WAR Links! What is it good for? Absolutely…..very little? OK, these links might be a bit off my usual fluff, Daily Fail and Gibraltar fascination (unless maybe the Russians threaten to attack Gibraltar! Hmmm….). Anyhow, here are some links fer ye.
- Minor traffic accident in Stockholm. Must have been distracted driving. (h/t Chipwooder)
- Brian Williams gets warboner…? Missile boner? Either way, he is a loon.
- Please to be seeing Russian truth telling press to be having reaction to Yankee aggression!
- Sorry, couldn’t make it through this article…
- Arab Spring! Tunisia is a beacon of enlightenment in a benighted Arab world! This is ….disappointing.
And a special thanks to Jimbo for reminding us of National Beer Day. I have a bottle of Bourbon County 2016 at home that should begin to fear for its life.
And a special thanks to Jimbo for reminding us of National Beer Day.
Hmmm, maybe I should trundle out for a liquid lunch…I’d hate to not participate in a national holiday.
I hereby grant Lay Jimbo as many indulgences (at half price) as he needs for any sins he may commit on this most holy of days.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned, it’s been many years since my last confession. Since then I have tasted Leinenkugel and Corona Light and fed a half dozen babies to the dark god Molech Ba’al. I am sorry for these and all of my sins.
“Bless me…for I have sinned…”
You attend an interesting church, jesse.
I grew up in a Calvinism-inflected sub-species of Foursquare/Pentecostal and am most at home if someone is in the back of the room with too much makeup on singing in tongues. That or pastoral Quakers. I had to look up the confessional formula.
Pastoral Quakers is such an oxymoron.
The pastoralizing was incredibly limited. Guy stood up, read a passage, discussed if for a few minutes and did church bulletins before opening it up. Having grown up in a church with a patriarch of a head pastor it was a nice transitional experience compared to times I’ve sat in a more traditional meeting.
Crazy. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around that. I grew up in stolid and staid Calvinist denomination and I can’t picture mixing that with wacky evangelical stuff.
It was more his theological beliefs than the way the church was actually run had changed over time and fell more in alignment with Calvinist thinking, which was out of alignment with the Foursquare denomination and the specific church’s brand, but he was (and still is) a power player in the denomination and his home church has generated a ton of seed churches around the globe. He did eventually tell the congregation that he didn’t want people shouting out hallellujahs and babbling in tongues, but that was before I gave up on the churching.
I’m a staunch Southron Baptist.
I used to add, “And a devout Republican”, but the party held me upside down in the toilet stall and dunked my head in the toilet, then it gave me a wedgie AND a noogie. All because I actually believe in limited government and individual liberty.
I remember growing up believing that my parents were Evangelicals *and* small government Republicans, but then during the GWB presidency I realized that they were Evangelicals and unqualified Republicans and I was deeply disappointed. They were legitimately angry when I criticized Bush for his faith-based initiative project because “he who pays the piper calls the tune” and I guaranteed it wouldn’t always be someone their definition of faith aligned with.
Fast forward to them furious that Obama watered down the program because he hated Christians.
Dude, I’m from Minnesoda and making fun of Leinies is apostasy.
Good news, though! The Church of Jimbo is pretty understanding about apostasy and heresy as long as your tithing is current.
*sniff* But I like Summer Shandy!!
*Kneels down in front of Pope, kisses papal stein*
euphemism ?
The Papal Stein has been filled with Fat Squirrel (after surreptitiously wiping Lay Jimbo’s spit off).
By the way, my Holy Self doesn’t understand the love for Spotted Cow beer. I think it is OK, but New Glarus has a lot of better brews than that.
Yummy. That looks good.
I don’t think so!
Img tags don’t work? What is up with the warning about NSFW images then.
(anti)Papal Stein
Oh, fuck yeah. I finally know what that feels like.
(It feels pointless and stupid, in case any of you were wondering.)
But, it’s a special kind of pointless. Congrats, man
Technically, not even that since you didn’t quote and comment on a link.
You’re harshing my mellow.
Narrows gaze at Switzy for fourth link.
And here’s the reason that today is National Beer Day. I’m disappointed that all of you are towing the federal government’s lion here. I refuse to allow only one day to be a beer day. I declare all days to be Beer Days.
Fine, I’ll follow this order. Just this once, with this nice Bone Head Red, with a bottled on date of 3/27.
Wow, that looks good too. (I was a little jealous of Pope Jimbo’s Nut Brown Ale and now this).
Here’s my go-to:
Firestone Parabola
Ha. I just had some of that last night at their tap room. I ordered it entirely at random. Quite tasty.
It’ll kick your ass – the ABV is 14.5%.
(and I fucked up the link)
I haven’t had the Parabola yet, but I’ve gotten my hands on quite a bit of Firestone Walker’s lineup between travel and trade. I’ve been waiting for them to expand their distribution after their acquisition by Duvel Moortgat, but it appears I’ll need to wait a while longer. I may have to go to the stouts at some point tonight, as there’s snow on the ground (and we’re supposed to be in the 70’s on Sunday). For that, I’ve got some Hoppin’ Frog BORIS batch #200, some Great Lakes Barrel Aged Blackout, and some Oskar Blues Barrel Aged Ten-Fidy (links omitted to avoid the moderation, but you should be able to google them all). It’s a rough life.
I don’t know as you should go down that road of making h/ts a thing around here.
Think of all the bitter whining that’s sure to result.
Think of all the bitter whining that’s sure to result.
This is different from the usual ‘discussion’ because…
This is different from the usual ‘discussion’ because…
Sweet whining vice bitter.
I’m fine with it.
Ever wondered how many calories consuming your meaty-looking coworker would get you?
Well wonder no more! At last, a scientist has calculated calories for human body parts
God, libertarian paternalism is going to ruin my beloved cannibalism?
No, it’ll just (forcibly) nudge you towards the lower fat cuts. Because that’s better for you.
+1 Long Pig
And at least this prohibitionist is willing to spend money he raises to close businesses.
And I’m sure the Lakota will greatly appreciate his efforts once they come to fruition.
It’s just the pastor’s burden, to watch out for those poor misguided natives.
Must be beer day there, too?
Perfect cover. Who would suspect radical islamists of hijacking a beer truck?
Or the driver hates cans too.
