Some fun and exciting times around the Internets today.
First, our commentariat is having a lot of fun in the logo contest that ends a week from tomorrow. We have now seen ALL of the permutations of a certain other brand’s logo and letterhead. And laughed at each one. Now come up with something we can use or Sloopy wins by default. And not even Sloopy wants that.
Sloopy and perhaps others will have some in depth coverage, but in case the Afternoon Links is your first stop after slithering out from under your rock, Wikileaks has reopened the war on the US Intelligence Community and they don’t seem to be losing. Nor does freedom seem to be winning. The Russian hacking of Hillary’s emails just became “Russian” hacking.
Not to worry, though. If you already have an opinion, chances are the facts won’t change your mind.
Per standard operating procedure, NOAA has responded to possible budget cuts by claiming that everyone will die if they receive even one dollar fewer.
Kuato don’t surf! Scientists have a plan to bring oceans back to Mars.
“How many Presidents were in the KKK?” Google to fix wrong results to their “one true answer” feature. After correctly identifying President Woodrow Wilson as a racist, Google is backpedaling.
In which Ezra Klein of Vox and I agree on something. The absolute shittiness of the GOP Obamacare-Lite bill, which seems to have been written by the various states’ Bureaus of Insurance Regulation to keep said agencies in business.
Not to worry, though. If you already have an opinion, chances are the facts won’t change your mind.
I see no need to click that link.
Conveniently, you cannot.
Works for me.
I guess too many people clicked on your link, the new yorker page was down for a minute.
I’ve preformed an opinion that the link will not work and therefore do not feel compelled to click it.
*clicks the link repeatedly*
From the Paper of Record: A comment from one of the few sane people there:
Hmmm….that sounds just like what I’d expect a Russian troll to say!!!
Chipwooder, eh? That sounds a little Slavic, comrade.
Most of the comments are foaming at the mouth about Russian collusion with the new administration. This is what people really believe? I mean if it could be proven I will eat crow. I like eating crow.
I’ll get the hot sauce.
The same people didn’t care about holding their party accountable after the DNC leaks. Nothing changed here.
The thing I never understand about these studies about cognitive blindspots and stuff is this :
My analytic process focused on and results in testable hypothesis. The analytic process of “most people” does not seem to feature testable hypotheses.
How can I be wrong that my process outperforms theirs, if the goal is to be “right” by producing testable hypotheses that test out correctly?
My arguments are observably more testable than theirs. They’re usually too stupid to realize that, but that’s different from us both blindly believing in exactly the same way.
I can’t figure out how to add a photo/image, but I saw one that shows an elephant standing inside Mt. Doom, holding a ring that says “Obamacare” over the chasm.
Can you find one of them trying to hump a doorknob or lick the windows on the schoolbus?
also [img src=”urlhere” /] replace square with pointy bracket.
Next frame… The elephant has the ring resized to slip over his cock and used to better fuck unsuspecting tax payers, while high-fiving a jack-ass?
wow, that is not only scary, it is horrifyingly accurate.
It is, but I can’t figure out how Anthony Weiner can bring about the fall of Obamacare the way he played Gollum to Hillary’s Sauron in the election. I guess somebody else is going to have to step up and cause a eucatastrophe this time.
*stares in wonder*
How the mighty have fallen. HnR runs another SD immigration laws=slavery story instead of anything about the Wikileaks dump.
It’s too local.
So dumb; Don’t read?
I accept your interpretation.
“Honest condemnation of the fugitive slave law must also condemn the slaves who escape to northern states. What’s the point except upsetting the delicate balance of the Compromise of 1850?”
– Shikha, 1863
Ok, comparing deportations to slavery is, uh, not the best comparison and doesn’t help the argument, but jesus most of the comments are all Team Red shills crowing “what’s so immoral about deporting people, huh?”
Deporting people who entered or stayed in the country illegally is as immoral as sending criminals to prison. It is not.
Lock all the dope smokers up. grrizzly sez it’s da law
I have no interest in being a “pure” libertarian. While I happen to think that there’s nothing wrong with selling heroin to high school kids, the “open borders” utopia is just going too far.
I was hoping the strawman feelz type arguments re: immigration were left to the other site.
If you’re going to make an argument that illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the country, make that argument. Don’t draw some shitty moral equivalency/smear job with slavery under some pretext of ‘rule of law’.
“Rioters that lynch people shouldn’t be prosecuted, rule of law is nonsense because slavery.”
Hmm. Interesting takes from both of you. I guess every “libertarian” has their blind spots. It’s true that immigration was one of my last blind spots (along with guns) before I finally “got” non-agression.
