Long weekend powers — activate! Form of … good beer! To echo Sloopy’s sentiments in the Morning Edition, this has been a great year for me, and I have really enjoyed the sense of community this website has created. If you’re ever down in St. Pete, give me a call and I’ll take you on a real Florida Man adventure. It’ll be like The Hangover with Cubans instead of Asians and uglier hookers.
One programming note: My wife is going to North Florida to help out with some family stuff for the next two weeks. I’ll be mostly swinging Single Dad status. I will probably not be around much or authoring the Links much until the middle of January. No matter what they say, I definitely did not sexually harass or make unwanted advances against any of my co-bloggers here at Glibertarians.
For those of you who enjoy G&T or bitter, black coffee, you may also enjoy sadism. Or be a psychopath, which, far be it from me to judge.
That stupid Rethuglican tax cut nets an extra $5B from Goldman Sachs. At $1.1M/second, that’s like, an hour and a quarter of Federal salaries.
Anti-government protests in Iran. Originally from higher prices. See, that’s another problem with Socialism — rising prices are the Government’s fault.
Infowars, so take with huge grain of salt, but I can totally see this being true: Guy protests Trump by ranting at Disney animatronic robot. So, so brave.
Have a little mellow to take you through to the end.
Meh…Austrian based study.
Know who else was Austrian and psychotic?
R U nu hear?
1 rule of Fight Club.
That is always the answer, but you’re not allowed to Godwin the thread.
He’s not new here. So fuck off, Tulpa is not the correct response.
Fuck off, Tulpa is always correct.
Fuck you Tulpa.
I’m not clever enough to come up with anything else.
I thought the 1st rule of Glib club was that you have to reference a link for it to be a real first comment.
Or was it to never click a HM link.
No wait, the 1st rule is that there are no links and its actually an open thread.
Or maybe it’s that everyone is Tulpa.
You know what, there are way to many rules around here.
For a Libertarian site, you have a point.
+1 woodchipper
Daniel Köllerer?
Josef Fritzl?
Rot in hell, monster.
Georg Von Trapp?
So I like bitter flavors, I hang out here, are there any other warning signs I should be aware of?
Chronic masturbation
Uh huh…
That’s a warning?
If you sit next to him on the bus.
Wolfgang Puck?
I don’t know why this made me laugh so much…but it did.
Because you’re as sick, twisted and drunk as I am?
Merida is a walk-around character, not animatronic.
I larfed.
I will also be mostly offline this weekend, so Happy New Year to all you Glibs!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Years to you good sir.
Are you sitting down, Shirley? I’ve got some bad news.
The Times found that a host of factors have contributed to the transit authority’s exorbitant capital costs.
For years, The Times found, public officials have stood by as a small group of politically connected labor unions, construction companies and consulting firms have amassed large profits.
Trade unions, which have closely aligned themselves with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and other politicians, have secured deals requiring underground construction work to be staffed by as many as four times more laborers than elsewhere in the world, documents show.
Construction companies, which have given millions of dollars in campaign donations in recent years, have increased their projected costs by up to 50 percent when bidding for work from the M.T.A., contractors say.
Consulting firms, which have hired away scores of M.T.A. employees, have persuaded the authority to spend an unusual amount on design and management, statistics indicate.
Long depressing article about the astronomical cost of NYC subway compared to anywhere else (modern, or otherwise) in the world. Spoiler alert- unions play a major role.
Confirming once again that everything you ever needed know about corruption could be learned from The Sopranos.
In a sane world, this article would end in Cuomo rotting in a jail cell instead of cruising to another term.
Infowars, so take with huge grain of salt, but I can totally see this being true: Guy protests Trump by ranting at Disney animatronic robot.
I can see it, too. Several of my college friends are huge Disney parks fans and I saw every single one of them wailing at some point over the last couple weeks about how the park was about to be forever ruined.
Because the Hall of
AssholesPresidents is a major draw to the park?I don’t even know where it is (or which park it’s in/if it’s at both). Clearly an attraction of major interest.
My Dad always liked the Hall of Presidents because it had great air conditioning. We all found it boring so he’d get a little break from the heat and from us kids. Now Dad hates Trump, but he’s in his 70’s now and has had his fill of Disney parks.
Can’t wait to see the contortions needed to make Goldman Sachs the good guy. Is “They’re being punished for supporting Hillary” too self-aware?
“All they do is supply Treasury Secretaries and this is the thanks they get!”
And New Jersey governors.
Well, that was something I never wanted to think about when my dad gets a cup of black coffee…
Union officials pushed back against the idea that their members are overpaid. The construction unions, after all, arose in response to exploitative bosses who underpaid and endangered workers. More than a dozen people died building New York’s subway, and many more have perished since. Even today, workers labor in dirty and uncomfortable conditions to build marvels.
“Construction workers deserve every penny they make, and more,” said Gary LaBarbera, president of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York. “We live in New York. It’s very expensive to live here. We take great pride in the work that we do. And the work rules are there to make sure we stay alive.”
Uh huh.
Weird. I worked a job in Houston that was decidedly non-union. Since I was an auditor, I technically worked for management. I remember one discussion with a project manager level guy who said they wouldn’t do any more union jobs because, “it was impossible to manage with any certainty”. On the other hand, welders were making $75/hr base working 60s, which is about $6700/week. And we were losing guys to turnaround jobs. Sure, a carpentry helper started at $17/hr, but their required skills included 1) passing the drug screen 2)showing up to work every day and 3)being able to carry 60 lbs. And we were running job training like nobodies business. Welding academy – make two welds and pass X-ray you could go from $25/hr as a carpenter to $75/hr. They didn’t need a fucking union.
I’ve worked that last 4 years in a union plant. I joined, because I felt like if I was going to accept the benefits, then I should pay the dues. I make a little more than I did at any of my previous jobs, but I work in a industry that generally pays better with or without the union. I like some of the things the union does and dislike other things. It’s a right to work state, so that makes a big difference in the power balance.
That’s a lot more than I make. How long does it take to train a nobody to weld?
For those of you who enjoy G&T or bitter, black coffee, you may also enjoy sadism. Or be a psychopath, which, far be it from me to judge. – for non Americans consuming things that are not cloyingly sweet is not that rare
You did notice it was a study at an Austrian University, yes?
