Some relaxed links for a relaxed day. If you are looking for substance – these are not the Links you are looking for. You want a bit of fun, then stick around!
- I would laugh at this guy, but some of my family almost got on a plane to Portland, Maine rather than the Voodoo Donuts one.
- Not quite thicc, but a Daily Fail for those that like wimminz.
- In the interests of fair play – some Daily Fail about Manly Menz.
- Schadenfreude.
Hope you get at least a tiny chuckle out of these. If not, maybe a good scowl. Whatever makes your day better!
What…. first? Hum… gotta make a quick comment about a link to make it count…
Yeah ! People leaving New York, they are scared of Mayor Crankles!
That wasn’t funny …. and now I am just replying to myself….. yeah.. those euphemisms, I know.
It is almost like they are trying to escape…
i think the quick take on the piece is a complete misread
those leaving the region are largely a mix of older retirees and recent immigrants.
they’re just going to spread NY-ish-ness (and/or Bangladeshishness, etc) elsewhere. I fail to see what cause for shoddy-freuda there is. I would personally be more enthused if property prices were falling and the midwestern hipsters were evacuating brooklyn, but sadly, no.
Florida needs more Bangladeshness to counteract the Quebecian influence.
Gilmore (and the rest of y’all) – you disappoint.
I feed you a set up for a Snake Plisken crack and you whiff on it.
Escape, from New York! next you will be telling me people are trying to Escape From L.A.
Now that’s much better.
It’s obvious they are trying to Flee to the Cleve.
So huum… do you think the Habs will win the cup this year?
NO! But, I am nervous about the Blackhawks – this smells of early exit.
Ah, shit. Sorry about getting my comic in so late, Glibs.
Sounds like a secret nazi plot.
Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.
Secret Nazi President is being secret. I’m outraged.
Ok. I have to save Broswater here from being the lone poster on the Sunday afternoon links.
So why aren’t you heathens in church today? I didn’t go, but I just drove by one on my way to get beer.
And thank you for that my good sir!
I went, but apparently, asking for a bottle of communion wine to go is frown upon.
I think OMWC went to (((church))) this weekend.
It was one of those (((churches))) that I drove by.
I switch religions every week to keep it fresh. This week I went to BearOdinson’s blot and got to see some poor Irish bastard get his throad slit to Odin, it was pretty metal.
Jeebus. I hereby revoke my criticism of you for not posting the Daily Fail thing about Selma Hayek.
Would there be any interest in a glib spring fitness “challenge”??
It wouldn’t be anything particularly formal, just a group of people who each set out a personal goal and report back weekly on progress until the deadline. There’s a forum I occasionally read that has quarterly fitness challenges, and I think it would be a good fit here.
Does it involve drinking a lot of beer and cooking on the grill?
Your goals are your own. I pass no judgment on them.
My goal is to get totally ripped and in perfect health while grilling and drinking mass quantities of beer. Now where the fuck did I put my CRISPR self gene editing kit, got to get back down with the science.
I’d be willing to get subscribe to such a gym.
I would be up for that. I have been on crews for work where we had fitness challenges/comps.
My goal is to stop feeling self conscious in the free weights area of my gym.
I don’t even go down there. I assume it’s a gay sex dungeon.
I joined some gym that only does classes, basically cardio or powerlifting. It took me a few months to realize there’s no mirrors. Which is cool. And no assholes in the squat racks doing curls. So don’t do curls in the squat rack and nobody cares about you.
I’ve dropped like 10 pounds over the past three months but I’m way stronger and my lifts are approaching what I was doing 15 years ago as a college athlete. Except bench. goddamn joint repair SUCKS. PR’d on deadlift this week and it felt great.
Free weights are your friend. Unless the one guy that likes to grunt really loud and pump himself up is there.
Yeah, count me in. Just pray Warty doesn’t accept the challenge…”WHO ELSE DEADLIFTED A SMALL BUS TODAY?”
The one in the vid is thicc, so you’re forgiven.
Pretty good tip off there. I hope he at least got himself a Donair.
A deconstruction of modern feminism
People can’t write any more?
She was reading from her written speech.
Then put up the written speech on a blog. I can read it more quickly and use less bandwidth than watching a Youtube video.
Awesome. She’s devastating.
If you want someone who does a great job exposing everything wrong with the feminist movement, including all the way back to the original female suffragettes, look no further than Karen Straughan. Her interview with moron Cenk Ugyer of The Young Turks is good if you can stand the idiot constantly talking over her when she doesn’t bend a knee in thanks to feminists.
Cenk is basically left-wing Bill O’Reilly, and that’s both hilarious and pathetic.
Now that you mention it, he really is like O’Reilly. But then, who does that make Ana “I’m fucking better than you” Kasparian?
I still would – and not embarrassed to say it!
It would be a hate fuck, though. (I’ll be in my bunk thinking it through)
There is really no more proof needed of how unhinged the left has become than the fact that they are terrified that there will be too little government in the foreseeable future.
Gorsuch is gonna make government too small!