I already said that comparing deportations to slavery was a over the top and doesn’t help the argument, but are you seriously saying that you are a libertarian and believe that the state should use force upon and threaten violence against people who are moving to a new place to live and work?
I think libertarians can disagree on the question of does the gov have the right to pick who comes in.
I think most are in favor of more immigration, with fewer hurdles. The Gov might not have that as a power, but they sure seem to have it right now.
This doesn’t get mentioned enough. In a lot of cases (most?) it takes YEARS to do it legally. There’s not a lot of incentive to bother.
It should take an afternoon.
Addressing the severely broken system would solve a lot of problems.
Hey everyone! Here is the one, true libertarian. He’ll tell you what your blind spots are! And once you get rid of your Juice-defined blind spots, you’ll be able to stop being a “libertarian” and become an actual Juice-approved libertarian!
Hey, you take that back! Mike Hihn is the One True Libertarian!
I don’t think the libertarian question on ‘open borders’ is settled, and is likely not feasible, at least in the current arrangement of nation states. The ‘every piece of land should be private, and thus, I have a right to say who crosses my property’ argument has merit, but of course we live in a world where the border is effectively ‘public property’.
If it’s public land, the citizenry gets a say in who gets to come here. The current law indicates, whether good or bad, that these people are not here with the citizenry’s permission.
I also have a more general pragmatic approach that the end result of this is millions of Mexicans living a basic poverty in the United States while Mexico remains a shithole because the government continues to export their discontent to the United States and refuses to reform or improve. That is not a good outcome for anyone.
For the record, I am in favour of a simplified immigration process, and possibly a points system (until the welfare state is gone). I’d rather be addressing the problems that are causing the migration than simply double down on the problem, which is what tolerating illegal immigration or granting amnesty will cause.
The reality of the situation is that Mexico is effectively a failed state that is continuing to pump its discontented masses into the United States. And that could have some bad results in the long run. Aztlan bad.
The wrong slash 🙁
It seems to me that when immigrants demand that I pay to support them by way of my taxes, the non-aggression principle has been violated.
That said, I’m ok with making legal immigration easier, especially if we enforce the part of the deal where the immigrant won’t go on welfare.
If you don’t think anyone who is here illegally should ever be deported, then I think you probably want “pure” open borders.
There’s a completely different issue, which some people may or may not be purposely eliding, which is that (a) we should deport people who break our immigration laws, but (b) holy shit, do we ever need to reform our immigration laws.
The position that we should not enforce our laws until they are reformed is a difficult one to reconcile with any support for the rule of law. And I say that even knowing that there are many, many laws that I wish were reformed, and don’t like seeing enforced in their current form.
My boy Eddie Kray is on the job.
Student union bans Conservative society from speaking out – because they challenged its position on free speech
Proggies are as proggies do. Telling the truth about the organization brings it into disrepute rather than the disreputable behavior that was called out.
Wait, this is the Lincoln in England.
I didn’t know they admired Old Abe so much as to name a university after him. /jk
Yeah, like the DNC emails being linked: it wasn’t the fact that the Dems were colluding with the press, or that they were conspiring against Bernie Sanders: no the scandal is that somebody leaked the emails to the public.
“Hey! I told you about me murdering that hooker in confidence! In confidence!
I really don’t like that picture
Hi CIA!! How are you!? It’s been so long since you’ve invaded my privacy. Did you see that dick pic I sent?
Like that?
Edit for IMG tag4
Huh. Let me try again.
If you view source on your comment you’ll see it. you need one of these”<" at the start and one of these ">” at the end
Okay, I’ll quit.
*opens arms for hug*
The HTML fairies swooped in and fixed it for me.
Now, if I don’t guess their names in three days, they take my new Microsoft Surface Book.
I suck at image work, so twas not me.
That is scarily accurate.
Someone on twitter also had this bit of hilariousness to say about it.
That’s good. The Republicans make good noises as an opposition party. As the ruling party…
There’s a reason they’re the stupid party.
[golf clap]
The great thing is, the Repubs are playing the role of Frodo perfectly. Frodo also failed to destroy the one ring, when the moment came.
So, my question is, who is Gollum in this scenario? Or are we doomed to live under the rule of Frodo the Great and Terrible, Wielder of the One Ring?
I see Shikha is doubling down on comparing illegal immigration to slavery. I’m nonplussed….is that the right word?
I guess there was nothing else newsworthy today.
They’ve sure have put her front and center haven’t they? I’m starting to believe they are consciously trying to run that place into a ditch for some reason.
yeah, they have to understand the commentariat exodus was driven in large part by Shikha’s statist proggy bullshit, maybe that’s what they want?
