Friday is here.  But to basketball fans, the weekend started last night.  Three fantastic games and one blowout.  Poor Purdue, they just didn’t show up in the second half.  But on the bright side, Michigan lost (few things could make me happier), and Arizona lost (few things could make Banjos happier) to Xavier (my old hometown team representing).  And I’ll admit, I’d have liked to have seen WVU beat Gonzaga, but the refs managed to completely take them out of their game by alternately calling every touch foul for 5 minutes and then letting them play a rugby match for five minutes.  Totally schizophrenic officiating.  Oh yeah, and Duke doesn’t play again until November.

Alas, this isn’t a sports website, so I need to get my focus back and get down to business.  So here we go…

Senator Schumer.

President Trump has given congress an ultimatum: either pass the proposed Obamacare replacement this week or leave the ACA in place.  I guess he’s unaware that there are grave concerns from House and Senate members in his own party that the replacement doesn’t solve some of the structural problems related to the terrible law and that it doesn’t sit well with people that wanted a better bill.

Next week’s House Intelligence Committee meeting ought to be interesting if this turns out to be true.  And by “interesting,” I mean people ought to be walking out of there with subpoenas if what that story alleges is true.  Lots and lots of subpoenas.


Coming soon to a ballpaak neah you.

Senator Moobs threatens filibuster on Gorsuch, which will pretty much mean the nuclear option if most other Democrats stay in line.

According to the LA Times, whites without college degrees are driving up the death rate.  Silly me, I assumed the death rate was 100% eventually.

Keep your flappy-headed monstrous ideas north of the border!  ::looks at photo:: On second thought, where can I find that in my neighborhood?

For Banjos