with the people who fucking love science
This accuracy.
I can’t do it either. I can read faster than they can narrate. It feels like a waste of time to me.
This… right here. I have the same complaint.
On top of that, I generally treat music and such as background noise, where I don’t have to focus on it. That doesn’t work so well with audiobooks.
For me, I do a lot of my listening while doing other things. From the time I start cooking breakfast – sitting down at my desk at work, I’ve got two hours with nothing for my hyperactive brain to chew on. Then lunch and an hour to commute home, and I’m pushing almost 4 hours of time I couldn’t be reading but now I’m not so bored.
Its pretty rare that I would chose a podcast over reading. Would have to be something really good or time-sensitive.
“On top of that, I generally treat music and such as background noise, where I don’t have to focus on it. That doesn’t work so well with audiobooks.”
That’s why I don’t do podcasts
I can read faster than they can narrate. It feels like a waste of time to me.
I couldn’t imagine sitting down on my couch and listening to an audiobook. I’d rather just pick up a book or my kindle and read for myself. I use my audiobooks in place of radio for my commute.
I assumed most people listen to podcasts in their car, on the train or whatever. I don’t know anyone who sits in their living room just listening to podcasts.
Just as well. There won’t be anymore since the end of Net Neutrality.
For ya Hardcore History buffs, there is a new Dan Carlin spinoff called Hardcore History: Addendum. Only two episodes so far, more short takes.
Hardcore History – a history of smut from cave scratchings to bukkake.
House passes tweaked tax bill. The Donald will sign, probably in January. New withholding schedules go into effect in February, probably. The country goes up in flames (supposedly).
*lights hair on fire, runs around room screaming*
Is there anything left to burn?
How about an Oil Rig?
I saw this in an article:
Since a large percentage of households pay no federal income tax, I’d be more interested in seeing this metric applied to household already paying at least $500 in taxes. Would that 48% change to 80 or 90%? Applying to non-tax paying households generates meaningless data used to downplay the actual impact on taxpayers.
Man, and half the houses on my block have already burned to the ground with the occupants still inside just from the end of Net Neutrality. Will anyone still be alive in my neighborhood by Christmas?
Not in your neighborhood, but I will survive.
^+1 Gloria Gaynor
+2 Cake
The Donald will sign, probably in January.
Fake News. NN will have caused a singularity to implode the planet on New Year’s Eve.
The Mayan Calendar was off by 5 yrs.
So it won’t affect our 2017 tax bill?
I’ve guested on some podcasts, but to be honest, I’ve never actually listened to one.
Oooh, a sophisticate.
“guested on some podcasts”
I don’t even wanna guess the titles…
“Best Candies for Seducing Grade Schoolers”
“Getting Rid of Risky Windows: How to re-panel vans.”
“Ice Cream Truck Music: A Look Into Loudspeaker Luring”
*prolonged applause*
“I want to show you my Bomb Pop, and other pickup lines for preschoolers”
“Grooming 101: Don’t Rush Things”
Mandatory Reporting: Threat or Menace?!?
Off topic. Any Glibs have experience with Crimson Trace?
Yes, my dad has them on his Bersa Thunder. They are actually really cool if you’re into them. I’m not the biggest fan because I don’t like having an attachment that big on my pistol, but if you get it sighted in properly, it could be a real boon for self defense. Turns it into a point and shoot rather than an aiming exercise.
Crimson Trace has laser grips for the Springfield EMP. Make the grip nominally wider, but no other significant impact. $350 for a red laser. $430 for a green.
Something for long term investigation.
Mr. Riven doesn’t really use laser rights on the reg, but he has nothing but kind things to say about CT, regardless.
Yes. Good product. Good for pistols that don’t have much of a sight picture. You will likely become dependent upon finding the little red dot.
My wife and I have EMPs (3 inch barrel). So a pretty short sight radius to start with. The problem I am seeing is that I am old — that means shitty near vision. When I look through the normal part of my bifocals, the target is crystal clear, but the sights are fuzzy. I can still see them well enough to center the front sight between the back sights and to level the sights. But being able to focus on a red or green dot on the target would put it right back into my crystal clear vision.
Even with my current vision, I can put half my shots in the 10-ring on a standard silhouette target at ten yards. But I worry about low light conditions and the sights becoming un-seeable.