Seeing as our exodus coincided with/resulted in a collapse in their traffic, I wonder if they’ve really thought this through.
idk what the fuck they are doing. I almost called the foundation the other day to ask and complain.
I think Gilmore’s got a point when he points out that Gillespie went full nuts on the ‘libertarians are the vanguard of the Trump Resistance’. It seems like that’s the editorial direction they’ve taken, go full insane, in-line-with-progressives attack against the Trump Administration regardless of if it obliterates their credibility or not. That’s not to say there isn’t obvious libertarian criticisms of Trump, but I think they’re really driven by this idea that being the ‘vanguard’ will attract more people to libertarianism, instead of just resulting in them becoming the bottom rung of the prog hierarchy.
We’re soo cool and edgy! Look at us! RESIST! Isn’t that cool?! millennial jargon! We have the twitter!
I get it, L’s are always going up against the man. But usually, we do that from some principle or value.
Vanguard = cannon fodder is a reasonable interpretation.
Or maybe we’re doing a crypto-Marxist thing here, where the “vanguard” of the resistance/revolution plays the role of the guys in the back of the mob, telling the stupid proles to go ahead and charge the soldiers.
The problem is libertarians won’t even get a rung. The left hates us as much as they hate the other righties but we’re just not important enough for them to go after. I think your analysis of their thinking is right BTW.
he left hates us as much as they hate the other righties but we’re just not important enough for them to go after.
They’ll bend left to accommodate them if there’s some major schism in the libertarian identity as a whole. So expect some ‘social justice has noble goals, but their process is wrong’ Bleeding Heart Libertarian arguments and a greater tolerance of the welfare state. Basically Bill Maher ‘civil libertarians’, i.e. not libertarians.
ok, like- weed is ok. I mean, we have to tax it, right. but no other drugs. Those are bad. And we really won’t argue about changing the tax code, but maybe we could cut some stuff out of the budget. Like stuff about the pot. and maybe the military? But, like, you know, we just want to leave people alone, man.
I don’t think that’s exactly it.
I think its more “parallel with progressive” rather than echoing their complaints.
The idea being, “Lets show those people in the middle (who hate trump) that we feel their pain! but we have a different (and better) argument why you should hate him”
Meaning – “you already hate trump! we hate trump too! (for different reasons) Therefore, you should take our reasons seriously.”
And i don’t think its at all expected to diminish credibility (lets be honest = we’re starting from a base of “0” with many), as much as is it a hope that by jumping on the bandwagon of Trump-Frothing, that they will pick up a lot of stragglers from the #NeverTrump and Bernie-voting crowds.
If its not clear, i don’t think its going to even remotely work as intended. And I don’t even know if that’s what’s intended. But that’s the most-reasonable interpretation i’ve been able to muster for what seems to be the editorial-tack since ~ last summer or thereabouts.
It’s possible, but it seems idiotic. Libertarians can never outdo the left when it comes to hatred of Trump or any Republican, so why even try? As I keep saying, better to support Trump on his pro-liberty sides (cutting regulations, lowering taxes, generally draining the swamp).
Surely Nick has noticed the commenter exodus. I owner what he thinks of it?
And while I hate to consider this sort of explanation, Reason does get money from the Koch brothers, and the Kochs are very pro-immigration.
Has anyone asked any of the staff if:
A. They are aware of the exodus?
B. Do they understand the reasons (drink!) behind the exodus, and
C. What do they think of it?
Reason is a non profit, I think, but they definitely sell advertising, and the value of the advertising depends on the page views, how long people stay on the page, etc.
+1 Lowest Rung of Prog Hierarchy
Nobody noticed that the instant the Kochs came out against the immigration EO, Shikha was marched to the forefront? Who cares if she’s not really a libertarian and actually hates free speech because she hates the people who might use it? Gotta keep that cash flow.
Rothbard was right about the Kochs?
Shiva the Kocktamanibus?
Wow, I bet she gives excellent hand(s) jobs!
She’s really the hands on type. I expect her at any moment to don the black ski mask and re-join the antifa.
*the /need a hand over here edit fairy(waves mystically)
They made a conscious decision about 2 years ago to purge themselves of the yokelatarians. But they went to far with the gay cakes, TDS, and with the non support of milo.
No false equivalencies there. Definitely something a sane person would say
You are a slaver, Shikha the Enlightened has spoken.
Of course we’re slavers. What do you think our orphans are?
I pay my orphans with valuable life lessons.
*trips orphan laden with platter of
bacon(no bacon abuse!) cheese curds*Lesson #7 from the vault: “A quick orphan is a happy orphan”.
Good one!
*begins writing in notebook*
The politically correct term is indentured servants, Ted.
