Good morning, friends.  I hope you’ve had a solid start to your week.  And I hope it finishes even better for you. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

This starts today.

Our closest friend and ally in Europe will invoke Article 50 today and tell the European Union they are leaving.  Pants will be soiled. Fainting couches will be used.  And the world will continue to turn.

President Donald Trump says a scheduling conflict will prevent him from throwing out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals season opener. (TW: Salon) And the leftosphere, who complain every time he takes a dignitary to Mar-a-Lago, now complain that he’s not taking the time off to do this.  Maybe he didn’t have the mom jeans in his closet necessary to look presidential out there as he one-hopped it to home plate with the mechanics of an 11 year old girl.  Or was that somebody else?

Former President throws out first pitch, which current president apparently will skip this year.

Rep Devin Nunes’s actions have shifted the intel “investigations” to the Senate.  As best as I can read it, Dems want him to recuse himself because he took info from a whistleblower and shared with America that he had received it and that it potentially corroborated a few tweets and the words of a certain former judge/question asker that is currently unemployed.

Cleveland podiatrist charged with groping employee, exposing himself.  No foot fetish, anyway.  That we know of.

A halfway house in Oakland burned to the ground last weekend, killing 4 people. The list of characters involved is a bizarre one.  Lets just hope the eclectic nature of it doesn’t detract from the fact that city investigators were notified on countless occasions of its unsafe nature yet did nothing to prevent the deadly blaze, whether out of apathy, stupidity or just plain malevolence. Just like what happened with the fire last year where 36 people died

City plays shell game with funds.  Seriously, why does this surprise anybody with a functioning brain?

Thanks to Trump rolling back the environmental regs, this will likely not happen for another 4 years anyway.  Actually, it will never happen, as man always marches forward.

Go out there and enjoy your day.  Tell somebody you don’t often tell how much they mean to you.  Tell a family member or forgotten friend that you love them.  And enjoy the hell out of it.