It’s Saturday morning, I’ve been pounding coffee and basking in the glow of last night’s dinner- SP made tamales, which was my payoff for getting her that top of the line Easy Bake oven for Christmas. All the other kids in 4th grade were horribly jealous.
We had a lot of discussion last night about the now-infamous swatting murder. And of course, the police are totally spinning this as Not Their Fault Just Following Procedures. And the media are quite obliging in going along with that spin.
“Due to the actions of a prankster we have an innocent victim,” [police chief] Livingston said.
I’m sure the murderous cop will have plenty of time with his lawyers and union reps to get the story just right before he gets questioned. It’s a wonderful system.
The officer who fired the single shot, a seven-year veteran of the department, is on paid leave pending an investigation.
Thank goodness he gets free vacation.
Iranians express mild discontent, government responds. Didn’t we do this in 2009?
There is also anger at Iran’s interventions abroad. In Mashhad, some chanted “not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran”, a reference to what protesters say is the administration’s focus on foreign rather than domestic issues. Other demonstrators chanted “leave Syria, think about us” in videos posted online.
I can totally get behind that. When will we do the same?
And in today’s episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the mysterious white truck. There’s a Marguerite Duras joke in there somewhere. Lord knows, I dislike the guy intensely, would never vote for him, but the trolling and derangement are even more amusing than I could possibly have hoped for. If I can’t get a president I can respect and support, one that makes me laugh is an OK consolation prize.
You thought I could get through the links without mentioning this. You were wrong. I could never resist a story like that.
Old Guy Music time! Y’all know this one, of course, but I still marvel at how ahead of his time this one-hit-wonder was. Bonus: a young Carl Palmer wearing a hood and playing a smaller drum set than one associates with him.
Iranians express mild discontent, government responds. Didn’t we do this in 2009? – but the real culprit is US not their government.
Actually, the culprit is Israel. Zionist conspiracies abound.
Well the Jews run the US as well so …
Nice way to tie it together…but we need something about Davos in there to make it perfect.
I remember when “globalist agenda” was a concern chiefly among progressives. Corporations are taking over the world!
Thanks OMWC, you are my Saturday Savior.
That was pretty awesome
And in today’s episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the mysterious white truck. – well you should know about white trucks. or is it grey vans? I get confused
White trucks with either black windows or no windows at all in back are the scary ones. Don’t you even Forensic Files, bro?
Lancelot Links!
*narrows gaze*
I have heard the phrase looks like an Adonis and never knew what that means. Now I do
It means they look like me.
Yo Adrian!
Some boys have got the look of a Greek Adonis
When I was a golden tan with long blonde locks and in shape, I got called that once. Once. That was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away
“Due to the actions of a prankster we have an innocent victim,” [police chief] Livingston said.
“Shit happens. You guys had better leave me a jelly donut or there’ll be hell to pay.”
More Holiday Adventures with SOCON Dad: Witchita Police shooting. According to him the “swatter” should be charged with murder. Holding police accountable never factors into the thought process. I apologize for the Winston-style question begging but I’d be interested to know if people think that authority worship is worse among baby boomers? Did years of white-hatted marshals on TV brainwash many of them into being completely unable to distinguish cops from ‘Good Guys?.’ How is it that someone otherwise very hostile to ‘big government’ cannot bring themselves to look at police abuse objectively much less critically?
I have some sympathy with that viewpoint. The swatter knowingly attempted to place a guy’s life in jeopardy, and apparently had prior form in this area.
The unfortunate thing is that a conspiracy to commit murder charge couldn’t be pressed here, because as you note, the cops here don’t have clean hands either.
Oh I agree that the ‘swatter’ certainly needs justice too. Its just the assumption from the starts that the cops are passive agents in the whole thing that falls me. I eagerly await the officer who pulled the trigger talking about being victimized as well.
*galls me
Yeah, I am kinda anticipating the Cop as Victim thing too. Maybe there should be a Windows-like pop up on their guns: “Are you sure you wanna shoot this guy?”
I had in idea today that might work but will never happen. Officers should be given the option of immediate retirement (commensurate with their current rank so there isn’t a financial incentive) or administrative duties for the rest of their career once they shoot a person in the line of duty. Knowing that they only get ‘one-shoot’ might make them a little more hesitant to pull the trigger. I know there might be some perverse incentives there too but at the rate we are seeing trigger happy cops kill innocent people it may help overall.
There definitely needs to be some “pause for thought” incentive. Don’t know what it should be though. The thing is, there are really good cops out there. But there are also some trigger happy dudes who have no business wielding a gun (see: Mohammed Noor shooting the Aussie lady in Minneapolis), as well as power tripping dudes just itching to off a guy and whiling away the meantime by shooting dogs. Surely we can distinguish between them and treat them differently?
Surely we can distinguish between them and treat them differently?
If there were a way to present the case without including the (irrelevant) fact that they are a police officer, we’d see the convictions happen much more regularly. Unfortunately, that’s not possible.
Yeah, I don’t know. Reading the cop stuff over at TOS makes it pretty easy to hate cops but if I’m honest the vast majority of my interactions with law enforcement have been positive. The shame is that an ugly culture seems to exist in many law enforcement communities where the ‘good cops’ protect their ‘brothers’ no matter what. A friend of mine who I knew before he went to the state police academy told me post-graduation; “I’d absolutely cover for one of my brothers if they killed someone, that’s how it has to be, you have to have each other’s backs.” I guess most people look out for their own self interest at the expense of ethics/morality….who knew?