Ezra Klein has the kind of voice that makes me want to use his own vocal cords to strangle him. But yes, he is correct about the GOPCare being a pile of stinking poo. Why not use the plan that was touted back during the debate of the ACA? Decouple insurance from work, make insurance available across state lines, make catastrophic policies available, and allow deductions for premiums and deductibles?
Also, hello! I lurked on Reason for many years but commented maybe twice. I’ve decided to de-lurk and participate.
It’s a trap!
Welcome Mr. Creosote. Would you care for a wafer-thin mint?
Is that a euphemism? I mean, it won’t change my answer, which is still yes.
Looks like you need to get him another bucket, Chipwooder.
He’s gonna smoke you.
Rand floated a version of that plan back in January. It was met with the sound of crickets.
It’s almost like there’s no real difference between the Evil Party and the Stupid party.
The Evil Party wants to run your life in every minute detail. The Stupid Party doesn’t really want to run your life (outside of your personal decisions involving drugs and sex), they just want to get re-elected at any cost.
The absolute shittiness of the GOP Obamacare-Lite bill, which seems to have been written by the various states’ Bureaus of Insurance Regulation to keep said agencies in business.
Sounds about right.
And this is about the point at which the laughing at dumb progs’ hysteria over Trump ceases to be amusing.
This place is infested with vocal lurkers. I blame Old Man With Candy.
Lurker lives matter!
OMWC doesn’t care about lurkers, he’s just here to provide day-care.
How sweet. He loves the children.
My username is LittleKidLover.
/ M. Scott
He may be a flaming liberal but he is pretty damn funny. I find this quote appropriate for today’s news.
“If my car has ever been bugged they have never taken that microphone out. I am the CIA’s Christmas party every year.”
Patton Oswalt
For shits and giggles, I’ve been clicking on several avatars and searching Google for the context of the image. I’ve rather enjoyed learning about a few new historical figures, art, and cult icons(mine is a sly jab at the other place) but my favorite was sloopy’s.
Google’s best guess for his 160×160 image in the comment section: pencil
Google found where else I use my image as an avatar.
Wow! The face of a franchise! Congrats!
Mine is artsy fartsy.
Yours just makes me hungry.
Me too, I keep pork cracklin’s in my office desk.
I should have bought those instead of these doritos.
Maybe I’ll make chocolate chip cookies later.
mine might even bring up my flickr.
How does one do that?
right click – search Google for image.
I assume you’re using Chrome?
Yup. Different for FF?
Ah, I don’t have that option, must have to have google set as default search.
you could copy the image, then drag it to the google search.
I use “right click — Ask Cortana”
It doesn’t really give any information, but when I clicked on Gilmore’s avatar, it returned: “Best Guess: Elvis Trump”
“Elvis Trump” is actually a reasonable description
As soon as his face was on screen, I wanted to see Anthony Hopkins portray him.
In the caped outfit.
Install the Tin Eye addon
Mine makes me feel like a hypocrite for not using Linux. Or smoking pot.
Or smoking pot.
I thought your name was a reference to that activity. So you really just eat baked penguins? Recipe?
Used to. Now it only makes me anxious.
Penguins wrapped in bacon with a demi-glace sauce. MMMMhmmmm. Pothead confirmation right there.
Whatever you do, don’t search mine.
I’m going with “Best waifu” for me.
Ha! Mine is totally secure.
Eli Lake has a good take on Trump’s crazy tweet about having his phones tapped
Yeah, about that column….
James Clapper is an admitted liar. No reputable journalist should ever cite his comments.
Good point.
How about the Glenn Reynolds article, then (no Clapper quote used)
Ya, the fact they they trotted him out to say this actually increases the probability that Trump’s phones were tapped.
Per standard operating procedure, NOAA has responded to possible budget cuts by claiming that everyone will die if they receive even one dollar fewer.
Who else votes to sentence all the NOAA employees to death?
I’m in.
How about hard labor for however many years they worked at the NOAA?
So i read that piece, and the “Science” (psychology experiments) doesn’t actually seem to demonstrate what they think it does.
all it demonstrates is that the short-term effects of impressions. It doesn’t show that people “don’t change their minds based on facts”
mainly because both studies simply discount (neutralize) the first set of facts, rather than present a second, different set of facts which they asserted were the valid ones.
It shouldn’t be surprising that the first impressions linger in the absence of new information – even if they are subsequently told “it means nothing”. Being told to discount something isn’t a measure of “Reason”, per se. Its telling someone – sans any substantive argument – to simply ‘stop thinking about what we just told you’. Which other research has shown tends to have the opposite effect (e.g. “DONT THINK OF AN ELEPHANT”)
The researchers were later informed that they were, in fact, the subjects of a research project, in which their research methods were observed by the supposed test subjects.