When you can’t see the sights because they are too small/too dark are where they shine. I think they are unnecessary for target/duty pistols though. I would see if you like the green laser, most people see green more clearly than red.
We splurged. Two EMPs for concealed carry — Two EMP 4s for range and occasional open carry. And the EMP 4s will be loaded, cocked, and locked in quick access safes in the bedroom. I am not worried about lasers for home defense (there will be a shotgun sooner or later in the bedroom too). And I am not really worried about the EMPs for everyday carry except for low light conditions.
I think it was you that posted that reliability of compact 1911s suck unless they were specially designed for it like the EMP. So it’s your fault they were on my radar. 😉
Yeah, that sounds like something I would say.
OT: Tax bill heads to Trump’s desk.'s-a-done-deal:-Congress-wraps-up-massive-tax-package
I’m gonna save about 3000 bucks with this.
That’s only, like, a car payment you selfish bastard.
Where did you get that from?
NYT has a calculator.
Washington Post has a calculator too, but no matter what you enter the answer is always a skull and cross bones
Well I didn’t say the 3000 bucks was coming from the tax cut; I’m actually going to make that much selling my dead co-workers’ corneas.
Looks like someone is forgetting to pull their gold fillings!
I think the janitor already got em; I snoozed and lost.
Cripes! I save almost five grand.
I’ll gladly take some of that, if you want.
isn’t that fricken nice, though?
Well, according to them, they predict I’d get to keep $2,272 more of my money. That would come to $87.38/paycheck if true. That’s more than any raise I’ve gotten without a promotion.
I get the exact same amount. Something tells me it’s a shitty calculator/
It’s an estimate.
Or we put in the exact same figures. Which is kinda creepy. I’d rather not be creeped out, therefore shitty calculator.
I put in 86000, non-NYC New York and no itemization
Shows I’ll save a couple grand, but I’m running a sweet tax shelter now that makes these things pretty useless for me.
The Dean Foundation? The Dean Global Initiative?
The Dean Home for Wayward Girls?
The Church of Latter Dean Saints?
You run the Clinton Foundation?
I supposedly save $4,500 and I live in New Jersey!
NYTimes has a calculator. So does something call the open source government… policy… something or other.
Why won’t we just listen to our betters?
Elections have consequences. It’s time for Schumer to sit in the back of the bus.
As best I can tell, the tax bill is break even for my wife and I. We have both a primary and a secondary mortgage. From what I read, the bill wipes out the interest deduction on the secondary mortgage. This mean that itemizing will bring us about to say deduction as the new standard deduction for married couples. So our deductions go way down, but the tax rates go down. Worst case, I will owe a several hundred more under the new bill.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We’ve been in the house 13 years now. The mortgage is starting to go down enough that it was noticeable from the previous two years. Hitting the standard deduction now wipes out the declining value of the mortgage interest. I will be better off it a few years.
In the long run, the lower rates will be worth more than the interest deduction.
I probably did something wrong, but the calculator the DoomCo posted the other day had my wife and I saving just under $8k.
If all my mortgage interest was for a primary mortgage, we would save $4500. I really need to refinance and combine the two ASAP.
Re-ran it through the one linked above. Its now $6k.
It’s had some changes made, but it seems to be a good estimate.
In either case, I win. Winning is good.
As an Illinois resident, I assume the Democrats in charge of the state will find some bullshit reasons for confiscating whatever Uncle Sam decides not to mulct from me.
We’ve noted some new folks in the comments lately. As such, the Glibs staff has produced a short 2-minute video explaining the founding of this site and its purposes.
You can check it out here.
Nothing you link to is on the up and up.
Why did I click? Oh why oh why did I click?
You recently took a blow to the head?
Challenge Accepted!
Is that supposed to be Indian Paul Bunyan? He’s got a blue ox.
Where did you get the home video of my birth?
It’s the birth of us all.
Why do I feel there should be the It’s a TRAP image here…
Anyone who doesn’t already know that it’s a trap deserves what they get!
Traps aren’t gay!
They are, they totally are.