Last I checked, Austria was “non-American”.
Or is there something you need to tell us…Mr. Psychopath.
*sips black coffee*
I wonder why so many people dislike this movie.
It’s not the forced diversity that bothers me. It’s that they are all shallow characters in a poorly written story that breaks it’s own in universe rules.
I take it you were going in assuming several characters were going to be SJW tropes?
I always felt like Star Wars was a relatively blind-cast franchise? In that it didn’t seem to matter who was playing the roles, they could have been any race and it wouldn’t have been commented on by any of the characters because race doesn’t matter in that universe. So the casting isn’t the problem, it’s the way the SJWs are acting that’s driving me up the wall.
Exactly! There’s some great ideas and sequences. But, overall it’s a huge missed opportunity. Don’t even get me started on the muddy thinking in how they treated Luke’s character.
I didn’t really get a sense of “forced” diversity, not did I get a PC/Occupy/SJW vibe from the casino sequence (which stopped the film dead in its tracks). The film was pretty explicit that these particular rich folks were war profiteers. Kind of a Scott Horton take (minus the Israel bashing, of course).
I can see people’s problems with it but I liked it.
I’m reading your comment but all I see is Lilu Dallas multipass…
I’d rather watch Fifth Element again in place of any of the SW movies after RotJ.
It helps distract from how dumb some of my comments are… also Lee Loo Dallas Multi pass.
Finally! Asians! Mansplainers get their comeuppance! Leia! Buddhism and Taoism in an action movie!
The movie shit all over the legacy of the original trilogy. But none of that matters, cause young feminst SJWs love the movie.
“Mansplainers get their comeuppance! Leia! Buddhism and Taoism in an action movie!”
You wore that didn’t you. sigh.
What really sucks is that I like movies, books and the like with strong female characters or explorations of other cultures. But with SJWs pumping out crappy characters that are terrible, but because they’re diverse they’re the BEST EVAR, it’s making me skeptical of anything with a diverse cast.
May I suggest Starstruck; one the most amazing comics ever written.
“Buddhism and Taoism in an action movie!”
Wait a second, I saw A Fish Called Wanda just the other night.
Unlike any Asian action movie ever.
Now I want to watch Shaolin Soccer again.
Good call, I love that movie. Probably seen it a dozen times which is a lot for me. I should add it to the list.
I’m not sure I’ve seen it since I watched a pirate copy with unofficial subtitles while it was still on screens in China…did they maintain the Evil American team getting its rad soccer powers from Evil American Pharmaceuticals?
IIRC ‘Team Evil’ is Chinese like all the other teams but they do indeed get their powers from some American company – mwoo-hoo-ha-ha-ha
What mansplainer? Po?
Energy Drinks and Junk Food Are Destroying Teenage Brain Development
I blame capitalism. There was very little food and drink in communist Romania,.
So when can I get in on a class action suit against red bull?
Call of Duty gaming community points to ‘swatting’ in deadly Wichita police shooting
Only a matter of time before this happened.
This guy doesn’t even know how to cop.
a bullet came into being in mid air
“a weapon was discharged”
Passive voice…always.
Says he was a 7 year veteran, this must have been a mistake by a rookie reporter.
I’m sure they’ll print a retraction.
I think this is the first time they’ve killed someone who wasn’t the intended victim, but I thought there was an earlier case where they shot a gamer (not sure if he died)?
“As he came to the front door, one of our officers discharged his weapon.”
So, shot on sight. Sounds like three months suspension with pay to me.
He was reaching to scratch his ass so no charges.
What a nut punch. If that cop had a scintilla of self worth he would commit suicide. Who am I kidding? He will get a paid vacation, admiration from his buddies and a promotion.
My god, that is fucking nauseating.
““I DIDNT GET ANYONE KILLED BECAUSE I DIDNT DISCHARGE A WEAPON AND BEING A SWAT MEMBER ISNT MY PROFESSION,” said one gamer on Twitter, who others said made the swatting call. His account was suspended overnight.”
Ok, maybe not murder, but there is a serious criminal charge that definitely should be pursued in that case, if you are indeed the caller. And the cop who shot the kid needs to be tried for manslaughter, everyone involve in this death is a fucking cowardly pussy who deserves no pity from anyone.
Exposing someone to the police sounds like depraved indifference at the minimum.
Just cut off his dominant hand.
As I understand it, in some states everyone involved in committing a felony in which a person is killed is guilty of murder. Murder for the caller, manslaughter for the killer.
Ok, maybe not murder, but there is a serious criminal charge that definitely should be pursued in that case
Personally, if it were my family, I wouldn’t want any charges filed. I’d want the police to forget the incident ever happened as quickly as possible. That bastard, on the other hand, should pray to his personal God that that the police decide to put him away for the rest of his miserable life. Because nothing that could happen to him in jail would compare to what I’d have in store for him.
/Preet, if you’re watching, that’s strictly hyperbole.
Involving people with guns and absolute…sorry, “qualified” immunity will always end badly.
California Says Nestle Lacks Permits To Extract Millions Of Gallons Of Water
I blame libertarianism. Big business stealing our water (well not mine but California’s).
Next step – class action lawsuit in California claiming that the Arrowhead brand is misleading and not from the claimed springs.
San Bernardino Municipal Head — Known by the State of California to cause cancer.
Please Drink responsibly.
I recall talking to a few coworkers about one of these companies moving their bottled water plants to Phoenix. “Its a desert, why are they bottling up what little water is here?” They asked.
My response was, “Yes it is a desert, but don’t you find it odd they think bottling water in a desert is preferable to where they are now?”
“Infowars, so take with huge grain of salt, but I can totally see this being true: Guy protests Trump by ranting at Disney animatronic robot.”
Have you seen the robot? Clearly looks like they jumped the gun thinking Hillary was going to win then to save money put a Trump haircut on it.
They fluffed up the eyebrows. Holy shit!
Holy shit, you are right.
That is…not a good likeness. I support your Hillary theory.
