After 3 weeks of waiting, it is my pleasure to present to you the first PAWG to grace this site.
In honor of this momentous occasion, I ask that before we get to the topic at hand, you join me in a song of praise that is the tradition of (half) my people:
Without further ado, Tifanie Ascherl (aka Snowphat) is thicc.
I have the same railing on my stairs.
What stairs? There are stairs in those pics?
Had to look again to notice that there were railings, but yeah I’ve got them too.
Can we have tits-on-a-stick Tuesdays?
Dammit, I went to the store today and forgot to buy some more lard.
Thanks for the reminder.
Need lard, but lost appetite.
She’s 23? Wow. That is going to be a load in a few years. She’s already crossed into truly fat in her recent pics.
She looks like a ton of fun.
*slow clap combined with narrowed gaze*
The Weather Girls were two tons of fun.
23, but high mileage.
Good lard.
Too Aryan, but I dig the ink. Tats up a chicks thigh and hip automatically make them more attractive than they otherwise would be.
Who are you? The Thunder Lizard I once knew had taste….I think. OK, maybe I can’t remember.
I dig a tatted up chick, as long as it isn’t like trashy gnarly biker tattoos and she’s 250 lbs on a Harley.
I’d link some examples but it’s too much trouble on this fucking phone.
I like a lot of ink, but piercings very quickly add up to too much. Especially when the amount of metal on somebody’s face weighs more than a full-size 1911.
Totally agree with you there.
I agree, tats interfere with perfectly good female skin
This. I hate tatts.
I assume you misspelled that.
I have only ever seen my spelling.
Tits. You hate tits.
I do not.
No, he misspelled “thatt.”
Eh it depends — I’m not going to complain about a small tat or too, even if I prefer the pureness of natural skin on a woman. Hers are too trashy to take home to Mom but plenty hot enough for a poke.
Too trashy to take home to mom? Your mom is too uptight.
(but she won’t be after I get to her house! HEEEYOOO!!)
My mom got tattoos in her 60s.
Irish tribal shit.
Tell me you’re kidding.
Well, she went out with her co-workers (elementary school workers) and got a shamrock on one elbow one year, a celtic cross (I think) on one ankle another year, and one of those celtic intertwined things a third year, if memory serves. The shamrock was the only one normally visible.
You know who else was too Aryan?
Rachel Dolezal
“Get your own gig, bitch!” — Shaun King
I’m waiting for the moment it becomes fashionable to point out that Emperor Talcum X has no clothes and his stupid photo filters aren’t fooling anyone, and the mob turns on him.
I specifically say fashionable because that’s the axis on which this nonsense turns, instead of anything remotely resembling consistent moral principles.
I continue to boggle that people consider the “evidence” of his whiteness compelling.
So… you know human beings who… assert that their mother had an affair resulting in their birth… in the national press… and who have other family members… who don’t deny this narrative… even though it’s a lie?
Cause, like, uh. I’ve never met human beings who behave like that.
Also, it’s pretty obvious from looking at him that he’s mixed african/european, if you’ve ever spent any time around mixed people.
Even the cop who wrote “white” on the police report which is supposedly compelling evidence that he REALLY IS WHITE because you know cops are expert race analysts said :
He’s white.
If he wants to send me a notarized DNA report via bonded courier, maybe I’ll reconsider.
Ugh threading fail, I guess?
So, if he is black, does that make his race hustling bullshit suddenly acceptable?
@Vhyrus : No, his race has pretty much no bearing on what a stupid fuck he is. 🙂
I just think people should attack him for saying stupid things instead of some weird racial conspiracy that does not seem well supported by facts.
He’s no less black than Herbert Kornfeld.
What evidence of his whiteness do you find compelling?
I sincerely want to understand how otherwise intelligent and skeptical people seem so convinced, given the paucity of evidence.
Liars lie. He’s a professional liar.
Literally his entire life revolves around that lie.
I’d try to explain it better, but, you know… Red Bull and wine.
