ZARDOZ forgot to remind everyone about the Glibertarians NCAA college basketball tournament bracket challenge.
Register here!!!!
Password: Podesta
There will be prizes and bragging rights.
ZARDOZ is perfect, so how could ZARDOZ forget?
I’m betting ZARDOZ was distracted by his own link, but I’m not speculating as to which one.
::bows to benevolent ZARDOZ::
Not being the owner of a TV, I don’t often see reruns. But I did recently see one from the late 80s. It was of a show I recalled having seen when it had aired. What I marvelled at was how little the writer seemed to know about the topics being covered. It was the “Murder mystery with a ‘gotcha’ confession moment” genre. The victim was an evil construction company owner whose great crime was wanting to put up condos.
One particularly facepalming part was the argument with the red herring foreman about the poor state of the construction equipment. It seemed that our victim to be had gotten rich by declining to properly maintain hardware and ignoring worker safety. All I could think of was “How on earth does this even make sense?” I don’t know for certain but I’m sure some of the others here can speak on the matter, but it seems to me that it would be cheaper to buy equipment that worked, or keep the current set in good repair than to have work crews standing around on the clock for what amounted to agregate days at a time. Also the on-the-job injuries and fatalities were “covered up” by bribery. How is it cheaper to bribe multiple public officials than to simply not kill and maim employees? Also, given the state of worker’s comp law at the time this show aired, he’d still be on the hook for those costs regardless.
Then I thought about it and recognized a pattern with the writing staff of this show. On multiple episodes they demonstrated a complete ignorance of how the publishing industry worked. Characters were paid advances based upon pitches for their first work – which was unwritten as of the check clearing and supposedly fiction. You can get a non-fiction agreement (but probably not payment) on a pitch, but fiction editors expect you to be able to produce a manuscript if they decide to read it. Hollywood works that way, since a show or film could not be professionally produced at the time before funding was secured, but publishing is different. The author can have a completed text on hand before any money changes hands.
And then there was the animistic fear of firearms…
These people were very proggy even back then.
Scooby Do?
Of course not, that’s always realistic.
Ok. It’s basically the same argument that restaurants would poison their customers if it weren’t for laws stopping them from doing so. The people that believe that must be evil themselves and have no idea how a working business model works in a capitalist society.
I’ve run into people making that argument in all seriousness.
It baffles me.
It is similar to the religious saying that only the threat of hell keeps people from raping and killing everyone they meet.
Scary how many people just don’t believe that most people will treat each other decently because it is the right thing to do and that they aren’t monsters.
Hobbes vs. Locke. Round 253.
I have noticed that the kind of people who rape and kill are not deterred much by the threat of hell. Or prison. Or revenge killing. Or anything else really aside from an imminent threat.
Let me play Devil’s advocate.
Is that contractor still in business?
Union Carbide? Sold to, and now a subsidiary of, Dow Chemical for $9 billion in 1999.
After the Hawk’s Nest disaster they went on to make a killing in asbestos and chemical manufacturing among other endeavors.
“awaiting moderation”
I can’t find much on Rinehart and Dennis, the engineering and construction firm, after the disaster other than that they appear to have survived the liability.
If the workers saw the managers wearing masks and thought, “hmmm, maybe we should have those”, and didn’t get them and continued to work, I am half inclined to say it is on the worker as much as the employer. We are not slaves. We pick and choose who we work for. If they are a dangerous employer, don’t work for them.
In the Heat of the Night?
No, in this case it was “Murder, She Wrote”
I wasn’t aware she wrote the episodes too…
They know as much about honesty as they do about publishing, running a business or firearms.
My worldview is shattered. Why would TV lie to me!? WHY, ANGELA, WHY?!?
She is a goddess, isnt she Gil?
She reminds me of my mom.
Especially in The Manchurian Candidate
Angela Landsburys daughter once slept with Charles Manson. True story.
Shit just got real weird.
Angela Lansbury. Would…have…like 2-3 decades before I was born.
You should see her in “Gaslight”.
I have. I intended on posting a clip from Gaslight, but then ran across the clip I found. Her Gaslight character was a dirty girl.
You should also see her in the 1950s version of “Kind Lady”.
Check out the virtue signaling of Uncivil, above. He is too good for T.V. Wow, do you only buy organic as well?
Except for Salt.
Almost all food is Organic.
I avoid anything labelled “Organic” because it’s a scam.
I did see some artisanal ‘gluten free’ salt a while back. No shit.
I heard you didn’t like salt, or anything else with flavor.
What if it is not iodized?
Fukushima need not apply.
TVs are nice to watch movies.
Meh. I just watch them all on my desktop anyways.
It seemed that our victim to be had gotten rich by declining to properly maintain hardware and ignoring worker safety. All I could think of was “How on earth does this even make sense?” I don’t know for certain but I’m sure some of the others here can speak on the matter, but it seems to me that it would be cheaper to buy equipment that worked, or keep the current set in good repair than to have work crews standing around on the clock for what amounted to agregate days at a time.