Didn’t that debut about a month ago? I can’t see them jumping the gun and then taking eleven months to come up with that, they could’ve done that in a couple weeks. I’m not saying it doesn’t look like Hillary,but I think whoever made it did that on purpose after the fact as a dig at Trump.
“For those of you who enjoy G&T or bitter, black coffee, you may also enjoy sadism.”
I like Gin and Tonic, bitter black coffee, no, I put milk in it.
I supply my own bitterness.
“Study finds gin and tonic drinkers are more likely to be psychopaths, sadists”
Not doughnuts?
Doughnuts seems to be the go here in NYC. Every cop I’ve seen today, which means many hundreds of them, are not chasing any perps on foot anytime soon.
G&T no. That’s what the officers drink
Black Coffee. Hell yeah.
Sadism. Whatchoowantmetohityouwith?
Heading home from Vegas and the Misfits show was everything I ever dreamed it would be. Intense and incredible.
I almost went there this weekend to see the UFC fight.
Is Is Jerry Only really just a manicured version of STEVE SMITH?
Hah! First time I’ve heard Jerry called “manicured”
I spent most of the morning at the doctors office. Wife and little one both have the Flu. I’m just hoping I don’t get it too.
Mr Splosives and I were at Urgent Care this morning for a few hours dealing with my asthma flareup. Great way to spend the rest of my time off!
Must have been from cooking all that Indian food! /sarc
Hope your feeling better and able to enjoy the long weekend.
Thanks. It’s cold out anyway, so this and watching bowl games is pretty much compatible with needing to rest and recuperate.
Yeah it sucks. I have to go back to work tomorrow and my wife was supposed to as well. Looks like she will taking a few extra days off. It sucks though. she’s sick as hell and will have to take care of our boy, who is also sick as hell.
That’s a double whammy alright. Hope she can get enough rest to get better herself.
Always seems to happen around the holidays! Going through Union Station in Chicago was probably not helpful to me; guessing i got a bug that is causing my lungs to flare up.
Very sorry to hear that. Hope everyone gets well soon!
My Christmas vacation fun was limited by accidentally smacking the side of my head. Leaned in to turn off a bathroom light and didn’t pull my head back enough to avoid slamming the side into the door frame. Was moving pretty fast so I smacked my head harder than normal. Stupid. The next day, I couldn’t turn my head more than quarter in in any direction without sharp pain.
Painkillers and muscle relaxant the doctor prescribed have been working. That and several days rest seems to be doing the trick. Hoping to be near 90% by tomorrow, as I’m behind on my holiday drinking due to the medication!
Wife and I sort of have a cold, but not really a virus. I think it’ more of dry sinuses from the low humidity of it being this cold.
That is a misery. Went to Sedona a few years ago and had nosebleeds every day despite drinking about a gallon of water a day. Low humidity is not with out drawbacks.
Currently in NYC visiting some friends of Mrs Gordilocks, one of whom is a member of the DiBlasio administration, and a guy with whom I’ve had many interesting discussions, even though we’re on opposite ends of the spectrum where it regards politics.
At his apartment in Park Slope last night and had a browse through his book collection, which included some works by this fellow who seems to have written some decent political satire.
A choice quote from this gent –
Bureaucracy is the epoxy which greases the wheels of progress.
Happy New Years everyone, thanks for being an island of irreverence and hilarity in a sea of derp.
You SFed the link by putting a quote mark at the end.
For fucks sakes. This fucking phone just adds shit to everything I ever try and post here. I swear to fucking Christ that the fucking autocorrect goes crazy only on this site. Fuck fuck fuck
Seriously. Nearly every single link I post here gets SF’d somehow. I’m fucking cursed.
Fuck fuck fuck
Certainly displays the versatility of the word.
It’s amazingly versatile.
Nice, I was however expecting this
I expected this:
Nice collection, gents.
I’ll add this.
I wonder why Mad Scientist didn’t link to that.
Toying with a move to California gets less appealing every day with articles like this.
Don’t do it. Just my opinion. They’ve went completely off the rails left.
I would vote for Trump if he found a way to block all federal money from going to California.
I’m about 100% likely to vote for him at this point. I know he won’t, but if he would de-schedule cannabis, it’s a promise. And I don’t use the stuff, but the amount of leftist pants shitting would be so epic, a vote is the least that I could do.
Yeah, I thought I had it bad with the political shock to the system I got when I moved to Minnesota, but California might drive me crazy with the amount of intrusion they try to make in every aspect of life.
The prospective employer is still trying to lure me, but there’s no official job write-up so I am going to ignore it until such time as it becomes real. Or I could tell him no now and save them the trouble.
Yes, yes they have. The weather is great, true. Also, lots of great breweries, California girls, etc.
But, it’s getting worse and worse each year. I’ve been here since ’96 (moved from chilly northern IL). Until a few years ago, I never thought I’d move away from southern CA. Now, I know I’ll be moving.
Alas, it will have to be after my wife retires. She works in civil engineering for a city north of LA. Thankfully, the city govt is relatively sane compared to many in CA. Plus, she’s very good at her job, and makes more than me. Still, if we’re able to move earlier, I’m leaning heavily toward doing it. CA govt, both state and many municipalities, is becoming a disaster.
There are plenty of less-than-ideal states I would entertain moving to if the price were right, but I have 7 that are non-starters. CA, NJ, NY, MA, CT, IL, MD
Y’all forgot RI.
MD is the best of the blue states. Even though it mostly sucks. NJ, CA, and MA are the worst of the worst. Just about in that order.
MD seems like a nice place to visit, just like CA and NY, and even MA. However, I’d be in violation of a dozen gun laws by driving the moving truck across the border of any of those states.
It’s a hard enough transition to get used to paying state income tax again here in VA. I couldn’t imagine the economic insanity of living in any of those states.
You know where else is a nice enough place to visit?
Devil’s Island.
I need to watch Papillon again.
By the way, I saw Local Hero last night. Reminded me of my trip to the Isle of Skye a bit, but with more attractive women.
VA is now just about as blue as MD. Because NOVA. It’s no different than how MD is blue only because of Baltimore and the northerly spill over because of the swamp.
VA is now just about as blue as MD. Because NOVA.
