No theme to these links, just sort of scattershot bits of fun, news or derp. Have at them!
- I spy, with my little eye, something in the river beginning with “B”.
- Obamacare continues to repeal itself.
- We might need a whole bunch of trillion dollar coins!
- Seige of Gibraltar prep?
- Mumble mumble Rockefeller mumble mumble.
Enjoy the links, enjoy your day!
Good morning – running off to breakfast now, I’ll be back…
Hopefully more of you will be around when you return.
We’re here. Just shy.
*Bites Pinky*
*tries to lure straff out with hentai*
It’s working…
I hope senpai will notice me
What am a I, chopped liver?
Per down thread – scrapple or perhaps even Spam?
You mean we shouldn’t just ignore Swissy’s posts?
I am not the boss of you!
Wow, I somehow missed the news about David Rockefeller, but it’s always great news to have a little less evil in the world. Good riddance to one of the architects of the New World Order.
The Pew Turdled Odor
Jew Curdled Mordor!
near Putney Bridge in southwest London, just meters (yards) from the starting line of the famous race
Nice to see AP making accommodations for us simple folk.
Once again unintended consequences strike! At what point does O’Care become a mere shell? When every insurer pulls out?
That would do it – then repeal would be easy – “Look, nobody has O!Care, time to unplug the penaltax, mandates and taxes”. Oh, who am I kidding.
That’s when the left calls for a government option because “the private sector won’t provide these services”. Heck Krugman has already made that argument. It’s all part of the plan: distort the ability of free agents to provide something to the point that they can’t, then call it a market failure, and bring in a government agency, after a decade or two no one will believe it can be done by the free market.
For sure they will blame ‘greedy insurance companies’. They will just double down on the idiocy.
As one prog friend told me, ‘we have to force people to do what’s right’.
Fucken retards.
‘we have to force people to do what’s right’.
We have to threaten to maim, kill out kidnap people until they do what we think is the right thing to do…
If only they were honest with themselves…
If one of them was honest enough to say that to me, I would so torn between admiring the break from the usual prevarications and just wanting to smash their face.
I got that once. All i could spit out was “my god you are a horrible person”.
“It’s all part of the plan: distort the ability of free agents to provide something to the point that they can’t, then call it a market failure, and bring in a government agency, after a decade or two no one will believe it can be done by the free market.”
That’s exactly the case with the healthcare and finance industries – the two most heavily regulated industries in the country that also happen to be used by “progressives” as cautionary tales of why we can’t let the free market just work on its own.
Been arguing that for years. Usually falls on deaf ears.
What you talkin’ ’bout Willis?
Bush deregulated the financial industry, leading to the worst economy since the Great Depression, which Obama dug us out from by putting a leash on the fat cat banksters, and with his Stimulus.
It is known.
Because everyone appreciates being constantly nudged to behave properly.
Nothing says free and open society like “Forcing People At Vending Machines To Wait Nudges Them To Buy Healthier Snacks”.
Seriously these people will wax eloquent about the horrors of the Puritans, but don’t see that they are the intellectual descendents of them.
I like that the university patented it. They’re proud of their commitment to being annoying assholes.
Although it seems like a worthless patent. Vending companies only care about how much they sell. And if they did care whether their customers bought more “healthy” snacks, they could just stock their machines with more of those products.
You mean a university might produce something that is if no use to the economy because academia had been sheltered from the private sector and free market signals? Color me surprised.
I really like academia, but they are way too sheltered from the task world. You bring up a great point. The market for this kind of vending machine had to be incredibly small (a fitness center might be interested? I have a hard time thinking of who the customer is.)
Government. That’s the customer.
Coming soon to to
aevery school near youNot to mention every company with an HR department and a “wellness plan”.
If you stick kale in a vending machine, it’s not that no one will ever buy it, it’s that it will spoil before anyone buys it.
I’m sure you could douse the kale in the evul kkkemichals to prevent spoiling, which would lead to some funny objections.