Talcum X…heh. I love that nickname.
Except that I view it as basically insulting him for being lightskinned but still “black” by the racist standards of american race perception, I also find it freaking hilarious. So funny, just wish it was applied to someone who seems likely to be an actual white person, like Rachel Dolezal.
To expand : there are black people who pass as white, intentionally. In much the same way that these people “become white” through the act of passing, my view is that, even if Shaun King were biologically entirely non-African, he “passes” as black.
Rachel Dozeal also passed for decades, and presumably was the victim (Koreans thinking she was going to shoplift?) and beneficiary (children by black men) of doing so?
FTR, I think the entire concept of race is pretty much bullshit. Obama, for example, was as white genetically as he was black, and was raised by whites, with almost no connection to black culture or black people. But he appears superficially black, so he’s BLACK BLACK BLACK!!!@#!#
Rachel Dolezal? Don’t you mean, Nkechi Amare Diallo? I think she has some serious issues. As to Shaun King, he may be mixed race. To be honest, I don’t care. He is still a prick. But you are right about racist standards of american race perception.
To expand : there are black people who pass as white, intentionally.
Imitation of Life is one of the great comedies of the 1950s.
What an interesting looking film. Noted!
The 1934 version with Claudette Colbert is better, but the 1959 version is unintentionally funny. Douglas Sirk had a way of doing that.
Yeah, whiter than I typically care for, but the tats definitely help make up for it.
You and me both, Gojira. Good ink is a plus.
Fake as hell but please god don’t stop.
Master Luo’s excellent adventure.
This time what looks like A Russian mom on the beach in NY. SFW.
Ahem. Fast forward 8:19.
Wait till he flips her over.
I am seriously debating if that link is worth getting fired over after reading your comment.
No nudity. Just a massage by an older Chinese fellow who may not have any formal training.
But maybe don’t watch if the boss is over your shoulder.
NOW YOU TELL ME! Shit, maybe I should wait until he leaves to type this. Crap gotta go.
Are you telling me that guy isn’t licensed?
Now I feel bad for watching.
That is a great dirty old Taiwanese man trick right there.
So, if I identify as Chinese I can walk down the beach and get away with fondling women cuz Chinese?
Don’t hate the player; hate the game.
I wouldn’t say no but I also wouldn’t respect myself in the morning.
(then sleep to noon! – Benny Hill)
I don’t respect myself any morning. Solid would.
What percentage of her is still human and what percentage is plastic? Serious question.
Like Obamacare, we’d have to pass her to find out what’s in her.
That sounded funnier in my head.
So that’s like a maybe?
No, that’s a bunch of random punctuation in the shape of a crude human face. Are you blind?
Eeeeh….let’s just say the first three weeks were much better. OTOH I do kind of want to hang Christmas ornaments on them thar eyelashes.
That is not going to age well.
Not “going to”????
Blue book is already scrap value.
Needs more bondo!
Nice Camero
Too skinny, to SoCal.
Lord a Mercy
Nothing quite like a girl cleaning up my beer.
Now you’re talking…
Wow! fuck me…please!
Two milk.
All you have to do is a threaten a revolt and HM comes through with the fire.
Imma be in my bunk
HM must have a ball while “researching” for Thicc Thursdays.
That’s damn near not even an euphemism.
‘having a ball’ or ‘researching’?
Two, actually.
New ranking:
1. Week 2
2. Week 3
3. Week 1
4. Week 4
Switch 1 and 4. Week 2 was just unbelievable. Perfect hip to ass to waist to tit ratio
Hello, friends.
I’ve mulling submitting excerpts from the Derponomicon, though some may find it overpowering. It was a struggle to maintain my sanity while I was compiling it.
On the matter of high post-war tax rates mentioned in the comments for Fair Share, I usually counter that the era in which the standard of living for average Americans improved the most was during the late 19th century when prices were falling, unemployment was near nil, the dollar was backed by gold, and there was no income tax. If millions of immigrants were also coming to the US at that time, doesn’t that prove living conditions at that time were good and improving? The usual response I get to that from progs is a lot of herpaderp about robber barons, child labor in monocle factories, etc.