Even those results I wonder how reproducible they are, that certain science being what it is.
I am not gonna claim I know for sure how I change my mind when presented with facts, but actual fact can be few and far in between in the most situations where people are hard to convince…
**I actually agree with the basic idea of the piece, and the arguments made by the psychologists that most of what we call “Reason” in practical day-to-day engagement is just adaptation to group-dynamics
However, it appears to me as though the author seems to think that ‘demonstrating the social-role of Reason’ (in the context of social-experiments) somehow also makes a point about “Pure Reason” (e.g. when exercised outside of social-engagements or group-experiments)
eg. …. as though simply because people demonstrate strong preferences for their own expressed ideas in social-contexts…. that they are incapable of digesting/measuring reasoned arguments ‘on paper’, divorced from any particular social-benefit
meaning = even though these experiments repeatedly show that people resist changing their minds when given binary choices…. they don’t really ever try to evaluate ‘reasonableness’;
imagine, for instance, if someone were given a choice between 5 different arguments, and told to rank them based on how well-reasoned they were, regardless of what they argued on behalf of. That would seem to be a less-loaded way of measuring someone’s ability to distinguish a good-argument from a bad one, regardless of whether it were close to their own beliefs.
all that aside…. here was the to-be-expected closing paragraph of the piece =
I read it too, but could have done without the earful of proggie smug about Obamacare and guns. It made it painfully obvious how the author is incapable of examining her own biases.
This one sticks out:
The author is convinced that the facts are on her side, and you’re just an idiot redneck for wanting to have guns.
It couldn’t possibly be that, lumping an individual who knows how to secure their weapons into a statistical pool of people who leave them laying around children is supposed to convince them that they’d be safer throwing it off a cliff. She’s got the “accurate information” (statistics), and you choose do discount the “accurate information” at your peril. That it could be not-so-accurate information to better behaved individuals doesn’t cross her mind. Facts are facts, you ignoramus.
From the article: “Humans’ biggest advantage over other species is our ability to coöperate.
Is there any other species that practices mass-extermination of its own kind?
What about ants? They seem to cooperate to a good degree.
Wolves, Geese, Bees…
Hulk Hogan doesn’t spawn. He will survive forever by jobbing out younger and better wrestlers.
Film at 11 on
Gawkersome new fake news site. Probably CNN, they seem to be picking up the mantle.He will survive forever by jobbing
out younger and better wrestlersfriend’s wives and suing the websites that run the films.Hey, he got rid of Gawker. Anyone who cares about the Internet owes him a debt of thanks.
Long may he reign/rein/rain!
Yeah, brother!
I continue to believe Rhode Island is a place someone just made-up as a joke
example =
All of their lawmakers are drunk all the time
A made up place for progressives: Road Island
Rep. Walsh, I would like to introduce you to Ann Richards and Bob Bullock, who successfully legislated when wholly in the bag for years. I think it was Bullock who got the DTs in a plane while he was Secretary of State (for Texas).
She says this as if it’s a bad thing.
Time to head to Rhode Island.
“Man, we passed a Dicks out for Harambe day? Maybe we should cut back.”
Sounds like early Canadian Parliament.
Early in the morning or afternoon?
1860s early.
So drunk he looked bad in front of a bunch of Irishmen invading Canada in order to trade it for Ireland?
He had a problem.
Rhode Island is a place someone just made-up as a joke
RI was made up as satire.
Because jokes are funny.
I’m somewhat surprised he cited that as an incorrect answer.
No sir, I do not. I am a kept man at the moment. It is glorious. I highly recommend it to others.
I work for you. *collects more orphans for the “day care”*
Lighten up, Judge Smails.
It’s called ‘multi-tasking’.
Are you the welfare store?
Since you asked, I’m trying to get dismissed but the soft bigotry of low expectations is keeping me stubbornly employed.
The last site was visible at work….this one (WP) – is blocked 🙁
I like the comments on Yahoo! about Google. Very Reasonoid-Glibertrianesque in its smart-alecness.
Bill Cosby = Apparently they’re still trying to figure out how rapey a rapist he really is
He’s 79. Is there really any point to this other than, “how much of his estate are these people going to get”? It seems like he’s been convicted 100 times over in the press. I can’t imagine what would happen if he were entirely exhonerated. I guess it wouldn’t really rise to OJ proportions; although i think the Rape Culture-mongers would probably love an acquittal just so they can pretend that “the system always fails us!”
Man, wouldn’t it be awesome if he were exonerated and the first thing he said on the steps of the courthouse was, ‘Hey, hey, hey!’