Hospitals. My son has a heart condition, so we go to the large children’s hospital near us every few months for check ups. you can’t purchase whole milk anywhere on the hospital campus- even the Starbucks franchise there has soy/2 percent and skim. It’s all “health-commie”, which is abd regardless, but given that it’s based on the discredited and incredibly unhealthy food pyramid/USDA Recc’s, it’s even worse.
It’s honestly kind of scary. If you so much as disagree with nutritional recommendations you can get labeled non compliant, and then have a difficult time finding doctors. So you have to just nod your head and pretend to agree with every suggestion. It terrifies me that our medical system has become so entrenched with the state that the recommendations of an expert can have consequences leading up to losing your child in a worse case scenario.
So time tax for unhealthy snacks = good
Time tax for an abortion = bad
Ok got it
Fyi i think the waiting periods and the laws about looking at the ultrasound are creepy and bad
intellectual descendents of them
That actually works in two ways – one the historical allusion you make and the second is the degeneracy that can be implied.
I’ve been saying that for a long time. The witch burning Puritans never went away, they just changed their name to ‘progressives’.
Or “soccer moms”
“To qualify as “healthy,” snacks had to meet 5 out of 7 criteria, such as packing fewer than 250 calories”
If I’m eating food out of a vending machine, it’s because I want calories.
Or a sugar blast.
Not me, I eat very little sugar. But whatever you’re into eating is fine with me.
Meh, I just do it to wake up when I “have a case of the 2:30’s”.
Then get a job where you can be out the door at 2:30, like me.
Of course, the day starts at 6:00AM….
“But whatever you’re into eating is fine with me.”
You’ll never be a good progressive with an attitude like that. You obviously hate people if you don’t want to force them to do what’s best for them.
(raises finger to make relevant point…. thinks better of it, decides to have a beer for breakfast instead)
I presume it was the third finger?
And yet these people think Donald Trump is the dangerous fascist.
I take the stairs at work precisely because the elevator takes forever to reach the floor level.
The office building I work in has decided to post sheets in the stairwell showing you how many steps you’ve walked up and how many calories you’ve burned doing it. Thanks work, knowing that I burned 7 calories walking up 2 flights of stairs is knowledge that I need.
Wasn’t there a study that showed that posting nutrition information led to people eating less healthy. They suspect it was because before people didn’t know how many calories things like salad had, so when the had that information, people figured that might as well eat what they liked since eating a salad only saved a few calories. I think knowing that going up the stairs at work only burnt 7 calories would have a similar effect.
Then obviously they should say that going up the stairs burns 700 calories, and in small print say “averaged over 100 trips”.
What could go wrong with that?
*walks up stairs, eats candy bar and downs soda because of all the calories just burned*
I work on the ground floor.
Of course, we’re going to be the ones to die when the building collapses in on itself.
Don’t feel bad, the people falling down from the top floors won’t fare much better.
What will happen if they go with plan B? Spending increases and tax cuts?
Compared to entitlement reform, everything is more pressing.
Lesson: Never put heroin in your elephant tranquilizer
“We don’t even know how much carfentanil is in the current heroin supply.”
Portugal is in the back of the class, waving hand vigorously. “I do! I do!”
Because the United States is the worlds main consumer of heroin, it only seems proper that our government push heroin producing countries to implement common sense heroin regulations do that tragedies like this don’t happen.
Make them wait 25 seconds?
Shorter comments: You deserve to die for wanting to get your jollies in a way I don’t like.
Yeah, that pretty much describes the attitude of our local radio news station and all if their callers.
That’s 95% of the populace in general.
Live and let live ain’t a thing.
Which is exactly why flogging the Libertarian Moment over at TSTSNBN was getting as irritating as your average proggie prodding. Talk about drinking your own kool-aid.
“That’s 95% of the populace in general.”
Sadly, this is true.
I was expecting that link to lead to a story about an outbreak of African Glam-Rock Bands
Twisted Sista?