John McCain caught in..a…compromising position. I almost thought this was real
Now, wait a second – we can’t PROVE that this actually didn’t happen.
True. But, only Lindsey Graham knows the truth
Has this theory been posted: our shadow government via the CIA is responsible for the chemical attack to push us closer to war with Russia.
I keep hearing about a theoretical war with Russia. Why would we go to war with Russia? What would winning that war accomplish for either side? Wouldn’t we just steamroll over a Russian military that is a shadow of it’s former self?
I mean, how many years have we been mired in war in countries where the opposition was, technologically speaking, barely out of the stone age?
Enemies that can’t possibly stand up to you for real are the best kind.
Steamrolling the nukes could be problematic.
It has presented issues in the past…
The shadow gov just assumes we’d just steam-roll the Russians. I’m not so certain of that myself.
The type of ‘warfare’ we’ve been engaged in for the past 14 years is a completely different animal than what a conventional conflict with a military force would be. I think there’d be some highly painful readjustments to shifting back to that role. We’d still win, but probably after a bloody nose or two.
It would clear the way for Chinese communist hegemony most likely, remaning dems would probably get allong well as Red Party members.
The CIA would probably have done a better job of it – maybe killed a few rebel soldiers and used an actual nerve agent.
Everything I saw in those videos looked like some kind of hack inside job. Women and kids dying from a choking agent or chlorine gas.
Too much Homeland
I seem to recall some story from earlier about some guy getting voted out of the non-SCOTUS world….
It’s really not right that in our free country that we can, purely on the whim of some votes, take someone who wasn’t part of a SCOTUS and label him a member of that group.
It’s part of the social contract.
Watching the progs go apoplectic about the Syria missile strike has been most entertaining. Here are the explanations and whines I’ve seen:
This would never have happened without the refugee ban.
This is a sham to convince the public that Putin isn’t pulling Trump’s strings.
Trump did this because of sagging ratings.
Pothole in runway don’t make no difference.
Also, the anti-war left is back.
It’s been a while. Should we remind them about war crimes?
Needs more paper-mache.
A couple of the really ardent Hillary supporters in my circle are bitching that this is what we get for electing nasty racist Republicans.
I just don’t have the heart to point out that what Trump did was exactly what Hillary has been advocating for.
Sounds like you need a new circle.
Hell – in the last week of the campaign, she was openly committing ground troops to an invasion.
Yeah, someone was bitching on my FB that she had called for strikes two hours before they occurred. Haven’t checked whether that is true.
It’s true. She wanted to crater all their airfields, though, not just the one.
It is true
Although it was probably more like 4 hours
Actually, it was probably quite a bit less.
I would throw in their faces.
Wouldn’t you get your Canadian card revoked for that type of brashness?
Canadians are retarded.
No, Hillary only wants to bomb the airfields. Nothing else. No way blowing up Russian aircraft would ever escalate into something bigger.
Aren’t all the Syrian aircraft Russian? /pedant
Wait didn’t hillary within past two days call for strikes against assad???
In the revised version of the last two days she def did NOT do that.
[drops video down the memory hole]
Sorry… so who did what now?
I believe we have always been at war with Syria
They never disappoint when it comes to spewing laughable idiocy do they?
This would never have happened without the refugee ban.
Trump couldn’t stop the refugees with an EO, so I guess its time to blow up their airports.
I’m sure he’s just taking advice from Hilldog
Thanks, Jesse.
Whoops there is lol
I’ve been in a dumb argument with someone about how we need to DO SOMETHING because chemical weapons are just awful and we need to stop the bad man from using them because it crosses a line.
This is a woman who still believes the “Iraq War was about oil” idiocy and started complaining about how ‘it’s different’ when I started sending her photos of dead Kurds gassed by Saddam.
“Pothole in runway don’t make no difference.”
I hope whoever said this hits a pothole and trashes their suspension.
And pothole in runway has more serious consequences than pothole on street.
Yes. The Air Force had me spend many days learning how to patch an runway. It sucks.
What is “an runway”? :-p
Judas Priest. I’ve been doing that all day.
Rob Halford?
Trump did this because of sagging ratings.
It’s a diversion. I know, because about half of the NYT comments I read said so.
Does anyone check where these approval numbers are done?
As some of you know, I work as a professional artist. ALL DAY LONG I have been bombarded by colleagues and friends talking about Congress being the body that must declare war and Trump doing anything on his own is a complete travesty.
An outsider (read: non-artist-normal-person-who-happened-by) asked why it was OK when Obama was doing it. Wow. You should have seen the rationalizations fly. The most common being, “But Obama did it for the right reasons and always had good intentions. Trump is evil.”
What color is the sky in their world?
Sooo, what were the *right* reasons?
To save children from being killed by chemical weapons and to contain Russian aggression so that the world will become a safer, more tolerant, less racist and more environmentally sustainable place!
Trump is on the other hand bombing them because he wishes to commit genocide against all muslims wherever they may exist in the world while selling U.S. secrets to Russia. I hear he also wants to anally rape your grandmother while pouring sugar in your gas tank.
You nailed it.
Awesome Derp!
We appreciate all the hard work you took to get this info.
That’s some deep cover!
Obama’s drones were super ‘woke’ and checked their aerial privilege before dropping bombs.
Ask them what would be the ‘right reasons’ for directly ordering the murder of a teenage boy. See if they’ll accept “because his dad said mean things about the U.S. government”.
You work as an artist? Are you Sabo?
Let me check my bank account.
Similar discussion occurring on a friend’s facebook feed. In reference to an article stating that Obama carried out 2,800 strikes on Iraq and Syria without congressional approval, someone wrote in defense of Obama: “All those attacks were on known Jihadists and confirmed hostile combatants”. Every
Hundreds of dead children confirmed jihadists, any male over the age of fifteen classified as a hostile combatant of course.
Yeah, exactly.
Like that hospital?
They have no principles.
They’re sociopaths and don’t know it.
Why do you associate with such unwoke Islamaphobes?
Intentions are all that matter.
“Is ADHD Being Oversold in America?”
Comes back.
Hey, where were we?
The person who put up the links already did that joke.
Aren’t you the guy who is supposed to say, “Hello”?
I had a really pointed and cogent comeback for that but I lost track of what you were talking about.
I’m not following.