Grocery Store Line Neutrality: A Modest Proposal
You go to the grocery store to buy milk, some eggs, orange juice (and maybe a Snickers bar). You go up to the checkout and see the express line only has a couple of people in it. Cool, you think, I’ll be out of here in a jiffy. But, as you’re going up to it, some jerk with two shopping carts full of crap races in front of you and parks in the express line. Hey, wait, you wonder, isn’t this the express line? And, sure enough the cashier points out to him that he’s in the wrong line. The express line is for 10 items or less. “Screw you!”, he responds, “they’ve just passed a new law, grocery store line neutrality. You’re not allowed to forbid me from using any of the lines in the checkout area. You have to treat me just like you would any other customer, even if they only have one thing.” Now, you and the five other guys with less than ten items are stuck waiting for this guy to get finished, when you all should have been able to get through in a jiffy. So, you all get visibly frustrated. “Don’t blame me,” they guy with two shopping carts responds, “If this grocery store wasn’t run by a bunch of cheapskates, they’d put additional cashiers on!. Talk about lousy customer service.”
did you make this up?
wondering who I should credit when I tell my family this.
Yes, I did. So, you can credit it to “some loud-mouthed, know-it-all asshole on the internet”.
That’s brilliant. I’m going to send this to family as well.
That’s usually what I call the people here.
I’ve got a different scenario:
There’s only one grocery store allowed by law to operate in your city. No competitors are permitted. The grocery store also manufacturers their own private label groceries. When you check out, there are 15 lanes available for those buying private label groceries, but only single lane available for customers who choose a different brand. Don’t like it, tough shit. If you want to buy groceries, you must shop here and can’t start your own competing business.
Net Neutrality was a horrible bill that deserved to die. Comcast throttling down Netflix to direct people to their own video service is an issue though when they have used the force of government to prevent competition.
I still don’t understand the use argument either. Even with Net Neutrality, high data users were allowed to be charged more. Comcast just couldn’t discriminate based on what that data was used for. The scenario of low data users being forced to pay the same rate as high data users is fictional. Maybe some weren’t in practice, but Net Neutrality didn’t prevent an ISP from doing that if they chose (Comcast has been doing this in certain areas for years).
That came out a little stronger than I meant. I’m not an expert in this field or have studied it, but just as far as my experience, I can’t understand why the low vs. high use argument against Net Neutrality exists.
I base this on finding out Comcast has data cap tiers implemented in certain geographic areas that work just like some cell phone carriers still have. If you are a high use data user, you have to pay more, there is no equality with low data users. Maybe I’m still completely misunderstanding though.
There are a number of issues, but most of it is perception. When you contract for a 100MB unlimited line, you are only contracting for 100MB between you and the ISP. What bandwidth you get to any particular downstream location isn’t guaranteed, and can be shared. The torrenters felt that they were entitled to 100% bandwidth 24×7 where the network planners expected the local loop to be bursty.
Professional ISP links are usually negotiated for 95% peak bandwidth, but the consumer lines weren’t covered under contracts like that, and the ISP’s would limit or shape the hogs. I had an early clear channel T1 line which could burst at 1.5Mbits, but I had a 95% contract for 300Kb… so as long as I didn’t use the line 24×7 I didn’t have to pay full price.
Part of the problem is that bandwidth is an interesting resource.. a bit that you didn’t send is a bit forever wasted, so you really want users to fill in off peak usage and be able to shape them hard during the peaks. The torrent activity and any other system that shifted load from peak to off peak traffic is useful, but you have to be able to shape it.
The protocols allow end users and applications to say “this is high priority, this is low priority” please make congestion decisions based on that, but with the tragedy of the commons, nobody sets their traffic as “low priority” right?.. they just want everyone else’s traffic to be lower.
When I only had 1.5Mbit DSL (and a meager 300Kb uplink) I would have a problem if I was working remotely (desktop VNC/citrix) and my wife was watching Netflix or downloading pictures etc. So I had firewall rule shaping to prioritize my office SSL traffic over other classes of traffic. I could only absolutely control the outbound traffic and request that the priority for that traffic be honored, but the ISP’s cared nothing for the return traffic, so I couldn’t shape that.
Thanks for the detailed explanation. Wouldn’t the bandwidth issue become moot with data caps? If you expected full use of your bandwidth, but quickly blow through your data cap with high data use applications, it doesn’t seem likely that you will be clogging the lines. If you paid more for a higher data cap, or unlimited use, then the ISP would have additional funds from the high data users to upgrade their infrastructure. Does that sound correct? This was allowed under Net Neutrality as far as I can understand.*
*Not an argument for Net Neutrality, I would still see it killed for other reasons.
but just as far as my experience, I can’t understand why the low vs. high use argument against Net Neutrality exists.