And when did the act of reaching to a waistband, or reaching inside a coat become an aggressive act necessitating deadly force? Cops used to have to carry drop guns to hide their murders. Now all they have to say is the deceased was “reaching” somewhere.
This guy gets it:
I like this too.
“I said repeatedly during the campaign last year: if we’re going to outfit these police departments with military-grade weapons and tactics, then we should have military-grade discipline and punishment.”
Doing what that guy did in the Army would result in a court martial and time in Leavenworth.
They’re passive until they’re afraid and then everything is fair game.
Part of it may be the experiences of the seventies. Looking at crime rates then as opposed to today, and it’s astounding. Little wonder that someone running on “law and order” would be viewed as the good guy.
I think that’s a big part of it. I think his cop-loving is a defacto position from a deep and abiding hatred of criminality.
I hate criminals too, particularly when they are hiding behind badges. [just another boomer]
Yep that is a major point of our arguments, and cop criminality is that much worse because we have almost no chance at justice when the criminals are backed by the state. I can’t get him to see that.
If he isn’t appalled by the Justine Damond case, then he may have a serious defect.
Charge the caller with conspiracy to commit murder, and prosecute the cop responsible for the shooting itself with second-degree murder. Sentence them to the maximal permissible term each.
That’s another thing that kills me about these police shootings that get prosecuted….the prosecution intentionally overcharges the the cop so that they get an aquital rather than a manslaughter or negligent homicide conviction where the cop would at least lose their job and do some time.
In practice, that’s true, but I’d rather live in a world in which cops who commit cold-blooded murder are actually charged with committing cold-blooded murder, and die in solitary confinement after 50 years in a cage.
I feel that way as well but the prosecution knows it’s virtually impossible to prove motive in most of these cases. It’s a conspiracy to keep the king’s men out of jail.
It doesn’t surprise me. It’s an easy way for the prosecutor to shield himself from responsibility, because he can just claim he did his job to the best of his ability, and there are no penalties.
I blame two things:
1. Leftist/BLM protests against cops. For all the bad things that cops get away with, I really don’t think most of them are ever motivated by racial animus. Everyone should be brought to heel by their authoritah, black or white. Yet the progs focus on this narrative of white vs. black, and people who might be willing to hear out complaints about abuse of power are instead convinced that it’s all a smear campaign, regardless of an incident’s circumstances.
2. America loves it some cop shows, and the cops are always the good guys. Every time I watch “Chicago PD” I get antsy when the cops keep questioning a suspect after he asks for a lawyer or make a questionable search/entry (thank you law school), but ultimately I let it slide because you know the cops have the best intentions and you know the guy’s a monster who actually did it. That show’s at least more realistic than some by making clear there are dirty cops who get away with bad behavior, and forcing the main characters to deal with some of their unethical decisions. Still, we have been conditioned to some degree to look the other way at abuses of power in the name of justice.
The ‘Law & Order’ shows were the worst for portraying the most execrable abuses of authority as justifiable.
I think that’s more true after Michael Moriarty left. The early episodes showed some faint rumblings of conscience, at times. Sam Waterston is a more typical prosecutor who only cares about convictions and so doesn’t question any of the police tactics. You’d think Ice T would be paying more attention to some of the stuff his character does, but no.
“You’d think Ice T would be paying more attention to some of the stuff his character does, but no.”
Moriarty was pretty good. I remember a scene in which he and a black female character were discussing racism and he said something about “looking in the mirror” meaning the character was helping to perpetuate it as well.
I think it’s by design, i watched it ll the time, and the abuses tend to dwell on the mind
Well that fucking swatter has been doing it for a few years now – that’s why there was already a fugitive warrant out on him – he needs to be put away for a LONG time. Not autistic, just a psychopath.
Oh I agree, the problem is the media will focus on him. He’s a scumbag who needs to be locked up but he already tweeted out that he isn’t swat and didn’t pull the trigger. That’s true even if he is a shithead.
Re: the Alt-text. I don’t get it.
Art Linkletter — Larry Fishbourne — ??? — Link
Names that start with “L”?
OK. That’s not Fishburne. I’m sinkin’ like a rock here…someone throw me a line.
Linc from the mod squad , band is probably l
No coffee yet. That’s my excuse.
Shit. I just figured it out
Did you hover to get the URLs of the images?
No. I Tin-Eyed Clarence and then figured it out.
Looking at the URL’s is cheating, Ted. Yeah, that’s it…it’s cheating!
If they wanted to make it more difficult, they would have come up with arbitrary URLs that don’t give away what’s in the image.
I’d assume it’s Clarence Williams from The Mod Squad.
No, the second one was Linc later.
Boo hoo they’re picking on our noble public servants
Americans should reserve their rage for Republicans, who have spent years targeting the I.R.S. for political gain. Since 2010, Congress has cut the agency’s budget by nearly $1 billion, or 18 percent, adjusted for inflation, as the I.R.S. processes about 10 million more tax returns. Its work force has been whacked by 21,000, or nearly one-quarter; taxpayers who need help — often individuals preparing their own returns — have a hard time getting anyone to answer the phone.
This underscores the peril of demagoguing the I.R.S. It’s not the little guy who benefits most from diminishing the agency; it’s the scam artists and sophisticated high-dollar cheats.