That’s a bit hyperbolic. The swamp’s effect on VA is attenuated by the fact that VA is 10x the size of MD. I don’t doubt the leftward march of VA into the future, but there’s still a way to go until we’re side-by-side with MD.
Everybody forgets RI
“The Littlest Hellhole”
They’d get their asks kicked in a war against Connecticut.
ass* stop fucking autocorrecting Ghallager jokes, phone.
I feel your pain.
I had it coming.
“Employers can’t ask applicants about their salary history: Private employers — yes, private employers — can’t ask people who want money from them silly questions like how much money they’ve made in the past or are making at their current job. ”
I know is California and the legislature is a bunch of lefty retards, but what problem are they even trying to solve with this one?
The law is absurd, but I’m guessing the alleged gender pay-gap?
Then they need to stop asking applicants what gender they are at the interview, don’t they?
Haven’t you heard, women are bad negotiators and this levels the playing field!
“Women will no longer be asked about their prior salaries,” said Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), the caucus chair, told the gathering. “What some people think is a simple question has been a barrier to equal pay.”
The new law applies to both men and women. But it is mainly aimed at countering discrimination which can follow women from job to job.”
Oh FFS. do these people believe the bullshit they spew?
No, they absolutely do not believe it. They say that shit for the benefit of their useful idiots.
Don’t be silly. There are no genders in California.
Maybe age discrimination?
That’s been forbidden for a while, but of course, it’s absurd for most applicants who have ever gone to college and wanted to use their credentials on their resume.
It’s funny, in Europe where they have the Curriculum Vitae as the resume equivalent, it is expected to include a photo of the applicant, from which you can guess age, gender, weight, would/wouldn’t etc.
I’m amazed that this is considered OK.
In some ways, U.S. employment law (meaning, the combined effects of statute, precedent, and prevailing interpretation) is uniquely stupid.
About the best thing about US employment practices compared to European ones (as I understand it from my German former boss) is that in Europe, it is damned close to impossible to fire an employee without some massively flagrant cause, and even then it is difficult and takes time. Whereas in the US, you can fire a guy for any reason you like (aside from union employees).
And then they wonder why hiring is so slow over there. My former boss said it’s almost like a marriage, a lifelong relationship, so you have to take your sweet time and try to know your new prospective employee as well as possible.
Or just work experience. You can cull the really old stuff, and maybe deinflate the titles, but it’s kind of hard to obfuscate a long working career without leaving your resume empty.
You’ll be there six months and I am going to say “You’re standing in fire ants.”
There are too many red flags all over this one. I am going to just work the “forge a strong intercompany work relationship” angle for the benefit of all involved.
Oh, and it is the state whose department of revenue is named ‘The Board of Equalization”
Let that sink in
Good grief. That is terrible.
If that’s not enough to scare someone, I don’t know what is. I got my first warning in MD when I was at a local park and read a sign about how it’s a crime to touch a rock or plant or move one of them out of it’s place. Seriously, you cannot even get Marlanders to obey traffic laws, good luck with that. Then they banned alcohol from all public parks, including beaches. WTF? Adults can no longer enjoy alcohol in public? Dumb fucking shitstains. In Brazil, you can drink alcohol in public anywhere and even riding in a motor vehicle if you’re not driving. Land of the free? Not in a blue state.
But in Brazil, you can’t get liquor (at the store or a restaurant) on an election day. I found that out the hard way.
I didn’t realize that. But I do know that used to be a law in MD, but they finally abandoned it. Anyway, who doesn’t stock up for days like that? I used to live in a state with blue laws (Baltimore county still has this) and you knew full well that you cannot buy alcohol on Sundays. But still, compare that with the fact that I can walk down any street in Brazil with an open beer, compared to here, and no one will even pay any attention.
Arkansas has dry counties. If you drive east and west on I-40 through the state, every other county is dry. At the county line there are huge liquor stores that make a killing off the residents of the dry counties. I understand most of the funding for the lobbying to keep counties dry comes from these liquor stores and local churches. There is only one town in Arkansas that sells on Sunday. I happen to live 10 miles from it.
There are dry towns all over – even in New York.
I lived in a dry county. Not that it meant anything. We just went to the bootlegger or drove to the next county.
Hered a bit of absurdity for you rywun. My county is bisected by the arkansas river. Everything north of the river is wet amd one of the towns has sunday sales (the only sunday sales in arkansas) and everything south of the river is dry, except for some reason the south of the river livestock auction house that has a beer store.
I’m surprised no one has tried contesting Sunday alcohol bans as violating the separation between religion and State. Or maybe someone has and failed.
I know the liquor store owners love the rule. They get to be closed one day a week and not have to worry about their competition picking up and of their market share.
Because Sunday is “the Christian day of rest,” many people who are inconvenienced by Sunday closing laws will intuitively feel that these laws violate the separation of church and state, a cornerstone of the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, many of these blue laws were originally drafted explicitly to accommodate Sunday worship services and a Christian sense of morality. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has ruled that even though blue laws originally had a religious purpose, they now exist to promote the secular purpose of securing a common day of rest. Thus, they are permissible regulations for a secular government to make and are safe from legal challenges on Establishment Clause grounds. See McGowan v. Maryland, 366 U.S. 420, 422-23 (1961) (upholding as constitutional charges brought against employees of a large department store for violating Maryland’s criminal statutes prohibiting “all labor, business and other commercial activities on Sunday,” except the sale of “all foodstuffs, automobile and boating accessories, flowers, toilet goods, hospital supplies and souvenirs.”).
You called it semi-Spartan.
In my MPLS suburb, the only liquor stores are owned by the city. Pretty sure they have a special column in the city budget for expected income from Mr and Mrs Hayeksplosives by now. (Sometimes they tell us to “Enjoy the party!” We just say “Thanks! We will!” and shuffle off.
But a government run liquor store observing blue laws is even closer to the church/state violation. We are now in our first year of being able to buy on a Sunday. No more “drive of shame” trips to Hudson, Wisconsin due to poor planning! Woot!
I’m sure the Hudson liquor stores are feeling the pain.
When I was in Kansas, there was a Sunday alcohol ban (bars could be open of course). Johnson County, which borders Missouri complained about all the business (hint, hint, lost tax revenue) they were losing. Eventually, a few liquor stores declared publicly that they were going to open on Sundays against the law.The legislature voted to rescind the law.
