Welp, I Brett’d the whole links turning them Green. Post your best link in the comments.

UPDATE: Links work, but I’m apparently banned from doing the links while “drunk” or “drinking” from now on. Look for the Monday PM Butt-chugging Links!

I hope everyone here has gotten an early start on Irish Cultural Appropriation. Or as alcoholics like to call it, “Amateur Night”.

  • Now that the Russians have Trump in office, they don’t need a military deterrent.
  • One of our own is probably in jail now after Michael Bay called out the police helicopters on an intruder. Or Shia LeBoeuf is trying to get a part in the new Transformers.
  • PGA golfer handles alligator in true Florida Man fashion. “Go on, noaw. Git!”
  • The Secret Service “lost” a laptop with Clinton email investigation files. I guess the owner wasn’t suicidal after all.
  • Someone needs to teach this chimp to sing. We really are living in Heinlein’s Crazy Years.

Erin Go Blaaargh

If we’re doing quintessential Irish Songs, here’s my entry.