Listen: what I’m trying to say is that Bluebell kicks every other ice cream company in the shin. If you don’t have Bluebell Homemade Vanilla on your melty-chocolate chip brownie, then you’re not eating a real brownie.
Can someone explain in many much less words?
Bluebell good, Rufus preferred ice cream bad.
I want chocolate-chip brownies.
He’s formerly the guy who says “Hello”
Now he’s the guy who says “Don’t you people work?”
Please don’t get him started. I feel so guilty
We were discussing … Hey look squirrel.
A single mom I used to work with had her son tested because “he would run everywhere. He will jump down stairs instead of walking down them. None of my daughters did that.”
I tried to point out that healthy young men all do that. The only time I ever saw my boys walk somewhere was when they had been assigned a chore. Otherwise you’d see them run from the back yard to the front yard or down to the playground.
She didn’t believe me and eventually was happy because some doctor agreed with her and gave her some meds to chill him out.
Child abuse, pure and simple. The doctor should face sanctions and the mom arrested. Except that would involve the government.
I bet the little monster splashed in puddles, too.
I might have taught him that. I still do it.
Mud puddles in the spring that ice over at night are more satisfying to crack than popping bubble wrap.
Many a time I was tardy to school because I was having so much fun cracking the ice on those puddles.
You Minnesotans and your summer fun.
You laugh, but one of the joys of spring ice on mud puddles is that you a) it is light out again when you were walking to school (as opposed to the long winter nights) and b) you can wear a simple jacket (no hat or gloves) and not die from the cold.
It is sort of like how wonderful it feels when you stop hitting yourself in the head with a hammer.
Yes, fabulous, but very, very few things are more satisfying than popping bubble wrap. (And those that are, are all supplied by OMWC. <--obligatory wifely compliment)
Hey, SP: you should check out MY bubble wrap. *wink, wink – nudge, nudge*
Hopefully she will die alone in a charity nursing home. But that won’t give him his childhood back.
Local band yet to finish single song.
There is a reason so many people have “ADHD”, because adderall is basically legal meth.
I got back from a little road trip – where we had lousy bar/restaurant service for lunch, but a good vintage video game experience. Also hit a record store, but didn’t buy anything. That want list of mine is getting too obscure – also my fetish for Japanese pressings isn’t helping.
Have you ever rode historic on Fury Road?
Asking for a friend.
Drove right between two chromed out fuel trucks on the freeway to work today.
Your auto correct changed panties to pressings. Weird, huh?
Man there’s a great place near me that does that. Free play arcade…any of you see peeps should check it out.
It’s a growing business, generally referred to as Barcades. Most of them are free play for the video games as long as you’re ordering drinks. Pinball they generally still charge a quarter for, because those require more upkeep.
I saw a Russian destroyer on tv at work. JFC what piece of garbage.
They don’t have beautiful weapons like the US.
Eh….the Littoral Combat Ships are ugly as well as useless
T-72, AK platform, SU-27, Grad MRL, Mig-29 and Mi-24 are utterly gorgeous pieces of military hardware.
Says the polish guy. Looking utterly gorgeous is different than looking cool. The Mi-24 is gorgeous, if perhaps you find carpenter bees to be attractive. The BM-21 is gorgeous, if you are sexually aroused by refrigeration equipment. The AK is gorgeous, if you find yourself flattered by the attentions of a Phacochoerus. The Soviets built many functional and cool things — none of which were attractive, let alone gorgeous. Excepting, of course, their women.
Speaking of refugees, we should definitely take in more Hot Russian Female refugees. It’s the right thing to do!
I’m for it. Breed communism out of existence I say. Mineshaft gap and all that. Plenty of healthy and attractive women left behind the tattered remnants of the iron curtain.
Jonah Goldberg had an interesting “G-File” today.
An excerpt:
I am actually encouraged by the response from the Coulter crowd. Until now, the standard response to Trump’s indefensible or indecipherable statements and outbursts was to say, “He knows more than us.” Or “This is what got him elected.” Or “He’s playing three-dimensional chess!” Or, simply, “I trust him.”
The anti-war segment on the Right has grown considerably since 2008. And they actually push back against their own. I thought it was refreshing to see a lot of Trump supporters pissed about his attack in Syria. I wish the Left had done the same under Obama.
Why would they push back?!?
Dear leader was more intelligent than them, and among the most moral of men! If he did things that seemed wrong it was because they were too stupid to see the reasons! And anyway, only racists denied his wisdom and moral superiority, and if they questioned their leader and asked him to explain himself, it would only embolden his savage, backward enemies.
This is the problem with “big-tent” political movements. Everyone moves into a fortified yurt and then discover that there is nary a corner to piss in. Those stupid Dems are hopping around with their legs crossed, getting jaundiced.
What a lovely mental image.
Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, Obama…
President Trump rubs his tiny forepaws gleefully! Humiliation for his enemies and gallons of Dem-piss to add to the reservoir under the White House. Win-Win!
So what you’re saying is that Pres. Trump is stockpiling his own chemical weapon arsenal?
Did he hit the G-spot?
Is it opposite day?
Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana said Sunday he will oppose Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court, saying he found Gorsuch’s past decisions on privacy and corporations troubling.
Tester told reporters that Gorsuch did not directly answer questions when the two met or during Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing, so Tester based his decision on the judge’s past cases and after hearing from his constituents.
“I am concerned that if Judge Gorsuch is confirmed, our future will be shaped by dark money and expanding government that violates our fundamental freedoms,” Tester said.
Sure, Jon. Tell me again how Obama Democrats like you have worked tirelessly to shrink the government and preserve my freedom. Maybe the people who voted for you (twice) really are a bunch of blindly partisan ignoramuses, but I’d advise you to start working on your resume. I think you’ll be out of work in the near future.
Dark money interests working tirelessly against regulation is the reason why you don’t have the freedom to not worry about your healthcare.
Right. Because no questionable entity has ever contributed to his campaign.
If the Democratic Party stands for anything, it stands for tireless defense of individual liberty! ……hey, why are you laughing?
Considering Senator Tester probably believes we have a fundamental freedom to have healthcare and education (especially “free” healthcare and education) anything that doesn’t do that is violating our fundamental freedom. Plus Trump and the Republicans wants to spend in ways Tester doesn’t want to so that is expanding government in all the wrong ways.