Because the whole point of throttling certain types of traffic is to avoid having it clog up limited bandwidth. Comcast doesn’t have to upgrade its routing infrastructure because grandma is sending too many emails. They do so because Sister is streaming HD video from Netflix 24/7 and Brother is simultaneously streaming HD video from Pornhub, torrenting Star Wars 8, and live broadcasting his [insert recent video game here] play online.
The ISPs are trying to share infrastructure upgrade costs with the biggest users of their infrastructure. However, most “models” of net neutrality completely ignore the content provider part of the equation. Also, I think the government monopoly part is a complete red herring. Government monopoly is its own problem, and we can’t regulate our way to a “better” government monopoly. Net neutrality needs to stand or fall on its own, not propped up by conflating its repeal with a libertarian boogeyman.
Here’s how my grocery model would go. You’re at a farmer’s market where there’s a universal checkout run by market staff (ISP), but each vendor operates individually (Content provider). In fear of unfair checkout practices, the government is thinking about enshrining “first come first served” as the law for the checkout line. See, people are afraid that, despite it not being the policy right now, the market may, in the future, require people making purchases from a certain vendor to either let other people go in front of them in line or make those people pay an extra fee because they’re buying from this certain vendor. This sounds completely unfair, right? Well, the problem is in what the vendor is selling. While most vendors are selling grocery bags full of vegetables, this particular vendor is selling their wares by the pallet full. The cashier (or multiple cashiers, as they come available) still needs to individually count every single vegetable in the pallet, and somebody from the market has to run the forklift to load the pallet in the customer’s car. Because of this one vendor, the market has had to hire 6 additional cashiers, a forklift operator, and has bought a forklift. So far, the market has been happy to oblige. The benefits associated with this one vendor have been immense. However, people are afraid that the market may be thinking about opening their own booth to sell vegetables by the pallet full since they have already bought the infrastructure to handle such purchases, and then the market may try to make the original vendor uncompetitive against their new vegetables by the pallet business.
The ISPs are trying to share infrastructure upgrade costs with the biggest users of their infrastructure. However, most “models” of net neutrality completely ignore the content provider part of the equation. Also, I think the government monopoly part is a complete red herring. Government monopoly is its own problem, and we can’t regulate our way to a “better” government monopoly. Net neutrality needs to stand or fall on its own, not propped up by conflating its repeal with a libertarian boogeyman.
I still don’t understand since the ISPs can charge certain users more though under Net Neutrality. In your example, grandma is paying substantially less than the family blowing out their internet. What’s the problem? Comcast already had data caps where grandma pays less than the family. The issue was the Comcast wanted to charge a family more for visiting Netflix but less for using the exact same amount of data on their own video platform.
Coase, coase, coase, coase!
The issue was the Comcast wanted to charge a family more for visiting Netflix but less for using the exact same amount of data on their own video platform.
This is already illegal without net neutrality under the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Internet access is a human right. Charging someone more for internet access is a violation of their rights. Restricting internet access based on what people pay is a violation of their rights.
I think that’s what the argument for Net Neutrality boils down to.
The UK is already there, and decided that 10mbps is what’s needed for humans.

sad link.
Don’t know if this was the original but seems to be on point:
OT: So, did she enjoy putting animals to sleep in her office then?
I’m not crying; you’recrying!
Because you named your fucking dog “Bruizer”.
Is she, by any chance, related to Jimmy Carter?
I thought he was more a rabbit fighter?
Well, that should cost the vet her license.
They weren’t home when she shot their dog, but if someone shot one of my dogs and I was home, I’mm pretty sure they’d get shot back. Self-defense, on account of someone is on my property shooting my animals, putting me in reasonable fear of my life.
White coat investor podcast: produced by a physician for health care professionals but has good all around personal financial discussion too
Talk is Jericho: pro wrestling, paranormal investigation (expecting STEVE SMITH to make a guest appearance any day now), rock and roll, and all sorts of other stuff.
I’ve seen a few new casts on the list that I’m looking forward to checking out. Thanks guys!
I listen to history podcasts, though I used to do What Would Patton Do – podcast on Flames of War – until the transition to the 4th edition of the game fucked everything up.
