Nobody needs more than one penis, no matter how much news there is about them.
(Jesse hardest hit.)
Even though he turned out to be a fraud, this is still the greatest AMA in Reddit history
Holy crap thank you for that. I’m dying ??
Hold the phone! That guy was a fraud!?! When did that happen?
Not a chance I’m wading into that but the first time I saw this I just assumed it was BS.
Yeah, that’s a ton of text, but found this gem:
Next reply:
My two favorite replies:
/spit take, oh fuck, I just caught that
I wish I had two dicks.
At least.
Reposting, since the last thread turned into a pumpkin while I was typing:
Happy New Year to one and all!
I think I can speak for everyone in saying that 2017, Glibertarians.com was a vastly better online experience and made the world a much better place than Iron Fist, and on a fraction of the budget!
The founders should be proud of their creation.
I posted on TOS for a decade before moving here. I’ve gotten more out of this place in a year than I did on TOS in a decade. Thanks guys and gals.
Same! I’d had an account on TOS since 2012 but very rarely posted there. This is such a better environment (plus the links get posted at a time where I’m more likely to be able to visit the site and people are still actively commenting) and it’s been really fun to be able to hang out with you all!
When is the Glibiversary? January or something? I didn’t miss it, did I?
February 12. Believe me, you won’t be able to avoid it. 😉
Yaaaay party!! ???
My birthday is February 13! So congruent!
There will be an orgy right?
I can’t wait, but I must
Ashamed to admit I lurked for a a decade on TOS. Found it my freshman year of college. I finally got around to chiming in after the move here.
Thanks admins!
I also joined TOS in 2007, after learning about it via a link from Jonah Goldberg at NRO. It’s amazing how good it was and how far it and it’s comment boards fell in a relatively short time. I’m very thankful for the founding of this site as a safe space for us misandrists and dicks who don’t put the children first.
The decline was indeed precipitous. Enlightening to obfuscating real quick, real fucking quick.
I shudder to think that it may be many peoples’ first (and only) encounter with libertarianism.
I am sitting in my in-laws living room directly in front of my father in law, Steve Smith.
Eagles played the worst football they could possibly play and the Cowboys could still only put up 6 points against our 2nd and 3rd string defense. And we’re totally going to get blown out in the playoffs in 2 weeks. WHY CAN’T YOU LET US HAVE ANYTHING NICE, SPORTS GODS?
I’ve been bitching all year that they never show the Bills in NYC… and now I just noticed they’re showing the Bills in NYC. And they’re winning. It’s a
ChristmasNew Year’s miracle!And it probably doesn’t matter. Feh.OMG maybe it does
Baltimore is going to blow this.
They were lucky Brett Hundley was monstrously inept.
Yeah, he sure was. About killed me to be at Lambeau when Baltimore shut the Pack out.
And then McCarthy gives everybody the finger by putting Callahan in with about two minutes left in the game.
I listened on our drive home from relatives house. After the first drive in the 3rd I turned it off. Just bad football. I tuned in to the last bit to check the score and lost my shit when I heard they put him in for 2 minutes. Wtf for?! Protect Hundley from injury? Mount a 3 TD comeback?
You missed a bad shitshow. The Packers couldn’t generate points. Three turnovers in the first half and 4 overall with 2 by Hundley.
The Packers have to get a good backup since Rodgers gets hurt more often than Favre or Starr.
Could be worse; you could be a Broncos fan.
Eh. They stink. I’m a fan. But 5-11 seasons are usually an anomaly. However, they need a big rebuild. Not sure if Elway can pull it off.
When you win a Super Bowl you’re not allowed to complain about your team for 5 years.
I’m 40 years old and a fan of Philadelphia sports teams. There have been 3 titles in my lifetime, and only one of them came when I was old enough to appreciate it.
I’d take 5 straight years of 0-16 seasons if we won a Super Bowl this year.
Not gonna happen
Damn straight.
Old guy music.
A different sort of old guy music
Have a Rapey New Year STEVE!
CNN doesn’t pay enough attention to what the Iranian kids are doing.
Jesus Titty Fucking Christ
Didn’t see any mention of ecstacy
MDMA, shitlord
Ugh, I’m getting ready to go to Maple and Ash in the Gold Coast area of Chicago even though I would rather stay home. It’s this swanky restaurant that I wouldn’t even dream of going to because of the prices but my boss got us all a table and paying for the whole meal. So fuck it, I and my wife are venturing out in this cold ass weather for a free meal.
I don’t think I’ve eaten at anything approaching a good restaurant in two years.
I have a strict New Years rule. Never, ever go out.
A really good free meal might change my mind.
I have that rule too but man, I’ve heard the food from the restaurant I’m going to is really good.
That and hometown bars on Thanksgiving-eve. Gross.
I’m too fucking cheap to drink at bars.
What are we, in college?
Have to check that out next time I’m there. I always stay in that area. You walking to Division Street after dinner for some beer pong:)
Have a great time and Happy New Year, Ed!
One of these is not like the others.
it’s the tax credits, right? the rest seems pretty circus-related.
Tip those waitresses folks!
I almost said two are not like the others but I would have to see what is actualy in the criminal justice reform. Who knows, it might be blanket immunity for all on the right side of the blue line.
Hard to choose just one….
… but I gotta give it to Illinois – it has its head even further up its ass than my NY.
Yes, my sexual orientation is towards whomever is making the hiring decision.
2017 was excellent. I’ve been very fortunate. Wife is gorgeous and still with me (!), kids are working their asses off and the dog still loves riding shotgun. I can still skate OK, lift some reasonably heavy shit and I still find the world a mostly interesting place. Best year in more than 10 for the business.
Like everyone, I’ve had some ridiculously tough years and undoubtedly have more coming. I’ll say this though: you people are amazing. I’ve learned a ton (both good and terrifying), participated in a super fun beer exchange, joined a car nerd spin-off and added an absurd number of songs to an already ridiculous playlist.
STEVE hasn’t caught me yet, either.
Thanks to all of you people who made this happen. I’m just happy to be able to say I was there when it began.
Happy New Year, y’all!
Is that some sort of Minnesodan attack cry?
How did your Bears do today?
Be nice, Tundra.
Very passive-aggressive, i.e., Minnesodan
The hubs and I donned our Bears jerseys (like good die-hard fans, despite the terrible past few years) and went to a local bar to watch the ritual disembowelment by the Vikes.
I’m happy for the Vikes. Hope they can go all the way this year.
Next year, on the other hand…
Nunavut’s national anthem.
Happy New Year.
Speaking of the car nerd spin off I put up a pic of carrying home our first Christmas tree (10′) in the Healey. A shit picture but a fun memory.
Per your request to make that list more active starting the New Year I’ll be putting up car pics from the mikey family album. Been going through them all and digitizing then now that it’s gotten cold and I was struck by how many have old cars in them.
We could have a name that car contest as I don’t know what all of them are – but them I’m not so good with stuff from the teens, twenties and thirties.
Cheers to all.
Your Christmas post cracked me up. I just posted a post for the new year, as well.
I like the car contest thing, too. Maybe once a week, with responsibilities shifting?
Happy new year, brother!
Happy New Year, Tundra!
Happy New Year, SP!
This just rolled around – I hope you like it!
Wow, blast from the past! Thanks, Tundra.
Huh. I only knew this version. Learn something new every day.
Everybody has covered it.
This one is tasty.
Yeah, I came across that in my research. For a band I know little about (except “Alex Chilton”) I quite like them.
Well, they are a huge part of my musical life.
Start with this one. Move forward and backward in time as appropriate.
Thanks. I’ll do that.
Happy New Year to our upper Midwest contigent. Why doncha have yerselves a good year.
Domo arigato, Mr. Straffinrun. Happy New Year to you, too!
Happy New Year to all!
I’ve very sorry for not including everyone. I’ll be taking time to reflect on the value of geographical diversity and can only ask for patience as I make the painful journey of self discovery.
I hate Illinois so much. Sometimes I honestly question my sanity for staying in such a godawful state.
Unless I can wrangle an assignment in Zurich, CH, I will be stuck here in IL for at least 15 more years.
Assuming you don’t get fired.
I moved away from Illinois 32 years ago for California. Only two states I’ve ever really lived in.
When I used to go back to visit family, people in IL would often ask “when are you going to come to your senses and move back here?”
Hahahahahahaha. Wasn’t going to happen.
The politics and taxes may be even worse here than IL, but the weather, lack of bugs, no humidity, scenic beauty, and endless outdoor options are pretty nice.
You do have one advantage, though, IL is full of great people. Even after over 30 years, our best friends out here are mostly Illinois expats.
Autumn in Illinois is magic, too. I do miss that.
I do still love my home state, but man, they keep making it harder to live there. No wonder they have negative population growth.
I feel the same about upstate NY (Finger Lakes, Rochester, Buffalo, etc.). Love the area. Hate what the politicians have done to it.
Amen! All the commentors talking about less than freezing temps lately: no thanks.
/CA resident
Understood. Moving from Austin to upstate NY was the most extreme example of a living dilemma I’ve been a part of.
This place is simply gorgeous. Everything to do with the physical world is so much better than TX. But anything having to do with people is vastly better in TX than here. I wish I could switch populations sometimes.
WTF are you thinking man? Prop that baby up with a fedora and you have free access to the diamond lane on the freeway.
I’m getting a lot of pop up ads for Dave Chapelle’s New Years special.
It could either be really awesome, or very angering.
I’m not sure I want to risk it.
Huge disappointment
RE the Iran link:
Whoa. This is new isn’t it?
If Iranians are publicly pining for the Pahlavis, this is a *bad* sign for the mullahs.
I knew an older Cuban immigrant who had initially been a supporter of Castro after the revolution who once told me that in retrospect, Batista wasn’t that bad.
Pining for the Shah for them might end up with the same results as pining for the fjords.
Hey Naptown Bill, just wanted to follow up on your last post since the conversation has moved here. We’re pretty much the same person, and I’m not just talking about the fries.
We started with the first form here. It’s a good way to get the habit started without having to have those difficult conversations yet. There’s no restriction and no guilt. It’s just “guess what you’re going to spend” and “compare at the end of the month with that you actually spent.”
Once both you and your wife are sick of it being aspirational and want to do the real deal, the third form (page 5, I think) is the big kid budget. Everything is already there in priority order, so it’s just about discussing how much money goes in each box. If you both set your expectations properly ( 1. It’s gonna be really hard to hit your budget for the first 3 months or so; 2. y’all aren’t gonna be on the same page for the first few months), this is the most painless way I know of to rip off the bandaid.
As much as it sounds like a sales pitch, I do highly recommend taking Dave Ramsey’s class. It’s equal parts personal finance class, marriage counseling, and looking under the hood at various financial products.
If y’all decide to go forward with trying this budget plan, feel free to reach out to me for questions/concerns. Sometimes it’s nice to talk to somebody who has gotten through that initial pain and lived to tell the tale.
While Dave Ramsey is an ice bath for those with out of control debt, I’m a strong advocate of refinancing debt to lower rates of possible, but not paying extra. By the time your loan’s payed off, your usually better off if you’d have invested in an index fund or a few rental houses.
That is excluding high rate credit cards. Pay those off ASAP.
Rental property is the way to go IMHO and is something I have known all my life but, well, I am a dumbass. The year I lost my last “career” due to market forces outside of my control I was starting a “property a year plan” until I decided I had enough income to retire. I lost my job that year with a 30K down payment sitting in my checking account and the rest is history. Two years later I have debt. Seems I got used to making good money and when it stopped I didn’t. And for the record, I drink cheap beer for the most part.
A guy I work with is in his late 50s and has just under 20 houses. I chat him up about it all the time. He says his biggest regret is not starting earlier.
I turn 30 this June, and have a plan in place to start buying in 18. Better late than never.
I am no longer in the income producing field I was a few years ago. It is not going to happen for me now and I am ok with that. It was a kick in the nuts and kind of a wake up to how frivolous I was, but c’mon, I spent my 50th Bday in a GoGo in Pattaya right before the oil price collapsed. Sometimes I wonder if what I spent my money on was worth the extra, possibly to death, years I will have to work having just memories for the effort and I have to say it was worth it. For all I know, I will be dead tomorrow.