That’s funny since Democrats out raise Republicans in pretty much every single election.
Union dues are a helluva drug.
Still recovering from last night’s beer drinking but will prollly go out anyways.
You have to. It’s a holiday…or should be.
Then every day is a Holiday, or should be
Always the best policy! Delay the inevitable plus The Masters is on all weekend even if you decide to go out again on Saturday.
Krugnuts says that liberals told trump supporters that trump policies have been hurting them and they agreed. He didnt go into detail regarding claim for obvious reasons
Is krugman an act? He whines about trump supporters not liking liberal elites cause that is a myth…only to come off as one in his columns
Im starting to wonder if parody
I don’t recall seeing you here before. I mean, I must have, right? Unless I am thinking of the “other site”…
Anyway, welcome to the Great Game.
I took over the american socialist name on reason after he left it for some apparent reason only to then whine about needing it back
Could you please drop it and find a new one? the name provokes instant disgust
I will think about it…since it has come from you as didnt he stalk you a few times?
Yea he had that one and another to gilmore that looked nearly identical
“”I will think about it””
maybe that’s not the best idea. what were you thinking when you picked it up in the first place?
It pissed him off. I know this because he kept whining about getting it back and how it was no longer funny but boring
Which suggests it bothered him
ok. why port it over here then?
So he doesnt come here
His identity was stolen and it grew on me
He has been relegated to basically being gollum
We’re not allowed to change handles here anyway.
It pissed the rest of us off, too.
I’m with Gilmore on this.
This isn’t the TSTSNBN. The trolls get shown the door by the management instead of being granted a liberal carte blanche to stink up the place.
Let us put aside our anti-troll weaponry and enjoy each other’s company.
But tarran, most of us kept our names because that’s what we were known as over there. If american socialist were to change his name, how would we even know it was him?
Let us put aside our anti-troll weaponry and enjoy each other’s company.
*puts on porn groove*
That was some world class trolling. Out trolled the troll. While it was going on you both annoyed the hell out of me, but once you won it was all worth it.
Y’know, I will say there’s something pretty funny about the fact that the tedious fuckhead troll got his online identity stolen, then the imposter got so used to wearing the skin suit he decided he didn’t want to take it off.
Hat’s off to you, fake Amsoc.
lol. Great way to put it.
Militant snowflakes at Claremont McKenna shut down pro-police speech by Heather MacDonald
Livestream of the speech, such as it was
And to think I almost attended Claremont McKenna….
How can Heather MacDonald speak with cop dick rammed so far down her throat?
I don’t like defending her as a free-speech martyr, but the [Some] Lives Matter movement leaves me no choice.
Accomplished in ASL
Is krugman an act? He whines about trump supporters not liking liberal elites cause that is a myth…only to come off as one in his columns
Im starting to wonder if parody
I think deep down inside, Krugabe is just as deranged and petulant as he appears to be. His columns since the election have been almost exclusively comprised of scurrilous accusations of corruption against Trump.
To be fair, even the more level-headed of the political commentariat has blown a bearing sleeve or two since 11/9. See TSTSNBN for a prime example…
Level headed, on TSTSNBN?
Name names, dammit!
“So… what you’re saying is…. he’s moving up in the world?”
But not to a deeeeeluxe apartment in the sky.
The saddest thing about this is that this fine, upstanding Citizen was not afforded the opportunity to attend parenting classes so it’s totes not his fault.
I, for one, was not aware that you aren’t supposed to leave toddlers covered in dog shit and human urine for extended periods of time until I did university level coursework on the subject. Now I’m in debt up to my eyeballs!
Yeah, just try getting a job as a barista without that degree. The system is rigged, Man.
Was that wrong?
It’s meant to help them grow faster, isn’t it?
that probably needed a different setup
i think the explanation for his parenting-style is that he is actually a goblin
Kids having kids.
Oh wait, he’s 26.
I’m glad he hated the dog, but it was better cared for than the kids.
Love how he blamed the lack of parenting classes. “Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first had kids that raising them in dog shit and trash is frowned upon… ”
Will be interesting to see if the wife gets the same sentence.
“”Will be interesting to see if the wife gets the same sentence.
how interesting will it be when she absolutely doesn’t?
I think these “shitty parents being unbelievably shitty” are often good tests of how far people’s libertarian-streak goes. because should the law protect kids from shitty parents?
I am conflicted One side says, “CPS shouldn’t exist”, and the other part says, “but these people do”
I’m still upset nobody I’ve offered to pay for a vasectomy has taken me up on it. I know the mother of a guy who had two kids with a girl who already had two kids from a previous relationship. They both played x-box all day (his sister had taken it out on her line of credit “for the kids”) and collected all the welfares, but were somehow unable to stop playing enough to feed the kids. His mom bent over backward to prepare a home she could take in all four kids, but the guy’s girlfriend was a bitch and said she’d rather see the kids go into foster care than stay with her.
I told his mom I’d pay for his vasectomy and she said she’d try to talk him into it, but he’s apparently still fertile.
You can buy me one! I hate kids!
These are the kinds of cases that CPS, or something like it in the private sector, should ostensibly exist for.
Unfortunately mission creep means they will never stick to just trying to help the worst off kids.
Yep. Quite the opposite usually happens, because trying to help the worst off kids is just too difficult.
“”These are the kinds of cases that CPS, or something like it in the private sector, should ostensibly exist for””
i can’t imagine how that would work in the private sector. Unless you have the power to bring the cops down on people and fuck them up, you’re just a nosy son of a bitch poking into other people’s business.
I am reminded of To Kill a Mockingbird and the Boo Radley’s of the world. I think in the book (its been forever since i read it) everyone knew the parents were horrible people, and that boo was horribly abused, but the way the world worked was for decent people to mind their own business and let horrible people be horrible. Maybe they provided an example to others ‘how not to be’ because you’d be ashamed of being seen the way those people were seen.
the think with CPS etc. is that it takes away that social-peer aspect to some degree. We assume if there’s a problem, “the govt will take care of it” and so blithely ignore the shitty people in our midst.
I have no idea either, just threw that in as a sort of SLD because I didn’t want y’all thinking I was some kind of horrible statist or something.