Finished, but excellent, is Michael Duncan’s History of Rome. It starts a bit stiff in the early period, and late-Republic to mid-Empire part, while good, is basically covering well trodden ground. But all the other stuff – the Punic Wars, the crisis of the Third Century, post-Diocletian stuff – is really interesting and not well known. As a plus, he injects the right amount of humor and lightness in the proceedings.
Following from him is Robin Pearson’s spectacular The History of Byzantium. He’s just gotten to about the half-point and we saw off Basil II, the longest-running and arguably badassest of the Roman Emperors in history.
And recently I started listening to When Diplomacy Fails, which has some decent episodes on obscure stuff no one else deals with, such as Russo-Japanese War of 1905. He’s currently running an epic Long War series, which deals with (ultimately) Turkish Siege of Vienna 1683 and winged hussar charge that ended it (although we still haven’t gotten there after 14 episodes – he’s not kidding when he calls it a long war).
2nd on History of Rome.
I also enjoy the Art of Manliness podcast which was mentioned above somewhere as well.
Filed under I didn’t think it would end like this”
This has gotten zero to know reporting in the national press.
* to no
I mean, why would the advertise that you can stand up to the Fed and not get shot in the face.
I mean, regular jaggoffs might start thinking they could demand Liberty or some such.
Yeah, I figured he was going to die in Canon City, CO. Now I’m betting they will probably just unperson him in the next few years.
Just for shits and giggles, I wonder if President Trump could now appoint him Director of the Bureau of Land Management.
Troll level = Supreme Overlord
If he did that, I’d wear a MAGA hat to my office.
I almost want to buy a few of those, only to sell them to Rick’s pawn shop in 20 years.
Ho. Le. Shit.
Also, hilariously
Yeah, that’s a tough one. The government might have to fall back on that old distasteful tactics – actually acting with integrity and competence.
The thing that aggravates me the most about this case is the your average progressive and conservative were so profoundly hypocritical with regards to this incident. A friend of mine that is a flaming Leftist was insisting that the federal government go in there guns ablazing and just shoot everyone that was armed. I said, “what about police abuse, like you were complaining about literally yesterday”. “The only reason why these guys haven’t been killed yet is because of white privilege” he said. “If this had been black people they already would have been shot up”. “How many ranchers do you know that are black?” I asked. “Exactly. White privilege”. It was so dumb I just shook my head in disgust.
And then you had conservatives suddenly care about government overreach and police abuse. What a bunch of crap
Can I get the Christopher Lee?
“It certainly erodes a lot of confidence in the federal government’s motives.”
I didn’t realize that’s even still a thing.
C’mon, the Federal Government’s got plenty of motives.
I’m confident of that.
Sounds like it wasn’t dismissed with prejudice, and the feds haven’t decided whether to retry them.
Prediction: there will be another trial.
Counterargument – Bundy supporters are Drumpf voters. Prosecuting this would be worse than prosecuting the Little Sisters, as far as his voters are concerned.
And oh boy, will discovery be fun! I think the Feds will quietly string these people along for a bit, run into a speedy trial demand and dismiss.
OT: Interesting that if the allegations were true (ie: she didn’t use condoms and had AIDS) there would be no crime here.
Consumer review not the same as harassment
In addition to the libertarian stuff mentioned above, I listen to quite a few science podcasts. Mark Crislip is good with his infectious disease and science based medicine podcasts.
Also This week in virology, this week in microbiology and this week in parasitology – they are journal club style literature review discussions. The parasitology podcast is especially fun because they present a real case as a puzzle and ask the listener to solve the mystery parasite based on the symptoms and history presented.
I usually catch The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe and I occasionally listen to Penn’s Sunday School and the Adam Carolla show.
There’s a handful of others that I catch from time to time..sports, science, liberty and skepticism related.
I don’t listen to podcast. I’ve maybe listened to 2 or 3 total, and I probably didn’t finish those. I already have way too many ways to blow through time.
Hmm. What we should be doing instead if following the EU example. When their tourist come, they never leave!
Tom Woods
Contra Krugman
Fifth Column
Reason’s podcasts
When I commuted daily I used to listen to AstronomyCast. But then at that point I wasn’t listening to any of the others. Now I just don’t have the time.
Thank goodness for podcast software that can increase playback speed.