This is starting to be like the FBI arresting 80 year old Italian mafia guys, while the Russian and Albanian (and presumably various Asian) mafias tear through the Eastern seaboard.
+1 Oxygen tanks.
Al Franken: I think Jeff Sessions committed perjury
I’m perfectly willing to have them indict Sessions for perjury if they indict Clapper first.
It depends on how someone interprets the word salad of Franken’s question during the hearing.
Sessions seems to have thought Franken was asking if he had had contact with the Russians while acting as a representative of the Trump Presidential Campaign. If this is correct, Sessions didn’t lie.
Franken seems to believe that he was asking whether or not Sessions had any contact at all with the Russians, in which case Sessions is guilty of perjury.
The transcript.
Franken asked if “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump’s surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government” and then he added that it was “obviously extremely serious” implying that it was a nefarious channel of communication between the evil Russians and the man they were trying to install as the US President. Franken didn’t ask about routine contacts between the Trump team and various foreign leaders or representatives — that would not be “extremely serious.” Sessions responded to that accusation with a subtle degree of indignation denying the BS Russia-Trump connection. Thus, Sessions’s answer was both appropriate and correct (unless Putin indeed appointed his man as the leader of the free world last November).
Honestly “Lying to Congress” shouldn’t be a crime. And where the fuck do they get subpoena powers beyond anyone or anything within the federal government? I don’t see that in the constitution.
No. Lying to Congress should be a crime for anyone, as should lying under oath in any legal situation (affidavit, testimony, etc). Telling Congress to fuck the hell off is a different matter; unless one is a federal employee, in which case a whole different set of rules apply.
Al Franken is dumber than a box of turds.
Thorium is people!
OH YEAH Quaaaaiiiiid
Somewhere, I hope, is an aspiring and talented young film editor who will create a feature length mashup of Suburban Commando and Total Recall as his capstone project and then release it onto the tubes.
Proper movements in Muslim prayer ritual can reduce lower back pain
Political affiliation, weight influence your opinion on fighting obesity, study finds
Shocked, I is.
FWIW, I am 20 pounds overweight due to being a lazy ass and eating a lot of cake, ice cream, candy, brownies, cookies…
“a lot of cake, ice cream, candy, brownies, cookies”
And all that adds only 20 pounds? Impressive!
What do Libertarians believe? All of the above? None of your damn business?
When Symbolic Imagery Doesn’t Really Work As Intended
I think any neutral observer would look at the bull, then the “little girl staring it down”, and think = “That is one soon-to-be-dead little girl” It doesn’t evoke the same feelings as “tank man”.
Also = note the bolded below
yes, that will change the world. Take a day off and get a pedicure.
If they don’t go to work, how can they shop at women owned stores?
Also, why is it good for a company to employ only women but evil if it’s run by only men?
What if they don’t show up and nobody notices?
Then someones wasting a good 77% of whatever the men make!
This is a strange mixed metaphor here. Is she staring down the bull to bring back the bear? Is she the bear? I think she’s the bear.
I thought Jesse was the bear.
She’s bearing her soul, and that’s no bull!
As Sloopy already asked: “But who will make me a sammich?”
Go to Capriotti’s
Because Vietnamese women don’t count. Or, at least, they don’t have the resources to slack off for a day for bullshit virtue signalling purposes.
Just have half the guys on the board identify as women. Problem solved.
Damn I should have read this before posting on the later links.
So I can either believe the wikileaks are really posting leaked information or I can believe that they are an arm of the Russo-Trumpian conspiracy to turn the world to nationalism. Is that it? Someone tell me what to believe!
Obama DOJ Failed to Stop Mexican Cartel Murder of ICE Agent with Smuggled Guns
Uh. Hold up there. Our Immigrations and Customs guys were ambushed IN MEXICO? I’m finding it hard to pick a side to root for here.
The ones executing government agents?
Fro. The New Yorker facts article:
“Reason is an adaptation to the hypersocial niche humans have evolved for themselves,” Mercier and Sperber write. Habits of mind that seem weird or goofy or just plain dumb from an “intellectualist” point of view prove shrewd when seen from a social “interactionist” perspective.
This must be why libertarians have trouble getting along with the crowd.
* ignores part about confirmation bias*
The RINOrepeal is being set up to make Pres. Trump look good, with a tweet about weaksauce as he vetoes it with a flourish.
The upside of Republicare is that Democrats will once again be free to be critical of all the shit that doesn’t work once it becomes “Trump’s fault”.
Mike Cernovich
Verified account
@Cernovich 16s
17 seconds ago
Should @realDonaldTrump appoint General Flynn to investigate corruption within the CIA? #Vault7
0 replies
look, if people get to bitch about my random punctuation, i’m gonna bitch that you don’t !*#&*(@ edit the tweet down to the “name + content”
Woah, would you talk to your mother like that? Such language.