Like any business, cash is king in rental property. I think it’s a great idea to leverage for it so long as your rainy day plan includes your keeping cash on hand to cover major, unplanned repairs (HVAC, roofing, etc) and extended vacancy. What happens to a lot of people is their business is fine during good times, but miss some cash flow and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down and the bank is not amused. And like any other business, I’d expand when the numbers make sense, not on an arbitrary schedule.
When I first considered buying property, I looked into buying a multi-family. After I did the math, I didn’t see how I could have good cash flow given taxes, mortgage costs, and what I could make on rent. Add to that the headaches of tenants. I decided to buy a single family house that needed some work, and put my spare cash in the stock market.
My plan was not arbitrary. I am a single guy with monthly obligations/bills to maintain my residence and eat around $1000 a month and I was making six figures. Granted it all ended, but the plan was not arbitrary. I could have done it anytime in the previous ten years but didn’t. I had some awesome vacations though. Life is choices and some of us choose the moment. Probably wrong, but……..I could be dead tomorrow and missed out on all that.
When I started the Ramsey chat, this was the sort of thing I meant when I said I don’t agree with him 100%.
After adjusting for risk, if you can stay solvent and leverage growth, I would never argue with it: more is more. Where Dave is absolutely correct, though, is that a) most folks have no idea of how to adjust for risk and b) people overestimate growth rates because they have optimistic ideas about returns and usually don’t think of all the soft costs that drag on returns. So it ends up that most folks don’t objectively know enough about what they’re doing with money to deal with it in much of any way except as a short-run cash proposition; I don’t belong in that camp, but most folks do.
A great example is student loans. I used them; I got an engineering undergrad and an MBA in finance; I made it back quick and am on a professional arc that most folk would trade for. But: MOST folk with students loans don’t have degrees at all, much less those that command salaries commensurate with the investment. But no one who goes to sign up for a student loan thinks he’ll get a girl pregnant, flunk out, end up in the army, etc…..but those payments are immutable. The choice to get the loan is usually emotional, but the payment book is a hard fact.
So I don’t usually argue that folk shouldn’t listen to Ramsey…..he’s right enough.
You’re exactly right.
I worked in retail banking for a short while. It’s amazing the amount of people who either make nothing and have less than $100 in their checking, or make very healthy salaries and are essentially living paycheck to paycheck.
I’d wager 90% of Americans don’t even have a budget and have no idea what’s coming in or going out every month.
Somehow Chinese factory workers making a tenth of the median US income are able to save 10-20% of their paychecks, but we need nationalized healthcare because corporations are holding us down.
That is because they live under communism and all their essential needs are met.
This assumes they would respond to that rather than hand wave.
Ending up in the Army with student loans isn’t a bad outcome:
Former porn star Christopher Zeischegg can probably relate — he had to quit the business because he kept having 12-hour long erections both on and off set.
12 hour erections? Sure.
Holy crap, Baltimore, way to blow it. And Buffalo breaks their duck…
W00T W00T
Happy for the Buffalo fans – they’ve been waiting a loooong time, poor bastards.
Yeah, well my night just got significantly less festive with OMWC now alternating between rage, disbelief, and mourning.
Meh. You and I have been in mourning for months.
A Bills – Vikings super bowl would be great. Finally one of them would win it:)
Vikes winning a SB would be be no good. Especially in their own stadium.
*drops gloves*
I would probably hate the Vikes less if I hadn’t grown up in the shadow of the Twin Cities. But since the Bears haven’t put up much fight since ’85 or so, the main rivalry has been with the Vikings. I know Vikings fans that deserve to see them finally win it. But please football Gods, NOT this year!
Let’s not get carried away just yet.
I had to look it up – first playoff appearance since 1999. Wow.
They did it again last night on TV Starts at about 5:15. Heads would explode in the US.
Lol black people are funny
Especially if they are Axel Foley!
Amazing, isn’t it? They either don’t know it’s offensive or they know and don’t care.
Yeah, this isn’t good: cops gunned down in Denver on a domestic abuse call:
And up goes the tension between the cops and the people. That’s awful for everyone.
I will wait until more information comes out from sources not controlled by the police. For all we know the cops did not announce themselves and shot first; or the individual denied them entry and they forced themselves in while shooting. In either case the police don’t want me on the jury.
I don’t trust the police to tell the truth. If they did tell the truth in this case then these police are paying for the sins of all the other times police murdered unarmed people and walked away with no sanction. The accused might have been exercising the castle doctrine.
With infantry in combat have a more restrictive ROE than American police something is terribly wrong with the police.
What Indo could come out that will change people’s preconceived ideas? Body cam maybe, but even then it’s up to interpretation. We all justify our feelings with “facts”. What feels right must be right. You’d think the internet would help expose lies, but it seems it only provides sophistry for those who cling to bs. See Snopes and Politifact as examples.
Happy New Year, everybody! The MiL has just arrived for NYE dinner, and I’m in a good mood. Hope everyone enjoys their evening!
Congratulations on getting along with your mother-in-law!
Happy New Year!
*Clinks glasses* May this year bring as much destruction of things I hate as last year. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, everyone.
Today I realized that I’m mildly surprised the SJWs haven’t started attacking people for saying “Happy New Year”, what with different religions having different calendars and starting points for their years and all.
In other news:
Yeah and how problematic is the reckoning of “2018” even?!
It’s so triggering I can’t even.
That is crazy! It just proves what an amazing songwriter he is.
You’re thinking of Peter Gabriel.
And the first comment is some nastygram. WTF is wrong with people? No class.
Posted by user “Progressive Dad”… Maybe Phil Collins is too white for him.
FTR, “Progressive Dad” is a satire account.
Wouldn’t know. I don’t Twitter. But thanks for the heads up. 😉
We’ve already had our dinner – melt in your mouth filets and garlic parmesan green beans. We’re Into the bourbon a good bit by now. Ive set an alarm clock to wake us up again before Midnight. Then we can get drunker on Champagne. ?????
Eyes Sean suspiciously – we had nice thick New York strips with a side of green beans. Well obviously you have good taste! HNY!
About to grill a fresh ahi steak with pesto.
Today I hiked El Morro in NM. There are purple cacti at the top! That was cool. So was the graffiti from hundreds of years ago.
Yesterday I did the Grand Canyon Skywalk. Also very cool. The views there are unbelievable. John Muir would get a hard-on that could knock over a card table.
Tomorrow I think I will visit the grave of Billy the Kid.
Cheers to 2017. A great year it was.
You’re making me homesick. Happy New Year anyway!
Come up to visit Bandelier and I’ll buy you a beer at the pub.
… Hobbit
Hate the Seahawks? Don’t worry the Arizona Cardinals got ya covered. There will be highlighter green wearing hipsters shouting obnoxiously in your neighborhood.
No* There will be no highlighter green wearing assholes. Fuck.
The Cards certainly have the Seahawks number playing in Seattle. Good for AZ.
That. Is. Awesome. My long held hatred of the Cowboys has been eclipsed in the last 10 years by my burning hatred for the Seahawks.
I don’t know the Seahawks but FWIW I hate the Sounders.
Close enough for me!
Throw the Timbers onto that hate pile and you’ve got yourself a deal.
Same retarded colors, same retarded fan base…
It’s MLS. I can’t be bothered to care.
The 12th man: est. 2012.
I used to work with a guy who had a highlighter green “12” tattoo. He was a fucking idiot.
Never understood why someone would pay hundreds of dollars to make their skin look like a stall door at a truck stop bathroom.
What baffles me is the fad-like nature of much of the subject matter. It will be irrelevant in no time but you are inked for life!
Why not get a T-shirt made up that you can, ya know, take off when Russell Wilson ends up at the Falcons or whatever?
Yeah. I can’t think of any word or image I like enough that I’d want it on my skin for the rest of my life.
Did you see hayeksplosives pic yesterday??
Just sayin’.
Va va voom!
Not sure whether to blush or hang head in embarrassment for oversharing.
At least you can see I don’t have annoying tats!
Oversharing would have been if you showed your nipples.
You could serve like four beers on that tat!
(I am not sure if I am on the right subject here)
Well, I can’t unring that slightly drunken bell. So one mo’ time for 2017 to save anyone the trouble of looking at yesterday’s posts.
Then I go back to being a saint. Or something. Happy New Year!
(I am ready to join the newly announced weight loss / fitness Glibs glee club proposed earlier)
Well, I can’t unring that slightly drunken bell. So one mo’ time for 2017 to save anyone the trouble of looking at yesterday’s posts.
Yep, you can’t unring that bell.
Doesn’t matter. You look good.
Fuck Lance Easley.
It’s been a thing going back to the No Fun League era, and the ticket sale numbers since they moved to the Clink seem to show this isn’t just a bunch of fair weather fans.
Sure, Seahawks fans are to be expected in Seattle.
But when all of a sudden a team that wasn’t any good decades suddenly wins a super bowl and starts outselling merchandise in levels above teams with national followings–since the 70s. You know, like the Cowboys, Packers. Steelers, Raider, etc you kinda have to wonder if all these people used to be Cowboys fans in the 90s.
They for sure had Cowboys Starter Jackets in the 90s.
aTm would take issue with that starting date.
When you said you were from the frozen north, did you also mean you still live here in Minnesoda?
You betcha. Took me awhile to reply in the other thread, unfortunately I can’t meet up on friday, but I hope you guys have fun, and let’s see about another time!
Suits me just fine! Maybe we can rope the Left Hand of Radar into it too!
Also, have fun with your other plans.
Happy New Year for tonight!
I received a bottle of Sensei Japanese Whiskey for Christmas, and while the gift made this anime-and-martial-arts-loving Westerner smile, I’m not a whiskey man. So far I’ve discovered that one part Sensei and two parts Simply Lemonade makes for a great sipping drink – essentially a simplified whiskey sour.
Any drink suggestions? I don’t care for the taste of whiskey itself, but this whiskey lemonade is pretty damn good, so I’m curious.
This is the whiskey:
Japanese whisky is Scotch patterned so any Scotch cocktail or mixed drink recipe should work.
“I don’t care for the taste of whiskey itself”
What is wrong with you? Haven’t drank the right whiskey yet?
Maybe age? Whisky (and especially whiskey) appreciation usually comes with age. How old are you TrueNeutralPaladin?
Also, aren’t you pretty new here? Have you been told to fuck off yet?
“Maybe age? Whisky (and especially whiskey) appreciation usually comes with age.”
I have to admit that you probably have a valid point here.
Also, I will rectify my rudeness here.
I thought the correct answer would be “grow a pair”, not “get old”.
Grow a very hairy pair?
Hey Tulpa, pizz the fuck off.
That’s the New Year’s spirit!
Lol. Thank you for the welcome, kind sir. Read Glibs for some time, made an account when I realized I was coming here by default and just skipping Reason. I don’t post much.
30s, btw.
You’re very welcome, not Tulpa. Please stick around and contribute. And Happy New Year!
The kind of story I like:
Michigan man leaves it all behind and walks 6,000 miles from Portugal to Turkey
Chris Lemanski, 26, who was born in Santa Rosa, Calif., but now resides in Traverse City, Mich., made the brash decision to walk, not run, across Europe. Lemanski told Fox News he made the journey after going through a tough time.
“I was going through a pretty bad depression,” he said. “I was kind of ready to give up and say the hell with it.”
The young man asked his cousin for advice on how to clear his head and he told him to take a long walk. Lemanski did just that.
Lemanski made the trek in 18 months, three of those months he was stuck in Morocco after he overstayed his visa for about three months. However, he was able to sneak out of the country and catch a boat to Germany where he continued his journey.
As for how much money he spent in 18 months, Lemanski said he saved and people were generous.
“I saved money, I bought a ukulele and played on the streets,” Lemanski said. “I also accepted money through donations from my blog.”
He also said people bought him beers and dinners.
