Sad news from Manly Mondays: due to hard demographic numbers, I’ve been “encouraged” to include more Canadian friendly content. I have also been told that we cannot link to well-looped gifs from Kristen Bjorn’s RCMP-themed 1992 classic adult film Call of the Wild “starring 11 hot French Canadian men”
So instead I’ll talk about the next most masculine thing I can think of Canadians doing–CURLING.
A quick google search has taught me absolutely nothing about the sport but I am enamored with the adorkable, and unfortunately fauxhawked, Mike McEwen, who had a tasteful spot wearing very little in 2014’s (apparently one off for some reason) Men of Curling charity calendar. If you track it down you can use it again in 2025.
And just to prove that he plays a sport here’s an action shot:
#TBT all the way to … last week. @MikeMcEwen80's lessons learned from the Syncrude #Elite10
— Grand Slam Curling (@grandslamcurl) March 26, 2015
Lift up that maple leaf!
Ah curling. The pass-time-hobby-sport that would memorize us on sick days with color by Don Wittman on the CBC.
Or mesmerize, perhaps?
No, it’s memorize. Curling is how Canadians do brain-uploads in preparation for the Singularity.
We dominate curling more than hockey. Meanwhile, our official national sport – lacrosse – you fuckers one up us.
Think of that.
We have an entire city named for it! That’s how much we care!
Lacrosse is an official national sport?
My college’s lacrosse players were pretty dreamy.
Nobody needs 5 light switches, Quincy.
That snake needed at least two.
That is way more information than I needed. I did learn the spot they are shooting for is the “button” though. Yup.
I thought curling forgot you.
Curling; it’s like bowling, but without the edge-of-your-seat excitement.
I like watching it. Especially the women’s teams as I like to watch them sweep the house.
Shouldn’t they be doing that with bare feet and in skirts?
With nothing under their skirts? Absolutely.
This is why there are no Libertarian bitches.
What is that in your avatar, Paul?
All of that road construction in Seattle?
That’s the whole reason to wear skirts and dresses.
Go ahead and try going commando in jeans–then you will understand why I own exactly one, single pair.
You got your hoo-haw caught in the zipper? 😉
Women curlers are hot.
Hell yeah!
For just a fraction of a moment I read that as “women in curlers…” and I was like whoa, who let Crusty in here.
If You’re About To Say “Don’t Let The Perfect Be Enemy Of The Good,” Please Just Shut The Heck Up
“Whenever Republicans in Washington are trying to sell conservatives a crap sandwich, you can count on some policy wonk, pundit, or “Fox News Contributor” pull this dull old saw out of his bag of flimflam. I’ve heard it a couple of times already with regard to the Republican plan to take full ownership of the Obamacare train wreck….
“The very worst part about this trite aphorism is that it implies that the latest act of madness Washington is trying to perpetrate is objectively *good* and that anything better would literally be *perfection.* The people at whom this saying is directed are more often than not trying to make the acceptable the enemy of the *disastrous.*”
Stupid party thinks that people elected them because we were tired of democrats. We didn’t. We were tired of incompetence, corruption, greed and ignoring the will of the people. We can fire these fucking dumbasses just like we fired the dems. Of course the dems are just as out of touch and moronic and think if the R’s fuck up they will be back in like Flynn.
Thiss R replacement bill is easily the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen pols do, topping even Obamacare, Hillary insulting voters, and Obama telling people they dont own the product of their own labor.
But…the Ds are right. As long as people tell themselves that there are only two options, you’re fucked from both ends no matter what.
I eagerly await Gojira’s article entitled : Spitroasting the Electorate ; The Two Party Party
Alternate subtitle – Stuck in the Middle with You
That could also be a SugarFree title…
we were tired of democrats
So that must mean you want Democrat-lite, right? /Republican Party Leader
Sad news from Manly Mondays: due to hard demographic numbers, I’ve been “encouraged” to include more Canadian friendly content.
*CRTC hitman with gun pointed at Jesse’s back nods favourably, hands him profile of Canadian curler he’s never heard of*
Glibertarians got hit with CANCON!
*Smiles nervously and shakes his head no in an unconvincing way*
Since Jesse went all CANCON on us…the Alouettes named a woman assistant GM:
More like the pirouettes now, eh?
“Canadian football! It’s like American football, but with more 50 yard lines!”
I love their house band: System of Three Downs.
Laugh jerks but we invented the shot gun formation.
Multiple players in motion is cool.
It can also be fatal. (A lot of deaths in the 1905 season led to a commission that brought about rules changes for football, including banning having multiple players going forward at the snap, and legalizing the forward pass.)
Hot Canadian Men?
Well shit, no matter what I do I can’t get the stupid image to appear. Fucking html.
OT: I read the very interesting interview posted earlier today. I truly hope the views of Muslims like him become the mainstream. Unfortunately, we are a bit far from that.
UK: Islamic books promoting jihad and killing of gays and adulterers sold openly
You may want to notify OMWC’s interview guest.
I would be very surprised if he was not aware of things like this. It was disappointing that he did not address things like this in the interview.
It takes some impressive mental gymnastics to put a libertarian spin on a religion whose name means “submission”. The good parts of the Koran do not cancel out the bad parts.
If Islam is really as friendly to liberty as he believes, why are Islamic countries near the bottom in any measure of freedom?
My guess is he would say that theocratic governments are that way because they are, well, theocratic. What I took from the man is he does not believe in theocratic governments.
I don’t know, I have known many many Muslims. Very few were very hardcore about their religion. Some of the most pious adherent ones were some of the kindest, nicest good hearted people I have ever met.
But how many true Muslims have you known? I have it good authority that those Muslims are head chopping robots.
I find it hard to like someone who hates dogs.
Why does Canada outperform the USA? Eh…hm?
Exactly. And why is the US falling in that ranking year after year? It is not about a religion there. Unless you consider statism a religion.
Well…he’s right that dangerous communistic ideas grow in the minds of publicly educated children. So…partial credit?
Well, I never…
“I’ll take Whataboutisms for $600, Alex.”
Modern day Christians and Jews ignore this command. Modern day Muslims don’t. Do you see the difference now?
So do 99.9% of Muslims. Do you see the error in collectivising now?
Yeah Frank, so many Muslims disagree with killing gay people that homosexuality is punishable by death in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and several other Islamic countries.
Do you see your error now?
We see this with the gangs of American Muslims walking the streets killing homosexuals.
What is it with people who need to attribute the fucked up deeds of a few with an entire group of 1.6 billion?
Do you agree with all the laws in your country? Death penalty? Abortion? Pot? But “they” certainly do, right? Christians used to stone people for adultery. Having draconian laws isn’t anything new in third world shitholes. Do you think they vote on them?