The robber barons are responsible for the world we live in today, the reason we aren’t scratching around in the dirt to find tomorrow’s meal. Falling energy prices (JD Rockefeller cut oil from 50c per gallon to 8c per gallon) , easier movement of commodities via rail, cheaper and better steel in combination with refrigeration and indoor plumbing/ sewage treatment literally changed the world from a dark, savage place to one of relative safety and unprecedented wealth for everyone.
The next time some prog idiot rants about monocles and swimming pools full of money remind them that it only took one man to save the whales: JD Rockefeller.
Well put suthern. I regularly argue with some of my co workers (I work in a steel mill) about how regulations, OSHA, the EPA are bad for our business and therfore bad for us. I can usually convince most of them except for when it come to OSHA. Most of my coworkers are certain that the company would kill us without OSHA in place. Admittedly, it’s a dangerous place, but OSHA is not necessary. When arguing this, I often get referred back to the conditions in mills during the robber baron years.
The company I worked for was fanatic about safety before OSHA got involved. Old mr. Slaughter (one of the principals) never wanted to tell a wife her husband died on his worksite again. His son just had a good piece about how rework due to cheap sourcing is driving accidents in industrial construction. I truly believed that they cared about the safety of everyone from the greenest helper to the most experienced fitter. Those are the people who drive workplace safety. They preached “go home the same way you came” and mean it.
O mighty Derp, you irradiate yourself with the most lethal of derp, and it dost only make you more powerful and immune to the derp. O praised, for you sacrifice your own retinae, yet verily you become stronger still.
Well now we need someone with more time (and better editing skills) than me to make a Cruel Angel’s Thesis parody of this site.
We cannot allow an Anime Gap!
Will a thigh gap do?
Also this seems like HM is trying to correct his ‘Yellow fever’ image.
“FINE! Have some fine white girl’s ass, you alt-right bastards…”
I think it’s the pawg phenomenon that has proven to me without a doubt that while I’m attracted to women of nearly all sizes asymmetry is a wall I can’t penetrate. Ahem.
Jesus! You wanna lose yer mind? Let PBS Newshour explain the benefits of Obama care and the problems with repealing it. I will post a link as soon as it is up.
Derp reigns supreme
Evangelion and thicc don’t belong in the same sentence.
Misato Katsuragi best girl.
You have to love any girl that can stay silent for two years.
I’d bullet point dat ass.
unrelated…. don’t know if people saw it =
Nick Gillespie Interviews PJ O’Rourke
Where many Nickish 3-in-1 questions are asked, and much ground is trod between “how much does Trump suck” and “how much does it suck that Trump is actually doing some things we have previously suggested someone should do” and other similar things.
you get quite a bit of this sort of thing =
on the upside, it seems the entire thing is transcribed as well as video, which is nice.
Do I need to watch the interview to see how context doesn’t make that sound absurd?
If Nick really said that then he needs to be barred from anymore cocktail parties. It’s corroding his brain. Unless The Jacket is slowing gnawing on it already.
I scanned the entire thing. Nick’s virtue signaling is annoying at best.
He’s already blathered on Twitter about how the 90-day ban was purely racial in nature. I tried to find it to cite but it’s buried in January or February, and he’s making six figures to spend all fucking day on that dumb fucking site and I’m getting paid jack to look through hundreds of Tweets.
Perhaps you should be blowing some Koch.
‘Racial’? The ‘race’ of folks from those countries is all over the map. I thought the consensus was the equally bullshit ‘Muslim ban’.
He’s doing some progressive stack genuflection. Libertarian moment!
Like his promises to cut taxes and regulation? Is that wrong, Nick?
You are wasting your breath. TDS renders one without the ability to think.