Yes, I would.
I do too. To your mom, that is.
For the record, I respect and admire your mad punctuation skills, Gilmore.
Flattery will get you….. everything your heart desires. (blushes) “oh, you!” (waves lace hanky)
who is mike cernovitch, btw?
And we all talk to his mom like that.
Suck. Ass. Let me show you how it’s done:
•Gilmore rocks
•His pompadour is on point
•He is punctual
•He has great taste in music
•Girls throw their panties at him even off-stage
*climbs desk and throws rope over rafter*
“Goodbye, cruel world!”
*rope breaks*
“Huh, I sell rope but my fat ass shock loaded this noose.”
*goes back to eating bacon*
You know, Twitter, you keep banning people with wrongthink yet you let Cernovich tweet please to explain it.
Today in “homeschool your kids” news, this is a “math” assignment.
Public schools are not political! I promise!
Help me with the math here: Are blacks still only 3/5 of a white?
My homeschool kid helped his grandpa figure out lengths of bead board to cut to finish the bathroom. His grandpa (who does training at mfg businesses) says “I have 25 year olds that can’t figure this out”.
Donald Trump’s Greatest Allies Are the Liberal Elites
I love reading this stuff on progressive web sites.
Apparently this guy’s solution is for progressives to fight against “neoliberalism.”
Good read.
Maybe a short summary and the link, rather than pasting 6 paragraphs after the link? You think pixels grow on trees?
(edging out “Jihadi-Bukakke”)
“Mannequin Hammer Attack“
Ah, the old “I knew it was a mannequin” defense. I had no idea bait-bike programs had gotten so advanced.
Speaking of math and homeschooling, we use the “Life of Fred” books.
I do recommend them.
Dave Weigel
Verified account
Gonna be wild in February 2021 when a new Dem majority rams Medicare-for-All through without a CBO score
Yep, as soon as the New Dem Majority arrives, that’ll happen. I think it was supposed to have arrived 8 or 9 years ago.
“We will win this time with 3 times the identity politics!” /Dim strategist
But he’s been right about everything so far!?
How the hell did that guy ever get a gig at reason? Oh, that’s right…
I wish I could tell my personal Weigel anecdote but I was sworn to secrecy and his public works are more than damning enough if you ask me.
Oh yeah?
Well I’ve got a secret, and there’s no way I’m telling you!
You mean like how it was “wild” when the Dem majority “rammed through” Obamacare without reading it?
SXSW: I see no reason to go now…
(Yeah, I know it’s not in the “official link format…screw you guys! I am but a simple salesman)
I’m a salesman too! *sticks crayon up nose*
You are Soooo immature.
I prefer to not think about Comey at a sex show, anyway, even if he does almost have a porn-star name.
the GOP Obamacare-Lite bill, which seems to have been written by the various states’ Bureaus of Insurance Regulation to keep said agencies in business.
Oh, you crazy wingnutz!
Gonna be wild in February 2021 when a new Dem majority rams Medicare-for-All through without a CBO score
Sounds legit.
*heads off to betting window*
Four Reasons You Should Still Play D&D 4th Edition
(Not to say that one should eschew his preferred edition, of course)
1. D&D will send your kids to hell.
2. That thing doesn’t even have a 4K screen. Bogus!
1. D&D will send your kids to hell.
Oh, they’ve been there. And they slew Demogorgon.
Turns out, they should have gone for Orcus, first.
I played one D&D video game (don’t know which ruleset) where I had a fighter who used a scythe. Hard to start with, but once I went up a few levels, I was getting insane critical hits (using feats and whatever else to improve criticals).
Good Sir, you were likely playing Neverwinter Nights.
An excellent game, based on the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Rules.
First Ed is perfectly adequate, especially if you tweak a few of the rules that trouble you and your crew.
Second was a cynical money grab, so didn’t get.
Third, as I understand it, was needlessly overcomplicated. May as well just play Rolemaster at that point.
I have heard only good things about 4th.
I know nothing of 5th.
I have heard only good things about 4th
*Mouth drops open in astonishment*
You never heard that 4th edition is just World of Warcraft on paper for baby brains and is not really D&D?
Also, 5th edition is, at the very least, everyone’s “second favorite edition”.
I don’t like it very much, myself.
My second favorite edition is Moldvay Basic, followed by BECMI (which is basically the same thing).
Nick Gillespie commended this article on Twitter.
“Keep in mind that Republicans used to consider an individual mandate uncontroversial. Conservative health care plans in the 1990s included one, and Mitt Romney encountered almost no opposition when he defended the idea during his 2008 campaign.”