The size of the compliance staff — the professionals who go after tax evaders — has shrunk by one-third, and the ranks of criminal special investigators are thinner than at any time since the Nixon era. New methods and partnerships allow the I.R.S. staff to detect more sophisticated fraud, but the number of audits the agency can pursue is at its lowest point in 14 years. While our audit-prone president might be cheered by that, just a 1 percent drop in compliance means $33 billion fewer dollars into the Treasury. That’s enough to pay for more than two years of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the coverage for nine million low- and moderate-income children that Republicans can’t seem to find the money to renew..
How will the nation survive?
I say “avoision”.
Defending the IRS? Yeah – that goes over real well with most Americans.
“Republicans, who have spent years targeting the I.R.S. for political gain. ”
It couldn’t be because of some scandal that occurred, because that was all fake.
They created a system that can be gamed. Solution? Easy. Get rid of the system. Start from scratch.
Yeah, the Repubs did a bang up job on simplifying taxes didn’t they. Where’s Ken, my shoes are dry and in need of some rain.
Fuck the IRS. Got millions to blow on circlejerk conferences and armed agents that shake down helpless proles?
Suck it, IRS.
In college I worked as a repairman for IBM. One of the places I visited a lot was the IRS processing center in Memphis.
This was in the early ’90s before anyone had heard the term “business casual”. Everyone working there dressed like a slob. Most of the desks were never occupied, instead you’d see big clusters around one desk where everyone was fucking off. The person that had the broken PC I was supposed to repair NEVER was at their desk to give me more info or a password. They could only be found about 25% of the time.
As a guy who was working his ass off and going to school (and appropriately broke), it urinated me off to no end to see how much money was being wasted at the IRS center.
18% isn’t nearly enough. I bet you could go 60% before you actually got close to the bone.
Also, don’t get me started on how many times the IRS has been swindled by big contractors to “upgrade” their computer systems.
I enjoyed this anecdote.
I worked at a state prison for 15 months in an administrative/clerical role, and I’ve been thinking about writing an article about it. Much of it would focus on how much money is fucking wasted on deadweight employees who just fuck off all day, paying ludicrous prices for ordinary shit that you could find online for 1/10th of the price, and a host of other things.
Please do so!
Yes, I too, felt ragejoy reading this…
I wonder how many normal people (well, what’s left of any who read NYT) look at that title and say, ‘are they for real knowing what we know about the IRS?’ You should cheer whenever the taxman falls. Will they ever ‘genderize’ taxman?
You would think that with e-filing the whole process would be a lot more efficient, and that therefore they might be able to do more with less.
“Come out of the house with your hands up.”
“Fuck, Dude, why’d you shoot him?”
“He was coming right at me.”
+1 year of contemplating if charges should be brought.
Heh. Had to be Fire. CWOAB was around for a couple of years – a bit before my time, but some of the band other than Palmer went on to do some interesting things with Motorhead, Whitesnake etc. Arthur himself was (like so many other guys living in the South-East) was a sometimes-appearing with Hawkwind.
Romeo and Juliet
Samson and Delilah
Atomic Rooster was a low-key gem of the ’70s — Palmer was only around for the first album, but Vincent Crane + John Du Cann was a powerhouse.
The people demand tits and tits they shall have!
A bit more size diversity here just to shake things up.
I think I can speak for Pie and say we both appreciate that.
13 & 17 please.
I think #1 might be the bunny boiler
Preach on, Brother MikeS. Amen.
Speaking of diversity, here is a contribution from Bollywood.
For fucks sakes
It’s like there’s something telling my screen that a full URL is showing, and as soon as I hit post comment, half of the URL disappears and then random characters are added in place.
I give up, fuck it.
Me like. I don’t bother with html, it’s easier and faster to just copy paste the link itself. Give that a try.
Meh. Most of the pictures are uninspiring, but the captions are about 30 light years away from what would be tolerated in the US.
You are really good at Gordilocksing links
Somethings up with the browser on my phone.
I’m just going to remain a lurker from now on. I’m always busy or on the road and can only ever seem to participate through my phone, which is cursing me every time I try and post something.
I hate trying to participate on my phone, too. I feel your pain.
This bloody piece of shit is not equipped with an 18 speed Eaton. It’s a mysterious device, to be sure.
You an OTR driver?
I was. Did you miss this?
Well, shoot. Yes I did. Will read.
Tabu or GTFO.
That is all.
1 so good start… 17 20 23
Or you could have gingers.
Oh boy! I’ll be in my bunk.
“reusing anal catheters on dozens of patients”
You know who else reused his implement on the anuses of dozens of people?
Hand Banana?
Why the hell would he do that?? Saving money or being a sick perv?
Oh I wouldn’t be too surprised to learn if the patients were billed for the reused catheders either….
The ‘Doctors’ at Gitmo?
Jeffrey Dahmer?
*slow clap*
Dr. Phibes?
Bret Stephens, virtue signalling for the NYT mob
What, for a conservative, is there to dislike about this policy record as the Trump administration rounds out its first year in office?
That’s the question I keep hearing from old friends on the right who voted with misgiving for Donald Trump last year and now find reasons to like him. I admit it gives me pause. I agree with every one of the policy decisions mentioned above. But I still wish Hillary Clinton were president.
Trump is an icky boorish meanie who doesn’t play by the established rules of Washington etiquette. Not like that nice Clinton lady who was The Most Qualified Candidate Ever.
Maybe Stephens is up for a performance review.
Keep cutting regulations, appointing Constitution-friendly judges and chipping away at the bureaucratic leviathan and I might just be convinced to vote for the guy next time around.