Just a heads-up. In a few days, we will be replacing all forum avatars with selections from this page. Please let us know which one you’d like in advance.
I’ve already claimed Nosferatu, by the way:
That looks like Michael Jackson’s ghost.
Looks like a Nosferatu/Michael Jackson hybrid
That is not Nosferatu. That is late term Michael Jackson.
Oh shit, it really is.
Some of those are awful.
Kylie Minogue suffers from mongoloidism, apparently.
That may be the creepiest thing I look at all day. I know you will take that as a challenge.
Creepy? It’s fucking hilarious!
Lucy Liu actually looks retarded!
Lucy Liu actually looks retarded!
That’s just how Lucy Liu looks–like a slutty retard.
You mean she’s not Asian, but just has Downs?
Downs? Is that like Mongolism?
¿por qué no los dos?

She always looked like she had been dropped on the left side of her head. This only confirms it. Kudos to her for making a decent Hollywood career after disfigurement; Harvey never seemed like the fussy type.
Looks like the villain from the 2009 Trek Film.
Umm, those don’t even appear shitlord like. Where’s the monocles and tophats and that cynical look every shitlord has?
Too many chicks. Is that the Real Doll 3D model maker?
I call Lt. Commander Data!
I want the Christopher Lee.
Should be easier to photoshop the hat and the hair onto them.
I want the MAGA hat, the USA hat is a total fag.
Mmmm… Viiiincent Priccee.
Dr Evil
No, we went over this. You’re DR. FRONKENSTEEN. It’s ok. We’ll try again tomorrow.
*golf clap*
I generally listen to comedy podcasts, but the spread of TDS has been virulent, so I’ve had to take a break from most of them. I’m currently only listening to Drunks and Dragons. It’s just a group of friends playing D&D, but it’s endlessly entertaining and there are a few hundred hours on which to binge.
The problem with D&D players is that they sort of missed the revolution in technology where games started being played on screens, back 3 centuries or so ago.
As much as I love video games, I don’t think it would be very entertaining to listen to someone play them. Of course, most people would probably say the same thing about D&D, but it’s really the improvised comedy/storytelling that makes it enjoyable.
Probably the most entertaining thing in gaming is reading Steam discussions on the day of any major game release.
Online RPGs and CRPGs are nothing like tabletop. Both are fun, but nothing beats face-to-face.
I prefer NPCs over people. Tried the table top stuff myself way back when, but never could get into it that much.
The last game I played was over . I never met any of the other players face to face.
So what is this podcast thing anyway? I thought that’s some ancient technology that people used to listen to on the their iPod with that 300 baud modem strapped to their head, in like the 1600s?
Sometimes i’ll listen to My brother My brother and Me.
People are dying!
Well, that’s it then. Bonuses? Hell, I could get more than a 4% next year for the first time in a decade if this disaster continues. We’re doomed I tell you!
“Only one death reported… the Democrat Party”
Dood, are you like crazy? People’s going to be real mad when they see their paycheck get bigger! A Democrat wave is coming!
So what are you guys doing tonight since today might be our last?
Tax cuts sent to Trumpnazi’s desk, kills penaltax. Allows BIG OIL to drill in pristine wilderness, used baby seals for drill bits
I’m thinking bourbon, rum, and then more bourbon.
I’m at work so I’m drinking Pellegrino. It’s less pretentious than Perrier.
Downing an entire bottle of Viagra, then an entire bottle of Ex-Lax, stripping naked, running down I-25 firing my Bump-Stock AR into the frigid night sky while downing Laphroaig Quarter Cask. Anyone wanna join?
Err… I’ll pass.
*backs away*
*hands Q a Go-Pro*
And a selfie stick.
I’ll join in the whiskey drink. I’m gonna pass on the rest, hope you’re done running and shitting when I get there.
Running and shitting may be done but the erection is definitely lasting longer than 4 hours.
Checking my sump pump to make sure the basement stays dry after the flood of Dem tears.
Waaaay OT, just for Sloopy re: today…
” I guess you would do that in south stupidlina but wait oh there are no #1 players that come from that state.”
Jadeveon Clowney says hello
Re: Wilkinson’s NYT editorial on Anti-democratic Republicans. We ought to realize that this is the same Will Wilkinson who bemoans how we ought to listen to “epistemic experts” and thinks Denmark is utopia. He clearly thinks that the ideal state will redistribute enough to create a safety net but not too much to kill the economy. Also he bemoaned how we Trump’s “Drain the Swamp” attitude is bad. In other words incoherent babble.