I have a lot of family from the building trades, at various levels and specializations. Disregarding safety is pretty much par for the course to one extent or another, especially smaller companies with smaller crews or the independent contractor who’s only responsible for his own ass. Believe it or not, some of the people who decide to make a living slathering paste on walls or cutting foliage with sharp tools, or nailing shit together aren’t necessarily the brightest bulbs and their decision making is oriented toward short term rather than long term outcomes. Yes, if you fall and break your back it will save you a fortune in medical bills to properly secure your ladders and climb up and down them more often to move them. But it’s easier in the short run to dangle 6 feet off a precariously placed ladder and save yourself half an hour of labor. It’s not that those people aren’t economically rational, and it’s (usually) not that they’re evil – it’s just that they’re stupid.
On-site safety issues usually aren’t the concern of the owner of a successful construction or development firm though – that would be your foremen or project managers. Some of them are unethical fuckstains who will encourage their crews of non-English speaking immigrant workers to do dangerous shit because it saves a few bucks, they’re not responsible for them financially in the same way they would be legal hires, and they’re easy to exploit since they’re not usually too keen on going to the authorities. But the most successful guys are usually the ones who do things on the up and up.
This was none of the above. As for employing illegals, the plot specifically revolved around the motives of the very much citizen workers. It was a cartoonish extreme, not an “OSHA Skirting circumstance”.
Well, of course. It’s a capitalist super villain after all. They can’t be incompetent or misinformed or benignly negligent – only greedy and evil. I’m just saying, there *is* unsavory shit that happens in the construction industry in real life that really doesn’t make much economic sense when you think about it rationally.
“…unethical fuckstains who will encourage their crews of non-English speaking immigrant workers to do dangerous shit because it saves a few bucks”
Years ago I found that I got a much better job in shorter time and a lot of respect by giving this speech to my tree planters: “Be careful out here. Don’t put your foot down without looking first. There are a lot of rattlesnakes out here. Don’t carry more than you are comfortable with. Always keep an eye on the man left and right of you and pay attention to where you swing that dibble. Make sure it hits the ground and not your knee or your buddy’s head. Drink lots of water. Remember – nothing out here and nothing we are doing is worth one of you getting hurt. Nothing.
It doesnt hurt that I pay extra for a good job either.
Why isnt my bold working?
Not stong enough tagging?
In “Murder, She Wrote”, Angela Lansbury played a serial killer who got away with hundreds of murders by using her creative writing skills to make other people confess.
That would actually make a very good, final, very special episode.
*studio audience applause*
I’m sure there is at least one episode of Columbo, where the murderer was a mystery writer trying to use their writing skills to frame someone else.
That’s the plot of at least 4 Columbo episodes. I freakin love Columbo.
+ just one more thing
I’ll offer my two cents since construction equipment is what I do.
As an overall percentage of the job costs, equipment is at the bottom of the list. Typically, your contractor that has the worst maintained equipment is also among the least profitable. There’s a range of cost items that contractors tend to hate, but when the bulldozer goes down so does the job.
Safety items that tend to get ignored on a jobsite: Safety lines when working on a roof, respirators when working with dust, backup alarms, personal protective equipment in general. Most of these fall into the category of items that the laborers don’t want to deal with. Superintendents spend a fair amount of time just badgering the labor to wear their PPE and then when they turn their backs, the laborers take it off again.
Granted, back in the 80’s it was little different, but on today’s jobsites, the large contractors beat safety issues to death. Sub-contractors find out the hard way when they get backcharged for safety violations. Some larger generals will employ assistant superintendents, fresh from college, just to find violations so the GC can pad their bottom line by backcharging the subs.
I love the photo. Send me a HD version so I can print out a poster to hang on my wall.
You know, I studied an awful lot of military history, but I sure missed that one.
LOL, dudes will do anything to bag a model.
I want to know how he is going to keep plastic out of the oceans. Net off the continents of Africa, South America, and much of SE Asia? (yes plastics get in the ocean from other places also)
Old Man drones on another anecdote: As part of a grant application to EPA, I needed some background on the purported island of plastic in the Pacific. Reading the various stories, the “island” was 10% the size of Texas, half the size of texas, the size of Texas, and ten times the size of Texas. It may seem unkind, but this set off my BS meter. The illustrations always showed a small patch of plastic bottles and crap floating in the water, and often the same spot, shot from different angles.
Investigating some of the actual literature instead of the breathless news accounts, the “island” was apparently defined by microscopic plastic particles- if they exceeded a certain concentration, that was considered “island” despite the plastic being invisibly small. By changing the criterion for concentration, one could make the “island” any desired size for the alarming analogy at the press conference, despite it being invisible and having no discernable environmental impact..
But photos of normal-looking ocean aren’t alarming enough. And I didn’t bother with that particular grant application, despite the universal conclusions of “more research is needed.”
I have liberated some cheap vodka for tonight. Least I’m pretty sure it’s vodka, the label’s been torn off.
It has past the first test: I haven’t gone blind.
And it’s having the desired effect on your spelling.
It takes a person of intelligents to appreciate John Titor’s humor
It’s humour, dummy.
