Two unnamed women have sued a former police detective, city supervisors and the city of Huntington, WV over alleged civil rights violations including sexual assault.

From the linked story (emphasis mine):

A former Huntington police detective has been sued in federal court along with the city and supervisors for civil rights violations including sexual abuse. The complaint alleges too that the city has failed to supervise officers.

Representing the plaintiffs, attorney Tim Eves listed nearly 20 alleged instances of policies and procedures not followed, failure to exercise reasonable or slight care, and failure to follow standards by supervisors. Eves asserted that supervisors knew the officers had been the subject of prior investigations of excessive force, had prior disciplinary actions against him, and “was not qualified to safely investigate and/or meet with potential female victims.” The complaint alleges that the officer had “unlawfully stopped, arrested, and physically assaulted others while on duty,” including illegal search and seizure, unlawful restraint without due legal process, and invasive search without probable cause, and “offensive contact” of their persons.

Officer Joshua Nield being sworn in in 2008.

If any of those are demonstrably true, they’re gonna have a hard time defending this in front of a jury.  Especially since the police officer in question was named in a wrongful death case where it was shown in court that he basically beat an elderly woman to death and they kept him on the force.

The city attorney has spoken out (emphasis mine again):

Responding to documents in the Earle case related to the sexual abuse, attorneys for the city have stated that the incident occurred while the detective was OFF DUTY and working a part time job.

“It is generally alleged that this incident involved a non-consensual sexual contact by Officer N with two females,” the city’s response said. “However, and without disclosing the sordid details of this incident, it must be noted that Officer N possesses real and valid defenses to these allegations, including evidence of consent to any sexual interactions.”

Well, that’s different!  He was off the clock.  Although, he was on the clock when he beat that elderly woman to death a year before the alleged incidents in this case.

Either way, the taxpayers are going to likely be on the hook for any settlement or judgment that comes from it. Which is the real travesty here. Well, that and the alleged sexual assaults, beating deaths and the city’s dismissive treatment of their citizens.