I see your point vis a vis To Kill a MOckingbird (one of my all time favorite books), but to a certain extent, the rampant atrocities that CPS doles out are a result of people being hyper-vigilant to the shitty people in our midst and over reacting to any perceived danger.
I agree. I think the obvious compromise answer is “CPS should exist, but there should be a phalanx of woodchippers in waiting for the inevitable times when the CPS starts pushing out of their constitutional cages.”
cps seems to over react on some cases while avoiding the cases wich possess possible danger to the field agent
FloridaNew Hampshire, huh?Long time lurker (embarrassingly long) first time commenter. Has anyone read that book “A Man called Ove”, there is a pretty popular movie (for a foreign film) now and it was NY Time’s bestseller. Just finishing it, pretty mediocre overall, but wow strong libertarian themes. A big thrust of the book seems to be how terrible the nanny bureaucracy is in democratic socialist paradise Sweden (they will take away your loved ones because FYTW). I really wonder if the broader population that reads an Oprah’s book club type book like this that comes off as very anti government get marginally shifted our way. Or do they just breeze over all that in the book. The story itself doesn’t do much for me, but really love how evil the bureaucracy is portrayed.
Wasn’t that a theme in the Girl With a Dragon Tattoo books? Her government mandated counselor/financial guardian rapes her any time she wants some of *her* funds or something?
Very much so in the first book. And it was more then just her money, it was anytime she wanted to do anything that required the guardian’s permission.
Yep, that was the point at which my wife said “ok, I’m done with this”
Dude, you rape your wife when she asks for money? (Do you have any video?)
The best thing about the Girl With a Dragon Tattoo books is how Stieg Larsson’s widow was totally fucked by the bureaucrats and her in-laws
Basically both of them were very socialist but never actually got married. He had been getting lots of death threats and if they had married Swedish law would have required them to publish their address.
Then when he died, his family took the estate because she had never married him.
She does get her revenge on the counselor eventually.
Oprah’s crowd has re-discovered its hate for the Government so there may be big things ahead for this author.
Haven’t heard of it. But sounds like a good read. Honestly, I think the Oprah crowd would buy into it if Oprah was preaching it.
Great Honk! How many lurkers did Reason.com have, anyway? And why was it so intimidating to post there?
So who all posts there now!
A bunch of trolls and john?
A bunch of trolls and john?
But you repeat yourself.
John is over the top at times but i think his input on progs is valuable. He knows them well
John is pathos personified.
When I started at TSTSNBN the fights he and MNG had were fantastic. Over the last couple years though he has gotten a bit crazy himself. I still have a soft spot in my heart for him though.
Chemjeff when he gets his nards handed to him on the “Slate” comment boards. He is seen as a right-wing troll over there so he goes to the other site and tries to play Mommy against Daddy for awhile to assuage his hurt feelz.
Chemjeff is here as well
I’m aware. “Woke”, even. My point is that he’s one of those commenters that rubs the cat tail to head no matter where he goes. It’s just his nature.
He’s just asking questions, man
I prejudged Chemjeff as a troll at the old site, but I agree with your assessment, he’s a contrarian and tends to lean culturally left. I appreciate the diversity he brings, even if his style tends to grate on me and I think he’s flat wrong on a lot of things.
I’m always surprised by the number of randos who show up there… and end up arguing with the 2-3 persistent trolls.
You try maintaining a wooden bridge when the EPA bans creosote and you’d be singing a different tune.
Music Again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov8uT8DTvlw
Simply doing top-level management. Simply.
From the comments on this video:
There’s way more pro-socialism derp over there but I’ve had my fill.
Gilmore’s thoughts on The White House Situation
RoomCloset1 – the room is too small. it looks like you arrived at the hotel only to find that there was another conference already booked, and were offered the breakfast-pantry for your ‘airstrike meeting’ instead
2 – fake-bamboo chairs? tacky
3- Jared Kushner? (is that who that is 2nd from left?) Sorry, but spread-collars are inappropriate for ordering missile attacks. You’re not james fucking bond. You also look lost, like there really isn’t any reason for you to be there, which is probably true.
4 – serious question – what’s the deal with those gizmos they all have in front of them? in prior shots (see = Obama & co during the OBL attack) they would all have laptops. these look like…. i dunno. touchpads or something.
5 – i like how someone taped some note to the door with blue masking tape. probably says, “PLEASE MAKE SURE TO PUT BOMBERS BACK WHEN FINISHED – mgmt”
Would that be the Mar a Lago sit room/closet?
You got me. Its definitely not the same room that Obama did his OBL-moment in. (*note: Trump doesn’t have the gaudy “logo of the POTUS” on the wall)
That would explain the chairs. Place looks like a “breakout room” at a Marriott.
yeah that was my exact thought. there was something strangely ad-hoc and less-serious about the setup than prior “Situation Room” photos i’d seen
I’m feeling sick…the memories – they HAUNT me!
I thought Pence was the puppetmaster? I don’t even see him there.
It’s windy as fuck at the Masters right now, ask Ricky Fowler
In honor of National Beer Day I will go home and finally partake in some strawberry blonde.
Lucky! I haven’t had a taste of that in pritnear twenty-five years.
Sadly it will just be a Shiner Bock, and not one of these.
Have fun! What kind of beer are you going to have with that blonde?
So she’s more fun than a redhead and only partially soul-less? Sounds like a winner.
As it worked out for the protagonist, ending up with the “other woman” was better in the long run.
Sierra Nevada Torpedo, excellent
Random question: I’ve got 3 cats, and the youngest is a bruiser. He’s probably 16 or 17 lbs of pure muscle. He’s also the smartest cat I’ve ever owned. As such, he gets bored and mischievous if cooped up all day. If he doesn’t get a solid 4 or 5 hours of outdoor time, he pretty much tortures the other two cats for hours at a time by chasing them all around the basement, tackling them and biting their necks. They both hate him and want nothing to do with him because of this aggression. Anyway, most days are fine because I can just toss his ass out in the backyard, but I’m wondering if anybody has seen similar behavior.
(tackles trshmnstr and bits his neck)
Did you mean to byte his neck?
That’s like 8x worse!
I thought Fridays were for slapping?
Fixed? Not being an asshole but I know a lot about cats.