Why can’t you punish the guilty and leave the innocent be? I’d be willing to bet the libertarian in you agrees that collectivising is, in general, wrong. Couple black guys rape someone, do we persecute all blacks because of it? A woman drowns her baby in the tub, do we we accuse all women of being vicious psychopaths? So why can’t you judge Muslims based upon their deeds as individuals? Why the need to lump them all together? Why do we need to make an exception to our rule? Is it a TEAM thing? They believe something slightly different than you so they are your enemy?
Yes. There are certainly some bad Muslims out there who attempt to gain political support/power by wrapping themselves up in their twisted versions of their religion. But they are a tiny fraction of the Muslim population. They are deserving of your scorn (and worse), but not because they are Muslims.
I hope, one day, you can take a step back and realize your hypocrisy.
I do judge Muslims as individuals. Islam is not an individual. It is a belief system that teaches many horrible things.
Only a small percent of Communists actually shot people or hauled people off to gulags. Does this mean Communism is not an evil ideology?
You write of “twisted versions of their religion” and that these Muslims “are a tiny fraction of the Muslim population”.
First off, please explain how they are twisting the religion. If Islam teaches that gay people, adulterers, and blasphemers should be killed, and some actually Muslims do so, how are they twisting the religion?
Your line of argument is no different than those who say Stalin wasn’t a real Communist.
How many suicide bombs have to go off before you realize that maybe, just maybe this might have something to do with what Islam teaches about jihad and martyrdom?
Here, have a sample:
Quran (4:74) – “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.”
Sahih Bukhari (52:54) – The words of Muhammad: “I would love to be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected again and then get martyred and then get resurrected again and then get martyred.”
Sahih Muslim (20:4655) – A man asks Muhammad “which of men is the best?” Muhammad replies that it is the man who is always ready for battle and flies into it “seeking death at places where it can be expected.”
Sahih Muslim (20.4635) – Muhammad: “Nobody who enters Paradise will (ever like to) return to this world even if he were offered everything on the surface of the earth (as an inducement) except the martyr who will desire to return to this world and be killed ten times for the sake of the great honor that has been bestowed upon him.”
And, as I point out so does Christianity. So…if I walk into a gay bar and slaughter everyone in it and then claim it was because of Leviticus, it’s an indictment against your entire religion?
Your double standard is, quite frankly, breathtaking.
So, for argument’s sake, let’s say you’re correct and Islam is the CAUSE of terrorism, third world repression, the plague, AIDS and Lena Dunham. What do you propose we do about it?
“And, as I point out so does Christianity.”
Not to interject, but like what exactly?
“And, as I point out so does Christianity. So…if I walk into a gay bar and slaughter everyone in it and then claim it was because of Leviticus, it’s an indictment against your entire religion?”
1) I’m not a Christian.
2) The verse in Leviticus would be evil even if no one ever followed through on it.
“Your double standard is, quite frankly, breathtaking.”
It would be a double standard only If Christians were carrying out suicide bombings at the same rate as Muslims and had similar teachings to justify it.
“So, for argument’s sake, let’s say you’re correct and Islam is the CAUSE of terrorism, third world repression, the plague, AIDS and Lena Dunham. What do you propose we do about it?”
For starters, acknowledge the role of Islam’s teachings about jihad and martyrdom have in terrorism . Denounce those beliefs and refuse to tolerate any rationalization for them. It is mind boggling that we have spent 16 years and trillions of dollars killing jihadis yet refuse to criticize the beliefs which are the *entire reason* why we are fighting them. If outsiders are afraid to criticize Islam, what hope do Muslim reformers have?
Let me give you a sense of what it’s like to be me in this conversation. Suppose you meet someone who says heavier than air flight is impossible. “Oh really?” you say. You tell him about how you used to be a pilot. You explain Bernoulli’s principle to him. You show him pictures and videos of airplanes in flight. He denies you again and again. You take him to an airport to watch airplanes take off and land. You point at them at say “can’t you see?” He still denies you.
Finally you take him up in a Cessna, but he still doesn’t believe you. At this point or perhaps much earlier you conclude that your friend is deluded.
That’s kind of the way I feel with you on this. I cite the Koran and other Islamic texts. I show pictures of Muslims carrying out those commands- not just once, but over and over and over. I give examples of countries where those commands are the law of the land.
What could more could I possibly show you to convince you that Islam is in fact a uniquely violent religion in the current era? Maybe an article about a mob of Egyptian Muslims burning down every Christian house in their town because they tried to build a church? How about a list of every blogger in Bangladesh who was hacked to death for daring to criticize Islam? A list of the 45 suicide bombings in the past 30 days? A list of the 135 suicide bombings which have happened so far this year? A list of the
796 suicide bombings that happened last year?
Define obtuse:
1. not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
2. someone who could give themselves a colon exam by opening their eyes
You could explain why 99% of the 1.6b Muslims are, in fact, peaceful.
Your conclusions are completely wrong.
Terrorism is conducted for political purposes. To bring about change in the actual or perceived status quo. IOWs, it’s warfare. It’s a type of warfare that was specifically created to allow a relatively small, poorly armed force to defeat a vastly superior military opponent, by grinding them down with small, persistent, lethal attacks until the occupying force no longer has the will to continue upon its current course of action and/or leaves.
All that is required, for it to be effective, is support for the cause. And how does one obtain support? By using religion to justify their actions. By claiming that the opposing side (us) despises their religion. By wrapping their actions up in religion they call to the faithful to join their “holy” cause. The shit happening in the ME isn’t about religion. It’s about what all wars are about…power and politics. And you, by attacking their religion, play directly into the terrorist’s hands. They point at you and say, “See, the infidels hate us…join us in defense of Islam.”
This is Terrorism 101.
Islam isn’t the cause. It’s the means to an end. The stupid will follow and the Terrorist’s opponent will aid in recruitment.
Denouncing Islam is shooting yourself in the foot. On top of being immoral/unlibertarian from the standpoint of collectivism.
@F’D’A :
Islam could both be a “uniquely violent religion for CURRENT_YEAR” and feature a majority of adherents who are not violent. The two ideas are not mutually exclusive, why do you seem to believe that they are?
“You could explain why 99% of the 1.6b Muslims are, in fact, peaceful.”
Because people often ignore what their religion teaches when it proves to be inconvenient. Just as most Christians do not quit their jobs and sell all they own to be full time missionaries, most Muslims are not interested in going on jihad.
“Islam isn’t the cause. It’s the means to an end.”
When the Barbary Pirates were attacking US ships back when the US was only a few years old, their ambassador asked why they were attacking a country that had done nothing to them. His response:
Is that clear enough?
“Denouncing Islam is shooting yourself in the foot.”
Ah, so we should we be kissing Islam’s ass and pretending it tastes like ice cream? Sorry, I find that quite retarded.
War isn’t calculus. It’s barely arithmetic. You make your enemy suffer and die until they submit to you or there aren’t any of them left.
Fighting terrorism with the military is stupid. Defend against terrorism with vigilance and preemption the way the Italians and Israelis do. Use the military only when jihadis try to fight conventionally like ISIS. Never occupy. Wreck their shit and then leave.