Yeah, as a tourist I didn’t know and didn’t think to have my own stash at the hotel.
My hubs tells me that it used to be illegal to drink in Minnesota on election day before the polls closed. They really think that was going to affect the outcome?
By contrast, this is the pic of my absentee ballot from last year, with a side shot of courage before I pulled the ol’ trigger.
I don’t even see gayjay listed on there. What the hell?
It was lower on the LONG LIST of candidates. I have no idea how they choose the ordering of the candidates.
There are some crackpot parties in Minnesota. And note the Minnesotan name for the Democrat party.
Yeah I saw that. What the hell is with the farmer labor being added?
I dunno. It’s their way of attempting to own the farmers and union workers. When I was still a republican, I thought we should change our name to the Republican-Puppies-Kittens party to establish a nice reputation.
It is a pleasure to shop at county run liquor stores in Montgomery County, MD…
God I hate everyone.
Election day in Mexico is dry as well.
For the commentariat members with enough trips around the Sun here is an article about the 50th anniversary of a real NFL Championship game.
For you youngsters that think football is played in a dome, get off my lawn and read the damn article.
(And have a good new year.)
Interesting bit of sports history. Thanks!
I remember it.
My father was a Cowboy fan from day 1 of the Cowboys and I liked them because her did.
I notice they didn’t celebrate the anniversary of the ’65 Packers, where they only beat the Baltimore Colts (of beloved memory) because of a bad call on a last second field goal. Fuck the Packers. Fuck ’em, I say.
Here is the Huffpo headline on the Disney guy:
That’s nothing compared to the time I hurled stinging insults at my TV when Hillary was on!
We have one permanently white pixel on our main TV from a time Mr Splosives threw a couch pillow at the Hilldog and the zipper struck the screen.
One more reason to hate that bitch. (Did I mention that Mr Splosives is a bit of a hothead of Italian and Irish extraction?)
1. Yes, the robot president was originally made to look like She Who Shall Not Be Named, then they threw the Hair on, “eh, close enough”
2. Real Clear Politics linked to an article at TOS, so of course Hihn and Buttplug are having an argument in the comments section. Hillarlyous. Link
So I guess we know that Hihn likes gin & tonic, huh?
(Of course, I do too, but then again, we are all Tulpa.)
Hihn is too stupid to know what he likes. Someone must have told him.
Years ago, I tried to make some sense out of Hihn’s posts. I couldn’t make heads or tail out of what he was even trying to get across. Anyone here know what hes trying to get at.
Essentially he’s a counterculturalist who got into libertarianism and the LP back when the relevant issues were legitimately pot, ass sex, and mexicans (the 80s). He has struggled to keep up with the times and understand that the issues of the time have shifted, and the Democrats aren’t our friends anymore.
He’s apparently mentally ill. I have no idea how to otherwise explain it. Look that that post today about the tax cut, where the comments are just an orgy of stupid from him and buttpig.
I tried earlier. I can’t. Maybe derpy could make heads or tails out of it buts its beyond my ability to comprehend.
Seriously, in my experience, the worst pieces of human trash to ever grace TOS in order of worst:
1. Botard
2. Cytotoxic
3. Tulpa
4. Buttface
5. Hihn
6. Tony
No one else is even worth mention, even though Mary Stack and Crayon deserve at least honorable mention.
Wasn’t there some evidence that Botard was a buttplug sock?
Botard is not a buttplug sock. AddictionMyth is, and Djaiil or something like are shreek socks. He has a website where the three of them argue with each other. The guy is seriously mentally ill. Bo is a shitstain of an entirely different level.
I’m not Tulpa!
/looks over at his SN Hop Bullet
Real Clear Politics linked to an article at TOS, so of course Hihn and Buttplug are having an argument in the comments section. Hillarlyous. Link
Is this the website version of drunk texting an ex?
I find humor in the fact that, when TOS gets exposure, the nuts come out to make libertarians look like the kooks everyone thinks of when they hear the word “libertarian”.
Gary Johnson is the Nick Gillespie of presidential candidates.
That one actually works pretty well.
Hey, that is the comment section they wanted.
^ Exactly this.
Trump Fires HIV/AIDS Council in Its Entirety by FedEx Letter, Report Claims
I would have thought that after all this time, specific agitation for AIDS research is pretty much unnecessary. It’s a disease that affects a subset of Americans, just like typhoid, mumps and hepatitis.
And AIDS suffers can expect to live a normal lifespan. The treatment has gotten pretty good.
Yeah, those guys needed to go. We dont need ’em. Probably never did.
AIDS suffers can expect to live a normal lifespan
Eh, the treatment regimen is incredibly hard on the kidneys and may be associated with some gnarly early onset dementia. It’s certainly better than it used to be, but lifespans are still shorter and quality of life declines dramatically from side effects.
There’s also still the issue of rampant untreated HIV/AIDS spreading in regions and demographic blocs– particularly in the CDCs backyard of Atlanta. It’s not quite third world, but it’s impressively bad.
So we need a committee of highly paid political appointees because that’s the way to make progress.
I suppose you could read it that way, but I didn’t really put forward a policy proposal there. It’s not the crisis it was 30 years ago, but it’s still got its hot spots.
If there is going to be a public policy specifically on HIV/AIDS I’d rather it be thorough and well-informed with a heavy bent on prevention rather than the mounting costs of lifetime treatment for cases as they come up and secondary issues from treatment.
I suppose you could read it that way, but I didn’t really put forward a policy proposal there.
I certainly did (and do), and think that “public policy” should be “politicians are ignorant, let the private healthcare R&D and treatment sectors deal with this.” Emphasis on “private.”
Barring a revolution this is unlikely. I’d like to see the Presidential Council for [special interests] go for as many things as possible, and have whatever public funds are being taken from me at gunpoint and spent on the issue be based on as clear-eyed an understanding of the situation as possible, which eliminates the popular “oh my god, Trump existing has given everyone on erf AIDS” AND “Everything’s fine, we got this”
And now that I’ve typed it out, faithful stewardship of tax dollars by the USG or wiping out Presidential Councils is about as likely as a revolution, so I’m gonna go amble off and have another drink.