In this country we speak American
I believe you have an imbalance of the bodily humours…this will only take a moment.
*readies lancet and bleeding bowl*
Water filters man. If you have cheap vodka, run it through water filters. It makes it similar to better vodkas.
Nice try Alex Jones.
I aim far above Alex Jones status.
If I’m going for crazy, I’ll be far above Alex Jones. But, <a href=""vodka and water filters has a long history.
Possible repost due to squirrels.
I’ll try a third time, since my previous posts have been eaten. There are ways to make cheap vodka better.
Meh. I tried posting multiple times, which got eaten by squirrels of some nature, but search vodka and water filter. In general it makes cheap vodka better.
Water filters are more expensive than just getting better vodka
I’m just trying to help those buying cheap vodka. I remember running a tasting that involved a Britta pitcher and multiple types of vodka for a group of sci-fi fans with a drinking problem (or drunks with a sci-fi problem).
*weeps into half empty glass, clutching Captain Picard Action Figure*
I’m cheap enough that I’ll use the cheap vodka for mixed drinks.
And if rather add a bit of vanilla extract to it than buy the expensive brand-name flavored vodkas.
That depends on how much vodka you drink UnCivil.
Phillip’s Vodka is a 4-times-filtered “cheap” vodka. The NY Times Magazine ran an article like 15 years ago about how it slayed the “super premium” vodkas in a blind taste test. It’s all I’ve bought since. Hell, I’m half-in-the-bag on it right now.
Thus far (as my plan is to get shitfaced) the quality of said vodka hasn’t been an issue. Thanks anyway though.
The nice part is that it will get better as you go. It’ll be premium vodka in a couple hours
Of course tomorrow morning it will be back to cheap vodka.
Hmmmm. You are both correct! This beer is getting better every glass. God Save Me on the morrow.
Last drink of the night for me is more Downeast Cider.
Come here, Watson, I need you
“When women decide to remove their shirts, the people who enjoy it most are men….
“…When you lead with your boobs, it is hard for people to take you seriously as an advocate for women’s rights….
“Beyoncé has writhed provocatively under a sign that says “FEMINIST” during her shows. And don’t even get me started on the feminist protesters, who have decided that the best way to get attention for their cause is by taking their shirts off and writing obscenities on their skin….”
That article reads better in the original Arabic.
WHY DID I CLICK THAT???? Now I will never be able to reactivate my commission!
That’s what you think.
/involuntary recall from retired list
I’m sorry, is there a problem with women whipping out the boobs? I’ll gladly tell them I’ll support feminism if they keep doing it.
You’re assuming those boobs are boobs you’d want to look at.
You heard it here first lads, Nephilium wants to see Trigglypuff’s tits.
Gee, thanks for that, JT. ‘scuse me whilst I go projectile vomit…
I didn’t even get into her massive clitoris and crotch stench that smells of dead fish in a Great Lakes chemical soup.
I’m willing to make that sacrifice. There are a few who will avoid the random boobs of the feminists. Me, I’ll stare and ask why.
“Our bodies, our choices”, until they make the wrong choices.
I’m pretty sure that celebrity-agents cook this bullshit up. “We had you scheduled to visit the Dakota Pipeline thing, but it sort of got played out; we think Oceans are going to be bigger this year, so you’re just going to fly on a helicopter and make concerned faces when some science-guy points at globs of garbage – trust me, it will turn into 20% higher offers on your next picture.”
Zardoz is a big Daily Mail fan?
Who isn’t?
Anti-fascist radicals: Liberals don’t realize the serious danger of the alt-right
To the “antifa” movement, cowardly liberals are nearly as bad as Donald Trump and the white nationalist right
“The center-left’s desire for an open society is its critical weakness, members of a Nebraska-based antifa collective told Salon via email because viewpoints that want to deny all free speech cannot be allow to speak freely.
““Liberalism [has] proven itself unable to prevent the rise of fascism over and over again,” the activists wrote. “By the time liberals are comfortable with cracking down on fascism, it’s almost always too late. Antifa wants to make sure that no roots can take hold; that every attempt to organize and recruit for the fascist agenda is physically confronted and shut down.””
Another article that reads better in the original Arabic.
The name Matthew Sheffield rang a bell.
Oh right = he’s the guy who said Trump learneded his racist racism from Libertarians, and cited Reason magazine’s well-known Holocaust Denial as proof
His own site, Praxis, had previously featured a story written by him arguing that Trump was the perfect “anti-libertarian”.
You could run a multiplex on that amount of projection.
Trump is even destroying Minnesoda Nice.
It is funny how all the Hillary voters talk about how they are cutting out any Trump voters from their lives. The Trump voters all are amused at how butt hurt the H voters are.
(In a perfect example of burying the lede)The woman who voted for Gay Jay is mad that everyone assumes she is a racist.
I drew a line before the election and as soon as someone said the “r-word” to me I went to town on them…it was so liberating to realize that they were going to be nasty to me in any case, so the usual mutual self-restraint had already been removed by their choice. They were really shocked when they found that their store of invective and insults was so shallow and incomplete compared to mine…
I can understand the catharsis, but why did you pick “Runway”?