If the tenets of the religion are causal in bringing about the described violence, it stands to reason that all practitioners should see similar tendencies. Not the case. It’s localized. Meaning there is some other cause.
You’re not very good with logical constructions, are you.
Or maybe some people (“albinos”), might be more susceptible to the effects than others?
Meta aside, my view on this whole question is that, among religions, there is a spectrum of compatibility with the concept of Holy War. Islam, a religion founded by a great general whose first act upon getting a SMS from JHVH was to conquer everyone around him by the sword, seems plausibly on one end of the spectrum.
Hahaha! You’ve made my point for me. It’s a common criminal attempting to justify his actions by claiming his religion demand he be a piece of shit criminal.
Yes, it’s retarded to attempt to not make enemies of the peaceful 99% of 1.6 billion people. “I’m gonna side with the guy insulting my religion.” Do you hear yourself?
And how much sense does it make to increase the enemy’s numbers from a few hundred thousand terrorists to 1.6 billion Muslims?
Here we don’t disagree.
Yes…Islam is CAUSAL in producing violence…these Muslims here are violent, yet these over here are not.
My logic is faulty…youbetcha.
“Hahaha! You’ve made my point for me. It’s a common criminal attempting to justify his actions by claiming his religion demand he be a piece of shit criminal.”
He wasn’t a common criminal. He was an ambassador sent by a sovereign country which was getting tribute from Britain and France. The ambassador was quoting directly from the Koran:
9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
It doesn’t say “fight people who attack you”. It says *fight*. Who? “those who do not believe in Allah”.
Until when? Until they convert or pay protection money. This is exactly what Muslim countries have done throughout history.
How are you still not understanding this?
If you accept that the reason Muslims don’t eat pork is because the Koran says so, why can’t you understand that the reason Muslim militants kill blasphemers, apostates, and homosexuals is because the Koran and the hadith say so?
“Yes…Islam is CAUSAL in producing violence…these Muslims here are violent, yet these over here are not.”
Islamic Terrorists…
…killed twice as many people in one month (5000) in November, 2014) than were killed in in 350 years of Inquisition (2000-3000).
…murder more people everyday than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).
…killed more civilians in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).
…massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in the last 40 years (1423).
…killed more Americans on American soil than the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.
…slaughter more people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (12).
For fuck’s sake, connect the dots.
Derp, you are blaming an entire group 1.6 b people, for the actions of less than 1% of that group.
There is no amount of killing and mayhem from the 1% that justifies you holding innocent people responsible. Doing so is immoral.
Hold the guilty responsible leave the innocent out of it.
/Homer scream.
Oh look Frank- they put a scaffold on a truck so they can drive around town and let everyone see what happens to gay people in Iran.
Is it because of Islam or the use of Islam for authoritarian ends? Ima go with the latter.
Let’s see what the Islam says about homosexuality:
Quran (7:80-84) – “…For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds…. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)”
Abu Dawud (4462) – The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot [Lot from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah], execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.”.
Abu Dawud (4448) – “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.”
Sahih Bukhari (72:774) – “The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, ‘Turn them out of your houses .’ The Prophet turned out such-and-such man, and ‘Umar turned out such-and-such woman.”
al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 – [Muhammad said] “Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver.”
Do you see?
Strange how they decided to keep the “be total dicks to them” “spirit of the law” part, especially because they don’t seem to mind when people eat shrimp…
Whatever hand-waving explanation they came up with for ignoring the command to kill gay people is fine by me. The important thing is that they don’t do it anymore.
I look forward to the day the same thing happens to Islam.
Cool. So I can publish a book in England promoting the killing, insulting, spitting on and deporting of muslims?
You can, although you may want to purchase and wear a neckbrace made from hardened steel before doing so.
You can here. I was hoping that one of the central points I made would be understood- the US is NOT Europe- but apparently not.
No, I got it. I was pointing out the double standard that the UK has as opposed to the US. In other words, the US is not Europe.
I’m surprised Jesse isn’t turned on by hockey players.
That’d just be so…mundane.
Besides there’s biathletes to think about
“Bi” – please.
Oh… never mind.
Everybody wants you when you’re bi.
He likes teeth?
There are many fine implant proficient oral surgeons available to the NHL!
I thought missing a few front teeth was a badge of honor something?
Posted this the other day but since it’s curling related, good excuse to post again.
Beach volleyball level right there.
file under: crabs in a bucket
Gallaudet University Professor Declares Curing Deaf People ‘Cultural Genocide’
Lady, you can’t help being deaf, but at least you could stop being retarded. And you don’t need to be deaf to learn sign language.
What’s so special about being deaf, anyway?
What’s so special about the cheesemakers??
Yeah, I’ve heard that tripe with other disabilities as well including blindness.
So if someone flat out said to her “Yo, moron, fewer deaf people is a GOOD THING!” would she simply tilt her head like a dog listening to you speak through a cell phone? Or would she wring her hands and call you a bigot against the deaf? Who wants to quote some odds?
I’m pretty sure she’d just yell at you by making the sounds of a dolphin being kicked to death.
No, no. The really good counter argument is saying you will allow people to voluntarily deafen themselves. If there’s truly “advantages” to being deaf, surely there will be a line of people around the block to sign up.
That said, there was that fucking crazy person who blinded themselves because they identify as trans-blind… so maybe I should be careful what I say.
Fewer deaf children=fewer students at Gallaudet=less job security for her.
Hmmm. It sounds like one of my neighbors is firing off a cannon. Must be spring.
And your lucky because they have an extra hour of light tonight.
Maybe someone is fighting off a chimney sweep infestation.
I was expecting this video
Not spring here. Although since the governor declared a state of emergency, I get the day off.
My company (office in Jersey City) made it clear that the office is open tomorrow, though I am prepared in case they change their mind.
Fridge full of beer?
No. Freezer full of vodka.
That’s proper prepping there.
According to her, however, the “hearing community” is biased, as the “advantages” of being deaf “are not always obvious” to the members of the hearing community.
No shit, Sherlock. I see no advantage whatsoever, no matter how “theoretical” it might be.
Also, those are the dog-in-the-manger fuckheads who sued to have hundreds of hours of (University of California system?) course material scrubbed from the intertoobz because it wasn’t in braille, or some such retardedness.
file under: priorities
New York education officials are planning to scrap a literacy test for people trying to become teachers, claiming too many non-white individuals fail it and therefore weaken diversity within the profession.
But remember: liberals aren’t racist; people who believe in meritocracy are.
Funny, Jews and Chinese people don’t seem to have this problem, despite being on the receiving of a lot of racism in the US. Sure is interesting that the groups that liberals spent the most time trying to help are worse off than the minorities that received no such help.
They have successfully thought policed hard enough that no one in position to make these decisions would ever consider your point of view as anything but vile.
Allow me to wax philosophical for but a moment.