We’ve had several media-perfect heroin storms in the last few years here in Minnesoda. Bad smack makes it here and a bunch of white suburban kids bite it.
So far we’ve never, ever thought that maybe making people buy an unknown substance from thugs is the root cause of the problem.
Our local Sheriff (Rich Stanek) being a complete tool sure doesn’t help either. I suspect he gets a chubby every time something like this happens because he knows it will lead to more $$$ for his office.
Seige of Gibraltar prep?
I will be very disappointed if this is what starts WW3 and not Donald Trump.
We should obviously get involved since we’re the world police
The world police,
Inside of my head….
Cheap Trick puns, this early on a Sunday?
According to my liberal friends, we must be the world police, because Trump telling the EU to pony up its share of NATO funds is like super horrible.
Umm who does the US (and Canada) fight when two NATO nations go to war against each other?
If we go in with the Spanish we can invade Canada, right?
Might as well do it regardless.
I’d be up for letting the British set DC on fire again.
That is a fair trade. We get to occupy Toronto, they get to burn DC. Win-Win.
The last time Spain attempted to take Gibraltar was during the American Revolution, and Spain lost, even though the Franch were helping Spain.
So even while getting its ass kicked by the Yanks, the Brits managed to hold on to Gibraltar.
“Even though”, or “because”?
Also, “Franch”. I love it.
You have to pronounce it in a Franch accent, and it sounds sophisticated.
Or “Frahnsh”
Franch dressing. It’s a hybrid of Ranch and French. You should patent that right now.
“the Franch were helping Spain.”
I think I see why they lost.
America was happy to have a little French assistance against the tea-sippers.
Anyone who sips anything is a horrible person.
So SP and I went to see this guy for date night last night. I now know more about Spam than I ever did before.
Trigger Warning: Scrapple Discussion
For me it’s the hands. Veins are starting to pop out the closer I get to fitty. I’m really glad I can’t see my liver.
For me, it’s the penis. It gets in a mood and I can’t find anywhere to put it.
I got veins popping out all over from diet and exercise but I still look young, or so people say at least…
Scrapple – the stuff you couldn’t even make into sausage.
There were several months there, where all our baby son wanted to eat was farmer’s market scrapple. Can’t go wrong with organ meats for nutrition if you ask me, and the farm that made it seemed like quality folks.
dunno anything about John Gorka, but I like that song. In a different context or setting, it could a be a legitimate blues/folk song.
Regarding spam, the Hawaiians seem to be masters of it.
George Soros is GOD:
And therefore the Koch’s don’t support any good cause that Soros doesn’t. Look don’t get me wrong, I don’t like either of them, but I’m convinced the government stopped teaching logic so that the people would be convinced by fallacies easier.
And right out of the gate we start with the retard – from the first letter:
“the Koch brothers do indeed use their massive wealth to influence our government, predominantly one party, to do their bidding and accommodate their interests in protecting us from big government.
Contrary to what you’ve probably been told about big government, it is the only entity that can stand up to billionaires and corporate interests, as government has the ability to render billionaires regular citizens.”
Lets give more power to government so it can control the billionaires that control government. I get tired of trying to distract people from eating crayons so that I can point out the stunning cognitive dissonance. I just want to curse their parents and hit them with a stick.
I just want to curse their parents and hit them with a stick.
Those are just your violent right -wing fantasies, Pinochet.
What’s your point?
Someone’s asking for a free helicopter ride.
“Lets give more power to government so it can control the billionaires that control government.”
+1 Sarcasmic logic loop.
That paragraph is particularly stupid because you can literally replace ‘Koch brothers’ with ‘Soros’ and it’s just as accurate, but Soros being a cronyist shitbag using the state to enforce his will and interests (he actually lost a ton of money with the election upset, but no one seems to care about billionaire influence on the Democrats).
I’d be a little more open-minded to the “progressive” fear-mongering about big money in politics if they weren’t rolling in piles of public sector union money.