Oh, *that’s* what they said? Well, that’s going to be awkward…
I thought it was “Reformation”
Who was it that explained that most of the alt-right was just 4-chan nerds trolling the shit out of the left? It was a pretty good explanation but also something that most clear thinking people already strongly suspected. Pepe the fucking toad? Secret nazi haircuts? Give me a break. The SJWs are just stimulus-response machines on the order of dogs catching and swallowing a smooth stone when you toss it like a treat. Whoever posted the ‘triggering shia’ video earlier today…priceless. I guess it isnt nice to make fun of the mentally ill but it is so hard to resist.
Of course, it’s the “antifa” types who want to destroy all free speech.
“Refuted by experts”.
David Attenborough was called in
I’m surprised this hasn’t been Politifact-ed already.
The only thing I could think while reading the article is how the wig dude is wearing needs to face off to the hair and MAGA prime. I felt my soul leave a little bit.
SugarFree damn near killed my soul with the Hillary/Huma/Vessel and the Hat and Hair beginning pieces. It was in ICU for weeks.
“It’s a straightforward enough adventure story, but historically “King Kong” has been viewed by some film critics as a kind of racist allegory, symbolically depicting white America’s view of black people at the time. Critics have drawn connections between the capture of Kong and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, with Kong’s disastrous escape in New York symbolic of the perceived “disaster” of granting black people in the U.S. true freedom.”
I suspect that these critics are the sole source of the racism.
“No, no, we’re not saying giant apes remind us of black people, just that they will remind racists of black people!”
Heh. The mask slips…
Somebody needs to watch Merian Cooper’s “Grass” and “Chang”.
No thanks?
If anyone is interested, I’m doing the CF Ride for Life this summer. The page is all boilerplate BS, but I’ll be riding for at least 65 miles that day. Feel free to donate if it makes you feel better.
Which one is you in the photo?
Do you lay awake all night wondering how the very rich will get off of Manhattan in the event of an emergency?
Well, worry no more!
Someone’s thinking.
The poor and middle class have an evacuation plan called “stay out of Manhattan.”
Yeah, but now how do I get out of Brooklyn?
as soon as possible.
I’m in a sane part of the borough. Hell, my congressman is a *gasp* Republican.
A real republican or a lawn guyland style republican?
A Staten Island Republican. Meh… beggars can’t be choosers.
The cynic in me assumes he’ll oversell subscriptions to these boats and if the SHTF then some folks are going to be pure fucked.
The guy soaking them for 90 grand a year won’t care. He is in Barbados.
I have a business plan to host disaster recover data centers that is basically the same.
My DR centers would be in Phoenix and Hawaii. Of course, the CFO, CIO and CEO would have to visit the DR center at least once a year to conduct failover testing (which would be legit expenses that could be paid for by the company).
I don’t think I’d even bother with actual racks or silly things like that. If things did go bad, my guess is that the C-suite sorts wouldn’t sue me anyhow because how could they explain how they failed to notice that there were no servers during their annual trips to Phoenix every January?
That’s why you have DR/BC “tests”. This is why the players in this space lease backup datacenter space in the crappy parts of of NJ, Houston, and Florida.
It’s like you don’t even Sungard.
Hah! It was during a trip to Sungard’s DR site in Camden, NJ that I came up with my idea.
If you are choosing between a DR site in Camden, NJ and one in Honolulu (and you knew you would have to visit it at least once a year) which one would you choose?
And you know that real disasters are rare beyond belief. And you also know that almost no company takes them seriously.
With my plan, the ones that were serious would go with Sungard (or some other responsible party) once they realized that I didn’t have any real data center. Only the corrupt hacks would use me.
It would be very similar to a Never Pay policy for car insurance
The real disasters were always in either Houston or Orlando. Just down the street from the Sungard facilities that were also screwed during the disaster. Hurricanes, of course.
The built in “you have to test” clauses in client contracts, as well as the policies that sprung from that meant that there would never be a Honolulu, Monaco, or Macau failover site.
Just too much damn latency to seem legit.
Welp, now I know which boats to aim fo…. I mean, haha what a great idea!
I think the thing I understand the least about this is that, apparently, it’s cheaper to pay someone 90k a year than to buy a boat and tie it up in new york harbor.
I guess not if you happen to have a few hundred million to shell out for a piece of waterfront land.
My understanding is that there are boat slips available, and while expensive are probably cheaper than 90k a year. Since I am almost positive that company mentioned above does not own that land connected to their boat slips that would probably lend credence to my theory.
Could be. I haven’t priced any lately 🙂
Don’t forget the boat that goes into that slip. That costs money and upkeep.
90K might be cheaper than owning.
Boats are a great way of burning through money. Almost as efficient as sending a kid to college.
Ever pay docking fees in a high pop area?
That helicopter looks suspiciously like a boat.
No, I don’t.
10 qualities in women most men can’t handle
Saw this posted on FB by a female family friend that has consistently screwed up her own life with bad decisions over 5 decades. No, my divorced friend, none of those qualities exist in you. He left you because you are weak, dishonest and manipulative.
