I guess we’re going to do a sexy-link day to get everyone ready for Thicc Thursday.

Does anyone else read that an OK state senator was caught paying for sex with a boy, and then find out the boy was actually a 17 year-old young man, that they may have been smoking the marijuana before hand, and the first question was to wonder if the younger man was of Mexican origin? Rep. Shortey, if you’re one of ours, please drop us a note in the Leads/Submissions and we’ll let you tell your side.

Man, is the Tokyo Daily Star going to be popular here. First, a trip to where your Real Doll was made. Tell us which picture is your girlfriend.

Born-Again Virgins? Sure baby. If you want to stay a “virgin” we can find other things to do.

And just a tip to all you nonconsensualists out there — modern trunks have escape levers on the inside.

Click thru for more fun