“Contrary to what you’ve probably been told about big government, it is the only entity that can stand up to billionaires and corporate interests”
Yes, it stands up to them by getting into bed with them. What a progressive hero that big government is.
Yes, that is one of the stupider things that guy says. Government is the only entity that can force you to do business with a big evil corporation. Obamacare anyone?
Also notice no list of the hospitals, arts and charities that the Kochs give huge amounts of money to.
Is David Koch a major funder of PBS? Someone told me that, not sure…
I have seen his name listed many times before an episode of Nova. He’s usually the only sponsor mentioned.
i stopped there
Farther than I got.
Limited government means gay pogroms, and perpetually pregnant women.
Especially the Koch brothers small government types, you know, the ones who are pro-abortion and were pro-gay marriage for decades before most Democrats.
They weren’t pro-gay in the correct way.
They supported abortions qua abortions, instead of the more important issue of paying for the abortions through taxpayer money.
Yep – those are the people for whom cognitive dissonance should have the same effect as Scanners.
If the Democrats actually cared about gay marriage then why wasn’t it legal in deep blue shitholes such as Maryland and Illinois? They totally lead from behind on the issue, yet somehow people still give them credit.
Never mind any of that. The correct narrative is that Obama is a valiant warrior for gay rights. Disregard the fact that as late as 2006, he was saying that marriage is between a man and a woman.
He didn’t change his public position until after Biden said that Obama was for gay marriage. That happened in 2012. Then there was that ridiculous Newsweek cover, calling him “The First Gay President”
HRC wasn’t for gay marriage until after she stopped being Secretary of State.
I am not sure anyone has damaged the cause of free immigration worldwide more than Soros and Open Society. Legal immigration is a bone of contention but not a crisis. The extralegal immigration Soros has been trying to shove down everyone’s throat has caused the crisis.
Hm. Maybe instead of cremation I want to be bound up:
Question is…what book or comic?
The Kama Sutra.
And can’t you get your wife to bind and gag you already?
I’m undiagnosed ADHD. That would kill me.
The Illustrated History of Curling
One of these books may not be covered in human skin after all, despite an inscription in the book saying it was.
An Illustrated Guide to Maple Syrups of Canada
Woman fined more than £390,000 for posting eight words on Facebook. Actually, probably the worst 8 words you could say to someone.
Not gonna lie, it’s hard to have sympathy for someone who thinks saying something like that on social media isn’t an incredibly horrible thing to say. Perhaps she’s a good person who just let go for a moment, but in my experience people like that still hold back.
“I got tickets to a Catherine Wheel show”
*dies a little inside*
Although Throwing Muses gives them a run for their money.
I was actually thinking of Good Charlotte (shudder)
the guy from Catherine Wheel makes $400,000 pimped-out-porsches now.
what is this i can’t even
I don’t see how that accuses the other woman of killing the kid. Certainly not to the level of libel.
She wasn’t fined, it was a legal settlement of a defamation lawsuit (with other claims thrown in).
And the settlement ought to be given in American dollars – $500,000 – since it was an American case.
It’s straffinrun. I’m surprised it wasn’t given in ¥
If he’s a libertarian, it should have been given in bitcoins.
A bleak outlook for Bleaksville
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
and somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
but there is no joy in Bleaksville — mighty Trump has struck out.
To be fair, I’m still utterly disgusted with Trump’s choice of char-coaled steak with ketchup, it’s one of the most anti-MURICAN things I’ve ever seen a President do and I expect him to apologize to the nation as a result.
I’d rather trade my dollars for this sweet coin than any coin with a trillion dollar face value.
That is kind of cool.
These are fun.
I’m not an Objectivist, but that is awesome.
Fd’A approved
Cool. I wasn’t aware of that one, but I’ve been collecting some similar private mint coins
My plan is to get while the gett’n’s good, streamline the homestead, and prepare for massive wealth confiscation by diversifying into things that are easy to hide or hard to convert to liquid assets.
