‘Twas time to use this wonderful cover – thanks MLW!

We cannot thank out contributors to this site enough – you have given us interesting and original content, fun graphics, avatars and gifs. We are thankful you all want to be involved in our little site. Additional thanks to SP for setting up a reliable and durable (hey, it can take SugarFree fic and not fold in on itself) site. Thanks to the Glibs who contribute their time and effort editing and polishing up the submissions, take the task in hand of turning out links every day – even hung over, on the road or otherwise distracted. You have no idea what it takes to get ZARDOZ and STEVE SMITH to contribute (*shudders* I…I really don’t want to say anymore about that).

And, thanks to all of you – our readers. Without you, this would be a simple bulletin board for a few of us to hang up cartoons and fart jokes. Your reading, commenting, donations, merchandise purchases and insight have made this a site I am proud to be affiliated with. But, you aren’t here to listen to a bunch of thank you stuff….you want links. So on to some unprofessional links!

  • I am sure this will only do good. I mean, how could it do otherwise? MONEY WELL SPENT!
  • This is so…not German. If you want to see what a formerly warlike nation, turned impotent looks like. Read this. I mean, was there ever anyone else who wanted the Germans so strained to get weapons?
  • Oh? I guess we will see, won’t we?
  • Say, weren’t we just hearing State Department personnel whining about how bad things are? Guess this little outpost will raise morale. BEAR ANY BURDEN, PAY ANY PRICE!