Lemanski said people were generous throughout his whole journey except Luxembourg, but he explained he was “smelling pretty bad at that point” and was “pretty hairy.”
The worldly traveler reflected on what he learned on his journey.
“You realize you’re much stronger than you think you are,” Lemanski said.
Going After Cacciato. Loved that book.
Sounds like a healthy way to deal with issues.
I hope I never get so depressed that I feel the need to play a bum for a year and a half.
yes, sure, but i think its definitely an improvement on “whine, then blow your brains out”
-sWhen i was doing my “american teen let loose in europe” thing after high school, i met this dude who we named “fast eddie”…
[picture of me and fast eddie, summer 1992, budapest market]
eddie had been a stockbroker in NY in the late 80s, made some money, and decided “fuck it, i’m going to roam the earth like Kane from Kung-Fu”
we met him in rome. then we met him in vienna. then we met him in budapest (photo). then we met him in prague. we called him fast-eddie because everywhere we went, he was somehow already there and knew shit we didn’t about what was cool, where to go, who to get hash from, etc.
when i asked him what he was going to do when he ran out of money, he shrugged and said, “actually, i’m mostly breaking even; i’m living off dividends”.
he impressed me with his wisdom and his ability to get pussy, despite being like 5’5″
and yes, my getup is weird, and i have a goatee and skinny legs and my underwear shows out the bottom of my lacrosse shorts and its all wrong, but that’s what you get when you spend 3 months traveling with 3 sets of clothes and you’re mixing/matching whatever is clean and wearable.
LOL it’s fetching. At least you don’t look like a vagrant.
there are some other funny travel photos, but that one is dear to my heart because its the only time me and eddie are in the same pic. he was really an inspirational figure to ‘dumb teen’. he was a 30 something guy who had abandoned america and was like, “i’m just going to travel and fuck chicks and see what happens”. I stroked my goatee and was like, “right on man”.
Sounds like great memories.
My 1992 was decidedly less exciting. College. Job. But lots of bar-crawling on the weekends.
oh, it was worth 10X what i spent (which was like $2k i’d saved working in retail over the previous year)
the most important thing was that it was “fuck you money”: basically, i could buy a ticket to go elsewhere, say goodbye to family, and go wherever the hell i pleased for a few months, and all they could say way, “please don’t die or get raped in a turkish prison'”
what i wonder now (but don’t have the enthusiasm to research) is to what degree anything like that happens anymore
the whole “high-school graduates run off to europe” thing was a fad in the 1980s. everyone knew somebody who’d taken a year off before going to college,and just slummed traveling.
that’s where the whole “Let’s Go” guidebook thing was born.
what i suspect is that there’s very little of that sort of 18yr old freedom nowadays. no one will let their kids simply “take a bunch of money and go off on their own recognizance”. I don’t really know, but what i’ve gathered is that its now more like a college-graduate or ‘study abroad’ thing.
this is a good one.
one top of a mountain in innsbruck
japanese people were taking pictures of cows. so we decided to join the cows.
Harpy Noyers!! <—(My drunk mother-in-law hosting a New Year's Eve party long ago, according to my hubs. Apparently scarred him for life.)
I can bring home the bacon,
Fry it up in the pan,
And never let you forget you’re a man.
She’s pretty much the perfect spokesperson for this admin.
Sarah be thicc, the left can’t handle the thicc, lol.
Somehow I ended up in a car with one Brazilian and 3 Jews on a mission to Astoria to acquire Cocaine.
Where the fuck are the cocaine vending machines? We really have yet to achieve a civilized society.
Try the nearest bar. Not the one at Applebee’s.
Or hit any strip club. Just be careful.
My ex-roommate in Astoria would have it delivered. I’m wayy too squeamish to take that route. Or yours.
I would only make a guess that the Brazilian never stopped talking the entire ride, no matter what.
Of course, I’m sort of an expert on the topic.
Make friends with some comedians. They always know where to get drugs.
They don’t even need to be good comedians. In fact, you’re more likely to score drugs with shitty comedians.
Way more exciting than our evening.
Re: Illinois residents getting raped next year. The Obama cult of personality is stronger there than I thought:
Those cultists actually wanted to create a paid holiday in honor of a living human. One who, by the way, only spent just enough time there to get to where he wanted to go. Does anyone think he will actually ever live in Chicago again? SMDH
Also; um, MR. SMITH. sir…You had one small typo on that link. It should be 2018, not 2017…I think. I could very well be wrong…sir.
Wait a second on that barfing. High trolling potential.
Building bridges??!? He could hardly have been more divisive!’
What a douche.
Building–Burning. Tomato–Tomahto.
I pray Orange Hitler executive actions in a decree that both Aug 3rd and 5th be co-equal MAGA days to contain the most corrupt administration the nation has ever seen. That should set them into an anurism.
OT: any developers here have experience with (or at least informed opinion on) electronjs? I have to decide on a gui technology to use in a fairly large project, would like to get away from Qt, and electron seems promising, from what I’ve seen so far.
The main pro for Qt would be that the core application is c++ (and deals with 3D, so opengl), so would not require writing the node.js bindings that electron would need. On the other hand, for how nice it is, Qt has grown into an unwieldy behemoth, which has no compunction about breaking a fair bit of your code in v.next, and is cumbersome to deal with in terms of build system and deployment.
Furthermore, the core application exposes a public api, and has a significant gui-less cloud-based use case, so I am thinking that doing the work to expose that via node may represent a real win, possibly even far beyond what I initially envision, given the ubiquity of node in the cloud space. The alternative is basically writing a custom server, and protocol for communicating with it.
On the other hand, where Qt’s capability is a definite known, I’ve been bitten before in adopting newer technologies which, while working wonderfully in tutorials and comparatively trivial use cases, so often seem to end up having some obscure and show-stopping flaw, once pushed to their limits. Which, by definition, you do not find until it is too late.
So let me know if you have any thoughts… because I have been going over this, to the point where I sound to myself like: “Because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows, and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals, and criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you…”
(ugh, that was clearly not meant to be a response)
I would rather stick a fork in my eyes than work with JS but I realize that might just be me.
I would have agreed with you ten years ago, but I quite like it now. It’s just the extra layers it puts in-between that worry me, here.
Well, I am going to welcome in the New Year alone. My white privilege at work I suppose. Wife had to go to bed because she has to get up and work tomorrow. Hopefully, her new job offer pans out and things are better in that regard soon. I think all she has to do is get a higher level security clearance and she’s in, which will not be a problem. In the meantime, it is what it is.
Just watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 with wife before she had to sleep, fucking fantastic film just like the first, maybe better. The raccoon should join Glibs with that excellent sarcasm.
I have a Rocky GotG tin lunchbox that I take to work. When I fetch it from the common area fridge, people say “Oh, you’re the one with that lunchbox! That’s great!” But they insist on sticking with their boring lunch boxes and bags. I wanted one I could spot right away and that keeps me “young”-ish.
That’s great, I want one!
Happy New Year, Hyperion!
Today I learned
On April 30, 1844, Henry David Thoreau accidentally started a major forest fire in the Concord woods after his campfire got out of control. The fire burned 300 acres of forest and nearly set the town of Concord ablaze. The local newspaper, The Concord Freeman, estimated the damages at over $2,000 …
He started the fire in an attempt to cook a fish.
Bear Grylls he was not.
I read a lot of Thoreau and Emerson between the ages of 15-20.
Emerson won. He was always the better prose-writer, but he also repeatedly seemed to indicate he wasnt’ anything like the hippie/commie/prissy sort that HDT was.
i expanded on this a bit when they had a post @ TOS about thoreau
Has this made the rounds yet? Quoted in full because of paywall.
Family values. How long have we been subjected to that subjective phrase, championed by Republicans who equated it with heterosexuality, fecundity and Christian piety — and who appointed themselves the custodians of those?
Well, they lost any remaining claim to that mantle by embracing Donald Trump and then Roy Moore. Neither won the support of all Republicans, but both won the backing or complicity of enough of them to confirm just how hollow and hypocritical the party’s attachment to conservative morality always was. Quote the Bible. Denounce abortion. Congratulations: You’re upholding family values! No questions asked about the number of your marriages, the extent of your infidelities or the scope of your sexual predation.
Fiscal responsibility. How loudly have Republicans harangued us about that? It’s a worthy harangue — or at least it would be if there were an iota of integrity and consistency behind it.
But Republicans are poised to enact a sweeping overhaul of the tax code that will add nearly $1.5 trillion to federal deficits over the next decade. In all the news coverage of their need to finesse the math so that they don’t exceed that amount, the fact that they’re plunging the country so much deeper into the red in the first place almost gets lost.
This, mind you, is the same political party that fetishized balanced budgets and browbeat Democrats about being the foolishly, fatally profligate ones. Republicans’ actions routinely contradicted their words, and their tax reform is a contradiction on steroids. Where’s the fiscal responsibility in legislation with such budgetary hocus-pocus as the expiration of individual rate cuts that the bill’s authors fully expect other lawmakers to preserve down the road?
What pretty lies Republicans tell, most of all about themselves. And what a gorgeous opportunity they have given Democrats to steal that bogus rhetoric right out from under them.
Try this on for size: Democrats are the party of family values because they promote the creation of more families. They did precisely that with their advocacy of marriage equality, which didn’t tug the country away from convention but toward it, by encouraging gay and lesbian Americans to live in the sorts of arrangements that conservatives in fact extol.
Democrats also want to give families the flexibility and security that help keep them afloat and maybe intact. That’s what making the work force more hospitable to women and increasing the number of Americans with health insurance do. And Republicans lag behind Democrats on both fronts.
Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility because they don’t pretend that they can afford grand government commitments — whether distant wars or domestic programs — without collecting the revenue for them.
Democrats are the party of patriotism, because they’re doing something infinitely more urgent and substantive than berating football players who kneel during the national anthem. They’re recognizing that a hostile foreign power tried to change the course of an American presidential election. They’re pressing for a full accounting of that. They’re looking for fixes, so that we can know with confidence that we control our own destiny going forward. The president, meanwhile, plays down the threat, and Republicans prop him up.
Democrats are the party of national security. They don’t taunt and get into Twitter wars with the rulers of countries that just might send nuclear warheads our way. They don’t alienate longtime allies by flashing contradictory signals about their commitment to NATO. The leader of the Republican Party does all of that and more, denying the G.O.P. any pretense to stewardship of a stable world order.
Democrats are the law-and-order party. While many Republicans and their media mouthpiece, Fox News, labor to delegitimize the F.B.I. and thus inoculate Trump, Democrats put faith in prosecutors, agents and the system.
Democrats are the party of decency and modesty. None of their highest leaders uses the public arena to bully private citizens in the way that the Republican president does. None advances his or her financial interests as brazenly or brags as extravagantly.
Democrats are the party of tradition, if it’s interpreted — and it should be — to mean a news media that operates without fear of government interference, an internet to which access isn’t tiered, judicial appointees who have a modicum of fluency in trial law.
Under Trump’s thumb and spell, the Republican Party is watching the pillars of its brand crumble. Democrats should grab hold of and appropriate them. And they’re starting to, fitfully and imperfectly. Jettisoning Al Franken as the Republican National Committee reteamed with Moore was part of that effort.
Who among us doesn’t care about family values, defined justly and embraced honestly? Who doesn’t see the good in patriotism, tradition and decency? They’re neither hokey words nor musty concepts, and that’s why Republicans have been using (and misusing) them. But in the age of Trump, they constitute a language that Democrats can more credibly speak.
Fiscal responsibility. How loudly have Republicans harangued us about that? It’s a worthy harangue — or at least it would be if there were an iota of integrity and consistency behind it. Good point there. The rest is horse shit though.
TL/DR version:
“Rethuglikkkans are such assholes…”
*shoves heaping spoonful of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia into mouth*
“…I miss Obama.”
*sobs uncontrollably into nearly empty pint of Ben & Jerry’s*
From the Illinois link:
By “track diversity”, I’ll assume they mean either (a) a better chance of being hired or (2) “evidence of discrimination against sexual orientation”, leading to a law.