If the reality is less dire than the predictions, then I’m out a little bit of potential wealth and prosperity paying for my “insurance.” If it’s more dire than predictions, I get hit less hard than those who have their entire nest egg in 401k’s and IRAs.
The only metal needed for preparing for things going that sideways (and down) is lead.
Cows are nazis:
They missed the obvious argument that milk is white supremacist because almost everybody else is lactose intolerant. They can’t even derp right.
Well it is the Nordic countries that have the least incidence of lactose intolerance. So it clearly makes sense that milk was invented by the Nazis in their quest to make a master race.
Guess they’ve moved on from the chicken will make your son have a small dick narrative.
Do what now?
When I think of PETA I always think of the time they were caught taking a fee ($10 or $20 bucks I think) for taking in unwanted dogs and putting them out for adoption…or so they said. What they were actually doing was taking the fee, putting the dogs in a sack in the back of their van and then killing the dogs by braining them with a hammer…usually before the van was out of the driveway.
Sick fucks.
They came to Louisiana once and tried to stop fishing on Toledo Bend by following fishermen around and harassing them. After a few rifle bullets barely missed them they gave up and went home. Too fucking bad the shots were misses.
That’s why all warning shots should be made with at least a 30 cm plasma cannon
So now 4chan satire is being regurgitated seriously by PETA. Great.
Good Morning from Upland! anyone Die this weekend? I’m going with Elton John in this years Ghoul Pool
Ha, I grew up in Cucamonga.
Poison, Viper and Sakura are back in CarlosG’s full Street Fighter photo shoot
I thought that was going to be about an 80’s hair band reunion on VH1
I’m thinking she has a crush on this guy. And that HuffPo is retarded for publishing open-letters from dumbass college kids.
And we find out the guy doesn’t exist in 3…2…
Well, that too.
Here’s what I think is the tell that the “person” is an amalgamation of multiple people:
You start off your comments with “I am not racist, but…”
No one really says this.
Man, it’s nice not having Facebook. I’ve never understood these college kids who waste their time stalking other people’s posts.
There are few things I could think of external to my family that would make me more happy than to see the demise of Facebook.
“It-it’s not like I like you or anything, racist b-baka!”
This fits in nicely with the ‘angry feminists need the D’ theme as well.
If America is such a hellscape of of racism with white hoods hiding behind every blade of grass why do these idiots want to stay? It couldn’t be because their sole purpose in life is to bitch and whine and manipulate people with guilt. It couldn’t be that.
The only proper response is “Oh, fuck off.” and ignore them.
Well, at least she hasn’t accused him of rape. Yet.
Well duh! He hasn’t bought her dinner yet!
Why fight club still matters
Its about the book, not the movie.
I’m wrong…it’s about the movie and the book.
Chuck Palahniuk is an obnoxious, pretentious tit and I base this on reading one of his novels, not Fight Club, and finding every one of his characters to be obnoxious, pretentious tits.
Meh, you write what you know.
It wasn’t a terrible book and I don’t know enough about the guy to judge. I just got so annoyed with his characters.
The Pizza Gestapo: Kevin Williamson weighs in on
deep dishfederal regulators requiring calorie disclosures from national chains.It’s a dumb policy for a number of reasons, but somehow its defenders on Twitter manage to be even dumber.
To early to have to strain my eyes rolling at this shit.
And the FedGov is empowered to do this, how?
*Please dont actually answer that*
SF’ed the link but that’s probably for the best.
Dumb dummy can’t even link proper-like.
That is not only incredibly stupid and unnecessary, it is impossible. What would that be, a 200 page book?
Devils advocate here, methinks the menu item would be that of the individual items, i.e. the calories of the pepperoni on a large pizza, that doesn’t change just because you also add pineapple. You could easily list the ingredients and their respective calorie count per pizza/sub size on one (mostly if not entirely ignored) poster. SLD no one should be forced to do this, Just saying that the regulations while stupid are not impossible.