Because the other options will be so tempting?
Gary Johnson might run again!
You’d prefer Weld at the top of the ticket this time?
I prefer neither.
Surely there is another washed up Republican that can be sent to the Libertarian Presidential Re-cycling Center?
After Bob Barr, they hit bottom. That was the first election since I turned 18 that was so awful I stayed home.
Recruit Mia Love and I might be a little more enthusiastic.
“Surely there is another washed up Republican that can be sent to the Libertarian Presidential Re-cycling Center?”
Jeff Flake?
What’s so terrible about Trump’s character compared to the normal politicians? Seems to me that he has a better character than the rest of those clowns. Certainly better than fucking HILLARY CLINTON’s “character.” I really don’t get any “conservative” who at this point remains a NeverTrumper. The man has done so much of what these people claim to want, yet they can’t let it go and admit they were wrong about him. They have to try and convince us that they’re still right to not support him.
Trump has the virtue of not even pretending. That is pretty freaking sweet.
My fave move of his so far (besides Gorsuch) was when he slaughtered the department of the Y2K bug. Why the eff did that even still exist???
Wut? I missed that one.
I couldn’t find a link to the original article that showed that about a dozen bureaucrats were “downsized” as a result, but here is a short outline of the deal.
All the articles that came up on a search of Trump Y2K just shows that he eliminated the reg, but the original announcement also showed he fired a bunch of hacks who processed that crap for the last 18 years.
“Trump signed an executive order shortly after taking office that requires two regulations to be removed for every new regulation added. The order requires that federal agencies self-identify which regulations to cut based on their estimates of the cost.”
Love it.
Unbelievable. Shit like this is what enrages me when proggies start saying the tax cuts are “vile.” (word used in one local letter to the editor) They can’t even entertain the possibility that government spending can be cut.
And then rage sets in when the GOP, ostensibly fiscal conservatives, doesn’t reduce real spending and cuts nothing. Cunts.
Yes, this as well. Or worse, they actually increase spending.
It would make sense that if there are reporting requirements, there must be someone in the gov’t to handle reports. No requirements means those people aren’t needed anymore.
“…what these people claim to want…” is not what they want.
Pigs with their snout in the trough complaining that there is too much slop.
The bit I’m enjoying is the reaction from Eminem to Trump ignoring him.
Pretty common attitude. I dont understand the hatred for Trump. He has done more for liberty in a year than the last four presidents combined.
WTH people?
Totalitarian indoctrination and the sheer weight of ignorance.
Oh I’ve got a thing or a hundred to dislike President Trump for. Most of them aren’t on the proggie complaint list though. With a solid exception of some of the fucknuts that he’s appointed to administer bureaus involved with trade policy, and of course our sitting Federal AG, the executive branch agency appointments have been a solid positive on net. ?
The media circus around him is extremely pathetic. I never thought I would see network news dedicating 5-10% air time on fucking Twitter messages.
Or the Library of Congress collecting tweets overall. Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
when I was about ten I was watching politics a bit and asked my father “Why cant we get somebody good?” and my father answered “Like who?”
“Trump is an icky boorish meanie who doesn’t play by the established rules of Washington etiquette.”
Did anyone discuss the vomit inducing “special” edition of the 5th Column podcast yet? The one where Moynihan interviewed Tina Brown and all they talked about was the fucking intricacies of the cocktail circuit? I swear, SF couldn’t have satirized the tongue bath that Moynihan gave Brown.
At one point Tina Brown openly admitted that she compromised her ethics by letting Nancy Reagan pre-approve pics from a photo shoot. Otherwise Nancy and one of her courtiers would have banned them from future parties.
The problem for Trump for most of the media is that he is threatening the decades(?) old business model that they have between the press and the govt. The deal is that the press goes easy on the govt in return for access. The press should have been going after every fucking single president like they are going after Trump. Maybe not so hysterical, but at least questioning all their policy choices just as much.
Trump should start doing press conferences with only independent bloggers and other people who aren’t part of the MSM. Fucking burn the old model to the ground.
“Trump should start doing press conferences with only independent bloggers and other people who aren’t part of the MSM. Fucking burn the old model to the ground.”
This, this, this, this and so much this. If you don’t whack the dog on the nose with a newspaper when he fucks up, he won’t learn. The MSM needs to be punished for being so corrupt and untrustworthy. Cutting off their access to the DC brothel is the best way.
Could you imagine the reaction if Trump did a press conference with a bunch of YouTubers? “I hope that answered your question, Miss Southern. Next question. Yes, Sargon?” I’d love to see the reaction of CNN or MSNBC.
RE: CNN and the great white truck.
No Captain Ahab memes? I haz disappoint. Especially the poetic accuracy of it; CNN’s dangerous obsession has indeed been its downfall.
(Memes, millennials, ) do not intersect with Moby Dick
What year did Ahab teach Defense the Dark arts? (/MillennIal reporter)
Oh I agree that the ‘swatter’ certainly needs justice too. Its just the assumption from the starts that the cops are passive agents in the whole thing that falls me. I eagerly await the officer who pulled the trigger talking about being victimized as well.
If you drop an anvil on somebody, is the anvil guilty of murder? No, of course not. The anvil is an inanimate object. Nothing more than a tool wielded by the murderer. The anvil cannot decline to fall, or change course in mid-air.
Cops are the white people of inanimate objects.