UCLA study analyzes over 6,000 Trump tweets, ‘proves’ he’s a bigot
Students at UCLA have scrutinized over 6,300 Donald Trump tweets and speeches and determined that “his language shows an anti-immigrant bias and ‘false narrative.’”
The study by the César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies (don’t they use “Chicanx” yet?) was utilized by several state attorneys in support of maintaining DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
According to Law & Crime, the students’ research concludes “Trump used generalizations and loaded words to promote the idea that immigrants–particularly Latinos–are criminals, Mexico is an enemy, and that Trump will protect American citizens, who are victims of an invasion of criminal aliens.”
A tweet from this past June noted Mexico is “the second deadliest country in the world after only Syria,” and another from candidate Trump in 2015 proclaimed “Mexico is killing the United States economically because their leaders and negotiators are FAR smarter than ours. But nobody beats Trump!”
Thrilling new years at the in-laws. Watching shows about the history of food on PBS. No booze. On the TV or in the house. And it’s too cold to go back out, and I’d have to drive half an hour to get back to civilization anyways.
Have you considering faking your own death?
I’m in a cheap motel in a town named after a Sherlock Holmes villain.
Nervous man in a $4 room.
Ah, Moriarity! Not far from where I grew up.
… Hobbit
That’s the most depressing post. May a stray Duff beer party bus find you ASAP.
Today’s reminder that the F35 is a waste of money:
Has Anyone Ever Shot Down an F-15 in Air Combat?
Part one
According to official releases from Boeing and the U.S. Air Force, the F-15 Eagle has a clear-cut win-to-loss ratio of 104 to zero. But in fact, opposing air forces have claimed, in nearly a dozen cases, to have shot down the iconic, twin-engine fighter.
All the claims have one thing in common. The claimants were never able to provide any evidence for their supposed victories.
The earliest report is mostly unknown to the public. Beginning in 1978, Iraqi sources claimed that an Iraqi air force MiG-23MS from No. 39 Squadron shot down an Israeli F-15 over western Iraq. Former Iraqi air force officers have repeated the claim over the years without ever offering any evidence.
The next supposed F-15 shoot-down, from the spring of 1981, is better-known. Several different versions of the story have circulated over the decades, nearly all of them in Russian media.
Cool story, tovarishch.
Hedly! Hedly LaMar!
I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.
But not the Irish!
There will never be (and can never be) a movie funnier than Blazing Saddles. It’s a scientific fact.
97% agree, the other 3% haven’t seen it
Another consensus! It’s settled!
The reaction from my wife the first time she saw that was only matched by her first Southpark episode with the Japanese whalers. Now it’s not so easy to shock her cause of her shitlord husband. 2018! All hail to the shitlords! Shitlords are supreme!
Still cracks me up.
Fuck you Dophin, and a Fuck you WhAAAAle!
Fuck a you dolpheeens and fuck a you whaaales! LOL.
I spent a lot of time early this morning on another site countering a certain viewpoint. The person in question had made a statement that NC recently tried to pass a law allowing drivers to just run down pedestrians whenever they want to. Upon investigating, I found that what the law actually intended was for motorists to have a right to attempt to get out of a situation when protesters (rioters?) were attempting to restrict the ability of someone to try to escape a situation where a mob was trying to restrict them on a public road from free movement and attempting to block them from escaping, if it meant running into them. The person seems to have no idea that you cannot restrict the movement of an individual and then try to stop them from escaping. Oddly enough, it was apparently a police officer who joined me in trying to explain this to the person, to no avail. The original person actually believes that you have no right to self defense if your life is being threatened by a bunch of street thugs.
and they will die of stupidity,
HNY! Hyp!
First it’s no right to defense against thugs purporting to be right thinking, then it’s no self-defense under any circumstances such as the UK is quickly approaching.
Iran: Photo shows Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps badge, note “I won’t accept brutal orders anymore”
Meanwhile, the regime has blocked social media and blamed the unrest on Sunnis and foreign agents.
Brutal orders?what would Zardoz say about that?
So I had my son shave off the entire back of my head, leaving a Bleached Mop in front, VIKINGS!!! also related to BRUTALS, Hell, We were the OG BRUTALS!
It takes a Child to Raze a Village!
You’re insane Yusef, which is why I love you. It’s almost like you’re Murikan.
I am THE OG Cis Hetero Shitlord! Old, Smart, White! oh shit, I’m a Libertarian!!!! Kochsucker!!!! AAAGHH!
” oh shit, I’m a Libertarian!!!! Kochsucker!!!! ”
Isn’t that the best part?
Yeessss, I love Money! FILTHY LUCRE!!!
/and the ability to tell people Get Off My Lawn! with integrity
Gotta give Team Blue credit for their effort in 2017. They somehow managed to be the party out of power and simultaneously be unable to effectively employ humor to ridicule the ruling party. How you can’t manage to mock a guy like Trump without sounding like preachy little bitches is a feat.
They aren’t funny, Humor means not taking yourself seriously, seriously
They are trying to ruin comedy. There are more things you CAN’T say than CAN nowadays, by their rulebook.
I have a funny satire book from 2010 called “The Practical Guide to Racism.” It skewers (through parody) the silliness of racism, but in doing so makes multiple racist jokes. I don’t think it could get published now.
Finish what you’re drinking before reading further.
What Will It Take To Beat Trump? The Case for a Generic Democrat
Democrats don’t need inspiration or revolution to win in 2020. They just need somebody bland and inoffensive. Kind of like Doug Jones.
Democrats, still reeling from last year’s wipeout, have been embroiled in a debate over how to fix what went wrong in 2016. Should they tack left or center? Woo white working-class voters with an ambitious economic agenda or double down on the base by blitzing Donald Trump on bigotry? Prioritize health care? Inequality? Oligarchy? Democracy?
The Doug Jones upset in deep-red Alabama may have just rendered these debates irrelevant.
The Senate’s newest member did not embrace single-payer health care, free college or a $15 minimum wage. He did not swerve right on abortion and guns. In fact, he didn’t have any signature policy proposals at all.
What Jones did was take off the shelf the most pallid Democratic talking points—“quality, affordable health care,” “college must be affordable,” “I believe in science,” “discrimination cannot be tolerated”—and campaigned with a pleasant, inoffensive demeanor.
He was boring. He was safe. He was Mr. Generic Democrat. And it worked.
That should make Democrats think twice about what they should be looking for in a 2020 presidential nominee.
There’s a song for that.
I know. Catchy, ain’t it?
“What Will It Take To Beat Trump?”
Wear some pussy hats? Scream at the sky? Act like a bunch of Ancient Aliens level retards and screech about Russians? I don’t know what else to day, because they are apparently out of ideas and could not listen to common sense. So be it, 7 more years of Trump.
LOL, wonderful!
I live in Cali, so my vote doesn’t count, but I still have an Opinion, thanks to the Overlords, so…. I am a big fan of Reagan, Thatcher and Buckley, Trump blows them out of the water.
The man is in some ways Churchillian, He actually wants to MAGA, I can get behind that, to a point.He is actually draining the swamp, as best he can, and Nikki Haley 2020, HAWT!
carry on in 2018, things are looking up!
Haley is someone I can get behind.
“Nikki 2020 – not the worst!”
I don’t like her. I mean not as a person, but as a politician.
Admit it, you’d still get behind her if she bent over.
Well, I’d have to ask wifey, but I’m not voting for her.
No endorsement of her politics at all, just a slight inebriated joke and a reference to the disappeared nicole.
I work with Indian women prettier than her. Seriously. I guess I have to ask wifey, but still not voting for her.
I don’t know enough about her yet to consider voting, but I like what she did to the US’s UN budget contribution.
Yeah, I like that too, but all she is really doing is what her boss told her to do. I’ve been paying attention to this lady for a lot longer and she is no friend of libertarians. Neither is Trump as far as that goes, but he’d doing a great job of faking it, I’ll take that.
Take what is, not What you want to perceive
So the Democrats run ¡Jeb! In 2020?
JUB, it’s still his turn because Hillary couldn’t take her turn and we still need an oligarchy?
Trotsky’s Reanimated Corpse – Democrat for President 2020.
Needs moar icepicks.
Just got home from work. Time to catch up on the drinking. I’m having wine, which I don’t think I’ve had for a few years, and gives me a different drunk than beer. So you might be in for some comments even odder than usual. Happy new year you monocle wearing orphan slavers.
Everyone is very unique genetically. I can’t get any buzz from wine. Love a beer buzz. And probably vodka buzz best, which is why I avoid it almost always.
Wine always fucked me up the next day.
But nothing is more efficient than boxed wine.
That’s how I’m rollin. Only the fanciest for me.
Are you rollin with boxed wine, orange/mango juice and soda water tomorrow for some Trailer Park Mimosas? If not you should be. I will be.
Just wine, and some sparkling wine for later.
I just cracked open my Lagunitas Imperial Stout, I await your commentary Sir!
Let loose the comments. Nobody ever regrets drunken posting.
On this day in 1986 a Teamsters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dupont_Plaza_Hotel_arsonlocal set fire to a hotel they were striking against in an attempt to clear it of guests. They succeeded and incinerated 96-98 of them. The second deadliest hotel fire in US history was labor union arson.
Cool links, bro.
fixed link
Dupont Plaza Hotel Arson
They were “commemorating” this on some communist website
Hey, that’s what the guests get for crossing a picket line, amirite?
Two of the arsonists agreed to plea deals of 24 & 25 years, sentenced to 75 & 99 years, but actually only served 13 & 14 years.
Holy shit. Never heard of that.
I… wow. Another bureaucracy that needs to be nuked from orbit.
Had never heard of this before. I’ve gambled in that hotel (as rebuilt post-1995). Lost $100.
Thanks to all the conceivers, contributors, commenters that made this site such an awesome place! Happy New Years and the best wishes for 2018. This place rocks, glad to have it. About to get the two oldest into a story and bed and then it’s enjoying the final few hours of the year chilling with the wife on the couch with some booze, grass and movies.
7:30???? You MONSTER!!!
nope, I’m done by Nine, Whippersnapper, up at 4:30 New Years!
Ah, thank god the wife just took over the story. I can’t stand Harry Potter. I’ve gone through every Roald Dahl with them about four times each. And they know The Old Man and the Sea almost by heart at this point. Christ, kids are a handful, by 8 pm I am well glad to have them go to bed. Whoever says kids aren’t a pain in the ass is full of shit. They’re angels when they’re asleep.
And they know The Old Man and the Sea almost by heart at this point.
Nice. I have a huge soft spot/love that book.
Also one of mine. I love me some Hemingway, but that one in particular stands out.
Thanks from me, too. Outstanding job transforming what in 99% of cases would be just wishful talk, into action, and actually creating a place that seems to be about as serious as it needs to be, but not more.
My new years song staple. A Semisonic song that isn’t ‘Closing Time’.
People, stop taking about 2018 already! There will be no 2018, the Orange Cheeto has doomed us! All of the other atrocities and now… now tax cuts!
My son managed to get the flu, so I’m at home with him, while the spouse and my mom are out at the dinner with visiting cousins we were supposed to be at. I can’t even drink because I have to go fetch them when they’re done. So I’m here. HOwever we do have champagne for later and some noodles becuase that’s a New Year’s thing.
Happy new year, Glibs! I hope 2018 continues to be the font of leftist tears and better for liberty than 2017.
Sorry to hear your son is sick, and Happy New Years! I’m sure much, much, more lefty tears will be flowing, so have those orphans to man the tear barrels!
One of my fave things about Prez Cheeto is that he is so outrageous with tweets and whatnot that the press lingers on that crap for days/weeks/months while ignoring his quiet destruction of various regulations and even whole agencies.
Keep it up, Donnie, keep it up.
OT – re: renfaire pics from the other night… Brave & awesome. ?
Thanks dude. Probably ill advised, but meh, can’t unring that bell! Besides, flaunt ’em if you’ve got ’em, right?
Your secret is safe with us.
Happy New Year, Athena!