This reminds me of a completely unrelated but similar chain of events that happened to the FBI. In the mid 80’s, the FBI decided their 38 snubbies weren’t getting the job done ballistically, and started looking for a better round. Initially they settled on what was then a relatively new round, 10mm. Once they actually started fielding these guns, however, they ran into a problem: The majority of their agents could not qualify with the new guns. 10mm was such a barn burner that it recoiled too much and the agents could not get their follow up shots on target. In order to get more of their agents to qualify, the FBI requested reduced recoil 10mm loads from ammunition companies. Once these 10mm lite loads were fielded, the qualification rate improved and all was well in the world. Some forward thinking individual realized that with the reduced amount of powder being used in the FBI loads you could actually cut down the brass to make a round with the same ballistics but a shorter overall length that would fit in modified 9mm handguns. From this was born the 40 S&W, which was rapidly adopted by many police agencies and still used to this day, although 9mm is making quite a comeback.
So what was my point with this story? No one with any knowledge of firearms would ever argue that 40 S&W or 10mm reduced recoil loads would ever under any circumstances stop a human better than a full power 10mm round, yet the FBI compromised on what is arguably officer safety in order to get more of their agents to pass their pistol courses. So, at what point is a test too hard? Did the feds cave to a bunch of limp wristed pussies in the 80s or was the 10mm really too much gun for the average person? It’s possible that the New York literacy test is following a similar pattern, although the fact that the test is split along ethnic lines seems to contradict that theory. Maybe the test really is above and beyond what the average teacher is capable of, though. I know when I took the GRE I thought the math portion was a freaking joke because I had recently passed the fundamentals of engineering exam which makes the GRE look like a popcorn fart. The problem is, I am not the average. I’m also pretty sure I would have no problem qualifying with a full size 10mm shooting full power loads, but again I am 250 pounds and have been shooting for over a decade. Maybe this is actually a problem with the test and not the takers. Further study may, in fact, be warranted.
It’s not as if the FBI looked at the test and thought the racial numbers were wrong so they devised a different gun for that reason.
If they did *that,* it would be PC nonsense like in this literacy-test story.
It looks like this literacy-test thing is about officials wanting the passing rates to be evened out based on race, which as Thomas Sowell discusses is based on the false assumption that any fair test would produce “proportionate” results among different racial groups.
Or maybe they think it’s unfair to deny someone a tenure-track job in the public-school system just because their literacy is a little sketchy.
I mean, if you can’t use government jobs to reward the people who vote for you, what’s the point of having a government at all?
Sounds like someone is up for Jesse’s manly consideration.
My humblebrag brings all the boys to the yard.
A liberal judge decided the entrance exam for the FDNY was racist because there werent enough blacks that passed. This caused a 8-9 year gap where there were no new hires. Your average New York city firefighter has earned about 30-40k in overtime over the last 5-6 years because of that decision.
There is not a single profession anywhere in the world with proportional representation according to gender and race.
Progs: Oh noes! That means racism is even worse than we thought!
I had illiterate teachers in NY thirty years ago. Go ahead, scrap the test. *shrug*
Something like this, perhaps?
Why I homeschooled: public “education” is a joke.
World Cup ski racing is a surprisingly exciting live sport.
And Mikaela…nice.
Moderation? Because I posted a lady in Manly Monday? This is outrageous!
Nope. More than one link always requires moderation due to some wordpress restrictions.
I think it’s because you had two links in your post.
Moderation for two links. If you are going to post multiple links of women and get moderated then make it worth your/our while…post more than two.
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) encouraged attendees of its winter summit to wear “pronoun stickers” in order to “reduce instances of misgendering.”
Organizers of the seasonal gathering were apparently so concerned about the prospect of “misgendering” that they even cautioned participants entering the meeting to “get [their] pronoun sticker!”
If your gender is so opaque you have to wear a sticker…
If I looked/dressed that androgynous I would make one up that just said [PAT] and troll the shit out of everyone.
I am guessing half of the people there will be named PAT.
Q: What’s the difference between a physicist and a physics teacher?
A: This.
So is there some kind of Schrodinger’s Pussy going on? You have to have to pull down the pants to collapse the waveform?
So I didn’t talk to OldMexican much on the Other Site, but was he always this…bloody nuts? Does he just have a terminal case of TDS?
He isnt the only one. A lot of normally sane, smart, articulate people have lost their shit over Trump. OM over the immigration issue I am sure, but most others over the cocktail issue. At least with OM it is for an actually policy position.
I will never understand the passion that gets stirred up over immigration. It is worse than abortion. Hell, its even worse than the pizza issue. The disagreement really boils down to a simple and slight difference about property rights. I understand their side I just dont agree with it. I still respect them.
Ask him about gay people.
Do I want to know?
No, probably not. It was pretty bad.
I double checked to make sure it wasn’t a spoof. It wasn’t.
Well now it’s basically Pandora’s Box. What’s the thread where I can witness the trainwreck?
I have been in the same threads with OM for ten years and have no clue about the gay thing. What’s that all about?
Other than in-denial closet gays are there actually people out there who hate gays anymore? I thought everyone got over that two decades ago.
Same here. This is news to me.
I always liked OM and he seemed to have great points on pretty much any topic. Since the election he has gone off the deep end.
Speaking of other site, did Hamster of Doom make it here?
Yep. She goes by the name Jo Ferova now.
People backing the literacy test claim removing it could lead to weak teachers in classrooms.
Poppycock and balderdash! The very idea.
No way I am reading through that. Do they say in what way the teachers will be weak?
Hell, why bother proficiency in anything at all? You’d have a much wider pool of applicants to draw from.
“With proficiency”, damn it. Well, at least I have a future as a schoolteacher.
file under: Harrison Bergeron
University removes scale in gym: ‘Scales are very triggering’
I guess mirrors are next.
The amazing thing about some of these machines is that they are able to move about without the aid of cranes and gantries.
One of the most depressing things I have seen lately were the photos taken in Panama City Beach of the current spring break girls. I saw the water, the beaches and thought for a moment I had mistakenly clicked on another sad story about a pod of whales accidentally beaching themselves.
What happened to the lithe young hotties I remember from college? Jesus.
Happily, Girls Gone Wild has you covered.
I have never actually seen that. Do they still make those?
*goes to google*
They filed for bankruptcy five years ago. It would be interesting to see what the average GGW girl’s figure was like in ’97 when they started compared to 2013 when they caved, then compare that to now.
Trigglypuff is taking over the world!
*collapses and weeps*
Ha, I didn’t know that. I remember seeing the commercials all the time and that guy was really skeezy in addition to constantly having legal problems.
And I have to surmise that the latter-day introduction of Guys Gone Wild didn’t save them. Oh well.
My guess is free porn on the interwebz did them in. God bless them all though. As I said before, I am all for any college girl getting her freak on.
A friend of mine’s sister was in one of those when we were in undergrad.
One of our lacrosse players was on Sean Cody posing and rubbing one out. It was not one of the studio’s better scenes but after it got out he was only known by his porn name, which I’d have to go dig up.