Anyone stupid enough to argue that you need federally mandated calorie disclosure for take out pizza is a prime candidate to be a twit.
Apparently, the feds are using Obamacare to justify this regulation.
If it’s not covered already under food-labelling laws dating back to 1906, then what makes it suddenly urgent after 2010?
No, let me guess – scapegoating the private sector for high health-care costs?
That’s unpossible. I’ve been imformed that there wasn’t any laws about food quality until Sinclair Lewis wrote a damming inditement about butchers in The Jumble.
the people who look at federal regulations and go, “DUH!? OF COURSE THERE SHOULD BE A LAW REQUIRING X?! ITS NOT LIKE IT COSTS ANYONE ANYTHING AND ITS JUST LIKE, COMMON DECENCY” dont seem to have ever grokked that things as well-intentioned as the Americans With Disabilities Act costs American businesses billions and billions of dollars a year, and hasn’t done fuck-all for the disabled, but instead made lawyers rich
then again i’m not sure if you explained it to them if they would see reason or not. i think half the time (or more) they’d just shrug and say, “Fuck them” because businesses are evil and profit is bad.
The fact that something to assuage their consciences costs someone else is of no concern to them. Just try to get a dollar out of their wallets to actually do what they want.
“I supported Obamacare because I wanted everyone to have healthcare, I just didn’t know I would be the one paying for it.”
That quote will always stick in my memory.
You nailed it. These people have the working memory of a goldfish and everything outside of their direct empirical experience is nebulous hic sunt dracones epistemological territory. Things just “happen”. So if it is legislated that nutritional information must be listed, it just “happens”. No thought is given to the fact that such information must be calculated and then confirmed by a third party, and that information must then be disseminated through in-store pamphlets or on-box printing. All of which have costs in time, labor, and materials. These costs are then either passed on to the consumer or are recouped by lowering wages. But these goldfished-brained mongoloids are mentally incapable of this chain of reasoning. Thus, in a year, we will hear whining over the cost of pizza straining the budgets of working, single-parent households and college students and/or calls for “dignity” wages for pizza shop workers.
At which point the CSPI will begin policing outbound pizzas to find that single instance where a high-school dropout loaded too-many faux-pepperonis on it… and take them to court, costing 100s of 1000s of $ in lost time and labor and forcing the company to implement stricter-oversight policies, reducing the margin of error in food prep by 1%, but raising costs by 10%… ultimately reducing the ROI on further businesses-expansion below the rate of market return, and reducing the potential opportunities for employment for 100s of young people….
all because some 2-bit pols thought it made good PR
Its like that “NSA speech” at the end of Good Will Hunting, only far truer-to-life
Oh happy day. I picked both Gonzaga and NC to be the championship winner. If only I had parlayed that one I would be taking another trip to Mexico with the family and out on the water looking for tuna. The best sport begins its season today, looking forward to Bumgarner v Greinke.
So, is Mexican tuna better than American tuna, or something?
It is spicier. Ha! I just love the area on the Sea of Cortez between La Paz and Cabo. Some of the best sportfishing in the world. It is not nearly what it once was, but still remarkable. Last time there we landed two striped marlin and lost a blue marlin after a run. This was only about 500 yards offshore.
The best sport resumes its season on April 11 and 12..
Super Rugby is already well underway.
Yesterday was opening day – for trout. The trout won too, dammit.
I used to hit the trout opener almost every year. Now have three very young boys so my fishing time has vastly decreased. Oldest two just turned four and six so I will get them out a few times later this year.
I used to hit the trout opener almost every year.
Another one of those euphemisms….
Where is this evil place that has a “season” for trout? In Gods country it is always trout season.
Don’t spoil it, I’m still working on my bracket. Figure I will be done Tuesday. Just out of curiosity, when is the latest I could still join the JSubD NCAA Tournament Challenge?