I searched high and low to find a great group of titties for you all tonight, the last night of 2017. Here’s to another great year.
7, 9, 11, 16, 18, 34 and 2 just about has the perfect body but is DQed for no face.
All right, almost time to flip over to New Year’s Rockin’ Eve and despair.
Why? Don’t do it.
Is that where Mariah Carey is going to be? Gal’s gotta be sporting some serious spandex underpinnings. Which is, of course, a prominent topic of my popular fashion blog
I guess. They said something about “not fucking it up this time”. Don’t know what’s up with that. I think this is my first NYE alone at home. Turns out these shows actually kind of suck.
I’m listening to a live radio show on WREK. 1978 music for the 40th anniversary. Radio show has been on every Sunday since ’81 or ’82
FOX just had Neil Diamond.
I can’t fathom the crowd’s ability to feign excitement in 10 degrees and without alcohol. It boggles the mind.
I miss 1970s-1980s NYC when you could smoke, drink, fuck and openly do drugs. Sure you might get robbed or killed but that is the still the way it is in 2018 New Orleans and people still enjoy visiting there. Dirty, violent NYC was the best NYC.
Enh, I don’t pine for those days – having not experienced them. But I do think Manhattan has swung too far in the direction of “boring”. I live in NYC but I don’t have any desire to live in Manhattan at this point.
She’s on now. I don’t “get” her at all. It is the blandest, most uninteresting music I have ever heard.
And as a special New Year’s Edition, here are some pics for those that prefer sausage to tacos.
NB: Not going that way myself, I don’t know if this is what anyone’s looking for, but I did my best.
Shit. The archive.is site screwed it up.
Original source.
Heh, classic beefcake is much appreciated.
a little more specific please, oh shit!
1,5,7 yes! love the Q!
How I love wailing electric guitars
I think we should play “learn something new about a Glib” for New Year’s. What is something no one on the site knows about you (that you’re comfortable sharing)?
I’m an AC guy that hates AC?
And doesn’t know what V stands for?
Are you fucking kidding me? it stands for Vagina you Rookie!
I’m pretty sure that’s not it.
We like to call them fart fans TBH
You hate alternating current? Who are you, Thomas Edison?
Westinghouse ’em all.
I have a lot of fond memories of vacations in Atlantic City myself.
i Love DC, but it’s a bit hard to apply to Air Conditioning! Yuo know that, and don’t freeze up there….
Wait, I thought you were a HVAC guy. Don’t come on here and just start making shit up, mister. I bet your name isn’t even Yusef!
Don’t call me out, I’ll tell you to change your Filters!
I’ve fallen asleep every time I’ve tried to watch Citizen Kane. I used to think that movie was 4 hours long. Nope. Just feels that way.
I didn’t get the hype when I first tried watching in my 20s and gave up.
Now I agree it’s one of the greatest movies of all time. Weird.
It’s good but it is no Two-Lane Blacktop.
I like Euro metal:
I have temporal lobe epilepsy (very well controlled on meds, thank the Maker. I even get to drive after being seizure-free for so long). First full-blown seizure at age 33. That’ll through you for a loop.
Up to then, I didn’t realize that it is not normal to have deja vu episodes multiple times a week or even in a day. Turns out that is a huge flag for TLE. Who knew?? I almost miss them. They were trippy.
I have/had Epilepsy and tended to grow out of it, I credit the CBD in pot, honestly, I’m a wreck, and CBD keeps me sane,
HNY! Hayek!
HNY to you too, Yusef!
The fact that CBD isn’t already legal is baffling. Isn’t it completely separate from the “high” making components? For some kids with intractable epilepsy, it seems to be literally the only thing that works, but their parents have to go to extreme risk to obtain it.
It is legal as long as it has less than .3% THC.
My younger G son is autistic, CBD works! I think it’s my genetics that caused his condition, I’m very similar, and CBD has been a great help for Him and me
Holy beejeezus, that’s hardcore. Do you get the aura? Dostoevsky said that he felt like he was on the verge of some great truth being revealed right before a seizure then he’d go out.
Yeah, I used to get the aura. In fact, what they call an aura is a “simple partial seizure”, meaning it only affects one part of the brain (the part with the physical screwup from injury or just weird congenital luck–in my case the left temporal lobe).
So the deja vu episodes and occasional hand or finger twitching were all little seizures. I’m not crazy enough to think that deja vu was supernatural or anything; I understood that it was just an immediate experience accidentally being mis-filed by the hippocampus as a long term memory, so that it evokes a “recall” sensation even as it plays out, but apparently many mystics throughout history have been TLE folks who did think they had “a gift.”
The only full on Grand Mal seizure (leading to the EEG and diagnosis) was at a GOP convention, oddly enough. I was the ballot teller and had just gotten through a stressful count of the MN congressional district 6 convention in which Bachmann first came to power. Her people were all over the counters and I had to shoo them away to Observer distance multiple times. I was sleep deprived and underfed. When I had the results envelope and walked back into the convention hall, I apparently stopped walking, looked up and smiled (so I am told) and immediately fell backward and had a major seizure. I hope the smile was for something pleasant.
Next thing I knew, I was struggling with a paramedic in the back of an ambulance trying to take the oxygen mask off until he asked me questions about name, date, etc. He said “you’re alright.” I said “OK”. He said “You just had a seizure”. I said “OK…WHAT?”
That’s when my fucking aryan perfection German ex was done with me. I was officially defective. We divorced a few months later.
“That’s when my fucking aryan perfection German ex was done with me. I was officially defective. We divorced a few months later.”
That’s fucked up. But you met Mr. Splosives so all’s well that ends well.
I already casually knew Mr Splosives. He volunteered to drive me to work during those first 6 months when my license was no good because of the seizure. He was great. He called me Miss Daisy and himself Hoke at that time and was very sweet about it all. I had helped him out with something or other a couple of years ago, so he was just doing payback.
It paid off for him (and us!) in the end.
I imagine it was traumatic at the time, dealing with the betrayal, but… talk about dodging a bullet.
It was kind of a relief. Honest to goodness, he made me submit weekly expense reports so he could micromanage our lives in some spreadsheet. I even out earned him and still had to do it!
I should have seen it coming when years earlier, he told me about his relative with a wife who got manic depression (bipolar), and they locked her up in Germany and he took a mistress. I said, but they’ve got great meds for bipolar now! She doesn’t necessarily need to be locked up! He was all, “Meh, she’d never be 100%.”
Holy shit! When was this, 1924?
1999. The big epilepsy thing was 2006.
Wow. I second the “you dodged a bullet” sentiment in respect to your ex.
How do you know you’re not still just in your last déjà vu?
I mean, do you really think this place seems normal?
Whoa, I just thought that my self………….
We do tend to say the same things over and over…
TLE déjà vu is pretty mundane, really. At least after it’s happened to you 1000s of times.
For me it starts typically with a tone in my left ear, sometimes a weird abdominal sensation then whatever I am experiencing looks like it’s happened before: “And there was Bob in his green shirt facing that way and, yep that’s what he was saying, and then so and so walked by…” Meanwhile I keep nodding and listening and even responding very normally. And then I snap out of it in about 30 seconds or so.
I can even keep on talking or making my presentation at work without a hitch because it is only a minor distraction. On Keppra though, it only happens now if I have a fever or sleep deprivation.
I’m not really a robot, just a short guy in a keg.
I have two penises.
Are you this guy?
I suspect photoshop (NSFW).
*psst* Read the very first subthread up top. I’ll wait.
Oh. Fine. Need moar champagne.
I guess I have 9 testicles.
Oh fer fuck sake. Should have scrolled and then hit Mike in the head with my left penis.
Is that the bigger one?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diphallia (also NSFW)
1 in 5.5 million boys, so 5.5 times rarer than CJD.
huh. didn’t think it was real. Crazy.
I have two penises.
It took me 10 years from starting college to graduate. (lots of reasons, none of them intelligence)
I never graduated. At this point I’ll likely retire without a degree. Can’t stand freshman comp long enough to blather through it. In my case, it is intelligence. I’d kick my younger self’s ass for being too f-ing stupid to suck up high school and just get it done.
Since Chris Farley was one of my idols, this became the running joke in the family the longer it took to graduate. Oh, and between the time I started college in 2001 and graduated in 2003, many of the entry level jobs in field became automated, fun.
sorry, between 2001 and 2011
Chris Farley died while I was in Benning School for Boys’ short course. Thanks to the lack of outside news other than letters, I didn’t know it had happened until a bit afterwards and it always felt like something that didn’t really happen. Oh yeah, Chris Farley’s dead and the President admitted to getting his dick sucked by an intern. Wait, what? When was this?
Chris Farley’s death hit me. Phil Hartman’s death I thought the guy who told me was fucking with me, he went home for lunch and watched the news and came back with the news, thought he was fucking with me. With Clinton it was interesting when I had to explain to some young mormon girls (not in a weird way, they were the same age as me) where the cigar went.
Okay, mine is: my higher education consists entirely of one quarter of psychology class on saturdays at the community college, of which I attended, I think, twice. Oh, and a stint at the tech school, for machining, which I attended only one evening, before deciding that was going to be a waste of time, too.
And I find it fascinating that, while having developed several different skillsets, from doing trim carpentry, to having a small prototype shop, to programming CNC machines, and finally to doing software development full-time for the past fifteen years, I still do consciously avoid mentioning that I have no higher education to speak of. Rationally, I believe it should not matter, but when sat in a roomful of other developers, all with their degrees, even if I am the one laying out the architecture for an entire project, there is still an undeniable sense of inferiority that nags at me.
If I could do it again, I would do the same; I still believe I made the right choices for me; but there is definitely some psychological game that modern society plays when it comes to education, and I am here to tell you that it can be powerful.
I am proud that I taught myself programming. It was a big challenge and gave me a career. I wouldn’t worry about it.
Internally, I don’t, and I’d never lie about it, but I also know that I do not just volunteer the fact. And I can rationalize this by saying that while, in the personal sphere, I’d tell someone to piss off if they wanted to judge me based on that, when it comes to doing business, it can be valid to let the question go unasked if it does, and have the other person find out only later, after they already know what I can do, if it ever comes up. In which case, maybe they wouldn’t have had an issue with it in the first place, or maybe they’ll have a preconceived notion challenged, which would be cool. And either way, I got paid.
This is why i’d like to see a switch to portfolios of work (for certain fields, such as yours) instead of paper credentials. If you can prove you can do it, isn’t that more important than a piece of paper and a mountain of debt?
I took a class on interviewing candidates once, and they reminded us “Don’t just ask if they can speak French. Make them speak French in front of you.” Nowadays I will make a guy draw a circuit right in front of me or solve another engineering problem a) to asses engineering skills, and b) to see if they shit their pants under pressure. Works wonders in thinning the herd.
Yeah, I think interviewing must be extremely difficult. In my field, you could ask people to implement some banal algorithms or whatever, but in practice, that’s not what you do every day, and it’s not what you need. Valuable people are capable of figuring out why a certain component you have to use is leaking 2MB of memory on every call, when it shouldn’t, and finding some way to work around it, since it’s the vendor’s fault, but you don’t have the luxury of debugging it with them and waiting for them to release a patch.
Just curious, what is your field? Sounds like electrical engineering, or?
Yeah, electrical engineering. High voltage specialty. Defense.
Sounds cool. My younger brother used to be an EE in the navy. He was on the USS Abraham Lincoln during Bush’s famous “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” visit. I guess it was basically a shitstorm, trying to accommodate CNN/etc.
That must have been memorable!
Nowadays I will make a guy draw a circuit right in front of me or solve another engineering problem a) to asses engineering skills, and b) to see if they shit their pants under pressure. Works wonders in thinning the herd.
I give programming/design questions when I interview. I’ve had candidates refuse to the do the problem. They got a thumbs down.
The problems I give have a, in my opinion, obvious answer. The obvious answer is also inefficient. There are also less obvious but efficient answers. I tell the candidates I want an answer, and we talk about efficiency once we have an answer. I am stunned at how many candidates can’t even get the obvious answer.