Also his Niskanen institute believes in “nudging” which is elitist and anti-Democratic but again incoherent babble.
They just published an article from a Chinese scholar arguing that allowing investors to impose their will on the businesses they own hurts innovation citing the difference between China’s ersatz capital markets and those in the U.S.
If they can’t get their communism, the proggies sure seem happy to settle for fascism instead.
Ahem. These are “libertarians”.
I don’t really think anyone believes that the Niskanen Institute is anything other than progressive…..well maybe ENB thinks they’re ‘libertarian’. I love Will Wilkinson, though, he is hilariously stupid
I remember the article where he bemoaned how we should listen to experts and not be so ideological yet we should be like Denmark because it is great which is not ideological statement because it is awesome.
And how we need experts to try new things and they need to admit it if new things sucked yet they are perfect and we should be like an old thing like Denmark.
Damn it I forgot how he didn’t like Technocracy yet thought we ought to just listen to the experts. And we know the experts are right because well they are the experts, right?
They seem to be big believers in TOP MEN. TOP MEN who we know are right because they made their decisions because of reason, logic and science. If we just listened to them because of this then we would be fine. Trump is not a TOP MAN since he is wrong and isn’t following reason, logic and science.
Also reason, logic and science tell us that Denmark is utopia so we ought to be like it.
In the US the largest shareholders are public pension funds – aka government. So you’ll have to forgive me if I can’t tell the bloody difference between US communism and US fascism.
That’s a good point… You’re absolutely right that the U.S. is not a beacon of freedom either…operation chokepoint, anyone? >(
But nonetheless, my point stands. They were promoting the idea that shareholders should pump money into the capital markets and STFU.
Are pension funds really larger shareholders than the gross amount of 401 (k) plans? I know that CALPERS is the largest single fund, but I doubt that all the public pension plans total (in gross dollar amounts) more than 401 (k) plans combined
mm. i’m sort of sporadic on the podcast thing. I listen to a wide variety of things that pique my interest. I rarely just listen to a show because its that show. Even the 5th column, which i tried to catch every week for a while, but now find myself going back and listening to bits on it on topics /w/ people i find interesting.
i tried listening to the chapo house thing, and was sort of amazed at how dull/dumb it was, compared to the wildly-rave-reviews it gets from all the lefty-sphere
Hardcore History
Tony Kornheiser Show
I used to listen to 5th column, but got bored with it.
The VA House of Delegates recount that had been declared a one-vote win for the Dem now has become a tie. Commence an avalanche of leftist butthurt.
So what happens now?
People will die, of course. Are you new here?
not the remy song?
You’re not degrading the awesomeness that is Remy, are you?
One district with 2 representatives, perhaps, then resolve it in 2019 when the next election occurs. That would be how I would handle it.
When that one-vote margin came out in favor of Democrats, every poll pundit was screaming “WAAAAAAAVE!!!!” yesterday. Of course, this was just another district that Clinton won last year, I believe by a 5 point margin. I read about the delegate pickups last month, and what everyone is forgetting to say is that every damn seat flip except one occurred in a Clinton district.
I liked the responses.
“Called this. Unless people are in the streets, Republicans will steal every close election.”
Well sure, they have to have all those dead people vote just to keep up with the Republican cheaters!
I dunno – the one asking if the judges were also NFL refs got me.
“Called this. Unless people are in the streets, Republicans will steal every close election.”
Crazy thought: spend more time actually voting and less time complaining after the fact, and you won’t have this “problem”.
But they tried that. They voted five or six times…
Does Trump have to wait till tomorrow to sign the bill?
He might wait until January.
well that’s dumb.
Yeah I figured he’d be in the next room with a cock shaped pen in hand.
You’re kidding right?
This should be signed on TV tonight. right before the news. Just in time to make Christmas hilarious.
I read an article. Something about “spend as you go” rules. If it is signed in 2017, then spending cuts have to go into effect in a month or so. If he waits till Jan 2018, then spending cuts don’t have to go into effect until 2019. This leaves time to create a plan that doesn’t fuck up the 2018 election I guess.
fuck it. cut spending now?