But Trump is literally Hitler and is going to expand the government’s power to round up everyone and put them in FEMA camps!
Their heads must be exploding trying to figure out which one is worse.
The hilarious thing about this from the left is that Gorsuch is more likely to overturn Trump when he oversteps his constitutional bounds than Garland would have been.
That’s how Gorsuch sounds to me, but that will be no use to them when their gurrrrl get back in power.
Can’t be having any of that personal liberty bS. All for the State!!
Personal liberty is racist and sexist and … it’s bad okay?
I’m amazed at that writer’s skill in filling my daily derp limit (ddl) in one paragraph.
The UN should run the world.
I thought turning a blind eye to human rights abuses was what UN Peacekeepers were supposed to do. It’s all they have ever done.
So long as it looks like there’s peace, the peacekeepers have met their stretch goals
Not true, they also molest people as well.
Don’t forget spreading disease!
It would sort of be like a bunch of alcoholics running a bar. It would be good for the lulz until the place burns down.
I wish people leaving New York State would change the politics of the place for those of us stuck here.
The people leaving are those looking for work – ie the people we’d need to change the politics.
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations says there’s no question Russia was involved in the U.S. presidential election
That’s hum.. quite a spin.
Traitor John McCain is bitching about it.
You’d think the name “Son of Cain” would be a giveaway…
McCain is such a disgusting old fuck. He’s easily in the top 10 worst in Congress and that’s not an easy prize. Why the fuck hasn’t someone primaried that senile old dick yet?
Dr Kelly Ward (?) tried. The old goats in AZ still voted for the old goat McCain.
Funny that. Most old people I know are supplement freaks and here is the motherfucker who tried to get a bill passed to ban vitamins. I guess at a certain age you stop noticing … most everything.
Look, there’s still time to stop the Trumputin from saving us from bad science.
Trump’s anti-climate crusade
Yeah, that’s right. This has nothing to do with reigning in excessive regulation, Trump is out to destroy the climate! Because!
I read that to say that guy thinks they are actually moving the sand, not moving the oil extracted from the sand. Add that to his CO2 fear mongering, and well, shaddap.
Because without keystone Canada wouldn’t be extracting oil from those Tar Sands….
That’s something I’ve tried to explain and nobody cares about. That oil is coming out of the tar sands either way. It’s a matter of whether it comes to the United States on a relatively safe and cheap path with the pipeline, or if it goes on longer, more dangerous journeys.
Ok, so the reason I can’t get laid isn’t that I’m a fat slob pig, it’s because everyone else isn’t intersectional enough.
Yeah, so, like, get started with that already.
“as a fat person, I have rarely received any messages on Grindr, and people frequently don’t respond to my messages.”
Umm, so not everyone is that into you? How about a little self awareness here?
“The only times I’ve been approached on Grindr have been by people who come to the app knowing they’re attracted to my body type.”
Oh, wow, an app that is dedicated to finding people to fuck and people are actually looking for the type of person they want to fuck? Shocking stuff here.
“This gives me reason to believe that the same is true for other Grindr users. Most Grindr users have a predetermined body type they are attracted to – a thin one.”
Ok, now I think you’re onto something. Did you learn anything? Obviously, no:
“You can start by diversifying the range of bodies you allow into your pool of sexual possibilities.”
He has another article, “Your Fat Stigma Is Racist – Here Are 6 Ways to Shift That”.
I’m just going to leave this here: “Remember That Thinness Can’t Be Separated From Whiteness“
Well, there are totally NO fat white women, not even one, nosiree.
I think i’m getting a hang of this. Find a personal character flaw, then demand everyone else change to accommodate it.
*Clears Throat*
As an
assholeless personable person, i demand that you start diversifying the range of personalities you allow to talk with you into your pool of textual possibilities.*Looks Around*
Oh looks like i’m preaching to the choir here.
I’m a misanthrope with a hair-trigger, so all this discrimination actually works out for me.
Me too: I like them shaved.
I’d be fine with these fat fucks dying for their idiotic ideology but bloody modern medicine prevented that, and now I have to pay for it.
Talk about a massive nuclear take down.
That girl is painfully dumb. To be that dumb and condescending at the same time…I can’t even, but I’m glad there are people like that woman who can even.
Wow, Swiss: you are link bitch today, huh? Can’t you get one of your soldiers to do it?
Just giving you shit – thanks for your service (giving us links, I mean)!
Find something you can do for the site, and do it. Luckily, I get help from ZARDOZ at night.
Sooo, let’s see who the favorite is for solo animator (ie. one man shop) Felix Colgrave or Lee Hardcastle?
Hardcastle has been a fave of mine for a few years since I first saw Claycat’s The Raid (actually featured on the BR IIRC). And some of his recent ones like Claycat’s Doom and the Frozen Blood Test Scene are awesome. Not to mention a few other music vids he’s made.
On the other hand Felix Colgrave has a really trippy, unique animation style. Saw it in his Fever the Ghost music video first, but his new solo animation Double King is top notch!
Opinions? Any other suggestions?
Plague of Gripes.
That’s good.