“The decision by an administrator to clear house at PACHA is not unprecedented. The Obama administration eliminated all of George W. Bush’s appointees in the same way.”
It’s unfair to read down in the article to find the hidden punchline.
But the Presidential Advisory Council is enshrined in the constitution as a critical federal function! Or something.
So, what was the efficacy of this council before it was scrapped, in fighting AIDS? Surely it must have been significant to generate this amount of outcry?
They had actually reversed it: people with aids were actually living for hundreds of years before Trump ruined everything.
Yeah, I know, it’s sort of like how the GOP have been keeping the space aliens and bigfoot a secret, to protect their secret cabal. Trump’s one of the space lizards, and Obama is one of the protecting angels trying to save humans.
/Something I probably actually read on DU
Well the fact that both STEVE SMITH and myself exist implies they are not completely misguided.
It was highly effective at transferring tax payer dollars into the pockets of its members and their grifters.
Why is there such thing as a Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. Also, how many more of these councils exist and how soon can they be gotten rid of?
how soon can they be gotten rid of?
Apparently, about as fast as FedEx can deliver the notice.
But, but… a presidential advisory committee on AIDS sounds so feel goody and stuff! It must be critical!
I think it was GWB trying to get progs to like him and not be seen as de’debil. Guess how effective it was?
9 years later the left loves him again. It worked perfectly.
Who wants to bet the same people “outraged” by this had no problem with that new California law that said knowingly passing the disease to others isn’t a big deal.
There’s cocktails… and then there’s cocktails. It makes just over a gallon of punch, all tasting like your Christmas tree.
Just drink retsina and sprite.
THEN try and keep it down.
Or I could just use Rosemary
It seems like using gin instead of rum for the drink would make it simpler as well.
Last week, Brett made a comment about the extreme amount of length of my tongue.
::Licks eyebrows seductively::
Jeez, learn to take a compliment.
Stop bragging, shitlord!
Brett didn’t sexually harass me. / Looks down at ground and kicks pebble.
Gene Simmons has a #metoo moment.
My tongue isn’t the longest but it sure is thick. /not sure if this is something to brag about
Depends on what you do with it.
@Resistance_Feed twitter account run by Pro Trump guy hitting up leftists for cash.
33.7K followers. Things I wish I had thought of….
No shit! That’s brilliant! I think I may try that. Is it legal? Taking money under false pretenses?
Cards Against Humanity has pulled a number of ridiculous stunts with people’s money, so maybe. Depends on the line between “false pretenses” and “unstated assumptions”, I’d think.
They could probably win a law suit
Here, have some murder to start your weekend:
Family says son killed by police in ‘swatting’ was unarmed, didn’t play video games
The poor, poor killer isn’t identified. Confident prediction: other than a paid vacation, he won’t suffer any consequences. The good news: Everyone who matters made it home safely.
Using the active voice is why Troy is still the Deputy Chief.
But he didn’t use phrases like “involuntary manslaughter” or “reckless endangerment”, like they use for us proles, so he’ll get to keep his job.
“That was the information we were working off of,” he said, explaining that officers went to the house ready for a hostage situation and they “got into position.”
If they weren’t trigger-happy goons, I might give them the slight benefit of the doubt that they are stuck between a rock (don’t be too heavy-handed) and a hard place (don’t just stand around doing nothing). But FFS at least make a cursory attempt to assess the situation before opening fire.
Step one would have been cross checking the resident’s name against the name provided by the little shit who called in the claim. If the Vegas SWAT team could huddle under the Mandalay Bay for 20 minutes formulating a strategy, I’m damn sure the Wichita PD could get one of their admins to do that while the goons were rolling.
At some point, one would think the police would recognize that repeatedly killing innocent people is not a net positive for their reputation.
It seems like they could at least do something along the lines of filing a false report. But my guess is that there will be new legislation.
Well, it ought to be at the state level. Let’s not turn this into a federal terrorism charge.
I’m sure legislation at any level will be as poorly worded as possible, with “unforeseen” consequences built in.
“Everyone who matters made it home safely.”
To be fair, even the victim probably made it home safely earlier that day. He just didn’t stay that way when the cops moved in.
I realize its technically the cops fault for shooting, but is there any legal recourse for SWATing? Obviously, the person making the call has to know the cops will react in the the worst way possible
I believe filing a false police report is a felony. In my state, if a person dies during the commission of a felony, then everyone involved is charged with murder under the felony murder rule.
With the obvious and glaring exceptions, of course.
“Scientists found that those who favored bitter food and drinks more often than not displayed a higher number of negative personality traits.”
I could have told them that. Just check out the guys that walk in the bar and ask for the hoppiest beer they have.
IPAs suck. I just get the less hoppier IPA that they try to pass off as a lager, or hopefully a stout of porter if they have one.
Hoppy beers, including many IPAs are kinda like Starbucks coffee: they taste like shit, but people have been told that’s what good beer/coffee tastes like, so to prove that they have an educated pallet, idiots order drinks that taste like shit.
We get it. You guys don’t like IPAs. Whining about people who like IPAs, though, that’s still cool.
Its like hating Yankees fans. Always fashionable.
And fuck the Yankees.
It’s typically because they all taste the same. There is so much hops that it masks whatever other flavors there may be. Ok, so there are some good IPAs, the vast majority of them are swill who any amateur brewer could make in a plastic bucket at room temp. But hey, they come with some cool names, so there’s that.
I think you’ll like my article tomorrow.
Looking forward to it.
I’ve had good IPAs. There’s nothing wrong with a good IPA. However, IPAs suffer from two problems. First is that they’re so strongly flavored that I’m sick of having them after one. Of course, then my taste buds are blown out, so forget having any drink with subtlety after that. Second is that hops are a really easy way for shit breweries to cover up their shit brewing technique. It’s like how Starbucks mixes most of their drinks to be 80% milk and sugar, and 20% “coffee.”
I also like a good IPA. And the cover-up for shit brewing has inspired a lot of weenie-whacking about how much hops you can stick in a beer. I don’t mind a nice hoppy finish. But, I’m not going into the bar to buy a cup of hop soup.
