Tuesday, June 18, 2013 View more Opinion Cartoons here: http://www ...

I imagine STEVE SMITH looking something like this when shaved

Traitor. Hero. Scoundrel. Saint. Whistleblower. Disgruntled. Those who leak classified information are labeled and categorized before the impact of their revelations are even known. In essence, there are three views of a leaker (none of which are satisfying). The first view is that leaking is traitorous and wrong in every circumstance. These law & order types tend to say things like “they should’ve gone through proper channels.” The second view is that leaking is heroic and right in every circumstance. These anti-government types tend to say things like “governments shouldn’t have secrets.” The third view is that leaking is good when it benefits the person’s TEAM and bad when it exposes the person’s TEAM. These political neanderthals are worth no more electrons than have already been spilt on them.

I’m in a fourth camp, one that I have seen espoused by some other libertarians from time to time. I believe that the virtuosity of the leak is dependent on the information being leaked. To take a quick intellectual shortcut, the ends justify the means when it comes to leaks.

The distinction is clear when viewing Edward Snowden in comparison to Bradley/Chelsea Manning. On one side we have a person who collected and released targeted information about unconstitutional spying programs against US citizens with the intent to inform the citizenry for the good of the country. On the other side we have a person who collected and released a wide assortment of information without any particular rhyme or reason for the purpose of getting back at an employer who wasn’t providing the person’s preferred benefits. Snowden is a hero. Manning is a disgruntled traitor.

At the end of the day, I don’t think we can judge a leaker until we are able to assess the information being leaked. However, there is not enough nuance in the American political realm to allow such a subtle distinction. Either the leaker is good because they’re stickin’ it to the man, or they’re bad because ‘murica.