The author (Jonathan Chait) has no clue how controversial the mandate was. He’s also stupid for thinking it’s an acceptable policy to compel people to purchase things. Why not drive economic growth by having the FedGov fine anyone who didn’t buy a car or a house last year?
Yes! I want a plastic car! force it upon us, oh noble gov!
That’s a pretty serious re-write of history.
“Google to fix wrong results”
Man, if you can’t trust what you read on the internet, what hope is there.
“Per standard operating procedure, NOAA has responded to possible budget cuts by claiming that everyone will die if they receive even one dollar fewer.”
I’m willing to call their bluff on that and cut their entire budget, today.
‘Man’ made global warming is in fact a myth. However Reptilian Overlord initiated planetary warming is a quite-well-documented phenomenon.
a song for the libertopia island playlist
Problem: Potholes are illegal to fill at your own expense.
A) Call or write the city.
B) Contact the local paper/TV station to pressure the city.
C) Grumble and deal with it like everyone else does.
D) None of the above.
It turns out that it’s more effective to offend people’s sensibilities to get the problem solved in a roundabout way. Spray paint a cock around the pothole and it will get fixed quickly.
swastikas work too
/the league.
The prissy council’s response is so Victorian: “Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school?”
literal “won’t they think of the children!!” in the wild, wow.
protip: don’t over-react and your kids won’t care. Works for dick graffiti and it works for Trump getting elected.
Half of the children possess a penis. The other half knows about them. Won’t someone please do something about that?
I’d sympathize more with the officials if it didn’t take dick pics to make them do their jobs.
You know that scene in parks and recs where Ron Swanson fixes the pothole in front of the ladies house?
That’s like the perfect argument against people who don’t think we should privatize roads.
A friend of mine adds parking to the town he lives in by going out at night and painting over red curbs with grey paint.
Knights Templar secret HQ taken over by killer rabbit.
Just like my British Monty Python movies.
So they’ve known about this for years, and publish this story the same day CK2 releases a new DLC. I smell viral marketing.
The author (Jonathan Chait) has no clue how controversial the mandate was.
Something tells me Jonathan Chait has no idea what insurance is. The individual mandate turns the so-called “insurance market” into a system of tax-financed benefits.
The best indication of the quality of the plan is that it has drawn almost universal scorn from the health-care-policy community. It’s predictable that experts on the left would dislike Trumpcare. But the right seems barely any more favorable. Conservatives like Peter Suderman, Philip Klein, Bob Laszewski, and Avik Roy, who have spent years savaging Obamacare, are united in their disdain for its replacement.
As far as I made it.
Suderman a conservative.
Yeah. My afternoon coffee is all over my screen. I think the giant clusterfuck we are seeing play out in DC right now is the result of decades of halfwits in charge of everything; it’s all coming to a head. The lefty useful idiots are the worst of course, but the rest of them are hardly any better. No one could make a better case for limited tenure in an all citizen’s government than these professional so-called experts and Top Men. I wouldn’t trust them to police the dogshit in my back yard.
If you told them to police the dogshit, they would go out back and beat it with a nightstick instead of shoveling it up.
Interesting piece posted at Ace of Spades. Someone did a little gender studies experiment where they had a man play Hillary and a woman play Trump, and redid the debates. Actually interesting and not total bullshit.
For the cost of an iPhone, you can have unlimited electricity.
Sounds too good to be true, for me.
Basically, it is a micro-wind-turbine you erect on your house.
Iron laws. How do they work?
If it seems to good to be true…
Invest right away?
What if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Had Swapped Genders?
There was nothing unconscious about the way Clinton was judged. She proudly announced that she would start a war with Russia, put Americans out of work, raise taxes and showed utter contempt for the voters all the while displaying what a commenter here described as a rictus grin and cackling like the queen of halloween. Having a schlong would not have helped her even if she had paced back and forth on stage displaying and stroking it. She wouldn’t have won if she had run unopposed.
I like the attempt at empirical rigor, even if its done by theater majors.
Now i feel sick
we’d probably have had a lot less of being called a misogynist for not voting for Ms Trump and a lot more of “if you criticisze Ms Trump you’re proving you believe in gender equality! Giving Ms Trump a free pass would be completely misogynist! Also she’s a racist Islamophobe Hitler!”
Racism Simulator 1.2, which swaps the words white and black and Trump and Obama in media articles
Worth looking at the article just for the Bizarro World headlines.
You should post that again somewhere. I think this thread has died.
The way you can tell an evening thread is dead seems to be… if I’m posting on it… it’s dead.
Cold hand of the thread-grave.