Defending the IRS? Yeah – that goes over real well with most Americans.
Fortunately for the NYT editorial board, most Americans wouodn’t wipe their feet on the “paper of record” much less read it. They can spout their noxious authoritarian imbecility into the echo chamber with impunity.
It provides the finest bird-cage lining, much better than WaPo.
I beg to differ. A copy of the New York Times is like a Satanic totem, spreading its malignant taint wherever it is taken. If you line your pet’s cage with it, you’ll come home to a demonic bat spitting flames.
That is a fairly horrifying but somewhat believable theory.
It’s true. It works the same way on people. Here’s some footage of New York Times readers attacking Western civilization:
How the fuck do you know about my parakeet’s taint?
He’s been acting weird for a while, and now I know why!
A vial of holy water and a copy of the United States Constitution should reverse the corruption.
I got a little flyer in the mail begging me to subscribe to the New York Times. They must be really scraping the bottom of the barrel for subscribers if they’re reaching out to deplorable libertarians like myself.
Nice Knoll / Bertoia chairs on the upper-most photo. /mid mod out.
And in today’s episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the mysterious white truck
You know who else had a white truck that the media breathlessly followed?
Joel Rifkin?
/Local paper
OJ Simpson?
A.C. Cowlings
Every Good Humor guy ever?
DC Sniper.
I know I am slightly hungover (or still drunk…?) when I wake up craving country fried steak. Must. Have. CFS.
LOLZ. I got a BAC meter from amazon a few months back just for fun. I just blew 0.17. No CFS for me! Can’t even drive.
Caturday, bitches!
Ok, that’s a pretty impressive waking bac. Nice avatar pic, by the way.
Thanks! On both counts. I am fairly high functioning when drunk. Some of my best writing is done this way.
The pic is me at the Minnesoda Renaissance fair, processed through some kind of sketch software.
Wow. Sounds like you will have to send Mr. Splosives to the nearest Bob Evans.
*starts drooling*
*plots course to the nearest Bob Evans*
Update: ended up at IHOP instead. One chicken fried steak with eggs, hash browns, and pancakes later, and I’m happy. Sorry to all the other patrons for baby trshmnstr yelling at the top for her lungs every time somebody made eye contact with her.
Saw Jeff Glass yesterday get a win for Sheeeekahgo. What a journey for that guy. Go look at that 2005 World jr. team that won gold. He’s the only one that didn’t play in the NHL even though he was a standout that year. Crazy.
Wasn’t it great?? 49 saves i think they credited him with. Maybe there’s hope for Blackhawk goalies backups even post Darling!
Did you just leave the house?
No, but I left my laptop pc, so I am on the kindle. One day I might get my act together and synch up in one account.
No…we are entering a new Dark Age. I think Toews is done – he has never really recovered from his severe concussion. They are tied to bad contracts on defense and the salary cap has ensured that since 2010, no other team in the NHL has lost more players. They have some good young players, but not good enough, nor enough of them. I fear it will be years until they are a legit threat to run for a Cup again. At least I got to see them win three in my lifetime. 3 more than I ever expected…
It is -12 in Minnesoda right now. Make sure Mr. Splosives bundles up correctly before leaving the house.
So…no kilt? But it’s so sunny!
I am going to send him out for portabella shrooms and black olives so I can make some kick ass beef stroganoff. I have all the rest of the stuff at home.
I haven’t consumed any alcohol since 2015, with the exception of a single bottle of cider. We should ban alcohol. It’s bad for you. *Shit-eating grin.*
Lies! Drink beer, it’s good for you!
Actual footage of the effects of alcohol on a teenager:
I still need to watch Reefer Madness. Or so I am told.
Oh you really need to see RM ,the greatest propaganda evar!
You know what is bad for you? Hanging out with alcohol deprived Pope Jimbo.
A few beers in me and we are friends for life. Sober? Uffda.
I hear that, buddy!
No steak in the house? Not a cook?
I make a hell of a good CFS and white/sawmill gravy. And I have mastered the over medium egg. Mrs. Suthenboy just had my eggs benedict. In a bit I will brave the dreary weather for more supplies.
I will probably settle for scrambled eggs and pork sausage. That’ll do!
And maybe bake up some cornbread with embedded serranos. After years of being disappointed with cornbread I’ve made in Minnesoda, I finally figured out that the trick is to buy the cornmeal from an Indian grocer where the grind isn’t as fine so the stuff still has texture. Luxury!
The solution to many culinary challenges is to visit an indian grocer.
A moment of silence for our mad scientist, please
Kenichi Yamamoto, who led the engineering team that produced a commercially viable rotary engine at the company now known as Mazda Motor Company and later became its president and chairman, died on Dec. 20 in Kanagawa Prefecture, near Tokyo. He was 95.
I’m tearing up a little bit.
Just heard on TV: “If people are gonna die from these tax cuts they are gonna die happy with money in their pockets.”
Weird movie recommendation if you are in a slightly odd mood: “He Never Died” (Netflix). No spoilers, but it’s kind of a black comedy/horror thing. The Mr and I loved it. I could have used less gore, but the humor kind of offset it.
Looks like they plan to make a miniseries out of it next.
Please add it to the Movie List if you haven’t.
“the vast majority of my interactions with law enforcement have been positive”
wtf? I have to deal with cops all the time since I work at concert venues and they are there soaking up the OT. They’re the worst people I interact with. They like to pick petty fights with me and everyone else and hinder anyone they can simply because they can get away with it.