You sugarfree’d the link.
And can’t link properly.
Mobile. Damn. Here.
And after reading the article, fuck that noise. I see nothing in that list that I would dislike in a partner.
Most men want neurotic, weak and anxiety filled women. Lol.
I already knew I wasn’t normal… I really didn’t need it spelled out that well. 🙂
Exactly what I was expecting.
I’m reminded of this woman.
Why did you have to remind all of us of her?
I don’t think that article made any of us feel better.
I’m using it as an excuse to drink more.
You need….an excuse?
*belches, rummages around fridge for moar beer*
You need….an excuse?
Yes. But note I didn’t say what counted as an excuse.
Maybe her problem isn’t that she’s smarter and more accomplished than the men around her, it’s that her contempt for people who are less smart and accomplished oozes out of her?
“My wife/husband left because they didn’t understand me.”
No, they left because they understood you perfectly.
As soon as a I saw ‘Strong women’ I knew it’d be GRRL POWER vapidity of some person trying to set up the Uberfrau for insecure women to project themselves onto.
What pisses me off is that this woman is an advocate for every redistributionist program the govt can dream up. Men subjected to providing quality goods or services via the free market will become men able to empathize. Take half their shit and give it to someone who hasn’t been subjected to the necessity of providing those things to their fellow man and you reduce empathy in the very men you claim to want.
“7) She can be intense and hard to handle”
That seems like it’s a cropped-down version of that dumbass Marilyn Monroe quote that 14-year old girls post on Facebook.
Well, y’all have seen the woman I married in action. Not *that* kind, the actual strong, take-charge part. NO, NOT REVERSE COWGIRL.
Never mind, I can’t talk to you perverts.
A 12 year old girl is not yet a woman, OWMC.
Be fair. She’s not 12 until next month.
You should see their wedding album:

Did you know that you can’t spell out “wanker” in The Sun?
But you *can* have photos of naked people!
Damn it, I clicked on the link and there were no photos of naked people. I’m now very disappointed.
I thought “The Sun” was for publishing naked pictures.
I shall assist.
Thank you. If you could wash her and bring her to me?
We work on a ‘catch and release’ program at John Titor’s Brothel and Game Preserve.
I thought it was a diet center
It can be a bunch of things.
I’ll wash her.
Very nice
This article was in the sidebar for me.
What I love about the UK is that certain insults which would, at worst, be mostly ignored and probably induce laughter from most Americans literally make the news there.
You can get away with saying cunt a lot more though, which is nice.
I find the scorn one gets for using the word cunt in N America to be a shame. I like how the Brits and Aussies use it as punctuation.
It’s bizarre how “cunt” is commonly regarded as the most severe cuss word because it invokes female genitalia, yet “prick” and “dick” are much lower on the offense scale.
I hear everyone likes dick.
Call a guy a prick: Whatever dude. Fuck you too
Call a gal a cunt: Waaaaa! Muh Feelz!
Had a Brit friend of mine warn me not to screw with a certain guy at the pub. “Be careful. He’s hard.” Um, ok. I’ll give him his space.
A certain Irish girl I once knew thought ‘fanny packs’ were the most hilarious thing in North America.
It’s because of the different definitions of that term.
Is that why?
I’m aware, I forget it’s a mostly American audience sometimes.
You forgot UnCiv was your audience.
“You forgot UnCiv was your audience.”
I thought we were all here to entertain unciv
“He’s hard.”
Guys who could have the skin lashed off of their backs to the point of exposing their spines without crying out were referred to as ‘hard men’ or ‘iron men’. Over the years I had picked up enough limey slang to understand what they were on about. Walking down the street with a limey that I had only recently become acquainted with one day he suggested “Hey, lets stop off and grab some fags.”. I was out so I said “sure.” About a hundred feet further down the street he stopped like he had run into a wall, turned to me with the whites of his eyes showing and asked “Hey, you did understand what I meant by fags, right? I know you yanks …”
“Yeah, yeah I understood.”
Or as Mae West said, “A hard man is good to find.”
So what exactly did you tell your hairdresser?
Goddammit, are you going to replace John in triggering me by posting articles from that poor excuse for toilet paper?
Like Jefferson said of Franklin, I cannot replace John, I can merely succeed him.
I’m sure this is already posted, but LOL.
Poor Preet
He is ‘absolutely independent’!
It is also funny to see how many people are now saying that Trump fired him because he was worried about Preet being too honest about Trump and his Russian banking server.
Preet’s not going to win any popularity contests around here, that’s for sure.
Dinesh D’Souza is sad to see Preet go.
Well, not really.
A trait that is hardly restricted to Indians…
D’Souza gonna be D’Souza.
D’Souza’s “Look at me! I’m such a pussy magnet” Twitter profile pic was worth the price of admission alone.
A type which rises to the top in societies where there’s a dominant caste with the privilege of oppressing those below them without much consequence…
Good evening, you fine people.
I’m drinking rum and watching the Kid’s Choice Awards with my daughter.