Uh…. pics?
This was like 15 years ago, so unless someone snapped a pic of the paused VHS with their Polaroid, no.
Fine, if you insist. His name was “Ritchie” on the site
Suthen, ACC and SEC spring break is this week. Look for a much better field if Daily Mail goes back.
What happened to the lithe young hotties I remember from college? Jesus.
They got old like you did.
Father time is a bitch. 🙁
“Father time is a bitch”
That’s no shit.
“I get older, and they stay the same age.”
The 35 year old with 3 kids has an excuse for letting her looks go to waste, what excuse does the Trigglypuff generation have?
I still remember the shock and confusion when Playmates started being younger than me.
I’m just big-boned!
I should be used to y’alls snark by now so why are y’all crackin’ me up so tonight. Wife keeps asking what I am laughing at.
Mine wants to know why I keep looking at half naked men.
Would she rather you be looking at thiccies?
“We don’t believe being fixated on weight has any positive affect on your health and well-being,” Bruce Marshall, manager of health and wellness at the Canadian university, told the Charlatan newspaper.
“We’re finalizing the remodel now, but I can definitely assure the campus community that the weight room will be replaced with an ice cream parlor.”
My son owns and runs a fitness gym. His local competition is Planet Fitness which he refers to as Planet Fatness. I am sure that is a common nickname as the place has pizza night, doughnut night, etc. It appears to be a fitness gym for fat people that actually serves junk food to its customers. When he first told me that I was certain he was pulling my leg.
Surely you jest. How better to keep the oompa loompas signing up month after month, year after year, then by providing the very means that keep them from losing weight?
Goddammit. I am trying to drink my evening coffee. No, really I am. Was.
*smears screen with filthy paper towel*
Planet Fitnesses also often have “lunk alarms,” which is an alert that goes off when someone makes too much noise, potentially dropping their weights.
Like, excuse me if that’s the best way to unrack a clean or put down a snatch. *flips double birds to PF*
The Planet Fitness I go to has a couple of shitty boxes of pizza sitting out one night a week but I’ve never seen anyone eat any.
It’s cheap and has pretty good hours.
I have refreshed this post multiple times and there are still no images of gay-beefcake for me to be revolted by
You can’t force people to provide you with gay beefcake.
I am sure jesse will be by shortly to fix that for you.
What’s wrong with straight or trans beefcake, shitlord?
Fine, fine. Some trans beefcake for you.
You people are so demanding.
Was expecting Buck Angel.. was not disappointed.
Don’t ask how I know about Buck Angel… please.
Somebody has a story he’s dying to tell.
For some reason I read “Gay-beefcake” as “Fancy Meatloaf.”
Fancy meatloaf is cooked on a vertical rotisserie and served folded in naan with a fine garlic sauce, lettuce, onion and a bit of pickled turnip.
Stop it. You’re making me hungry.
I have given y’all my award winning recipe for turnips, haven’t I? You have to try it.
Yes. And an excellent recipe it is. Lebanese pickled turnips are good too.
God, how about Hot Toddy from Where The Bears Are?
(ponders it)
it looks like they’re having an awkward conversation.
No way I am reading through that. Do they say in what way the teachers will be weak?
I certainly didn’t read it. The thought that requiring a “demonstrable level of literacy” could be considered an onerous burden for SCOOLTEACHERS is giving my arrhythmia.
You’re really not going to like this story about the head of the Detroit school board being functionally illiterate:
I am SHOCKED! Shocked, I tell you.
Hell, why bother proficiency in anything at all? You’d have a much wider pool of applicants to draw from.
Exactly. And- if there are no specific requisite skills, you can throw all the applications into a woodchipper, and have a lottery.
You just made me snort really loudly at work. Fuck you.
In the mid 80’s, the FBI decided their 38 snubbies weren’t getting the job done ballistically, and started looking for a better round. Initially they settled on what was then a relatively new round, 10mm. Once they actually started fielding these guns, however, they ran into a problem: The majority of their agents could not qualify with the new guns.
Haha. When I read about the search for a new DoD handgun, the term “ergonomics” seemed to be quite prominent, which led me to believe they were looking for something the Ladyfingers Brigade could grip more comfortably than that Beretta.
Like any self-respecting Brutal, I’d prefer a Webley. Yo Zardoz- hook me up.
My Webley story: My great grandmother had a boar hog. Eventually, like all boars it got very large and very demanding. She was old and frail and couldn’t handle the animal anymore. Her youngest son was home from the war (a survivor of the Bataan Death March) and was some kinda fucked up. He drank all of the time and was constantly in trouble with the law. He decided he would get drunk, take his Webley .455 down to the hog’s pen and dispatch the ornery beast.
He hopped over into the pen with the boar and popped it between the eyes. The bullet plowed a trench between its eyes and bounced up into the trees. The boar didn’t take kindly to that. As it charged him he emptied the revolver into it. Luckily for him his older brother saw what was going on and was able to run from the house with his winchester and rescue his brother. In the words of his older brother;
“That ol’ boar musta weighed 500 pounds. It sure was pissed about being shot with that little pop-gun. It got him down on the ground and wressle’d him around for ’bout a minute. He spent 6 whole months in traction after that.”
I had a Webley, shot cowboy .45s out of it. Really enjoyed it. Turns out after awhile I’d rather enjoy the money it was worth and a transaction happened.
Despite my story I still wish I had one. I passed up a chance to buy one for 50 bucks once. I regret that. All original finish in good shape but had been converted to 45acp. That was really dumb of me to let that go.
Shooting a board with an underpowered pistol is definitely one of the more violent means of suicide I’ve heard of.
A board… fuck you too autocorrect
So I actually own the gun the new M17 is based on (Sig P320). The nice thing about it, and the primary reason I believe it won, is that the frame of the gun is not actually the gun. All of the working bits are enclosed in a square stamped metal box that makes up the guts of the gun. If the frame of the gun gets damaged (like, oh say… run over when one of our boys irresponsibly drops it behind a tank.. unthinkable I know), you can literally pull the internals out, throw the frame away, and get a new one from the armory and slap the whole thing back together in 10 minutes. The other thing this does is you can customize the frame to your liking without permanently modifying the gun. Not only can you get smaller or larger frames, but if someone were to whittle parts of the grip away (which, again, I am sure no upstanding soldier would EVER do) to fit them better, the armory could just chuck that piece of plastic in the garbage and pull a new fresh one out of the parts bin.
There is nothing wrong with the 38 j-frame smiths. They weren’t shooting the right bullets, that’s all. I am sure the new contracts/kickbacks/cronyism had nothing to do with their decision.
My understanding is that the 1986 miami shootout was the primary impetus to find a new duty weapon.
Good grief.
I believe that was “Joe’z Law” come back to haunt me.
Democratic state legislator in Texas files a bill against masturbation, probably accepts high-fives for this SICK BURN against prolifers.