The truth is that many of the staff over there love to sing about libertarian causes until someone actually tries to advance them. They are like the R’s posing as opposition to the left for years. It’s just a pose. When the time comes the masks come off. Scratch ’em and they are pink as hell.
My take on the last quote from straffin: O’ – I want smaller government.
G – You are a racist, aren’t you?
Randy Barnett took a minute to punch up on Gillespie in particular and “libertarians” in general about how they hold a Republican President’s feet to the fire much more fervently than a democrats. It was in January in an interview about Gorsuch.
This one was taken in Warty’s Basement
I’ll spot.
I think I just spotted in my shorts.
So I found this article on Vox about the Marines and the Facebook brouhaha.
I still remember carrying a knife into the showers with me, and being told I should never walk around the forward operating base in Iraq alone for fear of sexual assault.
The Marines in my unit took to carrying spray paint with me aboard the forward operating base near Fallujah. Spray paint sounds like an odd thing to carry in your cargo pocket, but I needed it to cover increasingly detailed and explicit drawings of me that decorated every port-a-john on the base. We were in Iraq, but a significant number of Marines in other units had time to bring their Sharpie markers to the johns — the interior surface of all the bathrooms had graphic pictures of me in sexual positions.
But remember: anyone who thinks a co-ed military is a bad idea is just a sexist fuddy-duddy.
tag fail= all that blue should be blockquote.
We have a fair number of people here with first hand experience. Anyone else notice this kind of thing? It sounds suspiciously like a proggie false flag to me.
In several years in Iraq I saw all manner of graffiti. The most memorable was all the ways Chuck Norris was fantastic. That was literally everywhere in Iraq and Kuwait. (My personal favorite was “Chuck Norris was born in a house he built with his own two hands.”) The second most common was boasts about units and the counter rip downs of the same units. Sexual themes were not uncommon but they tended to be not attributable to any one person. While there was occasional sexual drawings I never noticed any theme about one person in multiple port-a-lets in the manner she describes.
Now I spent less time in areas controlled by the MEF than other areas but even in their areas I never saw something like that. I was forced to use port-a-lets from the Green Zone to small outposts on the Iranian and Syrian borders and in Kurdistan. Again Chuck Norris was the man everywhere and I never saw what she describes. Not saying it didn’t happen, just I never witnessed it.
The dumbest bloody thing the Canadian Navy did was ban pornography the moment they let women serve on ships. And yet in the age of “we need to do something about sexual assault!” they still don’t realize that providing men age 16-45 with zero outlets is a bad plan.
I’ve heard the brothels do quite well whenever they go ashore at port.
?Marines suddenly became shower-stall michaelangelos, and did free-hand portraits of this specific women being unwillingly defiled?
Or maybe at the time she identified as a stick-figure.
I read that piece and the whole thing reads like one of Jackie’s fever-dreams
Yeah, that’s something so self-evidently ludicrous that only highly educated idiots would take somebody’s word for it sight unseen. “Listen and believe,” herp derp.
My Glib word-for-the-day “PAWG”. But then, I’m and old fart. I guess this site helps me keep up with what passes for cool these days, but I just don’t get the fix-a-flat butts.
As Ice T would say, ” Delicious!!! “
Bernie Sanders Has A Plan To Win Back Trump Voters
I think Bernie should get angrier with more spittle and red forehead. Everybody loves an angry communist
That, or kissing.
I will bury my tongue in you.
so in other words, prog harder and louder? Sure, that’ll work.
“what we really need to do is “talk-down to them *harder*” They’re so dumb, they don’t even know what they want!”
Being thicc doesn’t mean you can just flaunt it.
Men (some) like women’s bodies and some women like to indulge them. *Passes out on fainting couch*
“Our bodies, our choices” — as long as it’s the right choice.
Her knees are awful.
Gotta go on this one, but I shall be in my BUNK!
i think she sang this
Come on HM – no love for Raylynn? I has a sad.
Good god barf
It’s interesting that her face is not fat at all.
Well… she’s no Mal Malloy, but I approve of this post.