I feel old.
Fine people?
I’m feeling generous.
His DTs?
His delirium tremens are people?
What kind of rum?
Fwaygo. It’s a local rum that I’ve fallen in love with.
Nice. The barrel aged or the hand-crafted?
Hand crafted.
By God, I read that as “Faygo” and thought you had gone Juggalo!
That sounds like ICP’s spirit of choice.
I thought The Kid’s Choice Awards was aired on November 8.
He’ll be here all week, folks. Try your waitress, tip the veal.
Cow tipping is easier with smaller cows.
You ever write a comment and want to delete it but his post by mistake? That’s about half of my posts.
Only half?
I got notified the Halt and Catch Fire Season 3 was dropped on Netflix, so that’s what I’m watching this evening.
Enjoy JB. It won’t last forever.
OT: Just taking a survey here…
If you’re the type of libertarian who believes in some very small and limited government: Under what circumstances would you say it’s justified for the government to take children away from their parents and place them somewhere else?
If you’re the type of libertarian who is against all government: How would a stateless society deal with severe child abuse?
Child abuse…beatings that break the skin or break bones…not treating major treatable illnesses…selling them on ebay…
If the child is being too pampered or not producing enough monocles per day then obviously it needs a new master so that it can fulfill it’s purpose.
Local vigilante action
Oh, so you’re a fan of the police?
If they are good enough for Eddie, they are good enough for me
This very general definition of abuse seems surprisingly sane.
It might be a standard clause in long-term contracts that evidence of child abuse negates the contract and allows for a rescue service to be called in.
Limited government: if you’re a piece of shit who abuses your kids, they are taken away and you probably go to jail for assault and you have to pay child support.
Stateless: same as a above, but instead of jail you’re fed to alligators.
What eddie said. Also failure to advance their education (from birth until age 13 or so) and failure to provide food, shelter or clothing.
Wait…selling them on ebay is wrong?
eBay is a terrible venue.
Put em on Proxibid. They cross-platform with Ebay and have a better rate structure.
*slow clap*
13? Basic literacy and numeracy can (and should!) be inculcated by age 9-11.
A legitimate question, but only one I would answer from a fellow libertarian. When so nanny state cocksucker tries to snare me with it, I make them tell me where their line is first. Generally it will come down to a place where your children are the property of the state. Same with taxes. But the roads! Not going to argue that until they explain how we’ve gotten to 20 trillion in debt first. How successful the people have been in controlling govt spending first. We always have to argue our most complex and thorny position first and they get to argue their easiest. Me? I’m not playing that with them anymore.
Yeah, I agree with Straff. We can’t even get Leviathan to stop growing exponentially. We would have to cut budgets by 90% before these hypothetical conversations are even relevant.
When the parents are government-sector workers.
Isn’t that called an “Anarchist”?
Shhhh. Big tent, big tent.
Anyone who isn’t an anarchist is a statist.
Oh boy! SIV is here!
Shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, fucking yourself?
SIV: Consider this a cat butthole warning.
So this may have been the first thing that influenced my perspective of the United States in my formative years.
Which is more realistic: G.I. Joe or James Bond movies?
James Bond movies starring Timothy Dalton.
“starring Timothy Dalton.”
*blank stare*
Lulz. I can’t remember how many people I got worked into a lather one night on HyR by arguing earnestly that Moore was by far a better Bond than Connery. Hell, I even convinced a couple people before I ended the ruse.
Dalton is a bridge too far.
Moore was okay. He did a good job as a toff action-man in the one season of The Persuaders.
He was fine for a certain take on Bond.
Either I’m drunk already or you’re drunk with power and constantly editing your posts. The tyranny of CATBUTT must come to an end!
(Unless you’re willing to give me edit privileges, in which case I will be a loyal follower of The System).
I’m just going to leave this here.
Of course they have a bloody cut-away of the catbutt interior. Fuck me, it looks like the inside of a duck.
Well fuck! HM if I can’t cancel my order I’m suing for damages.
Unh…a little of Column A.
A little of Column B.
What do you mean anal hole only allows partial penetration?
NONONONO!!! I clicked again, WTF is wrong with me?!
I thought Dalton was a pretty good Bond, in all honesty. Miles better than Moore. Better than Brosnan.
I find Connery to be overrated as James Bond. He’s great as a Russian submarine captain though. Timothy Dalton is unironically my favorite Bond. Daniel Craig has surprised me. I didn’t want to like him, but he’s got the qualities of “essential James Bond.”
“starring Timothy Dalton.”
*blank stare*
Not surprising when Maryam d’Abo was on screen.
Well, there was only one, The Living Daylights
License To Kill says “what?”
James Bond meets Scarface
Bond’s way too broad to make that judgement. It ranges from average action movie ridiculous to duck hats.
I probably should have pointed out that the only Bond movie I could tolerate was the original “Casino Royale”. It had Peter Sellers in it.
Peter Sellers is overrated.
Value is subjective, but man, I just don’t understand some people.
*narrows gaze*
*YOU’RE* a towel!