Also requires informed consent for vasectomies, and so on.
“What I would like to see is this make people stop and think” – think that Democrats aren’t too bright.
This is the classic liberal response to, well, everything.
“Shit sucks for us! Let’s make it suck for EVERYONE!”
It also represents a classic prog response: “To show how horrible the other side’s idea is, I will compare it to something that’s unrelated and pretend they’re exactly the same!”
+1 false equivalence
NY legislators are smacking their heads for not thinking of that first.
CA is not far behind!
You want my masturbation????
They want to charge you jizzya!
Beware, it’s cumulative!
After awhile it adds up to loads worth!
(borrows Narrow Gaze from Swissy)
Smacking their heads? Hey, whatever gets you off!
I am having trouble figuring out what masturbation has to do with any of that.
She wants to make the law apply to men the same as it does to women? Are Texas women currently being fined for fiddle farting?
It’s killing potential life.
I don’t understand. Has sperm, left to its own devices, ever developed into a human being?
I’m pretty sure fetuses have, which would make them rather different than sperm.
Seriously, how the fuck stupid do you have to be to think this is a sick burn?
how the fuck stupid do you have to be
Standard issue Democrat stupid.
Tangerine Express IPA.
Thanks, Costco.
Dude, I used to respect you. Flavored beer? Why don’t you have a beer-rita or whatever Bud sells.
I used to respect you
I see where your mistake was.
I’m an optimist!
Let me educate you:
It’s not “flavored”.
No charge for this lesson
One thing I forgot to mention during the Oroville Dam situation is that after things calmed down people flooded out into the catch basin and other downstream areas to pan for gold thinking that all that earth being moved must have dislodged some major gold.
So a reporter asked the DWR guy about that and he stated since it is state land that any gold found needed to be turned into his agency.
This by far is not even close to the stupidest thing a bureaucrat has said but Goddamn that’s a level of cluelessness I don’t want to see in someone so high up in a critical agency.
The ongoing dam debacle didn’t convince you of that already?
Have they done anything to mitigate a similar future situation or are they just running around trying to catch gold prospectors?
They’re rebuilding the main spillway. Pictures have come out that there was damage before the heavy discharges started and had that been patched maybe the bigger whole would not have happened and thus all this could have been avoided.
I don’t think they’re spending anytime on the gold panners. The only cops they have available are Butte County deputies and maybe some state wildlife goons. I don’t see the deputies caring and there aren’t that many wildlife guys in the whole state so to assign some to this would be idiocy.
That should say “half-assedly rebuilding the main spillway”
Hey now, Moonbeam needs that money for his choo-choo. Gotta have your priorities straight.
Someone else in the PM links mentioned the Flamin’ Groovies
Which reminded me that this is probably one of the greatest rock+roll records ever made.
Slow Death is high on the short list for best rock song ever.
But I’m going to link Coming After Me
They have a lot of very good songs.
I’m less into their traditional blues sounding stuff (tho ‘heading for the texas border’ is my fave track on that record), and more into their modern-rock /balladish numbers
while all their records have 1 or 2 gems, i’ve never listened to one other than Teenage head which actually just killed it from front to back.
One thing I know for certain: musical taste is 100% subjective.
That is true. But if you like rock+roll, that is a great rock+roll record.
if you like Sticky Fingers or Exile on Main St., or either of the first 2 Stooges records, i’d find it very odd if someone didn’t like the Flamin’ Groovies.
Those are four of the first 15-20 records I ever bought.
I looked up the post on the other thread. Too bad the video is synced to the “wrong” recording of Slow Death. There seems to be some rights issues with the demos from right around when Roy Loney left.
Ah, here’s the right one
I didn’t say I didn’t like them. It’s just that I have heard all of that for 40 years and I am tired of it. I listen to mostly old timey blues and bluegrass these days.
Examples –
OT just because I like it: Regarding the FBI gun/cartridge change
I remember that. My buddy that was a cop and I did quite a bit of testing on rounds to see what the most effective police style round is. We tried .32 long, 32 mag, 38 spl, 357 mag, 9mm Luger, 41 mag, 10mm auto, 44 spl, 44 mag, 45 auto, and 45LC. Hot loads, middle loads, light loads. We used soft cast, hard cast, jacketed HP, RN FMJ, and SN JSWC in each round. For the 9 and 10 I sized revolver bullets down a bit to get flat points for the autos.
If any of this makes you curious ask away but I can tell you this: Hands down the best gun/cartridge combo is the 4 inch Smith and wesson N frame revolver in 44 spl with full moon clips -upper mid-range loads with hard cast SWC. Hands. Down.
I’m curious what “best” means in this context?
Controllability, recoil tolerance, penetration, knockdown power. Smith made a 5 shot K frame 44 special but we didn’t have one. All we had was the N-frame which might be a bit too large for smaller hands but not impossible.
Hit someone twice in the torso regardless of caliber, game match win.
Thanks for the clarification. I remember an episode of “Cops” where Our Heroes rolled up to a morbidly obese man who had just been shot with a .22. Or… I guess… hit… with a .22… because it bounced off. Many yuks were had.
If you get shot twice center mass with a .22, your done fighting.
A couple layers of denim, a wallet, a heavy jacket, a heavy fat layer – all of those can seriously impede many rounds in the pistol power range. If the bullet expands too quickly (too soft) it can be stopped surprisingly easily. If it is too pointy and hard it can zip right through and do very little damage.
A 22 is generally very soft, light and not going very fast. 32-40 grain bullet swaged from lead powder usually <1000 fps. It is devastating if it hits soft tissue just right, or it can just bounce off or be deflected by a heavy coat.
Not necessarily. There is an awesome video out there about the lethality of gunshot wounds from a medical perspective, and the gist is that handguns suck ass. Case in point: one example showed an x ray of a dead center heart shot on a guy with a 40 caliber handgun. You would assume this individual to be dead, correct? Well, he was very much alive. The next x ray was a side profile of the same victim. It shows the bullet hit the breastplate and stopped dead, with only 1 inch of penetration.
I remember a guy in FL a few years ago, hit in the skull with a 9mm. Didnt stop him. I’m a .45 guy myself. I was really speaking statistally. On average 2 rounds to incapacitation regardless of caliber. There’s certainly considerations you want to make. Which is why I’m a .45 guy.
240 grain hard cast SWC with GC in a 44 spl at just under 1000 fps. Cuts through all clothing, breaks any bone with full body penetration, makes a large entrance and wound channel. It can tackle wooden or sheetrock walls, most parts of car bodies, heavy boots, etc. and still perform on the target.
Recoil is tolerable, flash low, but noise is high. Down to six rounds but the full moon clip makes unloading/reloading very fast. It is everything the 45 acp is plus some.
*currently I carry a sub-compact 9mm and a j-frame 38spl
“the bullet hit the breastplate”
If he’d have double tapped, what’s the chance of hitting the breastplate again.
20th century problem: “Shit, I forgot my lighter.”