Yup, fixed pretty early on. He’s approaching 2 years old at this point, so I thought it was originally normal kitten behavior. It has gotten better as he got older, but he still doesn’t really comprehend the whole “hissing and screaming means stop” thing. He feeds off the look of fear in the other cats’ eyes.
He needs some kind of “entertainment” that he’s not getting indoors. Since he’s figured you out and his plan seems to be working I’d suggest a cat door. Barring that (I’m a big believer in indoor cats) you might build a sanctuary area for the littler ones to hide in (or maybe he’s just one of those asshole cats that you just have to put up with until they eventually age out of the aggression). Hope that helped.
I’d never have a cat without a cat door.
God, we’d end up with raccoons in the house. Adorable little bastards.
Ours is installed in a high place that requires a jump. Main problem is when the cats bring in live prey and let it loose and I have to run around chasing mice, birds, bats, etc. whilst they sit there and watch me.
He needs some kind of “entertainment” that he’s not getting indoors.
I’m half tempted to toss him up in the attic for a couple hours at a time. The rats and other critters would keep him entertained for months!
In all seriousness, though, I think you’re right. It’s just hard to find a good stimulus for him. He’s waaaaay smarter than any other cat I’ve owned. He figured out how to get into cabinets to get into his treats as a 6 month old kitten, he gets separation anxiety from the dog and yowls at the door until the dog comes downstairs, and he sits there and studies a situation (you can watch the gears turning) before deciding on a course of action. I’ve been thinking about starting to train him to do tricks. That would be some stimulation, it would help relieve his food fixation, and hopefully wears him out. Cat door is definitely on the to-do list (probably after the baby is born next month).
I haven’t had a cat for years, but I am pretty sure a new born baby is not going to be able to install a cat door. I would suggest at least 18 months old before you give him/her power tools.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like they make these anymore…
… but installation consisted of stuffing it in the window and weatherstripping.
Lockable to allow one-way traffic either way.
Picture shows the one and only time a neighbor cat had the balls to use the door.
Jackson Galaxy would probly say you need to proactively wear him out (just cuz he’s outside doesn’t mean he’s exercising the whole time). There are also some herbs to mellow out cats.
… but really, some cats are just dicks.
Oddly I’ve met Jackson Galaxy.
Is he as much of a Cat-splaining, douchey hipster as his show indicates?
He’s definitely done up as a douchey hipster, style-wise but he was absolutely a laid back nice guy in person.
I have seen very similar behavior. I’ve got a 20-lb cat, also (mostly) muscle, who lives to torture other cats. He never hisses or growls himself (he’s a biter though), and he seems to think hissing and growling are invitations to play. He’s fixed, declawed in the front, and pushing 7 years old. Loves to play, will play rough, but is a real problem to match with other cats. My only solution* has been to give the other cat space. He does seem to understand that a certain spot in the house belongs to the other cat, but he also loves to push boundaries.
* = And it’s not much of one, really; I don’t let them outdoors, so my options are limited
My cat is about 20 pounds, but not aggressive. He’s just a big pussy.
He’s just a big pussy.
*Pulls a big Swiss flag out of a Swiss army knife and plants it on this comment*
20? My big orange one nears 30 in the winter! We call him “The Singing Pumpkin” because he’s so vocal! He’s a rescue from an Indian reserve. His siblings were fed to dogs for sport.
Our 17-yr-old tabby is like that with our much younger tortoise shell. He’s been trying to kill her for whole the six years or since we brought her in (she was feral). He’s old, fat and slow but he never gives up. No way he can catch her running so he just keeps plodding after her. Sometimes he catches her unawares and does the neck bite thing – so far she’s managed to escape with just a puncture wound or two. We’ve given up saying “can’t you two just get along.” When we hear any yowling or growling we yell “Knock it off!!” and they scatter until the next time.
So the tortoise and the hare, personified.
For a few months, I had the exact opposite problem.
Cat 1) elderly Siamese, blind and deaf towards the end. Could navigate the house pretty well, however, and climb stairs, jump on her favorite furniture, etc. She was still pretty active, considering she was old enough to vote. Didn’t look a day over ten, though. She weighed 5 pounds.
Cat 2) Rescued street cat. Gentle temperament, despite his dad being a shredded-ear thug. 2-3 years old, 11 pounds.
Old Cat would wander around the house, and by pure coincidence set her course directly for Street Cat. He would attempt the usual feline dominance schtick: hiss, arch back, puff out tail. Old Cat would keep on walking straight at him, not reacting at all. Street cat would retreat a few steps and repeat the hissy schtick. Nothing, she wouldn’t acknowledge his existence and kept on her collision course. He thought he was dealing with an unfeeling alien killing machine, a Terminator, and bolted out of the room, absolutely terrified. He camped out in the bathroom sink for a few hours until he sensed the coast was clear and the elderly 5 pound Terminator was sound asleep.
I really appreciate the lack of outrage you guys have with just about everything. Except when it comes to thicc.
We’re gonna disagree a lot there.
I’m outraged at your lack of outrage, quick drink this /Hands over A sierra Nevada
Thanks bud.
Thicc isn’t outrageous, it’s bemusing…
I don’t know what that means and as a pleb I’m taking it as an insult to thiccness.
Not at all, not at all! I just don’t get it hence my lifted eyebrow at the contortions people go through trying to convince me that fat chicks are de riguerre.
It unlocks my primal lizard brain. Makes me want 2 hump.
We’re not outraged about thicc. Some people are chubby chasers, and that’s up to them.
“Rotary engine go Hmmmmmmmmm!”
I sure wish I had a secret brother!
Just a jibe. What’s it like to work them? I’ve only done piston but (bashful) have always been a little rotary curious.
It’s not like they have to chase for long.
So here is the full story of how american socialist is no longer the american socialist
1. I was a lurker who got tired of american socialist and having to see his posts. Thought he was a clown and i didnt know how to block.
2. So i thought hey maybe i will troll the troll by making american socialist with an “eye” instead of an “ell”.
a. first i thought i would just be more outrageous and shift attention from him to me, but then it occurred to me this may not work, piss you fine folks off and he would be flattered…so…
b. then i decided to post reasonable things (that a socialist wouldn’t support)….i got his attention as he kept saying over and over what i was doing was cute as i proceeded to ignore him. or when he would make a post…i would just say that was an example of me pulling yall’s legs
3. he goes to california socialist….i take american socialist, create another email and make a california socialist doing the same. he drops that and i confiscate that and bury it. now my main email was under american socialist and i posted as such. as he proceeded to then beg me for it back and kept referring to how the joke was over and laughs were done (which suggests he was upset)
4. i got attached to this new handle as i didn’t feel like creating another email + it is ironic.
it is ironic
Like raaaaaaaaain on your wedding day?