Say what? For your consideration, his portrayal of Communist, union shop-steward Fred Kite in I’m All Right Jack. Also, Casino Royale features both David Niven and Woody Allen as Bond, making it clearly the best Bond film. The on-set, ridiculously petty, feuding between Orson Welles and Sellers is icing on the cake.
We’re all entitled to our own opinions. But seriously, how can you as a libertarian watch Being There without thinking that it was somewhat predictive of our current political climate.
You can put a retarded Groundskeeper in a nice suit and watch him say some vague aphorisms, and everybody thinks there is some deeper meaning there, but because he has the right name, and wears a nice suit everybody everybody in Washington thinks he is smart.
His earlier movies aren’t so bad, but from about Strangelove on, I find him to be insufferably over the top. Being There is terrible. I just want to reach through the screen and beat the shit out of everybody. At least the black lady maid gets it.
They should rename Being There to Being A Lightworker
Shit… There was a “Casino Royale” in the 50s. I didn’t know about it. I thought the 60s one was the original.
It says a lot about the expansiveness of the ‘Bond universe’ that I haven’t seen what you’re talking about and immediately went for more popular works.
That is an interesting movie. I saw it once years ago, I should give it another go. But, calling it a “Bond Movie” is somewhat of a stretch.
And to borrow a phrase; Value is subjective, but man, I just don’t understand some people.
Holy shit. Just got home from judging the high school Mock Trial state championship. I’ve never wanted to strangle so many high school kids at one time.
Unfortunately they don’t do mock trials for strangulation. Although, I’m sure we can imagine, what sort of derp was going down. I’m sure the Constitution was completely ignored.
I participated in one of those.
The “Judge” failed to follow the rules. The winner was supposed to be who got the ruling in their favor. The “Judge” said that they would rule in favor of my team on the legal arguments but that the other team would be the winner.
I don’t understand how they felt they could do that.
Sounds like he wanted to give the kids an example of all the assholes in power that they will interact with as adults
We don’t deliver a verdict. We score each attorney and witness. Highest score wins.
Who was on trial under what charges?
They redid the OJ trial. RBS had the prosecution but the judge didn’t want there to be riots so he wanted the defense to win again.
Ha. It was a civil case this year. Wrongful termination. Guy got fired from his hospital job because his anti vaccer gp told him the flu vaccine the hospital made all employees receive would trigger MS and kill him so he refused. Based on a real case.
I hope he didn’t win the real case. The hospital should have every right to terminate someone that doesn’t follow policy.
I think in real life the guy lost at trial and on appeal.
Do they have SLAPP laws there? I hope he was made to pay for the hospital’ legal fees.
So did you at least slam your gavel and yell, “THIS WHOLE COURT IS OUT OF ORDER, YOU ARE ALL GETTING VACCINATED!!”
So that dude that tried to label “glibertarians”? I engaged him. It didn’t take long for him to call me a troll.
What a big, fat pussy.
The ‘you’re a fool’ was admittedly not constructive to debate.
That’s not to say he isn’t a cunt.
The debate was over. He had it coming. He said anybody that believes hard work leads to success is a eugenecist.
He had it coming.
Only if they are also a Lysenkoist.
Sound about right for Marxists.
Sure, but it’s not really constructive. The idiot will believe idiotic things and fail to understand what eugenics is regardless of whether you call him a fool or not.
Least it’s better than punching imaginary Nazis.
Sloopy was being polite. I would have rectified names and called him an insufferable prick.
If only I had the godlike powers of editing my comments on his site like I do here.
Then I could call him a twat.
Perhaps I have too much of a fondness for the ‘so polite it pisses people off’ trope.
I think you do in this case. This guy is a fucking assclown that deserved to be called a fool at a minimum. I tried to be polite. Hell, my first comment was meant entirely as a joke. But he lashed out in the comments at what somebody said about the luxury tax and I pressed him on his views.
Then he went full retard.
Fair enough, I was just more interested in his half-mad justification for his idiocy. He never really provided anything beyond the superficial, and I was interested in more.
But nothing more was coming other than projection. He was already putting words into my mouth and threatening the banhammer for questioning his “hard work = eugenics” retardation.
Seriously, it had run its course. He got treated better than he deserved.
No, I get it. He’s a shitbag, that much is obvious. I just like pushing people until they try to defend their positions and find nothing but the hollow remains of some slave morality.
I’d have pressed if I thought he would argue in good faith and from an intellectual point of view. He had abandoned that a couple comments earlier.
Agreed. The guy was being a grade A, first class prick.
Now that is a special kind of stupid.
I tend to ignore people who claim they are vastly well read or whatever the fuck that guy said.
I read his “Libertarian is Fascism Friendly” article. There is a lot of stupid in it.
I didn’t know libertarians had ruined the fedora until reading his site. I thought our thing was top hats.
So he can find common ground with anybody except “glibertarians”? Pretty sure that says more about his bias than yours.
That’s because you aren’t serious enough about your politics.
That guy is so serious about his politics that after he memorizes a few more lines of a Marx speech tonight and jerks off into a sock, he’ll be going to bed alone.