Cutting spending has nothing to do with the purpose of this bill.
My recollection is that a corresponding spending cut bill must be started soon after the tax cut bill is signed. Waiting till January to sign the bill pushes the deadline for starting this new bill out to 2019.
I’m willing to bet that spending cut bill never happens.
After passing the House on Tuesday, the Republican tax bill had to be slightly altered before passing the Senate in order to conform with budget reconciliation rules. That means it had to then go back to the House in its new form, and on Wednesday at about 1 p.m. the House officially passed the final bill. How quickly Donald Trump signs it is still up in the air because of another technical detail: The bill increases the federal deficit, which means it will automatically trigger “pay-as-you-go” spending cuts in 2018 if it’s signed before Jan. 1. Republican leaders in Congress will attempt to waive those rules; if they’re unsuccessful, Trump will wait until after the new year to sign the bill so that the automatic cuts don’t take place until 2019.
+1 to kinnath
There are strategic reasons to wait ten days.
I mean, you don’t have to agree with those reasons to see that he has reasons.
From my understanding, if the bill is signed before the new year than businesses will have to report that change on their year end income statements. Which would include changes in liability and changes in investment holdings (I think the bill was looking to change ‘fifo’ to ‘lifo’). Maybe in order not to create that confusion and rush by accounting departments, his administration will wait until the new year to sign the bill. Damn accrual accounting! Damn you to hell!
I guess that makes sense.
We’re close to 2018, anyway.
Doesn’t he have to sign it within ten days?
Ten days, but Sundays not included–and it’s further complicated by congress not being in session.
Ten non-sunday days + congress not being in session is January if he wants it to be.
This just goes to show that if you work hard, stay focused and never give up, dreams do come true!
That guy has the best life
Poor guy, you’d have to go through life wearing nothing but sweat pants.
We had a guy on the rugby team nicknamed “BISP” – Boner In Sweat Pants.
True story – my squadron in Iraq had an air-traffic controller named Larger. Everyone called him “Dick B”…..which I just assumed was a slightly clever nickname. To my surprise, I found out later that his parents had actually named him Richard B. Larger.
Holy. Shit. How that man survived basic training without murdering anyone is nothing short of a miracle.
No Agenda
War College
Hardcore History
The Cycling Podcast
“Investigators say McCabe recounted to the panel how hard the FBI had worked to verify the contents of the anti-Trump “dossier” and stood by its credibility. But when pressed to identify what in the salacious document the bureau had actually corroborated, the sources said, McCabe cited only the fact that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page had traveled to Moscow. Beyond that, investigators said, McCabe could not even say that the bureau had verified the dossier’s allegations about the specific meetings Page supposedly held in Moscow.”
So he went to Moscow. Truly earth-shattering stuff.
Still waiting for the FBI to answer Glenn Reynolds’ question on whether Lisa Page was involved in approving Peter Strzok’s warrant request to FISC.
Who’s that, the broad he was banging?
I thought some of the “dossier” was proven false? As in there was someone who was supposed to be overseas had photographic evidence he was in the US at the time.
History According to Bob
Federalist Radio Hour (sometimes)
Mad Dogs – for the commentary noted above
Fifth Column – I echo the sentiments about TDS, but Kmele Rocks
Tolkein Professor
Catholic Stuff You Should Know
Adam Corolla when I have a chance
Hardcore History
Dave Smith Part of the Problem
I used to to The Thomas Jefferson Hour, but Clay got so insufferable during the tail end of the Obama Admin that i couldn’t take it anymore.
“Tolkein Professor
Catholic Stuff You Should Know”
Have you ever heard Bishop Barron’s podcast? Someone said it was good, but I don’t usually listen to religious podcasts. Just wondering if you had heard it considering your other selections
OT: Mistrial declared in the Cliven Bundy case over withheld evidence. New jury selection starts mid-February, I’ll be sure to hold my breath to see if the prosecutors and BLM officers that are the result of this are punished.
C’mon man!
You just piggy backed off of Mexican Sharpshooter. You literally went off topic on something that he already went off topic on. Are you also going to post girly pics to steal Q’s thunder?
You just piggy backed off of Mexican Sharpshooter
I’m playing the appropriation card.
You’re the Nick Gillespie of OT
(Thank you for supporting the cause to “Make Nick Gillespie An Insult Again”)