What is something no one on the site knows about you (that you’re comfortable sharing)?
I’m a Jew.
Learn Something about me?
I’ve offended Zeus or something else equally powerful.
Depending on just how ‘close’ you want to call it, I’ve been within seconds of dying about 7 times. None of them heroic or reflecting in any way with honor, just dumb luck.
My first career was as a firefighter/medic.
I can heal you, or I can hurt you. Watch your step.
And Happy New Year!
I think my health is shirking its duties, lately. I’m fit and strong but prone to coughing fits, nausea, tremors, cold sweats and numb extremities. I think my days are quite frankly numbered. Ah well.
I hate my job. Oh, you probably all know that.
I don’t drink anywhere near as much as many people think.
Any thoughts on the whole California legalizing the selling of MJ for recreational use starting tomorrow? Libertarian moment? The proverbial last straw for national legalization?
Had a card for 5 years now, I see no effect, but I’ll let you know from the ground when it comes,
/to be continued…..
Yeah, same here….had a card off and on for a while (currently do). The dispeneriary two blocks from my place isn’t converting over yet. Curious about what this will do to supply/quality.
I may go back to growing, just for Back up
Wake me up when Utah legalizes.
/I wouldn’t
Or New York.
California took one law off of the books, and put 50 more on.
Gavin Newsom doesn’t want to get rid of cartels; he wants to be in charge of all of them.
And further infantized 18-20 year old adults with the smoking age change. Ten years before 21 becomes the age of majority nationwide? Or will it be 26?
Except for voting. Then they’re woke folks.
God help us…..
SF has been trying for years now to give the vote to 16 years olds. They finally passed illegal immigrant voting last year here.
Good lord. The Democrats already run everything. Why bother?
How is that legal? At least in State or federal elections?
It’s only for local offices. I imagine that you request an illegal alien special ballot that only has those on it.
I predict 21-26 is going to be the age of consent. For anyone 5 or so years older anyways. The puritanical progressive pendulum still has a ways to swing
as we get rolled by a bunch of young Chinese…….
Great, there’s goes the flower of Q’s pics.
Get it while it’s still legal.
Government is the biggest cartel of them all, complete with the highest body count.
I always say: the mafia, with their shakedowns and penny-ante scams, is just the smaller, less-successful brother, of the real mob. If you want to know how it’s really done, look to the state.
Yeah, Make me rich, potheads.
The brisket has rested and has been sliced.
I could have done imgur, but I am too drunk to take on figuring out a new way to post photos. I had to cut it in half to fit on my smoker racks. I did it in the Bradley and have regrets. I was being lazy and didn’t want to start a real fire in the real smoker so went with the electric. It is good. The thicker half has perfect pull, and both halves taste great but could be better with more smoke. The Minors definitely changes things up and I like it. With a heavier smoke, and a bit of char on the grill to firm up the exterior this would be a knock your sisters socks off brisket.
Yum! Looks good!
Pinterest? Can I see some pictures of your wedding dress? Please?
Hey, it was the thing here for awhile. I blame you people. It is the only account I can log into this drunk. I have no wedding dress pics but I might be able to drag up a, “Biggest Dump Ever” board.
Two Penis Board?
I usually only do that for Q’s posts.
Nice work, almost cancels out the Pinterest diarrhea.
Two racks of baby back ribs here, marinated in a can of Moxie, garlic, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, Maggi, Worcestershire sauce, and soy.
In the oven, one basted in Sweet Baby Rat’s for the kid, the other basted in my own tailor made Korean style spicy BBQ sauce. Delightful.
Nice work, almost cancels out the Pinterest diarrhea.
Two racks of baby back ribs here, marinated in a can of Moxie, garlic, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, Maggi, Worcestershire sauce, and soy.
In the oven, one basted in Sweet Baby Ray’s for the kid, the other basted in my own tailor made Korean style spicy BBQ sauce. Delightful.
Holy shit. Pomp brought the squirrels. I took a year but there it is. And I don’t post diarrhea, that is gross.
Cheater. Rat even. Disregard my prior.
I still like Pinterest. But move over to Instagram, dude.
This song speaks to me.
Don’t Fear the Reaper
this song speaks to me
its about women with needs
You should listen the streaming link I posted above. 1978 was quite the year for music.
i looked, but i found nothing.
i confess, i’ve been drinking
I probaly screwed it up. The “mainstream” 1978 stuff is Queen, Ramones, Blondie, The Clash,Cheap Trick, etc, When it gets “obscure” you’lll still recognize much oi it from commercials , movie soundtracks, what the DJ plays between sets at better clubs etc
This one for me.
I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops
Don’t Tell Me How To Live by Monster Truck
Doing Shodo (Caligraphy) with the family. New Years messages. I suck at it, but GLibertarians, COngratulations on the New Year.
Have you explained to them who Straff is?
Bad idea.
Glib in Japan? Shhhhhh……
HNY Straff
That’s way cool,
HNY! straff!
It’s about a 10 year old’s level, but thanks.
Is it on the fridge too?
Not yet. We’re waiting for Winston’s mom o close the door.
Winstons Mom in Japan, sounds like a 70’s crime show…
70’s crime show….? Oh yeah!
What evil lurks in the hearts of men? Only the Shodo knows.
Doesn’t look like you suck to me.
That is awesome. Made me want noodles.
I got me a deck of cards, gonna teach my G daughter to play 500 rummy Tomorrow, I have enough good players, not Sister good, but good enough, should be fun!
You really want to teach her? Play a buck a point.
Been there done that, much beer money flowed. My grandma had huge tray full of coin, and taught us, Rummy, Yahtzee and Poker, I love to play.
One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was playing cards with my grandmother for money. Nobody in my family seems to understand how she does it, but she cleans out everybody.
Ageand experience young one, She would tell you that,
She also does it to peers. Happy New Year Yusef!
When i move to AZ this summer, maybe we can play “cards”
/Beer and good food
*looks around nervously*
Why the scare quotes…..?
Yusef is from CA. “cards” there means touching penises. Like a hand shake but different.
She probably just cheats
of Course, don’t You Bender?
fantasy truck stop
I was thinking about how much I like the open road. If I was totally free, I’d buy a van, put a bed in the back, and just drive wherever I pleased. Call it the Hermitmobile.
There was a craze to hire real hermits to live on estates in Victorian Britain. One guy was ready to take on a hermit provided the hermit agreed to a long list of rules. The hermit was fired after he got caught drinking in a local pub.
In some early instances, hermits were simply represented or hinted-at, rather than personified; outside a folly or grotto, a small table and chair, reading glasses and a classical text might be placed suggesting that it was where a hermit lived.[3] Later, suggestions of hermits were replaced with actual hermits – men hired for the sole purpose of inhabiting a small structure and functioning as any other garden ornament.[1] Hermits would sometimes be asked to make themselves available to guests, answering questions and providing counsel. In some cases, the hermits would not communicate with visitors, functioning instead like a perpetual stage-play or live diorama.[1]
In return for their services-in-residence, hermits would generally receive a stipend in addition to room and board.[2][3]
A human garden gnome. I could do that.
Wow, back to your cage, go on now, good little servant
/ Had to be said, Cmon Derp, WTF?
That’s… bizarre. I hope they at least did some chores around the house or something.
Nope. For the case I mentioned, the hermit was required to not cut his hair, beard, or fingernails, and spend every waking moment in his grotto.
Hell, even Spinoza drank a bottle of wine each month,
give me booze, food and internet I’d stay home forever.
And a 55 gallon drum of lube, amiright?
I have been sorely tempted to follow this man’s example:
Robert E. Harrill (February 2, 1893 – June 3, 1972) was an American man known as “The Fort Fisher Hermit”.[1] He became a hermit in 1955 at the age of 62 after a string of unsuccessful and unsatisfying jobs and a failed marriage. Harrill hitchhiked to Fort Fisher on the North Carolina Coast from Morganton, North Carolina, a distance of 260 miles (418 km). He had been committed to a mental hospital in Morganton by his in-laws, after his wife, Katie Hamrick, left him and asked for a divorce. Harrill apparently walked away from the hospital[2] or made a key from an old spoon and used the key to escape the facility.[3]
Good luck trying that now. The mouth of the Cape Fear is a great place but you aren’t going to get away with squatting, much less hunting and gathering, there anymore..
The beaches back then would have had scattered small cinderblock motels and occasional hurricane-resistant vacation cottages. It’s all mansions, resorts and well-policed public land today. It’s a shame. Maybe you could seastead a light station? It’d be high 6 figures at a minimum and you’d be out of state jurisdiction but still subject to federal. You’re gonna need a boat, cash foir fuel, and spend all your time dealing with rust.
Wow, I want……
,Married, but dreaming…
Dude, one of them alone is bigger than her head. That is getting into circus territory. Probably banned in IL now.
Derpe; you like wailing guitars…
I liked Through Fire and Flames too.
Dragonforce, YES!
This song speaks to me.
King Of the Road
and A HNY to you! Glib Greetings!
Shit, it’s 2018, and I wasn’t paying attention. Sort of snuck up and stabbed me in the back.
Oh well, back to baking cheesecakes.
That is meant literally, not Q-style cheesecake.
Hey! No spoilers! It’s still only 2017 here.
I have been trying to get around to baking a cheese cake for two weeks. I did the graham cracker crust, (mixed with SP’s spicy cashew bits) yesterday but have not drug out the mixer to do the filling. I have to do it tomorrow since I bought all the ingredients and won’t do it once I go back to work. That, and I am going to be a pinnacle of physical fitness in the new year.
Thanks Q.
No prob. Happy New Year UCS.
It is now 2018 in the only part of the United States that matters.
The world continues to be shit.
Happy new year, my glibertarian pals. You’ve helped me through a lot more than you’d ever think, through your humor, your awesome discussions, and Q’s boobies. Hopefully your 2018 is better than your 2017.
Listening to rednecks firing into the air to celebrate the new year. Rural NC is awesome.
My neighbors are setting off fireworks. In Brooklyn!
Happy New Year. It’s quiet in northern Brooklyn.
I’m in Bay Ridge. We’re more ornery here.
When I’m home in South Florida, the 4th of July is a veritable barrage. Half the time I expect to hear air raid sirens.
Fireworks are technically illegal in Florida. But there’s something of a loophole in the law: You sign something that says you’re using the fireworks to scare birds off your property, and you can buy all you want!
(I found this out when I was 18 and my 16-17 year old friends paid me $50 to go to the fireworks store with them and sign the document.)
(Here in NC they’re also illegal, but you can just drive into TN or SC, depending on where you are in the state, and have access to copious amounts of fireworks)
So in both Colorado and Wyoming fireworks are illegal. But, if you’re from another state, the stands can sell them to you. So, everybody from Wyoming comes to Colorado to buy, and vis versa.
There is (or was) a huge ass fireworks store just east of Boise on I-84. As I recall, you could buy fireworks in Idaho that were illegal to set off in the state. Not sure if it’s changed since.
They’re of course totally illegal here and probably every neighboring state. No idea where my neighbors are getting them from. Probably a van down by the underpass.
Nah. They’re just shooting their guns in the air.
Except I can see them out my window,
Can’t tell if these are fireworks or idiots shooting their guns in the air.
White trash Cali problems as well, its only 9 PM
Ugh now it’s Britney Spears in Vegas. TV off!
Turn Off Your ShitBox, Save yourself my Friend!
I thought she dead
Well, they were showing her on Dick Clark’s Rocking New Years Eve, so maybe it’s a theme.
Libertarianism apparently kills.
Also, nice jugs on the chick on the left.
Preet was right to investigate the woodchipper comments.
Did you know that you can just go to your local hardware store and buy a deadly instrument like that without even needing to pass a background check?
I have a switchblade with a skull on the handle. Prepare the fainting couches for Preet and the soccer moms.
CO Libertarians are different (Maybe, who am I kidding they aren’t) than other Libertarian want to be politicians in other states. I have mentioned it before, but I am in the same State district as fucking Vail and Aspen. Dems never gerrymander though. There was a Libertarian running in my state district a few years ago whose platform plank was increasing the minimum wage. He was libertarian af.