Like spoons when all you really needed was the U.S.S. Ross.
Are you CIA?
Hmm. I thought it was an act. Kinda like that guy on YouTube FPSRussia isnt really Russian and admitted after a few years he was really from Georgia.
So that jackass is real.
And http://www.masters.com is a great way to watch an amazing Tournament
What’s a link? why am I talking to myself?
Man I live in GA I really should try and go one day.
serious question – what’s the deal with those gizmos they all have in front of them?</em.
Undoubtedly some sort of Trump, Inc sweetheart supply contract. His corruption and avarice know no bounds.
OK, I could use some advice on a thoroughly unimportant topic.
I’ve been listening to y’all talk about these Paradox computer games. I see they’re on sale this weekend, and would like to dip a toe into the water. I’ve played Civ II and III, but haven’t gotten into hardcore strategy. What is a good starter title to try out?
Don’t do it! Choose life!
Do you prefer history or space conquest?
“”Choose life!””
I am always reminded of this exchange from RvB
Was that a thing before Trainspotting?
I think it was originally a catchphrase used by the pro-life movement in the 1980s (some form of rhetorical judo, where “choice” was used against itself)….
….and got appropriated as a generic anti-drug, PSA, “one to grow on” expression that was used all over the place.
I think its use in Trainspotting ruined it for the do-gooders such that no one could hear it without giggling anymore.
Ah gotcha. I hadn’t made the connection between its prior use in the pro-life movement.
You think you can get away Jesse? You’ll be back.
They always come back.
I was considering getting the latest DLC and reinstalling Stellaris. I refuse to put CK2 back on a computer. REFUSE.
God, it’s hard to answer. I value Crusader Kings 2 so much higher than their other games, because of the mix of strategy, characters, dynastic actions and general medievalness that produces some of the best emergent storytelling anywhere.
But they delight in obfuscated interface, ridiculous complexity and multiple interacting subsystems. I’ve not played Stellaris, but when their fans complain the game is too simplistic, maybe it’s a good starting point? I’ve not been satisfied with space 4X since MoO2 so I’m not exactly the target audience…
Stellaris is probably a great starting point for someone looking to get into grand strategy but not go as hard on the nuts and bolts as CK2. As much fun as it was to try to build a Scandanavian empire.
I was annoyed while scrolling through the Paradox sale at how many of the games I owned.
But they delight in obfuscated interface, ridiculous complexity and multiple interacting subsystems.
You guys aren’t allowed to complain about this until you play Victoria 2. You have no idea how much better they’ve gotten.
“Hey, you guys don’t know pain until you stick your dick into a beehive!”
I mean, yes, I guess? But it’s beehive. It’s your dick. The fuck did you expect?!
Allow me to have my moment of “you kids have it too easy these days, back in my day it took five different screens to fight the Zulu and you weren’t even sure you were winning.”
I’d point fingers, but who am I to judge? My reaction to open-world games was “Sid Meier’s Pirates! sends their love from 1987, no, don’t bother thanking them”.
Pirates! is the most complicated game I own.
“Colonization” used to confuse me.
I can deal with complexity, the interface would be an issue (I tried out Crusader Kings once, and had troubles with the interface). I think Crusader Kings would be my eventual preference, but I’ll probably need a starter game to figure out what’s happening (or an interface transplant).
I wonder if one of their old games would work? EU: Rome or Sengoku? I mean, they’ll have rough graphics and probably some mechanical problems, but would give you an idea of how their designers think, while not drowning you in complexity…
I’d recommend watching Arumba’s tutorial series on youtube. It’s a bit out of date, but the basic gameplay is pretty much the same. Then play around in Ireland in 1066, try to take over Ireland then all of Great Britain.
Depends on what you like. If you’re a World War 2 buff or into space empire building Hearts of Iron 4 and Stellaris are probably the ‘simplest’ of the modern Paradox titles, you can pick them up pretty fast and your experience with them will help with the obtuseness of the older games. If you’re looking at the older titles, playing EU4 as a early game strong nation (Ottomans or France) makes it so you can learn but it’s really, really hard to fuck up. If you’re into the more personal stories, grab Crusader Kings 2 and play as a count on Ireland (aka “Noob Island”) in 1066. It allows you to learn the basic mechanics of the game from the ground up, slowly.
I second Stellaris. I have played both that and CK2 and I think it’s easier to learn. As an asterisk I’m the sort of lazy bastard who will play one of these games until he’s in an unsalvageable hole then cheat like a mofo, so maybe I am not temperamentally suited for this sort of strategy at all.
As an aside, has anyone played Tyranny? Steam reviews are pretty good.
Playing Stellaris as robot race living on ring world = Good times.
What I learned today: the lowest unemployment rate in a decade is somehow a bad thing, and there aren’t enough jobs.
My favorite is leftists Voxsplaining to me that business doesn’t actually look ahead, they only act when laws are passed, thus this huge spike in economic growth (which doesn’t actually exist anyway, according to them.) is not Trump at all, but the Sainted Obama’s Wonderful Policies.
the policies that the republicans obstructed and wouldn’t let him accomplish?
I believe the importance of the Dow also suddenly vanished around November, too.
Also the stock market at record highs…but but wealth inequality!
That’s the wrong sort of people garnering wealth! Y’know, public sector pension plans and the like. And still, we persisted.
I dunno if this is just related to Trump though. There was criticism of a declining unemployment rate under Obama being more indicative of people permanently leaving the job market than it was of new job creation.
The LFPR has stabilized over the last year, so any decline in unemployment is now “real” in the sense that it represents people getting jobs instead of falling out of the workforce.
Don’t forget about McJobs. Low unemployment during Bush was people getting cut off by welfare and forced to work at McDonald’s.
Prognitive dissonance:
Low fuel prices kill the environment….we need much higher! Fuel prices go up….those greedy corporations are gouging consumers!
Businesses want to cut costs as low as possible and pay people as little as possible! But these businesses pay men 22 cents more per dollar than women!
