Some fun and exciting times around the Internets today.

First, our commentariat is having a lot of fun in the logo contest that ends a week from tomorrow. We have now seen ALL of the permutations of a certain other brand’s logo and letterhead. And laughed at each one. Now come up with something we can use or Sloopy wins by default. And not even Sloopy wants that.

Sloopy and perhaps others will have some in depth coverage, but in case the Afternoon Links is your first stop after slithering out from under your rock, Wikileaks has reopened the war on the US Intelligence Community and they don’t seem to be losing. Nor does freedom seem to be winning. The Russian hacking of Hillary’s emails just became “Russian” hacking.

Not to worry, though. If you already have an opinion, chances are the facts won’t change your mind.

Per standard operating procedure, NOAA has responded to possible budget cuts by claiming that everyone will die if they receive even one dollar fewer.

Kuato don’t surf! Scientists have a plan to bring oceans back to Mars.

“How many Presidents were in the KKK?” Google to fix wrong results to their “one true answer” feature. After correctly identifying President Woodrow Wilson as a racist, Google is backpedaling.

In which Ezra Klein of Vox and I agree on something. The absolute shittiness of the GOP Obamacare-Lite bill, which seems to have been written by the various states’ Bureaus of Insurance Regulation to keep said agencies in business.


The ultimate tag-team.