I met someone in August through our mutual love of muscle cars who left the police force here because, in his words, “the entire job was fucking with people’s money and abusing them as much as we could get away with.”
My buddy used to play hockey with a couple of cops in a garage league and absolutely hated them – as did others.. A real couple of dicks according to him. So the really good players made sure to give them that extra shot on the ice .They’d lose their shit but still get a beating.
We played co-rec softball against them. They killed us. One bowled me over (I was playing catcher — I’m 170 lbs) at home plate even though I was out of the baseline.
Total assholes.
LOLZ. I got a BAC meter from amazon a few months back just for fun. I just blew 0.17. No CFS for me! Can’t even drive.
You’d better read this right now!
If you fiddle with the parameters, you can get more of what you’re looking for.
The pattern has been years in the making. Rick Grucza, an epidemiologist who has been studying alcohol consumption patterns for more than a decade, says the numbers are incontrovertible. Since the early 2000s, according to five government surveys Dr. Grucza has analyzed, binge drinking — often defined as five per day for men and four per day for women — is on the rise among women, older Americans and minorities.
Behind those figures there’s the personal toll — measured in relationships strained or broken, career goals not met and the many nights that college students can’t remember. In researching my 2013 book on women and drinking, and many articles on the topic since, I’ve spoken with hundreds of problem drinkers of all races. Most of the people I’ve spoken to were college-educated; it’s a sad fact that many people learn to drink excessively in college. I found that a lot of people lack physical symptoms of alcohol dependence but they think they are overdoing it, and they are worried.
Many alcohol researchers and substance-use clinicians believe the steady increase in problem drinking arises from a deeply felt sense of despair: “Since the attacks on 9/11, we’ve been in a state of perpetual war, and a lot of us are traumatized by that,” said Andrew Tatarsky, a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating people with substance-use disorders.
9/11! Also, going to college encourages binge drinking, but I note a conspicuous absence of any mention of that drinking age thing. Whatever. We’re doomed.
*although this author at least nominally acknowledges that total abstinence is not necessarily required for everyone.
The most common definition I’ve seen from the teetotaler crowd do indeed say 5/4 drinks in one day, but the part she left off is “one day within a month.” Fuck off, alcohol-slavers.
At the very least, to call it a binge, one would need to define it in terms of deviation. If you’re drinking 5 beers every day, that’s not binge drinking. Now, if that same person finished off two six packs once in a while, the latter act could be called a binge.
Sorry, but a college kid who takes care of business during the week but consumes a 6 pack every Friday and every Saturday does not an alcoholic make – especially since a lot of the parties where the booze is consumed start at 9 and run to 2.
Whatevs. I plan to die youngish anyway.
My morning kitchen shenanigans making muffuns and such awakened the Mr, and after pleasantries i said, you wouldn’t believe what I blew this morning. He said, after last night, I believe you’d blow anything.
tee hee.
*opera applause, wit one extra ‘huzzah’ thrown in*
That, my dear, is why alcohol was invented.
Aren’t you a little drunk to be on the road?
look up, she don’t sync yet
Call me an optimist, but I see that story as a great one.
Women and minorities are finally achieving equality with us shitlords in drunkenness!
Feminism confuses me.
Feminism confuses me.
It’s really confusing until one realizes that it’s less about gender equality and more about tearing down traditional society in the pursuit of communist utopia.
Amazingly, Von Mises diagnosed that long, long ago at the earliest stirrings of the feminist movement.
Can someone help me out with a browser recommendation for an IPhone? I’m going to kill somebody if I keep having to use Safari, but I have zero experience using any other browsers.
First priority is a browser that doesn’t cut off half of my URL’s when trying to copy and paste, and also doesn’t add and remove characters at will.
I don’t know if Apple has changed their stance, but they used to disallow other browsers. IIRC you could find Firefox on the app store at one point but due to Apple’s policy it was really just Safari under the hood.
Disclaimer: not an iPhone owner
I use Blur private browser through a VPN. Chrome is also available for iPhone.
I had hoped for a recap of the ass-kicking Ohio State put on the University of Spoiled Children last night.
Sam Darnold: turnover machine. Lol, that fake was over before I was too drunk to stumble to my seat.*
*Apologies to the nice lady whose feet I stepped on more than once going to and/or from the beer line.
(It was over about ten minutes after this)

Now you can root for PSU to blow out Washington and keep showing that Big10 deserves more respect.
If the B1G can get through the last three games only dropping 1, the playoff committee will have a big helping of egg on their faces. Doubly so when Clemson does to Alabama what STEVE SMITH does to hikers.
Hey Sloop, if you’re still around. you’re a big sports guy and golfer, My fantasy golf draft is in an hour , any sleepers, up and comers you know of?
Not really. Just don’t take Tiger. He’s gonna be a bum again this year.
Ah thanks anyway.
the nice lady
Are you SURE it was a lady?
Was Ohio State playing some Australian team on a neutral site? Given the orientation of that pic, I’m assuming it was taken somewhere on the equator.
So you were sideways before kickoff?
JB, I read about your career dilemma last night but the thread was dead by the time I made it home to read it. I am in the same position myself, except I made the decison to move on back in July and I start my new gig at the end of January.