“Second is that hops are a really easy way for shit breweries to cover up their shit brewing technique.”
Here’s a guy who gets it.
It really depends on the brewery and the beer you’re talking about. Victory is a great brewery with lots of really good beers, including a great IPA called Hop Devil. They used to make a double IPA called Hop Wallop, that was flat out terrible. Just bitterness, no other hop notes about it. Since then, they’ve come out with a couple of solid double IPA’s. Honestly, it’s easier to cover your mistakes with stouts and porters then IPA’s.
Honestly, it’s easier to cover your mistakes with stouts and porters then IPA’s.
As I’ve said in prior iterations of this debate, I judge breweries on their “middle of the road” beers. It’s easy to hide your imperfections behind strong flavors, whether or not those strong flavors are from hops.
My first beer at most breweries is a pilsner, Kolsch, cream ale, Saison, or a blonde. That’s what I use as the judgment as to how long I’ll be staying there.
So, how many American establishments can make a good pilsner/lager. My assessment is none of them. I can always hope for a good heffe, stout, or porter, but a good lager or pilsner? Not happening in this country. Even Brazil and Canada can make decent lagers, the USA, not. Shameful.
Quite a few actually. For the more widely distributed ones, I’d recommend Victory Prima Pils, Troegs Sunshine Pils, Founders PC Pils, Avery’s Joe’s Premium Pils, Oskar Blues Pinner (also labeled as a session IPA), Sixpoint The Crisp, and Left Hand Polestar Pils. If you’re just looking for general lagers, there’s quite a few of those I can recommend as well.
I’m partially spoiled because my area has a large German and Eastern European community, so quite a few breweries put forth a solid lager, Kolsch, or Altbier.
I’ll look for those in my area and believe it when I taste it. So far, I’m batting a zero on advice from everyone who has told me the same thing.
Seconded the Left Hand Polestar
Victory is one of my favorite Brewers.
Damn Hyperion, you have a German trained brewer less than an hour north of you!
Lagunitas makes a good Czech style pilsner. Or, at least they did. Last time I drank their Czech Pils was a few years ago.
IPAs are NOT like Starbucks, which is shitty coffee, over roasted and bitter. Yes, there’s dozens of IPAs that taste the same. But, there are many great ones whose only similarity is bitterness. Mouthfeel, nose, flavor profile are all different in the good ones.
Where on the dolly did the IPA touch you guys?
I keed, I keed.
Look, I can understand people not liking IPAs. I just can’t understand the hate, when that style isn’t really that popular anymore. I see a lot more focus on sours, session ales, mixed styles, and beers with lots of adjuncts.
Apparently Trump let the military do its thing where Obama obstructed them, and there are fewer civilian casualties now, too, if these guys are to be believed. I hate to say it, but that boorish oaf is doing a pretty good job.
Yeah, he knows how to delegate, which is nice. If you read Robert Gates account of being Sec Defense, you see the dysfunctional way Obama would call together Hillary, Biden, Gates and sometimes others (ValJar) to decide on major defense strategies, and he would prevaricate as long as possible and try to find a middle way, which usually tied the military’s hands and prolonged the agony.
But ISIS was just the JV squad, so not really a problem in Obama’s eyes.
In my mailbox- Larue SURG. Newb to the suppressor world & won’t be buying one, but first time I’ve seen the can slide over the muzzle brake for the entire thing to be just over the SBR limit.
Skip to 4:49 for the money shots.
That’s pretty cool.
Florida man strikes again!
Florida man accused of rigging door to his home to electrocute pregnant wife
chairs, tape, a shower-type rod, electrical cords, wiring cut from a bedroom lamp and a battery charge with clamps,
This is what happens when you piss off Macguyver.
He apparently posted his status as “Widowed” on Facebook before carrying it out. Genius move.
The first rule of wife murdering club…
Don’t use a club?
No matter what they say, I definitely did not sexually harass or make unwanted advances against any of my co-bloggers here at Glibertarians.
The keyword being “unwanted”
What? Wait… there was a metoo thing going on here at Glibs? If so, just let me clarify my position. Any unwanted advances or harassment I made towards any of you fellow Glibs was totally intentional, so are you going to put out or not, you sluts?
I’m here for you
I’m a big G&T fan – especially if made with Grey Skies Barrel Finished Gin. I could drink that all day long until my liver gave out.
I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it recently (or on this site) but have you tried Whole Foods’ surprisingly reasonably priced 365 Brand Tonic Water?
No I haven’t but I’ve never passed through Whole Food’s doors! Amazingly we don’t have one in this city, even though it’s larger than Lansing, which has a Whole Food’s.
Not enough woke hipsters?
Not a big college town; conservative / Republican voters… this area is probably not my first pick for a natural foods store. They exist but are small. Costco and Sam’s Club, on the other hand, are packed.
Luckily you don’t even need to cross their threshold, it’s an Amazon add-on item now.
“…larger than Lansing…”
Ooh la la
I’m going to have to give that stuff a try. I’m drinking Boodles with Schweppes right now and it just isn’t cutting it.
Do! There was some hesitation with some of the other gin swillers at the old site but most came around on taste, price and availability with the 365 stuff.
I like Botanica and Russian Standard. Don’t even get me going on Vodka, that stuff makes me feel like a God, seriously. I love it. So don’t drink it much. Maybe I’m part Russian. Could explain my collusion effort to help make a Nazi president.
I am only a few percent Russian, but I am 100% on board with vodka.
At any given time, in the freezer I have a big bottle of Tito’s for savoring and another bottle of some cheap crap for mixing. Yummy!
Sobieski is the best, both cheap and good.
Spy status confirmed.
It was awesome the day I happened to be wearing my Artem Anisimov Russian National team hockey jersey (it’s a work of art–gold embroidered double headed eagle on a red background with blue and white accents), i got a call from a federal investigator regarding my “periodic reinvestigation” for clearance. He wanted to meet to go over some questions.
I said, “Sure, we can meet right now if you want.” I was halfway to the lobby when I realized what I was wearing. SMDH. It was a Friday before a holiday! I didn’t expect to meet anyone.
Hopefully my NSA lanyard offset the jersey.