I read Desmond Morris’ The Human Animal the other day. Interesting stuff.
He says human behavior is a mix of primate and pack predator. Primates are polygamists who shit in their beds and pack predators (wolves) are territorial monogamists.
Primate (herbivore) shit doesn’t stink which is why primates don’t care about sleeping in it. Pack predator shit is stinky which is why they bury and hide it.
Monogamy is essential for pack predators because hunting is a team sport and the weaker males won’t help unless they are sure their mates are being faithful.
Fun fact: humans don’t get fleas like other mammals because fleas are not adapted to reproduce and mature on humans. Only lice are.
“males won’t help unless they are sure their mates are being faithful”
Monogamy benefits men much more than women in general. A low status woman (barring deformity/sickness) will still be an auxiliary wife of a high status male whereas a low status male will have nothing.
Always take the Pussy
This song speaks to me.
This wine isn’t doing good in the getting drunk category, maybe that’s why I haven’t bothered in years. Got a ring of shrimp waiting and don’t even have an inkling of drunk munchies.
But I watched Ed Wood tonight! Brilliant movie. Loved it.
Happy New Year CPRM!
The only good Tim Burton movie. I love that one.
I am really stunned some time at how you think that Ca is some sort of Prison, here are some facts
Alcohol 7 days a week from 6 AM until 2 AM
legal Weed, by delivery if you want
it’s warm here
there is work
it’s too expensive
too many Homeless
Rent is too damn High
I guess I just decided to get out,I can, so I will
Come to CO Yusef. Legal weed still. And we can go out drinking.
I lived in Canon City for 5 years, Banana Belt, Not a good place for young Girls at the time, so we came back to Cali, big mistake. 20 years after, we can bail
The good Banana Belt resides on the Western Slope. Montrose, Delta and Grand junction.
Speaking of legal weed. Question for you (making assumptions here) and DenverJ. Do all shops scan your ID when entering and again at purchase? It kind of freaked me out but I had a purchase to make for science. I am doing a self administered pain relief study. The head of the program has impeccable credentials. My shadow had not fallen on the doorstep of a shop since legalization until Fri. Actually it still hasn’t because the door was facing west and I went there in the morning but that is not the point.
HNY! western
Not actually sure about the scanning part; I’d assume all places check ID for age verification at least upon entry. Scanning at purchase seems a bit excessive… what were the results of your study?
Well, I had to revert to my back up study. I was reading this shops website for a few days about different strains. I am not down with the lingo, but Indigo? Indiga?? is the pain killer from what I took from it but it was a real sleeper. That sounds good to me but not over Halloween, or whatever this holiday is. So I asked the dude about their Indigo/inka crossed with the saliva strain. He had great things to say about several of their fine product. I explained the chronic pain I am feeling for the last six months and he nodded. “This is what you need,” he said. I then commented I had not been a regular smoker since 1986 and he promptly said, “ohh, well, you need this”
My pain is not pain. It is a ghost of a pain. I can feel something is there but it does not make me wince and curse loudly. I am not sure if it helps with the pain or just makes you not give a fuck, which really, what is the difference.
Dosage: A deep pull (or two) every four hours since 6 AM.
I am stoned as fuck. The fact I can type is #NewYearsMiracle
Yes, you must show ID upon entering and at purchase. Some places also check ID when you get to the front of the line and the clerk comes to help you. Not sure if it’s the law or they are just being super sure not to run afoul of the law
in Cali you sign up and they take your info, then they just check your license against the DB, pretty simple for once…
That was the thing. I had no idea what to expect. Couches and a waiting in line was not there in my head. I was super impressed at the whole business angle of the operation they had going.
It’s 4 degrees here. Mega-ultra. Still not Minnesoda/NoDak but fun nonetheless. Our winter has been such bullshit that I’ve missed it.
Happy new year, Q! Cold as hell, here, but I love it!
See you on the other side
Miss Minnesota 2016.
You’re a good man.
-2 degrees here.
Drowning my sorrows in some well-aged Syrah. SP looks at me pityingly. Can I make it 24 more minutes until midnight?
Hold. Together. Man. just. a. few. more minutes.
Got a little Oregon Pinot Noir on special that I’m nursing. Bought a bottle of this for later to support the hometown:
Never had it, hope it isn’t too reprehensible.
We’re doing a 1989 Jaboulet La Chapelle Hermitage. Which was a chaser for a 2010 Cedric Bouchard Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs Champagne.
Sounds delightful.
The Gruet is really, really good.
Something NM produces besides chili peppers and despair.
Love Gruet. It was my house bubbly the decade I lived in Santa Fe.
Groot is awesome. He regenerates from but a twig.
Oh shit *Spoiler
Holy shit, got that for friends of ours, never heard of it but it looked interesting. Also sorry for corpse-fucking the thread.
The fun is already over here in the one true time zone.
Enjoy, the rest of you reprobates.
HAH! your just jelly We have more time to Party!!!
You’re right, the festivities at the Prime Meridian have been over for quite some time. But hey, they didn’t have hot acts like Mariah Carey and Britney Spears over there.
*sigh* I remember Mariah Carey back in the day.
Pussy! (no idea what you’re talking about)
Pussy Always works..
For Q
Desmond Morris says that human breasts are mainly for sexual signaling. In other primates, the females can suckle their young with smaller breasts because they have longer nipples.
Primates tend to mate doggy style whereas humans prefer missionary. The result is that is a human female chest that looks like an ass.
For most mammals, the genitals are at eye level. For humans, some re-engineering is required.
In other primates, the females can suckle their young with smaller breasts because they have longer nipples.
I know that chic. Ex wifes friend.
*scratches nose and balls simultaneously with one hand.
Who are these Missionary humans? I scoff at this study
I’ve heard this theory too, interesting. Also, men supposedly prefer large breasts because they are a true indicator of age. Larger breasts will sag more with age so they advertise the youth (read: fertility) of a woman in an obvious fashion. Thanks for the info.
OT: For such an inquisitive fellow, I’m surprised you haven’t looked into the Intel MOS offerings. You might like it; lots of opportunities for research.
I already subscribe, but would like to know more
Are you really moving to AZ? What part?
This song speaks to me.
Happy belated New Year’s from the East Coast
i follow Ice T on twitter
he amuses me
here is his new years photo
2018! Aaron Rogers is healed! Happy new year glibs
who’s Aaron Rogers?
At the stroke of midnight, no less. What are the odds? Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from the Glibs official time zone!
I’ve been such a miserable grouch today. I wasn’t going to comment at all. It’s a New Years miracle!
Just for you: Miss British Columbia.
She was outta my league even when I was young, vain and beautiful. I’d have tried though! Thanks, Q and HNY!
She doesn’t deserve me.
I’m still waiting on more Beer, time to go still…
Happy New Year, Hayek! (And Mr Splosives!)
HNY to you SP. We’d be all the poorer for not joining in your escapades re: setting up this site and the enormous headaches (and butt-hurt) it must engender. Cheers to you!
Thanks, Festus. Happy New Year!
There it is. 2018 in the date field.
Still two more hours to go on the Best Coast.
Happy New Year anyways!
1 hour and 45, where’s that beer!!!
Happy New Year, Gustave!
You’re all wrong, there are 53 minutes remaining until 2018. The rest of you are simulations from the Matrix.
Well, I can’t prove I’m not, so… guess it checks out.
Blue? Red? fuck it, I’m drunk, guess it checks out…
The Phantom Time Hypothesis
The phantom time hypothesis is a historical conspiracy theory asserted by Heribert Illig. First published in 1991, the hypothesis proposes a conspiracy by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, Pope Sylvester II, and possibly the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII, to fabricate the Anno Domini dating system retrospectively, so that it placed them at the special year of AD 1000, and to rewrite history[1] to legitimize Otto’s claim to the Holy Roman Empire. Illig believed that this was achieved through the alteration, misrepresentation and forgery of documentary and physical evidence.[2] According to this scenario, the entire Carolingian period, including the figure of Charlemagne, is a fabrication, with a “phantom time” of 297 years (AD 614–911) added to the Early Middle Ages. The proposal has found no favour among mainstream medievalists.
Thats some crazy bullshit.
Charlemagne save me, deus vult!!!!
*purges the nonbelievers*
No, but Muhammad conquered everything in 0 years?
Happy new years you fuckers!!!!
I am having Taylor Swift’s babies. 🙂
That’s, weird
My posts are taking forever to load, not sure if this is my fault or if the mods hate me.
I swear I never helped an orphan.
570 postings. Whole lotta content to generate and serve up.
That’s what she said?
Happy New Year!
We still exist on the Left coast, Frivolity and Gamboling will begin in a short period, Carry on…..
“We still exist on the Left coast”
Only until we figure out the exact locations to place the bombs along the fault lines. 😛
Jeez, I’m listening to Grammy and G daughter in the other room, they sound alike! Agghh!
Yusef, have my babies!!!!
Ummm, i’m quite capable, but my Wife might object
I had no idea you were a physiological woman.
Umm, I think your headed in the wrong direction, Me Man, Wife Woman, you Confused….
The baby girls that spawn from Wifey’s family all have a thing where they twirl their hair with their finger when they get sleepy. Apparently this goes back generations. Youngest daughter is a clone of her mother and her daughter looks like a clone of her great-Grandma. Genetics will out.
Exactly this
Right back atcha, Yusef! You’re a good egg!
Indeed. Peoples who haven’t experienced the evolution due to farming are basically a different species form the rest of homo-sapiens .
How to biologists rectify all the other hominid species non-subsaharan africans have inter-bred with?
Most humans are part neanderthal and/or denisovian. (1-3%)
Sub-saharan africans are pure human.
I will buy into that. I have seen some stuff in Sub-Saharan Africa that makes one question humanity. To be pure human explains much.
Evolution is crazy fast really. Fast with long periods of stasis.
She is more mammal than most.
Mmmm, milk.
Also, my people evolved lactose tolerance.
You go wherever you go today.
You go today.
I was listening to stand up comedy by an indian-american.
He said we should confront racism directly rather than put our heads down and show them they’re wrong by their actions.
I couldn’t disagree more.
That explains your confusion, too much Curry!
Confront racism? Which one? The real one that consists of a nobody group of nobodies, or the made up one?
Does anyone think Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car is the same as what the greeks were singing about?
Why can’t we all just get drunk and worship Dionysus?
Work, that’s why, don’t go Sjw just cause your feeling Melancholy, Pull it together Man! 2018 and shit!
Even if I went totally depraved, I could never be as far off as SJWs.
Give me a little benefit of the doubt. I’d rather be dead than red.
I’m hoping you are drunk and enjoying the Weekend, cause you make me sound sane about now….
I may have drank a growler of 9% stuff and 3 extra beers of high-test stuff.
I feel as though I make perfect sense, but it is always possible I have made a mistake in my transliteration.
Then Smile and enjoy good times!
And that’s saying something! 😉
Happy new years SP, don’t cat butt me!!!
I have never once cat butted anyone. If I feel it needs to be done, I just delete and ban accounts. No warning shots from me!
Ahhh….. someone saw what it is you did, and Laughed hard
Happy New Year’s Glibs! Checking in from the North, where it is -11° on the thermometer, -25° with wind, and we have 99% illumination of a gibbous waxing moon! The party we attended had no political discussions, and I’m a bit disappointed…
Are libertarian theories dependent upon temperature?
Lets cool the earth!
Happy New Year! Be of good cheer and Comment, Refugees are welcome,and,
Goddamn Tupla! Wish he’d FUCK OFF!!
Projection, methinks
Only -4, wind chill -23 here. Balmy!
Low 47, High 76 but with 10 hours of daylight, I wear pants because I’m skinny, and I hate pants
/California problems
I was out for a half hour, and got some frost burn, Time to do the bear ritual to regain my strength.
*Strips naked and rolls around in the snow*
This is the year I forget about Molly.
I’ve loved you for ages, Mols. And the times we’d been together were sublime. You were all my world, Molly. I wish it lasted. I wish I had you still.