It was not an easy decision by any means but ultimately it is better for me. I basically work big firm hours but with small firm earnings. I do not see that changing because of the nature of our practice (real estate, collections, simple estate planning/probate). There are hundreds of attorneys in the county that do what we do and as a result our prices for real estate, collections and estate planning have stayed the same since the 90s. We do some plaintiff’s (not PI) litigation too but, again, we are a small firm without the resources to really be effective. I mean, I can absolutely bust my ass and go to trial with any of the big boys but who ia going to pay me? Last month I had a two year case culminate in a two day trial and the client is bitching about her bill being too high (it’s not, if anything it is too low). This is uniform in our hourly rate practice areas. I bill at $200.00/hr but my effective rate is a little north of minimum wage because for every good, paying client we have 5 or 6 like the lady above.
$200.00/hr is cheap.
It’s what the market around here will bear for the work we do.
I’m guessing there’s quite a bit of competition in your geographic area. I haven’t yet completed my first year in private practice and live in a rural town with a low cost of living. Yet I bill at $160.00 per hour. I think that’s in part because we are the only general service firm (transactional with a helping of civil litigation) in our area.
Law is also an extremely saturated profession.
To some degree, yes. Anywhere on the coasts and in just about any medium to large city. But rural America is actually underserved.
It’s also partially about your niche.
Based on my exposure, $250/hr for a sharp attorney is uniformly a “good deal.”
I know of one successful lawyer that bills only $100/hr but primarily does jurisdictional research for matters often outside her practice jurisdiction, strategy advice, custom contracts, and other document scrutiny. Pretty sure she doesn’t maintain an expensive rented location with other attorneys, which helps. She’s always back and forth between the US and Europe and sets her own schedule.
It is extremely variable. My firm during law school billed me out at $150/hour with no patent bar, state bar, or JD. Other folks doing the same thing at smaller firms (even with the patent bar) were billed out in the $75/hr range. That’s in the same city doing the same work.
See, that’s just one of the reasons legal services are so expensive. Like healthcare, for every paying client there are half a dozen who do not pay, either in full or at all.
I’m sure the occupational licensing also helps keep legal services expensive.
Minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit here. Without windchill. Probably shouldn’t take the baby outside today.
Same here. Whereabouts you at?
North central Montana. You?
NE North Dakota. This cold snap is getting pretty damn old. And a correction; we are up to -22!
Sitting at minus ten here in mpls. Good day to get in bed with a book!
Yeah, you guys live in the damn banana belt.
Or to start day drinking extra early!
Hah, it’s a toasty 6 here! Semi-rural IL FTW!!!!
Our bullshit non-winter continues. It’s ~30something here with no snow on the horizon. The ski areas are gonna go out of business.
11 here in Sunny Connecticut! Well, before whatever windchill you get for a 20 knot wind.
The current windchill here is -42
Looks like I have to deduct 25 F from that 11.
Pretty brisk.
Yeah. Cold is cold
69 and Sunny
No wonder you need that .17BAC. It’s antifreeze to keep you Northerners alive.
There might be something to this…
Works for Russians.
16 deg F and 4 inches of snow I still have to clear off. And I’m not feeling well.
It’s “only” -7, here, but it’s snowing again/still. I’m getting tired of this shit.
#MeToo. Too much snow in the last week.
God Damn Minneapolis! My day off, but it’s too damn cold to run errands. Day drinking it is!
Snow just stopped here and it is a toasty 23. Wind is supposed to kick up tomorrow and temps drop with windchills well below zero.
So of course after I posted this we got a fire call (MVA with entrapment), and wouldn’t you know, the wind kicked up.
Cool pictures of a very interesting natural phenomenon. (Tip: Click on each picture within the article. They open up higher quality and not zoomed way in.)
Ice spikes look nice: Uncommon ice formation in southwestern ND towers at 7 feet
It’s 25 here with a light dusting of snow here. I’m hoping for more.
Second try at French Macaroons, slight cracking. I think I will try lowering the heat and baking a little longer next.
Same here. It finally stuck to the roads, making the trip through the neighborhood fun. My wife may not have enjoyed my spinning the tires as much as I did.
Hadn’t seen this.
I love the statement from Trump. Doesn’t mean we should get involved militarily though.
“Rolling Stone Founder Jann Wenner Accused of Sexual Assault by Former Staffer
Jonathan Wells said Wenner invited him to his home in February 1983 for a night of partying where the two men drank and did cocaine, with Wenner “dangling the idea of a job” at Rolling Stone for Wells.
According to Wells, at one point Wenner called a female prosititute, and it was after she left that the alleged assault took place. “I was lying back and he put himself on top of me,” Wells said. “He was kissing me, but you know, normal stuff, kissing my chest. I remember him putting his penis in my mouth. I remember him sucking me, going down on me. I remember his hair on my stomach.”
Wells said he is not attracted to men, but was confused by the assault, leading to two more consensual encounters between the two men.”
Wells said he is not attracted to men, but was confused by the assault, leading to two more consensual encounters between the two men.
Sorry dude – you gotta be a woman for regret sex to turn into rape.
“Wells said he is not attracted to men, but was confused by the assault, leading to two more consensual encounters between the two men.”
Uh dude. Ur gay lol.
“leading to two more consensual encounters”
I have a hard time classifying this as rape when you’re actions say otherwise.
Sure dude, whatever. And those moans of pleasure were just out of politeness.
There’s no way Wenner deserves to be taken down by this, but part of me would love to see that asshole shit-canned. Then again I wish Rolling Stone itself would collapse.
Look man, that dick wasn’t going to just suck itself.
Consensual encounters. After the alleged assault.