Obama gets credit for the great stock market! The wealthy are getting wealthier and driving inequality!
Obama improved the economy! Those mean republicans wouldn’t let him do anything!
I hate oligarchy! Socialism is the way to go!
Those evil corporations control the government and are controlling the strings! The government needs to be more powerful!
We spend too much money on healthcare! We need medicare for all with a bunch more and no deductibles or copays!
One of those blockquote tags was meant to be a closing tag.
Capitalists are going to both pay you virtually nothing and charge more than you can afford for things! Why? Because!
Public schools are the glue of our society and they are fantastic! School choice would mean death to the public schools because parents would send their kids to private!
Ah, that’s one of my favorites.
Public school afficianados would love to see the best and brightest melted down to base. I call it the “forgotten crock-pot” theory of education.
Trump being a nationalist is bad! Why is he putting Russia first ahead of the US?!
Public schools are the best!
People are too stupid to be allowed to homeschool their kids!
“Certain” people are too stupid and I agree to a point. There is a large overlap of home-schoolers and anti-vax idiocy.
Yet homeschool kids keep testing better than the public school kids.
We need to lower costs of college! Let’s make it free!
I enjoyed watching you do basically this all the time to Tony, btw.
Thanks i couldn’t stand him either.
C02 is destroying the planet! We need to ban fossil fuels and nuclear!
Racism is bad! We need segregated safe space dorms for POCs and we are priveleged cause our skin color is white!
We shouldn’t judge an entire religion on the actions of a few! Dylan roof was the responsibility of all white people!
requiring an ID to vote is racism! People should be required to get IDs to drive!
The no fly list is based on Islamophobia and is pure fear mongering! We need to ban those on the no fly list from buying guns!
Socialism would have worked out in Cuba if the capitalist country (which is terrible i might add) that is the US traded with them!
Libertarians are anti-government extremists…thus they are basically naziis
Women are empowered! We need a law helping them decide their pay!
Big banks, tech companies and other corporations are basically pure evil! Look how good san fran and nyc are doing financially!
Wowsers! Go Go Gadget Prog-tard! Stop, stop you’re killing me…
Don’t call it San Fran, someone from there will immediately correct you. don’t bring that on us.
The correct term is “Frisco.” They love that.
Republicans can just by elections with all that money…that is why Hillary out raised and out spent Trump 2 to 1!
People are too greedy to help each other out, so that’s why all the millions of self-less politicians and bureaucrats need to force us.
Making profits is greedy! If we raise the min wage, the workers will be inspired and the businesses will make a lot more profit!
There’s no such thing as spontaneous order!
People can live perfectly well in leaderless communes!
Your body your choice, nobody can tell you what you can do with it!
Just let the rapist do what he wants.
Booooo Trump for loving fossil fuels and wanting to drill baby drill! Trump is a puppet of putin when it comes to policies helping russia!
Your body your choice!
Riding a bike without a helmet? Here’s a citation. It’s for the public good!
Your body your choice!
We can’t let you work for minimum wage!
*less than
Employers and government should stay out of my healthcare decisions! Hey employer pay for my Plan B and government needs to establish what constitutes acceptable insurance plans!
Your body your choice!
Is that a gun!?
No, that’s a Tomahawk missile, son and yes, he sure is glad to meetcha!
Gender is a social construct made up by society! Transgenderism is based in real science!
Alright that one gets my blood boiling. I get so sick of people thinking conservatives are anti science.
Racism is so prevalent we decided to to do this false flag to show prevalent it really is!
20% of women are sexually assaulted at college!
All women need to go to college!
We can’t require an ID for carrying out constitutional rights! We need more gun background checks and stricter!
The Draft is evil!
High school kids need to do 100 hours of community service before they get their diploma!
Ugh. Can you imagine spending Saturday mornings with disinterested teens pretending to supervise them? Sounds like hell on earth unless you also happened to be an ebepophile.
The Koch Brothers who can just buy US elections…their manchurian candidate Scott Walker didn’t even make it past September 2015!!!
There are too many people on the planet! One of the dire consequences of climate change is people will have less children cause it is too hot!
We need to feed people! GMOs are virtually evil!
The consequences of climate change will be felt in 2100 if go over 2C….we need to do something so think of the children! Climate change has been devastating the earth now resulting category 2 storm sandy and big snow!
We have passed the point of no return on climate change and it is irreversible! We have some years to do something, anything!
I’m upset none of you picked up on:
My body my choice. You want to put what into your body?
The blacks are suppressed and victims forced to live in inner cities they need our help! What the eff is trump talking about when he says the inner cities are struggling, they are doing well!
Censorship is evil!
You’re not allowed to say that!
For health and safety reasons we’re going to ban tenements and other assorted types of low cost housing.
Why won’t those evil capitalists build low cost housing?
You don’t need 23 types of deodorant!
Hmm, which of my three houses should I stay in this weekend?
Coercive power is evil!
We all voted and….
Sports are the opiate of the masses!
Let’s listen to Obama’s speech again!
You can’t really fuck w/ Quincy Jones. also, spot the Pharcyde sample
Was never a fan but he did manage to spawn Rashida so he’s got that goin’ for him.
Did you own the album Thriller ?
The theme song from Sanford and Sons?
The middle class is being destroyed! Obama did a great job with economic recovery!
Here in Canada the middle class just took a grand bit of butt-fuckery when Trudeau’s agenda stripped us of income splitting. The “feminist” PM just robbed stay-at-home parents of a tax shelter. That’s some mighty fine governing, Lou!
I have a bottle of Bourbon County 2016 at home that should begin to fear for its life.
I had that. I was disappointed. It was good, but not as good as I had hoped.
I’m drinking Exorcism at Sunset. The bourbon flavor is a little heavier than I’d like, but it is a good beer.
I have heard of this beer in a bourbon barrel thing. So you recommend?
I like a lot of them. I say give it a try unless you don’t like bourbon.
16 year old minors should be able to get abortions without their parent’s permission. 20 year old adults shouldn’t be allowed to drink, open a credit card account, or smoke (*coming soon to a state near you).
Don’t forget the “let’s lower the voting age!!” because fifteen year olds are old enough to vote for Democrats but drive a car unsupervised? never!
+1 No Smoking either