21st century problem: “Fuck you, cigarette, why aren’t you charged yet?”
22nd century problems:
person 1: Someone just shot a chicken! OMG OMG!
person 2: Did it have a name?
person 1: Yes, it’s name was chicken.
person 1 and 2: *sobbing* OMG! Dicks out for chicken!
Me: Who’s gonna pluck it? I sure aint.
Person 3: *jiggles plug* “Come on, come on, come on… No? Fuck it, everybody dies.”
REP. NANCY PELOSI: I hope that they would pull the bill. That’s really the only decent thing to do.
Numbers are important. They see the numbers. They should know how that transfers into people’s lives.
They are finding that out from their constituents. How can they look their constituents in the eyes when they say to them, 24 million of you are no longer going to have coverage. Those of you who do have it will have less in terms of coverage at more cost to you.
I wake up, brush my face, wash my teeth, throw some eggs down the kiddo’s throat and shove her out the door. “I’ve got a minute or so before I gotta leave. Let’s see what happened while I slept.” Instant rage. *Deep breath, deep breath*
My favorite Pelosi moment was when she said 500 million Americans would lose their jobs each month unless the stimulus was passed:
“Math class is tough!”
Perspective changed. Hilarious is the correct way to view Pelosi. You my new swami.
She hangs out with people who are convinced that American Navy will cause Guam to flip over. She’s is actually sometimes the smartest woman in the room.
OT: What are some free (or very cheap) resources that I can use to learn how to read and interpret scientific studies?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading libertarian publications over the years, it’s that almost every mainstream news article about a new scientific finding is distorted beyond belief, sometimes to such a degree that it appears to show the exact opposite conclusion if one reads news articles instead of the study itself. Therefore, I think it would be immensely useful to me to learn how to look over the raw data of a study and determine for myself if the reported findings are warranted or not.
I already plan on doing the statistics course on Khan Academy after I get some grounding in intermediate and advanced math (I avoided math like the plague for most of my life, so now I’m trying to catch up). Are there any web courses or books that cover this? Basically, I want to learn every skill necessary to understand the raw data of studies.
I don’t know how much this will help, but I had only a passing understanding of finance when my wife asked me to start translating some documents for her. She worked for a one of the big investment banks and needed help, so she handed them over to me. I remember looking up many words in Japanese and then having to look them up in English just to see what they meant. Eventually, after translating dozens of docs, they started to make sense because I reached the tipping point where I could figure out what they meant from context. In short, if you’re strong at duh maths, try using the interwebz to tutor you as you slog through the details and data. Opportunity cost is a bitch and do you really want to waste time learning shit about statistics and data analysis that is rarely used, or do you want to see what is actually being used in the real world? Forget whose idea it is, but I’ve heard that learning 80% of a subject takes 10% of the time. Learning the remaining 20% takes the remaining 90%.
Once you get through algebra and some simple calculus you should study statistics. An introductory course should do it. I cant stress enough how important the philosophy of science is…and basic logic. Most of this stuff can be found with simple google searches.
The bulk of science is the collection and analyzing vast amounts of very mundane data.
A big red flag you should watch for is if a study and its conclusion are too dramatic, too sexy, too exciting it is probably bullshit. Science is not sexy.
Are you interested in any particular field?
The bulk of science is the collection and analyzing vast amounts of very mundane data.
“Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting.” — Ernest Rutherford
Always hated that quote, but there’s some truth to it.
yeah, there is truth to it. All of the hard sciences are really just some specialized extension of physics. Chemistry was mine but I lied to myself that chemistry was the basis for everything.
@Akira – straffin is right…pick a study, read through it laboriously. Stop and look up every term you dont understand. after a few studies you will be able to read much faster.
The more you have a grasp of the philosophy of science the more you will notice how much of what is billed as ‘science’ is really not. Science is a philosophy, not a particular study of anything. It is a method guided by a strict dispassionate philosophy.
Thanks for the tips, Suthen.
I’ve actually read a lot of philosophy and logic stuff over the years; I find it to be a very enjoyable subject and useful for, well, pretty much everything I do in life. A huge turning point was when I read “The Trivium” by Sister Miriam Joseph and “First Principles” by Herbert Spencer. That was really the period that I began to recognize what knowledge is, how one acquires it, and how one comes to know the relations between concepts by using logic.
Regarding “any particular field”:
I’m guess I’m most interested in climatology and nutrition since these two areas are where some great distortions are made by special interests. I’m interested in economics as well, namely the BS like “study proves that minimum wage is wonderful” and “psychologists publish study showing that conservatives are all mental defectives”. I’m sure you know what I mean.
In addition to statistics, you should also have an understanding of research design. Namely, what are the differences between an experimental study, quasi-experimental study, correlational study, and descriptive study.
psychology = complete bullshit. Don’t waste your time or pay attention to anything they say. There is a field called Cognitive psychology which is decidedly not traditional psychology. That’s worth a look.
Economics = A surprisingly complex, difficult and insightful discipline. You can spend a lifetime on it. Definitely worth any time spent.
Linguistics = Another surprisingly complex, difficult and insightful field. Not at all what the uninitiated think it is. Worth any time spent.
Nutrition = A waste of time. If you have any literacy in chemistry pick up a used Introductory Biochem textbook and slog through it.
Historical Geology = Fascinating subject that will give you perspective. Studying that for me was like playtime as it is not nearly as mundane as other fields. If you live in a large metro area find out where the used bookstores are and get yourself some old textbooks…pre-2000’s before the AGW madness infected everything. Those books are cheap as hell and well worth having. That should clear up the AGW bullshit for you.
A great read is “Annals of the Former World” by John McPhee. (Won Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1998). It is the geologic history of North America following I-80 (roughly) across the continent. In each section of the country he works with a different geologist and combines their history with the history of the continent. A nice feature is that parts of the book were previously published as separate books so if there is one part of the country that most interests you, start there.
I am a lowly BullShit degree but full of advice. Whatever I tell you, listen to the PiledHigherandDeeper guys instead. There are plenty of them around here. HM over there doesnt really teach twerking classes, he is the real thing and an educator.
Well, he does teach that one twerking class, but thats just part time.
It was the last class of an 8-week grad term and I just came back from drinking with my students. That’s how you know you taught a good class, all your students agree to go out to a bar with you. Even the 2 Chinese girls and the cute blonde.
The course syllabus.
asking for a friend, can one get a degree in twerking? I only want to know because the only path to management in my company is a B.S. I would love to bring in a B.S. in twerking and apply for Maintenance Dept Manager.
Are youthicc ?
Not as thicc as all those pics of fat girls you have been posting.
Nice double entendre HM
I’ll add that I think the statistical inference videos on Khan Academy are excellent and that I regularly watch them to refresh my understanding.
You can read “Fundamentals of Descriptive Statistics” in a single afternoon/a few days, and its probably enough to start with.
the same author/publisher also has a handful of other short, easy books that go farther into how stats are typically employed in different research fields or in business applications.
my own background is exclusively financial/business, so i’m not the one to ask about how to become more literate w/ scientific research.