I love Titos. You know who told me about it? I was in one of the local liquor stores one day, trying to decide what to buy. An old Russian guy struck up a conversation with me. We have a a lot of Russians and Ukrainians in our hood, along with a majority of Orthodox Jews. Those populations may cross several lines with each other. So I was looking at some of the top shelf Russian vodkas because I love Russian vodkas. So the guy tells me, you know what is the best vodka for the price? So he picks up a bottle of Titos and hands to me. And I’m like ‘Dude this stuff is make in TX, are you serious? He convinced me. I still don’t like it as well as some Russian vodkas, but it is damn good for the price, the guy knows his vodka.
That would have persuaded me too!
There’s a local Russian restaurant here where the bar side is filled with local regulars stopping by after work and is a random slice of the population. But the Restaurant side gets totally dominated by Russians, and they look with deep suspicion at newbies. I don’t like the feel of it. They have HUGE to-dos in there on weekends, and I’m sure it would be fun to watch the music and dancing and such, but I get the feeling some of those guys are “connected” so I stay away.
My sister was upset at me on Thanksgiving, because I had the Tito’s sitting on the bottom shelf of my bar. I then invited her to find any other vodka anywhere in my bar. I’m not a big vodka fan (although I will say that in summer Deep Eddie’s Ruby Red Vodka is amazing), but it’s needed for some cocktails.
You haven’t had vodka until you’ve had Russian Billionaire Vodka – and yes I’ve actually bought this at the local liquor store. I can’t remember if it’s any good!
If you can’t remember, it was probably good!
Since you come through the area now and then, you MUST sample North Shore Distillery’s vodkas. Best I’ve ever had- the infused ones are perfect for cocktails and done with a fine hand.
Duly noted!
Man, I loved getting there by train. Took 8 hours exactly, didn’t have to crawl through traffic at the end, didn’t have to pay for parking, and were able to drink to our hearts’ content on the way.
I had a second gen Ukrainian friend who would fly to Ukraine once or twice a year to get laid. Here’s bring back really good vodka at really good prices. He thought because my name is Polish that I should be able to drink with him. Holy shit, I’d get drunk. He drank himself to death, very sad.
I enjoyed your story until the last sentence. Sad indeed.
I will have a vodka shot in his honor.
some retro synth: Gunship with some 80s fantasy films as a visual background
Palin’s Buttplug hit hardest: Metals: Weaker Dollar Pushes Gold Back Above $1,300
Price changes, value stays the same.
Does anyone know what shreek’s objection to gold is?
It proves his bullshit voodoo economic theories about fiat currency and Keynesian nonsense wrong. At least that’s my theory.
That’s probably it, plus he’s an asshole.
Hey now, being an asshole has nothing to do with ones thoughts on gold.
I actually agree. PB’s just such an asshole that I assign his viewpoint on any given issue to that.
Buttplug exhibits many of the signs of habitual coke use.
i’m actually not kidding. his behavior and his stupidity are all recognizable byproducts of doing too-much blow. i’ve seen a few people get burned out on blow in their 20s-20s and they have very similar qualities. it does some fucked up shit to your personality. they lose any capability to think things through beyond some superficial snap-judgement, which they for some reason then place absurdly high-confidence in.
– basically, ‘incredibly shallow, but acting like they’re an expert; touchy, prone to mood swings; constantly misreading situations then shrugging and forgetting it happened (never ever learn from same mistake over and over again)
I know plenty of people like that, that never snorted more than a line or two. You may have correlation cross-connected to causation.
Maybe. I agree that it could be a chicken/egg thing: the type of people who are already like that tend to be distinctly attracted to coke.
but i’ve seen at least 2 – otherwise very normal, stable people – who developed a coke problem, then literally turned into that stereotype.
it was close friends over a period of years. I’m pretty convinced about the fact that some people suffer long term psychological effects from yayo that tend to be distinctly similar. One could argue ‘all drunks also have similar qualities’, but i don’t think its quite the same. I think coke – for some people – can permanently burn out their attention span, and produce symptoms similar to bi-polar disorder. Its something i’ve come across on multiple occasions. But then maybe i just look for it.
I got where I just ignored the fucknut. He was so obviously just a pinko shill with an oppositional personality disorder. Trying to debate anything with him was as productive as hitting yourself on the head with a hammer.
And the hammer hitting is more productive.
HIgh gold price is indicative of a weak dollar? That’s my guess.
Of course his proof that the economy was great was always “the stock market is booming”. Now that’s *booming under Trump I doubt he is trumpeting it like he used to.
*I think the current stock market is overvalued and due for a correction, but I’m not a financial wizard. I gave up playing the market after some bad medical buys; which can – for some part – be laid at the FDA’s feet. If they don’t approve something – surprise! – the value of that stock drops, even though the same treatment is used in Europe.
Right wingers tend to buy more gold as a hedge against inflation than leftys. Shreek liked to call people gold bugs in a effort to smear them as righties.
I’ve put a chunk of my savings/investment into gold the last couple of years – as a hedge, not because I have a fetish for gold.
That’s probably not a bad idea. I know my dad has a lot of his savings in gold.
I have physical gold in the gun safe. It’s purely deep insurance, no more a speculative asset than the guns. I actually need to get a little more, or maybe more silver. I see it as something you use to stay alive when all else fails.
I always figure in the real SHTF post-apocalypse, gold will matter much less than lead (and brass and powder).
I’m late because I was buying my fabulous new M&P 2.0. However, there is one thing better than guns and that’s tits!
Better late than never!
No surprises. 12, 25, 31
Methinks the top on 36 is false advertising.
43 looks improbable.
Says the be-hatted velocipede
I’m seeing repeats. Must be the end of the year…
4 & 34. 27 has a killer body
#19 looks like she must have went jogging.
/Gave herself a black eye.
Rubio trying to have his cake and eat it too on the tax cut (warning: autoplay vid).
1. Vote for tax bill.
2. Express regrets.
3. ???????
4. Reap rewards.
What a worm.
Helps corporations too much? What the fuck does that mean? Helped them give out all of those bonuses and raises?
Look, we don’t want people doing business in the United States. What do you think this is, some sort of free country?
Awesome. Perfect timing.
This awesomeness was in the side bar