Bless you, wherever you are now. You were the better part of me while we were together. You’re the better part of us.
What happened there? Damn
I feel you man, I have loved beyond what I should have but know that life can always go on.
*waiting for neighbors to go away to run outside naked*
That sounds like a long and bittersweet story.
Cheers, man.
file under: I far in your general direction
For over 20 years, King Apries loomed over Egypt with the confidence of a man who could not be shaken. His rivalry against the Babylonians, which took up much of his time on the throne, had seen him successfully hold off their spreading forces. When his enemies took over Jerusalem, displaced citizens found a new home in Elephantine and other areas under his watch. As of 570 BCE, life was good.
A history-making toot would change all of that.
In that year, Apries received word from Libya: the Greeks of Cyrene (a city-state in North Africa) were storming the land, and his assistance would be appreciated. Apries sent his men into battle, but they were outmatched. The losses were considerable. Families of the slain and surviving mercenaries began to look at Apries with a fresh pair of eyes. Had he considered them expendable?
Apries tried not to concern himself with the unrest, but it soon grew too distracting to ignore. Men began to talk of an uprising. To smother the mutiny, Apries sent one of his best generals, Amasis, to deliver a message: the King was displeased with the lack of loyalty.
Amasis did as he was instructed, traveling to the hub of the movement. Before he could get a word out, an insurgent walked up behind him and placed a helmet on his head. Why couldn’t Amasis be their king?
Amasis, though loyal to Apries, was not above an appeal to his ego. He decided that being their king would suit him just fine and remained in their company. When Apries got word of Amasis’s about-face, he sent another messenger, Patarbemis, to meet Amasis and insist the traitor turn himself in.
Patarbemis met Amasis while the latter idled on horseback and began to scold him on behalf of the real king. A defiant Amasis raised his buttocks from the saddle, farted, and told Patarbemis he could send that back to Apries.
The expulsion of wind was accompanied by a promise: Amasis would go back to Apries, but he’d bring some friends with him. A shocked Patarbemis returned to Sais, where Apries lived in a magnificent palace, and tried to deliver the gastronomic news to his ruler. But when Apries got wind of the fact Patarbemis had returned without Amasis, he ordered the man’s nose and ears hacked off as punishment.
This would prove to be the beginning of Apries’s end. Patarbemis was a beloved subject in Sais, and civilians who heard of his cruel mistreatment sided with Amasis. When the would-be ruler made good on his promise and met Apries on the battlefield in Momemphis—his rebellious Egyptians against Apries’s Greek soldiers—Apries suffered a resounding defeat. There would be no comeuppance for the man who had dared to pass gas in his general direction. (Some accounts have Apries losing in battle up to three times before being captured.)
We have 55 minutes left, so, who took Lackadaisical? when can I have him back? is he drunk? Why do I sound like the Judge?
Am I asking anyone who cares?
Oh man.
I am not as tough as I was 5 years ago. shit, thats cold~!
My gold ring fell right the fuck off and I don’t even know where my necklace is???
Oh so now your Bilbo huh?
not cutting it AG, tell us what you really think…
But really where did I put my gold chain, my wife will be pissed! lol.
Shit, not good,
I lost my new 14k 20 inch gold rope I got for Christmas. I found the pendant under the coffee table. I think one of mah kittahs (the one who plays with twist ties) has carried it off and stashed it somewhere. She favors under oriental rugs and appliances, so that’s where I will start.
Mah hubby is making fun of me. I just told him to please hold off on vacuuming for a few days….
Good luck with your search!
Lackadaisical is AG, just acting sober, I see it in his writings, and we should Welcome Him, with Open arms!
All Hail Agile Cyborg! Speak to us! that we may bask in the glory of your Prose!
AG is 100x as smart as me, I’m flattered that you think drunk me could be sober him.
Well you are spewing semi coherent Gibberish that sounds Somewhat sensible in a Drunk sort of way so….
All things said are gibberish, without the proper conceptual continuity.
THERE! that’s AG! don;t BS ME!
Sorry man, he isn’t here.
Well if I didn’t say it, HNY! glad to see you!
You did sir! Happy new years! 🙂
Gentlemen, lets fade to black. Lets try the bear ritual again.
Praise Ursa!
Wow, I was strong back in the day. Old people are really weak.
Okay, I jumped naked into the snow.
Fuck you I am strong. Lets all die!!!
Saw a picture of Shelley Fabares. Coach ended 21 years ago. She left The Donna Reed Show 55 years ago.
Happy New year from roughly the geographical center of the nation, and the true center of the universe! May all your fondest wishes come true. And God bless Molly, and my Ella, too.
God Bless Ella and you, HNY!
Happy New Year, DenverJ!
We shed tears and said prayers for your Ella. How are we all so connected on this silly site?
Best wishes for the new year, man!
AAAAnd, I’ll be your Left Coast Corespondent til the end of the year(who’s the guy the lives in HI?)
36 minutes…
What are you talking about? 2017 lives for another 70 minutes!
New Year: Pack and move to AZ
Fly my planes
Write music
Relax before I die
This fits for the end……..
I don’t know if any of you remember, or even care, but when Ella died a few years ago, you-all, at TOS, were a source of comfort to me. I’m not any drunker than usual, but I want you-all to know that I love you man ( and supposed women).
FWIW I meant what I said
Best of luck brother.
This is the greatest group of people I’ve never met that I’ve ever met.
They recently steered me away from the Dark Side of career path, and that was very helpful to my restless brain.
I love you, man. You have a big heart.
(Tears rolling down cheek while drinking one last Rum and Diet Coke).
Or for us Cali Folks, Tornado of Souls,
This is the song i think of when MS posts, Sudden Death
Bang! Happy New Year to all! I’m out but thanks to all you guys,commenters, Admins and Editors, Riven, i love You!
andher’s the best way to end a day!
God Bless us All!
Happy New Year Yusef! My extended neighbors are blasting rounds off.
More beer more comments, Shit is blowing up all around me, Yippee!
God is great, beer is good,and People are Crazy
And one more, that fit;s Glibs to a tee,Alcohol
In North by Northwest, there’s a part where Cary Grant is forced to drink bourbon and then put in a car in order to stage a drunk driving death. He lucks out and gets pulled over before he kills himself.
Later, his mom says he should just pay the $2 fine instead of going through with an investigation.
$2 ticket for DUI? My how times have changed.
Roger Thornhill’s mother tells him jokingly, “Pay the two dollars,” after he futilely attempts to shed light on his kidnapping and be exonerated from his DWI charge. The line is a reference to a Depression-era Willie Howard vaudeville sketch written by Billy K. Wells. A man is in court to pay a $2 fine for spitting on the subway, but his lawyer insists on fighting the case. As the lawyer incurs greater and greater sentences, his defendant keeps pleading, “Pay the two dollars!” This sketch also appeared in Ziegfeld Follies (1945) with Edward Arnold portraying the attorney.
Oh. Nevermind.
Ok, I am tits over ankles drunk here and threw in the towel already, but……. searching some movie to watch, any movie really I came across this on Amazon for Rocky IV which I had no intention of watching but jesus. Any body else remeber Rocky IV being: … “Deep down it is about the victory of neo-liberalism over dwindling socialism” Ya I ordered the Neo liberal shake with my cheeseburger and fries back then, WTF is neoliberal and why ruin a really bad movie with it? Is nothing sacred?
Sadly, The left existed then, as now, i feel your pain
Beer is good,
This Man is one of my singing Idols, to good effect, A bad ass Mother Fucker!
Only one hour of 2017 left. Here is the drinking song for me.
Happy New Year, Glibs! The wife told our son he could stay up as late as he wanted tonight. He’s five. He hung on until 11:40-ish. Holy crap, we didn’t see that coming! Apparently he has his daddy’s special ability to stay awake way longer than is good for you. No work, no school for anyone tomorrow, so we should be able to recover nicely, provided he doesn’t wake up ridiculously early.
Woot!! Happy day off for everyone!
No school, no problem, Today was like the one Extra day of the year. tomorrow is the Sunday stuff, as usual
Get Commie!
How are you still up??? I slept for a few hours and then got up for a bathroom break, checked out the site and saw twitching on the thread.
It’s funny how we are all kinda drunk enough to be in “I love you, man!” mode!
Tee hee.
My cat is drinking from my rum and diet coke again. Eff it. she is 17 years old. Let her.
And that makes me the official pathetic last dead thread humper. FML.
Back to bed!
I think I’ll do one more leg-hump since I’m up to do Morning Links anyway.
No need! I was laughing at myself.
Happy New Year!
I’m watching a livestream of the Vienna Philhamornic’s New Year’s concert. So far, a good concert.
YOu guys are hardcore. Cheers!
Second wind. Sake and Maker’s Mark. Keep firing or die. 2018.
I had a little Baileys and Kahlua in my coffee to go with the concert. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet, I got up just in time to make coffee then find the livestream.
We bought two bottles of champagne. The decent one we drank at midnight. The meh one will be mimosas after the Mr wakes up.
Cheers again, y’all!
Nice! I think your plan (good one at midnight, meh one for mimosas) is good.
The concert is still going. They’re starting “Rosen aus dem Süden”.
Happy New Year!
Sounds German. Vat iz dat?
Vienna Philharmonic’s New Years Concert is going. I found a livestream that lets me watch the concert despite the Austrian state broadcaster preventing people in the US from watching their livestream. I still haven’t set up the VPN based on the instructions Number 6 provided.
“Rosen aus dem Süden” is a waltz by Johann Strauß, Jr.
“An der schönen blauen Donau” now. The concert is almost done.
I’d expect Wagner you being a shitlord and all.
You know who else liked Wagner?
Natalie Wood?
The annual Vienna New Year’s Concert. They should just about be getting to the Radetky March. Feel free to clap along and stomp your feet.
Radetzky-Marsch starting now.
And now all done. Good concert.
Get some sleep, Deg. We got some fightin’ against the slavers to do this year.
Current temperature outside: Either -3 or -4 depending on whom you believe.
-6 here in the Catskills
Straight pulls from the back shelf bottle of Smirnoff. Brother in law is gonna be fucked.
Okay, so back in business after the holidays. There were a number of developments that I was meaning to get out, and I need to get caught up on them so, here goes:
The first item relates to STEVE SMITH.
I know there’s been an ongoing controversy around here about whether and how STEVE SMITH is related to Yetis, but one of the ways they’re “related” is that some people are reluctant to accept STEVE SMITH’s existence–and the existence of the Yeti, at least until the scientific community gets on board. Well, one of the latest attempts by the scientific community to get their heads around that question is detailed here:
A lot of the controversy surrounds STEVE SMITH’s poop. They found the poop a long time ago, and local monasteries in the Himalayas have been preserving, venerating, and meditating on the meaning of STEVE SMITH’s poop ever since. They gave up some of STEVE SMITH’s poop to some scientists who sequenced it to see if there was any new DNA sequences discovered. What they found was that STEVE SMITH’s ancestor, cousin, whatever Yeti poop actually matched that of some local dog in the area. Scientists being how they are are holding this up as definitive evidence that the Yeti/STEVE SMITH phenomenon is about the misidentification of bears, dogs and such–going back millennia. The monks of yesteryear thought they saw a Yeti and grabbed his poop to prove it, but . . .
The suggestion that the Yeti wasn’t real is just one expianation. There are others. In no particular order:
1) STEVE SMITH and his Yeti cousins don’t actually exist.
Go tell that to his rape victims.
Also, we know that’s false or he wouldn’t be posting selfies on this site.
2) STEVE SMITH and his Yeti cousins are dogs that turn into Sasquatch when they get horny.
3) STEVE SMITH has a dog of his own.
The third explanation seems the most likely to me. We say that dog is man’s best friend, but maybe they were conditioned for cohabitation with humans back when there were more STEVE SMITH’s around. Maybe dog’s aren’t our best friend at all. Maybe we’re like their second best friend that they settle for when they can’t find a Big Foot or a Yeti.
Anyway, point is that the scientific analysis of STEVE SMITH’s poop brings up more questions than answers.