It is essentially the same Gil. I had to tutor a business major in stats a couple of years back. His text was identical, same problems even, to mine but the data points were changed to financial related things rather than fish lengths, water temps, or chemical concentrations. Same stuff.
almost every mainstream news article about a new scientific finding is distorted beyond belief
True: What I’ve seen is about 115% of them are bullshit.
BREAKING: Woman with TDS meets Sean Spicer at an Apple Store. Hilarity ensues.
“Think about the sheer audacity of Mr. Spicer to say that to my face with a smile, knowing that he is being recorded on video and the position of power he holds in our government. I am still stunned by the boldness of having my citizenship threatened on camera,” wrote Chauhan
This in response to Spicer telling her, ““Such a great country that allows you to be here.”
Read between the lines, Man. It’s clear as fucking day.
See, I read it like he was going to destroy the whole country just to spite her.
*In Joizey accent* “Nice country you got here… be a shame if something happened to it.”
I’m fairly indifferent about Spicer but it is great to see him and Trump treat the media like the shitheads that they are. They aren’t used to politicians telling them to fuck off and they have no idea what to do about it and even worse, are powerless to stop it.
Spicer is a toady and an idiot. Just like… every other press secretary since forever.
Can you imagine having that job? Having to go in front of people every day and lying through your teeth and telling yourself over and over again, “It’s for the greater good.”
The President keeps the Press Secretary’s soul in a small bottle on the desk on the Oval Office.
I would like to think that being Press Secretary is like being a high class whore. Except that a whore has a lot more integrity than a Press Secretary
Spicer would be a great street meat name.
Whores also provide a service that people voluntarily pay for.
I interpreted that to mean “It sure is a great, tolerant country that lets assholes like you run around free to be such an asshole”
I dont get asshole idiots like that. Were I to run into one of the pinko pols I hate so much in a public place I would just ignore them, turn my back on them, treat them like the fucking zeroes they are.
I would most likely pretend I was their biggest, dumbest fan and try to get them to say something REALLY stupid that I could put on the internet and ruin their career. I certainly wouldn’t chase them around screaming “DO YOU STILL BEAT YOUR WIFE, FASCIST!?”
“What can you tell me about Russia?”
“What can you tell me about Russia?”
That you’re a useful idiot?
Take a compass, and face North, then go left young lady. If you wander into Poland, you’ve gone too far. But it accidentally happens all the time to commies.
I swear I wasn’t thinking about REM, although that shitty song might have subliminally influenced me.
I knew I shouldn’t have taken that left turn at Albucoykey.
WaPo: Trump budget expected to seek historic contraction of federal workforce
o noes!
They also say this like it’s a bad thing:
Is it possible that despite him being awful on social issues and individual freedom, Trump might be *gulp* an actual small government libertarian-type when it comes to economic issues?
(if someone can knock some sense into his head on the military budget, that is)
I have high hopes Trump is going to cut the military budget by withdrawing forces and from commitments. This is largely why I kinda supported him. Feel free to tell me that I was wrong but it is still way too early for that.
…including housing,…
I like how they’re deliberately vague enough that it sounds as if what he’s doing is no different than burning down houses, rather than the bureaucracy that infests the industry.
Fake news by implication.
I’m surprised this list didn’t include National Parks.
Cause you know if you cut a SINGLE PENNY from the $3.2T Fedgov budget, it means no more Yellowstone! I warned you!
This aspect of the trump administration is why I no longer haunt the hallowed halls of H&R. I care about a lot things, but most important to me is the shrinking of the government. all things aside, Trump may actually run the ratchet of government control back and all I heard over there is screeching about immigrants, racism, and other matters that are less important to me.
I think they started making screeching noises about his shrinking the government as well. Also, they got sucked into the whole fascist pepe hitler trolling gig the 4-chan crowd was running. They made fools of themselves and are still mentioning the shadowy alt-right. They are still clueless that they have been had.
I think they started making screeching noises about his shrinking the government as well.
I think I posted this before, but here you go.
I was listening to one of the reason podcasts on the way home from work a week or so ago. Gillespie was bemoaning the fact that Trump was actively cutting regulations because he was doing it for the wrong reasons. I have news for Nick. Trump ain’t a libertarian. However, he is doing some things that have been goals of libertarians for a long time. Suck it up and take the good with the bad. Being hyperbolic about everthing the man does is counter productive. That does nothing but lump you publication in with the rest of the MSM.
Yeah, I could forgive them if they were somewhat evenhanded about it. Trump isn’t a Libertarian, libertarian, or even Iibertarian, and let’s face it, we’re probably not to get any politician that agrees with our views any time soon.
I have no problem with giving Trump criticism when he does non-libertarian things like appointing AG Sessions, but libertarian reporters should be willing to praise him when he appoints someone like DeVos. If at the end of the day, all libertarian reporters can do is criticize Trump, then what makes them different than a slightly less leftist Slate?
“Simply put, government would be smaller and less involved in regulating life in America, with private companies and states playing a much bigger role.”
“Progressives” always assume that if the government doesn’t control something, private corporations will. They don’t understand that in many cases, government CREATES power that would not exist otherwise.
Hayek pointed out that even if a particular utility or industry were controlled by one single company, that’s still not as much power as there would be if the government controlled it in addition to everything else that they control.
In reality, competition under a free market system would allow for many producers of a given good or service, thus decentralizing the power structure.
Progs don’t understand markets. A company or corporation can’t fully control a market in monopoly fashion with the aid of government. A monolopy that is gouging customers will be quickly replaced in a truly free market. Competition drives prices down and competition without government interference will ensure that a monopoly that screws it’s customers can not exist.
without the aid of governmemt, it what it should read.
Mmmm, well, this American likes that Canadian dude. good choice. I think I saw him curling actually, since I accidentally watched curling during the Winter Olympics. I always enjoy the spot NBC does trying to explain and then I promptly forget all of it when I’m watching.
Anyway, since I can’t resist sharing this which passed across my dash. THEY FIGURED OUT THE PLAN O NO!!
OT: “While we were distracted by Trump, Republicans advanced these 9 terrifying bills
One of them, if you don’t want to give them clicks, is Massie’s “Abolish the DoEd” bill, btw. Which even though it’s the Greatest Bill to Ever Exist, has zero chance of going anywhere, so terrifying is quite a reach.
Though thanks to that article, I didn’t realize HR 861, eliminate the EPA, is almost as great. naturally one of the main complaints in the article against the bill are the “thousands of jobs will be lost”. Revealing really.
also, the responses are variations of EVIL. SO EVIL. MUCH EVIL. How will we cope with fewer Top Men In DC?
Bill Clinton. Now there was a terrifying Bill.
Also, Bill Hitler.
You ever read any of the Bill the Galactic Hero stories? Now that was a terrifying Bill.