His bio has “single, multiple-cat-owning virgin” written all over it.
I dunno. He reminds me of the guy in Forrest Gump that smacks his girlfriend and then blames it on LBJ.
I was feeling guilty for ranting about that guy earlier. I am not sure why now.
Today’s letter is “D”– as in DEAD MOON. Or maybe it stands for DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Who just scored 7 unanswered runs Against TEAM USA to take the lead.
No surprise, the US poaches players from the Domunican Republic all the time.
Yeah, but as good as the DR’s lineup is you would think that Tanner Roark and Andrew Miller could hold a 5-run lead.
Is this possibly SF’s first online posting? It is from 2004.
Where did you guys get those pics of a cat’s ass anyhow?
Is there something new going on with the behind the curtain stuff tonight? For me, Glibs is in a constant state of page loading. And according to the status bar, the last thing it is getting hung-up on is “connected to…”
I’m on Windows 10, Firefox 51
That’s on you. We don’t do shit with yahoo ads.
Unless it has something to do with the link to my basketball bracket thing.
Clear your cache and start over. Let us know what happens. Please.
Well, as I was typing, a Firefox update was downloading. And now the issue I described no longer exists. So…um…
Hey! Thanks for fixing the website Sloopy!
It’s how he failed upwards in life.
There’s an opening in the US Attorney’s office, or so I hear….
I hear they’re looking for anybody willing to swear a blood oath to Kek and that already has a MAGA hat.
Shit, that leaves me out.
But speaking of lawyers, Harvard goes further down the social justice slide into stupidity.
Could be worse.
OK, so funny tech support story time. This was back in ’97 or ’98, and I was wearing an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time.
Anyways, so I got this tech support call from a lady calling up asking if the NSA could remotely hack her computer.
Me: OK, so what makes her believe that the NSA hacked your computer?
Her: Well, I post in some conspiracy newsgroups, and I wanted to download some photos from the Mars Rover, and IE autocomplete sent me to some website with photos of guys being decapitated. (Yes newsgroups were still a thing. ) So I thought maybe the NSA was trying to plant
those photos on my computer.
Me: Do you have a teenage son who also has access to your computer?
Her: Yes, but he would never look at such horrible stuff.
Me: Probably not intentionally, but one of his friends might, and he clicked on it thinking it was something else.
Proto-Rickrolling was fucking hardcore. And something like 1/3 of our tech support calls were guilty husbands wondering how to clear their cache.
It’s the dildos.
God Dammit! What fucking time is it? I set all my analog clocks ahead but all my fancy digital devices have not caught up. Since I’ve had the lions share of a bottle of “honest to goodness really swell Phillip’s Vodka” I need to know when to take my sleeping pills so that I pass out at the appropriate hour to wake up, make biscuits and coffee and get to work on time. Fucking Daylights Saving Time. Stop messing with my rut.
In principle, I dislike daylight saving times. However, since I’m working (HA) tonight, my 7pm to 7am shift will only be 11 hours tonight.
But do you get paid for 11 or 12 hours?
11 if I can remember correctly from last year. no worries, I’ll make it back in 6 months when I get to do 13 hours from 7 to 7.
Fuck DST, just tell everyone to show up at work an hour earlier, if you must.
The roosters are going to wake you up whenever, amirite?
Screw daylight savings time. Or standard time. Just pick one friggin time. Stop this back and forth bullshit. Maybe it’s time to move to Arizona where they laugh about these sort of time problems.
Standard time is fine, unless you want to run over more kids waiting for the school bus. DST is nothing but a a shopping scheme to boost consumption.
Hawaii also skips the entire DST thing as well. Getting out your hammock and risking your rum drink to change a clock? Bah, nobody needs that much work.
On the other hand watching the NFL for breakfast at 7am before going to do something else for the day is a good thing.
I am morally against running over school children, or most anyone else. It’s just not right. If it takes standard time then count me for it.
Is there any good argument against just splitting the difference and just going for a half-hour difference year round? Yeah, so noon doesn’t match up on the winter and summer solstice anymore. Whoop-de-frigging do! We’re not druids.
“But It’s because of the farmers” doesn’t cut it anymore. Go ask a few Farmers how they feel about DST. They hate it twice as much as anyone else. Farm animals don’t work off of clock time, but they know what time milking and feeding time is supposed to happen, and randomly switching them back and forth isn’t helping.
If I post tomorrow at 1:59 AM and the 2 minutes later, will the 2nd comment come first due to daylight savings ending??
Oh all-wise and benevolent ZARDOZ, tell me the answer (so that I don’t have to stay up late)!
Ah, fuck me! It’s spring FORWARD…ZARDOZ it!
Let’s see. I changed your timestamp.
I’m no scientist.
An Admin has to manually change WordPress to DST.
I assume it’s all in UTC offsets underneath so the DST doesn’t really matter except for how the time stamp displays.
Tonight’s liver and onion dinner challenge. How long can you last? No muting or looking away.
Ten seconds after the action started.
You may be the winner, but you’re missing out on listening to a bunch of women telling you what they want.