Sorry, not buying it. This dude is looking for a payday, thats all.
Of course he was confused! You try letting Wenner bang you in the head with his “rolling stones” and see if you aren’t a bit dazed afterwards.
“At some point in the future, be it years, decades, or a century hence, the federal government will seek to ban driving.
This, I’m afraid, is an inevitability. It is inexorably heading our way. The dot sits now on the horizon. As is common, the measure will be sold in the name of public health. “Now that robots can do the work,” its bloodless advocates will explain, “there’s no need for human involvement.” And from then: On, the snowball will roll.
Each time there’s a bad accident, the utilitarians will squeal: about the stupidity of the American people; about the enormity of theretofore innocuous groups — “F*** AAA!”; about the antediluvian “fetish” that is costing American lives. “In Sweden,” they will gripe, “they already . . . ” Besides, we regulate trains and airplanes. Why can’t we outlaw the driver’s license?
Our debate will rest largely upon charts. The American Medical Association will find “no compelling reason to permit the citizenry to drive,” and Vox will quote it daily. Concurring in this assessment will be The New England Journal of Medicine, the Center for American Progress, and the newly rechristened Mothers against Dangerous Driving, for which outfits “dangerous” will have become a lazily supplied synonym for “human.” Atop this endless statistical beat will be a steady stream of mawkish anecdotes. “Joey was just 17.” “Sarah had three kids.” “Not a day goes by in which . . . ” And pushed into the corner, as “flacks” and “extremists” and the owners of bloodstained hands, will be the dissenters. “But what,” they will ask, “about liberty?””
“Why can’t we outlaw the driver’s license?”
Because your ass doesnt want to get fired? Just spitballin’ here.
“Tires spitting gravel I commit my weekly crime…”
I horrified #6.2 yesterday, by pointing out that someone, someday, will be involved in a fatal self-driving car vs self-driving car accident, and the 2 cars will have agreed between themselves that one guy’s life was worth less than the three children in the other car, and so his car will drive itself deliberately into the bridge abutment.
With luck, not for a decade or two, but probably before 2020.
They will absolutely try and ban driving, and it won’t be a century from now. They will do it in the same way they did it with tobacco.
I see more “Cash for Clunkers” programs in the future. “non self-driving car” = “clunker”
Indeed one way in which it will happen. I also see insurance companies (with the gentle prodding of government) making car insurance ridiculously high for those that want to drive themselves.
Hopefully we first go through a phase where you have to demonstrate some actual skill before getting a driver’s license. That in itself will reduce traffic accidents dramatically.
It is amazing that with all the laws that we pile on every year how unbelievably easy it is to get a driver’s license in this country. Ten years ago I took the motorcycle test to get that added to my license and you didn’t even have to leave first gear. It was literally ride around a circle three times and then through a set of cones.
You know who else wanted to exterminate a class of people?
Mr Kitano?
Anakin Skywalker?
Early Homo Sapien?
It’s really our mirror image- snarky, tasteless humor, but from the SJW faction. I approve.
That’s how I took it.
Java’s garbage collector?
Brenda Spencer?
Adam Lanza?
I am sure Richman will be all over this.
Pfft. Total Johnny-Come-Lately.
Incidentally, I’m gonna be in Newtown this afternoon.
OK, but where are you going to be on Monday?
Adam Lanza?
Missed it by this much.
*sticks tongue out*
Jean Stapleton?
I kid, of course. Eeditt wouldn’t hurt a fly
Meathead on the other hand…
“Can we have a day without men tomorrow?”
Sure, not a problem. See ya.
Just scanning the stories on Business Insider on my phone. Apparently the twittermobz are all aflutter over a pic of the Secretary of the Navy (former Marine helicopter pilot) wearing a holstered pistol on a trip to Afghanistan.
“Where’s his permission slip?!”
* no phone-to-computer link capability
That HuffPo editor plans to bore us all to death, I suppose.
Each time there’s a bad accident, the utilitarians will squeal:
*cue Ron Bailey extolling the benefits of self-driving cars*
It doesn’t matter, he’s living forever.
It doesn’t matter, he’s living forever.
Not if I catch him the crosswalk.
Wells said he is not attracted to men, but was confused by the assault, leading to two more consensual encounters between the two men.
To be sure, it may not have been totally on the up-and-up, but that Wenner guy gives a good blowjob.
Of course it was a “white” truck
“The only three things I believe in are the First Amendment, boobs, and WikiLeaks”
“Can we have a day without men tomorrow?”
Sounds like you have that one in the bag Emily.
“America, 2017:”
his hair was all fucked up back then too.
has it always been a toupee? i feel like there must be PhD’s now with dissertations on Trump’s coiffure . yet of all the things he gets ballbusted for, his hair seems to be overlooked.
Ha! That one is getting sent to my buddy with chronic TDS.
Which of you Glibs has the smart kid that he should be bragging on?
Dad, the ceremony’s over, can we PLEASE go finally?
Nah, son. Promised your mom I’d, uh, get a pic of you holding your diploma with your teacher.
But look how long the line is! We’ll be here all day!
Yeah, well..
*continues chatting with a few of the 20 or so other dads waiting in line*
I came up with a great plan yesterday. We should start to incite the left how horrible it is that the Queen has knighted all of their favorite politicians. Their egos might just get in the way of realizing what is going on, and then peace through out the galaxy.
But remember guys: only crazy right-wingers engage in wackadoo bullshit conspiracy theories supported by blatantly biased media outlets.