Swiss, you do a Daily Mail link without including this? For shame!
She may be getting a tad long in the tooth, but still, man!
Wow, it’s been 20 years since From Dusk Till Dawn?
Should’ve include this of course.
The greatest day of the year, opening day, and it looks like Tampa isn’t close to being full, even with all the tarped-over upper sections.
That is just pitiful, and is a bad sign for that team’s future.
I lived in St. Pete for a year, and I went to a Rays game, mainly because it’s like going to minor league hockey: cheap tix, plenty of room, and no charge for parking. If they want to fill their stadium, they can hire Voros McCracken and get some good ballplayers.
The greatest day of the year, opening day, and it looks like Mylanta isn’t close to being full, even with all the crapped-over upper sections.
That is just pitiful, and is a bad sign for that team’s future.
Anyone stupid enough to argue that you need federally mandated calorie disclosure for take out pizza is a prime candidate to be a twit.
Wait. Are you trying to say I’ll get fat if I eat pizza all the time? That can’t be right.
Only if it doesn’t have the nutritional info on the box. Do you even science, bro?
Learning to love the ‘deep state’
How did the American Left come to this. The Left I once knew had a healthy amount of suspicion about the CIA, FBI and NSA. Now they have become apologists for the entrenched surveillance state.
it’s principals before principles all the way down…
Because they successfully hijacked it.
How did they come to this? Barack. Hussein. Obama.
They got their own in there and figure it belongs to them now. Oppression is fine as long as they are doing the oppressing. That is what progressivism is all about.
A terrifying glimpse into the mind of Social Justice. This is how their bullshit narrative is born and perpetuated. This is less of an article and more of an inadvertent confession. To say that the progs abandon reason in favor of emotion is an understatement, and this is not lost on grifters. You could almost say that birds of a feather flock in some particular way.
“I know we are all vulnerable in this time of internet hoaxes and fake news. Remember the recent story of a Santa Clause in Tennessee who claimed an ailing 5 year old boy died in his arms? The world went nuts over this tearjerker, the story went viral, and none of it was publicly corroborated by anyone other than Santa.
I got teary eyed when I saw Santa’s story, and when I first learned about Paulette’s I was similarly taken. It’s who I am as a person; I want to believe. ”
I want to believe. Fake news, indeed.
Remember: if something is too good to be true, it probably isn’t.
Of course, the real struggle was how to maintain the narrative, and to avoid examining one’s own life (starting with that need to believe).
I skimmed most of that. Seems the cancer survivor lady has a decent scam going. I don’t know if I should commend her for bilking SJW’s out of their money, or be angry she is scamming people.
Sounds like she has some issues though.
It’s Sunday, so let’s get some Jesus in here!
Speaking of scam artists…
I can’t resist. I was just reading a story about local opposition to a new truck stop somewhere in the vicinity of Butte (one link leads to another….). In the comments, we find this gem:
Kathleen St. John Mar 19, 2017 6:39pm
Yes, this is America, and as such, corporations do not have the unbridled power to do what they what the want and where they want with impunity. A truck stop is not a tourist attraction, nor is it creating new jobs. Obviously, the residents that will be living next to it do not want it there. Put it elsewhere. The rights of the few, do not out weigh the rights of the many. Because it is America.
This is why we are fucked. A private owner has decided to sell property to another party for a perfectly legal business enterprise which is not subject to government review or approval, but the citizenry oppose it because changes bad. In America, the mob rules.
This is happening everywhere, and almost invariably, the response is, “We don’t give a shit about the law, we want to be able to veto anything we don’t like.”
Democracy at its… nope this is just SOP for democracy.
“nor is [a truck stop] creating new jobs”
Um… Unless it’s a completely robotic truck stop, I’m pretty sure it’s providing at least a few jobs. And even in that case, it would be providing employment for automation engineers and service technicians.
Cashiers, cooks, waiters, stockers, maintenance and hookers. I figure the place will create 20 jobs at least.